the-fiction-witch · 6 months
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Flirty Af
Warning: Medical emergency / Asthma Attack
I woke, as I typically did with a sharp fast gasp. immediately I heard the wheeze in my chest like a pair of old moth-eaten bellows. I sighed and turned to my bedstand opening the little rosewood box and hearing the gentle tune of the music box inside plaid as soon as I opened it I grabbed one of the prerolled cigarettes shutting the box again and saw the candle on my bedside table still burning so I set the tip in the flame until it began to smoulder so I laid down on my back slowly but surely taking a deep inhale and blowing the resulting smoke across my ceiling. It fixed it as much as it ever did so I finished up and set the end in my little metal box with many others. 
"There's my sweet girl!" My father gleamed as he entered my bedroom with a wide smile 
"Good Morning Father," I smiled sitting up in my bed 
"It is a fantastic morning, A perfect morning for our party!" He cheered going to open my curtains to let in the sunshine 
I smiled as much as I could force, I knew this was important to him and I wanted only to be supportive. 
"I have a gift for you" He smiled tapping my nose playfully He clicked his fingers towards the door and the maid scurried in with a large box in hand, he took the box from her and set it on the bed opening the box up pulling out from the tissue and ribbon a sweet expensive new dress.
It was beautiful, A long off-the-shoulder dress of a sweet fabric a light pale pink with vertical strips of purple, and white lace at its hem, neckline and lace elbow-length sleeves with a black ribbon at its waist. It was utterly beautiful and would not have been cheap for my father to buy. but I began to panic as I looked at it seeing the ribbon and how small it was.  
I knew my father, he meant well but he always did this and always it made me fearful.
But I forced a smile "Thank you Father" I said giving his cheek a kiss 
"You're welcome, Now come along guests begin to arrive soon" He said rushing off to make preparations. 
I sighed climbing from my bed, I went and had a nice hot bath laying in the warm water for longer than I should just because it seemed to soothe my chest but I soon climbed out and went to my window in my towel looking out to the gardens.
My father was a very wealthy businessman in port with a lot of dealings coming and going in shipping, of course, our house was lustrous and grand second only to the governors only a few miles up the road, but the governor could not hold a candle to my father's gardens, well known in the area and beyond for the grandiose and beauty of the many exotic flowers and plants from all over the world, He took great pride in the garden and this combined with his utter love fort entertaining. Meant we had an awful lot of garden parties. 
Today was no exception my father was hosting a garden party and had invited everyone who could be imagined. He adored parties being an utter social butterfly, I however was more of an.... antisocial bookworm not much wanting to go but knowing word would spread if I didn't attend my father's own parties. It didn't much help my looming age knowing at the back of my mind certain men had been invited not due to my father really wanting them at the party but my father realizing they could be a good match for me so invited them in the hope one would catch my interest. But I know I am a very lucky girl, Many fathers would be insisting by now or would have wedded their daughter off for a business deal. But My father was a decent man and had always promised me I could choose my husband, that I could marry for love no matter who it would be. He felt he couldn't deny me what he and my mother had. 
I went to my mirror and began to dress, I pulled my white stockings up to my thighs adjusting them so the little lilac bows would sit forward, I pulled my long cotton underdress over my body tugging it down as far as it would go, by then my maid arrived and I gulped as she picked up my cream corset. I simply watched the mirror doing my best to not panic as she wrapped it around me and began to lace the back, I did my best to keep my breaths slow and steady but that wasn't exactly easy until finally she finished with the back, she pinned the ribbons in place and turned me to face her so she could pull the ribbons to the front to lace it again leaving me squeezed as much as possible 
"How much more?" I gasped already feeling breathless 
"Not much more Miss." she said "Pencil thin is the London style miss" She reassured
"I am not a pencil. I am a lady." I argued half of me was joking the other half was serious. 
Finally, she tied the last bow and removed the pin in the back as there was now no give in the ribbon at all, she took my crinoline the large wicker bird cage-looking thing that always made me smile a little tieing it simply around my waist and she helped me to slip on my dress, it was beautiful and I did feel very pretty even if again the lacing began as she all but sewed me into the dress ensuring it would be as close to me as possible. Not being helped by my father's purchase choices. 
"Alright miss?" she asked as she finished the last bow 
"Yes. Thank you" I lied, finally she helped me into my shoes and left to attend the party. "Women in London must have learnt not to need to breathe" I sighed I sat at my vanity and did what little make-up I bothered with before finally taking my hair from the tight braid I had done last night allowing it to now be in sweet curls. Once done I looked out to the window again seeing people had already gathered for the party so I grabbed my lace fan and my parasol and headed down to the gardens. 
"Ahhh My goodness an angel!" My father joked as he saw me "You look beautiful" He smiled 
"Thank you Father" I smiled 
"Go on then, Mingle I'll check in on you later," He told me ushering me deeper into the party, I did my rounds parasol in hand often batting my fan to try and get some air down my throat doing my best to greet and be pleasant with people. 
As I made the rounds I took note of those who were here already spotting a few men my father would have invited purely in the hopes of grabbing my attention but as I walked to a less populated area of the garden I took a seat for a moment on the stone bench I spotted a similar soul. 
He stood by one of the statues away from the main business of the party, dressed in his usual way but cleaned up a little better, he seemed awkward unsure why he was here, out of place in this bussle. I felt for him of course and for a moment even I wasn't sure why he was here. But then I recalled seeing Dr Sneed on my walk around the party and I know how my father thinks, my father would have invited Dr Sneed because he is his doctor and thus not inviting his own doctor to his party would be rude, and of course then in my fathers mind he must also invite Dr Dawkins for if he invited Sneed and Not Dawkins that too would have been rude. Honestly, I'm surprised he took up the invitation. For a moment we caught eyes and he offered me a small smile so I did my best to do so back. 
“You alright my sweet?’ my father asked as he approached sitting beside me
“Yes, just wanted a moment from all the excitement” I smiled
‘ahh well come along we are to begin the walk” he smiled to me taking my hand and soon enough the walk began, this was typical of every party my father would lead a walk around the gardens explaining almost every flower and plant giving a tour to the guests of course most ate it up but I slowly but surely slinked away until I was at the very back of the walk where I again found Dr Dawkins.
“Good day doctor”
“Good day miss y/l/n, does your father always do this?’
“Yes” I chuckled moving my parasol slightly higher as to protect him too
“AHH thank you” he smiled moving a little closer to be under the protection of the lace from the blistering sun
“Quite alright” I answered “what brings you to the party?”
“Your father invited me. Wasn't going to bother but something to do I suppose’ he chuckled
“I guess. I rather find it all tedious”
“well we agree on some things’ he chuckled “I have to admit though your dress is utterly stunning”
“Thank you doctor’ I blushed a little but had to fan myself quickly as I felt slightly breathless from the walking
“Ohh don't worry pleatenties of the party you can just call me jack” he smiled
“ohh that's very sweet, thank you jack’ I smiled “then y/n I insist”
“Why thank you, My god is he going to take us past every plant?” He whispered
“That he is” I smiled
“Any particular reason?’
‘its his pride. He adores his garden above all else?”
“Even you?’
“I don't know, I should hope not but I wouldn't be surprised’
“Why? Why would be focus so much on his garden and not his daughter?”
“He promised my other that her beloved garden would always bloom, she died only a few days later” I explained
“Ohh forgive me y/n I-”
“It's alright, he can be… overboard at times” I said doing my best to slow and catch my breath
“Are you alright?’ he asked
“Yes forgive me-”
“No no it's alright, are you sure? You seem lost for breath?’ he said carefully taking my arm
“I'm fine” I answered as I gasped trying hard not to wheeze or cry anything that might draw attention to myself he seemed panicked I tried again and gasp but it just wasn't working and I almost went over
“Whoa. I'm taking you inside’ he said quickly putting an arm around me and taking me quickly back to the house I dropped my parasol and fan as soon as I got in the door trying desperately to get my breath in “which way to your room?”
“This way” I gasped now beginning to cough and wheeze loudly taking his hand and leading him to my room as soon as I was inside I leant on my ottoman trying desperately to get some air into my lungs as he shut the door and came over
“Are you short of breath?”
“Yes” I gasped surely that was obvious
“try to breathe slow for me if you can” he asked and I did my best but that only made me wheeze louder
“Take off your dress.” He said
“I beg your pardon Dr Dawkins!’ I argued
“I need to examine you take off your dress” he said
“I cannot” I answered between gasps
“I'm a doctor I won't look y/n but I need to exmaine you” he said
“No I cannot. My maid she-”
“She's sewn you into the dress?” he asked and I nodded “alright” he said slipping off his jacket and grabbing a small knife from his pocket “I'll be as careful as I can” he said slowly using the blade to cut where my dress had been stitched by my maid until finally it released I quickly stepped away and pushed the dress off me as well as my crinoline immediately I felt a little better as I looked forward letting out slow breaths I caught sight of jack in my mirror he lied to me. He was looking. But I felt still so breathless that I tumbled onto my ottoman ‘whoa whoa! I got you. I got you.” He reassured only just catching me making me sit on the ottoman “I need to remove your corset”
“I have to remove it” he said coming to face me starting to unlace my corset ties quickly with his nimble fingers “out of curiosity. How'd your mother die?”
“Respiratory failure” I gasped and he looked up to me seeming panicked
“How old was she?”
“Twenty nine”
“Christ - for - god-” he grunted trying to deal with the knots and loops and ties in my corset until finally he unlaced the front and tried to pull it off but of course it didn't move he looked confused so I moved his hand to my back and he moved behind me seeing of course all the lacing on the back ‘oh you gotta be kidding me!’ he complained “they really didn't want you of this dress.’ he said fighting with the ties before “fuck it!’ he complained grabbing his knife again and cutting though the lacing managing to force the whole corset off me and that helped considerably “there we go.” He said a lift proud of himself “nice and slow let me listen” he said for a moment looking around the room clearly for something to use to listen but “I don't have my tools uhhh okay. Guess we have to do this the old fashioned way” he said sitting on the ottoman with me lifting my underdress up to expose my bare back I glanced in the mirror again and saw his cheeks slightly deeper with red his eyes glancing down from my neck all the way to the ottoman before he moved closer resting his head on my back to press his ear to my skin “nice and slow for me. Just breathe with me In. And out. In and back out” he said and I did my best to breath with him even if I ended up coughing and wheezing as he walked me through a few long breaths “how long have you been like this?” He asked as he pulled back moving so I could see his face letting go of my underdress
“I get the feeling you need to tell me something.” He said
“I'm asthmatic. Have been as long as I can remember.” I answered
“That certainly explains a lot” he said “when did a doctor tell you?”
“I was nine.”
“I take it your mother was too?”
“Okay, how are you managing it? What do you have to take when you get like this?” He asked
“The box on my bedside table” I told him still struggling he got up and went to the box seeming confused
“What are these?”
“Asthma cigarettes. Prof prescribed them” I answered
“You smoke!’ he argued
“On doctors instructions yes.” I answered
“Are you mad!”
“There not tobacco there thorn apple leaves there meant to help” I said
He sighed begrudgingly bringing one over so I took it and lit it on a candle sitting for a few moments slowly inhaling it all
He brushed the smoke away from his face a moment before rather angrily speaking “he's mad.”
“It helps.”
“So would you sitting not moving for the ten minutes it took you to smoke that” he argued “but that dress wasn't helping in the slightest why on earth did they lace you in that corset so much?”
“It's the style apparently. Plus I needed to”
“...father buys all my dresses two sizes smaller then I am. I have to double lace the corset for a hope of even getting in them
“Why would he do that?”
“He means well. He thinks if he buys all my clothes too small it's… encouraging”
“Encouraging? I hate to ask but when did you last eat anything?”
“...four days ago.”
“Okay, that is also not going to be helping.” He said
“Yeah well you try fitting into a dress with a twenty one inch waist” I pouted
“I think he's trying to kill you.” He joked “you feel a bit better now?”
“Yes. Thank you jack”
“You're welcome. How often do you get attacks like that?”
“once a week or so.”
“Does your father know?”
“Somewhat. I don't always tell him the whole truth”
“Would you be against coming to the hospital?”
“I am not confident about leaving you alone tonight. If you agree I'll talk to your father take you to the hospital I'll keep you under observation myself.”
“.... I fear this may be worse then just a simple attack y/n”
“I don't want to worry my father. he's fearful enough as it is”
“Then which would you rather? He be a little worried a stressed as you spend the night in hospital in my care or he comes in here and finds you dead in your bed tomorrow morning because I'm pretty sure which one will upset him more.”
“One night?”
“One night. Under observation.”
“Alright jack”
“Thank you y/n” he smiled giving my hand a kiss “just rest i'll go see your father” he said as he got up and headed out of my room.
Eventually he arrived with my father in tow and the two discussed as my maid packed me some items and my father called us a carriage, I changed into my loosest dress doing my best not to show my father my struggles
“Perhaps Dr sneed would be better he is my doctor he's taken such food care of me” he began
“Dr sneed is very busy he won't have time and what she needs is observations now I have the time to do so”
“Keep me posted won't you?”
“I promise.”
“You'll take care of her doctor?”
“Absolutely, I promise she'll be back right as rain”
“Alright, I'll see you soon sweetheart” he smiled kissing my head before he slowly and tenderly let my hand go giving it to jack, he smiled to me squeezing my hand and leading me slowly to the carriage luckily the party never even noticed but as i sat down my father pulled jack close to him. “Anything happens to her. It's your head.”
“Yes sir” he nodded before climbing into the carriage with me.
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tbslov · 6 months
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Thomas... we love you but you gotta stop doing this man. We ain't strong enough!
(TBS Characters looking at the women they utterly adore)
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anyyyass · 6 months
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it’s not that bad is it?
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Author's Note:
Newt x Reader
Warnings: SMUT! MDNI!
A/N: This was my first time writing smut.
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Newts hands began to make their way down to where she was particularly sensitive. Her reactions to his touches were very telling, and he couldn't help but enjoy it. He knew she was ready for more so he turned his attention to her inner thighs until he reached a certain point... and stopped.
He felt a sense of pride as his hands continued to play with the area around her clitoris. He loved that he could control her and bring her to her knees. She was begging him, "Please..." That's all the confirmation he needed to keep going. He let his hands move around the sensitive area, starting with small movements which was leading more towards the center. His hands began to be a little bit more playful as he enjoyed how she was reacting.Newts smirk grew a little bigger as he heard how she reacted to his touch. He wanted to keep this going for as long as he could, so he played around a little more as he got closer and closer until...
"Oh, my God Newt, please" she mumbled That was exactly the response he'd been waiting for. Newts smirk grew bigger as the urge he'd been fighting this whole time finally took over. His heart rate was increasing, and so was hers. His hands quickly moved to where she wanted them.
His fingers lightly circled around her clitoris. Her soft whimpers were music to his ears. It didn't take long before she was a shaking, moaning mess. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself for being the one to bring her to that state.
Her legs started to feel weak so he grabbed her thighs and lifted her up in between the wall and him. The sudden movement brought her back to her senses, and she couldn't help but laugh a little at the fact that he had lifted her up.
She pulled him in for another kiss and began to move against him. she grinded untill he grabbed her hips forcing her to stop. She wined and he chuckled. "I'm gonna make you feel good. Do you trust me?" he asked her.
"Yes" she said without hesitation.
He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him for dear life. His lips moved from her mouth down her neck. He slowly entered her, making her gasp and throw her head back. He took this opportunity to move down to her chest. He kept going, pushing all the way into her. His lips were on her chest and his hands were holding her by her waist.
As he moved in and out of her, her moans grew louder and louder. They were so loud, they were bouncing off the walls. She was a shaking, moaning, beautiful mess and he absolutely loved it. After a while, they started moving faster, both wanting more and more. They were moving faster and faster.
"Oh god!" He was hitting her g-spot every time with each thrush going herder and faster. "Oh, god" She felt her stomach tighten, a tingling sensation ran through her body.
"Cum for me love."
As soon as the words left his mouth, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She did exactly what he told her to do and came all over him. He held her in place, helping her ride out her orgasm. He loved the sight in front of him, her mouth was open, her eyes were closed, her breathing was heavy and she was sweating. He loved how vulnerable she looked and felt in this moment.
He felt her clench around him. She was still sensitive and her moans were so loud. She couldn't take it anymore. He felt himself getting closer to his release, so he picked up his pace and went harder and deeper into her she came all over him again. With the sounds she made, it wasn't long before he finished inside of her. "So much for 'just a shower'." He chuckled, kissing her forehead.
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that-dam-writer · 1 year
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He turns 33 today!!
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wherever-i-look-blog · 6 months
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The Artful Dodger (2023) - Review https://tinyurl.com/yrbt98mn
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lostgirl-a5 · 11 months
Benny Watts Headcanons <3
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these are based off my DR so bare with me XD
Uses 2-1 shampoo and conditioner
Makes you “move-in” to his apartment during the summer because his place is cooler and doesn’t want you passing out 
{context; my apartment in my DR is on the top floor and has shit circulation so it gets hot and I once almost passed out so he got pissed}
ONLY lets you to wear his hat (wear the hat, ride the cowboy 😉)
Constantly lays on your chest so you can give him back and hair scratches (the man LIVES for back rubs and he will whine if you stop)
Bought you your own gold chain so you guys match <3
Is a gentleman and will lend you his trench coat when it gets chilly
Lets you win at chess games just to see you smile and gloat (but will kick your ass the next time you play to remind you he’s state champion for a reason)
You wear his kimono when he’s away
Will write you sappy love letters when you get serious and while he’s away, even if it’s on a postcard or a full on three-page essay on why he loves you
Lets you shave his soul patch if it gets long
Showers together <3<3
Acts like a sugar daddy when traveling bc the federation is paying for it and not him
Tells people you are his lucky charm
Is a HARD sleeper. Will sleep anywhere, anytime, and cannot be woken up unless it’s a nuclear bomb
Stops drinking and smoking for you, but will be sometimes caught with a lit cigarette before important matches because it calms him down
Is knocked out when you run your fingers through his hair
Teaches you chess moves and his strategies on late nights
Cannot cook for the life of him. His whole diet is diner burgers, spaghetti and tomato sauce, and maybe fajitas if he’s feeling confident. You’d have to cook for him or at least teach him how to cook basic meals.
BONUS: Benny once tried to cook you dinner as a surprise. When you arrived at the apartment, there was smoke coming from the windows and alarms blaring because he burnt something. Feels like shit afterwards, but you take him to get burgers in the city and teach him how to cook your favorite meals. You catch him a few days later attempting and half succeeding on making your comfort meal.  
Love languages are quality time and acts of service (^^ if you couldn’t tell) 
Will sing loudly along with the radio on long car trips
Teaches you how to play chess in your head, and finds it adorable when you get confused or overwhelmed
Stops gambling for you and starts to actually save money so you guys can get a townhouse together <3
Will hustle you in speed chess and use the money he won from you to take you to dinner (maybe apologies over dessert)
“Baby girl” “angel” “doll” “sweetheart” <3
is 100% into PDA and doesn’t care who sees you together, probably flips off cameras while making-out with you after tournaments
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livvyofthelake · 23 hours
the artful dodger used to be on my television for real….
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duranduratulsa · 25 days
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Up next on my Star Wars Movie 🎥 Marathon...Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) on amazing blu-ray! #movie #movies #scifi #actionadventure #starwars #theforceawakens #StarWarsEpisodeVIITheForceAwakens #georgelucas #reyskywalker #finn #kyloren #poedameron #hansolo #lukeskywalker #princessleia #chewbacca #bb8 #r2d2 #c3po #supremeleadersnoke #milleniumfalcon #tiefighter #xwingfighter #starkiller #daisyridley #JohnBoyega #adamdriver #OscarIsaac #HarrisonFord #carriefisher #RIPCarrieFisher #markhamill #petermayhew #RIPPeterMayhew #AnthonyDaniels #KennyBaker #RIPKennyBaker #GwendolineChristie #MaxVonSydow #RIPMaxVonSydow #DomhnallGleeson #AndySerkis #SimonPegg #thomasbrodiesangster #warwickdavis #edsheeran #KenLeung #DanielCraig #meredithsalenger #benschwartz #bluray #2010s #starwarsday #starwars47 #maythe4thbewithyou #maytheforcebewithyou
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
I'm Gonna Kill Him
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Angsty Smut!
Hello! Before I start, I just wanted to say that I love your book so much! Could you create an imagine or a smut scene from your Jack Dawkins' book where they've broken up, and Y/N visits Jack's place that led them to having a angry/makeup sex? Then, a week later, Y/N discovers she's pregnant with his baby, which ultimately brings them back together.
Warnings : angst / angry sex, cheating, slapping, spanking, choking, biting,
I didn't want to go back, I felt like I was never going to hear the end of it. 
But I want my damn book back. 
So I got myself dressed into my black and emerald dress doing my utmost to look beautiful and glamorous, If I have to see him then god damn it he's gonna have to look at me like I'm a princess. 
I finished up and headed out into town making sure I was seen, making a point to be seen by men until I reached the hospital. I headed in proudly seeing the usual bustle of nurses and patience.
"Ohh Miss Y/n, Dr Dawkins is in his room" Hetty smiled as she saw me
"Thank you Hetty" I smiled 
"He has said he didn't want you in there miss y/n" 
"I'm well aware of what he wants." I rolled my eyes as I headed up to his room not even bothering to knock simply opened the door and saw Jack lying on his bed fiddling with a coin between his fingers, he looked up and looked annoyed 
"Ohh. What do you want?"
"You know exactly what I want. Where is it?"
"I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about" 
"Where is my book, Jack?"
"How should I know?"
"I left it here, I missed it when I was packing, I know you have it, where is it?"
"Why would I want your mouldy old book? I don't have it." He snapped getting up from his bed
"I know you do, you're just keeping it to be hurtful"
"Hurtful! I'm not the one who went bloody psycho !"
"You heard me!"
"I wasn't the one who violated the sanctity of a union"
"Ohh here we go again! I didn't violate anything!"
"You liar!"
"At least she didn't kick me out of bloody bed in the morning!"
"So you admit it!"
"Yeah fine, I admit it! does that soothe your ego princess!" 
Immediately I slapped him across the face and he didn't even flinch 
".... I will never hit a woman. But your making it really fucking tempting!"
"Ohh go on then you scrawny little shit I'd like to see you try!"
"I was a naval officer you think I can't take a little lady in a fight!"
"Officer! Like hell, you only were because you sat on the right laps!" 
"How dare you!" He yelled, "You repugnant little witch!"
I went to slap him again but he grabbed my wrist before I could throwing my arm back
"Ohh you gonna hit me with your parasol too?" He glared 
"You are an unbelievable bastard! I can't believe I-"
"You what?"
"I can't believe I even considered us for a moment!"
"Yeah well same here! I dodged a bloody bullet. I'd have spent my life stuck married to you!"
"Ohh I'd have made your life a living hell every second of it just for the thrill of it!"
"You would wouldn't you! you'd have turned me into some little pitiful house husband just to spide me wouldn't you!" 
"I would I'd have torn you down so low you'd be looking up to kiss my feet!" I yelled "And I'd have taken pleasure in it you evil man! treacherous! fuckwit!"
He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss, I was so very angry with him, I wanted to slap him off me but I didn't want to kiss him back I wanted to win! I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of my submission, So I kissed him with force, trying to take control, but he would not allow that so easily forcing his tongue down my throat but I argued with him even at this moment battling with him in a war of our tongues, I grabbed his shirt desperate for control but he grabbed my waist and unlaced my dress, making quick work of it given his quick nibble surgeons fingers, I didn't want him to win so I began unbuttoning his trousers, once undone he grabbed my waist and forced me down onto the bed But I grabbed his hips and forced him down flat on the mattress 
"Don't you even think about it!" He groaned flipping us over so I was under him 
"I refuse to be under such a bastard." I gritted my teeth 
"You can ride me if you wish." 
"Not on your life." 
"Open your legs, Or I'll bend you over it's up to you." 
"Maybe I'll bend you over."
"You would you little succubus!"
"Well, how else was I meant to keep up with you!"
"You always did you were a little Fucking whore for me" He growled forcing off my dress "God damn it you are an evil, conniving, little witch but god had to give you that fucking body didn't he!" 
"He didn't have to make you such an unreasonable, arrogant, illiterate, Imbosile but here we are" I smirked clawing as his shirt 
"And we both know what he gave me to make up for that" He growled pulling his suspenders off his shoulders and forcing off his shirt as he pulled me into another aggressive kiss I clawed down his chest almost drawing blood as he forced me on my knees, 
"Don't even think about it, Jack!" I glared but he forced my hips up to his and dug his nails into my ass
"I'll do much more than think about it" he smirked pushing off his trousers and forcing himself inside me, 
as much as I hated it, my anger bubbling in my bones, but... I moaned as I had missed the feeling of him inside me, he didn't waste a single moment starting his fast and angsty thrusts, pounding into me like his life utterly depended on it, I moved my hips back trying to take control but I think it was a little late for that even so I made sure to force him into the pace I wanted which only frustrated him more, the bed creaking and squeaking, his violent grunts and groans much the sounds one would make in a fight tumbling from behind me until he began to slow his breaths getting looser 
"That all you got little boy?" I smirked moving myself 
"I. Am. Not. A boy!" He groaned grabbing my hair and pulling on it to bring my ear to his lips "Don't make have to teach my succubus a lesson!" He growled bitting on my shoulder 
"Ughhhhhh! Uhhhhh!" I squealed given his pace didn't stop his angle hitting where I needed "You whore so bad you missed me this much?!" 
"Missed you? You know what I did I missed your pussy princess I've got it just how I love it. But we wanna talk about who missed who, who came here showing off like she was the fucking queen all for her little fucking book back"
"and you caved this quickly? I thought you had more resilience than that Jack?"
"Not around you I don't" He smirked moving a hand to rub my clit 
"Uhhhhhh!" I gasped and he forced me back down onto the pillow "See I knew you missed me" I gasped 
"You can't blame me for missing a pussy I've fucked for the last two years. took a long time to get you this good." 
"Like I didn't train you" I smirked "Jack please-"
"Yeah? you need me that bad you had to come see me?" he cooed "Cause you know I'm the only person in port victoria who can make you cum"
"I can do it myself then I don't have to deal with your bloody ego!"
"fine, then I'll stop-" He smirked going to sloe
"Don't you fucking dare Jack!" I groaned forcing him to move quicker until I almost ripped his sheets as I screamed reaching my high 
"fuck you sound good like that" He groaned "I could almost put up with your shit for that noise" 
"I bet you could" I smirked forcing us over so he was down on his back 
"I knew you couldn't resist" He smirked
"You dare I will slap that smirking face of yours" I warn moving to ride him as aggressively as possible 
"UGhhhhhhhh fucking- you evil little thing"
"shut up Jack," I warn bouncing and moving mercilessly on him 
"Come on then princess make me cum" He smirked 
"I said shut up!" I yelled wrapping my hands around his neck to slightly choke him 
"UUughhhhhhhhhh!" he groans "Fuck-" He gasped his hips bucking like crazy as he buried himself inside of me so I pulled my hands back and caught my breath "Fine. I admit it. I've missed you" he gasped 
"Fine. I missed you too." I sighed climbing off him and going to get my dress but he grabbed me and pulled me back into the bed so he could cuddle me my head on his chest 
"Now you have... all of that out of your system, and have had time to pout. am I allowed to actually explain myself?"
"What's there to explain, you fucked her Jack. Plain and simple, what do you have to explain?"
"Will you listen anyway?" He asked stroking my hair 
"Fine. If you want to waste your breath."
"She has a problem"
"ohh I bet she did-"
"No. Listen. shut your mouth a while and listen to what I'm saying." he snapped "She has a problem, a medical problem, inoperable, incurable, she'll be dead within the month if not sooner" he explained quietly as he gently pets my hair "She was an innocent"
"was she? I bet she told you that." I said back almost in a whisper 
"Y/n. I swear to you, she told me, in confidence that she was an innocent, given the state of her condition she accepted her death and had began to make arrangements for the future,"
"And where do you come into all this?"
"I'm her doctor. I've been treating her. She asked me to... she said of all the things in this world that she will miss, she wanted to feel the touch of a man just once in her life." He whispered "So I did, Yes I fucked her. Should I have done it... I don't know. But do I regret it? No. would I do it again, I frankly don't know. I'm not sure I would If I'd have known I'd lose you because of it."
"Why you? She could have asked many, barely a man in Port Victoria that wouldn't want to fuck a virgin."
"Because I'm her doctor, and I was engaged. She trusted me. She didn't want to be used like some old whore she wanted to feel loved, and she knew she could trust me because I'm her doctor, and she wouldn't leave a man utterly in love with her behind, because she knew I loved you."
"Is that true?"
"Why would I lie to you now? you've already left me."
"why didn't you just tell me that?"
"Because I fucked another woman plain and simple... you didn't want to listen and it would only dig myself deeper if I did" 
"...it wasn't what you did Jack."
"No. I just wish you'd have told me first."
"What?" he asked sitting up  a little 
"If you had come to me, and told me about her, about her illness, about what she had asked of you. I'd have allowed it." 
"No, you wouldn't-"
"I would. Because it is a kind thing to do Jack, if I was dying I'd have asked you too. I wish you had come and asked me, I'd have allowed it, but instead, I had to find out afterwards, from Sneed of all people not even you, that you broke my trust."
"I know, I was just worried you'd be angry if I told you." 
"I was more angry you didn't"
"That's fair." He nods "I fucked up, and I know that. it doesn't matter now... She's dead anyway."
"Passed away this morning." 
"I'm sorry Jack-"
"It's fine. she doesn't have to suffer anymore. I'm happy, I could make her final days somewhat enjoyable"
"You're kind, and sweet when you want to be" 
"I am sorry. Believe me."
"Well... it doesn't matter now does it."
"I guess not." he sighed "She didn't even call me Jack."
"No. Just Doctor Dawkins" He chuckled 
"Did you use her name?"
"I did. I wanted to make her feel loved... But I thought of you." He whispered kissing my forehead 
"You did?"
"I did. I imagined her body as yours, her voice as yours," He said "You know you're the only girl who can satisfy me. so I thought of you"
"... I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse." I sighed 
"Yes, Jack?"
"Is there, any possibility, no matter how slim? That, you and I may... rekindle even a portion of what we had before?" 
"I doubt it, Jack." I said moving to see his face "I will always love you, but I can't forgive you." 
"Could I do anything for you to forgive me?"
"No. Once trust is broken... like a delicate vase chattered, the pieces may be placed back, but you will always see the crack." I explained "Who's to say... another girl, in a similar state, asks the same of you, I cannot trust that you wouldn't do it again"
"... I understand." he nods "And I am sorry. I will always love you, you know that. No matter what you do, or say, my heart will always be yours." 
"And Mine yours." I smiled giving him a sweet kiss "I should go." I said climbing out the bed and starting to get dressed again 
"I don't know what I'm gonna do without you," he said as he watched me dress 
"I'm sure you shall find ladies to spend of the evening." 
"It's not the evening that worries me, it's the mornings, and the middays, and the afternoons, and the middle of the nights, a fuck is a fuck, but when you cum it's over, with you... every moment and all of it felt like heaven" 
"Well, such are the consequences of your actions." I sighed "Now? my book."
He rolled his eyes sitting up slipping his trousers on and pulling my book from under his mattress 
"Thank you" I snapped taking it back "A reason you kept it?"
"...reminds me of you." 
"You always complained you couldn't read it. my stupid spider scrawl handwriting"
"I can't. but I know what it says... when I read it, chasing the words around the page I- I heard your voice reading it to me" 
for a moment I felt teary "Keep it." I said handing back the book 
"No." he said pushing it back into my hand and kissing my lips in a soft and gentle way "Please don't labour me with memories of you." 
"Alright," I nodded "Goodbye Jack."
"Goodbye Y/n" He nods fighting back his tears 
I took my book and I left heading home. 
I sat in bed fresh as the morning sun, unable to bring myself to rise just yet, I turned and saw my book on my bedside table and I thought of him, for a moment all our nights of enthroned passion returned, I thought of our last night together over a month ago now of angst and anger, I thought of how he held me that night, how he kissed me still with all the love that he had always done so, 
I thought of the most wonderful moments, Of how his head would settle in my lap after the day's work, I would twist and knot my fingers in his golden locks, he would press a kiss to my thighs, and I would read to him, all that I had written, and he would offer me suggestions of words that suited better, listing synonyms for me to replace the overused words. 
I forced such thoughts away and sat myself up checking the day on my calendar I knew what to expect today pulling back my covers but- they were as white as sheep. This couldn't be? I was late already. I tried not to allow panic to set in given my typical irregularities.
"Miss I have brought your you porridge with honey" The maid smiled as she came through with my breakfast but the simple smell was enough
"Out." I demanded throwing my head off my bed to upturn my stomach into the bucket I had left there, and she scurried away. "No... No this can't be possible." I forced myself up and over to my mirror pulling back my nightie to expose my stomach it didn't look any different or maybe it did... I don't know. and the memory of that night flooded into my mind, of him finishing burying himself inside me as I rode him, "No... no no no.... I'm gonna kill him..." I whined grabbing my dress and hurrying as fast as my feet could to the hospital rushing up to his room without a word. But I froze up as I saw his door- 
to think of all that had happened, How I stormed out, I'd returned once and clearly that was an awful mistake I- didn't exactly feel thrilled I was returning yet again. but I knocked and soon enough he pulled it open.
"Oh, its you. What can I do for you?" He asked fixing his waistcoat
"I need you." I told him rushing into his room
"Uhh okay" He nods shutting his door with a wicked smile "So... Shall I repeat our last night my darling?"
"No." I snapped "I need your... medical, Intervention"
"my medical intervention?"
"You realize patients have to wait in the waiting room you know, you can't just come up to a doctor's bedroom to get seen faster, even if it is you."
"Jack. Please." I told him fear in my voice tears in my eyes and he melted his own panic set in 
"What is it?"
"I am... so very scared Jack."
"Alright just sit down, tell me what's wrong," he said helping me to sit on his bed 
"My monthly time is late."
"Alright, well such thing can happen you have been stressed these few weeks" He explained nervously pacing around his room as I spoke 
"Over a month."
"Perhaps simple change in your cycle" 
"I have been vomiting." 
"A bad fish may have simply turned your stomach," he said his fear growing as he too was coming to the conclusion I had already suspected but he didn't want it to be true, he didn't want to believe me, 
"My waist grows... Inch by inch. Almost weekly. gaining speed steadily"
"Bloating. could simply-"
"Jack. I might be pregnant." 
"You might." He nods "It could be a million other-"
"I. Might be pregnant." I told him getting to my feet "By the grace of god I need to know." 
"I'd need to track your cycle completely, and I don't have that information."
"You had it as up to date as I did until I left and I haven't bleed since so-"
"Well, how do I know what you've been doing?" He glared So I slapped him and he adjusted his jaw a little "How am I to know who the father is?"
"You." I said and the colour drained from his skin "I have never been touched by another man as long as I have lived. If I am pregnant... It is yours. or it is gods." 
"It can't be mine. I always-"
"Not always, Our last evening together..."
"Fuck-" He gasped "I have thought of that night a hundred times, your right. I didn't"
"So, Doctor. What do we do?" 
"I need a rabbit." He sighed 
I had to return to the hospital, to Jack twice daily once in the morning, once at night and each day, for three days, and I had to drink a whole jug of water and well... expel it. and this was the final time. 
"There, Now will we know?" I asked 
"Yes. we should do" He said as he took it in a firm needle "shhh shhh there's a good girl" He cooed to the little rabbit on the table, I had since after all these days named her hoppy, and he injected her "Five minutes" he said 
"I do not understand how these things work" I sighed 
"You want me to explain?"
"Not really."
"Fair enough." He said turning to his tools a moment and grabbing a large knife 
"Jack- What are you doing!"
"Finding out" He began moving quickly to-
"No!" I yelped stopping him "Jack! that's barbaric." 
"I have been injecting her with your urine for the last three days, if her ovaries are enlarged and she has gone into heat then you are pregnant, if she hasn't you are not."
"Is there no way to check without killing her?"
"No. now do you want to know or not?" 
"There must be a simpler way."
"Yes, there is. we wait nine months and see if a baby pops out of you."
"You know we can't do that. but that doesn't mean I allow you to butcher an innocent animal"
We both stopped a moment as hoppy moved a little and began humping the blanket she sat on aggressively 
"I'd say she's in heat"
"I need to check. for sure."
"Fine" I sighed 
"I'll be quick, painless" he said making quick work of killing the poor thing before then cutting it open to examine her 
".... her ovaries are Enlarged. Extremely so. She is in heat." He said dropping his knife on the table 
"You're pregnant." 
"... I see." I nodded my hands settling on my stomach in absolute fear but Jack took my face in his hand and sweetly kissed me sending blood across my skin, till he pulled back stroking his nose on mine as he always used to
"This is the happiest news you could have given me."
"Happy? Jack, I am pregnant out of wedlock. My father will banish me, society will crucify me, and our child will suffer as a bastard all of its life." I explained, "What am I to do?" 
"I know exactly what you are to do. Take back my ring."
"Take back my ring, return our lives to how they were, before my mistake, marry me by the end of the week and we, can raise our child together. As husband and wife," 
"We cannot-"
"Why not?"
"I already told my father of our cancelled engagement"
"Then tell him it was nothing but a lovers tiff. and that all is as it was." He said "I still love you, I still want us to be together, I still want to marry you. and I want us to raise our child together. Please. You cannot expect me to let you go again, I made that mistake once letting you walk away from me, I am not foolish enough to allow it again, especially not while my child grows in your womb" 
"You can not simply expect me to trust you again Jack."
"I'm not. I'm asking you to let me earn it back." He said, "Please Y/n." 
"Yes" I gasped
"Yes Jack."
"Y/n... my darling" He cooed pulling me back to his lips. 
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tbslov · 5 months
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this cast deserves the world!
and disney clearly has a marketing budget of £0.00 for this show.
So I guess if you want something you better do it yourself!
The Artful Dodger was revealed on the 29th of November for USA & Australia and Today 17th of January comes out for UK, Europe and other territories!
If you are even mildly interested give the first episode a watch I beg of you, you will not be disappointed.
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anyyyass · 6 months
Well.. its my first storie/imagines at all so… yeah sorry for any misunderstanding or confusion in my writing style (you can give me a props)
Newt SPY.
(not original plot of movie maze runner)
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Spy Newt x reader
Rivals to lovers
“Before you two start anything, I need to remind you two that this is WCKED we’re talking about,” Ben, your boss, says to you and Newt with a pointed look. “You will put aside your differences, and you will work together. Got it?”
you both stood looking at each other with disgusted faces... Newt looked at his boss with a pleading look and you looked away and focused on some painting hanging nearby.
“You expect me to work, with her?” Newt remarks arrogantly, tossing you a sideways glare…you crossed her arms looking at him in disbelief. “It’s…ridiculous” his British accent rang in your ears
“No Newt, i don’t expect.. its my order” Ben scanned both of them, his look send shivers down your spine “Any other complains?” he asked in his low voice. Newt shinghs and shake his head as ‘no’.
“You may leave, get ready. Mission starts in 4 hours” and he turns his attention to some papers..
You make your way out of your boss's office, the image of Newt's annoyed expression still burned in your mind.
As you exit the room, you're greeted by Thomas, an equally skilled Spy and your friend, who has a smug expression on his face.
"You're going on the mission…with Newt?" He asks with an amused chuckle. "That's gonna be a fun…Not for you tho" He gives you a friendly pat on your shoulder.
“Don’t say anything…i’m sick of his arrogance, ego and everything he does” You rolled your eyes and glanced at Newt leaving office with small grin on his face. “Maybe i will leave him there?”
"You'll manage," Thomas remarks confidently. "But you're right, I really wouldn't blame you if you left him behind." Thomas manages to pull some of the tension out of the situation like he always used to do, maybe he was little annoying but still he was your one of best friends.
you felt an unpleasant vibration in your stomach, you didn't eat breakfast today which meant you were hungry. You grabbed your stomach and looked at Thomas.
"Uhhhh im starving.." you groaned and rubbed your belly lightly "I'm going to eat something" Thomas nodded slightly waved for goodbye and He disappeared around the corner of the corridor.
You quickly headed to the buffet, paid for a sandwich and sat down at a table where no one was sitting, you needed a moment of peace from everything else. Your thoughts kept coming back to the fact that in just 4 hours you would go on a mission with this annoying boy. Why don't you really like each other? You never answered that question... in fact, neither did he.
While eating the sandwich, you felt someone watching you, almost burning a hole in your body with their eyes. You scanned the room... none other than Mr. Arrogant... he was looking at you with smug expression on his face..when she spotted you looking back he smirked.
You finished eating, you couldn't bear his gaze on you anymore, you got up from the table, threw away the sandwich wrapper and quickly went towards your room. He went after you, he was actually in way to his own room…
You hearing him walking behind you, he was close…you stooped and put your leg under him so he almost tripped, you smoothly grabbed him by his shirt not letting him fall on ground and pin him to a wall
“Don’t stare at me like a creep, i know you find me attractive but you’re in work” she smirk, her face close to his.. his gaze slowly went from her lips to her eyes.
Newt gaze fixed on yours, he is intrigued by your boldness. “Maybe you’re right…” He adds “You’re pretty hot tho…but don’t flatter yourself, hotshot” he added.
A moment of silence, you both looked at each other without saying anything, you noticed that his cheeks were slightly red... You could hear his breathing quietly, which was calm but slightly faster. You felt the slight beat of his heart and something else in his eyes, a small twinkle in his eyes as he looked at you, for a moment because he looked away... and his old arrogant facial expression came back.
Suddenly someone walk from behind wall and catch them, it was Thomas. At first he didn’t notice them he was bussy reading something on candy wrapper but he raised his head and looked at them, close to each other… he raised his eyebrows and smirked at the view, he let out a soft whistle
"Did I interrupt something?" He asks with a teasing smirk.
Newt's expression remains confused for a moment, although something about the way Thomas is looking at the two of you seems to make a light go off inside his head. He goes to say something, but you speak first.
"Don't worry about it," You remark casually, trying to play it off like nothing happened. "We're just having a… talk."
After a few minutes of awkward silence, you took a few steps back, freeing Newt from being pinned to the wall. "I'll see you on the mission" you turned around and went to your room without looking back.. You left your things from pockets on the desk in your room and lay down on the small military bed, it was surprisingly very comfortable for such a ridiculously constructed bed.
you slowly fell asleep...
You woke up to the alarm vibrating on your desk, you got up and looked at the clock and it went off... 20 minutes. You quickly went to the bathroom, got ready, put on your uniform and left the room, heading towards Newt's room.
Once you were in front, you didn't waste any time and rushed into his room. Newt was standing at the desk, leaning on his two hands, his bare chest heaving slightly and his eyes focused on his hands.
"Hey, we have 20 minutes... and you're still here..."
When you spoke, his eyes moved to you, he smiled softly and straightened up. “You can't resist not seeing me for even a moment huh?” His arrogant smirk only made you huff under your nose
"Get ready, I won't wait." You took one last look at his rather muscular chest, turned around and left. You stood by his door and leaned against the wall, waiting for the boy..
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movienized-com · 2 months
The Artful Dodger
The Artful Dodger (Serie 2023) #ThomasBrodieSangster #DavidThewlis #MaiaMitchell #DamonHerriman #DamienGarvey #RobertMcFarlane Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- (November) Genre: Krimi / Drama / History Hauptrollen: Thomas Brodie-Sangster, David Thewlis, Maia Mitchell, Damon Herriman, Damien Garvey, Robert McFarlane, Lucy-Rose Leonard, Martin Cohen, Ezekiel Simat, Robbie Durrant, Josh Bonello, Jessica De Gouw … Serienbeschreibung: Australien, in den 1850er-Jahren: Jack Dawkins (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) ist ein hoch angesehener…
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I'm a writer new on tumblr so I'm taking requests.
I write for,
The Maze Runner:🏃🏻‍♀️
Newt (duh)
The Hunger Games 🏹
Percy Jackson 💙
Celebs 📷
Thomas Brodie Sangster
I write fluff/angst/smut kinda all of it. If I don't feel comfortable writing your request, I'll let you know.
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heartstoppermybeloved · 3 months
#music #drawing #anime #kihonglee #thomasbrodiesangster #heartstopper #henrymills via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01GF6DstVNc
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cunninghamh2014 · 2 years
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Hales (Talia, Peter, Laura, Derek, Cora) #dylanobrien #teenwolf #stilesstilinski #voidstiles #themazerunner #thedeathcure #mitchrapp #amazingstories #americanassassin #thefirsttime #stiles #monsterproblems #joeldawson #stydia #sterek #hollandroden #tylerposey #shelleyhennig #coltonhaynes #codychristian #tylerhoechlin #colesprouse #maliatate #liamdumbar #allisonargent #thomasbrodiesangster #derekhale #netflix #edit #allisonargent @tylerhoechlin https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch6gE78uj7G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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