drchucktingle · 2 days
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first night of STOKERCON at the NIGHTFIRE party, trotting with my dear buds. THE WORLDS GREATEST HORROR AUTHORS PROVING LOVE IS REAL
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amanonthecorner · 5 months
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This one goes out to all the buckaroos whose trot has been SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVED by the art of @drchucktingle
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jasper-the-menace · 6 months
If I had a dollar for every horror book I read this year (that was also published this year) in which a conservative cult used powers beyond mortal ken to enforce their conservative agenda onto a bunch of queer and neurodivergent children who then turned that power around to decimate the cult at some point in their lives, I would have two dollars, which isn't a lot but it's great that it happened twice.
Anyway, read Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle and Mister Magic by Kiersten White.
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transbookoftheday · 4 months
Trans Mothman Books
Mothman is trans. Because I said so. (This is probably the most specific book list I have ever made and I absolutely love it.)
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Book Titles:
Dear Mothman by Robin Gow
How I Met Your Moth-er by Miranda Sapphire
Mothman Quarterback Ghost In My Tight End by Chuck Tingle
Mothman Did A Great Job Installing My Home Audio System And Now He’s Eating My Ass by Chuck Tingle
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l-i-n-u-s-k-a · 5 months
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My dash did a thing @drchucktingle
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aquamonstra · 7 months
I came across this Reddit post last night that absolutely took over my brain theorizing about what if the Enterprise computer was in love with Geordi LaForge?
Fully had to lie down thinking about it for a while bc wow... WOW... GIVE ME THAT EPISODE.
And then in talking to @shoujocowboy about it this morning realized that the ultimate perfect person to write this story would be the one and only @drchucktingle
So.... I went ahead and made the book cover art for him...
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quiltingwitch · 1 year
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A project for a friend, from chaotic notes app sketch to finished quilt!
My goals for this project were to:
-use designs and colors directly inspired by my friend
-build confidence in foundation paper piecing, with the aim to understand the rules so I can design my own patterns eventually
-use as much scrap fabric as possible whenever possible
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The grey background, the spines of the book designs, and the improv blocks were all made from half square triangle and strip scraps left over from a wedding quilt made for mutual friends. I think that means my friends’ quilts are siblings. ❤️
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This was my favorite part, improvising fpp blocks with small scraps. No rules just right. (Ok some rules- for each block use many blues, use green once, balance with grey. But I made those rules up arbitrarily so I don’t mind following them)
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The blue background fabric and border fabric were originally three thrifted shirts. I used fpp technique to make the striping precise.
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I listened to a lot of tinglers while making this quilt, and in my opinion this gift for my friend proves love is real. Chuck Tingle is a very inspirational and influential artist for me. I have enormous respect for all his work and I find myself more motivated to create because Chuck trots his trot.
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Just two buds and a quilt that proves love is real.
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There is so much joy in watching my friends enjoy something I made. I love you guys!
I’m very happy with how this quilt turned out. I was able to pull mostly from my scrap bags for the top, the rest was reclaimed shirts. Foundation paper piecing is sometimes referred to as a technique that creates a lot of scrap, but I’ve found it to be a good way to use scrap. The extra step of piecing solids into a large enough shape to fit the fpp pattern didn’t seem to effect the overall construction, as long as I ironed the seams open. (Fpp does create paper waste though, which I can’t yet figure out how to reuse.) I certainly increased my confidence with fpp and I’m really excited to use the technique more. Best of all, the quilt helped keep my friends warm on a very cold weekend. I’m very lucky to know and be known by them.
Thank you for reading, please enjoy Jasper in his favorite spot: the forbidden blanket. I moved him from his spot many times because I was worried about pin pricks but he kept coming back. The beloved boy loves a basted quilt.
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Patterns are Tall Tales by Kate Basti, North Star by Full Bobbin Designs, and Dragonfly by Full Bobbin Designs
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bi4bihankking · 4 months
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Any Chuck Tingle Novel Summary:
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Summary:
Cruel tyrant Taxian-jun killed his way to the throne and now reigns as the first ever emperor of the mortal realm. Yet somehow, he is unsatisfied. Left cold and bereft, abandoned by all he held dear, he takes his own life...only to be reborn anew.
Awakening in the body of his younger self--Mo Ran, a disciple of the cultivation sect Sisheng Peak--he discovers the chance to relive his life. This time, he vows to attain the gratification that once eluded him: all who defied him will fall, and never again will they treat him like a dog. His greatest fury is reserved for Chu Wanning, the coldly beautiful and aloofly catlike cultivation teacher who betrayed and thwarted Mo Ran time and again in their last life.
Yet as Mo Ran shamelessly pursues his own goals in this life he thought lost, he begins to wonder if there might be more to his teacher--and his own feelings--than he ever realized.
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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drchucktingle · 30 days
Hi Dr. Tingle, have you ever considered writing a kids book? I think your combination of earnestness, whimsy, and a keen sense of the weird and wonderful would be a great combo for kids lit. Keep on being awesome!
yes i think it would be really nice to do a childrens book about a nice bigfoot or a space raptor but i would not want any buckaroos who were too young to accidentally stumble onto my other tinglers before that is appropriate.
solution i have come up with is that i could use a new pen name that is ALSO basically my name i already use maybe something like CHARLES T or something like that.
so yes i think i would like to do that someday i am just really dang busy at the moment but i think that would prove love and be very dang fun
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sliceoflifebear · 1 year
Our Prophet and Saint: Chuck Tingle.
May Chuck bless our hearts, minds, and souls, with their questionable but encouraging words. Amen.
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saltwife · 2 years
chuck tingle goncharov book when
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transbookoftheday · 3 months
I Scaled This Sentient Mountain To Find Her Butt And Pound It And Now We Are Married by Chuck Tingle
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Logan is a trans mountain climber at the top of his game. He’s got his sights set on Brillba peak, a summit that’s considered unclimbable, but he’s not letting that slow him down.
Things change, however, when Logan arrives at Brillba mountain and realizes that she’s sentient. He’ll need her permission to move forward. Fortunately, Brillba is more than excited for Logan to be the first to climb her, especially because Brillba is trans herself.
But there’s more than just excitement for the climb buzzing between these two, and when disaster strikes halfway into the ascent, they realize the mightiest power they have in this incredible journey is love.
This erotic tale is 4,000 words of sizzling human on sentient mountain peak action. It features a proud trans woman and trans man couple who do no experience dysphoria regarding their genitals.
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wordprefect · 1 year
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Chuck Tingle didn't know what was going on with D&D and this guy spent the spoons to tell him, with context. Hopefully, it's all moot: https://gizmodo.com/dungeons-dragons-ogl-announcement-wizards-of-the-coast-1849981365 https://www.gameshub.com/news/news/dungeons-and-dragons-dnd-ogl-open-gaming-license-cancelled-announcemnt-37971/
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zigmenthotep · 6 months
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Hey there buckaroos! It's Tingle Tuesday, time to celebrate the works of world's greatest author and cultural icon @drchucktingle
So here's a manifested concept of self-loathing from The Tingleverse: The Official Chuck Tingle Role-Playing Game. Because if you're gonna draw Chuck Tingle fan art, ya gotta be weird about it.
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