#tommy shelbyxoc
rcfanfics · 1 year
Crown of a Princess (ThomasShelbyFanFic)
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-Thomas ShelbyXOC
-First fanfic on here hope you enjoy!
                                           ~Chapter One~
Mary Allen stood as she heard the doorbell chime open. She had just finished hemming the end of the pantsuit she was working on. The suit was immaculate. If she did say so herself, it would fetch a pretty penny. Mary and her eldest brother Adam were groomed to take over their father's tailor shop at a very young age. J’s & M’s Tailors. Their mother and father had run and operated the shop for years. But their mother suddenly fell ill and passed away from a terrible fever and cough that the doctor could not find the remedy to, leaving the three Allan’s to run it. But when the war came. Her father and brother had left, leaving her to run the business. Thankfully for their family friend, Ada and Polly, the company survived.
Mary and Adam grew up with the Shebly siblings. Their fathers were friends before Arthur abandoned the boys. That was a hard time. Mary could remember how sad Tommy and the other brothers had been after he left them. Mary and Adam did their absolute best to ensure the brothers were okay. Whether food, hugs, or long night talks on the roof of her father's home, they were always there—no matter what time.
“Angle,” Arthur greeted, seeing the beautiful blue-eyed girl beside a tailored suit.
Mary smiled as she saw him and her brother enter the family shop. After they returned from war, Adam stopped making suites and joined the brothers in their family-run business. Everywhere Mary gone, it was always ‘it’s on the house, Miss. Allen,’ or the downcast look of the people walking past her. No one dared to hurt or talk bad about Mary Allen for fear of being heard by one of the Peaky Blinders. Not that they would have anything nasty to say about the young lady; she was sweeter than candy but fiercer than any storm when needed. Mary placed the needle she had in her pen cushion.
“Arthur,” Mary smiled as she hugged the eldest Shelby brother. “How are you?” She asked.
“Great love, just came by to see if my suit is ready,”
“And am I just chopped liver, ay?” Adam inquired. Mary smiled, rolling her eyes as she hugged her big brother.
“Never,” She whispered. “How are you, Adam?”
“Not too bad. How’s the old man?” Adam asked. Mary sighed, pulling away as she rolled down her long-sleeved shirt to hide the hand print. Thankfully the two men hadn’t seen her move. There was no doubt they would be upset about it.
“His nightmares seemed to be getting worse and worse with each passing night,” Mary raked a hand threw her dark brown locks. “I’m worried for him,” She expressed. She hadn’t told them about the flat she had purchased using the money she earned from the Garrison to sleep in at night when it got too bad. Hell, they didn’t even know about the attacks that would happen. She’d returned the flat under her mom’s maiden name Greene. Mary Greene. She would stay the night at it and then be back in the morning before her father woke. It was only sheer luck that the boys hadn’t found out.
Adam sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll come over tonight, check up on him, make sure he’s okay,”
He was far from okay. In the heap of the night, when he would scream, waking her up, she would try to wake him only to get hit or tackled to the ground with him screaming on top of her. After realizing what happened, he repeatedly apologized, crying and saying how sorry he was.
“Your suites are done. Let me get them wrapped and bagged,” Mary smiled, grabbing the new suites for the brothers. She had handmade them all in a week with the help of her trusted sowing machine.
“Will you be working tonight at the Garrison?” Arthur asked as he leaned against the counter with one hand. Not only was Mary a seamstress, but she was also a barmaid at the Garrison.
“Ay, I was just finishing up things here, then I’d be heading that way,” She nodded as she bagged the suits, handing them over to the Shebly brother. She worked two jobs to ensure her father had his medication and food on the table. Even if most things were given to her, she still paid for some.
“I still don’t know why you won’t let me help Mary,” Her brother sighed. Adam had his own family, a wife with a baby on the way that would need all the money and income they could get.
“Adam, we’ve been over this,” Mary told her brother. “ I do not have a family to look after. Not like you do,”
“He’s still my father too, Mary,” Adam stated as she turned off the lights after handing the bag to Arthur.
“Right. Now, you two stop your bickering, ay? We’ve got to get Mary to the Garrison before they get too swamped,” Arthur stated as he held the door open for her. Mary grabbed her coat off the rack before walking out of the building.
“Polly wanted me to tell you to come by soon. She wants to have tea with you and catch up,” Arthur added as he held open the Garrison’s bar door for her as she and her brother walked into the pub.
“Tell her I’ll be by tomorrow, Ay?” Mary said as her brother helped take her coat off. “Thank you, Adam. You lads staying for a round?”
“Ay,” They nodded, and Mary quickly got them their Irish whisky, pouring them a glass.
Arthur downed his glass in one go smiling at the woman. “Angle, I would marry you in a heartbeat if I could,” It was no lie either. Arthur Shebly did fancy the woman but would not go after her because of her older brother. And of another Shebly brother that fancied her too. No, he would hope to one day find a woman like her.
“Arthur, I would have your balls,” Adam told him, taking a swig of his cup. “She is too good of a woman for men like us,”
“I do feel as if I should be able to pick a husband myself, Adam,” Mary stated as she slid a man his beer. “I’m a big girl,” She finished picking up a few glasses. “Now go. I’m sure you have some business to attend to. I’ll see you, lads, later, ay?”
“Of course, Angle,” Arthur smiled.
“By Mary, I’ll see you soon,”
“Whisky, love,” A man ordered, throwing down the three shillings on the counter. Mary nodded, sliding over the glass and filling it. “ Thank you,” He smiled at her before returning to his set by Freddie Thorn.  
That’s when the doors opened, and the bar grew immensely quiet. Mary smiled as she saw Thomas Shelby walk into the Garrison. His blue eyes instantly found hers behind the bar watching her as she grabbed a bottle for him. He and Mary had always had a closer relationship growing up. They were best friends, and as time grew and the two grew older, that friendship started to head towards something that had been brewing for years. But before the two could act on what they desired, the war came, and after that. With the things he had seen and what had happened to him, he didn’t want to take the chance of hurting the girl he’s always admired and loved.
Mary set the bottle on the counter as he approached the bar. “On the house, Mr. Shelby,” She teased, opening the bottle of whisky and pouring him a glass.
“Mary,” Tommy shook his head, putting down the two shillings. “Really?”
Mary giggled, shrugging her shoulders. “Sorry, Tommy, I couldn’t help myself,” She whipped down the counter beside him as he puffed on his cigarette, looking about the bar and seeing Freddie sitting in a booth with his mates. “They gave you any trouble, love?” He asked, and she shook her head.
“No, not that I would let them,” Mary put the glass up.
Harry worked around her as Freddie came up to the bar. “I’ll take a mild,”
“Right,” Harry said as he worked on getting Freddie his drink.
“Mary, how are you doing, Darling,” Freddie asked. Tommy placed his cigarette back in his mouth, taking another puff as he tried not to let the comment faze him when it did. It dug deep underneath his skin hearing Freddie Thorn call her that, knowing how he felt about the Allen lady.
“I’m good, Freddie,” Marry nodded, being polite. She didn’t want to get anything started between the two estranged friends. Freddie looked at Tommy to see if the comment did anything but looked away when Thomas didn’t look at him, just at the wall behind Mary. Harry placed down his mug as Marry grabbed the dirty glasses at the end of the bar and began working on them.
“Cheers, Thomas, good health to you,” Freddie leaned against the bar looking at him. Mary glanced at the two as she cleaned the glasses. Freddie grabbed Tommy’s hat looking at the blades sown in the back. “Crown of a prince,” He threw it back on the bar. “Soon to be king, I’d bet,”
“You don’t bet,” Tommy spoke up, looking at his cigarette as he tapped the ash off in the trey.
“No, but these past few days, I’ve been speculating,” Freddy stated.
Tommy nodded. “About what?”
“One of my union comrades has a sister who works in the telegraph office at the BSA factory. She says, over the past week, they’ve had messages coming up from London to the brass. From Winston Churchill himself,” Freddie walked closer to Tommy as Mary busied herself tending to more customers. “Something about a robbery. ‘A robbery of national significance,’ it said. She found a list of names left on the telegraph machine. And on the list was your name and my name together. What kind of list would have the name of a communist and the name of a bookmaker side by side?”
“Perhaps it’s a list of men who give false hope to the poor,” Tommy looked at Freddie shaking his head. “The only difference between you and me, Freddie, is that sometimes, my horses stand a chance of winning,”
Mary had to hold back her chuckle but couldn’t help the smile across her face. She looked back at the pair as Freddie leaned into Tommy. “You know, there are days when I hear about the cuttings and beatings that I really wish I’d let you take that bullet in France,”
Her smile faded as Tommy grew wide. He shook his head. “Believe me. There are nights I wish you had,”
The door slammed open, and men started shouting, causing Mary to flench. She looked towards the commotion and saw a man barrel in, tossing over tables, causing the glass to break as they hit the wooden floor. Tommy quickly got up, running over to the man with Freddie.  Freddie quickly grabbed one arm as Tommy grabbed the other, and then Mary recognized the man they held.
“They’re going to get me!” He wailed.
“On three.” Tommy looked at Freddie.
“They are going to get me!”
“One, two, three, down!” Tommy yelled as they quickly pushed Danny to the ground on his stomach. “Breath, Danny, breath,”
“They’re going to get me!” Danny yelled. “They’re going to get me!”
“Danny. Danny. Danny, you’re home,” Tommy soothed the frightened man. “We’re all home in England. You are not in Frace. You’re not an artillery shell, Danny. You’re a man,” Danny's cries made Mary’s heart clench, knowing that her father and brother had gone through the same thing as so many others had. “Hey? You’re not a whizz-bang. You’re a human being, Danny. You’re all right. You’re all right. You’re all right,”
Danny started calming down as Freddie and Tommy helped him up. “Up! Up!” Mary walked out from behind the bar with a cup of water for Danny, knowing it might help him as it did her father.
“It’s all right, It’s all right,” Tommy soothed him, keeping a hand on his shoulder.
“Danny? Would you like a glass of water?” She asked as she approached him slowly. Danny looked over at her as Tommy took the glass from her hands.
“Thank you, love,” Tommy said as he held it out for his friend. “Here you go, Danny, take this. It’s water,”
Danny took the glass with shaky hands and took a sip before handing it back to Tommy, who handed it back to Mary.
“Ah! Hell!” Danny looked around. “Did I do it again?”
Mary’s heart broke watching the man that had no control over his episodes. Tommy nodded. “You did it again, Danny,” Tommy affirmed.
Danny started crying as he yanked his cap off. Tommy placed his forehead against Danny, looking at his friend. “You’ve got to stop doing this, man. It’s all right,”
“Oh, God! Mr. Shelby, I’m sorry,” Danny told Tommy.
“It’s all right. You go home to your wife now, Danny,” Tommy said, leading him to the door. “Try and get all that smoke and mud out of your head, ay?”
“Yes, Mr. Shelby. I’m sorry,” Danny nodded before walking out of the Garrison.
Mary started helping Harry by picking up the tables as she grabbed a broom to sweep up the broken glass.
“Mr. Shelby, you have to do something about him,” Harry spoke.
Mary sighed, shaking her head. “Damn right, Harry,” Freddie agreed, looking at Tommy return to his spot. “You pay the Peaky Blinders a lot of money for protection,” Freddie followed after Tommy. “You’re the law around here now, Tommy, aren’t you?”
Tommy downed the rest of his whisky as Mary finished sweeping the glass into a pile; Freddie stopped at his spot beside Tommy. Tommy began to leave when he spoke up again. “Maybe you should put a bullet in Danny Whizz-Bang’s head like they do with mad horses,” Tommy stopped behind Freddie, and Mary paused, looking at the two as Freddie shrugged. “Maybe you’ll have to put a bullet in my head someday, too,”
Tommy shook his head before putting his cap on. He walked up to Mary, looking at her. “I’ll see you later, love,”
“See you later, Tommy,” Mary nodded as he walked towards the door. Before he left, he turned to look at Harry.
“Bring the bill to the Peaky Blinders. Will take care of it,” and he left the Garrison.
“All right, Harry, I’m leaving. The books have been taken care of,” Mary called out in the empty bar as she fetched her coat from the rack.
“Alright, goodnight, Mary. I’ll see you tomorrow, eh?” Harry yelled back, whipping down the counter.
“Ay, that you will, Harry,” Mary smiled as she stepped out of the Garrison. Tommy stepped out of the shadows puffing on a cigarette.
“Tommy,” Mary smiled. Ever since she had started working at the Garrison, he had always walked her home. He’d never missed a night; if he had, he would have either her brother or one of his accompany her back to her house on the rare occasion.
“Hi, love,” Tommy breathed a puff of smoke as she closed the door.
“How did today go?” Mary wondered as they walked down the dark street. Hardly anyone was about. The few who were didn’t look at them; if they did, they tipped their hats toward them. Or looked away.
“There's a new Chief inspector. He’s come down to clean up the city. Recruiting anyone that can fight that’s over five foot. For the last four years, he’s cleared the IRA out of Belfast,” Tommy explained lowly. Mary sucked in a breath of air.
“So why send him here?” She wondered.
“There have been all these bloody strikes at the BSA, and the Austin works lately. Now the papers are talking about sedition and revolution. I reckon it’s the communists he’s after,” Tommy said as they rounded the corner to her street.
“Will he leave you and the family alone?” Mary rubbed her bruised wrist nervously. She couldn’t stand it if something happened to the Shebles or her brother. She nearly lost them once. She couldn’t-- she wouldn’t-- lose them again.
“There are Irishmen in Green Lanes who left Belfast to get away from him. They say Catholic men who crossed him used to disappear in the night,” Tommy's words didn’t ease her worried mind. They stopped in front of the door to her father's flat. She turned to look at Tommy, her heart beating as she worried about the new copper coming to town and what it would leave in its wake.
“Please, whatever you do, be careful,” Mary whispered, touching Tommy’s chest. Tommy looked deep into her blue eyes and wanted, more than anything, to promise her he would. But he couldn’t. “I couldn’t stand you, or anyone else for that matter, getting hurt,”
“You should get inside, love, before you catch a cold out here, eh?” Tommy said lowly. Mary’s heart broke but didn’t let it show as she nodded.
“Goodnight, Tommy,” She whispered.
“Goodnight, love,” Tommy nodded as he waited for her to get inside and lock the door.
Mary sighed as she leaned her back against the door and bolted it. She could hear her father’s loud snores coming from his bedroom down the hall as she pushed herself off the door and headed toward her room across the hall. Undoing her hair from its bindings, the long brown trendles fell on her back as she slipped out of her clothes and into her nightgown. The white silk material brushed her long legs as she walked toward her bed. As she got under the covers feeling exhaustion wash over her body, she looked down at the deep purple bruise on her arm. It would take days, if not weeks, to go away properly. And until then, it would be long sleeves shirts.
Soon Mary was springing awake. It was still dark outside, but the screams from the other room suddenly woke her. Mary quickly threw the quilted covers back, hopped from her bed, and ran to her father's bedroom. He was thrashing and screaming, dripping sweat.
“Nooo!” He screamed. “I won’t tell. I won’t tell,”
Mary quickly hurried to his aide, and she gently shook his shoulder. “Father--” Her sentence was cut short and met with a painful gasp. Her father had shoved her to the wall, hands clasped around her neck tightly as his wild blue eyes, just like hers, stared straight thew her. Like he didn’t know her.
Mary gasped as she clawed at his hands, which wound tightly like a colid snake around her neck. “Dad-” Mary gasped, her eyes tearing up as dark spots invaded her vision. Her body needed air and would soon pass out if she didn’t do something.
“I won’t talk!”
Mary’s hand felt around for any weapon or anything she could use to get her father off her. Her hand fumbled around the dresser beside them and landed on a vase. Her mother's vase. She grasped it by the rim, and with every ounce of strength she had left, she slammed it over the top of his head.
His hands loosen around her neck as he tumbles with her to the ground. Mary gasped, holding her neck that hurt so bad to swallow, but she managed. Tears filled her eyes as she let out a sob leaning over. She hated that she couldn’t help him. Or herself, for that matter. Mary quickly gathered herself as she stood on two shaky legs before going to her room and dressing. As she put her dress on, she caught herself in her mirror. She looked at the angry red fingerprints that covered her neck and sighed.
She couldn’t hide those. The guys would see them the instant they saw her tomorrow. Makeup wouldn’t do anything to hide it, either. Pushing her hair to the front, she quickly grabbed her flat’s key and the packed bag she always kept hidden under her bed, ready to leave when things like this happened. And left. But not without grabbing her coat. She quickly headed down the street to her building, four blocks away but two blocks from the Garrison.
Letting herself in, she threw her bag down on the table and grabbed the packet of cigarettes she kept her when she got stressed, nervous, or anxious. Lighting it, she opened the living room window and sat on the seal, watching as dawn began to break. It wouldn’t be long before she would have to get to work. Thankful today she wouldn’t need to open the tailor shop. She sighed as she released a long cloud out the window, leaning her head back as the morning breeze hit her.
Mary quickly dressed in a collared dress that would hide some of the marks for her shift at the Garrisons before heading there without her morning escorts. They would no doubt be at her house, where they would find her father either awake or lying how she left him in his room. There was no more hiding the truth now. She would have to deal with what happens when her brother and the Shelby brothers find out.
Marry entered the Garrison, seeing Harry up and cleaning from yesterday's events. He looked up as she placed her coat on the rack. “Mary, you're here quite early,” Harry stated, leaning on his broom and puffing his cigarette.
“Ay,” She nodded.
“And your brother and the Shelby’s? I’m surprised not to see them with you this morning,” Harry observed as she walked closer, picking up the discarded ashtrays. “Is everything okay, Mary?” She looked at him as he eyed her before seeing the bruises on her neck. “Mary, did someone attack you?”
Mary sighed as she adjusted the caller on her dress. “My father...” She trailed off, putting the ashtrays on the tables. “He hasn’t been himself since the war, he has these nightmares, and sometimes he attacks me when I try to wake him,”
“My God, Mary,” Harry runs a hand threw his hair. “How long has this been happening?”
“Since he’s been home,” Mary replied as the door of the Garrison opened, and a woman walked in.
“I’m here about the job for another barmaid,” The woman stated as Mary looked her up and down.
“Are you mad?” Harry asked her, taking the cigarette out of his mouth.
“Am I what?” She replied.
“What he’s asking is. Do you know about this place?” Mary inquired as she picked up the table that was still knocked over. The woman looked Mary up and down, her gaze settling on her neck as Harry did.
“I saw it in an advertisement,” she said, walking into the bar more.
“Job’s been filled,” Harry stated.
“But it was in yesterday’s paper,” The woman objects.
“Believe me, love, I’m doing you a favor,” Harry continued sweeping the floors.
“And what of her?” She asked. “I”m not asking for favors. I’m asking for employment,”
“She is Mary Allen,” Harry pointed his cigarette at Mary. “Her brother would have anyone's balls if they hurt her. And you’re too...Nice,”
“Harry, are you inquiring that I’m not nice?” Mary teased as she went behind the bar.
“Nothing of the sort, Mary,” Harry shook his head.
“How would you know?” The woman asked.
“And too pretty,” Harry added.
“Thanks, Harry,” Mary rolled her eyes as she got the bar ready for when the workers and brothers entered. They would no doubt be prepared to drink their anger away when they got a load of her new look.
“Mary, you know you're beautiful, so stop,” Harry looked at the woman behind the bar, who laughed.
“I’m just given you a hard time, Harry,” Mary smiled.
“Anyway. They’d have you up against a wall.” Harry finished looking at the new woman.
“I have experience,” The woman stated as she opened up her floral clutch. “And references,” She pulled out a piece of paper handing it to Harry.
Harry looked the paper over. “What part of Ireland are you from?” He questions.
She hesitated. Mary tilted her head, looking at the woman. “Galway,”
“I worked in Dublin,” The woman answered.
Harry nodded, looking at the blond woman. “My mother was from Galway,” He smiled. He handed the paper back to her. “You are too pretty,”
The woman quickly put her clutch down on the table. “Watch. And listen,” She placed her hat next, picking up the copper spit bucket. “I wish I was in Carrickfergus,” She began singing as she emptied the spittoons. “ Only for nights in Ballygrand, I would swim over. The deepest ocean. The deepest ocean,”
Mary raised her eyebrows at the woman singing. Her mother sang with her, and since her death, she had sung no more. It was nice to hear someone with equal talent, such as her mother, that would dream of one day becoming a singer.
“For my love to find my boyhood friends and my own relations,” She walked towards Harry putting the bucket on the table. “Have all passed on now like the melting snow,”
Harry looked at Mary, and they both let out a laugh. “In Ireland, my singing made them cry and stopped them fighting,”  Harry raked a hand threw his hair, looking at the woman.
“I hope you know a lot of songs,”
She nodded, and Mary smiled as the woman turned back to her. “Nice to meet you. I’m Mary Allen. I guess this means we will both be working together,”  
“I’m Grace,” The woman introduced, shaking Mary’s hand. “And it’s lovely to meet you too,”
“Is it always this buys on a daytime?” Grace asked Mary as they both tended to the thirsty men.
“No, These boys are on their way to St. Andrews,” Mary replied, getting one man his beer.
“Thanks, love,” one said, putting down his two shillings. Mary quickly puts them in the drawer.
“To pray?” Grace asked, doing the same.
Harry laughed, looking at her. “That’ll be the Day!”
Mary looked over at Grace with a smile. “St. Andrews is a football ground. The Blues are playing. That’s the forward Line there, and that’s the goalie, believe it or not,” Mary pointed to the man in the back. “Here, let me help you with that,” She said, taking one of the pints from Grace's hand.
That's when the widow opened at the end of the bar, and Tommy looked over. She must not have seen them when they came in, nor did they because they would have instantly come and got her for not being at the house this morning. “Hello. I need you and a bottle of rum,” Tommy pointed at Mary. Tommy looked over at Grace, looking her up and down before turning it back to Mary. “Please,”
Mary looked over to Grace. “Can you handle it?”
“I’ve got it,” Grace nodded.
Mary fixed her hair to the front of her as she grabbed the bottle of rum walking over to him. She kept her chin down as she approached him, hoping he wouldn’t notice. But it was Tommy. “Why were you not at your flat, love?” Tommy asked, taking out a few pounds and handing them to her. When Adam told him she wasn’t there and how they found her father, he feared the worse had happened. Then Arthur came back hurt, and that way, he came here. Maybe he should have started with the other place she worked at. All his worries vanished when he saw her after opening up the window.  Mary liked her dry lips. “Look at me,”
Mary looked up at him as his eyes raked over her appearance, then locked with her neck. His jaw clenched tight.”What happened?”
“Come here,” Tommy said, and she nodded, walking out from the bar and into the room that Tommy was in. He took wide steps up to her tilting her head as he looked at her neck as pushed down the white collar. His blood boiled with rage. Whoever thought to hurt her would wish they hadn’t. “Who did this, Mary? Did someone break in? Does Adam know? Does your father even know?” Mary's eyes watered as she looked away from Tommy. “Mary. Talk to me,” Tommy whispered, whipping the tears off her cheeks.
“Ever since the war, he hasn’t been the same,” Mary whispered, looking into Tommy's worried eyes. “At night, he wakes me up screaming, pleading for help sometimes, and I try to help, but when he wakes up... I think he sees himself back in the trenches, and he attacks me,”
“Your father did this?” Tommy breathed, his eyes darkening.
Mary’s heart dropped. “Tommy, you can’t hurt him. He doesn't mean to when it happens,”
“So he’s done this more than once? For how long?” He asked. Mary looked away as she held herself. “How. Long. Love,” Tommy demanded.
“Since you’ve all returned,” Mary whispered.
“And I’m betting your brother doesn't know about this, eh? Because if he did, we all would have found out about it,” Tommy shook his head. “Are there any more marks?”
Mary nodded. “Where at?”  He asked softly this time. Mary slowly rolled up the sleeves of her dress. Tommy had wondered about that, why her sudden change to long sleeves. He should have realized sooner something was wrong. On her arms were handprints that were slowly fading. Tommy reached out and grazed the tops of her arms, lightly sending tingles through them. “We need to let your brother know about this, and you shouldn’t be staying at his house anymore, not till he’s better. I’ll set you up a place, but for now, you’ll stay with me,” Mary nodded. Last night was her last straw, living at her father's house. She was planning on living in the flat she had perched under her mother's maiden name, but now it didn’t seem like that would happen. “Come on; we need to get this to Arthur,”
Mary looked up at him, confused, as she took off her apron. “What happened to Arthur? Is he okay?”
“Let’s say the new chief inspector talked with him today,” Tommy stated as they walked out. “Mary’s coming with me,” He yelled to Harry as they left the Garrison. “Don’t worry, your brother is okay, Love. He was out looking for you when this occurred,”
Mary breathed a sigh of relief as they rushed to the house. Tommy lights a cigarette on the way there, and Mary craves one to ease her nerves. Thankfully, she and Ada took the nurse training at the church when they did. Now that could come in handy. Tommy opened up the door for her as they hurried into the house. They both quickly walked into the filled room. Mary instantly met her older brother's bright green eyes across the table.
“Mary, what the hell? Where were you this morning?” Adam asked, standing.
“That's not important right now, brother,” Mary said as she and Tommy hurried to Arthur's side. “Let me see him,” Tommy said. “Hmm. Well, have this,”
“Mary,” Polly looked up from wrapping his hand. “My- what happened to you?”
This drew everyone’s attention, including Arthur, who was covered in blood, to look at her. “That--that-” She stuttered, holding her neck.
“What the bloody hell happened?” Arthur asked as John came up, looking at her neck. “Who are those?”
Adam quickly rounds the table and spins his sister on her heels to look at him as he looks at all the commotion. “Mary, who did this?”
“Alright, that’s enough!” Tommy yelled. The room grew quiet. “You lot, doing this to her will scare her even more. Let’s take care of Arthur, and then we will talk, eh?”
Adam's jaw clenched as Tommy took a rag and rung it out before taking the bottle back and dousing it with it. Adam pulled Mary off to the side. Like hell, he was going to wait. “Mary, what happened? Don’t lie to me, either. I found dad and worried that someone was foolish enough to break into the house and take you and harm him,”
“Father, he hasn’t been himself, okay,” Mary whispered as Tommy, and the others looked over at the Allen siblings. “He’s been having nightmares, and sometimes when I wake him up, he attacks me,”
Adam's jaw locked as Tommie's did at the bar. “So how I found him? You did that because of this,” He pointed at her neck, and she nodded. Adam breathed threw his nose as he collected his baby sister in his arm, breathing in her rose-scented shampoo.
They broke apart, hearing Arthurs his. “He said Mr. Churchill sent him to Birmingham,” Mary quickly went over to help asset Tommy with Arthur. She took the cloth from Tommy’s hand and cleaned Aruther’s face. “National interest, he said. Something about a robbery.”
Tommy stood up as Mary took his place, cleaning up the open wounds. “He said he wants us to help him,”  Arthur finished.
“We don’t help coppers,” John said as Ada returned to the room.
Arthur raised a finger. “He knew all about our war records. He said we’re patriots, like him. He wants us to be his eyes and ears. I said--”  Arthur groans as Polly wraps a sensitive area, and she shh’s him as she continues. “I said we’d have a family meeting and take a vote,”
“He sure does have a hell of a way of asking,” Mary stated as she finished whipping his face clean. Arthur laughed, nodding his head.
“That he does,” But no one answers him. “Why not? Mmm?” He asked, looking around the room. “We have no truck with Fenians or communists.” He looked at Tommy, as did Polly, which caused Mary to look back at him. “What is wrong with you?” Arthur asked. “What the fuck is wrong with him lately?”
Tommy sighed, looking at Arthur before looking at Mary. “If I knew, I’d buy the cure from Compton’s chemists,” Polly answered.
After Arthur was tended to, Mary and Polly sat down for that cup of tea Polly’s been waiting for, “So, your father?” Polly begins as Mary takes a sip of her cup. “He’s done that to you?”
“Ay, but he didn’t mean to, I know,” Mary stated as she put the cup down. “Tommy doesn’t want me staying there anymore,”
“I would assume not considering the marks left on a woman he loves,” Polly stated. Mary scoffs.
“He cares for me, Polly. Love is a powerful word,” Mary looked down at her cup. “Maybe before the war, but now? I don’t think so,”
“Mmm, you keep telling yourself that, darlin’. You might believe it one day,” Polly lit a cigarette. Mary watched her, and Polly raised an eyebrow letting out a cloud of smoke. “When did you start?” Polly asked, handing it over to the girl before taking another.
“Since the night it first happened, Adam left a pack on the table,” Mary explained, breathing it in. As she exhaled the cloud of smoke, she looked up. “It’s helped me with my nerves,”
Polly nodded. “I’m assuming the boys don’t know about this either?”
“Ay,” Mary nodded. “But it’s not like they can be too mad at me,”
“No, they can’t,” Polly smiled. “So, what do you plan to do now?”
“I don’t know,” Mary sighed, taking another puff from her cigarette. “I think I should give my father space. I’ve pleaded with him countless times to get help. Maybe him seeing me away from home and the store will be the push he’s been needing to get help,”
“I’m sure your brother will help get him what he needs. You’ve been taking care of him long enough. Let your brother tend to him now. Get him what he needs,” Polly said, and Mary nodded.
“Come now, let’s see what we can do with those bruises, sweetie,” Polly said as she took Mary's cigarette and put them out.
After the men returned from the Garrison, Tommy nodded for Mary to follow him. “Goodnight, Polly. Thank you for this evening,”
“Anytime, sweetie,” Polly smiled as Mary walked towards Tommy. Tommy caught Polly’s knowing smirk over Mary's shoulder and shook his head, making her smirk widen even more. Tommy and Mary walked toward his room. She hadn’t been in it since the first time he returned home. The place felt foreign to her. Like she wasn’t allowed to be there. It sounds silly. But they haven’t shared a bed like this since before the war. Mary yawned, and Tommy looked at her as he took his coat off.
“Will you be alright sleeping next to me tonight, Mary?” Tommy asked as she looked around the bare room.
“Ay,” Mary nodded as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She would have to sleep in her slip tonight. But that wouldn’t be a problem. Hopefully, "It’ll be like when we were kids,” She said as she turned her back, pulling her long white sleeve over her head.
Tommy nodded as he glanced at her. Mary took off her shirt. His throat bobbed. Mary had been the only woman in his life that he dreamed about being with. Quite literally dreamed. Times in the war, it was her that got him through it. The dreams he would have of her of what could their life be like together, or just her and him? It Made his fight to survive and get home even more important.
Mary then unzipped the side of her skirt, letting it fall to the ground. Pooling around her ankles as she kicked off her heels. She looked at Thomas, who was already staring at her as she held herself. “Is this okay?” She asked, looking down at her white slip. She didn’t have anything else to sleep in and didn’t want to sleep in her heavy clothing. She knew how hot they got and how itchy they were when they slept in. But if it made Tommy uncomfortable, she would suffer threw the night.
“Ay, that’s okay, love,” Tommy nodded, keeping his long white sleeve and black pants on. No doubt to make her feel more comfortable around him. Mary gathered up her clothes, putting them on his dresser in the corner as Tommy laid down on the mattress, taking the side with the wall as he pulled back the covers for her, knowing she got cold quickly.  
She smiled as she hurried over to the bed and quickly got in. Tommy covered her as she turned on her side, looking at him as he lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling. “This brings back old memories,” Mary smiled as she yawned. Tommy looked at her as she lay beside him, her eyes fluttering closed. “Do you remember the last time we shared a bed?”
Tommy nodded. He remembered that night perfectly. It was the night before he left. Mary had wanted to spend one more night with him, fearing it would be the last one they would ever have. It was a special night for both of them. They both played cards, talked, laughed, and joked. His favorite part of the night was when Mary broke out the book she was reading, and he asked if she would read it to him. He lay beside her, holding onto every word she read as she tried to fight the sleep off, but the book fell from her hands as soon as her eyes closed. Tommy remembered how peaceful she looked beside him. How beautiful she looked, how she still looked beautiful but with more shaper features.
“Ay, love, I do,” Tommy nodded.
“I was so scared,” She chuckled. “That it would be our last night together. I’m glad it wasn’t,” Mary trailed off. Tommy looked at her as she breathed evened out, her hand resting on the pillow she was using below her cheek. Tommy turned on his side, careful not to wake her, as his fingers brushed the soft skin of her cheek.
“Me too, love,” Tommy whispered, looking over her delicate features. She smiled to herself as she nestled closer to him. He breathed in slowly as her head rested on his bent arm that supported his head. Reaching over, he slowly turned off the oil lamp. “Goodnight, Mary,”
As Mary woke. She found herself lying on Tommy's chest with one arm wrapped around his stomach. His warm breath fanned across her forehead as one arm wrapped around her body, laying on her hip and the other holding her bare thigh that lay across his waist. The light shined in threw the white curtains beside the bed.
Mary yawned. Tommy’s cheek lay on the top of her head, nodding, causing her to freeze as he pulled her closer. His chest rose with one final heave as he stretched out. Mary couldn’t tell if he was awake now or not, she didn’t want to risk it, but she knew she would need to get up soon for her shift at the Garrison.
The hand on her hip slowly grazed his fingertips up to her tangled hair as he began playing with it. The feeling was magical. The way his fingers tangled into her brown trindles and slowly massaged her scalpel had her closing her eyes and letting out a content sigh. Tommy's action froze as she looked up at him with a smile. At that moment, Thomas Shelby thought that no girl looked so beautiful compared to Mary Allen, who lay wrapped up in his arms. Her brown hair was a tangled mess falling over her shoulders past her breast, with the thin strap to her dress sliding down her arm. Last night was the first night in years he had been able to sleep through the night and not dream about the tunnels.
“Good morning,” She murmured as his hand fell from her head.
“Good morning, love,” Tommy greeted back as she sighed, looking towards the widow. The sun shining in made her blue eyes appear sparkling. Mary sat up as she untangled herself from Tommy’s warm embrace, pushing the covers from her legs. Goosebumps arose over her bare skin as the cold air nipped at her skin. “I’ll go see if Ada has any clothes that you could borrow,”
“You don’t have to,” Mary told him as she got up and went over to his mirror, using her fingers to brush through her hair. “I don’t want to trouble anyone,”
“Mary, you’ve been part of the family long enough to know that it’s no trouble at all,” Tommy told her as he got up from the bed. “I’ll be right back,”
Before she could object to him, he had already left the room. Mary sighed as she looked over her appearance in the mirror. The bruises on her neck were still prominent, but the ice Polly had given her yesterday had helped with the discoloration.
But she didn’t worry about the bruises that would heal with time. What she worried more about was her family. Her father. He would be tending to the business and, hopefully, promptly completing the orders. If not. The company would suffer, and he would have to close the shop. That was the last thing Mary wanted.
“What is troubling your mind, love?” Tommy observed her from where he stood by the door.
“My father,” Mary sighed, her hand falling from her neck. “I worry for him,”
Tommy placed the clothing on a chair beside the door before walking to her. Mary turned towards Tommy. He looked at her neck momentarily before looking her in the eyes. “He will be alright. Mary, Adam, and I will ensure that. Just worry for yourself and let us do the rest,”
Mary nodded with a smile. “Thank you,”
“For what, love?”
“For always being here for me,” She whispered. “I could always count on you,”
Tommy let one of his famous smiles appear on his lips as he tipped her head up with a finger. “You never need to thank me for that, love, now get dressed. I’ll walk you to the Garrison's,”
Tommy had gotten Mary a dark purple long-sleeve button-up with a decently high neckline to hide her bruises with a pair of black slacks he had gotten from Polly. Mary had tucked the shirt in the trousers and placed her heeled boots back on after putting her hair up, letting a few loose strands frame her face. When it took Mary time to get dressed, Tommy had already been read in a typical suit that she had made him awhile ago.
The day had started and gone fast. Mary and Grace worked side-by-side all afternoon, tending to the drunks that found their way into the Garrison's place. They talked and got to know each other more. But for some reason, she couldn’t help but think there was something off about Grace. It was terrible to assume things after not knowing the lady for long, but how she observed things and asked Mary certain questions about the Shelby’s, it was like she was trying to gain information about her family and the Shelby’s.
After her shift ended at the Garrison’s, Adam escorted her back to the house with one of her bags in his hand. It had all her belongings that he could fit into it. The rest he would gather for her over time. Adam told her that he and their father had talked about the events the night before and made him promise to get help. And that’s what will happen. Their father felt terrible for doing what he had done and vowed to seek help. Mary was relieved at the news that her father would finally now be getting help for his nightmares. It might not make him the same man he once was before the war, but it would help him become a better man after the war.
After eating dinner with the Shelby's, Mary excused herself from the table to take a bath she so desperately needed. Washing out the days of sweat from her brown hair and rinsing it with the oil-scented rose that her brother had bout her that day. She got out and combed her hair before slipping into her sleepwear. A pink silk dress that ended below her knees. She walked to Tommy’s (And her’s) room as she toweled dried her hair. He wasn’t there when she opened the door, so deciding to use this time wisely, she quickly put her bag on the chair beside the door and finished her hair. The long damp trendles of hair clung to her as she moved around the small room, trying to situate herself.
Knowing her brother had packed one of her books, she grabbed it from her bag and settled into the bed, picking up where she last left off. Ten pages into her next chapter, the door opened, revealing Tommy as he entered the room. He looked over, noticing Mary already in bed reading a book. Tommy paused at the scene in front of him. It felt like deja-vu as he took the in view. There were nights before the war when Mary would stay over, and he would walk into the very same sign he stepped into now. Her long hair was longer, and her age difference made him feel like a teenager again.
“Tommy? Is something the matter?” Mary questioned as she set her book aside.
Tommy blinked. “No, everything is alright,”
“Then what are you doing just standing over there? Come to bed,” Mary beckoned him over, patting the open spot beside her. The blankets were already pulled back and ready for him to join her. Tommy found himself wondering what it would be like every night. Her in his bed reading as she awaited his return from his work.
Tommy shredded his clothing, taking off his shirt and pants as Mary observed him from where she sat on the bed. Her eyes drank in the difference. Before the war, Tommy didn’t have any tattoos, but now he has one on his left peck of what reminded Mary of sun rays breaking threw the clouds on a stormy day and another on his right bicep of what looked to be a star with ‘Forrard’ writing in a banner across it.
As Thomas sat beside Mary on his bed, Mary etched closer, her soft, delicate fingertips brushing against the one on his shoulder. Tommy’s body went ridged under her touch, but she didn’t care as her finger traced the dark ink. He observed her as her eyes swept over the design that branded his skin; he saw the curiosity dancing in her blue irises.
“‘Forrard,’?” Mary looked up at him.
“It’s a version of forward,” Tommy explained.
“And the other?” Mary asked, looking at his chest. “What does that one mean?”
Tommy shrugged. “It is based on another tattoo, but I didn’t have them follow the design because I do not want the religious symbol on my body,”
Mary nodded, understanding that it was supposed to have Jesus on it. That’s why it looked familiar to her. It was just incomplete in some sense. “You got them over there?”
Mary caught Tommy’s gaze as she smiled. “You wear them well,”
This made Tommy smile. A smile that had Mary’s heart pounding fast in her chest. Suddenly she felt nervous, like a schoolgirl crushing on her crush again. Mary grinned, her cheeks heating up as she removed her hand from Tommy’s shoulder. She didn’t expect him to hold her hand in his. His rough, calloused pad brushed over her knuckles.
“There were many nights that I had dreamt of you. Your smile, blue eyes, the way you laughed. It helped me get through it. You helped me get through it. The thought of coming home to see you again was a drive alone,” Tommy confessed. Even after the war ended, he dreamt of her, but they would fade back into the trenches and tunnels that he had escaped from physically but not mentally. Last night was one of the first times in ages that he had slept a whole night and not heard the scratching from other tunnelers that plagued his dreams.
“I never gave up hope that you or our families would return,” Mary whispered as she touched his cheek. Tommy leaned into her warmth and sighed. “Even if I had to go over there and drag you lot back by your ears, I would have,”
They both laughed, imagining Mary's small stature covered in mud dragging each Allen and Shelby boy back by their ear. She might have seemed delicate, fragile even. But when provoked, the woman could scare any man with a head on his shoulders.
“What were you reading?” Tommy picks up the dark green book.
“It’s called ‘A Book of Myths,’ there’s a bunch of timeless stories. From Ancient Greece, like Icarus, Orpheus, and Euridice. Their’s Adventure stories, Nordic myth that tells the tale of the Northern Gods,” Mary went on her face alight with passion and wonder.
“Read me some?” He asked as he crawled into his spot.
“I doubt it would appeal to your interest Tommy,” Mary said grabbing the green book.
“What ever it is that has you captivated like that, I want to hear too, love. So please read me some like you used to,”
Mary smiled nodding her head as she reopened her book and began reading off the next twenty pages before she and Tommy fell asleep.
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Are you mine? | Tommy shelbyxOC | Soulmate AU | Part One |
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Summary: Your soulmates initials appear on your skin, on you're eighteenth birthday. Finding them is the hard part or so Tommy Shelby thought? Warnings: 18+ in some places. Language. A/N: This is my first step into Peaky Blinders/Tommy Shelby writing, I'm usually a Niall Horan/OT4 writer so this blog is fairly empty but I have a lot of ideas so please leave me feedback! I plan to update weekly (uni work allowing). The war has happend even though dates don't add up, don't come for me!
•Are you mine?•
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•Part One•
The marking on her arm appeared the moment she turned eighteen, the clock striking midnight on the day marking her eighteenth year, bringing in a world of unanswered questions, her mother had simply explained that they would be the initials of her soulmate, she examined them, the way they had appeared without any pain but sometimes just occasionally when she was least expecting it a twang of pain would spike through them jolting her awake or distract her from her daily tasks leaving as quickly as they had come. Her soulmate was a 'TS', the engraved letters were messy but intriguing, she often found herself tracing the lines of them with her fingertip, she had asked around questioned everyone she knew if they had any idea of who 'TS' was, who was she destined to find? or in her pessimistic view never meet, she knew any man that didn't bare the same inititals would never be right for her. (1916) Tommy remembers the moment the initials grazed through his skin, Arthur was carrying him out of The Garrison after having a skinful for his eighteenth, he'd sat Tommy down at the kitchen table in the Shelby family home, Polly watched him, lighting a cigarette "That's your soulmate right there on your wrist, Thomas" she pointed at the mark, the raw skin, the feeling of promise. Arthur had found his soulmate a year after his eighteenth birthday and she was hopeful for Tommy optimistic about the girl he would love. He's spent so many moments feeling the raised skin, Arthur had explained he wouldn't feel anything from them until his soulmate reached eighteen, he wasn't a patient man, so he filled his nights with girls who couldn't ever have his heart and his days with the family buisness, he knew he wouldn't feel a thing for anyone until the bearer of the inititals 'LR' gained her marks and then he was determined to find her. (1919) Tommy hadn't felt anything from the marks on his arm until 19th June 1919, he'd shot up in his bed, sweat on his forehead and an agonising pain ripping through his wrist, he wondered if she was feeling this pain too wondered if they really were in tune with each others lives without even knowing. The marks settled down as fast as they had rose him from his sleep, he took a deep breath heart racing she was out there finally waiting for him. Ada had bundled through the door two days later, bearing her wrist she had turned eighteen and her inititals had come in, he pressed down on his own, hoping somewhere she could feel him, the whole kitchen was laughing at Ada's inititals 'FT' "Bloody Freddie Thorne" Arthur bellowed, Tommy's head snapped up at the mention of his best friends name "Right under your nose, eh?" he questioned as Ada blushed, grabbing some of the fresh bread from where it was resting on the side and dashing from the house. Tommy cleared his throat "She's out there, I felt it" he stated, Polly turned from pouring herself a tea, everyone had left the kitchen for the betting shop "You did?" she quirked an eyebrow "Two nights ago, it woke me up" he shrugged lighting a cigarette and leaning back in his chair. Polly took a seat opposite him "How do you even find them Pol?" he was curious "It's fate Thomas, when you least expect it she'll be there" Polly stated taking a drag on her cigarette, he let out a sigh getting up from his chair to start the day.
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Field of Poppies Part 27
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 27: Someone from Amelia's past returns and causes a stir. Tommy begins to make himself known to people even in London
TW: Discussion of past rape/assault
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It was a startling cold fall. Amelia felt the chill in her bones and she couldn’t entirely blame it on the weather. Tommy had successfully distanced himself from her and she was feeling the effects deep in her heart. The man she had married was gone. It was something that she forced herself to reckon with.
There was another thing she had to reckon with come October when a chill was starting to form in the air.
Luckily, it was Martha who intercepted him before he came into the betting shop. What was even luckier was Arthur and Tommy were gone on business in London.
She came over to find Amelia helping out with the books for the day. “Mel, there’s a man at the window asking for you.”
“Who is it?” She hardly looked up from the ledger, too consumed with work. It had become one of two outlets she had. Working in the shop and tending to the children.
The pregnant woman shrugged. “Said he knew you. Said he came from London.”
That caused to Amelia lift her head. There were few people she knew from London who knew she was in Birmingham. “Was he older?” She feared maybe her mother had disclosed her location to her father.
“No, ‘bout your age I’d guess.”
That made Amelia even sicker to her stomach. “Thanks, Marty, I’ll handle it.” She stood up and went to the window.
Martha, sensing her sister-in-law’s uneasiness, followed close behind just in case.
Steven was the son of a wealthy banker and a socialite. He’d known nothing but luxury and excess. Rarely did people deny him.
As much as Amelia hated to admit it, Max did resemble him in a way. They had the same hazelnut-colored eyes and light brown hair. But she had blocked out most of that. She could separate her son from the monster who took advantage of her.
“Leave.” She snarled.
“Amelia, please if you just let me…”
“Let you what? Huh? You don’t deserve a second to explain anything.” She gripped the doorjamb, trying to maintain her composure.
“I’ve just come back from France. I did a lot of thinking over there. Your mother sent me a letter about seeing you. About what she found out.”
“She should’ve kept her mouth shut.” Amelia interrupted. “She had no right to tell you anything.”
“No right? How dare you not tell me about the pregnancy? I have an eight-year-old-”
Martha caught Amelia before she could lunge at the man.
“You have nothing!” She shouted. “You have no right to claim him as your own. Neither do my parents. You keep him out of your thoughts because you’ll never have anything to do with him. I’ll die before I let you near him.”
Undeterred by Amelia’s ferocious state, Steven continued. “I have every right as his father. You’ll have trouble if you keep him from me, Amelia!”
“You’re not his fucking father!”
“John!” Martha shouted back into the shop for her husband. She was having a difficult time reining Amelia in.
“He’ll know nothing of you. And you’ll never know him. You won’t even know his name. You go back to London and you never come back here again, do you hear me?”
John rushed over and separated everyone. He put himself between the two women and Steven. “Who’re you shouting at, mate?” He demanded.
“This isn’t any of your business.” Steven didn’t balk at the fresh-faced man stepping in.
“It is my fucking business. This is the Shelby shop and those women are Shelbys.”
“Typical. She returns to the slums and ends up with the likes of you.” He scoffed.
John’s eyes narrowed. It wouldn’t be wise to cut the man in front of other customers in broad daylight, even if he wanted to. “You stay here much longer and you’ll be sorry.”
“You must be one of the boys she ran the streets with. Did she whore herself out to you too or just the other one?”
Amelia tried to get back at him but couldn’t get past John.
“This family owns these streets. Soon enough we’ll be owning streets in London.” John threatened. “So, move along before you make things worse for yourself.”
“Do you know who the fuck I am?” Steven snapped.
“Your name don’t matter here. The only name that matters here is Shelby. And don’t fucking forget it.” He hissed. “Scudboat, get this bastard out of here.”
Amelia was shaking but Martha managed to get her to sit down. “I should’ve known. My mother has no problem going behind my back. That selfish, selfish, selfish woman.” She choked back a sob. The entire encounter had opened up old wounds.
“Deep breaths.” Martha coaxed.
“How dare he-he try to call himself a father. How dare he?” She ranted. “After everything, he did to me? He destroyed everything.”
“John’ll take care of it. He’ll call Tom and Arthur.” Martha assured her. “They’ll make sure he never comes back.”
Hot tears rolled down Amelia’s cheeks. “What if he takes Max from me?” She sobbed.
“That won’t happen.”
“His family is powerful, they have money. What if they go to the courts?”
John was leaning against the wall just in case Steven returned. “We’ve got money too, Mel.” He said gently although he was still angry too. Amelia was a sister to him and there was no way he was going to let a man speak to his sister in such a way. “He won’t be back if he knows what’s good for him.”
“John, why don’t you go try and call Tom?” Martha suggested.
He glanced out the window one more time before going into Arthur’s office to make the call.
“Will you check on Ada and the children?” Amelia asked her sister-in-law.
“Of course, you’ll be alright?”
Martha gave her a squeeze before going next door.
Amelia stood and made her way to Arthur’s office. She stood by the door so John couldn’t see her but she could hear him.
“Arthur, is Tom there?” John asked when his brother answered. There was a pause. “Tom, it’s John. Some bastard just came ‘round looking for Mel. Guess he’s Max’s well-yeah. Yeah, biological.” Another pause. “Scudboat took care of him. Well, guess he’s going back to London. That’s where Mel said he’s from. His car? Looked like an Austin. A sixty, maybe a fifty. Well, how should I know, Tom? He shouting at Mel and Martha, I didn’t ask for his fucking address.” John sighed. “Yeah, yeah, I got it. I’ll see if they can catch up to him.” He hung up the phone and Amelia quickly moved away from the door.
John walked past her and called for Scudboat and a couple of other men. She watched as he handed the keys to the family car over and they left.
Amelia didn’t hear from Tommy that night even though he planned on calling. The phone stayed silent on the hook. Martha came over to the flat to keep her company.
“Oof, I tell ya, this one is not easy.” The young woman held a hand to her lower back. “Abby and Wilbur were so easy. Thought it would be just as easy this time around.” She rubbed a hand over her stomach.
“Ask Polly for some remedy. She always knows what to do.” Amelia suggested. She was sitting on Annie’s bed across from her sister-in-law. The two were each braiding their daughter’s hair. Max was on the floor laying on his stomach as he toyed around with wooden soldiers with Wilbur.
Martha nodded. “Oh, Abby, your hair is so long.” She sighed. “I can’t believe how old you are sometimes.” She cooed and kissed her beloved daughter’s cheek.
“I’m big too, mummy, right?” Annie chirped.
“Very big.” Amelia smiled. “In a couple of years, you’ll be going to school like your brother and cousins.”
“School’s boring,” Max muttered from his spot on the carpet.
“Well, you need an education,” Amelia replied. “Someday you’ll thank us for that opportunity.”
“Finn says we don’t need school.” Wilbur piped up.
Martha and Amelia shared a guilty look. It had been such a misfortune that Finn couldn’t go to school when the boys were away at war. He had missed so much and now he felt he was old enough to decide if he went or not. Unfortunately, Tommy and the others agreed. They wanted to mold him into the next Blinder. The poor boy couldn’t even read.
“Sometimes it’s difficult to see that what we do now, although it’s hard or may not be fun, it will mean a lot to us in the future. You’ll be thankful for it, I promise.”
Tommy returned home the next night, a day later than he originally promised. Amelia was finished tucking in the children when he came upstairs. They exchanged a kiss and Tommy put his bag on the bed.
“Are they asleep?” He asked.
“No, they’ll still be awake.” She answered.
He pecked her cheek again before going to say goodnight to Annie and Max.
While he did, Amelia began to unpack his bag and sort through the dirty and clean clothes. Inside, she found one of his white button-downs. Dried blood was splattered across the collar and sleeves.
She held the shirt in her hand for longer than she realized, just staring at the maroon-colored stains. There was no question in her mind whose blood it was.
The floor creaked behind her as Tommy returned. He saw her holding the shirt.
“Did you kill him?” She asked quietly.
“No.” He answered truthfully. “Just cut him. He won’t be around again.”
Amelia finally let go of the shirt. “What if he goes to the police?”
Tommy closed the bedroom door behind him before going to sit on the bed. “He won’t if he knows what’s good for him. He knows we won’t be in there for long. And when we come out…”
“You promised not to get nicked again.”
“What was I supposed to do?” He questioned. “He thinks he can come around her again demanding to see our son? We taught him a lesson. I’m not getting nicked for anything.”
“I don’t want you getting in trouble because of him. It’s not worth it.”
“Not worth it?” He stood up and took her hand. “You don’t think I would go to prison defending you?”
“You hardly even look at me anymore.” She whispered. “I know you’re struggling, Tom, and that’s okay. I promised I would never abandon you. But don’t abandon your family because of some crusade you think you need to take on.”
“I won’t fucking let him near my family.”
“Then focus on your family.” Amelia challenged. “Stop pushing me away!”
“This again.” Tommy rubbed a hand over his face. “Every fucking conversation leads to this, Mel.”
“Because it’s been the same for weeks. I feel like you don’t even want to be around me anymore. You used to be my world, Tommy. I would wake up in the morning and you’d always be there. Every day you would be there. You were attentive and caring and so passionate. Now I-I don’t even know if you want me anymore.”
“I can’t apologize for changing,” Tommy muttered, letting go of her hand. “I can’t apologize for being forced into war and being broken down. I’m doing me best, Amelia. I don’t know what more you can ask from me. You want the old Tommy; well, I can’t bring him back for you even if I wanted. I still love you just as much as the day you came back to Small Heath. I don’t know what else to say.”
“Neither do I.”
Tommy took a deep breath and walked back over to her. There she was, still the same quiet young woman who arrived in Small Heath broken and afraid. He felt that maybe once he got his hands on the man who broke her, he would be satisfied. Maybe she would be too. If she knew that he had forced the man to his knees, forced him to beg for his life, force him to apologize for everything he’d done.
But Tommy knew all that and he still didn’t feel at ease. Just like he didn’t feel at ease when he returned home. They could be brought away from the trauma and danger, but it still clung on without mercy.
“Do you know what cycle I go through every night?” Amelia asked quietly.
“Tell me.” He begged. There was nothing more he wanted to do but heal her pain. Just like she tried to heal his. It may have been futile efforts, all of them, but he would never stop trying. Even if he felt empty inside.
“I have nightmares every night. Nightmares that you��re leaving again. That you’ve been killed in war. That you’ve-you’ve left me for someone else.” She choked back a sob. “And every week or so I have the same nightmare I’ve had longer than any other. It just replays the night that he-that he raped me.” In almost ten years since the assault, Amelia had never said the word out loud. She could never get herself to. There was so much anguish and guilt. Her parents said it had been her own fault. Steven had claimed she wanted it too. To try and put herself at ease, she never said what he truly did to her. Until that night.
Tommy pulled her into his arms. It was true that he felt so far away from her. So far away from his children, his siblings, his aunt, his nieces and nephews. Everyone. He felt so far away from Small Heath. But that didn’t mean he was withdrawing from his duty as a father, brother, husband, nephew, all of it. He’d be there physically, if not mentally. That’s all he could do.
And he vowed to himself as he held his wife flush to his chest, if he ever saw Steven again, he would murder the man.
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PB Masterpost
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Are you mine? | Tommy Shelby x OC | Soulmate AU | Part Seven |
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Summary: Your soulmates initials appear on your skin, on you’re eighteenth birthday. Finding them is the hard part or so Tommy Shelby thought? Warnings: This part contains A LOT of smut at the end.Language. A/N: Let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
•Are you mine?•
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six Masterlist
•Part Seven•
The low light of the bedroom was casting shadows over Tommy, he was sat on the edge of the bed, buttoning up his shirt as he got ready for dinner, Laura was at the vanity her hair was tumbling down her back in well orcastrated curls, she turned to him her pouting lips a dark shade of red. "Can you help with the necklace?" she asked so innocently. Tommy nodded smoothing out the legs of his trousers as he got up and strode over. "You look stunning" he commented, eyes traveling over the red dress she had picked out from the assortment he had requested. There was a gold chained bag on the dresser waiting for her to pick up and her feet were in a pair of gold heels. "Thank you" she blushed as he done up the clasp on the necklace, she turned in the chair he extended his hand helping her stand.
Pulling her into his chest hands falling to the curve of her back "We could stay home" he mused. Laura laughed lightly "you invited your family out to dinner, so behave" she lent forward as he captured her lips with his. Her fingers running along the close shaved hair at the base of his neck. "I'll try but I can't promise" he smirked as they pulled apart, she rolled her eyes grabbing for her bag as he pulled on a suit jacket.
They had yet to finally sleep together, to fully give themselves to one another but they could both feel it bubbling inside them, late nights with wandering hands and heated kisses, exchanging of looks as they passed in the halls of the house. The way Tommy would pull her into his lap when he was in the Shelby headquarters working late into the night, her lips finding the warm skin of his neck, taking in the now familiar smell of him, the feel of him hard under his trousers and underwear pressing against her heat that ignited something in her stomach.
Dinner was taking place without any trouble apart from Linda scolding Arthur for the amount of drink he had consumed. This was the first time Laura had been around the whole family at once, a little nervous at first but the butterflies disapated when Tommy's hand curled on her thigh before the starters came and Polly turned to talk to her like an old friend. Ada was nursing Karl across the table as he was teething and whiney, Freddie was on his best behaviour as prewarned by Ada to not rile Tommy up this evening, he had took Karl from her so she could have some dinner.
Michael had wandered in half way through main courses with his wife Gina by his side, Laura wasn't too sure how to be around her she was American extremeley hot headed and not Tommy's biggest fan. Tommy had muttered under his breath as they took their seats, Laura leaned over to kiss him just on the corner of his lips. "It's going to be fine" she smiled hand on his thigh to ground him, he nodded blue eyes locked with hers to keep his mind from racing.
Tommy had told her about how Michael was one of the closest members of the business last year but he had betrayed Tommy in several ways and then lost the company a lot of money. After everything that had happened he'd arrived back in Small Heath with a wife, baby on the way with plans to try and over throw Tommy's place at the head of the company. Laura knew that it wouldn't be possible Tommy had a lot of people on his side and the unwavering support of three brothers, that wouldn't allow their cousin anywhere near Tommy's throne.
Tommy had suggest they had a night cap before going up to bed, once they had got back from dinner. Laura could tell he was still wound up by Michael deciding to attend the dinner no one had invited him too, the whole car ride home Tommy had been angry, his hand tightly clasped with hers as he drove them back from the city.
Now they were in the lounge with the fire on to take off the chill of the late night, Tommy was sat at the small table, Laura sat on the table top, his head pressed into her stomach as she massaged out the tight knots of his body. Laura bit at her lip, thinking over her next move "Tommy?" she asked quietly. The room was peaceful and she felt wrong to break the silence that sat comfortably between them "m' yes love" he hummed turning his face to look up at her. "will you take me to bed" she was coyly smiling at him, her eyes darkened with lust. Tommy stood up pushing the chair with such force it fell backwards, then his lips were pressed on hers, moulding perfectly together, her hands instantly clawed at his biceps catching at the sleeve garter half way down, she was whimpering into the kiss. His hands pushing her dress up her thighs, then he pulled away panting, eyes wild at the sight of her chest heaving, eyes fluttering open and closed. "Do you want this" he asked tugging at the bands round his biceps knowing they would hinder any hastey shirt removal.
Laura nodded slowly "Never wanted anything so much, never wanted someone so much before" she confirmed kicking her shoes to the floor . Tommy nodded, lips instantly back on hers, hands fumbling with the suspender clips holding up her stockings, he pulled away from her lips as he moved to roll the stockings down her legs, eyes on hers as he done so. Tommy helped her out of her dress, leaving her in a black slip, the stir in his own underwear was evident, she reached forward for his braces, pulling them from his shoulders,her fingers making quick work of the buttons and his under shirt, his chest was broad and smooth apart from the array of scars. She ran her fingertips over them as he looked down at her, she was slowly undoing his belt, the zip and button of his trousers,he stepped out of the garments removing her slip and bra from her body. He'd lifted her from the table, his arms holding her against his body, both of them bare, hearts beating at the same pace, her lips were leaving hot burts across the skin of his neck, as he carried her to the sofa in front of the fire. He was positioned above her, blue eyes mixing with her brown ones "Ok?" he asked cupping her chin in his hand she nodded. Tommy dropped a kiss to her lips before starting his descent down her body, across the warm skin of her chest, lips pulling lightly at her exposed nipples, down the dip of her stomach past her belly button to the place she needed him the most, she was whining under his touch, body moving to find some kind of pressure from him.
Tommy stopped for a moment dropping the lightest of kisses to the inside of her thighs, he dragged his finger to the moist folds of her cunt, she let out a shaking breath as he repeated his actions. Then his hand was spreading her, his tongue straight onto her clit with the delicious pressure she had been craving before he pushed a finger into her soaked core, she dropped her head back onto the arm of the sofa, her hand finding his hair tangling her fingers into it as he licked, kissed and pumped her to her first orgasm. Tommy wasn't letting up as her legs tried to close round his head and he could feel her walls contracting around his fingers. "Let go" he sighed against her and that's all it took for her to come undone, her legs shaking, body writhing on the sofa as she moaned out his name over and over. Tommy crawled his way back up her body, she was watching him, he lent over her kissing her, his tongue pushing into her mouth so she could taste herself on him.
Laura reached between their bodies to curl her hand around his hard, leaking cock, swiping her thumb over the tip to collect the precum she slid her hand down to the base, with a gentle squeeze he let out a groan. He pulled her hand away knowing if she done anything more he would be spent before they started after two weeks of teasing contact. "let me have you" he whispered close to the shell of her ear, dropping a kiss to the thin skin, she nodded eagerly. Laura's legs fell open, as he settled betwen them, hands running up the smooth skin as he positioned them wrapping them around his waist, he pushed into her, slow and certain the stretch of her warmth around him was heavenly, he linked their fingers pinning her arm above her head.
Tommy's lips found her neck, as he started to move inside her, her nails digging into his back, feeling the flex of his muscles as he took her. Finally he started moving, holding her at angle to allow him to delve into her and cause her to moan in approval, he wasn't worried about the maids hearing them, they had seen and heard worse. He let go of her hand, his thumb pressing on her already swollen clit "Fuck.." she whined as he bent over to lock his lips with hers, pounding into her. Tommy knew he'd found the right spot when she threw her head back leaving her neck exposed to his lips as he nipped and sucked marks onto her for everyone to see the next day.
Her nails were running marks down his back, the feeling of his skin hot under her touch "So fucking tight" he muttered pulling almost the whole way out. "are you mine?" he asked she looked at him eyes wild and sincere "forever" she whimpered as the tip of his cock hit her g-spot when he thrust back in to her, sending pleasure through her body. "Fuck, marry me" he sighed. Laura cupped his chin, pulled his face to hers "You're not asking this balls deep in me Shelby" she let out a strained laugh. He pecked at her lips lifting her to press against him her legs still wrapped round his waist as he thrust up into her, holding her by the curve of her bum . "I'll ask you when we're done" he stated with another hard thrust.
Causing her grip around the back of his neck to tighten as she rode out her second orgasm, the clench of her walls warm and tight around him gave him no hope of holding out, he emptied into her with a statisfied groan. Falling back onto the sofa with her still on top of him, still connected by their most intitmate parts. "is it wrong to say I love you already?" she mused pressing a kiss to his chest "I asked you to marry me" he chuckled lightly, a laugh only reserved for their most private moments. "and I will" she confirmed "we'll get you a ring, their will be a massive party" he dropped a kiss to her temple, tugging the blanket from the back of the sofa as she settled into his side content.
*** Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!)
@queenshelby @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni
If I've missed anyone who asked to be added please message me!
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Are you mine? | Tommy shelby X OC | Soulmate AU | Part Two |
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Summary: Your soulmates initials appear on your skin, on you're eighteenth birthday. Finding them is the hard part or so Tommy Shelby thought? Warnings: 18+ in some places. Language. A/N: The war has happend even though dates don't add up, don't come for me!
•Are you mine?•
Part one here Masterlist
•Part 2/?•
(July 1921)
Laura stepped from the train, her bag heavy, she was exhausted, she still needed to find the pub that had been advertising for a barmaid with a room in the upstairs apartment, Small Heath wasn't her first choice but something had been pulling her to go, to take the job and start a new chapter, away from her suffocating family away from her father trying to marry her off, when her soulmate was worn on her arm like a constant reminder.
She finally stopped outside The Garrison, the miserable day not making it look appealing, with a deep breath she pushed her way in, the noise inside stopped, all eyes on her as she walked towards the bar.
Tommy frowned as the loud noise of the pub stopped outside of the snug, the room saved for the Shelby family "What's got to them?" he sighed grabbing the bottle of whiskey as John pushed through the door "New lass just turned up" he gestured towards the bar "looks all kinds of posh" he added snatching the whiskey from Tommy who was curious, he stood up opening the hatch that gave them direct access to the bar, his blue eyes fell on her, she had rose pinched cheeks, brunette hair with hints of gold, carrying a suitcase and elegantly leaning on the bar talking to Harry.
His eyes were stuck on her, as she walked behind Harry back down to the bar, without her coat and bags "Laura this is Mr. Shelby, his brother owns this pub, I'm just a measley servant" he joked, Tommy didn't crack a smile he was memerized by this woman in front of him "Nice to meet you" she held out her hand, Tommy took it slowly but the electricity that shot through both their fingers was unmistakable. She pulled away a blush on her cheeks, Tommy smirked "are you one of Harry's whores?" he questioned, she looked shocked, her mouth falling open at his blantant remark "No, I'm a barmaid as advertised in the papers" she replied before turning on her heel to serve a customer.
Laura made her way into the snug, Harry had asked her to go in and clean up some bottles and glasses, she wasn't expecting to see anyone in there "Oh, sorry Mr. Shelby" she collected the glasses from the table "Tommy, please" he looked at her with a small smile on his lips "Tommy...Shelby?" she asked feeling her heart speed up, catching her breath "Yes, that's right" he pulled the pack of Sweet Aftons from the inside of his blazer pocket, pulling out a cigarette, wetting his lips and running the end across them. She nodded quickly, reaching for the last glass on the table, before she headed for the door.
Tommy felt the marks on his wrist pulse, speeding up with his realisation "Wait, what's your name?" He called after her, he'd caught the glimpse of markings on her wrist, he could swear his were pratically glowing with the heat radiating off them "Laura, Laura Rose" she swalllowed still facing the door her back to him.
She heard the chair scrape back across the concrete floor "Do..do you have them?" he asked not wanting to scare her away, he stood by the table his heart pounding, she nodded slowly, fingers absently running over the marks on her right wrist, he let out a sigh at the soft flutters against his own markings "TS" he whispered, she turned slowly lip between her teeth "Tommy Shelby"
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Are you mine? | Tommy shelby X OC | Soulmate AU | Part Three |
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Summary: Your soulmates initials appear on your skin, on you're eighteenth birthday. Finding them is the hard part or so Tommy Shelby thought? Warnings: 18+ in some places. Language. A/N: The war has happend even though dates don't add up, don't come for me!
•Are you mine?•
Part One, Two Masterlist
Part 3
Tommy couldn't believe it stood in front of him was his soulmate, with full pink lips, melting brown eyes and the kindest voice he'd heard this side of the trenches "You came here for me?" He asked sheepishly "I didn't..I didn't know that" she let out a long breath the feeling of bewilderment, the pull of Small Heath finally made sense, the two hour train journey with her mothers voice ringing in her ear, telling her she was a silly girl running after an unknown soul. Tommy took a tentitive step towards her, dropping the cigarette in the ash tray "but you still came" he was afraid to do anything but whisper "and you called me a whore" she pointed out, with a cheeky roll of her eyes "I asked" he made a point of correcting her "I suppose" she smiled, he was now in front of her taking the drinks tray from her hands "aren't we all whores?" he asked seriously, she nodded knowing what he meant without him even explaining, he placed the tray into the hatch closing it up "What do you do?" she asked gesturing to the private room. "He's the King of fucking Small Heath" a mans voice came from behind her, where the door had been opened "Arthur, out" Tommy glared at the man "Jesus christ Tom, just want t' drink" Arthur moved past them both flopping down in the chair "Who's this then?" he picked up Tommy's discarded cig and pointed at her with it "Laura, Laura Rose" Tommy sighed out, Arthurs eyes widened at the realisation, getting up from his seat just as fast as he had took it "Could'a bloody said" he muttered, offering up a smile to the girl stood in front of Tommy before he left them alone.
Tommy scrubbed his hand over his face, letting out a deep breath "Bunch of fucking animals I swear" his eyes searched her face for any doubt "Family?" she asked "Older brother, there's a lot of them let me warn you" he let out the smallest of chuckles, she bit at her lip drinking him in, his sharp jawline, his blue eyes almost of the verge of ice but so welcoming at the same time. The knock on the door took them both by surprise "Sorry Mr.Shelby I really need her help out here" Harry asked cautiously.
Tommy gave him an abrupt nod and he backed out of the doorway, Laura frowned slightly "Why does everyone act so careful around you?" Tommy pushed a strand of her hair out off her face behind her ear "There's alot to know about me" he stated, walking back to his seat at the table "I'll wait until close, then we can talk" he pulled some papers from a leather folder on the table "Can I get you anything while you wait?" she asked brushing down the hem of her dress "You're not to wait on me, send Harry through he can serve me, you'll be out of here by the end of tomorrow" Tommy caught her gaze sending her a soft smile "I need the money" she bit at her lip "You came for me, I owe you everything" he rested back in the chair, feeling a sense of unusual calm.
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Are you mine? | Tommy shelby X OC | Soulmate AU | Part Five |
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Summary: Your soulmates initials appear on your skin, on you’re eighteenth birthday. Finding them is the hard part or so Tommy Shelby thought? Warnings: 18+ in some places. Language. A/N: The war has happend even though dates don’t add up, don’t come for me!
•Are you mine?•
Part One, Two, Three, Four Masterlist
•Part Five•
Tommy wasn't even sure if he'd woke up and noticed the sun recently, but as soon as he opened his eyes he was welcomed by the light streaming through the curtains in his room, he reached out for his cigarettes, the movement beside him caused him to stop, not quite awake to remember yesterday and wondering what he'd done "morning" her voice sweet as honey cut through the morning air in the room, he dropped the packet of cigarettes back onto the side table, shuffling back under the sheets "morning, darling" he lifted heis arm so she could curl right into his side as if she had been there his whole life.
Tommy had took one look at the small room Harry had offered her and refused to let her stay there, grabbing her case and arm, he'd led her straight back onto the streets of Small Heath grumbling about Harry and his appalling manners. He'd took her back to Arrow House, straight up the stairs to bed, he'd slept for the first time since France peacefully and all night, her body pressed with his, her warm breath fanning against his skin.
This was the first time since France that he'd spent the night with a women and not fucked her, sending her away with a bundle of money for her troubles, not meeting her eye, bending her over his desk or dresser, a fast interaction to wash the days stress from him before falling into bed alone for a sleepless night.
Laura moved her head on his chest so she could look at him, her brown eyes soft and caring "What is the business you run" she asked, she had caught sight of the gun kept on the side table by him, remembered the words of his elder brother calling him the king of Small Heath, the scars on his body and the gun he has holstered to him whenever he was dressed. Tommy shifted beside her, clearing his throat he sat up, grabbing for his cigarettes again this time lighting one, she shuffled beside him sitting up against the headboard "I uh, we run a betting shop along with other areas of business at the races, I have a lot of enemies" he took a long drag, closing his eyes as the nicotine filled his body.
She plucked the cigarette from between his fingers taking her own drag "you'll be a target if you stay with me, but I have men lots of men that will protect you" he finally looked at her, she was biting on her lip "a target to kill?" She whispered handing him back the cigarette, he placed it in the ash tray, he pulled her gently so she was on his lap, forehead against hers "yes, a target to kill but that won't ever happen, I wouldn't let it happen" her hands were gripping his shoulders, worrying her lip between her teeth "Tom-I know I can't be without you but how? How am I going to live a normal life knowing one of us could be killed?" His hands were running up and down her side over the satin material of her night dress.
Tommy lifted her chin with his index finger "I don't have a normal life, I have a life full of enemies and danger but I will do anything to keep you safe" He turned his wrist so she could see her initials on his skin, she ran her fingers over the marks, up his arm to the scars on his chest she bowed her head, pressing her lips to the raised markings, the signs of war and hatred. Her lips found his neck, tugging at the warm skin soothing with her tongue "fuck" he sighed eyes fluttering closed "I just want to take care of you" she murmured against his skin "make sure you know that I'd do anything for you" she added "I never ever felt this way so fast" he felt his heart race at how honest he was being "we were destined to be Tommy Shelby" her lips pressed on his hard and fast, hands grabbing each other.
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Are you mine? | Tommy shelby X OC | Soulmate AU | Part Four |
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Summary: Your soulmates initials appear on your skin, on you're eighteenth birthday. Finding them is the hard part or so Tommy Shelby thought? Warnings: 18+ in some places. Language. A/N: The war has happend even though dates don't add up, don't come for me!
•Are you mine?•
Part One, Two, Three Masterlist
Part 4
Harry had left them to lock up, Tommy promising him that nothing would happen to the pub, Laura had busied herself with cleaning down the table tops while Tommy spoke business with one man left in the corner, then he was ushered out the door locked, Tommy strode over to her, catching the dirty cloth in his hands he dropped it into the bucket, before taking her small hands in his, the electircity once again leaving them both breathless. He pulled her to the table in the middle of the room, he'd shrugged his blazer off earlier in the evening when he'd come out of the private room, joining some of the Shelby family in the main room. Laura hadn't kept her eyes off him, the fit of his dark grey dress trousers, the crisp white shirt tucked in the waist, the braces strapped over his broad shoulders, the gun strapped to his side, the harsh hair cut bringing out his deep and carefully carved bone structure she felt that for finally in her life she'd been blessed. She was watching him just as intently now, perched on the table, Tommy on the chair hands either side of her thighs, fingers catching the warm skin of her palm as he eyed her commiting the sight of this woman to his scarred memory.
They hadn't said a word since they'd been alone, their body language speaking for them, he stood up striding to the bar "Whiskey?" he asked holding up the bottle, while grabbing two glasses "Sure, do you have a cigarette?" she asked sweetly, he was making his way back over "In me jacket" he gestured with the neck of the bottle, to the blazer hanging on the coat rack, she stood up from her seat, as she moved his jacket to reach inside, the intoxicating scent of him on the wool, the mix of cigarettes, smoke and some sort of aftershave, she could feel his burning gaze on her back, pulling herself together she turned with a smile to him.
Tommy pushed the glass of whiskey towards her, watching as she lit up a cigarette before passing it to him he thanked her catching her hand before she could pull away he kissed her knuckles "Tell me where did you come from?" he was curious wanting to know everything about her "Coventry, I got your initials a year ago and I have never felt the urge to leave that much before, it hurt so much" she was tapping the ash from her cigarette into the ash tray, eyes on the swirls of smoke "I knew the moment you got them, it woke me up from a nightmare, it bought me back into the world" he admitted "I've been waiting three years for you" her free hand moved to cup his chin "I didn't have to wait as long for you, how did you do it" her thumb caressed his jawline "I had a lot on my mind, the family, the business but you never slipped from it" he turned kissed her palm softly.
The whiskey was discarded on the table they hadn't a clue what the time was, talking non stop about anything that spilled from their lips, her hand moved across the gap in between them, running her fingertips across Tommy's cheek "you look tired" she didn't know she could feel this intense about someone so quickly, but knowing she'd been destined for him spun her whole world upside down.
He gave her a lazy smile "I don't sleep well" he stated matter of factly "come up sleep in my bed" she suggested, his eyes met hers for the millionth time that evening "you don't want me sleeping next to you" he sighed out, she was up out of her chair slowly moving round to sit herself in his lap, arms around his neck, fingers sliding over the short coarse hair at the base "I came here to find you, to be yours I'll spend every night next to you" finally for the first time their lips met, soft unsure kisses pecked onto each other's lips, his hands on her hips pushing lightly through the material of her dress, the feeling she would remember every time they were apart.
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Are you mine? | Tommy shelby X OC | Soulmate AU | Part Six |
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Summary: Your soulmates initials appear on your skin, on you’re eighteenth birthday. Finding them is the hard part or so Tommy Shelby thought? Warnings: 18+ in some places. Language. A/N:- This is more of a filler chapter.
•Are you mine?•
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five Masterlist
•Part Five•
It had been two weeks since Tommy had moved Laura into Arrow house, Tommy had called Harry the day after they met to let him know he'd need to find a new barmaid. Laura wandered the halls of Tommy's house, he had left her so he could go to his home office and do some work, he had sorted out a bath for her, which she laid in leisurely for almost an hour before deciding to explore more. She made her way into the kitchen which was a hive of activity "Do you need anything Miss Rose?" one of the staff asked, she smiled politely "I'm fine thank you" the maid nodded before leaving her to it.
Tommy looked up as the door to his office opened, Francis was standing in the door way. "Mr.Shelby, Miss Rose was wondering if you were free to take lunch?" she stood waiting for his reply. Looking at his pocket watch "Send her in Francis" he let out a small sigh, Francis nodded, leaving the door ajar as she went to find the new girl in her bosses life.
Laura made her way into Tommy's office, she was dressed in a casual smock dress her hair pinned back "are you going to eat today?" she asked as he gestured to a chair for her to take. "I had a small breakfast" he replied, putting some papers in the drawer to his right. "I thought we could eat in the garden it's nice out" he looked at her, lighting a cigarette "I have work Laura" he sighed. She got up from the chair, walking to his side of the desk, her hand running over his shoulder she dropped a small kiss to his cheek "I came here for you, if you don't want that then let me know" she turned on her heel and headed for the office door. Taking one last look back as she spoke "I'll be in the garden Thomas"
Tommy shrugged his jacket off, turning the sleeves of his shirt up he made his way out to the kitchen "Francis, we'll have lunch in the garden" He rose a brow at Laura who was sat at the maids table, she looked up at him as he extended his hand she took it with a smile and squeeze, he led her to the garden of the property. "I meant what I said Tommy" she bit at her lip, he held the chair out for her to sit down. "I've got so used to being alone, It's going to take a while ok? but I don't want you to go" he took the seat opposite her "I don't want to just be wandering the halls of this big house, I need something to do" She watched him as he ran the edge of his cigarette across his lips, he nodded sliding the holder across to her "We will sort something, just settle in, it's been a lot" he blew smoke into the fresh air.
They spent lunch talking over their lives, like they couldn't find out enough about each other, so every waking secind was dedicated to it, Laura observed how Tommy hardly had any food but made his way through a dozen cigarettes, before he stood up leaning down to brush his lips across hers. "I have a meeting but family dinner tonight be ready for eight" he pulled a smile onto his lips, something Laura was realising was a rarity but saved for her. Her hand had curled round his forearm she nodded "what should I wear?" she questioned, worrying about her lack of money. "Francis had some dresses brought over, they'll be in the dressing room" he took her hand to help her up, leading her back to the house, he left her with a firm kiss on her lips and disappeared into his office.
**** Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!) @queenshelby @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni If i've missed anyone who asked to be added please message me!
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Roguish Women Part 48
Summary: Kate is an American who fled to Paris to escape her past life. Now she's dancing and  playing the part of a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. There she meets Tommy Shelby who thinks she can be useful in expanding his empire. But has he been blinded?
Part 48: Kate and Tommy’s wedding. During the reception, Alfie asks a serious question. 
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            “Tommy and I are getting married tomorrow. I still can’t believe it. Even saying it out loud is like a surprise.” Kate laughed softly to herself. She was in the stables, taking her time grooming Blue. It was spring and his winter coat was shedding off and Kate wanted to see his black coat gleaming in the warm sun again. She spoke softly with the gelding as she combed his made and brushed his coat.
            Although she was happy about finally getting to the altar after such a long time of waiting, nerves were starting to get the better of her. With her past and with Tommy’s, it was hard to tell what the future held. But what Kate wanted was to at least try to guarantee a good life for their children.
            Besides, she decided that maybe she was still clinging to the idea that she didn’t deserve love. Something that she knew Tommy struggled with too.
            “I’m sure everything will go alright. At least Tommy’s already gone through a wedding before.”
            “Oi, heard that.”
            Kate poked her head out of the stall and smiled. Her fiancée was walking down the stable aisle. “I’m just stating facts.” She replied with a smug look. "Out of the two of us, you're the one with wedding experience." 
            Tommy chuckled and pecked her lips. “You might want to duck out while you can, the boys are coming soon.” The day before the wedding, Arthur set up to go hunting in Warwickshire to celebrate with just the lads. “And they’ve already had a go at some champagne.”
            “Well, I’ll make myself scarce. I don’t want to ruin the fun.” She teased.
            “Oh please, they’d get a kick out of you coming along.” Tommy stroked Blue’s nose as he poked his head out of the stall to greet him. “Want me to take him?”
            “What do you think?” Kate cooed to the gelding. “Do you want to go along for the hunt?” She patted his strong neck. “I think he’d have fun. Lord knows I can’t entertain him much.” She rested a hand on her stomach. It was more than obvious that Kate was pregnant. At five months she had gone through a variety of getting dresses rehemmed or buying new clothes all together.
            “I’ll take good care of him,” Tommy promised and began to head to the tack room. But his fiancée stopped him.
            “Y’know, I was talking to Frances today,” She said. “Um, about the nursery.”
            The two had talked plenty about the pregnancy and subsequently the child or children, depending on if Polly was right. They had even discussed names. But the upstairs of Arrow House had become like a minefield.
            Grace’s room was locked and only Tommy had the key. The unfinished nursery that adjoined the room was still under debate. Kate felt as if it was her duty to make sure she wasn’t forcing him into anything. The estate had more than enough rooms to accommodate them if he wanted to close off that part of the hallway.
            Yet Tommy had pushed his feelings down. Deep down. As if he was trying to force everything to be okay.
            “The nursery is half done.” He replied. “All the furniture is new; we’d just need another cot if it’s twins like Pol says.”
            “If it’s twins then maybe we should use one of the bigger rooms?” She moved cautiously through the conversation. The last thing she wanted to do was put a damper on his day. But she still thought it was important.
            He met her eyes. “Kate, we talked about this.”
            “I know I just worry that you’re not addressing how you feel.” She touched his cheek. “The more honest you are with yourself; the easier life is.”
            “We have time on another day to discuss it further.” He kissed her cheek. “Go on back to the house and rest. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
            “I think you’re right about twins, Pol,” Ada said.
            “When have I been wrong?”
            Kate chuckled softly. She turned right and left to look at herself in the mirror. Ada wasn’t joking. She remembered seeing Ada and Esme pregnant and they didn’t show nearly as much as she did. Especially in a wedding dress, it was hard to conceal. Not that she particularly meant to. She didn’t think anyone who was coming to the wedding that day would be openly critical. “Are there twins in your family?” She wondered.
            “Maybe a pair on the Strong side,” Polly recalled and walked over to place a dazzling barrette in Kate’s hair to hold back the curls from her face.
            “I didn’t know my mother’s side of the family very well,” Kate admitted. “It may be from her family.”
            Polly pivoted the conversation. “Are you sure about walking down the aisle alone? Arthur said he would walk with you.”
            “Yeah, he talked to me about it yesterday.” Kate mindlessly adjusted her dress in the mirror, smoothing a hand over her baby bump. “I appreciate it, but I’ll be alright.” There was never a point in her life where she pictured anyone giving her away. She never pictured herself walking down the aisle, to begin with. Her father was never fit enough to be that sort of figure in her life before his death. She felt much more comfortable making the short walk by herself. That's how she found her way to Tommy, all on her own.
            “Here.” Ada helped Kate step into her heels so she wouldn’t have to bend down.
            “Well, if you change your mind, I’m sure Arthur won’t mind the short notice.” Polly smiled and made sure every Kate’s hair was in place.
            Ada glanced up as she fixed the straps of Kate’s heels. “Is it true you invited Alfie Solomons?” She wondered.
            “I know his popularity in the family is mixed but he’s a good friend.” Kate asserted so there would be no confusion on the matter.
            “It’s your day. Whoever you want at your wedding, you can invite.” Polly nodded in agreement. Although in the back of her mind she hoped that Tommy had prepared the others to see Alfie. She didn’t want the wedding erupting in chaos over some old bad blood.
            “I’m leaving.”
            “Brother, easy.” Tommy grabbed Arthur by the suit sleeve before he could storm across the lawns and out of sight.
            The guests were starting to take their seats and it just so happened that Alfie Solomons had a near front-row seat to watch the affair. He had a beautiful woman on his arm, Mabel. She looked less like the painfully shy thing that Kate had met at the boxing match. In fact, she was positively glowing with happiness as she exchanged kisses with her sister and the other ladies of the Forty Elephants.
            “You invite him to your fucking wedding? Your home?” Arthur seethed under his breath trying not to cause too much of a scene until he had an explanation.
            “Kate invited him,” Tommy replied quietly, not to draw attention to them. “And I won’t have you fighting with him on my fucking wedding day. I’ll keep him away from you if you promise you won’t kick-off. If you upset Kate, you're dead.”
            Arthur narrowed his eyes and reached into his coat pocket for his flask. “Could’ve warned me.” He muttered.
            “I did tell you. Not my fault you were too high on snow not to remember.” Tommy let go of Arthur’s sleeve, confident that his threat had done the trick. “He’s retired, anyways.”
            “Men like that don’t retire.” Arthur tucked his flask away.
            "Men like us don't retire." Tommy clarified. 
            The sun had come out, thankfully, for the wedding. Although Polly wanted the union to be under God’s watchful eye, Tommy and Kate had balked. Kate was unsure if she wanted to step on a nerve and get married in the same church Tommy and Grace did. There was no use in being forced to relive painful memories on what was supposed to be a happy day.
            Kate suggested perhaps getting married outside. Arrow House had plenty of room out in the lawns. And it reminded her of John and Esme’s wedding. There was something so romantic to her about the beautiful countryside in the spring.
            Tommy agreed and a suitable wedding venue was arranged. They were just fortunate that the weather had held and it hadn’t rained like the week before.
            So many times, Tommy had thought he’d lost Kate for good. On his journey to bring her home, he was restless as they crossed the Atlantic.
He hardly slept at all, spending most of his time, smoking on the deck of the ship. In the night, he waited until land came into view. But the inky black expanse of the waters and the night sky gave him nothing.
            He tried to think of what to say to her. The last words she spoke to him still cut so deep. He knew they weren’t true. She still loved him. But she was trying to keep him safe, trying to sacrifice herself.
            He pictured beating Santo Leoni into a bloody pulp. The sound of the gun as he put a bullet through the man’s head.
            Finally, the coast came into view. Exhausted but the drive to bring Kate back to safety kept him awake and alert.
            On the phone, Frank told him that Kate was fine and that she had killed Santo herself. Tommy hung up and could barely stand still as he waited. The wait at the port felt longer than the entire trip across the ocean. Every second dragged on until the car pulled up.
            Kate threw herself out of the car before it had even stopped. Tommy felt so much relief he could’ve cried. He vowed to himself that he would never let her go from that point on.
            “You look like you’ve gone into a dream state,” Kate murmured to him when Tommy took her hand.
            “I’m trying to convince myself it isn’t a dream.” He replied with a soft smile.
            “Oh, they’ve been inseparable since he left for Margate. Lillian said Mabel hasn't come back to Camden since she first visited him. She simply had her stuff sent to her. Been there ever since and has no plans of leaving.” Alice loosely held the champagne flute in her hand. She and Kate were speaking on the edges of the dancefloor. "Of course, everyone's talking about it, but nothing to change. They seem to be in love, far as Lillian says." 
            Arrow House was abuzz with energy after Tommy and Kate married. The reception was considerably less proper compared to Tommy’s first one with Grace. With no cavalry members in sight, it was a little more relaxed. Not to mention the number of criminal masterminds in attendance. But truthfully, they were the most fun.
            Kate looked smug watching Alfie and Mabel talking across the dance floor. “Well, I won’t say I told him so.”
            Alice smiled and finished her champagne. “Alfie handed over some paperwork to me this morning.”
            “Wants me to take over the bakery.”
            Kate tried to play it cool even though she was excited for her friend and even more excited that Alfie had gone through with what he said. Maybe this was his final act of retirement and his acceptance of his new life with Mabel. “Well, you have the support of the Peaky Blinders.”
            “Just can’t wait to see Sabini’s face when he finds out.”
            “Ha,” Kate snorted. “I’d like to see that too.”
            “Mind if I interrupt?” Tommy stepped into their conversation.
            Kate beamed. What had been such a beautiful ceremony was melting into the ideal she never knew she wanted. A life forever by the side of the man she loved.
            “Of course.” Alice smiled. “I’m going to go find Lillian and Ruby.”
            Tommy took Kate’s hand and led her to the dancefloor. Holding her close, they began to sway together to the soft jazz music.
            “You haven’t gone off to meet with some crazy Russian duchess again, have you?” Kate teased.
            He chuckled. “For a Shelby wedding, this has been very uneventful.”
            “The night is still young.” She murmured in his ear with a smile.
            “I like it better this way.” He admitted. “I didn’t want anything to happen, it wouldn’t be fair to you.”
            “You’ve always treated me like I’m some sort of royalty.” She lightly ran her fingers up the nape of his neck.
            “That’s how you deserve to be treated. Every day I was apart from you, I promised I would make it up to you.”
            “Tom, you don’t need to beat yourself up because of the past. I’m here, we’re finally married. We’re going to be parents soon. Everything that happened, happened. And despite all of it, all my paths lead back to you.” She stopped dancing a moment so she could look him in the eyes. “And they always will.”
            Tommy saw the world in her eyes. A world very unlike the one he had planned for so many years. In Kate’s eyes, he saw himself walking away from everything. Moving into Arrow House permanently. Raising the children, they would have. Spending his days riding horses, hunting, and being the best father, he could.
            Those blue eyes invited him to do all of that and more. But he couldn’t. Not yet.
            He gently kissed her, hoping that he could hold steady onto his given path.
            “Thought I’d find you out here.” Tommy sat down on the front steps next to Alfie. “Mabel was asking around for you. Kate had me come look for you.”
            Alfie seemed to snap out of his thoughts. “Oh, congratulations, mate.” He hadn’t really heard what Tommy had said to him. “Kate’s very happy. Y’know, before all this she’d come into me office. I figured it was because she was doing her fucking job but then she’d start lamenting to me about you. Like I were her gossip buddy.” He snorted and shook his head. “She wanted nothing more than to have you but didn’t think she deserved it. Of course, you and I both know it’s the opposite way around, innit?”
            Tommy shrugged.
            “I don’t deserve Mabel. Not in a million years. Not even if God himself came down and told me we were meant to be.”
            “I thought you two were hitting it off. That’s what Kate said.”
            “I ain’t never been so happy.”
            Tommy raised an eye at him. “Then what’s the problem, Alfie?”
            The man beside him took a heavy deep breath. “I’m dying, Tom. I told Kate at the boxing match. I’ve got skin cancer and it’ll kill me in a couple of years if I’m lucky. That’s why I want you to kill me.”
            After two blows, Tommy was a bit speechless. Alfie was dying and he wanted him to kill him. In what world were they living? This certainly wasn’t the man who had threatened to shoot Tommy on many occasions.
            “I’m not going to kill you, Alfie.”
            “Oh, c’mon you know you’ve wanted to fucking put a bullet through me head ever since we met. I ain’t blind. Now I’m giving you the option and you turn it down like a scared little boy?” Alfie wasn’t angry. When he was angry, everyone around him knew. No, this was fear. Fear coming from a man who claimed to be fearless.
            “What would that do to Mabel? Aye? And d’you think Kate would ever speak to me if I did?” Tommy questioned harshly. “You’ve got another part of life to appreciate, try not to skip out on it.”
            “Yeah, how much you think I’m gonna enjoy that while I’m rotting away?” Alfie demanded. “While Mabel watches?”
            Tommy shook his head. The logic wasn’t lost on him. How many nights had he been wide awake wondering how long he had to suffer? How much longer would he tolerate the pain and weight of the world? How many times had someone held a gun to his head? How many times was he completely at peace with the cold metal of a gun pressed against his skin? How many times had he waited patiently for that click and then….nothing.
            “I’m not killing you.” He said again. Because if Tommy had given in, he wouldn’t be sitting there. Married and about to be a father. “We’ll get the best doctors in London to help.”
            “Oh, right. So now you’re my saving grace?” Alfie rolled his eyes. “Fucking ridiculous. I don’t want some fucking doctor drugging me up. I ain’t gonna roam around life high like you lot.”
            “I know you don’t think you deserve Mabel. Maybe you don’t. Maybe I don’t deserve Kate. But look at us, aye? They’re still here with us. You fucking need God to come down and explain that to you?”
            Alfie grunted and crossed his arms over his chest. “I knew you’d be no fucking help.”
            “Take it up with Kate. See how she reacts and then you’ll realize how much easier I was on you.” Tommy replied and lit up a cigarette. “She’d go ballistic.”
            The two men sat out in the breezy spring night. Past the gravel drive was nothing but dark countryside with the sounds of nocturnal life.
            “I saw the ring Mabel was wearing.” Even at his own wedding reception, Tommy was perceptive. He could never turn it off even if he wanted.
            Alfie merely muttered something incoherent under his breath.
            “So, I invite you to my wedding but I’m not given the same courtesy.”
            “It were a gift.” He grumbled crankily. "Can't I buy jewelry for her without people getting their knickers in a twist?"
            Tommy tapped the ash off his cigarette to the step beside him. “So, no plans then?”
            “Her mum threw a fit when she found out. Even in retirement, I’m still the devil of Camden. No one wants their women near me. Her mum hated that we were friends when we were kids. Guess she thought she was in clear, that I wouldn't ever go near Mabel again.” He let out a humorless laugh. "Guess she were wrong and now I'm corrupting her thirty-four-year-old daughter. S'fucking ridiculous." 
            “Since when have you cared what anyone else thinks?”
            “I don't. But Mabel's getting an earful every night. Ain't fair to her." Alfie shrugged. “Just know there won’t be no blessings coming my way, that’s for sure.”
            “Except for Kate.”
            He laughed. “It’s tough to disappoint her, innit?”
            “I think she’d be disappointed if I killed you especially if she found out you asked me to do it.”
            “There’s just no pleasing some people.” Alfie shook his head.
            “Come on.” Tommy stood up. “Don’t want Kate thinking you’ve skipped off without saying goodbye to her.”
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Field of Poppies Part 25
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 25: Some have trouble adapting to home again. Some are gearing up for trouble they’re going to cause.
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           By August of that year, Barney was locked away in the asylum. It happened so suddenly. Although he certainly hadn’t been himself since his last gunshot wound in the trenches, everyone had hoped that he would reacclimate as time went on. But his behavior only got worse. He was prone to violent outbursts that he didn’t even remember seconds after.
           Tommy and the rest of the 179th did their best to try and keep him calm and out of trouble. But there was only so much they could do. A few episodes at the Garrison was one thing. Harry could accept that the man was clearly out of his mind and not doing it on purpose. But the rest of the public world couldn’t understand.
           Barney was arrested a few times. But his was committed after he bit a cop and tried to escape jail. He was deemed insane soon after.
           Amelia knew Tommy took it very hard. They all did. These men who were parts of their lives were suddenly changed beyond a point of return. And there was nothing they could do about it. They couldn’t visit Barney and they couldn’t get Danny’s fits under control either.
           Rosie was at her wit's end and relied heavily on support from Amelia. Consequently, this allowed Tommy to slip back into his habits of working all hours of the day.
           Amelia noticed this a few months in, but she wasn’t sure what to say. Before the war, she had no problem laying into him about working himself to death. But after? Well, she didn’t know what to even say. She felt guilty about being strict about anything. In her mind, he had been through enough. Why should she scold him on something that was small compared to the grand scheme of things?
           But she wasn’t blind either. Amelia was aware that he never slept more than a few hours at a time. She couldn’t find the warmth in his eyes anymore. He was less outspoken than before and had a habit of sitting in stony silence instead of speaking out. He was energetic with the kids, at least as much as he could be on the amount of sleep he was getting.
           Amelia was grateful for that. Although it hurt to know Tommy had changed so much, at least the kids wouldn’t realize.
           Amelia went into the betting shop one sweltering afternoon to bring Tommy lunch. He hadn’t eaten that morning and had been absent during dinner the night before. But there was no sign of him. She went into Arthur’s office to see where he was.
           “He came in early this morning, was here before everyone else.” Her brother-in-law answered. “He left ‘bout an hour ago saying he would be back later.”            
           “He didn’t say where he would be?” Amelia asked, her concern growing.
           Arthur shook his head. “I asked but he never answered.”
           She chewed on her lip. “Okay…well.” She considered waiting but figured her nerves would get the better of her. “Here, you can have this.” She gave Arthur the lunch before leaving the shop.
           Small Heath wasn’t particularly large, but that didn’t mean he was even there. He could’ve gone beyond the neighborhood. She started with Charlie’s Yard. That’s where Annie and Max were for the day. They were cranky inside because of the heat so she sent them to both Charlie for the morning.
           “Haven’t seen him,” Charlie said, sitting on a stool in the shade while he watched the kids. Curly was showing them a grasshopper he’d found in one of the horse stalls. The kids were so taken by the discovery that they didn’t even notice their mother arriving.
           “Do you know where he might’ve gone?” Amelia asked hopefully.
           “Whenever he’d get in a mood, he’d go to the graveyard to visit his mum,” Charlie replied. “I’d look there.”
           “Thank you,” Amelia said gratefully, hoping Tommy’s uncle was right.
           Across the yard, Annie squealed. The grasshopper had jumped out of Curly’s cupped hand and was on the loose. Max ran to try and catch it again. They were both so caught up in the summer fun, that she wasn’t going to interrupt it with her nerves.
           “I’ll be back to take them off your hands,” Amelia promised Charlie.
           “S’alright. They’re not hurting anyone.” He nodded before she went off toward the graveyard.
           Charlie was right. Amelia found Tommy among the overgrown grass and crooked headstones. But he wasn’t standing in front of his mother’s grave. Hers was a few rows down. No, he was standing in the newer section in front of a newer plot.
           “Tom.” Amelia hated interrupting him while he was in deep thought, but she was just thankful she’d found him.
           He glanced over his shoulder. Without saying anything, he reached for her hand. She took it as she stood beside him. That’s when she noticed they were in front of Greta Jurossi’s grave.
           “When I got the letter from you, the one where you said she had died, I didn’t believe it.” He spoke in a quiet voice, just loud enough to hear over the sound of cicadas in the grass. “I dunno, I just thought she was going to be the one to upset the system. One of those historical figures that people talk about.”
           Amelia knew that he and Greta shared the same ideologies. Aspirations that she was afraid of but Greta wasn’t. He had respect for her.
           “I know.” She said gently. “She would come by sometimes to the shop. She and Polly would always get worked up about the rights of women and the working class.” She smiled weakly.
           Tommy nodded, his eyes staring into space. “You were right, though.”
           “About what?”
           “When you came back, I was telling you about the communist group. You didn’t think it was enough to change the world.” He recalled. “And you were right.”
           “You don’t have to say anything.” He shook his head. “There’s nothing more to say.”
           Young Tommy Shelby had so many dreams and a drive to change everything he saw as unjust. But the world had taken him in its fist and squeezed the convictions out of him. It had forced him into the mold of a soldier. Forced him to comply. Killed off Greta, killed her message.
           But Tommy wasn’t dead yet. There was a new fire lit inside of him. “Politics, laws, parties. It doesn’t matter. You can’t win if you play by their rules.”
           “So, what are you-”
           He began to walk back down the path, still holding her hand. “Everything will be alright.” He promised her. “You won’t have to worry about a thing.”
           The two went back to the Yard to bring the children home with them. Charlie was still taking refuge in the shade, smoking a pipe and watching Annie running around in the mud.
           “You found him then.” He commented as Amelia and Tommy came up to him.
           “Not a lot of places you can hide in Small Heath,” Tommy replied to his uncle.
           “I hope they weren’t a fuss, Charlie.” Amelia ignored her husband’s glib response.
           “I’ll tell you what, that boy of yours is just like you, Tom,” Charlie remarked. “Full of energy but once he’s around a horse, he’s quiet as a mouse.”
           “I’m sure you taught him well then.”
           “I didn’t teach him anything.” He shook his head. “Must be the Traveler blood in him.”  
           “He doesn’t have Traveler blood, Charlie,” Tommy muttered in reply.
           “Well, then it’s fucking intuition, hell if I know.” His uncle rolled his eyes, his pipe still tucked between his lips as he spoke.
           “Hell, if you know.” Tommy shook his head. “You better not have been teaching him that kind of fucking language.” He warned before heading toward the horse stalls to find Max.
           “That one has Traveler blood in her.” Charlie pointed his pipe toward Annie. The little girl had ruined her skirt by stomping around in the mud by the canal. She had a loose hold on her teddy bear that seemed just as filthy from the morning’s play.
           “You think?”
           “Reminds me of Pol when she was little. An absolute terror but you’d be happy to see her come around. Max will be a gifted rider, like Tom. But Annie won’t back down from a challenge, no matter how many times she’s bucked off.”
           The thought of her precious daughter being bucked off a horse was a nightmare to Amelia. But she knew that there was no forcing Annie into being someone she wasn’t. Amelia knew that all too well. Her family wanted her to be a lady of high society. They wanted her to be proper, educated but not too educated, and a million miles beyond Small Heath. But she was aware that she was a girl of lower class. Her upbringing was nothing compared to the socialites in London. She ran the streets with the Shelbys much to her parents’ discontent. And while she wasn’t as fierce and feisty as Tommy and Arthur, she didn’t mind living in Small Heath. She loved the people there.
           The more her parents pushed, the more she rebelled. In London, she felt empty. She had no friends because all the girls her age were boring to her. London felt cold and desolate to her. Sure, the place they lived in was nicer, but it didn’t matter.
           So, if Annie wanted to be a wild girl who flocked to dangerous horses, then there really wasn’t a thing Amelia could do about it. Not with Tommy’s blood in her.
           “Not even half a year since he’s come back and you’re already up the duff, again.”
           Martha and Amelia snickered behind their hands. It was true. Martha was pregnant again and Polly was bewildered by the revelation.
           “Oh, Pol, it’s okay.” Amelia smiled. "It was bound to happen once John came back."
           “You and John are getting your own flat, or I'll get my own. I’ve had more than enough newborns in this house at one time.” Polly replied firmly.
           “I suppose that’s only fair.” Martha agreed. Six Watery Lane had become quite the den of rascals. “At least John is home and can help me with the other two."
           “And make sure he does. Those three have been working themselves to death.” Polly shook her head in disapproval. “And it’s all Tommy’s doing.” She glanced at Amelia.
           “I think they’re just trying to find their place in the world again.” Amelia shrugged. “Remember when they were gone? We had to adapt to the world. Now they do too.”
           Polly didn’t look convinced. “When a Shelby man is working like the devil, that means there’s going to be trouble.” She warned.
           It did speak to the conversation she and Tommy had earlier in the graveyard. “He did seem to have some plans.” She admitted. “But he didn’t say what.”
           Polly continued to smoke by the kitchen table where Amelia and Martha were sitting. “One can only guess what goes on in that head of his.”
           Amelia looked down at her lap. As his wife, she thought she would be the one to know. But she felt just as blind as the rest of them.
           It was a rare night, but one that Amelia rejoiced in having. After dinner, she got the kids washed up and put in bed. After Tommy kissed them each goodnight, he returned to the master bedroom and caught Amelia before she even made it to her vanity.
           Without a word, he kissed her deeply. He pressed her up against the door as he locked it to avoid any awkward situations if one of the children wandered in unannounced.
           It was so easy for Amelia to forget everything when Tommy held her. She could rejoice in the fact that in those brief moments, she was taken care of. There was nothing to interrupt them, nothing to cause them harm, it was just the two of them. They were the moments Amelia yearned for when he was in France. The moments where she could keep him close and cast aside the ugliness of the world.      
           But the feeling couldn’t last and they were brought back to Earth as the night wore on. Still, they enjoyed each other’s company in the dead hours of the night. Amelia curled up in the crook of his arm, tracing the new scars on his chest that he’d obtained in the trenches. He held her close as he smoked.
           Eventually, he broke the silence and uttered a rare confession to her. “I’m going to do bad things, Mel.”
           The admission sent a chill up her spine. Yet, it was something she already knew. Something she’d known even in childhood when adults would comment on Tommy’s proclivity for mischief. When they remarked how his father was nothing but a waste of space. When they speculated how Tommy would live up to the Shelby name. A name cursed.
           “I know.” She whispered. From then on, she was complicit. Her wish to stay in Small Heath as a child had brought her to that point. Her wishes for Tommy to stay out of danger had fallen upon deaf ears as she should’ve realized. But if she wanted a quiet, polite, bland husband, she would’ve stayed in London to marry one. Instead, she was with someone who was destined to be one of the most dangerous men in Britain.
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Tag list: @shelbyblinded @hanster1998 @xxbeckybeexx-blog @fairypitou
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Field of Poppies Part 23
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 23: The 179th returns home
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//Happy Holidays everyone! Here’s a little gift to everyone who’s always given me so much support in my writing. 
            Amelia wasn’t sure she was able to feel so many emotions all at once. It was nearly a similar experience to when she first held Max and Annie right after they were born. Every part of her felt like it was pushing against her skin. All the feelings were just ready to burst out of her.
            Excitement, impatience, hope, longing, and yet there was a sadness. They would finally be reunited but there would still be those years they lost. They could never get that time back.
            Max was bouncing up and down by the door. “C’mon mum!” He yelled.
            “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Amelia hurried downstairs with Annie in her arms. “It’s a little early, poppet.”
            “I wanna be there though.” The almost eight-year-old protested.
            “We’ll get there soon enough, it’s not too far.” Amelia opened the door and let Annie down. “We need to wait here for the rest.”
            Max whined. “But what if we miss the train?”
            “We won’t, I promise. Daddy will still be there waiting for us.” Amelia couldn’t exactly blame him though. She was praying that the train wasn’t late. She had waited years for this day but now couldn’t even stand to wait another minute. “Look, Max, here they come.”
            Polly, Martha, and the children were coming down the street all looking to be in good spirits.
            “Race ya to the train station!” Finn yelled to Max and before anyone could stop them, the young boys were sprinting down the lane.
            “Max!” Amelia called after him but there was no use.
            “They’ll be alright,” Polly assured her.
            “He hasn’t been able to stand still all morning.” Amelia laughed softly as they began to walk, Annie holding onto her hand. “I don’t even think he slept a wink.”
            “It doesn’t feel real,” Martha said, already clutching her handkerchief close, tears welling up in her eyes. “It feels like a dream.”
            There was a crowd of people swarming the train station to welcome back loved ones. Max and Finn had climbed up on a brick wall to see over everyone.
            Amelia came and gently held Max’s ankle just to make sure he didn’t topple over.
            The energy in the air was almost electric. People were chattering happily about finally getting to kiss and hug the people they’d missed for so long.
            “There’s the train!” Finn called out.
            Amelia’s heart was racing as she heard the train whistle sound from a close distance. She picked up Annie who seemed a little nervous about the crowd around her.
            “Mum, look!” Max cried as the train slowly pulled into the station. Dozens of uniformed men came spilling out of the train cars, all searching for their family and friends.
            People were calling out names and joyfully reuniting.
            Finn suddenly whooped with joy. “Arthur!” He jumped from the wall and disappeared into the crowd.
            Four years of waiting, and when Amelia heard them nearby, she began to cry.
            Tommy found Max first, rushing over to him. Max shouted with delight as he jumped into his father’s arms.
            “Look at you, aye? Look how much you’ve grown.” The young man was overcome with melancholy.
            “Tom,” Amelia called out to him.
            His breath caught in his throat when he saw his wife standing nearby with their daughter in her arms. He came over with Max and embraced all three of them as close as he could. “I’m here, s’alright.” He whispered softly when he heard Amelia sobbing against his shoulder. “S’alright.”
            When Amelia withdrew, she tried to compose herself. “Annie, daddy’s home. Aren’t you so happy to meet him?”
            The little girl looked a bit shy when she saw the man who was in the photographs on their mantle.
            “C’mere, will you give dad a cuddle?” Tommy asked hopefully, holding out his free arm.
            Annie smiled. She appeared to recognize the voice she’d heard over the phone a month earlier. Amelia gave her to him. The little girl peered at him curiously, almost as if she was trying to see the similarities between the photograph and him standing there in real life. She touched his cheek and giggled softly.
            Tommy felt an immense relief, hugging his two children close.
            After reuniting with the rest of the Shelbys and the other 179th boys, they all parted ways before the big dinner they were going to have together to celebrate their homecoming.
            Tommy carried Annie back home and held Max’s hand. The little boy was chattering on about all the things he could think of that Tommy missed.
            Amelia kept glancing over at her husband. It was hard to believe he was really there in the flesh. It wasn’t just another cruel dream she would wake up from. He was there for good.
            But every time she looked over at him, she noticed the subtle differences.
            He looked older, less boyish than before. Whether it was time’s doing or stress, Amelia wasn’t sure. She had a feeling she looked much older as well.
            He looked tired. Not just a lack of sleep but a deep exhaustion that settled deep in the bones. A weariness that sleep couldn’t cure.
            He walked differently. Less like a confident young man and more like a soldier.
            Maybe it would be temporary changes. Amelia could only hope that once he settled back into life in Birmingham, he’d go back to being the same old Tommy. But it was wishful thinking and even she knew that deep down.
            When they got into the flat, Tommy set Annie down. She went to retrieve her teddy bear from the kitchen where she’d left it. She held it up to her father to see.
            “Look at that, aye?” He picked up the bear.
            “Mummy said you sent them to us,” Max said. “For Christmas.”
            Tommy met Amelia’s eyes. She smiled slightly although she still looked on the verge of tears. “Yeah, that’s right.” He nodded. “I gave them to Father Christmas so he’d bring them to you.”
            “Annie loves her bear, don’t you, poppet?” Amelia said softly. The little girl giggled shyly and went to cling to her mother’s skirt.
            “Well, it seems very well-loved.” Tommy knelt down to give the teddy back to her.
            Annie took the bear back and yawned. It seemed all the excitement of the day was starting to catch up with her.
            “Want to go down for a nap, love?” Amelia wondered, stooping down to pick her daughter up. Annie shrugged and rested her cheek on her mother’s shoulder, her eyelids drooping. “I think some rest will do you some good.” She murmured. “Then when we have dinner with everyone, you won’t be tired.”
            “Want me to take her up?” Tommy offered. He didn’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore. Every opportunity he could have to be a father, he would take.
            “Sure.” Amelia smiled and handed Annie over to him. “Max, want to help me make some lunch?”
            Her son looked hesitant. It appeared he wanted to stay around Tommy even if he was just going upstairs. “Okay.”
            “I’ll be right back,” Tommy promised him before heading upstairs with Annie in his arms. He got to the hallway and realized he wasn’t sure where Amelia had put Annie’s nursery.
            Max’s room was across from his and Amelia’s. There was only one other bedroom, but maybe Amelia had moved things around. Maybe she kept Max’s room as a nursery and put Annie in there, switching him over to the other room.
            Annie yawned and snapped Tommy out of his daze. He felt as if he opened the door to find he was wrong; it would hurt him deeply. Such a simple thing that he didn’t know.
            But he wasn’t going to stand there all night with a sleepy toddler in his arms. So he decided to go for the bedroom that had been empty before he left for France.
            There, he found what must’ve been his daughter’s room. There was a floral-patterned quilt on the little bed with a pink cloth doll sitting by the pillow.
            “Here we are.” Tommy pulled back the covers and set Annie down in the bed. “Got your teddy, all cozy?”
            The little girl nodded and began to drift off before her head even hit the pillow.
            Her father tucked her in, but couldn’t get himself to leave. Doing his best not to wake her, he sat on the edge of the bed. He had thought about that moment many times. The moment he finally met his daughter for the first time. To finally see the little girl that he watched grow up through sporadic pictures.
            It made him sick to his stomach to know how much he missed. He knew how much he was missing when he was in France, but finally be home, it hit him like a brick.
            She was in her own bed, not a crib. She was walking around. She was talking in sentences.
            When Max was growing up, Tommy couldn’t believe how fast time went by. One second, he was holding a newborn in his arms, the next he was watching him walk and talk. With Annie, he couldn’t even look back to remember a time before that day. Suddenly, he had this three-year-old. It was as if he had been struck with amnesia. There was nothing to remember about her before that day in 1918.
            Sure, there were stories and pictures from Amelia, but it wasn’t the same. Tommy felt cheated.
            The door to Annie’s room opened and Amelia came in. “Is she asleep?” She whispered.
            Tommy nodded.
            She noticed the torn look on his face. There was so much she wanted to say, but she wasn’t sure if any of it would be helpful. She didn’t want to talk down on him, didn’t want to act like she could fix him, or knew what he had gone through. They had all struggled, but Annie knew that at the end of the day, she had been with their children the entire time. Tommy had been robbed of all the memories that she had with Max and Annie. Yet, there was nothing Amelia could do to make it up to him.
            She knelt down in front of him and took his hands in hers. “We’ll be alright.” She said quietly so she wouldn’t wake Annie.
            Tommy didn’t say anything. It was almost as if he was looking right through her.
            Six Watery Lane hadn’t been so alive in years. Sure, it had been filled with children, but having the Shelby boys back brought back the soul of the flat. Despite all everyone went through, at least things were somewhat back to where they were meant to be.
            A big meal was prepared and the whole house was full of chatter and laughter. Everyone felt at ease that they were all back together without any losses to mourn.
            However, whether the others noticed or not, Arthur, Tommy, and John appeared to be faking a lot of their uplifted spirits. Sure, they were thrilled to be back home. But they didn’t leave the memories of war behind the second they stepped back onto British soil. No, there would be nothing to erase those memories. Now, the three men could only pretend for the sake of their family that things were okay. Whether they could keep up the façade for much longer was proving to be a challenging question.
            After dinner, when the activity began to die down and the children all became cranky from being tired, the family again parted ways. Tommy and Amelia brought Max and Annie home down the street after saying their goodbyes.
            Annie was already asleep in Amelia’s arms and Max was just about ready to doze off against Tommy’s shoulder.
            The two parents put them both to sleep before retiring to their bedroom.
            Before Tommy could even take his coat off, Amelia pulled him into a deep kiss. The whole day she’d been yearning after him but felt it wasn’t appropriate to take him away from the children or his family. So, she was patient and waited until they were alone for the night.
            It was a welcome release for Tommy who found it easy to get lost in his wife’s embrace. All day he had been battling himself. He was trying to put the horrors of war out of his mind as best he could. He wanted to put all his focus on his family. He wanted to be happy to see them. But there was that dark feeling he couldn’t shake that things wouldn’t be the same after what he’d seen.
            But Amelia gave him the outlet to completely abandon his thoughts. As she undressed him, he could only think about her fingertips brushing against him. He could only focus on the mechanics of taking off her dress. There was no space to think about the sound of shovels.
            He could only hear her soft breathing and the sound of her dress falling to the floor. 
            “I’ve missed you so much.” She whispered against his lips.
            The sound of her voice was so calming. It allowed Tommy to breathe evenly as he scooped her up and carried her to the bed.
            “I’m here now.” He replied, laying her down gently.
            “I’m all yours, Tommy.” She knotted her fingers in his hair as he hovered over her. “I always will be. Just please be all mine.”
            “I always have been.” He captured her lips again.
            Around midnight that same night, Tommy got up out of bed. He wasn’t used to having a nice bed and time to sleep. He was so accustomed to sleeping less than a few hours at a time in the damp, cold trenches.
            Now, despite having a pillow to rest his head on, he couldn’t sleep very long. His body had been trained to stay up long hours so it probably would take time to adjust.
            Amelia was still fast asleep as he slipped out from under the covers. He went to his coat that had been discarded on the floor to find his cigarette tin. Taking one out, he struck up a match to light it and sat down on the foot of the bed.
            The quiet of the flat was starting to make his mind numb. The only time things were quiet in the tunnels was when they were trying to avoid detection from the Germans. They moved stealthily along the dark passageways. Other than that, Tommy was used to the constant sound of explosives, gunfire, and men dying around him.
            The silence of the flat felt so unnatural that it made his skin crawl. He didn’t want to hear the sounds of war ever again, but at the same time, he felt as if he’d been so conditioned to it that he couldn’t stand the silence. It only allowed for his thoughts to run rampant. To allow for mental images to come up in his brain. Things he wished so desperately that he could erase from his memory.
            Then, the more his thoughts raced, the louder the sound of shovels became. The dull thumping sound continued over and over again. Louder and louder until Tommy nearly jumped out of his skin.
            They sounded so close. It sounded so real. This all had to be a dream. He wasn’t back in Birmingham with Amelia and the children. No, he was still in the tunnels. The sound of the shovels was real. The bedroom around him was merely a realistic dream.
            The shovels faded when he heard Amelia call out to him. He was almost afraid to turn around. Maybe he would turn around and realize that it was just a cruel dream. He’d turn around and no one would be there. Then he would wake up back in the trenches.
            “Tommy, are you alright?”   
            There was a rustling of the sheets and he felt a hand on his shoulder. It felt so real. How could it feel so real with the sound of the shovels were so real too?
            “Please look at me.” She begged.
            Tommy turned and felt relief wash over him when he saw his wife kneeling behind him. She looked terribly concerned. “Sorry.” He muttered. “Just thinking.”
            “Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.
            He shook his head. “No, you can go back to sleep.”
            She didn’t move a muscle. “Tommy, I don’t want you to suffer alone. If there’s something bothering you, please, I want to try to understand. I know that there’s so much you experienced that I’ll never get. But if I can just be someone you can talk to, that would mean so much to me. I want to be there for you. I feel like that’s what a wife is supposed to be.”
            “I know.” He put his head in her lap. “I appreciate it, Mel. I just don’t know what else to tell you.”
             She gently combed his hair back. It was much longer than he usually kept it. She wondered if he would cut it in the next couple of days. “What can I do to help you?”
            “If you want to help me, don’t doubt yourself as my wife.” He closed his eyes and tried to get lost in her soothing touch.
            Amelia gently massaged his face, trying to ease the tension in his muscles. “Will you come to church with me tomorrow?”
            “I didn’t know you attended church.” He replied. A long time ago he could recall instances when she would go to Sunday service with the Shelby children. Though he couldn’t remember her parents ever being religious.
            “I’ve been going with Polly. Talking to Father Carr helped when you were away.” She explained. “Especially when I was pregnant with Annie.”
            He opened his eyes to look up at her. “I’ll go with you.” 
            She smiled. The same smile that Tommy yearned to see again. “Then maybe we can take the kids out to the park or something?”
            “Yeah, there’s a lot I’ve missed.”  
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @biba3434 @kimmietea @karmezii @enrapturedbythemoon @vampgirl1997 @tarafaithe @evelynshelby
Tag list: @shelbyblinded @hanster1998 @xxbeckybeexx-blog
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Field of Poppies Part 22
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 22: Another Christmas without Tommy. Yet bright days are just around the corner. 
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             “Did you know Alexander? He used to work down at the butcher’s shop before he was drafted.”
            Amelia was in the betting shop working alongside Rosie, Danny Owen’s wife. “I think so. Was he the one married to that Italian girl?”
            “Right, she passed some time ago from the flu.” Rosie nodded. “Well, he came back few months ago.” She reported. “They just locked him up in the asylum last week. Martha was telling me.”
            “The asylum?” Amelia looked up from her ledger in alarm. “Whatever for?” From the brief time she’d known the young man, he seemed like a decent person without anything seemingly off about him.
            “He went off his rocker. Had a gun and was threatening to shoot his own brother.” Rosie looked concerned. “They said he still thought he was in the war. They couldn’t convince him otherwise.”     
            “Jesus.” Then pen slipped from Amelia’s hand a bit. She couldn’t imagine what sort of horrors could change such a nice man. What could possibly cause someone to lose their mind completely? And would Tommy come back the same?
            After almost four years of waiting for him, she couldn’t imagine having to lock him up to protect others and himself. Because Alexander’s case wasn’t some anomaly. There were many stories drifting quietly around Birmingham of the men who came back. Once upstanding figures in the community came home different men. There were two men that Amelia knew had committed suicide. Their families were distraught. They had waited so long for them to return, were so happy they came home alive, and now they had to bury them.
            It made Amelia so anxious. Of course, she wanted Tommy home but what could she do if he was nothing like the man that had left her that day at the train station? How could she explain that to her children?
            “It’s a shame,” Rosie said quietly. Both the wives were thinking about their husbands. Hoping, that maybe by some sheer luck, their boys would be okay. But it seemed foolish to even hope.
            It would be another Christmas without Tommy. It never got any easier, although Amelia tried to make do. Annie’s awareness of Tommy’s missing presence was becoming more of an issue. There were only so many times Amelia could explain why he was gone. The almost-four-year-old was unsatisfied with the answers. She didn’t understand war, didn’t understand why her father was gone, and especially struggled with why he couldn’t just come home.
            A week before Christmas, the Shelby household was in chaos. A loose thread on Annie’s teddy bear had caught on one of the kitchen cabinet handles. Instead of trying to unravel it from the metal, the young girl pulled and pulled until her darling stuffed animal had a loose arm hanging by a thread.
            Annie screamed and cried, inconsolable as she cradled her bear close.
            Amelia tried to calm her down, saying it wouldn’t be an issue to stitch the thing up again. But her daughter wasn’t listening. She wouldn’t even let go of the bear so Amelia could fix it.
            “Love, please, it’ll be okay!” Amelia begged for her daughter to calm down. “Mummy will fix it and he’ll be as good as new. I promise.”      
            “But daddy gave him to me!” She sobbed.
            “I know, but I can fix him.”
            “Daddy’ll know I hurt ‘im!” She wailed and thrashed about on the kitchen floor. “Daddy’ll hate me!”
            “Annie Shelby, what on Earth gave you that idea?” Amelia asked.
            “’Cause…’cause he will!” She didn’t seem to have any basis for how she felt. “That’s why he won’t come home!”
            “Now you listen to me.” Amelia gathered her up into her lap. “Your father loves you very much and if he could come home, he would in a heartbeat.”
            Annie began to calm down in her mother’s arms. She hiccuped and wiped her eyes and nose on her sleeve. “Teddy’ll be okay?” She asked.
            “Of course, I’ll patch up his arm and he’ll be looking nice for Christmas.” Amelia kissed her cheek. "Now go head upstairs. It's nearly bath time." 
            As they always did, they got through the holidays and made it out alive in the new year. Amelia was struggling to write down the date sometimes.
            How could it only be two years away from the new decade? And more importantly, would she be welcoming 1920 still without Tommy. Max would be ten by the end of 1920. By then he would’ve spent more than half his life without his father. It made Amelia sick to her stomach to think about.
            She just didn’t realize good news was around the corner.
            Annie and Max were running around the parlor while Amelia cleaned up after dinner. The two were sick of being cooped up inside because March had brought on endless rain.
            The phone started to ring and Amelia called out from the kitchen. “Quiet down, you two, mum needs to answer the phone!”
            It didn’t do much good. The kids were leaping off the sofa and creating a big ruckus.
            Still, Amelia picked up the receiver. “Shelby Residence.”
            For a moment, Amelia was convinced she was in a dream. There was no other explanation for why Tommy’s voice would be on the other end of the phone. Her knees went weak and she clutched onto the stair banister nearby. “Tommy?” She gasped. “Is that really you?”
            “Yeah, love. It’s me.”
            It felt like her heart was in her throat. There was so much she wanted to say to him and yet she couldn’t find the words. “I-I don’t understand.”
            “They’re sending us home. All of the 179."
            Tears began to stream down Amelia’s cheeks. This was the day she’d been waiting years for. Now that it was time, she couldn’t contain her happiness. “Really? Oh, Tommy…I-I don’t know what to say. I’m over the moon!”
            “I know, love. I can’t wait to finally be back home with you. I don’t have much time on the phone, are the kids there?”  
            “Yes, yes I’ll get them.” Amelia turned from the telephone. “Max, Annie! Guess who’s on the telephone!”
            The two rambunctious kids ran into the hallway to see what she was talking about. “Who?”
            “It’s daddy.” Amelia knelt down and held the receiver to them.
            “Dad?” Max was cautious, unsure if his mother was just pulling his leg or not. Although he figured it would be too cruel of a trick for his mother to play on him.
            “Hello, Max. Your sister there too?”
            “Daddy?” Annie piped up. She looked thrilled but nervous at the idea of speaking to the man she’d never met.
            “I’m coming home soon, you two,” Tommy announced happily. “Are you excited? I’m going to be coming home on the train next month.”
            “Really?” Max’s eyes widened in shock. “For good?”
            “For good,” Tommy promised. “You’ll be at the train station waiting for me, right?”
            “Yeah!” Max couldn’t hold back his grin.
            “Alright, well, I’ll be home very soon. I love you all very much.”
            “We love you, Tom,” Amelia said tearfully before the line went dead. She hung up the receiver, her hand trembling.
            “Aren’t you happy, mummy?” Annie asked.
            “Of course.”   
            “Then why’re you crying?”
            “I’m just so happy.” Amelia pulled her children in for a tight squeeze. “He’s finally coming home.”
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Tag list: @shelbyblinded​ @hanster1998​ @xxbeckybeexx-blog​
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Fanfiction Masterlist
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One Shots
Ice Cold  Tommy returns from the war to his wife, daughter, and the son he's never met before.
What’s Written  Emma Houseman is hired as Charlie’s nanny after Grace passes away. Tommy is indifferent to her until he learns something. 
Blessing Tommy has a hard time accepting that his daughter is getting married. 
               Part 2 Little Blessings
Entirely Unexpected  Young Tommy gets into a bind when he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant. 
            Part 2 Expect Me Home  
Too Sweet Modern AU Tommy’s not a fan of Halloween but you change his mind a few times over your relationship. 
Breakfast in Bed  Tommy Shelby needs to go to work, his wife has other plans. It is Valentine’s Day after all. 
June  Young Tommy Shelby journeys to the Appleby fair with his family. There he meets a green-eyed girl and happens to lose his virginity as a result.
Lion  Bruised and bleeding, Tommy Shelby ends up in Alfie’s office. Alfie doesn’t care about his condition, but there is someone who does. Alfie’s cousin.
Name on a Coffee Cup  Modern!Tommy has become quite the coffee addict after he stopped smoking. But he didn’t realize he had become a constant in one of the barista’s life. 
The Scent of Cigarette Smoke: *Platonic* Arrow House has been in Ally’s mother’s family for a hundred years. For the first time, she’s going to visit her uncle who lives there. While she’s spending her summer holiday there, she realizes quickly that Arrow House is haunted. And not just by anyone, but by her great-great grandfather, notorious Brummie gangster, Tommy Shelby. 
Rougish Women  Kate Rosseau is an American who fled to Paris to escape her past life. Now she's dancing and playing the part of a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. There she meets Tommy Shelby who thinks she can be useful in expanding his empire. But has he been blinded?
Promises Not Kept: Tommy Shelby made a promise to Jonah Ward while in the war. A promise he didn't keep. But it comes to haunt him when he tries to drown out his sorrows with a young woman.
Field of Poppies:  After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Dawn in Your Eyes: Alfie has little to no idea why Caroline ever gave him the time of day. The blind woman seemed far too sensible to even speak to him. But soon he finds himself falling helplessly in love.
Burned  Alfie Solomons is in need of a secretary. Tommy Shelby mentions a young woman in need of employment. From there the two step into a dangerous dance together.
Blue Eyes After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
One Shots
Life Story: Marianne has been lonely for a long time until she decides to meet her unusual neighbor. 
             Part 2
Misunderstandings The Shelby boys are shocked to learn Alfie Solomons is married. 
Pancakes Modern!Alfie’s wife is down with the flu so he has to take care of their five children before they head off to school. 
Hades and Persephone: Rachel works at her family’s bookstore where she’s surrounded by stories and myths all day. So what happens when Camden Town’s myth, Alfie Solomons, walks in. 
                   Part 2 Deathless Gods
                   Part 3 Gods and Demigods
The Love Not Yet Known: Tommy Shelby needs to make sacrifices to ensure the safety of his family. So he concocts a plan to marry off his sister to the one and only Alfie Solomons. 
                  Part 2
                Part 3
One Shots
Little Gem Modern AU Alfie and Tommy’s surrogate has gone into labor and Alfie has no chill. 
Meeting Charlie Modern AU Alfie nervously meets his boyfriend’s son for the very first time. 
Skin and Bones  Alfie asks Tommy when the last time he ate was, Tommy does not like this game. 
Crayons and Crying Modern AU Alfie manages to get Tommy to a therapy appointment
One Shots
Language of Flowers Finn fancies the florist’s daughter
General Finn learns the hard way what it’s like being a soldier. 
Worth Finn comes down with Pneumonia 
Three Colors Finn unexpectedly comes out to his family. 
One Shots
Until You Return From the Front Lines   Tommy’s eldest daughter, Avis, falls for Isiah Jesus but before they can have a whirlwind romance they’d always dreamed of, Europe crumbles. 
Feel free to message me about tag lists or requests. I’m also on AO3 as jubilee44 and Wattpad as tobie123. 
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Summary: Bruised and bleeding, Tommy Shelby ends up in Alfie’s office. Alfie doesn’t care about his condition, but there is someone who does. Alfie’s cousin. 
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//This got much longer than I expected, enjoy!
            There was only one woman who worked at the Aerated Bread Company of Camden Town and for very good reason. A distillery wasn’t the place for a woman, according to Alfie Solomons. Especially not a good Jewish woman from a good Jewish family.
            And yet, Ariel Solomons still managed to wrangle a job out of her cousin. Nothing fancy, just as his assistant, managing his diary and calls. But it was a job.
             Alfie’s dog greeted Ariel at the door of the bakery. She stopped for a moment to give him a pat before making her way to her cousin’s office. Greeting a few familiar faces as she went, she strolled down the familiar halls of the bakery. Almost blind to the smell of rum after all the time she’d spent there.
            Ollie was lingering around outside Alfie’s office, keeping his eyes on the windows looking in.
            “’Morning, Ollie.” Ariel greeted and went to knock on the door before the man stopped her.
            “He’s talking to someone.”
            “I’ll just be a minute.” She didn’t have any qualms about flitting in and out of Alfie’s office. Unless he was negotiating with someone like Sabini, she would interrupt. Ariel knew that her cousin liked things done quickly. So, when something needed to be signed, she got it to him as soon as she could just to avoid a tongue lashing about procrastination.
            “I really wouldn’t-” Ollie tried to stop her again but she entered anyway.
            Ariel paused when she saw her cousin pointing a gun at the dark-haired man on the other side of his desk. She cleared her throat. “Erm…I’ve got contracts for you, Alfie.”
            The dark-haired man glanced over his shoulder. Ariel wasn’t sure what to look at first. His remarkably blue eyes? Or the fact that one of those eyes was completely red from internal bleeding.
            Alfie muttered something unpleasant under his breath and lowered his gun. “Give ‘em here.” He waved her over.
            Ariel approached the desk and showed him the papers and where to sign. As Alfie glanced over them, she looked up at the stranger.
            The blue-eyed man looked worse for wear. He’d clearly been through some trauma. That’s when his nose started to bleed.
            “Oh-oh, you’re um…” Frantically, Ariel dug into her skirt pocket to retrieve a handkerchief. “Oh dear, you’re bleeding.” She gestured to her nose.
            Alfie frowned. “Fucking hell, Tommy, they really beat the shit outta you didn’t they?”
            Tommy took the cloth from her and held it to his nose. “I’m here on business, Mr. Solomons, not to talk about personal matters.”
            “Have you been to hospital?” Ariel asked, ignoring the disapproving look of her cousin.
            He looked up at her. “Yes.”
            “And they released you in this state?”
            Alfie set the papers down and stood up. “Alright, love, time to go. Got more to talk ‘bout with Mr. Shelby.” He tried to usher his cousin out of the room, making little shooing motions with his hands.
            “Alfie, he’s hurt, he’s in no condition to be here right now. He ought to go back to the hospital.” She argued and stood her ground skirting around him.
            “He made it here well enough, yeah, he can sit and fucking talk.”
            Ariel crossed her arms over her chest. “As a registered nurse…”
            “Oh, fuck off with that. Will you? Will you give it a rest? You want to fucking go ‘round saying you’re a nurse then go work at a fucking hospital.”
            “Don’t speak to me that way.” She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t care if you’re the boss or not, I’m family.”
            Alfie let out a sigh and considered the consequences of yelling at his cousin. Should it get around the family he would get a serious talking to from his aunt, who, despite her age, could still pack a wallop.
            She’s your cousin, Alfred, and you treat her with such disrespect. What would your mother say? What would your father say?
            It would cost him time he didn’t have.
            “Fine, not like it’s me own fucking business or anything.” He muttered. “Congrats, Mr. Shelby, you’ve officially become her patient. In fact, yeah, since it’s such a fucking urgent matter, best you use me office, don’t want to move him, he’s too fragile, ain’t he? Can’t have him shattering to pieces, no, no.” The sarcasm was more than obvious but Ariel ignored him. “The well-being of a fucking Peaky Blinder is in me best interest and me fucking number one priority right now!” The man continued to rant as he left the office, slamming the door behind him.
            Ariel rolled her eyes and pulled up a chair to sit beside the man. “I apologize for his behavior.”
            “I don’t need any help.” He told her in a deep but steady voice.
            “Can you face me?”
            Tommy seemed to get the picture that the woman was persistent. If she could stand up to a man like Alfie, she wouldn’t have a problem with standing up to him. He turned the chair slightly towards here, the movement making him wince.
            “What happened?” She leaned forward and lightly touched his face to examine his eyes and the cut on his cheek. His nose had stopped bleeding, luckily.
            “I fell.”
            She snorted and shook her head. “Yeah, that’s what all the men ‘round here say. They fell. You lot are very unsteady on your feet apparently.”
            Tommy studied her face as she studied his. “You’re family to Alfie?” 
            She smiled slightly. “I’m his cousin. But I also work as his assistant.”
            “But you’re a nurse.”
            Ariel moved her hands to his hair to see if there were any knots. Her fingers moved quickly but gently. “I was a nurse in the war.” She explained. “Alfie said that if I took care of him and his men with their various injuries then he’d pay me more than any hospital would. I just have to keep his planner and answer the phones too.”
            “You’re Tommy Shelby?”
            “You’ve heard of me.”
            “I was the one who received your telegram and passed it along to Alfie.” Her hands dropped to gently press his ribs.
            Tommy couldn’t help the knee-jerk reaction of pain when she pressed into his broken ribs. He jolted away from her with a wince.
            Ariel withdrew. “Can I see?” She requested.
            He hesitated. Only moments before Alfie Solomons was threatening him with a gun. Now his cousin was trying to take care of him. It seemed suspicious. Maybe she was just a plant, there to figure out his weaknesses. Tommy hated appearing weak, especially when it came to injuries sustained from being jumped.
            But the woman’s touch was so gentle and there was a look of care in her ocean-blue eyes.
            Tommy unbuttoned his coat and waistcoat before untucking his shirt. Ariel lifted the fabric with care and took a look at his ribs.
            “Some fall you took.” She remarked while running her fingers over the severely bruised area. “You should have these wrapped as soon as you can. It would be best if you went back to the hospital but I’m guessing you left on your own accord. No doctor in their right mind would release you like this.”
            He nodded. Well, the girl was clever, he had to give her that.
            “Where are you off to after this?” She asked, lowering his shirt.
            “Back to Birmingham.” He answered and buttoned up his waistcoat again.
            Her brow furrowed. “I wouldn’t travel in your condition.
            Tommy adjusted his coat collar. “I got here just fine.”
            “That’s all well and good, Mr. Shelby, but it doesn’t mean you should have. If you don’t have your injuries taken care of properly then you’ll only make your recovery longer.”
            “I’m aware.”
            The door opened and Alfie came back in. Without knocking, it was his office after all even if his cousin was treating it like a private exam room. “Alright, check-up’s over. Mr. Shelby, you want to make a deal, let’s get this over with.”
            “Ariel, so good to see you, love.” He gathered up the contracts, all signed, and stuffed them back in her hands. “Give me best to your mum. I’ll be ‘round for Sabbath soon, all in good time.”
            She didn’t budge. “Alfie.”
            “In the meantime, back to work with ya. Head on out, on you go.”
            “Nice to meet you, Ariel.” Tommy gave her a nod.
            The woman sighed and stood up. “Nice to meet you as well, Mr. Shelby.” She gave her cousin a glare before leaving with the papers in hand.
            Tommy watched her leave, a little struck that one of Alfie’s relatives was so gentle. It wasn’t too much of a shock how headstrong she was though.
            Unfortunately, Alfie took notice. Caught Tommy’s eyes lingering on her with a bit of interest playing in them. “You know what her name means, mate?”
            The Blinder blinked a few times and turned to face him again. “No, I don’t.” The origin of names wasn’t something he wasted time on.
            “It’s Hebrew.” Alfie crossed his arms over his chest. “Means lion of God. Usually a boy’s name, right, but when she were born, she screamed like a fucking lion’s cub. Just a little thing tryna roar. We call her Ari, just means lion.”
            “Thank you for the education.” Tommy replied, not too interested in the woman’s name. More so on who she was as a person.
            “Best you listen.” Alfie leaned forward. “She’s got a bite to her, right? But the worse you’re gonna get is from me. I ever catch word that you’ve been bothering her, you’ll wish I’d’ve thrown you into a lion’s den instead.”
            Tommy was still limping as he left the bakery.         
            “So, who beat you up?”
            He glanced over his shoulder to see Ariel was loitering by the front doors of the building. “Men.”
            She raised an eyebrow. “Well, I didn’t think a horse kicked your ribs in.”
            He smiled and shook his head. “Nope, not a horse.” He turned back around and headed for the barge.
            Alfie was clever. Clever enough to know that under no circumstances would he allow his cousin, a bright, kind, respectable Jewish woman associate with a violent, shady, dangerous gangster.
            Therefore, if Tommy Shelby was ever in Camden Town for business, Ariel was sent across the city to run an errand that really didn’t need to be done. Alfie didn’t care when she came back complaining about how ludicrous it was. She didn’t know Tommy had been there and Tommy hadn’t seen her.
            What Alfie couldn’t anticipate was the result of a bad decision and a couple of years passing by. His aunt insisted that Ariel needed to be wed.
            What will become of her if we don’t arrange a marriage now? She’ll be alone the rest of her life? No husband? No children? It’s a disgrace, Alfie!
            And as the unofficial head of the family, it suddenly became his job to find a suitable husband for his cousin. Thing was, not many men in the Jewish community were keen on marrying into the same family as Alfie Solomons. Sure, they’d be marrying into wealth, but at what cost?
            Eventually, Alfie found someone who would accept the large dowry at the risk of being under Alfie’s thumb for the foreseeable future.
            He delivered the news to his cousin that he’d arranged a match. Ariel laughed in his face, told him to go to hell, and left.
            After the hard work he put into finding a husband, Alfie wasn’t happy. He told his aunt that either Ariel agreed to the match or she would no longer be supported by the family. Ariel, again, told him to go to hell, packed up her things, and left that night.
            Tommy was flitting in and out of consciousness as he was wheeled down the hall. The walls seemed to convulse around him and the ceiling spun.
            “We’ve got an arrival for surgery.” The man wheeling the gurney announced. “Make way please. Nurse, if you’d administer the anesthetics.”
            “Yes-oh my goodness.”
            The voice responding was so familiar. But Tommy’s brain had turned to mush and he couldn’t place it to a face or a name.
            He slipped back under before he could see her face.
            Tommy was in and out for quite some time after his surgery. But the first time he was lucid, he found himself practically bolted to the bed. His head was locked into a metal brace and his body felt like it had been changed to nothing but lead. His throat was dry and his vision was still fuzzy.
            “Did that horse come back to get you, Tommy?”
            It began to dawn on him, the voice belonged to Ariel. The woman he hadn’t seen in years. He wanted to say something or at least smile but he couldn’t seem to do either. Nothing in his body was responding to his brain.
            “It’s okay.” She walked over and touched his arm. “You won’t be able to do much for a short while. You had major surgery and it’ll take time to recover. But you’re in good hands.” She placed her index and middle finger against his palm. “Can you try to squeeze my hand?”
            It was like he was hitting a hundred walls just trying to move his muscles. Something so simple was suddenly so agonizing. But he relented and managed to weakly move his fingers to wrap around hers.
            “Good, much better than I expected.” She said encouragingly. “Are you in pain?”
            He couldn’t even manage to focus for long enough to find out if he was in pain or not. But he lightly squeezed her hand again to agree.
            “Okay, I’ll bring you morphine. It’ll most likely make you fall back asleep. But you need as much rest as you can get right now.”
            Tommy started to nod off again, not able to move or even think he couldn’t convey much to her anyway.
            It wasn’t too long until Tommy was able to speak again. Yet, for the most part he was immobile. The brace, as Ariel explained, was a precaution. The doctor didn’t want him moving his head and causing more damage.       
            “You’ve got quite the will to live, Mr. Shelby. If you had arrived any later, you’d surely be dead by now. A miracle you survived at all.” The surgeon had said.
            Tommy didn’t feel very lucky. He felt duped and defeated. And since he couldn’t move, there was nothing he could do but lay there and think. Think about all the mistakes he made, the ways he could’ve gotten the upper hand, things he could’ve done to further protect himself. But hindsight was only making him more disgruntled.
            It was fortunate he had Ariel. While the other nurses took good care of him, Ariel paid him special attention. He wasn’t sure if it was because they had met before or he was in such a sorry state. Either way, he didn’t question it much. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he adored the attention she gave him. In one of his most vulnerable and darkest times in his life, he had a little ray of sunshine.  
            “’Morning, Tommy.” Ariel walked into the room and went to open the blinds to let in some daylight.
            Tommy awoke, groggy and disoriented. He still wasn’t accustomed to waking up in the hospital, let alone waking up in the state he was left in.
            “Breakfast will be ‘round soon. Can I get you water?” Ariel paused to hear a grunt of confirmation. Although he’d regained his speech, sometimes it was delayed, especially in the morning when he was half asleep. She walked over to pour him a glass from the pitcher beside his hospital bed. “Did you sleep alright?” She wondered.
            “No.” He muttered and tried to shift into a more comfortable position.
            “Did you ask the night nurse to give you something to help you sleep?” She helped him sit up, propping a few extra pillows behind him to support him.
            “No.” He ran a hand over his face, stifling a yawn.
            “Why not?” She tried to hide her disappointment. Never had she met a more stubborn patient than Tommy. He hardly ate, refused aid in moving, and rarely slept.
            “That shit you’ve been giving me s’making me see things.” He replied grumpily.
            “What kind of things are you seeing?” She handed him the glass of water, making sure it was steady in his hand before she let go.
            His blue eyes met her face. There was a long pause between them before he raised the glass to his lips.
            Ariel sighed and made herself busy by adjusting the sheets on his bed. “Well, hallucinations can be common. But you need sleep to heal faster, Tommy.” She reminded him.
            He didn’t say anything else in response, happy to let the subject drop before she made a bigger deal out of it. He let her take the glass from him and he reached for his cigarettes. His hand trembled as he stuck the smoke between his lips and attempted to light it.
            Ariel let him struggle for a few moments before she offered. “You won’t get any better if you keep at it like this?”
            “Like what?” He went to run a hand through his hair but caught himself. Half his head was still shaved, the stitches were still in place. Ariel would scold him if he touched the sutures. So, he clenched his fingers and let his hand fall to his lap.
            “Being stubborn. You can’t heal on your own, you know. You need others to help you. That’s the way life is.” Ariel put her hands on her hips, facing him with a stern look. “You can’t carry the world on your shoulders.”
            Tommy raised his brow as if he was actually responsive to her advice, even when he wasn’t. He’d been carrying the world on his shoulders for a long time. He didn’t intend on stopping.
            “Is your sister coming to see you soon?” Ariel moved closer towards him to check his stitches. It was her job, after all, not trying to get him to be more receptive to help.
            “Not sure, why do you ask?”
            The nurse shrugged. “You always seem to be in a better mood when she comes around. She’s very important to you.”
            Tommy hadn’t realized that she’d taken notice of his relationship with Ada. “Am I in a bad mood the other times?”
            “I wouldn’t say a bad mood, although the other nurses call you surly.” She informed him with a scolding tone. “You’re prickly, I can agree with them on that. But none of us are going through what you are so I suppose we aren’t ones to judge.”
            He almost laughed. Prickly. He’d murdered men with his bare hands before and she was calling him prickly. “I don’t like being like this.”
            “I doubt anyone would. Major brain surgery isn’t something to look forward to.” Ariel began cleaning around his stitches, taking as much care to be gentle.
            “Just being helpless.” He mumbled and exhaled a breath of smoke. “I want to be able to leave this fucking place.”
            “Then you need to listen to me. Listen to the doctor and you’ll be out of here sooner. If you’re stubborn, it’ll take longer. Trust me. I’m only here to help you.” Ariel made sure he was supported enough by the pillows and cleaned up the empty glass of water. “Breakfast will be here soon.”
            “Thank you.” Tommy stubbed out his cigarette and watched her leave.
            One morning, another nurse woke Tommy up. This was uncommon because it was usually Ariel who was there first thing to check on him. He blearily looked around to make sure he was in the same room. Paranoia had gotten to him and he was afraid his enemies would find where he was being treated.
            “Good morning, Mr. Shelby.” The nurse greeted with less warmth in her voice than Ariel’s always had.
            “Where’s Ariel?” His throat was scratchy from the long night’s sleep, aided by medication.
            “It’s her day off.” She replied. “She’ll be back Tuesday.”
            That put Tommy in a sour mood. He denied breakfast and sulked most of the morning, not giving more than one worded answers to the staff.
            Until about two in the afternoon when the door opened. Tommy looked over, surprised to see Ariel dressed in her normal clothing instead of the uniform she worked in.
            “They said it was your day off.” He looked confused.
            “It is.” She came in, taking off her coat and hat. “So, you should be grateful I’m here at work to keep you company.” She smiled and pulled up a chair.
            Tommy was still a bit perplexed but her presence already put him more at ease. “Aye? To do what? Lecture me more?” He teased.
            She laughed softly and sat down near his bed. “Your sister said you weren’t happy that you couldn’t read with your headaches. And since I can’t read to you while I’m working, I figured…” She shrugged and set down her purse, sheepishly looking at him.
            “You figured…”
            “If you don’t want me to stay then I can go. I know I’m coming in unannounced, I just thought we seemed to get along well enough and it’s only your sister coming to visit-”
            “I want you to stay.”
            Ariel smiled and reached into her purse. “Well, I’m not sure what you like to read. But I have taken to this Agatha Christie novel. I just enjoy the mystery of it all.”
            Tommy liked to see her outside of work, shyly telling him about things she enjoyed. It removed him the hospital setting even just in spirit. Sure, they were still there, but she created a different environment for him to settle into.
            “Now, I’ve already started it but I’m not too far in. I can go back and start from the beginning just so you’re not confused.” She held up the book to him, one hand touching the cover almost affectionately.
            “Of course.” He nodded. “Wouldn’t want to miss any of it.”
            Excited that he had taken to the idea, Ariel got comfortable and opened to the first page. She cleared her throat before “’The intense interest aroused in the public by what was known at the time as the Styles Case has now somewhat subsided’”
            It became a routine for them before either of them realized. On her days off, Ariel came with The Mysterious Affair at Styles. They exchanged pleasantries, she asked how he was and he wondered if she was having a nice day off. Sometimes they talked about their lives. She learned that he had been married and had a child before he lost his wife. He found out what transpired between her and her family regarding the botched betrothal. Then, Ariel began to read. When she noticed Tommy start to doze off, she marked the line but continued reading. That way, he would still lull off to sleep, but when she returned with the book she would start from where he started to nod off so he didn’t miss anything.
            “’No, right the other side of the room. Why? Poirot shrugged his shoulders. I wondered. That is all.’ Oh, did I skip a line…oh no, sorry.”
            “Ariel?” Tommy piped up when she broke away from the book’s text.
            “Hm?” She looked up.
            “When I’m discharged here, will you come and stay at Arrow House with me?”
            Ariel couldn’t help her lips from popping open in shock. “In Warwickshire? Why?”
            “I would like someone there just to make sure I’m still healing correctly.” It was a feeble excuse, Tommy knew that. But he needed something. He was afraid that when he left the hospital, he wouldn’t see Ariel again. That was something he wouldn’t settle with. He had grown far too fond of her company. “I would pay you and you could stay in the house. Anything you needed you could have. I would take care of you.”
            She stared at him with a look of disbelief. What he was offering was so unbelievable. It started off sounding like a job offer but it was starting to morph into something else. What it was, she wasn’t exactly sure. “Tommy…”
            “I just wanted-” Never before had he been so at a loss for words in front of her. “I didn’t want to stop seeing you.”
            Ariel slowly dog-eared the page they were on and closed the book. “So, you want me to move in with you. To work for you?”
            He nodded. His hair had grown back in for the most part and he looked less gaunt and pale. It wouldn’t be more than a week before he was discharged to go home. Once he could walk on his own without assistance, which he was close to. He could get up and wander around the room for a bit. He’d taken to walking slowly down the hall, Ariel by his side to make sure he didn’t get faint or weak. By the time he was home, he wouldn’t need her. Yet, he was offering her a job as a live-in nurse. To do what?
            “You won’t need me for longer than a week, Tommy.” She reminded him even though she didn’t want to admit it. Being a nurse, she liked to help everyone. But Tommy was special to her. She couldn’t exactly place a finger on it. Just like when they first met in Alfie’s office. She didn’t know why she was drawn to the mysterious man. But when he spoke so fondly of his son, the light in his blue eyes was irresistible. When she coaxed a smile from him, her heart skipped a beat. The highlight of her day was seeing him.
            “I need you.” His words came out vulnerable and almost breathless. He wouldn’t look away from her though, he was serious.
            “I-” She stammered for a moment. “I need you too.” She whispered in response.
            The relief on his face was evident. She had no idea how long he was planning to ask her to stay at Arrow House. Worried she would pull away, he kept putting it off. But now things were in place. Everything would be okay.
            “’What is it, mon ami? Nothing, I said sadly. They are two delightful women. And neither of them is for you, finished Poirot. Never mind. Console yourself, my friend. We may hunt together again, who knows. And then’”
            Tommy had his face turned up to the dull sunlight that was straining to break through the moody gray sky. He was reclined back in the wrought iron chair that was placed out in the expansive lawn of Arrow House. He opened one eye to glance over at Ariel when she stopped abruptly. “And then what?”
            “That’s it. That’s the end.” She shut the now worn book and set it on the table in front of them.
            “Hm." He frowned and closed his eye again.
            “Did you like it?” She wondered.
            “I liked you reading it to me.”
            Ariel smiled and reached over to touch his hand. She had been at Arrow House for two weeks and it had been the best decision of her life. Charlie had taken to her, enjoying her company. The little boy was just as happy to have his father back home.
            And Tommy. Well, he was something else outside of the hospital. Not in a bad way, it was just good to see him settling back into his own life. Being able to do things on his own and resuming the confident airs he had before. But since Ariel had seen him at his weakest, he entrusted a great deal in her.
            He kissed her for the first time after she wished him a good night. He was so much gentler than she expected. After what he’d been through, she expected him to be tough towards everything in life. But he wasn’t guarded with her.
            Although the arrangement was strange and Ariel wasn’t sure where it would lead, she was more than happy to follow.
            “Well, I suppose it’s perfect timing,” Tommy said as he opened his eyes and saw Mary coming across the lawn to talk to them. “I have a meeting soon.”
            Although Ariel protested, he was already getting back into work. She urged him to lay low just a bit longer but it was difficult to keep him in a calm state.
            “Mr. Shelby, your brothers are here.” Mary said when she was close enough. “And a man who’s only called himself the Wandering Jew.”
            Tommy didn’t seem as perplexed with the odd moniker. He simply sat up with a sigh and let Ariel’s hand slip from his. “I’ll be back, you relax.” He told her and kissed the top of her dark hair.
            Ariel looked confused. Wandering Jew? What on Earth? But she just nodded and watched him and Mary walk back to the massive estate. She tried to take it easy and soak up what little sun there was out. But she couldn’t get her mind to stop running amok.
            Then, she suddenly sat up with a gasp.
            Tommy was about to tell Alfie that he was in need of glasses when the door to his study opened.
            Ariel and Alfie stared at each other, both completely at a loss for why the other was there.
            “Ariel Solomons, have you lost your fucking mind?” Alfie went from zero to a hundred within seconds. “The whole fucking family has been looking for you for months!” He shouted. “We’ve ‘bout lost our damn minds ‘cause you decided to disappear off the face of the fucking planet! Now you end up at Tommy Fucking Shelby’s?” He stormed towards her with an angry look.
            “Don’t speak to me like that. There’s a reason I left!” She had no issue raising her voice right back at him.
            “It’s tradition, Ariel, you’re acting like a child!”
            “Fuck tradition, you just want to control me.” She spat back at him and lifted her chin, unafraid of her cousin.
            Alfie grunted and turned around to face Tommy. “As for you, mate, I fucking told ya to stay the hell away from her. Now she’s here? I swear I’m gonna fucking shoot you, Tommy.” He growled and a hand went to his waistband.
            “If you touch him I’ll kill you.” Ariel snarled. “So don’t even threaten him.”
            Alfie looked utterly at a loss for words. When on Earth had this all happened? His cousin disappeared and he finds her shacked up with a Shelby? It was like the worst was happening all at once. What would their family all say? “You can’t be serious!”
            “I love him. I’m serious about that.” She asserted and moved to stand beside Tommy.
            “Love? You don’t know what love is, Ari.” He scoffed.
            “And you do?” She shot back. “You’ve never loved anyone!”
            Alfie’s eyes narrowed at her. “This ain’t happening.” He desperately tried to get a hold of the situation.
            “It’s already happened. You can’t stop it.”
            “Alfie, I don’t intend on letting you breaking up our relationship.” Tommy finally spoke up. His stance protective by Ariel. “If this will be an issue then it’s an issue between us. It doesn’t involve her.”
            Alfie threw his hands up with a noise of frustration. “Fucking hell you two are gonna drive me mad!” He exclaimed. “What do you think this is gonna do to your mother, aye? What’ll she think? What’ll Camden think? We’ll be the fucking laughingstock of London!”
            Ariel crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t care. Tommy makes me happy.”
            “Happy. Love, you don’t know what the fuck that man’s capable of. You can’t be happy with him.”
            “What sort of things do you do?” She retorted angrily. “Was I ever safe with you? Was I ever safe with our family? How can you even say that?”
            Alfie was starting to realize he was losing the fight. “Can’t fucking believe this.” He turned away from them, running a hand over his mouth. “Fuck’s sake.”
            Ariel reached for Tommy’s hand, refusing to let her cousin tear them apart.
            “Alfie, you know I wouldn’t hurt her.” Tommy’s voice softened.
            The man wanted to bring up Grace’s death but the words wouldn’t come out. He let out an exasperated sigh and faced them again. Knowing how stubborn his cousin was, he knew he wasn’t going to win. “I apologize for having good sense.” He muttered.
            A small smile formed on Ariel’s lips when she realized Alfie was turning around. “I’ll never stop caring about our family, Alfie, but I can’t help who I love.”
            Alfie grimaced and pointed his cane at Tommy. “If you fuck up, I’m going to put your head on a pike outside me bakery.” He threatened with all the intention in the world.
            Tommy nodded. “I’d expect nothing less.”
            He glared at the two of them for a moment. “Fucking hell.” He sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Fine. Fine. Stubborn git.” He muttered.
            Tommy sneaked a smile to Ariel whose eyes lit up with triumph.
           Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @giftofdreams @biba3434 @kimmietea
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Field of Poppies Part 24
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 24: Tommy and the others try to settle in, but there’s unrest. 
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            Seeing Tommy sitting at the table during breakfast the next morning made Amelia’s heart skip a beat. Especially since he was sitting between Max and Annie. Both were chattering on about things they could do together now that he was home.
            “You can come down to see me ride. Uncle Charlie says that I’m as good as a horse rider as you were when you were my age!” Max said proudly.
            “That right?” Tommy chuckled.
            “Mummy says I’m too little to ride.” Annie pouted.
            “Oh, nonsense. No Shelby is too little to ride.” He shook his head.
            “I heard that.” Amelia glanced over her shoulder as she finished cleaning up the kitchen after making them breakfast.
            The three at the table shared a smile. “Well, we’ll go down to the Yard this weekend,” Tommy promised.
            “Okay!” Max looked thrilled.
            “But for now, you two are going to go over to see your Auntie Martha and Uncle John after breakfast,” Amelia said. “Daddy and I are going to go to church.”
            “Church is boring,” Max mumbled, not about to ask to go with them. But he seemed uneasy to know that Tommy would be away from him even if just down the street.
            “Then will daddy come back?” Annie asked.
            “Of course,” Tommy answered. “We’re going to come back to make lunch then we’ll go to the park.”
            “So, go wash up,” Amelia said once Annie cleared her plate. “Get teddy if you want to bring him to your aunt’s.”
            “Okay!” Annie popped up from the table and rushed upstairs. Max picked at the rest of his food.
            “What’s wrong, love?” Amelia stroked his hair back.
            “Just thinking ‘bout something.”
            “What are you thinking about?” Tommy wondered.
            “We went to London when you were gone,” Max said. “Annie was little. Really little.”
            “Oh yeah? That must’ve been fun. Where did you go?”
            “To the park.”
            “That’s right.” Amelia nodded. She was surprised that he remembered that day. But she supposed it was a big change from being in Small Heath all the time.
            “There was a lady there that mummy was mad at.”
            Tommy looked up to his wife who frowned. “Oh…” He figured it was something she didn’t want to talk about in front of their son. “Well, are you done?” He pointed to the plate in front of Max.
            “Yeah.” He nodded.
            “Okay, go get ready to go over to your aunt’s.” Amelia cleared the table.
            After Max was heading upstairs, Tommy glanced over to her at the sink. “What happened?”
            “When we went to Hyde Park, we ran into my mother.” She admitted quietly. “It wasn’t pretty.”
            After all they’d gone through, Tommy hadn’t given much thought to Amelia’s family or past in London. They had done enough harm to her that he was willing to write them off. He didn’t want them to hurt her anymore and that meant keeping even their names out of their lives.
            “Did you talk to her?”
            “Of course, I-I didn’t know what else to do.” She sighed. “She tried to claim Annie and Max as her grandchildren and she threatened to tell…” Even after all those years she couldn’t speak his name. The man who had assaulted her. The man her parents chose to believe over her.
            Tommy’s eyes froze over. He looked calm on the outside, but Amelia knew him well enough to see a storm was brewing in him. It began to spill over when he finally spoke. “If that man ever comes near Max-”
            “I know.” She walked over to him and sat beside him in Max’s empty chair. She gently took his face in her hands, still in disbelief that she could hold him again. “I’m just glad you’re home. I feel much safer.”
            “It puts me at ease too.” He agreed, his anger simmering down beneath her touch. “Felt helpless over there knowing something could happen to you and I couldn’t be there to stop it.”
            “Let’s just enjoy our time together again.” She suggested gently. They could get hung up on the past years but what mattered was they were back together.
            After attending church service with Amelia and Polly, Tommy returned to the betting shop. He promised Amelia that he wouldn’t work, he would just step in for a bit while she made lunch. Arthur was already back in one of the offices while John was back at the blackboard jotting down odds. It was almost as if they hadn’t left at all.
            “How’d Polly leave it then?” Tommy asked as he stepped into the office.
            “How’d you think? She’s smarter than any of us. You can look over the books but don’t think any one of the girls made a mistake. The money kept coming in too, steady income.” Arthur replied.
            “I didn’t have any doubts.”
            Arthur studied his brother. “So, how are you feeling back home?”
            “What else would I be but happy?” Tommy replied without any joy in his voice. “Out of the trenches and back home with me wife and kids.”
            “Yeah, but Tom…” Arthur was cut off. Someone came running into the shop, the door slamming into the door on their way in.
            Tommy was still very much in soldier mode and went into action, reaching for his gun and running toward the chaos. But all he found in the shop was Rosie Owens. She was sobbing and clutching a shawl around her shoulders.
            “Tommy, please, you have to come quick. It’s Danny.”
            He frowned. “What’s wrong? What happened?” He walked over to her, releasing his hold on his gun.
            “He’s gone mad. He’s wrecked the home, won’t stop shouting.” She hiccupped in between words. “I can’t calm him down, s’like I’m not even there. He just keeps shouting about nonsense.”
            “Alright, Arthur and I will take care of it. Stay here, Mel’s in the kitchen with the kids.” Tommy looked back to gesture to his brother to follow him.
            It took a bit to calm Rosie down. The experience with Danny had left her shaken.
            “There was nothing in his eyes, Mel. He was a completely different person. That wasn’t the man I fell in love with.” She cried.
            “I know.” Amelia held her friend’s hand as they sat at the kitchen table. “It’s the war, it’s not him. It’s not his fault.”
            “I was so stupid to think things would be okay once he came back.” She sobbed. “I just don’t know how to help him.”
            “We’ll figure it out. Maybe things will settle once everyone’s feeling back at home. They just need to put some distance between them and the war.” Amelia tried to reason even though she felt like she was just making things up as she went. “There’s still news about the war everywhere, I’m sure it’s not easy. People are still talking about it and what not.”
            Rosie nodded and wiped her eyes. “Maybe you’re right.”
            The door to the flat opened and Tommy came in looking a bit disheveled. Arthur came in behind him, leading Danny into the home.
            “Rose…” Danny looked devastated.
            “Oh, Danny.” She stood up and didn’t hesitate to embrace him. “I was so worried.”
            “I’m sorry, love.” He held her close. “I didn’t know what happened…honest I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
            Amelia looked to her husband who shared a worried glance her way. They thought they were leaving the war behind when they left France. But it seemed the war wasn’t ready to release its grip on them.
            “Arthur said Polly and the rest of you kept the books perfectly,” Tommy remarked. They were at the park eating a later lunch than they planned. Max and Annie had gobbled down their food quickly so they could run around and play nearby.
            “Well, you know Pol. Once she sets her mind to something there’s nothing standing in her way.” Amelia smiled. “So, did you think about how things are going to progress?” She wondered.
            He nodded. “We’re going back to the same plan I had before the war. A plan to legitimacy.” He took her hand in his. “But I don’t want you to worry about that stuff anymore.”
            She raised an eyebrow at him. “Tom, the shop was my life for a few years. What do you think I’m supposed to do now?”
            He shrugged. “You can do whatever you want. Once we get the money coming in, you’ll have anything you want.” There was still that ambition he had all those years ago when they reunited. The drive to have what the wealthy had. The horses, the cars, the property. The stability and safety. The notoriety and perks. Tommy had played the part of a warhorse. A disposable foot soldier. An underground fighter that the brass didn’t care about. He wasn’t going to play that part again. He would be the one giving orders.
            Amelia lay back on the blanket, resting her head in Tommy’s lap. “What I want most is for you to be happy and for our family to be safe.”
            He didn’t want to admit there were things he could never give her. His wife deserved the world in his opinion, so he would strive to give her everything her heart desired. But there were things that were almost unattainable.
            “Tom?” She nudged him out of his thoughts.
            “Hm? Yeah, well…anything you want.” He reiterated. “It’s yours.”
            To a Shelby man, there was no greater joy than seeing their children on a horse. Carrying on the tradition of being natural born riders, independent enough to hold the reins, and strong enough to lead their horse with purpose.
            Max was thrilled to show Tommy that he could walk and trot on the little pony. It was a tiny thirteen hand thing that Charlie had gotten from one of the Strongs so that Max and the other children could learn to ride.  
            Amelia wouldn’t quite warm up to the idea of plopping Annie onto a horse even with Tommy leading the pot-bellied pony. So, he tacked up one of the larger horses and let Annie sit in front of him in the saddle. Despite what had happened a few days ago with Danny, Tommy felt at peace. He was finally back on a horse and what was better he could share the love for the animals with his children.
            Annie was chuffed that she was sat up on the chestnut mare. She placed her hands over Tommy’s as he held the reins, feeling as if she were really the one running the show.
            Amelia watched nervously from the sidelines although she was happy to see her daughter so excited. And it was such a relief that Tommy was there. He wouldn’t miss another milestone. There was no guilt or sadness behind the event. She wasn’t feeling like something was missing. Everything was whole.
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