#toms terrors
rieturnsblue · 4 months
The Magnus Protocol #5
Personal Screening
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drownedbycoffee · 4 months
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I'm the only one in this cinema....
And the film hasn't started for a long time-
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mikedawwwson · 9 months
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"The Good War on Terror" written by Christopher Hayes.
I will be producing a print 'zine of this in the coming months. Join my Monthly 'Zine Club to get the first copies automatically sent your way!
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sarroora · 6 months
This is a really interesting analogy video on Gaza by Egyptian media figure Joe Hussen. It’s about 8 minutes long but I really recommend it.
I’ve mentioned before that the west only sees what’s going on in Palestine through a small window, because of bias, manipulation, and the simple fact that much of the news isn’t translated into English.
I hope this video gives you something to think about.
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leadandblood · 2 days
Photos from the writer's room
I have never seen a single one of these somehow
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noughticalcrossings · 1 month
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Thomas Hartnell
Go be with your brother now
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 4 months
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The loves of the Terror
For the
@theterrorbingo free slot
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hacash · 4 months
Not to be morbing on on main but imagine an world where after everything the crew find the passage and return to Britain, only to realise they are men who now no longer fit…victory parades and presentations where Blanky is delicately left out because seeing his amputation would ‘upset’ the audience…parties to which the officers are invited but lower ranks are steered tactfully away because they wouldn’t enjoy such formality, don’t you know…Crozier’s name is still spoken mud-tinged and with half a laugh by better-born men, who mention him as a mere footnote after lengthily eulogising Sir John...Fitzjames finally receiving every glorious accolade he ever dreamed of, only to feel it all turn to ash in his hand...Silna's part in their story both exoticized and sexualised, turning Goodsir speechless with rage whenever he hears it... Irving feeling that he has never been closer to God nor further from his fellow believers, and not knowing what to do with that...Tozer insisting on visiting the family of every Marina he ever commanded, and not realising he's been shaking from a full-blown panic attack through every visit because that would mean he's weak, and he's not, he's a soldier…Hartnell nearly killing a man for calling his brother one of the ‘honoured dead’ because he wasn’t, John Hartnell died because a greedy industrialist wanted to save a pound or two and has never answered for it... just instance after instance of men coming home and realising that something happened out there and the Empire never truly cared for them, it just wanted to eat them up and spit them back out
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jacquelying · 3 months
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el tuunbaquito on the loose
the insp
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I made a quiz for my @theterrorbingo prompt square “bilge water” (it’s relevant I promise) have fun and let me know who you get in the tags!!
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nigesakis · 9 months
Dave K on what the characters' modern jobs would be (Q&A 4)
Franklin: failed politician who own a basketball team
Crozier: provost at a public university who does one "fantastic" ethics course per year
James: specialist surgeon ("surgeon energy" "like being that good at something")
Hickey: a lot of things ("people in daily life remind me of Hickey") (nodded at every idea from the comments including life coach, tv producer, youtube channel, tattoo artist, real estate broker, therapist
Silna: public defender who becomes a prosecutor, "still with the spirit of a public defender but prosecuting, um… bad actors."
Goodsir: modern take of an ethnographer ("like a Studs Terkel or someone on TikTok who stops [...] houseless people in the street to ask them what they carry with them and why")
Little: commercial architect, would rather design houses but isn't successful
Hodgson: children's television host
Irving: family man, deacon at local church, running successfull business
Blanky: incident commander for the coast guard
Collins: carpenter who sculpts
Jopson: advocate, example named is for the rights of houseless veterans ("doing service for people who really needed it")
Hartnell: high school science teacher who the students have crushes on
Bridgens: teacher
Lady Jane: starting a company for themed river cruise ships where you learn about things like local literature etc ("massive success")
Tozer: cop or gym teacher / also agreed with comment: firefighter
Gore: professional mountaineer (agreed with comment)
Sophia: journalism (agreed with comment)
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kenobihater · 1 month
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1917 - sam mendes & krysty wilson-cairns / go to the limits of your longing - rainer maria rilke
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the-golden-vanity · 4 months
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Terror fans and polar exploration friends, did you know about this? I'm not sure how I feel about Tom Hiddleston as Henry Worsley, but I'm delighted to see Soo Hugh back in her element, running shows about polar explorers dying badly.
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In honour of new Hozier, some Hozier-The Terror shitposts!!!!
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Deleted Scripty Bits that Drive Me Wild
Crozier's hands are shackled. He walks behind Armitage, Manson, Des Voeux, Golding, and Hodgson. He's been beaten. Manson drags Hartnell's uncovered corpse on a small sled beside him. Hartnell’s arm has come loose and his hand drags on the ground alongside the sled, becoming frayed. ... Hodgson finally sees Hartnell’s hand and steps over to put it right. He sees Crozier watching him. Crozier: What do you have so say for yourself, George Hodgson?
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leadandblood · 15 days
Staged Terror photos by Aidan Monaghan
I look at these and fall more and more in love what the hell >:(
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