#fell for something SO obviously sketchy
rieturnsblue · 4 months
The Magnus Protocol #5
Personal Screening
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starlit-crossing · 22 days
Lost in Foster (Working Title) Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Stuck in the System
The days that followed Danny’s half reveal were primarily uneventful. The GIW were still swarming the state and with his hiccup at the state border they had begun to search Indiana as well. Since he was so far north it had taken a day to leave. With each stop he was able to test the limits of his parents’ invention. If the GIW were near the Greyhound routed stops, he would be able to practice keeping his emotions in check. As his parents had explained, any expression of emotion on a standard level or higher seemed to trigger the tracker.
Anything from frowning, laughing, even going wide eyed seemed to ping on the radar. Thinking about emotions and keeping any thoughts internal didn’t seem to have enough strength to activate the device. It wouldn’t be long before his parents realized this and figured out a way to upgrade the tech. At the very least it was enough to get him to Gotham without being tailed.
After leaving Indiana things began to quite down. Danny was able to grab a few things during the scheduled stops. Books, crosswords, and the like were the only things keeping boredom at bay. Sleep was a welcomed friend on the drive, allowing him to skip many hours that would’ve been spent staring out the window. As Gotham approached sleep became harder to hold. He could barely fend off the instinct to bounce his leg.
Blüdhaven soon came into view and each stop felt longer than the last. On the second to last stop in the city, a small group of men made their way onto the bus. Each was dressed similarly, a chorus of jeans and t-shirts, all of them looked to be in their mid to early thirties. They had climbed onto the bus just after everyone had hopped out to stretch and use the restroom. They had squeezed themselves into a single row towards the back with duffel bags at their feet. The oldest of the four was leading the group and had a scar running down the side of his cheek. The youngest picking up the end looking like he’d explode if you tried to talk to him.
They were obviously not part of the group and were up to no good. Part of Danny wanted to at the very least tell someone, to get the authorities to involved to question them. That was the last thing he needed right now, so he turned a blind eye and shuffled back onto the bus with everyone else. Gotham and Blüdhaven had their own heroes that could worry about some sketchy guys sneaking around. So, he kept his head facing forward, he only had a little longer to go.
“Hey, Boss?” He heard one of the men whisper rather loudly. “What do you think happened to Ricky? You know he don’t up and leave like that.”
“If I’m being honest, he’s probably in a cell. That car was stolen, and we hadn’t gotten the chance to switch the plates around yet.” A gravely voice answered mostly the man with the scar.  “So long as he keeps his mouth shut, we can still finish the job. So, let’s do the same and just get to Gotham.”  It hadn’t even been five minutes when the sirens went off behind the bus. The driver pulled off to the side of the road. Danny could hear the one of the men’s breathing quicken and a zipper being undone.
“What do you think you’re doing?” The oldest urged, the zipper quickly closing.
“I’m getting ready! There is no way they just happened to pull of this bus!” Another voice frantically answered, if Danny’s guess was right, it was probably the jumpy one from earlier.
“Keep it cool, the driver probably ran a red or something.” The leader said trying to calm him down.
“Or Ricky ratted us out to the police. You know he doesn’t want to go back to jail and would do anything for a lighter sentence.” The young one unzipped the duffel, the clicks of a gun being cocked sounding behind him. The next few seconds happened faster than Danny expected. The leader of the small gang growled in annoyance grabbing a rifle of his own firing it into the ceiling of the bus. The other passengers fell in between the seats trying to garner any cover.
“Drop your weapons!” An officer shouted from the front of the bus as he ran up the steps. Rather than listening to the man’s reasonable request the gang leader moved forward and grabbed the closest civilian to him.
Fuck! Danny thought as his shirt was stretched as the older man pulled him from his seat. Holding him close, the leader aimed the gun to his head, eyeing up the officer ahead. When everything settled the men were in a standoff. Danny forced himself to keep a straight face, I haven’t gotten this far just to die as a hostage a city away! He caught the stare of the police man who looked confused at his lack of a reaction. Sirens wailed in the distance as more cops were making their way here. Danny searched for anything that could help, he couldn’t risk his powers and there were too many people here to chance fighting the men with guns.
Tired of the quiet the man holding him began to shout demands, “What are you doing just standing there! We want a car! And nobody better do anything or we’ll start shooting!”
*Crash!* Danny watched as something crashed through the window. It was a small silver canister about the size of Danny’s hand. Smoke began to fill the bus causing everyone to cough and blocking his vision. Someone must have entered through the back emergency exit as fighting could be heard behind his captor. Danny took the chance, shoving his elbow into the leader’s stomach and grabbing the gun from his hands and throwing it down the aisle. The man roared in rage swiping the air in front of him. Danny dodged easily, even the Box Ghost faster than this guy. Danny could hear the cop behind him trying to get people out, so whoever was in the back of the bus was hopefully on his side. He took advantage of the smoke cover, using its cover to keep the on viewers from seeing him pummel the guy. His previous captor wasn’t ready for the quick barrage of jabs coming at him from the teen previously known to him to be weak and scrawny.
Danny was about to try a knock the leader out when he saw the man convulse and fall to the floor. Standing where the old guy stood was a man dressed in black and blue wearing a domino mask and holding two black sticks the length of his fore arms. It was definitely a superhero, but not Batman though there was a bird on his chest. He spun the sticks around before storing them away.
“Hey, kid, are you okay? Let’s get you off this bus.” He asked, placing a hand on Danny’s shoulder.
“Yea, I’m fine but I need my stuff.” Danny explained, keeping his tone even, he walked over to his seat and grabbed the backpack. Nothing seemed to be amiss and aside from the bullet holes in the ceiling it didn’t seem anyone had gotten hurt. The hero followed him off the bus making sure he went to the police and ambulance rather than sneaking off. A woman stood near; she was dressed nicer than the other cops with a bulletproof vest over her uniform her brown hair in a low ponytail.
“Nightwing, good to know you’re back in town.” The woman said exasperated. So, this guy is called Nightwing. Okay, that’s an actually a good hero name, also the first hero I’ve met outside Amity. Danny thought excitedly watching the two speak.
“It’s just a visit, Chief Rohrbach. I just got back from helping the League and the Bat wanted me to stop by Gotham. I was just passing through and thought I could help.” Nightwing seemed more relaxed now, his hands on his hips despite the fight moments before.
“None the less we appreciate it when a hero has their eyes on helping our city. So, who’s the kid?” The chief’s attention on him. Both adults’ gazes were focused on him now.
“Uh, I’m Danny. I was on the bus to visit some family in Gotham?” He lied, hoping that was enough for them to just pat him on the back and let him continue his merry way.
“Okay, Danny and is there a last name to go with that? You were just in a shooting we should probably give your family a called.” Ms. Rohrbach asked pulling out a notepad.
“I plead the fifth?” Danny retorted sheepishly.
“Kid, that’s not how that works and you’re not under oath.” Nightwing laughed, “Listen if your home life isn’t safe or you’re worried about being in trouble we can help. Just give the officer your name and we can help.”
Danny looked between the two of them, before sighing. “Nope, can’t do it. Just Danny for me, thanks.”
“Okay then Danny, you can join be in the back of my car and we’ll take a trip down to the station.” The chief rolled her eyes grabbing his arm and leading him to the car. Once he was inside sat on the leather seats, she locked the doors and turned to Nightwing. The stepped away just far enough that Danny couldn’t make out what they were saying. He strained to hear anything, but they kept their voices at a whisper. Eventually the cop came back, sliding into the driver’s seat before pulling away from the bystanders and scared bus riders.
“So… Am I being arrested?” Danny questioned; she gave him a strange look in the rear-view mirror.
“No, but we can’t just let a kid go back on the streets after being held hostage. Without your last name or the names of your guardians, we’re going to have to find somewhere for you to stay till things get sorted out.” She lamented; eyes glued to the road ahead.  “Fortunately for you, I had just been helping one of our local CPS agents safely place a kid into one of the few foster homes we have. So, I know that everything in Blüdhaven is full at the moment. You get your wish kid; you’re going to Gotham.”
“Really? You have that few homes willing to take on new kids in Blüdhaven?” He inquired, leaning his head against the window.
“Oh, we have plenty of homes, but it’ll never be enough due to how many kids are in the system. Not to mention the ones willing to take in metahuman youths.” She went on, pulling on to the highway connecting the two cities.
“I’m not a metahuman.” Danny stated. Not a lie, but also not the whole truth.
“I never said you were it doesn’t change the fact we need a place for you to stay safe. For yourself and for whatever courts might need you to testify down the line. I had someone give the Gotham police department a heads up on our arrival, so we’ll have somewhere to stay very soon.” She smiled.
“Oh, joy.” Sarcasm almost bleeding through as he watched the highway race by.
When Danny arrived in Gotham, he was not given the courtesy of tour. Or an explanation as the once sunny skies of Blüdhaven were replaced with the dark, grimy overcast of Gotham.
Sam would both love and hate this city, he thought looking at the old gothic architecture and gargoyles sitting among the buildings. The lack of plants would’ve been a large downside for her. They had briefly stopped by the GPD to grab photos of him and to get the address of the home he’d be staying in. The home was a simple town house with raw brick walls and dark red door, located just outside the business district. The couple who owned the home reminded Danny of Tucker’s parents. They were dressed for suburbia; the interior of the house kept simple with dark brown tables and cream shag carpet.
“I know we can trust you’ll look after Danny for us while we work to locate his family, Mr. and Mrs. Danbury. We’ll be in touch within the next few days after we have his case work figured out.” Chief Rohrback had decided not to bother the GPD with dropping him off and wanted to personally see he had made it to where they wanted him to be.
“It’s no problem, we’ll keep an ear out for your call.” Mr. Danbury smiled, following her to the door. With a click of the door and the turn of a lock he was stuck in the foster care system. They led him to a room with a twin-sized bed made with a plaid comforter and plain sheets. The room came with a desk for schoolwork and a dresser which he ignored as he didn’t have many clothes with him. Not to mention there was no way he was staying.
“Okay, Danny feel free to settle in! We know it’s early but we’re making some spaghetti for dinner if you feel up to eating. We know it can be hard to adjust but it’s easier to sleep with a full belly!” Mrs. Danbury suggested cheerfully. He’d stay for dinner at the very least, who knows when he’d have a chance to eat a real meal again.
He left his bag on the desk and read till the couple called for dinner. They spoke to him freely, careful not to mention his lack of expression. They explained how they’d been fostering for the last ten years and had lived in Gotham their whole lives. Saying how dangerous the city could be and that they felt it was only right to do their part to help families were disrupted by the consistent attacks on the city.
They showed him photos of their past fosters and laid some ground rules for his stay there. No going out past dark, avoid Crime Alley, don’t eat any snacks before dinner, and other simple rules. The couple even gave him some extra ones due to him not being a native Gothamite. If a villain attacks, run, or hide and if you can’t get away follow what others are doing. If you see a lot of plants, suddenly avoid them. If someone in a clown mask enters a building just leave and a more all related to the villains that seemed to run rampant every other month.
By the time he headed to bed Danny felt like he had a good idea of what to avoid in Gotham. All of which would only help him as he waited for the Danbury’s to go to sleep. Sneaking out was a sinch, lifting the window open and moving the screen to the side, Danny was able to make his way onto the fire escape. It was laughable how easy it was to make his way down and start walking down the street. Gotham was certainly different at night; the smog hung low in the sky and if anyone was out, they looked like they were up to no good.
Danny never understood the saying a city never sleeps when in Amity; it was a sleepy city and too oblivious most of the time. Gotham felt alive in comparison, the streets breathed history and walls felt like they had eyes. He had been following his phone’s map to the harbor on foot for the last hour before he heard a thump as something landed behind him. He turned expecting a trash bag to be slumped over or a fallen bike. Instead, there was nothing, spinning around to go back to his desired path he came face to face with Nightwing once again.
“Shouldn’t you be in a foster home, right now?” The hero smiled.
“Shouldn't you be helping Batman with a crime or something?” Danny returned, keeping his eyes on the phone. He needed to keep moving, he couldn’t risk going back or being sidetracked again.
“Touche, but he can handle himself. You however have been in a crime today and still sounding off about it. Where do you think you’re going?” He had kept walking, hoping the hero would take the hint, he didn’t need saving.
“Anywhere but here! The Danbury’s are nice and all, but I need to get going, places I need to be.”
“Nice try, kid but I can’t just let you leave! Whether you like it or not, you’re a runaway and I can’t just leave you. Come on, I’m taking you back to the station.” Nightwing started grabbing Danny and dragging him a couple blocks before hitting a button. An alley was lit up as the headlights for a really nice car turned on and the engine roared to life. “Good thing I took the car and not the bike.”
Danny was placed inside as the hero got in the driver's seat and took him back to GPD. Annoyed, the police called the Danbury’s and let them know Danny was going to be rehomed. The next time Danny stayed for two days before getting away. Nightwing found him again and dragged him to the station. They repeated another three times each home getting him to stay longer but unable to keep him there. The last home, the Geller’s, had no clue how he got out with security cams and locks on every door and window throughout the home. The foster system was running out of homes that could handle a runaway teen. Finally, the GCPS made a call to a not a foster parent but a successful adoptive parent who would have the means to keep Danny in check. Or at the very least his butler would as Gordon called in a favor to the one, Bruce Wayne.
Hello! Sorry for the tardiness in the delivery of this chapter! But it is here and is my longest chapter so far so it was worth it! It took me a while to figure out how I wanted the scenes to play out and I ended up scrapping a lot of my writing that I wrote during my breaks at work.
Again I want to thank everyone who is enjoying the story so far. Seeing everyone interact with this has been so fun and we've broken over 3k in views across all platforms! Can't wait to see everyone's reactions as the story continues and I will see you all later this week!
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hi!! 🍄 again I was wondering if I could get a platonic newt x reader (from tmr) where maybe it’s while newt is still new to his limp and reader is helping him do Is jobs
(Also just to let you know if you didn’t newt from tmr is canonically gay (as stated by the author ) I just wanted to let you know so you didn’t write him with a fem reader btw I didn’t relizie how rude this sounds not trying to be rude just and fyi also sorry if you did know just a lot of fans didn’t )
Thank you once again sorry if it seemed rude
ooooo okay I like this! ; also I know, don't worry, and you didn't sound rude! i do see newt as a queer character 100 and I always have, even before learning about James dashners tweet about it, which I find sketchy bc I'm pretty sure he tweeted that after being accused of being weird to women or smthn?? idrk, doesn't matter here bc gn readers only + I wholeheartedly see newt as queer and I can rant ab it for hours ; I don't plan on writing for tmr much but pls send requests, I love writing for this fandom lol
NEWT ; personal aid
summary ; youre helping him after he gained his limp
warnings ; language, talk of/about suicide and mental health
genre ; platonic fluff, kinda angst
word count ; 1k
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Newt was recently injured in the maze. He'd been as fixed up as possible, given a brace made of tree branches and some painkillers sent from the box. At least no one was using the pills for bad, considering they're a fragile item to give to a bunch of teenagers. The only thing you'd ever thank WCKD for was those painkillers, because seeing the blonde hurt like that killed you inside.
To put it as blankly as possible, he tried to kill himself. He climbed his way up of one of the walls surrounding the glade using the ivy that grew on it, and jumped. He fell about thirty feet, considering he only climbed up the wall about a third of the way, apparently thinking thirty feet would kill him.
He'd never been the type to express happiness within the glade, but he never expressed the opposite either.
But, everyone struggles inside, especially in the Glade. Reoccurring dreams and nightmares, unanswered questions, the will to live dwindling down each and every day, they only fed into the growing depression. Everyone was struggling in the Glade, but Newt, he took the first place trophy for that.
Once he'd been able to walk around again, you took helping him into your own hands. He was clearly never running in the maze again, due to the limp that slowed him down. So, he had a few options, hopefully one he'd like.
Alby took pity in him, making him his right hand man not long after. He needed someone around for when he wasn't, Newt was a good choice for that. He was responsible, good at directions, and keeping order.
You were working as Newt's personal aid, being a medic. You were very much an empath, and your true goal was to just help anyone and everyone. You brought him food and water, washed his clothes, sewed up his ripped up clothes from that day in case he'd be strong enough to wear them again, you did everything for him.
But now he leans into you, looking up at you with a certain displeasure, clearly uninterested in working outside of the maze.
You obviously were never going to let him be a builder, that was already off the table. But he got to look around and make his decision between slicer, cook, track-hoe, med-jack like you, slopper, bagger, and map keeper.
He easily put his money down on track-hoe. Something you didn't know about him was that he found gardening therapeutic. You didn't blame him whatsoever, you never wanted to be in the shoes of the sloppers, slicers, or baggers. To be fair, it was a little too gruesome and gross for you, you'd rather be helping people around the Glade than washing everyone's clothes or killing the animals, just a personal opinion.
He needed help while working, though. He couldn't put too much weight on his one foot, and he couldn't bend down on that knee at all yet. So, while he worked, you stood off to the side, making sure he was alright while you watched the others work around the Glade, enjoying their peaceful, warm day.
While he was picking fruit and vegetables off the vines of ivory, you were by his side, either holding the basket or getting the ones he couldn't bend down to reach. You couldn't help but feel bad for his poor spine as well, considering your back started to hurt after a few hours. The gardens were pretty large, considering there was about thirty or forty boys in the Glade to feed, meaning there was always hours and hours of work or expansion to do.
"Y/n, sorry, can you help me?" The dirty blonde asks, groaning as he stands back up, holding a hand on his knee. "I can't get those tomatoes at the bottom"
You quickly nod, kneeling down to grab them for him while he moves to the next bush, plucking off all the ripe tomatoes off the vine. You retie a string around the support branches, which heald the bush together and let it grow vertically rather than horizontally and try and choke out and kill any other plants nearby.
"Fry is gonna love it when he sees these tomatoes, they're the biggest and ripest they've been in a long time" You comment, looking over at Newt.
He nods, tossing a cherry tomato in his mouth to amount to a little snack. "He sure is, we'll be eating good this week" He chuckles with a little smile. "You wanna work on the cucumbers for me? I'll get the corn" He suggests, wanting to work a bit quicker and suggest some things he could actually do without feeling a pain shoot through his leg.
You nod, taking a new basket over to the cucumber lane. You feel something pang in your heart as you see him attempt to kneel down on one foot to reach one last tomato, groaning and furrowing his brows in the process, clearly still hurting him.
"How are you feeling? Physically and mentally, nothing is off the table."
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Newt shrugs, watching you examine and touch around the bruising and his ankle. Your fingertips slide over his ankle a little harshly, and he quickly inhales and furrows his brows, which you respond to by quickly pulling your hands away and apologizing.
"On a light note, it looks much better than before already. How are you doing in a mental sense?"
"I hate this bloody place, I feel dumb for not climbing higher-" He strays silent, watching you wrap a fresh bandage around his ankle. "Sorry..."
"It's okay. I'm here as your personal aid, Newt"
"That's the damn thing! I don't want you to waste your days on me. You have other important stuff to do, I don't want you to have to babysit me." The blonde expresses, watching you properly stand up.
"It's fine, really. You're still in a lot of pain, and I swear I'm not babysitting you. I'm just watching over you so it doesn't end up hurting more, alright?"
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moonlightpirate · 1 year
It's finally here first part of my Adam Warlock fic! You were a ravager who is joining Rocket, Kraglin, and Adam. This part is just you meeting and joining the team. Eventually will be fluffy maybe even smutty we shall see 😏
I'll tag @ceres27 @wildyonderwillows because I know you both are excited!
Ao3 here
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"We are approaching the drop point! Looks like they are mid battle so make sure you're ready to fight!" Gamora shouted.
Chapter one: Thunderstruck
You weren't sure what was going on all you knew was that Gamora told you that Rocket racoon and Kraglin wanted your help in their new guardian team. It sounded so sketchy but you were tired of being on this ravager ship and were ready to see what Knowhere was like. 
"Roger that!" You shout back, making your way to the back of the ship.
Just as you got your knives out and ready the cargo door opened and you could see the battle below. You weren't expecting Gamora to literally drop you off in the middle of the battle but quickly you jumped out the door.  You gathered your bearings and observed the battle around you before you made your way after the creature that you immediately saw trying to sneak up on the golden boy wearing one of Rockets blue jackets with the guardian logo on it. Just as the creature fell to the ground the boy turned towards you and began eyeing you up. He looked ready to pounce on you. 
"Don't worry, goldilocks, I'm on your team." You winked at him as you made your way towards Kraglin. 
You must have thrown the golden boy off because you heard Rocket shouting at him to stop standing around and help with the fight. The battle ended quickly and once all the enemies were vanquished and Rocket had received payment for the service you guys made your way back to the ship. 
"Wasn't expecting you to drop in like that." Kraglin commented. 
"Wasn't expecting to be dropped in mid fight." You retort.
Kraglin and Rocket laughed and Adam looked confused. You guessed no one told him you were joining the crew.
"Yeah, I thought Gamora said she was going to let us know ahead of time. Whatever you're here now. Good to know you can fight though." Rocket responded, scampering on to the ship.
You scoff at Rocket's words as you follow him on the ship. Once the ship takes off and you're well on your way to Knowhere you go to find Kraglin who wasn't with you guys on deck. Finally you found him down below fiddling with the arrow obviously still insecure about using it.
"Okay why am I here Kraglin?". 
"Not sure I know what you mean. You're here to help us.". 
"Oh come on I just watched you guys fighting you did not need me.". 
"You saved Adam's life though!". 
"Kraglin he was half a second away from turning and stopping that guy himself. Now what's the reason I'm here?".
You glare at Kraglin with hands on your hips.
"You're here to help with Adam. We figure he's lonely and needs someone his age." Rocket intervened.
"You're kidding me right? So I'm here to babysit goldilocks?!" You groan. 
"Y/n he can handle himself you saw that today. Stakar and Gamora said you seemed like you could use more interaction with people your age and Adam needs more interaction with well decent people." Kraglin responded. 
You roll your eyes and saunter off to a quiet part of the ship. As soon as you guys land on Knowhere you make your way off the ship.
"Hey where are you going?" Rocket shouts.
"Gamora asked me to give something to Nebula." You respond. 
"Perfect, we need to tell her our mission was successful. We will join." Kraglin chimed in. 
You tried to not groan as you waited for Rocket and Kraglin. You noticed Adam was looking at you curiously but he hung behind with Groot to resupply the ship for future missions. You guys met with Nebula and Rocket introduced you as he gave her the rundown of the mission. As soon as the boys left you handed her Gamora's message. 
"Am I really joining their team to babysit that golden boy Adam? Isn't he a sovereign? I haven't heard much good about them.". 
"Gamora said you were restless and wanted off that ship. Rocket said Adam was restless and seemed to want a friend his own age. The sovereign hasn't been in contact with him since the high priestess died. It'll be fine. Now get out." Nebula sighed. 
It had been almost a week since she had dropped from the sky mid battle. Almost a week since those captivating eyes had stopped him mid battle. Of course Adam couldn't work up the courage to talk to her so he often sat off on his own glaring at the younger men of Knowhere hovering over her. He didn't know what he was feeling but he knew he didn't like watching her get the attention from these men. 
"What's wrong?" Kraglin chuckled sitting down next to Adam. 
"Nothing. Just don't get why y/n won't really talk to me but will talk to them." Adam grumbled. 
Kraglin chuckled realizing Adam was jealous. 
"Trust me she doesn't really enjoy talking to them. They won't leave her alone. But if you want to talk to her I know she likes creatures so why don't you introduce her to blurp I'm sure that will help.".
Adam's face lit up as he got up and practically ran to his apartment to get blurp. 
You had felt Adam's eyes following you around ever since you landed on Knowhere. But you had been so curious to explore you had forgotten about being there to befriend Adam. That was until you had finally broken free from the idiot boys that had been practically drooling over you and were walking home when a furry creature jumped you knocking you to the ground. 
"Blurp! No! Get off her! That's not what I meant when I said "go say hi"!" Adam shouted.
The creature hopped off of you as Adam approached you looking concerned.
"You okay? I didn't mean for him to do that." He said, extending a hand out to you.
"Is this creature yours goldilocks?" You ask, taking his hands and standing up, "Wait I know this creature. Didn't it used to belong to a ravager? How did you get it?". 
Adam nervously ran his hand through his golden locks, " I found him after a battle. He looked sad and lonely so I took him in.". 
"He's so cute!" You coo as you crouch down to pet the furry creature, "did you say his name is blurp?". 
"Yes he is Blurp and my name is Adam.". 
You laugh at his abruptness, "Yes I know your name.". 
"Then why do you always call me goldilocks?". 
"It is a nickname. Like how Peter calls himself Starlord.". 
Before he can answer, music comes on the speakers. It was the song Rocket played when he wanted you all to gather together. Adam picked up Blurp and flew off. You made your way to the meeting hall wondering why Rocket was calling you guys together. Adam landed in front of you just as you were about to walk up the stairs. Quickly he grabbed the door for you. You smile at him and made your way in.
"Alright guys, we have a new mission. One of the planets we have formed an alliance with is having issues with thieves and being attacked by creatures of all kinds. So get yourselves ready, we leave in an hour." Rocket stated once everyone was sitting down. 
"Wait….does that mean I have to wear those ugly uniforms?" You sigh.
"Won't find them so ugly when they save your life. Yes you're required to wear them." Rocket retorted, "Groot you will help me make sure the ship is ready to go. Adam and Kraglin make sure the ship is ready with weapons and food this could be a long journey. But first Kraglin show Y/n where the uniforms are and please make sure she puts them on."  
Groaning you follow Kraglin back to where the uniforms are. You grab one and get changed under Kraglins supervision. Despite the reserves you had about the outfit you were excited about this mission since it was your first real one since joining the team. Once Rocket did his last minute ship checks you guys were off. Shortly after departure Kraglin took you down where the weapons were to make sure you had proper weapons besides your swords. 
"Nervous?" Kraglin asked.
"No way this will be fun!" You reply. 
Kraglin smiled as he helped you pick a gun. As soon as he was content you knew how to use it and you had the proper weapons you guys made your way back up to the flight deck to learn more about this mission. 
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robsterskellington · 3 months
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Well, if you all insist. Here's a cute section for those skk shippers.
Necessary context: this is about a year or so after Vanitas came to Yokohama, so his memories have since returned. Certain other characters from VNC have since made an appearance and some caused issues that won't be spoiled here, but just for the context Naenia *has* hurt Chuuya and made a small impact on his appearance, while also harming him mentally and physically. So this is Dazai trying to comfort Chuuya:
"A puppy?" Vanitas tilted his head, surprised at those words coming from Dazai's mouth- it had been a quiet day at the Agency, so Dazai had asked to borrow Vanitas for what he'd called *personal reasons*. It turned out that Dazai wanted to show his love to Chuuya in a new way, and wanted him to feel better after the last incident they had.
"I'm terrified of dogs, but Chuuya loves them. I want him to be happy, and he put up with so much of my crap." Dazai chuckled, though he was visibly shaking and had grown deathly pale, "I thought maybe I wouldn't be as scared if we got a puppy and raised it so it wouldn't be a vicious monster like the dogs I know."
Vanitas understood that, being afraid of something and worried that it would affect his life if he didn’t get over it. Also he was more of a cat person, so were most of the Agency, as proven by how everyone liked Atsushi. Obviously it wasn't the only reason, but it was a big factor. Humming to himself, Vanitas asked, "Are you wanting to go to the pet store, or..?"
That had been something else Dazai had to think about. He slowly shook his head, "I want to adopt from a shelter. Chuuya would love that, plus even I think it's a good idea, rescuing rather than relying on a possibly sketchy breeder."
Now, Vanitas had come to respect Dazai: he was capable of being cruel and calculating, but he had a heart filled with warmth and kindness, and that wasn't something that anyone could or would ignore. Even when it came to something he hated, Dazai chose the option that was best morally and logically. Yokohama had a lot of strays, so rescue centres were an essential, thus it wasn't difficult to find one. Dazai was terrified, both of the dogs and the thought of this new commitment, but...
Naenia had nearly taken Chuuya from him. He couldn't lose him, not Chuuya. So now, he needed to make sure that he never lost him again, without being manipulative or controlling. Not that anything could truly control Chuuya, he was far too *Human*. Dazai had already fucked up so many times, and it was too much- Chuuya had been the one affected, it was time to fix what he could and ease any pain.
Time froze when a giant grey dog started snarling and barking when Dazai got a little too close to its cage, and he immediately fell on his ass, trying to scoot away while hyperventilating; this was far more than just a fear, this was straight up trauma.
"Stand up and fight, Shūji!!"
Shūji Tsushima was about five years old at this point, standing in a makeshift boxing ring with a metal chain fence circling the entire thing. He and his father were the only people there, but in the cage with him were three dogs at least double Shūji's size. His father was training him to become stronger, he'd said. Shūji wasn't unarmed, he'd been provided a knife, and a gun.
But those snarling fangs had absolutely terrified him, he couldn't even attempt to turn his back and grab the weapons he'd dropped the moment the mutts came out. One had jumped towards him and bit his arm, causing the poor boy to scream and cry, "Father, please help me!!" This wasn't how he wanted to die.
"Pathetic excuse for a son." His father's words was the last voice he heard before he passed out, but the last sounds he heard? Three gunshots.
"Dazai! You're okay, just hold onto me."
That was Vanitas' voice... but wasn't he..?
No. That's right. Shūji Tsushima wasn't here anymore, Osamu Dazai stood in his place, but still had all those same fears, memories and visions. Vanitas was rubbing Dazai's back, slowly guiding him from his panic attack. He did hear the sound of a dog, but no vicious barking, just a whine. Dazai steeled his nerves and looked over at the dog who'd barked, and... it was the one whining. Actually, it looked really sad, like it knew it did something bad.
After taking some calming breaths, Dazai sat up properly and Vanitas reached into his pocket, "I've got chocolate on me, that should help you." The Agency Members always carried some form of snack on them in case Ranpo asked them to tag along, and Vanitas usually carried chocolate, claiming that it was medically beneficial, whatever that meant. However, since Dazai felt better after having a piece, he wasn't inclined to call bullshit.
"...that dog looks sad." It was weak and childish sounding, but Dazai wanted to make sure he was still sort of functioning. Plus, he found himself a little curious.
Vanitas gave him that explanation: that dog was female and had been used for breeding most of her life. She was seven years old, and had only just been rescued, though not before her abusers got one last use out of her. Apparently the name she was given was Viola, and she was expecting another litter of puppies within the next few weeks. It sounded like the sort of sob story that would pull at Sigma's heartstrings.
Once he'd calmed down properly, Dazai decided that after coming this far, he wasn't about to give up now. Vanitas stayed close to him, as they looked around. Animals are more intelligent than some people would make them out to be, and not a single dog barked after Dazai's panic attack. It helped him feel a lot more at ease, and he was able to look at the dogs without breaking out in goosebumps.
Eventually, one large cage caught his attention: the inside was full of puppies that had a mix of tan, white and blueish coloured fur. The mother wasn't with them, and the puppies were clearly a few months old, so they weren't dependent on milk but still very small. Most of them were playing with toys or playfully fighting each other, but there was one who was just... in the corner on its own. It must have been the runt.
Dazai didn't know why, but he found himself kneeling down and while he flinched when he got that runt's attention, he also felt warm inside. Its eyes, one was blue and one was brown, just like Chuuya's! Even in the same positions. The white colour that separated the blue from the tan looked peculiar, it was almost like the shape of lightning bolts, all across its fur. The puppy's ears were tall, far too big for its body, and when it tilted its head at Dazai, its entire body tilted with it, until it fell on its side with a squeak.
"Easy there," Dazai chuckled, carefully reaching out to the cage, letting the puppy catch his scent. The puppy nuzzled his fingers and gave a small lick. Dazai's eyes widened and his thoughts stuttered, *Wait, is this how most people react with dogs? That was so adorable, and I don't think I can leave here without this one.*
"Oh, he never usually goes to people!" The woman who ran the shelter had walked up, having heard about the man fainting in her workplace, "He usually hides in the back away from people. Would you like me to get him out for you?"
Of course Dazai said yes. He was still afraid of dogs, and it would take him forever to recover, but this puppy brought out a reaction that wasn't true terror. She scooped up the puppy and put him on the floor- he scampered up to Dazai, sniffing around him and flopping onto the floor when his ears turned against him again. Dazai smirked again, before stroking his fur, absolutely amazed by how soft it was, he imagined that this was what a cloud would feel like if he could touch them. The puppy yawned and curled up close to him, which sold Dazai completely. After all, if this dog liked Dazai, he would love Chuuya.
However, he looked over at Viola's cage and frowned- all alone in the world and pregnant. Didn't seem fair. Fyodor, Nikolai and Sigma had apparently been talking about getting pets, and while they weren't all on speaking terms, Dazai did keep in touch with Sigma and dialled his number.
*Ring... Ring... click.*
"Dazai? Is everything okay?" Of course Sigma would immediately worry. After giving a brief synopsis of the situation, and the detailed version of Viola's story, Dazai grinned when he heard Sigma's voice become laced with emotion and tears, "Luckily I'm in town. And we did think about getting dogs, so one and some puppies on the way? I think that's that. I'll be right there!"
Dazai laughed when Sigma hung up, likely sprinting here. He told Vanitas, who laughed as well and gave the puppy who claimed Dazai a little stroke, "He's adorable. This one is yours and Chuuya's dog?"
After looking down, and seeing the puppy give him a tail wag, Dazai nodded. This was their dog.
"I cannot believe you actually did that." Sigma was walking a cheerful Viola down the street with Dazai, who held a box containing the new pup. He also bought another surprise, but he kept that in his coat pocket.
"Which part? Getting that slug and I a pet, or calling you about someone who clearly needs you?" He teased, but when Sigma had arrived and saw Viola, it was love at first sight. Naturally, Sigma had sent photos to his boyfriends, who practically begged/demanded that he come home with the pregnant dog.
"That you faced your fear so well. And that little one is going to be much happier with you." That made Dazai smile, and he appreciated that thought. "...you are prepared, right? For a dog?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I always plan ahead, I actually bought a bunch of dog stuff and hid them on the top of the shelves and my closet so that the shortie couldn't see them." Ah, how long had it been since he'd had a dig at Chuuya's height? It wasn't a lie, though. Dazai had gotten everything necessary and hid it all from Chuuya so that he wouldn't suspect a thing.
After thanking Vanitas and congratulating Sigma on the new family member, and future family members, he headed back to the apartment. Chuuya should be home by now, so he was thankful that the dog had fallen asleep. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if the gift started barking, would it?
Once he opened the door, he heard Chuuya's voice- he was obviously on the phone, and he sounded anxious, maybe a little annoyed? "...so there's no mistakes? Fuck. No- yes, I'm fine. Just... you're definitely sure? This isn't something that you can-... okay, fine." Chuuya took a breath then cleared his throat, "...thanks, *Doc Glasses*. Bye- *yes* I said thanks, fuck off." He hung up the phone, then saw Dazai and lit up with a smile.
Dazai seemed surprised. Ango and Chuuya definitely didn't like each other to say the least, so for them to have an actual discussion with minimal cursing seemed off. But that didn't matter at that moment in time, as Dazai put the box down and went to hug his partner.
Chuuya was still drained and exhausted after Naenia attacked him, the new white streak in his hair showing and nothing could hide it. Dazai just thought it made him look even more beautiful, which he didn't even realise was possible. After a kiss, they sat on the couch, and Dazai made it clear that Chuuya's business was his own, but Chuuya just scoffed a little, "It's... to do with Verlaine."
Oh. No wonder Chuuya had been pacing. They weren't stupid, they knew Verlaine had been alive all these years, and was their superior at one point. Dazai held his hand and squeezed gently, "Wanna talk about it?"
"Not yet, but I will, I promise." Most members of the Port Mafia kept their promises, but the only two who truly kept them were Chuuya and Akutagawa. Sort of.
"Well, no rush. Anyway, I wanted to make you feel better, so I got you something." Dazai pulled out the small box from his coat and handed it over, an idiotic smile on his face.
"What have you done this time?" Chuuya would always be suspicious of any gift that Dazai brought him, since his presents used to be ridiculous in the past: toy slugs, a book about how to train dogs to be obedient, even a rubber knife to replace a real one he once stole then lost on a mission.
Dazai smirked, "Nothing~! It's just a gift to show my appreciation!" When Chuuya went to open it, Dazai quickly cleared his throat, "Ah, but you can't be mad at me."
Chuuya looked at Dazai with furrowed eyebrows, then at the seemingly inconspicuous box tied with a crimson ribbon, "There's not a bomb in here, is there? ...or a stink bug?"
Dazai shook his head, "No, just open it!" When Chuuya finally did, he tried to hide a smirk behind a glare, "What? It's perfect for my loyal dog!"
Inside was a pure black collar, with a tag in the shape of a bone. It didn't have anything engraved on it yet, but that wasn't really what Chuuya focused on, as he half-jokingly called Dazai every name under the sun. "Seriously, Osamu?! A collar?!"
Once he had his fun, Dazai turned serious. He couldn't hold it off any longer, after all. "Chuuya. I do have another gift for you, but I need you to trust me and close your eyes." He blushed when Chuuya *immediately* closed his eyes.
As if to carry on the joke, Dazai had slipped his finger through Chuuya's choker, tugging it slightly in order to pull Chuuya forward for a kiss. He acted as if he was going to completely remove the choker, only to leave it where it belonged and pulled away.
Taking another breath to steady himself, Dazai went to the box and opened it, seeing that the puppy had just started to wake up. His tail wagged at seeing Dazai, who scooped him up, and carried him over.
Swallowing his nerves, he weakly cleared his throat, "O-okay, you can open your eyes now!" Chuuya did, and he froze. Dazai was holding out the tiniest, most fluffy puppy out to him, "Surprise!"
The puppy let out a tiny yap, his tail wagging uncontrollably, and after seeing Dazai give him a look of *please for the love of God, take this puppy out of my hands*, he did, holding him close and letting him sniff, lick and nuzzle him. Dazai had looked really uncomfortable, though it was because he was scared that one wrong move could lead to him getting bitten or something, and yet Dazai was undeniably happy as well, his smile incredibly bright.
He started to cry, he couldn't help it. This was something he'd dreamed about since he learned about dogs, having a puppy of his own. "Is he ours?" He managed to say through his sobbing, which intensified as Dazai nodded. He nuzzled the puppy, who snuggled into him properly, yawning again. "Oh, 'samu. This is the best."
"I wanted to do better with my fear..." He sat with Chuuya and explained everything: the panic attack caused by a frightened Viola, how he was comforted by Vanitas and this puppy, and how they've both now got their forever homes. Chuuya leaned into him and kissed his cheek, making him smile warmly, "Glad to see Chibi thinks I made the right call."
"You really did." Chuuya stayed on the couch, and Dazai retrieved all of the dog supplies he'd hidden- food, toys, a bed, puppy mats, even some medicine in case he ever got sick. Dazai was prepared, and he wasn't letting his fear blind him to the fact that this was a living creature they were taking care of.
They let him roam and explore the apartment, watching him try to climb and run around like a maniac. Chuuya was silently thankful that the puppy didn't have the zoomies, otherwise Dazai would probably faint again. Now there was one last thing to discuss.
The one thing that the shelter didn't do was name the puppies, which naturally meant that the responsibility fell on Double Black. They both took note of the patterns on the puppies fur. Lightening bolts.
Bolt? Cute, but it didn't suit him. Thor? Too generic. Lightening? A bit too long. Zeus? ...actually.
"Zeus is a good name. He's got the lightening patterns, and he's got personality." Dazai couldn't argue with Chuuya's logic, especially since he looked at the puppy and found himself thinking that he *looked* like a Zeus, if that made any sense.
So that was the name they trained him to respond to. And Zeus was welcomed into their home, as a part of their little family. This was how far Chuuya and Dazai's relationship had come, and they loved it, just as much as they both grew to love their little Zeus.
AN: *Psst.* This is what Chuuya looks like from this point, drawn by my cousin, HisDarkDisgrace on AO3:
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dcangel · 4 months
Valentine’s day poison
this one’s rough, so just remember it’s what yall asked for (don’t hate me)
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thinking about motorcycle boyfriend!stiles who tells you he’s going out for a ride and won’t tell you where and won’t let you go with him. You obviously got a little upset that he wouldn’t tell you where he was going, and it wasn’t one of those stray rides where he just rides for miles on the outskirts of beacon hills for no reason other than personal pleasure, it was a little sketchy, like he was hiding something from you.
You knew stiles well, and you knew the tell tale signs of his lies or when he wouldn’t answer some questions. He didn’t seem to feel the need to explain himself or try and make you feel a little better before he left, so he just gave you a quick peck on the forehead and told you he loved you, and you bluntly said it back. You tried not to let your annoyance show, but the petty and insecure sides of you were quickly becoming a good fit together, so you gave him a half hearted “have fun” whilst saying “I love you” back.
He grabbed his keys off the rack and his coat, helmet already in hand, and pulled the door closed behind him as he walked out. Stiles was acting weird today, and not his normal type of weird. It wasn’t the clingy, touchy-feely, goofball, golden retriever boyfriend type of behavior he always sported, he was closed off and secretive today.
You stayed sitting on his couch, pillow on your lap as your hands sunk deeper into the plush cushion over time. Your eyes unfocused as your mind slipped into the irrational state of overthinking. Fine, whatever. You’d just wait for him to come back and let him decide which path he wanted to go down. You told yourself you wouldn’t worry about it. It was later’s problem.
The remote was on the oak coffee table, so you picked it up and turned the tv on, aimlessly flicking through the channels until you had no choice but to settle on something. Of course it was star wars. As if the universe couldn’t’ve tried to get under your skin more, stiles’ police radio scanner in the dining room (that he wasn’t supposed to have) made crackling static noises before a dispatch voice came over and began speaking. The distance between you and the radio caused the words to be incoherent, and you didn’t feel like listening to whomever speaking about what was most likely a drunk driver or, knowing beacon hills, some “dog-man” running around the streets again. So you got up to turn it off, trying to keep the small woven blanket on your body as you trudged over to stiles’ dining room.
But when you got closer you could make out what they were saying: “Crash reported on route 115, paramedics already en route. How many vehicles involved?”
“Just one: a, uh, navy blue motorbike by the looks of it. I’m about fifty feet out, I’ll be sure to update the ambulance that’s on its way if needed.”
It took a second to connect the dots, but when you realized you were already picturing that exact bike that you had ridden on so many times, your heart absolutely dropped, and so did your blanket. Your heart sank so hastily that you choked on the air in your throat. Breathing felt like a task, a privilege. It felt like your lungs were fighting your throat to let the air through, to allow it to cool down the blazing fire that ignited in your gut, churning every organ in your body.
Every movement you made: the first step you took before your shaky legs took off towards the door, not even wavering at the way your foot tripped on the rug and nearly took you out, and how your sweaty palms grabbed the keys to Roscoe, how you ran to his jeep parked in his driveway, sharp pebbles feeling like they were piercing your sock-clad feet since you didn’t even think of putting shoes on—all of it, it all took years. Each step, each breath was an eternity of its own; toddlers grew up, graduated highschool, fell in love, had kids over their own. Grew old together. It was all eternities of their own that taunted you with a fate you might not get to have now, a fate that was possibly whisked away, stolen from right under your nose.
You didn’t notice how the jeep was brutally hot, stiles having left the heat on to conserve gas or whatever the last time he used it, or how it was practically running on fumes because of how long it’d been since he filled the tank, or how you were speeding, running red lights that belonged to roads which were thankfully empty. If you had noticed all that, then you probably wouldn’t be surprised if by chance a cop that lurked on side roads pulled out to catch people you now fit the description of. Speeders, reckless drivers, law breakers. Though, they probably would’ve been well aware of the cyan jeep the sheriff’s son drove by now.
The scanner was on in his jeep as well, and your fingers fiddled with the dials, trying to land on the same channel as the one in the house.
Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive.
Your hands probably left a thin sheen of sweat on the steering wheel as your fingers gripped it tight like your life depended on it, your knuckles turning white from the pressure.
The traffic up ahead was completely halted, and you knew why. Out of pure anxiety and stress, you screamed at the people in front of you to go. As if they’d actually hear you, as if you weren’t stuck in completely backed up traffic. You thought about pulling off to the side and just riding in the breakdown lane, but there was orange cones not too far ahead, and not much further from that were the flashing lights on the back of a parked ambulance.
Fuck it.
You swerved two lanes to pass over the rumble strip that separated the breakdown lane from the others, and threw Roscoe in park. You practically fell out of the jeep and onto the pavement below. Your nearly-bare feet painfully hit the pebbled cement below, yet you couldn’t feel a thing. Surely your feet were impaled by the rocks, sticks, nuts and bolts and trashed car parts from previous wrecks on the side of the road as you ran at impossible speeds, feeling like your legs were moving to fast for your body. The death wobbles that came with riding a skateboard resembled the feeling in your thighs, and any second now, you’d come tumbling down and roll on the dirty road. You probably looked like some psycho on crack as you ran with every single fiber of your being, every muscle in your body, while unknowingly crying like an idiot.
Swerving the neon orange cones, you almost slammed into the back of the ambulance when you got there, but avoided it in time. Right away, there were cops holding you back, telling you that this was a crash scene and to go back to your car. But it was clear from the way you threw yourself at them repeatedly in hopes that their grip would falter, and by the intense lock your eyes had on the mirror of stiles’ motorcycle, the rest of it nowhere in sight, and by the flood pouring down your cheeks, that you weren’t just some rubber-necking stranger who wanted a closer view to tell all their friends they saw an intense crash today.
“it’s stiles! stiles stilinski!” you cried, pleading with your looks for the officers to let you by.
“stilinski? you mean—”
“yes, stilinski.”
one of the men let you go, but the other stayed in front of you; trying to talk you down from storming an active crash investigation.
the man who walk away pulled his radio from his vest, speaking into it after letting out a sigh heavy with regret. “we know who the victim is.” he paused, preparing for the sheriff to potentially be listening on one of the other lines. “seventeen year old male, stiles stilinski.”
silence came from the other side, nothing but static from the other line being open at least.
“paramedics still en route. do you think you’ll need them? we can have them bring back up.”
you heard the cop sigh, and even from behind you could see him being his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “we, uh, we haven’t found him yet. my guess is he lost control and hit something. probably ejected from his seat into the woods.”
as he got closer to you and the other cop, motioning for him to release you for the time being, you heard a familiar voice in the background of the other line. “accident?”
“yes, sir. a wreck on route 115.”
“damn highway gets everyone. who’s involved?”
even through the janky radio speaker you could still hear the female dispatch on the other end hesitate. “motorcycle wreck involving a, um, s-seventeen year old male. your son, sir.”
“what? you’re saying stiles crashed his motorcycle.”
“it’s a wreck. lance said he wrecked it. i’m sorry, sir.”
“I’m heading down there. Tell lance I’m on my way.” The sheriff said, his voice set in stone. It only made you feel the tiniest bit better, but it was something.
At least now you’d have a person here just as concerned as you, if not more.
The other officer let you through after putting up with your begging for about ten minutes. Not without radioing the sheriff first, though.
“What, are you insane? Let the girl in!” A voice on the other end chastised. It was the voice you needed to hear second most.
You took off after they let you past their neon cones, heading directly to the motorcycle that a few officers were pulling from a ditch. His bike was wrecked. And stiles was nowhere in sight.
as you neared his bike, shimmering navy blue under the sun like it chose its time to shine, you noticed something. a small red box, all dented in with dirt and debris stuck in the fuzzy velvet. yet somehow its contents hadn’t spilled.
your fingers trembled as you reached out for the object, an affect of your inevitable break down. or maybe it had already started. the small hinges groaned as the box struggled to open.
and inside, resting there so prettily on even smoother black velvet, was a silver necklace. a charm hung on the end of the chain; a small heart with and even smaller note engraved on it.
I’ve told the moon about you every night since the day we met. I made sure it’ll never forget.
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how’s that for “it’s not what you think”😁
and i had absolutely no clue what to put for the quote, so i made one up.
i’ve had this in my drafts forever and was debating on finishing it fully, but i panicked and forgot i needed to upload it tonight so now we have room for a part 2 if yall want
also i’m willing to do an actual motorcycle boyfriend!stiles fic that IS what you think if yall want
heavily unedited
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ystrike1 · 1 year
I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is a Villain - By Mitsuno Hachi (6/10)
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Warning. This is written like a soap opera and there are walls of text everywhere. The art is also a little incoherent and sketchy. I'm sure we all love assassin yanderes, and this one happens to be a Duke, but the plot twists fall flat. In my opinion this series would be better if it was shorter.
Lizzie reincarnated. She likes her new life. She doesn't realize she's in an otome game until later.
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Her childhood is very relaxing and boring until she meets her fiance. Lizzie wants to be a good daughter, and she wants to enjoy her new life...but the noble house she belongs to is shockingly realistic. She must marry for the good of the family. She has to do well in school and there are lots of annoying rules to follow.
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Bern proposes to her because she has no interest in the popular prince Edwin. This is good. Bern isn't madly in love straight away. Their love story is a nice coincidence.
Lizzie realizes she's in a game at this point.
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Bern is the last boss. A scary boy who usurps his incompetent father before he even graduates high school. Bern must become Duke early, because his shitty dad is really easy to corrupt. He forces his father into early retirement, and he gets rid of crime in his territory the old fashioned way.
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His assassin teacher told him he would find a great love...which is obviously Lizzie.
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Lizzie gets kidnapped. Bern has royal blood because his family as a messy drama mess. Lots of people want his bloodline and fiance dead.
Lizzie...is scared. She admits it, but she tries to empathize with Bern. That wins him over and he becomes a violently protective fiance....kinda...
Trust me the plot screws up his character arc post timeskip.
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Time skip. Lizzie and Bern are in high school. Bern isn't gloomy around her. He's a great partner and he always showers her with love, and they get along great.
Lots of people still do want him dead because of the royal blood thing though.
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Lila, the game protagonist who is also reincarnated, appears. Her presence ruins the entire story. As soon as she arrives all of the tension goes away. There's alot of plot twists about mind control. Lila is actually the victim of mind control because the real villain wants a puppet queen, or something.
It's a crappy boring plot twist.
The story really was better when Lizzie was trying to empathize with her killer fiance...who is less killer now?
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I admit it.
The stakes are pretty high. Lizzie almost gets murdered by Lila's stalker. That's cool. Lila tries to accuse her of various crimes. That's cool. Bern is mellow instead of scary now, and that's really not cool. Bern is ABSENT for large stretches of this story. The romance doesn't get any time to develop, because Lila and Lizzie are too busy fighting over the fate of the country...or whatever.
Past chapter ten there are so many thick walls of text. Too many. You can't even see the characters who are talking because there are so many.
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This guy, Johan, fell in love with mind control puppet Lila. He got obsessed and lonely, because Lila was being forced to behave like a flaky otome protagonist that flirts with everyone. She promised to love and support him, but then she ran off to suck up to the prince every day. He pushed Lila down the stairs, because her "cheating" pushed him to the brink. Then his crime was blamed on Lizzie. Then that backfires because Lizzie is proven innocent. Then like five more important characters get introduced. The beginning of this was pretty nice, but the rest of it is a mess. It is more of a drama than a romance, and the yandere gets no time to shine. He actually fails to save Lizzie a few times, which is realistic, but by chapter 11 I just wanted the story to end.
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jichanxo · 25 days
how different is your creative process between writing and drawing (and in which areas)? do you have a different approach in each artform? if you have an idea, you first think how you'd write it or draw it?
This is definitely going to be long so. Cut.
Just to preface, obviously both writing and drawing are a form of art, but I tend to use the word “art” when I mean illustration or drawing, so that’s what I’m going to do here. And of course a disclaimer that I’m only speaking to my subjective experience.
Tbh I don’t think my approach to both is that different from each other, which is odd, because I’m used to thinking of them as very different processes. Probably because the mediums themselves are so different. But like with my writing, I tend to improvise. Feel it out, see how things go, throw ideas at the wall. I would probably say that I’m more willing to experiment with/scrap my art than my writing. Probably because I’m more confident with my art than my writing, so I find it easier to make judgments like that, or because I’ve made so much that throwing stuff away when it isn’t working is very easy. I get a bit more precious about my writing. I always want to keep it or at least try to adapt it into something less bad, lmao. I’m also just not as confident in my ability to judge what writing is worth keeping or worth permanently deleting. I just haven’t polished that skill for writing as much as I have for art.
With regards to planning my art – I definitely do sometimes, because I consider art my Serious Hobby, which means I do like to have a go at more serious projects as opposed to just improvising all the time (a contrast to my writing where my only “serious project” is senseific, and I fell into that by accident). The things I plan out are the idea/s I want to convey, and what imagery would express that. (like this IW art, and the second one in this umineko post) Or sometimes the imagery gets stuck in my head and I work from that. (yagami’s hair clinging to his neck here)
I actually find that planning too much can be detrimental to my art process. That is to say, not in terms of figuring out ideas/themes, but doing too much drafting. I find it very difficult to do things like clean lineart unless I’m having a Weirdly Good Art Moment, so I just don’t. Hence a lot of my art is very sketchy. I’m just not good at capturing the same looseness with “proper” lineart than with my sketches, so I keep them. Not worth fussing over. This is what works for me.
(even in this, and the first image here, you can see a lot of breaks and incomplete looking lines. not to say necessarily that this is a bad thing of course, but you can see that even in what I consider my “polished” work, I won’t use “proper” linework, but instead a high quality/detailed sketch. I imagine some other artists would have their proper linework stage after these sketches, but i choose to stop here)
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this probably reads like I’m talking myself down, but that’s not really what I’m meaning to say – my point is that I don’t figure out details even for my bigger pieces, and that with drawn art I have a better time judging where my time is best spent. I don’t think I have a strong understanding of my writing by comparison, so I can’t decide how to play to my strengths or anything like that, I just have to see how i go.
For writing, either it’s “i’m in the mood for it” or “i’m not in the mood for it”. For art, it’s “today is a good day/bad day”, “today’s a painting day”, “today feels like masking”, “today I just want to sketch”, “today I’m too loose for what I want to work on”, “today I’m too stiff”. You can see the difference in my ability to judge, yeah? So a big difference is to do with just my own (relative) inexperience with writing as opposed to drawing.
I think the other major factor is the differences in the mediums themselves. A fanfic is sequential. There’s a change in time. Illustrations are by nature a single moment in time. Big difference there. Of course, there are comics and animatics and other art that’s both drawn and sequential, but since I don’t do a lot of that, just count that as exceptions for now (and in a way, those are kind of like a combination of writing and illustration, aren’t they?) I find there are some ideas that are conveyed easier or better through writing, and others where the better option is art.
So to answer your last question, often ideas come to me pre-packaged as a “writing idea” or an “art idea”, rather than having to decide that separately. In the case that a sequence is better conveyed with a visual element, that’s when it’s comic time. The gorillashipping comic is a great example of this. The punchline is at its best when it’s not explained in words, and the expression of the final panel does all the heavy lifting. I pitched this idea initially in words (as a joke on discord), but the comic version has more punch.
Comics are also great for when you want to avoid explaining context, and for when you want to force the reader to take a specific pace. Here’s the example I’m thinking of.
The visual space dedicated to the fighting forces you to take time to process, and that time is important for the buildup to the punchline. This wouldn’t work as well if we cut this down to, say, the four panels of the last example. So yeah, timing. And then my other point – context – why are these two fighting? I don’t know. Where are they? I don’t know. It’s not necessary for the joke. The same is true of the gorillashipping joke. How did the relationship between kiryu and kaito happen to make this even remotely possible? I don’t know. But I don’t need to explain it in a joke comic. With writing I find that it feels more necessary to make context clear to the reader so they understand what’s happening, but with illustrations, it’s a lot easier to skip over that. Obviously this isn’t impossible in a written format, but that’s just my personal opinion.
Admittedly I think this second example is doable with just pure writing (replace all the panels with descriptions of the fight that take long enough to simulate the time it takes for the reader to digest the build up, then make the punchline a wham line, yknow), but it varies on a case to case basis. Also I would not want to write fighting. Lmao. I’m not… any good at that. So I guess it is also just in part about playing to strengths.
Anyway, enough comic side tangent. I’ve already started talking about it there, but was going to do a comparison between writing and art as mediums. The main thing, I find, is that they have different strengths. More than strengths/weaknesses though, the mediums themselves convey some things with ambiguity, and other things with detail.
Like I first mentioned, time: it’s easier to convey the passage of time with writing than with illustration. And like I said before with comics – conveying context – because an illustration captures a single moment in time, it’s a lot easier to avoid context entirely, while it’s harder to avoid in writing. I’ve drawn kuwagami cuddles before, and there’s no background, nothing discernable as to the lead up or any other detail. And that’s great! I don’t want to have to invent a plausible reason for them to end up hugging. I can just do it, right? But sometimes it’s the context that makes things significant, so you do want it there. A better job for writing. Writing allows you to be detailed with your context, while illustration leaves it ambiguous. Different strengths. You just pick which best fits the situation.
It’s a similar case for a lot of different factors – they're conveyed differently through both mediums, and depending on your idea, some results are more desirable than others. Rather than explaining, it’s probably better to do a direct comparison. (If it makes any difference to your curiosity, I did the drawing first then the writing. You’ve caught me on a good art day, what a nice sketch…)
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I’ll try not to talk too much because I think the comparison and table say enough, but you can see how, despite depicting basically the same thing, these two things feel pretty different from each other. The mediums do different things. The mood of both is similar, but not quite the same. It’s these differences that inform the choice of mediums instinctually. (but again. points at disclaimer. as is true with all “rules” about art, none of these are absolute. you can make an illustration that conveys a strong context. you can write fic that favours describing facial expressions and leaves the intended emotion ambiguous. i’m generalising to make a point here.)
I guess the other thing is that it’s pretty easy to do writing in bed on my phone compared to my art setup, lmao. Convenience and timing also play into it probably.
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lesbii-enne · 1 year
(Part one)
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You didn’t mean to stumble across the covert, you merely meant to find new parts for your star cruiser and maybe a new gig as a mechanic.
Part two: part three:
Translations below
You stepped out of your cruiser onto the desert planet. The scorching sun met your helmet as you stepped out and surveyed the land. The sketchy buildings and market were the first to catch your eye.
“This looks like a shit hole,”
Looking back at my star cruiser you say
“Guess we’ll fit right in then, huh shit box?”
Walking through the market of the secluded planet people gawked, not exactly surprising considering most mandalorians have previously been wiped out. Only a few left to scourge the planets and do kriff knows what. You overheard some of the towns people speak of the ‘other mandalorians’ you nearly stopped right there and begged to know where they were. But you didn’t, you had to keep it together, no matter how much you had longed to be with your own kind. You were fine on your own. Kriff sake you hadn’t even seen another mandalorian since the purge. You continued walking; looking through the market you found some parts for your ship, though you did have to haggle a bit since you were a bit cheap.
“500 credits? Kriff no that part is barely worth 200 credits! I could get a better deal on kamino!”
Your voice modulator hummed
The shopkeeper mumbled something like ‘can’t have shit on Kamino.’ but you ignored it. You were lying your ass off but you were good at it.
“Fine I can do 400 credits.”
You handed over the credits and took your parts back to your ship. That part was worth 500 at the least but you got one hell of a discount for it. Seeing your ship in the distance you sped your walking. In a moment you heard shuffling and whipped around to a tall mandalorian in shiny beskar armor charging you. You flung your parts away from you and grabbed hold of your vibroblade and blaster. Aiming the vibroblade towards him swinging at him and catching his breastplate with a screeching noise. Leaving an ugly scar in his armor. Kicking his leg out you fell back landing on the ground with a ‘thud’ and had the air knocked out of you. He kneeled over you and demanded
“Who are you?”
You raised your leg wrapping it around the man’s torso you rolled the both of you over. Now you kneeling over him with your blade held at his throat
“A stormtrooper obviously.”
You could feel the glare of the man through his helmet. You began to get up grabbing him just above the wrist you pulled him up.
“We’ll if you don’t mind, I’m going to get back to repairing my ship so I can get out of this shit hole thanks.”
You could feel his confusion and you turned back again
“Look I’m not trying to hunt you or the ‘other mandalorians’ that I heard about in the market. I just came to this planet to get parts and get back to work fixing ships.”
You began to walk again
“Come to the covert.”
You looked at him quizzically, tilting your helmet a little as you stared.
“I do not really have a choice in the matter do I?”
“Well may I at least put my parts in my ship?”
He agreed. You hauled your various parts back to your ship and put them in a storage unit in your ship. You debated ditching him and getting away from this planet but your ship was in no shape to escape with. You ultimately left your ship and followed the large burly man and you rejoiced at the thought of seeing your kind once again.
The two of you navigated the market and past the small village to wherever the ‘covert’ was. You decided to speak up
“Do I get to know your name or must I call you tin can ?”
He glanced down at you
“Din Djarin, but you may call me Din.”
“Alor Din Djarin?”
“You may just call me Din, what clan do you belong to?”
“I am of the Verde clan, though it isn’t much of a family now as I am the last of the Clan Verde.”
He nodded and the rest of the walk remained silent. You came to the top of a dune and saw the encampment below just past a large glittering lake. You saw children playing in their oversized mandalorian helmets. You two began to descend from the dune and towards the camp. Mandalorians began toward you, alor Din began to push through them until there stood a large man clad in Blue beskar.
Oh look another fic and it’s Paz Vizsla! Yay I have most of part two as a draft right now so it should be out soon. If there are a lot of errors let me know it’s a little late and I just wanted to push out something before I went to sleep lmao.
alor: leader, boss, basically anyone higher ‘rank’ than oneself.
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
It's CoD AU time
So, what if Isaac and Rosaly swapped places ? Rosaly is the devil forgemaster, and Isaac is the one who saves Hector after he fled the castle ? Here how i think it would play out.
Firstly, Rosaly and her relationship with Hector: Rosaly would be the sweetest person in the castle, for sure. In appearence, at least... but, in truth, it's only hiding her great powers and ruthlessness. She's the kind of person who would murder people with an innocent smile on her face. She'd be friendly to and respect Hector (as long as he respects her). But there would be some tension beetween them, because of how she's able to murder people with no remorse nor hesitation, while Hector... well, is still Hector. She'd call him "cute" for thinking he could come to Dracula's castle and live a peaceful life with no murder.
As to know if they would have a "romantic" relationship... well, they could still have, but it wouldn't be as wholesome and healthy as the original :3 Rosaly in this scenario gives more importance to Dracula than Hector, and their values differs a bit too much. Proof is: She'd still go after Hector once he betrayed Dracula, and try to execute him. Not that she does not care at all about him, she pretty much does, but he's not her number one priority. The fight wouldn't go as much better for Rosaly than it went for Isaac: She'd give him a good fight, then feel Dracula die, then the curse would get to her, and she would be more brutal but also sketchy in her assaults. Then she'd lose the battle and Hector would leave her for dead, unaware that she actually survived and WILL come back for him.
Then comes the second part: What happens to Hector after this fight ? Well, he'd be left heavily wounded by the battle. He would walk for as long as he could, unsure of where to go and what to do... only to collapse on the ground.
In Isaac's garden :3
So in this scenario, Isaac is a recluse. Because of his red hair, he had been rejected by all. Now he has his own little house in the forest, and he's cozy there, people don't even know he exist and all is good. He even has Julia with him... sometimes. She's still a witch, but she prefers to live among the people. So she often comes visit her brother, but her home is in the nearest town.
So Isaac is chilling in his house, looking outside when he sees this human form fall on the ground. After much reflection, he decides to go check it out. And low and behold, it's a pretty sexy man ! Maybe God does see him, after all. He's not quite sure what to do, so he picks up a stick from the ground and just, poke him. Asking if he's dead. To wich Hector, barely opening his eyes, respond with something along the line of "not yet, but i'll soon be, don't bother with me". Fortunately, Julia was visiting his bro at this time ! She came outside and saw the two, immediately going "brother, what are you doing ! Can't you see this man needs assistance ?? Quick, bring him inside so we can heal him !" Isaac isn't quite fond of the idea, but everything for his sis <3
So they bring him inside, Julia heals him and Isaac assist as much as he can. Then comes the time for Julia to go back to town, and leave Isaac and Hector alone. It's kind of awkward at first, none of them know how to socialize lol. Hector even tries to leave but Isaac stops him, saying that he still need to recover and that his sister will never let him hear the end of it if he were to let him go in his state. Hector even tries to scare him by showing him a bit of his power. He creates a spider in his hand and tell him that he's a cursed being and that Isaac won't be safe as long as he's here... obviously Isaac isn't impressed (well, maybe he is a bit, but he's definitely not scared). He shows him a bit of HIS power, wich isn't devil forging but definitely witchcraft, and tells him "I'm afraid you fell in the garden of a sorcerer. My sister is a witch herself. We're one and the same, go back to bed." and Hector finds no response other than to obey.
Then time passes, everything seem to go well... Isaac and Hector fall in love and even get married eventually (Julia is the one uniting them, in a little, private and cute ceremony <3), because Rosaly was Hector's wife and so i love to imagine Isaac becoming his HUSBAND !! And everything seem to go smoothly... until three years after they first met :3
It was a normal day. Hector, who until then wasn't fond of going to town, decided to accompany Julia to the market or smth. Leaving Isaac at home because he didn't want to come. But then, once in town, Hector starts hearing... things. Rumors about a "devil with red hair living in the forest", about a group of men going to it's home to "exorcise" it. He panics, but when he went to tell Julia... he founds her in the middle of an angry mob, calling her a witch. Obviously he wants to help her, though he can't even get to her, and she spot him and scream to him to not worry about her and go save Isaac. With a heavy heart, he eventually obeys and run to their home... only to find it on fire, with unknown men watching it burn. In town, another fire is burning... the one from the witch trial. :3 Rosaly then show up, revealing that not only is she alive, but she's also the one behind it all.
The first, and most heart breaking one, is that... well, both Julia and Isaac died. And Hector goes to Castlevania to avenge them.
The second is that, actually, Isaac had the time to get out of the house (from the back) and hide while the house is burning. So he survived, and got reunited with Hector once the men were gone. Julia still died though... and they decide to both go avenge her. Rosaly now has to deal with two angry husband + the vampire hunter who killed her Lord <3
The end... or is it ?
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
(Okay okay I’ll bite, some older happy Vincent)
Vincent was always awake before Kerry. It had been that way since they started dating, and even on their honeymoon, Vincent was always awake before Kerry. Johnny didn’t count because when he was home, Vincent was convinced he never slept.
He woke up to the smell of coffee and Kerry’s weight on top of him. That meant one thing, Johnny was home. He had to wiggle out from under his husband to actually get to their other half first though. Kerry groaned and held on tighter, obviously someone wasn’t going down without a fight this morning.
Kerry had cut his hair off after school, to which Vincent had been heartbroken about it for weeks. When he came back from the Philippines, it was even shorter. Vincent liked his hair regardless, but never let him forget he had a mullet. It was still cut short, Vincent’s own hair still long but now his natural color. If he went downstairs and Johnny’s hair was gone, he was gonna lose it.
He heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and it took what felt like forever for Johnny to actually appear in his line of sight. He reached forward, trying to grab him by his belt loop and failing miserably when Johnny stepped back.
“Asshole.” He was still trapped under Kerry. Someone save this man.
Johnny just looked down at them, amused by the suffering of his partner trying to grab him while being trapped under Kerry. Until he finally gave him a bone and allowed Vincent to pull him forward. To which he let himself go limp and fell on top of the two of them.
Kerry groaned into Vincent’s shoulder, mumbling something no one would understand and Vincent whined, now trapped under two people. He just wanted coffee.
Johnny snorted and rolled off of them, kicking off his boots and pulling Kerry off of Vincent as well. Vincent got up, rubbing his eyes and putting on his glasses before heading down stairs for coffee.
After the awful year that was 2023, Johnny had disappeared with the Nomads, and Kerry went to the Philippines, leaving Vincent alone in Night City. The three spent about six years apart before Johnny came knocking with Kerry in tow, and they both had changed.
Kerry had said if Vincent was still down for it, they could get married. Have a life, with Johnny coming in and out, now being a full time Edgerunner with Rogue and his sketchy friends. But he always came back to them.
After years of fighting their own battles separately, they came back to fight them together. They had spent a week curled up in Vincent’s little apartment, not letting go simply because they were scared. Johnny would never admit that out loud though, but Vincent saw how tense he’d get if one was away for too long.
Kerry’s career really took off after he came back as well, and Vincent worried he’d never keep up. That Kerry’s love for music and fame and the sex, drugs, and rock n roll lifestyle would be the end of them. But Kerry was always at his side, showed him off at parties and interviews, the tattoos Vincent had done on him shown proudly whenever he got the chance.
“Vincent.” Vincent knocked himself out of his mind, looking back to see his partners had found him staring off in the kitchen again. His coffee cup was gone, and just in front of him now.
“You okay?” Kerry asked softly, resting his chin on his shoulder. Kerry was too aware of him sometimes, he knew when Vincent was over thinking again.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” Vincent said softly, Kerry didn’t by it and neither did Johnny, but neither pressed, just let Vincent take his coffee and pull Johnny over to the couch so they could talk. Kerry would join after getting his own cup.
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peligrosapop · 1 year
favorite duo in barça (any era)?
This is probably the hardest question EVER. I used to love the Messi and Iniesta duo, they completed each other so well in play and really got along as well. They both have that introverted/calm personality off the pitch too. So, probably them. Ronaldino/Messi lasted too little but was great. Pique-Puyol was cool, complimented each other well at the back and obviously the Xavi and Iniesta link up was inmense.
I loved Messi/Ney duo but I fell out of love with Ney when he left and then recently worse bc he supported Bolsonaro for president of Brasil and that guy is a fascist. Gross. So meh. Their connection on the pitch was amazing and off too, still is. Neymar Jr is just sus and gives me the ick. Pedri-Messi link up by the end of 20-21 is something that I saw with lots of possibilities but was cut short, I hope he comes back. My current favs are Gavi and Pedri but I'm biased bc I love their lil' bromance. Although the best link up, from a football perspective, is hard to tell rn. Ronald Araujo and Andreas Christensen are probably the players that complement each other the most on the field but not being a link up for scoring people don't notice it as much. Their link up is why our defensive is good, along with Kounde of course but Kounde post World Cup has been sketchy (his sketchy is still mid level good bc thats how good he is).
Before my era of watching them I don't know much of link ups-bromances so I wouldn't dare comment on that. I wonder if Lucho and Pep were close bros when they played together bc Pep was a midfielder and Lucho a forward to I'm sure they had a good link up on the field but dunno how much.
This is from a football perspective but bromance wise Pique-Bojan Xavi- Iniesta Gavi - Pedri Eric - Ferran
I choose Messi-Iniesta overall
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azsazz · 7 months
answering this one here too because cc spoilers :)
I like CC for different reasons than I like acotar, for example in CC I feel like a lot of the friendships/relationships felt more organic to me. Like Danika was not a good person but she and Bryce were good friends. Also Bryce and LeLe felt like real friends to me, same with Ruhn and his friends. I feel like Feyre’s friendship with Mor for example is really forced, everyone says their best friends but I feel like they barley interacted in the books? And I feel like no one respects Feyre’s leadership as much as Rhys’s (honestly I feel like the ENTIRE ic dynamic is weird af and an attempt to write close friends that kind of fell flat.) Mor gives me more pick me energy than Bryce but I see how you think that.
i did like lele a lot, and yeah, their relationship was a good one. i agree that feyre and mor didn't really interact. it does feel a bit forced also with the fact that obviously her and rhys are mates so who's going to actually say something if they don't like her? also mor is rhys' only family so she kind of doesn't have a choice to be feyre's friend
also I feel like Hunt gets unnecessarily picked on bc he’s boring but he’s one of the only SJM males that didn’t do some sketchy shit with his partner in some way. (Ik the synth deal but that didn’t really happen to Bryce) I haven’t read it in a while but nothing comes to the top of my head besides like them being mean to each other in the beginning
i do like hunt, i'll give sjm that. he's a good man.
Examples: Rhys had the dancing and the pregnancy (which Ik Rhys stans like to explain away but I still think it’s messed up). Cassian didn’t defend his mate and took Nesta on a week long hike where she physically collapsed from malnutrition and exhaustion bc she told feyre the TRUTH. Rowan punching Aelin in the face etc.
rhys has def done some questionable things. like yeah we can all get mad at fucking tamlin for wanting to keep feyre safe in his house when he knew they weren't out of the woods yet and worse was coming. and yeah, he went about it the wrong way but he was terrified for her? he didn't know what he was going? and rhys literally locked her in a fucking bubble while she was pregnant? yeah she could roam around but if that were me i'd feel suffocated as fuck? like its not really that different.
sjm loves talking about how her fmc's are so strong and stuff but she glorifies all the men they can do no wrong
CC had terribly world building, but let’s be honest SJM hasn’t had good world building since TOG and even that is sometimes questionable, but I think the relationships between characters are better and the individual emotions of the characters feel more human to me in some aspects.
Idk that’s just my opinion of the two books. Overall I still do think ACOTAR is the better series of the two, and the cross over is def a cash grab. But sometimes I feel like the good parts of CC get overlooked bc of shitty world building
that's def a fair point. i got so lost in trying to figure out what the fuck was going on i couldn't even focus on the relationships, i'll admit that!
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Thank you!!! Glad you liked it. 😊
Delusional is exactly what I was going for. Daniel is taking such good care of Max! He's being gentle; he's making sure he gets enough sleep; he's feeding him chocolates and treating him like a champ. Ok, Max is a bit skittish, but that's because of last year. God, that must have been awful! But Daniel is gonna show his little lion how good it can be. Max doesn't even have to do anything! Not all the time, anyway. He can just lie there and rest, while Daniel... well, he did pay a lot of money for this. :( So it's only fair that he gets to make the most of it. Not that he would ever overstep Max's boundaries! It's just Max fell asleep right after their lovemaking, feeling so safe in his arms. And so Daniel just... kept revelling in this gift they've been given. Like, obviously the set-up is a bit sketchy, and it could potentially lead to uncomfy situations (like last year!), so Max is still a bit wound-up, but it's only been one night and Daniel's patient. He'll get Max to relax. Really, it's a good thing they know each other so well! :)
anonstie how does it feel to have the words at your fingertips that make me wanna light my brain on FIRE.... i have a top secret evil mission to make you turn this into a full fic or reveal your ao3 or burrow into your brain and make a house and live there forever.... I haven't sorted out the kinks yet but just know I am planning something nefarious (with love) because you drive me insaneeeeeeeeeeee
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Of course ahem-
Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey Trey the perfect malewife
Bingo sheet
**This is my personal opinion, please don't take them seriously.
@rizavi-m @cherryjkj @twisted-clovers I’m slandering-
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T*ey is a lot of things for me, and totally not my OBVIOUS hate to him, y-yeah I totally don't like him- d-don't look at me like that...
T*ey is regarded as a "boring" character in the TWST fandom to say the least, and it isn't very hard to see why.
He's just that "malewife material" and he's a "normal man who does normal man things", which isn't wrong, but I just want to peel as many layers of him as possible (which I miraculously can and not because I'm all for him, like- what- ahahahha- t-that's weird-) and say that's he's very weird, in a good way (well, that's debatable-).
He's someone who's quite sketchy to be honest, especially how much he wants to prove to everyone that he is "normal". I mean, a lot of his lines in game shows that he would like to be seen as neutral from how he doesn't want you to get too carried away on his birthday, how he's average in all of his classes, and yet in his Uniform Card Personal Story, he's shown to be exceptionally good in his Flying Skills that even Vargas marked him with flying colors. I'm not sure about his other subjects as of now, but this definitely shows that he's NOT average in anything.
I think we never really ask why he wants to remain as such. Maybe it's similar to Kalim and Jamil's relationship, but with T*ey and Riddle as he doesn't want to be seen as "superior" to Riddle because he's just a Vice Dorm Leader, and much rather have Riddle have all the attention as Dorm Leader, or maybe it's because he knows that Riddle's ego might be crushed as we see when Riddle was shocked to find out that T*ey's Unique Magic had completely overwrites his, and ultimately questions his own powers compared to T*ey's, and he doesn't want his friend to feel that, I don't know.
T*ey is also, from what I see, to be someone who's a naturally good liar. I mean, literally everyone fell for his oyster sauce joke, including honor student Riddle himself, so maybe all his "I'm a normal man" is all a facade, and he hides something he doesn't want people to know for whatever reason. He's just, so enigmatic, so frustrating to think deeper about, which is something I like. (Yes, I like intellectual pain and headaches-)
I mean, I also think T*ey is someone who learns best through hands on experience, like how I explained here one time about how he loves Alchemy translate to it (the gist of it, more details in that post), and how he's failed multiple times in making Hamburg steak to become the professional, malewife chef and baker he is (from Birthday Suit interview), and that, don't flame me, I put VERY bluntly and simply:
Is why he's a coward, but you can't blame really him.
For someone who rather learn things through experience, it would probably mean he remembers things very well in order for him to understand, learn and use it for like, I don't know- tests- obviously-
but that same good memory of his is also why he probably didn't want to stop Riddle because from the Twisted Wonderland Comic, we see that T*ey was traumatised that of how broken and sad Riddle was because of his own "selfishness" (is that the right word?) in wanting to play with him. I guess in a way, they kinda insisted that Riddle plays with them, but the consequences of his own selfishness (which wasn't really selfish-) led to Riddle being more withdrawn and heartbroken, and recalling that same memory over and over and over again is what led T*ey to believe that he shouldn't do anything about it, or he'll make matters worse and cause his own friend to become more upset if he decides, by his own selfishness, to have Riddle stop his ridiculous strictness, of course, the irony being shit just got worse. Maybe that's why he does so much for others (sort of-), to avoid the messiness of crushing the other party's feelings if he were to be selfish.
He just doesn't know what to do in that situation because that's the only time he would experience it and nothing more, his maturity depth isn't so far into being "when is the right time to be assertive".
**Technical difficulties faced, we are trying to fix the dumbass**
Ahem, yes-
He's shrewd in literally Stargazer event, tricking Riddle to buy him that food processor he desired, FRICKIN' Lab Coat Personal Story like need I go on? He's a sneaky little gremlin which can further entail he's a good manipulator to get people to do or think as such if he so desired. He's THAT good which is kind of scary (why didn't I also circle if he existed I'd be a little scared of him?).
T*ey is so weird, on surface level he seems boring, but I like to think that he wants to for many reasons he won't say but we can all theorise, that's the beauty of T*ey, so much hidden, could-be-possible lore from him, a lot more deducing than obvious information of him thrown at us.
Also, now that I think about it, him not wanting to be the center of attention is also translated outside of the story as he has NO EVENT SSR- FCKING- T*EY- PLEASE- I KNOW IT’LL BE HARDER TO GET YOU BUT GIVE US ONE SSR EVENT CARD THAT’S NOT YOUR DAMN BIRTHDAY (which I didn’t simp scream over), OR FCKING SSR DORM UNIFORM DAMNIT HDGHDFGD- I HAD TOO HIGH HOPES FOR HALLOWEEN, DIDN’T I-
and also he's hot- I mean what-
Now... about the marrying part, I um... I-it's not that important... That... I don't know why I circled that but I'M TOO LAZY TO CHANGE NOW AHAHAHHA....
but GOSH, T*ey has always been radiating "big brother vibes" or "dad vibes" "my husband vibes" and just as someone as a friendly person, which is probably rare in NRC (I'm not saying definitely but at first eye would seem approachable and kinda is-), and I would throw my problems at him (which is me crying over Cookie Run Kingdom lore), but at the same time, I would like him to pour out his own problems, just a tad bit, or at least just let him know I am here for him. With whatever I said above, he might be exhausted, mentally and physically (from his own schoolwork and vice dorm duties), and I personally, no matter the person, just don't like to see them be all pent up and frustrated with themselves or with someone else because it's unhealthy (I won't force it, though).
Gosh... T*ey is just so weird and confusing that peeling his character layer by layer is actually a lot, but also very complicated, because the (direct) information given to us about him is quite little, and a lot the time is deducing from what he does, his character and behaviour in the series. BUT THAT'S SOMETHING I ROLE WITH- GOD I HATE HIM *kisses him*
but yeah, I'm gonna end it on this note because other things I want to say would just be time consuming and this post has been long enough- :")))))
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terrazaurio · 9 months
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Some sketchies and heartfelt letters for friends that Lira knows are lost already, but still need to atone.✨😔
I know that little or nothing can fix this letter, but I can't stop thinking about how unfair it is that I have known such an intimate part of you and that you have nothing to hold over my head.
I want it to be clear that I do not need you to forgive me, I understand that what I did doubled a wound that has not healed for a long time, and that I will never be able to come close to closing it, not even the slightest bit.
But if you have some time, here I leave you a piece of me;
When I was little, I often felt alone. I've never been good at maintaining a friendship. But there was one person who managed to stand out above all the others, and who taught me what it was to love. Her name is Cecania, and she lived in the village, not far from my house.
I had always thought she was a very pretty girl, but I would never have approached her on my own. She intimidated me. Luckily, she was the one who did it.
She came up to me one afternoon and said; “I can jump higher than you.” And well, knowing me, you'll know that I can't say no to a challenge like that, so we spent the entire afternoon jumping, until we got sunstroke and we almost didn't tell it... From then on there was no one to separate us.
Somehow we grew up together, we fell in love, and she taught me how nice it can be to express what you feel without fear (even if it meant ending up in the police station more than once).
Cecania was not happy there, and neither was I. We always talked about escaping, traveling the world and getting married in every country we visited. To never look back. Additionally, she had always had anger issues, but over the years they became stronger.
One day, as she had done many times before, she told me that it was time, that she would pick me up that same night, that we would burn her house until there was nothing but ashes, and that we would run away together. I, obviously, said yes.
I guess I'll never really know why, but Cecania didn't show up. I assumed that she had collapsed again, like other times, but I still went out to meet her, it was late at night and I could hear alarms in the distance, this scared me.
When I got there, I saw nothing but fire consuming her house. Firefighters said there were no human remains among the pebbles and ash. I have never seen her again.
Her parents left town shortly after.
Yesterday I was planning to talk to you about her in person, but we already know how that ended.
I know there is no point of comparison between the two stories, or between what I have caused and what I can offer you, but this is all I have. I have not lived long, nor very intensely; This is the most important moment of my life. Cecania and I used to smoke together, and in the ashtray in my room there were two butts stained with her favorite lipstick. I'm a little embarrassed, but I kept them like a treasure. It was the only thing that didn't burn completely that night.
I'm leaving them to you because I don't know how else to even begin to apologize for how careless I've been. Do whatever you want with them, I won't be mad, I promise.
(If you're reading this after a while, I guess it's already late, and either I'm dead or I was able to deliver some information at the next meeting with Felix. I hope it's the second one, but just in case.
I'm going to meet Penny, the tattoo artist with the white and green hair. I know it's risky, but I really want to prove that I can do something! Nothing I do will ever be your fault, please believe me. I've always been this impulsive and idiotic. I am grateful to have been your friend, Rodrigo.)
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