lepetitdragonvert · 25 days
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Unicorns ! Unicorns ! by Geraldine McCaughrean
Artist : Sophie Windham
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fidjiefidjie · 8 months
🐢 Câlin du jour 🐆
Source: Carson Springs Wildlife
Penzi, la tortue et Tuesday, le guépard en Floride 🥰
Bel après-midi 👋
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Sauvetage d'une tortue à Hawaï
June 27 2023
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muttball · 1 year
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One Happy Family
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steph-photographie · 5 months
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Photo originale par Steph-Photo
Un bel alignement ! Parc animalier de Lilles (59)
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philoursmars · 4 months
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Marseille, le MuCEM et sa nouvelle collection permanente (à mes yeux, bien plus intéressante et mieux présentée que la précédente...)
Il y aura un nombre important de billets !!!
reliquaire de Sainte-Barbe en ivoire - Nord de la France, 1830
boîte à priser en ivoire, de E.L., bagnard , "A ma mère" - Cayenne, 1873 ; tabatière en corne - Bretagne, 1768
Philippe Ragault - maquette du bateau "L'Assaut du Rêve sur la Fécondité" - ivoire, ébène, rubis - Dieppe, 1990
hochet et amulettes porte-bonheur juives en corail, or, ivoire, vermeil… - Maroc, 1900-50
calebasse - Nice, 1900-50
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It had been the whumpee’s usual pranks that had gotten the entire team caught, and the whumper thrived in reminding them of this every time they could. Sometimes, if the whumper was feeling particularly cruel, they’d force the whumpee to watch the torture of their own friends- completely unable to help the person they cared so much about.
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arquipetrus · 1 year
Stacking por PCPHOT
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yotsubaandtheworld · 2 years
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Time to explore the land of tortoises ! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
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2monde-animals · 1 month
Nature taxi
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Colored it.  I wasn’t sure what Testudo or Terrapin’s colors were going to be so I guess these are first drafts at those two.
Look at all those complex sneakers...and then Topanga’s basic flats, lol.
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chats-cosmiques · 4 months
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Portrait de famille.
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fidjiefidjie · 8 months
🦧 Partage du jour 🐢
Un bout de pomme ?🍎🫠
Source: Amazingnature
Bel après-midi 👋
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Un buffle aide une tortue
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Personally, I thought it was canon (or at least common knowledge) that Sonic got tortured one way or another during his captivity in Sonic Forces... I guess some people just conveniently choose to forget that 🙄
Regardless, if one day you'll spill on how you think Eggman tortured Sonic, I'll be there to eat that up! I just love to think about how much of a bastard Eggman would be to Sonic, rubbing it that he's won and that sonic was weak (or dumb, even) enough to get caught so easily. Plus, who knows how badly Eggman could mess with Sonic psychologically! Manipulative as that man is, he'd know exactly what to say to get to him. Obviously, Sonic wouldn't just break down immediately but seeds of doubt and regret have a way of growing into someone's mind...
Well it's something only mentioned in the English version and I can understand if people don't feel it's necessary as part of the plot as Sonic being stuck in a cell unable to run and escape for that long would've been bad enough already - but I thank Pontaff for the idea because as you know I'm evil and it makes for a lot of potential fun scenarios up my alley fhdjwbgkshg
I do want to make a whole post about some of my concepts in depth at some point, maybe on my side blog that I'll introduce here any day now but maybe I will go ahead and do it on here Idk. But I'll talk about all of Eggman's methods and Sonic's experience in more depth then so I don't want to spoil too much.
I imagine it was primarily psychological as he's very skilled in it in ways I brought up the other day. I like to imagine him coming in for sessions of rubbing the progress of things in Sonic's face, taunt him for how he's still trapped and nobody has come for him because they think he's dead and to think about how devastated they are. He describes how he's going to destroy his friends and everything he knows out there while he's stuck in here, boasts his future empire and its conditions, and tells him he's helpless to stop it all.
Sonic would be as deflective and determined as usual at first towards Eggman's boasting and rubbing of victory in his face because he's certain he'll be out in no time and he won't get to do anything that bad for long. But he remains trapped and Eggman's threats and reports of progress get worse with the things he actually does go through with. He finds ways to dig in deeper and affect Sonic's mind over time in ways he'd try to deny and hide so Eggman doesn't get the satisfaction of knowing it's really working.
I like to think he found a way to bring the phantom ruby into it, which would also tie into the psychological methods when he uses it to cause illusions to torment him and show him awful glimpses of what he's been threatening for the world and his friends, to make it even more painfully immersive and disturbing. This makes it harder for Sonic to fight it eventually too as he has to witness it even if it isn't real and it's clear that Eggman is serious, if he doesn't get out and stop him then it will really happen for real.
Sonic keeps trying to fight and remain determined and not lose hope and he's defiant but Eggman will eventually manage to start to get to him and cause genuine concern for the safety of the world and his friends while he's trapped unable to do anything to stop it. Eggman will keep telling him his friends have given up on him and aren't coming to find him because they think he's really gone. He tells him the entire world is losing hope and submitting to the empire if they want to live because he owns everything now.
As much as Sonic would try his hardest to hide it and not let Eggman think he's managing to get to him one bit, Eggman wouldn't lose patience or get mad, not only because he doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of him still managing to get to him either, but also because he's still the one with the the world in his hands while Sonic is trapped helpless and alone and the Resistance are struggling to fight against him without him, so everything is finally going his way. It only makes his ego bigger and makes him crueller to Sonic.
It would be just as pleasing to Eggman as the day he finally shows him his completed empire to rub it in one last time and it would add extra impact to how defeated Sonic finally feels. He's delighted to have had the chance to toy with him and get catharsis for all those years of him being a nuisance and how much more powerful he is and truly prove himself to be superior in the end like he always said and believed, and rub it in and break him down before finally "banishing him". He doesn't end up getting there of course, but he had his fun and dreamed of it.
While I can accept what we got in the end and anything could've happened, I still like to imagine fucked up sadistic bastard Eggman where he's prideful and amused and proud of his victory and won't let his captive hear the end of it and as he torments him and tries to break him down slowly over time. I'm going to talk about this in more depth at some point and maybe get into some of the other methods I have in mind too but this is the primary psychological stuff summed up. ^^
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acidic-eye · 8 months
Whumptober day 6: "So let my hope grow cold and atrophy"
Prompt: made to watch, “it should have been me” Whumptober day 6 -- The glare that twilight had thrown at him said it all, this sucks. The two had been out looking for food for the night, the group had been tired of having cow meat for while, and wanted to have some chicken, which wild had unfortunately run out of. Twilight was in his human form, the crystal still around his neck, for about two hours at this point the two had been trapped in a small cell they were shoved in hours before.
‘Listen i didn't mean to, you know I like shiny things.’ wilds slate had been taken by the kidnappers, they had deemed it to be a dangerous item, which objectively, it was. Twilight continued to glare at him, he was unable to do anything more after he had bitten the kidnappers in wolf form, now muzzled harshly. The muzzle dug into his face, wild already could see the red marks and cuts forming on his face.
‘Wild you death of me.’ twilight signed brokenly, -- or: wild and twilight get kidnaped
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