aliters · 8 months
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knifeforsale · 2 years
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bunnieswithknives · 2 months
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I like think David and Rowan met briefly as kids. Just the once on some kind of bring your kid to work day. They only made eye contact. Brief enough they don't remember it when they meet again later but... Idk I just think its a nice thought.
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deerylife · 7 months
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AHH, okay, so I've been seeing this guy n.. I just wanted to hug HE'S SO- owo2owkdke!! So I drew some fanart of him
Tou belongs to: @didderd !!! I hope it's okay I drew some art of him n my sona hugging!
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luvvs-1820 · 3 months
Hhhggrrrrrrrrr kisssss gaysss homosexuallsss gaysss ggghhhhrhrrrrrhrhrhrrrrrrmrmm
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My reaction to gay:
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swestbifire · 1 month
Hello touchstarved community artist who have time, want to procrastinate and/or need to get out of art block. I have some very specific unhinged art prompts for you!
Ais and Mhin on a hello kitty toddler tricycle flipping off the world with sunglasses
Leander and Mc at a dinner date in the Crypts/ catacombs being served by a bubonic plauge having rat.
Kuras and Vere if they were on a cooking reality TV show (every things on fire)
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Touchdown - Chapter 13.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 2167
Warnings Some fluff and some mild language. There's a teeny tiny hint at some smut, but the next chapter is the killer!
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“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
“Mum, it’s fine.”
Your Mum’s voice didn’t sound convinced, “I’m just worried about you sweetheart. It’s a long way to travel for a guy you just met.”
You sighed, “I know, I know how it looks. But honestly, you have nothing to worry about. I actually think you would quite like him."
“Just…be careful.”
You smiled and swapped the phone to your other hand as you picked up the Kansas City Chiefs jersey that Travis had sent you ahead of your visit. Your fingers traced the stitching on the 87 that was on the back and you looked at the name above it. Kelce.
“I will. I’ll call you when I can.”
“Okay sweetheart, I love you.”
“I love you too, bye.”
You placed your phone back on the bed, turning your attention to your suitcase. You picked up the jersey and folded it carefully, putting it on top of the rest of your clothes that you were taking. Travis had said that the weather was similar to England over in Missouri, so you packed a wide range of outfits, plus the pyjamas that he had requested. As you were searching your wardrobe for some trainers for the flight, Jess appeared in your doorway.
“This is it now, isn’t it?” She dramatically leaned against the doorframe with her hand over her heart, “You’re going to have an amazing time in Kansas City and then never come back and you’re going to leave me forever.”
You giggled, “Come on, you’ve got Will.”
She slowly walked over to the bed and collapsed onto it, raising her hands in protest, “He won’t watch Love Island with me. Or eat pizza. Stupid lactose intolerant bastard.”
You laughed loudly, throwing your head back, “Will you relax? I’ll be back.”
Jess sat up on the bed, “That’s if he doesn’t kidnap you and keep you in his basement as his little sex slave.”
You threw some balled-up socks at her, “Maybe that's what I've wanted all along?”
Jess laughed and stood up, “When’s your flight?”
“6.45. I’ll have to be up early to catch the tube. So, I probably should go to bed soon.”
“Well, I hope you have the best time.” She pulled you in for a hug, “I really mean it, have an awesome time.”
You squeezed her tightly, “I will.”
Your hands were fidgeting. You were a nervous flier at the best of times but the journey had been long and the excited, anxious feeling in your stomach had been building up. You glanced at your phone, knowing you only had an hour until you landed. Opening your phone, you looked at the text Travis had sent before you had boarded.
‘Can’t wait to see you. I’ll pick you up at the airport. X’
Your stomach fluttered again and a wave of excitement rushed across your chest. Looking out of the window, you gazed at the clouds slowly moving past you as you collected your thoughts and tried to focus on your breathing. The excitement in your chest transitioned into a tightness. You squeezed your eyes closed and listened to the relaxing music playing through your headphones. Breathing in time with the music and flexing your fingers and toes, you tried desperately to keep calm. You had experienced panic attacks due to flying in the past and you really didn’t want to have another one. As your breathing slowed, you glanced to the passenger next to you. She was a woman, an older woman, with grey hair tied tightly into a bun. She was dressed very smartly, in a dark blue suit, with glasses perched on her nose like a stereotypical librarian. She was reading carefully from a book but paused to look at you with a smile and a wink. You instantly felt more relaxed and smiled back at her.
The plane landed with a gentle bump and a supportive hand squeeze from the woman next to you. You gathered your bag and coat, leaving the plane and happy to be on the stable concrete again. Luckily, there were no stresses at arrivals; no queues at passport control and your luggage came quickly. As you strolled through the airport, your eyes quickly scanned the area for the face that you were waiting to see. There was a small crowd of people close to the entrance and it seemed there was some excitement. Squinting your eyes, you craned your head to see what was going on. In the middle of the buzz was Travis, happily signing autographs and taking photographs with some fans. You caught his eye and he grinned, thanking the people around him and began making his way towards you. You hastened your pace as you noticed that he had started into a jog. As you got closer, he held his arms out and you leapt into them, wrapping your own around his neck. He kissed you gently, but with passion and you smiled into the kiss.
“How was your flight?” He smiled down at you.
“It was okay.” The crowd were still lingering behind Travis and you glanced over to them, “Are they going to follow you around the whole time?”
“It’ll take some getting used to.” He smiled and leant down to pick up your bags, slinging one over his shoulder with ease and taking your hand in his free one, “Come on, let’s go.”
It was a 15-minute drive to Travis’ house and during the journey your eyes quickly viewed as much as they could. Travis would occasionally put a hand on your thigh and his thumb would rub over the fabric of your jogging pants, catching your eye and smiling. You felt unbelievably comfortable with him, even though you were in an unfamiliar place.
“Are you hungry?”
You looked at Travis and tilted your head, “I could eat. You?”
He smirked, “Always.”
You smiled back to him and looked out of the window, “Where are we going then?”
“The best place in KC, baby!” He tilted his head back as his voice raised. “We could pick up some food and then head to my place? I figured you’d be tired after the flight?”
“A little.”
“We can start your sightseeing after I get back from practice tomorrow.”
You turned to face him again, “You have practice?”
Travis sucked his teeth, “Yeah, Coach Reid called an extra practice, it’s just for a couple of hours in the morning.” He squeezed your thigh, “You’ll be okay?”
“Yeah, of course!”
He winked as he took a turn in the road which led you to a car park surrounded by restaurants. He expertly parked the car and as you attempted to open the car door, Travis suddenly appeared through the window.
“Please, let me open that. My Momma will be so mad if she knows that you had to open the car door for yourself.”
You smiled up at him, “Travis, I don’t mind, it’s fine.”
He closed the door and locked the car, “Like I said, I was brought up right. My Mom always taught me and my brother Jason that manners were really important. I always open doors for her, and I’ll be doing the same for you.”
“If you insist.”
He reached for your hand and you walked alongside him until he stopped at the door of a large building with a tall square entrance.
You read the sign aloud, “Joe’s Kansas City Barbeque?”
“This place is the best, just you wait.”
You reached for the door handle and instantly stopped yourself, letting Travis open it for you. The restaurant was fairly busy with most of the tables occupied and servers walking back and forth. Travis headed straight for the bar area where an older man with dark eyebrows and a dark moustache was cleaning glasses. His facial hair was a stark difference to his shiny, bald head. His eyes were kind and as he spotted Travis, they creased and seemed to light up.
“Kelce, my man!” His voice was warm and friendly.
Travis reached over the bar and held his hand out for a low five, “Amos, how’s it going?”
Amos’ eyes drifted towards you, “And who is this lovely lady?”
You blushed and smiled as Travis gently placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you forward, “This is Y/N, be nice, I don’t want you scaring her away.” His thumb moved up just slightly underneath your shirt and moved back and forth against your bare skin.
Amos laughed and reached out to shake your hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. Any friend of Kelce’s is a friend of mine.”
“Lovely to meet you, Amos.”
Amos’ eyes widened, “And she’s British! Y/N, your accent is gorgeous!”
You giggled slightly, “Thank you.”
Travis put his hand in front of Amos in jest, “Alright man, stop hitting on her. I’m stood right here!”
Amos laughed loudly, “Okay, okay. What can I get for you, 87? The usual?”
Travis’ eyes moved to the menu above the bar, “Yeah man. And some onion rings and a couple of cups of Mac-N-Cheese.” He turned to you, “I can recommend everything.”
You studied the menu quickly, “Ooh erm…the Chicken Z-Man.”
Travis whistled as Amos clapped his hands, “Good choice.” He began pouring two drinks, “A couple of complimentary root beers while you kids wait?”
“Thanks, man.”
Amos disappeared into a nearby kitchen as you both took the drinks and sat down at a bar stool each.
“He seems lovely.” You said before placing the straw between your lips.
“He’s awesome. I’ve been coming here since I was drafted. Best barbeque food around.”
Your eyes scanned over him. He was wearing a pair of dark ripped straight-leg jeans and a bright orange oversized hoodie. “You look good.”
His eyes darkened slightly, “Are you flirting with me, ma’am?”
You smiled a bit down on your straw, “Maybe.”
He leaned closer to you, “You are so beautiful.”
Your chest burned and your breath hitched at his words. You pressed your lips together as you repeated his words in your head. Travis was still leaning forward, waiting for a response.
“Thank you, Mr Kelce.” You said in almost a whisper.
His eyes rolled back into his head and he leaned back into his stool, “Fuck, girl. Stop doing that to me!” He waved a finger towards you, “I can tell we’re going to have fun this week.”
"So, do you have anything planned?" You asked.
Travis hummed slightly, "We could go and see Pat and Brittany some time? There's some other people who want to meet you too."
"Aww, you've been telling people about me?" Your eyes glittered.
A delicate pink hue fell upon Travis' cheeks. He cleared his throat, "Uh...maybe. I was...kinda talking about you for a bit after London."
"I believe I was all you were talking about. 'Can't stop talking' about me to be precise." You bent your fingers into air-quotes as you spoke.
His face darkened, "Aww man, who you been talkin' to? Did Pat say something? Was it JuJu?"
"I couldn't possibly reveal my sources." You placed your hand on his and winked.
"Imma kill the guys."
You laughed, "Relax, I think it's cute."
"Yeah! You talking about me to your teammates?" Your hand moved to his upper thigh, "It's very flattering."
Travis looked down at your hand and laughed. You smiled confidently and sipped your drink as Amos arrived next to you with a brown bag in his hand.
Travis stood up from his stool, “Awww Amos, man. That’s what I’m talking about, baby!” He pulled Amos in for a hug.
“Treat her right, 87. Or you’ll have me to deal with.” Amos winked at you as Travis laughed.
“Alright Y/N, let’s get you outta here before he starts singing for you.”
He pulled you away towards the door as you could hear Amos cackling wildly.
Travis held the door open for you and smiled, “After you.”
He playfully smacked your ass as you passed him. Letting out a yelp, you turned to face him, widening your eyes and opening your mouth in mock surprise.
Travis winked, “And that’s another reason I’ll be opening doors for you, so I can watch that perfect ass.”
You smiled and winked back at him, popping your hip out before heading back to the car. You held the bag of food whilst Travis opened the car door and you stepped in carefully. The leather seats were hot from being in the sunlight, and the car was quite stuffy. You pulled your hair away from the back of your neck, letting some cool air onto your bare skin. As Travis shuffled into the driver’s seat, he returned his hand to your thigh and you looked down when his fingers started to drift upwards. You glanced at his face, seeing him driving as if nothing was happening. You grinned and looked out of the window, relaxing into the seat.
I'll be totally honest...I had every intention of only having around 12 chapters for this story but I have so many future ideas. So, if you all don't mind, this series could go on for a while! As I said before, chapter 14 might cause you all to have a coronary...so be warned!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125
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atomiclight · 7 months
Important: blog with all of my CC, easy to navigate
(stuff I remove from here are there !!)
other socials:
patreon ♡ pinterest (was banned T.T)♡ curseforge
commissions: open!
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ncdweller · 3 months
Duke Energy update.
I’m as tired of this as you.
We got a text and email at 8:00am today, telling us our service request had been canceled as per “the customer’s request”.
They helpfully included a phone number linky.
Calling that number got me to Duke Business Accounts. We are not a business, but whatever.
Talked to first agent, who, like yesterday’s first agent, helpfully reminded me of our bill, which is due in late March, and that we can pay it online. We always do. But whatever.
I get transferred to another department, and yep, the work order was canceled. They put me on hold to investigate.
They decided we do indeed need a new meter, so THEY canceled the work order that was to investigate if we needed one.
A new work order was being created to replace our dumb meter with a smart one.
It’s still supposed to happen today, but they tell me their goal is to close all work orders in three business days.
So we are trapped here until they show up.
And though we got many emails and texts yesterday confirming today’s service request. We have heard nothing today beyond the cancellation notification.
The fun continues.
Fortunately there is a lot going on outside, so I’m staying as entertained as a cat watching a bird feeder. Or me watching a bird feeder.
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johnnysimmer · 8 months
TOU Update
I have been receiving a lot of messages about my TOU and I just want to say that yes you can do anything about my hairs. Edit it, recolor it(mesh included), convert to other games, the who shebang. The TOU you see on my tumblr is yet to be updated but yes, this has been the thing for a while now.
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elfily · 3 months
TOU Update
As of 05.31.24, I am allowing recoloring of my content again. Please message/tag me and do not include the mesh.
Please just.. be considerate. There has been a lot of TOU violations, plagiarism, and other disrespectful behavior.
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the4rcanist · 2 months
here's one for my two currently favorite characters from Kingdom, The Monstrous Bird of Qin and his right hand man
Art + process
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jellymeduza · 11 days
Hi! Wondering what your terms of use are?
Thank you
I think I've got a pretty lenient policy. You can read it here. :)
tldr; as far as my own creations are considered, do whatever you please with them (use in your pics, re-use my textures and my meshes, convert to other games etc.), just credit me and don't make them excusively paid content. As for my edits of others' creations and my works that use works of other creators (and I have to warn you I use other simmers' textures and meshes a lot in my works), follow their policy in regard to elements of their works that I have used.
Additional kudos for tagging me, so I can see how my creations are used by other simmers. :)
I'm not a police officer and have better things to do in my life than trying to catch people who use my works not to my liking. 😉 Additionally I re-use other simmers' creations a lot, so it would be hypocritical of me to forbid anyone from re-using mine. Also I think my policy does justice to other creators' wishes and TOUs.
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plantainboat · 9 months
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*~.*~.*~.*~. Quick Navigation .~*.~*.~*.~*.~*
CC Finds *~* My Stuff *~* Join the Plant Cult *~* Tutorials
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aviisalittlefr34k · 6 months
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Tou belongs to @didderd
Demi belongs to me
Okay so
I hope to everything that I got the colors right-
But uh
Tou and my artist sona
Is just a lil doodle
Small edit- the art does look a lil wonky ^^" I apologize!
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butteredfrogs · 5 months
just thought i’d write a little tou to reiterate what i said in response to the anon question earlier
yes !
you are free to do whatever you want with any of my cc, convert it, uses parts of it for other cc projects, ect
i would appreciate it if you could credit me, however it’s not necessary !
no !
the only thing i ask is please do not put any of my cc behind a paywall
side note: please make sure to check the creators tou especially for my recolours as you will need their permission to actually convert the mesh to other games, but anything like my tattoos and stuff are fine to convert!
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