#ttrpg homebrew
sprintingowl · 2 days
TTRPGs Bundle
Gargantuan mega superbundle alert!
If you want a ridiculous number of TTRPGs---and also for your money to be donated in full to a medical aid charity that is attempting to tend to the victims of an ongoing crisis---games in this bundle include:
Wanderhome, FIST, Gubat Banwa, Caltrop Core, Eyes On The Prize, Gun & Slinger, Maharlika, Karanduun Make God Bleed, Oldhome, Cuticorium, Gravemire, Moonlight On Roseville Beach, Hypermall Unlimited Violence, Killotine, Mourn, Beacon, Sunfish Sitting There, Mashed, Kernel, Star & City, and a great many more.
That's nearly 700 TTRPGs, all bangers, something for every genre and table, available until end of June 2024.
(in this post I have avoided saying certain words in case they algorithmically influence its reach and visibility, please feel free to say those words in the reblogs)
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ydteus · 15 days
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Marcellus and Csilla Gautier - ball outfits
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alexboakeillo · 4 months
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I feel like you’re just as likely to get this from your Wizard boyfriend as from your Wizard arch rival! The Valentine’s Day Heart Giftbox Mimic. Looks indistinguishable from a regular cheesy chocolate box. That is, until you open it and the Assorted Chocolate Mimic Bugs scatter and it CHOMPS down on your hand. You thought you’d be munching on chocolate and now some creature is crunching on you!!
Something of a symbiotic relationship, the Giftbox Mimic provides protection to the Chocolate Bugs and the Bugs lure in the Gift Box Mimic’s prey. It’s a match made in heaven! Like strawberry and chocolate. 🍫🍓✨
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zhjake · 1 year
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An illustration for another one of my groups Lancer campaigns, Under the Monolith
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randomtable · 11 months
“Do I Know Someone Who Can Help Us With ____?” (2d6)
2. No; the person you thought could help refuses and adds another complication to the situation. (Example complications: they demand payment for a past debt, they are with someone you wanted to avoid, or they call the authorities regarding your illegal activities.) 3. The person you know who could help has gone missing, you’d have to find them first. 4. Yes, but they demand a steeper price than you would expect. Furthermore, if you refuse they will be offended. 5. Yes, but things are awkward between you. The price they ask will be generous, but only after an uncomfortable conversation. 6. Yes, but the help they can offer is sub-par, or only half of what you need. 7. Yes, but they need you to do a small favor for them right now before they help you. 8. Yes, but you’ll owe them one. Could be a future favor they call on, or a cut of whatever money you’re after, or something else. 9. Yes; they’ll give you a good price but it’s not free. 10. Yes, but they don’t seem too happy about it - you’ll have to look for help somewhere else next time. 11. Yes, there’s someone who owes you one and you can cash in that favor. 12. Yes, and that person also gives you an unrelated piece of helpful information.
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triskaideka-13 · 10 months
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Here comes a FREE 50-page custom scenario booklet for BRP / Cthulhu TTRPG based on the lore of #fallen london, a.k.a. your latest unofficial guide to the (be)Neath. A couple of things to keep in mind:
Just so you know, the scenario hasn't gone through the whole playtesting rigmarole yet.
English isn't my first language, so bear with me if you spot a few quirks here and there.
While I've had a blast with Sunless Sea and MoTR, I had to dive into Fallen London wikias to fill in the lore gaps.
The artwork belongs to @failbettergames, except for a handful of images conjured up by Midjourney AI: page 3 (every single one), pages 9-11 (all the portraits), pages 12-17 (yep, all of them), and page 18 (featuring Chelonites, Shroomers, Blemmigans), oh, and also page 35.
The map of London on pages 4-5 has been spiced up with extra spots that may come in handy during a game session!
Having said all that, I'm super open to any cool ideas you might have to make this even better.
You can give it a whirl online on the Homebrewery right now (works best with Chrome).
But if you prefer the Google Docs route, I've also got you covered!
Oh, and there's more! I've started cooking up a complete campaign "Keeper's Guide" to go hand in hand with this booklet. Winter will be the time when we kick off play-testing for that one. So, if you're game, it might be around a year before I can dish it out, along with any tweaks to the custom rules to keep things balanced. Yeah, I know, time flies when you're having fun, right? Cheers to the adventures ahead!
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jazz-dude · 9 months
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Crab meat from Eridian B is a staple in every spacers kitchen. Not technically crab, it is the meat from a purpose bread giant scorpion, whose lineage goes back to the ones on cradle. IPS-N ships them in vacuum sealed containers that have parts in common with some of their flagship mechs.
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cloaksandcapes · 1 year
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I absolutely LOVE this magic item idea. Courtesy of one of my Discord members. They give me ideas every single day! Please join if you're looking for a nice community of TTRPG-centric folks! :) Tell me about a location in your world you'd want to put into this book!
If you enjoy our magic items, please drop a like, follow and reblog! :) We drop new items every day and you can find all 328 (and growing) at the link in the picture.
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xavierck · 1 year
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Even though most people live in caves and bunkers now, agriculture never went away.
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ghostcashewart · 1 month
the minimum duration on a poll is a day, so at some point today i'll draw whichever is currently in the lead! and then i'll most likely draw another one tomorrow lol
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thank you for participating! have a wizard!
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sprintingowl · 1 year
This Discord Has Ghosts In It
It doesn't get talked about enough, but This Discord Has Ghosts In It is a rad example of how you can adapt game design to your surroundings.
Basically, This Discord Has Ghosts In It is a digital larp. It's Phasmophobia played by chat. Your group creates a discord server to function as a haunted house, then you all explore it, building new 'rooms' out of channels as you go.
Some players take the roles of ghosts, and are muted but can affect the environment in the haunted house.
Other players take the roles of explorers, and can talk, but the ghosts are all listening.
Discord wasn't built to be gamified this way, but that doesn't matter.
As long as you can guarantee consistent behavior from a thing, you can build mechanics off of it.
Anything in your environment can be turned into a game.
And in this particular case, it's a really good one!
The mechanics lend themselves well to the kinds of pacing, limited communication, and untrustworthy setting that any good ghost story needs.
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ydteus · 9 months
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Dark souls dnd?
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clambatch · 9 months
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meet kai (he/they), archfey of the court of craft and autry's boss who he has a less than professional work relationship with 🫳👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
they married into the court of archfey and are a part of an ancient civilization said court killed off when they rose to power?? very interesting i would LOVE to know what that's all about
they were thought up by the lovely @tendertieflings , ty for being gay with me in secret for a whole year
this is how i've been waiting for him to get introduced in game btw (AND THEYRE NOT EVEN ACTUALLY HERE YET I MISS HIM EVERY DAY IM SO SORRY U THINK AUTRY IS DEAD BBG)
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shadow-of-gehenna · 1 year
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Introducing the Kalashnikov - The Scrapyard Underdog
The first Kalashnikov dates back to Locksteel’s original uprising, the frame’s initial design - which was penned by Adrian Lock - was based on a subterranean mining frame, capable of enduring the worst the deep crust of the planet could throw at a piece of machinery. It was easy enough to mount weapons to the frame and make some minor improvements to it’s plating to help deal with large scale weapons but as Locksteel continued to expand so too did the Kalashnikov, eventually it became host to an advanced frame that was magnitudes more durable than others in the locksteel catalog. 
Along with its core, the Kalashnikov is equipped with a range of redundancies coupled together with emergency backup systems that activate in cascade to mounting pressure, creating a frame that almost grows stronger or at least faster during longer engagements.
The Kalashnikov is like many Locksteel mechs, built for risk and reward, however this frame takes it to the extreme; Thanks to its Underdog, True Grit and Lightweight traits, the more damaged, hindered or even outclassed in size the Kalashnikov is, the harder it fights and the harder to bring down it becomes. With the activation of it’s core power nothing less than complete annihilation can hope to bring this pit-brawler of a mech down. The systems and weapons the Kalashnikov buck the trend of Locksteel systems being useful for most if not all types of pilots; Each system granted by the license is ground up made to support melee-range, bloody-knuckled brawling. With weapons that hit hard and some that are just as indestructible as the frame itself. 
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zhjake · 1 year
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Goliath Lancer NPC mech
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randomtable · 9 months
a table of odd magic items that may or may not be useful
“…the GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful.” — Dungeon World
1d20 Magical Items of Mild Utility
A doorknob that can be easily affixed to any door by simply holding it on for about thirty seconds. Once affixed, it permanently transforms into an ordinary doorknob and lock, to which you have the key.
The Shaker of Infinite Salt
A pencil that significantly improves the user’s penmanship when writing with it.
An orb containing a very small pocket dimension, into which one can transfer their familiar so that it may safely rest.
A palm-sized stone figurine of a shark, which will bite any fingers that come near its mouth.
Self-Fluffing Pillow
Watch that shows you what time it was the last time you looked at the watch, instead of what time it is now.
Piece of string that, when tied around your finger, actually helps you remember to do that thing.
Temporary Scissors: They can only cut the normal things you’d expect from a pair of scissors, but if you hold the cut pieces together tightly they will magically re-form into a whole, as though they’d never been cut.
Robes that make the wearer an inch or so taller.
Magic Eraser (erases pencil, ink and crayon!)
Hand-sized stone that, when thrown, always lands 5 feet in front of your intended target—whether your aim is perfect or abysmal.
A bucket that transforms any liquid poured into it into seawater.
A bar of soap that temporarily changes the color of anything washed with it. The color is random, and changes each time the bar is used (1d6: 1: Red, 2: Orange, 3: Yellow, 4: Green, 5: Blue, 6: Purple). The color lasts one day.
Goggles of Shrimp-Color Vision
A ring with a single very round stone. When you say the magic word the stone pops out and transforms into a bowling ball. It turns back into a small stone after 2d4 hours and must be manually returned to the ring before it can be used again.
Boots that produce an animal sound of your choice when you jump up and do a jaunty little bell-kick while wearing them.
A small glass bottle that, when filled with water, appears instead to be full of a swirling, shimmering potion.
A quiet trumpet.
A knife that can only cut sandwiches. It is up to the GM’s discretion what does and does not count as a sandwich for this enchantment, but the rules are consistent.
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