#tuxedo cat kin
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I would sell my soul to own these items
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yourfavoritemenace · 1 month
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°*•🐈‍⬛» Black panther and domestic tuxedo cat stimboard with themes of black, gold, bones, and the forest for @dizzygrizzlies !
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tropical-kins · 4 months
Could I request a domestic tuxedo cat moodboard please? With whatever themes you’d like, thank you.
- 👻
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Tuxedo cat with themes of being just a sleepy lil guy for 👻!
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kinsonas · 1 year
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happy themes ; yellows ; various yellow flowers ; for anon!
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moutaintopzz · 2 months
i live car. mrrrrp meow mew maowwwww
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headmate-ideas · 5 days
an ocean/sea creature themed subsystem? 7-8 members and each with a kinda theme (deep sea coral ECT). don't need picrews for each but would be nice
[Thank you for DM'ing us about this request!]
🌊 SUBSYSTEM TEMPLATE 🌊 The Starfish Collective
The Starfish Collective are a subsystem of seven members who help their system manage daily tasks, therapy, social situations, and self-soothing. They collectively identify as mspec, oceangender, and oceankin, but they also have more specific ocean kintypes individually. They collectively use they/it/sea pronouns.
Templates for individual members below.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
✦ Name(s): Aqua, Robbie, Marco ✦ Pronouns: they/them, it/its, he/him, wave/waves/waveself, ae/aer/aers/aerself, hx/hxm/hxs/hxmself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: same as body ✦ Role(s): subsystem host, interest holder ✦ Symptoms experienced: social anxiety ✦ Labels: torensexual, bxy ✦ Xenos: blue, vastness, candy ✦ Interests/likes: the ocean, cats, video games ✦ Dislikes: crowds, jumpscares ✦ Music taste: indie rock, lo-fi ✦ Aesthetic(s): ocean grunge ✦ Kins: starfish, stars, tuxedo cats ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌊⭐ ✦ Details:
Aqua is the host of the Starfish Collective and has a fascination with anything involving the ocean or marine life. Any interest the main system has in those topics, they have to a concentrated degree. However, it is also interested in outer space (due to some of its similarities with the ocean) and some or all of the media interests that are prevalent in the main system. Ae frequently fronts during the system's therapy sessions, finding aerself good at articulating thoughts and feelings for the rest of the system. Aqua has some level of anxiety and isn't the best at maintaining responsibilities but wants to get better with these things and does so with the help of waves other system members as well as in therapy. Additionally, they are naturally friendly and are good at socializing with people the system are already familiar with. It has dyed aqua hair and dresses in a casual and comfortable grunge style. It identifies in particular with starfish but views the ocean in general and every ocean creature as its kintype.
✦ Name(s): Coral, Amy, Lenni ✦ Pronouns: they/them, it/its, she/her, ce/cer/cers/cerself, shx/hxr/hxrs/hxrself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: same as body ✦ Role(s): subsystem co-host, socializer, manager ✦ Labels: trixensexual, gxrl ✦ Xenos: rainbows, bubbles, glitter ✦ Interests/likes: fashion, dogs, pixel art ✦ Dislikes: plans changing, being wrong ✦ Music taste: mallsoft, indie pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): seapunk ✦ Kins: coral, golden retrievers, crystals ✦ Emoji proxy: 🪸💎 ✦ Details:
Coral is the co-host of the Starfish Collective. It likes fashion, especially wearing jewelry made out of its namesake, and has dyed coral hair. She has the same natural friendliness as Aqua but none of the social anxiety, meaning they can help Aqua (or other system members) navigate social situations more comfortably and easily. Socially-speaking, Coral is more motivated by the opportunity to make friends than just getting attention (as opposed to other members of the system). Coral likes being organized and knowing exactly what they are going to do. This contributes to them helping the system keep on top of daily tasks. They like making plans for things for the system to do - not just socially but also things such as budgeting for new hobbies, planning to go new places, or finding new games/shows/etc. for the system to play/watch/etc. She is not the best with flexibility and sometimes overestimates the system's availability of time or energy.
✦ Name(s): Abyss, Shade, Freezing ✦ Pronouns: it/its, they/them, x/xs/xself, et/ets/etself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: a few years younger than the body ✦ Role(s): symptom holder, trauma holder ✦ Symptoms experienced: depression ✦ Labels: gendervoid, bi aroace ✦ Xenos: void, cold, space ✦ Interests/likes: light strings, being alone, horror movies ✦ Dislikes: bright lights, socializing ✦ Music taste: drone metal, deathdream ✦ Aesthetic(s): voidcore ✦ Kins: angler fish, black holes, demons ✦ Emoji proxy: 💡🐟 ✦ Details:
Abyss holds negative feelings for the system, including depression, sadness, emptiness, and any feelings related to feeling unwanted. It relates to deep sea creatures because they are seen as scary, ugly, and obscure. It prefers darkly-lit rooms with colorful light strings put up in them. It has a baseline layer of distrust towards those outside the system and might need help warming up to friends the system has. X is, however, very good at expressing xs feelings in writing, and while x doesn't tend to front during therapy, its insights are useful to bring up in sessions. Abyss is also good at self-soothing and is generally calm unless something has happened to upset x. It prefers solitary activities, including engaging with horror movies and books, drawing/looking at art, and listening to music (especially finding obscure artists on Bandcamp). When more social members of the subsystem have used up their collective social battery or when they are otherwise stressed by something in specific, Abyss is likely to help them find ways to recharge away from others or stressors.
✦ Name(s): Fin, Wendy, Ricky ✦ Pronouns: she/her, he/him, they/them, thxy/thxm/thxir/thxirs/thxmself, wave/waves/waveself, ey/em/eir/eirs/emself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: a few years older than the body ✦ Role(s): socializer, replacer, interest holder ✦ Labels: pangenderflux, pansexual ✦ Xenos: sunshine, glitter, flowers ✦ Interests/likes: puzzles, books, shiny objects ✦ Dislikes: being alone, silence ✦ Music taste: synthpop, bitpop ✦ Aesthetic(s): frutiger aero ✦ Kins: dolphins, border collies, mice ✦ Emoji proxy: 🐬🌺 ✦ Details:
Fin is very extroverted and motivated by social attention and making a good impression on people. This is as opposed to Coral, who is friendly and sociable but would not consider hxrself as motivated by social interactions and approval as Fin. Additionally, in social situations where Coral (or someone else) is fronting but finds a situation overwhelming or doesn't know what to do, Fin will take over and front instead, acting on impulse (which may or may not be helpful but is the alternative to inaction). Fin is also very intelligent and enjoys playing puzzle games. Thxy are knowledgeable about any topics the rest of the system consider themselves knowledgeable about and like impressing people with thxir knowledge when possible. Eir favorite form of media is books and enjoys writing like many other members of the system do, but ey also likes playing video games with others and enjoys socializing this way. They relate to both the sociability and the intelligence of dolphins.
✦ Name(s): Mako, Eric, Chomp ✦ Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/its, shark/sharks/sharkself, bite/bites/biteself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: 10 years older than the body ✦ Role(s): manager, protector ✦ Labels: genderfaun, bisexual (fem preference), proxvir ✦ Xenos: beaches, slime, sharpness ✦ Interests/likes: horror, surfing, journaling ✦ Dislikes: bland food, eyestrain ✦ Music taste: surf rock, hard rock ✦ Aesthetic(s): slimepunk ✦ Kins: sharks, knives, spider monkeys ✦ Emoji proxy: 🦈📕 ✦ Details:
Mako is the most responsibility-oriented member of the subsystem and helps them maintain a balance between doing the things they want to do and doing the things they need to, frequently initiating tasks. Mako is also a protector for the system, being someone who is less afraid of setting boundaries or standing up for themself than other members of the subsystem are. It may, however, sometimes be aggressive in its protection of the system and may need to work through these tendencies. He also helps the system manage therapy, particularly helping them prepare for sessions, implement coping skills, and write in journals. His protective nature can help him recognize situations in which the system's therapist may not be working in their best interest, and he is not afraid to discuss this if needed. Its fondness for journaling extends to an interest in writing in general, especially horror (which is their favorite genre of movie as well). Like Coral, Mako likes being organized, too, but is better at adapting to changes in plans.
✦ Name(s): Rina, Kelp, Florina ✦ Pronouns: she/her, they/them, it/its, kelp/kelps/kelpself, shy/hyr/hyrs/hyrself, fae/faer/faers/faerself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: 10 years older than the body ✦ Role(s): caretaker, manager ✦ Labels: genderfae, bisexual (masc preference), juxera ✦ Xenos: comfort, love, food ✦ Interests/likes: baking, stim toys, animals ✦ Dislikes: forgetting things, when warm food/drinks go cold ✦ Music taste: dreampunk, ambient ✦ Aesthetic(s): plantcore ✦ Kins: kelp, rabbits, angels ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌱🫧 ✦ Details:
Rina enjoys taking care of the other members of her system and identifies with the kelp forest as a symbol of life and safety for the creatures that live in it. When the system have trouble taking care of their physical needs, she is the most likely to help them complete necessary tasks. She enjoys baking, both for her system and for friends outside of it, and is the most comfortable with adapted to unforeseen changes. Rina has some of the same protector tendencies as Mako does with regards to protecting the system from having their boundaries disrespected, but kelp is more likely to handle those situations not by firmly standing up for itself but by removing itself from the situation altogether. Kelp gets enjoyment from fulfilling daily tasks for the system, as it feels like helping friends. If other members of the system need help motivating themselves, she can help them with that, such as though allotting rewards for fulfilling responsibilities (e.g. promising they can play video games if they do a certain number of chores).
✦ Name(s): Bubbles, Dani, Elly ✦ Pronouns: they/them, ey/em, fun/funs/funself, ot/ots/otself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: age slider/regressor (youngest age is 5, oldest is the body's age) ✦ Role(s): syskid/sysregressor, innocence holder, delight, replacer, paichmate ✦ Labels: mspec, xenogender, neutrois ✦ Xenos: bubbles, fun, candy ✦ Interests/likes: water, playing, baby animals ✦ Dislikes: horror, coffee ✦ Music taste: bitpop, hyperpop ✦ Aesthetic(s): kidcore ✦ Kins: sea otters, rainbows, canaries ✦ Emoji proxy: 🦦🎉 ✦ Details:
Bubbles is an age slider and/or age regressor (whichever fits in better with the system) who holds feelings of happiness, delight, and innocence for the system. Eir oldest age is the same as the body, but ey age-slides/regresses to as young as five years old and is often supervised by Rina and/or Mako. They relate to the cuteness and playfulness of sea otters. They are less affected by trauma and negative emotions the system experiences and, if such things are overwhelming the system, ey can take over the front and play toys or video games to self-soothe. When ey is at a younger age, ey prefers a caretaker or a manager to be fronting with em and will likely try to front trigger one if they are fronting without one. They like going swimming and taking baths, especially if there are pool or bath toys.
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froggy-ink1 · 11 days
If I had a nickel for every time I kinned a tuxedo cat who's a magician in love with a cocky bitch with a flair for the dramatic
I'd have two nickels
Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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twotreeisland · 16 days
Generation One Allegiances
Some notes before the actual list!
- The ragtag Two Tree Island Community functions under a Duty system. Every cat chooses what Duty to dedicate themself to (with an option to change if okayed by both Duty Heads) and listens solely to the Duty Head of that fourth of the island. The duties are Protection, Prey, Shelter, and Medicine.
- The four Duty Heads act as a kind of council and decide any major changes for the community together.
- There is no method of succession, as the system has only been in place for around 40 moons and it's still developing every day. The founders did not plan this system thoroughly before enacting it.
- The current Duty Heads all got their position in a different way than the others, and these methods will be listed below the character profile.
- Apprentices are trained by the whole Duty, though the exact expectations put on them are decided by their Duty Head.
- While cats are not forced to take on clan-like titles, these titles are offered by their Duty Heads. Kittens are given their prefix by their parents, and the suffix by whatever Duty Head they pledge themselves to when they become a full Duty member.
Gentlestep -- He/she/they, genderfluid -- 148 Moons
A massive dilute calico with obscured features due to their immense and thick fur. Rumor is their eyes are blue, but who knows?
The most the community knows about Gentlestep is that they're one of the few cats to have arrived with a "clan title" already. The rest is generally fuzzy, like Gentlestep. She's about the kindest cat on the island, doing the utmost for each and every cat, not just those in his Duty. Whenever an orphan shows up cold and shaking, Gentlestep is the cat they're brought to so he can snuggle them up in her massive mane of fur and whisper to them that it'll all be alright. As the oldest cat in the Community, many questions are posed to them that she answers simply. The Community greatly values his wisdom. None have yet to see them engage in battle, but given their position the Community feels it imminent and the gossip-gatos are hungry for the knowledge. She became the Duty Head when cats realized his orders were incredibly helpful in battle against various other carnivores, so her Duty came together to demand they lead. So she did.
The adopted parent of Whisperpaw,
Smoothriver -- They/them, nonbinary -- 73 Moons
A very handsome young jack with thin, glossy black tuxedo fur and shiny amber eyes.
This cocky young jack strolled onto the island with a purr in their throat and a stoat in their jaws. The first impression was damn good, and their skills at getting exactly what they wanted from cats was unparalleled. While the oldest of cats felt some general distaste for what they saw as an egotistical youngster, the younger cats of Two Tree adored kindly, showy ol' Smoothriver. Smoothriver has three mates at the moment, but with how much they flirt and cavort with any pretty kitty that walks their way, folks are taking bets on when that number will rise. They named themself leader of the Prey Duty on a whim, and given they are actually an amazing hunter, cats agreed to follow them.
Heavyclaw -- He/him, cis male -- 117 Moons
A primarily gray long-furred tom with large paws and large ears. Has soft gray eyes.
Some call Heavyclaw "painfully simple", but really, he's just an older man with some real simple dreams. He wants his kin and his cats safe, and he wants people to leave him alone. He likes keeping it simple, which reflects in how he keeps the camp and teaches his cats. He may butt heads with the other Duty Heads and anyone who brings that Starclan and Spirits bullshit up with him, but he is a good cat at the end of the day who keeps the community's home safe, clean, and easy to live in. He leaves for a full day every full moon to do Starclan knows what. Nobody asks, given Heavyclaw might cuff their ear good for being so nosy. Heavyclaw established himself as the cat to go to about the camp's upkeep, and simply started acting as Duty Head without any formal declaration.
Dahliabriar -- She/her, cis female -- 98 Moons
An orange, spotted molly with various deep scars, tired pale green eyes, and a single white paw.
The cat who lived on Two Tree before anyone else. As cats began appearing, oftentimes weak from days of travel, she healed them and found them places to rest on the island. Though unintentional on her part, Dahliabriar is a major reason the Duties came together at all. As the community's ranks bolstered over the next moons, Dahlia began teaching anyone who would ask it of her to heal like she does, accidentally creating the first Duty by gathering these apprentices together. Though unlike the other Duty Heads who claimed and established their duties officially, Dahliabriar refused to be named leader of her Duty until she truly could not deny it anymore.
Dahliabriar is the single mother of Snapdragonstrike, Rosefall, Tuliptwist, and Lilymoon by an unknown cat.
Snapdragonstrike -- He/him, cis male -- 38 Moons
Lilymoon -- She/her, trans female -- 38 Moons
Rosefall -- She/her, cis female -- 38 Moons
Tuliptwist -- She/they, demifemale -- 38 Moons
Whisperpaw -- She/her, cis female -- 9 Moons
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girlashfur · 8 months
Smudge for the Warrior Cats Honest Takes ask game? Or DoveWing if Smudge is difficult, I don't mind either one
doing smudge, ill reblog this with dovewing in a bit :3
sexuality headcanon: he is so gay man
gender headcanon: gnc cisman, he/any
rate them out of 10: 7, hes a silly goober but i dont think about him too often
fav thing about them: his friendship with rusty was so cute
least fav thing about them: he needed more screentime
when i first started liking/disliking them: always kinda felt this way about him tbh
do i relate/project/kin them: not really
fav quote/moment: "Please don't go Rusty. I might never see you again." IM GONNA CRY DUDE.
fav ship: dont have any for him! he seems aroace or at least arospec to me really, he could be in a qpp though possibly i could see that. unsure who with however
fav friendship: like stated before, him and rusty
a ship i hate: uhh dont really have any
canon or fanon: both are enjoyable
random headcanon: even after firestar moves from the forest, smudge doesnt ever stop hoping that some day he'll come back. months, years, a decade could pass and he'd still have a sliver of hope left that some day he'd see his friend again
what color i picture them as: tuxedo
breed headcanon: no particular one
unpolular opinion: dont think i have one
things i associate with them: none come up off the top of my head, but when i think of kittypets hes one of the first ones to come to mind
song i associate with them:
^ no reason why honestly, just a silly guy song
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scr-ppup · 1 year
Minecraft tuxedo cat flag
Blank / hearttype
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10/11 Minecraft cat variants
These flags are exclusive to the fictionkin / kiths within the Alterhuman / Therian community !
(( .. Coined by [ The Seeker ] aka primuscapere ))
[ ID start .. four identical rectangular 7 striped flags on two different rows with different symbols; first row has a blank flag and hearttype symbol, the second row has the kintype symbols. The colors go black, grey, green, off white creme, green, light grey, black. The last stripe supports two fluffy feline ears with lighter grey inner ears. ]
[ Hearttype symbol ID .. a heart that ends with a diamond on the inner side of it with a circle clipping through it .. Hearttype symbol ID ]
[ Kintype symbol ID .. a seven pointed star of elven / fairy star .. Kintype symbol ID ]
Tags - @kin-flags
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blimbo-buddy · 8 months
sexuality headcanon
He works as anything really but if I had to choose: Pansexual
gender/pronouns headcanon
He/Him, Cis Guy who's just a little GNC
rate them out of ten
7/10: I like him but the way the fandom treats him ends up taking a lot of points off
favorite thing about them
How much he sucks at doing anything lol. But also I feel bad for him
least favorite thing about them
I can't really think of anything besides that weird moment where they shoved him into that one part of OotS and then he never showed up again.
why i first started liking/disliking them
All of the stuff that made him look badass but then slowly I started liking him for completely different reasons (again how he's kind of a little loser)
do i relate/project onto/kin them?
Closest thing to projecting is making him Mexican. Other than that, no
favorite quote/moment
"Starclan's time is over. These cats are dead, and their spirits have no power over you" Listen he may be a loser but he was 100% correct why are you booing him
my fav ship
I'm gonna be honest they're all okay (except for one that I'm gonna mention right now)
my fav platonic friendship
He had friends?
a ship i hate
do i prefer canon or fanon?
Canon. Fanon either makes him too badass or is super annoying with his loser attributes
random headcanon
He's able to speak Spanish due to his old Twoleg being able to speak it. Also he's super tall, like, massive. (On a side note, during my very first days after joining Tumblr, I brought up the idea of him painting his orange markings on his fur and he's actually a normal tuxedo cat)
what color do i picture them as
Really dark brown with ripples of orange on him
cat breed headcanon
Oriental Longhair but could you imagine a Savannah cat Sol
unpopular opinion
I 'unno, I think most of my thoughts on him are commonly shared
things i associate with them
Astronomy, false prophets, a sheep who desperately wants to be seen as scary so they don the clothing of a wolf
song i associate with them
From the Sun - Unknown Mortal Orchestra (I'm sure somebody can make the connections because I sure can't)
Everything Moves - Bronze Radio Return
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them
Everything Moves by Nifty-Senpai
Serpent Sol - Cheeteh Z (Does that one count)
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amasuicola · 1 year
tuxedo cat(kin) 4 tuxedo cat(kin) ??
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taglist @minecraft-stee @st4r-inn @genderserpentine @checkers-entertainments
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honest takes on toadstep?
sexuality headcanon
Generally gay or ace. WCR!Toadstep is still undecided on.
gender/pronouns headcanon
He/Him, just a silly guy.
rate them out of ten
7/10 in canon, poor guy didn't get to do much. 9/10 in WCR, good guy who stands up to the Imposter and trains Sorrelstripe to always follow her gut instincts.
favorite thing about them
Toadkit had so much personality. The younger generations interacting in PO3 meant so much to me.
least favorite thing about them
His stupid offscreen Greencough death. So sick of them killing off characters not even 5 years old while Brackenfur rots in the elders den.
why i first started liking/disliking them
He and Rosekit were such a delight during Eclipse
do i relate/project onto/kin them?
favorite quote/moment
Absolutely gushing over Lionblaze, it was very funny.
my fav ship
Toad/Lion is growing on me. WCR!Lionblaze is different though and is best friends to lover with Cinderheart.
my fav platonic friendship
I like the thought of him being really good friends with Bumblestripe, and their friendship falling apart as Bumblestripe gets more obsessive over Dovewing. Also him and his siblings, obviously.
a ship i hate
I can't really find enough content of him being shipped with anyone other than Lionblaze, but saw fan art of a hypokit once from him and Ivypool. Cute kitten, don't like the pairing.
do i prefer canon or fanon?
Fanon lets this poor frog boy live longer generally so fanon.
random headcanon
He has short legs. Rosepetal got all the height.
what color do i picture them as
I see him as an average tuxedo. Huge green eyes, very bright and vibrant like grandma Ferncloud.
cat breed headcanon
Domestic short hair
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Like this guy! This is Toadstep!
unpopular opinion
He should have been a Dark Forest Trainee instead of Birchfall. Him wanting to fight like Lionblaze and being taught by Tigerstar to be "even better than Lionblaze" would have been fascinating and horrifying to watch.
things i associate with them
Frogs, short cats, a very pale green.
song i associate with them
N/A. There just ain't enough out there for him but I feel he has country music vibes.
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them
Daisy's MAP "It Never Rains in Southern California".
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aces-kinstuff · 9 months
ooo could i get a fursona doodle for a nine kin from 17776? full creative freedom to you!! thanks!! :)
Here you go!! Sorry this one took a bit, wasn't getting notifications for asks but I am now!
Other anons, getting to you sometime today :]
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If you need an alternate version (non-colored lineart, minor changes, etc etc) let me know with another ask! For this one, the *original* inspiration was your average tuxedo cat, and sort of redtail from warrior cats? But eventually it steered VERY far away from that. The tail's sort of based on an Alaskan Malamute! Thought it would look neat
Hope you enjoy!
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canadiankazz · 9 months
Tagged by @i-llbedammned
nine people you would like to get to know better !!
3 ships: ONLY 3? lololololol
Jeva (Jasper/Eva), Aziraphale/Crowley, Fearne/Ashton (Critical Role)
first ever ship: Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Mask (when I was a kid) and Munkustrap/Demeter (from Cats) when I learned what fandom was.
last song: "Wake me Up When September Ends" by Green Day
last movie: Old (the M. Night Shyamalan movie, with Rifftrax. The movie was not good, and was VASTLY improved by the addition of Rifftrax.)
currently reading: Critical Role: Vox Machina - Kith & Kin.
currently watching: Insym on Youtube going through the recent Mortuary Assistant updates.
currently consuming: Coke
currently craving: A fucking vacation. Just... a break for a week or so to not have to work. Otherwise, a successful end to the WGA and SAG strikes (so that we might get Good Omens season 3 greenlit), and more comments on my fanfics.
tagging (no pressure!) @gated, @laurenthemself, @bixbiboom, @impossibleclair, @nevertrustanoracle, @neveth, @memento-more-tea, @rositalagata, @cravatfiend
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idioticsnow · 10 months
side blogs:
kin blog
the rebellion(luminex and Fierfal) ask blog
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I'm a fictionkin n a therian,I'm a tuxedo cat therian and I seperate my fictionkins as different units instead of one,
Blueband aka who I usually main as uses he/they and is a demiboy.
Me//whatevs,I use he/it and are trans with sum xenos listed at the bottom
Giuseppe,aka a creature dude uses it/they/monster and is monstergender
Silly,still pretty unknown but is nonbinary and uses he/him
Bluepilled bandmaxxing.
all of them share the same feelings of the xenos,just not have the strongest feelings like when I feel like me
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Pronouns: star/stars, meow/meows
Kit/kits, snail/snails :3
Genders: sillycatboygender, glitchsilly joyprogam,starcatgender and pinkiepiegender!
I prefer he,star and meow!
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