mrsdarkandyandere7 · 7 months
Mine Till Death
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Pairing: Dark Ramsay Bolton x (female) Reader
SUMMARY: Ramsay won’t just stand and watch as you get promised to another. 
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
WARNINGS: Kidnapping; Implied future Forced Marriage.
Please, reblog and give me feedback.
Your whimpers are drowned by the cloth stuffed on your mouth, the material so deeply shoved into your mouth that it was suffocating you.
“Such a delicate skin, indeed. How smooth.”
Ramsay purrs, eyes glinting with malicious intent as he drags the knife across your skin, the sharp edge pressed just hard enough to make you panic.
The strap of your gown easily falls, cut by the blade. The dress falls down a bit, dangerously exposing the curves of your left breast.
“Aren’t you a beauty? No wonder everyone gets so smitten by you.” his fingers trace down the skin and you squirm against the ropes as he cups your tit, giving it a hard squeeze.
He smiles, looking at you.
“You’ll make a beautiful wife, I can feel it.” your eyes widen with shock, making his grin wider.
“Ah yes, didn’t I inform you about the wedding? How sloppy of my part, I apologize.” the corner of his lips twitches and he inches closer, until his tongue meets your cheek.
He licks a long stride of your skin, humming with delight as you wince, disgust filling you upon his actions.
“Sadly, your family won’t be present at the ceremony, I’m afraid. Not after their pathetic attempt of marrying you off to some pigheaded lord.” he says, a hint of anger behind his jovial tone.
His hand clamps around the knife and you halt your breathing, fearing that for a moment he would drive the blade inside you.
For your relief, after a tense moment he walks away from you, throwing the knife to the floor with a loud smash.The amusement vanishes from his face, replaced with blazing fury that twists his features into an ugly scowl.
“No, your father won’t even live to see you marry, I’ll personally make sure of that.” he spits, “He was a foolish man for thinking he could save you from me.
"No one can. You’re mine. The only way you can get away from me is over my dead body.”
Ramsay gives you a disturbing smile, one that freezes your heart.
“And yours.”
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iwaasfairy · 4 months
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tw. noncon, unreliable narrator, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, yandere wordcount. 1k
read part 1 here or see the valentine's masterlist
kozume kenma x reader
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You’ve started counting the spots on the walls in the dark. You’re no longer all that sure if the spots are actually there, but because you don’t have the chance to walk up and check— this is the next best thing. Your eyes have gotten used to the dim light of the semi-basement, and the dry air, and the lack of heat. It would have made you cry a few days, or weeks ago. Maybe- it’s been a month. Might be two. When you got so ill even Kenma couldn’t hide his concern, you stopped counting. And that only started feeling like a critical mistake when you had no choice but to admit.
You have no fucking clue how long it’s been.
Your ears perk up when they make something out over the static. Maybe not exactly a familiar voice, but a voice, ever so faintly sounds from the ceiling above you. Where you know Kenma does his work. Where you know he misses you from up there. You only saw it once before you were led down here, the big room with bright, open windows, much unlike how you know Kenma to be now. He’s guarded and protective and keeps his feelings close. You can’t imagine Kenma to long for freedom like you do…
But still, you want to believe it.
Instead he’s here with you, cherishing you, staying with you. Feeding and caring for you when he has the time. You shouldn’t think back to those windows, with the easy latch and flowy curtains. That’s what tempted you to fight and escape a few times, even when you only ended up worse. You weren’t chained to the wall until you ran. Weren’t tied up until you tried to slice his face open with the shard of the mirror you kicked, and now you don’t even really remember what you look like.
Kenma does, and he seems to like what he sees. When he’s rubbing his thumb along your brows and down the bridge of your nose - it matters a little less that you don’t know. When he helps you untangle your hair, or lets you into the bath. You weren’t even stripped of your clothes until you tried to strangle yourself with your shirt after struggling to adapt for weeks. Oh, it must’ve been at least two months then.
The sound of Kenma talking is so muffled that it’s hard to imagine he’s talking to anyone in the room. Maybe a phone call? After a while, you start getting restless. Start rocking the bed until it bangs against the wall twice and the door to the stairs trembles. Then you try to turn onto your side to get a little comfortable, arms still tied to the bed. Still numb.
Until you hear the familiar sound of soft feet walking down, and the key clicks against the metal of the lock. Kenma thought you important enough to hang up. You can’t help but feel warm at that thought, but you try not to focus on that. You shouldn’t be jealous when he’s trying his best. That’s what he says, and when you don’t hear anyone’s voice except for his for long enough, your internal monologue starts to sound like him too. “You’re being noisy again…” he sighs as he opens the door, hair pulled back from his face into a messy bun. “What’s wrong?”
Your entire body seems to perk up at the sound. He drags himself closer, and sits down on the edge of the bed just out of reach. A slight breeze goes along your bare thighs and bare tits and makes you shiver, and Kenma’s long fingers reach out to brush circles at your ankle. “What? You just lonely?”
“M-missed you,” your voice rasps, painful and tight. “Just wanna see you.” You sound like you haven’t had a drink all day, and after racking your mind, that’s probably true. It aches to swallow; almost as much as the dryness in the air. Instead of shying away from his touch, you lean into it as much as possible, and let him run his fingers up your shin to your thigh.
An almost imperceptible smile comes onto his lips, before he scoots closer and makes you bounce with the movement, starting to grin. “You’re much more lovey dovey nowadays.” His cat-like eyes focus on your face then, as he seems to gather what you’re thinking just from the furrow in your brow. “It’s not a bad thing… I think it’s cute. I didn’t like it when I had to constantly chase you around or fight you.”
His long fingers cup your cheek with a binding intensity, as he just seems to indulge in the sight of you. Splayed, submissive beneath him. You know him well enough now to say it’s how he likes you best. You like it too when you don’t have to fight. “‘M cold,” you sigh then, watching as Kenma’s eyes start glittering with a special kind of joy. One reserved for only you. You used to find it frightening, when you first got here.
“You’re always cold, huh?” The hand slides down your neck, brushing along your collarbones to make you shiver. “Want me to warm you up?” Without hesitating, he slips his hands under your dull, crinkled shirt and traces it up your ribs to your tits. The touch is enough to have you tremble into his hands, enjoying the interaction maybe too much. You’re mewling like it’s your job, and his name is the only thing on your lips. It took a while to feel okay about letting him slip his hands down to pull off the boxers, his— your panties got taken the first day you got here.
Kenma had been overeager, curious - he’d scared you. Now you just get scared when you wake up and Kenma isn’t in the house. Your body curls into the searching touches of his skillful fingers when they brush over the beginning wetness of your lips, and push a knuckle to grind against your clit. “When I first found you, I didn’t know you’d be so difficult, y’know,” he sighs into your mouth before kissing you, “you’re lucky you’re so cute. Make me wanna put up with you.” His fingers turn to rub you open, and your legs spread for him too eager.
“Kenma, pl-please, more.”
Whining. Pleading. You’ve become something you no longer recognize— Kenma takes the loneliness away for a few hours. He chuckles as you clamp your legs around his hand like you’re scared he’ll pull away, and your chest desperately moves up and down. “Hmh,” he smiles, “does that feel good? What a pretty, little pet, whining for me to fill her up.”
It makes the slight grin on his pretty mouth grow, until he is brushing your cheek with a distant look. His tongue brushes past his lips to taste you on him, before dipping closer to you and grinding his hand deeper into your clenching pussy. “What do you think about a trip to Brazil?”
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All Rights Reserved © IWAASFAIRY 2024. Works are exclusive to this Tumblr.
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smallestapplin · 10 months
For you
Request : really like your stories. I want a request. I want a story for Dracula. If you want, I want him to be possessive like Yandere. I want it to be long, a little long. I hope you continue writing stories.
Another repost from my deleted side blog
🔞18+only! MDNI!🔞
Dracula never thought he’d find love again, much less a third time. After all the tragedy and heartbreak he’s been forced to face, and to go through, he found a place with you.
Just another human.
But your kindness, your compassion made him fall all over again.
How you saw him, a mere stranger who looked troubled, and offered him company.
Your presence was warm, with a smile that outshined the morning sun. How you gazed at him like he was worth more than gold, how you attentively listened to everything he had to say.
Especially so late at night.
Dracula hung onto your every word, taking in everything you had to say to him. Every word you spoke, every question you asked him, had him enthralled with you.
He knew then he had to protect you, to keep you safe from the world.
To protect you from the same fate as those before. He can’t lose you too.
Even after meeting with you, and taking small walks around your little town every night, he can’t bring himself to leave back to his castle.
Not without you in tow, he needed to have you, to protect you, to hold you.
You remain unaware of the second shadow you have, but you do feel eyes on you almost every night. But you happily close your door, not seeing the nearly nine foot tall shadow behind you, with dim glowing red eyes staring at you as he trails silently after you.
Following you around your home.
Mutely cooing at your decor, already making a mental listen of anything that looks important to take with him. Oh! Maybe he will give you your own personal room next to his, just for all your things.
The vampire quietly purrs, watching you get snuggled into bed. You’re too precious, he can’t wait to finally have you in his arms, safe and showered in his love.
You’re oblivious to the man carefully picking up your sleeping form.
You awake with a yawn and a stretch, having felt like you got the best sleep in the world. You rub the sleep from your eyes, yawning once more before looking around, before sitting up, adrenaline rushing through your veins.
Everything in the room was black, red, and gold, looking like you went back in time.
The bed was massive, and incredibly comfortable. The room is dark, with the only source of light coming from a lit set of candles, dimly glowing.
Your breathing picks up, as your eyes dart around trying to find a clear way out.
This wasn’t your room, nor your home.
You needed to get back, and fast, before whoever took you came back. Though your arms are shaking, you slowly move closer to the edge of the bed, only to pause, feeling like you’re being watched.
You can feel your hair standing on end.
Yet, you feel almost….safe? You can’t explain it, you feel as though whatever or whoever is watching you, won’t hurt you.
But although you feel welcomed here, it feels hostile.
You slide off the bed as quietly as you could. Trembling as the coldness of the room washes over you, you are still only dressed in your sleep shirt and shorts, so you aren’t sure if that’s a good sign or not.
You slowly walk towards the door, pausing when the floor creaks under you. You wait to see if anyone comes, yet nothing happens. You let out a mute sigh before continuing, internally cheering once you reached the grand door.
You take a deep breath as you grasp the gold handle, placing your other hand where the door and door frame meet to soften the sounds of it opening. Peeking through the decent gap, you nearly choke.
Before you stand two inhumanly tall knights in gold armor, both their heads looking towards you, causing the bright blue feathering on their helms to move.
Your eyes keep darting between the two, and their monstrous swords. The moment one moved, you jumped back and slammed the door shut.
Your heart is pounding, and your skin becomes tacky with sweat.
Well, there goes sneaking out that way, it could never be easy. They two guards never enter the room, so you suppose it’s safe in here for now. Walking back, you try the windows, seeing if you could open those.
You push, you pull, you push, but the windows never budge, it’s like some invisible force is keeping them shut.
You huff, realizing you’re truly trapped here.
With those knights of whatever they are staying outside your door, you will have to wait until they leave. But you doubt they will ever move.
You jump back, head whipping around towards the door at the sound of three knocks. Your heart drops, only to be left more confused and nervous.
You’re shocked to see the man you’ve been talking to late at night, but a part of you feels like you should’ve seen it coming.
Dracula chuckles at your shocked face.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, my love.”
You realize he’s holding a bed tray, one that’s filled with food and a nice cold drink for you.
“I apologize if the food isn’t perfect, it’s been centuries since I last cooked anything.”
Your brain is slowly clicking things into place.
Why else would he be nearly nine feet tall, if he wasn’t something supernatural. Your heart stops, now realizing escape would be impossible, unless you had help from another inhuman creature.
You try to think, and fast. It would be best to just play along, until he gives you an opening. You hesitantly sit down on the bed, allowing him to place the tray over your lap.
The food looks amazing, and like he took every precaution while making it just right for you. The bed dips under his weight as he sits next to you, looking at you expectingly.
You stare at the food before you, your adrenaline still going, making you not feel hungry at all.
“Is it not what you’d like?”
You jolt, looking up at him as you have so many times before, yet this time feels different.
“It looks good! Just a little nervous, I guess.”
You try to laugh your nerves away, but the way he’s looking at you only makes it worse. Your laughter gets caught in your throat, watching him drop to the floor, moving to his knees in front of you
Even still, he’s only now at eye level with you.
“Would you prefer me to feed you instead?”
He takes the fork, stabbing some of the food and holding it to your lips. You look between him and the fork before opening your mouth, as you aren’t sure if you should be afraid to disobey.
You hum as your chew the food.
“Wow, that's actually really good.”
Dracula purrs at your priase, as he happily keeps feeding you, taking breaks in between to hold a glass of water to you, helping your drink from it. He seems so happy just to pamper you, you aren’t sure what his intent is, but after all this time you feel like it’s not anything malicious.
He coos at you, joy clear on his face seeing that you’ve cleaned your plate. You watch him pick up the bed tray and make his way to the door.
Maybe, if you can ask him you can get a better lay out of this home of his.
He pauses instantly, like you have a hold on him. He turns back to you, black hair swaying with his sharp movements.
“Yes, Dear?”
You feel your words stuck in your throat. Swallowing thickly you finally ask.
“Can…can I go with you? I don’t want to be alone.”
You voice barely a whisper, but he hears you loud and clear.
“Of course you can, but please, stay close.”
The large vampire nearly melts when you get behind him, and hold onto him by his cloak. He knew he made the right choice, you’re perfect for him! By the second he can feel his love deepening.
You truly are too precious.
So trusting.
So bashful.
He finds you so endearing.
The guards you saw earlier, watch you both leave the room, but stay in their places. You take notes as you two walk.
You try to memorize the hallway as best you can.
Until you realize just how long this one hallway is, and how many stairs there are, just how big is this place!?
“This is quite the home you have, how do you not get lost?”
Dracula’s laugh echoes throughout the wide area.
“I’ve lived here for centuries, my sweet. Soon you will learn the layout as well.”
He is sure of it, once you get comfortable he will make you immortal like him, so you can never leave him, and if you are to die, he could revive you easily. Dracula lets out a soft sigh, dreaming of the day you call him your husband, and living a sweet, domestic life with him.
You two fall into silence, from him daydreaming, and you watching all the creatures you two pass. Fear grips your heart at the plethora of other worldly monsters you see, from walking skeletons, to axe wielding knights, to zombies and anything in between or more.
You’ve never seen anything like them, and all of them watch you, or not even bother you.
It’s like you walking with Vlad protected you.
You move closer, pressing yourself against his back, hoping to put as much distance between you and the other monsters.
Dracula snaps from his thoughts, glancing down at you and taking in your visibly uncomfortable expression, how you look as scared of the things around you.
While he knows with time you’ll grow use to them, now is not then, and you need safety and comfort above all else. You don’t see the harsh look he gives the mindless zombie, who’s wandering too close.
Dracula shifts the bed tray to one hand, as to free up the one closest to you, and within an instant the creature flies, slamming to the wall and becoming nothing but a messy pile stuck to it.
You gasp, jumping at the sight, and watching Dracula shake his hand a bit, as if to get off the decomposing skin off his hand.
“There, that’s taken care of. I can assure you I will make sure nothing happens to you.”
You believe him, but that’s what you dread.
By the time you two reach the extravagant kitchen, your adrenaline has disappeared, leaving you tired and exhausted.
So much so, you don’t fight back when he picks you up, jusg simply laying your head against his chest.
You hear no heartbeat, and his skin is cool to the touch, leaving you less than settled. With a flash of light, and what felt like the world spinning, you ended up in a completely different room.
Sluggishly, you lift your head, taking in the sight of such a lavish throne room, and a very large chair, covered in gold detailing, with deep red cushions.
He sits down, keeping you in his lap and to his chest, as if you’d disappear. He kisses the top of your head, cooing at how tired you are.
He looks at you, taking in your much smaller form, and how perfectly you rest against him, like puzzle pieces fitting together.
He would wipe out his entire undead army for you, if they scared you so much.
“I love you, darling.”
His ears twitch, picking up the sound of your heartbeat speeding up.
“I would do anything for you, to protect you. You are mine to hold, mine to love. I will keep you from harms way.”
You lazily blink, feeling his grip getting tighter as he takes deep inhales of your scent.
“Your presence and warmth alone are more addicting than the finest ambrosia. I want you to myself.”
You fight back a flinch when he growls low and deeply, you can feel it in your chest.
“Say it, say you’re mine, please.”
You can feel yourself sweating, unsure how to answer him.
Do you want to escape and go home?
Or do you want to stay here, with the lord of the night as your beloved?
You weigh the pros and cons of everything.
Finally, you look into those deep crimson eyes.
“I’m yours.”
He smiles, fangs poking from his lips before he pulls you into a breathtaking kiss. His arms around you, hugging you to his chest, keeping you in place.
His lips firmly on yours, only pulling away so you could breathe.
As you pant, he can’t help but think about when he finally turns you into a vampire like him, you won’t need air, and can kiss him for as long as possible.
You’ll be tied to him forever, stuck with him.
He trembles at the thought.
He can’t wait to keep you with him forever.
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melensolo · 1 year
Open Arms
Yan! Dazai x Reader
tw: kidnapping, drugging
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Every second of every day, of every year; Dazai had felt like he was losing his mind. He was losing his sanity every waking moment. His thread of hope, of life, was wearing thin. He was ready to quit, ready to end it. 
He wishes he could say that it ended two years ago when he started seeing you. But that would be a lie, because it didn’t. The pain continued. The nightmares continued. 
However, as time went on with you, it made the world just a little more bearable. You never judged him or felt like being with him was a burden. You accepted his flaws, as he accepted yours. Life isn’t easy, but it was easier with you.
When things felt too hard, and he felt he was holding you back. He broke things off. He felt it was better for you, you can grow without him holding you back. When he saw you less and less, he realized it felt harder to breathe. He broke down at your front door, you accepted him with open arms.
He loved you, and that scared him. Bad things happen to the people he realized he loved; and he loved you. He wanted to be with you, every second of his life. He’s a sinner and you were his redemption. 
When he told you of his past, you accepted him immediately. Bringing him into your embrace. You understood him better than anyone. You knew he was a monster; his life was monstrous. Yet, you stayed. 
Dazai doesn’t know if you love broken things, because no one else has loved him as you had. 
No one.
He never wanted to lose you.
One day he found himself with you atop the Detective Agency. Lay side-by-side, watching the stars. 
“Sweetheart, I’m so tired. I’m falling apart. It doesn’t make sense to me, I really don’t know why you lay next to me, wherever I go.”
His breath hitched at your response.
“Is it hard to believe that I see you and I wish to love you, like no one has before?”
“You’re making me crazy; you know that I’m a madman?”
His heart is pounding.
“That’s alright with me, as long as you’re with me. Just the two of us.”
That day forward he watched your every move. He was afraid that harm may come your way. One day he convinced you to come over and gave you  a little drug, nothing harmful. It was just to help you sleep. 
Once you fell asleep on his couch, he couldn’t help but admire how pretty you were. He took a few pictures before he carried you into your new shared bedroom. 
He knew how feisty you could be sometimes, so he handcuffed you to the bed. Once he can trust you to behave, then you can have access to the rest of his apartment. However, you would never have access to the outside world, unless you were with him. It was safer that way.
His precious, his everything. He wouldn’t fail you like he failed them. 
Please forgive him for locking you away, you’ll understand his ways one day.
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ofallthingsnasty · 7 days
there is an absolute drought of dark Smoker content so can I request a ticket with him for a Long Night of Museums?? Pretty please with a cherry on top 🙏♥️
💕💕💕 you're so right... Smoker, my love... Instead of taking some souvenirs home with you, you end up as one with that man 🤭
🎂nasty's 2024 birthday event 🎂
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Your order:
1 x ticket to The Long Night of Museums with Smoker! (Adult only, exhibition might contain content such as stalking and kidnapping, proceed at your own risk.
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Smoker is the type of man you only meet because his usual bar is directly next to your cheap little hotel - blue with smoke, wooden interior, two games of darts and the TV always tuned into some type of sports game and him sitting right by the barkeep, nipping at his beer for two whole hours. You only stumble in on your first night because you really, really want a beer after a long, exhausting day of traveling. And instead of paying for that overpriced crap they offer in the hotel lobby that you’d have to down all on your own in your hotel room, you’d rather spend an hour with total strangers who smoke one cigarette for every word they speak. It’s convenient, the neon sign hanging by the door tells you it’s cheap and not too packed - and that’s all you need right now. What you don’t expect is two meters of bulk and cigars waiting right by the bar, tacky Hawaiian shirt inappropriately open for the spring weather. He’s intimidating, blocking your path to a cheap stout - but you’re grown and in a strange city. You figure you’ll never see him again anyway, so you swallow that little tickle of nervousness and order a pint of whatever they have on tab. And, despite your flighty stomach, you stay right by the bar - booths are for multiple people, not for out-of-towners who can’t handle the places they wander into. It goes pretty well, all things considered. Aside from an initial greeting, he doesn’t even look your way, too busy grumbling into his own pint and watching whatever match is on up on the ancient screen. It’s bearable enough that you come back the next day - a long, surprisingly hot day of sightseeing and dragging your feet through pedestrian areas has you thirsty for another beer and you’re yet again too tired to wander any further than your hotel room. The comfort of being able to simply fall into your bed after getting a little bit of a buzz going trumps the pull of flashy bars and expensive cocktails. So you poke your head through the door of the dingy little pub again and, like he’s part of the inventory, two-cigars-hawaiian-shirt guy already sits pretty by the counter, in that very same spot as yesterday. You greet him with a little too much enthusiasm but get nothing more than a mumbled answer back. 
The next day, you feel strangely watched on your trek through the city. It’s pretty obvious that you’re a tourist (the puzzled looks to your maps app might be a dead giveaway), still, there are dozens, if not hundreds of you at any given little park or museum or statue. It’s not like the locals aren’t used to people traipsing through the city center looking at everything as if they’re seeing color for the first time, no, the city is on every damn ‘top 10 must see’ lists that have been plaguing the internet for decades - but you simply can’t shake it. No matter how long you spend pouring over paintings at a gallery, no matter how slowly you take your lunch in an eclectic little bakery, it never stops. You all but flee to that shabby little bar in the evening, looking to seek cover among the many eyes of strangers once again. A little buzz and handful of potential witnesses (should anything unsavory happen) sound safer than staring at the flimsy lock on your hotel room’s door until you collapse from exhaustion. Or maybe you just want to shake off that nasty feeling of being followed with one too many beers right now - you can’t really decide. That night, two-cigars-hawaiian-shirt guy doesn’t sit by the bar when you enter. He comes in, almost dawdling, half an hour after you. You’re already halfway through your first pint and have no intention of stopping at just one when he sits himself down with so much heft right beside you, it actually makes you sputter. It almost feels like your stool shakes when he plops down and orders his own drink, absentmindedly biting his cigars. It takes you just another pint to actually talk to him. And a third one to realize that he’s stupid hot. Sure, you registered his sheer size two nights ago already, but he’s actually ruggedly handsome: well-groomed and tastefully gray in a rough way that reminds you of some sort of 80s action movie character. He doesn’t talk much. It doesn’t bother you in your slightly inebriated state; every question is met with only a short, almost bitten out answer but it’s all made up by the way his voice seems to crawl right underneath your skin, deep and gruff but irresistible and somewhat smooth. You joke and laugh and sway around enough for the two of you, feeling weirdly safe with this total stranger. Smoker, that’s his nickname, and you think it’s oh-so-fitting and funny in your haze. He seems to have taken a liking to you, too - because even though he grumbles all the way through it, he even tolerates a game of darts that you spectacularly lose. It’s a wonderful evening, you think, and it’s nice to properly socialize after two days of looking at dusty museums and flashy sights, and even better today, after you’ve been uneasy every waking minute. You’re happy and drunk and even gutsy enough to feel up the abs of that handsome stranger who supports your shaky legs to guide you to the hotel room, trying to get the most out of this little chance meeting.
At least until you wake up in an unfamiliar place the next morning, the wonderful, airy feeling of a fun night out replaced by sheer and utter dread. You can barely register that your hands and feet are tied together, that it’s not the alcohol making you feel nauseous but rather the position you seem to have spent the last couple hours in- because just a second later, Smoker’s face is all you see. 
That gravely voice you found so charming yesterday suddenly makes your stomach bubble in raw fear as he tells you to stop fighting and that you’re better off with him, anyway - seeing as you’re way too weak on your own and he's been looking for a little spouse, anyway. And you'll do. 
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heavensgxte · 1 year
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this is just a short little yandere!risotto blurb i did quick. no smut but mentions of kidnapping
tw-yandere, kidnapping
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I feel like Yandere!Risotto Nero would be one of the most sweet and gentle yanderes. Like so sweet and doting he barely has to kidnap you. You would meet him by seeing him out and about. Well, he saw you first of course. After he first saw you, he would circle back day after day for the perfect "meet cute" when someone bumped into you causing you to spill your coffee all over yourself. But, lucky for you Risotto has a handkerchief he can offer you. The handsome stranger infront of you causing your cheeks to feel a rush of blood come to them. Exchanging names with the kind stranger and thanking him.
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After that your fate was sealed, and Risotto knew he had to have you. But he didn't want to outright kidnap you no. He wanted- no needed you to want him as well. The silver haired man made sure to follow your route when his schedule permitted. Find out what you liked, disliked. Small talk turned into texting, texting turned into phone calls, until phone calls turned into hanging out at one of his "hideout" apartments. (Which he specifically bought with you in mind, in one of the safest most quiet neighborhoods to keep you safe. <3)
He would win you over to make sure you never want to leave. <3
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nkogneatho · 1 year
Toji is so unhinged. You tell him some guy has been bothering you at work, he kidnaps that mf, brings him home, ties him up to a chair and fucks you in front of him to let him know who you belong to.
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chiwhorei · 5 months
Rich Kingpin Sukuna who tells you he wants to be your sugar daddy but drugs your wine and kidnaps you to be his little pussy pet. He takes really good care of you though! So you should be grateful!
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obscureamor · 2 years
¡camp counselor goes missing! ♡
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thinking about mr. h fucking a cute little camp counselor. he has two months to blow his load into you and fuck you on the desk in his office. it’s even riskier when the walls are paper thin and you’re babbling sweet little ‘no’s.
“god...” he groans, hands squeezing your hips before loosening his grip. “this sweet little pussy is all mine, hm?”
you’re so cute as you lie in his bed, lips parted and panting while he rocks into you. your thighs sticky and coated with his cum. his name leaves your lips in a mewl, hands coming up to push at his hips and head shaking no.
“don’t push me away... nuh-uh— everyone’s out for the day, sweetheart. it’s just me n’ you.”
god, he just wants to tie you up and put you in the basement— maybe even that little door behind his closet. he’ll tell everyone else you went on a hike and never returned.
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angelkunimi · 2 years
unhinged (m)
sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader (+ ex!atsumu)
synopsis: even if you think justice has been served, you realise you’ll never be free from your stalker
warnings: 18+ only. yandere themes, stalking, PTSD, paranoia, anxiety, manipulation, trespassing, death threats, some making out, mild violence + blood, knife use, mentions of kidnapping, smoking, one instance of spitting
wc: 4.5k
a/n: my first fic of this blog hooray! i hope you enjoy, it’s not that good but it’s my first time writing after so long so please enjoy :)
you never used to appreciate being able to breathe. 
you do still breathe, of course you do- to exist. but breathing used to be so much easier back before, in that time that seemed lifetimes ago. now it’s uncomfortable. the ache deep in your chest, the tightness, the battering of your heart against your rib cage as you try to suck in those slow breaths, deep, slow, one count, two count, three…
smoking was probably the worst decision you could’ve made. but you need something to take the edge off, something just to make you feel bliss for just a few temporary bittersweet moments. of course, you can’t fully appreciate it. after the sun sets, your living room is hazy when you can only crack the window open a few inches, curtains still tightly drawn to protect you from the peers of the outside world, as you breathe out those grey dregs of smoke, the acrid taste hot on your tongue, tight in your chest, fingers trembling as you flick ash in the glass ashtray. 
maybe you’re being pessimistic. 
things could’ve gone so much more worse but it didn’t. you still have a decent job- an anonymous, quiet 9-5 lab job at some chemical plant down on the outskirts of the city. tall brick walls with barbed wire, security at each electric gate, fluorescent lights in the car park and a convenient parking spot for your car right by the door when you come in and leave your lab every morning and evening is just perfect. safety means perfect. and you’re getting better- you can go out by yourself now. you do the grocery shops and you treat yourself to coffees and just last week you made it to the edge of the park, breathing in the crisp cool autumn air, watching the chestnut and mustard leaves flutter to the rain-stained ground, listening to the breeze whistle. of course, you only ever go out during daylight- the winter months will be rougher but you’re certain you’ll be better then. you have to be. 
after all, at least you’re not dead. 
sanity seems like a privilege but you’re grateful for the things you still have, for the things he couldn’t snatch away amongst everything else. 
atsumu is one of them. 
he takes in a deep breath of anticipation before he digs into his food- warm, sticky rice, hot spicy soup, delicious dumplings, his cheeks bulging with the delicious feast laid all over your coffee table as the two of you lounge on the couch, catching up on your favourite netflix series together. 
“i fuckin’ love food.” the blond man manages to chuckle with his mouth full, flecks of rice spitting out which makes you grimace as you shoot him a glare. 
“don’t be so disgusting, tsumu.” he merely laughs, brown eyes merry as he continues to tuck in and you can’t resist the smile that tugs at your lip as you force an eye roll. 
“now ya just sound like-” he cuts off when you stiffen and his face becomes solemn as he realises the words falling out of his mouth. he clears his throat as he puts down his plate of food, the porcelain clattering against the wood but you avoid his eyes, staring straight ahead at the television. 
“i’m sorry-”
“no.” you cough slightly. “it’s okay- just a mistake. let’s not talk about it.”
“y/n-” you get up abruptly, pushing away your untouched food in favour of your cigarettes. marlboro red. he exhales heavily, watching you light up the stick between your fingers. “i think we need to talk about this.”
you lock eyes with his brown ones and it makes your chest twinge as you see the seriousness in them. it makes you angry really, more angry than sad. he stole so much from you- he stole your happiness, your home, your friends and family, your life! he stole you from you, leaving you an empty shell. and he stole your love. the one true love you had. you’re grateful for atsumu to still be here, to still be your friend and still hang out with you and help you and that he’ll still drive to your house in the middle of the night when you have a panic attack even if he has practise at 6am but it’s not the same. all because of him.
“okay.” you mumble, tapping your cigarette on the edge of the tray and watching the ash fall. “fine. what?” atsumu’s dark brows tug together as he studies you carefully. 
“so, yer know he’s gettin’ out? the courts wrote to ya, didn’t they?” a smile stretches across your face as you chuckle mirthlessly.
“oh yeah, they wrote to me. good behaviour.” you shake your head, laughing. “what am i supposed to say? yeah, i’m completely okay. i’m not terrified. i’m not angry. i haven’t had my whole life destroyed, like nothing ever happened! like i can still sleep more than just a few hours a night and i don’t have nightmares and i can go out and live a normal life because everything is fucking okay.” you’re trembling, eyes wet as you take a long drag of your cigarette, an empty smile stretched across your face as atsumu just stares at you.
a low swear falls from his lips as he reaches a hand out, squeezing your shoulder comfortingly. 
“i’m sorry, y/n. i really am, i wish- yer didn’t deserve any of it.” he shakes his head, blond locks falling into his eyes. “and ya know, it feels like it was all my fault. if only i hadn’t introduced yer to him, if only i hadn’t tried to make yer be friends with him, if only i had set proper boundaries and ya know, knocked some sense into him when he started gettin’ all weird-”
“no, no, not at all.” you smile as you grasp atsumu’s hand, running your thumb along his knuckles. “you know it’s not your fault- how were you supposed to know? it wasn’t your fault, it isn’t mine. it’s not anyone’s but- but sakusa’s.” 
you grimace at the bitterness of his name before sighing heavily, stubbing out your cigarette as you reach for your plate of food. but you don’t eat, because nothing really tastes all that nice anymore. 
“he’ll be on probation, ya know? and he has a restrainin’ order so you’ll be okay. i don’t think he’ll even dare violate it, not if he knows what’s good for him.” you nod at atsumu’s comforting words, trying to let them seep in, trying to believe it’ll all be okay. 
“is he rejoining the team?” the blond man shakes his head. 
“nah, too much bad publicity for the owners. he’ll probably stay lowkey for the first few months and probably sign to a new team when the media have turned away their attention. but-” he looks at you earnestly. “i promise ya, no matter what he tries, ya know i won’t let him contact ya. as for shoyo and kōtarō, i can’t speak for them but they won’t tell him anythin’- i know they won’t.” you return atsumu’s smile, nodding. 
“yeah. it’ll be okay. i’ll be okay.”
you don’t go to work the day he gets released. 
you probably should, it’d be better to move on with your life but you can’t set foot outside your house. cctv and doorbell camera on, windows locked, hallway light on to check for footsteps under the door, phone fully charged, thumb hovering over the emergency call icon. social media is no good for you- you feel new again to it, now that you’ve only just made accounts again- but trending hashtags, videos, headlines, all his name. 
you’re embarrassed at how you start just when your phone vibrates, your thudding heart slowing when you read atsumu’s familiar name flashing across your screen. 
u ok? :))
you smile as you type out a response and with a heavy sigh, you collapse onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
you’re going to be okay. 
the first time it happens you think you’re going insane. 
a cup of coffee. on the countertop. 
you’re hyperventilating in your kitchen, trembling and shaking. coffee. cup. countertop. your knees feel weak, chest aching as your body rushes with adrenaline, head spinning. you’re crying as you’re pulling out your phone. words barely choke out with breathlessness, a long knife clutched in your hand as you sink to the cold tile floors, hoping you don’t die tonight. 
and you don’t. you and atsumu stand in your kitchen, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders as the detectives finally return to you. 
“ma’am, everything’s good.” the first detective, an older man with a thick moustache says. “we’ve sweeped the house- windows and doors are all locked. nobody’s been in here.”
“are you sure?” your cheeks are wet with tears as you stare at the two detectives, pleading. 
“y/n-” atsumu’s voice is a little whisper and you try not to flinch.
“ma’am,” the detective sounds frustrated. “we’ve checked. nobody is in here. nobody has entered your home.” 
“miss,” the second detective is a woman, a sweet one with a tender smile that makes you feel heard, somewhat understood. “we understand your fears, honestly we do. but you are safe, i assure you. all your windows and doors are locked, nothing has any sign of forced entry, nothing missing. this is just your own coffee mug. you are okay.” 
you exhale heavily, forcing a nod as your head begins to ache and atsumu apologises as he leads the detectives to the door. you can hear them mutter in low, hushed voices in the hallway before atsumu apologises a final time for the total waste of their time and they leave. the door locks, one click, two click of the two keyholes, latch on, chain sliding against the wood. 
you don’t meet atsumu’s eyes when he walks back into the kitchen, a heavy sigh escaping him. you’re tired, you feel stupid and sheepish, you don’t need this but that doesn’t stop him. 
“what the hell is wrong with ya?” it would’ve been better if he had yelled at you, not used that tone of disbelief, of disgust, of embarrassment. “callin’ the police- and me- because yer couldn’t remember ya had a cup of coffee?” 
“no, atsumu, i thought-”
“i know what ya thought!” he cuts you off with indignation, rolling his eyes heavily as his fingers curl up into fists. “but come on! if he was standin’ here right in your kitchen i’d understand but a fuckin’ cup?” he shakes his head as you feel your shoulders curl, your eyes falling onto the tile floor. “i was on a date tonight.” your throat goes dry as he rubs at the crease between his brows. your chest is heavy. “she was really nice, we were havin’ a good time and just when i thought i was actually gettin’ somewhere, my ex is callin’ me up because she’s runnin’ around the house with a knife, going crazy and senile over a fuckin’ cup of coffee she couldn’t remember drinkin’.” you gasp at his words, breathless and it stings.
he thinks you’re crazy.
“i know what he did to you, i get it but for god’s sake, y/n, can’t ya even try to get over it? i am always here for ya! all the damn time! i don’t even know if yer want to try to have a normal life again but i definitely do.” 
“i’m sorry.” atsumu just glares at you, your futile apology nothing to him. 
“whatever.” he mutters as he tugs off his jacket. “lock the door after i leave and just go to sleep, for fuck’s sake.”
you and atsumu don’t talk much after that. 
he doesn’t bother messaging you much and you can’t blame him. after all, after everything that happened he was the only one who ever stuck around. not that you were resentful towards your old friends and family- who would want to stick around with you after everything that happened? the screaming and crying, anxiety fits in the middle of the streets, paranoid phone calls and accusations at 3am.
it’s empty and it’s hard. you continue going to work but it’s nerve-wracking. you wake up groggy and peer out of the windows before you even dare step out of the house. you check the back seats of your car, the boot, you test the brakes before you even set off to work. grocery shopping, coffee runs, anything for necessity or leisure is pushed away- your head just spins, blood pounds in your ears, your chest hurts and you feel like you’re going to be nauseous anytime you go out. 
the worst thing is, you really thought the cup of coffee was a mistake. 
but it only gets worse. 
sometimes it’s little things. you’re trying to sleep in the middle of the night but you’re disturbed by the bright yellow light of your motion sensor security light flashing, illuminating your bedroom through your curtains. the first time you force yourself to breathe. stray cats, squirrels, foxes- all reasonable explanations. but it happens the second time. a third. and by then you’re shaking, trying to hold back the heavy breaths choked in your throat as you scramble for your phone, finger hovering over the dial icon. but atsumu’s words ring in your ears and you force yourself to breathe slow counts, just like the therapist taught you, just like you’ve rehearsed with atsumu. one breath, two breath, three…
when you get the courage to creep towards the window nothing seems out of the ordinary. but you can’t seem to quell the disturbing ache of nausea in the pit of your stomach when you see the rose bushes rustling in the still night. 
a missing hairbrush you can’t seem to remember where you put. your underwear collection seems to be getting smaller. you don’t know how you’ve been going through your snack cupboard so quickly. 
you can’t say you’re not scared- of course you are. you barely sleep, eyes wide staring at the light flooding beneath your door, just terrified of the dark shadows of footsteps that might just appear. the motion sensor lights flashes more often these nights. but you also feel stupid, your cheeks feeling hot and shame prickling your skin every time you remember atsumu’s harsh snarls, the bitterness in his eyes and that’s when you sigh heavily, sliding the knife out from under your pillow and slipping it into your bedside cabinet instead. sakusa stole your life, but did that mean you’d have to steal atsumu’s too?
if only you had listened to yourself. 
you don’t hear anything. not over the sound of the blender whirring your evening smoothie. banana. frozen raspberries. milk. syrup. chia seeds. 
but it stops abruptly and you gasp when you feel it. the sharpness, the icy coolness of the tip of the knife edging into the back of your neck. 
it’s like your heart stops. blood runs cold, your heart hammering and the nausea of adrenaline flooding your system is overpowering as you tremble, trapped between him and the kitchen island. 
“don’t scream.” 
you could never forget his voice. that deep, soft murmur that haunts your nightmares. you don’t think you could scream even if you wanted to. 
you swallow as you pick your phone off the countertop, sliding it across to which he quickly grabs it. his hands are pale, green veins popping and knuckles bruised.
“look at me.”
you turn around slowly, heart hammering. black obsidian eyes, dark curls, that stoic expression painting his handsome face- everything you wished you could forget. 
you stare at each other for a moment and he takes in everything so carefully, his eyes travelling over ever inch of you and you’re sure he’s committing everything to memory, relishing every single moment of this nightmare. 
“y/n.” you hate how he breathes your name, like it’s a glorious prayer to him, like it’s not curses to you. 
“what are you doing here?” you can only whisper, a timid cracked whisper. but sakusa doesn’t reply- instead he just pulls you into his arms and you’re trembling as you’re stuck in his grip, hating the feeling of his hands squeezing you, his face buried in the crook of your neck, inhaling in your smell, his warmth suffocating you. 
but then he pulls away and you see how his jaw clenches, how his fist tightens around the knife and your stomach drops when you realise it’s the same damn knife stuffed in your bedside cabinet. how long?
“i want a cup of coffee.” 
the cup clatters when you put it down on the kitchen table, sakusa sat comfortably at it, legs outstretched, eyes fixated on you and the knife held readily in his hands. he sighs when he takes a sip and then with a tap of the knife, he indicates for you to sit beside him. 
“your coffee tastes better than mine.” your hands curl into fists at his mutter- how stupid. you should’ve known- you shouldn’t had been so easily convinced by the stupid detectives and atsumu- they underestimated him, they ignored you- he told you you were crazy but you were right. all along. and now…
“please.” you whisper. “just leave. nobody will know and we can-” he cuts you off with a sharp tsk and clatters the knife against the table, shutting you up as you flinch. 
“y/n, you sent me to prison.” he begins, lip curling with venom. “and you know, the one thing worse than not being able to see you was that hell. dirty. unsanitary. full of animals.” he shakes his head, curls falling into his dark eyes. “locked up there, every single day the fucking same…because of you.” he gazes at you heavily. “just because i loved you.” 
you’re not sure what to say, the pressure under knife point too heavily as you swallow hard. 
“so are you here for revenge then? is that it? are you going to kill me?” sakusa smiles, evidently amused, as he takes another sip of his coffee. 
“i’m not that petty. sure, you made me lose everything- my family, friends, my career, freedom.” you want to yell at him. call him a selfish cunt and tell him he deserves everything, and so much worse, for the relentless torment he’s caused you. but you don’t. you thought everything would be so much more different if you ever had to face him again, but it isn’t. you’re just still terrified. “but no, i’m not going to kill you. i want you to give me a bath instead.” 
you’re bewildered at his request. it feels like some sort of fucked up play when you guide him upstairs, painfully reminded by the knife edging into your back not to pull anything funny. he holds it the entire time, the whole time you run the bath, swatting the water steadily filling up the tub and asking him for his optimum temperature, asking him whether he’d like usual epsom salts or lavender, offering him a towel. and you’re forced to watch him undress, cringing as you have to see him peel off his clothes, revealing his pale body underneath, that bulky body rippled with muscles that just stands as a reminder of how much bigger, stronger, powerful he is than you. 
sakusa groans as he sinks into the water, his eyes falling heavy as his body relaxes. you’re kneeling by the side, hands gripping the edge of the cold porcelain bathtub, holding your breath as you can’t even comprehend the situation. it’d almost be so comical at how fucked up it is, at how fucked up sakusa is forcing you into this disgusting thing. his head falls back against the tub and his lids are heavy as he gazes at you.
“this is a luxury you don’t get in prison. imagine what it’s like, hundreds of men lining up at one time, short two minute showers, grimy cubicles  without a single bit of privacy.” he gives a humourless smile. “that’s what i had to put up with. because of you.” you’re stunned when he spits at you, a harsh, nasty spit full of venom and you gasp as you fall back, gingerly touching the horrible wet saliva splattered across your face. your face crumples and you want to cry, but your damn body just can’t react, just won’t react, not with the shock and fear pulsating through you. 
“you got put away because you hurt me.” it’s the quietest whisper and sakusa gasps when he suddenly scrambles up, water splashing and he’s grabbing your face, cheeks squishing between his hands as he tugs you close. it’s a shock to see him like this, such an antithesis to the calm collected man you thought you knew when his eyes are flashing and manic. 
“i love you. i never wanted to hurt you, damn it.” it’s starting to ache, how his calloused fingers press into your tender skin. 
“i was with atsumu!” he tuts as he pushes you away, vein throbbing in his forehead as his hands curl into fists. 
“you really think that blond idiot cares about you? like i do?” 
the words strike something in you and suddenly you’re extending a gentle hand, fingertips grazing along his forearm. 
“i’m sorry, kiyoomi. you’re right.” he shoots you a piercing glare, heavy brow raised as he scoffs. 
“do you think i’m stupid?” 
“no!” your cry is permeated with earnestness. “you are right- atsumu doesn’t care.” you give a mirthless chuckle. “he thinks i’m crazy, annoying, i’m a nuisance to him really. but you,” you circle your fingers around his hand, the other gripping the knife tighter. you hope he doesn’t notice your trembling. “you went to prison for me, kiyoomi.” 
he’s thinking hard as he stares down at your entwined fingers but you know it’s not enough. so you take the gamble and cup his face, smashing your lips against his. 
he tastes of brandy and salt but his skin is warm and smooth under your fingertips- you could almost pretend this would’ve been nice in a different universe. you kiss him, heavy and hard and your heart hammers when he returns it, groaning against your lips as his hand slides into your hair, tugging to deepen the kiss. it’s hot, heavy, his tongue sliding into your mouth, saliva wet and messy. he swallows your moans as he licks messily into your mouth, water splashing as his body squirms, begging to be closer to you as you thread your fingers through his hair. 
“fuck, y/n-” he pants heavily in between wet messy kisses pressed to your lips as he rests his clammy forehead against yours. 
“kiyoomi, i want you. but please,” you whimper as you stare into his depthless eyes. “please put the knife down. i promise i’ll be good.” sakusa doesn't look entirely convinced but you’re relieved when he finally puts it down on the bedside cabinet when he follows you into the bedroom. your body is brimming with adrenaline when he lies down along your bed, his skin glistening with dampness as you take a deep breath and edge towards him. 
“this is all i’ve wanted, y/n. we could’ve had this so much easier if you had just listened. if you hadn't been so stupid.” he mutters almost mournfully as you slowly unbutton your shirt, letting the cotton fabric slip off your shoulders to reveal your chest clad in a pink bra. but sakusa doesn’t mind the simplicity of your underwear, even groaning at the sight of your panties hugging your cunt when you slip off your jeans. “come here.”
he pulls you onto his lap and you try not to flinch at the feeling of his half hard dick pressing against your pussy, only a thin layer of fabric separating you both. he’s hungry as he kisses you, one hand gripping your hair tight, the other groping your chest, your ass, stroking your hips, any skin he can grasp. you kiss back with fervour, your hands gripping his broad shoulders, hips rocking gently against him, swallowing his moans. you’re waiting, kissing, waiting for the perfect moment…then…
you bite. hard. sakusa swears when he pushes you away roughly, his face screwed with anger and disgust as red blood seeps from his lips. but you’re prepared, your clammy hand locking around the knife and you scream when you slash it towards him. panic bubbles in you and damn him, he’s quick- he’s rough when he shoves you back, a hand stretching out as protection against the knife. you aim desperately, every bit of anger and resentment and fear and hatred brewing in you surging through the screams and swears but you’re just too weak and the best you can get is a slash across his hand. 
“you bitch!” he yells, voice deep and gruff and it terrifies you, the fire dancing in his eyes as he clutches his bloody palm, crimson oozing from porcelain skin. 
but that’s bought you enough time and you rush away quickly, your bedroom door slamming behind you as you scramble downstairs. you’re frantic- kiyoomi’s screams and threats resonate through the house as you hear him storm upstairs into the bathroom and you’re trembling with fear- fuck why won’t your hands just work? you’re scrambling for the house keys- were they in the living room? your purse? in the tray of marbles? 
“fuck fuck fuck-” you’re almost crying as you sweep your hand across the entire cabinet top, vases and candles smashing to the floor and marbles scattering across the entire floor but then you find them, those silver keys you grab, grateful for the sharp cool metal pressing into your skin as you run to the front door. 
“i am going to kill you, you stupid bitch.” kiyoomi’s footsteps are heavy upstairs as you scramble to fit the keys into the lock, hands shaking as they just won’t seem to fit in and you’re sobbing, screaming at yourself to get out. 
you can hear him across the landing, getting to the top of the stairs- the floorboards creak and you’ve only just got the locks open when the door swings open and-
relief floods you when you lock eyes with brown orbs and you’re a sobbing, shaking mess when you collapse into atsumu’s arms, clinging to him, gasping and clinging to his t-shirt as he holds you. 
“he’s here- atsumu- he’s here- he’s going to kill me!” atsumu’s bewildered as he holds your face, wiping away the stream of tears and you’re exasperated at how he smiles, almost amused. 
“what are you talking about, y/n?” he chuckles and you shake your head, gasping as you try to scramble away, run away into the darkness- anywhere, just not here. 
“he’s here! we have to call the police.” 
atsumu’s still smiling and suddenly his hold on you feels tighter. your heart feels like lead when sakusa’s footsteps reach the end step and he’s stood in the hallway, bloody hand gripping the knife, crimson running down his chin as he smiles, shirtless in just his joggers. 
“miya atsumu.” his voice is a low drawl. 
“atsumu!” you’re wailing with desperation, trying to fight out of the blond’s grip but he’s too strong, holding you tight against him as he continues to smile. 
“relax, y/n- he won’t kill you. goodness, omi-kun- i told you i’d help you take her home, why did you start without me?”
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sleazysquid · 1 year
hii for the giran request i was thinking: giran who makes his darling use a dildo that’s basically a mold of his dick for whenever he’s not home.
and if they chose not to comply and be pliant and ready for him when he gets home, he does something messed up to them and erases ther memory right after. so reader would get the feeling that something bad happened to them but they also get anxiety because they’ll never remember what
i’m sorry if this is too long also i love ur writing it’s so dark and juicy😮‍💨
I’ll do you one better anon, it won’t just be a dildo in the likeness of his cock, but a special attachment to a bluetooth fucking machine. ;)
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The Machine- Giran x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags/Warnings: female reader, noncon, basement wife once again, yandere Giran, mind-erasing/mind-fucking, sex machine usage, Giran calls himself “daddy” once
You’re not sure how you ended up here, in this hellhole. You don’t remember anything else besides Giran. Whatever you did before your mind was erased must have been pretty horrible to end up in a situation like you are now. Maybe it’s punishment, a reward, something. It physically ails you to keep grasping at dusty memories that don’t hold a candle to what you know now. All you know, all you live for, is Giran. A sleazy chain smoking bastard that supplies cheaply made black market support items at a ridiculously inflated cost. A man who’s got intimate knowledge of every dangerous villain in Japan. A man, who— you don’t remember how you got here, why are you even trying to jog that wretched memory? You just know who he is, what he does, and most importantly, what he does to you.
His schedule is sporadic, but he always makes sure no matter what time it is that he comes home just to play with you, take care of you, to fuck you until your body limps over. Your name is Darling, though it doesn’t seem to fit you, it doesn’t feel like that was the name you had before he invaded your life. But you’ve grown fond of that name, the way his eyes light up when he sees you naked, lounging and watching dvd reruns of whatever he has in his collection. It’s too dangerous to let you watch the news, you might get the idea that there’s people looking for you, that a hero will save you. By now you’ve got the chaotic routine down to a T. The door unlocks, you’re to get up and greet him at the door, his favorite beer in hand. Clothes are prohibited even if he has guests over. You follow him like the little puppy you are, and as he sits comfortably in his special chair, he’ll either pat his lap to gesture you over, or you sit at his feet and give him a massage, followed by a hand job that signifies the task of draining his balls all night long.
Ask about his day, act like you missed him, act like you really do care about him, or you might face the wrath of that horrible machine he keeps in the corner of your hideout. Every time you’re hooked up to that thing— You’re not sure what it does, just the feeling of dread, your heart races even just looking at it. Every day, it gets harder and harder to remember your daily tasks, which upsets Giran. You take the small liberty of putting a blanket over the machine when he’s not home, and pull it off just before he unlocks the door and walks down the stairs.
It’s been a good day today, You saw the sun shine through your one basement window, Giran came home with your favorite fast food, and let you pick out a movie to watch together. It’s been… maybe a couple days? Weeks? Since the last incident, you think? You warm up to him, the anxiety of his presence is diminished, even if it’s short lived. 
“I have a surprise for you, Darling.”
“O-Oh really? What is it?” your scattered mind races. Will you be free? Will he kill you? These both sound like such wonderful options.
“It’s quite heavy, my little angel, so I’m having a few of my guys bring it downstairs. Be patient!” A genuine, real smile flashes across his face. You smile back, crushed on the inside that you’re never getting out of here. What’s he even bringing that’s so heavy? He never lifts a damn thing on his own, you think. 
You’re kept away from this present until it’s completely put together. It’s a boring hour that you try to pass the time with by offering another hand job to your captor. Mindlessly stroking his cock while your eyes are glued to the action movie he’s watching. Your mind is drifting, drifting off into oblivion… thinking the hero of this action movie will come save you… drifting….
“Hey boss, it’s all set up now!” An aggravating voice disrupts your daydream. Your head snaps in the man’s direction with an angry glare.
Giran pats your back gently, encouraging you to walk over towards your new surprise. There’s a blanket that hangs over the present, ironically the blanket you use to cover that dreadful machine. 
Giran encourages you to pull off the blanket, slowly revealing a quite large machine looking object with a long neck that sticks straight out. Anxiety melts into your throat, whatever machine is introduced ends up harming you, you just know it. This one will probably do the same. You slowly back away, shaking your head. You thought you were being good, you haven’t forgotten anything he likes, you have little notes everywhere to help you out, this doesn’t make sense..
He presents a neat little suitcase filled with phallic objects designed to be screwed into the neck of the machine. Some are a hot pink with squishy round tips, but one in particular, looks too familiar. The pigments in the exact perfect shade, prominent veins in the right spots all the way down to the girth and length. It was an exact replica of your captor’s cock. You glide your fingers across the shaft of the dildo, Giran’s smug look intensifying as he actively watches your brain put two and two together. 
“It’s you, isn’t it?”
“I figured you’d get withdrawals during my time away, this will help the both of us out. Whenever I’m gone, I’ll still be able to fuck you as much as I want, baby.”
A pause of silence fills the room momentarily, your thumb rubs against the frenulum of the replica. Giran’s gaze softens, studying your body language.
“Do you like it?” His breath hitches, almost like he’s worried about your opinion for once instead of forcing you into any situation kicking and screaming. 
You purse your lips and swipe your tongue across your top lip. “I think…” you cock your head to the side, letting all the empty thoughts come to fruition, “… I’m willing to try it.. But I’d want to go slow at first if that’s okay.”
“Yes, yes, course my love.” A sigh of relief is heard, “Daddy will make sure you’re very comfortable.” He pulls you in and kisses the top of your head.
Fast forward to today, it’s been about a month since he’s used the other machine on you to cause what you can only assume is bodily harm. Life is by default easier to coast through now that Giran’s workdays have suddenly become longer, he shows up at later times, mostly in the groggy hours of the dawn when you’re already fast asleep. Now all you have to do for the most part when he’s not there, is strap yourself to his fucking machine and record for him. A burner phone is placed to capture every moment outside of your recordings for his later usage. Since this machine is bluetooth powered, he controls all of the settings from the thrust power to whether or not he wants the toy to vibrate. When he’s particularly frustrated from work, he’ll ask for specific positions or which hole he prefers, but for the most part, you have some semblance of control in where his fake cock goes and which position suits best. 
“Does my Darling miss me?” He’ll text with a heart emoji.
“Darling misses you very much.” You reply with a video attachment.
It’s theatric in a sense, you’re putting on the best show you can without actively being in your captor’s presence. You do such a good job, in fact, that he ends up coming home earlier than expected, opting to give you a ten minute heads up before arriving to fuck you through the night. 
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iwaasfairy · 4 months
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♡ baby it's written in the stars, etched in red ♡
by @seijorhi and @iwaasfairy ૮( ྀིʃƪ´ ˘ ` ) ྀིა ᶻ z 𐰁
tw dark content, yandere, dubcon, noncon, kidnapping, stalking
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part one ... part two
part one ... part two
part one ... part two
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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melensolo · 1 year
Yan! Chuuya x gn! reader Tw: implied murder, implied stalking, kidnapping, implied drugging
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You didn’t know how or why he chose you, you don’t know why Chuuya took interest in an ordinary cafe worker; but he did. 
Every day he would walk in, three o’clock sharp. He always brought flowers, chocolates, or other gifts of the sort and gave them to you. He’d request that you make his coffee too. At the time you didn’t know he was in the Port Mafia. How would you know?
On one particular day, he had waited for you to get off work. You don’t know why he was waiting, and frankly you didn’t want to find out. He was nice and all, but you weren’t looking for a relationship. You had just been presumingly dumped. Your boyfriend of six months ghosted you out of nowhere about a month ago, and honestly you can’t find yourself to care that much.
You tried to leave without the ginger man noticing you, but he was watching you the whole time. “Hey, Y/N!” he shouted, catching up to you. Once he was walking beside you he asked if you liked the flowers.
“They’re nice, tulips are my favorite. Thank you, I have to go.” you said quickly, trying to leave.
He put his arm in front of you, stopping your movements. “Woah, wait a second-”
“Excuse me?” you said, offended he was blocking your path. You just wanted to get home.
“Sorry, I was hoping we could talk?” He put his arm down. 
“Sorry but I can’t-”
For a second his face turned dark. “Please, Y/N.”
You sighed, you just wanted to go home. 
The whole conversation that he was so eager to have with you was the reason you find yourself in this unfamiliar room. Unable to leave. 
He had confessed his attraction to you, and you told him you weren’t interested. You didn’t even know anything aside from his name. You should’ve known he wouldn’t leave you alone. 
The next day, he came late. He came right at the end of your shift, at 6pm. 
He had a box of chocolates and an apologetic look on his face. “I’m sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean to come off like that.” He handed you the box and you took it. You would’ve felt bad if you hadn’t. It also helped that you loved chocolate. 
When you got back to your small, one-bedroom apartment, you noticed your window open. That was odd, you usually shut it. You shut and locked the window. You opened the box of chocolate and took just one. You bit into it and it tasted amazing. He always got the best chocolate you must admit. 
You went to your bathroom and got your daily bath ready. Your body started feeling tired and your head was aching. You could feel yourself begin to sway as your eyesight started getting hazy. Before you knew it, you couldn’t stand and you fell. You could hear the bathroom door open and the last thing you remember seeing was a pair of black shoes in front of your face.
When you woke up you were terrified. There was no light, it was pure darkness. You couldn’t move your hands, something was restraining you to some sort of board. You were laying down on something comfortable, a bed. 
You started yelling for help. None came.
You had no time on what day it was, when you got here, or even what time it was. You felt yourself start to cry. 
That’s when you saw a sliver of light and a creaking sound come with it. A few moments after that the lights came on. It took your eyes a second to adjust to the sudden light. Then you saw him, the guy you had rejected the day before. 
“Chuuya.” you attempted to sound strong, but it came out more as a weak croak from your crying just moments before.
He looked at you, satisfactory evident on his face. 
“Chuuya, please help me.” you pleaded. 
“We both know I can’t do that.” He said as he started walking towards you. 
Realization hit you. “Did you do this to me?” 
He bent down and got close to your face. He moved your hair behind your ear before kissing your cheek. Dread pooled in your stomach.
“I know you’re gonna want to run away, so I had to cuff you–but you can gain my trust over time, okay Love?”
“Chuuya,” you whispered
“Hmm?” “If you let me go, I won’t tell a soul– I promise.”
He stood up. “I can’t.” 
A tear slid down your cheek and he wiped it away, he looked at you with pity. “You’ll learn to love me and accept this, my lovely.”
He turned to walk to the door, “I’ll be back later, I promise. I have to go finish up some stuff with work, okay?”
He stopped and looked at you. “What is it?” 
“People are going to notice my absence, they’re gonna look for me.. And you’re gonna face heavy consequences if you don’t let me go! Please for you and me..”
He laughed at you. 
“Like how they noticed your boyfriend’s absence?”
Time seemed to stop. He couldn’t have, could he? You felt sick, you wanted to die.
“Cheer up, your eyes are going to get puffy.” he joked.
Then the lights went out again.
What did I do to deserve this, you asked yourself over and over again.
You didn’t ask for this.
You didn’t want this.
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ofallthingsnasty · 1 year
I hope you had a wonderful new year's eve and some time to relax during the holidays - because for me they're not quite over! Twelvetide is still in full swing and you know what that means: the Wild Hunt is still out and about ? I am always a sucker for getting whisked away by something supernatural… So let's go there for a bit, even if it is a little silly-
tw.abduction, implied noncon, yandere tendencies. just a little food for thought hehe
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For me, Twelvetide is one of the spookiest times of the year, especially when it's really cold and snowy. But how about you? Maybe you don't even know about all the traditions surrounding the time between the years - or maybe you think it's all made-up nonsense, maybe you've never believed in it all. I mean, what a weird superstition not to do laundry (or hang up any sort of white fabric) during those days, not to play cards or go out after dark, to basically smoke your whole home with incense day by day by day. You definitely don’t have the time for that, especially when it’s back to work after the holiday trouble settles down again. So you go on with your life, as you usually would. Maybe you spent the holidays on your own, maybe you celebrated them with family- whatever it is, all the holiday cheer always comes to an end eventually and everyday life slowly creeps back up on you, mundane and repetitive. You forget about your nightly walks to clear your head, forget about the loads of laundry you popped into your machine just the night before the 31st, forget about the laughter you’ve had with friends and family. The long nights, the silence even during the day, the howling wind whenever you’re tucked in your bed - all that may be a little unsettling still, but midwinter has passed and slowly and steadily, the sun is coming back and the days get longer again. But there is this uncanny sense of foreboding, of dread, of restlessness - it’s like your body is trying to tell you something yet you just can’t catch it. It feels like you’re being watched, almost, as if something is waiting beyond your well-lit windows at night, quietly observing, quietly planning. You bury that feeling deep within you, chalking it up to the post-holidays jitters of too much food, too much socializing. You’re probably just tired and vitamine d deficient. You’ll be in for the shock of your life when you get dragged out of your bed the moment the clock strikes midnight one night - just grabbed by the ankle by one huge, calloused hand and yanked out of the covers without a word. For one split second you’re convinced it’s just a dream - at least until you bump your head on the edge of your bed frame, suddenly wide awake in the dark. You can’t even push out a single scream of pain, jostled around and manhandled over a very broad shoulder. The intruder doesn’t say anything - and all attempts at resistance are stopped by their iron grip. You can't get a proper look at them - not in the dark, not slung over their shoulder - but they're massive. And so you can only struggle against their hold while they stomp through your home, pushing outside.
Dragged out into the cold in nothing but your sleepwear and greeted by something out of your weirdest dreams, you quickly have to make peace with the things in front of you being very much real and very much dreadful: a ghostly procession of what can only be described as demons, one bigger and more grim than the other. It surely is enough to shut you up. Thrown on the back of a horse, you finally get a proper look at your captor under the pale moon - they look just as ghastly as the rest, clearly not human and clearly not to be taken lightly. Only when the figure spurs on their horse you find your voice again, screaming for help - you’re met with nothing but snickers and yips to shut up. Something is off - not a single one of your neighbors seems to be able to hear you, hear them. And through your panic and confusion, the intruder finally explains themselves, tells you you’re their possession now, that you all but called them to you with the way you were flaunting yourself during those days between the years, when the fabric between the worlds gets thin and the air dangerous to humans. They laugh at your shocked silence, low and cruel, laugh at your naivety, laugh at the way you gasp when they tell you they’ll also get to thoroughly enjoy their spoils of war.
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cythena · 2 years
please can u write some yandere! headcanons about sasuke uchiha :) !!
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zhongrin · 1 year
Rin in the punishment fic. I forgot to write it but I will give you the plot as you can make up the brainrot for yourself. Rin you are tied to chair in a basement. A man in dragon mask is tying you to a chair and says to you that you will be freed if you can escape in 1 hour from two hunters you may have your freedom but if they catch you we will keep you forever. Rin the hunters are childe and cyno. The ending is up to you.
i would be stuck with the man in dragon mask forever and i would be content with that because:
1) i have???? no idea???? on how to untie the ropes tying me to the chair????? (and there's no way i'm doing the 'break my arm to slip out from the knot' thing i'm too much of a coward to do that-) safe to say i'll spend half an hour (or the whole hour, even) trying to get unstuck from the chair.
2) even if by some miracle i was able to loosen the ropes and exit the room, i am horrible at escape room games (no seriously don't let the ebg event fool you-) so a real escape room?? with people actually hunting me down??? yeah no i don't work well under pressure, i'm fucked.
2) and in the unlikely chance that somehow i managed to do something right & unlock the locks from god-knows-where: i suck at running and i have a very very bad sense of direction (even with digital maps). my cardio is horrible (i get breathless from having to climb more than 2 flights of stairs). i have stood for like a whole five minutes in one place trying to figure out which direction i needed to walk to a bus stop. cyno and childe would have no trouble catching me (they would probably find it boring).
tldr; send help am trapped.
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