aulerean · 3 months
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gem's angler fish? pretty cool.
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mtwiind · 9 months
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not kaku jealous that lucci gets all the attention.
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picavecalyx · 2 years
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  me going crazy me slamming my fists against a table I LOVE ONE PIECE SILVA AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
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me when: the streets are already flooded and the water is still predicted to rise lmao
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alaspoon · 2 months
I’m so delusional oh my god I keep procrastinating things and my brain keeps telling me “ah yes you can totally write four 2-page essays in 12 hours, along with their accompanying readings” as if that’s even remotely true
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d1anna · 1 year
how am i expected to handle this heat ………
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hey anyone else think about c!pawnduo both being scientists who push the bounds of the world they're stuck in creating weapons to kill gods and books to become them but ctubbo finds comfort in his humanity and briefness and cdream is terrified of it. terror of gods vs envy of them, both driving one to toe the line of what is and is not human power, terror which never leaves but can soothed by love, envy which never abates and which can only be soothed by metamorphosis. finding sanctuary in the briefness of your own life, in the knowledge that your children will have children will outlive you, in the cosmic smallness and uncertainty of humans as they are, in life as a letter to yourself which must be ended for it's writing to have purpose. contrasted with the fear of that same uncertainty, with the jealousy of infinite time and knowledge, with the hunger for more and the refusal to take what has been given as all there is, in life as a book on fire one must put out to read the full contents of? no just me okay
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digging my nails into my thigh hard enough to draw blood i am not dirty for indulging in physical pleasure i am not dirty for having sexual thoughts and feelings i am not dirty for engaging with that part of myself i am not
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eonars · 1 year
not to sound violently extroverted on main or anything but this is the first time in my entire adult life ive felt socially withdrawn enough to not care about replying to messages/not had the energy to even have a lil heehoo haha in the dm
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
levibarb because I know you like them lmao
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IHFIDIFGIASJH LISTEN. LISTEN OKAY- love these two so much, can't tell if its just because i love them separately or i think they would pair well together or both but. i think this is a very very good pairing. in both a romantic and a platonic sense, i think these two would be good together (even then in a romantic sense i ship them in a Aro Way ya know?) I feel like Levi would benefit having someone like Barb in his life. i am thinking about cute moments between the two and levi freaking out and barb being his cool self and chuckling and thinking how adorable levi is when hes all freaked out and bashful. i feel like barb could help levi calm down a bit somewhat; that he doesnt have to worry about what everyone thinks of him all the time. i felt like you did bring up a good point that one time that barb is bland as fuck lmao. i feel like i would be more invested into this if i knew more about him tbh. because i wanna say barb would also learn things out of it too, learn things from levi, but...we know nothing about him lol. i cant think of a single flaw about him that was given in the game. im sure i can make headcanons but...i want at least some sort of canon thing to go off of i guess this is just my way of complaining and wanting more canon barb things lmao even tho i dont play the game anymore anyways these two are sooooo good and now im going to be thinkign about them constantly. maybe one day i'll get around to writing that fic i had planned for them. maybe one day...
but yeah everyone is sleeping on these two. need more interactions between these guys and need people to consider this ship because imo its just so so good-
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scattered-winter · 1 year
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
it changes almost weekly but at the moment: connor hawke (dc) and eddie diaz (dc)
📝 Fave quote
the entire "love me anyway" speech from 911 absolutely sends me over the RAILS. but probably my favorite bit is "I have walked through fire every day of my life because of you" and "love me anyway" because its SO. ugh. ugh.
send me an emoji!!
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
oh yeah I just realized I never talked abt my thoughts on the towa and marika relations event!
my thoughts on it are pretty much:
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I want to read good fic but all the good fics are so much effort and commitment iojhyutfdrthxfhcgmjyk,hugiydrhtg. I have like 34 incredible works of art I should be reading but then I click on another crimebois oneshot and go "HE WOULD NOT SAY THAT" and then just start reading my own wips again. I need to write off an entire weekend to be emotionally devestated and just devour all of the incredible fics Ive been putting off.
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darksouls2yuri · 2 years
staring at my art willing it to be done 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶
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mama-qwerty · 3 months
Poison ivy SUCKS
I touched one post yesterday, that had poison ivy vines removed from it over a year ago, and those damn oils were STILL potent enough to get me
One whole year of heavy rains and ice storms and cold weather
I barely brush past it and my arm is itchy as hell
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laikuh · 2 years
just saw a heartachey post on the other side of the fandom about stanford era!dean’s loneliness, him still talking to sam in the beginning and hearing some people in the background, knowing sam has friends and isn’t alone, and then dean hanging up and going back to his motel alone.
and i just feel like....im thinking about dean and john in this position together, because i do believe john probably ditched dean often after sam left, but i also think he stuck around bc he couldn’t bear to be alone either. so im thinking about them both and just like. god, it was probably wretchedly easy to take things too far. when life feels like it has no meaning, when the loneliness is an aching, gaping hole inside of you that no one except the other single person in the room can even begin to understand. sam is gone and no one understands how that feels for dean except john, and vice versa. ughghghghghgh v easy to imagine how they’d drink too much and touch to too much and try to fill that hole.
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