everybody-leave · 14 hours
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
Someone beat me to death with a ukulele. :(
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janeyseymour · 2 months
Your Song
a sweet one shot based on Elton John's Your Song. Attached is my own version of it, if you wanted to give it a listen!
WC: ~1.95k
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Melissa is sitting next to you as the two of you soak up the sun in the Summer morning. You both have your cups of coffee, waking up with the sun and the world around you, not quite used to sleeping in just yet. You have your guitar with you, and you’re strumming little tunes and fingerpicking different licks that feed your heart and your soul as she watches you in awe. And then something happens, and you begin to play a tune that you really haven’t played in a while. You sing it in earnest as your heart swells with love for the woman beside you. She has a gentle hand on your knee, and she squeezes it gently when you sing the first line of one of her favorite songs.
It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside… I’m not one of those who can easily hide.
You remember when you first realized that you had feelings for the redhead who worked in the room next door to you. It was… unpredictable to say the least. And once you realized that, you did everything you could to hide those feelings for her. You were shocked that you were able to because well… you weren’t someone who could usually hide.
It took you months to confess your feelings to the redhead, when she was speaking of finally getting herself back out there, and you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Just one date with me,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. “Just one. And if it doesn’t work… it doesn’t work.”
She took you up on that offer, and here you were- three years later and married. You never thought you would get a chance with the absolutely stunning woman that was Melissa Schemmenti, but here the two of you were with shining diamonds on your fingers and the change in your last name to show for it. You haven’t been happier, and Melissa hasn’t been happier either- Barbara has attested to that too, so you know its the truth. 
I don’t have much money, but boy if I did- I’d buy a big house where we both could live.
As two teachers working in center city Philadelphia in an underfunded and poorly run school, you weren’t rolling in dough- even though the redheaded second grade teacher has been with the district for over two decades and has unofficial tenure.
But the two of you have spoken about moving out of your tiny little townhouse and upgrading to a big house. One where the two of you could live, and you think you might have convinced her at this point to have at least one child of her own.
“I mean… I would love to have a little Schemmenti running around,” you admit shyly as your curled up on the couch one night. You’re watching some movie where the main character is pregnant, and it makes you yearn for a child of your own.
“Y/N,” Melissa sighs as she looks at you. “I’m too old to have a baby.”
“But I’m not,” you tell her. “And… you’re so good with the kids at school, and I’ve seen the way that you go out of your way to make babies smile while we’re grocery shopping.”
Your wife purses her lips. “M-maybe. But I have to think on it.”
You give her your best puppy dog eyes.
“If we can get the money for a nice house and to afford IVF… I don’t think it’s off the table.”
You made her pinky swear that if you ever had the money and you were still at the age where you could bear a child, the two of you would go through with it. After that, you got a job at the local diner waitressing on Sundays. She hates it because it steals you from her, but she always comes in to visit you and keep you company. The money that you make immediately goes into a jar that has the words ‘Future’ written on it in your loopy handwriting.
So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do… You see I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue. Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen. Who are you kidding? You could never in a million years the beautiful shade of green that your wife’s eyes are. They were the first thing you noticed when you met her five years ago. She didn’t believe you when you told her that.
“Was it my boobs?” she chuckles on your third date. 
You roll your eyes. “Your eyes. They’re… mesmerizing. I saw the way that they sparkled when you were talking about your kids or someone you loved, and I was determined to make your sweet eyes sparkle like that… did I succeed?”
“I would say so,” she smirks as she leans in to kiss you.
“Good,” you mumble against her lips. “They’re gorgeous, you know.”
“My eyes?” the redhead practically swoons.
You see your opportunity, and you run with it. “No. Your boobs,” you deadpan.
She smacks you on the arm playfully, and you put your arms up in defense. “Hey! I was joking!”
Since meeting her, you’re positive that her eyes are the sweetest ones you’ve ever seen. They’re so… expressive. You can see in her beautiful eyes when she loves something or someone, and you consider yourself the luckiest woman alive to be able to get to see them every morning when you wake up.
And you can tell everybody this is your song. It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done- I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is now you’re in the world.
You didn’t even really mean for this Elton John to turn into your song, but it did. You were just playing around on the guitar that she keeps in her classroom while you waited for her to finish up dismissal duty for the day.
If you’re being quite honest, you forgot that you even knew you could play that song until you heard it on the radio in her car this morning. So, after a few misfired chords, you begin to play and lay your voice over the simplistic yet stunning chords.
She comes in, ready to head out for the night, when she sees you sitting up on her counter, criss crossed and with the stringed instrument in hand. And then she hears your voice. And she can’t do anything but lean against the doorframe and listening to your soft and angelic voice.
When you fire out the last chord, she starts clapping softly from where she stands, and it startles you. You immediately turn red upon seeing her. 
"I didn’t know you play,” Melissa says softly as she comes in.
“I dabble,” you shrug as you put her guitar back where it lives.
She furrows her brows. “I wouldn’t call that dabbling. How long you been playing?”
“Since I was thirteen,” you shrug. “My dad taught me basic chords, and I just picked up the rest.”
“Well, you’re damn good. And I love that song.”
“I do too.”
“Play it again for me when we get to my place?” she asks as she grabs your bags.
You do, and she sits and watches, mesmerized.
“Those words are true, you know,” you say softly. “Life is wonderful now that you’re in the world… my world.”
She kisses you gently as she wraps her arms around your waist. “It’s like I see in technicolor now.”
If I was a sculptor, but then again, or a man who makes a position in a traveling show. I know it’s not much, but it’s the best I can do. My gift is my song, and this one’s for you.
“Do you ever think we would be better off if we weren’t teachers? Or at least one of us wasn’t?” you ask Melissa.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean like… if I was a sculptor, or… someone who makes potions in a traveling show,” you sigh softly. “Like in our song… maybe then we could have a big wedding.”
Your fiancée rolls her eyes as she pauses making dinner to wrap her arms around you. “I think that we both love teaching, and I think that I love this little life of ours, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“I just… I know it’s not much,” you frown slightly. “We could be so much better off.”
“We’re doing the best that we can do, and that’s more than enough for me,” Melissa promises you as she kisses your cheek. 
“I know that’s what you say, but-”
“If you were a sculptor or a man who made potions in a traveling show, I would never see you,” she says softly. “Being on the same schedule is really nice.”
You smile a bit sadly. “I just wish that-”
“I don’t wish for anything else… we have a perfect life,” Melissa promises you. “Besides, you know I don’t want a big wedding- having just our Abbott family and our families.”
“A-are you sure?”
“As long as I have you, it’s enough,” the redhead kisses you softly.
And you can tell everybody this is your song. It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done- I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is now you’re in the world.
Your big day has arrived, and as of an hour ago, you are officially Mrs. Y/N Schemmenti. After a simple ceremony in the courtyard at the school, the place that brought the two of you together in the first place, you move the ‘reception’ over to Barbara’s house.
Your wife had insisted on making all of the food for the party, and by some grace of God, the task at hand was completed last night. Barb spent this morning decorating and giving Gerald detailed instruction of how to lay it out so it was ready for when you all got to the Howard household before heading out to witness the two of you tie the knot.
When you get there, it’s beautiful- more beautiful than you had expected. There’s a stunning balloon arch, a garden of flowers, pictures of the two of you, and a few tables set up perfectly.
Your eyes well, as much as you will them not to. “How did we afford all of this?” you whisper to Melissa.
“We didn’t.” You look over at her, and her eyes are shining with tears too. “Barb?”
“The Abbott crew threw it together for our two favorite teachers,” the kindergarten teacher smiles. “Go on.”
Mr. Johnson announces the two of you in with the most sincerity that you’ve ever heard from him before he says softly, “And for your first dance…”
He hits play on the phone that is connected, and the familiar melody melts over your body as you pull your wife in close.
The Abbott clan and your families watch as the two of you sway back and forth, dancing together as a married couple for the first time. Barbara films it, tears of happiness falling down her cheeks.
“I hope you don’t mind… I hope you don’t mind, that I put down in words… how wonderful life is, now you’re in the world,” you sing to her softly as she rests her head on your shoulder. 
Life has been strange up until this time in your life, and you’ve had your doubts about love and life before… but with Melissa Schemmenti by your side? Life is wonderful. 
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uncleborislovesyou · 3 months
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copperbadge · 5 months
Last night I decided it was time for some good ol' fashioned Danish antidepressants: A LEGO KIT.
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[ID: Two photos taken from the head of the bed; in the first, my cats are visible loafing near the foot, beyond a lap tray with lego bricks on it. In the second image, Dearborn the tortie stares at the camera while I show off the start of the build in the foreground.]
Normally I'd sit at the dining table for this, but Dearborn has begun to get antsy in the evenings because she and I tend to hang out in the living room while Polk won't leave the bed (I leave the heated pad on during the day for them) and Dearborn doesn't like it when the whole clowder isn't together. So, I've taken to doing evening projects on the bed, if I can.
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[ID: Three images of the build in progress; the first shows a strange-looking elongated piece, brown at one end and blue at the other with a circular black area in the middle. The second image shows this piece plus two sinuously curving blue pieces made of multiple lego bricks. The third image shows the curving pieces snapped onto the long piece to form a ukulele, with the circular black area representing the central hole in the sound board.]
This is the Tropical Ukulele 3-in-1 kit, where you can build a ukulele but the same bricks will build a little dolphin or a surfboard if you prefer. I really like how it came together -- you build the sound board and neck first, then stick the curved edges of the body on. The result is that it looks like random shapes until you snap the body on, and then it looks like a ukulele very suddenly, which is extremely satisfying.
Polk did some quality testing.
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[ID: A photograph of Polk the tabby, who has become interested in the build and is sniffing the "head" of the ukulele where the tuning pegs are sticking out, her ears slightly awry.]
It's very pretty, and the instrument has a nice weight to it; it also feels like maybe lego has done some reworking to make their bricks slightly more snug when snapped together, because it feels like it held together more securely than the typewriter I built a few years ago. I also got to build flowers for the first time, which are something Lego is offering more and more frequently. They're fiddly as hell to build but the end effect is great.
And I love that the head is slightly hinged -- the "strings" go on very loosely, and they're flexible so they were kind of bent all over, but then you tilt the head back slightly and they go taut and stay that way.
Overall very satisfying build and lovely final product, 11/10 would strum if I could.
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[ID: The finished product, resting on my lap desk on the bed; a light blue ukulele with silver "strings" sits securely on a curving base. In front of it are two large colorful tropical lego flowers; there is also a third flower attached to the ukulele at the base of the neck.]
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alm4nditte · 6 months
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There was a risk of rain and I lost my umbrella.
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cricketinthemud · 1 month
Sunbuzz wants to play you a song !
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Do you have any requests?
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dognonsense · 6 months
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Day 3 in the studio with eric recording for dog nonsense. drew this metal font logo for our scream album.
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sosuperawesome · 1 year
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Starry Night Ukulele // Glitter Baby on Etsy
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I was walking on a street, and saw David Bowie with a band of 4 girls. As soon as he saw me, he took one of the girls' ukulele and told me to play, which I nailed on the first try. After the band practice, I flew away over a forest.
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source-nation · 4 days
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many-because · 5 days
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