giggleme-green · 23 hours
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He is elated.
​(Ive been working on a couple of personal projects these past few months but I intend to visit this account much more frequently since you guys are so very nice and supportive🫶💥💖)
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temmmry · 2 days
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They are little freaky
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inks-inbox · 3 days
Happy ghost jam!! 

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A couple lovely friends and I have a new pal for you to meet!
Meet Error, here to terrorize both you and your desktop with his buddy(?) Blue!
You can interact with both Error and Blue in different ways, and they can chat with both you and each other!

It also looks like Error’s brought a few of his puppets to show you! —-If you prove yourself to him, that is.

he can be a bit prickly but maybe eventually he’ll warm up to you?
who knows! 

this ghost is a collaboration project for ghost jam!
@vicen-non , @robanilla , @hazerun3 and @onlyplatonicirl helped me bring this silly guy to you!

Download him here!
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My boy Cider is having a fun time idk what you mean
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underswapped3 · 3 days
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havent drawn royal in months lmao
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aguinhac · 2 days
Just so ya know, I absolutely adore the star sanses, And I think they are extremely underrated, like, three thousand comedy comics over the bad guys but almost non of the star sanses, I just think they are extremely funny, just as much as the bad guys. And as such I made a little arrow chard showing a bit of how I think their relationships with each other are like:
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view-try-resource · 3 days
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dracozhilla · 1 day
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thefoxiestboy · 1 day
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The younger brother of all time
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sajnhgjbone · 1 day
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dustyisegg · 2 days
utau art dump because suprise i forgot to post here again
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other doodles and stuff under the cut
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ignore the oc and other stuff :333
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Ello! I was wondering what would happen if S/O had the same personality like the others? For example, They are dating Edge and they have the same personality as him.( Basically, what if they have the same personality as the skeletons) ( All the main bois. plz add Creeper to this) Thank you! Have a good day/ night!
Undertale Sans - You mean what if you bring Papyrus' nightmare to life? Sans didn't know what to think of you at first, but then he discovered the power of doing nothing as a couple for days and now he's in love. You spend so much time on the couch that the couch has now permanently your body form embed in it. Your puns are getting worse and worse, but they're still making you laugh. You watch the worst movies on every streaming platform. You created a pile of socks to make Papyrus enraged. He even offered you a trash tornado when he proposed to you. You two could never live alone ever again.
Undertale Papyrus - He's more than happy! You two are always together, trying to motivate each other to exercise or make evil genius plans that have no chance of success. Sometimes though it can be a little difficult as you're both hiding things from each other and never confess to the other when you're not feeling well to protect the other. This means some days, you're both clearly looking down and still act like everything is fine, which can create some tension. But being very forgiving, it's usually never for long. Papyrus is a great choice.
Underswap Sans - That wouldn't work. You're both terribly stubborn and refuse to let go of an argument before you win. Except none of you want to lose, so the fight lasts forever. Added to that, you're both very independent and so will not spend that much time together as you're always busy doing something. It would end with both of you being super frustrated and arguing again and again, which is not very healthy.
Underswap Papyrus - How are you surviving? It took forever for you two to connect as... Well... You couldn't even meet the other eyes without having a panic attack for a good six months after your first encounter. And after that it's so awkward for so long. It's a surprise to everyone how you ended up together, but that happened. You're both supporting the other in their anxiety, but also feeding it somehow? The funniest part is when something spooks you. If Honey falls unconscious, you fall unconscious, and when Honey wakes up, he falls unconscious again seeing you on the floor, and it can go for a while like that. You're touch starved though, which helps to support your daily life.
Underfell Sans - That would absolutely not work. Despite both having a dark sense of humor, you also both take everything literally and spend your days offending the other lol. It usually ends with both of you screaming and insulting each other, even fighting sometimes. You're going to get on each other's nerves too quickly to enjoy living together. Also, you like motorcycles as well, but there's no way you're touching Red's motorcycle and he's ready to fight you on this lol. That's his baby, find another one!
Underfell Papyrus - If you take the definition of sassy in the dictionary, there are both your faces next to it. You're bitching on everything and everyone together, you're both condescending because you're feeding each other ego so much. You're both know really well how hot you are and live to make everyone jealous around you. Everyone hates you, and you know what? You just don't care at all! You made Edge a hundred times worse, great job!
Horrortale Sans - This is so awkward. You can't understand any of the other reactions and so most of the time, you're both silent. Staring at each other. Not saying anything. It's a mystery why you're still together at this point as you're both encouraging the other to be suspicious of the other. Maybe you're not the right match. Except maybe when you both have zoomies in the woods at the same time. Zoomies are fun.
Horrortale Papyrus - It would work just fine and actually it might be a good thing for Willow. Because you're so aware of the other's flaws, you try to make things better and encourage the other to be better. Willow is finally learning to accept his body after so long, and he's opening up a little more because he feels like he can talk to you. It's really a good thing for both of you.
Swapfell Sans - You get along really well, always looking so ridiculously serious and act like epic villains when you're actually good people. You have a business together, you drink expensive coffee together, you're very careful about what the other is wearing to match clothes... And you're both trying to throw the other so he gets eaten first in case of supernatural danger! The perfect couple.
Swapfell Papyrus - It's the worst possible timeline. Your prank war turned so wrong already and yet none of you gave up yet. You're a menace to everyone around you. Everyone is fleeing around you when you show up together somewhere. Please someone does something and stop you before it's too late.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh, it would maybe work for ten seconds and then you would try to kill each other. There can only be one Wine around and Wine will make sure it's him. You're too similar, it's scary and he sees you as a threat to his gigantic ego. Now run.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - You're both hiding in a cave or something, clinging to the other all day. The only thing you're worried about is who is going to move to fetch the food when you're hungry. Because you're both very comfy right now and there's no way in hell you're doing it. That's going to be a long day.
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endercreep25 · 2 days
Random Swap/Blue/Blueberry Headcannons no one asked for <3
I consider the Swap/Blueberry jazz as three different characters each with their own personalities and defining characteristics.
As close to canon as I can get him
Wears a cape and scarf combo
Has armor plates (Usually drawn rounded)
No gloves
More dull color palette
No star eyes
A little on the hefty side
Deepest voice out of the three
Papyrus-like in his mannerisms
Not childish or overly hyper, just a bit more enthusiastic than the average person
Kinda in between Swap and Blueberry
Part of the Star Sanses
Wears a bandana without cape, but no bow
T-shirt with shoulder plates (Usually drawn flat)
Has gloves
Vibrant blue color palette
Eyes turn into stars when excited
Shorter than Swap
Cooks tacos a lot (Pretty good at it too)
Somewhat childish but can be serious
Not necessarily innocent but tends to be extremely optimistic
I believe he's also called fanon Swap
Sometimes joins the Star Sanses on their missions
Wears a bandana and has a big bow
T-shirt without shoulder pads
Has gloves (Technically mittens in my style)
Shade of blue is more cyan
Eyes are always stars
":3" mouth style
High-pitched voice (plus flawed speech; ex: "Hey Dweam? Whats dat ding over dere?")
Shortest of the three (very short)
Very childish and dramatic
A crazy little gremlin
Art of the three and some little bonus doodles (Mostly Blueberry being a little gremlin) down below ^^
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Bonus <3
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ish-crim · 6 hours
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They're coming from the store XD
Dream sans: Jokublog
Swap sans: PopcornPr1nce
Ink sans: comyet
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lowpolysunrise · 11 hours
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(taken by me)
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betsnarradorm · 22 hours
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Yellow Version (my favorite)♡♡⏤͟͟͞͞☆
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Colorless version! ﹏░✦✦♡
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I love the result ⏤͟͟͞͞☆
This is a Psychology AU. I love a swap psychologist ︴︴☆░░
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