#unmutated donnie au
onejellyfishplease · 8 months
Part 28
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Raph, you're adorable. Never change.
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unamick · 8 months
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west-brooke · 3 months
Ive only had "meet the parents au" for a few minutes but if anything happened to them I'd be very sad :(
You say Donnie's turtle-dad recognized him but what about the others turtle parents?
They don’t recognize them. Just Donnie’s unmutated dad lmao. Most of the Parent’s POV is just this.
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Except for Mikey’s mom, whose POV looks more like this.
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indieyuugure · 10 months
Anon that accidentally sent 2 unfinished questions about the retromutagen, sorry my phone glitched
For your human au, do you think Baxter's retromutagen, instead of unmutating someone as he intended, it fully mutates someone into whatever animal's dna that they got mutated with?
Such as the turtles starting off as regular turtles and getting mutated with human dna, so his retromutagen turned them fully human?
So if splinter got hit with it he would turn into a normal rat, baxter a fly and so on
Just a something i thought of
Lol, no problem! We all have those times XD
So Chemical X is mutagen based, but it doesn’t work the same as regular Kraang mutagen, and it’s effects can’t be reversed with Donnie’s Retro-Mutagen that he makes to de-mutate April’s dad.
It works by deleting non-human DNA and replacing it with strands of human DNA. The solution Donnie finds is to recreating the base of Chemical X then, rather than infusing it with human DNA, adds back their original turtle DNA sequences.(that’s why in the concept art I posted, Raph uses pieces of shed shell from Donnie to make the Anti-X)
It definitely would’ve worked on Baxter, had he gotten to use it on himself, and same with Splinter. Donnie does admit it would work on Splinter, but since they don’t have anything with his original human cells, he wouldn’t look the same as a human. Donnie also deems the chemical to dangerous to experiment with in fear that he could mess up and end up killing Splinter.
Cool theory! Unfortunately I’m not very original lol
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spicy-apple-pie · 10 months
Ladies, Gentlemen, and sluts alike. I give you another tmnt au. But make it 2012.
Imagine if Karai was never abducted from Yoshi as a baby. She went with her father to live in America to escape the grief of their wife and mother. To help with this, Yoshi decides to take Karai (who now just goes by Miwa obvi) to a pet store to get what ever pet she wanted.
“These ones!” She pressed her nose against the glass.
“Turtles?” Yoshi examined the reptiles. “Don’t you want maybe a dog? Or a cat?”
“No, I want these ones.”
Yoshi sighs. “Fine we’ll get a turtle.”
“No! I want all of them.”
“You want all four of them?”
“They’re a family. A family shouldn’t be torn apart.”
So Yoshi gets four turtles for his daughter.
Then he sees something shifty, instructs Miwa to stay put. Blah blah blah, he gets turned into a rat and the turtles get mutated while Miwa remains unaltered.
She grows up with the ninja turtles. Develops a lot of the same hobbies as them, like skate boarding and video games.
Being the only unmutated one in the lair, she was allowed to go to the surface before any of the turtles could. Splinter was very hesitant, but the first time came out of necessity. (Leo was extremely sick and he needed medicine. Miwa was able to use the little money they had to buy some children’s cough syrup.)
She also gets all of the supplies and runs errands. The turtles really suck up to her when their mutation day comes close.
Although her life is much more loving, she’s still has a punk aesthetic. Raph mostly helped out, Mikey is always invited to watch them as they dye Miwa’s hair. Donnie would rather be working in the lab and Leo is a snitch.
Splinter doesn’t like it when she cuts and dyes her hair. First time she did it and sauntered out of the bathroom he nearly had a heart attack.
Yeah, idk, I kind love this and her. I’m really tired so hopefully this makes sense
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tblsomedoodles · 11 months
Plz tell me about George. I don't think we ever had an explanation for George
I have talked about him before, but it's been a while and i'm always down to talk about George! : ) He's had a few different versions (and his own au that i did nothing with. It is one of the early stops in Donnieverse though, so there's that.) but the i settled on now is done in such a way that
But George is my IRL turtle if he got mutated in Rise. IRL George is an Eastern Painted Turtle that my family has had for...21 years i believe. (i was little when we got him so i'm not entirely sure the age.)
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(i know i've shared this photo before, but he's hard to photograph and this is the best one i've ever gotten.)
Character George is a 21 year old (or he is post krang) Mutated Eastern Painted Turtle that Draxum accidentally mutated six years before the cannon boys were created. He works in the Hidden City as a mechanic (and general handy-turtle when no one has a car for him to fix.)
He's Morgan's neighbor and tends to keep an eye out for them since Morgan doesn't exactly have anyone else. I think Morgan might have a summer job running customer service at his shop since communicating with clients is often hard for him since the only speach he's capable of is turtle noises like chirps and hisses. (he knows sign language but doesn't use it much since his version is altered and there's not a lot of clients that can understand it. If he has to communicate himself, he usually just writes it down quickly in a small pocket notebook.)
He is very protective of those he sees as family or friends, though he doesn't really have many. (morgan is counted as one of those. the cannon boys would be too if he ever gets the chance to meet them.)
He also loves cars. just absolutely adores them. He loves working on and fixing them up. As a result, he's almost always covered in oil or grease of some sort.
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I wrote up a bit more on his backstory too, but it's long so i'm putting it under a break for those that want to keep reading.
Draxum had acquired a baby painted turtle from a human to study to figure out if turtles would be a good mutation base. He left bitty, unmutated George alone on a table that had like a petri dish of unfinished mutagen, and George got into it before Draxum could turn back around.
Because the mutagen was incomplete, his mutation isn't the same as the boys, and is a little more turtle like than they are. The main obvious differences being that he, like unmutated turtles, has no voicebox, and he has a tail.
Draxum never quite realized he had human-like intelegence. He knew he was smarter than an average turtle but baby George was pretty scared of him and, as a result, never did anything around Draxum that could have clued him in on how smart his accidental creation was. (i don't think baby george intentionally hid his intelegence, he was just too scared to act on what he understood if Drax was around.) Draxum did spend time trying to fix the missing voicebox 'issue' but was never able to. It left some surgical scars around his neck that present day George keeps covered.
He escaped Draxum's lab the day Lou blew it up (In his specific au, he escaped with baby Raph and baby Donnie, but otherwise he escapes alone) and ends up loose in the hidden city.
After a bit an old Mechanic yokai finds and helps him, eventually taking him in and teaching him how to fix cars. I think the yokai gifted him the garage/shop of his, either when he retired and went to live in hidden city Florida, or died of old age. Either way he ends up with the garage/shop that is his pride and joy. He loves that shop.
Anyways, that's about it! That's my George! He can now be found floating around the Hidden City in all my aus b/c I can put him there! Idk if he ever meets the cannon boys in any of them (maybe Seer Twins b/c of Donnie Friend-adopting Morgan) but he's there. : )
Thank you!
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catacamacat · 7 months
Fanart masterpost
General masterpost
Little comics masterpost
Sketchbook masterpost
AU masterpost
The cool scene from 2012
Rise- turtles meditating
Rise- turtles found a cat
ROTTMNT- based profile pictures
Donnie doodle
Oh no Donnie sad
Light practise
Rise Donnie doodle
(Kinda) MM!Donnie (Another one) (Aaand another one)
2012 Don- Bot
Rise- Donnie light- practise
Unmutated Rise- Donnie
My AU- Leo
Double- mutation- fan- cover?
Rise- Leo with texture
Leo fan- iteration/ AU
Sleepy Rise- Raphie
Raph... apocalypse outfit ig? idk... (Here´s another one)
2012 Raph and Spike
Krangified Rise- Raph
Mikey with da Newtralizer
AU- Mikey practise (outdated)
Mikey fan- iteration
Future- Rise- Mikey (also my top- post wtf)
Future Mikey vs. future Leo
Raph and Donnie fan- iteration
Barry Draxum
Usagi Yuichi
Miyamoto Usagi
Miyamoto Usagi Page (Another one)
Barry Draxum and Mikey
Barry Draxum Page
Raph x Mona page
Raph da Koala- boyfriend
Raph and Mona Kissing
May or may not be Apritello- fanart (I don´t really ship it)
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block-swing-perry · 2 years
Ok I have three fic ideas for Rottmnt that are bouncing around my head that I don’t think I’ll get around to writing but:
Raph joins a craft club that has a pretty impressive online community. Then after news laws protecting mutants pasts he finally gets to go to an in person meeting! He has to have a parental unit drop him off though because hes not old enough yet and splinter is happy to do so (what if his son gets hurt?)
Unmutated Lou jitsu au! Pretty much how the characters would be affected if yoshi actually had the resources to raise them better
The turtles and splinter start to feel odd and after Donnie notices their fingers are starting to look…more human like they discover the mutagen has been somehow spurred to finish the job of fully mutating them. The boys risk it all to make sure their dad isn’t fully turned into a rat
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fexlyn · 5 months
This is a dis-continued version of my TMNT au, this is all I had written down for this. Enjoy I guess?
I’ll be updating this when I have an idea but I won’t make anything big out of it.
Oldest (16)
Oldest child syndrome
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Tics (unconsciously clicking throat)
Voice actor potential = AJ Michalka or Natasha Lyonne or EJ Johnson
5’6ft - 66 inches - 167.64cm
Stiff / sensible / serious / lil silly
Loves the show Stardust Heros
Admires Janus Seyfert (♀)
Knows a lot about medical action and theory –stuff
Second oldest (“16”)
Mum syndrome
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Raph only
Keeps everything that's given from his brothers
7’ft - 84 inches - 213.36cm
Voice actor potential = Parvesh Cheena or Freddy Rodríguez or
BPD (Borderline personality disorder)
Favourite flower is the Red spider lily
got aged up to 4yrs - 2 yrs later Raph was mutated and aged properly
Sometimes forget words that are simple
Remembers every word that are considered ‘big words’
Jhanna is Dons gf (did not meet till s4; s5 is the confession)
Will literally make you anything if u just ask
Tries to be a pacifist (trained to kill without second thought)
Second youngest (15)
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles
ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)
Trans masc
when scared he hugs himself / cover himself in blankets
Early bird
5’5ft - 65 inches - 165.09cm
Voice actor potential = Alastair James or Freddy Rodríguez or Zach Barack
Fears of being forgotten
Spray painting is his favourite art form
fidgets with a rubix cube
When needing comfort he goes to his older sister
Youngest (10)
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Donnie only (by species)
Loves attention from his blood brother
Or attention in general
Disappears- somehow- anytime there's a fight
Loves paper mache
Feral (not actually just likes to bite)
Best friends with Casey- dont tell Len…or Don…-
His favourite blackberries
Voice actor potential = Alexander David Linz or francesca marie smith
5’1ft - 61 inches - 154.93cm
Likes the show stardust heart
Splinter Hamato
He became a mutant rat at 18 due to a mishap
He meets the turtles at [insert age] hes now [insert age]
He's cripled due to the mutagen not being complete
But don't underestimate him he can whoop yo ass in seconds
Big fan of the renaissance artist and wanted to be a artist himself
Casey Jones
Middle child (12)
Bestfriends with Raphael
Has not told anyone that he's friends with mutant turtles (yet)
Feels like someone trying to burn a hole in his head every class
Taking hockey training
Taking ice skating as well
Cassandra Jones
Oldest child (15)
Has a crush on Lenna (knows about Casey's turtle friends)
Angel Jones
Youngest child (6)
Hangs around Micheal and Donnie
Cheeky little shit
Has some interest in machinery
Has a lot of interest in paint
April O’Neil
Shes 12
She's was 5 when her parents died and got moved with her aunt
Wishes to be a famous reporter
Believes that one of her classmates [read: Casey Jones] is some evil spy
Will literally hang off of vents, trees, wall cliffs; to get the scoop
She has a lot of bruises… and sticks stuck in her hair…
Carol O’Neil
How do they exist?
Baxter Stockman, a teen genius, spent 22 years (17-39) creating a serum for perfect super soldiers-a classic I know- creating failures upon failures he finally perfected the chemical mutagen. But with the twist of it not working on humans due to something that humans have that ‘lower-intelligence life forms’ don't.
When used on humans they will [insert super painful symptoms] and a clinical death happens.
Baxter Stockman was promoted and awarded from the higher ups-he's now head of the renewed US bioweapons program.
Len - backstory
Putting the unmutated tot len into a tank of water then releasing the mutagen into the tank mutating them into a humanoid baby.
She was treated carefully, due to her being so-new, they tested her with anything possible without harming her. She was kept in a room, alone, being studied from the outside behind see-through mirrors.
As she got older(5) the experiments and studies started to become more often and a little more risky, they started to do more hands on like extracting blood or muscle reaction (they can't take scutes yet).
She got older, again, because they age…
Experiments got worse-like-painful- worse.
Donnie - Backstory
4 years after the creation of Lenna…
An agency (clan) in Japan heard (stalked) about the Mutagen that was perfected, they did a little something (killing) something (torture) getting the components of the mutagen to make their own soldiers.
They wanted a weapon that can be both in land and water, and large in size as well- since bigger weapons are more stronger right?- so they took the idea of a turtle as well. Leatherback sea turtle was their pick, soon or later will be known as V-1-L-0-T Donatello.
After the turtle was mutated, he was young- a baby
But being the smart-ego filled Ninjas they thought it would be best to make the ageing process a little bit faster so they're ahead of the enemy or the very least the same pace of making a weapon
Mikey - Backstory
Raph - Backstory
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onejellyfishplease · 9 months
Part 15
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Leave him be, he is searching
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onejellyfishplease · 9 months
Part 16
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Also I love drawing unmutated Donnie so much, with each update he gets more and more scrunkly
I had to physically restrain myself from drawing his nose any longer.
Also Leo is a menace, and no matter when happens, as a brother he is contractually obligated to make fun of Donnie. It’s just instinctual.
(Don’t mind me, just dropping in some lore… or well, dropping it on Donnie)
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
Part 26
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oh no he feral
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
Guess what day it is
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onejellyfishplease · 6 months
Part 36
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we're heading to Draxums now!
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
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yeah i cant think of anything to add. its already perfect.
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
Part 25
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Raph you're squishing your brother. hasn't he suffered enough?
Also could this be -gasp- plot development??? It may just be so!
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