fiktivatecken · 5 years
Once her father was asleep, Sjöfn made her way to where he keeps his prized sword. She knew he trusted her that he would always tell the story of his sword. It never occurred to her that she would be standing in front of it, and covet it for a mortal. But she believed in the power of this human that she was willing to sacrifice everything. The only thing she has to do now was to avoid getting caught by any of her father’s guards.
After circling around the maze that led to where the sword might be hidden, she finally arrived at its door. Sjöfn looked at her back, making sure she was not seen or followed. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Right under the moonshine, her father’s sword rested. Before taking it and rushing back to Midgard, she examined it. She encircled the sword and stopped when she was back to where she was standing the first time she stepped inside.
With a little bit of hesitation, she held the hilt of the sword. She didn’t imagine that it would be heavy. Her father was a big man, and she always thought that his sword was heavy. But it made sense that it was this light since he wielded it with prowess. She gave it a good look, from the hilt to its blade. There were some symbols engraved on its blade but she didn’t give much thought about it.
How she hoped that after she has given this sword to save the mortals, the gods and especially her father would recognize her great power.
She took the scabbard and before she left, she closed her eyes and placed an illusion of the sword. She just hoped that they wouldn’t need to use it for a long time. Her father once lost this sword and it might have broken her heart to steal it, but it had to be done.
Without the help of Heimdahl, Sjöfn tried her best to control the Bifrost to get herself to Midgard.
Once she was there, she sought for the human she desired to help. His name was Arthur, a King of Camelot.
The king reigned because of it. But it didn’t take long before he was betrayed. And by this time, Sjöfn’s father learned of what she did.
It was when she was banished and locked in a hidden place somewhere in Midgard. A place in the mountains that no humans ever dared to go.
The only way she would get out was by a special human who would make her a guardian to stop any apocalypse.
Sjöfn didn’t know about this prophecy. The only reason humans see them was because they chose to be seen.
The prison they made for her looked like a small castle with a garden. It was beautiful but she hated every moment of it. She longed to see the sun.
Then all of a sudden, she heard footsteps inside her abode. Keeping herself invisible, Sjöfn watched as the stranger walked around her house. It looked like a child has come in. A few more seconds and eventually she made herself known.
The kid, a boy that seemed to be ten at that time, kept asking a lot of questions. But Sjöfn saw this an opportunity to get herself free.
“I will protect you, no matter what. Just call my name. If you help me put out all the candles around.” Sjöfn looked around and saw all the candles that served as her lock in this place.
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She showed her palm to the boy and without her forcing him, he touched her palm. A light came through their palms, and that was when she knew that she was free.
Sjöfn smiled and the boy looked at her.
“Thank you for freeing me.” She told the boy.
Not knowing that from that point, there would be punishment for both of them.
The boy asked her name and she smiled, “ Sjöfn, that’s my name.”
 Regardless of the fact that she was free, she couldn’t go back to Alfheim. She still has her powers, but she couldn’t call on Heimdahl anymore to open the Bifrost for her.
Years past and she wandered around, looking for other gods who stayed in Midgard. By this time, modernity was everywhere. She has forgotten about the boy. Besides, for once they never called them. To be honest, she was not sure if she would even be able to protect him from anything.
While being in Midgard, she made sure she still has her powers by vanquishing evil spirits.
And that was when she crossed paths with that kid, she met years ago.
A bunch of people gathered by the town square. Ending up being curious, she watched from afar. From where she stood, in the middle of the people gathered, a man was looking at her as if he knew her.
She smiled, but she eventually walked away.
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If he was that kid, he will find her.
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denvackraste · 6 years
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      No one from Asgard, or Alfheim, or Vanaheim has gone to Hel. The only ones who also saw Hel were Loki and the other Asgardian gods. Being from Alfheim all her life and served Asgard for a time, Sjöfn has never met any other gods. And to see someone use their powers on a Midgardian put the goddess of love and affection into shock. 
      She ran towards them and tried to stop what they were doing. “What are you doing?” Sjöfn gently put a hand on their shoulder. She took a deep breath and tried to use her power on him. To be honest, she didn’t know who this creature was. Or what they were. 
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
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          “Now that our deal has been completed, Eric, I’m free. You won’t see me anymore. You are on your own now. I need to go back to Asgard. Someone dear to me has been waiting for years.” Sjöfn placed a hand on her chest and closed her eyes for a moment. She smiled and nodded to herself. She could feel him and the goddess knew he was alright. “I’m sorry if I wrecked your life.”
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
continued from here || @thornstocutyouwith
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          Sometimes she doesn’t get the sense of humor that her father has. But it was one of the things that she adored about him. Sjöfn shrugged at what he suggested. This was part of her training with him anyway. As the monster in front of them struggled and more blood pooled the area around, the redhead approached them. She watched them for the last then looked at her father once more before stabbing them for a death blow. Some blood sprayed on her pristine face.
          Taking out her sword, she took her father’s side once more. “Is our training done for the day?”
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
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           “Yikes, forever.” 
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
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          “I need to tell you something.” Sjöfn let out a deep sigh and glared at him. Seriously, this would definitely be ridiculous. Why was she even wasting time with him? The goddess rolled her eyes and covered her face. She was not afraid to show her femininity but it was strange around Vali. “Ugh! You know what, never mind,” she turned away and tried to walk away fast. 
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
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          “You’re such an old lady at heart, Vali. I didn’t know you like Golden Girls.” There she was in the comforts of Vali’s home. “I’m sorry, I let myself in. I hope that’s alright.”
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
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            “How did you find my cave?” Sjöfn turned around slightly to face the other. She wanted to go away from him to avoid him being killed by her. “Shouldn’t you be afraid that you’re alone with me? I might eat you.” Well, she might not, not until the necklace that symbolized how she was bound to him by a deal he made with her years ago. 
             All she wanted to do was to get away already and go back to Alfheim, or even in Asgard. There was someone waiting for her to come back.
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
          One would think that being a goddess meant that no fears bend them. Being in the mortal realm, Sjöfn still hid from Odin’s watchful eyes. Anyone could be his raven. It would be easy for him to manipulate humans. Now that she was able to get out of the prison Odin made for her, and it might have cause a human life, but she wouldn’t tolerate it anymore. 
           Walking in a dark street, she wasn’t afraid of anything that would come up. Especially, not ghosts. However, her heart started beating fast. Something seemed to have changed in the air. Then the further she walked, that was when she heard them. Footsteps. She stopped and turned to that direction, her red hair flowing behind her. 
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          Not far from her, she could see a figure but she was not sure who was it. “Who’s there?” she asserted.
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
“Here, take my coat.”
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          The coldness of the weather usually didn’t faze Sjöfn at all. Coming from Alfheim where it usually was cold, winter was never a problem. There was something different about the air in the past few days. Her hands rubbed her arms as she tried to herself in her own body heat. Then she turned to Narfi just to check up on him. “Are you still feeling alright?” Not noticing that her mouth was shaking as she spoke, she heard Narfi offered his coat to him.
         Sjöfn looked at him once more and then his coat. “Are you sure? I mean, I’m really okay. Alfheim weather is similar to this. However, this cold is a little bit harsher, I couldn’t deny that.” With a little bit of hesitation, she let him put the coat on her shoulders. She gave him a side glance and tried to hide the little smile that appeared on her face. 
        “I think we would need to look for a shelter. The horses seemed to be tired too.”
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
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          “That is not a good stance,” Sjöfn called out to the other as she has been silently watching them as they trained. A small smirk curled the edge of her red lips while she leaned on the arch with her arms crossed. Without waiting for an invitation or retort from the other, the redhead motioned towards them and placed her hands on their arms.
           There was just an inch of a distance between their back and her body. “If you let me, I will guide you.”
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
Nonverbal RP Starters:   👉 Point to something for my muse to see || @undyingfidelity
       It was one of those days where she could at least take a moment and enjoy her femininity. Even if she and Vali never seemed to get along but still seemed like they were friends, she always looked forward when she was around his mother, the Lady Sigyn.        She didn’t mind being a helper to her. Standing behind her, she gently twirled and braid her silver hair. From time to time, she would look at the mirror just to get a glimpse of the goddess. She was beautiful. Sometimes, how she wished she could be as beautiful as her. Sjöfn noticed her fiery red hair and she still couldn’t decide if she liked it or not. No one seemed to find it beautiful.
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      “My lady, which one of these would you like me to put on your hair?” She showed her two kinds of bejeweled hair ornament that were placed at a table beside her.  
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fiktivatecken · 5 years
Nonverbal RP Starters:   🤙 Bump into my muse || @rykrs Never did Sjöfn imagine that she would live to see humans evolve into something else. She has witnessed them from their start and now they kept growing after thousands of years. Yet, she still never changed.          Nowadays, there were humans who lived like immortals. She was not sure how it was but somehow it made her feel less lonely. Yet, there was still that pain she carried around wherever she went that she couldn’t understand what caused it. All she knew that something was missing from her.      She felt the necklace that has been there around her neck for as long as she could remember. The thing was she couldn’t remember when or how she got it. Whenever she tried to take it away, it just burned her skin and send a severe pain in her chest.      As she crossed the street, with her mind somewhere else, she didn’t see who was approaching. Only when she felt as if she was going to get knocked down did she became more conscious of her surroundings. Straightening herself, she looked at the person and somehow she felt that something about them felt familiar. 
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       Standing at the middle of the road, she stared at the other and for a minute an image came to her mind but it was someone else. She clutched the necklace and it felt warm. “Do I know you?”
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denvackraste · 6 years
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       Ever since she got in Midgard, Home became so much farther than before. Alfheim was the only place she knew all her life, aside from Asgard. Her time in Asgard was not too long, all she did there was to serve the Goddess Frigg. That was the time when she met Narfi, the son of Loki and Sigyn. 
       It didn’t take long before the two of them became close. For once, Sjöfn felt like she has a friend. However, nothing else mattered with the opinion of her father. Freyr was the Lord of the Light Elves and as his daughter, she wanted to rule them too; even become the Queen of the Valkyries. 
       When she was banished in Midgard, she taught herself how to become part of the mortal realm. It was a challenge. Nonetheless, she still tried to use her powers to help those in need of affection. However, never would she thought that among the mortals she would see someone whose face so familiar to her. 
       “Narfi...?” She breathed, as she caught a glimpse of the man who passed by her.  
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denvackraste · 6 years
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         While the other told about the history of how the curse was given to her, Sjöfn listened. From time to time, she would take a sip of the tea that was given to her. Somehow, Midgard became a second home to her. The more she stayed here the more she adapted with the ways of the mortal. Her being goddess was still there, however, she used it less frequent. 
        Was this what her father willed her life to be when he decided to banish her from Alfheim? If she decided to ask for forgiveness, her father would easily give it to her. However, she knew that the exclusivity he wanted from all other realms was not right. So, she would wait in Midgard until Ragnarök has completely befallen all the realms. 
        As the other finished, Sjöfn placed the cup on the table before her. “So, why did you call for me?”
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denvackraste · 6 years
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          like a starter from sjöfn, nordic goddess of love and affection
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