#vagrant records
emanuelarchive · 7 months
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Senses Fail / Silverstein / The Bled / Emanuel Cervantes - Denver CO - 09/28/04
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thebohemianloner · 1 year
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your hair, it’s everywhere
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thewax · 2 years
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Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning
Pressed on 2x Black Vinyl in 2008
The first record I ever bought was an alkaline 7inch from Newbury Comics so felt like alkaline was the perfect band to start this journey with.
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nineteenfiftysix · 2 years
Alexisonfire - This Could Be Anywhere In The World (Crisis, 2006)
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thewolfwhocriedboy16 · 5 months
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revkilltaker · 1 year
Rocket From The Crypt – Live From Camp X-Ray - LP - Vagrant Records - VR377
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Pressing Stats
Pressing #: Vagrant 25th Anniversary Press
Color:  Yellow w/Black Swirl Vinyl
Qty Pressed: ???
Additional Info: Other Pressings Available
Track Listing
I’m Not Invisible
Get Down
I Can't Feel My Head
Can You Hear It?
I Wanna Know What I Wanna Know
Bring Us Bullets
Bucket Of Piss
Dumb, Blind & Horny
Too Many Balls
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stevenvenn · 2 years
School of Seven Bells - When You Sing (from Ghostory) I heard Cheryl play this song on KEXP yesterday and was struck by how great a song It is, and how much they’re missed. Sadly one of their members Ben Curtis died years ago in 2013 (again gd cancer) and they ended up breaking up (well Alejandra Deheza was the only remaining member so...) Such a great song!
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majorpepperidge · 9 months
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the phantomposting starts NOW
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kurbcotain · 3 months
Today's finds from the BAM used CDs section...
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bonefall · 1 year
How do the followers or adversaries of Thistle Law talk about it in-universe? Like... Do they have terms for themselves such as idk. Thistlers? jk but would thistlers for example deny non-thistlers the term "warrior" or "leader" bc "a True warrior values battle and the right if challenge" or some shit like that?
In-universe, it's quite varied. Thistle Law is not a position that you just announce you hold, so there's a lot of code and double-speak.
Watch for cats who start focusing on Strength, Weakness, Purity, and Mixing, especially in WindClan and ThunderClan where there's a deeper stigma about openly supporting Thistle Law.
But when they ARE being open about their position, they refer to themselves as thistles, or use Thistle Law as a proper noun.
"I am a thistle, not a pansy"
"We follow Thistle Law"
"A thistle doesn't just let itself get shredded to death! It claws back!"
(I think it makes for better dialogue than having them say Thistleist or Thistler. I have a minor nitpick about ASC where they finally gave the clans a real slur and they went with "Clan Swapper." Has no bite to it, but I'm glad they're finally making xenophobes the actual antagonists)
When they refer to cats in the outgroup, you got it. They tend to deny them as 'true' warriors, if they're being especially aggressive they'll stop calling a leader by -star.
Thinking about it, they probably refer to othered cats as weeds and delicate flowers, like pansies or lilies. Things that a thistle chokes out.
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emanuelarchive · 3 months
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Promo photos, 2006
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Les causes à la Cour du recorder," Le Soleil. April 28, 1943. Page 2. ---- Les noms d'une quarantaine de prévenus apparaissaient sur les listes des trois derniers jours à la police municipale, hier, en Cour du recorder. Plusieurs d'entre eux ont été accusés devant S. H. le recorder Emile Morin qui a eu une matinée particulièrement active.
Une habituée de la Cour du recorder, qui devait convoler en justes noces, aujourd'hui, a été libérée par le juge d'une accusation de vagabondage qui pesait contre elle. "C'est le cadeau de noces du juge," fit remarquer le procureur à sa cliente.
Un marchand de bois a été condamné à $10 d'amende et les frais pour ne pas avoir donné la bonne mesure à des clients. D'après l'enquête faite par MM. J.-B. Mercier et Emile Rousseau, inspecteurs du combustible, il manquait près d'un tiers à une demi-corde de bois achetée par un client.
Un jeune homme d'une paroisse de Dorchester. âgé de 18 ans, qui prétend avoir été volé par un aviateur dans une hôtellerie de la haute ville, a été libéré d'une accusation d'ivresse et d'assaut sur l'assistant-gérant de l'établissement. Le garçon s'est excusé d'avoir ainsi frappé un homme qu'il ne connaissait pas et il a déclaré que c'est après avoir réalisé qu'il lui manquait $30 qu'il se surexcita jusqu'au point de s'attaquer au commis.
Un individu a été accusé d'ivres se et de désordre dans une maison, de la rue Henderson. Le prévenu a plaidé non coupable à l'accusation portée contre lui et le cautionnement fixé est de $50. Le prévenu a été arrété à la demande de sa femme après qu'il eut cassé deux vitres et enfoncé un mur.
Deux filies ont été accusées devant le recorder. La première a été condamnée à $40 d'amende et les frais pour avoir été trouvée flånante dans la ruelle Octave, par détectives Louis Rochette et N. Smith. Elle a plaidé "non coupable" à l'accusation de ne pas avoir de carte d'enregistrement national. La seconde, arrêtée également par les détectives Rochette et Smith, a été condamnée à $40 d'amende ou un mois de prison pour vagabondage.
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menalez · 6 months
the idea that jewish people have no other homes and have only israel to back them serves (& served) antisemites quite a lot. it plays into the idea that hitler was right, german jewish ppl did not belong in germany and were from some other foreign land, that theyre outsiders to germany. this isn't true. german jewish people have every right, the same as any german, to be in their home (germany). it plays into the idea that all jewish people worldwide actually do not have the right to their homelands nor the right to demand a place within their homelands, because their real homeland is israel (historically known as palestine).
when zionism first came to exist as an ideology, it was a fringe ideology that most jewish people opposed for this exact reason: because it hinges on the idea that jewish people do not belong in their home countries, but rather are eternal immigrants or some sort of invaders. from 1882, georg jellinek:
The Jews have sent out their best men to fight for their recognition and equality in the European states and they have marshalled their intellectual resources in numerous writings, on the speaker's platform and in the pulpit for the lofty goal of emancipation. Have they done all this in order to abandon, in this year of 1882, everything they have achieved, to give up all they have fought for and won, to declare that they are aliens, people without a homeland or a fatherland - or, as you put it, vagrants - and, the wanderer's staff in hand, to set out for an uncertain new fatherland? No! That would mean to accept the view of our implacable foes who deny that we have any true patriotic feelings for Europe. In fact, we are not even capable of doing this. We are at home in Europe and regard ourselves as children of the lands in which we were born and raised, whose languages we speak, and whose cultures make up our intellectual substance. We are Germans, Frenchmen, Englishmen, Magyars, Italians and so forth, with every fiber of our being. We have long ceased to be true, thoroughbred Semites, and we have long ago lost the sense of Hebrew nationality.
edwin montagu in 1917, calling the balfour declaration & zionism antisemitic:
I wish to place on record my view that the policy of His Majesty's Government is anti-Semitic in result will prove a rallying ground for Anti-Semites in every country in the world... it seems to be inconceivable that Zionism should be officially recognised by the British Government, and that Mr. Balfour should be authorized to say that Palestine was to be reconstituted as the "national home of the Jewish people". I do not know what this involves, but I assume that it means... that Turks and other Mahommedans in Palestine will be regarded as foreigners, just in the same way as Jews will hereafter be treated as foreigners in every country but Palestine... I assert that there is not a Jewish nation... It is no more true to say that a Jewish Englishman and a Jewish Moor are of the same nation than it is to say that a Christian Englishman and a Christian Frenchman are of the same nation: of the same race, perhaps, traced back through the centuries - through centuries of the history of a peculiarly adaptable race... When the Jews are told that Palestine is their national home, every country will immediately desire to get rid of its Jewish citizens... I claim that the lives that British Jews have led, that the aims that they have had before them, that the part that they have played in our public life and our public institutions, have entitled them to be regarded, not as British Jews, but as Jewish Britons. I would willingly disfranchise every Zionist. I would be almost tempted to proscribe the Zionist organisation as illegal and against the national interest. But I would ask of a British Government sufficient tolerance to refuse a conclusion which makes aliens and foreigners by implication, if not at once by law, of all their Jewish fellow-citizens.... I feel that the Government are asked to be the instrument for carrying out the wishes of a Zionist organisation largely run, as my information goes, at any rate in the past, by men of enemy descent or birth, and by this means have dealt a severe blow to the liberties, position and opportunities of service of their Jewish fellow-countrymen.
balfour himself said in 1919 that zionism is
"a serious endeavor to mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body [Jewish people] which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb."
and therefore even the justification for zionism in the west was about the desire to get rid of their jewish populations, and to have a place to expel their jewish populations to.
robert gessner in 1935 even went as far as equating prominent zionists to nazis & hitler:
The Nationalist Socialists on the other hand are the Revisionists, or the Brown Nazis of Palestine. They believe in the Jewish State 100 percent, with their own Jewish army and even, I might add, a Jewish navy on the Dead Sea! The Fuehrer of the Brown Nazis in Palestine is Vladimir Jabotinsky... Today the young, sternfaced legionnaires of Jabotinsky march through the streets and wear shirts, like their nordic brothers in Germany. In Poland I had seen them marching through the streets (side streets in the ghettoes) singing "Poland for Pilsudski, Germany for Hitler. Palestine for Jews-" The Fuehrer of the Brown Shirted Legions of Judaism is in America because "Revisionism is the genuinest proletarian movement in the world in that it is the poorest." In America about one percent of the Jews are Zionists. What fraction of another one percent will donate money to the Jewish Hitler?
rabbi elmer berger in 1943:
I oppose Zionism because I deny that Jews are a nation …since the Dispersion we have not been a nation. We have belonged to every nation in the world. We have mixed our blood with all peoples. Jewish nationalism is a fabrication woven from the thinnest kinds of threads and strengthened only in those eras of human history in which reaction has been dominant and anti-Semitism in full cry.
rabbi elmer berger also outlined in his work “the jewish dilemma” how zionists held quite antisemitic views.
bevin, another british politician, said in 1946:
"There has been agitation in the United States, and particularly in New York, for 100,000 Jews to be put in Palestine. I hope I will not be misunderstood in America if I say that this was proposed by the purest of motives. They did not want too many Jews in New York."
zionism was also specifically a european, right-wing ideology. left-wing european jews did not believe in it and vehemently opposed it.
so basically, historically, zionism was a far-right ideology that was deemed antisemitic and was equatable to nazism to many jewish people, particularly leftist & communist jewish people. jewish people and non-jewish zionists alike viewed zionism as a means of removing jewish people from their countries.
its baffling that today, the argument is that opposing zionism is hating jewish people, because jewish people themselves overwhelmingly opposed zionism and saw it as antisemitic. to this day jewish anti-zionists continue to exist, yet they face extreme hatred for being against zionism, treated as self-hating traitors.
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thisnoisemademe · 4 months
I dragged this lake looking for corpses.
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fatehbaz · 4 months
[A]nti-homeless laws [...] rooted in European anti-vagrancy laws were adapted across parts of the Japanese empire [...] at the turn of the 20th century. [...] [C]riminalising ideas transferred from anti-vagrancy statutes into [contemporary] welfare systems. [...] [W]elfare and border control systems - substantively shaped by imperial aversions to racialised ideas of uncivilised vagrants - mutually served as a transnational legal architecture [...] [leading to] [t]oday's modern divides between homeless persons, migrants, and refugees [...].
By the Boer Wars (1880–1902), Euro-American powers and settler-colonial governments professed anxieties about White degeneration and the so-called “Yellow Peril” alongside other existential threats to White supremacy [...]. Japan [...] validated the creation of transnational racial hierarchies as it sought to elevate its own global standing [...]. [O]ne key legal instrument for achieving such racialised orders was the vagrancy concept, rooted in vagrancy laws that originated in Europe and proliferated globally through imperial-colonial conquest [...].
[A]nti-vagrancy regulation [...] shaped public thinking around homelessness [...]. Such laws were applied as a “criminal making device” (Kimber 2013:544) and "catch-all detention rationale" (Agee 2018:1659) targeting persons deemed threats for their supposedly transgressive or "wayward interiority" (Nicolazzo 2014:339) measured against raced, gendered, ableist, and classed norms [...]. Through the mid-20th century, vagrancy laws were aggressively used to control migration [and] encourage labour [...]. As vagrancy laws fell out of favour, [...] a "vagrancy concept" nonetheless thrived in welfare systems that similarly meted out punishment for ostensible vagrant-like qualities [...], [which] helps explain why particular discourses about the mobile poor have persisted to date [...].
During high imperialism (1870–1914), European, American, and Japanese empires expanded rapidly, aided by technologies like steam and electricity. The Boer Wars and Japan's ascent to Great Power status each profoundly influenced trans-imperial dynamics, hardening Euro-American concerns regarding a perceived deterioration of the White race. [...] Through the 1870s [...] the [Japanese] government introduced modern police forces and a centralised koseki register to monitor spatial movement. The koseki register, which recorded geographic origins, also served as a tool for marking racialised groups including Ainu, Burakumin, Chinese, [...] and Korean subjects across Japan's empire [...]. The 1880 Penal Code contained Japan's first anti-vagrancy statute, based on French models [...]. Tokyo's Governor Matsuda, known for introducing geographic segregation of the rich and poor, expressed concern around 1882 for kichinyado (daily lodgings), which he identified as “den[s] for people without fixed employment or [koseki] registration” [...].
Attention to “vagrant foreigners” (furō-gaikokujin) emerged in Japanese media and politics in the mid-1890s. It stemmed directly from contemporary British debates over immigration restrictions targeting predominantly Jewish “destitute aliens” [...].
The 1896 Landing Regulation for Qing Nationals barred entry of “people without fixed employment” and “Chinese labourers” [...], justified as essential "for maintaining public peace and morals" in legal documents [...]. Notably, prohibitions against Chinese labourers were repeatedly modified at the British consulate's behest through 1899 to ensure more workers for [the British-affiliated plantation] tea industry. [...]
Simultaneously, new welfaristic measures emerged alongside such punitive anti-vagrancy statutes. [...] Such border control regulations were eventually standardised in Japan's first immigration law, the 1918 Foreigners’ Entry Order. [...] This turn towards instituting racialised territorial boundaries should be understood in light of empire's concurrent welfarist turn [...]. Japanese administration established a quasi-carceral workhouse system in 1906 [in colonized territory of East Asia] [...] which sentenced [...] vagrants to years in workhouses. This law still treated vagrancy as illegal, but touted its remedy of compulsory labour as welfaristic. [...] This welfarist tum led to a proliferation of state-run programmes [...] connecting [lower classes] to employment. Therein, the vagrancy concept became operative in sorting between subjects deemed deserving, or undeserving, of aid. Effectively, surveillance practices in welfare systems mobilised the vagrancy concept to, firstly, justify supportive assistance and labour protections centring able-bodied, and especially married, Japanese men deemed “willing to work” and, secondly, withhold protections from racialised persons for their perceived waywardness [...] as contemporaneous Burakumin, Korean, and Ainu movements frequently protested [...]. [D]uring the American occupation (1945–1952), not only were anti-vagrancy statutes reinstituted in Japan's 1948 Minor Offences Act, but [...] the 1946 Livelihood Protection Act (Article 2) excluded “people unwilling to work or lazy” from social insurance coverage [...].
Imperial expansion relied on not only claiming new markets and territories, but also using borders as places for negotiating legal powers and personhood [...]. Japan [...] integrated Euro-American ideas and practices attached to extraterritorial governance, like exceptionalism and legal immunity, into its legal systems. [...] (Importantly, because supportive systems [welfare], like punitive ones, were racialised to differentially regulate mobilities according to racial-ethic hierarchies, they were not universally beneficial to all eligible subjects.) [...]
At the turn of the century, imperialism and industrial capitalism had co-produced new transnational mobilities [which induced mass movements of poor and newly displaced people seeking income] [...]. These mobilities - unlike those celebrated in imperial travel writing - conflicted with racist imaginaries of who should possess freedom of movement, thereby triggering racialised concerns over vagrancy [...]. In both Euro-American and Japanese contexts, [...] racialised “lawless” Others (readily associated with vagrancy) were treated as threats to “public order” and “public peace and morals”. [...] Early 20th century discourse about vagrants, undesirable aliens, and “vagrant foreigners” [...] produced [...] "new categories of [illegal] people" [...] that cast particular people outside of systems of state aid and protection. [...] [P]ractices of illegalisation impress upon people, “the constant threat of removal, of being coercively forced out and physically removed [...] … an expulsion from life and living itself”.
All text above by: Rayna Rusenko. "The Vagrancy Concept, Border Control, and Legal Architectures of Human In/Security". Antipode [A Radical Journal of Geography] Volume 56, Issue 2, pages 628-650. First published 24 October 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Text within brackets added by me for clarity. Presented here for criticism, teaching, commentary purposes.]
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Here to request depraved roman ☺️☺️ I want him to eat it like it's his last meal
Nepo Baby
Summary: In which Roman is baby and gets babied.
Pairing: Sub!Roman Roy x SoftDom!Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Content Warnings: Hungover Smut 18+!, Oral (F Receiving), Mentions Of Alcohol, Pet Names, Soft Pet Play, Honorifics, Tongue Fucking
A/N: I want to slap him in his stupid face (consensually) before I kiss his forehead!
@cc-luvr @crypticsewerslut @angelsanarchy @arch1viste @icarus-star @fadedviolets-blog @spookyorchid
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With weary eyes, you skimmed through your utterly boring Google news feed. Stock markets this, Waystar Royco this, and oh, apparently Metallica released a new record…that was by far the most exciting sprinkle of information digitally handed to you on this rainy Saturday morning.
“Let me have a quick listen to that…” You mumbled to yourself, your left hand grabbing for the case of Bluetooth earbuds on your nightstand.
You were about to push both headphones into your ears when you heard a soft groan emitting from the man next to you.
“Oh? Wakey wakey to you!” You quipped, a sly grin playing around your mouth.
Another, this time rather pained grumble followed.
“Not so loud…fuck, when did I come home?” Roman, rolling his exhausted body almost entirely on his belly, his slightly contorted face snuggling into your side, inquired without opening his eyes just yet.
“Well, first of all, Rome, you didn’t exactly come home yourself. Shiv called me to pick you up because you were absolutely plastered…hammered even…one could say really, really shitfaced.” You answered, putting phone and earbuds down alike.
“Yeah, thanks, wouldn’t ever have thought about the latter to be a possibility…” Roman mocked somewhat playfully, strands of his glossy, chestnut-colored hair sliding into his face upon which he scrunched up his nose a little.
“But to answer your question, it was around 4A.M when I picked you up and shoved you into bed about half an hour later.” He reacted with a deep sigh to your words.
“Do we, perchance, have a water bottle or maybe an IV drip just casually lying around?” Rome yammered, increasingly nuzzling his face into the soft fabric of your oversized sleeping shirt.
“The best I can do is this water bottle here but I’m afraid that you gotta decide between hydration and suffocating yourself with my shirt, hun.” You leaned down to reach for a full bottle of softly bubbling away water that resided right in front of your nightstand.
After picking up Roman, you had been present enough to give it a proper refill before slumping down next to him.
“As much as I love the smell of this fabric softener, I’m still going with the water…” He muttered, flipping his form on his back, one hand raised for you to hand him the bottle.
As soon as you’d handed it to him, he pulled it flush to his lips and practically swallowed it whole in one go.
“Oh dear…” You snickered, eyes resting on his face and brows knit together whilst awaiting a rather solid burp to rumble from his stomach.
“That…might’ve been a bit much.” Rome stated, shuffling around a little before opening his mouth and unleashing a borderline thundering burp into the bedroom.
“Such a romantic.”, You joked, his gaze meeting yours after he reluctantly opened his eyes to the warm illumination of your shared bedroom, “What a chokehold your irresistible ways have on me. Truly incredible.”
“Hey…”, Roman cocked his brows at you, “I’m not that terrible, am I?”
“I was messing with you, Rome.” You reciprocated, very well aware of the rising hangxiety in his tone.
“Oh, okay…” He muttered back, wiping the vagrant strands of hair out of his face.
“ ‘M sorry you had to pick me up, really. I know, I just hammered them Martinis down like there’s no tomorrow…” Roman turned his form towards yours again, scooting up as close as possible.
“Is partying with your siblings that shitty?” You tried to keep it light-hearted but you knew, stemming from your own experience, that even supposed calm encounters with Rome’s family proved best to be spent absolutely shitfaced and with your mouth shut.
“Fuck…I hate them and I love them, you know?” He muttered, one of his hands cheekily sliding underneath your shirt, “Just don’t wanna think about it right now.”
“That’s okay, babe, you don’t have to.” You agreed with him, a certain twinge rippling through your mind, “Hmmm…how about I make you just stop thinking altogether for a while?”
“Huh?” He furrowed his brows, not exactly in confusion but much rather in anticipation.
“Oh, don’t you play dumb with me now, Romulus.”, It slipped from your lips, your right hand grazing through his hair, wrapping around a fistful, “We both know just how much you love to serve. No thinking, just doing, pup.”
“Pup?” His eyes widened a little.
“Yeah, Roman.”, You answered whilst You dragging his head down underneath the blanket and aggressively right between your legs, “Be a good little puppy boy and stop thinking.”
“Hmhm…”, He reciprocated, his mouth eagerly shoving your slip aside, “No thinking, Ma’am.”
“That’s my good boy.”, You inhaled sharply whilst feeling his lips closing down around your clit, “No need to think for you right now.”
“There, there…” You pushed his face amidst 9your thighs a little harder, your body rendering needy for his tongue lapping at you.
“Such an obedient, dumb puppy making me feel good.” It rolled over your tongue as you felt the full width of Roman’s tongue stroking over your clit.
“Good puppy…” Rome hummed into your throbbing cunt, sending jolts of arousal through you.
“Uh-huh, such a good puppy but still such a dumb, dumb nepo baby. Needs his girlfriend to tell him he’s something..” You shot right back, knowing that this exact hue of humiliation would get him going.
“ ‘M nothing but a good puppy, Ma’am…” Roman practically mewled into your oozing cunt, the tip of his tongue nudging your clit just right before it slid down, parting your slick-soaked folds before shamelessly pushing in.
The width of his tongue drilled into you as the tip of his nose pushed against your clit and you sensed your walls clenching down around it, your entire body somewhat needy for an orgasm, especially after the happenings of last night.
“Such a dumb pup, eating me out so well, gonna make me cum.” You huffed, rocking your waist towards his face to feel Roman’s tongue spearheading into you again and again.
In this situation, you shamelessly used Roman to get off, riding on his tongue and nose until you felt the first, tell-tale contractions.
"Good boy!" It cascaded out of you, nerve endings erupting into an unbridled firework of sensations whilst you felt your needy cunt throbbing around Roman’s tongue.
"Oh, fuck…." You exhaled, the orgasmic release washing through you.
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