hollyharper-legacy · 2 years
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hollyharper · 2 years
Mini art dump
Cause I actually like it
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444names · 1 year
tongan and hawaiian names + french and tolkienesque forenames
Adala Adana Adorogel Adraglani Aelfakane Aenna Afana Afilmon Afunúmick Agoliolir Aheldë Aheliella Ahubolepi Aikoana Ainwë Aitar Akahor Akamatte Akatau Akawae Akeor Akitini Alakotoa Alangono Alanuitë Aldanck Alekea Almor Aloka Aloth Amakeani Amani Amaula Ambadanny Ananuniki Angabie Anielia Anthmois Anuohui Arahina Aranani Aranaona Arandir Arani Aricelf Arimeno Aromi Artha Aukona Aulindré Auniermai Auofuse Awaiona Bardado Beline Berata Beregotu Biette Bokei Bolen Borohad Borolele Calanfax Catani Celan Celani Celeina Celia Cherger Clanekon Colimlo Cyriele Círitio Danni Danthoa Delaolë Denic Denwë Deric Domarn Duisèle Dwanne Dylvano Dáine Egolopo Elani Elessita Eliala Elron Eluamu Elungwa Emaku Emann Emine Emomai Emomaud Ewala Ewarti Eärwin Fabríane Faeawaili Fakiamine Fakie Falavir Fangaleu Fanimu Fatte Fauisi Fette Finema Finorigis Floapau Flosel Folimoni Fragono Frate Fraton Frazôn Fregor Frentath Frette Fréago Fréloa Fuaki Funette Fusir Fustitane Ganena Giaminani Gikalth Gilani Gimardil Gineka Ginvart Gisimbria Gliahuana Glornhírd Golancel Golani Golcar Golóin Gorannaia Grang Griaula Griel Gronimë Gréaglór Gunaria Halikalo Hamir Hanga Hanuilant Hauna Hekeopuu Helaniana Helaoi Heleka Henth Herth Hewaisi Hieulaufu Hikale Holei Horie Huano Hyatrinoe Hélotua Húrigin Húriontin Ikamath Ililrapu Imbur Ingin Ingliand Ioliamûl Ionuio Isengor Iukon Iukui Ivalamane Ivegosia Iwaitele Jeaben Jeani Jeaukului Jocéani Josono Julude Kaaikikon Kaatia Kahadana Kahadel Kahalini Kahaufu Kaheldë Kahis Kahos Kahoste Kahufthi Kahuki Kaini Kaipos Kakilgas Kalae Kalali Kalane Kalautuia Kaldon Kaline Kalory Kamaika Kamalmë Kamel Kamin Kanaline Kanie Kanuencir Kapel Kauho Kauleb Kaurose Kausimë Kavel Kawin Keale Kekani Keleawai Kikoa Kilgeo Kiliel Kofolani Kuafie Kulehi Kungon Kúvie Ladûna Lanasin Landili Lanna Lardard Legorim Leikolale Lekae Lelleina Lethi Liavair Lieli Liica Limatail Liola Lipeani Lober Lohanui Lohavia Lohilani Lohua Lomaulu Lothrio Luaiani Lualdor Lualia Lupani Lúthérène Maalmaulu Maedh Maegoldir Maelei Maeth Maetin Magola Mahele Mahua Maing Mainzo Maion Maioni Makasfaka Makin Malamdír Malant Maleikaio Malemel Malieth Malmoni Malomu Malukua Manaethir Manaianad Mandondoc Manilbert Manimine Manui Maraniu Mardir Marli Marna Matana Matina Matope Maugorgeo Maulang Maulë Maumbor Mautopho Mavae Melel Meleletie Meliku Melionne Menuvaisi Merazo Michalaui Milimirë Miryatain Moekauli Moekoimu Moelea Moewali Monni Monta Murimbrio Nadomuel Nakulu Namai Namélin Nelegoli Nicore Nohellane Nohor Nokena Nondrend Nólirë Odilimuna Okaumonoé Okeani Okeauwenu Olakani Oloïc Orienn Orliwine Orost Osaupo Othang Otuin Pakani Palai Palangi Palial Palémerth Pasca Patafana Peleil Pelel Penaki Pette Phakula Pohani Pohau Pomano Pondur Pouta Priën Puakel Puakoni Puani Puland Pumoise Rania Rolika Rélilkhôr Rúmiril Sabel Saendor Saita Sakakamin Sakuakea Saliai Salleul Sarise Scamieni Semotui Shautufau Shewai Shnárono Sielimai Simor Smanuir Sovai Stialano Suzagolo Sylaneli Taelchana Tamalo Tanuinguy Tanukueli Taphau Tarve Taufu Taulani Taunu Tautuf Telina Telphost Thaël Thert Thoph Tofuipou Tohangin Toloakaa Tuani Tuoli Turiën Tuuohuor Ufinu Uglil Uhikani Ulahuolil Uliadorth Ulwala Vailiki Vaine Vaionaie Vakaha Vakena Vakolcwi Valana Valdë Vemarfini Vicha Vieloth Vongwia Walberve Walia Yanielaka Yávin Éliali Élima Élorn Élène Éodrór Éombor Érèsel Étilaa Óinyë
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hollyharper-legacy · 2 years
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hollyharper · 2 years
Bachiler- Damian Wayne x Female Reader- Part 10-
You plop down your game piece, and collect $200 for passing go. Vailiki deftly moves her piece, once again landing on her half of the board. Damian lands on one of her squares. 
He grumbles as he places the fake money into her hand. “I thought you said you haven’t played this in years.”
“I did.” She replies with a grin. “But I didn’t say I wasn’t good at it.”
You groan as you land on one of her hotels. You hand off the cash, avoiding eye contact. In all honesty, you’ve been avoiding thinking about anything but the game for the last hour. Vailiki doesn’t seem like she’s dying. She’s lively, flirtatious, and has a beautiful boiling energy. Watching closer though, its there. The way she lean against Damian’s side constantly, at first you had thought it was just because she wanted to, but now you see that it’s because she doesn’t have the srength to keep herself upright. Damian tangles a hand into his hair, and take his turn, eyebrows furrowed as he crosses the landmine area. He sighs as he lands on a safe stop. Vailiki moves. She seems suddenly tired, slumping more against Damian. By her next turn, she’s fast asleep. Damian frowns.
“At least we don’t have to suffer anymore.” He says so flatly that you nearly miss tat it’s a joke.
“Yeah.” You whisper, eyes dancing to his sleeping bride.
You would say that twisted feeling in your stomach was jealousy if it wasn’t for obvious pity you hold for Damian. 
“How long have you known her?” You ask.
“Since I was one.” He replies. “She was six months old when she came to stay with mother and I.”
A tear trickles down his face. “Why would you ask that?” He spits, wiping his eyes.
You stand. If you stay you might lose it. You grab your sketchbook and disappear to the high peak he had shown you, only to find his face in your book and mind.
Damian tries to interact with you and the other girls, but it’s bluntly obvious that none of you are on his mind. Out of the remaining five, two leave within a week of Vailiki’s arrival. Ravan bids goodbye with no remorse. The remaining of the twins goes home, claiming to miss her sister. Like you, Sophia has no reason to want to go home, and Nika seems loyal enough to Damian to stick it through. Vailiki acts like she’s part of Damian. From the moment she stepped from that car, they’ve rarely been apart. After a few days of neglect, you, Sophia, and Nika find your own fun. The three of you laugh and fail at blackjack and poker, beinge wacthing action moives and chickflixs, and stay up late swapping stories. It’s far more fun than what time you had spent with Damian
Taglist: @coffee-latte-sprite @mymomsdisappointment @agustdeeyaa
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hollyharper · 3 years
Arranged- Damian x Female Reader- Part 13- Final-
“Y/n.” Damian extends his arms to you.
You freeze. He’s home? How? What happened? He smiles. His face glows with welcoming light. Your feet stay grounded. He moves forward slowly, his body almost gliding across the floor. He encomposses you in his arms. Your nose burrows under his shirt collar. His scent whelms you. Your hands grasp his shirt hem. His hands stroke your hair.
“I’m home.” He whispers.
You only manage a nod. The dark haired girl looks on, then heads to the door.
“Vialiki.” Damian says softly.
She stills. He tries to step away from you. You grab at him desperately. He gives a gentle chuckle, and tightens his grip on you. You peek from your safe haven to meet this other girl’s eyes. Her eyes are empty, and broken. Your mouth can’t move, but she seems to somehow understand your questions.
“You're so blessed and you don’t even know it.” Vailiki glances at Damian then jerks her head away.
“I do know.” You reply.
A tear trickles down her cheek, and she darts from the room.
“Who?” You whisper, twist back to face Damian.
“We grew up together.” He guides you to sit on the bed edge. “My grandfather chose her as my betrothed, when we were young.”
Jealousy boils in your stomach.
It must have shown in your face, because he kisses your forehead. “I love you, Y/n.”
“I-” Even after realizing it yourself, it’s hard to say.
“I know.”
He gently captures your mouth. Your chilled hands find his warm cheeks. He smiles, ruining it. You giggle, as he pulls you onto his lap. You pull away, but keep your forehead pressed to his.
“Did you love her?” You ask.
“Does it matter?” He chases your mouth in hopes of ending that conversation.
You press an index finder to his lips. “I want to know.”
He sighs, half growling. “I did.” His gaze falls. “She was my world when I was little. I didn’t know it at the time, but I did love her.”
You nod softly, your heart aching to haer to hint of brokenness in his voice. He flips you onto the mattress in one movement. His lips smother your exposed neck in kisses.
“I wouldn’t go back and change it if I could.” Damian whispers. “As much as it hurts, this was- is worth it.”
You tangle your hands into his hair. His weight settles on you. Slowly, tiredly, he scatters kisses over your bare skin.
“Yes, Beloved?” His green eyes hold deep admiration, as he lifts his head.
“Can we start over? Pretend we chose this? That we loved each other from the start?”
His eyes turn wet. “Yes, but we don’t need to. I always loved you.”
Tears openly stream down your face even as you beam. “I love you, too.”
His hand shakes, as he brushes it over your cheek. “My beloved. My darling. My wife.”
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hollyharper · 2 years
The King and His Queen
Earth 147 Era 5
Vailiki pulled herself from the bed. Damian whined softly as she left. She crossed to the large balcony. Wrapping a robe around herself, she pushed up the door and settled into the morning light. In the plaza below, young recruits trained with Lady Silvia. Her mother was striking, but far more fear inducing. If it wasn’t for the similarities in build and skin tone, Vailiki would never have believed that fearsome woman was her mother. Rose Wilson strood across the yard. Her silver hair blew loosely in the wind. Ravager lifted her head to the balcony.
The older girl gave a teasing salute. “Are you going to stay in bed all day, or come train?”
Vailiki chuckled.
“Come on, sis.” Rose said with a smirk.
Vailiki froze. She had known of Rose for years, but just like her parents, she had never felt any attachment. Something in her swelled at being called ‘sister’.
“I’ll be down in a minute.”
The robe hit the floor a second after the door closed.
“Beloved?” Damian muttered, triedily reaching for her.
“Not now.” She soothed.
He groaned, barely awake.
“Go back to sleep.” She whispered, trailing a hand across his back.
Damian sighed softly, and rolled deeper into the bed. Vailiki slipped into her armor, the new emerald suit. It was rewarding to finally wear the shining green and gold she had been promised as a child. Guards moved to attention as she passed. Just two days ago, they wouldn’t have paid her mind. Two days ago she was just another in their ranks. Now she was at the top of the pecking order, second only to Damian. She swelled with pride, and for the first time allowed it to show.
Rose leaned against one of the many support pillars. “Didn’t think you’d come hang with the low crowd.” She teased with a hint of affection in her voice.
“I didn’t think you cared.” Vailiki shot back.
“Hey.” Rose warned. “It’s rude to assume.”
“Then clarifly.” Val ordered, her voice taking on a new commanding tone.
“I didn’t know you existed.” Rose stated. “Catch.” She tossed an unsheathed katana Vailiki’s way.
Val extended her arm, and caught the blade. Rose pulled hers from its sheath and slowly started to circle. Val fell into the pace. Rose tossed her mask aside, and playfully stretched, sword in hand. Vailiki lunged forward, swinging her blade as if enraged. Rose easily pareyed. She sidestepped and bashed her knee into Val’s stomach. Val groaned.
“Just because you’re using a sword, doesn’t mean you don’t use other weapons.” Rose instructed.
Vailiki drove foard again, feverishly swinging her blade. Rose continued to effortlessly block the blows.
“You’re letting your emotions get the best of you.” Rose tapped her blade agent Vailiki's neck, just enough to draw blood.
“I thought you would be trained better.”
She was. Vailiki knew it. She was clumsy. That’s what came from nearly two years without a proper sparring partner.
“I am.” She muttered.
Rose nodded. “I can get you up to speed.”
The morning was spent exchanging blow after blow. By the time the sun was high in the sky, and Vailiki’s stomach had taken to growling, they began to tire.
“Val.” Damian called.
Vailiki deflected another blow. She broke away from the combat, and darted to his side.
“Are your bags packed?”
She nodded. “I packed everything last night.”
He gave a small smile as a thank you.
“Dami, are we leaving?” She asked, glancing back at her older half-sister.
“This afternoon.” He replied. He hesitated, then pressed a quick to her forehead.
“How about you join us for a match?” Rose invited.
“I can’t. There are a few more arrangements I have to make before we leave.”
Val sighed.
“Later, Beloved.” He gave her another loving touch, before marching back inside.
“I’m curious.” Rose said, leaning back against the post. “What’s it like being married to the demon’s head?”
Vailiki sighed. “I don’t really know.’
“He’s been busy nearly the whole time we’ve been here, league business.”
Rose nodded. Val stared after him, before slowly turning back to her opponent. Her stomach roared.
“Let’s go get lunch.” Rose slung an arm over Vailiki’s shoulders. “I want to talk with my little sister more.”
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hollyharper · 2 years
What We Wanted
Damian x Vailiki (OC)
This was playing out exactly how Damian had imagined. Vailiki was splayed across his chest. Her shallow breaths were enough for him to know that she was truly asleep. He had always known that it would end this way. He would take his Grandfather’s place as the head of the Shadows, and he would be married to her. As a child, this was where the train of thought ended, his eighteenth birthday. He had never thought of what came after.
Vailiki stirred. Her breath wavered, and she softly whined.
Damian would be lying if he siad, she didn’t look breathtaking in that movement. Not that anyone would ever know that the idea even crossed his mind.
“Val?” He asked, trail a hand through her thick, dark hair.
“Yes?” She replied groggily.
She shifted her weight to her elbows. Cold slipped into the place where her body had once been.
Domain bit his lip. Did he dare ask? Her golden eyes stared down at his. In the dim morning light, which had snucking in from the shuttered windows, her tan skin glowed.
“Is this you want?” He whispered.
She shifted away from him,and her gaze darted around his- their room. That was a no. She didn’t want to be here.
“Tell me the truth.” He sat up, and leaned against the headboard.
She pulled her kennes toward her chest, fully unraveling from him.
“I’m content with this.” She picked her words carefully.
He knew that look in her eyes. When they were little, she always bore that expression when speaking to superiors.
“Tt-tt.” He scoffed.
“What?” She asked pointedly.
“You’ve lying.”
“No, I am not.” Her lips pressed together, and her eyebrows arched.
She wasn’t lying, or she had become better at acting in their years apart.
“Val, I want you to tell me the truth.”
Her gaze darted around again.
“Vailiki.” He warned.
“Damian, you’ve always been good to me.” That was a lie. “I’ve always known this was my purpose. I am content with that. Besides…” Her voice took on a soft purr. “It could be worse.”
She shifted her weight over him. Damian shivered slightly, as her hands trailed down his chest. He smiled softly, and leaned into her touch. Val gave a soft chuckle, before softly kissing him.
“You are something else, aren’t you?” She rumbled.
“And you're gorgeous.” He muttered.
The tip of her nose brushed over his forehead. “You don’t look terrible yourself, Damian Wayne-Al Ghul, Head of the Demon, and Son of Batman.”
Damian chuckled. For being forced to marry, she wasn’t bad to be stuck with. Val planted a quick kiss on his mouth before settling back down.
“What’s the plan?”
Damian smirked. “I’m sure I can think of something.”
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hollyharper · 2 years
A Messy Reuinon Part 1
Earth 147 Era 4R
If you like please reblog. Thanks.
Damian slunk down the stairs. Not a minute ago, he thought he had heard his Mother’s voice. Why would she be here? It had been nearly a year since she visited, at least by his knowledge. It was only November, she shouldn’t be coming until late December. Voices echoed from his Father’s study. Damian crept to the cracked open door.
“He worries me, Talia.” Bruce said with a sigh. “He’s reckless and so hot headed.”
“Sounds like my son.” Talia replied with a hint of pride. Damian nearly smiled at his mother’s praise.
“He hates galas, especially the people. I’m afraid he’ll lose his head and risk his identity.”
“What are you going to do about it?” That was his mother, no fluff, straight to business. 
“I don’t know.” Came the exhausted reply.
“You could hire a bodyguard for him.”
Damian bite back a disgusted growl. A bodyguard? For him? He was above such things. He was an Al Ghul, he needed no one to protect him.
“Talia-” His Father started to protest.
Bruce’s voice fell silent. Damian pressed an eye to the crack. From the limited view, Damon could make out the red of his mother’s dress, pressed against the white of his Father’s shirt.
“Beloved.” Talia gave an alluring purr. “I already have a suitable guard trained. I can have her here in two days.”
“Her?” Bruce asked. 
Discovering that he could not both see into the room, and hear clearly, Damian stifled a groan. 
Talia hummed. “Yes. Vailiki has been trained from birth for such a role.”
“I don’t know.”  Bruce’s voice wavered.
He was about to give in. Damian had seen his Father’s nearly iron will fall in seconds to his mother’s soft voice. 
“You said that something has to change. I’m handing you the answer.”
“We’ll try it.” With that, Damian’s fate was sealed.
Holly held back her smile. She had a terrible poker face, as Damian knew well. 
“Don’t tell me you agree with Father.” Damian growled.
She hesitated. “It might not be as bad as you make it out to be.”
He scowled. ‘She’ would be here within the hour. Holly slipped her hand into his and leaned against his side. Damian wasn’t mad, but he was annoyed enough not to pull his hand from hers and pulled her into his arms. Holly pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.
A black car pulled into the drive. His mother swung out of the front step. Behind her was a dark haired girl, Damian recognized on sight.
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hollyharper · 2 years
I’m curious what you all think of Vailiki. I’m considering doing a longer peice with her. Obviously her and Damian’s reunion, but either they were childhood friends, they both hated rather other as kids, or one liked the other.
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hollyharper · 2 years
Bachelor- Damian Wayne x Female Reader- Part 11- Final-
You bid your time, stretching and and dressing as slow as possible. Every time you see Vailiki in Damian’s arms, it hurts. It hurts to the point where you would rather skip meals than watch the way he holds her. Sophia jokingly said it ment you were in love when you mentioned it to her. It wasn’t funny.
By the time you make your way downstairs, breakfast has been served. Damian isn’t in his normal seat, and neither is Vailiki. The other girls murmur softly as you sit.
“What?” You ask, noticing a judging look given to you by Nika.
“Damian said to send you to his room.” She says flatly, as if somehow that acully means something.
You grab the nearest pastry and head back up stairs. Why would he want to see you?
His doors open. It strikes you as strange, but you enter anyway. Damian kneels by the bedside.
“There you are.” Comes a soft voice.
You move closer. Vailiki rests on the bed, limply. She smiles, her muscles stretching in a way the must be exhausting. Damian’s head is buried into her chest. One hand has woven into his hair while the other rests on his shoulder. This is it. She’s about to die. You can sense it in the air more than you see it on her face.
“Y/n,” She whispers. “Can you do something for me?”
You nod.
“Take of Damian.” She says, gaze darting to him. “I know you’ll be good for him.”
You open and close your mouth, falling short on words. Muscles straining, she places his hand into yours. You squeeze it. Vailiki hugs him.
“I love you, Damian.”
He doesn’t beg her not to go. When he lifts his head, you can see the resigned look in his eyes. Her eyes lock on his.
“It’s time for you to let go, Beloved.”
He leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Her hand slips from his neck and falls limp on sheet. Damian kisses her forehead, than rests his head on her lifeless chest. Everything is silent expect for your breathing and heartbeats. Two heartbeats not three like there was few seconds ago.
The sob the rips from Damian’s throat is the most heartbreaking sound you ever heard, it’s both passionate and broken. You squeeze his hand again, and place your free hand on his back. His cries don’t last for long. The last few die away with horse rasps. He pulled away from her. His eyes meet yours and in a swift movement, he presses you to his chest. You fight off the shock and return the affection.
“Please stay.” He whispers.
“As you need.” You reply.
Your heart once again beats with the same love you felt on the mountain.
Taglist: @coffee-latte-sprite @mymomsdisappointment @agustdeeyaa
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hollyharper · 3 years
It took me forever to post Vailiki’s fhished photos. Please for give the bad lighting. She’s posing next to my artdoll Chihiro (the character from Spirted Away, but as a dragon).
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hollyharper · 3 years
Arranged- Damien x Female Reader- Part 9-
“Who are you?” Your body shakes as your captur secures the last of your bonds.
Two white covered eyes look down at you. He says nothing. You can tell by the man’s silhouette that he’s far stronger than you. You strain against the bonds.
“You won’t get away with this!”
A finger lifts your chin. “I already have.”
You tremble.
“The Wayne’s will pay a hefty price, and then you will be returned. But I can’t guarantee it’ll be in one piece.”
You wait in fading darkness for an unplaceable length. The villain comes and goes. You feed and given water, but never untied. The door cracks open. A femine figure fills the light. Her heels click on the floor as she approaches. The room flashes white. You duck your head to block out the blinding light. A silk soft hand lifts your chin. Vivid green eyes stare down at you. The woman’s brown hair hangs over her shoulders. Her face is perfect, with soft, angular features. Her green dress hangs over her gorgeously shaped frame. Her fingers deftly smooth over your face. She traces your jaw bone, and frowns. You’re too scared to speak.
“I expected better than this.” She drops your head.
Her eyes hold deadly anger, and seductive power. Your whole body shakes, if you were unnerved before, now you're terrified. Her lips pucker in a disgusted frown. She eyes you disdainingly, and stalks from the room.
Again, you wait in darkness. A crash brings you from the darkness. You perk up.
You hear a muffled growl. “Where is she?”
Another crash follows, and even a pained whine. You can't make out the next voice, but you hear the rumble. The door handle shakes as someone jerks it. In one hard pull, the handle is pulled free. A shoulder rams into the door. It falls open.
“Y/n!” Robin cries.
He cradle’s your head, and presses his forehead to yours.
“You’re safe now.” He whispers.
A tear runs down your cheek. He cuts you free, and pulls you into his embrace. Your head falls limply to his chest.
“You’re safe.” He chokes out, as if he’s saying it for himself instead of you.
You try to smile, but your lips only tremble. He cups your head, and gently kisses you. You trace down his jaw. He pulls away, and lays a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I’ve got you.”
“Oh? Do you?” The woman steps through the doorway.
Robin lifts his head. “Mother.”
“Abni, <My son>” She replies, somewhat endearingly. “Neither of you are leaving.”
He pulls you closer to him. You bury your head into his shoulder.
“Why her?” He growls.
“Exactly my question to you: why her?” Talia’s voice remains even.
“Because…” he hesitates.
“Bruce forced you.” She interrupts.
“You deserve better, my son. You should not waste your life away with a commoner.”
He doesn’t respond.
“Why would you throw your life away?” She kneels, and cups his head. “You were born to have the world. Why would you leave that? Why would you leave me, and Vailiki?” You lift your head, to see her eyes soften, and his become wet. “Come home, my beloved son. Come home, Damien.”
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hollyharper · 3 years
Arranged- Damian x Female Reader- Part 12-
Damien gasps. He shakes his head violently. The moment of you being wrenched from his arms refused to go away. He rises from the bed, and once more paces around the room. There is no escape. Both windows are barred so tightly, he can’t fit his hand through. The door lock is a latch mechanism, nothing he can pick from the inside. He leans his head against the window bars and watchs the citadel life below. Slade works with new trainee’s, while Sensi trains the more experienced warriors. Valiki steps into the light. Her emerald armor shines like a beetle's hardened back. Her dark brunette hair sways with each step. Was it truly eight years ago that she used to sit in Damien’s lap while he combed the knots from her gorgeous locks. It seemed like only yesterday, that he tangled his hands into the white streak of her hair. She had laughed, trying to push him back. Their lips met for the first time. She had warped both arms around him and pulled him to the floor with her.
“Damien.” Her voice fills the space.
“Vailiki.” He replies, his eyes meeting her gold flecked green ones.
She crosses the room and captures his mouth in an alluring kiss. Her hands smoothe over his bare chest. Damien has to fight not to return her affection.
“Still choosing to be stubborn?” She asks, roughly grabbing his chin.
“I have a wife.” He retorts.
“According to the documents downstairs, you don’t.” He withheld the saddeness from his eyes. He couldn’t let her see him hurt.
“How long will it take you to realize that degrading marriage is a burden lifted from your shoulders? How long will you resist the fact that she was an unworthy spouse for you? I am your true partner, My Beloved.” He lowers his head. “We were always meant to be together. You knew this. Why would you agree to marry another, knowing I was your betrothed?”
“I love her.” He responds.
“Words put into your mouth by your corrupting father.”
“Vailiki, please.”
“Please what?” she snaps.
“I loved you, but my heart belongs to Y/n.”
Pure white teeth scrap red lipstick from naturally pink lips. Her hands fall to her sides. Like everyday, she asked him to change his mind. Like everyday before, he refused. Again, like she did everyday, she stalked out of the door. Like timeless days before, Damien slumped to the bed and buried his head into his hands. The pattern goes on until he’s lost count of the days. Finally, when he responds again with “I love another.”, she consents.
“I will take you out of the citadel. From there you're on your own.”
She pulled the documents from her pack. She strikes a match, and offers it to him. Damien smiles as the fire licks at the papers.
“Thank you, Vailiki.” She nods forlornly.
“Come with me.” He offers a hand. After a small hesitation, she rests her delicate one in his.
Her face softens. A small breeze pulls her hair and dress into it’s twining dance. Her lips part in a soft smile, as she fights back welling emotion. Her slender arms wrap around his waist, in a loose embrace.
“I missed you.”
He rests his head against hers. “I missed you as well.”
. . .
It’s been three weeks since you set foot in your apartment. The door creaks open, splitting the chilling silence. You shut it, your hands shaking they way they did after your wedding. You fight the idea from your mind. He’s gone. Again you force that thought into your heart. How long will it take you to accept that? Tears blur your vision. The kitchen window invites in sunlight. How long ago was it that Robin slipped into your life through the window? More tears come, cool and empty. You wipe them from your red cheeks, and stumble towards your bedroom. Our bedroom. The ache won’t leave you. You push the cracked door open. You glace up to meet two pairs or green eyes.
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hollyharper · 2 years
Katrina: "So... I hear that love is blind... but... your not blind?
Jason: *Stares with a confused look*
Katrina: "Um I mean.. uh... your not really blind... but maybe your sometimes blind -ish.”
Jason: "What?"
Katrina: *Face turns red* Thinking: This is NOT working... "um I'm just saying.. ya know ya gotta watch out or Uh you'll get... stolen"
Jason: "Are you trying to say that love made me blind?" *Secretly knows what she's trying to say*
Katrina: "Ummm I don't really know what I'm saying.."
Jason: "I like you too"
Katrina: "Oh.. great- I mean ummmm er- look there's Damian and Vailiki...Heh heh. *points to them*
Jason: "yeah, there they are" *stares at her*
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hollyharper · 2 years
Damian x OC(s) with ABO dynamics
This is my first attempt at an Omega verse, so give me some grace. Also... My oc Holly isn't a self insert. I named my blog after her.
Damian glanced around the ballroom. It was ironic, how at his own birthday celebration, he was the one drinking champagne alone. Father had made an exception, claiming that, at least for Damian, eighteen was practically an adult. Damian looked around the room again. Where was she? Not beside Selina. Not lingering on the balcony. Where-
A breath caught in his throat. Holly wasn’t there. And she wouldn’t be. His shoulders shook. Damian bit his lip and sank onto the closest bench. How much longer would he have to suffer like this? How long until every memory of Holly faded, and all that was left was a painless blurr? Damian had always forced loss into a tiny, blocked off section of his mind. But no matter how hard he fought, Her memories always slipped past those boundaries, and filled his consensus. When she was alive, she was good at just that. The fragile blonde had barely said a word, before she tore his walls down. With grace that rivaled angels, she had stepped into his life, and taken over every thought. Even now, she captivated him. Selina’s eyes landed on his slumped form. The omega exhaled, and crossed to his side. Damian made no recognition of her presence, as his father’s betrothed sat down.
“Holly would want you to enjoy yourself.”
“Don’t.” He growled.
“Enough.” He bolted up and stomped towards the door.
The room fell silent. Bruce set down his drink.
The young alpha whipped to face his father. His green eyes were squinted in a mix of pain and anger.
“I know it hurts, but this is not the time to deal with it.” Bruce whispered, resting a hand on his son’s shoulder.
Damian took a shuddering breath and drew together his composure. Selina, along with the rest of the family, hung back. Damian took another calming breath, then crossed to his awaiting siblings. Stephine stayed by Tim’s side. Her mark just barely peeked out from under her dress strap. Even while grieving, Damian found it humorous how the pair still believed they had fooled his father. Grayson- Dick stepped forward. Damian welcomed the older alpha’s embrace and comforting scent. Barbara laid a soft hand on his shoulder. Since she had become Dick’s mate, Damian had been more accepting of her touch. He slipped from Dick’s arms and into hers. She smelled of camalle with a hint of vanilla. Holly had always smelled of vanilla, the sweetest, most natural trail of scent. The red headed omega cradled him close. Damian allowed himself to stay a few heartbeats longer. Another scent filled the space, strong, commanding and cinnamon. Damian whipped his head towards the door.
Talia gave a gentle smile to her son. He couldn’t keep the excitement from his gate, as he walked to her. She gave him a welcome but unfamiliar hug.
“Happy Birthday, my Beloved Son.”
Again, Damian was overwhelmed with smells. His mother’s mixed with smoke, sweat, iron and that of another omega. He recognized it immediately.
“Where is she?”
“Later, Abni.<My son>”
“Where is she?” Came an alpha-like growl.
Talia chuckled. She snapped her fingers and turned to face the door. Head lifted high, an omega close to Damian’s age, pushed open the ballroom door. Her dark hair fell easily over her shoulders. Her widow's peak was highlighted by silvery locks of hair. Two strands were braided and pinned at the back of her head. Her golden eyes held confidence similar to Talia’s. Her deep purple dress spilt high up her hip, mimicking Talia’s wine red dress.
“Vailiki.” He whispered.
Damian rushed to embrace her. Bruce’s jaw dropped. Vailiki wrapped both arms around Damian’s abdomen, and pressed her head to his chest. What little conversation had restarted in the room, died. Val lifted her head to press her forehead to the alpha’s.
“I missed you.” He muttered.
“Of course you did.” She replied, with a sassy smirk.
“Of course.” He echoed, nuzzling against her neck.
She smiled, and pressed her entire frame against him.
“You’ve come of age.” Talia praised. “She’s yours, as promised.”
Damian looked down at the omega. In eight years, she had grown from a feisty little girl, to a creature of grace and danger. Her small frame was nothing but muscle. He held her closer. At age six, he had been told Vailiki would one day become his mate. When Holly came along, Val had slipped his mind. Golden eyes locked on him, and drew him. His omega. He had once dared to think of Holly as his, but that was nothing but wishful thinking. Vaikili tangled her hands into his hair and pulled his head down into a kiss which would quickly lead to more.
Soft skin brushed across Damian’s cheek. He whined and rolled away.
“Good morning.” Vailiki purred.
He cried his eyes open. They landed on the fresh mark on her neck. A little bit of a smile splashed across his face. Her core rumbled and she curled closer to his side.
“I’ve been waiting for that.” She whispered.
He only nodded.
He sighed. “I’m glad you're here.”
“Not exactly what I was expecting.” She whispered, her fingers dancing across his jaw.
“There was another?” She asked.
He only managed a nod. “She died. Two months ago. Because of my stupidity.”
“Dami.” She snaked both arms around him.
He shifted to press close to her. Vailiki pressed a kiss to his head.
"Whatever happened, I know it wasn't your fault."
"It doesn't matter who's fault it is." He muttered, burning his face against her.
"Your right."
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