hollyharper · 2 years
(To the art and age up)
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He grows up a bit!🤏
(edit note: Apparently he is 17 in s4, my bad)
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hollyharper · 2 years
I just received the best notifaction ever:
"You have 1 new messages"
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hollyharper · 2 years
I now have two more to add to this list.
Jade Fire Gold: Atlan and My character: Vasileios
All have Chinese it their blood (Atlan completely, and Vasileios half)
All four have dark hair, tan skin, and abs
All were raised to be in a position (Both Atlan and Vasileios, to be emperor)
All are arrogant (I have to delete 'extremely' because of Atlan) and hothead, but deep down are sweet and loving guys
All treat their sibling like gold, and would kill for them in a heart beat. (Kyro with Kharis, Damian with Anastasia, Atlan with Sarangeral, and Vasileios with Azrael)
All come from respected families
And to wrap up the list, all struggle with talking to girls they like. (Both Kyro and Vasileios had arranged marriages (And still struggled), Damian just fails terribly, and Atlan literally until the last page of the book to say anything to girl he was in love with.)
(And now photos of each with thier girl, because I can't find any of just Vasileios or Atlan.)
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Top left: Damian and Flatline Top right: Kyro and Clove Bottom left: Atlan and Ahn Bottom right: Vasileios and Vailiki
(There's more about Vasileios on my secondary blog @hollyharper-legacy
The similarities are killing me:
DC: Damian + Subzero: Kyro
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Both have some Chinese in their blood (Damian 1/4, Kyro 1)
They both have dark hair, piercing eyes, and tan, amazing abs
Both have been raised to be in a role of power (Damian: the Deon's Head, Kyro: Emperor)
Both are extremly arogent, and hotheaded, but are deep down really sweet and loving guys
Both treat their little sister like gold, and will kill for her in a heart beat
Both come from respected families (That requires no other explanation)
And finally, both struggle with talking to girls (Thankfully for Kyro, his sister arranged his marriage (😍))
If you haven’t read Subzero, I highly recommend it. I read up to date (134 issues) in nine days.
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hollyharper · 2 years
why do you charge money for your art
big fan of eating
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hollyharper · 2 years
« brutalia »
This edit contains quick blurring that could cause mild nausea. Talia al Ghul antis dni.
Special dedication to @immortaldino, @birdybat, @rasalghul777, and @cats-and-katanas
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hollyharper · 2 years
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tag yourself, trope edition
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hollyharper · 2 years
I lirtally realzided half a character's personalitly over a bad headache...
There was also that time I bought a black fitted dress that made me think of character and a pregency book from a trift store (Ironicly the book was for the same character) I swear the chashier gave me the weridest look.
What's the weirdest thing that has ever inspired you?
Don't mind me I like asking people weird questions
I can’t really remember anything weird that’s inspired me, I’m sure there are things but nothing that comes to mind at the moment 😅 do you have anything?
(I don’t mind, questions are fun)
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hollyharper · 2 years
It’s official! I have to catch up on this series
These Two Being Absolute Goobers...
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I always liked Dick's simple style: snug t-shirts, skinny jeans, and sneakers. Classic.
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Imagine how this scene would've been with a better artist...
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hollyharper · 2 years
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hollyharper · 2 years
Shatter Me- Demon's Head Damian x Right Hand Reader- Part 7-
By nightfall, you’re panting heavily, both you and Damian worse for wear.
    “We should rest.” Damian says pointedly, pointing towards a pile of rocks.
    You only nod, you’re troat dry for lack of water. Both of you are aware of the inevidble end that awaits you here in the desert. You’ve barly spoken to each other, more out of the weight of certian death than anything else. Damain sits by the rock pile, leaning ageinst it. You brush stones away, then sit beside him. The ground and rocks are hard agient your dhydrated body, but you remind yourself that it’s better than nothing. Diamin leans his head back, and sighs. You stare at your nails.
    “Y/n.” He says softly, his throat audidbly dry. “Thank you.”
    “For what?” You ask. Under differnt circumatances you would have askes, but now formailties no longer seem important.
    “For everything. For putting up with this mission, for suporting my cause, and-” He pauses mid sentice, his gaze gently moving to you. “Thank you for suporting me.”
    You notice the change of words. A little part of you nearly hopes this is a hint that he noticed how your lotaly was to him, above the league.
    “Of course.” You whisper.
    “Y/n, I need to be honset with you.” He shallows drly. “I’m not good with this kind of thing.”
    This kind of thing? You brace yourself for the worst.
    “You mean a lot to me, Y/n, and it’s not just because of your skill or loyalty.” He closes his eyes, his eyebrows pressing together. 
    You bite your lip, blushing. This isn’t what you think it is. You tell yourself. It’s not like he likes you. 
Damian glances at your face and groans. “I’m mumbling, aren’t I?”
    “Only a little, My Lord.” You reply, burying your face in your hands.
    “Then let me be more direct, General.”
    He grabs your wrist, and pulls your hands away from your face. You nervously glance up at him. Green eyes stare intently back at you. Damain plants a hand in between you, and leans forward. Your eyes widen, as he connects his mouth with yours. You gasp. After a moment, your eyes flutter shut, and you reach to touch his face gently. He tilts his head into your palm, deepening the kiss. You smile, and lean into him.
    “That was unexpected.” He whispers against your mouth.
    “You can say that again.” You mutter happily.
    “There's other things I’d rather do.” He replies.
Taglist: @ssak-i
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hollyharper · 2 years
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Ahhhh the highlight of my day! 💙🧡🥰🥰
Nightwing #94
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hollyharper · 2 years
Talia Cosplay Update
I've started on the corset. Its all really strating to come together!!!!!!!!!!!
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hollyharper · 2 years
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the story of my life
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hollyharper · 2 years
Shatter Me- Demons Head Damian x Right Hand Reader- Part 6-
You stroll through the garden. Flowers bloom in pastle colors around you, looking almost dull ageinst the vivdness of the green leaves. Youve always found flowers bustiful, but typically useless. For the first time you stop and study them. You don’t have anything better to do than that. A gunshot erupts from the building behind you. Your running towards it before you even process the sound. Around you, people flee. I push forward. A second shot is fired. Someone screams.
“Damian!” You call.
More shots boom in the air. You can’t pick out where they’re coming from. You speed towards the meeting room. The door catches your eye. You ram into it. The henges break under th floor. You slide behind an up turned table. A man glances down at you in shock. You shot a smirk up at him. He turn the gun barrle towards you. You shot a leg up. The gun goes flying across the room. The man scrambles for something in his pocket. You subdo him before the hand finds its target. You slip the knife from its hidding place. Peeking over the table, you see two other shooters. One is trained on something behind anouther fallen table, the other has turned towards you. You leap foward, grabbing the gun barrel. You rip it out of his hands. He shreiks as the metal collids with his skull. You whip around. The last shooter is already on the ground. Damain turn to you, teeth gritted. His hand is pressed to his left shoulder. Blood soaks through his shirt.
You run to him, unable to contral yourself. “Damian! You’re hurt!” You don’t try and hide the worry in your voice.
“We need to get out of here.” He says hurriedly.
Hand on your lower back, he pushes you towards the door.
“I’ll get the polit.”
“No.” He warns. “They’ll have already taken care of him.”
He’s right.
At first, you’re meet with no resistance. But as you and Damian near the exit, gunfire pickes back up. You force your way though. Ginfire rains around you. You split for Damian, and run towards the nearest escape. You slide between a guards legs, and out the door. He conties to shoot, but you slip behind a small barrier and run straight ahead. Damain soon rejions you, panting hard. You run untill you legs give way. More acurtly untill Damian’s give way. Her colaspes, gaspsing ageinst a boulder. This was the wrong choice. While you’ve outrun your persures, you’ve landed yourself in the middle of the Gobi desert. It would be pretty easy to hunt you down…
not that they need to. With no food or water, and Damian being inured, you’ll be lucky to survive the night.
Taglist: @ssak-i
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hollyharper · 2 years
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hollyharper · 2 years
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hollyharper · 2 years
Shatter Me- Demons Head Damian x Right Hand Reader- Part 5-
When you wake, Damian’s arms are around you. By the soft rise and fall of his chest, you can tell he’s still asleep. You force yourself to stay frozen, as if asleep. His skin is warm. Comfortably warm, as it remains plastered to your back. He’s spooning you. You can’t tell if the shiver that runs through you is that of excitement or fear. His breath dances pleasantly over your neck. This is definitely treason. You need to leave before he wakes. His hair brushes against the back of your neck as you pull away. You carefully wedge a pillow into his arms in place of you. He doesn’t even stir. You breathe out a silent sigh of relief. He must be a heavy sleeper. Damian gives a soft rumble, and buries his face into the pillow. That could be your neck that his nose presses into. You force out the thought the moment you have it. Damian is your leader, the Demons Head.
He looks so peaceful now. The harsh lines of his expression have softened. Even his lips rest softly, perked up in a soft smile. This has to be the most beautiful sight you ever beheld, a man of great power and renowned, smiling in his sleep after having held you through the night. Another tremble runs through you. How long had you been held in his arms?
No. No. No.
This is wrong. So very wrong. There’s a difference between getting involved with another assassin during a mission, and becoming involved with your leader. You can’t do this.
“Y/n.” He whispers.
You freeze. How much trouble did you just get yourself into? Damian mutters something you can’t hear with a smile that tells you that you wanted to overhear it. He stretches over the pillow, before burrowing into it.
Your face flushes.
You quickly slip into the bathroom, and take a cold shower, which has you jumping from foot to foot. By the time you dry off and get dressed, Damian has risen from bed. His gaze dances over you in a way that makes you feel exposed even while fully clothed.
He’s silent, but motions for you to follow. You trail him into the hall. Damian has to coax you to stride beside him. You bite your lip. You forgot that you're supposed to act like Damian’s your… husband. It sends a shiver down your spine. You reach a door. Damian holds it open for you. You pass through and into a room with a large table, where far too many noblemen are sitting. Damian notices your uneasiness.
“I can take from here, Darling.”
He slips a hand around your waist. Before you react, he presses a soft kiss to your lips. Your hands freeze. You gasp softly, and melt into the touch. Quickly, you cradle his cheek. He pry your lips further apart, and prolongs this kiss longer than nessary. Dragging his mouth across your lower lip, he pulls away.
“Go rest.” He tells you softly, arms still tenderly wrapped around you.
You obey automatically, only stoping to process once your outside.
Damian kissed you. He kissed you. After so much longing it’s to surreal to believe, but so vivid to deny.
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