#Damian al ghul
spicy-apple-pie · 3 days
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Broke: Damian uses his voice mimicking for vigilante stuff
Woke: Damian uses his voice mimicking for prank calls with his friends.
Commission Info / Kofi
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boombaux · 2 days
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tarta-de-limon · 2 days
Damian is two apples tall. Change my mind 🍎.
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spider-jaysart · 1 day
Made Damian look more like Damian❤️‍🔥✨️💚✨️❤️‍🔥
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wil-fae · 2 days
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i think im hilarious
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Dimensional traveling Prince!Danny Fenton & Obsessed but still somewhat sane and logical! Damian Wayne
Just a random DeadSerious prompt I thought of at like 2am :>
Clockwork stumbled upon a peculiar universe where a group of humans had been engaging in bizarre activities. Recognizing the need for investigation, Clockwork assigned the newly announced Prince Phantom, a 14-year-old named Danny Fenton, to venture into this realm. It was a training opportunity for Danny, preparing him for his future role as King. Through a portal, Danny found himself suspended above the Lazarus pit, with Ra's al Ghul standing below him. Fortunately, Danny was dressed in his regal attire, which inexplicably aged him to 18 years old, sparing him from too much embarrassment. Ra's began questioning him, leading to a discussion about the potential dangers of the pit.
During his stay, Danny crossed paths with Damian, who was in the midst of his training. The 7-year-old assassin-in-training wasted no time in challenging Danny to a duel. As expected, Danny emerged victorious, leaving a lasting impact on Damian. Danny revealed that he too was an heir to a throne, possessing strength, power, and a tolerable personality, as Damian had previously remarked. These qualities managed to thaw Damian's cold and unyielding heart, finding a special place within it. From that moment on, Damian began courting Danny using the rituals he had learned from secret books in the league's library. He showered Danny with small gifts, heartfelt letters, acts of service, and even presented him with his second favorite knife.
In the meantime, Danny had been well aware of the situation right from the beginning, and he wasted no time in creating distance between himself and the child. Forget about it! Sure, he might be clueless at times, but he's not foolish! When a child hands you a thornless Rose and affectionately calls you 'Habibi', 'Rohi', 'Hayati', 'Albi', and/or 'Ya Amar'—even though he may not fully understand the meanings behind those words, he definitely knows what 'Habibi' means—you can't help but have doubts, you know?! So Danny tried his best to keep the kid at arm's length, not wanting to give him false hope. After all, the kid was only 8 years old for crying out loud! But you have to give it to the kid, he was incredibly stubborn and persistent.
As time went on, two whole months flew by, and Clockwork finally informed Danny that there was no longer any need for him to investigate or keep an eye on the pit. When Danny asked for an explanation, the old man, true to his cryptic nature, simply delivered a mysterious message and left, much to Danny's annoyance. All he could do was leave a letter of explanation for Damian. Damian's heart shattered into a million pieces when he read the letter, realizing that he would never be able to see or even meet Danny again, as they belonged to different dimensions.
Time flew by and it was finally the moment to reveal his secret identity to his parents as Phantom. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned and he ended up being captured by the GIW, strapped to a surgical table for three days. After escaping, he made a quick exit from home, promising his friends and sisters that he would keep in touch. Clockwork then whisked Danny away to another dimension, sensing that he needed a change of scenery. Dropping him off in a crime-ridden city with just a backpack of essentials, including a dagger from Damian. As he transformed back to his human form in Gotham, he pondered his next move. Suddenly, a young vigilante? Hero? appeared and whisked him away through the city with a grappling hook. Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse!
Damian, now taking on the role of the vigilante Robin, was out patrolling alone. His father wanted him to gain more experience on his own. As he made his way through the city, he noticed a faint but distinct bright light coming from one of the nearby alleys. Curiosity piqued, he decided to investigate.
To his surprise, he saw his beloved from years ago emerging from a strange green portal. Gone was the royal attire Damian was accustomed to seeing him in. Instead, he was clad in a black and white HAZMAT suit, with a symbol in the center. And astonishingly, he even held the second favorite knife that Damian had given him all those years ago.
In a matter of seconds, his beloved transformed into what Damian believed to be a Wayne adoption bait. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards them, landing in front of them and carefully assessing the situation. In one swift motion, he slung his beloved over his shoulder and shot his grappling hook, swiftly taking off with them.
Damian wasn't sure what he would do next, but one thing was certain - he would never let his beloved out of his sight again. He had lost him once, and he refused to lose him again. His possessiveness over the things and people he considered his had grown stronger.
Perhaps he would find a way for them to sign marriage papers, or at least become engaged, despite their young age. Of course, it would only happen if his beloved, Danny, agreed to it. Consent and trust were crucial in any relationship, after all. If Danny disagreed, Damian would resort to the courting rituals his mother had taught him. The conventional methods from books hadn't worked, so he would try his mother's unique approach. Granted, he was technically kidnapping him, but it was only a few steps ahead. Damian was determined to win his beloved's heart, no matter what it took.
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askdamijon · 3 days
Hi damian and Jon do you both ever have to help each other when having panic attacks/nightmares?
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thesuperiorrobin · 3 days
(have not done one of these in a while)
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purp1eashes · 2 days
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I just wanted to draw them)
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leafsheep · 1 day
Some of the batfam have a mutually assured destruction policy when it comes to their secrets.
Like Damian knows about Tim’s missing spleen but he can’t tell Alfred bc then Tim would mention then multitude of surgeries he’s had to replace organs at the league and if that happens then Dick would get involved and then they’d mention his stint where he was trained by Deathstroke a few months after being kicked out of Gotham and then Jason would have to get involved because the “golden child” Dick Grayson trained with a mass murderer while Jason was becoming Robin? And of course that means Dick will point out how Jason has actively aided Selina in her burglaries since he met her and then while they’re at it he’ll also throw in all the tea he has on Khoa just to get Bruce in trouble too bc if they’re going do so is he.
Meanwhile Cass and Duke actually will just sit and eat ice cream together bc they’re smart enough to not let their shit be found out by the others. (They both actually know all of each others skeletons they’re just not snitches smh)
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pechaghtlecha · 2 days
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If you like it watch it, if not, just ignore it :) please
Yes, I did Damijon 💙💚👍✨
Well now officially, Mermay is over for me ✨✨ I hope you liked it 🤧💕
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spicy-apple-pie · 2 days
Listen. I know canonically Damian acts out against his father for very valid reasons, but what if Damian was like… very submissive towards Bruce (for lack of a better term)
Like his mother has been hyping him up for his whole life, he thinks the world of his father. And because he’s only known greatness in terms of the LoA. Strict hierarchies, professionalism, no chit chat etc.
So Damian gets there and obeys Bruce with no questions asked. He won’t talk unless spoken to and stands at attention when addressed. Also the problem of him thinking that Tim and Alfred fall under him and should behave the same way. And they both recognize how tragic it is because he’s just holding them to his standard, if that makes sense? Like Damian is expecting Bruce to treat him the way he treats them kinda thing so they’re like “>:(“ but also “:(“
And then Bruce is like “okay, I’m going to take a whole day off and hang out with Damian to show him that we’re chill.” But Damian takes this as “ah yes, the test to determine whether I’m worthy to stay.”
And they spend the day at the park and Bruce is trying the whole day to pry Damian open like “what kind of ice cream do you want?” Or “what would you like to do?” And Damian replies with “what ever you see fit, Father.”
Until Damian breaks down because he doesn’t know the right answers. And he sees it in Bruce’s face when he answers that he’s getting it wrong somehow, but he doesn’t know. And then Father is going to send him back, and Mother will be disappointed.
And Bruce holds him, tells him to take deep breaths, and kisses his head. And Damian cries harder because it reminds him of Mother and desperately wants his Mother right now.
Idk, I just love hurt/comfort and good dad Bruce.
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camo-wolf · 2 days
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zeynyukine3011 · 2 days
Scrolling in the Ra's al Ghul tag is a jumpscare that you were expecting but still got jumpscared.
The amount of Tim related things I see.... I want to see just Ra's, Talia, Damian,Bruce and other Al Ghul members. I'm so sick of seeing "Ra's al Ghul cherishes Tim's spleen 🤗 and he wants Tim's babies 🤪 Tim knows everything about Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins 🥴"
Can Tim stans leave Ra's alone??? Let the man be the family guy he is. Let him love and care his daughter, son and grandson. Let him care for animals, plants, the whole planet! Stop making everything related to Ra's about Tim. Stop making him a creepy pedo.
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spider-jaysart · 2 days
Very silly something hereee
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He ain't surviving lolll
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solarflare211 · 11 hours
why is dc so nepotistic with damian. jason gets beaten to death (literally, if he hadn’t gotten to medical care immediately, he would’ve died) by bruce for not even killing anyone, he was just scaring penguin and a piece of his monocle bonked his head. at the same time, damian is actively trapping villains in an underground unknown jail with no food water or light for months on end. when batman finds out? he gives him a stern talking to. when jason kills, suddenly he’s an irredeemable scum bag. when damian kills, he’s a wittle boy who was bwainwashed by the weague even though he and jason both have league training and can easily just ignore it. league brainwashing is not all that intense. just anti dc in general. write a good jason story that actually represents his story right, significantly addresses his trauma and struggles, and make the alleged worlds greatest detective able to figure it out and actually be a good dad like he was in jason’s robin run. fuck you dc. also why are we still having tim fans complain about jason “beating a child up” in titans tower. they have a two year age gap at best. jason wasn’t even mentally functional for like 2 and a half years (including his actually time dead) so mentally he’s like younger than tim. also tim not being able to defend himself proves jason’s point that there shouldn’t be more robins. also why does dc not address the MANY attempts from damian on tim’s life. damian “cut the wire” al ghul. damian kept trying to assassinate tim and he just got a stern talking to. fuck dc.
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