#Red robin
melmov · 2 days
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They’re meeting Bruce and Damian at the boardwalk
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incorrectbatfam · 2 days
"They trick the other siblings into thinking there's a Robin test that only Dick and Jason have passed"
Okay, but what does each member of the family believe the test is?
Duke: *walks in wearing full winter gear covered in snow*
Bruce: Where have you been?! I've been searching for a week!
Duke: Climbing Mount Everest.
Bruce: But why?!?
Damian: I have returned with a wild Icelandic puffin!
Bruce: Damian, I said no more pets until next year.
Damian: But I thought you wanted it?
Bruce: Why would I want—
Steph, disheveled: It took a few tries but I finally wrestled Killer Croc with my bare hands.
Bruce: That is highly against protocol—
Tim: Here's that jar of kidneys you asked for.
Duke: The Robin test.
Bruce: What test?
Damian: The final test to become Robin, of course.
Tim: Please tell me I passed. I can't do this again.
Steph: Hang on, why are they all different?
Dick and Jason: *whistle*
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cosmicpoutine · 2 days
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that's what galas are for
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nicodrawings · 1 day
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I missed my own deadline cuz I was stumped on a page for weeks, I woke up early in the morning to finish this so I could at least put it out today. I did ittt…
Last few pages of chapter 1 will be out during the summer.
I hope you enjoy the update, I’m gonna eat a super later breakfast now…
This is part 1
I probably should have added this earlier
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timothvy · 2 days
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based on a picture i saw on twitter
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inkpotsprite · 2 days
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Ra's (talking about Tim): he is a master strategist, always ten steps ahead, poised, calculating and collected–
Tim: *feral racoon mode activated*
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mocking-the-bird · 11 hours
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Tim has literally no idea what he's talking about. But that's not about sense, that's about spirit
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nerdpoe · 2 days
Everyone is convinced that Tim never sleeps, and keeps trying to make him go to sleep. But he does sleep. Honestly, he probably sleeps more than any of the Bats.
Unlike the others with their cases, Tim believes in this magical concept called "Delegation".
He has computer programs that run constant search functions that notify him when a match occurs. He has ears and eyes on the streets that let him know when something happens or when they see someone who has disappeared. He prioritizes his cases based on who is in immediate danger.
He also makes sure to end his patrol at one or two in the morning if he can help it, and barring extraneous circumstances, goes straight to sleep.
This leaves him with four hours a day to do CEO stuff (with help from Tam and his computer systems), but he also delegates most of that stuff too. The rest of the time is to chip away at his cases by checking in with his computer/people, and napping. He loves napping.
Unlike Bruce and many other Bats, Tim knows how to ask for help.
Unfortunately, this means that when he's sleeping, it's when everyone is scrambling and no one is noticing what he's doing.
When he wakes up, everyone is starting to trail off to bed.
So what everyone sees is Tim bleary and exhausted, beelining for the coffee machine.
Or; I try to explain fanon Tim behavior in regards to sleep but it's actually a misunderstanding. Bruce knows, of course, but he's not saying anything because he thinks it's funny. Tim spent all that time nagging him, now Tim gets to be hounded.
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pinkiemachine · 24 hours
DC Group Photo!
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Who should I add next? :)
From left to right, all set at specific ages in the timeline, it’s:
Mera, Aquaman, Lorena Marquez (Aquagirl 2), Garth (Aqualad), Tula (Aquagirl 1), Kaldur’ahm (Aqualad 2) Yara Flor, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Olympia (in the comics, Wonder Girl 2), Nubia, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Connor Kent (Superboy 1), Jonathan Kent (Superboy 2), Krypto the dog, Superman, Lois Lane, Supergirl, Wildfire, Red Robin, Starfire, Spoiler, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, Oracle, Catwoman, Batman, Robin, Beacon (in the comics, The Signal), Impulse (yeah yeah, I know, he’s grown up some), The Flash, Iris West, Dawn and Donnie Allen (The Tornado Twins), Wally West, and Artemis.
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spiritinspace · 1 day
the batfamily having to translate tim drake’s incoherent sleep-deprived mumblings to the justice league when he spends too much time on a case
Tim: (inaudible gibberish)
Dick: Tuesday, nine pm. That’s where they’ll meet.
(everyone else in various states of surprise and or confusion)
Dick: trust me. i know.
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leafsheep · 3 days
Some of the batfam have a mutually assured destruction policy when it comes to their secrets.
Like Damian knows about Tim’s missing spleen but he can’t tell Alfred bc then Tim would mention then multitude of surgeries he’s had to replace organs at the league and if that happens then Dick would get involved and then they’d mention his stint where he was trained by Deathstroke a few months after being kicked out of Gotham and then Jason would have to get involved because the “golden child” Dick Grayson trained with a mass murderer while Jason was becoming Robin? And of course that means Dick will point out how Jason has actively aided Selina in her burglaries since he met her and then while they’re at it he’ll also throw in all the tea he has on Khoa just to get Bruce in trouble too bc if they’re going do so is he.
Meanwhile Cass and Duke actually will just sit and eat ice cream together bc they’re smart enough to not let their shit be found out by the others. (They both actually know all of each others skeletons they’re just not snitches smh)
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lemonlimestar · 1 day
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happy pride <3 it’s timsteph tuesday saturday for this momentous occasion
based off a one-off line from lewis’ run on robin93
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ghost-bxrd · 1 day
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See No Evil, Speak No Evil, and Hear No Evil are done! All that’s left now is the bonus of Do No Evil…
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cosmicpoutine · 1 day
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some sort of red bird or whatever
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periwinkle-the-11th · 17 hours
Tim and Danny have been dating for a number of months now.
Red Robin and Phantom have been dating for even longer.
Tim is trying his hardest to keep the two sides if his life separate, while Danny's laughing as his (well meaning and adorable) idiot of a boyfriend scrambles around to try and keep his identity secret.
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woodland-gremlin · 3 days
Summoning Your Secret Boyfriend Pt. 6
First Previously AU Summary
“‘Even’ nothing. Now we are going to drop this, summon the new King, beg them for forgiveness and for them to deal with Trigon, and fix those disastrous laws!” Constantine declared while pulling out a book with a strange aura out of his coat pocket.
Red Robin internally sighed in relief. They were finally getting somewhere. He had been worried that they would be stuck getting integrated until Trigon was right on top of them. Not that it would stop them from getting questioned after the whole fiasco was over, but, small mercies.
From the way Batman was glaring at Supernova and Red Robin it was even more obvious that the Bat wouldn’t let it go. The only thing stopping him being the pressing matter with Trigon and the occult magician being very willing to yell at him if he kept poking. Though it did make Red Robin wonder how he planned to do so, it wasn’t like he lived at the manor anymore. No one but Alfred noticed that the only time they saw him was at the cave, and even that was rare. Really makes one question about the ‘World’s Greatest Detective’ title that Batman held. Danny certainly doesn’t think so with all his nicknames for him, and after the last few years he was inclined to agree. You really shouldn’t meet your heroes.
The Laughing Magician worked and while watching him make the summoning circle Red Robin and Supernova were suddenly glad that neither offered to make it. If they did they might have never stopped getting questioned. Even Constantine would have probably joined them with how differently their summoning circle would be. While the con man made an intricate circle with the title of Ghost King being the main factor, with candles placed at significant points and fancy offerings, the two boyfriends had a much simpler approach. The biggest differences being name and title. They call Danny by name, which makes it significantly easier than a broad title to summon him. Add on to the fact that most of the titles that Constantine are using are only Danny’s by default the ease in summons is a lot easier. Though them being his boyfriends and offering snacks plays a big factor in it too.
The occult magician then began to chant in Esperanto. Candles began to flicker, changing to Relam’s green. The room’s temperature began to drop, frost creeping across the floor and walls. Wind that shouldn’t be possible in a space station whipped around, flipping Batman and Superman’s capes over their heads. A neon green crack appeared in the air above the summoning circle. Claws clutching the tear in reality before ripping it further.
Out from the tear in reality stepped out an ethereal being. White hair that moved like it was underwater. Lavender skin with freckles spaced out like constellations. Bright green lighting birch scars crawling over their body, cutting all the up to their brow. Eyes glowing the same erie color with the one the scar cut through being that singular color, sclera and all. A crown seemingly made of aurora lights and ice, radiating power. A fur lined coat seemingly made from space only added to the otherworldliness, A ring shaped like a skull, signaling the being as one of death. Armor with small dents here and there showing that it isn’t just for decoration. That this being that they summoned was a fighter, a King forged in battle.
 Everyone but Red Robin and Supernova froze. They thought that they were prepared. They knew that they would be powerful, enough that they could rule over beings like Trigon. But no words could have prepared them for the aura bearing down on them. All their bravo was drained out of the minute they were subjected to the King’s presence. Aquaman was especially shaken. He was a King as well but he felt like nothing compared to the one in front of him. Like a big fish in a small pond thrust to face the ruler of the ocean.
“Were you the ones that summoned me, freeing from the bane that is paperwork?” the being asked.
To be continued . . .
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