#very interesting to me
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you’re so dark, collumbiahalle 02/05/18 💙
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aroaceacacia · 7 months
do you ever think about how every group of npcs the admins play communicate differently. like the eggs had the egg sign items and then later swapped to writing on regular signs. the capybaras use sound effects (though theyve been known to write on signs too). the federation workers write in books. the little eye guys from purgatory use images in frames. and the cucuruchos write in books like other fed workers, but they also have the privilege of using text to speech
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sophieswundergarten · 7 months
Considering a body swap with the kids where they have to adjust to each other's mental junk. All the specific struggles and fears and sensory issues and such. I mean, they all love each other so it wouldn't really be about "teaching them a lesson" or anything. But it'd be interesting
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slopmaster9000 · 10 months
my personal hypothesis as to why people tend to use "your" instead of "you're" (as in like "i know your gay" etc) is that the use of "ur" to mean "your" (as in "because of ur gay ass walk" etc) has over time merged with the use of "u r" to mean "you are" (as in "u r gay" etc). because of either ignorance to the subtle difference in meaning or simply the principle of least action ("ur" is slightly less typing than "u r"), the common understanding of the difference between "you're" and "your" has eroded. since "ur" can be read as "your" (u -> you, r -> the letter r) OR "you're" (u -> you, r -> are), many people who use "u" more often than "you" likely lose the distinction between the two. so in short, "you're" and "your" have somewhat merged within the common internet lexicon due to the convergent abbreviation of both words as "ur".
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triptychofvoids · 2 months
hey doc! are you watching/aware of the eclipse currently? don't forget to wear the proper eclipse glasses!
we didnt get the total eclipse here, but i got to partially see it! its wonderful that the moon is just the right distance from the earth to be able to create total eclipses, isnt it?
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tame-a-messenger · 1 month
Hi there :) I just wanted to appreciate you for creating this blog, I adore Damien & Angela’s dynamic so much :D
Smoshtwt isn’t too fond of Damangela, ’cause a lot of them seem to think all of us ship them romantically (it seems like most of us just enjoy their fun & teasing dynamic!), so being over here is just a lot more fun with less drama!
Anyway, it looks like today’s Games video is gonna be a TNTL Trivial Pursuit - hoping for Damangela!!
- 🐦‍🔥
Thanks💖 I'm happy you like my blog! :D
Smoshtwt can be something else I tell ya. If it was all shipping they are still so aggressive for no reason. I try to stay out of it as much as I can.
(I'm a longtime fandoms lurker. There's a lot of new blood all the sudden trying to change things up, I will not sway and buckle because they think it's 'cringe'. Like I know it's cringe?? I just don't care. It brings me joy)(the word "fan" literally comes from "fanatic" and you're telling me I shouldn't be excited about my cuties™?? be quiet.)
TNTL TRIVIAL PURSUIT!!!! I wonder who it will be today!! (as always, hoping for 🕯️🕯️🕯️Damangela🕯️🕯️🕯️)
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weidli · 3 months
would be very funny to me to introduce a bunch of americans who are used to the constitution being treated as a gift from god that's very hard to change and is holy Because it's almost never changed and has been in operation in nearly the same form since 1789 to the way the swiss constitution (last total revision in 1999, there have been several hundred direct democratic votes on possible changes to it since 1848, all you need to suggest a change is hundred thousand people with voting power who'll sign the suggestion) works
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dwreader · 9 months
Lmao @ the fandom that slutshames and victim blames Louis and treats him like the property/accessory of his more narratively dominant love interest but literally they’re vomiting blood when you compare Louis to a woman like do you hear yourselves
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Thinking about how in every canon ship thus far, lumax, jancy, jopper, all have time apart, where they aren't in relationships, but have some kind of miscommunication or barrier that prevents them from being with one another, and yet once they're reunited they can't help but fall into their dynamic seamlessly. Max withdraws from Lucas after Billy's death, and Lucas doesn't reach out enough as he feels he should, resulting in the breakup, but as soon as they're together again, in the same place, they need to spend that time together, as much time as they can. Jancy, and how Steve and Nancy were together in between and during season 2, so Jonathan backed off, Nancy stated she waited for him, and Jonathan said she barely gave him enough time at all. Still the minute they were alone they were drawn to one another again. Hopper was thought to be dead, unable to contact Joyce until months, yet it was the first thing he did. How for so long Joyce thought she lost another person so dear to her, but the minute they were reunited and spent time together, it was like before they were separated, but better in a sense, for all of them, because they grew as people, even in these confounding circumstances, they still found themselves safe in the presence of one another, because they were on the same wavelength when it came to growth. Now thinking about Byler, and how they were separated by distance & Mike being with El, how they immediately had stilted conversations and arguments, because both believed the other didn't want to hear from the other person. But the minute they're alone together, able to admit their wrongs, they're close, and sharing inside jokes and glances, like they hadn't spent any time apart. Mike is openly admitting that Hawkins wasn't Hawkins without Will in it. That the only place he's ever called home, is no longer home because Will is not there. Thinking about how the duffer brothers make clear in all the canon ships that quality time is an important factor within the romances they write, and how there not only needs to be a level of communication when they aren't in a romantic relationship, but there is a complete enjoyment in one another's presence, not because they are romantically together, but because of who they are as people.
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kit-snickers · 1 year
wish we could of seen more of an interaction between rhaenyra and aegon on hotd because i just feel they'd have such an interesting dynamic with each other rooted in jealousy
for rhaenyra it'd be how much wrong aegon could do, how careless he could be with his station and still be accepted by the people of the realm just because he is the first male born son of the king. and for aegon, who’s father in the end only cared about rhaenyra even though he killed his first wife in search of a son, who doesn’t want the throne and only wants alicent to like him beyond her duty as his mother, finding out just how fond she will always be of rhaenyra too. that despite how many times they continue to find each other at odds, alicent will always hold that love and adoration of when they were younger, and that it'll never be directed at him because he is the very embodiment of everything that’s been stripped away from her
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teekays · 1 year
jack hughes is not very interesting on his own honestly but i think he is a fascinating metric of comparison to other more interesting people and for that reason i will allow him to remain in my containment facility for the foreseeable future
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dudefrommywesterns · 1 month
what i've noticed is that skinny people don't have a nose like mine
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
[⚠️The Amazing Digital Circus SPOILERS] This episode was interesting!
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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mangozic · 3 months
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archivist be upon ye
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oobbbear · 5 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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