#vivi nefertari x reader
galamalion · 3 months
┈ ✧.* romance in the red line
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┈ ✧.* summary﹕You and Nami attend Vivi's well-planned sleepover, and meet a new face the next day.
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╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ pairing﹕one piece x fem!reader
┈ ✧.* chapters﹕[i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v]
╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ w/c﹕4.1k
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┈ ✧.* chapter v﹕three's a crowd
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“Wow, Vivi…” You took a deep breath in, marveling at the architectural wonder before you. “This is…”
“Totally awesome?” Nami chimed in, looking around the room.
“I was gonna say that it rivals the work of Michaelangelo, but that works too…” you replied.
Vivi crouched down and crawled into the blanket-pillow fort, poking her head out and looking up at the two of you.
“Feel free to come in! There are many snacks for us to share and movies to watch!” Vivi said cheerily, tucking herself back into the fort.
Both of you crawled after her, choosing your spots within and diving straight into the generously provided snacks.
Nami shoved a handful of pretzels in her mouth, “You’ve really outdone yourself, Vivi.”
“For sure,” you added. “Having a sleepover wasn’t on my college to-do list, but it definitely should have been.”
“And without the boys!” Nami cheered, kicking her legs excitedly. “No Luffy here to eat all the food!”
Vivi smiled at you both, “I’m glad you are enjoying the sleepover! I don’t have any siblings, so I have perfected the art of fort-making from a young age…”
“Well, that’s what friends are for!” You took a couple pretzels from the bowl. “Now we can do all sorts of things you couldn’t do back then.”
“And we can drink!” Nami interrupted, stealing a pretzel from you.
You rolled your eyes, moving over to the laptop to pick a movie, “I’ll leave the drinking to you, Nami.”
“Really?” she snickered. “You seemed pretty open to it when we were at the Baratie. If I can remember correctly, Sanji had to carry you back to the dorm…”
“How the hell would you know that?” you gaped, crossing your arms defensively. “You drank more than I did!”
Nami laughed, crossing her arms proudly, “I can hold my liquor pretty well, for your information! I’ve outdrank at least 30 grown men before!”
“What an accomplishment, Nami!” Vivi clapped.
You grimaced at Vivi’s cheeriness, “Don’t congratulate her for that, Vi…”
“Any more interesting bits of information from you, ____? A story we’ve yet to hear, maybe a long lost love? Or perhaps you and Sanji…”
“Nope, not a thing,” you quickly countered.
“Oh, you’re no fun!” Nami pouted.
You were quick to bring this party back on track, and away from your own personal life, moving to the laptop to search for movies.
“Alright, what are we thinking, gang? Romance? Comedy? Horror?”
Nami made a gagging noise, “Ew, no horror, please. I’m here for a good night, not a nightmare-filled one.”
“I do love romance!” Vivi said excitedly, looking over your shoulder with Nami at the selection of movies.
“Also, I want something classic!” Nami reached for the laptop, scrolling endlessly for movies. “And no superhero stuff, or future-y stuff.”
“Ok, well, we’ve got Clueless, Mean Girls, 10 Things I Hate About You…”
“10 Things I Hate About You!” Nami shrieked, reaching over and clicking on the movie before you could stop her.
Vivi gave Nami a confused look, “I’ve never seen it before, is it good?”
Nami scoffed, “Only the best romance movie of all time! Trust me, Vi, you’re in for a treat.”
“Agreed,” you added, “it’s at least in the top ten best movies of all time.”
“Make that top five,” Nami corrected, leaning back into the pillows.
“I’m glad to be experiencing it, then!” Vivi cheered, joining Nami in her cushioned throne.
You cracked your knuckles, “Alright, ladies! Movie’s starting now, I expect all phones to be silenced and all mouths to be zipped! Now, please enjoy the show.”
“Ok, mom,” Nami quipped, throwing her arms behind her head.
“You wish I was your mom.”
“Nuh uh, my mom’s already the greatest mom, like, ever!" Nami hissed, sticking her tongue out at you.
“Yeah, I already know, we had a fantastic time last night.” You grinned, copying Nami’s pose.
You earned a pillow to the face for that joke.
“I knew it! They belonged together from the start!” Vivi sobbed as the credits rolled, throwing her face into a nearby pillow and staining it with her tears.
“It’s a romantic comedy, Vi,” you said, pinching your nose, “you’re not supposed to be crying.”
Vivi’s lip wobbled, “I can’t help it…”
“Shh…there, there, Vi,” Nami cooed, rubbing the poor girl’s shoulders. “Be nice, ____! It was her first time seeing the movie of a lifetime.”
“It was a romantic comedy, ” you groaned, laying down in the mass of pillows.
Nami hummed, giving Vivi her blanket before collapsing down beside you.
“Tell you what, girls,” Nami yawned, pulling her sleeping mask over her head. “We absolutely need to go shopping soon. I know we all need a break after this heart-wrenching cinematic experience.”
“It was a fucking romantic comedy!”
“Well, so was the Fault in our Stars, and I cried at that!”
“You’re supposed to!” you yelled, hitting Nami with a pillow, “it’s not a comedy!”
“Comedy, shmomedy,” Nami shrugged, “you in for a shopping trip, Vi?”
Vivi smiled, her blanket pulled up to her chin, “Yes, it sounds very fun! I would love to go out with the two of you again!”
“Well, I suppose that depends on our little roomie,” Nami smiled devilishly, turning towards you. “You in, ____?”
You grimaced as the two girls looked at you expectantly, waiting for an answer you didn’t want to give. Nami’s eyes were dark and knowing, while Vivi’s were light and full of happiness, unaware that Nami would probably coerce her into paying. You were more than capable of saying no to Nami, but Vi? A world with a sad Vivi was a world you couldn’t bear to live in.
“...How about Friday evening, after classes?” you muttered.
“Perfect!” Nami cheered, sliding the sleeping mask down to cover her eyes. “I’ll see you girls then. Just text me when you two are out of class and we can head out!”
“A terrific plan!” Vivi said, snuggling into her pillow. “I will see you both in the morning, good night!”
“Yeah, night, Vi,” you murmured to yourself, fearing for the safety of your wallet.
And so you joined their roommates in their quests for sleep, shutting your eyes and curling up in the mound of blankets and pillows surrounding you, giving you a very cushioned send off to the world of dreams.
“...up, ____,” a voice mumbled above you, though you were hardly able to make out their words on account of the pillows smothering your ears.
Instead of responding, you just rolled to your side and pulled the fluffy comforter over your body, deciding that whatever the person was trying to tell you wasn’t worth it. You could decipher it in a minute, or five. Hell, why not just make it ten?
“Wake up!” the voice, now shouting, called out.
The dull pain in your ears was nothing compared to the unexpected pain in your face as a pillow hurled at top speed smacked you in the head.
“Hey!” you shrieked, clutching your cheek and looking around frantically. Nami stood above you, fully dressed with a hand on her hip, brows furrowed. 
“Are you kidding me? How many times are we gonna have to wake you up?” she huffed, throwing a pile of clothes at you. “You’re lucky I set my alarm for earlier, you still have time to get ready.”
“My savior,” you groaned, examining the clothes laid before you. “Thanks for the clothes, though.”
Nami certainly had style, and it wasn’t hard to see with her daily outfits. What she picked for you chic, but comfortable enough to walk to your classes in, and wasn’t that the college dream?
“Oh it’s nothing, just something I threw together for you,” she giggled. “Vi’s in the shower right now, so once she’s done and dressed we can head out, ‘kay?”
“Got it, girl boss.” You rose from the jumbled mess of pillows and blankets and stepped carefully over to the closed bathroom door, gingerly knocking.
“Vi, it’s me! Mind if I come in for a sec?” you called out.
A muffled ‘yes’ came from the other side, so you creaked the door open and stepped inside with your bundle of clothes, doing your best to get dressed as quickly as possible.
“Sorry for the intrusion, Vivi,” you apologized, slinging the top over your shoulders.
“Ah, it’s no problem, really!” she said from behind the glass walls of the shower. “I hope you had a good night’s rest after our sleepover.”
You scoffed, “Oh, believe me, the rest was wonderful. It was the wake up call that sucked.”
Vivi laughed heartily, the sound echoing in the cramped bathroom, “This is the second time Nami has woken you up, yes? I am glad I missed this time, the first was quite…brutal.”
“Be lucky you’re not on her bad side, Vi,” you snorted, pulling your phone out.
Aside from notifications from games and emails, you did have a couple unread texts from Sanji this morning.
| Mr. Prince: Good morning Sleeping Beauty!!!!! | Mr. Prince: &lt;333333333 Read 8:12 AM | You: lol i swear you say the same thing every morning | You: do all the women in your life get the princess treatment? | Mr. Prince: Just you! | Mr. Prince: I swear princess <33333 | You: swear your loyalty to me and i’ll believe you | Mr. Prince: ;3; | Mr. Prince: If it means earning your love… | Mr. Prince: I’ll do it!!!! | You: lol i’m just kidding | You: pls don’t do anything rash | Mr. Prince: ;3; | You: go forth and take care of every princess!! | You: that is my command | Mr. Prince: You are too kind!! | Mr. Prince: I wilokgopp;;;;;
You raised an eyebrow as Sanji’s final text, clearly too disordered to be anything except for a violet keyboard smash.
| You: did you die prince charming? | You: it’s only like 8 in the morning lol | Mr. Prince: its zoro | Mr. Prince: sanji needs to get ready so im taking his phone away | Mr. Prince: see u guys at 9 | Mr. Prince: Attachment (1) Image
The picture featured was a selfie of Zoro and a very angry Sanji, the latter attempting to wrestle the phone out of the former’s hands. You could also make out a very blurry Luffy crawling over a horrified Usopp in the background, clearly trying to be a part of the picture.
“I’ll give you some space, Vi,” you said, exiting the bathroom and making your way over to Nami amongst the mess of comforters.
“I got a text from Sanji—well, from Zoro, technically. They’re planning on heading down at nine, if that’s cool,” you said, sitting beside her.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Nami responded, scrolling through her phone. “We’ll probably have a few minutes to kill, depending on how fast Vivi can get ready.”
Vivi’s voice rang out from the bathroom, “I will be out shortly, do not worry!”
“Take your time, Vi!” you shouted back before turning to Nami. “Judging by Zoro’s texts, Sanji might be a while.”
“That tracks,” Nami sighed, a smile slowly forming on her face. “Knowing him, he’s probably ironing his suit right now.”
“Or curling his eyebrows.”
“Or waxing his shoes.”
Vivi’s head poked out of the bathroom, clearly trying to hold back her laughter.
“Perhaps,” she giggled, “he is powdering his nose!”
The room was silent for a second before the three of you burst into laughter, doubling over at your stupid jokes. You could afford wasting a couple of minutes to laugh, unknowing that the boys were, indeed, waiting for Sanji to finish ironing his suit.
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“Pancakes aren’t that bad, Vi,” Nami said, drizzling her stack of pancakes in tangerine syrup. “You just gotta add what you like on top!”
“Yeah, Vivi!” Luffy said, voice muffled as he stuffed his face with his seventh pancake. “You’ve got syrup, sugar, butter, ice cream, gravy, meat—”
“You can’t put meat on pancakes, Luffy,” you pointed out, sliding your plate further away from Luffy’s potential grasp.
“Sure you can!” Sanji said, carefully decorating his own stack. “There’s plenty of traditional recipes that utilize meat and ‘pancake’, though I’m not sure you could call every example a pancake…”
“I’m saying you can’t put meat on pancakes like how Luffy does it.” You gestured to Luffy’s plate, which consisted of pancakes with huge pieces of steak and chicken on top. 
“They’re not even serving steak right now!” Usopp hissed, looking at Luffy’s food with a mixture of awe and terror. “This is crazy! He’s crazy!”
“Pancakes don’t have any special nutritional benefits, but they are yummy,” Chopper remarked, taking a bite of his cotton candy-covered pancakes.
“I will stick to rice, but I thank you for your unique perspectives,” Vivi said, giving a polite smile to everyone.
“Here here,” Zoro agreed, taking a sip from his bottle.
“Stop drinking during breakfast, you have classes afterwards,” you whispered, nudging his shoulder.
“I’ll quit when I’m dead,” he responded unflinchingly, taking another swig.
You sighed, continuing to eat your meal amidst your chattering table of friends. Every conversation seemed to switch, both in topic and participants, every five minutes. You were able to catch details about the introduction of new majors—as if Grand Line didn’t have enough—as well as the topic of Luffy’s potential major.
“Come on, Luffy,” Usopp said, pointing his fork in Luffy’s direction, “you’re gonna have to choose a major soon. Why not try engineering?”
“I don’t wanna do math!” he pouted.
“You could do exercise science like Zoro,” Nami added. “Isn’t Ace doing something similar?”
Zoro hummed in agreement, “I think you’d like it, Luf. You’ve gotta learn a little bit, but you might like it.”
“But I don’t wanna copy Ace!” Luffy cried, shoveling more food into his mouth.
“If you’re interested in it, then you’re not copying,” you reassured. 
“But I’m not interested.”
The table sighed in unison, knowing that any hope of finding Luffy a major would be short-lived on account of his short attention span.
“Well, you can always talk to your advisor,” Sanji concluded, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Or your brothers. They’re juniors, aren’t they? Should have plenty of experience.”
“Oh, yeah!” Luffy exclaimed, practically jumping out of his seat. “I bet Sabo would know what to do! He’s way smarter than Ace!”
“I wouldn’t say that out loud, Luf,” a blond man sitting behind Luffy said, turning to face your group. “You know how Ace gets when you compare us.”
Luffy’s momentary confused expression turned to one of glee as he tackled the man, grabbing onto him like a koala.
“Sabo!” he shrieked, earning the attention of nearly half the cafeteria.
“I think I remember something like this happening with the other brother,” Usopp grimaced, looking all around as if something would hit him at any moment.“Has he been there the whole time?” you whispered to Nami.
“I’ve only started sitting here since last week,” Sabo replied, giving you a knowing smile. “I heard Ace had a rather ostentatious entrance, so I thought I’d surprise Luffy in a little quieter way.”
“...I’m not sure you can call this quiet,” Nami said, watching Luffy squeeze Sabo rather violently.
“Does this mean Luffy’s off our hands?” Sanji asked, peeking over at the reunion.
Sabo seemed to think for a minute, looking between Luffy and your group, before saying, “I doubt he’ll let go in time for his classes, so I can take him for a bit.”
“Sounds good to me!” Nami cheered, standing up from the table. “We should all head to class anyway.”
“Have fun on your field trip, Luffy!” Vivi smiled, waving at Luffy before dashing out of the cafeteria with Nami.
You grabbed your plate and turned to Chopper, “Do you have class right now, Chopper? I’m heading over to the science building to talk to a professor before my biology lab, so we might be heading the same way.”
“I have my chemistry lab there in a bit!” Chopper said.
“Perfect, we can head over now.” You smiled, before thinking for a second. “Are you in organic chemistry, Chopper? Or are you in some higher class?”
“No, I’m still in general chemistry,” Chopper nodded excitedly, but then looked down at his feet. “I think I’m in your class…” 
“Oh, shit,” you blurted, feeling guilty. “Where do you sit? I don’t think I’ve seen you in class before…”
“In the front.”
Chopper blushed, looking embarrassed, “I can’t see when I sit in the back…”
“Well, I can sit up there with you tomorrow!” you offered. “If that’s not a problem, that is. It might be nice to have someone to talk to.”
“I’d like that!” Chopper smiled, picking up his bag. “But we should head over now, before all the spots get taken.”
You slung your bag over your shoulder, calling back to the table,  “See you guys later! Don’t let Luffy cause too much trouble, please!”
Sabo waved back, laughing, “I’ll do my best, but he can be unpredictable…”
“Hey!” Luffy shouted, “I’m 100% predictable!”
“That’s not—”
Before the conversation could grow into an uncontrollable argument, you escaped with Chopper in tow. Luffy may be unpredictable in seemingly every other aspect of life, but you could certainly predict how that was going to go. There would be no winners in that cafeteria, only poor, emotionally-scarred college students.
It’s truly amazing what you can learn from someone despite knowing them for less than a month.
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“I fucking hate chemistry, Chopper,” you deadpanned, feeling wrinkles etch on your face as you looked over the lab you’d gotten on Tuesday.
You’d been sitting at one of the few tables in the building, trying to get a start on your lab before Chopper finished completing the in-class portion of his, but you’d been struggling with question two for roughly the entirety of Chopper’s lab, leaving you feeling hopeless, even with the aid you’d received from the professor.
Chopper looked shocked, joining you at the table, “It’s not that bad! I promise it’ll get better, ____! If you want, I can help you study?”
“Truly, Chopper,” you sighed, “I think I’m a lost cause. But I’ll still take you up your offer.”
You dug your phone out of your pocket and opened your contacts, swapping info with Chopper. Another friend to add to the collection, and this one had inherent value to your major!
“Thanks, Chop.” You smiled, tucking your phone away. “I should probably head to my psych class now, so good luck with your lab.”
“Thank you, ____!” Chopper beamed, waving you goodbye.
Luckily, your psych class was in the next building over, so you didn’t have to worry about being late. In fact, the only thing you had to worry about was your chemistry lab. Psychology wasn’t too hard for you, especially back at South Blue High. It was basically just memorization—albeit a lot of memorization—that you didn’t really struggle with. Differentiating ideas could be a tad difficult, but nothing you couldn’t manage. Way better than chemistry, at least.
Your class wasn’t all too great, however. It was full of people who didn’t really want to talk to others, leading to incredibly bland discussion times. Their lack of enthusiasm killed your vibe, so despite the subject being a total snoozefest, you weren’t really looking forward—
“Hey, ____!” Luffy yelled, waving at you from a lone table near the back. 
Sitting beside your rambunctious friend was his brother, Sabo, who also gave you a polite wave.
“...Is this part of the field trip?” you asked Sabo.
“Well, I’m TA-ing for this class, so I thought it might help Luffy to learn about other subjects!” Sabo said, grinning.
“Wait, you’re the TA for this class?” You raised an eyebrow, setting your bag down at a nearby desk. “I didn’t see you on Wednesday, and you weren’t introduced either.”
Sabo leaned back in his chair, “It was a spur of the moment thing. I’m a sociology major, but I thought I might dabble in psychology. It’s fascinating, the mind, and what you can do with it…”
“You sound like a supervillain.”
“Me? A supervillain?” Sabo gasped, putting a hand over his heart. “I’ll have you know, I am the kindest, gentlest, utmost altruistic gentleman this world has ever seen! Isn’t that right, Luffy?”
Luffy blinked, not a single thought going on behind his eyes, “Sabo is totally awesome! One time Ace dared him to eat a caterpillar, and he did it!”
“...Gentleman, huh?” you snickered.
Sabo shrugged, his grin tugging at one end of his mouth, “What can I say, I was a strange child. But not as strange as Luffy…”
“Hey!” Luffy yelled, shaking Sabo violently as the latter laughed.
“Well, if you have any questions, just ask,” Sabo said, easily pushing Luffy off. “Though, you seem like a smart cookie, so I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”
“Or you could ask me!” Luffy shrieked, trying to push back against Sabo.
You laughed, finally taking your seat as class began. With Sabo and Luffy providing you company, the class wasn’t so bad. Sabo was nice to talk to during discussion times, as well as when you were filling out your notes—though it was slightly grating to hear your notes being critiqued. Luffy, despite being reprimanded by the professor multiple times, kept the mood of the entire class up. Luckily Sabo was good at smooth talking, or else Luffy would have probably been expelled. You can only break the same desk so many times before being a lost cause.
As soon as the clock struck 3:20, everyone filed out of the room. You left with Sabo and Luffy, making your way over to the cafeteria for dinner, though Sabo planned on showing Luffy one more class before officially ending their ‘field trip.’
“Has any class struck a chord with you, Luffy?” you asked, glancing over to your friend.
Luffy seemed to think for a moment before speaking, “Nope.”
“Seriously, Luf?” Sabo groaned, pulling on his hair. “Not even sociology? Come one, it’s awesome!”
“I hate sitting in a classroom all day!” Luffy pouted, dragging his feet as he walked. “I wanna do something cool, like being a firefighter!”
“Well, you can bring that up to your advisor,” you offered. “I’m sure there’s a degree that—”
“Fire Fist!”
You felt a tug on your waist as Sabo pulled you ever-so-slightly closer to him and away from Luffy, and within an instant you understood why. Hurling towards Luffy at top speeds was Ace, who tackled Luffy and sailed into the nearby grass patch.
“That’s 572 to 0, Luffy!” Ace cackled, slapping his brother harshly on the back.
Luffy heaved for a couple of seconds, clearly trying to catch his breath after being so blatantly assaulted by his older brother.
“I’ll get you next time,” Luffy scowled, jumping to his feet. “I’ve been working on my punches too!”
“Oh, I’m shaking in my boots,” Ace snorted.
“Now, now, guys,” Sabo said, releasing you. “You almost hurt this poor young lady! What would Dadan say if she saw you now?”
“Don’t leave the house until you’ve done your chores?” Luffy responded, picking his nose.
Ace punched Luffy again, causing the latter to fall over onto the grass. He stepped up back onto the sidewalk, approaching you with an apologetic smile on his face.
“Sorry ‘bout that, ____,” Ace chuckled, scratching his head. “But brothers will be brothers, ya know? Can’t go a day without tackling one of them.”
“I seem to manage just fine,” Sabo coughed.
“...In other news,” Ace said, “I thought I might invite Luffy and his gang of pals—that’s you—to a lovely restaurant in order to celebrate the upcoming hockey season!”
“Is it really hockey season? School literally just started,” you deadpanned.
Ace barked out a laugh, “Every season is hockey season, baby! Now, I have other plans currently that I’m 10 minutes late for—”
“You’re what ?” Sabo’s eyes widened as he turned to Ace.
“—and I need to be there soon, so I’ll take your stunned silence as a ‘yes’ to coming, and I’ll see you Saturday night at eight!”
Before you could even respond to Ace’s outlandish statements, he sprinted away as quickly as he came, dashing through—not around—groups of people, knocking over countless bystanders as he ran away.
“Your brother is a work of art, Sabo,” you finally said, feeling breathless watching Ace’s escape.
Sabo only snorted, looking down amusedly as his little brother rolled angrily through the grass.
“Which one?”
“...Fair point.”
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tag list: @sylum , @dimplewonie , @kingofthemfingpirates , @luuffyswife
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197 notes · View notes
cyborg-franky · 2 years
What Kind Of Ex...
Silly headcanons on what kind of ex One Piece chars would be...
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"Um, you didn't dump me, I dumped you."
Izou, Buggy, Boa, Sabo, Kid, Law, Perona, Doffy, Crocodile, Nami, Uta
"I can change!"
Ace, Corazon, Penguin, Shachi, Brook, Usopp, Sanji, Barto
Buggy, Kid, Perona, Doffy, Uta
Rayleigh, Shanks, Law, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile , Jinbei, Nami, Zoro, Iceberg
Calls at 3am crying.
Ace, Thatch, Vivi, Corazon, Penguin, Shachi, Perona, Usopp, Franky, Sanji, Barto
Sends dick pick
Ace, Roger, Shanks, Penguin, Shachi, Kid, Doffy, Sanji
Doesn't even realize you dumped them.
Marco, Rayleigh, Law, Mihawk, Crocodile, Luffy, Zoro, Iceberg
Still tries to booty call you still.
Ace. Thatch, Roger, Shanks, Boa, Penguin, Shachi, Kid, Doffy, Nami, Sanji
More then likely dumped you first.
Izou, Rayleigh, Boa, Law, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile, Doffy, Nami, Zoro, Robin
Leaves flaming dog shit on your porch.
Buggy, Sabo, Kid, Doffy
Makes you think you should check your cars breaks.
Sabo, Kid, Doffy, Nami, Uta
Convinces you to give it another go - It goes worse.
Roger, Buggy, Shanks, Sabo, Kid, Doffy, Uta
Convinces you to give it another go - goes the same
Ace, Thatch, Rayleigh, Boa, Penguin, Shachi, Perona, Crocodile, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Barto
Convinces you to give it another go - Actually works this time.
Marco, Vivi, Corazon, Killer, Brook, Usopp, Franky, Robin, Iceberg
Signs you up to spam emails.
Marco, Izou, Buggy, Boa, Law, Nami, Iceberg
Still uses your NETFLIX/Prime etc.
Ace, Marco, Roger, Shanks, Sabo, Shachi, Kid, Perona, Nami, Zoro, Iceberg
Prank calls.
Ace, Sabo, Shachi, Uta
When they bump into you in pubic they pretend their new partner is the best.
Roger, Buggy, Shachi, Kid, Perona, Doffy, Usopp, Nami, Sanji
When they bump into you in pubic they literally barrel roll to get out your line of sight.
Izou, Boa, Sabo, Penguin, Law, Crocodile, Barto
When they bump into you in pubic they tell you "Oh wow you look great! single?"
Ace, Thatch, Shanks, Shachi, Kid, Sanji
When they bump into you in pubic they act like a normal fucking person.
Marco, Rayleigh, Corazon, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Luffy, Brook, Jinbei, Franky, Zoro, Robin, Iceberg
When they bump into you in pubic they just cry.
Ace, Vivi, Perona, Usopp, Sanji
Will block you from everything when you break up.
Izou, Buggy, Boa, Sabo, Law, Perona, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile, Nami, Uta
Will stay friends, their chill.
Marco, Rayleigh, Killer, Luffy, Brook, Jinbei, Franky, Zoro, Robin, Iceberg
The breakup is DRAMATIC AS FUCK.
Izou, Buggy, Boa, Kid, Perona, Doffy,Nami, Sanji, Uta
The breakup is mutual and fine.
Marco, Rayleigh, Shanks, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile , Brook, Jinbei, Zoro, Robin, Iceberg
The breakup was a lot of snotty noses and tears.
Ace, Thatch, Roger, Buggy, Vivi, Corazon, Penguin, Shachi, Perona, Usopp, Franky, Sanji, Barto
2K notes · View notes
french-unknown · 6 months
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: shanks, vivi, ace, law, sabo 𝐂/𝐖: fluff 𝐖/𝐂: 1.2k +
| m a s t e r l i s t | - | p t . 1 |
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✧ You were part of the Red Haired Pirates crew for a long time.
✧ You've been sleeping with the captain for almost as long.
It had started during a night of drinking on a remote island where, after a few drinks, you realized that Shanks was a lot more flirtatious than usual. One word after another, you ended up sleeping together that same evening before waking up the next morning in the same bed. You both decided to continue this relationship.
Everyone knew what you were doing.
✧ You gradually became attached to him but, knowing that it wouldn't go further than sex, you said nothing while continuing what you were doing.
✧ So you found yourself having to watch passively when he was being flirted with or when we disappeared with someone during drinking evenings. On his side, he happily raised his glass to you when you got hit on and made jokes when he caught you in bed with someone else.
✧ Things changed when, totally drunk, he admitted to you that he was sad you weren't dating because he would have loved to kiss you in front of the others. Then he changed the subject as if nothing had happened.
✧ It was only the next morning, while you questioned him despite his hangover, that you discovered that he had also liked you for quite a few years. It was just he also thought you only wanted easy sex from him.
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✧ You have known each other since childhood and immediately became friends. You started dating secretly during your teenage years. Her parents thought you were just close friends.
✧ So you thought she loved you too but, one day, she completely disappeared from your life without warning.
One evening she was there, and the next day she had already disappeared without a trace. You didn't know it but she was off to infiltrate Barroque Work to save her country. She didn't put you in the scheme so you wouldn't be in danger. You found yourself from one day to the next without news of your lover, totally abandoned. The shock was hard to take.
✧ The reception was therefore more than cold when she returned to the palace.
✧ She naively thought at that time that you were still together and that your relationship would resume where she left off before she left.
✧ However, you refused to meet her because you were convinced that she didn't want anything serious from you. You were just a little youthful love interest—nothing at all—just good enough to be thrown away when she matured.
✧ In order to prove to you that she really liked you, she had you summoned by force to the throne room with her parents. As soon as you arrived, she declared herself to you in front of her parents before kissing you directly on the lips and introducing you to her parents as her lover for several years.
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✧ You had some doubts but you weren't really sure.
✧ It mainly came from the fact that he was always by your side and very affectionate towards you. At first, you thought he was like that with everyone. He would run towards them as soon as they entered the room to jump on them. He was always talking to them animatedly or listening to them with stars in his eyes. Or he was very tactile with them since he always had contact with you, whether it was an arm around your shoulders or a hand against your back.
However, you realized this was not the case after discreetly observing him interacting with the others.
✧ You had some doubts about whether he liked you more than the others, but not as a lover. You secretly prayed at that moment that you wouldn't be in the best friend zone.
✧ You got tired of it one evening.
You were on Moby Dick and he had joined you in your room to chat. You don't know how but you found yourself lying on your bed, side by side, discussing some of your problems. During a more emotional moment where your voice had faltered slightly, you felt his hand slip into your hair to massage your head. You then pulled away angrily to ask him—quite aggressively, unfortunately—why he was so clingy to you.
"You don't like me anymore?" He then asked with his head down, hurt.
✧ You discovered that evening that he had confessed his feelings several months ago when you were both drunk and he had been thinking since then that you were dating. It was just that he remembered it and you didn't.
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✧ He wasn't particularly nicer to you than he was to the other members of his crew. He also didn't come to talk to you or seek your company. You honestly thought that, to him, you were just another member of the Heart Pirates.
✧ Your vision changed a little when you fell ill and it was he who came to take care of you. "Shut up. It's the captain's role to take care of his crewmates." he had declared.
✧ However, when you refused to eat the soup he brought you because you didn't like it, he initially resisted before going back to get you another meal. A minute before, he maintained that you wouldn't have anything else to eat and he suddenly changed his mind after taking a look at you.
As he left, you heard him grumbling that you shouldn't be so cute. It took you a few minutes to process what he had said but it eventually got to your brain.
✧ From there, you actually realized that he gave in to your demands quite easily. Unlike everyone else on the crew, including Bepo. So you used it to your advantage.
✧ It continued like that without him making the slightest move so you took the courage to declare yourself.
He simply replied, "I think I see what you're talking about. I accept your confession." before dismissing you from his office with a wave of his hand. You just had time to see his red cheeks before he hid behind one of his books.
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✧ You were quite close but not as close as he was to Koala or other members of the Army.
✧ Your group were ambushed by the people you had been following for several weeks under Sabo's orders. At the end of the confrontation, you emerged winners but not without losses.
Some were dead and you were injured with several broken bones and a bruised face.
✧ You were therefore urgently repatriated and you spent the next few days lying in the infirmary until your condition stabilized. You were then transferred to a room alone to rest and recover from your injuries. Your face nevertheless remained unsightly swollen with bruises that badly colored your face.
✧ One day, you heard the sound of boots echoing in the corridor. You didn't want anyone to see your face, which you were ashamed of, so you curled up on your side before pulling up your blanket to hide your face.
You pretended to be asleep.
The door opened. The person slowly walked to the edge of your bed and sat down.
"You sleep?" Sabo's voice whispered.
Faced with your lack of response, he stood up and you felt a kiss being placed in your hair.
"Rest easy and don't ever scare me like that again. It would hurt me to lose you before I could tell you I liked you."
And he left as silently as he had arrived.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @viscade @parkyrr @dozcan123 @livwritesfics @anotherproblemsos @phsycochan @sketchmilk @clovernumber3 @radiorowrites
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jadedchainsaw · 3 months
One piece women if you ask them to peel you an orange/tangerine
Through the good graces of our girl Nami, she let you have one of her precious tangerines, but you don’t want to peel it so instead you go to bug one of your crewmate’s.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Nami, Nico Robin, Vivi, Boa Hancock, Perona
Ngl I think she’d be really offended if you tried to ask her to peel it for you
She’s already given you the tangerine so you’re really pushing your luck
But if Nami really likes you she’s do it for you
It would be super clean, she’d be able to peel it off in one long strip
“There you go, now that’ll be ten thousand beris! 😁✨”
She’d be reading when you asked her
She’ll nod but make two hands appear out of the wall to peel it for you
You can try to start a conversation but she’s too invested in the book to hear you
She’d be telling you about a meeting she had when you ask her if she could peel it for you
Without skipping a beat she’ll peel the orange as she keeps talking, handing you each slice piece by piece
Might accidentally eat a slice if she’s really into what she’s saying
Realized she ate one of your orange slices and apologizes profusely
Boa Hancock:
Yeah, sorry Hancock lovers this woman is absolutely not peeling any fruit
It’s me I’m Hancock lovers
Unless you’re Luffy but internally she’d be grossed out by the feeling of it under her nails
At the very least she’ll have someone else peel if for you (if you’re lucky)
Definitely not happening
You better be super-super-duper cute to even hope that this girl would peel an orange for you
“Oh, what’s this? My hand’s going right through the orange! Oh well, too bad, so sad. Looks like you’ll have to peel it yourself! Horo-horo-horo!”
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luffyvace · 2 months
Boa Hancock & Neferatari Vivi x female reader for women’s day!!
ik I’m late to women’s day guys!! But I’m still gonna participate! (Totally not an excuse to write for some of my fav op girls that I haven’t written much for yet)
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Hancock x a fem reader would be like the ultimate alternative timeline to her not falling in love with luffy lol
let’s say your in the kuja pirates specifically,
that would make more sense as to how you got closer since your on the same crew and obviously get to interact with her more versus just fan girling in the crowd lolol 😂
just the same as luffy, she’d realized her love for you after getting worried for your safety and feeling ill (love sick 😀) mid expedition at the fact that you might be hurt
when everyone gets back to the boat she tried to unsuspectingly scope you out (tried because she was actually frantically searching for someone and wouldn’t say who as everyone panicked-) and as soon as she saw you she sighed in relief! But soon after, she started blushing and she felt a warm fuzzy feeling!
what was this? Is this what they call..? Love?!
it was such a joyous feeling..! She couldn’t believe she was feeling such intense emotions at your presence alone!
”Lady hebihime!! Are you all right?!”
”Lady hebihime!! Are you all right?!”
”Lady hebihime!! Are you all right?!”
”all right..!”
Your words echoed over and over again in Hancock’s spinning head. You..we’re worrying for her?! Your so…kind!- So!- so!- your such a selfless woman!!
and yeah that’s pretty much how it went HAHAH
you can pretty much guess you’ll get special treatment from then on, she’s in love with you after all!! Naturally it’s her duty to protect her lover! 😊 (you haven’t even asked her out yet Hancock! - Glorisa)
she invites you into the palace and gives you the best food and treatment straight away!! Put your feet up dear! Are you hot? tired? Do you need water?? “Hurry up and bring the giant fans! My lover is hot!”
no pun intended even though you are 😉
“lover..? Lady hebihime..! May I ask what your talking about..😅”
”o-oh! W-well..I was just thinking…maybe…we could go on a date..?! ☺️😅”
“ME?? Hebihime!! I- I’m honored but what brought this about?! This is….strangely sudden, you know? Not trying to be rude!-”
”eh??- I mean!- hebihim-”
”Hancock!! Y-you..can call me Hancock..if you’d like!- I mean if you’d prefer to call me something else like a pet name, honey or dear m-maybe-…!”
”But!- hebihime-”
“-And to answer your question! What brought this about……I’m not sure myself…I have no idea actually, I found myself worrying about you and when I saw you again….When I saw you..! When I…..Kyaaa! 😍”
”Hancock!! Are you all right?! What happened!?
“ !!….You…! You!- You said my name!! This must be..! This must be!! What they call!- Engagement!~ 😍😍”
”huh?? 😀 hebihime?-“
“No! Go back! Don’t call me hebihime anymore!! We’re getting married next month so!- So call me by my name from now on! Okay honey?! 😍💗”
*mutters while being carried bridal style by Hancock* “I’m getting married…to the hebihime..😵‍💫💫”
and yes you actually did get married the next month :)
being the wife of the pirate empress is the liiiife 😎👍 you get whatever you want, whenever you want and however much you want of it!! Without a question! Your words are as absolute as sold gold on the island of women! Hancock will likely even ignore elder nyon/Glorisa for you <3
and yeah you can pretty much just imagine your dream life for the rest! Expect that to become your reality when married to Hancock bc even thanos snap can’t compare 🗿😭
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Vivi is such an awesome girl - honorable mention okay? 😤👏
let’s say your not a straw hat tho :) just for funzies :3 imagine you’ve lived on alabasta just as long as she has and even infiltrated Baroque works with her. And also helped save alabasta!
best friends to lovers anyone?? Lesbian edition >:> 👩‍❤️‍👩 🧡🤍💖🏳️‍🌈
after it’s all said and done, and crocodile is defeated, you two say cya to the straw hats and you help Vivi rebuild her kingdom
somewhere during the time things start looking up as for alabasta’s cleanup, she confesses! Oops spoiler :}
“hey!!..I’ve been looking all over for you 😅”
“Oh hey Vivi! What is it?”
”oh nothing I just, well it’s not nothing…can we talk? Uh- you know..in private?”
”oh yeah sure! Come inside I was just cleaning up heheh, excuse the mess..”
“It’s nothing! Really, it’s fine no need to be so formal…we’re close, right?”
“Yeah :) what is it you wanted to talk about though? Is it something bad I’m nervous 😃”
”Oh! Nononono! Nothing bad nothing bad!-“
*sigh of relief* “hah, that’s good 😅”
*awkward yet adorable giggles come from both you and Vivi*
“well..what I wanted to talk about was…us, as in…who we are”
“Oh no Vivi don’t come out and tell me we’re aliens now we’ve barely finished cleaning up alabasta! 😭😂😂”
”what?? Hey! No! I-I’m trying to be serious here! 🤦‍♀️“
”OH! Oops 😄 go ahead go ahead!”
“I meant who we are as in, as a….relationship! Like- um..we’re friends right? Soo..if we could be……”
“Vivi..you mean..?”
”YEAH! 😭😅 I mean if- if we could be..more, if- if you want if not we can just stay friends-“
”No! I- hahah, I honestly never thought you’d ask, like- literally! I’ve kinda been waiting but you never did so is assumed-“
lots of awkward laughing and explaining of feelings ensue from there ���(🏳️‍🌈😜)
actually being in a relationship with her includes training, yes training, because you never know what could happen. Just as crocodile happened and no one knew he would. So from now on she wants to be prepared, she refuses to be blindsided again—for the sake of her people!
she’s a cute mix of awkward, kind and a tad bit shy 💗 it’s like, she almost wouldn’t know how to act around you if you weren’t so close, but you are! So that makes things easier :)
she’s highly knowledgeable and I feel she’d have quiet a bit of hobbies. if you like to do similar things she’d love to partake in those activities with you! But if you have different interests, exploring each one as you teach her about them would be fun too! <3
Vivi is a literally princess, which means as her lover you get princess treatment! 😘 (all puns intended) She can afford it after all! Pell and Vivi’s father would adore you! You make Vivi so happy, how can they not?!
she talks about you more often than you know 🤫 “Dad!! Don’t tell her that!- it’s kind of embarrassing you know?!” oops Vivi heard him
well anyway 😊
Vivi is a very caring and protective lover as seen with Nami (when she stayed by her side the whole time she was ill). So of course that’s not any different when it comes to you, it’s highly likely Vivi knows first aid so if you get a minor injury? Be more careful!! 🩹❤️‍🩹💋 A major injury?! Hurry! Rush her to the royal hospital! Quickly! Giver her the best treatment! It’s okay, relax, she’s here 💖
Vivi will be with you through thick and thin and her loyalty is unwavering. She may not be the strongest banana in the bunch but she’ll certainly defend you with all she has if it comes down to it! 😤💪
Also!!! Can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this yet!!- Karoo!!!! Karoo loves you <33 Vivi thinks your bond is adorable, especially how Karoo always lets you ride on him :} you bring him snacks and drinks and he runs to you each time. If your tired of walking he’ll carry you without complaints as well so that’s a perk!
I feel the other spot billed ducks would love you as well! Karoo probably tells them how great you are 🤗 You might even like one of them enough to make them your duck! (I would, they seem cooler than a freezer 😎👍)
Okayyy~ lovely readers, followers and anyone new here..!
I hope you enjoyed these headcanons!!~
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elenamegan14 · 8 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Prologue
It's a spooky season, and I have yet to see any Yandere One Piece reader fics based on Slavic myths and legends! Blame me for being too invested in Bramble: the Mountain King game.
Once, there was a childless couple who lived in a quaint village. Although the village is rich in tradition and harvest, it was also a fearsome place. Not far from them lies a great forest called the Grand Line, a home of every fae folks, each more astounding and nightmarish than man had ever known. 
But that was where our story began. 
One night, on a full moon during a winter’s eve, the couple is visited by a frail, old woman. They immediately brought her in, warmed her, and fed her. When all is done, she transforms into a beautiful fairy. A member of the fairy monarchy, Rogue. 
To thank the couple, Rogue rewarded them with something they had yearned for years: a child. And so, on the first day of Spring, a healthy baby girl was born. 
Alas, even the fairy world has it;s own rules, and the rule is crueler than the rules of mankind. A baby who is granted life by the fairy must be returned back by the ripe age of thirteen. Rogue did not want her work to go to waste, so she told the couple that they must move the child away from the village, never to enter any fairy rings at any cost, and give their child a pair of special earrings made of iron to protect them. 
Thus, the family evaded the pursuit of the fae folks beyond the age of thirteen. In retaliation, the fae folks began to terrorize the villagers - they would not stop to torment them until the child was given to them. Furious at the fleeing family for putting them into this bedlam, the villagers set up a trap to return the child back to the Grand Line. 
Eighteen years have passed, and the child grew up in the Kingdom of Goa. With each passing day, the blessings from Rogue had made the child cunning, wise, and attractive. The child was a curious oddity amongst her peers, but there was one person who despised her existence more so than the others. 
Sarie is the daughter of a notorious monarchy in the Goa Kingdom. Although she has everything in the palm of her hand, she is wicked jealous of the child’s charm and beauty. Her opportunity stuck when a vengeful villager asked her to cooperate to rid of the child’s existence in the mortal world. 
Soon after, Sarie begged her fiancee, Sterry, to arrange a special trip only for his classmates, the child included, straight to the child’s original village. Sterry and his cohorts lured the child to the edge of the forest, right before the entrance of Grand Line. Once there, Sarie threw her scarf into the middle of the fairy ring and asked the child to pick it up for her. 
The child is confused. Why should she follow such a petty instruction? Also, the child pleaded that she was not supposed to enter the fairy ring at any cost. However, Sterry and their classmates loudly demanded her to do so. 
When the child reluctantly tried to enter the fairy ring, Sterry once again ordered the child to take off the child’s iron earrings for Sarie. She tried to refuse but Sterry warned her that if she disobeyed, he would make sure that she became the enemy of Goa. 
The child had always wanted to be accepted by Sterry and Sarie - she did not understand what she had done wrong to receive his ire. The child also knew that Sarie and Sterry’s family had more power than her family did. She hastily took off her earrings and gave them to Sarie. With a heavy heart, she entered the fairy ring. 
Sterry and Sarie’s deception became light once she turned around inside the fairy ring, only to find herself alone in a strange forest. She ran back and forth, calling for her classmates. 
None answered. 
Alone, terrified, and confused, the child trekked into the woods of Grand Line on her own, in hoping to find her way home… not knowing that she had fulfilled her promise…
And break the village’s curse. 
You are wandering around the fogged oath, unable to see what's beyond. Suddenly, you heard footsteps. Behind you, in front of you, everywhere! You barely have a moment's rest when a mischievous-looking human-like creature appears before your very eyes. Shrieking, you fall back behind, astounded by what you see.
"Shishishi! Did I scare you?" The creature grinned hugely, enhancing his unique shaggy features with a stitched scar underneath his left eye.
Monkey D. Luffy, the Pookah, has arrived. Next
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
requests nsfw alphabet
male reader - M
female reader - F
gender neutral reader - GN
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Portgas D. Ace
Nico Robin
Vivi Nefertari
Donquixote Rosinante
Benn Beckmann
Lucky Roux
Charlotte Katakuri
Vinsmoke Yonji
Sir Crocodile
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Kuzan Aokiji
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dracule Mihawk
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anystalker707 · 5 months
take a look at my girlfriend
Pairing: Nefertari Vivi x [gender-neutral] Reader Summary: SFW and NSFW headcanons about dating Vivi! Tags: very sweet ! / she's so lovely / vague but i can write oneshots if requested
requested by anon ["Could I request a Vivi relationship headcannon both sfw and nsfw for a male S/O Please and thank you"]
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• Vivi is naturally overly protected, so it takes a while until her family finally accepts you and lets you go around without keeping an eye on you 24/7. She tries her best to reassure you it’s okay; she loves you so much and doesn’t want to see you get scared away just because of it, but you already knew that when you decided to date a princess
• Everyone (Cobra, Chaka, Pell, etc.) asks you a thousand questions, narrowing their eyes at you or side-eyeing you, but it’s just before they treat you like family as well. It also includes getting Karoo’s approval, of course. She’s a little nervous and awkward about it in the beginning, but she ends up getting annoyed after some point because they just don’t seem to accept you’re safe (even if she understands their point)
• Vivi’s a busy person, of course, but that doesn’t mean she won’t try to make time for you—she will make sure to keep free time in her schedule for dates or simply hanging out with you, sharing a meal in the castle, or resting together. She loves sweet dates like going for a walk while holding hands or picnics, so she isn’t exchanging that for anything
• Even if she can’t manage some free time for you, she will make sure to take you with her everywhere (being her partner is a full-time job), whether it’s for emotional support, help, or just to be there with her in general
• It also means you need to know how to fight or just improve what you already know (you need to protect yourself and Vivi), so you’ll have to train hard. It’s tiring and takes a lot of effort, but it’s needed and very rewarding. Vivi will always be waiting for you at the end of the day to say how she’s proud of you, cupping your face and kissing your lips. Sometimes, she lets you know that without saying it—curling up in your arms when she is apprehensive or glancing at you at the slightest risk of danger, showing how much she trusts your protection and cares about you, of course
• Vivi is extremely loving. She will always make sure she is giving you enough attention and love, always give you pecks on the cheek and hugs, even if she’s in a rush for something else because a little second with her partner is never lost
• She is the type to talk problems out, but you have to work for that. She won’t admit things in the beginning, just trying to bottle up feelings and push through the problems, but she will eventually learn how to deal with things better later on because she wants the relationship to be as healthy as possible
• Absolutely loves it when you praise her. Vivi will be all proud and mushy when you compliment her speech or even how nice she looked in some public event. She also loves knowing you enjoy her cuddles and the way she plays with your hair and takes care of you. It makes her proud of herself for being able to care for you in the right way
• Long night talks with Vivi when she finally returns to her bedroom. She will sit on her bed and let you brush her hair or rub her back while she tells you about her day or reasons with you about an ongoing problem
• She just loves the quality time in general, whether it be working alongside each other or playing with her hair while she reads. Either way, she is always melting in your arms whenever she gets the opportunity, clinging to you or sitting on your lap with her arms around your neck
• Matching jewelry with you. She will ask to have jewelry crafted with your initials engraved on the golden surface or keep lockets with pictures of you two inside it
• Vivi is quite possessive, as well. If she spots someone else flirting with you, she knows you won’t give them any attention, but it doesn’t avoid the inconvenience. She will be grabbing your hand and quickly introducing herself as your girlfriend, sticking to your side the whole time. She will be all proud when you wrap an arm around her waist and accept her actions
• Vivi might find it cute when you’re jealous, but seeing you jealous is a rare sight because she just doesn’t give you reasons to feel like that. Someone’s flirting with her? She will either dismiss them or rush to your side
• Vivi will always wear the stuff you give her, whether it is a new pen, a ring, or a hijab (also stick to your opinion about what she should wear). She demonstrates how much she values you by also valuing everything you give her, and also the things that are important to you (catch her making sure she can be there for you in your special moments no matter the appointment she has scheduled for the same time, and she will also ask the others to provide the best things for your needs or your hobbies)
• Supportive girlfriend 100%. Will be there for you no matter what
• Don’t try to decide things for her or anything—Vivi is very independent, and she will learn how to ask for help when she needs to, but the trick is not to make her feel like she isn’t self-sufficient. The mutual respect and recognition are some of the things she values the most
• Either way, Vivi will need support once in a while. She will get in a quieter mood, with a sad or longing expression on her face, and all she will need is long hugs and a comforting presence, not even words. Just looking after her will be just right for Vivi, helping her with whatever she is going through
• She’s not shy to admit she wishes to marry you as it becomes a more frequent subject in the castle, since she’s getting older and is the only heir to the crown. Of course, you’ll get a few side-eyes at first, but it’ll be acceptable; you’re part of the family already, anyway, they trust you
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
NSFW hcs
• You two probably have your first time with each other, having known each other since you were younger. The first times were laced with nervousness and insecurity, but you learn how to please each other. She’s all shy at first, but once she gets the hang of it…
• Sex with her either is all sweet and passionate love-making or deep into a kink. Vivi is usually the one who brings up new stuff that she is curious about and wants to try, and her favorite stuff usually involves bondage. There’s something about being tied up and to your mercy that turns Vivi on so much. Hands tied to the headboard as you please her or tied behind her back as her face presses to the mattress—she loves all of it
• Balance of dominance between you two, unless you’re doing something that requires the unbalance
• She likes being praised and worshiped, having your hands run along her skin while you bathe her in praises, giving love to each inch of her skin. It makes her melt as her heart flutters, but also makes pride swell in her chest as she offers herself more to you. Kiss her hands, her collarbones, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, calves, shoulders. Everywhere.
• Vivi enjoys giving as much as she receives, always ensuring you’re okay. If she can, she will pull you down for passionate kisses that aren’t just due to the urgency and seeking pleasure, but just wanting to touch you in general, to express her love through the slow make-out session
• Sometimes all Vivi needs after a long day dealing with Alabasta’s stuff is a relaxing shower and good sleep, but other times, what she really needs is your head between her legs: she also loves receiving and giving oral—she will play with your hair while you eat her out, praising you between moans, making sure to let you know how well you’re doing on pleasing her like that. The most delicious moans will come from her as she arches her back and rolls her hips on your tongue when you’re with her thighs over your shoulders, feasting on her. Sometimes, on the other hand, she will be pulling you with her into empty rooms in the castle to give you a little treat, wide eyes looking up at you as she wraps her lips around you and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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keenzinemugstudent · 2 days
Trafalgar Law x Black reader. Let me mend your broken heart. (WARNING THIS IS LONG 😭 I'M SORRY)
You had feelings for your best friend Ace but he gets together with your stepsister Vivi Main while her ex-boyfriend Law sees this as a win-win situation. ⚠️ warning Angst, rejecte⚠️
Everyone is in University
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You were in your room lying on your bed staring up at the ceiling, you feel your phone vibrate but you don't bother to pick it up, you already knew who it was, you just didn't want to answer, you just wanted to be left alone why didn't anyone understand that?
you look at the stuffed teddy bear that you got from Ace and throw it across the room near the trashcan hiding your face in your pillow.
"Y/n come on you're going to be late for work!"
Speak of the devil herself. You get out of bed opening the door, There stood your stepsister Vivi looking at you with a frown on her face.
"Vivi I took the day off why are you knocking on my door?"
"Oh well I wanted to see if you were feeling okay."
"I'm fine."
"You sure? Because Nami said you haven't been answering your phone and everyone was kind of worried?" You let out a tired groan.
"My phone was off didn't want to be bothered today." You say hoping she'd leave you alone but she just stood there still staring at you with a frown.
"You know if something is bothering you-"
"Like I said before I'm fine Vivi! So just leave me alone already damn it!"
She flinched at the tone in your voice, before she could say anything you closed the door in her face leaning on the door and letting out a loud sigh.
" Great now you've done it she's probably already texting Mom and telling her that I yelled at her for no reason."
You glance at your mirror and there is a picture of you and Ace at the fair making you feel sad all over again, there is a reason why you didn't want to answer any of your phone calls from your friends or from Ace
You stare at Ace who has a big grin on his face with a blush.
"I asked out Vivi isn't that great?"
When...when did you even-?
"After I got off work I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes I was surprised that she'd even consider a guy like me!
You just stare at him like not know how to process this information the feel your whole world go crashing down
"Y/n? Hey, you okay?"
"Uh yeah, I'm sorry but when did you even start liking Vivi?"
"I've kind of always liked her when she first moved into your place but I was too scared to really say anything."
Okay, that just made you feel even worse he's liked her since we were kids? When you first met Vivi and her dad, she was 14, you were 12 and Ace was 13 during those whole years growing up Ace never showed any interest in liking her at all at least that's what I thought.
"Does anyone else know?"
"Huh? Oh well, I guess everyone knows I told Marco, Sabo, and Luffy who then probably told his friends."
"And when was this? "
He looked at you with a nervous look on his face.
Monday?! So last week?!
I got up from the table Ace looked at you concerned.
"I'm sorry Ace I just remembered something really important came up I got to go oh uh but congrats on your new relationship!"
You give a thumbs up with a forced smile and speed walking out of the cafe he calls out to you but you are already out the door when you are out of sight of the cafe you hide in an ally way holding your chest and trying to breathe that's when the tears started to fall down your face the worse part it started to rain.
End Flashback
Maybe if you would have told him your feelings sooner but then again this was you vs Vivi we were talking about here. She was beautiful while you were just plain and boring, Nami said you were pretty too even the guys would say you were cute and any guy would like to have you as their girlfriend, pretty sure they just said all that to make you feel better. Even your own mom would boast about how great, smart, and beautiful Vivi was it would always hurt your feelings a bit because she made it clear she would wish Vivi was her real daughter instead of you she never said it but she sure as hell didn't try to hide.
"Hey! Y/n!"
You turn to see Nami running towards you with a really pissed-off look on her face if you got a closer look you could steam coming out of her ears.
"You idiot why the hell didn't you answer your phone?!
"Sorry, my phone wasn't working."
"For five days?! Bullshit!" She says stumping her foot on the ground you frown as people pass by seeing the two of us yelling some even whispered making you embarrassed.
"Okay, okay I'm sorry Nami look I didn't get any sleep last night and I'm here now so please let's just forget about it."
she didn't like that reply and grabbed your shoulders shaking you back and forth and making you dizzy.
"Forget? Are you kidding?! You hade us all worried and don't get me started on Ace-!"
"Not now Sanji I need to hey where'd she go?!" She stared at the spot you were standing in and noticed that you were gone.
"Y/N!!!!!!" People backed away from fear as the ginger was surrounded by fire she was pissed
((Now back to you))
You ran into a classroom hiding from the raging ginger-haired woman who definitely would kill you if she found you. As much as you loved Nami she was scary as hell when angered!
"I should have stayed my ass at home." You say not noticing the other person in the room until they spoke.
"Me and you both..."
you turn your head and see a man wearing a fur hat and a uniform sitting at the front desk holding a medical book your eyes widen when you realize who it is.
Yep that right people the one and only Trafalgar Law another University student who you've seen around campus a couple of times but you also knew him as Vivi's ex-boyfriend.
"Hi." You gave an awkward wave still sitting on the floor.
"Let me guess hiding from your friends?
"Yeah, I kind of pissed one of them off sorry for interrupting."
"I haven't seen you on campus or at the music store, everything good?"
"Oh uh yeah just need to take a break from everything ya know? Wait how did you know I worked at the music store?" You didn't even think he would even notice you not show up to class let alone at your job. Hell, how did he know where you work?! He just gives you a shrug getting up from his sit walking towards you.
"I've passed by there a couple of times on my way home from the hospital."
"Oh, that makes sense!" You stood up dusting yourself off trying to look halfway decent.
I'd forgotten he worked at the hospital which is a couple of blocks away from your job Law had a name for himself at the hospital and on-campus people called him the surgeon of death which was pretty cool you didn't understand why Vivi broke up with him he was smart, cool and pretty hot if I do say so for myself. I mean the dude was tall had tattoos on his chest and arms pierced ears and a tan he also had bags under his eyes probably from lack of sleep but he was cute.
"Ah, so my reputation has reached that far huh?"
"Oh yeah! Luffy wouldn't stop talking about how awesome you were helping his grandpa at the hospital pretty impressive."
"Thanks even though you're not the first person to say that it's nice to hear it from you Y/n ya."
You feel your cheeks get warm at his comment which causes him to smirk at your flustered expression.
"W-well it's just I always thought you were pretty cool!"
"Oh really? Was that before or after I was dating your stepsister?" He asks leaning on the wall next to you you look at him surprised a bit that he didn't refer to Vivi as your sister like everyone else does even Ace does it he tries to get you to warm up to the idea of Vivi being your sister but you just really all up to it you respected her sure but you didn't see her as a sister.
"Before. Honestly, I was surprised that she broke up with you I mean you're a doctor for God's sake, and...." You glance up at him his grey eyes already looking at you.
"You're...kind of attractive."
You shyly look at the ground trying not to let him see how flustered you were he just gave a chuckle.
"Well thanks and don't worry you're not the first to say that, my friends also said the same thing but I didn't really care that much to be honest."
"What do you mean?"
"We only went out for 3 weeks it was fun but we weren't that serious."
"Huh but weren't you the one who asked her out?" He gave you a confused look crossing his arms.
"No, she actually asked me out."
He let out a scoff getting closer to the point where you could feel the warmth coming off him.
"I want to ask you something."
"Well I'll be stuck here for a while so ask away!"
"Is the reason why you just disappeared off the face of the earth because of fire fist right?" You flinch at the question and glare at him.
"No and last I check my relationship with Ace is none of your business."
he held up his hands in defense backward a bit.
"What do you know about me and Ace anyway?"
"I know you've had feelings for him for a while and now his dating Vivi."
Your face went from anger to embarrassment looking away from him he then gave a sigh.
"I don't blame you though when I found out I was kind of annoyed." You looked back at him confused.
"Why would you be annoyed? I thought you said it wasn't that serious so why do you care about who she dates?"
"You're right if it was anyone else I wouldn't have a problem with it but because she's with Fire fist knowing your feelings for him puts me in a bad mood."
He stepped closer now into your personal space, what he did next made you freeze. He moved his hand up and touched your cheek moving a braid from your face to see your eyes which were still puffy from crying all week.
"You shouldn't be crying over that idiot."
You didn't say anything but look at him feeling your heart beating fast he was making you feel nervous and his hand touching you didn't make it any better.
"Instead of wasting your time on him, you should find someone more suitable."
"Oh and who do you suggest Mr surgeon of Death?" You ask him in a mocking tone to cover up uneasiness. He looks into your eyes his thumb rubs your cheek leaning down a bit to the point both your noses touch my eyes widen thinking he is going to kiss me but he just backs away from you walking back to his desk to pick up his bag and books.
"After classes are over me meet me at th front gate yeah?"
all you could do was nod your head face still on face, he give a smirk walking passed you. Leaving you standing there like a statue.
What the hell was that?!?!
The whole day you couldn't get what happened out of your head. Why did he do that? Why did he touch my cheek? Was...was he flirting with me? No way!
"Y/n? Hey, pea for brains answer me!"
"Is she dead?"
"What? No, she's probably just exhausted!"
"Maybe she needs meat?"
"Luffy not everyone is a greedy glutton like you!!"
you felt someone flick your forehead making you snap out of your thoughts you looked up to see Luffy and Zorro standing in front of you.
"Finally the princess awakes from her slumber."
"Yeah, you were really out of it Y/n!"
Luffy wrapped his arms around you in a hug you just pat his head. You always thought of Luffy as a little brother and always used to babysit him when Ace and Sabo couldn't he even called you big sis once in a while. So he was probably bored that you weren't around to play with him or give him food.
"Sorry just haven't been getting any sleep."
Zoro gave you a frown arms crossed.
"That's why you didn't show up for the last couple of days?"
You nod
"Or answer any of our calls?"
Again you give a nod not looking him in the eye, he gives an annoyed sigh making you look at him he holds his head in his hand.
"Hey Luffy? Sanji said he had food waiting for you."
With that Luffy ran out of the room leaving you and the green-haired man alone he sat down next to you.
"I didn't want to say anything in front of Luffy but is this because of the whole Ace and Vivi thing?"
You hesitated but gave a nod no point in lying to Zoro of all people he could read you like a book.
"Geez Y/n I knew you were upset but-"
"I'm fine really it's just I'm still not sure how I didn't see it. "
"And you're upset we didn't tell you?"
"Maybe a little? I mean I know it's partially my fault too for not confessing my feelings sooner but it just had to be Vivi of all people like seriously?!"
"Yeah I was a little surprised too "
"So we good?" He looks back at you bumping against your shoulder you give a grin.
"Yeah just need a bit of space for a bit." He give a nod understanding he let out a yawn getting up from his seat.
"Okay, fair enough but fair warning Nami is still very pissed."
That made me shiver in fear of the image of Nami rage coming your way.
By the end of the day you turned and felt your heart drop to your stomach there at the gate stood Ace who was laughing and grinning at Vivi who stood there blushing with a smile on her face holding his arm tightly. You debating on walking towards them or trying to walk past them but then Ace would probably try to bomb you with multiple questions on why you didn't answer any of his texts or calls or why it didn't show up on campus you honestly did not want to deal with any of that today before you can turn around and head back the other way you heard someone called me for you.
"Oi! Y/n ya!"
You turn to see Law standing there waving his hand at you, you glance and see your friends (the straw hat crew Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Nami, and Luffy) looking at you as well as the happy new couple. You nervously speed walk over to Law holding your books in your chest.
"Ready to go?"
"Uh, where are we going exactly?"
"You'll find out when we get there.
"Wow, what a subtle answer."
He noticed your hesitation it looked back behind you raising an eyebrow.
"Or would you rather be here and get a ride from the lovely couple?"
"Bike ride on the death trap it is then!"
You took the helmet out of his hand put it on then got on wrapping your arms around his waist. You stared back and you saw Vivi's confused and red face possibly from anger, your friends were also shocked but Ace's face looked lost and his mouth was open. That was the last thing you saw before Law sped off in an unknown direction far away from campus, away from your friends. The whole time he was going fast making you hold onto him tighter he glanced over at you.
"Alright then just try to hang on tight okay?"
You give a nod holding him tightly with eyes closed, you could have sworn you heard him give a small laugh over the wind. An hour went by before you knew it you were at the beach.
"You brought me to the beach?"
"Seemed like a great idea at the time." He helps you off the bike holding your hand you can't help but notice how warm his hand is or how much bigger they are compared to your own.
"Want some ice cream?"
"I didn't bring any money with me."
"I'm paying don't worry."
We got some ice cream and talked for a bit it was nice to clear your mind of everything and the ice cream was so good it was sweet of him to take you here but couldn't help but wonder why? I mean this is Law we are talking about here he's not nice for no reason right?
"How you feeling?"
"I'm okay, thank you for bringing me here, it was really sweet of you Law." You smile at him he gives a hmm looking to the side so you won't see him blush.
"I'm glad I could help but there's actually a reason why I wanted to bring you here."
We stopped by the shore you could hear the waves and feel the wind on your cheek it was nice.
"I have something to confess." You turn to look at him and he looks a bit nervous?
"Is everything okay Law?"
"Yeah just I know this is gonna sound a little bit weird but..." He rubs the back of his neck not looking at you he was silent for a couple of minutes before clearing his throat.
"Y/n I like you, will you go out with me?" You stood there silently blinking up at him.
"Huh? Huh?!?!
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"I'm guessing you weren't expecting that?"
"Of course I wasn't expecting that!" You stared up at him face flustered from his bold confession, like come on what kind of guy asks out his ex-girlfriend's step-sister? It's like I'm in a TV drama or something!
"Yeah, sorry guess that was stupid."
"Oh no no of course It's not stupid! It's just a bit of a surprise!" You rub your arm looking down at the ground face getting even more warm than before this was a lot to handle.
"We don't have to go out right this moment but I want to get to know more about you, if that's okay with you?" He took off his hat so you could get a better look at his face he had a soft expression and a look of determination, your heart was beating fast from this like super fast, were you having a heart attack? No of course not! But you didn't know what to say to him and besides it would be so awkward.
"You don't have to say yes...But I want you to know one thing." He took a step closer to you gently grasping your hand into his own.
"I'm not doing this because of Vivi. What I said before was true I don't care about her or who she dates."
"But...why? Why me of all people?"
"Because I like you Y/n, I know it's not much but please just give me a chance."
"I just don't know, don't get me wrong I'm flattered that you decided to confess your feelings but aren't you worried about what everyone else will say?" He let out a small laugh.
"I could give a damn about what they say but let me guess you're worried about what Vivi will say? Or is it because of Ace?" You frown at the mention of Ace.
"Ace is someone I care about and I know I may sound pathetic when I say this but I can't help but still like him."
"It's not pathetic. You have a right to feel that way, no one has the right to tell you otherwise." You couldn't help but give a tiny smile at his words.
"Though I'm still a bit upset about him and Vivi I have to accept the fact that he will never see me in that way."
"So I'm willing to accept your offer." You stared at him with a shy smile. He raised an eyebrow staring down at you with a smirk on his face.
"Oh really?"
You give a nod still holding his hand but this time having a tighter hold.
"Mmh I want to get to know more about you too Law, so please let's get to know each other okay?" He lifts up your hand to his lips and gives your knuckles a gentle kiss causing you to blush.
"Sounds good to me Y/n."
"Woah there boy you keep this up and I might pass out!"
"Don't worry sweetheart I'll take care of you I wouldn't be a good boyfriend or doctor if I let you pass out."
"B-Boyfriend?! Hey now I thought we were supposed to be taking things slow!"
"We are and I'll start by mending your broken heart."
Wow I guess I am now in a relationship with Trafalgar Law, oh boy something tells me this year is going to be crazy I just wonder how everyone's gonna react to this
(with the crew)
"Hey Nami?"
"What's up Usopp?"
"I bet you 50 bucks Law took Y/n on a date."
"Eh? Nah make it 200!"
"I don't have that much! I'm broke!"
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To be continued maybe? I honestly have a lot of fun writing this I kept having a lot of writer's block cuz of Life kicking me in the ass so I'm happy I was able to finish this it took me a couple of months but it's done I hope everyone who reaches liked it so far sorry if there's a couple of grammar and spelling mistakes
22 notes · View notes
galamalion · 7 months
┈ ✧.* 𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒
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╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ summary﹕you experience a shameful hangover after you night out at the baratie, then go get breakfast with your new friends. how could anything bad happen at breakfast?
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╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ pairing﹕one piece x fem!reader
┈ ✧.* chapters﹕[i] [ii] [iii] [iv]
╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ w/c﹕3.1k
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┈ ✧.* chapter ii﹕drunken memories
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Your first night at the university was a rough one.
Upon waking up in your bed—and thankfully not the street—you immediately felt sick. You threw your blankets off and looked around the room, standing up to see Vivi and Nami still lying in bed, the latter looking rather worse for wear, tossing and turning with her blankets.
You threw open the door to the bathroom and sprinted inside, leaping across to hunch over the toilet to puke your guts up. Your stomach was never the strongest, and unfortunately neither was your alcohol tolerance. Speaking of, how much did you drink? You only got a small glass of wine to fit in with the Italian vibe, and you hadn’t even drank half of it! But—oh, that’s right, Nami was there. 
A memory—or rather, memories— came flooding back in an instant, all of Nami ordering small little fruity drinks. She insisted you tried all of them, ‘just a sip!’ she said. Well, all those little sips clearly did a number on you.
“Damn you, Nami…” you grumbled, stumbling back to bed.
After exiting the bathroom, you picked up your phone from your desk, noticing it had been charging. Did someone do that for you as well? It would have struck you as kind if you hadn’t been hungover. All you could think about was your pounding headache and upset stomach.
Before inputting your password, you noticed you had a text from one ‘Mr. Prince,’ a name and number you hadn’t recognized. 
| Mr. Prince: Hello Sleeping Beauty!! &lt;;333 | Mr. Prince: I hope you slept alright, you got were pretty smashed after Baratie  | Mr. Prince: but not in a bad way!! in a super cute tipsy kind of way!!!! | Mr. Prince: Also it’s Sanji!! I put my number in your phone so you wouldn’t be confused or anything!! | Mr. Prince: Luffy saw and also put his, and then Usopp wanted to put his, and then Zoro decided to put his…… | Mr. Prince: Anyways, just text me when you wake up Sleeping Beauty, just want to know that you’re safe!! <333 ^3^
Were you really the drunk one in this situation? You were pretty sure you hadn’t even spoken to him, only remembering his flirty attitude and writing him off as a playboy. But if the name in your phone was anything to go by, he seemed more like a Prince Charming-esque character. 
| You: i’m ok | You: thanks :)
You hoped the smiley face would help you sound like less of a prick. It was hard to be friendly after years with no friends, and you were doing your best to adjust to the sudden change. 
Before returning to bed you chugged a glass of water for your nausea and headache, praying the pain would go away after your short nap. Nami and Vivi would probably be awake by then too, giving you an even better reason to take this nap. And maybe your dreams would be more pleasant than your current state of consciousness. Nausea doesn’t follow you into sleep, right? Right?
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“‘m not drunk…” you mumbled, staggering out of the restaurant with your new friends in tow. 
“Come on, ____!” Luffy begged, trying to drag you down the sidewalk. “It’s time to go home!”
“No use arguing with a drunk, Luffy,” A voice chimed in, slowly getting closer to your location.
“This isn’t home~” you hiccuped, “‘is college!”
“Alright, let’s go…” the voice spoke, leaning down near you. “Arms around me, darling.”
You felt yourself being hoisted up, and despite your drunken flailing, your front fell firm against a solid back.
‘Smells good…’ you thought, laying your head on the warm structure before you.
“You’re doing great, sweetheart,” the voice whispered to you. “Just keep everything inside and we’ll have a wonderful conclusion to this wonderful night.”
“Yer’ warm…” you mumbled, snuggling your head into their neck. 
For a moment you were able to focus, seeing the bright lights of downtown flicker all around the streets, as well as the blonde head of hair directly in front of you. It looked soft, like that Chinese cotton candy stuff you’d heard about. What was the name again? Would his hair taste like it? No, better not to try now…wait for later, when he’s not looking.
He? Oh, that’s right, Sanji’s blond. Or did he have red hair? You were having a difficult time remembering. But you did know he was a flirt, and not a good one. It wasn’t gonna work on you, even if his hair smelled delicious…
Thousands of thoughts raced through your mind, and their constant thrum slowly lulled you into sleep, head still resting on Sanji’s shoulder.
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“Oh yeah, that happened,” you mumbled drowsily, half asleep.
The conclusion of your dream-memory had roused you awake, your muscles slightly achy after only an hour of sleep. You really were that drunk, and not the ‘cute tipsy kind’ like Sanji said. But college was supposed to be a learning experience, and last night you learned the valuable lesson of watching your liquor.
You hoped Sanji didn’t take your drunken rambles the wrong way. But you didn’t voice all of your thoughts, just that he was warm! He didn’t know that you thought he smelt good. Unless your sniffing was really loud…
Oh God, what if you were sniffing him really loudly? At that point he probably just thought you were weird. But he called you a cute drunk, right? That meant something! But then again, you hardly knew him. And yet you had his number!
Your obsessive pondering was interrupted by another text, and from Sanji no less. Was he going to confront you? He seemed so pleasant in his last texts, what more does he have to say?
'Just stay calm, stay cool, and stay casual,’ you breathed, ‘if you pretend like you don’t know, maybe he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know!’
| Mr. Prince: HI | Mr. Prince: GOOD MORNING | Mr. Prince: WANT 2 GET BRAKFAST?
‘What the fuck?’ you thought, quickly typing a response.
| You: breakfast? | You: also why are you typing in caps lol | Mr. Prince: IT LUFFY STOL SANJI PHONE RUNNING
‘Well that explains it,’ you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
| You: didn’t you also put your number in my phone?
A moment passed without a text back, leaving you anxious for Luffy’s safety. Sanji wouldn’t hurt him too bad, would he? You soon got your answer through another text.
| Straw Hat: Hi this is my phone want to get brakfast? | You: lol brakfast? | Straw Hat: Ya you want? | Straw Hat: Zoro and Sanji and Usopp and Chopper too | You: chopper? | Straw Hat: New friend!!  | You: nice, can vivi and nami come? | Straw Hat: Ya!!!!!!!!!!!! | You: will be there soon! | Straw Hat: Attachment (1) Image
The picture in question was of Luffy holding a much smaller, cheerful boy who looked to be about 13, but if Luffy just met him, he had to be a college student. Unless Luffy kidnapped a local child, which you wouldn’t put past him. Luffy looked worse for wear despite his classic grin, having a large bump on his head and a very angry Sanji behind him, mid scream.
You giggled at the image and got out of bed, preparing to wake Nami and Vivi up. But after standing up, you noticed that both of them were gone. Did they leave without you? How long were you asleep for? It was just a small nap, you woke up in the middle of the night, after all. They probably thought you were weird after that night out, saw you still asleep and snuck out without alerting you—
“Good morning, ____!” Vivi’s voice called out as the door swung open.
You jumped backwards at the sudden intrusion, subsequently tripping over your feet and falling flat on your butt.
“Oh my gosh,” Vivi rushed over to you, “I’m so sorry, I thought you’d still be in bed! If I had known I would have—”
“What’s done is done, Vi,” Nami stepped into the room, “one apology is more than enough…”
You glanced up at Nami, noticing her familiarly sour expression.
“Hungover?” you asked.
“Hungover,” she sighed, fumbling over to her closet to change.
“I made some tea for Nami to help her,” Vivi offered, picking up the small pot of hot tea. “If you would like a cup, I can pour you a cup!”
“Thanks, Vivi…” you smiled, accepting the fresh cup from her. It tasted sweet, with just a slight tingle of mint within the brew. Even if it didn’t cure your headache, at least it tasted good.
“Hey,” you stood up from your spot on the floor. “Luffy texted me and asked if we wanted to get breakfast with the guys again. Are you guys cool with that?”
Nami immediately sprung up as if she wasn’t hungover two seconds ago. 
“Sure! Anything to get to his brother!”
“How about you, Vivi?” you asked.
“I would love to,” she replied gracefully.
With that matter settled, the three of you prepared for the day and left together towards the dining hall.
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The three of you entered the dining hall, grabbing breakfast and reconvening at one of the numerous tables. You didn’t see Luffy and company when you walked in, and you didn’t see them after sitting down either. Maybe they were at one of the outer tables?
| You: u here luf? Delivered 9:34 | You: earth to luffy? Delivered 9:39
Memories of Luffy’s carefree nature danced in your head, and with that in mind you decided to text a different member of the party. One with more sense. The question, however, was who?
Despite your pleasant conversation with Zoro, you felt like he might leave you on read, and not because of his stoic attitude, no. He gave you an archaic vibe, like your grandparents asking you for help sending a text. So he was off the list.
Usopp was your best bet, but after careful consideration you decided against it. You hadn’t had a conversation with him, and despite his seemingly more mature attitude—at least compared to Luffy—he gave you a cowardly vibe. 
And that left Sanji. The most sensible? Maybe, maybe not. But, you were nervous to text him. The texts he sent you made you feel tiny butterflies in your stomach. It wasn’t his flirting that caused that tickling, it was the care he put into contacting you. He didn’t have to text you, but he chose to.
You felt stupid, like the kind of childish stupid where you have a crush on the kid who lets you borrow their pencil. But you were older, more mature. You knew not to read into every little message and movement of a person. So you could text Sanji, easy peasy!
| You: hey sanji, u guys at the dining hall? Read 9:39 | Mr. Prince: I’m sosososo sorry my Princess!!! | Mr. Prince: We let moss head lead us to the dining hall and we got lost ;o; | Mr. Prince: Lesson learned!! heading over asap!!! ^3^
“Alright, looks like they’re on their way,” you sighed, looking up to your friends.
“Are you kidding me? They’re the ones who wanted to meet!” Nami grumbled, “what gives?”
“According to Sanji, they let Zoro lead them here, but then they got lost.”
“What the hell? Their dorms are, like, fifty feet away?  How the hell do you get lost?” Nami scowled.
“I believe that’s a question for Zoro,” you replied, taking a bite of your toast.
Ten minutes later and your rag-tag crew of misfits barrelled into the dining hall, almost knocking over a dozen students on their way in.
“____!” Luffy called out, heading spinning around as he searched for the three of you.
“Over here,” you yelled, raising your hand up.
You should have realized the consequences of your actions sooner, as Luffy hurled himself at the three of you at full force. There weren’t many options to ensure safety, besides cover your heads or duck under the table, which you and Vivi immediately did. 
Nami, on the other hand, stood up and pulled her fist back. Luffy was going too fast to avoid her punch, and knowing how powerful Nami could get when she was angry, there was no way he’d be able to tank it without injury.
It passed by in slow motion, you and Vivi peeking up to see the collision, Usopp yelling in fear, Zoro and Sanji running to try and stop their friend, and the remaining student population watching in horror.
And just like that, it was over. Luffy laid on the ground, utterly defeated by Nami’s strength. A small bump arose on his head, slowly growing in height.
“Jeez, Nami,” you coughed, “nice…shot?”
“Thanks!” she giggled, flexing her surprisingly muscular arm. “I like to keep people on their toes. If you two ever need a strong-arm, just call me, ‘kay?”
“A-alright,” you stuttered.
Why did you stutter? You weren’t scared of Nami, were you? No, this wasn’t fear, it was more like awe. But not the kind you feel when you see someone do a card trick. More like when—oh, dear. The butterflies were back, fluttering around in your stomach, bouncing off the walls of your intestines, scattering through your body and hitting all of your nerves—
“Luffy!” Usopp and a boy—Chopper, if you remembered correctly— screamed, rushing over to cradle the body of their companion.
“You killed him!” Usopp declared, pointing an accusatory finger at Nami.
“Actually, he’s alive,” Chopper chimed in, “he’s just sleeping.”
“He’s what?” Nami and Usopp deadpanned.
Luffy shot up like a zombie rising from the grave, earning a shriek from Usopp. He stretched his arms above his head, letting out a long yawn.
“Oh boy, what happened?” Luffy asked, looked around at the crowd of spectators before he landed on you. “Hey, ____!”
You gave him a small wave, trying to keep your horrified expression hidden behind an apprehensive smile. Before you could get a word out, however, Luffy was quickly sent back into the ground by a punch from Sanji and Zoro.
“You idiot,” Zoro growled, “way to cause a commotion.”
“You scared my lovely ladies!” Sanji hissed, turning to flash a reassuring smile at you three. “I hope you’re alright, my Princess!”
“I just wanted to say hi to ____…” Luffy croaked, eyes falling shut.
“Oh my God, he’s dead!” Usopp wailed.
“Nope,” Chopper reassured, checking Luffy’s pulse. “He’s just asleep again.”
“Again!?” Zoro and Sanji yelled, staring shocked at their sleeping friend.
Vivi slowly uncovered her head, looking at Luffy, “Maybe we should stop hitting him…?” she offered.
The two men huffed, stuffing their hands in their pockets.
“Perfect,” she sighed, doing her best to smile. She turned towards Chopper, who was doing his best to tend to Luffy’s injuries. “And what is your name?”
Chopper looked up, startled before stuttering, “C-Chopper, miss! I’m a medical student who is staying on the same floor as Luffy!”
“A medical student?” Nami asked, “but you’re…”
“I know, I know,” Chopper sheepishly grinned, “I was able to skip a couple grades when I was younger, so…”
“Wow, you must be smart,” you blurted, peeking from under the table.
“N-not really!” Chopper reassured, “I just know a lot of medical stuff! I had a teacher when I was younger…”
“Meat…” Luffy muttered, drooling in his sleep.
Zoro sighed, “Well, you heard the man, let’s get some grub.”
“He didn’t mean you, idiot,” Sanji argued.
“The hell?” Zoro barked, turning to face Sanji.
“Now now,” Usopp interjected, separating the two men and walking off with them, “I think there was wisdom in Luffy’s words…”
The three of you—not including a sleeping Luffy and attending Chopper—sat back down, saying nothing for a minute as you all processed the events that occurred.
“Well,” Vivi finally said, breaking the silence, “I’m grateful that our friends are quite energetic! Back in Alabasta, I would have been escorted to a bunker if this happened!”
“I’m glad you got something out of it, girl,” Nami groaned, eating a tangerine slice.
“I kinda get Vivi,” you replied, finishing off your slice of toast. “It’s an exciting change of pace compared to my life before.”
“Alright, I get it,” Nami mumbled, “maybe you two have a point…”
Suddenly, Luffy arose from his slumber, awaking with a cry.
“Meat!” he howled, rushing to the lunch line.
The four of you watched helplessly as Luffy ran over the entire line of students, piling his plate full of meat, so much so that there wasn’t room for anything else, much less more meat.
“Do you think every meal will be like this…?” Chopper whispered, horrified by the display of gluttony before him.
You stared at your table, seeing Vivi’s intrigue and Nami’s curiosity. Then you turned to watch Zoro and Sanji argue, a moment away from turning into a full on fist fight. Finally you looked at Luffy again, seeing the joy in his eyes as he not-so-carefully maneuvered his giant pile of food.
“I can’t say for sure,” you sighed, a smile gracing your face, “but I’m hoping they’ll be similar to this.”
“Look!” Luffy shouted, slamming his plate onto the table. “They let me have all of this! Isn’t this place great?”
“I doubt they let you, Luffy,” Sanji said, approaching the table with Zoro. “More like they were powerless to stop you.”
“Shishishi!” Luffy chuckled before diving into his mountain of meat.
Before long the dining hall’s aura returned to normal as students resumed eating, only glancing at your table occasionally.
‘Probably to make sure they’re at a safe distance,’ you thought, finishing your food.
But after a while the chatter once again died down, only a whisper being passed along tables as an odd air filled the hall.
“Well,” Nami huffed, “you five took so long that we’re all done with our food, so you better hurry!”
“Go get more, then,” Zoro retorted, earning him a bump on the head.
“That’s a good idea!” Luffy cheered, “let’s all go get more food after—”
A small black blur zipped across the dining hall, barely scraping by the top of Luffy’s head and bisecting his plate of meat. You all turned towards the source, shocked at the blatant murder attempt, with hundreds of witnesses no less. But Luffy was furious, standing up and turning towards the culprit.
“What’s the big idea!” he yelled, clenching his fists.
“Oh, come on now, Luf! That’s no way to greet somebody!” a voice called out, stepping through the crowd of students, wearing the most ostentatious outfit you’d seen during your time here and carrying a hockey stick, clearly his weapon of choice.
You watched as Luffy’s fists unclenched and his expression changed to one of brief confusion, quickly morphing to one of insurmountable joy.
“Ace!” he cried out, sprinting away from the table.
“Ace?” Chopper questioned.
“The hockey player?” Sanji gaped.
 “The brother?” Vivi asked.
Ace grinned, tucking the hockey stick behind his shoulders.
“The one and only!”
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tag list: @sylum , @dimplewonie
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viiiiiiiiiin · 3 months
hihi! can i humbly ask for a pre-timeskip nami/(fem) reader? around the beginning of the alabasta arc where the two of them are up late on the merry and reader accidebtally lets slip her jealosy of vivi.
Thank you!! :)
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Too Close: Nami x Reader
Includes: Nami , Fem Reader.
A / N: THIS IS ADORABLE. I LOVE THIS REQUESTTTTT. This is pre time skip , as the request says. I apologize for it being short. I've been extremely unmotivated recently but I hope this is up to your standards :).
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For the night , you and the crew rested on the Going Merry while docked at a port Vivi told you guys about. It was cold and dark. Wind nipped at your skin as you stared at the gentle waves.
You sighed contently , a puff of cold air leaving your parted lips. You had changed out of the outfit your girlfriend bought for you and into something warmer for the night. You thought of all of the events that happened prior to you and your crew.
"God , it's hot." You spoke , tongue resting outside of your mouth as you leaned against your girlfriend. She laughed and brought you to a nearby store to cool off. "Now , let's find some clothes , sweetie."
You held the ruby jewel that was previously around your neck and smiled softly. You placed a gentle kiss on the gem and released it from your hand. It fell on your chest and rested there.
"Look ! This would like great on you , girlie !" The ginger said , holding a ruby necklace in front of you. She closed her right eye and stuck her tongue out , seeing how pretty the necklace looks with you and your outfit.
"Aww , you think so ?" You blushed at her words , walking over to her and placing your hand on her own. You kissed her forehead as the both of you smiled.
Despite all the things she did for you , your heart couldn't help but twitch uncomfortably. You felt left out. Ever since you guys came to Alabasta to help Vivi get her country back , you felt as if Nami had been paying attention to her. Too much for your liking. You weren't normally a jealous girlfriend , but something about their interactions scratched you the wrong way.
Your eyes trailed across the waves that were glimmering in the moonlight. They were beautiful. Why couldn't you get your mind off of Vivi and Nami ? Maybe it was the fear that she would leave you for her. No. She wouldn't do that , right ?
You sighed softly , another puff of cold air leaving your lips. You leaned against the railing of your shared ship and narrowed your eyes. Why did you feel like this ? Surely you could trust your own girlfriend , you thought. But something inside of you burned. The sight of them together hurt. You didn't know why , but it did.
"Reader ? What are you doing awake ?" A smooth voice called from behind you. You knew that voice from anywhere. It was the ginger herself , Nami. You smiled and turned your attention to her. The smile didn't seem genuine and Nami could tell.
Nami sighed and walked up to stand next to you. "It's late , love. You should probably go to sleep." She placed a hand on your shoulder and massaged it gently. She could tell something was off with you. The both of you had grown up together , after all. She knew you. You knew her. It wasn't hard to tell when something was wrong with the other.
She placed her other hand on yours and stared at you with sympathy in her eyes. "You know you can always tell me if something is bothering you , sugar." She spoke quietly , leaning closer your form. You took a deep breath and turned your attention to her.
"Why don't you go talk to your new little girlfriend , Vivi ?" You spoke without realizing. Your eyes rolled as you turned your attention back to the sea. As your words caught up in your feeble mind , your eyes widened. Did you really just fucking say that ?
You covered your mouth and looked away from your girlfriend , a look of shame crossing your shape face. Nami looked at you , confused. Once your words hit her , she let our a soft chuckle. "Are you jealous of Vivi ?" You shook your head and huffed. "Noo."
"You're totally jealous of Vivi." She smirked and laughed a bit louder. She threw her arm around you and pulled you into her. "You know I'll always love you , Reader. We've been through thick 'n thin together. I wouldn't replace you anyways." She reassured as you placed your head on her chest.
"Sweetie , I asked you to be my girlfriend for a reason. If I fell in love with someone I just met , I would be breaking the deal we made when we first got together. I wouldn't want to do that to you. You're everything to me." Nami caressed your face and kissed your forehead.
Though it may not seem like it , Nami truly treasured you. You were her everything. You 2 went through hell and back together with Arlong and Bellemere. You saw the worst and the best in one another. She wouldn't trade you for the world , and she now realized she had to help you see that. Her brown eyes softened at your saddened face and she spoke again.
"I won't replace you , honey. We will see the world together."
"Promise ?" You asked as tears began to prick in the corner of your color eyes. She kissed your tears away and widened her smile at your pretty face. She always adored how you looked , even when you cried. Even if you thought you were an ugly crier , she thought you were beautiful. No matter what.
"I promise."
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hikarimiyanaga · 9 months
Might be writing for everyone but just wanted to know what I should prioritize among them.
Ngl, I already wrote 1 chapter of Uta's 😏
And yes, all of these are going to be a series.
(I can't write a one shot even if my life depended on it. Unless of course, it has a prompt and a deadline.)
(This is a warning not to give me free reign on my brain.)
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french-unknown · 6 months
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: shanks, vivi, ace, law, sabo 𝐂/𝐖: fluff 𝐖/𝐂:  620 +
| m a s t e r l i s t | - | p t . 1 |
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✧ If there's one habit you picked up from him, it's the art of putting yourself at ease.
✧ You were quite careful about how you presented yourself in front of him at the beginning of your relationship. You made sure to get up before him to wash your teeth and face before he woke up and you always wore nice clothes even if it was just to stay on the boat.
✧ But, with time and seeing him hanging around in his flip-flops, his badly worn shirt and his pants with a ... particular pattern, you relaxed.
✧ You too end up wearing comfortable clothes around him, too.
✧ Special mention if you wear his clothes. He will love it.
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✧ You start talking to your Super Spot-Billed Duck just like Vivi talks to Karoo.
✧ You don't take it seriously at the beginning of your relationship when she talks with her pet because you don't really understand what she gets out of it. Even if you really like Karoo, as well as your Super Spot-Billed Duck, and you know that they have the intelligence to accomplish complex tasks, they are animals. They won't answer her.
✧ You find it simply adorable to see her conversing with her pet.
✧ However, after an argument, you have no one to talk to about what just happened to you so you turn to your duck in desperation.
✧ You then understand how good it feels to be able to talk to someone who understands you and comforts you but who doesn't cut you off. They are simply supportive.
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✧ You recover his habit of dressing lightly.
✧ At first, you understood that he remained shirtless to proudly show off his Whitebeard crew tattoo but, over time, it ended up annoying you to see the looks he received.
✧ And the annoyance rises even more when you see him strutting around when he notices the more or less discreet glances from mainly the female gender.
✧ You gradually remove the different layers of clothing during your travels.
✧ You stop wearing coats then, when you are no longer cold, you wear shorter pants etc... so on until you find yourself traveling like him in a cropped top and shorts all day long. Ultimately, you find it more comfortable.
✧ He appreciates the vision at first but quickly becomes disillusioned when he realizes that he is not always the only one to benefit from it.
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✧ My god, he's grumpy!
✧ You made fun of him by imitating him every time he did it. He's still grumbling under his breath like an old man, so you're having fun.
✧ Surprise appears the day you find yourself in a situation where you are annoyed by others.
✧ You start to complain in your corner.
✧ It takes you a minute to freeze and stare into space with wide eyes. You didn't do that... Right? But you remember mumbling for the last five minutes.
✧ You look around to make sure no one has heard.
✧ NO!!! You don't want to act like an old man!
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✧ He, who hangs up on Den Den Mushi every time he gets fed up with his interlocutor, will understand what it's like to be the interlocutor in question.
✧ He's already done this to you several times. Especially during arguments.
✧ He knows that it annoys you so much so he does it even more to enrage you.
✧ He understands what it feels like when you hang up first on the next argument. He didn't realize this immediately and continued to shout in the Den Den Mushi despite the lack of response. It takes him a few minutes to realize that you hung up on him. He remains frozen with the tip in his hand.
✧ He didn't enjoy the experience.
✧ So you start again afterwards.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @viscade @parkyrr @dozcan123 @livwritesfics @anotherproblemsos @phsycochan @sketchmilk @clovernumber3 @radiorowrites
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heyitsdoe · 2 years
Hey Doe, can I request hcs with Hancock, Nami and Vivi taking care of sick gn!s/o?
Of course you can! It's been awhile since I wrote for the OP ladies. <3 Please enjoy~
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Boa Hancock
Hancock's method of taking care of you is...mmm, distant is a word for it. It's not that she doesn't care or doesn't want you to get better, but she's just not that great with bedside manner.
She is worried, don't get her wrong. But how she's supposed to approach you to help is truly something she doesn't know how to do in a way that would be helpful. After all, she's the type to make everyone get away from her when she isn't feeling her greatest.
Perhaps with a little advice from her sisters, she's able to be there with you, hold your hand as you lay in bed and rest, and just generally offer words of encouragement to get better soon. She's not much a cook, so don't expect any fine meals presented to you. She'll let the trained chefs do that part.
Her words are filled with genuine affection though, even if you can tell she's a little off her element in that setting. If you respond in a grateful way, she'll gain a little confidence boost and do better and better each time.
She knows all too well that sickness can be a pretty scary thing, even if you have all the confidence in the world that you'll be ok. So she takes every opportunity possible between navigating the ship to come and see you and make sure you're still on the mend.
She'll tell you that you're wracking up your debt by 100,000 beli each day you're still sick, and that you can pay her back when you get better. You both know she's joking of course, and that it's her way of telling you she hopes you're back on your feet soon.
She'll ask Sanji to make you your favorite foods and ask Chopper to pay a few extra visits just to make sure everything is fine. She doesn't hide her worry very well, so the others want to ease her mind a little by doing more than necessary to help you.
She does try to keep her distance when in close proximity to you, though, since she can't get sick herself. But she's always there in the room with you each day to keep you company, which is all that matters.
Nefertari Vivi
The princess can recall feeling so lonely when she got sick as a young girl. So she makes it her mission to give you as much company as she possibly can. Whatever duties she can afford to delegate to her assistants and aides, she does, spending as much time with you as possible.
She'll read you books and tell you stories from her own childhood. Always ones that make you laugh, since laughter is often the best medicine. She's great at generally lifting up your spirits which does wonders for your recovery.
Hot broth and warm soups are something that she knows how to make, so she'll do a little cooking herself. Even if it's at 2 in the morning and you're feeling peckish, you can bet she'll get to the kitchen and whip you up something tasty. It's the least she can do, in her opinion.
With her experienced royal physicians on hand, she's comfortable that anything will be handled just fine on the medical side of things. So she is more focused on you and your state of mind. Don't feel bad about anything, she'll help you through it all!
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Ooooo could you possibly do headcanons of the one piece characters as college students? What type of students would they be, how would they be in class, what are their majors, etc? :D
Ooooh yes, I didn't go to college and UK college is very different from US so here I go.. I dunno if they do majors like this so I generalized them.
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Always late to lessons.
Looks like he isn’t paying attention and is top of the class.
Very social.
He does biology, science, history, and geography.
Does all his work last minute.
Shows up late.
‘I don’t really need to be here, life teaches us more lessons man’
Here for a good time
Media studies
Is often teachers' fave.
Flirts too much in class.
Here for home ec, cooking, and business.
Just wanted to go to make sure his sister was okay.
Scary, teachers are scared of him so he gets away with like, alot.
Beauty, business, law
Was made to go by his parents.
Is really unhappy being there.
Lets Ace bring him down.
Flunking biology but doing well in creative writing and literature.
Wanted to get away from overly attached father figure.
Is always on time but looks like he’d rather smoke behind the bike sheds.
Biology, science, chemistry
Here to party bitches.
Drinks and good times.
Metal shop, engineering.
His best friend is going so…
On time, keeps hung-over Kid in check
Cooking, home ec, languages.
Why not, use government money to fund himself.
Is late.
He Will cut a bitches breaks if they fail him.
Politics, law, psychology.
Late to the game because she needed a gap year to find herself.
Always on time, always a goody goody.
World affairs, politics, law
Only time he stepped foot on campus was he got lost.
Jokes aside.
Already has loads of money, and never has student fees.
Will ruin everyone who looks at her wrong.
Business, agriculture.
Is that one goth girl that everyone is in love with.
Flawless in class.
Social but people fear her for no reason.
History, creative writing, languages, Latin, literature.
People kinda think he’s lost.
Metal work, engineering, travel.
incoming nerdy art student who always has the paint-covered overalls.
Big nerdy but has cool friends so everyone knows and likes him.
Art, textiles, drama
Mature student
Here to vibe.
Music, history
Gets carded all the time, why are you here child.
Is scared of everyone.
Does his best
Science, biology, human studies
Is bad
Just crashes in everyone's dorms and eats everyone's food.
Not dumb just not into learning.
“Someone told me I could get laid in college.”
Wishes he was a party boy.
Home ec, cooking, drama
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luffyvace · 3 months
Hello ~~~ hope your day is going well so I was wondering if I could please Nami ,Robin,Boa,Vivi x male reader that has the mizu mizu no mi also known as water water no mi. Some headcanons please. Thank have💗💗 a amazing day!!!
hiii! Yes it is!! Thank you! <3 how’s yours dearest?
a op girl fan I see~ (me too😍)
wow mizu mizu is a very broken and op devil fruit! Love this topic! No problem and you have an awesome day love!
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in all honesty?
your 100% gonna have to protect this girl. 💥💥
Obviously she has clima tact and can protect herself but dang you the man of the relationship 😜😜
you got it right baby boy? 😚😚
yeahh you do 💋
You have a MAD broken devil fruit so there’s no weaknesses for you
thats like legendary luck man
peak luck.
nami always ends up falling somehow (sometimes into water—poor girl) so this is the perfect power to save her
you can probably manipulate water so you easily move the water out the way
cuz if there’s no water you can’t drown right? 🙏
or maybe you use it to carry her back on to land
although she’d prefer if you moved it
its less scary
”wait til I get back here with m/n! He’s gonna kick your butt!!”
- nami says while running away from a strong enemy
of course she could do it but it’s the same thing how she always calls for luffy
now she calls for you 💗
she feels really special to have such a strong boyfriend
and ultimately protected
she always has a little smirk on her face when other pirates try to throw you into water to drown you only for you to start. swimming.
they’re reactions is hilarious !! 😂😂👌
definitely favors you over the rest of the strawhats men (of course! she loves you🧡)
📘Nico Robin📖
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Robin is certainly intrigued!
she asks you all sort of questions such as where did you find the fruit? How much water can you control? Can you swim? Is there any side affects? You really don’t have any weaknesses? Can I see you use it in action? Can you only control it, or generate it too?
yeah she’s very curious ☺️
your devil fruits are polar opposites but you two make a powerful duo!
pirates have learned to stay away from you two for sure
its actually very good that your powerful considering the world government tryna get yo girl! 😤
protect Robin!! 💪💪😾
obviously she strong so she can protect herself 😍😍🙏
and hey we like that here 😘
but I will say she was very appreciative after you saved her back in enies lobby
you likely drowned all those ships that were sent
you comforted her about the buster call situation after all was said and done
that moment truly brought you two closer together
she was hesitant to leave you in the first place but she wanted to keep you safe even more than that
Of course she has the strawhats
but your the only one she loves on such a deep level
On a romantic level, she couldn’t loose you.
silly Robin, you would sweep government off they’re feet before they could even think about hurting either of you. ☺️💖
and you will if they ever try again
💗Boa Hancock💗
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Boa adores you in every which way
your more than capable of handling business yourself
(wait real quick I just realized m/n is the definition of standing on business 🗿💪😼)
even so Boa doesn’t want you to lift so much as a finger
the second a threat comes within a 15 meter radius of you (farther if your on the island of women currently) they’ve been turned into stone
or pierced by a million arrows fired by the Kuja clan
which I mean, again—if your on the island of women I doubt that’ll need to happen since your surrounded by sea kings and thousands of women ready to lay they’re lives on the line for you—Hancock’s one and only love
So you probably hardly get to use your powers unless you leave
like if your a warlord or need/want to go out for whatever reason you may have
because I assure you, you have all you could ever want at your palace
then yeah you’ll probably end up using them more as you fight alongside Hancock
if you wanna go out n such she’ll 100% understand tho
she could never say no to you ☺️😚😚
you’ll probably leave more often if your a pirate with your own crew
because otherwise she wants you on hers
Which i’m sure you wouldn’t mind 💕
when the marines try to come and talk to your girlfriend or you and you know it’ll annoy her—you make waves to send the ship away 😂😂
she appreciates this and kisses you on the cheek for it every time
”ah! Thank you my sweet m/n!” *chuu* “I appreciate it honey!” 💋😊😊
👑Neferatari Vivi🐥
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this literally solves everything!!
Let’s say you can generate water right? Now everyone can have some!!
the drought problem is over!!
or if you can’t generate but can control it, you can take it over from the ocean!
you know what- at this point she likely falls in love with you after finding out you can do that/the one who did
not to be typical
but I mean I said after
thats just when she meets you
she loves how kind you are and the fact that you’ve saved her people!
she’s so thankful!
you likely get promoted to a high ranking if you stay in alabasta
but if you don’t she tells you to come visit again for sure! your always welcome!
congrats m/n! Your a hero!
if you have a big rep as a pirate you could possibly become a admiral if you accept :)
because vivi and her dad definitely spread good around on your name after all you’ve done for them!
if you were a strawhat when she met you, you solved the situation way faster and helped luffy beat crocodile!
Your literally his ultimate weakness 😂😂💪
but since m/n is vivi s/o in these hcs you obviously get together
dang since you gonna marry vivi (bc you surely will💗) y’all gon be queen and king!!
you finna be a KING dawg!
(Like the one you are)
common m/n w 😎🙏
you rightfully deserve the position after all you’ve done
happy marriage y’all 💙
keep your girl safe bc I know your more than able to <3
I loooove these hcs!! I’m so happy I got to write more for these girls and my first time writing for vivi!
this actually makes me wanna write for them more…heavy on boa and vivi they so FIIIIINE they don’t get talked about enough 😔
hehe anyways enjoy precious anon~
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