luna-orix · 2 months
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precious cinammon rolls
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spacer-case · 4 months
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angel left on earth (finding your brethren in the stars)
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mandhos · 4 months
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Thatch :(
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humans-are-tasty · 1 year
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based on @poneglph‘s au
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Imagine the Whitebeard pirates learning how petty you can be
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You: *knocks on his door* hey pops
Whitebeard: *just sat down for the first time that evening* you have a talent for picking the least convenient moment possible to need me.
You: oh you don't need to get up, I just need you to listen and do something for me later.
Whitebeard: *squints at you suspiciously* alright?
You: Ace was bullying me earlier, so I need you to ask him what a furry is tomorrow.
Whitebeard: ... a furry?
You: ... Yes
Whitebeard: alright
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The next day at breakfast
Whitebeard: Ace, what's a furry?
The crew: *immediately stops moving to gleefully watch Ace squirm*
Ace: *wants to curl up and die* why do you ask?
Whitebeard: I asked you first.
Vista: *leans over to Izou* where's (y/n)? They're gonna miss this.
Izou: they're hiding from Thatch in my room, they pointed out the doors on the kitchen cabinets are warping because he said their chowder was bland and lacked soul.
Vista: wasn't it their mum's recipe?
Izou: yup
Marco: wait, didn't Ace make fun of a picture (y/n) drew yesterday?
Izou and Vista: (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!
Izou: you don't think this, *points at Whitebeard and Ace* has anything to do with that?
Vista: I dunno, but I definitely know I'm gonna go outta my way to stay on their good side from now on.
Izou: A wise choice, I'm doing the same
Marco: I'm not
Izou: Why the hell not?
Marco: I'm not afraid of them.
You: *Grabs his ankle from under the table where you've been hiding the entire time*
Marco: *screams*
You: hehe, you would be wise to be nice to me. I already know what I'll do to you if you don't. It'll knock you outta yer gay little shoes.
Marco: my shoes aren't gay!
Vista: no they're pretty gay, thought you knew.
Izou: *nods his head* it's the tassels
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Pops reacting to childreader 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💸💸💸🪙💰
I have been cliff hung 1 to many times...
*this part opt but I have a feel either dragon or winged reader would be kinda scared at first.. cus he's built fucking different bro*
Wandering Dragon pt2 (Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader)
A/N: Homie you got me dying with the comment uou left on the last post and the request made me cough out a lung 😂. What do y’all think bout this one? Cause I think I COOKED, it’s really wholesome
Part one With Whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army
Dividers by @/saradika
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“And you know what? Even if you are only 8, I’m sure Pops isn’t going to turn you away. He’s gonna love you, Reader. You are just that darn adorable.”
She digs her head in his shoulder.
He snickers, feeling her face hearing up
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know that? What happened to the bold rascal?” he teases, gently stroking her head and hair.
The only response he receives is a gentle swat from her tail
Ace laughs even more.
“Aww, is that your way of saying you’re shy? “he says, pulling her closer.
“And a bit of a brat, aren’t you? Don’t think I missed that tail swat. But I can’t stay mad at such a cutie, now can I?” Thatch snickers, ruffling her hair
“Hmm... I need to bring you to Pops. You’re getting clingy already.”
She gasps and shoots up
“Am not!”
Ace laughs a bit.
“Are too!” he says, playfully poking her nose.
She pouts
Thatch grins at their interaction and gestures to Ace, who nods slightly; he approaches the girl slowly and suddenly digs his fingers in her.
She shrieks as he starts tickling her as she tries to wriggle out of Ace’s grasp
Thatch laughs loudly at seeing her struggling.
“Heh.. that’s adorable,”
She begins flapping her wings, getting out of his grasp, and flies up and out of the Storage room, giggling
“H-Hey, come back here.”
She laughs, looking back at them as they try to catch up to her, a similar emotion on their faces; as they chase her, she fails to notice where she is going, crashing right into someone.
“Ow, So…rry?” she begins, but her words die out as she sees who she crashed into, as right in front of her was a man the size of a mountain.
She wraps her wings around herself, coiling her tail around her body in a similar manner as she tries to hide from the man in front of her in fear.
The man is none other than Whitebeard himself, looking down at the young stowaway.
“Hm... who are you?” he asks, glancing at the men who run and stop behind her.
Ace laughs, pointing at her.
“We found her below deck. She says her name’s Reader. Looks like she was exploring before we happened upon her. Probably didn’t even know she was on our ship.”
She whimpers, wrapping her limbs tighter around herself until someone slowly steps closer and kneels down next to her; she takes a peek, spotting a man whose appearance reminded her of a pineapple
Marco smiles at the girl.
“Hey, kid. Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says softly in a soothing tone for her.
She stares at him but makes no movement to release her defensive stance
He approaches slowly before squatting in front of her.
“Look, I’m the first division commander of this ship. It’s fine. You’re in safe hands. And that guy you crashed into...”
He points at the big guy.
“That’s our captain. Edward Newgate, but most of us just call him Pops. He’s a real sweetheart. But he can be a bit of an intimidating when you first meet him.”
She sniffles, glancing at the man towering next to them and back to Marco, and then glances at Thatch and Ace behind her
Ace and Thatch smile, seeing her look at them.
“Don’t worry,” Ace says gently
“Pops, he’s not gonna hurt you either. No way.” Ace confirms
“Marco’s right. I know he may look intimidating, but he’s like a father to all of us; he would never hurt you,” Thatch says, backing his crewmates up
She glances back to Marco in front of her
He’s still smiling softly at her, not pushing her to come out of her defensive position.
“Do you want to come say hi to him?”
She nods, slowly unfurling herself
Marco gently grabs her hand, walking her right up to Whitebeard himself. He gently nudges her forward so she and the captain can meet each other.
She glances up at him, stretches her wing, and slowly flies up so that she is face-to-face with him
“..ny…mi…ter” she mumbles
He raises an eyebrow
“What was that?”
“You look funny, mister,” she mutters
Whitebeard laughs uproariously.
“Haha! Do I look funny? That is quite an interesting description, young lady. I mean, I suppose I look a bit weird but funny? You’re the only person to ever say that to me.” he snickers
“I like this one, bold one,” he says, glancing down at his sons
“And she’s pretty feisty, I can tell. Not too many kids can call Whitebeard funny,” Thatch adds in
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure,” Marco says, smiling at her
“She’s a clingy one, too,” Ace adds
This snaps her out of her shy, fear-filled state as she flies down and barrels into Ace
“Am not!”
Ace laughs, catching her.
“See, clingy!” he says teasingly.
“And a brat, can’t forget that,” Thatch scoffs.
Whitebeard laughs louder, amused by his crew’s responses
She hmph fluttering away from the pair and closer to the giant; she began buzzing around him
Whitebeard chuckles, amused by her playful behavior, as he begins playing with her, making her flutter around.
“Heh, you’re a real-spirited kid. Almost reminds me of a certain someone I know,” he says, looking over to Ace.
“Are you a dragon? You’re big like one.”
Whitebeard laughs at her question, amused by the comparison.
“No, I’m not a dragon. I’m a Human, just a very, very big one.”
“Do you know much about what a devil fruit is, kid?” he asks her
“Yeah! Mister Sabo told me about it! They give you these superb powers, right?”
Ace’s eyes widen
“Oi kid, come over here a sec.”
“Hmm?” They dive down towards the three men
“Who did you say told you about a devil fruit?”
“Mister Sabo!”
Ace grins
“By any chance, did this Sabo tell you if he had a devil fruit?”
“Yeah! He said he had a Mera Mera fruit. I thought he was a dragon since he could make fire, but he said he wasn’t a dragon.” She pouts as she says this
“He just ate the Mera Mera and was a fireman! And it’s so funny, 'cause there was this grumpy guy called Dragon, and he wasn’t a dragon either! I was so sad,” she rambles on
Ace burst into laughter, igniting his hand on fire in a similar fashion Sabo had done back then
She looks at it and glances between the flame and Ace’s face a few times
“It’s you!”
Ace grins at her before extinguishing the flames on his hand
“It is me,” he says, confirming the little girl’s discovery
“Mister Sabo said you and him had the same mera mera fruit, which is never heard of!”
Ace nods
“Yup, that’s about right. Me and Sabo both ate a specific type of fruit known as the Mera Mera no Mi; I got really hurt a while ago, was gone for a minute there, which is why we think the mera mera appeared again, and he ate it, so now we both have it’s power” he said pointing to a big scar on his chest
“That’s so cool!” She squeals
“Ah! Are you okay? That looks like a pretty big scar!”
Ace chuckles
“I’m fine now; got seen by the best doctors to get a look at it; one of them is the guy behind you!”
She glances at Marco
“Mister Pineapple did?!”
Marco stills as her comment slight red tint growing on his face while Ace and Thatch start laughing uncontrollably; even Whitebeard lets out a snort at her exclamation
Marco sighs, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face
“Really are a little Rascal,” he mutters
“Yes, I helped patch him up a while back, used my devil fruit,” he said as his body ignited in flames
She gasps
“Did you also eat Mera Mera?”
Marco chuckles
“Not quite. I also ate a devil fruit, but unlike Sabo and Ace, I ate the Tori Tori no Mi.”
“Wah? There’s more than one type?”
“There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Each grants you a different power.”
“Superb! Mister Pops, what about you? What fruit did you eat?”
“Me? Well, I happen to have eaten the Gura Gura no Mi. It was a long time ago when I ate it, but it’s a very powerful one. It allows you to control earthquakes and vibrations.” Whitebeard explains with a smile on his face
“That's so cool,” they squeal
“It certainly is,” Whitebeard says, smiling.
“I can do all sorts of things with it, like this.”
He raises his hand, and a massive shockwave emanates from it, shaking the Moby Dick to its core. It even causes the little girl to fly backward into Ace’s arms.
The tiny child squeaks, her coordination being thrown off at the sudden movement
She takes a second to get her surroundings straight but marvels at Whitebeard’s display
“Haha, see what I meant? Pretty potent fruit, huh?” Whitebeard asks, seemingly pleased that the girl is so engaged by his abilities.
Ace takes this as a chance to play around with the little girl a bit, holding her and swinging her slightly as she lands in his arms.
“Ah, that reminds me, Reader, you hungry? I can prepare you something. Got you this in the meantime,” he says, throwing an apple her way
“Thank you! Here!” She says, coughing; the others look worried; their worried stares soon turn into something else as she coughs up some gold coins, offering them to Thatch
They just stare at it dumbfounded as she coughs up gold coins.
“What the hell?!” Thatch exclaims
“Watch your language around her,” Ace says, slapping the back of his head
“Why you…” he growls as they begin brawling
Reader flies above them, laughing at their interactions
“You have a wild family, Mister Pops”
Whitebeard sighs, chuckling at his son’s antics.
“Oh, you have no idea, girl,” he chuckles
Marco laughs quietly at the both of them,
“Settle down, boys,” he chides them, not moving to try and settle the argument between the two of them; as Reader continues laughing at the chaos unfolding, Whitebeard glances at her.
“Man… you’re gonna be a real handful for all of us, aren’t ya?” Whitebeard chuckles
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I was intending this to be a real short one but then I couldn’t find a place to stop it without it being to sudden so I just kept going I found a place I could have cut it but then I was like nah, we need more.
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A short comic about overcoming grief
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I really wanted to find a use for that one portrait of Luffy I made and I also wanted to draw something for Marco. So I combined both and now we have a lil comic X)
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cyborg-franky · 1 month
Summer is coming... So what are they planning for you?
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Citybreak They are planning a long weekend in a city you have always wanted to visit. Nice dinners, taking in the local vibe. Nightlife? Shopping? Museums? Whatever your preference is, they have you covered. Maybe you just want somewhere different to explore and venture around. Looking out your hotel room at night with the skyline of glittering lights! Sanji - Marco - Corazon - Law - Killer - Mihawk - Perona - Boa - Nami - Brook - Robin - Uta
Camping The moment summer is around the corner, they get the tent out and make sure it’s ready to go. They are getting into hardcore camping mode. Everything you’d need is all packed and ready. It’s time to have nights out by a lake, maybe fishing or swimming. Campfires and nature are all around you. Thatch - Ace - Sabo - Usopp - Jinbei - Zoro - Luffy --
Beach holiday Sunsets and cocktails, swimming all day, tanning under the sun, building sandcastles together. They can’t wait to feel the sand between their toes and splash you in the water or ensure you have enough sun lotion. Then there is the pier, the view, and the silly games and amusements that line it. Sanji - Marco - Ace - Nami - Jinbei - Franky - Luffy - Robin - Shanks - Crocodile --
Staying at home Both of you are exhausted and just need a rest. You don’t leave your house, and you also don’t lift a finger to work. You both have time to be together, have some movie marathons, catch up on your hobbies, and create creative joint space with one another. You are just decompressing after stress at work. Both of you are ignoring the outside world. Thatch - Deuce - Law - Mihawk - Usopp - Zoro - Robin --
Amusement park holiday They want nothing more than to book a stay at a water park or amusement park. After a long weekend of screaming on the rides, eating junk food, and being scammed at the amusements, they insist on winning you a plush, and in the end, they manage! Walking around the parks until you think your legs might fall off. Taking in the shows and all the entertainment together. Ace - Corazon - Killer - Barto - Sabo - Brook - Franky -Luffy - Buggy - Uta
Glamping Wanting to be outside but with class. No sleeping on the ground. They’ve planned a week-long stay at a cabin or a treehouse, maybe a strange-shaped place like a UFO you can sleep in? The calm nights in nature but with a good night's sleep. Also, the hot tub while you listen to the world around you. Thatch - Corazon - Mihawk - Nami - Benn --
Travel to another country It's time to explore another place entirely. They’ve planned this for months, and now it’s time. You both can’t wait to see the sights: the food, the art, the everything. You are immersing yourself in adventures together.  Sanji - Thatch - Deuce - Izou - Law - Doffy - Perona - Sabo - Usopp - Brook - Robin - Shanks - Benn - Crocodile --
Roadtrip Just you and them. The car is packed, the snacks and drinks are loaded in the cooler, and you have a list of things you want to hit on your summer trip. Music, the open road, singing along with one another. Maybe you don’t even have a plan; perhaps you just wing it. Windows down, wind in your hair and being in one another's company. Marco - Ace - Deuce - Kidd - Killer - Sabo - Franky - Zoro - Luffy --
Snowy getaway. Maybe it’s snowboarding and skiing in the cold? Lovely wooden lodges, hot cocoa, and their competitive streak. White snowy scenery and comfy warm sweaters. Log fires and exhausted limbs. Law - Kidd - Ace - Zoro - Robin - Benn --
Resort The best money can buy. Three meals a day, all top-tier with wine, cocktails, and anything you could ask for, brought to your room with the best view in town. A private pool, a private beach area just for you. They have it all planned and want to live in the lap of luxury with you: couples spa day, the works. Sanji - Izou - Doffy - Boa - Nami - Crocodile --
Hotsprings Traditional, calm, relaxing, and good for your soul, it involves just you and your partner chilling out in a beautiful inn with delicious food and birdsong from the garden. This is perfect for you both: taking everything easy at your own pace. Maybe you sit with sake and watch the little animals in the garden. You could cuddle up in the hot spring and feel the world just fade away as you enjoy one another's company in a comfortable silence. Marco - Izou - Law - Killer - Mihawk - Boa - Nami -Jinbei - Zoro - Robin --
Festival Depending on the vibe, you either go camping to a festival with chill vibes or going to fucking party. You guys enjoy the music, so many bands you love. Getting to dance, mosh, sway, whatever to the music together. Getting to camp together as you also meet new people. BBQs, booze, summer vibes for days.
Ace - Kidd - Killer - Perona - Barto - Sabo - Brook - Franky - Uta
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Literal direct reference to Chapter 12 of Take the World by Storm,,, One of my fave scenes,,,
Speedrun/Time Travel AU masterlist
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magic-hcs · 7 months
If your requests are still open, can I ask for some hc's from the guys from HT and HF where the reader praises them and kisses their scars? these poor boys need more love 😭😭♡
These boys so do need more love! Thank you for being patient with me, I enjoyed writing this!
Warnings: light angst, insecurities, low self-esteem, mentions of trauma
Bear: Horrortale Sans
Bean: Horrortale Papyrus
Rust: horrorfell Sans
Thatch: Horrorfell Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Bear: The purrs are loud with this one as your lips sweetly press against the little cracks and dents in his bones. At least, as long as you stay away from the gaping hole in his skull. It’s way too sensitive for your lips, not to mention, the edges are sharp. Bear would feel so bad if you accidentally cut yourself on it.
Don’t get me started on when you start to throw praises and doting on him with words into the mix, my will be man is a goner plain and simple.
Of course, in the beginning when you start to do this, Bear short-circuits and needs to process what you just did. But he will always accept any affection you want to give him. Only when you move on or leave Bear to his own thoughts do the intrusive little buggers start to plague him with insecurities.
They range from jabs at his conditions, his appearance and past. Trying to pick him apart and disprove all the praises and love you’ve just given him. Ever the stubborn man who struggles with it internally, refusing to burden anyone else with it, tries to push through it and ignore his thoughts. Which has never helped him at all - one would think he finally gets that it's not healthy or helpful behavior after so long of doing it and it backfiring in his face.
Luckily, Bean is observant and perceptive, knowing his dear brother like no other, helpfully nudges him open. (By playing the we-will-always-be-truthful-to-each-other-card…No one ever said that Bean doesn’t play dirty. If it helps his brother in the long run, he’s making use of it). And of course, it helps. Once he opened up to you about it and you two found a way to not trigger his intrusive thoughts - by spreading your praises and scar kissings throughout the day instead of all in one go - Bear will always readily accept any affections you give him.
Bean: At the start of the relationship - when monsters haven’t surfaced all that long ago - Bean noticed you had gotten way more affectionate towards him than you had been before. Which, of course, isn’t a bad thing; everyone is different and some people just get more touchy and lovey when in a romantic relationship. But it did lightly trigger his skepticism like a knee-jerk reaction.
Back in the underground…well, let’s just say that Bean has a good reason why he looks for meanings behind certain actions and behavior thanks to some who acted nice not out of the goodness of their soul or heart.
It’s not your fault of course, nor could Bean be at fault.
Just something from the past that Bean took with him to the surface.
You don’t have to worry however, he knows you well enough to know that you don’t have any ulterior motive with your affections. So for Bean it will be easy enough to push those reflexive skeptical thoughts aside, or rationalize them.
Once he gets used to it, he’ll return the favor. You want to kiss Bean’s scars? Go right ahead, while you’re doing that, Bean will place skelekisses on your marked skin. Tracing his phalanges sweetly over the dents and lighter or darker lines on your body, while he himself shivers slightly as your lips press against the cracks on his bones. It’s a very sweet and domestic quality time between the two of you. It becomes even better when either one of you had been having a tough day, building each other up with each tender kiss.
Bean cannot quite imagine a life without your sweet, sweet kisses. He treasures them and you deeply.
Rust: It’s a healing feeling that Rust at first didn’t know what to do with. He stood there, frozen while you kissed his scars. Trying to process what’s going on inside him and what you’re doing. There had been times when Rust stared at you with his sometimes unnerving unblinking gaze before asking “…why?”.
It’s a slow progress of him getting used to it, but it’s so worth it in the end.
Now, Rust knows and been with you long enough to know when you’re about to shower him in praises and kisses. To say he adores those times is an understatement. He wants to completely lean and sag against you as you nuzzle him. Whispering sweet nothings in his non-existent ear while you kiss every crack, scar and dent that litters his face.
But there’s a time that is his favorite when you decide to pamper him like this. And that is when the two of you lie in bed together, either when waking up in the morning, or going to sleep or just cuddling together. With you either snuggled up to his side or lying on his bare chest (yes he has shoved some pillows inside his ribcage to make it more comfortable for you. And yes it feels weird to have those things inside his ribs but anything for you, not that he would say it out loud.)
It feels warm, it feels intimate. The way you look at him in the eyelight, murmuring so sweetly as you stroke your fingers across his scarred ribs and bones. And you do without a motive, you just want to do this. Showing Rust love and care he had never thought he’d wanted, desired, craved or needed. And oh, how he needed and craved it. Your love is like a silky cloth that gets softly pulled across his bones like a gentle wave. It’s a liquid warmth that fills the cracks and mental scars putting him back together like one does a treasured vase with golden glue.
Thatch: Oh, oh gosh… Thatch doesn’t know what to do with this, honestly. His mind cannot really wrap around it? After all, how could he deserve such love from you that you just want to shower him with praises and kiss the cracks in his face and ribs? How is he supposed to function when you take his prosthetic arm and hand in yours and kiss the fingers and knuckles so tenderly? Never taking your eyes - that are full of so, so much love that he is undeserving of - off his own sockets.
You know of his past, he knows you do, he has told you himself that night full of so many tears and vulnerability. So Thatch can’t really grasp that despite it all, despite you knowing what he did, the monster that he is in every single way possible, you still hold him as if he deserves something. As if he deserves to be loved, that he deserves to be reassured.
You’re breaking him in even tinier little pieces, unraveling him at the seams, slowly but surely, until all that's left of him…and you’re putting him back together with such care and gentle hands and lips with every touch, with every kiss and words of praise.
It’s after a long time that Thatch slowly starts to be able to mentally accept the affections you wish to bestow upon him. And it’s after an even longer time that he manages to push the little voice in the back of his mind that whispers; ‘they don’t truly mean that, they don’t truly love you. It’s just pity,’ away.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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stillxnunpxidintern · 1 month
Thatch: WHO ATE MY BREAD?! Thatch: I'M GOING TO FUCKING K- Reader: I did? Thatch: Kiss you and make some more, you haven't been eating anything today Reader Thatch: *Walks away* Reader: ... Reader: They're gone Ace Ace, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in his month: Twankh uh! 
(Some crack in the form of incorrect quotes. Thatch should know better than to leave food unguarded and Reader coming to Ace's rescue)
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luna-orix · 2 months
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Birb chilling with Firecracker 🍍🔥🏴‍☠️
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spacer-case · 5 months
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modern au marco headcanon,,,,,i blacked out and drew this stupid thing
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cosmosnout · 4 months
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hanashiz · 5 months
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One Piece sketches aimlessly Part 2
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Imagine unjinxing the Whitebeard pirates
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Marco: *comes out of his office* finally, I finished all of my paperwork. *Holds out the last file folder*
Thatch: it's about time, you've been in there for days.
Izou: I was wondering if we'd ever see you again.
Marco: it felt like I was gonna be in there forever, I swear if Big Mom attacks us ever again I'll kill her myself, pop's be damned.
Ace: yeah, but it could be worse though. Thankfully it's quiet tonight, so I doubt anything'll happen
Marco, Izou, and Thatch: *give him a look of horror*
Ace: what?
Izou: you just did not say that!
Ace: say what?
Thatch: you basically just jinxed us!
You: *comes out when you hear them yelling* what happened?
Izou: he just said the q word
You: oof
Ace: I'm sorry, I take it back, alright.
Marco: sorry, doesn't unjinx us *points the file folder in his hand towards Whitebeard's lodgings, holding it there only a hair away from your face.* Go tell Pops and the rest of the crew to remain vigilant and careful because things may go tits up soon because of your stupidity
You: *about to be so fucking funny*
Ace: alright, find.
Marco: and don't use the q word when explaining.
You: *takes a bite out of his file and spits the pieces into his hand*
Marco: (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Fuck! *Storms back into his office and slams the door*
Izou: why are you like this?
You: hmm, it's probably because of the childhood neglect.
Thatch: *wheezing and laughing*
Izou: why'd you do it?
You: to negate the jinx
Izou: and you made Marco bear the brunt of it, you bad person.
You: he could just tape them back together.
Thatch: but we all know he won't do that, so now he has to refill out the report.
You: ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ sucks to be him then.
Izou: you bitch.
You: says the head bitch
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