#op whitebeard
lostuzumaki · 7 months
Luffy reincarnated to past AU
Part 9
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Part8 Part9 Part10
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summershouto · 3 months
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happy textpost Monday
(the sanji text post spam)
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alexa-fika · 3 months
Hello! Ok so can I request a whitebeard pirates x child reader?
Basically reader has this big fat crush on shanks and everytime that shanks visit the Moby dick reader would give shanks flowers, cards, and candies
Shanks also has this huge ego boost often making comments how he's reader favorite which anger the whitebeard pirates
Ace was so ready to strangle shanks but reader gets between them and there like "Stop fighting! if you keep this up I'll go with Mr shanks and his crew!"
Ace is heartbroken, thatch is sobbing on the floor, while everyone else is stunned LOL
-👻 anon
Puppy Love (Shanks x gn!child!reader x Whitebeard pirates)
A/N YALL GET YOUR GRILLS READY CAUSE I COOKED HERE, I loved making this im not really into crack fics so I wanted to keep it as real as possible but while still adding that spec of dramatics of it and I think I found the perfect balance
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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At first, the Whitebeard pirates thought it was normal. Dokucha was quite the amicable child, after all, and it was not unheard of for them to give small gifts to guests who came on the ship.
The first time Dokucha had seen the red-haired Captain was when the yonko was visiting the Moby Dick on business. Upon spotting the man Dokucha was quick to sneak into the clinic and steal some candy to hand to him.
“Here, Mister Shanks,” they said shyly, handing the candy to said man
Shanks took the candy from the child and thanked them for it
“For me?”
They nodded, a faint red hue blooming on their face as they fidgeted, their upper body spinning back and forth to keep their nerves down
He chuckles softly, giving the kid a small smile and ruffling their head
"Thank you very much, kid," he said as he turned to leave
They squealed happily once he had stepped off the boat, the red hue now taking over their face entirely as they replayed the event on their heads
The Whitebeard Pirates looked on in confusion at the small kid who had grown so fond of the red-head captain
“Ne, is he coming over again?” Dokucha questioned, lying their head on the railing watching as the Red forced slowly sailed away
“Pops needs to discuss some more loose ends with him, so he will be back soon,” Jozu answers absentmindedly
“How soon?”
He looks at the little one before shrugging
“A couple days, maybe a week.”
“Why are you so curious, Dokucha?” Izou asks with a raised brow at the child’s sudden interest
“Nothing!” They said, grinning ear to ear as they went into the ship a skip to their step on their way
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The pirates brushed it off as the kid simply being excited at the fact that someone out of their family was coming to visit; they were very wrong.
On the next visit, Dokucha had begged Vista to make some flowers for them and had even sneaked into the kitchen to steal some of the edible flowers to make a small bouquet.
“Here Mister Shanks”
“For me?” Shanks asked with a slight grin on his face as he took the small bouquet and gave the little one a thankful look
“Dokucha, did you make this?”
“Yeah, I made it for you,” they mutter shyly with a shrug
Shanks bends down to the child’s height
“Thank you very much; it looks like you worked hard to make it so pretty.” he takes one of the flowers and tucks it behind their ear
“Here, now you look pretty as well.”
Their face explodes with red at the gesture, a lovesick look on their face as they watch him go
The crewmates raise their eyebrows at this behavior; Ace is the first to speak up
“Hey, that idiot is trying to steal Dokucha!” mutters Ace as he elbows Marco
“That’s just how Dokucha is; you know how friendly they are,” he says with a grunt at the hit
“No, No, Ace is onto something here; he’s definitely up to something,” agrees Thatch
Marco rolls his eyes as he leaves the two to talk their conspiracy out
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Turns out he should have heeded their words as he now felt the same feeling crawling up his skin as he watched his youngest sibling yet again approaching the man with another small gift, a small golden coin they had found on their last island
By now, Shanks had started expecting it, so when the kid approached them, a smirk appeared on his face
“What do you have for me today?” he said, scooping the small child up
“I found a pretty coin for Mister Shanks!”
He backs up slightly to look at the coin the child had raised
“You’re spoiling me here, kid. What has my favorite Whitebeard up to?”
They shrug
“I played with my brothers again.”
He chuckles softly
“You’re adorable; I might have to steal you; we need some of that energy in the red Force,”
Dokucha’s response was stopped as they both turned at a hot feeling enveloping them
“Red-haired Shanks,” Ace growls, a tight grin on his face as his fire flickered around him
“Don’t get me wrong, I'm still eternally grateful for you saving and taking care of my brother, but I won’t sit still and watch you steal Dokucha.”
“Would you be so kind as to put my dear sibling down?” Thatch says, a similar tight smile on his face as he swings around his kitchen knives
Marco stared at the confrontation unfolding before him, his eyes drilling into the opposing captain, waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in
“Stop! If you hurt Mister Shanks, I will be mad at you forever! And I will go on adventures with Mister Shanks!”
Thatch gasps at their words
“Dokucha…you are breaking my heart!” He said, grasping at his chest at the sight
“Ah, Thatch-nii!” They said, jumping off Shanks's hand and running to their brother
“Is you’re heart okay?! I’m sorry! I'm not mad at Thatch-Nii!” They cry
Thatch rushes forward to the kid, embracing them in a hug
“Don’t you go running off with anyone else, okay? I won’t allow it.”
“Is your heart okay, Thatch-nii?”
He chuckles
“Don’t worry, I‘m fine. I would just miss you too much if you were to leave.”
“That being said, you are not going with Shanks.”
Shanks chuckles at this, a sly smirk growing on his face
“I don’t know. I might just steal the little one.”
“Stop” A commanding voice booms
“Ace, stand down,” Whitebeard mutters
Ace’s flame flares more as his jaw tightens
Whitebeard turns his sight to the Red-Haired captain
“Boy, stop taunting my commanders.”
Shanks raises his hand in a forfeiting motion
“Couldn’t help myself,” he chuckles
“Well then, are you done messing around?” Thatch asked after a moment of silence, scooping up the child and putting them on his hip
“I think it is time for me to take my leave,” sighs Shanks, a small smile growing as he says this
“Hey, kid, say hi to Luffy for me, will ya?” He said, glancing at Ace
Ace rolls his eyes at this but grumbles out an agreement his way, a similar smile on his face
Shanks nods at this and takes his leave, jumping back to the Red Force and preparing to set sail
Dokucha whines at this, struggling against Thatch’s hold to try to follow after the redhead
Thatch looks down at the child struggling against his grasp
“Don’t.” He said bluntly
Marco glances at the small struggle before sighing and crossing over, pulling the kid from Thatch to sit on the other side of his hip, nodding at the chef in assurance
Dokucha tries to take advantage of the handover to wiggle their way out of their grasp but is unable to escape their brothers’ firm hold
“There isn’t escaping, you little troublemaker; no use trying,”
“But I want to see Mister Shanks off!”
“I know, bud, but you can’t run off with every stranger you see,” he said, ruffling their hair
They pout
“But it’s a handsome stranger!”
“And what if they're bad people? They could steal you away, you know?”
“Mister Shanks can steal me any day,” they sighed with a dopey smile
He lets out a small chuckle
“Your something else, kid,” he says, giving their head a light pat
��No, Marco-nii, Shanks is something else! So handsome and strong!”
He scoffs at that
“What are we, invisible?” he grumbles, walking into the ship
Ace and Thatch watched them walk away, the latter looking up at his Captain
“Hey, old ma-
“You’re not going after him.”
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Guys let’s be honest Dokucha is just voicing much of you are thinking, I think they are intrusive thoughts voiced out, honestly I keep re-reading and I keep laughing cause I just think of you guys doing that
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A short comic about overcoming grief
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I really wanted to find a use for that one portrait of Luffy I made and I also wanted to draw something for Marco. So I combined both and now we have a lil comic X)
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lesansnom · 10 months
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meilleur perso de one piece
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(The whitebeard pirates) So if you write for them, can you write something along the lines that the (fem) reader gets princess treatment? who wouldn't enjoy that? I totally would!
Soft! Yandere <3
Like A Princess~
Out from your window the sunlight started to shine, making a slight groggy sound you groaned and pursed your lips together, yawning loudly and stretching to get the grogginess out of your system and fully wake up.
Slowly getting up from your rather large bed on the ship, you smiled softly.
“I wonder what we’ll be having for breakfast today!”
You said to yourself while stretching one more time and running your hands through your hair, your polished nails with your favorite color Izo painted for you showing your feminine grace perfectly. going to the bathroom and quickly getting ready for the day you quickly walked out onto the deck where pretty much everyone was.
The sweet scent of pancakes and other divine breakfast foods filled your nostrils, you grinned.
Your favorite!!…again..!
The sky was a beautiful set of pink, orange and blue to represent to the sunrise and you smiled softly, taking not of how amazing it was here..knowing that these people would do anything for you..
A loud laugh interrupted your thoughts as you blinked and turned around to see your captain, the famous Whitebeard with Marco calmly sitting on his shoulder with his usual lazy smile.
Grinning even more from ear to ear you looked up at the enormous man, placing your hands on his knee to get his attention.
“Good morning captain!” You Saïd cheerfully, staring up at the large and powerful man. Just that earned you a pat on the head, his rough and calloused hand gently rubbing your hair.
“Well if it isn’t our Y/N!..goodmorn’!”
Marco smiled calmly at you once again and flew down to stand beside you, giving a soft rub on the back which linger long enough for you to notice.
“You certainly took long to wake up..” he said with a soft chuckle. His smooth like butter voice ringing in your ears to the core.
Shrugging simply while your hands on your hips and smiling again you look up at him.
“A girls gotta have her beauty sleep!”
You said while looking around and squinting your eyes from the sun that was already high up in the sky by now.
“Speaking of sleep..where’s Ace?..”
You asked curiously while still looking around for him, trying to ignore the long stares you got from the two pirates like always.
“That boy’s probably somewhere burning something to flames again!”
Your captain chuckled again, causing a low rumble to come from his chest. You smiled and nodded while glancing around deck one more time.
“Ah! Alright then! Well I’m gonna go eat breakfast now! I’m craving pancakes epically this morning…” you said rather lowly and slowly tried to slip away from their stares and protective like closeness.
While walking back to the kitchen you let out a soft sigh of relief..
They were always so…watchful of you..
You loved the crew but you couldn’t deny they were rather personal with your clingy sometimes..
Walking into the kitchen you plastered on a cheerful smile and sat down by izou who was resting his eyes it seemed while waiting for the breakfast Thatch was cooking up.
Almost as soon as you sat down they both noticed you and seemed to put on a pleasured expression on their face. “Good morning guys!..what’re you cooking Thatch?..well besides pancakes of course!” You Saïd with a little laugh.
“Well good morning dear! And yes of course I just made your favorite again! I even added a little cinnamon..just the way you like it.” He Saïd in a rather soft tone with a sweet and charming smile.
The cook of the white beard pirates smiled at you and put down a plate full of pancakes on the table with a side of eggs and bacon.
You gave him a thank you and was just about to take a bite of your breakfast but then Ace came in with his cocky but kind and wide, he seemed to stride and and plop himself right next to you.
“Ah Ace! I was looking for you you fireball!” You Saïd whine stretching his cheek playfully, he chuckled and casually put his arm around your shoulder which you didn’t mind much. “Yeah yeah well I was just busy doing stuff!”
“Oh yeah like what? Sleeping?” A smooth but almost strict voice said, Izoukas his fork in hand with a piece of well cut pancake on it.
His eyes were staring at ace before glancing at you, causing you to smile and laugh some more. The action caused Ace to grunt and scoff with a snort.
Izou then suddenly caught eye of your nails and noticed that one in particular was chipped, he took your hand quickly but gently as to not hurt you with a huff. “Oh child I just painted these yesterday for you! How did these already get chipped?” He asked while raising an eyebrow and pulling out the same color of nail polish he bought you and started to redo them again,shaping them and even adding designs from his home, Wano.
You blinked and smiled softly. “I don’t know Izou! I wasn’t really doing much yesterday..”
Thatch then picked up your fork with a huff, aiming it correctly towards your mouth with that sand charming smile.
“Now Y/N, you have to eat! Here, let me feed you while he does your nails..” he said in a rather soft tone and shoving the fork in your mouth before you could even reply.
Ace then held up his finger and lifted your plate. “Oh yea and while they’re at it let me just heat up your plate a little it’s getting cold..” he said with a tone that couldn’t even give you the chance to argue.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you had one of the most dangerous pirates in all the seas treating you like royalty and papering you nonstop. Nodding happily you just let it happen like you always did.
Not knowing that they wouldn’t just pamper you to get you to stay with them..
A few hours later into the day and the ship finally got land which Rakuyo announced.
Excitedly, you quickly got dressed in a new outfit Ace got you on one of his travels. He said it was from Alabasta or some place you couldn’t remember..
Putting on the fine jewelry and stuffing trinkets of shiny things Thatch and Izou got you into your purse, you then said goodbye to your captain who gave you about he’d head pat and even a hug like always and then headed out go and adventure on the new island.
The sky was still sunny and most definitely clear as you went out with Ace and Thatch, laughter was almost everywhere while you explored this new place with your favorite people you loved most..sure sometimes they could be a bit much and especially overwhelming with how much they seemed to favor you, it was alright in the end.
You just couldn’t help but love to be here and love the fact that you were having such fun with everyone! Nothing was really wrong in the end!
But of course, you didn’t know about all of the corpse’s that were burned,cut and of course beaten to death by your dear crew mates because those men just got too close to you..even your captain had to really go to town on one of them for daring to touch you at a bar you all were at..
What can they say? They were just a complete sucker for you and they couldn’t help but treat you like a princess in more ways than one..
Hey guys!! I really hope you liked this one because I did! Although I’m not that familiar with all the whitebeard pirates character traits and persona’s I did try lol 😂 I really do like this and I tried to focus on four different characters to really get the feel of it! Thank you so much to the person who requested this by the way!! I really enjoyed writing it! The next story though will of course have your favs 😋🫶🏼 and I SWEAR I’ll do better I’ve just been a bit stressed lately so please don’t fret and if you dont like this one it’s alright because im sure you guys will love my next one!!
Bye my lovely petals! I’ll be back on the usual posting schedule soon!! I’ll already be starting on my next story after this!
Love you all! 🌸❤️🌸
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mmelarts · 6 months
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some doodles of some favs
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Some stupid meme redraws to blow off steam
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lostuzumaki · 10 months
Luffy reincarnated to past AU
Part 3
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Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 ...
Information regarding this story
1. The reason Luffy didn't warn Whitebeard from Teach was because he wouldn't gain the trust of the crew. If he had said that,
no one would have been able to bear the thought of him accusing their brother/son like that.
2. Why does Luffy want help from Whitebeard?
He knows himself that some of his friends are going through or will go through hard times, the problem is that he doesn't know where some of them are now. (That's why he's looking for Sanji, for example, but he doesn't know that he's no longer in Germa. Or Robin, who he knows will be very hard to find.) Also, there's the fact that it's going to be a little hard for Luffy to get to certain places.
Whitebeard is a good choice for that, given how big his crew is and the number of ships. Plus, Luffy remembers how much trust Ace had in him in his past life.
3. How did Luffy get to this crew so quickly?
They were just passing by.
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cozage · 10 months
The Daughter's Return: Stories from the Vault
Some old stories from when you were a kid! This is LONG but its eight short stories from various ages of the readers life!
For those of you that might be reading for the first time, this is a prequel to The Daughter’s Return, but you can read it independently if you’re just looking for cute little stories!
This idea was sent to me by anonymous! CW: some mentions of child abuse (in Age 5 story and Age 11 Story) Word Count: 7.3k Part One | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
Magic - Age 5
You had gotten hopelessly lost. You had told Marco you knew your way back to the ship, and you had stormed off. He was taking too long. And now you weren’t sure which way to turn. You had a great sense of direction at sea, but it didn’t seem to be the same on land. 
Some men were talking nearby. They looked a little rough, but that never deterred your father from talking to people, and it wouldn't deter you. “Excuse me,” you said, and the men immediately stopped talking. “I think I’m lost.”
“Lost, huh?” The man with a scar on his cheek chuckled. “Too bad, kid. We’re busy.”
“Hang on, Tank,” the man without teeth said. “I know her from somewhere.”
The two exchanged glances, and then crouched down to your level. You knew they would help if you asked. 
“Where you gotta get to, little girl?” Tank asked. 
“The docks,” you explained. “My dad has a ship.”
Both of their eyes got wide, and they looked at each other once again. 
“Say kid, what’s your dad's name?” Tank licked his lips. “Wouldn’t happen to be Whitebeard, would it?”
“That’s it!” you cried out. “You know him?”
“Yeah,” the other man said. “We’re good friends. In fact, we were just about to give him this too.” 
The man held up a strange-looking fruit. You weren’t sure what your father would do with a fruit. There were plenty of normal fruits on the ship already. Maybe it was special. Maybe it was magical. It certainly looked magical.
“Let’s go, kid,” Tank said. He grabbed your hand and gripped it firmly. It was almost painful, but you didn’t complain. You didn’t want to be in more trouble. 
The three of you walked for a long time, and you couldn’t help but feel like you were going further into the island. You were now in the middle of the jungle, and you guessed that the men were lost now too. You should’ve stuck with Marco. This was getting complicated. 
“Listen Sunny, I don’t got a good feeling about this,” Tank mumbled, his eyes on you.
“What are you talking about? Listen, the N-”
“Shush! Not around the kid! She’s worth 10 million berries for a reason!”
“Hey kid,” Sunny said looking at you. “You stand right here and don’t move. We’ll be right back.”
He placed the fruit on a log nearby, and the two of them walked a couple of yards away to speak privately. 
You knew you should spend your time listening in on their conversation, but you couldn’t stop staring at the black fruit in front of you. It was like it was alive, the undertones of the fruit shifting in color from yellow to orange to red, and then back again. It had to be magical.
You weren’t sure how you ended up beside it, or how it ended up in your hands. You were mesmerized by it. It would make a good gift for your father, but you wanted nothing more than to try it yourself first. Just a small piece. It wouldn’t even be noticeable. You closed your eyes and took a small bite. 
It took everything you had not to gag. This was a terrible gift. It tasted horrible. You chewed, and then swallowed, and finally began coughing from the horrid taste of it. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but it wasn’t this. 
“Hey! What the hell are you-” Sunny’s eyes got wide, and you heard him scream out a string of curses. 
“Spit it out, you devil!” Tank screamed, running at you. “We can’t sell that to the Navy if you eat it!”
The Navy? No, this fruit was supposed to be going to your father. They had told you that. 
Sunny got to you first, and he slapped you hard across the face. Your skin stung, and you could feel tears rising in your eyes. But you held onto the strange fruit. You refused to let it go now. It was your magic fruit.
“You little bitch!” Sunny screamed, shaking you like a rag doll. “You ruined everything! We were going to make a fortune off of that!”
“Sunny, relax,” Tank reasoned. “We can still turn the kid in. The Navy will give us more since she’s got powers now.”
“The Navy?” You were confused. “You were supposed to take me to my dad.”
“We hunt pirates. Which is what you are,” Sunny sneered. “You’re going straight to Naval Headquarters, kid. They’ll probably kill you the moment you arrive.”
“No.” You could feel tears rising, and you took a step back, trying to get away from them. “No. I want to go to my dad.”
“Get her, Tank.”
Tank’s large arms reached for you, and you squeezed your eyes shut. You let out a loud shriek, hoping to attract someone-anyone-who might help. You held your magic fruit tight and felt a strange pull in your stomach, but you refused to open your eyes. 
You couldn’t hear Tank and Sunny anymore, or anything for that matter. Everything seemed eerily quiet, even though you were in the middle of the forest. 
When you finally opened your eyes, it looked like a bomb had gone off around you. You were standing in a hardened lava flow that stretched out at least 100 yards on every side of you. There were no signs of trees or grass, only blackened volcanic rock.
You heard the familiar flap of wings above you, and Marco dropped down in front of you. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, checking your body for any sign of injury. You flinched when he touched your cheek, still sore from Sunny’s slap. “Who did this to you?”
“Nobody,” you said, tears welling in your eyes. You couldn’t let him know you had gotten lost. You couldn’t let him know you had gotten hurt.
His eyes scanned the surrounding area, clearly in disbelief at the power emitted. “Who did this?”
“I don’t know.” You wiped at your eyes. Your throat hurt from screaming so much. 
Suddenly Marco’s entire body got tense, and he pulled your magical fruit out from your hands, examining it. 
“It’s for dad.” You sniffled. “That’s what the guys said.”
“What guys?” His eyes found the small bite you had taken, and they grew wide. “Did you eat this?”
You took a step back from him, afraid he might hit you too. Marco had never hit you before, but the fruit seemed to make people do crazy things. 
“No,” you lied, trying your hardest not to cower.
“Y/N. Did you eat this?!” He shoved the fruit in your face, pointing to the tiny bite you had taken.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed, falling to your knees. “Please don’t hit me. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Marco’s voice was instantly soft again, making you cry even more. “I’ve got you, kid. You’re safe.”
“It looked so good,” you cried. You let him pick you up, and you cried into his shoulder. “But it was so yucky.”
“It’s okay,” he soothed, rubbing your back. “They’re not very yummy, I know.”
“I want to go home.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he took flight into the sky, holding you and your magic fruit tightly. 
You must’ve fallen asleep mid-flight, because when you woke up, Marco was still holding you, but you were now on a boat. Home. 
“What kind of fruit?” Your father whispered.
“Some kind with lava properties, it appears. There was a huge explosion, and I found her surrounded by hundreds of feet of cooled lava on all sides.”
“Hundreds?” Your father sounded skeptical.
“I can take you back to the place I found her, if you’d like to see.”
The thought of going back to Tank and Sunny made you let out an involuntary whimper, and you squeezed Marco’s neck. “Please don’t make me go back to the bad men. I won’t leave your side again, Marco. Promise.”
“The bad men?” Your father asked. 
“Can you tell us about them?” Marco asked, prying you from him and setting you on the ground. 
“They said they were bringing me and the fruit back to you,” you explained. “But when I ate the magic fruit, they got really mad at me and then they disappeared.”
“Disappeared?” your father asked, “Disappeared how?”
“I dunno. I closed my eyes and screamed and when I opened them they were gone.”
Your father gave Marco a quick glance of concern, and then turned his attention back to you. 
“I’m just glad you’re safe, punk.” You father stretched out his hands and you ran to him, clamoring up onto his lap. 
“You’re not mad?” you asked, looking up at him with big, watery eyes. “Even though I ate your fruit?”
“It’s your fruit now.” Your father laughed. “What’s it called?”
“The Vulcan-Vulcan fruit,” you said instantly, though you weren’t sure how you knew it. “Am I magic now like you and Marco?”
Your father gave you a big grin, pulling you in for a tight hug. “You sure are! But we're going to have to teach you how to use that magic, okay?”
Trouble - Age 7
Marco pulled open the doors to the supply closet, and bent his head down to make eye contact with you. 
“Whatcha doin' in here, kid?” he asked, seeing the guilt written all across your face. 
He raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“I’m gonna be in trouble.”
He smirked. So you had caused that fire at the base of the main mast. “Mind if I join you?”
You shook your head, and he climbed in next to you and shut the cabinet door behind him. The two of you sat there in the dark, him waiting for you to speak. 
“I didn’t mean to,” you finally whispered. “I just got mad.”
“What are we supposed to do when people make us mad?”
“They were laughing at me. Calling me princess and making fun of me. I tried to ignore them, Marco. I promise I did try!”
“They’re not trying to be mean,” Marco explained, but you shook your head.
“They were being mean! They weren’t being funny-mean like you or Thatch or Izou! They were just being mean!” You could feel the magma under your skin start to churn, making it feel like a thousand bugs were crawling across your skin. A slight glow came from you as you shifted in discomfort, illuminating the closet. 
“Deep breaths. I don’t want this stuff to catch on fire too.”
You let out a small sob and buried your head in your knees. “Now you’re being mean! Just leave me alone!”
“I’m just teasing,” Marco said, putting his hand on your shoulder. He sucked in a breath at the heat you were emitting, but he didn’t remove his hand. 
“I hate this power,” you cried. “I can’t control it! It’s stupid and it just keeps hurting people!”
“Breathe with me,” Marco said. You heard him take a deep breath in, and you followed his lead. When he breathed out, you did. When he breathed in, you did. 
After a few minutes, you could feel your body starting to relax, the magma beneath your skin stilling, and peace returning once again. 
“Can I just give this power back?” you asked. “It’s been two years and I can’t figure it out. I’m failing.”
“You’re not failing,” Marco said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “You’re learning.”
Nap - Age 8
You preferred to sleep in your father’s study during the day. Marco always made you take a nap, but you didn’t really need naps anymore. You were getting too old for that. 
But, when you were “asleep” in your father’s study, sometimes you got to hear top secret reports. Things only the reporter and Pops knew about. And you, but nobody knew that. So you didn’t mind nap time too much, as long as you got to be in his office. 
Today had been boring, though. No reports at all. Just your father working quietly at his desk, the scratch of pen against paper slowly lulling you to sleep. 
And then the door creaked open. 
“Pops,” a man whispered. “We found it.”
Your father’s pen stopped moving, and your ears perked up as you laid against the cot in the back of his office. 
“Found what?” Your father asked. 
“The fruit.”
“Is it safe?”
The man sighed, coming into the room and taking a seat at the desk. “It’s with a kid.”
Your father paused, and you could sense him trying to figure out if you were asleep or not. You steadied your breathing and your heart rate as best you could, keeping your entire body still. 
You heard him shift back in his chair, his attention turned to the crewmate in front of him. “A kid?”
“He just started sailing in the North Blue. Just a teenager. Trafalgar Law.”
“How the hell did a kid get his hands on a fruit like that? And where in the North Blue?”
“We believe he’s from Flevance.”
“Flevance!?” Your father’s voice was louder from disbelief, causing you to flinch. He lowered it again instantly, aware of your presence and not wanting to wake you. “So he’s a walking corpse. It's just a matter of time.”
“That’s the thing, sir. We have reason to believe he’s been cured.”
“With immortality? That’s not how the Ope-Ope fruit works. Someone else has to-”
“We’ve confirmed he’s the one in possession of the Ope-Ope ability. We believe he used it to cure himself.”
“Incredible,” your father breathed out. “He was just a kid when it went missing. He was that knowledgeable at such a young age?”
“It appears that way. But all files about Flevance have been destroyed, so there’s no record of his family.”
“I see.” Your father hummed, trying to weigh a decision. “Have we sent people to him? To invite him to join us?”
“He didn’t seem interested.”
“But he’s not hostile?”
“Unclear,” the man said. “We have reports that he used to be a part of the Donquixote Family, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.”
“Any idea what caused the split?”
“No,” the man said. “But reports say Trafalgar disappeared the same time another member did. Code name Corazon.”
“Damn that Doflamingo,” your father cursed. “He makes a mess wherever he goes.”
“What should we do, Pops? Want us to bring him in anyway?”
“No,” he said immediately. “Leave him alone. Seems like that kid has been through enough. Just keep tabs on him, and let me know when he enters the Grand Line.”
“Sure thing. You sure that’s all you want to do? The Ope-Ope fruit-”
“Belongs to Trafalgar. He decides what to do with it. We should respect that.”
“Alright.” You heard the door creak open and shut once again. 
“You are never to tell anyone what you just heard.” Your father’s voice was dangerously serious; so much that it caused the hairs to stand up on your neck. “Never. Is that understood?”
“Yes sir,” you whispered, squeezing your eyes shut tighter. 
“Good.” He went back to writing. 
You tried to sleep, but your mind couldn’t stop wandering to the boy in the North Blue. You wondered if he was nice. You wondered if you’d ever meet him. You hoped your paths would cross some way one day.
Stargazing - Age 9
“I’m busy tonight.” The first division ruffled your hair playfully. “It’s late anyway, you should go to sleep.”
“Go on! It’s going to get crazy here in a bit anyway,” Marco said. “You know how Pops feels about you being out during party nights.”
“That’s not fair,” you pouted. “I’m still part of the crew. I should be able to party.”
“Maybe when you’re in double digits,” Marco jested. 
Thatch peeked his head in the door. “How about you come hang with me, squirt?”
You stuck your tongue out at him. “I’m not a squirt!”
“Of course. How could I forget?” He gave you a deep bow. “Your majesty.”
You giggled at his actions, already forgetting about Marco. “Take me to the kitchen, Mister Knight!”
“Gladly.” He scooped you up and dangled you upside down, causing you to squeal in delight. 
“No, Thatch! Not like that!” you giggled, squirming in his grasp. 
“Sorry madam, I can’t seem to hear you,” he said, shaking you and causing you to squeal even louder. “You said just like that?”
You erupted into another round of squeals and giggles, and he escorted you from the room to the kitchen upside down. When you arrived at the kitchen, he easily tossed you into the air and set you on the seat in front of the stove. “What would you like, O’ Princess of the Seas?”
It’s the name that had been coined for you across the Grand Line ever since your bounty shot up to 200 million. Daughter of Whitebeard: Princess of the Seas. You had a love/hate relationship with it, but when the commanders said it, you thought it sounded quite nice. 
“Ice cream!” you called, a glint in your eye. 
“Aw, come on!” Thatch complained. “You know you can’t have that this late.”
You gave him the biggest pouty face and sweetest doe eyes you could muster. “Just this time?”
He let out a chuckle and shook his head. “You’re devious, kid. Devious.” Bending down, he pulled out two bowls and an ice cream scooper. You immediately dropped the act, a huge smile appearing across your face. 
“Can we do chocolate?” you asked hopefully. 
“Might as well,” Thatch sighed, opening the freezer. “You better eat all the vegetables I give you tomorrow.”
“I’ll help you make them, if you want!” You were bouncing up and down in your seat in anticipation. 
Thatch groaned at your excitement. “I’m gonna pay for this, I can tell.” Regardless, he scooped out two heaping scoops for you, and two for him. 
He slid the bowl across to you, and you immediately dug in. He watched you in humor for a few bites, and then began eating his own. “How’s your training coming?”
“I’ve almost got the hang of it!” you said proudly. “I can practice small stuff on the ship now.”
Thatch laughed. “You’re not a fire hazard anymore?”
You smiled at his half-joke. “Only sometimes.”
“Good to hear.” He glanced down at your already empty bowl and smiled, impressed with your eating skills. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“Wait!” You threw your hands up, begging him to stop. “Can’t we do something else? Please Uncle Thatch?”
It was a desperate attempt, you knew that. But the commanders always melted when you called them uncle. It was the easiest trick in the book, yet they bent to it every time.
You could see a slight rose color dust across Thatch’s cheeks, and you knew you had succeeded. 
“Fine, fine! Come on, I think tonight will be a good night.”
“A good night for what?” you asked, but he just picked you up and set you on his strong, broad shoulders, silently carrying you out onto the deck. 
It was loud outside. You had to cover your ears from all the music and the screaming. But Thatch didn’t head toward the party. He turned and the two of you snuck up the stairs to the back of the ship. 
It was significantly quieter back here, like someone had placed a wall between you all and the party. He set you down at the very back of the boat, and laid down next to you.
“What are you doing?” you stood over him, pouting downward. 
Thatch just laughed. “You’re looking the wrong way, kid.” He pointed to the sky. “Look up.”
You followed his finger upward, and found a sky more full of stars than you had ever seen before. 
“Woah,” you breathed out, full of amazement and wonder. “There’s so many.”
“Lay down.” He patted the deck next to him, and you did what you were told. “If you watch closely, you might see a shooting star.”
“Really?” you gasped, your eyes scanning the sky even more intensely. You were attempting to look at every place at once, desperate to find what he had promised. 
“Just pick a piece of the sky and watch it,” Thatch advised. “You’ve really never done this?”
“A few times,” you admitted. “But the sky has never looked this radent.”
“Radiant,” Thatch corrected, a smile on his lips. “Guessing you read that in one of your books.”
“Yeah. Sometimes-oh! There!” you pointed to the streak of light across the sky. “Did you see that one!?”
“Yeah! Good eye,” Thatch noted. “You’re very observant.”
“Dad says I’ll make a good strategist.”
Thatch glanced over at you. “Do you want to be a strategist?”
“I think so.” You kept your eyes on the sky. “I don’t know though. Sometimes it’s overwhelming to think that much.”
“You seem to like correcting Marco in the meetings.”
“Well, he doesn’t think of all the things he should!” Thatch laughed at your comment, but he didn’t say anything more. 
“There’s another one!” you cried after a few moments, pointing at the sky. 
“Gah! I missed it! Well, make a wish.”
“A wish?” you asked. You hadn’t heard of that before.
“It’s a thing you do in the North Blue. If nobody else sees the shooting star, you make a wish and they say it’ll come true.”
“But it won’t actually come true, right?” you reasoned. That was silly. 
Thatch just shrugged. “Might as well try. What does it hurt?”
And so you closed your eyes and thought about what you wanted to wish for. A friend. That would be nice. One your own age. One who you could play games with and laugh with and tell secrets too. You wished for a friend.
“I made my wish,” you said, opening your eyes again. 
“Don’t tell me what it was. You have to keep it a secret.”
“Okay,” you agreed. You watched the sky for a little while longer, but you didn’t see any more shooting stars. You must’ve used them all up on your wish. “Hey Thatch?”
“Thanks for never making fun of me. Like when I mess up or stuff.”
“Why would I make fun of you?” he asked. You could hear the confusion in his voice.
“Some people do. But you don’t. So…thanks.”
“Sure, kid. Let me know if I ever hurt your feelings or I accidentally make fun of you, okay?” He sighed, and you could hear that he was struggling to stay awake. “Thanks for hanging out with me tonight.”
“I like stargazing,” you said, your eyes starting to droop.
“Me too, kid.”
Friend - Age 11
You were eleven when your wish came true. You wished on several stars since that first one, an overwhelming amount of them were spent on a friend your age. And there she was. Standing in front of you. She was slightly taller than you, and maybe a year or two older. But she would do. 
“This is Whitey,” your father said, introducing you to the new girl. “She’s joining the crew as your new sister, so make her feel welcome.”
It took approximately four hours for you and Whitey to become best friends. The two of you shrieked with joy as you trampled across the deck. You bulldozed through people without a care in the world. 
At night, the two of you hid under the covers, whispering secrets while you held your hand over your mouth to muffle the giggles. You made up stories and told her about the crew, and she told you about her life hopping from island to island, working under new people every few years. 
One morning, it was just you and Thatch in the kitchen. You swung your feet while you sat on the barstool, waiting for Thatch to finish your eggs. You had heard enough stories, but you were afraid to ask Whitey directly. You didn’t want to lose a friend. Thatch wouldn’t make fun of you for asking, though. 
“Was Whitey a slave?”
You heard Thatch make a garbled noise, like you had caught him off guard with your question. “What makes you think that?”
“The stories she told me. She moved around a lot, and the people were always really mean to her. She has a lot of scars on her hands.”
“Observant as always,” Thatch mumbled. “Yeah. Pops and Marco found her in the street, searching for food. But she used to be a slave.”
“Did we kidnap her?”
“You can’t kidnap a slave, kid. You free them.” He plated your egg, and threw some bread on the pan to toast it. 
“So she’s free now?” you asked.
“But she’s a kid.” Your brows knit together, trying to understand. “Kids are supposed to be with their family. Shouldn’t we take her back to her parents?”
“We’re her family now,” Thatch explained. “That’s what matters.”
“What if her parents miss her?” you asked. “Pops would miss me if I found another family.”
Thatch put the toast on your plate and slid it over to you. You could tell he was thinking carefully of how to word what he wanted to say. 
“I don’t think Whitey’s family was very kind to her. I don’t think they miss her,” he said. “I don’t even think they know her. She’s been a slave for so long, they probably forgot about her.”
“Forgot?!” you cried. “I could never forget my family! I could never forget you!”
“And I’ll never forget you,” Thatch promised. “But some families aren’t close like ours. Some don’t like each other at all.”
“That doesn’t sound very much like family.” You weren’t really hungry anymore. This discussion had made you lose your appetite. 
 “It’s not. That’s why we're Whitey’s family now. So make sure you’re the best sister you can be, okay?”
“Okay! We're gonna do Spa Day!” You jumped off the barstool and raced out the door. You had to make Whitey feel like the most loved person in the whole world. She was your best friend and your newest sister. 
“Your breakfast!” Thatch called, but you were already gone. 
“Whitey!” You jumped on her, still asleep in bed. “Whitey, wake up!”
“I don’t want to,” she groaned, flipping away from you. 
“But we’re gonna have Spa Day!”
Her eyes peeked out from behind the covers. “Spa Day?”
“Spa Day!” you cried. “Come on!”
You pulled her out of bed and to the female bathhouse. You immediately stripped down to your underwear, but Whitey kept all her clothes on. The two of you worked together to fill the tub full of hot water, steam spreading throughout the room. 
“Oh! I forgot!” you threw your back clothes on quickly. “I need the vegetables!”
“Vegetables?” But you were already racing out the door and back to the kitchen. 
“Thatch!” you yelled, running into the kitchen. Marco was in there, and he looked at you in an amused manner. 
“Is it inside-out day?” Marco teased, and you stuck your tongue out at him. In your haste, you had thrown your clothes on the wrong way. But that didn’t matter right now.
“Here,” Thatch said, handing you a basket. “There’s salts, peppermint, and lavender. Put those in the bath. Over here are the aloe-coconut facemasks, just apply those before you get in the tub. The cucumbers over your eyes. Got it?”
You squealed in delight. “Thank you!!!”
“I’ve got stones on the warmer for when you’re done!” he called out to you as you ran back to the bathroom. 
“You spoil her,” Marco chided. 
“Oh please, as if you don't.”
“Got the vegetables,” you panted as you entered the bathhouse, exhausted from running across the ship. 
Whitey was still dressed, and you frowned at her hesitance as you stripped down. “Whitey, you have to take your clothes off.”
“What?!” You could see her cheeks pink. “All of them?”
“To get in the bath, yeah.”
“Maybe I could just keep my shirt on.”
“No,” you said. “The fibers get into the drain and clog it.”
“Well I don’t want to take my shirt off.”
You scowled. “Why not? I have mine off.”
You could see the panic in her eyes at your question, her entire body tensing. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Spa Day is stupid!” she screamed. She slammed the door as she left, making you jump at its echo in the room.
You tried your best not to cry. You really did. But by the time you were in the kitchen returning the ingredients to Thatch, your vision was too blurry to see his frame. 
“She didn’t want to do Spa Day,” you sobbed, globs of lava mixing in with your tears. “She said it was stupid!”
“Oh, okay.” Thatch took the basket from you and set it to the side. “I’m sorry, kid.”
“I hate her!” you screamed, your skin starting to boil. “She’s so mean! She’s just like everyone else!”
“What exactly happened?” Marco asked, coming over to help mitigate your frustration.
“I told her no shirts in the bath,” you said between breaths. “Because that’s the rule!”
“Okay, uh, kid-” Thatch took a step back, letting Marco take over. The doctor had a bit more heat tolerance with your literal meltdowns. Your tears were starting to drip down onto the wood, burning holes into them.
“Y/N. Stop.” Marco said, putting a hand on your shoulder. “I know you’re upset, but we’re not going to destroy Thatch’s nice kitchen because of it, okay?”
Your lips puckered out, trying to hold in your sadness. “Sorry,” you whimpered. You wiped the hot tears from your face.
“Why do you think Whitey didn’t want to take off her shirt?” Marco asked. “Think about it.”
You bit your lip, thinking long and hard about why a shirt was a big deal. “She’s embarrassed.”
“Good,” Marco said, nodding his head. “Do we think we can bend the rules for it this one time to make her feel more at home?”
“The drain, I know,” Marco finished for you. “I’ll talk to Pops. Don’t empty the tub when you guys leave, and let me know when you’re done, okay?”
You looked over at Thatch, trying to ask him a secret question. Why was she embarrassed? You silently asked. 
Thatch nodded, understanding. “Think about what we talked about this morning.”
Family? No, not that. Whitey used to be a slave. She had scars on her hands. Maybe she had scars on her back too. Maybe she didn’t want to show them. 
“Thank you Marco.” You gave him a hug, finally calm again. “And thank you Thatch.” You ran over and gave him a hug too. “Sorry about your floor.”
“It can be fixed,” Thatch assured you. He handed the basket back to you. “Just like you and Whitey.”
You walked back to your room, your stomach bubbling with nerves.
“Whitey?” you knocked softly on the door, and then opened it. 
“Go away.”
“We can still do Spa Day,” you said. 
“I said go away.”
“You can keep your shirt on,” you said. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll keep my shirt on too.”
Whitey turned over to look at you. “You will?”
You nodded. “We can have Shirt Spa Day.”
Whitey giggled. “Shirt Spa Day. That’s funny.”
“Shirt Spa Day!” you chanted, and she joined in with you. The two of you skipped down to the bathhouse, still chanting your silly string of words, and solidifying a tradition that would last for years to come. 
Learning - Age 13
You screamed out in frustration, volcanic glass shattering around you. You had been trying for days to get this new technique right, and you could never make it like how you were envisioning. 
A small beam of volcanic magma. That’s all you were trying to do. But you couldn’t get right. It was either the wrong consistency, or the wrong angle, or didn’t even come out at all. 
And this evening you all were leaving the island. It would be at least a few days before you could practice again. Not that you had made any headway. You were still back at square one. You hadn’t done anything. 
“Looks like you're struggling,” a familiar voice boomed, laughing at your distress. 
You quickly composed yourself, trying to appear somewhat level-headed before you turned to the voice. 
“Teach!” you said, putting on a smile and giving a laugh. “Yeah, just a little bit.”
“Maybe I can help?”
You gave a polite smile, not wanting to appear rude. You weren’t entirely sure what Teach could do to help, since he didn’t have a devil fruit ability. But Marco and your father had left you to figure it out on your own, and you could use any help you could get. 
“What exactly are you trying to do?”
“Just a thin lava stream projectile,” you explained. “One that can be small and precise if I need to take out one person in a group.” 
Teach nodded, impressed with your idea. “Have you got the lava beam worked out yet?”
“No, that’s the problem. I can’t make it at all.”
“Let me see.”
You frowned, but you did as you were told. You held your hand out, pointing to a rock, and tried to make a small strand of lava shoot from your hand. You could feel the energy building up, like all of the pressure was stuck behind a wall. 
And then there was a flash, and magma erupted from the ground around you, spewing hundreds of feet into the air. 
Luckily Teach was far enough away that the blast zone didn’t hit him. He simply laughed at your misfortune, a loud booming cackle. 
“I see your problem,” he said. “You’re too strong.”
You scowled at him, thinking he might be trying to make fun of you. “What do you mean?”
“You’re trying to make a tiny beam. But you don’t even know what the beam should look like. You’re doing too much at once and overloading your senses.”
“Marco said I should start small,” you said. 
“Marco doesn’t have your kind of power.” He laughed again, walking over to you. “Look, kid. Just focus on making a beam. It doesn’t matter how big it is. Don’t limit it. Just envision a beam hitting, say…that rock over there. Try that, okay?”
You looked at your hands, skeptical of his advice. “Okay.” You took a deep breath, and held out your hands in the direction of the rock. “You might want to step back.”
“Don’t need to. Don’t kill me, okay?”
You couldn't kill Teach. He was one of the oldest members on the ship. He had always been there. You'd never forgive yourself if you even burned him a little. You had to get this right. You took one more breath, trying your best to center yourself and envision the kind of thing you wanted. And then, you pushed the lava out of your hands, aiming for the rock. 
It hit. Exactly how you imagined it would. Well, it was kind of hard to miss the rock. Your beam was about 10 times larger than what you had initially wanted. But it was a beam. 
You could hear Teach cheering behind you, whooping and hollering at your success. 
“I did it!” you screamed, hardly believing it yourself. 
“You’ve got power, kid!” Teach patted your head in approval, and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. You had been failing because you had been limiting yourself. But you weren’t a failure. You were powerful. 
“It’s my dream to perfect this,” you said, a grin on your face. “Perfect this and become division two commander.”
“That should be a pretty easy goal for you to reach,” Teach said. “Better start thinking of another dream soon.”
“Do you have any dreams, Teach?”
“We all have dreams, kid. I’m just glad I could help you get closer to yours.”
“What’s yours?”
He cackled at your question. “There’s a devil fruit I'd like to find one day.”
“Oh! Well, the Grand Line is huge, it’s gotta be out there somewhere. Any fruits I find you’re welcome to. ” It's the least you could offer.
“Well that sure is kind of you! I’m sure it’s around here somewhere.”
“I really hope you find it, Teach.”
“Me too, kid. Me too.” He sighed, a smile dancing across his lips. “But let's focus on you! Keep practicing! Make it smaller and smaller until you’ve got it the way you want. You’ll get there!”
It was the first time someone really understood how you learned and operated, and every move you perfected in the future came from what you learned that day. 
Kiss - Age 16
You hadn’t expected your first kiss to be on your 16th birthday, but that’s just how it happened. 
He was a new crew member, and he had caught your eye almost immediately. His name was Palms, and he was quite the looker. 
You must’ve caught his eye as well, because every time you looked at him, he seemed to already be watching you. 
The two of you played this silent game, flirting only with looks passed between one another, when finally Whitey nudged you. 
“Will you just go talk to him! You guys have been fucking each other with your eyes since the sun went down!”
“Whitey!” you gasped, giggling at her bluntness. She rolled her eyes and waved you on, encouraging you to get a move on.
You met him over by the keg, and you filled up your tankard while waiting for him to speak.  
“I hear this party is for you!” he yelled, trying to make his voice heard over the music. 
“My 16th birthday!” You yelled back. 
“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t know! I would’ve brought a present!”
You gave him a wink. “You still have time to think of one.”
“Oh yeah?” He asked, his eyes raking your body. ���Yeah, I can think of one.”
You had never felt self-conscious before in your outfits, but Whitey had chosen this one for you, and it was a bit more skin than you were used to. But she had told you that confidence was key, so you gave him a smirk and walked inside the doors. You wanted a little bit of privacy.
He was a terrible kisser. Or maybe you were. You weren’t sure. It was your first time kissing, after all. But it was still euphoric. A rush of the senses, you could feel your body temperature rising in response to-
“Holy shit you’re hot,” Palms said, pulling away from you. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, that just happens sometimes,” you explained, rushing back to his mouth.
“No,” he said, pulling away from you. “You’re like, burning me.”
“Oh.” You could feel your cheek blush. Your skin started to churn, anxious at this new revelation. You couldn’t even kiss without your ability going haywire. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He said, watching the magma beneath your skin start to glow with slight concern. Not concern for you. Concern for himself. 
“Yeah.” The moment was gone, and you only felt shame now. “Thanks for the birthday present.”
He gave a nervous laugh. “If you need another one when you cool down, you know where to find me.”
You gave him a polite smile and rushed out onto the deck. Instead of returning to the party, you went up the stairs and to the back of the ship. You just wanted to be alone. 
You knew what some people said about you. How you couldn't control your emotions. And since your emotions controlled your powers, you couldn't control that either. People constantly questioned your father on your abilities, and his decision to make you lead strategist at such a young age. The only people who really trusted you on their teams were Marco and Thatch. The other commanders would tolerate you, but they would never use you to your full potential. It's like everyone was just waiting for you to mess up.
You leaned over the side of the ship as you cried, trying not to get any burn marks on the wood. You had been with your devil fruit ability for over ten years now, and you still couldn’t completely control it. You hated it. Some days you wished that you had never eaten that stupid thing, or that you had just let those men take you to the Navy and it-
“I thought we’d find you here,” Whitey said, coming up next to you. She gave you a light bump on the shoulder. 
“Come on,” Marco said from behind you. “We’re going to play Strategist and Commanders.”
“You said I’m too young for that.”
“Not anymore,” Thatch said, a smile spreading across his face. “You’re sixteen now, aren’t you? Welcome to the club.” 
“But I’m just the lead strategist. I don’t belong to a division.”
“Don’t belong to a division,” Marco scoffed. “You can be on my team. Or Thatch’s. Whoever you don’t choose is stuck with Whitey.”
“Stuck with?!?” Whitey pouted, rolling her eyes. “More like graced with!”
“Stop making excuses,” Thatch said, ruffling your hair. “Let’s go.”
You gave him a smile, already forgetting about your disastrous kiss. “Let’s go.”
Oh, they had no idea what kind of monster they had awakened that night. 
Departing - 2 years ago
“You’re sure you want to do this?” Marco asked, looking at you. 
“A lot of things will change in two years,” Thatch warned.
“I’m ready.” You nodded, adjusting your things on your back. “I need to do this.”
You walked over to Whitey, the goodbye you were dreading the most. 
“You gonna be okay without me?”
Tears filled her eyes. “Yeah.”
“You don’t have to lie, Whitey. I’m not going to be okay without you either.”
She let out a soft sob, and clamped her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. 
“Don’t be.” You wrapped her in a hug, crying too. Normal tears now, though your lava tears rarely affected your ice-witch best friend. 
“I know you have to leave to get stronger,” she said, her voice muffled by your gear. “But I hate it so much.”
“We’ll have SO much to catch up on when I get back, though!” you let out a choked laugh. “We can stay up all night under the covers, just like old times.”
“Promise?” she sobbed, clutching you tighter. 
“I promise.”
The two of you finally broke apart, viciously wiping the tears off your face. 
“That was embarrassing,” you both said in sync, which started another round of laughing sobs. 
“Y/N.” Your father’s voice boomed from nearby, quiet, but urgent. “We have a small window of operation to get you where you need to go.”
“Right.” You gave Whitey one more squeeze. “I’ll see you soon. And I’ll make a journal every day so I remember everything to tell you. You do the same.”
You walked over to your father, towering above you. “Thank you for everything, Pops.” You tried to keep your voice level, but you could feel your lip trembling. 
Thankfully, your father’s was doing the same. “I know this is the right call. The timing couldn’t be better. I'll remind you, you’ve already done it, but continue to make me proud.”
“I’ll do my best,” you promised. 
“That’s all I can ask for.”
He pulled you in for a hug, and you could feel he was holding back tears, just like you were. You had never been away from your father, besides small missions and scouting trips. And now you wouldn’t see him for two years. 
“Ready, Izou?” you asked, looking toward the man who would take you to Wano. 
“Let’s go.”
You walked through the crowd, saying goodbye to the only family you had known your entire life. 
“Good luck!” called Haruta. He had just joined, and you were sad you wouldn’t get to know him more. 
“Get nice and strong, and come be our commander!” Teach yelled, and you gave him a grateful nod. 
“We love you!” called a group of young adults. You spotted Palms amongst them, and blushed as you waved.
You knew things would be different when you got back. You just didn’t realize how different they would be. 
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Pops reacting to childreader 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💸💸💸🪙💰
I have been cliff hung 1 to many times...
*this part opt but I have a feel either dragon or winged reader would be kinda scared at first.. cus he's built fucking different bro*
Wandering Dragon pt2 (Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader)
A/N: Homie you got me dying with the comment uou left on the last post and the request made me cough out a lung 😂. What do y’all think bout this one? Cause I think I COOKED, it’s really wholesome
Part one With Whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army
Dividers by @/saradika
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“And you know what? Even if you are only 8, I’m sure Pops isn’t going to turn you away. He’s gonna love you, Reader. You are just that darn adorable.”
She digs her head in his shoulder.
He snickers, feeling her face hearing up
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know that? What happened to the bold rascal?” he teases, gently stroking her head and hair.
The only response he receives is a gentle swat from her tail
Ace laughs even more.
“Aww, is that your way of saying you’re shy? “he says, pulling her closer.
“And a bit of a brat, aren’t you? Don’t think I missed that tail swat. But I can’t stay mad at such a cutie, now can I?” Thatch snickers, ruffling her hair
“Hmm... I need to bring you to Pops. You’re getting clingy already.”
She gasps and shoots up
“Am not!”
Ace laughs a bit.
“Are too!” he says, playfully poking her nose.
She pouts
Thatch grins at their interaction and gestures to Ace, who nods slightly; he approaches the girl slowly and suddenly digs his fingers in her.
She shrieks as he starts tickling her as she tries to wriggle out of Ace’s grasp
Thatch laughs loudly at seeing her struggling.
“Heh.. that’s adorable,”
She begins flapping her wings, getting out of his grasp, and flies up and out of the Storage room, giggling
“H-Hey, come back here.”
She laughs, looking back at them as they try to catch up to her, a similar emotion on their faces; as they chase her, she fails to notice where she is going, crashing right into someone.
“Ow, So…rry?” she begins, but her words die out as she sees who she crashed into, as right in front of her was a man the size of a mountain.
She wraps her wings around herself, coiling her tail around her body in a similar manner as she tries to hide from the man in front of her in fear.
The man is none other than Whitebeard himself, looking down at the young stowaway.
“Hm... who are you?” he asks, glancing at the men who run and stop behind her.
Ace laughs, pointing at her.
“We found her below deck. She says her name’s Reader. Looks like she was exploring before we happened upon her. Probably didn’t even know she was on our ship.”
She whimpers, wrapping her limbs tighter around herself until someone slowly steps closer and kneels down next to her; she takes a peek, spotting a man whose appearance reminded her of a pineapple
Marco smiles at the girl.
“Hey, kid. Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says softly in a soothing tone for her.
She stares at him but makes no movement to release her defensive stance
He approaches slowly before squatting in front of her.
“Look, I’m the first division commander of this ship. It’s fine. You’re in safe hands. And that guy you crashed into...”
He points at the big guy.
“That’s our captain. Edward Newgate, but most of us just call him Pops. He’s a real sweetheart. But he can be a bit of an intimidating when you first meet him.”
She sniffles, glancing at the man towering next to them and back to Marco, and then glances at Thatch and Ace behind her
Ace and Thatch smile, seeing her look at them.
“Don’t worry,” Ace says gently
“Pops, he’s not gonna hurt you either. No way.” Ace confirms
“Marco’s right. I know he may look intimidating, but he’s like a father to all of us; he would never hurt you,” Thatch says, backing his crewmates up
She glances back to Marco in front of her
He’s still smiling softly at her, not pushing her to come out of her defensive position.
“Do you want to come say hi to him?”
She nods, slowly unfurling herself
Marco gently grabs her hand, walking her right up to Whitebeard himself. He gently nudges her forward so she and the captain can meet each other.
She glances up at him, stretches her wing, and slowly flies up so that she is face-to-face with him
“..ny…mi…ter” she mumbles
He raises an eyebrow
“What was that?”
“You look funny, mister,” she mutters
Whitebeard laughs uproariously.
“Haha! Do I look funny? That is quite an interesting description, young lady. I mean, I suppose I look a bit weird but funny? You’re the only person to ever say that to me.” he snickers
“I like this one, bold one,” he says, glancing down at his sons
“And she’s pretty feisty, I can tell. Not too many kids can call Whitebeard funny,” Thatch adds in
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure,” Marco says, smiling at her
“She’s a clingy one, too,” Ace adds
This snaps her out of her shy, fear-filled state as she flies down and barrels into Ace
“Am not!”
Ace laughs, catching her.
“See, clingy!” he says teasingly.
“And a brat, can’t forget that,” Thatch scoffs.
Whitebeard laughs louder, amused by his crew’s responses
She hmph fluttering away from the pair and closer to the giant; she began buzzing around him
Whitebeard chuckles, amused by her playful behavior, as he begins playing with her, making her flutter around.
“Heh, you’re a real-spirited kid. Almost reminds me of a certain someone I know,” he says, looking over to Ace.
“Are you a dragon? You’re big like one.”
Whitebeard laughs at her question, amused by the comparison.
“No, I’m not a dragon. I’m a Human, just a very, very big one.”
“Do you know much about what a devil fruit is, kid?” he asks her
“Yeah! Mister Sabo told me about it! They give you these superb powers, right?”
Ace’s eyes widen
“Oi kid, come over here a sec.”
“Hmm?” They dive down towards the three men
“Who did you say told you about a devil fruit?”
“Mister Sabo!”
Ace grins
“By any chance, did this Sabo tell you if he had a devil fruit?”
“Yeah! He said he had a Mera Mera fruit. I thought he was a dragon since he could make fire, but he said he wasn’t a dragon.” She pouts as she says this
“He just ate the Mera Mera and was a fireman! And it’s so funny, 'cause there was this grumpy guy called Dragon, and he wasn’t a dragon either! I was so sad,” she rambles on
Ace burst into laughter, igniting his hand on fire in a similar fashion Sabo had done back then
She looks at it and glances between the flame and Ace’s face a few times
“It’s you!”
Ace grins at her before extinguishing the flames on his hand
“It is me,” he says, confirming the little girl’s discovery
“Mister Sabo said you and him had the same mera mera fruit, which is never heard of!”
Ace nods
“Yup, that’s about right. Me and Sabo both ate a specific type of fruit known as the Mera Mera no Mi; I got really hurt a while ago, was gone for a minute there, which is why we think the mera mera appeared again, and he ate it, so now we both have it’s power” he said pointing to a big scar on his chest
“That’s so cool!” She squeals
“Ah! Are you okay? That looks like a pretty big scar!”
Ace chuckles
“I’m fine now; got seen by the best doctors to get a look at it; one of them is the guy behind you!”
She glances at Marco
“Mister Pineapple did?!”
Marco stills as her comment slight red tint growing on his face while Ace and Thatch start laughing uncontrollably; even Whitebeard lets out a snort at her exclamation
Marco sighs, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face
“Really are a little Rascal,” he mutters
“Yes, I helped patch him up a while back, used my devil fruit,” he said as his body ignited in flames
She gasps
“Did you also eat Mera Mera?”
Marco chuckles
“Not quite. I also ate a devil fruit, but unlike Sabo and Ace, I ate the Tori Tori no Mi.”
“Wah? There’s more than one type?”
“There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Each grants you a different power.”
“Superb! Mister Pops, what about you? What fruit did you eat?”
“Me? Well, I happen to have eaten the Gura Gura no Mi. It was a long time ago when I ate it, but it’s a very powerful one. It allows you to control earthquakes and vibrations.” Whitebeard explains with a smile on his face
“That's so cool,” they squeal
“It certainly is,” Whitebeard says, smiling.
“I can do all sorts of things with it, like this.”
He raises his hand, and a massive shockwave emanates from it, shaking the Moby Dick to its core. It even causes the little girl to fly backward into Ace’s arms.
The tiny child squeaks, her coordination being thrown off at the sudden movement
She takes a second to get her surroundings straight but marvels at Whitebeard’s display
“Haha, see what I meant? Pretty potent fruit, huh?” Whitebeard asks, seemingly pleased that the girl is so engaged by his abilities.
Ace takes this as a chance to play around with the little girl a bit, holding her and swinging her slightly as she lands in his arms.
“Ah, that reminds me, Reader, you hungry? I can prepare you something. Got you this in the meantime,” he says, throwing an apple her way
“Thank you! Here!” She says, coughing; the others look worried; their worried stares soon turn into something else as she coughs up some gold coins, offering them to Thatch
They just stare at it dumbfounded as she coughs up gold coins.
“What the hell?!” Thatch exclaims
“Watch your language around her,” Ace says, slapping the back of his head
“Why you…” he growls as they begin brawling
Reader flies above them, laughing at their interactions
“You have a wild family, Mister Pops”
Whitebeard sighs, chuckling at his son’s antics.
“Oh, you have no idea, girl,” he chuckles
Marco laughs quietly at the both of them,
“Settle down, boys,” he chides them, not moving to try and settle the argument between the two of them; as Reader continues laughing at the chaos unfolding, Whitebeard glances at her.
“Man… you’re gonna be a real handful for all of us, aren’t ya?” Whitebeard chuckles
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I was intending this to be a real short one but then I couldn’t find a place to stop it without it being to sudden so I just kept going I found a place I could have cut it but then I was like nah, we need more.
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Enjoy this absolute chaos I made some time ago
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lesansnom · 1 year
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Marco the FUCKING pénix
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alicedash2 · 1 year
Whitebeard crew x Depressed!reader
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-.... You're not going to eat?-
Marco didn't get any response from the girl who hadn't eaten for days, she remained in bed, silent, just agonizing with the disease that took over her body, feeling her body rot.
- okay....-
Marco would get up and leave the room, not knowing what else to do, but, he has a little idea, it might not work.
He goes back to the girl's room, who doesn't even look at him, her condition was horrible, she couldn't do anything for herself, but the others, yes, since the girl arrived on the ship, she hasn't spoken, eaten or even think, appeared to be dead, but was actually alive
- come on, I'll ask the nurses to give you a bath-
Even without getting a response, he takes her by the thighs and throws her on her back, taking her to the bathroom, asking one of the nurses for help, he says that when the girl takes a shower, she should call him again.
So if she did, after the shower, Marco picks her up and she goes to the infirmary, he puts her on one of the beds, and there, he asks Teach to cook something that would normally make people happy, like snacks.
As soon as the cook makes the sweets and snacks, something light that shouldn't hurt, Marco and Teach try to get the girl to eat, but Marco was a little too rude, opening the girl's mouth and making her eat.
But soon, the girl who already had little energy, fell asleep, but the lack of food for some time made her nauseous, making her vomit in her sleep, the pain was so much that she fell out of bed and got up, calling the attention of everyone on the ship, Izou, seeing the girl's miserable situation, quickly takes her to a bath, while the rest of the crew cleaned up the mess, Whitebeard, aware of the situation, asks them to take the girl to him, Izou, who had the girl already clean, who was in a nightgown to her shins, takes her to the captain, he picks her up gently and places her in his lap, where she curls up in a fetal position, Whitebeard thought that maybe, if he was always around physically, it could get better, and it did, the girl could always wake up and see Whitebeard, not an empty and silent room, because also, she heard Whitebeard's low laugh so as not to wake the girl, and whenever the girl woke up, Whitebeard interacted, asking questions and talking about the day, always positive things to try to cheer the girl up, the guys helped in their own way, knowing that the girl didn't have much control of her body, they helped her, picking her up and putting her down back and taking her for walks, always with some physical touch, human warmth and not a bed
The girl feels welcomed, the crew members were always willing to help and listen to her anxieties and feelings, never devaluing them, the girl slowly recovers from her pain, Whitebeard always encouraged her to do something productive but not demanding too much from the physical and psychological
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mamamittens · 9 months
How Our Seeds Grow (Pt. 3)
Platonic Yandere WBP & Young Child!GN!Reader
Warnings: Drugging of a minor (for sleeping purposes) and ongoing kidnapping/emotional distress.
Word Count: 1,739
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You had known that the ship you were on was just a small contingent vessel for the main flagship, the Moby Dick, but you hadn’t realized just how massive it was until well after sunset. The Yonko ship somehow growing bigger and bigger as the crew started preparing to offload the cargo and making preparations to tie up the ships. It was bigger than any base you’d been assigned to.
You tucked Cream into your new bandana and anxiously carded your hands through Stefan’s fur. The dog whining and squirming happily with pleased licks to distract you. But you couldn’t look away.
How could any ship be this big?
You sucked in an anxious breath as you were suddenly lifted up into someone’s arms.
Phoenix held you firmly to his chest with one arm, the other brushing over your back in soothing motions.
“Easy, baby bird. We called ahead so they know to expect you. Thatch is especially eager to meet you.” Phoenix whispered with a small smile. Cream poked out of his shell and patted your chin with a small murmur. “Oyaji is also happy to meet you. It’s been a while since we’ve had someone so young aboard.”
“Ready to go, commander!” Someone shouted, drawing your attention to the rope ladder leading up to the Moby Dick’s deck. Phoenix took confident strides and easily scaled the ladder with one hand, your arms wrapped around his neck as the ocean lapped between the two ships below.
You gasped as Phoenix cleared the deck, seeing the top for the first time. Lights illuminating the space as several pirates milled around the recessed area. There, in the middle, was Whitebeard.
You knew what he looked like, obviously. But no bounty poster you’ve ever seen could explain how big he was. It explained the size of his ship, to put it lightly. The aged Yonko sat there, perfectly relaxed in the crisp night air. Scars scattered across his chest, no weapon in sight. You should be frightened. You were frightened. Wide eyes fixed on the tallest man you’d ever seen. Any other time, anywhere else, you wouldn’t have needed to be told to run from him.
His eyes bounced between the pirates on deck, the ones newly returned, and finally on Phoenix. And you. His features softened as he took you in from the decreasing distance thanks to Phoenix’s confident steps across the deck. Coming to a stop just a few feet shy of his large boots. Whitebeard leaned forward, resting his elbows onto his knees as Stefan yipped and spun in circles around the old captain’s feet. Large hand dangling and teasing the dog idly, his eyes still not leaving yours even as Stefan licked his fingertips.
You’d been looked at a lot in your life. Sizing glances and assessing stares. Disapproval and sneering distain. Pity and affection in stolen moments before you inevitably left for another base.
Whitebeard felt old but sturdy. Like mountains and the sea. And he looked at you like you were a child. Not a marine or a recruit or street urchin taking up valuable space. Just a child standing at the edge of the tide pools, lost in his gaze. Even through the birdsong in your heart, you could hear the rumbling of his devil fruit. A deep, rolling call in tunnels deeper still. A warning and reassurance in one. The echo of a laugh shifting in the cool earth.
“Welcome back, my sons. And who have you brought home?” Whitebeard asked, the idle chatter on deck falling silent despite the soft tone. Phoenix shifted you on his side, not putting you down or letting go.
Despite addressing Phoenix, it was clear from Whitebeard’s gaze that he was waiting for you to answer.
Your voice felt caught in your throat for a moment until Cream poked out his head with a grumble.
You stammered your name out nervously, voice just loud enough to carry to the attentive Yonko.
“—and this is Cream.” You ducked your head, still clutching Phoenix’s shirt as Cream puffed up seemingly in defiance. “’m an ensign.” You mumbled, holding onto your bandana anxiously.
Phoenix sighed, patting your back.
“We’re working on it.” Fire Fist declared, ruffling your hair. “They’ve got a weird devil fruit, Oyaji! Utterly wasted in the marines, even gramps would have taken better care of them!”
Whitebeard gave a curious hum, glancing at Fire Fist before looking back at you.
“We found them on the island we were restocking at. Their devil fruit makes other user’s powers stronger—the marines had them partnered up with some weak fire fruit user. They were mistakenly given orders to confront Ace and make a break if someone else showed up. Their ‘partner’ broke their nose when they tried to get him to leave. Obviously, the marines couldn’t be bothered to properly protect their ‘assets’.” Phoenix shrugged under the very interested gaze of his captain.
Whitebeard scoffed.
“Sengoku must be getting soft in the head, my child. We’re not too far from Linlin’s territory. If she knew such a fruit existed—if Kaido knew such a fruit existed… what fools, leaving you so undefended.” You couldn’t help but break away from his gaze, chest aching.
What was there to say? You knew your assignments were unusual. Your whole situation was unusual.
You gave a helpless shrug.
“They were worried about side effects. I think.” Was all you could offer.
“Side effects?” Phoenix asked. You looked at him helplessly.
“Yeah. Some sort of draw back. My partners are all pretty mean, usually. Maybe that was my fault?” You murmured. Phoenix’s expression shifted, eyes dark and cutting as he clicked his tongue loudly.
“Or maybe their egos couldn’t take depending on a kid. Forget about them, baby bird. The marines had their chance.”
“Yeah! Mean bastards putting a kid to work like that, honestly, who does that!?” Fire Fist huffed.
“Enough.” Whitebeard declared, drawing your attention back to him, his eyes softening. “Welcome home, child. You’re safe here now, no matter what happens.”
Your heart shuddered, eyes pricking with tears.
When was the last time anyone said that to you?
“Exactly! I’m not too late, am I?” A man declared, bursting out onto the deck with a mug in his hand and a large cookie wrapped with a napkin. His pompadour swayed as he scanned the deck animatedly, eyes lighting up as he spotted you. “There you are little cutie pie! It’s a little late, but I made a welcoming treat, just for you!”
He bounded over, offering you the mug and cookie. They were both a bit big for you, but you couldn’t exactly say no.
“Uhm… thank you? You didn’t have to, mister…” you cocked your head, noting how warm the mug and cookie were. “Twin-Blade.” You realized decisively. His name finally clicking.
He pouted despite being a grown man.
“Ah, honey! No! Call me Thatch!” He cried out as Phoenix huffed.
“Really, Thatch? A cookie before bed?” Phoenix strode past him. You turned to wave back at Whitebeard.
“O-Oh… nice to meet you, mister Whitebeard.” You called back as Twin-Blade jogged to keep up. You could hear the captain laughing as Fire Fist commented something too soft to hear.
He reached you as Phoenix descended below deck, hand reaching out to lift up the mug.
“Drink it while it’s hot, kay?” Twin-Blade advised. You adjusted your grip and took a sip.
Milk and honey?
You’d never had that before. The warm sweet drink washing down the large cookie still hot from the oven.
“Did you remember to set up their room?” Phoenix taunted.
“Of course I did! Fresh sheets and all!”
The two pirates teased each other as they confidently walked through the halls. The cookie was gone quickly, a few bites given to Cream eagerly.
The walls blurred under warm light, gentle hands pushing the mug up in encouragement. You felt warm and tingly all over, fingertips growing numb as you leaned against Phoenix’s chest with a yawn. Cream rapidly tapping your chin as you blinked slowly. Each time finding it harder to open them again.
The mug was lifted from your limp hands before it could drop.
“Shit, Thatch, how much did you give them?”
They stopped walking, metal tinkling together as a lock clicked.
“It wasn’t that much, I swear! Just enough to help with first-night jitters! I even sized it down since they’re a kid. I guess they’re just exhausted?” You whined as a hand brushed over your damp cheeks. “Aww, sweet pea~Here, lemme help tuck them in. Jeez, they’re so small.”
Your feet and neck were cold suddenly before soft fabric was wrapped around you. Pulled up to your chin, the chill abated quickly.
“Nice thinking with the anchored terrarium.”
“Thanks! This is a pretty big change for a kid, so I figured this would help show them they’re safe.”
Their voices faded out into static as you drifted away. Honeyed milk and chocolate on your tongue.
Today had been immeasurably long and difficult. The last thing you remember is the distant sensation of someone’s fingertips wiping away your tears.
Thatch held up his hands in self defense as Marco glared at him.
He really did size down the recipe! Their newest sibling must have been incredibly tired to not even make it to their room! And in his defense, they looked tired well before he gave them the special welcoming drink.
Thatch glanced down at them again before looking at the den den mushi with a replacement shell. The snail was definitely glaring at him from the secured terrarium. Usually, they could stay anywhere you wanted without issue, but given how the kid came to them, he figured a dedicated home for the two of them was a good step. The terrarium typically used for quarantine purposes but they had spares anyway.
Marco huffed, fussing with the blankets a little more before shoving him out of the room. It was kind of cute how protective Marco was being. It’d been a while since Thatch had gotten to see this side of his brother. Usually, the others on board were more than capable of protecting themselves. But given how fragile the little ‘marine’ was, Thatch couldn’t blame him. Poor kid was clearly overwhelmed.
Hopefully a good night’s rest will help with that. Even if it was… a bit deeper than normal.
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