melbourneskybourne · 2 days
Check out my room!
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restlessartisttt · 2 days
✨Staring contest✨
Back again with another Mychael doodle 😤
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Was listening to that one of mushrooms and men/Mychael playlist, this song specifically while drawing these ::D
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faithfulomens · 2 months
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“Things change” 😂
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2000s-angell · 2 years
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officiallyeminent · 17 days
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click in for better quality! this DTIYS from @itsxroxannex from like 26 May 2022 lmao
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Original picture
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geckoomoria · 1 month
♥︎boyfriend Sam monroe head-canons !!
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Bf sam! sprays u with a hose when watering the garden ( he got his ass beat with flowers dw)
Bf sam! who opens doors for u but slaps ur ass as u walk through
Bf sam! who tries his hardest to stop every bad habit he has just to have a future with u
Bf sam! who stays awake at night , terrified that you’ll find someone better and leave him
Bf sam! who only ends makeout sessions when ur gasping for air
Bf sam! who’s favourite thing to do is laugh uncontrollably with u since ur basically his best friend
Bf sam! who says he hates it when u do girly makeup on him but secretly loves it
Bf sam! who thinks its the funniest thing ever when he pops his fingers into ur mouth when u yawn or up ur nostrils
Bf sam! claims he hates gossip but when ur on the phone with ur friend , his ear is RIGHT NEXT the other side of the phone
Bf sam! who randomly hugs u from behind the waist and kisses your head
Bf sam! who’s corny ass says “make me” when u tell him to “shut the fuck up”
Bf sam! who acts all big man most of the time but when u straddle him and give him hickeys, he’s at a loss for words
Bf sam! who 100% loves being sarcastic and fake mean with his partner.
Reader: “We should go to that new cafe down the street” , Sam: “be seen in public with you? id rather die bitch” , Reader: “this is why my secret boyfriend is better than you” , Sam: “u little whore.”
the way this is all based off my ideal relationship with a man.
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our-lord-satanas · 3 months
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Hecate is a Goddess of magic and witchcraft, as well as the guardian of boundaries and crossings. She is often depicted as a triple-headed woman, representing her role as a gatekeeper between realms. Hecate is a powerful and mysterious Goddess, and she is often associated with the moon, the night, and the Underworld. She is also known for her connection to the spirits of the dead, and she is revered as a protector of orphans and wayfarers. As the Goddess of magic and witchcraft, she is also an expert in magic, astrology, and other arcane arts.
Appearance: Hecate is traditionally depicted as a tall and powerful woman with a distinctive appearance. She is often portrayed as having three heads, each with different facial features, such as eyes of different colours or expressions. She is also described as having black hair and wearing a dark cloak, which further lends to her mysterious and dark appearance. In some depictions, she was said to carry a torch, a crescent moon, and a key, which is a symbol of her power over the boundaries between life and death.
Personality: Hecate is a complex and multi-faceted deity, representing the trinity of magic, knowledge and wisdom, as well as the boundaries between life and death. Her personality reflects that complexity and is a combination of contradictory traits, embodying both dark and mysterious aspects, as reflected by her position as Goddess of the Underworld, while also being a bright and benevolent figure, representing light and wisdom. She is often depicted as a three-headed woman, symbolizing her association with the crossroads and the triad of magic that she encapsulates.
Symbols: paired torches, keys, crossroads, dark/triple moon, wheel, daggers, rope, dogs, serpents, knives, and Strophalos
Goddess of: Witchcraft, necromancy, ghosts, the night, boundaries, and crossroads
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: asphodel, mugwort, lavender, rue, garlic, yew, cypress, aconite (also called hecateis), belladonna, dittany, mandrake, mint, sage, laurel, cedar, and overall poisonous plants
Crystals: schorl, blue alexandrite, smoky topaz, anorthosite, morion quartz, blue john, larvikite, chevron, jet, spessartite garnet, Dalmatian jasper, indicolite, smoky quartz, labradorite, and super seven
Animals: dog, mare, serpent, cat, bats, and polecat
Incense: frankincense, rosemary, myrrh, and patchouli
Colours: black, grey, silver, gold, violet, green, red, and white
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Hermit, The Moon, and Queen of Pentacles
Planets: Mercury, Moon, and Mars
Days: Thursday, Wednesday evenings (new moon celebrations are typically held on Wednesday evenings), Tuesday, the full moon, Samhain (Oct 31st), and the new moon
Parents: Perses and Asteria
Siblings: none known
Partner: Apollo and Mormo
Children: Empusa and Scylla
• The triple moon: which represents the phases of the moon and balance between the material and the spiritual, as well as the duality of light and darkness.
• Keys: which represents power and knowledge and can be used to unlock doors and paths to knowledge and power that are hidden or restricted.
• Torches: which represents guidance and illumination in dark times or when clarity is needed.
• Wolves: Hecate is sometimes depicted with three heads, which is one reason she is often associated with wolves. Wolves also symbolize strength, loyalty, and protection and can be a natural source of inspiration for your prayers or rituals.
• Black cats: commonly associated with Hecate, mostly due to her connection to the Underworld. Black cats represent protection and wisdom, and they can be an excellent source of inspiration for your prayers or rituals.
• The triune Goddess: which represents the trio of maiden, mother, and crone and the power of the feminine.
• Crossroads: where people would often seek wisdom from Hecate when they faced difficulties or had questions.
• Magic, occultism, and witchcraft: as Hecate is the Goddess of magic and spells, and she is often invoked during rituals and magickal practices.
• Name: the name Hecate comes from the Greek word "ekatid," which means "the one who has power over the road."
• Relationships: Hecate is associated with the night, the Underworld, the moon, and the spirit world. She is also connected to Demeter and Persephone, both of whom are associated with the fertility of the cycle of life and death.
• Symbols: the symbols of Hecate include a three-headed dog, a key, and a torch.
• Role: Hecate is a mysterious and powerful Goddess associated with sorcery and magic, often depicted as a triple-headed or triple-bodied figure.
• Associations: Hecate is often associated with crossroads, magic, prophecy, mystery, spirits, night, ghosts, and the Underworld, serving as a protector and guide for those who have died. She is also the patron deity of witches and magic-users, and is also associated with the night.
• History: Hecate is a minor deity in Greek mythology, but she has become a prevalent figure in modern times. Hecate's origins are linked to the Greek Underworld and the female deity Selene, and she is also connected to the Roman Goddesses Artemis and Diana.
• Role in Witchcraft: Hecate is widely associated with magic and Witchcraft, and many Witches and Wiccans revere her as a source of power and knowledge. Some Witch traditions worship Hecate as a three-way Goddess who represents the past, present, and future.
• She aided Demeter in search of her daughter Persephone.
• In comparison to Selene, Goddess of the moon, who represents the calmness of the night, Hecate represents its terrors and darkness.
• She is a Liminal Goddess because she can easily move from the Underworld to the real world. She is the 'guide', that is why she is depicted with torches and is described as the one who can unlock the ''gates of death'' by Theocritus.
• She is tightly associated with Eleusinian Mysteries, the secret celebrations of Demeter and Persephone.
• She had a few temples and cults in Greece and small household shrines to ward off evil.
• During her earliest appearance in Hesiod's book 'Theogony', she was depicted as a Goddess with dominion over the earth, sea, and sky; her later appearances, however, made her a goddess of the Underworld associated with magic and Witchcraft.
To work with Hecate, you should approach her with a sense of reverence and respect. She is a powerful Goddess and should be treated as such. You can offer prayers, libations, and offerings to her, and it's important to speak to her in a respectful manner, as you would to any other person of authority. Hecate has a strong connection to magic and the Underworld, so you can also use magic or other rituals to communicate with her. It's important to have an open mind and a respectful attitude when approaching Hecate and seeking her guidance.
To begin, you could address her by name and say something along the lines of: 
"Oh Great Goddess Hecate, I come to you seeking your guidance and wisdom. I offer myself to you, my heart and my spirit, and I ask for your blessing in this prayer."
"I thank you, Great Goddess Hecate, for listening to my words and for your guidance and protection. May you walk by my side always. Hail Hecate.”
Yes, it is possible to contact Hecate at a crossroads. This is a traditional method of invoking the Goddess that has been used for centuries. To do this, you should prepare a offering (bread, honey, and herbs, or any other items that you feel would be suitable for her) and then go to a crossroads during the witching hour between 12 a.m. and 3 a.m. Place your offering under the crossroads sign and say a prayer to invoke Hecate. Speak with sincerity and humility, and ask for guidance and aid in whatever aspect of your life you feel most in need of support. Remember to listen for signs and messages that Hecate may bring you.
If your request to work with Hecate has been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Feeling drawn toward witchcraft, magic, or spiritual practices
• Seeing her symbols, such as the moon, keys, dogs, etc.
• Feeling a connection to animals, nature, or the Underworld
• Feeling a pull towards the crossroads or areas with a strong sense of the occult
• Having vivid dreams or visions in which she appears or speaks directly to you.
• Seeing or feeling her energies in your environment
• The number 13 keeps popping up everywhere
• You hear dogs howling at night from nowhere
• Hecate’s symbols are repeating: the key, crossroads, torch, dagger, Hecate’s wheel
• You’re drawn to graveyards and cemeteries
• You’ve had a spiritual experience (either positive or terrifying) at a crossroads in the woods
• You’re new to the craft and need guidance but don’t know who to turn to
• Hecate comes into witches’ lives who are pregnant and dying (during major transitions in life)
• You’re seeing a white dog(s) everywhere you go (in real life or on TV, etc.)
• Hecate’s name keeps showing up in your daily life (in random conversations, books, TV shows, online, etc.)
• You love working with animals, in particular dogs
• Stray dogs tend to find you and want you to take them in
• You were born under a Dark Moon or on Hecate Night
• Spirits communicate with you and have your entire life
If your request to work with Hecate has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Getting a strong impression or intuition that she is not interested in working with you.
• Getting a reading or divination that indicates Hecate is not willing to work with you at this time.
• Feeling a strong resistance or dissonance when you attempt to connect with her or her energies.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Fire
• Three-headed candles
• Bones or skulls
• Poetry
• Chanting
• Herbs and flowers
• Food and drinks: such as grapes, almonds, garlic, red meat, water, milk, eggs, fruit, dishes with garlic, sweets that are crescent-shaped, pomegranates, dark chocolate, red wine, bread, and honey
• Painting
• Dancing
• Incense
• Olive oil
• Wands
• Keys
• A cauldron
• Crow feathers
• Respect the boundaries of others and yourself
• Practice self-love and self-compassion
• Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually
• Cultivate an open mind and open heart
• Follow your instincts and trust in your guidance
• Nurture friendships and relationships that are healthy and beneficial
• Learn to balance pleasure and work
• Live each day with purpose and intention.
• Doings Things in 13’s: offer thirteen flowers to her, give elaborate offerings or do ritual on the thirteenth of each month in her name, say your prayers thirteen times, etc
• Take care of our canine friends, do so in Hecate’s name. She will bless you AND your dogs or any dogs you care for. If you can’t have a dog, donate your time OR old blankets, dog food, etc. to a local animal shelter. And tell Hecate you’re doing it in her name. This doesn’t just go for dogs, but for any kind of canine species.
• Doing spirit work in the cemetery
An offering given to her is thus infused with the energies of the Underworld and may have a powerful impact on the consumer, if eaten. To avoid any potential discomfort, confusion, or negative effects, it is generally recommended that you avoid consuming offerings dedicated to Hecate and instead pour or bury the edible offerings into the earth.
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paperdildos · 1 year
I want him to use my body for his morning wood when he first wakes up 🤭 it doesn't matter if I'm still asleep, have me wake up full of cum and moaning in my ear how naughty it feels
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ichigoohinatsuma · 3 months
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n0tchr1sh4ns0n · 4 months
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The algorithm gods throw rocks at me on some of my posts
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Twst Dormleaders + Jamil Accidentally Call MC (Y/N) a Mudblood During an Argument
A/N: This is a Harry Potter AU. I would highly suggest reading the previous: “Twst boys and their Blood Status”, to really grasp the understanding of this concept because if you don’t you may or may not be confused. If you aren’t familiar with the term “Mudblood”, it’s a very offensive word that pure-blood wizards and half blood wizards (ironically enough) use against muggleborns. The meaning is “dirty blood”. Now I know I said in the previous post that most of the boys would never discriminate against blood status, and that’s true but sometimes people can say what they don’t mean, especially when they’re angry. Now I might make a part 2 of this post as redemption headcanons on how they apologize, idk. Now just to clarify MC (y/n) is not dating them but the boys do have a secret crush on them and they’re friends.
Riddle Rosehearts
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You two were arguing about how you are apparently getting “lazy” with your school work. But in your defense you weren’t being lazy because you had a lot on your plate, being prefect of Ramshackle and the “beast tamer”.
You two were in the Heartstabyl Lounge area studying because he wanted to help you
You kept picking up your phone every five minutes to answer texts from your friends or professors and Riddle was getting annoyed with you every passing minute.
“Prefect, don’t you know how rude it is to be on your phone when someone is speaking to you?” He says tapping his gloved fingers on the table with an annoyed expression.
“Hm?” You say while scrolling and not making eye contact.
Riddle rolls his eyes. “You’re supposed to be paying attention. I’m helping you for a reason. On your last potions exam you received a 70%. That’s extremely disgraceful for not only just for a regular student, but also a prefect!”
You finally put your phone down and make eye contact with him. “Will you just relax? A 70% isn’t bad. It’s still passing, and besides that topic was so hard to learn. Will you just cut me some slack?”
Riddle sees red when you say a mere 70% “isn’t bad”. He stands up and begins to raise his voice while making eye contact with you. “You can’t be serious Y/n! You’re supposed to be setting an example! Why are you even a prefect if you can’t even have the motivation to work hard and have perseverance! And besides the topic wasn’t even difficult, it’s just you’re not even trying!”
You get angry and stand up to meet his eye level. “Not trying? NOT TRYING? You have no idea what my life is like everyday! To have an idiot headmaster to make you do his job for him, solve problems that aren’t even your fault and stop overblots without dying! Of course you would be inconsiderate of my situation and scold me! Listen just because your mother was hard on you with your academics, doesn’t mean you have to act that way with me!”
Riddle loses it
There was a pause
You stare at him for a long time without blinking
Riddle realizes what came out of his mouth, he knows that was he said was extremely below the belt. He clears his throat and averts his eyes.
Then his eyes widen with horror, a sight he was dreaded to see. Your eyes went red and glossy. Tears began to flow from your eyes.
“Y/n I-.” He was cut off by you swiftly packing your things and hastily leaving the room.
Riddle quietly curses himself. How stupid can he be? He made people cry before. But he’d never thought in a million years that he would make the person he secretly loved cry. Especially using….THAT word. He wants to make it up to you. But how?
Leona Kingscholar
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You were angry at the fact that Crowley made it YOUR responsibility to make sure that Leona was going to class on time and participate in his studies.
Not only that, but you were angry at the fact that you barely got to spend time with him due to his excessive sleeping schedule. At first, you didn’t mind helping Leona get to class on time or that he likes to sleep. But after a while, it became a chore to “babysit” the lazy lion.
You were on your way to the botanical gardens, Leona’s self claimed napping spot, to tell him he needs to be in class.
You found him
“Leona.” You gently shook him.
He shifts and turns to you with a half open glare.
He lightly growls. “Go away Herbivore. Can’t you see I’m napping?”
You roll your eyes. “Yes I can see that and you shouldn’t be. You are meant to be in class.”
He ignores you
You huff in frustration and gently kick his side. “Up. Now.”
Leona growls loudly this time and sits up.
“Don’t you have any idea of how much this situation affects me? What do you get out of sleeping all the time? I want to spend time with you and you’re not making any effort on your part.” You say while crossing your arms.
Leona rolls his eyes
“Tsk. You’re such a nuisance. Not everything is about you. Now run along and play with the other annoying first year brats.” He turns his head while shooing his hand dismissively.
Your eyes widen.
“Are you kidding me?! Do you know how much pressure I’m in? You are so selfish! You act like you’re the king of everything and don’t even give a damn about things around you! You’re being heartless!
“Just leave, you’re being an annoying mudblood but you don’t seem to be aware of that.”
“W-what?….” You say quietly and shocked staring at him.
“I said leave!” He says shifting back into his previous sleeping position turning away from you.
You look down and tears make their way fast down your cheeks.
“F-fine…I’ll go.” You say trying to sound like you weren’t crying but failed.
You turned on your heel and quickly made your way out of the botanical gardens without looking back.
When you left Leona instantly felt a weight on him….a feeling called guilt. He curses himself and shifts his laying position to him now laying on his back looking up. He couldn’t believe that he just disrespected the one he secretly fancied. He knows he’ll get a scolding from Ruggie later.
Azul Ashengrotto
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You and Azul were partnered for a potion project for Professor Crewel’s Alchemy class.
Many students didn’t like working with Azul due to his reputation, however, you were fine with working with him because you seen him from a different angle.
However with intelligence comes with a touch of arrogance.
Azul had a bad habit of being arrogant because of how intelligent he was. And just because you were friends with him, there was no exception.
You both were in one of the labs working on the potion
“Stop. Stop. Stop. You’re adding too much.” He says while blocking the top of the cauldron with his hands.
You look at him annoyed. He’s been doing this for the past 15 minutes. You were confident that you were following the instructions carefully.
“No I’m not.” “Yes you are.” “No.” “Yes.”
That went on for some time.
You were finally fed up
“Why are you so obnoxious, Azul? Why do you think you’re superior to me?” Azul rubs his temple annoyed. “That’s not the case. I’m just simply correcting you of your mistakes. That’s all prefect.” He says through his teeth.
“I barely make mistakes! I’m just as capable as you are when it comes to magic! Hell I’m just as skilled as you are!”
Azul then chuckles lowly.
“Why are you laughing?” You say with a hint of venom in your voice.
“Prefect, let’s not over-exaggerate and make unrealistic claims.” He says arrogantly as he mixes the potion.
“And what exactly are you implying?” He pauses and collects himself before he answers.
“Let’s just say you have a lot of room for improvement. Compared to you I am more gifted and boarder line perfect at my studies.”
You retaliated
“Well I can say the same for you.” He pauses and looks at you. “Oh? Do tell?”
“While you have intelligence you sure lack at physical education. Not exactly what I would call “perfect”. Azul’s eyebrow twitches when you mention the one subject in school he sucks at.
Physical education was a really touchy subject for Azul. He was constantly bullied because he was always in last place. He sucked at it when he was a kid, and he sucked at it now.
You smirk in satisfaction when you see his reaction and you continue to add ingredients to the cauldron.
“At least I’m not a headmaster’s lapdog!” He says in defense.
You stop what you’re doing and turn to him. “At least I’m not a scheming, lying sad excuse of a house warden who can’t let go of the past!”
You look at him with wide eyes.
Azul immediately realizes his mistake
“Y/n please I-.” He tries to walk over to you but you walk away. He hears faint noises of whimpers and sniffles coming from you. It was clear that you were crying. He sighs angry at himself
“Why did I do that?….now they’ll never love me back….”
Kalim Al Asim
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You two were hanging out in the Scarabia dorm lounge. Kalim had tea and snacks laid out and you both were talking for hours.
Kalim wanted to ask you questions about the world you came from
Some were easy to answer but some of them were on the touchy side. Such as “What were your parents like?” Or “Were you happy with your old self before you came here?” Etc.
You were slightly annoyed but didn’t say anything
Then suddenly Kalim asks
“Do you know why the mirror chose you? I mean after all your boarder line just a regular human with the exception of a little bit magical ancestry.”
This question made you set your teacup down. You didn’t know why. So many people asked you this question. You didn’t know why you were randomly taken away from a world you were content in. The more you thought about it, the less special you thought you were.
“I-I don’t know Kalim, can you please not ask me that again?”
Kalim looks at you surprised
“But why? It’s just a simple question.”
“No it’s not, just drop it okay?” You say averting your eyes
“Oh I should’ve known….mudblood’s tend to be really sensitive about their feelings.”
Now it’s to be mentioned that Kalim didn’t know what the word “mudblood” actually meant. All he knew was it was a term used to address muggle-borns. In fact he thought it was a new use of slang because he over heard some other pure-blood wizards use that term in class. He didn’t know that it would offend you.
You freeze and slowly meet his gaze
Kalim looks at you. “What?”
“Don’t you EVER call me that again!” And with that, you get up and angrily march your way out of the lounge passing Jamil on your way out.
Kalim looks at Jamil shocked. “Did I say something wrong?”
Jamil shakes his head disapprovingly while rubbing his temple and mumbles, “Why are you such an idiot?”
Jamil Viper
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You wanted Jamil to take a break. That’s all you wanted.
He was over-working himself because he felt obligated to. Even Kalim told him to take a break. But he simply wouldn’t accept it.
He wasn’t answering your texts and even calls, so you made your way to Scarabia
You searched for him everywhere until you caught sight of him making his way to his bedroom.
“Jamil!” I speed walked up to him and he meets your gaze with a tired and bored expression.
He exhales sharply. “What do you want Prefect. I’m quite busy.”
“That’s exactly why I need to talk to you. Why are you making yourself busy all the time? You haven’t been answering your phone.”
He rubs his temple annoyed. “And here I thought you needed something important……if you came here to waste my time, leave. I have no time for nonsense.”
He turns to enter his room but you grab his arm to stop him. “Why are you being like this. I just want to help-“
“Well you aren’t! So stop trying and leave! I don’t know why you would care about a servant like me!”
You were taken aback by his harsh response
“Is this what this is about?! I don’t care about your status!” You say. “I just want to spend time with you that’s all! You don’t have to be at Kalim’s side for every little thing!”
You let go of his arm and take a few steps back
“Wait hold on I-.” Jamil tries to say, but you left teary eyed.
Jamil curses under his breath and goes into his room. His sits down on his bed and reflects on what just happened while putting his hands through his hair.
“Now they’ll definitely choose Kalim over me now…”
Vil Schoenheit
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“Honestly Prefect, do you always leave looking like this?”
Vil has been scolding you for the past ten minutes because of the state of your messy attire.
You were rolling your eyes because of how dramatic he was being. After all, it was just your tie being undone and there were just a few strands of hair out of place.
“Stop being over-dramatic, Vil. It’s not a big deal.”
His eyes widen in disbelief. “It is VERY much a big deal. If you’re going to be a Prefect, you need to look your best. Your academics not only reflect your dorm and school but also how well kept you keep yourself!”
He begins to fix your hair and tie but you were being uncooperative and moved a lot.
“Stop moving!” “Get your hands off me!”
He stops and looks at you. “So you would rather look like a filthy potato and have me just leave you like this?”
“I want you stop acting like you’re my mother!” You say defensively.
“Well if you dressed yourself properly, I wouldn’t have to!” He retaliates.
“Do you take pride in being a stuck up person?!” You yell back.
“And do YOU take pride in being an unfashionable mudblood?” He says calmly while glaring down at you.
You look at him shocked with wide eyes
His glare softens and he clears his throat realizing his rude mistake.
“Prefect….listen…” Before he could finish you take off.
Rook , who was listening to the whole conversation, of course, seen you leaving and went up to Vil.
“That was a very unbeautiful thing to say, Roi de Poison. You have to apologize.”
Vil exhales sharply, “I know….i just wanted to help…I just wanted to show them how beautiful they are. But they won’t let me…”
Rook sighs, “By calling them the forbidden word?”
Vil’s gaze is down
“At this rate….they’ll never give me a chance…I have to make it up to them.”
Idia Shroud
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You wanted him to leave his room. It was a very unhealthy life style in your opinion.
You guys always spent time in his room all because he didn’t want to leave due to his anti-social lifestyle.
Well this time, you wanted to change things a bit
You went to Ignihyde dorm, and you made your way to his room. You knocked on the door and he answered it.
“H-Hey Prefect.”
“Why don’t we hang out outside today. It’s a great cloudy day out.”
He pauses before he answers
“Well, it’s different and you could get out more- “No.” He cuts you off.
“No? But why?”
He rolls his eyes. “In case you hadn’t noticed Prefect, I don’t do well with….outside.”
You cross your arms. “Well it wouldn’t hurt to try. Come on.” You take his arm and lead him outside despite his protests.
You both make your way outside of the dorm and go into the main court yard of the school.
“See? Isn’t this better?” You say with a smile.
He shakes his head slowly while looking at the ground.
You both go sit down on a bench and begin talking.
“Hey Prefect!” You look up and see Ace and Deuce. “Hey!” You smile and wave them over.
Idia rolls his eyes in annoyance. He hated interacting with other people, not only that, he was annoyed at the fact that Ace and Deuce always was interrupting your guys’s hang out time. Whether if it was showing up in person or texting. He was always jealous of them. Couldn’t they go one day without talking to you?
“So whatcha guys doing?” Asked Ace.
“Well we are just sitting here and talking.” You replied with a smile. “May we join you?” Deuce asked.
“Sur- “No.” Idia interrupts you. You look at him confused. “Huh?” Ace says. Deuce speaks up. “So is that a yes or- “It’s a no.” Idia says passive aggressively.
Ace and Deuce look at you confused. “Well…okay…see you later y/n.” Ace says awkwardly and leaves with Deuce. After they leave, you turn to Idia and glare.
“What the hell was that? Why did you do that?”
“Why do YOU feel the need to be at their aid every moment of every day?” He replies hostile.
“What’s your problem? Are you still mad at the fact that I made you come outside?” “No….its not that!” “Then what is it?! You’re being extremely weird.” “And you’re being an inconsiderate mudblood!”
“No YOU’RE the one who’s-….wait…what?”
He pauses and averts his eye realizing what he said. “Um…”
Your blood boils as you stand up. “Fine, you can go back to your room. I’m sorry that a mudblood like me wasted your time.” You hastily leaves the area.
“Wait hold on-.” He was left with his own thoughts. “……Ortho is not gonna like this.” He says quietly to himself.
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus wanted to spend time with you so badly. However, your rigorous schedule wouldn’t allow it.
He would always try to make plans with you, like getting ice cream together, going on nightly walks, or even studying; but you always politely declined
The more times you canceled, the more annoyed and angry Malleus got.
Well he had enough and decided to confront you late at night. He got Silver to tell you to meet him at the court yard.
Once you got there, you were met with a very angry dragon fae.
“Oh Tsunotaro, did you need something?”
“I’m not liking the fact that you’re being so casual about this, Child of Man.”
You look at him confused, you genuinely didn’t know what he was talking about, you were completely oblivious towards his words.
“Have I done something wrong?”
He exhales so sharply in frustration that you could’ve sworn you seen smoke coming out of him. You know that he’s extremely upset.
“You always decline my plans with you. And yet you have the audacity to be so naive about it. Not to mention, I see you around those first years, you claim that you’re “busy” but you’re spending time with them….” He glares at you with his arms crossed. Then it finally hit you, was he jealous?
“Tsunotaro, listen-.”
“No, I believe that it is YOU who will listen, Child of Man. I go out of my way to make some time with you and this is how you repay me?”
You get defensive. “YOU have to make time??? I have to make time for so much! You have no idea what my life is like! I’m sorry that you’re so clingy to understand, but I have a life too. And besides I wouldn’t exactly call my time with Ace and Deuce “hanging out”, I would call it “babysitting”, because that’s exactly what I do everyday! Babysit! So I’m sorry if you’re so clingy and needy to the point where you can’t understand that I can’t babysit and entertain you too!”
He takes great offense to your words. Is that really what you see him as? A somebody to entertain for a while and drop them whenever you felt like it?
He glares at you. “Perhaps Sebek was correct….all of you mudbloods are the same.” He says lowly enough for you to hear him.
Your glare disappears and you stare at him in shock. “W-what?…”
He averts his eyes in shame when he sees your reaction. The idea sounded better in his head than out loud. He just wanted to hurt your feelings so that you could feel what he felt when you ditched him all those times….he was so tired of being alone.
“F-fine then….” You say teary eyed. “I should‘ve known a pure-blood wizard like you wouldn’t be caught dead with the likes of me.”
“Child of man….wait-.” You ran off back to your own dorm. Leaving him there.
He gazes down at the ground. “What have I done…..they’ll never love me….”
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terriblelemons · 7 days
Or did you simply forget? That to be loved doesn’t always mean forever. Forever is subjective. Yours doesn’t mean its theirs and that’s okay. Out there, someone’s forever matches yours.
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faithfulomens · 3 months
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Spider to spider 😂
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2000s-angell · 9 months
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viraldom · 25 days
i’m just here for moral support, you got it buddy
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lostl1sbons1ster · 10 days
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It makes me insanely mad idk why
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