geckoomoria · 10 days
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hes so ultraviolence that its straight up coded into his Dna
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geckoomoria · 14 days
i am sosoooo sorry that i havent posted anything recently, i havent even gotten to start my asks(that i basically begged for)
Its just been a tough couple of weeks and my one day break from writing turned into like a month😭😭
i promise u, just be patient wit me rn and ill start writing everything when im in a better mental state. hope u understand my loves !!
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geckoomoria · 20 days
@ysrjune im sorry honey😭😭 i was feelin just a tad bit mischievous that day😈😈
Curiosity killed the cat- Spider!Sam x reader drabble
i am not the owner of the spider sam idea its @sswiftiestars i believe !! love ur idea bae so cute i js had to write
i feel like being devious today so this is MOSTLY ANGST😈😈
TW: mentions of death , graphic explanation of death and grief , cursing
its based on when Gwen is in the wrong place at the wrong time and peter tries saving her and it just doesn’t happen. but like i havent rewatched that movie in so long so im gna switch it up a bit but u get the idea - lowkey a bit long but wtv
enjoy. ( what i rlly mean is SUFFER.)
—-———————-★ ———————-——————
Thursday, June 10th
6:40 pm
YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE , this wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to be in the library but they decided to close early today.
The city of New york always had something going on but recently , the most exhilarating thing was a new “hero” as people would describe had emerged from who knows where?
you were so fascinated with this hero , the one the media called Spiderman.
A good amount of people which included your own father had doubts in this spider hero , believing it was all a ruse and that it was just for attention.
I mean it was expected considering his actions of saving people took attention away from actual police and even made them look like fools time from time.
So your father who happened to be Chief of police ironic right? was going crazy and wanted nothing more than to see this “madman” as he called it to be put behind bars.
The sky was a shade of grey and dark blue mixed , the clouds prominent all over showing that it was going to rain quite heavily very soon.
This weird unfamiliar buzzing noise hits your ears but its New york, weird shit everywhere.
You were headed home from the library, after finishing your essay for your english class on the classic Romeo and Juliet , you couldn’t help but wonder about your own Romeo.
or as you would call him Sam monroe.
Sam monroe was your lab partner in science at first, you two had gotten rather close over the year. You started to view each other in different ways rather than just as classmates.
Two days ago , he mustered up the courage to ask you out on a date while dissecting an frog… not the best moment but still you found him extremely adorable with his dark dyed locks , his guy-liner, his graphic tees of rock bands and his silver piercings covering on his ears.
and when he nervously fidgets asking you out , with his ears all red and avoiding eye contact
How could you possibly say no?
Tomorrow was Friday, the day of your date with your Romeo.
Speaking of him actually, you hadn’t seen him after he apparently frantically ran out of his history class and didn’t return at all to school.
Highschool boys were unpredictable so it didn’t worry you much but you couldn’t deny that he was on your mind.
Your thoughts were brought to a halt as you hear the rumbling of the clouds above , indicating the downpour was going to start.
While looking up at the sky , the familiar figure you identified as Spiderman flys roof to roof in a sloppy manner , as if he was running from someone.
You knew you should have left it alone , left him to do whatever hero’s do but you didn’t think about what everyone says- Curiosity kills the Cat.
you glanced at the entrance leading up to the roof of the building the Spider vigilante landed on , bolting up the various steps of stairs
Finally you make it to the roof , spotting the figure in the black suit. You called out his name “Spider man! spider maan!!” hoping he hears over the thundering clouds from above
Spider man looks directly at you and from his body language, he was terrified to see you here. You run up to him and he looks around frantically as if he’s fearful of something around the two of you.
“whats going on? i saw you being basically flung!”
“What are you doing here?? you cant be up here!” he says urging. “you need to leave like right now n/n!”
n/n? how does he know… what sam calls you?
you dont respond , you just stare at the mask of the man who knows a very personal nickname someone special has for you.
the thunder grumbles louder and louder and the sound of the odd buzzing from earlier comes closer.
“y/n please! you need to go right now!” please!” he begs , his voice doesn’t even sound masked anymore. It sounds strangely familiar… It sounded like Sam.
you look at him wide eyed as he gripped your shoulders and continued to beg for you to leave this instant. You couldn’t think straight as the only thought you formed in your head was Sam.
This was a very very long shot in your opinion but you hesitatingly muttered out his name causing the Spider hero in-front of you to go dead silent , unable to look up at you any longer. Your mouth drops and you stand shell shocked.
Its Sam.
Its been Sam this whole time.
“Sam? yo- your Spiderman?? Sam???” you said in a voice that suggested you were beyond confused , your brain spinning beyond a doubt
“look i- i cant talk about this now! i promise i will later! y/n please. go.” desperation lacing his voice.
The buzzing sound is basically right behind you , its starting to piss you off.
You spin your head around and all of a sudden something of a green devilish figure flys towards you and drags you off the ledge.
It all happened so quickly , you were standing there with spid- Sam. You were standing there with Sam one minute and the next? falling to your demise.
You couldn’t even scream out as the air was sucked out of your lungs while you plummeted down the stories of apartments. Sams masked figure instantly jumped off the roof after you in hopes of catching you , his hand reaching for yours.
His webs go around your body and he tries his hardest to reach you in time but it doesn’t work.
Your body has the life sucked out of it , your limbs go numb and your vision gone even though your eyes remained open. Your body hung just a few inches off the ground , tangled in spider webs.
“no no no no, this cant be happening. no no!” his sobs grow louder and louder with each word , denying what had just happened.
“n/n please wake up. please please say something, do anything please.” his vision completely blurry behind the mask with tears , he rips it off. Holding your empty vessel of a body so close to himself.
“please dont leave me.”
He puts his ear next to your chest in hopes of a heart beat. repositioning himself every second so that he doesn’t miss even a faint one but nothing happened.
he drops to his knees , brushing the hairs out of your face and closing your eyelids.
The rain starts pouring over the two of you but nothing could block out Sams sobs of anguish.
“you weren’t supposed to be here. Not now , this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
———————————-★ ———————-——————
i had no idea i could be so… dark when writing gosh
im gonna go watch some barbie movies to recuperate after this.
let me know what u think !! leave requests/questions/advice or anything in inbox please!!
always lovely having mutuals
😵love ya guys
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geckoomoria · 20 days
okay! so what if… vampire!sam monroe? HE'S THE ONLY THING I THINK ABOUT I JUST CANT GET IT OFF MY MINDDDD 😫
omgomgomgomfgyes. whoever requested this i love u sm , im gna write head cannons for this.
mentions of blood
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Vampire Sam! who was rude when u first met but found himself constantly thinking about u
Vampire Sam! who was so conflicted about his feelings towards you bc he didn’t know what you’d think of him
Vampire Sam! who takes you out on stargazing dates all the time
Vampire Sam! who wears a vial of ur blood around his neck
Vampire Sam! who leaves bad reviews at Italian restaurants bc he’s petty abt the whole garlic thing
Vampire Sam! who kisses you a LOT and gets a little carried away with neck kisses…
Vampire Sam! who could barely keep it together when u dressed up as a vampire for halloween
Vampire Sam! who thinks ur the most beautiful person he’s ever seen in all of his decades of living
Vampire Sam! who obsessively debates turning u into a vampire so u could spend eternity with him
Vampire Sam! who watches over u as u sleep so other vampires wouldn’t “claim you”
Vampire sam! who loves laying with you face to face as u describe his features since he cant see himself
Vampire Sam! who fights his hunger and urges bc he refuses to hurt you ( but u allow him time from time)
Vampire Sam! who annoys u a lot and u always get back at him by using his weaknesses:
“babe it was a joke! please come back:(” he yells from the house as you proceed to walk into broad daylight so he can’t follow after.
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geckoomoria · 21 days
i see how it is. No one wants to give me requests or leave anything in my inbox. For shame.
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geckoomoria · 23 days
Routledge reader x jj 👀
Interpret it however you want but I eat that trope up every time.
also I love ur writing sm 😍
Try again?- jj may bank x rout-ledge reader
babe i love you.
HMMM I WAS ACC THINKING ABT THIS ONE SO U READ MY MIND CUTIE but like i was thinking wb John B having a sister thats a year or two older and jj has this huge crush on her.
low-key wanna make her a lil masc. like car mechanic and a smoker type shit ( shares interests with jj)
sorry this took so long to post , took me a while to think of the right story. AND SORRY ITS SO LONG I JUST REALLT LIKE SETTING THE SCENE.
mentions of blood , fighting , smoking , yelling, abusive home
————————————★ —————————————
Wednesday, June 17th
6:40 pm
THE POGUES DECIDED TO GO FOR A BOAT RIDE hoping to cure their boredom on this hot summer day. 4 of the teenagers decided to test the cool waters , swimming , surfing and fishing.
As the daylight eventually ended and the sun was beginning to set, they all made their way to Twinkie , John b’s van and as fate would have it , it appeared to be broken down in some way.
“man why is it making that weird ass sound?” questions Jj as he keeps trying to turn on the ignition but fails each time.
“you think i know? probably busted somewhere” john b replies looking around for any signs of why the Twinkie wont start.
the van finally starts but it continues making a weird noise , scaring the group into thinking it wont last much longer.
Pope cant take waiting any longer “call AAA or something, if we die in that deathtrap im suing you” Kiara nods in agreement with him.
John B rolls his eyes at his friends antics and pulls out his cellphone “yeah yeah i got something better than AAA”
the three other Pogues share glances in confusion wondering who he’s calling other than car service.
After a few moments talking on the phone with much annoyance from Jj getting close in an attempt to hear , he finally ends the call.
“alright lets head down” he says getting in the drivers seat. “to?” Kiara questions
“Y/n , shes in town and working today. Said she’ll take a look” , Pope and Kiara eyes nearly pop out of their skulls , no idea of John Bs older sister being in town since you travelled for studies and job opportunities a lot.
Jj on the other hand is stunned a little , he remembers you very clearly yet its been years since seeing you.
You were a year older than John B and Jj always had a huge crush on you as a kid.
He even remembers that stupid promise you made him when he was 9 and you were 10. If you weren’t married by 25 , you would marry Jj.
To you it might have seemed like an fun empty promise made to a kid to keep him happy but to Jj? He still held onto that all these years.
every girl he was with , he refused to let it go farther than a hookup because he wanted nothing more than to be with his longtime crush.
Jj finally snapped out of his trance as John B calls his name for the 5th time , making him realize they all already got into the van while he was reminiscing.
He was anxious the whole ride to the mechanic shop , wondering if you’d even remember him let alone his massive crush on you.
The group finally makes their way towards the shop with no one working to be seen. John B calls out your name repeatedly while looking around.
Finally Kiara nudges him to catch his attention on the pair of legs that’s underneath a car. “N/n? that you?” the younger Routledge calls out.
You slide from underneath the car the you were working on , standing up and wiping the oil off of your hands with a rag.
You looked different, you had obviously matured physically and likely mentally.
Obviously you would look different from when you guys were kids , you looked beyond beautiful now.
Jjs eyes were stuck on your figure as you pull john b into a tight hug , giving him a ear pull to tease him while your at it.
oil smeared on your face , your mechanic overalls opened from the top half to drape down the bottom half showing a black halter bikini top that also revealed a belly button piercing , paired with black combat boots.
Your eyes averted to your younger brothers friends recognizing them from whenever you came to visit.
Pope and Kiara basically threw themselves towards you as its been years since they’ve seen you.
You then lastly notice the tall muscular blonde boy with his hat flipped backwards to be quite familiar, staring at you.
You knew exactly who this was.
“is that who i think it is?” you say in a teasing tone , pointing at Jj with a smirk on your face.
“yes its your future husband.” is what Jj swore was gonna come out of his mouth but instead he continued to stare at you , eyes wide.
“oh cmon J, dont tell me you don’t remember me” you asked with a dramatic tone underlying your words. Jj and his friends knew for a FACT he was making an absolute fool of himself right now.
You were always attractive to him but seeing you so… badass made you 10x hotter
He needed to say something in response to you right now or else he’d continue embarrassing himself.
“Y/n?” he questions half heartily as if it wasn’t the most obvious thing ever.
“well i was hoping you’d say the better sibling but that works too” you say causing John B to push your shoulder slightly and earned chuckles from Pope and Kiara.
The silence that follows was deafening , making you all stand there awkwardly as Jj continued to stare at you. His friends were beyond surprised to see Jj of all people be so stunned of a girl.
“so uh you said Twinkie broke down?” you say filling the silence
“yeah keeps making this weird noise , no clue whats going on” your younger brother replies
you grab your tools and slide under John b’s van , tinkering the car while the Pogues wait around.
The four start whisper arguing in hopes of you not hearing:
“what the hell was that??”
“yeah Jj man why are you acting so weird around her?”
“i don- i dont know! i just couldn’t speak alright! i think i have like hemorrhoids!”
“Jj i dont think you know what hemorrhoids are”
“alright spill. whats going on with you and Mrs Routledge over there?”
“its Miss* Routledge actually. Jeez you guys make it sound like im supposed to be having my third child by now when im only a year older” you say from under the van , butting into their not so secret conversation leaving the whole group to stare at Jj who’s gone red in the face.
They decide to stay silent for the rest of the time so Jj doesn’t pop a blood vessel out of embarrassment anytime soon.
around half an hour later , you come out from under the van and wipe your hands again , telling john b to turn on the ignition. It turns on with no apparent problem and hums like a brand new vehicle.
The pogues cheer loudly in victory , you start cleaning up as your shift was coming to an end anyways. The pogues eye each other as you turn your back , all wanting to spend more time with you.
“uh n/n?” calls out Jj as the rest nudge him to talk making you look up at the rest of them , all with puppy like eyes that made you guess they were gonna beg you for something.
“we were uh- gonna go crash a party , yo- you wanna come along?” he says stumbling on his words a little
he was so cute when he was nervous.
you had a feeling none of them were gonna let this go. You sigh in defeat and agree , making them cheer that John b’s “cool ass sister” as they described was coming along.
At the beach party
It had been around an hour since you all arrived, drinking , dancing , smoking weed and hanging out was the main thing you all did.
Jj still hadn’t really held a proper conversation with you , every-time he tried you were catching up with someone else or he’d just get cold feet and chicken out.
He sighed as he sat down to take a smoke on his own by a tree , unaware of your presence above him.
“didn’t know you smoked, y’know its bad for you right” you uttered catching his attention while pulling out a cigarette of your own.
at first he’s stunned that you spoke to him first but figured this was his chance. “whats that then?” he says eyeing the cigarette in your mouth as you lit it
“dont question your elders” blowing out a puff of smoke from your mouth
he laughs “okay granny did you forget that its only by a year” , “still older than ya hon”.
A sound of tranquility fills the air as you two continue smoking , the cold breeze hitting your faces as the party behind you continues.
“im sorry” Jj says sombrely breaking the silence while avoiding eye contact
“making things so awkward back there, i was just surprised to see you”
“dont sweat it J , its been a while so i get it. im just glad you remembered me”
“you are?” the blonde boy says facing you now curiously
“i mean yeah , you always were my favourite out of my brothers friends J” you say taking a hit on your cigarette
Jj’s heart sinks a little , right thats all you saw him as , your younger brothers friend.
you take his silence as an odd response, pressing him for more. “what? whats wrong?” you ask
in a bitter quiet tone he mutters “nothin.”
“dont give me that , what did i say?”
“Why cant you see me more than that! why cant you see me!” he outbursts in a much louder tone attracting some glances from people while he stands up
“what are you talking about??” you ask mimicking his stance while putting out your cigarette.
he closes his eyes out of frustration for a second and takes his cap off , running his hands through his blonde shaggy hair.
“im talking about how you don’t remember me liking you , no y’know what loving you!” he spits out in an angry manner
“what? Jj we were kids! why would your crush from years ago matter now!”
“Damn it cause its not from years ago! i still have one. i haven’t forgotten about you at all and you dont even notice me.” he gets in close to you
you stay silent as he attempts to walk away but you grab his shoulder , pulling him back.
“sit.” he obeys defeatedly after hearing the sterness in your tone.
“admit it. its been a while since we’ve been kids and you ARE my brothers best-friend. You really still have feelings for me?”
Jj nods in response as if its the only thing he’s sure of , staring into your eyes.
“then… okay.” He tilts his head slightly confused , you put your hand for him to shake.
“im Y/n Routledge, you’re Jj right?” you grin
He smiles and shakes your hand. This meant a new beginning , a way to start over.
“does this make you a cougar?” he says making you laugh out loud , “dunno how many times i have to say it , im only a year older”
“yes ma’am” he responds making you shove his shoulder causing him to laugh now
The sound of commotion from the beach makes you revert your attention there , everyone was gathering around a fight.
you both stand up and make your way to watch it , you became worried as Kiara , Pope and Sarah Cameron were all screaming.
John B was getting his ass beat by Topper. You wanted to get involved but Jj beat you to it.
He yanked topper by the shirt and punched him, causing him to let go of John B. Kiara and pope running to help him up.
As he was going to throw another punch at the Kook , you grabbed his arm with the intention of not wanting anything bigger to start. “Jj he’s not worth it. lets get out of here”
seeing the look on your face and the rest of the Pogues , he lowered his guard and turned away from Topper as you all walked away.
“Thats right Maybank! should listen to her , dont wanna follow in your Old mans footsteps!”
the sound of your fist hits toppers big ass mouth causing blood to gush out.
Everyone stares at you wide eyed. Everyone.
You walk away pissed off and hand bloodied. Jj clearly fighting back a smile “thought he wasn’t worth it?”
“yeah but you are.”
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this was lowkey fun to write especially hitting topper. is it bad i wrote this with fully just the intention of hitting topper😭😭
leave anything in my inbox !!
i love gaining mutuals guys.
also i hate this. my worst work yet😍😍😍
i also just realized all my jj works are always involving a party😭😭 but like its such a him thing , to be partying
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geckoomoria · 24 days
It kills me how everyday the posts and content about Palestine decrease because of how many people are getting killed everyday.
It also kills me how many stopped boycotting or has never even tried to boycott.
Somethings are so small to do and easy yet people don't even bother when it's a genocide that has been going and going and going not since October 7th but for decades.
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geckoomoria · 24 days
Curiosity killed the cat- Spider!Sam x reader drabble
i am not the owner of the spider sam idea its @sswiftiestars i believe !! love ur idea bae so cute i js had to write
i feel like being devious today so this is MOSTLY ANGST😈😈
TW: mentions of death , graphic explanation of death and grief , cursing
its based on when Gwen is in the wrong place at the wrong time and peter tries saving her and it just doesn’t happen. but like i havent rewatched that movie in so long so im gna switch it up a bit but u get the idea - lowkey a bit long but wtv
enjoy. ( what i rlly mean is SUFFER.)
—-———————-★ ———————-——————
Thursday, June 10th
6:40 pm
YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE , this wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to be in the library but they decided to close early today.
The city of New york always had something going on but recently , the most exhilarating thing was a new “hero” as people would describe had emerged from who knows where?
you were so fascinated with this hero , the one the media called Spiderman.
A good amount of people which included your own father had doubts in this spider hero , believing it was all a ruse and that it was just for attention.
I mean it was expected considering his actions of saving people took attention away from actual police and even made them look like fools time from time.
So your father who happened to be Chief of police ironic right? was going crazy and wanted nothing more than to see this “madman” as he called it to be put behind bars.
The sky was a shade of grey and dark blue mixed , the clouds prominent all over showing that it was going to rain quite heavily very soon.
This weird unfamiliar buzzing noise hits your ears but its New york, weird shit everywhere.
You were headed home from the library, after finishing your essay for your english class on the classic Romeo and Juliet , you couldn’t help but wonder about your own Romeo.
or as you would call him Sam monroe.
Sam monroe was your lab partner in science at first, you two had gotten rather close over the year. You started to view each other in different ways rather than just as classmates.
Two days ago , he mustered up the courage to ask you out on a date while dissecting an frog… not the best moment but still you found him extremely adorable with his dark dyed locks , his guy-liner, his graphic tees of rock bands and his silver piercings covering on his ears.
and when he nervously fidgets asking you out , with his ears all red and avoiding eye contact
How could you possibly say no?
Tomorrow was Friday, the day of your date with your Romeo.
Speaking of him actually, you hadn’t seen him after he apparently frantically ran out of his history class and didn’t return at all to school.
Highschool boys were unpredictable so it didn’t worry you much but you couldn’t deny that he was on your mind.
Your thoughts were brought to a halt as you hear the rumbling of the clouds above , indicating the downpour was going to start.
While looking up at the sky , the familiar figure you identified as Spiderman flys roof to roof in a sloppy manner , as if he was running from someone.
You knew you should have left it alone , left him to do whatever hero’s do but you didn’t think about what everyone says- Curiosity kills the Cat.
you glanced at the entrance leading up to the roof of the building the Spider vigilante landed on , bolting up the various steps of stairs
Finally you make it to the roof , spotting the figure in the black suit. You called out his name “Spider man! spider maan!!” hoping he hears over the thundering clouds from above
Spider man looks directly at you and from his body language, he was terrified to see you here. You run up to him and he looks around frantically as if he’s fearful of something around the two of you.
“whats going on? i saw you being basically flung!”
“What are you doing here?? you cant be up here!” he says urging. “you need to leave like right now n/n!”
n/n? how does he know… what sam calls you?
you dont respond , you just stare at the mask of the man who knows a very personal nickname someone special has for you.
the thunder grumbles louder and louder and the sound of the odd buzzing from earlier comes closer.
“y/n please! you need to go right now!” please!” he begs , his voice doesn’t even sound masked anymore. It sounds strangely familiar… It sounded like Sam.
you look at him wide eyed as he gripped your shoulders and continued to beg for you to leave this instant. You couldn’t think straight as the only thought you formed in your head was Sam.
This was a very very long shot in your opinion but you hesitatingly muttered out his name causing the Spider hero in-front of you to go dead silent , unable to look up at you any longer. Your mouth drops and you stand shell shocked.
Its Sam.
Its been Sam this whole time.
“Sam? yo- your Spiderman?? Sam???” you said in a voice that suggested you were beyond confused , your brain spinning beyond a doubt
“look i- i cant talk about this now! i promise i will later! y/n please. go.” desperation lacing his voice.
The buzzing sound is basically right behind you , its starting to piss you off.
You spin your head around and all of a sudden something of a green devilish figure flys towards you and drags you off the ledge.
It all happened so quickly , you were standing there with spid- Sam. You were standing there with Sam one minute and the next? falling to your demise.
You couldn’t even scream out as the air was sucked out of your lungs while you plummeted down the stories of apartments. Sams masked figure instantly jumped off the roof after you in hopes of catching you , his hand reaching for yours.
His webs go around your body and he tries his hardest to reach you in time but it doesn’t work.
Your body has the life sucked out of it , your limbs go numb and your vision gone even though your eyes remained open. Your body hung just a few inches off the ground , tangled in spider webs.
“no no no no, this cant be happening. no no!” his sobs grow louder and louder with each word , denying what had just happened.
“n/n please wake up. please please say something, do anything please.” his vision completely blurry behind the mask with tears , he rips it off. Holding your empty vessel of a body so close to himself.
“please dont leave me.”
He puts his ear next to your chest in hopes of a heart beat. repositioning himself every second so that he doesn’t miss even a faint one but nothing happened.
he drops to his knees , brushing the hairs out of your face and closing your eyelids.
The rain starts pouring over the two of you but nothing could block out Sams sobs of anguish.
“you weren’t supposed to be here. Not now , this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
———————————-★ ———————-——————
i had no idea i could be so… dark when writing gosh
im gonna go watch some barbie movies to recuperate after this.
let me know what u think !! leave requests/questions/advice or anything in inbox please!!
always lovely having mutuals
😵love ya guys
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geckoomoria · 25 days
friends to lovers trope w jj, but its the type of love where they both dont know that theyre both in love with eachother and they just casually flirt w eachother, but their friends r always like 👀 whenever they flirt or when jj like helps her or whatever, also everytime jj does something for reader, she always blushes but tries to hide it (going thru this shit rn 😃😅)
I love u for asking this omg.
i wanna add that they both deny it a lot and they just wont admit it to themselves.
this ones a bit long…
i hope this lives up to ur standards 😪
Just friends - Jj Maybank x reader
Saturday August 17th
YOU HAD JUST ARRIVED at a local beach party , looking around to find anyone you recognized.
yelling out an occasional “sorry!!” or “excuse me!” as you pushed past the main entrance of the beach house to get to the living room.
the house was so crowded you barley knew if you were headed in the right direction. As you backed up to let someone pass by you, you bumped into someone from behind.
“i am so sorr- oh Jj.” is what you said as you turned to apologize to the person that happened to be Jj maybank.
The scowl on the blondes face quickly reverted as he realized you were the one who bumped into him , a grin and opened eyes had appeared instead.
“ah so if its me you wont say sorry” he said while looking you up and down taking in your appearance. black denim shorts , long black thin socks that stopped mid thigh and a fitted dark red short sleeve top that had a sweetheart neckline.
to put it in short terms , you looked hot as fuck.
you find the corners of your lips turning as he spoke , it wasn’t uncommon for you and Jj to shamelessly flirt like this. Everyone could see you had a thing for each-other but both denied and claimed to be “just good friends”.
“well Maybank , i guess that says something about you” you responded still looking at the grinning boy.
“you wound me sweetheart” he said while dramatically placing a hand over his heart and acted as if he was in pain. You could feel the blush creeping onto your face.
“i try as much as i can darling” the words rolled off your lips as you kept up with his flirty game
The two of you stand still amongst the crowd of partiers as you stare into each others eyes, the sudden silent tension engulfing you two.
Abruptly it was broken as a pair of thin arms threw themselves over your neck , it was Kiara. “Y/n! i was looking all over for you, pope thought you weren’t coming” she claimed as she rolled her eyes at another mutual friend of yours , Pope.
“i didn’t say she wasn’t coming , i said i dont think she was coming on TIME.” Pope corrected back quite sassily as he gave you a side hug himself.
Jjs eyes had been kept on you the entire time, he didn’t even want to look away for a second.
“yeah yeah but still you doubted her and it wouldn’t be a party without Y/n ,right jj? kiara stated as the two pogues looked at their blonde headed friend. He was silent , still staring at you. His attention was only brought back when your eyes met his again.
“y-yeah wouldn’t be a party without ya” He said finally looking away for a second and looking back. The other two didn’t miss his reaction. You all walked over to where the drinks were kept and needless to say everyone was DRUNK. You all decided to sit outside on the steps.
15 minutes later
“hey wheres John B?” you question about the missing pogue from the friend group , “said he had to work for ward tonight but we all know what that means” Kiara answers before taking a sip of her beer.
You raise an eyebrow letting them know that you in fact didn’t know what it meant. “means he’s getting it on with the Kook queen , Babe ” Jj replies.
Pope and Kiara groan in disgust as your eyes widen at his words. “Wait what?! he actually has a thing going on with Sarah Cameron? Sarah Cameron who you hate” you say pointing at Kiara, “and who’s brother hates you?!” you say pointing at Jj.
“Damn straight” Kiara spits out, “Yes Ma’am” Jj replies before taking a chug of his drink, its clear none of them really liked the idea of him being with a Kook, Sarah Cameron of all people.
“God i told him to-“ Kiara’s rambling was cut off in your head as Jjs legs brushed against yours , feeling his body heat. It should have felt like nothing , friends are okay with being touchy right?
But you couldn’t ignore it as neither one of you moved your legs, what was this weird feeling inside of you?
You glance at his face only for him to be looking at you first , a stare across both your faces. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Pope who’s sitting on the steps above you two.
“Uh Kie im gonna grab another drink , you coming?” He cuts off her rambling about John B and Sarah in hopes of leaving you and Jj together.
Shes too drunk to notice whats going on so she mindlessly agrees and gets up to grab another bottle, leaving you and Jj alone on the steps.
Silence is the only thing between you two right now , absolutely no space. Arm to arm , leg to leg and shoulder to shoulder.
minutes goes by before Jj starts to laugh a bit, “whats so funny?” you ask curiously.
“i was just thinkin”
he takes a sigh before answering “remember that time we didn’t talk for three whole days cause of the spider?”. You don’t remember at first but eventually the memory sparks back. “Oh Sally.” you say bitterly.
“you gave it a name???”
“uhm SHE lived with me for a week i think SHE deserved a name!” you sternly say emphasizing the she in your sentence.
you could feel the atmosphere’s tensions rising as you started to argue in a petty manner.
“you got so mad at me when i accidentally stepped on her”
“you killed my roommate Maybank , what was i supposed to do!”
you two had pointless arguments for no reason all the time to go along with all the flirting.
you huff as tick marks appear on your forehead and the same happened with Jj. The silence once again appeared after your loud voices went quiet.
“didn’t even pay for her funeral asshole” you mutter under your breath as you take another sip of your drink. You look at Jj and the two of you shared a silent look that lasted for a second.
You both burst out laughing, unable to catch your breaths, eventually after a few moments it dies down , “you’re something else princess” He says , chuckles still underlying his voice.
Him calling you suggestive nicknames was normal but lately its been feeling more than just a silly nickname.
“yeah well only you would know” you reply resting your chin under your palm and turning your head to face him. “thats right , papa j knows ya best” Jj says with some sense of pride puffing his chest.
“ugh y’know everytime you call yourself that , a little piece of me dies on the inside” you groan and roll your eyes at the stupid nickname Jj set for himself.
He starts laughing again at your words , you gave him a sense of comfort he’s never been familiar with.
He found himself constantly yearning for your presence and in moments of joy , he knew the only thing to make it better was if you were there.
Jjs tried convincing himself that it was normal to think of friends constantly and that its just his impulsive thoughts that thought of you in that way.
but the more he denied it to both others and himself , the more he craved you.
At the same time you felt similar things , thinking you were weird for even viewing your close friend like that. That he was just like that to everyone and that it was your head just spinning the truth.
But every-time you denied and brushed off the dating rumours , deep down you felt a twinge at the heart when you remembered they weren’t true.
Unconsciously shifting closer, your faces are inches from each-other. His eyes glued to your lips , the two of you reek of alcohol and the tensions never been higher.
Your heart beats rapidly as he moves in to attempt to kiss you but thats all it remained.
An attempt.
The moment was unexpectedly stopped as Pope burst through the door from above, stopping the two of you from what was about to happen.
“Guys Kie is like out of her mind drunk and she tried beating up her own reflection in the mirror so i think its time to go home” he says with a drunk Kiara slung over his shoulder not even realizing what he interrupted.
The blush on your face is replaced with a similar tone of red out of embarrassment, you get up not even looking at Jj to help Pope with Kiara.
“God that did not just happen” you think repeatedly
The car ride was just awkward silence as Pope who was the most sober at the moment drove to John Bs place since no one could scold your intoxicated selves there.
You avoid Jj like the plague when breaking in entering John Bs house , placing Kiara on the spare bed , Pope on the couch , you sleeping beside Kiara and Jj on a old recliner chair.
After voicing a Goodnight to Pope , you can’t find the courage to say anything to Jj as he sits there deep in thought. You wanted to say something, anything to change the weird feeling between you two but nothing would come out of your mouth.
You just lay beside Kiara’s sleeping figure in the dark, unable to sleep after tonight.
To be continued…
if u liked this pls lemme know so i can start on part 2.
i love gaining mutuals guys cmon 😓
hes so hot omfg
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geckoomoria · 26 days
girl like you- jj maybank x reader drabble
friends to lovers type thing
fluff pre much, readers bf cheats on her and jj comforts her 😓
mentions of swearing , cheating , manipulation , jj wanting to beat the shit out of readers ex
i just HAD to write something for my jj bc like my phase is coming back… and i fear its worse than before. ANYWAYS ENJOY😇 also if i would love to be mutals with obx fans even if u dont post anything
also i know i had this sort of same scenery with my sam monroe drabble but i just love the warm weather by water at night thing sm. Its a lifestyle okay. ENJOY !!
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Friday July 25th,
approx 8:45 pm
AS YOU SAT ALONE on the sandy beach just by the edge of the water , you noticed tonight was rather windier than usual.
Your outfit of choice didn’t exactly contribute to your warmth either. Dark wash shorts that stopped right where it was appropriate to call them shorts and a fitted dark grey tank with outer lace trims.
The booming music and sounds of drunk people partying came just a few feet behind you, it wasn’t that uncommon for the teenagers of Outerbanks to throw beach parties wherever they can.
It’s not that you hated these parties or the people attending them, you had fun every now and then but your social battery ran out quicker than you expected tonight…
it was technically expected. you recently broke up with your cheating ex boyfriend and it took quite the toll on you.
Your friends begged and pleaded to get you out of the house for once and miraculously it worked tonight but that doesn’t mean you were in the mood for a party.
All you wanted to do right now was look at the glimmering water of the ocean alone.
You sat in silence , knees up , toes brought close together and arms slung over your knees. Eyes focused on the shore but mind all over the place.
Suddenly the shadow of a figure loomed over yours from behind, his reflection into the sand.
“There ya are sweetheart! been lookin alll over for ya”
calls out the shadow who turned out to be none other than your good friend Jj Maybank.
You, Jj and the rest of the pogues were good friends , hanging out occasionally and them involving you in whatever daily trouble they managed to find.
You and Jj could be considered very good friends , Friends who flirt and fake fight a LOT and when you finally broke up with your loser of a boyfriend? Jj fell to his knees and screamed victory from the top of his lungs.
but of course he couldn’t let you know that , he didn’t want to risk the possibility of ruining your friendship and of course he was so pissed at your ex that he swore if he ever caught sight of him , he was going to beat the shit out of him but still it made him so happy.
you stayed silent at his words , giving him a glance and returning back to the view of the ocean. You didn’t have the energy to fake a cheery greeting.
“ah cmon no snarky comment? thats not the Y/n i know!” he states taking a seat right beside you and mimicking your stance. You could smell the mix of beer, weed and cologne on him , almost like it was his personal scent.
“yeah well the y/n you know has had the life sucked out of her recently” you answer with eyes. emotionless , still locked on the water.
Jj’s sight soften at your words , he felt horrible for the way you were feeling. He would do anything to hear your sweet laugh and see those glowing eyes light up again.
He was actually the one who secretly convinced your friends to keep trying to get you out of your room, he was just so worried.
“you shouldn’t be sad over a asshole like that n/n. way i see it , you lucked out just in time” He says hoping you’ll look at the dreadful situation positively.
“it wasn’t in time.” you say almost too quickly causing Jj furrow his eyebrows out of confusion.
You can feel his stare as a way of telling you to “go on” to explain.
You take a deep breath before speaking “i-i should have known he was gonna cheat eventually, all the signs were there. Flirting with other girls , being secretive and manipulative. it wa- it was my fault , i should have known.” your voice breaks with every word , the sound of it growing smaller and smaller.
Both of your hearts clench , thinking about all the times you two were together just made you want to start bawling.
Jj on the other hand couldn’t believe you were blaming yourself for this, he cheats on a girl as divine as yourself and you think your SOMEHOW AT FAULT?
That dumbass let go of a girl like you so easily. If that was him , he would move heaven and earth for you.
If Jj could , he would release a public statement everywhere that they should just arrest him now so that theres a slight possibility your ex lives to see another day.
Tears prickle at your eyes as you stare into Jjs, holding back as much as possible with the hopes of not wanting to embarrass yourself in-front of the blonde boy.
“you can’t possibly think its your fault Y/n , he lost the girl of m- everyones dreams and y’know what?” He voices sternly and clears his throat half way through hoping you didn’t catch his slipup in words
“what?” you ask sniffling and wiping away any visible tears with your hands.
“that dumb fuckers biggest punishment is living a life without you.” staring into your eyes , faces just inches apart from each other
You practically swoon at his words , they made you feel so much better, Jj always had a way of making you feel special.
You chuckle and wipe away any remaining tears “wow J , had no idea you were such a philosopher” you joke causing him to crack a smile in return.
“what have i been telling you? im practically that Shakespeare guy” you both laugh.
The once intense atmosphere lightened and the dawning sadness was somewhat lifted.
You felt a scar on your heart fading away , you can’t help but what wonder how this would have never happened if you dated Jj instead.
you shift your body closer to your friend and rest your head on his shoulder as the two of you stared off into the sea of the night.
“hey j?”
“you’d never do that right, break a girls heart on purpose?” you ask out of nowhere , pondering on what he thinks of it.
You expected him to be caught off guard but instead his instant reply had you truly stumped.
“girl like you , i dont think i could live with myself if i did.”
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the way i have been daydreaming abt this exact scenario for days on end is crazy
PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS OF ANYTHJNG OR QUESTIONS🤬( keep in mind of what i do and do not write)
follow me i followww backkk
uh hope u liked it. yeah. 🤥.
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geckoomoria · 27 days
man its part of my nightly routine, only way ill go to sleep peacefully😪
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geckoomoria · 27 days
dad!james teaching reader how to give son!sam a blowjob/handjob
i was gonna write this but got lazy so PLEASE 😞🙏
This sounds very intriguing but guys… smut makes me laugh😭😭
im so good at writing fluff and angst guys believe me. but smut??? i think its the funniest shit ever its like a genuine problem 😭 cause what do u mean his MEMBER TWITCHED???😭😭
ill TRY just for u pookie but im warning u there is a very good chance it wont be published from how horrific it is. 😇 BUT PLS DONT LET THIS DISCOURAGE U FROM GIVING ME REQUESTS
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geckoomoria · 29 days
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this image has a fucking chokehold on me. i genuinely cannot do this rn , please for the love of God someone sedate me. I NEED HIM SO BAD PLEASE SAM I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU GRRRRRRRRRR GUYS. im normal i swear… not really im losing my mind. You guys know that one audio on tiktok from the show or movie idfk about the royal family and charles yells at diana about camila saying “MORNING NOON AND NIGHT I LOVE HER” THATD ME BITCH THATS FUCJING ME. I NEED HIM MRONING NOON NIGHT MIDNIGHT EARLY SUNRISE EVERYTHINT PLEASE LORD. I WOUKD MAKE HIM SOOO HAPPY GUYS BELIEVE ME LISTEN. im all for feminism believe me but when i say i need him in ways that SET BACK FEMINISM I MEAN IT. I WILL GET IT TATTOOED ON ME TO SHOW HOW MUCH I MEAN IT. GRTRR BATK GARK BARK BARK BARK. JUST IMAGINE HIM LOOKING AT U LIKE THATTTTTTTTT
edit from my drafts 2 days later: sorry about that guys. i was uh going through something ( ovulation week is brutal). But uhm yeah hes cute ig😇…
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geckoomoria · 1 month
hey! your writing is so good and i look forward to seeing more of it :)
i know that on a lot of social media platforms, the culture is to tag with as many things as you can think of even if they don’t relate to the post in order to get exposure! but on tumblr tagging with irrelevant things (because your post will show up in those tags when people browse them) can actually be counterproductive because it will get you blocked a lot of times and potentially even get your posts reported for spam. just wanted to let you know so you can avoid that happening to you!
hi! thank u sooo much sweetie for that advice
man i be getting my info from the wrong ppl, someone told me to put as many tags possible 😭😭
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geckoomoria · 1 month
Best friends brother! Anakin Head-canons
The way i put my heart and soul for you guys in these stories and im never acknowledged? i see how it is. JOKING😇 (not really.🤬🥲) but joking !!🤥
mention of obsession, sexual content , toxicity , possessiveness , smoking
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Bsf brother Anakin! who sneaks up on u in the library to steal not so small kisses
Bsf brother Anakin! who scares every guy near u. That classmate asking about math homework? cant even look u in the eye anymore.
Bsf brother Anakin! who has to spoil u , even if u just eyed something he’ll get it.
Bsf brother Anakin! who has loves to stare at u , he thinks ur so mesmerizing and doesn’t even care if it’ll get u guys discovered.
Bsf brother Anakin! who absolutely refuses for u to break up with him. He just wont accept it , anything but that.
Bsf brother Anakin! who’s so clingy to the point it’s unhealthy but its so risky since ur relationship is hidden from everyone
Bsf brother Anakin! who promises he wont leave hickeys on ur pretty little neck but gets carried away “accidentally”
Bsf brother Anakin! who sneaks into ur room all the time uninvited but u dont mind
Bsf brother Anakin! who manipulates his sister all the time into inviting u over
Bsf brother Anakin! who gets jealous sososo quickly but doesn’t want to scare u so he doesn’t show it often but every now and then its hard to contain.
Bsf brother Anakin! who’s definitely the man in the relationship but anything u say goes. How could he say no to those eyes , all they did was make him weak in the knees
Bsf brother Anakin! who knows how anxious the whole sneaking around thing makes u but if he’s being honest , the whole thing turns him on.
Bsf brother Anakin! who kept the long hair look when he heard (eavesdropped) u and ur bsf talking about u gushing over longer hair
Bsf brother Anakin! who makes you smell like him after hanging out and has the biggest fucking grin when ur bsf starts to recognize where that scent on ur clothes is from.
Bsf brother Anakin! who sits on the porch late night smoking thinking about u and only u for hours.
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May the fourth be with u🫡
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geckoomoria · 1 month
Unforgettable - Sam monroe x Reader drabble
i literally love this guy sm i have to write about him 24/7
mention of smoking, bullying , fantasizing about sexual things , kissing , sam and reader have a crush on eachother
enjoy cuties !!♥︎
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Saturday August 21th
approx 9:05 pm
IT WAS A LATE SUMMER NIGHT in your little hometown, the breeze blowing against your face as you walked across the board walk overlooking the ocean.
The wind blows through your clothes and it makes your legs shiver a little.
As much as this pretty little town seemed like a dream , you hated its residents. The neighbours who put on a face just to please each other , the neighbours who call each other friends but backbite all the time about those same “friends”.
Everyone was so fake…. Well everyone except a few certain people.
You take a seat on the edge of the board walk and watch as the moonlight gleams into the water.
You’d come here often to get away from the town and the people living there , it was like a breath of fresh air.
You were given a small taste of life , real living felt like this.
suddenly the smell of smoke came from behind you, at first you thought someone decided to have a late barbecue tonight but as you turned your head
a young boy around your age with dark blackish blue hair , baggy clothes , piercings evident on his ears , and guyliner had a cigarette in his mouth. He stood above you watching the ocean as well.
The sudden sight of him caught you so off guard you screamed and even almost fell into the water but luckily you grabbed the wooden pole of the boardwalk. His reply to your scream? he screamed as-well.
He basically started choking on the cigarette from how your scream startled him
You recognized the dark haired boy as Sam Monroe , he went to your school and was in your grade but you’ve never really spoken to him.
He didn’t have the greatest reputation, always getting in some sort of trouble , jocks would pick on him sometimes for his choice of style but he didn’t care much. There was even rumours of him buying drugs.
He also happens to be your little hallway crush.
Even if everyone thought those things, you thought Sam was the coolest. One of those not-fake people you thought about earlier.
after the two of you catch your breath from the screaming match you just had , you couldn’t help but start to giggle.
You bring your knees to your chest and start trying your hardest to cover the laugh attack you were surely going to have.
Sam takes a seat right next to you , dangling his feet off the board walk right above the ocean water. “Oh so now its funny huh? attempting to kill me” he says through a little smile on his cute face.
“a little” you say holding up your thumb and index finger close together. Sam takes a long drag on his cigarette and then puts it out.
“Yeah yeah laugh it up Y/n but you dont see me thinking you almost falling into the water funny , do you?” his voice laced with sarcasm but thats not what had you stumped , its the fact that he just said your name.
“how do you know my name?” you ask curiously with your eyebrows raised and head tilted , his face goes a bright hue of red instantly.
“uh i- i uh just know you know? you’re not easy to forget” he attempts to explain as he nervously fiddles with his fingers avoiding eye contact with you.
You find yourself leaning closer to Sam “oh? meaningg?” , “meaning i think you’re real unforgettable.”
this time he looks deep into your eyes as he speaks, the blue shades of his glistens so bright , even his eye makeup couldn’t cover it. They shine so breathtakingly. it completely hypnotized you.
Smiling while the silence engulfs you two , you look off into the moon staring at its brightening figure. you decide to ask Sam a question thats been on your mind.
“Do you wanna stay here like forever?”
The blue eyed boy continues to stare at you , wondering where a question like this could possibly stem from.
“In this town?” you nod in response. “ nah , i mean exploring sounds real fun you know , checking out all the different countries and what they have to offer”
“yeah offer like what things i can daydream about when im not there, unforgettable things i can be in awe of”
you liked his thinking of travelling the world, it did have so much to offer.
His response also made your heart flutter , didn’t he just call you unforgettable? You feel the corners of your lips lifting up, he looked so cute all red earlier , it just made you wanna tease him again.
“Ahh so does that mean you daydream about me too?”
Sam looks at you and once again , he starts blushing. but not just on the fact that you just called him out but also that it triggered a certain daydream he had about you not too long ago.
He reminisces about how nice it was to hold you in his arms , kiss your sweet honey-like lips , stretch his hands all over your pretty body and call you his.
but then again it was just a daydream. (for now😈)
Sam could feel his body heat rising just thinking about fake scenarios involving you , he zones out momentarily but comes back to his senses as you call his name.
“Sam? Sammm?” you ask waving your hands in front of his face trying to catch his attention
“sor-sorry got distracted” , “hm , thinking bout me?” Your teasing words were going to be the death of him.
Sam cant hold back anymore , he needs you now. He HAS to kiss you right this very second.
He leans in closer , closing the minimal gap between the two of you , your breath hitches as he whispers against your lips.
“Can i please kiss you?”
“say please” you voices calls out quietly, you wanted him just as much too but it was more fun this way.
he whines out a cry of silent desperation “please”
you initiate the kiss but he’s the one taking full control.
He kisses your lips like a starved man , both of his hands holding your face , on each side of your upper jaw
you interlock your fingers into the back of his dyed hair and continue kissing him like theres nothing else in the world important to you.
The kissing intensifies between you and Sam , neither of you wanted to let go.
The moment between you is broken minutes later as you pull back from each-others lips and catch your breaths , still in the same position.
“So uh- does this mean i can have your number?” he says , crystal blue eyes locked onto your E/C ones.
you chuckle at his words,
“thought you’d never ask Monroe”.
man i love my boyfriend Sam😇
i literally opened my window last night to get into the vibe of writing this and got my dumbass sick😭😭
i follow back guys😓
leave literally anything in my question box thingy it makes me feel like a guest on the jimmy Fallon show
love u all mwah 💞
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geckoomoria · 1 month
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man look at the lawyer they sent me , im so fucking going to jail.
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