#wahoo another comic!!!!
cayennecrush · 25 days
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Baphie is the most pet-like creature Evangeline has ever cared for and she loves her sooo much! but it's hard to show her off because people tend to freak out!! not Jackie though, she's totally cool as a cucumber 😂
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
Good Omens graphic novel update: February 2024
Happy February 29th. A day that only happens once every four years deserves something special, so let’s dive right in.
ComicScene Awards win!
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Good Omens: The Official (and Ineffable) Graphic Novel won the award for Best Crowdfunder at the ComicScene Awards! We want to say a huge THANK YOU; it’s an award voted for entirely by comics fans, so we appreciate the continued enthusiasm and championing of the Kickstarter. You can read more about the award here. A nice companion to the Comedy.co.uk Award win for Season 2 as Best TV Comedy Drama, and the British Film Designers Guild Planet Positive Award. Wahoo.
We’re happy to say that the PledgeManager launch is coming in a few weeks. With our monthly update in March, we’re planning to move to the next stage of the campaign: here you’ll be able to add your shipping addresses, pay for shipping, and add any additional items that you might have missed during the campaign. We’ll have FAQs available once it is launched.
Now to the new stuff…
Ready to rep the world’s best antiquarian and unusual bookshop? The first of our A.Z. Fell & Co merch has arrived: bookmarks are here and looking tip top. 
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Our A.Z. Fell sample socks have, ironically, gone walkabout before we got a picture, however, here's a very quick snap of the Crowley pair.
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Artwork, artwork and… some more artwork.
The prints keep on coming and this time we’ve got four in one. Behold, Anna Morozova’s take on the four horsewomen of the apocalypse in one glorious image:
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The large-scale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet) by Julien Labit is underway, so here are a couple of sneak peeks at different locales from the world of Good Omens in their earlier design stages:
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When we say it’s large-scale, wait until you see the full one. Huge! So much to explore.
And, in terms of artwork, we’ll end on a few inked previews from the graphic novel by Colleen Doran of our favourite Angel and Demon:
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And… how would we describe it? A little mishap regarding losing the antichrist?
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More pins.
You didn't think we could go this whole update without pins, did you? You can see updates of the pins outside of Kickstarter at goodomenshq.com. But for now, here's a few:
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Future items…
Another ongoing thanks for sharing what you’d like to see in the eventual Good Omens merch store. We’ll have a few new things available via the PledgeManager directly from your suggestions - mainly alternative designs and variants for some add ons, with ambitions for plenty more on the official store. The list you’ve helped us put together is quite ambitious, but we’re up to the challenge *looks up how to make actual angel wings* 
(joking… we think?)
Moving forward, piece by piece. 
p.s. Another little preview.
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Until next time.
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tanupoki · 9 months
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bonus underneath!
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anyways, wahoo another comic!!
by the way, thank yall so much for all the love on my previous polycut comic!! it makes me happy that people like my silly drawings :D
thinking of posting my polycut hcs soon maybe!! hehe 💕💕
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mamawasatesttube · 10 months
what would u say it takes for a fic to get kon's tone correctly? or like. what things do u feel make the tone Wrong? (if u can put it into words ik this is a very vague question LMAO)
so in essence you are asking me to distill kon as a character. i will attempt to do this, but preemptively be warned i will likely be rambling.
there are a few things about kon that always stand out to me. i draw a lot on sb94 for his overall character, with sb11 and adventure comics to guide his character arc. to me, he is, in no particular order:
incredibly smart
but exceedingly hard on himself,
and prone to self-deprecation.
silly and goofy! a geek-ass loser!!
full of joie de vivre!
deeply, deeply passively suicidal.
quick to anger (mostly when younger)
but even quicker to cool off and apologize if necessary.
too quick, even. very forgiving of anything done to him, no matter how fucked up, if he thinks the person is genuinely sorry.
kind. kind. kind. kind. he wants to believe in everyone.
prone to naivety, because of it. (again, especially when younger.)
ready and willing to destroy himself if it helps someone else even a little bit. a bleeding heart that maybe bleeds too much.
deeply, deeply caring. about everyone. especially the folks nobody else really cares about.
pretty introspective (post-death and resurrection).
passionate. he does not do anything by halves.
haha silly!!! jokester!!! star trek time!!! wahoo!!!
so as you can see, he is a character built on contradiction. he loves life, but he's been suicidal since day one. he's a lot smarter than anyone, including himself, gives him credit for - he might not be the best strategist out there, but his creativity and ability to think on his feet are phenomenal! he's deeply kind to the core and yet worries about who he is, because he can't see himself how anyone else does. i could go on. it's about the contradictions - the kontrast, if you will.
in terms of fic writing, character voice, and tone: imagine a boy in the basement of a fucked up science lab surrounded by the frozen-in-stasis corpses of his twelve would-be brothers, the clones before him that didn't pan out. he is white-knuckling his gloves. he is repeating to himself, but i stay silly :3!! but i stay silly :3!! but i stay silly :3!! but i stay--
this, too, is about the kontrast. denial and humor are his best friends and his favorite coping mechanisms.
to me, i guess a fic gets kon right if it understands he is an unreliable fucking narrator. he's incredibly repressed. he just denies it all and pretends he's fine because he can joke it off. he stays silly!! X3!! but he's a genuinely sweet and thoughtful guy. he does all the farm chores for ma kent without being asked, loves his dog, has nightwing merch (a zine, specifically, from the looks of it) in his room, and physically is incapable of shutting up about star trek. he's a geek. he's silly. he's loving. he's deeply sad. he's a walking talking identity crisis.
also wrt fic writing. i mean i know saying this is a lost cause because anyone bothering to read a long post about kon isn't the kind of person writing fics that don't actually treat him as his own character, but. he is not fucking scared of bruce wayne oh my god. i will forever yell about these pages from sb94 #85 aka what might be my fav issue in the entire run:
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he doesn't stand for anyone being unjust, even if it's his bestie's mentor who he respects a lot!! even if he's a little nervous he tells bruce off and demands better from him!!! (granted, i also think this is some of my least favorite bruce writing ever - i don't like him sounding like a kkk manifesto someone hit find and replace on when he talks about metas, and i don't for the life of me understand why so many of his "fans" continue to eat that up and then shit it out in the year 2023, but that's getting off topic.)
ALSO. HE LOVES AND RESPECTS CLARK SO FUCKING MUCH. that's another thing fics get wrong. he does NOT resent clark for "not being around" and he does NOT tolerate anyone talking shit about him!! clark is his favorite guy. he idolizes him!! yes, he's sometimes sad about wanting to be closer to him, but never communicates this (and, again, this is also an editorial mandate). if kon was going to blame anyone for their relationship not being what he wants it to be, IT IS HIMSELF!!!! he does this literally on page in sb94, when he finds out clark has a secret identity and isn't superman all the time. he blames himself for not being someone superman would have wanted to confide in sooner. he is REALLY GOOD at blaming himself for things. he would never in his LIFE blame clark.
in conclusion. please enjoy this incredibly roumd krypto snoozing next to him in lena luthor's house. thank you for your time ♥
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[[Alright so I'm new around these parts, may someone pleaaaase sum up the juicy lore for me?]]
-grateful anon
[ominous bell toll]
[It is time (lore summary time)]
[and. and this time. WE'RE GOING OVER ALL THE LORE!!!!!!!!] [i'll probably pin this so people can find the lore easily]
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[LORE UNDER THE CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
[Alrightttt so. IMPORTANT BITS!!]
[gangle has an ai version of herself thats meant to represent her subconscious: "s-gangle" who is currently .. missing right now]
[gangle used to be friends with kaufmo (before he abstracted)] [related comics and art here:] [comic, art, art,
[gangle hates an anon named "hammer anon" who has attacked her multiple times] [i'll cover that momentarily]
[i'll also include some other blog lore at the end, but right now we're focusing on gnagle lore!] ------
[so, starting off from the very beginning: the first important event was when gangle borrowed one of jax's keys, secretly accessing kaufmo's room. she wanted to find a way to move on from what happened. it did not go well . heres the series of comics relating to this: comics here]
[kaufmo's blog got introduced around this time, making gangle freak out (because she couldnt really comprehend the fact that kaufmo was just. back] [but she didnt want to deal w/ her emotions, so she forced herself to wear her happy mask for an extended period of time] [which, according to blog lore, kind of helps suppress her emotions]
[anyway, obviously thats a horrible idea] [so she kinda suffers for the next few asks] [like this ask, this ask, this ask, and this ask!] [yeah turns out the mask aint holding up very well. uh oh.] [yikes.]
[this is where hammer anon comes in! in this post, he breaks gangle's mask, resulting in all her emotions flooding in (this post). wahoo, i suppose? (not really)]
[the anons comfort gangle in this post, and eventually she recovers. yay!] [gangle is happy for a bit] [shes watching over kinger's fortress while he erm. goes through his own arc (here)] [anyway while watching over the fortress she has movie night! which results in this art here]
[unfortunately. another arc happens. Jax literally abstracts! thats right. jax abstracted. gangle is. not feeling great about it! (comic)] [so yeah]
[unfortunately for gangle, things get worse when hammer anon decides now is a GREAT time to see if gangle has a third mask!] [art here!] [so she erm. flees! to the ferris wheel !] [cause remember, this may be a circus but theres also the fairgrounds!]
[anyway. gangle is cornered. and over the course of some asks impending doom slowly approaches her!] [related art here, here, here, and the comic begins here!]
[anyway. yeah! turns out! there is no third mask. which glitches gangle. yikes. whoops.] [shes out cold for a while] [and one of the anons takes her inside so she can rest (art here)]
[gangle eventually wakes up (art here)] [and has a bunch of errors all over her face! cause. you know. her masks.] [she freaks out a bit over it but dont worry she calms down eventually]
[also, not exactly lore important? but someone decids to taunt her for being a coward n such so she throws a fish at them in this comic]
[one extra thing as well: erm. jax DIED. like not even abstracted hes straight up dead due to one of the abstractions named dyno. yeah.] [or well he WAS dead at this time]
[caine is informed about what's happening, but unfortunately he isn't able to do anything about it (art here)] [honestly, gangle's tired of all this (especially considering the literal ai who runs the circus cant do anything to help) so she heads off to the lake. and SURPRISE!!!] [zooble appearance]
[heres the series of art/asks] in chronological order] [art 1, art 2, art 3, art 4, art 5, art 6, art 7, art 8,] [theres also a little break inbetween; one of the anons attempts to fix gangle's mask (it goes horribly wrong) related art here and here] [anyway continuing the zooble arc] [comic 1, comic 2, comic 3, comic 4, comic 5, and the animated finale]
[smth funny thats unrelated to lore- a CERTAIN ANON (cough) /silly was predicting all of my story ideas. (art here)]
[one more important thing regarding zooble: abstragedy/google ship is not canon, please don't joke about it/talk about it-] [im pretty sure zooble's mod is uncomfortable with the ship] [so.. yeah!]
[now: smth i'd like to mention, there were 2 story arcs before the finale of the comics related to zooble:] [the computer files arc and s-gangle's introduction arc]
[the computer files thing was a little event i set up for everyone, where they could look through gangle's character files] [heres 2 silly asks that aren't lore related: 1 and 2] [ANYWAY lore related stuff! heres some of the important stuff: C&A, The Magician, and Memories]
[the one of the most important things though, from the files, would be the logs:] [here is log 1, log 2, and log 3 (with some art!)]
[anyway, s-gangle.exe is booted, and bam! s-gangle is introduced! (<- link here)]
[most of the asks are normal, but heres some lore important asks: flowers 1, flowers 2, copycat, red, poem (the poem ask was made around the time gangle returned)]
[anyway! wahoo, after a while, gangle's back, and she now has to deal with All the Anon Chaos that's happened. poor gangle] [anyway. heres the important stuff!: an anon decided to curse s-gangle with a physical body, resulting in s-gangle immediately running off (comic here)]
[and.. theres also some silly stuff going on with the kaufmo blog. for context; during the jax dying situation, kaufmo used the chaos as a chance to escape the cellar and hid in his room for a while]
[kaufmo, learning about the whole "error" situation with gangle, wants to do something about it. (comic here)] [andd.. heres the final part relating to that! (comic here)]
[apologies about the final section of lore, especially the kaufmo part, considering it had to be rushed on christmas day due to the ask i recieved]
[and. y.y eah. thats everything! i'll try to actively update this lore as time goes on. wow this is a lot.]
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You’re absolutely the reason why I stay in this fandom & have intrusive thoughts about Kakashi & Gai. I absolutely adore it! I love how you have Kakashi & Gai communicate w each other, it’s filled w so much care. The ANBU comic is also great w the coma recovery comic seeing how much they take care of each other. It’s like you consider every little detail that Kishimoto was too distracted to keep up w himself. Adore, adore, adore.
Have you ever genderbent them? Not a request, just curious. Also can’t wait to sub to your Patreon it’s so worth the money & you’re one of my fave blogs on Tumblr 😎🪭 consider me another Ace prsn that likes old man yaoi LMAO
WAHOO thank you for the amazing compliments!! the ace old man yaoi club grows stronger lmaoo I've gotten alot of good requests for patreon, so lots on the way for 2024!
I personally dont like genderbends, so no, i haven't
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darknadaworld · 18 days
sorry chat i have no self control . another Cosku comic in the making wahoo
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pocketsizedquasar · 8 months
you asked for lore questions so. do you have any particular starhab Thoughts today
HI I MISSED THIS SOMEHOW but yes the answer to this question is always yes. i always have Them thots
recently, i’ve mostly been rotating what i’ve been uncreatively calling Good AU (AU where Starbuck actually Talks To ahab and they have a proper conversation and convinces him to turn around but not before at least 3 therapy sessions which may or may not involve passive-to-active suicidality on both their parts wahoo)
which is generally the AU i’m always rotating; @coulson-is-an-avenger have been talking abt it for literally 9+ months (n they have made some related fics before me, bc i’m slow <3 /positive) — but right now specifically, since i’ve finally started Actually writing it in the past couple weeks, i’m thinking a lot abt the beginning/setup of the au, which is aforementioned conversations/therapy sessions/breakdowns
more specifically, i’m thinking lots about how melville writes both ahab and starbuck as such deeply, intrinsically lonely people in different ways, and about how some of that loneliness is self inflicted and some of it isn’t. w starbuck especially… (i’ve talked abt this in the comments of a comic page before but) there’s the obvious element of loneliness that comes from losing most of his family to whaling, and having to be away from his wife and child for so long, and being seemingly the only person for a while on this boat who thinks there might be something wrong with ahab, but there is also an element of self-inflicted loneliness too: in Dusk, he specifically mentions the “heathen crew” and how much he feels apart from them. “Oh, God! to sail with such a heathen crew that have small touch of human mothers in them! Whelped somewhere by the sharkish sea. The white whale is their demigorgon.” his whiteness (and racism) and christianity is an element of isolation for him.
melville very regularly and deliberately highlights whiteness as a tool of isolation. ishmael only heals and becomes less lonely when he eschews christian “kindness” — “I’ll try a pagan friend, thought I, since Christian kindness has proved but hollow courtesy.” ahab is excluded and isolated from this world, for various untold reasons, though we can infer that some of them result from his disability (and, if you’re like me, an argument for reading ahab as nonwhite): “socially, Ahab was inaccessible. Though nominally included in the census of Christendom, he was still an alien to it.”
and starbuck—starbuck is of this world, this world of hollow courtesy and alienation, this world of nantucket quakers, which ishmael so poignantly describes as stifling and insular and strict. it is this — this whiteness, this hollow christianity, this learned racism — which prevents Starbuck from meaningfully emotionally connecting with his ‘pagan’ / ‘heathen’ crew, even as we know he is generally in other ways good to them. it is also this worldview which prevents him from meaningfully getting through to ahab.
like, ahab is obviously a traumatized specimen of a man (affectionate), but starbuck is also so deeply entrenched in his hyper specific worldview, just as much as ahab is. he can't connect with ahab more because he's so entrenched in seventeen layers of protestant guilt & conditioning, which is partially just the gay thing, but also like. being unable of conceiving ahab's pain through another framework. bc xtianity and protestantism and whiteness and all these things so wildly distort your concepts of what suffering is and who experiences it and who even has the Right to it, and what the right and wrong ways to experience pain are.
all his reasoning for why ahab giving himself so wholly to vengeance and eschewing all human connection is like… “bc god said it’s bad.” in all the times starbuck (in some ways rightly) gets at ahab for what he's doing, he doesn't ever really get to the point of trying to understand why it's happening? or where ahab is coming from? when what ahab needs is to be met where he’s at, in all his messy ugly pain and trauma
so w/ these conversations in the au it's like. part of it is starbuck letting go of this moral judgment and just coming to ahab with a genuine desire to understand hey. why are you doing this. tell me why this is so important to you. why this whale. why so hard. what is driving you to this. and like. understanding the very real amount of pain that ahab is in. the very real mess of a world that is constantly traumatizing and retraumatizing him. a world of whiteness and christianity and capitalism that has so thoroughly abandoned him to his trauma and his pain that he legitimately sees no other way out, no other alternative for alleviating that pain, than this quest.
basically in order to cure ahab’s loneliness starbuck needs to break his own. he cannot break down the walls around ahab without first reaching out beyond his own. and that’s why he fucking doesn’t in canon and tdjdhdhshdjwhdsjdhsj this is why i am so fucking mentally unwell about these two gay losers hfhehdhdhdhehddh
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homestuck-archive · 5 months
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"Hi, James here. Hope you had a good holiday! New year, new me! New you! Whatever, man! We got the usual patreon updates for you. Wahoo! Did you know that's a kind of fish? I watch a lot of fishing videos. If everything goes right and nothing goes wrong we should have something very exciting very soon: a new website! What does this mean for you? Stick around and find out!
Thanks for coming to our AMA, I hope we were able to answer some questions. I especially liked the one where Haven said he was going to fill Dirk full of Milk and slap him against a wall. Great job team. In other community news, the folks over at SAHcon are having their New Year's showcase around 5 pm PST today. Wow! I'm excited to see what the community is cooking.
We got another great comic update coming mid month, and in the next few we're letting some of the new writers shine. I'm excited for you to read them!
Speaking of updates on things… some of you sleuths may have noticed some changes. I'd like to go into a little more detail about them to the extent that I am able. I also wanted to do this in an official newspost, and not on socials etc, so that there is no question about it.
The contract with VIZ media has been restructured. What does this mean? Well, let's start a little further back. We have gotten a lot of questions about Andrew's involvement with HS:BC and Homestuck as a whole. I mentioned before that Andrew approached me to finish HS:BC. As many of you know a few years ago Andrew stepped back from having a creative role. This has allowed him to focus on oversight, and some behind-the-scenes stuff. A large part of that was regaining a sort of legal control of the brand as a whole.
So who "Owns Homestuck?" Well Andrew still does. Who has the publishing rights? We're working on that! The HICU has a license to do what we want with the property, which is what has allowed us to do some of the more creative things we are trying to do. Is the Website going to be fixed? They're working on that! I have very little to do with that, personally, but once there is something solid to announce there and the concerned parties are comfortable with it I'll let you know. What does this mean for the commentaries? Behind the scenes, some ideas about how to handle the issues with the way Homestuck is going to be published are being discussed. Some of these ideas may include a new way to release the future book commentary in absence of the books themselves. Wow!
With regards to VIZ, as some of you have correctly surmised this is good news for us. It has allowed things like HS:BC and HICU licensing etc to happen, as well as the SAHcon license. Hopefully, this can also include some additional fan-friendly licenses Andrew is considering. This all will take time to fully unfold so more details will be forthcoming about what this means for Homestuck as a whole. All in all, I think we are in for an exciting year.
Man what else is goin on? Some good news on the Vinyl is that I talked to the printer and with such an overwhelming response from you guys, instead of a simple Best Of EP, we actually want to try and do a print of Vol. 1-4. This makes all my very scientific and organized data gathering completely useless. I am humbled by something new and mundane every day. Anyway, this represents a completely different beast logistically, but as a fan of those tracks I am very very excited about that. I will Literally buy a Record Player for this. "James, you don't own a record player?" No! What do I look like, an old man? Please don't answer that. (Yes James, you do. -Homestuck Archive, 2024.)
This month (January 2024) we are also going to start seeing some of the bonus content go public. I ran a poll for the Patrons, and the general consensus is that after 2 months, they're ok with the bonus content going public. This includes Bonus strips, the Illustrations, and the commentary. They're really fun to do, so I hope you guys are into it. If you want to see these as soon as they go up, they are available to subscribers. Thank you for that, btw. It means the world to be able to pay some of my team's bills. Look at me, getting all sappy on New Year's Day. Maybe it really is a new year and a new me..."
New HS:BC Website in the works, with some new features.
Update mid-month as usual. Some of the newer Team Writers.
VIZ deal has been "restructured." (that's good for us)
Andrew still "Owns Homestuck."
Working on a solution to homestuck dot com debacle.
There are plans for commentary.
Homestuck Vinyl will be Vol. 1-4, pending some light Logistical Upkeep.
Patreon Bonuses from November will be going public this month.
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tri-pofdeath · 1 year
HI HELLO BOOKCLUB.... i have a late addition to week 1 bc i uhhh, got very sick and didnt have coherent thoughts for several days, wahoo, yippee (I am doing better now thank god) ANYWAY i wanted to talk about a couple panels I really enjoyed (one of em is technically a page but shhhh). I really love the Bad Lads story arc, especially the art in it! The designs for BDN and the Bad Lads are GREAT, every shot with the sand steamer in it is just so... awe-inspiring in such a fun way. I think it was a great first bigger story/set piece to start the manga out with tbh!
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FIRST UP, this page! I was originally just going to talk about how much I liked the panel with just the sand steamer in it but I feel like its stark contrast to all of the other panels AND its placement on the page spread adds a lot. So, this takes place immediately before Vash passes out from the drugs Kaite puts in his drink, and is also before Vash has figured out Kaite is helping orchestrate the attack (supposedly), but Kaite certainly thinks he's onto him! This tension is portrayed well in the shots chosen for each of the panels- all the ones with Kaite have him avoiding eye contact and/or having his back turned to the viewer (Vash), and Vash is placed very claustrophobically in all of the panels- his face is either cut off by the borders or covered by the speech bubbles. There's also TONS of negative space here, and in comics the closest you can get to making something take Time is space on the page, so the empty space here implies it's a slow moving, uncomfortable conversation. Which makes sense! The sand steamer caught my eye because it's just... such a striking visual for How Fucking Dark it is and how isolated they are here. They're way out in the middle of nowhere, and in DANGER, and Kaite is very deeply aware of and haunted by this. It's also a HUGE panel - it takes up about 2/3 of this two page spread, which I imagine in actual book form rather than a nice digital scan, chokes out the other panels some for an even more intense claustrophobic effect. VERY COOL ALL AROUND ....
I am finding more and more on this reread that Nightow is really great at using negative space especially in how he lays out pages. In fact! There's another page in vol 1 that comes to mind for this (The bit where Vash pretends to be asleep so the sex workers sent to him leave ), that @pancake-breakfast analyzes in this post here! I recommend checking that out!
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I KNOW others have posted this panel but. C'mon. This Rocks. This is like, the perfect composition for this- everything down to B.D.N.'s hat detail to Kaite's hairline is lined up perfectly, the sand steamer windows and B.D.N's Shoulder Things are framing everything so nicely, and Vash fading in from the dark is just soooo.... chefs kiss. THE DRAMA OF IT ALL!!
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domes · 4 months
part, 02
Prompt: "I sit beside the fire and think Of people long ago And people that will see a world That I shall never know"
Nermal pulls the bulk of his weight from under Seth’s hand. Bathed in the light of a massive tv playing a nearly unintelligible horror movie the prairie dog gets just enough purchase to reach the popcorn bowl. He grabs a kernel only to have it jostled from his hands as a knock on the cabin door sends Seth to his feet. He joins two other prairie dogs on the floor as they take turns giving warning wahoos to the night.
Seth stands motionless in the dark, waiting for another knock to convince him that someone is truly all the way up here in the mountains knocking on his door. After a second knock he takes an almost comically large wrench and sets it within arms reach before opening the door a crack, his position of power is only slightly diminished by the near curtsy he takes to keep his pets from bolting out the door.
“Uhh sorry, my car needs a jump, I think?” Seth grabs a business card he had pinned to the wall and hands it to the visitor before closing the door. He throws the lock and starts cleaning up spilled popcorn in the dark. Odie, the smallest of the three makes a run for a piece of popcorn while John stares into the distance, eating a kernel that fell right as his feet.
The silhouette of the stranger darkens the window, “It was weird, the lot lights went out and my phone turned off, then another light went dark and my car shut off, it was like a wave” Seth drops the bowl and pulls the visitor into the cabin, “You one of Jake’s friends? From his cringe ass TikToks?” He peers out the door and for a moment the lights around the lodge go dark.
Seth slams around the cabin pulling down two boxes from a closet before grabbing John, Odie, and Nermal and putting them in the pet carrier. John bites his finger and the other two protest with “I hate the vet” warning yelps. He throws on a backpack and hands the carrier to the visitor, “We have to go.”
In front of the cabin Seth drops the two boxes into the fire pit, lights a cigarette, then uses the remains of a Winston box set it all alight. “I’ll help you all I can, but swear to god, if these things kill you too. I am not adopting your orphaned pets.”
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rowan778 · 10 months
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Another day another drawing w/o lineart wahoo
thank you to the lovely @xandromedan for the inspiration Hope you like the piece :)
A round of applause for my shit handwriting. The comic reads: (Bones) "Jim you can't date your XO, it's against regulation" (Kirk) "Nuh uh" (Bones) "TF YOU MEAN 'NUH UH'"
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months
Good Omens Graphic Novel Masterpost ❤ 🐍😊
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(you know how I like doing masterposts :)🥰 - I will update the masterpost as the kicstarter updates ❤)
What is Good Omens: the Official (and Ineffable) Graphic Novel?
The Good Omens: the Official (and Ineffable) Graphic Novel is the upcoming adaptation of the glorious 1990 Good Omens novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman in a graphic novel form. The adaptation is done by the talented Colleen Doran who worked with Neil on several other of his projects such as Chivalry, The Sandman, or Snow, Glass, Apples. The adaptation done under the gentle eyes of both Neil Gaiman and the Terry Pratchett Estate so don't worry that it will be unfaithful <3.
How can I help/join/pre-order?
The project is done on Kickstarter to keep the creative control with Neil, the Terry Pratchett's Estate and Colleen. If you're not familiar with Kickstarter it is a place where you pledge money and in return you get the product plus possible bonuses.
The Kickstarter Tiers
There are many tiers and options! WAHOO! ❤ (note that the shipping will be extra)
The Nighttingale Tier - £20 - GONE
This is only available for the first 24 hours.
You get the copy of the Graphic Novel :).
Also available to add a mug, another copy and bookshop bundle. :) (these options are available to add with every other tier)
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The Human Tier - £25
You get the copy of the Graphic Novel :).
Also available to add a mug, aziraphale and crowley pins, another copy and bookshop bundle. :) (these options are available to add with every other tier)
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The Serpent Tier - £40
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
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The Hellhound Tier - £120
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
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The Witchfinder Tier - £200
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark.  Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
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The Demon Tier - £320
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
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The Horsemen Tier - £500
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
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The Beelzebub Tier - £666 - GONE
Limited to: 50. Note: the contents of this tier are not included in the higher levels.
Copy of the Graphic Novel
A mystery to be revealed. - Make a deal with the devil for this mystery tier at £666. It includes the Good Omens graphic novel, and– *demonic gurgling noises*
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The Archangel Tier - £800
Limited to: 100. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
Unnamed character cameo in double page spread - Fancy being immortalised in the Good Omens graphic novel universe? Then get yourself painted into the crowd scenes! There will be an accompanying postcard with a full list of who's who, so you'll know who you're galivanting around Tadfield and beyond with.
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The Antichrist Tier - £800
Limited to: 100. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
William the Antichrist (hardcover) signed by Neil -  limited copy of the original short story that evolved into the tale we know and love today.
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The Prophecy Tier - £1,000 - GONE
Limited to: 50. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
William the Antichrist (hardcover) signed by Neil -  limited copy of the original short story that evolved into the tale we know and love today.
Signed (another) copy of the Good Omens graphic novel both Neil and Colleen
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The God Tier - £2,750 - GONE
Limited to: 10. 
Copy of the Graphic Novel
Variant Frank Quitely cover dust jacket (Frank Quitely is a Scottish comic book artist who worked with Marvel, DC and more).
Loot Pack #1: 2 x A4 prints of Colleen Doran artwork from the graphic novel, a glossy postcard and bookmark. Anna Morozova, Frank Quitely, Alice Oseman, Paul Kidby, David Aja, Mark Buckingham, Tanya Roberts, Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott and colouring page prints. Stretch goals will unlock more artists and artwork towards this box.
Loot Pack #2: 4 x A4 Good Omens prints from Colleen Doran, Crowley and Aziraphale enamel pins, a punchy sticker set, and the brand new Good Omens trading cards. These cards will be playable and collectable and as a special treat for Kickstarter backers we will be sprinkling some rarer cards in with these packages at random so you might just unlock something very special.
New largescale map of Tadfield (and the rest of the planet), designed by Julien Labit. Capturing the mysteries and oddities of the picturesque town in all its glory this map will make any wall an instant talking point. Dimensions approximately 594 x 841 mm.
Creator-themed notebooks; 1 x Neil Gaiman, 1 x Terry Pratchett
Crowley & Aziraphale socks
5 x Good Omens enamel pins
A3 Giclee Print from the novel (signed by Colleen)
New Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett collector's enamel pin set
Exclusive enamel pin of Beelzebub himself on a Hell card
The Floppy Disk “Keeper of the Official Master”
Exclusive Metatron enamel pin on a heaven card
William the Antichrist (hardcover) signed by Neil -  limited copy of the original short story that evolved into the tale we know and love today.
Signed (another) copy of the Good Omens graphic novel both Neil and Colleen
Individual character cameo - You can feature prominently within the pages of the graphic novel itself. Maybe you're there while Crowley and Aziraphale feed some ducks; maybe you're there for something a bit more high octane; or maybe you're just stuck on the M25. What you'll be up to will be at the discretion of Colleen, but there are plenty of places in the journey towards the Apocalypse and we can’t wait to see where you will turn up. 
Print of your cameo, signed by Colleen
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The Apocalypse Tier - £8,000 - GONE
Limited to: 1 - this option was gone within the first hour of the launch. Except for the previous goodies up to the William it offered the last copy of the Celestial Edition (!!!), Foreground named character cameo, orint of cameo signed by Colleen and Neil and original sketch by Neil Gaiman.
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 The Bookshop Tier - £250
The option for bookshops.
20 x Good Omens graphic novel (bookstores only)
We've got batches of 20 copies of the hardback graphic novel for retailers at a 50% trade discount. We love bookshops as much as Aziraphale does and want YOU to be part of Good Omens with us. To celebrate the graphic novel's release into the world, we will have point-of-sale material on request nearer to release. If you have any queries, get in touch. Terms: These are for retailers only. Packs must be delivered to a verified bookshop address. You can buy additional packs as an add-on.
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The Small Bookshop Tier - £125
The smalle option for bookshops.
10 x Good Omens graphic novel (bookstores only)
The batch of 10 copies for retailers at a 50% trade discount. Terms: These are for retailers only. Packs must be delivered to a verified bookshop address. You can buy additional packs as an add-on.
When it will come out?
It should come out in Summer 2024 :).
Enhancing the tiers
Unlocked so far (All unlocked prints are in Loot Box #1 :)):
Gold foiled cover - Every copy of the book will be finished with gold detailing.
Sarah Graley & Rachael Stott prints - Rachael Stott, award-winning comic book artist behind works such as Doctor Who and Star Trek, and Sarah Graley of Our Super Adventure and Invader Zim farne, are ready and waiting to put their own spin on the world of Good Omens for your prints collection.
Endpapers - Beautiful artwork on the front cover and on every page in between is just not enough. '150,000 unlocks beautiful endpapers that will be heavenly(or hellish„. that is still to be seen).
David Aja, Mark Buckingham & Tanya Roberts prints / Colleen Loot Pack #2 prints for lower box - David Aja, known for the award-winning Hawkeye, Daredevil and Seeds Mark Buckingham, known for Marvelman an Fables—and Tanya Roberts, whose work includes Too Story and Star Wars Clone Wars comics to name but two, will join our ineffable artist tearh. More so, Colleen's prints from Loot Pack #2 will be included in Loot Pack #1. Art aplenty
Alice Oseman & Paul Kidby prints - A special duo of Heartstoppers Alice Oseman prints first, her drawing of Aziraphale while watching S 1 of Good Omens and a newly commissioned companion piece for Crowley. AIso, Discworld and the Illustrated edition of Good Omens' Paul Kidby's out-of-this-world alien artwork can be yours.
Colouring page prints - Want to add your own colour to the world of Good Omens? We have some exclusive illustrations for you relax to.
Ribbons - We said in the campaign that we were talking silk ribbons for stretch goals, and we are angels (or demons, depending who you're talking to) of our word. Well upgrade the hardback to have this addition.
Anna Morozova & Frank Quitely prints - Unlock a sumptious print by Anna Morozova. known for 2000 AD &Judge Dredd. Plus receive a print of Frank Quitely's alternate Good Omens graphic novel cover.
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Money raised will go towards the costs of bringing this project and its many tendrils to the most vibrant life possible, ranging from creative fees to production and beyond. Our stretch goals therefore bring more of that ineffable joy into the project: we'll (hopefully) be unlocking various finishes on the graphic novel, expansions on the loot packs, and some - if we're lucky - backer exclusives further down the road, but these are to be revealed...
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You will be able to unlock artists including Alice Oseman (Heartstopper), Rachael Stott (Fantastic Four, Doctor Who), and David Aja (Hawkeye), with more to be announced.
(I will update the masterpost as the kicstarter updates ;))
Video by Neil, Colleen and Rob :)
Rob Wilkins: Judgment day is almost upon us. One angel, one demon want to do something about it, but there's the small problem of the missing Antichrist.
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Neil Gaiman: The good Omens Kickstarter - we've got a fabulous, glorious, amazing adaptation of Good Omens waiting for you in graphic novel form.
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Rob: Neil Gaiman was the first person, the first journalist to interview Terry after the publication of The Colour of Magic. They stayed friends and Neil met Terry again and discussed the idea of this novel that he had that he really ought to get written down and he sent the idea through to Terry and a little while later Terry called him back and said: you bastard I want that idea for myself, and Terry offered to either buy the idea or to work with Neil on the project, and as Neil said at the time it would be like Michelangelo calling saying: here give me a hand to paint this ceiling, so of course Neil and Terry worked on it together.
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Colleen Doran: Hi and welcome to my studio. I am pleased and excited beyond words to talk to you tonight about Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's good Omens the graphic novel adaptation. You have no idea how happy I am to be working on this aside from the fact that I get to sit around and draw Azirphale and Crowley all day and who wouldn't want that - oh this is fun this is pure candy and I'm working very very hard to bring you a faithful adaptation. I love this book I love this project and bringing it to you is pure joy. Thanks a lot for your support. Thank you.
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What now :)
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So... head to the kickstarter, choose a Tier and Fall for it like Crowley :)❤
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Who to follow for updates? :)
Tumblr: (me :D),  @goodomenshq, @neil-gaiman, @colleendoran
Twitter: @FYeahGoodOmens, @GoodOmensHQ, @neilhimself, @pratchettonline, @ColleenDoran, @terryandrob, @kickstarter.
Instagram: @fuckyeahgoodomens, @goodomens_hq,  @neilhimself,,  @pratchettonline,  @doran.colleen
Update 6.8.2023
Now as an add on you can add also new Aziraphale and Crowley pins 👀❤.
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How to add if you already pledged:
Click one the Manage your pledge green button
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Click on the Change your pledge violet button
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Then again a green button with your pledge and you get to a page with:
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wher you can add the pins and more :)
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futurama · 2 years
Ok then what are your headcanons for Dave? Do you think he's friend with/talks to Dirk or nah? Also I love your fat Dave.
THANK YOU FOR ASKING lets fucking do this
first things first hell yeah dave is fat. personally i think if you imagine dave as a fat guy while reading homestuck it makes the experience twenty times better and is guaranteed to make you love him more. bro did wonders starving him as a child but in these present times you will rarely ever see dave without a little snack nearby, the man loves to indulge in whatever he can get his hands on and keep him busy
keep him busy in what ways? <-- thats you asking me to elaborate and i will oblige happily ^_^ one of THE traits of a strider is to have trauma and obviously dave is riddled with it quite disgustingly if you ask me, and while time heals all wounds i do think that dave would prefer to keep busy with one thing or another so not to be left alone too long with his thoughts. growing up under bros watchful shades has left dave very depressed and very paranoid (cameras around the apartment, being ambushed, etc etc) which leads me into the physical part of his trauma
its kind of funny to think of a world where dave ISNT physically disabled from getting his ass beat every day for 13 years. i dont think bro would be one to hold back from breaking a bone or two or seven during those vital years of growth and he definitely wouldnt be willing to take dave to a hospital because...hes bro strider...why the hell would he. the most hed do is try to set straight whatever needed to be set and wrap it tight and send dave on his way which ultimately leads to dave having quite a few painful fucked up limbs - which brings the cane into the picture! wahoo! walking can be very painful for dave and he prefers to use his cane when hes doing it, and if youre ever out with him youd better be prepared to sit down every now and then so the poor guy can catch a break
ok moving on....i do think dirk and dave talk. again very funny to think of a world where they drift apart or dont get along after their initial meeting in the comic because while it started out rough (obviously. duh! why wouldnt it) they were both smart and understanding enough to talk things out friendship style and made it clear that they care for one another on a level they dont consider their other friends to be on. and i dont mean that in a "they value each other over anyone else now" type of friendship i just know that with them its different and dare i say special. i think dave dumped everything bro had done to him on dirk in a fit of emotion but the way dirk handled it was better than any of the beta kids had (they really dropped the ball on that) and for once in his life dave felt listened to. and im not neglecting the conversations he had with rose, but i do think that when he talked to her it felt more like he was being observed under a microscope rather than being heard. i have a lot to say about how dirk and dave feel for one another but ill spare you the reading and say...they are best friends, and they love each other
i like to think that after the events of homestuck that dave, after being miserable in the game and then being cooped up on the meteor, would absolutely go off to live on his own. i dont believe hed isolate himself completely but i do think hed just be....exhausted. i know he loves his friends and he would visit them from time to time, but i know after everything hed end up spending a good chunk of time with dirk
god what else. im such a fan of albino dave, and i think of him as intersex, which coincidentally go hand in hand under chimerism, theoretically. hes bisexual, and has a very healthy amount of autism and adhd. overall i think dave has had some rough patches but grows up to be sweeter than hed like to let on. ill spare you anymore reading and end it there, thanks for asking again! ^_^
115 notes · View notes
emmysealart · 1 year
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printed comic yeah!! wahoo!!
this is a collection of the more, well, depressing entries of my diary comic from my freshman year of college. all the panels and characters were inked, cut out, and glued to another paper. a full version will hopefully be coming soon :)
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autumnhollowacademy · 2 months
Counting A's and Crafting Comics: Get Ready for the Launch!
Wahoo! Schoolwork for the week is done, and it’s back to the spring semester grind. Taking Accounting II at Central Texas College (already acing it!) and wrapping up Marketing Strategy at Texas A&M University Central Texas (another A!). Now, onto the exciting stuff – my webcomic officially launches on my website this Friday (Mark your Calendars)! Don’t miss out on the prologue and first chapter…
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