mechanizedmaggot · 2 years
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Art by hou_jae04
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stickyhunter · 6 months
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Washerwoman Career for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e
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piotrchrzanowskiart · 2 years
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Warhammer Empire fan art. Averlanders. Illustrations made for LARP group Sigmar mit Uns: https://www.facebook.com/groups/100445717072332
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lolipop1920art · 16 days
I would kill to see the the 3rd edition of Warhammer fantasy enemy within campaign.
Please if anyone has it please put it online so we can see it. Please I don't know if I can buy a book for more than 150 dollars. Please
This is what the book look likes
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ladywavecutter · 6 months
Diamariel Wavecutter - High Elf Ambassador, Patron
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“She seemed sweet enough but I couldn’t help but feel I was in a pool with a shark.” - Lieutenant Kyalan of the 6th regiment of the Silver Helms
Diamariel Wavecutter
Motivation: See the Asur take responsibility as mediators of allegiance between the mortal races. Short Term Ambition: Liaise a better trading relationship between Ulthuan and the Empire. Long Term Ambition: See Ulthuan rise to once again be the supreme global power.
The second eldest daughter to Lord Bel-Haner Wavecutter, Diamariel’s lot in life—one of privilege and prestige—was all but secured upon her birth. The only unseen variable was Diamariel herself. A hidden seadrake among her siblings, Diamariel proved herself ambitious and driven enough to secure herself a place in the court of the Everqueen as both dutiful ambassador and confidant to Allarielle the Radiant. Gifted in both the custom of court and the winds of magic, Diamariel has readily proven that eventually her machinations will, through charming diplomacy or arcane mastery,  come to fall in line with her decided outcome.
Diamariel was expected to follow the path of domesticity taken by her mother and eldest sister: find a husband of good standing, raise his children and run a household of her own. It was perfectly ordained to the norms of her people - it was also regretfully boring and the very thought of such an existence made her skin crawl.
Through her guile, wit, and success in study of the arcane arts, Diamariel established herself as not only the rebel of the Wavecutter family, but made a name for herself as an agent and diplomat of the Everqueen Alarielle. She earned the Everqueen’s favor very early in her career, by way of an incident in which the then young Diamariel returned a great stag to the menagerie of Avelorn, from which point she slowly rose to see herself tasked with managing the Queen’s interests and affairs across the Great Ocean in the Empire and beyond.
On these endeavors, the Lady Wavecutter has found herself entangled in circumstances that have each given her a perspective of life outside of Ulthuan that so very few of her kin can boast of. One such expedition into the empire led the Lady to be embroiled in the unraveling of a conspiracy targeting the Supreme Patriarch of the Imperial Colleges of Magic, cementing the alchemists of the Gold College as a valuable personal ally. It was also during this expedition that through less than pleasant means she was first confronted with interpretations of the Asur, and their less than favorable depiction among the zeitgeist of the disenfranchised of Imperial society, as well as a keener understanding of how far behind the times Ulthuan had seemed to be becoming. 
The East of her Troubles
One of the things that puts Diamariel in stark contrast with many of her kin is her overwhelming sense of empathy to  both elf and man alike. This almost otherworldly emotional intelligence has positives and negatives which have manifested in the Lady’s complete willingness to pause her life in the face of unresolved turmoil. The most debilitating case of this occurred upon a series of burglaries against Asur residents of Altdorf. Upon confronting the thieves, instead of handing them over to the authorities, Diamariel did as she as most who know her would expect her to - engaging them in conversation.
It so happened that these thieves held Brustellite politics, disenfranchised by the systematic poverty experienced in the East End of Altdorf. They  attributed the economic inequality to the forced movement of established communities into this slum following the creation of the Colleges of Magic—an act of meddling by the Asur. Whilst she disagreed that the colleges and the Asur were solely the reason for the city’s ever broadening gap between aristocrat and urban poor, she sympathized with their plight, that their suffering was enough that they felt the need to lash out. In an attempt to put to bed at least some of the bad blood between the residents of the East End and help bring more wealth into the area for its residence, Diamariel established the Wavecutter Company Outreach Initiative.
This initiative began as a way to reach out to locals and get them working alongside Asur traders and sailors, picking up skills and trades starting with apprenticeships that would later on develop into employment. While currently in its infancy, she plans to expand the project to have generational impacts, though some, namely her fellow Asur, would regard her as more than a little eccentric for going this far simply due to the plight of some petty thieves with shaky political motivation.
Diamariel as a Patron
Characters serving Lady Diamariel will find their patron a warm and empathetic, but wise and tactful leader. As an accomplished diplomat, characters will find themselves embroiled in political intrigue, and, when the timing calls for it - action and peril. The political landscape of Ulthuan is a spider web of interconnected threads, weaved together to create a turbulent picture, irrespective of its orderly facade. It is a bureaucratic tumult that demands a great mind to fully understand and traverse, only becoming more daunting when outside influence and interests reach out to entangle themselves within it. 
Once having achieved the seemingly impossible task of learning to maneuver in this vipers den of princes, nobles, guilds and politicians, characters will find Diamariel both guide and taskmaster in understanding and exploring life within Asursociety. She may charge characters as messengers between lords that she is currently petitioning on behalf of her mistress the Everqueen, bodyguards to nobles who have received threats of violence from rival families (or even Druchii rogues), private investigators into matters of legal intrigue of corrupt politicians, and potentially mercenaries tasked with protecting missions of trade and diplomacy between Ulthuan and the Empire.
In short, the Lady Wavecutter is sure to provide her employees with duties to challenge or intrigue them. That said, she is highly attuned to the emotional and physical wellbeing of those who serve her and will equally look to push her employees into opportunities in which they can better themselves, as well as act as counsel for those who have earned her respect. This of course comes with the understanding that characters have earned her respect, and she is not above having those in her service prove their worth to her before any real investment is made on her part.
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Traits: Weapon (Quarterstaff) +5
Skills: Charm 100, Cool 95, Dodge 89, Endurance 78, Gossip 100, Intimidate 46, Intuition 102, Leadership 100, Melee (Basic 55, Polearm 55), Navigation 65, Perception 102, Evaluate 102, Channelling (Azyr 80, Ghyran) 80, Language (Battle 100, Classical 100, Magick 85, Reikspiel 100), Lore (Magic) 85, (Ulthuan) 100.
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Arcane Magic (Azyr, Ghyran), Attractive, Commanding Presence, Etiquette (Nobles), Night Vision, Noble Blood, Petty Magic, Read/Write, Savvy, Schemer, Second Sight 
Spells: Petty: Dart, Dazzle, Drain, Gust, Shock. Lore of Heavens: Comet of Casandora, T’Essla’s Arc Lore of Life: Forest of Thorns. Trappings: Grimoire, Staff of Diplomats, Best Quality Courtly Clothes, Map, Dagger, Magical License. 
Staff of Isha’s Envoy A staff expertly crafted to be bespoke for its weilder - gifted to Diamariel as a proof of office by none other than the Everqueen Alarielle the Radiant. This staff provides +1 SL to Channeling (Ghyran) Tests and +2 SL to Fellowship Tests
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eva-destruction · 7 months
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Worst part of rpg gaming is buying all the books reading learning with no one interested in playing
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thepleasuregoblin · 3 months
Got another commission of my wfrp character, Bianka, this time by @chaospyromancy
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She's a Real Wizard now, Journeyman in the College of Light. Hopefully she continues to not explode.
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Endings are hard! While Empire in Ruins (2022) is vastly and obviously superior to Empire in Flames (it is far more open, dynamic and thematically tied to the previous arcs of the campaign story). Yet it still leaves me a bit wanting, especially after how deliciously over-the-top Horned Rat was.
I think this is partially because the thrust of the adventure is fairly linear and a lot of it involves high-level summits with powerful political figures. These are handled well, and just about every scene in the chain has a lot of room for players to shine, but more than any other volume of the series, it depends almost entirely on the players. Similarly, the plot seems rather nebulous compared to the previous chapters. I think that is intentional — the player and their actions (and consequences) getting here are going to vary a LOT from table to table, so there needs to be room to account for all that variety. This final chapter is a vessel that feels empty in the reading because the play is going to fill it up. I can see that! But it is a bit of an underwhelming read. There are some organizational issues too (one key map is in the Companion, for starters, as is a lot of thought on non-canon endings that seems super important), and I generally feel like it lacks the support scaffolding the other volumes have (not much accounting for the various possible if/thens, likely because there are just too many of them). The Companion adds a lot of interesting context but the extra scenarios again feel either too much or too samey to effectively expand the campaign.
It is still a massive improvement over the original and, ultimately, a cohesive capper for one of the biggest and best campaigns out there.
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End of Times. True story.
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phantomoftheshoppera · 3 months
Does anyone know any good podcasts/shows/campaign diaries for WFRP 4e? I have the starter set and core rulebook but I’d like to see the rules in action before I play it
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courtofbretonnia · 1 year
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A Grail Knight vs a Vampire Count in Warhammer Fantasy roleplay…
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infernaltear · 1 year
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years
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“Bar Room Brawl: Mayhem in the Mermaid,” from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay adventure by Matt Connell and Jim Bambra, White Dwarf 96, December 1987
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piotrchrzanowskiart · 2 years
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Warhammer Empire fan art. Ostlanders. Illustrations made for LARP group Sigmar mit Uns: https://www.facebook.com/groups/100445717072332
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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying: The Creature Guide Cover Art by Daarken
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mint-thot · 5 months
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As grateful as I am to D&D for introducing so many people to tabletop RPGs, it breaks my heart that it seems to be all anyone ever wants to play: between Pathfinder, WFRP, Lancer, Blades in the Dark, The Witch is Fucking Dead or any of the other myriad systems I could list, people are spoiled for choice when it comes to tabletop games and yet despite many of them being significantly
And I mean significantly
easier to learn than D&D, nobody wants to play them because they "don't wanna learn a whole new system" or because "there's nobody to play the system with". It's a real shame too because whenever I hear people describe what they wish they could get from 5e, they often describe something that they could easily get from another system that they either haven't heard of or have heard of but don't want to play because nobody else has heard of it.
If you're a burnt out D&D player and wanna try out a new system, I've got three systems of relative popularity you should put your friends onto:
1. Pathfinder 2e: probably the most well known of the three here, but legitimately it is a fantastic alternative to D&D that solves a HUGE number of problems D&D has while also being significantly more diverse in how you can play your characters (you can have a party of three dwarven clerics and all have them play differently)
2. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP): EASILY my favorite system of all time; rather than playing as the most overpowered superdudes ever, you play as a bunch of random workers who seem like they just exist in the world and are about as non-powerful as everybody else, making every action you take actually feel significant since you can genuinely affect the world around you with smaller actions than just casting explosion spell. Go ahead! Yell "WITCHCRAFT!" In a crowded town square and run the pockets of the poor souls unfortunate enough to be trampled to death by the stampede you just caused!
3. Lancer: Ever wanted to play D&D but with EVAs made by organizations just as if not more fucked up than NERV? Ever wanted to play as an Evangelion angel with cosmic horror powers? Well now you can! Run around in giant mechs, fire guns that don't exist from robots that are aware they're in a tabletop game book and none of this is real, or just punch the terrain around you so hard that everybody dies before you even take your action! Lancer fucks, huge fan.
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