#why are they trying to do damage control to the freaking obvious
getting-messi · 1 year
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Not PSG coming out and saying they haven’t confirmed Messi’s exit yet….
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Okay. I've already talked about how the comics...pretty extensively screwed over Azula both in my own posts and in reblogs to other posts on the website. So I'm gonna take a break from that and talk about how...the comics screwed over another character I'm fond of.
...I really need to think of other topics.
So anyways, Mai.
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Again, I already touched on how Mai was handled in the comics with my post about how the entirety of the Fire Nation was whitewashed and Azula was used as a scapegoat. But I kinda want to dive into Mai a bit more since it damages her character in particular along with some other questionable narrative choices.
Starting with, obviously, her relationship with Azula. Again, I already went over how they tried to retcon her friendship as being something she was "forced into" and actually holding a grudge against Azula, so I'm not gonna go treading the same grounds again.
What I am going to go into is how freaking pathetic they make Mai look in trying to make this grudge out to be.
See, one of the incidents that apparently Mai hates Azula for is...stealing mochi from her mother's kitchen. Seriously. That's a reason.
Yes. Apparently one of the reasons Azula was a bad egg was she stole mochi the one time. Yep. Something stupid they did as a kid together. But we can discuss how the comics tried to demonize Azula as a child another time to focus on something...well...take a look.
Yeah...for some reason, they had Mai hold it over Azula's head about the time they stole mochi together.
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...forgive me for stating the obvious, but how does Mai look better for seriously holding it against Azula for something that happened when they were literal toddlers? If nothing else, it makes her like a complete womanchild.
And womanchild is not something that should be ever uttered in reference to Mai ever.
Cause Mai's grudge against Azula? It's practically out of control in Smoke and Shadows. I know it's popular to assume Mai hates Azula, but she never actually held much of a grudge against her in the series proper outside of the Boiling Rock incident. But stuff like this:
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This is too much.
But why am I harping on Mai's sudden hatred of Azula all of a sudden?
See...one of the things Smoke and Shadow seemed to do was to try and paint Azula as Mai's nemesis. The source of her childhood trauma or whatever. That overcoming her fear of Azula will make her a stronger person or whatever.
Except...no...no it's not.
Azula wasn't the source of Mai's issues growing up. You want to know what is?
Mai: What do you want from me? You want a teary confession about how hard my childhood was? Well, it wasn't. I was a rich only child who got anything I wanted ... as long as I behaved, and sat still, and didn't speak unless spoken to. My mother said I had to keep out of trouble. We had my dad's political career to think about.
Yeah...that's what Mai's problems came from.
She was passed over her younger brother by both her mother and father and was constantly conditioned to reign her emotions in and basically be a piece of furniture. Mai literally joined Azula's group just to get away from her toxic family.
Hell, guess who's one of the biggest obstacles in Smoke and Shadows?
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Yeah. Ukano. Her own father.
This could've been something big for Mai. Finally standing up to her father for all the bullcrap he put her through, the real source of all her problems. You know, something that was actually hinted at in Rebound, the Free Comic Book Day issue.
Instead, it all gets scrapped. Mai actually defends her father while showing more hatred for Azula. To me, that's the equivalent of Zuko's tantrum of blaming Azula for everything in The Search while Ozai doesn't even get a mention. Mai would rather throw her friend under the bus while sticking her neck out for her traitorous, neglectful father.
As someone who actually enjoys Mai, this damages her character so much. It doesn't make her stronger. It just makes her look like a coward not standing up against those that put her through hell while projecting her issues onto somebody else. In this case, Azula. And since Ukano's been arrested, now there's no way to properly resolve Mai's issues that way.
That's why I hate what these comics did to Mai. She honestly deserves better than what she got. For a character with as much potential as her, she got a raw deal. Big time.
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empressofthelibrary · 1 month
Tell me about Jamie and Rachel
......Okay, I've been trying to keep my mouth shut about them because I'm worried I'll lose the motivation to write if I spill the beans, but... When I look at the pace I'm actually writing at, I might not get there until I literally retire. So... Here we go. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
Long story short, they're Bailey and Dick's daughters. I'm not sure how obvious that was, but I'd be shocked if nobody had put that together yet, honestly. And they might be from another dimension. They hatched from eggs that grew from a plant Bailey got as a wedding gift from the girls' fairy godmother.
...I'm gonna explain everything, but it's a helluva ride, so buckle up. Time travel is heavily involved, so be warned. It gets confusing.
The earliest seeds of this start not in Bailey's relationship with Dick, exactly, but with a cryptic warning from a random blonde girl with a very strong grip and intense orange eyes. She tells Bailey to "stay away from the peacock man" and... Vanishes back into the crowd.
Bailey brushes it off as a prank from some weird kid.
Fast forward a little bit, and Bailey gets called in to body-double for Princess Lydia of Valdania. The country is in political turmoil, Lyd is announcing a marriage of state, the risk of assassination attempts is high. There's a masquerade ball involved, because what's the point of fanfic if not self-indulgence, and Bailey encounters a man dressed as a peacock. She has completely forgotten the warning from the weird kid, but her "bodyguard" steps in before she can accept this wierdo's request for a dance. That becomes important later, I promise.
At some point, through some kind of Star Trek Bullshit, I'm sending Bailey into the 30th century. Someone else needs to be with her; it can't be Wally, for obvious reasons. She gets back with the help of Cary Wren, the GL of the time, but... Cary misses the target by about a decade. Bailey lands about ten-to-fifteen years ahead of when she left, practically in the lap of a twenty-something Lian. (Lian is growing up normal, fuck canon, this whole "Shoes" thing is stupid.) Bailey panics once she realizes she's not when she's supposed to be, and who she's looking at. She's familiar enough with the scifi genre to know that finding out your own future is bad. Lian is trying to do damage control, making sure Bailey learns as little as possible, while still getting her home. But she can't keep a perfect lid on things, and Bailey comes face to face with a very curious child -- One with red-gold curls framing her freckled face, a gaptoothed grin, and giant, almond-shaped eyes, blue as cornflowers.
Everyone freezes. Chris -- now also an adult -- scoops the child away as fast as he can. Bailey does not understand the tension in the room. She has a niece, clearly. That kid looked exactly like her nephew Aiden did at her age. Obviously Phoebe had another kid. Why a civilian child is here is a mystery, but she's trying really hard not to think about that.
The other person on the adventure with her points out the obvious. Bailey laughs it off -- It's pretty much physically impossible for her to have kids. And who would the dad even be? She'd be an awful mother besides. Nah, no way. That cycle ends here. (The thought had crossed her mind, but it scared the shit out of her, so she shoved it down deep.)
Fast forward a bit. Bailey freaks out and runs away from an actual relationship beginning with Dick, because change is hard and scary and good things never stay and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah commitment. I've talked about this a little.
To be more specific, she runs away to space with Kyle. While in space with Kyle, the party runs afoul of a Black Mercy. Bailey gets sucked into a dream. She's married to Dick, and has been for fourteen years. They're both going gray, getting old. Together. They have a little yellow house with a porch swing and a picket fence. There's a shelter cat, a cranky old-as-hell ginger tabby with one good eye. The sidewalk is covered in chalk drawings.
And they have two fantastic, adorable, smartmouthed daughters. Jamie's older, eleven, and already almost as tall as her father. Rachel is six, and steals the chocolate chips from the pancakes Dick makes on Sundays. They're both bright, compassionate, opinionated girls, so full of light and life and joy. Jamie has Bailey's righteous anger and outspoken nature. Rachel has Dick's quick mind and mischievous tendencies. Bailey loves them, loves this life, so much. It's everything she's ever wanted. Everything she didn't realize she wanted. Everything she was afraid to let herself want.
But she does. She wants it so, so much.
And then Zyzzanyx, the imp she'd... encountered... previously (that's another post) pops in. Explains that she's gonna die if she doesn't make herself wake up -- that Kyle and Laney and the others are gonna get hurt if she doesn't help them. And Bailey has to let it all go.
(The Man Who Has Everything did not do enough exploration of the long-term psychological ramifications of this concept to suit me, okay?)
Bailey is deeply shaken by this dream. She starts to realize that she does want to be a parent, but the idea of stability and putting down roots still scares the hell out of her. It takes someone else pointing out that she's already basically adopted Lanos, the amnesiac navcom AI who is from another Earth, for her to really start to come around to the idea.
...This is what leads to her freakout that has her knocking on Ollie's door at four in the morning, unleashing a wall of text, and recounting the whole tale so far over several bowls of chili.
Unfortunately, Laney leaves. Bailey doesn't really have a stable place to share with a teenager, and... Lanos has a big sister to get to know, and a whole new universe to explore. They stay in contact, but it's a bit like sending your kid off to boarding school.
Shortly after that, she leaves for Los Angeles. She doesn't really have anywhere to stay, having lost her apartment while in space, and she's been couch surfing. Bette offers her a proper room in her penthouse apartment in LA, and a chance to rebuild the Titans West. Bailey takes her up on it. Staying in the Gotham/Metropolis/NYC area was too close to Bludhaven and Dick anyway; the further away she could get from him, the better.
From there, the next big chapter we get in this saga is what I refer to as the Little Mercies Arc. And this one I need to do a lot of research before I write, I know. But essentially, someone is making designer drugs derived from a Black Mercy they got ahold of and embiggified to a truly dangerous degree. You know those century-old rhododendron bushes that are the size of a small car? It's like that. But Bailey and Jason take this person down, and burn the stash.
...Or. Most of the stash, anyway. Bailey picks up a single sleeve of the Little Mercies. She tells herself it's for research. Study. Finding out how it was made. But it's not. She knows it's not.
She misses her daughters. She misses the life she could have lived, if she hadn't fucked things up with Dick. She's only human, after all.
You can see where that's going.
Bailey stabilizes, gets some help, starts getting better. She gets more involved with the local community, doing volunteer work and stuff; that was Ollie's idea, and it's a good one. She forms connections with people, even starting a new relationship with an old acquaintance, Jonah Pavoni -- a nurse, formerly from Central, who helped her decide to take up being a superhero.
...Cut ahead about... Twentyish years or so. Metropolis. Four teenagers in spandex are in hot pursuit of a man in a peacock-themed outfit. They are:
A speedster in green -- Kickstart, also known as Trenton Swift; currently the second-youngest ward of the West-Allen clan, until his parents can be found.
An acrobat in blue-and-black -- Madcap, Blythe Phillips; daughter of forcibly-retired minor-league supervillains Punch and Jewlee, seeking to redeem her family name through vigilantism.
A blonde Kryptonian girl with orange eyes -- Liora of Kandor, once Liora Tyr-Van; an escapee of the bottled city, hoping to find a way to unshrink her people before their resources run out. I'm leaning towards Spitfire for a name.
And at the front of this quartet, a young archer, black-haired, blue-eyed, and both enraged and terrified. Rachel Marion Grayson-Adler, Fledgling, third-generation superhero. She's eager to prove herself, and desperate to stop the man ahead of them.
He's headed for the Jules Verne Museum, after the time-bubble Clark donated, the one he used to visit the 30th Century growing up. If he gets ahold of it, if he jumps back to when he wants... It could literally wipe her family out of existence.
Unfortunately, they don't make it. The guy gets away with the time-bubble. So what do a bunch of 15-17yos do to solve this problem?
Steal the other time-bubble from the Flash Museum, obviously.
They leap into the timestream after him, but none of them know how to pilot the dang thing. Ray and Liora are trying to shoot the other bubble down. Blythe is hitting random buttons because one of these things has to help, right? Trent is just trying to steer while the three girls move around the tiny, cramped ship.
...Both bubbles crash. All five time-travellers are now scattered along the timeline. And this is where it gets confusing, so stay with me.
Blythe lands on a random rooftop in Gotham, just before the whole thing with the dragon-wizard from another dimension. That is also its own post. But that happens after Bailey gets back from space but before Laney heads out.
Liora tumbles into the middle of Bailey's team-up with Kara, Bette, and Shayera. She helps, but she also has to gtfo because the giant robot dinosaur they're fighting is kryptonite-powered.
Trent... Actually snaps back to the time they left, and goes for help in the form of the Team's Designated Older Siblings, Jamie and Wade.
Rachel crashes into the middle of the West-Park dining table, appearing out of thin air, at roughly the same time Bailey is getting her head back on straight.
And the other guy, the one they were chasing? His bubble lands in the wrong time, but not too far off the mark. He's outside a small volunteer clinic in Keystone City. It doesn't take much use of his touch-telepathy to steal the knowledge, training, and clothes of an unlucky nurse, a witness to the crash, and he slides in seamlessly. He's now Jonah Pavoni, RN.
Jonah's plan all along was to steal the time-bubble and go back to before the love of his life -- the woman who saved him, the brilliant, shining angel, the ethereal wonder he's loved since childhood -- before she married some asshole who didn't deserve her. When he crashed in the wrong place and time, he didn't know if he'd ever find her again. But three days later, the Pied Piper drags her in. She's injured, but the wounds are more mental than physical. Of course -- his goddess couldn't be brought down so easily. She just needs... A little encouragement. A nudge or two. He can help with that.
It's like fate brought him exactly when and where he needed to be, placed him in an even better position to convince Bailey of his devotion. Now nothing could keep them apart -- not the misalignment of their ages, not distance, not that stupid neglectful jackass. No, now he could be here for Bailey, from the very beginning, building her up, adoring her, showing her the worship she deserves. Finally, he could be hers, and she could be his. As it was always meant to be.
...Man's a little bit not right in the head.
Blythe and Liora are trying to find their friends, and worrying about Jonah later. Liora crosses paths with Bailey once, and in the interest of still having her best friend to find, tries to warn Bailey to be careful. It doesn't work that well.
Rachel, however, needs to find Jonah right now immediately. While also keeping her identity secret from her extended family and avoiding the hell out of anyone who might recognize her, so she doesn't Marty McFly herself out of existence. She's a walking ball of anxiety, my poor lanky dorito girl.
Wally would like to help, but she keeps saying she isn't allowed to talk to him about it and there are time-travel rules and he has no fucking clue who this sassy lost child is but she called him Uncle Wally so clearly she's family of some kind. But his family is really damn big, and he doesn't know who he's supposed to help her avoid. She's an archer with super strength, she might be Roy and Donna's kid? Somehow? But she also used the phrase "Uncle Clark," and her eyes are really blue, and she has that dorky little forehead curl -- Kon has weird time-travelling clone daughters, right? And... He and Bart are close...?
While all that is going on, Trent, Jamie, and Wade arrive in the present day. They're in Gotham. It's a full moon. On Friday night. Naturally, things are going sideways all over the city. The addition of two speedsters and an acrobat are easy enough to hide. ... For a bit. Eventually they get spotted by the local nosy busybodies. Wade is completely unfazed by the arrival of the bat, Trent is mildly shocked to see Mr. Wayne still in the suit, and Jamie is dying because that's her grandpa how could this go any wronger.
More bats show up, that's how. Including Dick.
They eventually nab Blythe -- who has been having fun stopping criminals, harassing the local vigilantes, and bonding with Steph in the few months she's been stranded -- and as they're trying to leave, Dick puts it all together. He has a daughter. From a future that, after Bailey literally left the planet to avoid putting a name on whatever was happening between them, seems unreachable.
Things get emotional, obviously, and moreso when they part. Jamie can't stick around, she has to find the others. No, Dick can't help, he's already figured out too much and putting the fabric of spacetime at risk. Or something.
Dick, reluctantly, lets them leave to go find Liora. I'm not totally sure where she's been during all this, but I'm batting a few ideas around. They grab her and set to finding Rachel.
While all this is happening, Jonah reveals the full truth to Bailey. He's the kid she saved in her latest adventure. He's been in love with her for two decades, since that fateful moment. He's crossed time and space and warped the laws of reality just to be with her. He'd planned to just come back to this point, but what he'd gotten -- this chance to get to know her, to watch her become the hero he always admired -- it was more than he ever could have dreamed.
And now, now they could be together. He's finally repaired the time bubble. They can sweep away to the time he left, have a life together. He's waited for her for so long, can't she see how much he adores her? Won't she be his?
...Bailey, on her end, has had a series of bombs dropped on her. By a guy she's not even sure she can call her boyfriend yet. Ending in what sure as hell sounds like a proposal? And he... Might be a kid?? She says no, like any sane person would, with a few expletives thrown in.
Jonah does not like this answer. He didn't want it to go like this, but... He reaches for Bailey. If she won't love him willingly, he'll just make it happen.
Suddenly there's an arrow sticking through Jonah's palm.
"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER," Rachel screams, barely clinging to her vantage point.
A fight naturally ensues. I don't have it choreographed well, but we wind up with all three parties -- Bailey and Jonah; Rachel and Wally; Jamie, Wade, Trent, Liora, and Blythe -- all in the same space. During the chaos, Rachel falls from some great height, while injured. Bailey dives after her.
It's too great a fall for her to survive, if she can't recover. And with her wounded -- maybe Jonah has, like, feather-shaped daggers and he stuck one in her side? -- she can't do much. Bailey is trying, but she can't quite reach --
-- and then two feathered wings, shining a brilliant gold, like flame and sunrise, unfurl from Rachel's back.
Ray scrambles to pull up, flapping awkwardly, moving on instinct alone. She pulls up, rising into the air, crowing and laughing and on one hell of an adrenaline high. Bailey helps her get back to the others. Ray gets patched up. There's celebration and relief and joy. Someone makes a "Literal Flying Grayson" joke. Wally still wants an explanation, please and thank you?
Once all that gets shook out, Bailey turns to Jonah. He tried to kill her daughter. He is a threat to her girls, and he won't stop until he's stopped permanently. Clearly, there's only one thing to do.
Wally steps in, trying to plead for mercy. Bailey laughs, and agrees. She'll show him mercy, alright.
...Remember that giant mega Black Mercy? It went into the care of one Dr. Pamela Isley, retired since her wedding to Harley, and considered mostly rehabilitated. Her indoor garden has a real nice skylight.
So yeah. Bailey can show him a little mercy, alright.
There's a whole lotta crying as the time-travellers make their goodbyes. Bailey tries to put on a brave face, because you gotta for your kids, but she doubts she'll ever see their future. But she's so, so proud of them, and she loves them so much.
Fast-forward a bit again. Throughout Bailey and Dick patching things up and figuring out a relationship for real, there's a whole lot of dramatic tension as they both try to keep their mouths shut about the possible future they've both seen, but don't know the other one knows about. Bailey is scared to death that Dick would be with her for that future -- only a possibility she doesn't even know how to reach -- and not for anything inherent to her, and Dick doesn't want to put any pressure on Bailey and make her run away again. It's a whole thing! But they do work it out, and... Well, wedding bells do ring.
And Bailey gets a very unusual wedding gift from Zyzzanyx, her old ally. A small chest, containing what sure looks like two tulip bulbs. Zazz explains that these'll grow into the girls, so... She and Dick can plant 'em when they're ready. It's old magic, and it'll take a drop of blood from each parent, but, well. She's fond of the little rugrats too, she guesses. And watching Bailey be miserable about not having them is, y'know, depressing or whatever.
Bailey thanks Zazz for this, and releases the imp from her life-debt. (Like I said, that's it's own post; this is already a mile long.)
The girls eventually happen. Jamie is roughly of an age with Wade, less than a year younger. Ray is born about five years after that, I think. They grow up safe and happy and loved, with a phenomenally huge number of aunts and uncles and grandparents.
There are many arguments and discussions regarding youthful vigilantism and sidekickery, but once again, Bailey cannot stop the future. It's allowed, but under very strict conditions regarding school and social lives. Jamie begins training at age fifteen, taking on the name Dawnbird, and patrolling with her dad.
Rachel learns archery from Aunt Cissie, and then from Uncle Roy and Grandpa Ollie, when she won't be deterred from masking up once she turns fifteen. She uses Fledgeling as her moniker, one of her mother's nicknames for her, as something of an olive branch. Bailey relents and lets Ray be her partner.
I could go on, but I think this post is long enough as is. Most of the rest of what I have is bits and pieces and fun facts anyway. If there's anything anyone's curious about or wants me to elaborate on -- or if you need a diagram, 'cause I got a little Charlie Day here -- my askbox is open!
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houseofbrat · 3 months
May I ask why William wants to keep Kate's pictures private? I guess it's because he wants to have an excuse for his laziness. However, after being absent from Thanksgiving for King Constantine, he continuously went to work for the next 2 days so I see that KP was trying to prove that Kate is okay. Will what Carole did have any effect on her daughter's marriage? Thank you
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William is a delicate, emotionally-damaged, control freak with a privacy fetish. William has always been a control freak when he is out in public and has always been so about his image. He lives in fear of the media, which is in sharp contrast to his father. Every statement that comes out of William's mouth on an engagement is pre-planned. He is too insecure to do engagements freely like his father, mother, brother, or even his wife.
Kate's proof-of-life photos today became necessary after the fiasco last week when William pulled out Constantine's service at the very last minute. Sure, Will's "fans" will make every excuse for him, but when he cited "personal reasons"--or whatever his exact phrasing was--everyone's mind immediately jumped to Kate because he last used the excuse he couldn't do any work because Kate was in the hospital for almost two weeks. And then she was home for a while. And then the kids were out of school for a week. And so on.
Except that proof-of-life photos should have happened when she left the hospital. But they didn't. And if those photos had happened back in January instead of early March, then last week's fiasco on social media would not have happened. Why couldn't Kate have worn a pair of sunglasses upon leaving the hospital while been photographed driving away? It would have been very easy to do and would have solved a lot of pr problems. As I said back on 29 January 2024, "some royals understand the importance of proof of life, while others clearly do not."
William is insecure and doesn't want to do anything because he has too much fear in him. He doesn't know how to handle any kind of crisis. It's been obvious since the day Kate's "planned abdominal surgery" was announced the day after it (allegedly) happened.
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Because all the Wales fans are unable to understand that after Kate went into the hospital for her surgery, KP should have spoken to the press the day of the surgery. Once she entered the hospital, there would have been no need to wait A FULL DAY later to mention that she had "planned abdominal surgery," if it really was "planned."
Announcing the day afterwards makes it appear as if William & the KP comms team were scrambling to figure out how to announce things. If the surgery really was "planned," then they would have known the recovery time prior to her surgery even taking place. Again, if it was indeed "planned." However, William & KP's actions seemingly demonstrate that either it wasn't "planned" or that Kate was medically unstable, either before or after her surgery or perhaps both. Because if it was "planned" and everything went according to a pre-scheduled "plan," then William & the KP comms team would have & could have updated the UK media in a more appropriate and timely fashion. Except they didn't and still aren't.
When Tom Bower mentions that the press knows more than they are saying, it's not a good look. It works only in the short term. William & the KP comms team clearly do not have a long-range plan and didn't have any kind of long-range plan for Kate's "planned abdominal surgery."
Carole AND Kate's move today isn't going to affect Kate's marriage in a negative way. Their move is more of an attempt to stop making the hole Kate is in deeper. The one who affected their marriage negatively has been William, for the last nine months. He has fucked up with handling Kate's reputation since last summer. Kate trusted his judgement when she shouldn't have last summer. Kate seems to now realize her mistake and is instead trusting someone with a better sense of judgement: her mother. Kate was left with no choice but to turn to her mother considering her husband has got an iron clampdown on the UK press, for now.
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I don't see the UK press adhering to William's embargo insistence in the coming weeks. It is going to backfire spectacularly. William is going to undergo a public reckoning in the press. Kate will too; however, the instigator of this mess has always been William and his control-freak iron fist.
I don't feel one bit sorry for him.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
@danphanwritingprompts this post:
After being revealed and arrested by the Guys in White, they surprisingly didn’t torture or experiment on him. Instead, they completely removed his ghost half, “cured” him of being a halfa, and that, somehow, was a hundred times worse.
Alright, I have a thought. :)
Someone sees Danny using his ghost powers at the very beginning, when Danny had wanted to be 'cured'.
(Indented text is taken directly from the first episode)
Danny, Sam, and Tucker pause to talk on the staircase's landing between the first and second floor of Casper High. "It's been a month since the accident, and I still barely have any control. If somebody catches me, I go from geek to freak around here," Danny says, not realizing his legs are beginning to sink into the floor. "Kinda like what you're doing now?" Tucker asks. Danny looks down and yelps. His friends help him back up. "Oh, darn it." Danny continues up the steps. "If my dad can invent something that accidentally made me half ghost, why can't he invent something that turns me back to normal?!"
Danny glances up as he reaches the top of the stairs—and freezes.
A girl stands beside the banister, her mouth hanging open and her eyes staring straight at Danny.
She drops her books and runs.
"Uh-oh," Danny says.
"Hmm..." a new voice says. "This won't end well."
Clockwork can already tell, but he still waves his staff to fast-forward the images playing in the time portal.
Surrounded by a large crowd, the girl, still looking spooked, with men in white suits behind her, points at Danny.
Danny being dragged away as he struggles, one of his limbs flickering between visible and invisible. His parents being held back as they try to reach him.
Danny inside a bright white room with two agents. His tense and fearful posture and expression slowly turning to calm.
Danny being dropped off at his front door, a smile on his face as he waves at the leaving car. His parents jerking the door open and hugging their son and checking him for injuries.
Danny in his basement, gesturing at the ghost portal as he says something, his parents displaying a range of emotions, but concern and protectiveness and love and pain are most noticeable. Even without sound, it's obvious when they ask why he didn't come to them. The family sharing a tearful but happy group hug.
Danny walking down a school hallway, his friends trying to shield him from the crowd. 'FREAK' spray painted across his locker. The Lunch Lady phasing through a wall and everyone running.
Technus, Desiree, and Skulker battling above the streets of Amity Park, uncaring of the property damage caused. The Fenton parents blasted off their feet by a combined attack.
The Fenton family within a dented RV, each with frazzled hair and dark rings under their eyes, but the parents also wearing semi-hopeful smiles. They pass a sign that says, "Welcome to Wisconsin!"
Danny sitting in a chair with a pale, shocked expression, his sister sitting beside him. Vlad Masters standing nearby, a sympathetic frown on his face and an arm wrapped around a weeping Maddie.
People arriving for a reunion but being turned away. Some staying for a funeral.
Maddie, back at Fenton Works, sitting in the corner of the living room. Wearing something other than a jumpsuit.
A grinning school therapist watching as students try to avoid stray ghost attacks and debris in the hallways.
People across the human world being conquered through music via live broadcast, and also through electronic devices via the Internet.
A power struggle beginning to develop between Desiree, Technus, Ember, and Freakshow. The four splitting up, picking large sections of the Earth for themselves, with their borders continually shifting.
Vlad Masters repeatedly trying to speak to and win over a depressed Maddie, who's still wearing ordinary clothes.
Other ghosts beginning to move in on the big four and winning over parts of Earth for themselves. The Egyptian ghost Hotep Ra, after disposing of his human pawn. Nocturne. Undergrowth and his human extension. Vortex. The Earth dividing into eight shifting sections of control. Amity Park the exception, no single ghost able to lay claim to it.
Vlad finding the Ring of Rage.
The play of images on the time portal begin to slow, as though the timeline were nearing its end.
Vlad falling through the Fenton Works' portal, into a dusty lab.
Maddie still depressed, barely looking up as Vlad enters the living room.
Danny arriving home with no friends by his side. Eyes downcast, a banana peel in his hair.
Vlad giving Danny the Ring of Rage.
Amity Park being overrun and conquered.
The Eight bowing to Pariah Dark, the Ghost King.
Amity Park becoming the capital of Pariah Dark's kingdom, stuck between the Ghost Zone and Human Realm.
The ones who oppose Pariah Dark being seized by skeleton ghosts.
Pariah Dark with a pleased smile, sitting in a large throne-like chair among a cheering crowd, as a long line of ghosts and GIW agents await their executions. The line taking a step forward as the one at the start of the line is guided onto a stage that has a guillotine.
Heads at the base of the stage beginning to destabilize, green skin and large, single eyes halfway-melted into glowing puddles.
The ghost now being led onto the stage proudly holding his head high, glaring defiantly toward the stands. The ghost, gloved hands handcuffed behind his back, being pushed toward the guillotine. The purple hood of the ghost's cloak falling back as he's pushed downward and his head is positioned.
The guillotine blade beginning to fall, sliding downward, slowing down, barely moving as it approaches the ghost's neck, beginning to slice through ectoplasmic flesh. Slowly, very slowly, going deeper. Completing its descent.
The time portal freezes at that instant.
The timeline would, of course, continue forward, but his time portal stopped recording.
Clockwork saw plenty, however.
He enters the past.
And subtly clears the upstairs school hallway of students. Replacing them once Danny and his friends pass by.
The boy's secret needs to remain hidden, and his ghost powers kept.
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thisdreamplace · 10 months
Hi Dream, how are you? 🥹
It's been a long time since I've sent an ask, but let me tell you that I feel like a recovering addict. Let me tell you why. When I found the law of assumption and EIYPO, I became a control freak. "Acceptance" was not in my vocabulary. This really frustrated me because there were situations that I couldn't change, and I also did not have in me that humility to accept things as they were.
A huge problem was me not being able to accept rejection (romantically) because I had this mindset of "I can only be rejected if I allow it". So whenever a potential romantic partner didn't want me, I became a control freak and wanted to change the situation very badly, and became obsessed with the person. I never got significant movement with these people who I was trying to change, for obvious reasons. I was not seeing my own value, and only cared to be valued by others no matter what, even going as far as putting myself in dysfunctional situations.
Recently, I was once again rejected, but this time the difference was that I do not want to change it. I do not want anything different. I've had a hard time trying not to blame myself for it, and trying to just move on. Normally I would try to force mental images that I don't even feel pleased with, about this guy being obsessed with me. This time I am allowing myself to taste what it is like to just accept it, to be fearlessly disliked.
It is not a bad thing. Maybe, yes, he is mirroring me, and that's fine. It makes no sense to try to get out of my way to change his mind. Or, try to fool myself, and change my mind for the sake of changing his. Idk if you know what I mean? I feel like right now the most sane thing I can do, is not to shift this whole thing or try to do anything about this, but instead, just let it be like this. Allow myself to feel this disappointment freely. To just observe it. I do not need anything different. And like, this opportunity can serve me as a way to bring me closer to myself.
I feel like I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling. I'm kinda confused. Sometimes I think "why will I allow him to reject me if I can 'manifest' him", but being completely I don't even have reasons to want him, besides the fact that my ego is hurt.
But anyways, this feels new to me and idk why I wanted to send you this. I guess, I wanted to talk about it, and I feel like I've followed you for so long that I feel like you're like a friend or a big sister that I really appreciate.
hiiii <3 i'm okay ! how are you ? :))
hahah its totally okay. because i think MOST of us can agree with that on some level ?? i was also a control freak, and ouch. did it hurt me more than help me. and acceptance was so scary at first, that i put it off for a long time before allowing myself to being practicing it. but hey, you made it here. so good for you !
i also understand your past struggles in that way. when youre on that control kick, you dont even really want anything other than to PROVE it. so you hold on to people, things, circumstances... as a way to try and show that you are in control after all.
everything that you're saying is making sm sense to me, seriously. and i'm glad for you that you're choosing to deal with this circumstance differently than you have in the past. THIS is the biggest start. i remember being in a veryyyyy similiar situation as you before, and i ended up manifesting a measly text a week after a rejection and for a second i felt happy... and in the next second i felt like a silly clown. that was my final turning point, where i realized it was time to change. bc what i DIDNT want was these failed experiences and trying to do control damage after each one. so i stopped trying to control things. i started to just accept what was, and start putting more energy and life into the experience i did want. and most of that looked like... just letting life be, and learning how to enjoy life as it was for me at that moment.
so anyway. what youre experiencing right now, i understand it fully. the ego will make us chase and chase. but we really don't have to, if we'll step into acceptance which feels scary and uncomfortable at first for many. but its what leads us exactly where we wanna go.
i'm glad you shared it with me. i'm proud of you and where you're at in your journey ! you're doing the best you can for you. and thats wonderful. 🥹 <3 i appreciate you sm ! thank you for being here.
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la-hannya · 2 years
I've gotten told by a couple of people what Hoegoshamaru said and
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This isn't about height or age, like you wanted to put it.. That's not the point right now. She could've been a 10 year old baby 🚼 and tall as a freaking King Palm 🌴 (still gross but continuing...)
The point is on what we've being trying to tell you people for years. That Rin and her relationship with was/is meant to be as nothing 👏🏻 more 👏🏻than 👏🏻 something 👏🏻 innocent. Just a cute little companion who he take care along the other ones (Kohaku and Jaken).
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Because you keep insisting we're wrong for not seeing the oBvIoUS signs that they were actually in-love uwu since her poor 5 year old butt brought him fish and water.
Gurl you're the ones that sat down, drew him along her still reaching his knees looking 5 like always, being all rOmaNTic, and said "Yeah, that checks out".
":B but but Jaken is an adult. Rumiko was talking about the height—."
Yes, Jaken is an adult. What a wonderful observation. I'm glad you could tell. But can tell what the other one is? It starts with K.
While good ol' Jaken is of mature age. He can't barely can defend himself much. Rin even way less. That's the deal. That is Sesshomaru's whole deal/development that he is this protector of kids and being weaker them. Nothing beyond.
His fun cute little companions that warmed peeps hearts along his own.
Why do you think he got paired with Kikyo in stuff especially recently? Cause guess what. That's also like her thing. It wasn't just pretty looks. Damage control bro.
You guys have gone from obsessed when HnY was announced, to harassing everyone almost completely out of the fandom cause they don't like it, to crying cause the anime only gave you crumbs, to complaining what the animation staff said, changing the meaning of Hogosha, to getting mad at Shiina because he called it a "what if", to the proceed sucking his 🍌 now cause he gave you an off screen smooch— for only for him to call it his personal fanfic on the same day but then going "but he consulted with RT so she approved everything".
RT approved everything even the other drama CDs, the games, etc, even things SHE CLEARLY DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT and the manga is the only thing that still matters out of all of them 😪 just be happy that you got something even though it's non-canon. You asked for it, right?
Y'all trying to loop over everything like an Olympic Gymnast and censor people for being truthful(WITH EVIDENCE) about this whole thing just shows how insecurely toxic you all are about your ship. As well showing that you're not happy with what you got.
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 1 year
Hi, Fox! I've always wondered what if Yuu could control black rocks by absorbing them into himself? I recently watched a Netflix movie called Titans and there was a girl named Rachel Roth in it. I really liked her umbrakenese. Can you write dorm leaders reaction to the fact that the MC can absorb black rocks and make umbracenesis out of them
I literally had to look up what umbrakenese was and honestly it would fit very well, just more geared towards Grim. Nonetheless, I will do this for the Twisted Wonderland fandom as I try my hardest to describe how these poor Housewardens react to the factory express of dealing with trauma!
Warning!: Spoilers for Twisted Wonderland Canon mentioned! Consider this your only warning!
Housewardens find out you have Umbrakenese abilities!
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Riddle Rosehearts
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The man nearly has a heart attack when he first sees you do this initially. Why are you absorbing that rock? It directly came from his Overblot, so you want to die faster than you already would as a person of no magical descent?! Then he sees you play with shadows with no magic director with no obvious damages whatsoever
He’s officially freaked out now
You know he’s not that mentally stable, rules are his version of being able to ground himself so he doesn’t loose any control. After just loosing said control and watch you break every rule he’s ever known to hold the foundation of his entire world just may accidentally send him into a short coma
Yes, you will have to come clean when he comes to in the Infirmary, you’ve just been a bastard without being one on purpose because you were too careless and too damn excited to be able to defend yourself again, even if it’s not by much
Riddle will most likely just clarify how your world’s logic can only apply to you despite you not being there physically
While he’s still concerned in the long run on how absorbing the massive amount of negative energy will be for you, he can’t really tell you to not do anything other than to not overdo it in hopes of making sure you don’t have a similar meltdown like he did
Leona Kingscholar
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Confused as hell when he first walks into the Infirmary and sees you absorbing that black rock he made during his Overblot, then he launches into “What the hell, Herbivore?!”
This is because he actually knows what those rocks are purely made of. In short, horrible it is for anyone to have it due to its massive amounts of negative energy stored in such a small space
What he doesn’t expect is the Herbivore to just… absorb it into their skin and start playing with the shadows of their room as they make real movements based off your direction of hands, evening bringing a small amount into the space above you to turn into little distracting shapes while recovering from the Magift disk smacked you in the head
Did I mention Leona doesn’t say a word? He’s just quietly reacting and observing you up to this point
He eventually enters and asks you what the hell you think you’re doing while you’re literally in the Infirmary for a possible brain injury, playing with shadows isn’t going to speed up your recovery progress, even slow it down with whatever the hell you’re doing
When you finally explain what you’re actually doing after he makes you stop, Leona is just disappointed in your face that you would make your injury worse so you could be less bored by yourself. Don’t worry; he reminds you how your Heartstlabyul boys are probably doing with Grim
It doesn’t actually help you calm down, but it’s enough to make you forget about your powers for awhile
On the inside, Leona is contemplating whether or not he brings this up with anyone. Sure, you can now somewhat better defend yourself, but now he runs into the prospect of you hurting yourself from the negative energy stored within those rocks causing massive side effects the more you absorb
He decides to tell Ruggie about it once he’s gotten you to finally fall asleep. While they won’t do anything to stop you now, they will keep an eye on you through Jack more often than not as you’re much closer to your first year boys
Azul Ashengrotto
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He catches you when the ADeuce and Grim start spending more than you actually have, so you start working with the Tweels and Azul so you can pay off some of the inevitable debt coming your way. He watches you absorb the rock into your skin and then start manipulating the shadows around you the help you wash some of those dishes
Did I mention this is after the whole fiasco of his personal Overblot and the whole “Grim’s spending money we just don’t have” and you’re cleaning up the dishes as you’ve sent the boys back to their respective dorms
Let’s say it was a rude awakening that you’re not really supposed to be doing this, even if it does help your powers grow. Azul let’s you know loud and clear enough that Jade and Floyd join in on the “fun” and learn what your dumbass has been doing since you’ve arrived at the college
You promise them that you won’t do it again, but in all honesty? Floyd’s probably the one begging you to see if you can lift him up now with your umbrakenese powers while Azul and Jade face palm, but make plans to get together later and make backup plans to if you end up having a similar event to an Overblot in private while you’re distracted by Floyd
Kalim Al-Asim
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This happy go lucky boy is probably the only one who will let you off the hook, only because he doesn’t actually know what’s going on with you or realize what you’re doing may kill you in the end. Kalim just doesn’t see the negative side effects that will be going full throttle after Jamil’s Overblot, after all, he’s just an optimist
He does catch you alone when everyone’s retired the eve after Jamil’s Overblot, sucking down something and hiding something, he just doesn’t know what!
The best decision is just to outright ask you, right? So he does! Here’s where you can lie off your ass to the pure boy until he slips up and accidentally tells someone, maybe Cater from Heartstabyul or Lilia from Diasominia. You tell him you do have magic powers, but they only work for a short amount of time, just like a Signature Spell, but no one else can find out because then they’ll try and force more magical lessons down your throat that you can’t actually do because your magic is super limited, even with a magical enhancer like the magic pens everyone at the college is assigned (mostly because you don’t have the heart to tell him that the Headmaster basically said to you to buy your own pen)
Poor rich boy absolutely believes you because he’s literally that naive, and he goes on his merry way. But, of course, after he begs you to play with the shadows for him! Won’t you show him what you can do? Kalim promises to never tell another soul about your abilities! He just finds the entire concept so fascinating, he just can’t help but look at it in awe every time you managed to create such beauty from darkness
Vil Schoenheit
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What in flying two-faced Evil Queen are you doing?! Do you have any idea of what that will do to your skin?! Darling no!
Yes, your ass is just too damn obvious, you will forever be caught by these Housewardens. And yes, that’s a quote from Vil seeing your stupid brain make another really bad decision just before you planned on meeting him
This, of course, takes place after the whole Talent show NRC put on in competition with RSA as Vil invited you to spend the night with him in his dorm so he can learn more about you (and figure out why you were looking so damn pale during the sunny days you guys were having on campus along with those ghastly bags under your eyes no one seems to be talking about outright…)
He recognizes that it’s the stone he produced after his Overblot, a manifesto of all the negative and overexertions he forced himself through during his downfall. He never expected the Prefect to ever just be absorbing such horrendous things into their body
When he realizes you do it so you can manipulate the shadows to the highest degrees, he’s just more confused and internally worried at the situation. On one hand, you now have a more effective way to defend yourself against the jerks of this college. But on the other hand, you now have deal with the equivalent of five lifetimes of negative energy and exhaustion.
He just wants to pamper you to no bounds end, and yes, you’ll follow everything he says to the T. There’ll be no rescuing the first year boys from Riddle, no legal scams coming from the Octavinelle boys, and no mischief with the Savannaclaw or Scrabia boys regardless of it being good or bad
He’s texting Rook on the side to collect as much information he can about you while trying to save what’s left of your skin. He’s terrified you’ll start hurting yourself due to the immense reliance people have for you just like he did to you in recent hours, and that just not fair to you! How can he treat someone so poorly when he prides himself on being able to be that rock for every single one of his followers on Magicam or literally anywhere else? He’s going to try his best to make it up to you, despite being difficult most of the time because he can’t even admit to himself even though he knows that you’re possibly the only one who can survive mass amounts of trauma, he’s going to find a counterbalance to your negative energy intake because he absolutely knows it’ll be too much in the end. Vil just doesn’t have the luxury to know when it’s finally happening
Idia Shroud
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How are you alive??? No seriously, you should be dead with that amount of negativity energy following through you at massive rates, almost 10x the normal for any magical being! What’s going on?!
You’ve finally begun to start caving under the pressure of everything, despite lasting almost an entire year with these hooligans. It’s to the point where you’ve lashed out at your fellow peers and even people you consider great friends. It’s enough to land you at Idia’s domain for a check up which inadvertently landslides into him Overbloting. Just as you didn’t think the day could get worse and deviate from you for once!
He catches you just sitting in one of the abandoned court yards on campus grounds as everyone else is celebrating elsewhere that they didn’t get literally dragged down to another version of hell. The night was young and you just had to get rid of the stone, what better time would be for your powers to finally kick in?
Apparently when Idia walks into you absorbing the stone and your shooting yourself into the air with your umbrakenese abilities. That gave him a heart attack and him shouting at you to come back
Luckily, Ortho has joined his older brother, so together they zoom after you into one of the clouds. After getting a better look at you, they see your pale skin seem to burn in the direct moonlight, worse bags than Idia’s ever had the pleasure to deal with, and baggy clothes that smell like they probably should’ve been washed a week ago (or is the stench coming from lack of your own care of body?)
They finally convince you to come down and they take you to Idia’s personal lab and room. This is where you’ve come to find that you’ve accumulated so much Overblot that you should be put in temporary isolation to recover from such massive amounts of blotting. Though when you’re feeling better, Idia wants to talk to you about finding an alternative power source for your unbrakenese abilities
Idia is baffled that you would do that to yourself, even after they’ve all been so horrible to you. While he’s thrilled at your abilities being very strong and capable, he’s much too worried for you to finally break, you’re about to tip over the edge if you don’t rest after all. Ortho just wants to take care of you, but isn’t the best at it and will need just a tad bit of guidance. Don’t worry though! His little mechanical heart is in the right place
Malleus Draconia
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“… Prefect… What have you done to yourself…?”
Quote the angsty fae prince as he watches you turn into a monstrous shell of who you once were as you’ve been caught absorbing his stone, the final stone, proving to be too much for you to properly rest and to instead get rid of the stone permanently
What you didn’t know was that once enough blot accumulated in you, you could have an Overblot. Which should have been preposterous! You don’t get affected by anything! Not even as you were wheezing through Malleus’s dream court with Grim and Silver. Not while you’ve seen people worry about you in their dreams, asking one another, “Will the Prefect be okay?”
You had to be the strong one for all your boys, no matter how strong they were! Even if that meant they could never leave campus, that left too many changing variables to keep account of! They’ll be safer at Night Raven College, shrouded by the darkness that spills from your eyes and mouth
Malleus had seen your demising fall into absolute ruin. He tried to stop you when you finally forced his stone from his Overblot into you, even when your physical body rejected it. He watched you turn into the scariest creature he’s ever had to deal with in his life. This monster thing had 7 times worth of negative life experience and emotions from emotionally charged teen boys, all varying in massive amounts of power
It took all of they’re combined effort together, they were able to drag you out of the darkness you surrounded yourself with. Though it took longer as black goop just kind of exploded everywhere and you were stuck in the center of it all suffocating, so that was even more fun
Nonetheless, they got you out, Malleus holding you tight and Idia scanned you to check for anymore injuries. Vil being dramatic with Kalim while Leona held your hand as Azul and Riddle sobbed behind him thinking you’d fought your last battle
No one thought hearing you gasp for air would ever sound so good, though they now had to haul ass to the Infirmary to get you to a more stable condition
Malleus would probably take awhile to forgive himself for positioning you to finally fall down, but he promised he would do his best to make it up to you for as long as you chose to live, promising him to live a happily thrill packed life with everyone else too
That’s another set of Headcanons completed! That took super long, but I hope I bonked the point home that you should never try to absorb or eat a random rock you found lying around on the floor!
Until next time!
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
So Mac is trying to see what they like they're a bunch of sleeves and they're horrible these guys come in and they sit all over him and all over our son and they feel better and what they're doing is obvious and what they're trying is obvious and they won't leave it alone and they're human crap they can't hardly speak they can't hardly walk I'm supposed to feel bad for him so they can do stuff to us and it's not really what happens ever and why what a f****** pound crap and they're mean assholes okay this is really freaking awful and it's continuous with these freaking pukes
-you're a big day today there's a huge number of companies that we are acquiring they're about 17 that are going to be purchased in about 30% of the company about half of those will be controlling share but will note which ones
-accelerator and we did bring it up we are purchasing the remainder of the company today we are at about 40% and now we're going to be at about 90% And it is a huge company and this is the main portion of the company
-Marshalls we are to purchase it the other day we are now in talks and will be in a meeting later for 60% more of the company and we will have 100% of Marshalls and they say it's the symbology but that's not true
-there's another company and it's not us redoing it they just did not sign at the Mark they wanted they wanted to change it Target they wanted to add 40% and bring it to 80% and we're going to sign today
-another company that was on that came in was Sam's wholesale club we were going to sign and have 60% total they came in and said they want to increase it by 20%. And yeah it's other owners wanted to sell and it's bja pretty much he is coming in on almost every company slowly and he's trying to get there on the community center there but Trump is obstructing it
-another company they've been coming in on that is huge is Costco we're at about 40% total they're adding another 25% giving us controlling share we really need this in these stores what they're doing is horrific they don't mind their own business they're always trying to touch things we need a lot of employees to go in there and hope people out who are doing that
-another company is very big is Stanley we're in 20% and we got called back in and they want to go to 60% will have control and share. This is not a company being fooled around with they do a lot of stuff one of their mainstay items is automatic levels laser levels and items like that it is no joke that they're selling they are people who are unscrupulous but they certainly do not know their business these tools and stuff we can use and we don't have to sell to everybody
-Craftsman which was part of Sears but it's not came to us and said you're buying Sears and wanted to sell to us right now we had 20% the negotiated for us to purchase an additional 40% that would give us controlling share and we can do what we want with the company and what we want to do is reinstate the warranty and we'll weed out the people the damage the tools on purpose electrical damage does not classify as accidental damage in any way so we are going ahead with that at this time there are several more companies one of them is very large and it is a subsidiary of Walmart excuse me is a good day and people don't know it but Sam's Sam's wholesale club excuse me yeah Jason is in the way there are sunset you should know you're some of the people running me around making me hectic that's what you guys do so suffer the reaper read the whirlwind or whatever you say and it's like this guy's above us and nobody gives a s*** cuz you're stupid handling your business is not what we can do and that kind of stuff that's true though and Sam's wholesale club is a substituary of Walmart Sam Walton is the one who opened that company and he passed away he was a Mac and the max were very upset and a researched it and they found out who it was and where surprised to figure it out they traced it all the way down to the people who are influencing it to happen and it was not Max and it was not more like and it was not minority Bullock and it was not us so they were surprised and her son is of course not but that's what happened and today we're going through it again but we always do there are problems but we're going to get back in a moment
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
nellyharrison · 2 years
growing strong, CH. 3
aka my rewrite of season 2 of Teen Wolf based on the question: what if Erica was best friends with Scott and Stiles from the beginning?
Erica takes even more control of her life by changing her look to reflect her sexy inner she-wolf, creating a new and unexpected challenge for Scott and Stiles.  Meanwhile, Erica helps Derek pick the next member of their pack.
CHAPTER THREE - ICE PICK (click to read on AO3)
Something Erica had been looking forward to since becoming a werewolf was the ability to not make a fool out of herself in gym class.  She had no intention of becoming some star athlete, but the fact that she wasn’t dreading the rock-climbing lesson that week spoke volumes about her self-confidence.  As she watched Scott and Allison ascend the wall, she couldn’t help but overhear their conversation.  Scott had texted her to tell her what they had seen at Isaac’s after she and Derek had left, but she was at just as much of a loss as he was for what the creature was.  Only when he made a comment to Allison about “the view” did she try to tune them out.  Although, she wished she had kept listening so she knew what Scott had done to cause Allison to knock him off-balance enough that he fell to the mat below.
“McCall, I don’t know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy,” Coach Finstock joked as he sat beside Scott.  He stood, still chuckling, and looked around at the class.  “Alright, next two.  Stilinski, Erica, let’s go.”
Erica walked up to the wall, trying her best to ignore Stiles, but she could feel him glancing over at her every few seconds.  She began to climb, taking her time, and he stayed in pace with her.  When they got high enough that the majority of the class couldn’t hear them, she looked over at him.  “Either say something or stop looking at me.  You’re freaking me out.”
“I don’t know how to talk to you anymore,” he blurted out, and she gripped the wall as the weight of his words nearly knocked her off balance.  “I don’t know why, but you becoming a werewolf is really different from Scott becoming a werewolf.  I don’t know how to handle it.  You’re like a whole new person now.”
“You get how completely unfair that is, right?” she pointed out, trying to start climbing again.  “Maybe I haven’t changed as much as you think I have.  Have you considered that?  Maybe this is who I’ve always been.  Maybe you’re just finally seeing me instead of the image you had of me since we were six.”
“So you have always been into Derek?” he abruptly changed subjects, and she stopped climbing again to glare at him.  “What?  It was pretty obvious last night that you don’t see him as just a friend.”
“Why do you care?” she questioned once more, openly exasperated.  “Seriously, why does that seem to be the only change in me you ever notice?  I could come to school naked and you wouldn’t bat an eye, but the minute I even look at a guy that isn’t you, you jump down my throat.”
“You know what?  Fine.  I don’t care.  You can screw Derek, or Isaac, or Jackson, or whoever the hell you want, okay?  I could care less,” Stiles declared, starting to climb higher than her.  She tried climbing faster too, not wanting him to beat her to the top.  “You’re the one who’s spent all these years trying to convince me Catwoman and Batman were soulmates.”
It had been an off-hand comment, but it was completely true.  Over the years, they had many arguments about the relationship between the two comic book characters, Stiles remaining adamant that just because they had a romantic relationship didn’t mean they were destined to be together forever.  Erica never intended for their nicknames and her feelings to drive her fight to convince him he was wrong, but clearly he hadn’t been as oblivious as she thought he had always been.  This realization had knocked her off balance, her foot slipping, and she found herself falling to the mat.  As her back found the soft landing pads, her eyes met Stiles’s harshly.  She could see the apology on his face, but it didn’t matter.  The damage was done.
Standing up, she nearly ripped her harness in her attempt to remove it, Scott calling her name as she stormed past the rest of the class and out the door.  She had her phone out as she went to change, Derek answering with a dull greeting before she was asking him to pick her up.  He didn’t question her reasons for wanting to leave, simply agreeing and promising to be there within ten minutes.  She hung up and got dressed in her regular clothes, grabbing her belongings before making a quick stop at her locker on the way out.  As she left the school, Derek was pulling up out front, and she slid into his car with ease.
“Mall.  Now,” she demanded.  He shook his head, but set off for the mall, waiting for her to open up in her own time, like he knew she would eventually.  “I need some new clothes.  Lots of them.  A new wardrobe.  Something that will reflect the person I want to be now.”
“And who is that?” he questioned.
“Someone bolder, freer, sexier,” she answered, lifting her chin as she breathed through her nose.  “Stiles thinks I’m a whole new person?  I will become a whole new person.”
“Should I be concerned that you’re doing this just to shut Stiles up?” he asked, glancing over at her.
“Now who’s being jealous?” she countered, quirking a brow as she smirked.
She sighed, looking away as she thought about his question.  “I’m tired of feeling invisible,” she admitted.  “I want them all to regret the way they’ve treated me.”
When Derek didn’t respond, she looked over at him, but he was intently looking at the road ahead.  She glanced away again, wondering if she was making a mistake.  “I want you to get everything you want, Erica.  I don’t think changing yourself to impress a guy is the way to go, but if that’s what you want-”
“It’s not to impress him,” she assured him.  “And I don’t think it’s all about him either.  I think he’s pushed me to do it, but it’s something I’ve always wanted.  I wanted it for the formal, and that ended up an even bigger disaster than I could have imagined.  I do feel like a new person, now that I’m a werewolf.  I want the outside to reflect the inside.”
“I can get behind that,” he declared, nodding certainly as he pulled into a parking spot at the mall.  Erica was expecting to shop on her own, but he parked the car and got out, waiting for her to join him before they both headed inside.  They ended up spending the rest of the morning shopping, trying on and buying an entire wardrobe of new clothes.  Erica bought some of the items with her credit card, but Derek insisted on footing the bill in a lot of the stores they went into.  He insisted it was just because he had the money to spend, but she had a feeling he wouldn’t drop that much money on Isaac if he asked.  Before they left the mall, she changed into the outfit she wanted to return to school in.  As she stepped out, he was initially stunned silent by the sight of her, swallowing dryly before promising, “They’re going to regret every wrong they’ve ever done to you.”
Erica arrived back at school around lunch, so most people were either in class or in the cafeteria.  She walked towards the cafeteria confidently, the click-clack of her heels echoing in the empty halls.  As she got closer, she focused on the conversations inside until she heard Stiles talking to Boyd.  She and Boyd had quite a few classes together, and they’d become casual friends over the course of a few projects together.  As she listened to the way he held his own against Stiles, she smirked and decided she wanted to suggest to Derek that he join their pack next.
Pushing down the last bit of nerves that appeared at the sight of the open cafeteria doors, Erica strutted around the corner, drawing the attention of everyone in the lunchroom.  Her eyes drifted over the crowd until she found Scott and Stiles’s shocked expressions, amusing and empowering her.  She kept scanning the crowd until she saw a guy she remembered had called her a freak throughout eighth grade, only now, his jaw was on the floor as he watched her approach.  She walked right up to him, bending over to grab the apple on his tray as she leaned towards him.  She looked over at the equally dumbfounded guy sitting across from him as she took a bite from the apple.  Wiping at the corner of her lips with a smirk, she straightened up and turning to walk away with an extra swing of her hips in each step.  She overheard Lydia’s question, smirking a bit more as she glanced back, then took one more bite of her apple, shot a wink towards Boyd, and left the room.
She barely got into the hall before she heard Scott and Stiles following after her, but she kept walking until they reached a quieter hallway.  “Do you two need something?” she asked coyly, turning to face them and biting off another chunk from her apple.
“Uh, you think?” Stiles gaped, squirming slightly where he stood.
“What the hell was that, Erica?” Scott demanded, his eyes darting to her lips when she licked at them before glaring at the knowing smirk of hers that followed.
“No,” she decided, shaking her head before successfully tossing the apple into a trash can all the way at the other end of the hallway.  “You two gave up the right to know why I do things when you shut me out.  You were supposed to be my best friends, but you couldn’t accept the decision I made.  This is me now.”  She didn’t wait for them to give her their blessings or tear into her for her choices.  She just turned and walked away, thankful that the bell rang and the halls filled with people, allowing her to escape.
Her best friends were not the only ones that had something to say about her change in wardrobe.  Plenty of girls either complimented her on her clothes, or they made snide remarks about them behind her back.  Most of the guys were too struck speechless any time she entered a room to be able to say anything positive or negative.  Danny told her she looked like sex on legs, and that was the only contribution she really needed from the male population.  It wasn’t until after school that she was approached by someone that she was actually curious to hear an opinion from.
“First things first,” Lydia started, sidling up to her at her locker.  “Where did you get those shoes?”
“If I tell you my secrets, then how will I keep any mystery for myself?” Erica joked.  “I got everything at the mall, but you have to put in the work to find them.”
“I love a good challenge,” Lydia assured her, smirking up at her.  “You know, every guy is going to want a chance with you after that display at lunch today.  I think you could use a little bit of my magic touch, so I’m going to set you up.  First, I’m going to need to learn about your type and dating style, so why don’t you join some of us on a group date tonight?  It’s Scott, Allison, Stiles, and I so far, but the more, the merrier.”
Erica had nearly snorted when Lydia suggested setting her up, but then she had mentioned a group date and told her the attendants and her face fell.  Scott and Stiles were having a double date with the girls of their dreams.  If she wasn’t already determined to do so, that right there told her it was time to move on with her life.  “I’m flattered, Lydia, but I… already have a date tonight.  Something new.  Not sure if it’ll work out, but I’m hopeful.”
“Oh, well then forget I said anything,” Lydia declared, waving her hand.  “But if it doesn’t work out, you know where to find me, yeah?”  She waited for Erica to nod, then bumped her hip playfully with her own as she passed her on her way down the hallway.
The date in question was less of a date and more of a conversation with her alpha on turning Boyd.  She knew his story probably better than she knew Isaac’s, and she was more confident in how good of an addition to their pack he would make than any desire he had for power.  Truthfully, she wanted to surround herself and Derek with people they could not only depend on but that they would feel comfortable with for many years, if not the rest of their lives.  She took the idea of pack very seriously, and only wanted those that she felt truly fit to be a part of theirs.  Eventually, Derek agreed to ask Boyd if he wanted the Bite, but made Erica promise not to approach him about it before he could.  He didn’t want her to sway the teen boy’s decision on such a serious matter.  Erica was okay with keeping her distance, feeling in her gut that Boyd would be pack soon.
The next day at school, Erica was at her locker during study hall when she felt Scott appear behind her.  Taking a deep breath, she turned around, quirking a brow in invitation for him to speak.
“Two’s not enough for Derek,” he stated.  “I know he needs at least three, so who’s next?”
Erica scoffed, closing her locker before starting to walk towards him.  “Why does there have to be a next when we’ve already got you?”
“Who’s next?” he demanded.  He had already made it clear to her that he would not be joining Derek’s pack.
“You know, you never asked me why I asked for the Bite,” she realized.  “Aren’t you at least a little bit curious?”
“I don’t care,” he shook his head, but she could hear the lie in his heartbeat, and he knew it too.
“It was Peter that told me it could cure my epilepsy,” she told him.  As she continued, she watched for his reaction to the truths she had kept from him.  “Granted, he only told me that because he was threatening to turn me if you didn’t join him, but it made me think.  I’ve had it for so long that I never really considered what my life could be like if I didn’t have epilepsy.  I dreamed and I hoped, of course, but I never actually thought it was an option for me until that moment.  Once I had, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  He was going to give me the Bite the night of the formal.  He found me alone while you and Stiles were busy on the dancefloor, and he had my wrist and was about to do it, but then I realized I didn’t want to be like you.”  She couldn’t help but scoff when his expression changed from concerned to remorseful before settling on hurt, but she pressed on.  “I didn’t want to be stuck with an alpha that only wanted me for his power.  I didn’t want to be Peter’s beta.  So I said no, and I accepted that I would never feel the kind of freedom he had offered me.  And then Derek became the alpha.”
Scott rolled his eyes and Erica began walking towards him, backing him up towards the lockers as she continued.  “You never really trusted him, and I never understood how you couldn’t see what I do.  Sure, he’s a little rougher around the edges, but you are so much like him.  You are both loyal, and stubborn, and caring, and broken, and so, so judgmental.”  Her breathing grew shakier as she felt her anger bubbling up, her hand pushing at his shoulder a few times as she asked, “When did you realize I wasn’t the innocent saint you thought I was, huh, Scott?  When did you decide I was too messed up to be worth caring about?”
As his back hit the lockers, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him as his eyes met hers.  “I have never stopped caring about you, Erica,” he told her, holding her hand over his heart so she could feel that he wasn’t lying as well as hear it.  “I never thought you were a saint, either.  I’ve always known who you are, which is why I was so thrown off when you asked for the Bite.  I never saw it coming.  After watching everything I’ve gone through, I never thought you would choose to be a monster like me.”
“Why does being a werewolf automatically mean we’re monsters?” she asked him, her expression softening as she stepped into his space.  His head tilted towards her, his forehead nearly touching hers as his fingers slotting over hers on his chest.  “Look at me now, Scott.”  Before she could elaborate on her point, she sensed a pair of eyes on them, and they both turned to find Allison watching them.  Erica immediately took a step away from him, but his hand lingered over hers for a moment too long, keeping her hand pinned against his chest.  “That’s right.  You only have eyes for her,” she realized, pulling her hand from his grasp as she took another step back when his eyes finally returned to her.  He spared a glance to find Allison gone, then sighed as he faced Erica.  “You and I both saw what happened to that omega.  You know what it means as much as I do.  Whether you join us or not, we need to prepare to fight.  That means finding strength in numbers.  I’m sorry, Superman.”
She gave him one chance to say something - anything - before setting off down the hall, pulling out her phone briefly to text Derek that Scott was onto them.  She didn’t think Scott would be able to stop them even if he wanted to, but she decided to keep an ear on him the rest of the day.  Better to know what he was up to than allow her alpha to get ambushed.  It was lunch time when she overheard something she probably could have gone without hearing.
“I know how it looked, but we were just talking,” Scott promised Allison.
“I’m not jealous,” Allison replied, and even from where she was sitting, Erica could hear her heart betray her.
“You’re not?” Scott asked, playing into her lie so she wouldn’t feel bad.  He didn’t want to force her into admitting it if she didn’t want to.
“She’s with Derek now, isn’t she?” Allison wondered in lieu of answering him.
“Apparently,” Scott sighed.
“Like Isaac?” Allison added.
“Oh,” Scott muttered. “Uh, yeah, that too.”
“You can’t get caught in the middle of this,” Allison warned him.  “Don’t you feel what’s happening?  My grandfather coming here, Derek turning Erica and Isaac, it’s…” she trailed off to clear her throat.  “It’s like battle lines are being drawn.”
“I know,” Scott admitted.
“There’s always crossfire,” Allison pointed out.
While Scott knew that Allison was referring to them, he couldn’t help but think about Erica getting caught in that crossfire.  The Argents would surely go after Derek and whoever was closest to him first, which meant Erica would be directly targeted.  “What am I supposed to do?” he asked Allison pleadingly.  “I can’t just stand by, especially with Erica involved.  I can’t pretend to be normal.”
“I don’t want you to be normal, I want you to be alive,” Allison told him.
Erica was going to tune out Scott for a while after that, but then she heard Stiles’s voice, and the realization he had about Boyd being missing.  Swearing under her breath, she texted Derek and waited for orders on how to proceed.  As she waited, she heard Scott and Stiles move through the school, planning their next moves.  She sent Derek what she was hearing, hoping it would help him decide, then felt herself freeze when Stiles started talking about her.
“You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good,” Stiles stated.  “You know, the word ‘sensational’ comes to mind.”
“Erica looked good before she became a bloodthirsty monster,” Scott insisted.  “And how good do you think she’s gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?”
“We won’t let that happen,” Stiles muttered, instinctually protective of his best friend despite how weird things were between them.  He started talking about Boyd again, and she partially tuned them out, focusing on her phone when she finally received instructions from Derek telling her to keep Stiles distracted.
Erica didn’t have a plan when she followed Stiles to Boyd’s house, but as he ran up the front steps and began knocking on the door, she quietly trailed after him, stopping just behind him.  She couldn’t help but laugh when he turned and jumped at the sight of her, her head shaking as she asked, “What are you doing here, Stiles?”
“Uh, nothing,” he lied.  “I was just looking for, um…”
“Boyd?” she finished for him, smirking.
“Yeah,” he nodded.  “Yes.  Boyd.”
Her smirk grew as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other, watching as his eyes remained locked onto her own.  “You know what you’re doing right now that’s kind of funny?” she mused, laughing softly when he shook his head.  “You’re only looking in my eyes.”
“That’s funny?” he asked cautiously.
“Well, yeah,” she replied.  “Because it’s that kind of look where you’re trying not to look anywhere other than my eyes, but you want to, don’t you?”  Her tongue darted out across her lips, tempting him to look there instead, but his gaze was unwavering, even as she stepped into his space and lifted her fingers to play with the strings of his sweatshirt.  “You want a nice, long, hard… look.”  The tone of her voice as she said this had him closing his eyes, his hands settling on her sides as he breathed her name.  “Come on, Stiles.  Is it just my eyes?”
“You have beautiful eyes,” he told her, his own reopening to meet hers, silently pleading with her to put him out of this new misery he couldn’t understand.  He felt unstable, his mind battling with this new version of her and the version of her he had known for so long, and that instability had his hands flexing on her hips.
“I have beautiful everything,” she corrected, her hands reaching down to wrap around his wrists before pulling his hands off of her and taking a step back.
“And a newfound self-confidence,” he added, his hands clenching at his sides now that she was out of reach.  “Congratulations, Erica.  I should get going.”
“You’re not going anywhere, Batman,” she shook her head, putting her hand out against his chest when he tried to take a step forward.
“Why not?” he challenged.
“You lost your keys,” she answered, lifting the set of keys she had swiped from his pocket when she had stepped into his space.  She ripped the car key from the set and stowed it in the cleavage of her shirt, feeling the tiniest bit of satisfaction when his eyes followed her action and he swallowed dryly.  “If you stay out of this, I’ll drop it off at your place later.  Or let you reach down and grab it yourself,” she added, smirking when he glared at her.  “Catch you later.”  With that, Erica left him stranded with his Jeep and his remaining keys, texting an update to Derek before setting off to check on Boyd at the rink.  By the time she joined Derek and Isaac there, Scott was already trying to talk Boyd out of accepting the Bite.
“Whatever you want, there’s other ways to get it,” he told Boyd.
“I just wanna not eat lunch alone every day,” Boyd answered honestly.
“If you’re looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek,” Scott pointed out.
“That really hurts, Scott,” Derek stated after leading Erica and Isaac to a spot onto the ice behind him.  “I mean, if you’re going to review me, at least take a consensus,” he requested, gesturing to his betas.  “Erica, how’s life been for you since we met?”
“Hmm,” Erica considered it, playing with the ends of her hair thoughtfully.  “In a word… transformative.”  For the first time in Scott’s presence, she bared her fangs and let out a low and threatening growl.
“Isaac?” Derek prompted.
“Well, I’m a little bummed about being an orphan, but other than that, I’m great,” Isaac replied, Erica snorting a laugh.
“Okay, hold on,” Scott interrupted, seeing where this conversation was heading.  “This isn’t exactly a fair fight.”
“Then go home, Scott,” Derek challenged.
“I meant fair for them,” Scott shot back.
“Alright, enough,” Erica sighed, rolling her eyes at the huge male egos she had to deal with.  “You’re too late, okay?  We’re not going to fight you over something that’s already happened.”
“What?” Scott muttered, looking at her, then at Derek, before turning to look at Boyd in question.  “You already said yes?”
“I saw you go from a social no one to one of the most popular guys in school because of the Bite,” Boyd shrugged, lifting his shirt to show the mark still fresh on his side.  “I want to be like you,” he told Scott, lowering his shirt and following Derek and Isaac out of the rink.
“You might not have wanted the Bite, but that doesn’t mean others can’t want it,” Erica told him, shoving her hands into her jean pockets.  “I wanted it.  Boyd wanted it.  Isaac wanted it.  You don’t have to understand that, but you have to respect it.”
“You’ve all made a huge mistake,” Scott shook his head.  “I just hope you live long enough to be able to regret it.”  Erica inhaled sharply at that, clenching her teeth together before turning and following after her pack.
[text from: Jackson] I just lifted my truck.  And not like a little.  Like a solid two feet up.
[text from: Erica] Is that supposed to mean something to me?
[text from: Jackson] It means the Bite might have worked!  I’ve never done something like that before.
[text from: Erica] Do you want a parade?
[text from: Jackson] Fucking hell, Erica, will you just be happy for me?  The Bite might have worked after all.
[text from: Erica] Are going to join our pack?
[text from: Jackson] No, but I wanted to talk to Derek about why it’s taking so long for my abilities to show up.  He wasn’t at home, but I figured you’d know where he is.
[text from: Erica] Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.
[text from: Jackson] Because I won’t join your stupid pack?
[text from: Erica] Exactly.  Bye Jackson.
[text from: Jackson] Woah, what?  Just like that?  You’re not going to talk to me?
[text from: Jackson] Seriously, Erica, you’re just going to ignore me?
[text from: Jackson] This is fucked up, you know.
[text from: Jackson] And here I thought we were becoming friends.
[text from: Jackson] Whatever.  I’m better off without you anyways.
0 notes
bellafragolina · 2 years
Team Bomshell—Update.
Still hammering out a few more details. I am going to write most of the story from Garrison the Squirtle’s perspective. Honestly, having the human freak out externally has been done so many times that I want to avoid it. Emily being from the trainer world means turning into a Pokemon isn’t completely unheard of. Albeit in legends involving most psychic or ghost types. I feel like humans there would be more open-minded to the stranger things in the world. Yet she is from Orre where criminals have controlled the region for however many years.
Garrison has his father Blastoise who leads a pretty experienced rescue team that probably eats up whatever family time they have... He’s going to be about ten years old with Pokemon babies maturing faster than human ones. So there is a desire to be around his father more and not be teased by other kids as much. I’m thinking it translates to occasional anxiety over having his Dad take on dangerous work. Meanwhile, Emily will be a challenge to write for at the trainer world’s version of twelve. If she was from any other region then she would have been entrusted to train a Pokemon team.
Being a human she will question normal things in pokemon society. For example, why do so many criminals exist when some Pokemon can survive dungeon diving in a low-level one? Gonna have to research the effects of living in dangerous areas to plan Emily’s personality. We know the evil teams there tended to ignore kids since a group of them kept Wes informed. I do imagine she might be suspicious of adults until they are proven trustworthy. Just from sheer exposure to all the stuff that goes down.
There is probably the obvious “keep your head down, look out for yourself/your family” thing. How the Pokemon regions work with just a few towns will be a major headache translating to how the Orre Region even functions. There are only like five to seven established ones and a desert takes up most of the region... Her reason for being upfront about the human thing is not believing the situation. Most ghost-type stories have the person dying, she’s still breathing. The psychic-centered ones have the rare people with those powers losing control of them.
Last time she checked she wasn’t psychic in the least. In addition, Emily wakes up to talking Squirtle of all things telling her the area wasn’t a good place to sunbathe/bask in. (Garrison sees her on her side so might assume she passed out.) They might talk a bit in the dungeon, “where are you from?” The Orre Region. “...Is that on the Sand Continent or Mist?” It’s mostly desert, but never been called a continent before. “Okaaay. What town? Or are you a wild Pokemon?” Agate Village, it’s a retirement village technically. The Celebi Shrine is the only really interesting place.
Something along those lines. Not much of an info dump, which I’m trying to avoid, just basic facts. Emily will probably be stumbling a lot on her nubby legs and Tackling (aka bumping into with momentum) enemy Pokemon. She sees Squirtle shoulder tackle them, but he was the current biped between the two. A fun note from my in-game run is Garrison learned Bubble while I grinded a bit. I imagine using your first elemental attack that can damage things is a bit of a milestone amongst young Pokemon.
Most are probably too scared to stumble into mystery dungeons to use on other Pokemon... The natural stairs in these places are going to seriously stump Emily. I mean, literally carved steps in a dungeon that probably lead into darkness in mid-air when they go up. Not to mention rarely are they against the walls. And this kinda got away from me, hammered out more than I thought which is good.
What do you think, Renee?
I love it! I think it sounds great!
For Emily, I can offer a few ideas for her personality given the region she grows up in? You don’t have to use them, but I’d like to try and lend you a hand since you’re letting me hear about your amazing fic!!
So, bearing in mind I don’t know much about Orre, I imagine if it’s controlled by criminals, there’s a lot of unpredictability with everyday living. Criminals could pop out at any moment, so it’s possible that Emily is always on guard, probably even mistaking friendly intentions as someone going in for the attack! Poor Garrison is gonna be thrown by how down to fight Emily is!
Like I said tho, it’s just an idea! You don’t have to use it!
The dungeon stairs are kinda freaky tho if you think about it. Natural light suddenly clogged like halfway down the flight. Must be some long ass stairs!!
Gahhh I’m so excited for what comes next!!
0 notes
hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Infinity in Heaven
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Pairing: Non Idol! Huening Kai x afab! reader
Genre: Smut rated 18+
Word Count: 1.35k words
Mellow speaks: Seven minutes in heaven with Hyuka would just....be everything, right? This was supposed to be under 1k, but oh well. Hehe I hope you guys enjoy!!
Tagging: @xiaoting999 (thanks for the request love xoxo)
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This was problematic. As if being forced to play a game with your crush wasn't enough to nearly make you combust, the game just had to be none other than seven minutes in heaven. You knew your friends must have been planning this all along, but that just made things all the more nerve-wracking. And now, you were stuck in a freaking bedroom with Huening Kai, faced with two choices, neither of which seemed too appealing at the moment.You could either give in and kiss him (something you had been dreaming of for years) or you could chicken out once more, and risk facing your friends' wrath. Nevertheless, you're slightly more inclined towards the second option, not wanting to ruin the friendship you have built with Kai just for the sake of some stupid feelings.
You're still deep on your thought when you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder, mattress dipping with the weight of  seat beside you. "Earth to Y/N," he says, that sing-song voice of his making your heart flutter like it always does when you're near him. Looking up at him, you find his smiling face looking back at you expectantly, waiting for an answer to something he said. And that's your cue to start stuttering, an "Uh-mm, s-sorry I didn't h-hear you" escaping you as you bite down on your bottom lip. He only chuckles, his hand giving your shoulder a slight squeeze while he repeats what he was saying. And this time, you listen well, your heart melting at his words. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to," he says, smiling warmly as he looks into your eyes. This reminds you of why you have a crush on him in the first place, but it's what he says next that catches you off-guard, causing your eyes to go the size of saucers. "I would totally love to kiss you, but I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." Before you can stop yourself, you end up replying with a "Then kiss me," realizing only belatedly what you said as you try to come up with damage control. "I-I mean, I'd love to kiss you too. B-but I'm not f-forcing you or anything-" He cuts you off in the most unexpected way possible, his finger slightly ghosting over your upper lip while he mutters a soft "Shhh." And that's enough to get you to shut up, a gulp going down your throat as you feel the intensity of his gaze while he stares at your lips. And that's when he does it. His tongue flitting out only to run over the expanse of his bottom lip, the mere sight causing you to whimper softly, in agony over how kissable he looks. The sound is enough to break him out of his trance, a breathy "Can I kiss you?" escaping him while he looks up at you. You of course, can do nothing but nod, failing to process what is happening until you feel his mouth against yours, the sweet taste of the candy he was binging on earlier making its presence known to your tongue. He starts out as unsure, tentative in his advances until you kiss him back, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him closer. Your action causes something inside him to click, his own hands moving you so that you're on his lap while he deepens the kiss, your tongues now meeting in a display of pent up feelings and frustrations. The kiss is Kai's way of telling you what he feels for you, and despite most of your senses failing you at the moment, you manage to understand just what he's trying to convey. You understand that your crush on him wasn't one-sided, and for now, that knowledge is enough as you lose yourself in his touch. Before you know it, your clothes have been taken out of the equation, leaving you in just your panties as you grind against his boxer-covered hips, his rock-hard member becoming painfully obvious you as you pick up the pace. It's scary, how fast things are moving. But with the way his lips feel on your neck, you just can't bring yourself to stop. And so, you go with it. Go with it when you feel his hands on your breasts, go with it when your nails dig into his back. Go with it when you feel your underwear soaking with arousal as a moan escapes your lips. His mouth leaving hickeys on your skin, you hear him mumble that he
wants you, his hands gripping your waist as you continue to ride him through the fabric. It's been well over seven minutes by now, but you couldn't care less. Unable to articulate a response, you decide to pull away from him, your lips making their way to his when he lifts his head up. Hands roaming up and down each other's bare bodies, your need for the other becomes too much to handle. "W-want you inside me," is all you can manage to say, his lips meeting yours again as he takes you off his lap. Standing up, he's quick to let his boxers slide down his legs, the way his member pops out, only to hit against his abdomen, making your mouth water. Smirking at the look on your face, he walks over to the nightstand, pulling a condom out of the drawer. "Good think Yeonjun keeps this stuff in here," he mutters, the shining sheath rolling down his length. "Ready?," he asks, breaking you out of your trance, and it's only then that you notice how close he is to you. You feel nervous, but decide to let go of your inhibitions for once. Standing up, you muster a smile, your hands on his shoulders as you turn him around so that his back is facing the bed. You gently push him, causing him to land on the mattress, his elbows propping him up as he just looks at you, the smile on his face mirroring your own. Your panties falling down to the floor, you climb on top of him, placing fluttering kisses down his chest before lowering yourself down, one hand directing him to your hole while you let out a whine of pleasure. Soon enough, your bouncing up and down, hands gripping his shoulders doe support while his own guide your hips, every touch feeling like electricity as pure pleasure seeps through your entire being. You pick up the pace, feeling yourself grow bolder with every new moan that escapes his lips, mixing with your own. You bend down, kissing him softly while his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips. "It couldn't get better than this," you think to yourself, moaning once more. And then, it does get better, in a way you never would have expected. "Go out with me?," Kai asks, your eyes flying open as you do a double take at his eyes. His eyes, which are full of nothing but sincerity and absolute adoration for you. It takes you a second to process it, but in the end, you do say "I'd love to," the kiss becoming sweeter as you smile into it. With your moves never slowing, it doesn't take you long to feel the coil in yourabdomen tighten, your climax building up quickly as you feel your toes curl. The only sounds in the room are those of your moans, Kai's fingers drumming against your skin as he begins thrusting into you. A couple more pumps, and you're cumming right on his member, body almost collapsing on top of his as you ride out your high. The vibrations are enough for him to fall off the cliff too, the condom filling up with his seed. The seconds continue to pass, your chests heaving as you try to catch your breath. When he has finally calmed down, Kai asks you if you want to go back down. Smiling, you simply hug him, your head on his chest as you say, "Let's stay here just a little longer."
171 notes · View notes
angelsndragons · 3 years
*sing* it's been ~a while~
and i have been watching vm vs the nein a lot so let's talk about it. as always with me, this is a very long word vomit.
i said over on my mechanics post that the vm playbook requires urgency while the nein's playbook requires setup. here's what i mean. if the nein can make it to round 3-4 intact, that is if all of them are up, they are going to win. period. the nein simply have too many ways to steal turns from their enemies or to maximize their own effectiveness for things to go any other way.
if you want to see this in action even with a reduced roster, go watch the fire elemental fight in episode 129 and count the rounds. between caduceus' mass cure wounds and spirit guardians, caleb's slow, veth's sneak attacks, and jester's guiding bolts, the nein were able to scrape out a win thanks more to their bag of tricks than the damage output. veth only got sneak attack because of guiding bolt's secondary effects, slow kept veth safe from an opportunity attack and jester from a multi-attack, mass cure wounds gave caleb that round to cast slow, and the spirit guardians passively whittled down the enemies into KO range. the accumulated secondary effects were too much for the enemies to withstand and they fell hard. notice how everything built on one another here. that's what cockroach parties learn to do well. it was sloppier than a normal nein fight but they did it with a reduced roster AND with nearly all of their high level spell slots spent before the fight. yeah, they're fucking scary.
vm, however, is a whole different kind of scary. this team can put you down before you even know what's happening. it's harder to target the group's biggest damage dealers because you have a hulking barbarian and often an elemental up front locking down combatants. the dagger rogue can teleport and fly. oh, and give himself an extra action each round. the ranger and the gunslinger can stand back and just go to town. the freaking bear can maul you. the bard can make your life a living joke in your final moments. the cleric is a wildcard because the group is built to fight without her; if she's around, good luck because that's another round of attacks you have to take and an extra round vm can take. their DCs are ridiculous, as are their overall ACs.
but the thing to know about vm is that they have to put you down fast. they don't have the hit points for longer fights and they definitely don't have the utility for longer fights. their druid is offensively oriented, their cleric is often absent, and their bard is mostly support. he's often the only one running that bag of tricks. he can and will fuck up an opposing team given the chance and bolster his own, the problem is that he has almost no backup here. it's a giant hole that is begging to be exploited. it's an even bigger hole when that bard can only cast one spell per round.
so, going into the battle royale, the vm side had to down one member of the nein as fast as possible preferably in two rounds or fewer. it almost doesn't matter who, because if you down beau or fjord, that forces jester or fjord to spend their action or spell getting the downed member back up. if jester goes down, fjord has to do something about it. well, i say it almost doesn't matter but beau's deflect missiles makes her the worst target of the trio and yes, i'm including fjord's half-orc bounce back in that calculation. that gives you one round where the person healing isn't fucking up your team. vm's secondary objective was to monitor and control beau. her movement is nothing to compared to a hasted vax but her stunning strike is the most lethal weapon the nein brought into this fight. vm overall is not a melee group to begin with and their con saves are all garbage. vm has to find a way to keep her off their tails if they want a chance. we also know that vm's plan was to try to take out jester first so throw that objective into the mix as well.
all the nein have to do is survive the first couple rounds, monitor scanlan and pike, and get into position. that's basically it. the nein can absolutely withstand vax and percy's damage output for the first two rounds. pike and scanlan's damage output can be scary but pike in particular has to decide whether she wants to hold high level slots for healing. and she would need those higher level slots to get close to percy and vax's damage output. the nein know from experience that the support caster is where the real trouble will begin.
but before we kick things off, remember that matt specifically designed this battlefield to take turns away from the teams. the chests are an action to search and are located far out of the way in the field. the gem requires an action to activate, which basically means sacrificing your action for someone else's, and shifts between six designated points on the field. matt, who has a deep understanding of how both teams operate, decided to play on the nein's insecurities that they were at a severe item disadvantage and see if he could get them to bite. high risk, high reward. granted, this is me speculating but it does look like matt saw the fight very differently from the players and readjusted the field accordingly.
so we kick off and immediately scanlan proves why he is the top priority on the nein's list. he gets the gem, gets fjord prone on the ground, and comes within a hair's breadth of turning the fight into a five on two potential slaughter. travis brilliantly responds to these circumstances in the best of ways. see, fjord isn't the nein's utility magician for this fight; fjord's the bait. travis makes a very big spectacle of himself and fjord's predicament. and vm buys it hook, line, and sinker. ashley tries to continue with the original plan of gunning for jester only to discover that jester is who knows where.
vax, percy and scanlan? immediately take their shots at fjord. but fjord's on the ground which puts percy's awful misfire mechanic into reasonable play. so fjord gets lucky and doesn't take anywhere near the amount of damage he could have from percy. scanlan, after percy is removed from the field, decides he's better off trying to finish fjord but only hits a 3rd level thunder wave instead of a higher level one, which sam was probably saving for some counterspells or such. i don't think a higher level would have made that much of a difference but it is important to note.
more importantly, vax gets greedy. he got two good hits on fjord with his two actions, he could have left and hidden for the next turn. yes, vm has to down fjord as fast as possible. however that haste is going to be more effective over the long term if vax can keep it. but fjord's easy prey and he thinks vm can down him before jester can get over there to do anything about it. so he goes for the bonus action attack. pike eventually joins this mad dash scramble and like scanlan, she absolutely needed to throw something huge at fjord to get past his half-orc racial trait to have a prayer at downing him. but she did not because ashley seems to have been saving all her high levels for healing so fjord survives the round in honestly a very good position. vax can't target him from range with the cloud up, scanlan now has bigger problems than fjord with molly right up on him, and pike ran, taking damage and healing fjord in the process.
meanwhile, the nein's ladies are free to run and play the field as they see fit. jester has a big opening round flame strike. beau decides she can hold off on her round 2 blitz run to vm in favor of bringing molly onto the field. remember kids, never let a monk with 55ft of movement have the run of the place, it's bad for business. jester then makes a great play with her dispel magic at vax's haste. hashtag thanks, fjord. remember, kids, cockroach parties excel at taking turns and actions away from their opponents. in round 2 alone, the nein successfully remove percy from the field and remove vax's extra attack. that's both big damage dealers hobbled in one round. they also gave themselves an extra turn, adding molly onto the field. and oh boy, molly.
here we see the utility martial fighter molly could have been. sam's confused by the low damage that molly's doing his first round but the damage isn't really the point of the attacks. that brand of tethering is far more important, as are taliesin keeping an eye on which reactions will support the nein and molly's second attack wasting scanlan's reaction. counterspell is off the table for the back half of round 2-beginning of round 3, which is important if fjord wants to get the heck out of dodge.
in case it wasn't obvious earlier in the match that the nein are absolutely gunning for scanlan, round 3 begins with beau's blitz against scanlan. fjord's luck against the dominate person balances out with scanlan's save against the stun and beau missing one attack. here, vm starts to get distracted. they chose their focus fire target, fjord, but now do not, arguably cannot, follow through on it. we'll never know what could have happened had vm said to hell with beau and molly in our faces, we have to finish fjord.
vax tries to retaliate against beau but here's where the cockroach starts to come into play. molly blood curses vax, which saves beau a full sneak attack+ worth of damage. it also utterly wastes vax's turn. fjord manages to escape (and damage pike while he's at it) and regroup where it's safe. scanlan tries to dimension door but fails due to the brand. literally any other move scanlan could try on the pair of them had a better chance of success. instead, another vm turn is lost. taliesin recognizes the importance of getting beau advantage and supports her at the cost of two of his attacks missing, but not before scanlan is forced to cutting words one of them. another potential counterspell and cutting words lost. neither jester or pike contribute significantly to this round; the nein have done so much damage to pike in three rounds that she is forced to heal herself while jester chooses to dimension door herself to the gem and only a low damage roll lets it evade her.
beau takes molly's setup and gets the critical scanlan stun. he loses his full round. fjord takes the opportunity molly provided him to polymorph into a t-rex, bringing him fully back into the fight. vm is really going to have a time and a half trying to finish him now unless they can put up a big single damage attack. jester builds on beau's setup by casting flame strike, whose dex save scanlan automatically fails. he goes down. if you're the nein, this is exactly where you want pike focused, on her team and not on yours. she has access to most of the same spells that jester has and the more you pressure her to focus on her team, the better. it's not wasting her turn, precisely, but it is controlling what she can reasonably do with it.
now we come to percy versus beau. i don't want to diminish the insane good luck beau had to take only 26 points of damage from six shots because what matters here is that percy absolutely could not down beau. period. her hit points were too high and after she took almost nothing from the first two shots, it should have been clear that she was going to get her turn and she would absolutely attempt to stun and down pike and scanlan. i'm not going to monday morning quarterback this fight but i will point out that the more rolls travis has to make to maintain concentration, the greater the chance he fails and you get to hit fjord's actual hit point pool and trade fjord for scanlan. and if you can get him before he can get back into the fray, even better.
beau stuns the gnomes and drops scanlan again. her inner cockroach rears its head once more as she negates more than half the damage on vax's critical hit sneak attack. fjord-rex downs scanlan and grapples pike. the stun on pike here really helps negate that high AC of hers. after scanlan's death, it's a long slow death spiral. vax abandons the fight in the next critical round in favor of keeping the gem instead of targeting fjord. percy attacks beau once more instead of fjord due to fjord dangling pike over lava. he starts to focus on fjord only to get distracted by jester. pike goes down but vax gets caught by beau before he can get her back up. and so it goes with vm losing turn after turn after turn until finally the nein poof percy out of existence and bring molly back. a fitting end for the team who started their final boss fight with eight and came out nine.
bottom line here, the vm team played like they had way more time than they actually did. they had to commit to a target and see it dead as fast as possible. they had to control the battlefield quickly and keep it. they didn't so they couldn't. aside from building on damage dealt, they couldn't create advantages or opportunities for each other nearly as effectively as nein did. all of these factors meant that the nein did what they always do: grind their enemies under heel.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Demeter
Have I been using this series to vicariously punish Belphie for the events of Season 1? I cannot confirm nor deny that statement.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter
Didn't think too much of the "human" when they popped out of the portal. Sure they had a straw hat and a huge basket full of produce but it wasn’t like they were… Wait… No… Were they…?
Oh no. Oh nonononono, this is not good…!!
Demeter is notoriously doting and protective of her children (see her freakout and breakdown after Hades abducted of Persephone as proof) and they've pretty much done the EXACT. SAME. THING. here!!
It was a mad scramble by him and Diavolo to contact and appease their godly Mother Bear before she came roaring down to Devildom herself to turn them all into barley. Thankfully, Zeus must have intervened at some point because though she was indeed PISSED, she didn't threaten to barge in… yet.
She made one thing very clear. Bend so much as a single hair on her precious child's head and there would be WAR…
The MC received a 24 hour security detail after that. Just Mammon wasn't going to cut it, he needed NO chances. It was a full rotation of Mammon, him and Beel for the entirety of their stay (Asmo and Levi both threw hissy fits at the prospect of babysitting, Satan couldn’t be trusted not to kill them just to irritate him, and Belphie was out for… obvious reasons).
In some ways, it wasn’t so bad. The MC was a very mild sort of person, rather even tempered. He’d dare say they were pleasant, mostly content to just tend to their gardens and be out in the moonlight…
But the problem was, he just could not convince them to stay OUT of nature. Including the forests, which were full of hellish beasts fully intent on gnawing their flesh from their bones… and their specialty was plants, not animals, sooo…
Their habit of sneaking out to wander the woods got so bad that he very nearly considered pulling a Belphie 2 and locking them in the basement for their own good. But Devil knows what damage their mother would do if she found out…
At least they make for pleasant company… And Diavolo seems to like them quite a bit himself so the mortal gets a pass from him. Now if they’d only consider their own safety for a change…
They make him a KILLING.
Like, no seriously. Their produce is insane!! He’s never tasted food so good, especially stuff that’s come fresh from the ground! It only took a few berries for Mammon to throw on a straw hat himself and start harvesting! He’s a farmer now, baby!!
Weeellll not quite. He’s still absolutely only in it for the money, but anything he brings to a farmer’s market goes so fast that he can hardly care about the labor! He’s never made this much Grimm in his life!! And it’s totally legit for a change!
He bought himself another car, paid off half of his debt, and even got Levi back that 2 or 3 grand he leant him centuries ago. Really, Mammon’s living his best life and it’s all thanks to MC!
It’s a good thing his blatant grifting doesn’t hurt his relationship with them at all, in fact they seem to enjoy having his help regardless. They bring him drinks on hot days or invite him on picnics and stuff, it’s… it’s really sweet. They’re very nice to him and he appreciates it…
It drives him INSANE that they won’t stay out of dangerous places!! After he started caring about them for more than just a meal ticket it only got even worse!!
He’s not usually one for monitoring someone’s every move (that kind of control freak behavior is more a Lucifer thing) but he eventually had to set up familiars around the House just to keep them from sneaking out at night...
What was so interesting out there anyway?? There wasn’t any kind of plant that he could bring them himself! They didn’t have any need to be out there!! 
They’d keep telling him they’d be fine but it’s not like he’s going to actually buy that. They were too… nice to be dangerous or anything so why would he believe them?
No more running off, MC! Please, he’s beggin’ ya!!
Wait, gardening? Like, being outdoors and stuff? Ew. No thanks, he’ll pass.
That was more or less his first reaction when they showed up and it never really got much better than that…
He admits that they’re friendly and it’s not like he dislikes them or anything, but their thing so far from his thing that they just don’t have a lot in common… you know?
For starters, they get So. Antsy. when they’re inside for too long! He tried to invite them to a marathon once, but they could hardly keep still and kept looking around like they were searching for a window… He said, “to jump out of.” They insisted just for some fresh air, but he didn’t buy it...
They’re nice enough to listen to his rants, but they’re barely ever inside for him to do so and like HELL is he going to leave his room and stand around out there for that long. Ranting is at least a one to two hour engagement! What if he gets hot out there? And have you SEEN Devildom bees?? Hell no!!
He has, however, asked them on multiple occasions to reproduce flowers he’s seen in different anime, especially ones that have a very unique look and they’ve done some real wonders with that!
He can now claim to be the only person to ever own a Ruby-Jade Vine plant, straight from the pages of TSL when it was used to brew tea for the Lord of Lechery during his brief illness and-is anyone even still listening anymore?
The point is, it’s a flower so rare it was imaginary but now HE has it!... or had it for about a week until his utter incompetence of all things plant killed it…
He begged the MC for another but they were out of the plants they needed to make it and would have to go back to the human world to find more… He’s still mourning his loss… Poor Henry 4.0…
Well… He’s called this MC “salt of the Earth” and he does truly mean it. Take of that what you will.
He doesn’t get much in the way of intellectual conversation out of this mortal UNLESS he’s talking about plants, farming, or botany… Interesting topics and complex in their own right to be sure, but that’s pretty much their wheelhouse and they like it there.
That being said, the feats that they can perform are genuinely mind-blowing! They are the ONLY person he has ever met who can cultivate the Devildom’s own ultra-rare Phantom Orchid, a plant only blooms when it reaches a perfect state of undeath (i.e. both taken care of and neglected just enough so that it's only barely alive. The balance is so tricky to master that one hasn’t bloomed down there for centuries!)
There’s also something just genuinely relaxing about watching them work or helping them in the gardens… More so than he’d ever expected from such a simple activity.
He admits that he’s taken quite a few strolls through the flower-filled courtyard of the Demon Lord’s Castle just to admire its beauty... But anything that they can grow just blows all of that out of the water!
They even taught him several magic botanical techniques so now he can grow some pretty mad plants himself. Lucifer never expected to find that giant Venus Flytrap in his closet, but one was there regardless. 😏
Just… out of curiosity one day, he asked the MC if they could make him a new kind of catnip. Not for any nefarious reason! You know… just for research purposes…
The nip they made was so effective that the House grounds were FILLED with nipped-up cats for a whole month! He was in Heaven!! (and Lucifer practically wiped those plants from existence so he couldn’t get any more… asshole...)
That must have inspired them because they apparently made a demons-only version that they told him about WELL after the fact. Had he known, he probably would have burned the stuff on principle... Do you know how dangerous demon-nip could be to them? Experiment responsibly, MC!
Ehhhh, gardening SOUNDS like one of those things that should be super Devilgram-able, but then you realize how sweaty and dirty you get in the process and it’s a huge turn off… Sorry MC.
When they first came down to the Devildom, he thought two things: 1) Such a sweet little flower child, as adorable as they were, would never survive; and 2) even if they could, he would never ever see eye-to-eye with them on the “wonders” of getting all up in the dirt.
Well, he was right about 2, but certainly not 1. Personally, he thinks his brothers worry about them too much, they ARE still a demigod.
At one point he saw a pack of hellhounds almost trample one of their vegetable gardens and they lost it. Word to the wise, never try to take on a child of Demeter in their own garden. Those hounds were wrapped up in rose vines before they could even yelp...
Yeah, the MC would be fine.
That being said, while everybody else clamors over their produce, he thinks that their flowers are really where it’s at!
Taking just five minutes in one of their gardens is something else... He’s never seen blossoms as healthy and immaculate in all the Devildom before! Their beauty could (almost) rivals his own! What they do isn’t just a hobby, it’s an art.
He’s taken multiple pictures with their blossoms and they go viral every time. It’s so rare to actually see gorgeous, petal-filled flowers in the Devildom, most of the native plants are of the man-eating variety.
His only complaint about this MC is that they seem to feel much more at home in work clothes and dirt than they do in any sort of party-look he tries to give them… Cute as they are, they can afford to gussy up sometimes can’t they? Mud and grass stains don’t make for a good look, sorry.
Beel gardens and the MC gardens as well. Add on that they seem to be able to grow all manner of fruits and veggies and he likes this one. A lot.
They had just finished apple-picking when the portal nabbed them so they had a massive basket of apples at the time. Naturally, Beel more or less stole the thing on sight, but the apples inside were so juicy and good that he almost shook them down for more on the spot!
Imagine his surprise when they, half pleadingly, explained to him that if he got them some seeds they could just grow more… and it wouldn’t even take that long.
To be clear, the formula he saw was this: Get seeds > bring seeds to mortal > mortal grows seeds > mortal makes endless supply of food….
Congratulations MC, you’ve now earned the sixthborn’s eternal loyalty after a grand total of… two minutes. He didn’t even know their name, but he was willing to take a bullet for them (provided he got more of those apples).
The next several months were spent with Beel attached to them to the hip in some way, but honestly? It was just so wholesome anyway…
If he’s helping in the garden, he never complains. He does most of the heavy lifting and actually likes being out there with them (unlike others...)
Many afternoons were spent sitting under fruit trees and talking. Sometimes, they go to the trouble of preparing a picnic or something but it would always inevitably end with Beel plucking the whole tree clean of whatever ripe (or unripe) fruit he can get his hands on with a smile. 
The MC never minded though. That’s just another excuse to grow more, right?
His only problem was when the MC would sneak out to the forest… especially when they get too antsy and just go alone. 
He HATES it when they do that! How is he supposed to keep them safe if they just wander off?? He knows that they have a special connection to nature and all, but it isn’t safe…
He’s flown in and scooped them back up to the House on numerous occasions and his “talking tos” get sterner after every rescue... Please stay put, MC! He’d have so many reasons to be sad if you were eaten… 😔
Okay, he was looking for a capable, if not gullible, human. Not a shoeless flower hippy!
He honestly wasn't expecting much out of this one... Damn their little heart because they did genuinely believed his lies, it’s just that they weren't… well… They were really good at gardening.
… And it grew kind of hard to keep hating them whenever they'd show up just to give him fresh berries or a bouquet to see him smile… He may claim that his heart is made of nightmares and orphan tears, but who doesn’t enjoy being given a batch of flowers? 
Damn their sweetness too… Right to here.
When it came time to kill them he had a heavier heart than he thought he would, but kind of saw it like putting down the sacrificial lamb. Gotta be done to reach better goals... Stiff upper lip and all that.
Unfortunately for him, they had taken to carrying packets of demon-nip with them as a self-defense measure…
He wasn’t exactly sure what he expected when they shouted “Get nipped!” at him mid-attack, but it wasn’t a face full of some smelly herb! Like, really smelly…! Actually, that smelt kind of good… Hold on.
Turns out murderous rage really doesn’t last long after you get what is effectively ultra-strong catnip thrown in your face. They ended up having to go and tell Lucifer what happened themselves because Belphie was way too blissed out on the floor to do anything... They were legitimately worried they might have fried his brain...
He’s told the effects of the demon-nip lasted three days. He doesn’t know, because he hardly remembers any of it... They described him as like he was high on “weed” and “ecstasy” at the same time but he doesn’t know what either of those are either so it wasn’t helpful…
Truthfully, they were so nice to him while he was recovering that he couldn’t even be mad afterwards so all's well that ends well? Either way, he’s sleeping under their orchard trees from now on. It’s peaceful out there...
They burnt all that nip though. It’s some strong stuff...
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heated, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: An (innocent?) conversation about D/s dynamics accidentally leads to you confessing that you think about your childhood best friend while getting off. To your childhood best friend, Jeon Jungkook. Erm. This is after he told you that you would be “an awful sub”, btw.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, discussions about adult topics; reader is bisexual; smut (fem reader, dry humping, fingering, [tiny bit] m-receiving oral, penetrative sex); fluffy af; non-idol!AU; F2L; softdom!Jungkook x softbrat!reader; you kind of have a forearm kink and you never let Jungkook have his lovey-dovey moment, whoops
MMA 2020 ‘ON’ Jungkook? Yeah. That one.
“I could never be a sub.”
You clicked rapidly as you spoke, mashing the right button on your mouse. It was quite loud, paired with your mechanical keyboard.
“Why not?”
The music coming from Jeon Jungkook’s smartphone was a rhythm game, nearly as loud as you, since he was grunting angrily at it. It was very obvious when he missed a beat.
“I can’t imagine that being me, you know?”
You, on the other hand, were on your computer, playing with the new items in League of Legends from the latest patch. Using the practice tool, you had loaded up your favorite champion, Jhin, the Virtuoso, and messed with various builds, trying to find the best combination. So far, Lethality was feeling pretty good.
“Like why would I ever let my pleasure be handled by someone else?” you mused, reading the high damage numbers of each shot. Oh, the fourth shot felt nice. “That sounds stupid.”
Jungkook rolled over on your bed, growling in his throat as the level ended. He restarted it, trying to get a better score. “Maybe people like to let go sometimes. You know, not always be in control.”
You snorted. “I could never trust someone else with my body.”
“You got an alien body or something?”
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“Anyway,” Jungkook continued, ignoring your outburst. “I didn’t ask if you could be a sub, I just asked what you thought of domination and submission as a dynamic in general.”
You shrugged, trying to see if you could do Baron alone. Welp, you needed lifesteal, of course. “I mean, I’ve tried it in various situations. I was never the sub.”
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“No.” Jungkook suddenly sat up, excited that he achieved a higher score. “Look, look. I got ninety-eight.”
You craned your head to look at his phone screen. “Why isn’t it one hundred? You’re a disgrace to this family.”
He bopped you on the nose with his phone. “If I was part of your family, your family would be even more dysfunctional than it is now.”
You rubbed your nose and looked up at him. “How much gel did you use in your hair? You look like a wet dog.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows went up and he touched his long black hair. “It’s not crunchy though.” He grabbed your hand and lowered his head, placing your palm on his slicked back hair. “See?”
You pulled your hand back, staring at your palm. “Still feels weird though. I call sorcery.”
He shrugged, creaking the black leather jacket he was wearing. He wore a black t-shirt under it. The black jeans he had been wearing were on your bed, swapped for the black joggers he kept at your place. You weren’t really sure why he left the jacket on. Maybe he was cold or something. It was pretty cold in your apartment. You were wearing fleece green pajamas with Pikachu all over them.
“You want me to turn the heat up?” you said, gesturing to his jacket.
Jungkook looked down at his chest. “Eh. It’s fine. Saves you money.”
You shrugged, getting up from your chair, leaving the League client open. “You’re only staying a little while, right? Party to go to and all that?”
Jungkook followed you as you left your room. “Told you it was cancelled, so I was just going to sleep over. No reason to go back home.”
You turned around, walking backwards. “When did you say it was cancelled?”
Jungkook raised his dark eyebrows. “Literally when I walked in your apartment.”
You turned back around and went to your fridge, grabbing an aloe juice. Jungkook went to your water kettle, hunting for hot chocolate among your tea packets.
“You’d make an awful sub anyway,” Jungkook said, returning to the original subject as he filled the kettle with water from your filtered sink faucet. “Like, probably the fucking worst.”
You took a large swig and glared at him. “Alright, first of all, you wouldn’t even–”
“You’re terrible with authority.”
You paused. “Okay, true.”
“You’re angry, twenty-four, seven.”
You walked up to him and slapped him in his very hard pecs. He gestured at his chest, as if to indicate, exhibit A.
“And you’re super uptight.”
“I am not uptight.”
“Control freak.”
Jungkook turned around and placed the kettle on its stand. You swooped in with a Pikachu-themed kitchen towel and wiped the excess water away, scowling. Jungkook raised his eyebrows at you, brown eyes laughing.
“That’s literally a safety hazard!” you exclaimed, waving the towel at him.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and pressed the button to start heating the water. “Haven’t you ever just… not freaked out over every little thing? Done something spontaneous and stupid?”
You placed the kitchen towel back in its proper place. “No, because that would be spontaneous and stupid, Jeon Jungkook.”
He leaned against the counter, watching you perfectly fold the towel into three parts and hang it on the rail. He scratched his nose, shaking his head. “You should be more like me.”
“Having the police called on you because you were standing on a lawn chair tooting a party horn at four in the morning?”
“That was one time! Stop bringing it up,” Jungkook groaned.
You raised your hands in innocence. “Well, I was the one called to pick you up because you literally couldn’t remember any other number and I was very disturbed on New Year’s Eve, where I should have been peacefully sleeping and not hauling your drunk ass across town.”
Jungkook sighed exaggeratedly. “I’m sorry, okay? I won’t drink that much again. Jimin made me do shots–”
“You always blame Park Jimin,” you interjected, smiling. “Jimin’s the kind of guy who only wears clothes to take them off.”
“Well, it gets him laid, so I guess it’s working.”
The kettle whistled noisily, cutting through the conversation. You took a sip from your aloe juice as Jungkook grabbed a mug from your cupboard and poured the hot chocolate powder into it.
“You want some milk?”
He looked up. “You have milk?”
You went to the fridge and took out a small carton. “Because you said you were coming.”
“Aw, what a sweetie.”
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
That’s how it was with you two. Growing up together was the same conversation over and over of you constantly saying shut up and Jungkook always replying with no. If both your dads hadn’t been such good friends, you probably wouldn’t have been able to tolerate him. Since they were, you were forced to, which turned out to be okay, since it turned out you had similar interests in games and such. It drifted apart a bit when you two entered high school, but you two reconnected once university started.
The dysfunctionality Jungkook was referring to was your two older sisters, who both got pregnant out of wedlock and thus caused a lot of tension between them, your parents, and you, the one who hadn’t actually done that yet. And you were trying to keep it that way.
Jungkook poured half-water and half-milk, stirring it with a silver spoon he found in your drawer. You lived alone, having gotten a full scholarship to be able to pay for tuition, meals, and part of a small apartment. Your parents paid for the rest – another point of strain between you and your sisters. That’s why you kept your grades up and rarely went out.
“When was the last time you fucked a guy?”
You sucked the inside of your cheek. “Dunno. Maybe two years ago.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows and took a long sip. “So, only girls, huh?”
You tilted your head and sighed. “They don’t get you pregnant.”
“Neither does a condom.”
“That’s a ninety-eight percent chance, not one hundred.”
He licked the excess off his pink lips. He looked like he wanted to say something, but reconsidered, taking another sip before replying. “You don’t miss dick?”
“I mean, a dildo is a dick.”
Jungkook nearly spat out his hot chocolate. You snatched your Pikachu towel again and threatened him with it. He raised a hand, coughing.
“A dildo is not a dick,” he hacked out. “You insult me.”
“Hmph.” You turned back around and placed the Pikachu towel back in its place, making sure the graphic was perfectly centered.
“You tell your parents?”
You narrowed your eyes. ‘Why the fuck would I tell my parents that I fuck girls instead of guys to avoid getting pregnant?”
He shrugged. “Give them peace of mind?”
“You think too highly of the generation before us.”
Jungkook gave you a weird look. “So… you’re just using them?”
“No.” You paused. “Okay, maybe a little, but it’s not because they’re girls. I guess I haven’t found someone who understands me yet.”
He took a long, noisy sip of hot chocolate. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“No one can understand you if you only fuck once and drop them.”
“Wouldn’t you fucking know,” you replied irritably.
“Now, I fuck multiple times before I realize it’s not going to work out,” Jungkook countered.
You shoved your bottle of aloe juice back into your fridge. Suddenly, you weren’t thirsty anymore.
“Is that the only reason?”
You closed the fridge door.
“Reason for what?”
“Is fear of pregnancy the only reason you fuck girls?”
“I don’t know!” you shouted, throwing your hands up. You spun around, blowing hot air. “I don’t fucking know why I do it, Jungkook. I don’t know why I load up dating apps to only hook up with girls, I don’t know why I don’t try to get into relationships with them, I don’t know what is wrong with me and why I can’t give anyone a chance and I don’t know why you pop up in my head every time I try to fucking masturbate! It is annoying and I do not like it, so I try to get off with someone else!”
Your chest was heaving with exertion and annoyance, hand curled onto a fist and planted on your kitchen counter, glaring at the space past Jungkook’s head, muscle twitching in your cheek. Your heart was beating so fast it didn’t feel real.
“Fuck you, Jungkook.”
And then you turned around, stalking back to your bedroom.
Or would have, if you didn’t hear the clink of the mug touching the kitchen counter and Jungkook grabbing your upper arm, yanking you back, slamming you against his muscular body. You hissed, staring into his chest.
“Let me go.”
“Hold on a second.” You watched Jungkook take a deep breath, his toned, tan skin rising and falling. The silver necklace on his collarbones flashed as he breathed. “Just hold on a damn second.”
Your eyes were on the low neckline of his black shirt. It felt weird being close to him. Not that you two haven’t been physically close, because you had. But it had never been like this. Since you realized he wouldn’t leave your mind every time you tried to masturbate. Since you started looking to other people to push him out. Since you were sure that it was not just a passing thought, not just your brain playing tricks on you. And being this close to him now, you understood.
And it scared you.
“You cannot dump all that on me and expect me not to react,” Jungkook said quietly.
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“No,” he snapped. He grabbed both your upper arms and shook you violently, making you jerk your head up to blink at him. Jungkook furrowed his brows, his dark eyes glaring at you, jaw clenched tightly. “I will not shut up. Why should I shut up? I should shut you up.”
And then he kissed you.
Your eyes widened. Jungkook’s pink lips were on you. You. On your lips, pressed firmly against them, gripping you so tight you were losing feeling in your arms. You tore back, stumbling, touching your lips, shoulders shaking, not sure why your heart was beating out of your chest, not sure why your lips tingled and wanted more, not sure why Jungkook slowly opening his eyes and flickering to you made your knees knock together uncomfortably.
“What are you doing?” you sputtered. “You don’t even… what…?”
“I’m kissing you,” he growled, walking up to you and pinning you against the counter. “I’m fucking kissing you because you want me to.”
“I don’t…”
“Just shut up, please.”
And then Jungkook kissed you again, harder this time, pressing you against the kitchen counter, hands coming up and taking you by the waist, pulling you to him and his leather jacket, him and his black shirt, breathing your name into your lips, your hands grabbing his t-shirt and yanking him to you, gasping into his mouth. And you wanted to say, no, no, you weren’t supposed to know, but it was too late because you were shoving his leather jacket off, grasping his shoulders, fingers pressing into his hard muscles, sliding down his biceps.
You yanked your head back and his hand came up to grab it back, kissing you more, more, tongue licking your lips, hissing your name, grinding his hips against yours. Your hand came up in between you two, stopping him, stopping him and his insatiable lips.
“You have to s-say–” You moaned, feeling him harden against your fleece pajamas. “You have to say it.”
“Say what?” Jungkook muttered impatiently, kissing your hand, speaking into your palm.
“Say you’re okay with it,” you gritted out as he rolled his crotch into yours.
“Obviously I’m okay with it,” he grumbled. “Why else am I humping you in your kitchen?”
“You said I’m a c-control freak,” you groaned, throwing your head back as Jungkook slid his hands down to your ass and squeezed it, grinding against you.
“You are,” he grunted. “You can’t let go, you can’t enjoy yourself, you can’t even tell me you like me so I can fucking fuck you already, instead of me cancelling my parties so I can spend time laying on your bed and staring at you playing video games wondering when you’re going to fucking notice that I want to bang you.”
“What?” you replied breathlessly.
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “You’re so busy controlling your own life that you don’t even notice the people around you anymore.”
“What?” you repeated again as Jungkook hoisted you up by your ass and began to walk, forcing you to grab him by the shoulders and stare down his right arm, the fully tattooed one with flowers and script and the tiny circle with angry slits for eyes and a frown on the inside of his elbow, the one Jungkook said was for you and you had slapped him in the chest and told him to shut up.
“Let me take over for once,” he mumbled, placing his chin on your shoulder and nudging you with his head and his non-crispy but still not quite soft dark hair.
“You said I would be an awful sub.”
Jungkook dumped you on the bed, shooing you upwards. You didn’t move, frowning at him. He sighed dramatically.
“You would. You are,” he corrected, planting a hand on your chest and pushing you down, bouncing you against your Pikachu bedsheets. He sandwiched your arms at your sides and straddled your torso. The bed bowed far too low and you almost slid off. Hurriedly, you scooted upwards and Jungkook followed, unbothered.
“You said I’m terrible with authority.”
Jungkook wrestled your arms back down and pinned them with his strong thighs. “You are.”
“You said I’m angry, twenty-four, seven.”
He cocked his head, slowly unbuttoning your pajama shirt. “Still true.”
“And you said I’m uptight,” you added ruefully, pouting.
Jungkook shrugged, reaching in between his legs to unbutton he last few ones. “I’ll fuck it out of you.”
He paused, towering above you, eyebrow raised. His black hair curled around his ears, against his silver hoops and base of his neck. His dark eyes pierced down at you, tiny mole under his lips clearly visible from this position. You could see the bottom of his sharp chin, the black t-shirt clinging to his chest, the shape of his tan arms, one tattooed, one not, from below.
“Y-you’re pinching my right arm…”
Jungkook looked down, moving his left leg. “Sorry.”
You winced, pulling out your left arm to rub the other. He tapped your forearm impatiently with his finger.
“You’re ruining the moment,” he scolded.
“You ruined it by bruising me,” you shot back, backing up to your pillows on your elbows, grimacing as you soothed your arm.
“I’m going to bruise you more if you keep being a little brat,” Jungkook growled, following you on hands and knees, the neckline of his t-shirt hanging down, revealing way too much of his skin. Your eyes widened and you slipped, a white plush Poro bonking you in the head. He grabbed it and tossed it aside, the poor guy rolling on the floor.
“That’s very rude,” you muttered, but he was over your body now, breathing hard, staring down your now open shirt and the curve of your breasts into your black bra.
“Why do you get hotter every year?”
You raised an eyebrow. “I… don’t?”
Jungkook shoved the sides of your pajama shirt apart impatiently, reaching under your back and pinching the bra clasp, undoing it with one hand.
“Yes, you do,” he exhaled hotly. “Every year you get prettier and prettier and it pisses me off so much that I have to work out to look half as good as you.”
You felt your ears and cheeks get hot. “Well… you do look very, erm, good.”
“You’re very convincing,” Jungkook chuckled darkly, pushing your bra up and sucking in his lower lip as he revealed your hard, quivering nipples.
Your eyes shifted away from his hungry eyes. “I, uh… am very wet.”
A single, perfectly shaped eyebrow ticked. “Show me.”
He lifted himself off you, pointing down.
“Show me,” Jungkook commanded.
You tried to move your arms and found them tangled in your clothes. You frowned and shrugged out of your pajama shirt, chucking it and your bra aside, before gripping the waistband of your green fleece pants. You hesitated and looked back at Jungkook, who just flapped his hand downwards, giving you a neutral expression.
You puffed your cheeks and raised your hips, yanking your pants and panties down your thighs. You had to bend your legs a bit to fully take them off since Jungkook’s knees were on the outside of your thighs.
Now you were fully naked in front of your childhood best friend. And he was still fully clothed.
“Er, aren’t you going to–”
Jungkook cut you off. “You still haven’t shown me.”
You blinked at him. “What do you want me to do, become a fucking pretzel?”
Jungkook shrugged. “Any way you can prove to me you’re wet.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Fucking…” You bent your right leg and slid it up between his thighs, brushing against his sweatpants and feeling his hard-on for a hot second before you jammed your leg into your chest and lifted it out, pressing your thigh against your torso and raising your calf into the air. You turned your head to the left, letting out an exasperated huff.
“There. You see it?”
Shit, this position was embarrassing for some reason. You could feel cold air on your dripping pussy. Maybe he couldn’t see or something. You lifted your right arm to wrap around your thigh, pressing it down against your breasts since Jungkook wasn’t saying anything.
“That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Jungkook breathed.
“Okay, going to put my leg do–”
You gasped, suddenly feeling Jungkook’s fingertips touch your heated core, smearing your juices around the lips, his hot breath against your ear as he touched you. You shuddered as he stroked your folds, your name on his lips, his lips kissing your ear.
“Had to touch you,” he whispered against your neck, tone desperate. “I’m sorry, I just had to touch that beautiful pussy, all wet and slopping for me.”
Your eyelids fluttered as his middle finger found your clit, pressing on it. “J-Jungkook… That’s my…”
He chuckled deep in his throat. “Yeah? That’s your what?”
Slow, lazy circles, pushing it around, moan leaving your lips. “My c-clit…”
“Want me to touch it?” Jungkook purred. “Want me to handle your pleasure?”
But he as already touching it, nursing the sensitive bundle of nerves and rousing your lust, igniting it and setting it on fire.
He kissed down your neck, whispering softly, licking your collarbones. “You trust me? You trust me with this pretty, perfect, hot, sexy, fuckable body?”
You arched your neck, giving him more access as he ran his pink lips all over, rubbing your clit, mouth on your throat. Your whole body shook, hips rolling into his finger.
His breath so electrifying that you could barely focus, barely speak as Jungkook’s other hand came up behind your head, long fingers burying into your hair, holding tight, so tight it almost hurt, teeth nipping at your skin.
“Want to mark you,” he mumbled. “Want to give you a big fat hickey you can’t explain, want to bruise you so bad you’ll be staring at it for weeks, thinking about my lips on you, remembering my teeth gave you that.”
He pressed another finger to your clit, increasing the pace, and all you could do was hiss out a yes, a burning yes, a pleading yes, please, Jungkook, whining as his teeth sank into the spot where your shoulder and neck connected, sucking hard, his tongue licking away the prickling pain. His hips rolled into your thigh, his hard cock pressing against you, straining against his pants.
Jungkook moaned into your skin, so hot, so intense, rubbing your aching clit faster, harder, more urgently. Sucking and humping your leg as the feeling of his teeth and his fingers overwhelmed you, one hand clutching his shirt and one hand curled into your sheets as your thighs shook, trying to close but unable to because Jungkook was so strong, so there, so overpowering that you could only lay there and take it, take it as his name poured out of you in a breathless wail, throwing your head back as you felt your pussy clench around nothing, your juices becoming slicker, thicker, the scent of your orgasm staining the air.
He shoved the two fingers inside you and unlatched his mouth, moaning with you as he felt you squeeze his fingers, pumping you in long, slow strokes, all the way to his knuckles. You whimpered, tightening your core and Jungkook moaned again, eyes closed, his hair in disarray as you fucked his hand, clamping your hands on his right forearm, gasping at the feel of his muscle. Pussy throbbing around his fingers, hips meeting his knuckles over and over.
His eyes opened, watching your fuck yourself with his hand, an almost bored expression on his features, but you didn’t care because you felt him flex his fingers and his arm, telling you to continue, telling you he liked it.
“I thought you were going to let me do it.” Jungkook’s voice was low, trying to stay even despite his shallow breathing. “Have to control everything, don’t you?”
You caught your lower lip in your teeth, eyes moving to his face, his handsome, angular face with his black hair curled around his forehead and his cocked eyebrow, smirk on his lips.
“I’m not in control,” you panted. “Your forearm is…”
Jungkook flexed it under your hand and you moaned pathetically, breath hitching.
His smirk grew wider.
“It’s getting you off touching it.”
You swallowed, close, so close and Jungkook was taunting you and for some reason you couldn’t tell him to shut up, because he kept tensing his arm and it was so fucking hot that you really were going to orgasm.
“Say it,” he purred, breathing your name. “Tell me you like my forearm.”
Your eyes shifted down to his arm in your hands, the tiny angry face tattoo in his inner elbow frowning at you.
“I fucking love it, Jungkook,” you gasped. “Fuck, I love your delicious, sexy-as-fuck forearms.”
He grinned and began to thrust his fingers into you, fast, so fast you couldn’t even fathom how he could be that fast like a fucking vibrator, sending torrents of pleasure through you and his arm was so hard and his skin so soft that your eyes rolled back into your head, moaning his name far too loud. Jungkook placed a hand over your mouth and you screamed into it, liquid gushing down your thighs, but he didn’t stop, he kept going until you felt it again, pussy throbbing, back-to-back, eyelids fluttering, nails digging into his arm as the crescendo slammed into you, taking your breath and senses away, lost only in the feeling of Jungkook’s secure presence above you.
He slowed, breathing hard. Gently, carefully pulling his fingers out of your pulsating pussy, gasping as he removed his hand. You vaguely heard Jungkook place his fingers in his mouth, sighing wantonly at your taste.
“You taste so good,” he whispered around his fingers. “Fuck, so sweet and thick and delicious.”
Your brain could not compute what the fuck was happening. Did Jungkook just give you three mind-blowing orgasms in a row after you exploded at him and admitted to thinking about him while masturbating?
Holy shit.
He pressed his face into your hair, inhaling your scent.
You swallowed thickly.
“Jungkook, do you, ah… want something too?” you asked quietly.
You heard him snicker. “If I take my clothes off, I’m going to want to put my dick in you.”
“… I’m cool with that.”
“I thought a dildo was the same as a dick?”
You cleared your throat. “Ah… Well, I didn’t think you’d want to put a dick in me.”
Jungkook laughed. “If I had five dicks, I’d put them all in you.”
“Erm… mathematically speaking, that doesn’t really work…”
“Shut up.”
Jungkook sat up, looking down at you with a smile. The same smile he always had, but a little different now, because he didn’t have to hide his attraction to you anymore.
“You really let me put it in you?”
You narrowed your eyes. “With a ninety-eight percent chance, only.”
His smile became mischievous. “That’s not one hundred percent.”
You puffed your cheeks.
“I’ll take the two percent chance for you and only you, Jungkook.”
He grinned and turned around, throwing himself to the end of the bed where his jeans were barely holding on. Fishing through the pockets, retrieving the foil packet from the back pocket. You blinked at him.
“How long has that been–”
Jungkook gave you a silencing look. “I bring a new one every time I come over, in hopes you become drunk enough to sit on my dick.”
You blinked at him. “What.” Not a question, just you stating it.
“Because you’re paranoid.”
You frowned. “I’m not–”
He launched himself over the bed and silenced you with a kiss, deep and longing. You leaned into it, breathing softly, tongue against his, pressing back against him. Jungkook drew back slowly, thumb on your cheek. Eyes looking into yours, careful and tender.
“I don’t want you to worry,” he said against your lips. “I’ll do anything you want. I know it’s not easy for you. I know you’re not ready for the million babies I want from you.”
“I can’t have a million babies. It’s not scientifically possible,” you interjected.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes. “Can you just let me have one romantic moment?”
“Erm, sorry.”
“You want me to have a damn vasectomy or something? Because I’ll fucking do it. That shit’s reversible.”
“No, that kind of requires more time and I’m pretty horny for your dick right now. Condom will do.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “You are a shitty sub.”
“I will do better after I’ve had the dick.”
Jungkook straightened and yanked his black t-shirt over his head. “No, you won’t.”
Your eyes roamed over his toned chest. Damn, he was ripped. Maybe he was insecure about you being hot or something, but you were certainly benefiting. “You never know?”
Jungkook sent you a pained look and pressed a hand to your chest, shoving you back into your bed. “I’ve known you way too long to believe those words coming out of your mouth.”
You were going to reply, but he ran his hand over your chest, inhaling sharply as he brushed against your nipples. He ran his fingers over them, squeezing a little. You whined, trying to get more, but Jungkook pressed his palm down on your breast, breathing hard.
“Listen, woman, I’m about to explode in my damn underwear. Stop sounding so sexy this instant.”
Your eyes found his, pupils blown wide, lips pursed, and jaw tight. Your lips parted a little, tongue peeking out, a soft moan of his name emitting from your throat. You saw a muscle in his eyebrow twitch. He looked like he wanted to throttle you, at least a little bit.
You grinned.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes.
“You are lucky you’re cute,” he muttered. “And lucky I want to be in this pussy more than I want to be alive.”
“Don’t you ne–”
Jungkook planted his hand on your mouth. “The only words I want to hear out of you are, “Fuck me harder” or my own name, you got that?” he snarled, pressing his hand into your face for emphasis.
You nodded quickly.
He sighed, almost in relief, and yanked his pants and underwear down, wincing. There was a large wet spot on his boxer briefs, strings of pre-cum clinging as he pushed it down his muscular thighs.
“You made me a giant mess,” he muttered, eyes flickering up to you. “What do you have to say?”
You blinked at him and gave him a thumbs up.
He grinned. “You do know how to listen.”
In truth, you couldn’t say anything because you were breathlessly staring at Jungkook’s thick cock, red head glistening with pre-cum, dripping everywhere. You slid down quickly, startling him, and wrapped your lips around the head, moaning as his strong taste invaded your mouth. He hissed, gritting his teeth as your tongue swiped around, licking his length all over, feeling the veins and contours, memorizing them.
“F-fuck,” he gasped. “You wanted to clean me up that bad?”
Your eyes traveled up his abs, his pecs, his neck, to his face, giving him your best imploring look. He smirked, placing a hand on your forehead, and gradually, with great effort, pulled out of your tight mouth. Tight because you sucked in your cheeks, not wanting to let him go, but Jungkook was stronger than you. You frowned, but he shooed you away.
“I allowed it this one time. Now back to your spot.”
You backed up, tsking as you watched him roll down the condom, groaning as it covered him.
“I’m actually glad I have this fucking condom,” Jungkook muttered, glaring at you.
You couldn’t say anything, so you spread your legs. His eyes dropped down and he bit his lower lip, crawling to you, grabbing your thighs. Placing himself right in front of your soaked entrance, staring down at your pussy as he guided himself, sinking into you.
“Holy fuck,” he gasped, squeezing his eyes shut.
You moaned, feeling Jungkook’s cock stretch you out, so different from a silicone dildo or multiple fingers, because it was Jeon Jungkook praying for air as you clenched around his length, his cries of pleasure as he rocked his hips into you. Those long nights with your vibrator and his Instagram open on your phone were incomparable to his cock molding to your walls, his hard hips finally hitting your thighs, all the way in, and it was so good that you throbbed around him, shuddering.
“J-Jungkook…” you pleaded.
“I know,” he panted, hands gripping your knees tight. “I know, but give me a second to appreciate this pussy, holy fuck.”
He jerked his cock inside you and you cried out, definitely crushing your sheets, but Pikachu had seen a lot by now and there was only going to be more.
Jungkook finally began to slide out and push back in, groaning, starting slow and deep because quite frankly he needed to last more than five seconds and your pussy was not letting up. You had too much control over your vaginal muscles and he was too into you to not be hugely turned on by it, shoving your legs up higher so he could go deeper, feel more of you surround him and massage his length.
“H-harder…” you whimpered. “Please, Jungkook, fuck me harder…”
And how could Jungkook say no to that? Begging so perfectly, with just the right amount of desperation, and you didn’t even know it was driving him insane, because he knew normally you were so wound up, always worrying about being perfect, always worrying about doing the right thing, but now you were unraveling on his cock as he bent down and put more force into it, pounded you harder, watching the ecstasy in your eyes, your mouth opening and tongue peeking out, hot breath in his face. Knuckles white as you clutched the sheets, pleasure radiating up his length as you came with a cry, his name, his name on those perfect lips, lips he always watched with envy, wondering who had them, wondering who was so lucky to capture them.
And now it was just him, just him and you, and his hips slapping into your hips, pussy nearly choking his cock, but it felt so good, so fucking euphoric as you fucked him back, raising your hips to meet his, loud, wet, and lewd, probably causing a ruckus next door. But neither of you cared, your names mixing together, your eyes staring to Jungkook’s piercing brown ones, hot pleasure radiating up your stomach, your chest, to your head and there was no one else.
No one else but Jungkook’s name tumbling out of your mouth as the wave soared into you, pussy spasming as you came again, unsure at what number it was, but it was the one Jungkook wasn’t prepared for and he groaned, smacking into you one last time before you felt his cock throb and pulse against your walls, spilling into the condom. You gasped at the feeling, clenching around him, his right hand reaching over to grasp yours and hold it tightly, intertwining your fingers.
“W-wow…” you whispered breathlessly. “Nice cock.”
Jungkook burst out laughing. “You’re unbelievable.” He reached down and gingerly felt around in your dripping folds, finding the end of the condom and pulling out carefully.
“Fuck. It’s so much,” he gulped, brows knitted in worry.
You waved a hand. “It’s fine. I finished my period yesterday. Likelihood of you getting me pregnant is pretty low.”
Jungkook jerked his head towards you.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say that sooner?” he roared, slapping your leg. “I was scared shitless over here!”
You placed your hands over your ears. “So loud. Shut up, Jungkook.”
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I’m the Doll!MC Anon and I just wanna say I’m so glad that you enjoy a soft/delicate!MC and I really didn’t expect it to get so much love!
Since I kinda want to be evil and see the boys be overprotective, can I request hc’s of them seeing Doll!MC getting hurt by some lesser demon that bumps her into the ground and she gets a bruise? 🌚
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Omg Doll Anon I wasn’t expecting it to get so much love either (here’s the original Doll!MC HCs if anyone wants to read)!! So I actually had your request saved for when I was done with the prompt special bc it’s so good, so I decided to combine them and I have definitely been waiting to write this 😈😈 Reader is gender neutral!
CW: mention of blood (nothing graphic) and spoilers for Lesson 16 (Lucifer, Mammon, Beel, and Belphie’s part)
The Brothers and Diavolo with Doll!MC who Gets Hurt
Okay whoever is dumb enough to hurt you in front of him deserves this 100%
The air around this man is already more than intimidating, so whoever tries this is a poor, stupid soul
When he saw you fall down the stairs, he felt his stomach turn. He already caught you before you could injure yourself further, but after seeing the blood coming down your face, the damage was already done
Now, Lucifer is the brother who always has control over himself and what he does. But, we also know that how his temper can get, especially when it comes to his family
This demon is dumb enough to push you but not dumb enough to crack a smile in front of him, especially with how tense Lucifer is getting right now
He sat you up and tried to remember some first aid techniques to stop the bleeding. You’re on the verge of losing consciousness, but you’re okay right now. He’ll take you home, but first-
His glare is making the demon freeze in place right now, and the anger radiating off of him is petrifying
How dare- how dare this fool harm you, in front of him no less?! Did they think that he wouldn’t do anything? That Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, one of the strongest demons to ever grace the Devildom, would just idly stand by and let this happen?
He’s stalking towards them, and he can feel his fangs showing and his diamond appearing on his forehead, growling out how they will pay for this-
But he’s stopped by Lord Diavolo, who was shocked by the scene. You’re unconscious, and Lucifer has this poor student hanging in the air by their uniform, claws ready to slice through them. Needless to say, he understands why his close friend is upset, but for everyone’s safety he should just take you home like planned
You thought Lucifer was a helicopter parent before? You haven’t seen NOTHING yet
He would start inviting you more to his room to sleep in his bed while he works away, and it started happening so much that he didn’t even ask anymore and started expecting you to always be in there
So instead of him being glued by your side, you’re glued to his. It’s obvious that he can’t let you out of his sight without something happening (again), so hope you’re ready to see experience Lucifer’s daily routine from sunrise to sunset and a whole new set of rules. Basically playing follow the leader, but with a lot more handholding and kisses
You had to practically beg to be back into the kitchen, and he only relented when he could be the one to supervise you, and even then he still didn’t want to hold anything sharp or be near anything that could injure you (which is pretty much everything)
The main one to put a stop to his brothers’ schemes, handing out harsher punishments than before each time they try to involve you. This man is not playing any games with anyone
You know he means well, he was already overprotective from the start, and this is just his way of showing that he cares about you. You can tell every time he gives you that soft look in his eyes, and the regret that he shows every time he catches sight of your bruise. He may not like to be vulnerable, but he couldn’t hide his emotions from you too long. You’re like a weakness to him, one that he isn’t against indulging in
And he hasn’t forgotten about that student, oh no. He made sure to have a nice lengthy chat with them when you both returned to RAD. You didn’t question it when he informed you that the student had been rightfully punished and no longer an issue, and you tried to ignore the red dots splattered on his shoes, or that sadistic gleam in his eyes...
This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening-
The blood is pouring from your head, and your eyes are closing too fast for him, and his heart stops
You look lifeless, like when Belphie killed you, when he was too late to save you-
He’ll never forget that image, it’s drilled deep into his mind, forever a reminder of his failure to protect you. And now he failed again-
This demon is gloating about this, and that’s when he snaps
He was already in his demon form and beating the life out of them when he was restrained. Many people were shocked that he was capable of this, that Mammon the scumbag, Mammon the dummy, Mammon the punching bag was capable enough to be this dangerous, this deadly. He’s the second born after all, and he’s the strongest right under Lucifer himself, and he holds a lot in
He could- he would do a lot more because they deserve it, but just seeing you so still, it snaps him out of it. You’re more important to him than getting his anger out, and you’re the one he needs to be focusing on right now. But rest asssured, this isn’t over
You thought he was attached to you before? He is glued to your side 24/7 and will not be leaving anytime soon. Ever since you woke up he never let go of you, calling you “his human” and just hugging you tight
Also if you have to go down the stairs you guys are FLYING no exceptions! The stairs are the devil in his eyes (how ironic) and he will not be risking anything with you
If you guys aren’t out and about under his careful and watchful eye (and I mean very careful, he’s like your very own bodyguard but with a lot more growling and snapping on strangers than usual), then you’re in his room doing whatever. Watching movies, playing cards and somehow beating him every time (he swears that he isn’t letting you win! Lies), whatever you wanna do. As long as you’re with him, giggling and safe, he’s happy and stress free
You mean so much to Mammon MC, he can’t even tell you if he tries. Under his tsundere traits, he really loves you, like really loves you! He’s just so scared of being rejected and losing you a second time. But now that he knows you’ll always be there for him, he’s going to do the same for you (but he already was even if you didn’t like him) He hates looking at that bruise right now, but it’s set as a reminder to not let something happen to you again
Also, another thing that people forget about Mammon is that he can talk to crows. So it wasn’t much to have them track down the person who caused you pain, and it didn’t take long for him to find them either. He thinks that the aftermath will set a good lesson for everyone else who continues to underestimate him when it comes to you: don’t
See, this is why he never leaves his safe haven AKA his room!
After he saw your head hit the ground hard, he was freaking out. He doesn’t know what to do, he wasn’t prepared for this! He tried shaking you to keep you awake, but your eyes were steady closing
Everything is happening in slow motion. You’re slumped over on the ground while the person who did it is laughing at him
If anything, the person who did it should be the one on the ground, not you, not his Henry. It’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair!
The demon stopped laughing when their windpipe was getting crushed by the second. They couldn’t even try to loosen the grip, Levi’s tail is rather strong, and so is he. He is the third strongest out of his family and the Grand Admiral of the Navy, yet people tend to forget that
Everyone knows how bad Levi’s tantrums can be, but this isn’t just a tantrum, it’s much worse. Had the brothers not intervene, he would have done much worse than summoning Lotan (which he was on the brink of doing anyway)
When you did wake up, he was so upset. Of course he let this happen, he’s just a worthless otaku who couldn’t even keep his crush safe-
OMG why are you hugging him and patting his head?! Quit it- well wait, this does feel kinda nice...Ugh you’re such a normie! Getting hurt so easily and still trying to put a smile on his face. But it does make him feel better
He rarely left his room before, and you guys are definitely not leaving it now. It’s like having a sleepover, but it never ends. That sounds great, right MC? Endless marathons of TSL and other anime, co-op video games, trying on his cosplay outfits that he made (some even made just for you and he needs to cover that bruise somehow), it’s going to be so fun and you’ll be safe with him! Who wouldn’t want that??
We all know that Levi is very self conscious. He knows that he isn’t confident like Lucifer and Mammon, or attractive like Asmo, or smart like Satan or Belphie, or physically fit like Beel, he knows. But every time you listen to him ramble on about this new anime show that he wants you guys to binge, or when he rants about a stupid move his teammate did in an online match, he feels valued. He feels loved. And while it’s hard for him to express his feelings, it’s no doubt in his mind that you’re important to him, and that he’s beyond happy that someone like you is his best friend
One day he’ll get the courage to say those three words, but he hopes that you already know with everything that he does for you
For example, Levi is an aquatic demon, and he has the ability to communicate with all types of sea creatures. Granted, he knows right from wrong, but in his eyes he’s taking care of the problem. So it wouldn’t be a huge issue if he used them to clean up the remaining mess of said problem, right? I mean, his venom can only do so much, and he doesn’t need anyone questioning him, and Lotan does get hungry...
He could only see red. Both from his anger surfacing and from the fact that you’re bleeding
He had his claws wrapped around the neck of the one responsible before they could even think about running. This- this filth dared tried to escape after he hurt you? And they thought that Satan would just let them get away with it?
They must forget that he’s the Avatar of Wrath, the one who doesn’t show mercy
He just kept pounding the demon into the ground, over and over and over and over. He didn’t even care about the blood splatter it was leaving on the lockers or on him
He was this close to finishing them off when he heard you call out for him, and it took everything in him to drop them. He squeezed their neck a final time, not even close to being satisfied with the whimper he heard, and growled out a promise of that he will find them and will make sure that they suffer before he threw them down. They better count themselves lucky that they get to crawl away in one piece (for now), because had you not been there-
Oh, he is seething the more he thinks about it
But you bleeding is a distraction from it, even if it is making his stomach turn, it’s helping him know that he needs to help you now
He didn’t have to let his brothers know as they came to see what the commotion was, and Lucifer (even if he didn’t want to believe it himself) was anxious that he was the cause of it. But after he saw the hold he had on you and another demon barely clinging onto life, he knew otherwise
It was decided that you two going home would be the best course of action (which it didn’t matter to Satan, you both weren’t going to stay here whether it was demanded or not), and he calmed down enough to properly treat you
You didn’t leave his room for the rest of the day, and he even gave up his bed for you to lie in so that he can do some research. The human body is a complicated thing, but Satan can learn it like the back of his hand just for you. So just go ahead and rest for now MC- or maybe not, you might have a concussion according to this book and if you do he needs to monitor your condition!
Even after you were healed, he didn’t let you out of his sight and daily checkups were a must. Dr. Satan is in the building!
You eventually moved back into your room (you would have stayed longer but he’s a little nervous with his towering stacks of books and doesn’t want anymore accidents), but he practically moved in with you with how much he comes over, either falling asleep at your desk reading a book or falling asleep in your chair right next to your bed
Very reluctant to have you around stairs, it makes the hairs on his neck stand up. He’ll let you go down the stairs ONLY if you’re holding his hand. If you’re upset with those conditions (spoiler alert you’re not), then you better be ready to learn some teleportation spells (but even then he’s still not leaving your side)
He doesn’t hold his temper back with the others when it comes to you for the time being. If he even senses that Mammon, Asmo, or Levi is coming to you with something that can cause trouble, he’s growling at them to leave you alone, horns slowly coming out and tail whipping furiously
However, he tries not to lash out in front of you. He realizes that he lost control with that demon, and how it could have terrified you had you been fully conscious, but he doesn’t want you to think that he’s just a monster. He wants you to continue to treat him like you do now, and not have the image of bashing someone’s bloody body on the floor repeatedly
Speaking of bashing someone, Satan made well on his promise of coming back. The demon thought that avoiding coming back to school would save them, but Satan is a genius, and has many associates that he can sweet talk to get what he wants. It didn’t take much to figure out where they went, and he made sure to get out all of his pent-up frustrations from that fateful day. He felt better when he came home, but he needed to take a shower before he went to see you...
Besides from that, he does appreciate the peace that you do bring him. You just have this aura around you that’s so calming to him, and he needs to steal you away more he realizes
Also you make better cat-themed desserts than the cafe and he can’t risk Beel eating them all again
He’s shook, and not in the good way
He just had your hand in his, complaining about how you cuticles look so good and his is lacking and how guys have to go to the nail salon after class, and then your hand is jerked from his, your form at the bottom of the stairs
The blood staining your uniform is alarming, but he can’t worry about that now. He’s trying to keep you talking, but you’re already on the verge of passing out
“MC, you can’t sleep yet! We have plans to go to the nail salon remember? And I need you awake so we can talk about what matching color we’re getting! So what color should we get now, MC? MC? MC!”
He’s trying to keep himself from panicking, but he can’t help it! You’re suppose to be smiling and laughing with you, loving him, but you’re unconscious on the ground, and he’s scared
Quickly dials Lucifer and tells him the whole situation, and he’s surprised to find himself blinking back tears
The demon who did this is long gone by the time Lucifer and Diavolo come, but he remembers the face, and he has something exciting planned when he comes face to face with them
Obviously you have to go home, but Asmo is so distraught that he has to go home with you. But when you wake up, prepare to be tackled to the bed with him crying his eyes out. All you can do is try to comfort him and tell him that okay, giving him little kisses on his cheek
But now that the sadness is out of the way (all this crying and worrying is causing him stress wrinkles), it’s time for a makeover/stress relief!
Fashion shows, makeovers, painting nails, face masks, the whole nine yards. All in the comfort of his dazzling room!
It’ll make you both feel and look better, and honestly you two need that right now. It also gives him the opportunity to cover that unappealing bruise. Your beauty outshines it but it’ll be best to cover it up for your and his sake (mainly his)
Every time Asmo sees your bruise, he gets upset and he’s tired of being reminded of what happened. He knows that he’s only loved for his looks, his vanity, but you see more in him than that
You’re...you’re the first person that loves him for him entirely, not because of his features. And when he tells you that he loves you, he honestly means it. He would have never thought he would fall so deep for someone, let alone a human, but...he’s glad that it’s you. He’s happy that it’s you
Which is why he wants to keep you safe and injury-free. Plus, your skin is too pretty and doll-like to be roughed up!
You guys still go out of course, he just has a better eye on you now. This one incident isn’t going to hold him back for picking out new cute outfits for you!
And don’t think he forgot about that demon who caused all of this in the first place. He actually waited by their locker, and convinced them to come with him. But what should Asmo do with them? He could always have them steal Beel’s food, annoy Lucifer, say something horrible about Ruri-Chan, the possibilities are endless! As long as they don’t cause him to get dirty, of course
Or maybe they should do something so severe that they have no reason than to leave RAD forever, or even leave the Devildom forever, depending on how far he’s willing to take it. He’ll do anything if it means you’re safe and he gets to keep you all to himself
He thought it was an accident at first, you get so excited about things that you stumble over your own feet sometimes, but he’s always there to catch you or pick you up
You keep saying that you’re okay as he’s holding onto you, and after he sits you up he’s confused because he smells blood. His heart is beating a little quicker, and you’re not talking anymore, and your head is drooping, and that’s when he sees the blood running down the side of your face
He’s starting to panic, and he’s so scared that if he tightens his hold against you he’ll just make things worse, that he’ll just hurt you more. But he needs to go find Lucifer, he needs to get you help, you’re feeling so light in his arms and it reminds him of the Celestial War when he witnessed his sister dying-
He hears someone snickering behind him, and that’s when he loses his temper
You’re a part of his family now, someone that he loves and cares for more than he can describe, and they did this to you? Someone who wouldn’t even squish a bug, someone who made him late night snacks without even asking, always there to give him hugs after his games no matter how sweaty, someone that put his family back together and they did this to you?
Lucifer and Mammon struggled to hold him back after they found the demon flung through the wall, laying under the rubble. Beel just kept growling, fangs bared and wings buzzing. He won’t stop trying to get out of their hold, and he keeps inching closer and closer to the demon, and it’s only a matter of time before he finishes what he started
You were already in the infirmary getting treated, and Beel isn’t calming down anytime soon so you were both escorted home
You woke up to Beel upset and pouting. He’s so worried about you that he couldn’t even eat. Beelzebub could not eat, that’s how you knew this was a something serious
Poor Beel was so terrified of hurting you himself that he failed to protect you from the people that do want to hurt you, or worse
But this won’t happen again, he swears, both to you and himself. Move over Mammon, Beel is officially your new bodyguard!
Wherever you go, Beel is right behind you, literally. He’s like your shadow, just bigger and a lot more...menacing. Also isn’t taking any chances with Mammon’s schemes, just carrying you away before he can even open his mouth about another get rich quick plan
Speaking of carrying, you are not allowed to walk down the stairs anymore. As soon as you step near some you find yourself in his arms like it’s nothing. Both at home and at school, it doesn’t matter to him
Also he’s very cautious to have you around people besides his brothers, and the exchange students (but he’s still hesitant about Solomon, anyone who can cook food like him is automatically getting the side eye)
Also you practically moved in with the twins, and it’s nothing compared to the sleepovers before. Belphie sleeps easier, Beel’s stomach is satisfied (eating your homemade sweets with you is better than everything combined at Hell’s Kitchen, and trust me he knows) he feels all warm inside, and you’re protected. Everyone’s happy!
Beel is a sweet guy, just don’t come in between his family or his food. After that whole incident with the demon, everyone has come to understand that, especially after seeing just how much damage he caused both to the demon and the school in so little time...
If he was sleepy before, he’s completely awake now
You’re holding the side of your head, and he can see the blood seeping through your fingers, groaning in pain. You keep trying to say that you’re okay, but your words are starting to slur and he’s getting nervous, he’s getting scared
It’s reminding him too much of his worst mistake, of what he did to you, when he murdered-
No. He doesn’t need to be thinking about that right now, especially when the person who did this is bragging about it while your body is slumped over. Right there, he knows what exactly needs to be done
Belphie was already in front of them before they even registered it, and didn’t give him any time to form an excuse. His claws were already at their throat, inching deeper and deeper the more they swallowed
“I should just slit your throat now, it’ll be easy and not a lot of work. But you deserve much worse than that. You’ll wish I did by the end of this.”
After a tap to the demon’s forehead, they just collapsed before him, unmoving. He didn’t even look down when he stepped over them (or rather stepped on them) to get to you. You’re passed out, but still breathing. You can’t stay here like this, and he refuses to tell Diavolo or Lucifer. He’ll figure something out, maybe Satan has some books in his room on what to do...
When you woke up, you found yourself wrapped in blankets and Belphie sleeping beside you, arms wrapped tight. You were confused, when did you get home? You remember walking with him down the stairs, but everything was blurry after that. What happen-
“You’re always thinking so hard MC, you’ll never be able to get good rest if you keep that up. But Satan did say to check on you every couple of hours, so I guess it’s fine. And quit touching your head!”
“Oh, sorry Belphie, I didn’t mean to-”
“Tch, how annoying...”
But he’s lying. Even as he’s carefully re-wrapping the bandages, he’s relieved that you’re awake, that your eyes are still full of life, not like the dullness that he saw that fateful night
When Lucifer finds you he is not happy with Belphie, but he doesn’t care and tells him that everything is already under control and that he isn’t needed. Belphie didn’t miss the scowl that he sent his way, but he just smirked in response. You didn’t need Lucifer as Belphie is already taking care of you, as it should be
You know how he always carries around his favorite pillow? Yeah he’s doing that with you basically, minus the carrying. You’re practically attached to his side, wherever he goes you’re either right there with him or in his room, which is mainly just you two lazing around or sleeping (as usual)
Honestly, the only demons who he’s okay with disturbing you two is Beel and maybe Satan. Beel because that’s his twin and it’s his room too, and Satan only if he’s checking on you medically or if he has some new ideas to mess with Lucifer. Everyone else is just trying to bother you and be annoying, and you don’t need that
Of course he blames himself for this! How is he suppose to keep you safe, to make up for his mistake? But then it clicks
It’s not the fact that he’s weak, people think that he’s weak. But he realizes that this is fine, he’ll use that to his advantage.
Diavolo is upset and Lucifer is running out of excuses for him, but Belphie just plays stupid and says he can’t remember how to remove it (even though he does). Let the demon lose some more sleep until they learn their lesson, whether it’s from the constant nightmares or from sleep deprivation trying to stay awake to avoid said nightmares. He’ll remove it when he feels like it, and he doesn’t see that happening anytime soon
Let people think the Avatar of Sloth is weak, that he’s not a threat, and he can show them exactly how wrong they are. Better yet, this demon can be the perfect example, and many more if they become a bother to you (and him)
You’re too nice MC, too delicate. You treat him so good, like he’s not a demon, like he’s not the monster who took your life, and he has to thank you for that somehow. He feels like whatever he does won’t be enough for the kindness you give him, but protecting you from others who used to be like him could be a good start
Also now he can hog all of your head pats and cuddles for himself, and he doesn’t feel bad at all. Everyone else had their time with you when he was locked up, so he’s finally got the opportunity to be selfish
First of all...this demon is dumb enough to harm you in front of him??? The Demon LORD???? The FUTURE KING OF HELL??!
They have more than just a death wish
It all happened so quick, he just crossed paths with you in the hallways and started to ask about your day (and maybe invite you for a small tea date after school) but he didn’t even get the chance to open his mouth
One second he saw your eyes light up and hand extended to excitedly wave, then he saw your fragile form tumbling down the stairs
Barbatos was soon called to his side as Diavolo saw the red coating his palms and you barely staying conscious, trying to say that you’re okay and not to worry
See...he feared that this would be a problem. While Diavolo is a very kind and understanding ruler, there are still some demons out there who think he’s too lenient, too soft. But that’s where people are mistaken. Diavolo is kind, but do not mistake his kindness for weakness
He felt his anger rising, his demeanor starting to crack, but he set aside his emotions. You’re his first priority, and he needs to make sure that you’re okay! He’s still a ruler, and you’re his responsibility (and first love)
However, he made sure that Barbatos took the demon who did this and kept them in the dungeon until he was done treating you. He won’t let this go unpunished, he can’t and he won’t
You’re an important part of the exchange program, and you’re most important to him, and he’s upset with himself that you got hurt. You’re so delicate, and you don’t deserve any of this happening to you, but what can he do? While he trusts the brothers to keep you safe, he wants to keep an eye on you personally, but how?
Then it struck him
You liked to stay in the castle, always smiling and having fun whenever you spent time with him there, so why not relocate you there?? It’ll be like an extended sleepover/retreat with just you two!! You guys can do all of your favorite activities and won’t have to worry about going home because you won’t have to leave!! Why didn’t he think of this sooner?!
The brothers are very upset with this incident, and even more so when he announced this. Diavolo decided that your condition needed to be monitored closely, and since he’s the person directly in charge of the exchange program AND the ruler over the Devildom, there was no room to argue. You weren’t going to stay in the castle forever, just until he deemed it right to return to the HoL
Which would be...some time soon, maybe. He’s not really worried about that now, his number 1 concern is you after all!
You’re getting the royal treatment, literally. This is the chance that he gets to pamper you without interruptions and he is not wasting it!
You kept trying to convince him that you’re fine, but he wasn’t hearing any of it, especially after he sees the nasty bruise that was left. “MC, please! You still need to rest. How about I have Barbatos bring us some tea to help, and we can even have the royal staff bring us some outfits of your choosing if you like? Oo, we can even have our portrait painted!”
“Dia, I promise that I’m fine, you have more things to worry about than me-”
“Nonsense, MC. You’re what’s important to me, now and always. Don’t ever forget that.”
Even finished it with a hand kiss, UGH he really is a Prince Charming
Once you did return to RAD bruise free, Diavolo, being the gentleman that he is, walked with you everywhere in the beginning. Coming into the building, walking to class, lunch, even to the student council meeting, he was by your side. But he couldn’t avoid his duties forever (unfortunately), but he always made up for lost time afterwards
You never realized that when he wasn’t with you, someone else always was. Whether it be Lucifer who miraculously had spare time, or Barbatos who decided to escort you back to the castle to try a new recipe for his Lord, it was always one of them that stayed with you
Also, it never dawned on you why people were starting to be so nice to you. You thought it was because of what happened, not paying attention to how tense they would get, the fear in their eyes. You did notice that the demon who caused your fall never came back to class, and their desk is starting to collect dust...
When you did ask Diavolo about it, he just pat your head and said that what happened was unacceptable and that the demon has been dealt with accordingly.
You don’t need to hear about what really happened to them, he doesn’t want to scare you or taint your innocence! But he doesn’t mind if anyone else hears it, he’ll be more than happy to explain in full detail what happened and what will happen to demons that even think about attempting to harm you or think that he’s “too soft”. They won’t think he’s a soft ruler after that
Diavolo is a very sweet man, one that treats you as if you’re ruling by his side as his partner and one that you never have to be scared of, but even you didn’t miss the deadly glint in his eyes whenever he spoke about that demon...
But enough about that, he wants to try that new recipe that you made just for him!
He enjoys the time that he gets to spend with you, and after this, you’ll be in his company a lot more. He can’t risk having this happen again to his love- I MEAN favorite exchange student right?
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