#twst vil schoenheit
shrimpyyyyy · 1 day
Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil Vil
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rayroseu · 2 months
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i love how diverse in aging Vil's story is. It would've been easy to surround "Vil Schoeheit" with youthful things considering his character archetype, but I'm glad they're not holding back in adding blemishes whenever they showcase actual aging.
This reminds of Malleus' line that there is a beauty in the withering process of statues/gargoyles. In a way, Vil is like an statue (like a celebrity) but he is as well not immune to aging and I'm glad TWST wrote him as appreciated of aging instead of avoiding it
I know its been said a lot that Vil is not vain. He's not fixated on conventional beauty, but its really comforting to see the beauty icon is the one who believes aging is beautiful as well and is graceful about it, not just on others but also himself yk.
I love the realistic flair of "aging" in a story about really young people and growing up lol
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wolken-himmel · 11 months
In which (Y/n) finds a doll that bears a strange resemblance to Vil. The two enjoy some tea until Ace and Deuce show up to cause some ruckus.
The doll turns out to be the real Vil when (Y/n) accidentally kisses it.
Requested by @akemiozawa.
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"(Y/n)? What are you doing?"
You turned your gaze to the door of the Ramshackle living door as if you had been caught red-handed at the crime scene. Your eyes fell on none other than Ace and Deuce, whose gazes were trained at the blond doll seated across from you. They continued to stare at the two cups of tea on the coffee table, a steaming pot in between them.
"Having afternoon tea with my friend," you said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Ignoring their presence, you took another sip from your cup.
Ace stared at the doll owlishly, then he broke out into laughter. "That's a doll, (Y/n)," he wheezed and almost doubled over.
"Shut up," you said with a roll of your eyes. "Don't hurt Vil's feelings like that."
Your words prompted the most confusion-laced gaze you had ever received from Deuce. "I hate to break it to you, (Y/n). But that's not Vil. That's a doll." The blue-haired boy hesitated for a moment as his eyes scanned the doll curiously. He quirked an eyebrow in realisation. "Although... that doll does look a lot like Vil. Did you make it yourself?"
The doll possessed the same brilliant blond hair with purplish tips that the Pomefiore dorm leader was known for. And its eyes were a soft lavender hue, too. But what was most unnerving was the way the doll carried itself: It possessed the same confidence and elegance that Vil himself exuded. Shoulders not slouched at all and with its chin raised high, the doll seemed to look down upon Ace and Deuce.
"I found the doll in one of the classrooms," you explained fondly. "And since Vil is too busy to spend time with me like always, I've decided to entertain myself with this mini-version of him. He has quite grown on me. So adorable and soft!"
"I've always found dolls creepy..." Deuce began to shudder, averting his gaze from the doll.
Slowly but surely, Ace's lips morphed into a smug grin. The red-head crossed his arms and began snickering. "You take better care of that doll than of Grim."
"That's not true!" An offended huff escaped your lips. "I just sometimes need a break from Grim," you murmured under your breath. Then you took another sip from your cup, planning to ignore the two troublemakers for now. You still had hopes to have a lovely time with the doll Vil.
Yet your plans were thrown out of the window when Ace suddenly let out a frightened shriek. "Ew! The doll just bit me!" he yelled in fear and, unable to stop his reflexes, threw the doll at the wall.
An unimpressed frown appeared on Deuce's face as he watched his scared friend. "Dolls can't bite, Ace..."
"No, really. It bit me," Ace insisted, trembling. "Are you sure it's just a regular doll, (Y/n)?"
"Now that you say it, Ace... The doll does emit a strange aura of magic," his blue-haired friend muttered after a while.
The doll lay motionlessly on the ground after having been thrown at the wall. Although it faced the ground, the doll seemed to be at least in one piece and without any other notable damage. You immediately rushed over to the doll and picked it up into your arms like a worried mother hen.
"Stop throwing around my little boy like that!" you yelled at the two Heartslabyul students. Meanwhile, you cradled the doll in your arms. "Come now, Vil. You're okay. I'll protect you."
"Stop coddling that cursed doll!" Ace sneered, trying to hide his fear.
A soft sigh escaped your lips while you ran your fingers through the doll's silky hair. Within a few seconds, the doll looked like new. But still, its expression seemed to have morphed into an angry scowl when before, it was a confident smile. "Did your face hit the wall when Ace threw you?" you asked as you noticed the doll's sour expression. "My poor baby, come on... I'll kiss it better..."
You carefully brought the doll to your eye-level. Your two friends were about to call you a freak for kissing a doll, but as your lips made contact with the porcelain of the doll, you felt its small body shift and twist into something else. Your lungs constricted when a puff of violet smoke filled the living room of the Ramshackle dorm. Violent coughs escaped your lips.
A round of gasps echoed around the room once the smoke had cleared up. You three first-years couldn't help but stare at the tall blond male standing there in all his glory. His hands rested on his hips as he stared down the two Heartslabyul students, blaming them for the red bruise on his forehead.
"Vil?!" you three cried out in unison.
Ace let out a cheer despite the precarious situation he was stuck in. "Hah! I knew the doll was cursed."
Embarrassment heated up your cheeks, and you couldn't help but avert your gaze to the ground. All the hours you had spent cuddling the doll and taking care of it, he seemed to remember. You gulped, unable to face Vil. "You... were that doll?"
"What were you thinking, throwing me around like a rag doll, potato?" Vil hissed out like a venomous snake that was about to devour Ace.
"I didn't know it was you! You were a rag doll literally!"
Deuce still couldn't even begin to understand the situation. His eyes kept darting between the three other inhabitants of the room. "How did this even happen?"
Vil let out a sigh, but his frown lessened when you brought him a pack of ice. His long fingers pressed the soothing coldness to his bruised forehead. "I don't know. Epel must have slipped something into my water to get away again. I never realised he was capable to something this potent though... I am quite proud of him," he explained and sat down in the chair the doll had previously occupied.
"Uhm... But I hope you still enjoyed the tea time, Vil..." A nervous smile graced your lips as you finally managed to summon the courage to look him in the eyes.
A little chuckle escaped the dorm leader's lips. "I did, dear. We shall repeat this again some time. It was quite nice to be forced to take a break from my hectic schedule." He took a sip from his previously untouched cup of tea. His tense muscles relaxed immediately. "Your presence is quite soothing, I must admit. Everything was okay until these two potatoes showed up."
"Hey! You bit me!" Ace huffed in dismay.
The room suddenly grew cold when Vil cleared his throat threateningly. "Perhaps I should turn you two into dolls and throw you around, too?" the Pomefiore dorm leader asked coldly.
"Vil, it's okay," you whispered and placed your hand on his arm. "Stress isn't good for your skin, remember?"
At your words, Vil's apprehension towards your friends seemed to die down. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he rolled his shoulders tiredly. "Fine, potato. But only because it's you. Now, I'd like more tea, please."
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random-twst-things · 6 months
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*In Vil's room, getting their skin cared for*
Vil: Your clothes are always so awfully worn out. Why would you even purchase such clothes?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Oh I don't purchase them
Vil, looking at them suspiciously: ...then?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: I don't steal them! Geez, who do you think I am?
Vil: I apologize but the way you phrased it makes it seem so
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, sighing: I don't steal them, I get most of my clothes from the lost and found or from the clothes and shoes bins right outside the school gates.
Vil: ...what? 🤨
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: yea! You wouldn't believe how many good shirts ppl give away or lose! 😄
Vil: 😐
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: 🙂
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Dividers from @/cafekitsune
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lk2222 · 20 days
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Only stones remain from Night Raven College
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lovetei · 1 month
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"Baby, can't you see? I got everything you need." Only a genius can love a human like me!
Warnings: Grammar errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, readers gender is not mentioned, reader uses they/them pronouns
Links: Masterlist
In where MC randomly posted a quote in social media saying how they just admire people who has such good grades and knows how to balance their academic performance and love at the same time!
Even going as far as to say that they wouldn't mind marrying someone like that and surprisingly, just a few hours later the post is booming with people commenting a thread of their own academic achievements.
Lucifer, Satan, Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo
Riddle, Cater, Leona, Jade, Kalim, Vil, Lillia, Malleus
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v-anrouge · 10 months
random rant
vil deserves to be loved im sick of ppl shitting on him acting like he's a monster a terrible person this man has never known peace he was raised in front of cameras all his life he was never treated like a normal child he was never talked to as a normal child the only person to ever treat him his age was his fucking father who was constantly busy with his career and had to raise him alone people accuse this man of the foulest fucking things known to man "racist" "ableist" "elitist" "fatphobic" what the actual fuck is wrong with yall
and not to mention the terrible mischaracterization he suffers ppl act like he's narcissist a terrible person a sadist when he's one of the most caring characters in twst, he's not a fucking terrible housewarden like yall like to pretend he is, vil is STRICT but he is an amazing housewarden that cares a LOT about his students and that's why he goes to them PERSONALLY to make a specific routine that will help them be their best self and be healthy, i find it so funny how it only happens with vil too because riddle is just as strict if not even more and nobody ever dared say he's a bad housewarden WHICH DONT GET ME WRONG i also don't think riddle is a bad housewarden and im actually glad he doesn't get the shit vil gets for absolutely no reason in this fandom, i just think it's hilarious how many ppl hate vil and worship riddle when they are extremely similar in multiple ways
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kanroji-san · 5 months
Vil: Yuu/Mc, get up.
Yuu/Mc: I am not sleeping. I am dead. Leave flowers, say something about my perpetual beauty and leave.
Vil: I just said you couldn't have ice cream before dinner...
Yuu/Mc: Have you always hated me this much?!
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thecoolsquirrel · 1 year
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I personally am a fan of the papa crewel hcs and Vils just neat
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citrus-c0la · 4 months
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My honest reaction to that information
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fukuchh · 6 months
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mentally Vil looks exactly like this
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prince-kallisto · 2 months
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…What is Vil wearing on his hands in his new card?? (*゚▽゚*) The pose and outfit is a beautiful homage to the Evil Queen, but the red gem necklace and the golden claws(??) is so reminiscent of his Overblot form.
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rayroseu · 2 months
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kirisredriot · 2 months
After Vil’s Broomquet card was released I saw a lot of theories about what happened to his mom since he’s never met her and doesn’t even know her identity. I’ve had this idea for awhile and I haven’t seen this theory yet (apologies if it has been thrown out there and I just didn’t see it). But what if Vil’s donor conceived.
What if Vil’s dad was struggling to find a long term relationship. Someone who can handle being with one of the most famous actors. Someone who wants him for him and not the money. He wants kids and as the years go by he feels like time is slipping away. He see’s his costars kids when they come to visit their parent on set and the joy on his costars faces when they see them. And he wants his kid to come and visit him on set too.
Finally Vil’s dad was done waiting for the right partner to come around and takes matters into his own hands. He contacts a clinic known for its discretion obviously recommended to him by costars who needed some help conceiving. He’s offered a book of women who donated their eggs and he flips through it looking for the right woman to be the “mother” of his child. He chooses one and then is connected to a surrogate who will carry his child for him. The surrogate signs a NDA and he hands over his genetic donation so Vil is 100% his father’s son. A month later he is contacted by the surrogate letting him know that she’s pregnant. Vil’s dad is over the moon his dream is finally coming true. A few months later he’s informed he’s having a boy.
He goes on as if life is normal for the next nine months, giving nothing away as he secretly prepares for his new arrival. The nursery is decked out and outfitted with only the best. Nannies have already been interviewed and hired at the ready for when he inevitably has to return to work. Then he gets the text he’s been waiting for. His surrogate is in labor. Baby Schoenheit is on his way.
Holding a newborn Vil for the first time was better than all the awards he’d won in his career.
The tabloids went crazy when Eric Venue announced Vil’s birth. Rumors flew when no one could dig up any information about Vil’s mom as his dad remains tight lipped about Vil’s conception. A one night stand, secret girlfriend, a costar who recently gave birth, and dying in childbirth. The reality is no one knows who his mother is other than a now redacted donor number.
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random-twst-things · 5 months
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Epel, holding a paper up: OooOooh is this a love letter from the Vil???
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Huh?! Epel! Don't, give it back!!
Epel, holding the paper up: Nope!!
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: EPEL!!
Epel, opening the letter: ...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ....
Epel: I can't even read this
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, sighing: I know, me neither
Epel, turning the paper around: What language is this? Is this a spell?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: No, I'm pretty sure it's cursive
Epel: wait, is this why you've been searching for cursive learning books?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, covering their face: Yea
Epel: Are you sure it's even worth it?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: YES!! I'm sure it is! Look at the bottom of the page!
Epel, turning the paper back: OH HELL!!
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: IT'S A HEART!!!
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Dividers from @/cafekitsune
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yue-chan077 · 24 days
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( #twstファンアート #twst )
"Parting is such sweet sorrow."
for some reason I had this huge urge to draw Vil's look on a dream- 🏃
I mean he looks ever stunning don't you all agree with me ? esp his short hair 😭💙✨ and-- a new Twst fanart after a while-!?
I think I did mentioned In a Twt(x) post that I'll try to get my hands on Vil and Rook's new look ! so look forward to the next one soon !
I'm sorry vil has to be an rkgk😭💦💦
that's all for today though -- ciao ciao ~ 👁️👄👁️👌
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