#twst cater diamond
lovetei · 1 month
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"Baby, can't you see? I got everything you need." Only a genius can love a human like me!
Warnings: Grammar errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, readers gender is not mentioned, reader uses they/them pronouns
Links: Masterlist
In where MC randomly posted a quote in social media saying how they just admire people who has such good grades and knows how to balance their academic performance and love at the same time!
Even going as far as to say that they wouldn't mind marrying someone like that and surprisingly, just a few hours later the post is booming with people commenting a thread of their own academic achievements.
Lucifer, Satan, Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo
Riddle, Cater, Leona, Jade, Kalim, Vil, Lillia, Malleus
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gloriium · 4 months
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r 63 (closeups cause tumblr is blurring the hell out of this one)
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ibee00725 · 1 year
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referring to my cater headcanon
@honey-milk-depresso u wanted a trey closeup, i give you a trey closeup 🫶
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mawwart · 6 months
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AH IM ALIVE here’s some stuff
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qwakque · 6 months
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blues824 · 5 months
Could I request Ace, Floyd, Lilia, Kalim, Leona and Cater's s/o sneaking them snacks in class and (somehow) never getting caught by teachers or other students?
Gender-neutral reader
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Ace Trappola
Let’s be honest, he would love you for this, and he would attempt to bring you snacks as well if there wasn’t such a high chance of him getting caught
Luckily, he can just give you one of his hoodies in return because he knows that you love it when it smells like him
Also, free tickets to his basketball games because the snacks you bring him give him the energy to maintain his grades
He would treat the snacks like they were drugs, asking if you “brought the goods”, and you would reveal the inside of your blazer to reveal a bag taped to the fabric
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Cater Diamond
Also would love you for this, because he usually gets up late and does not have a chance to stop for breakfast… or he skips breakfast
I always pictured him as the type to be eating a bag of hot cheetos in the back of the classroom, you are just his supplier
He promises to pay you back, and he usually does whenever you both get a chance to go on a date to a cafe that opened up somewhere
Coming from a well-off family, he insists on paying because you always bring him snacks, and thus he needs to make sure you eat as well
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Leona Kingscholar
This man never attends classes, but when he does, he is grateful that he is getting something out of it… usually in the form of beef jerky
It’s like a reward for maintaining the bare minimum when it comes to attendance, because if he’s going to be there, he wants to be praised
Don’t expect anything in return, because he won’t give you anything… immediately, at least, because you will receive a large sum of money
Of course, you spend a bit of it on more snacks to give him, so he basically bought himself snacks, but it doesn’t matter
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Floyd Leech
Both Azul and Jade are grateful for whatever you’re doing because Floyd shows up for his shifts less grumpy than before
Of course, neither of them are aware that you are supplying the eel with snacks during class, meaning he has something to keep him occupied when he is bored
Don’t expect him to pay you back in return, as you never set up any sort of agreement with him and thus he doesn’t feel obligated to give you anything back
The other Mostro Lounge staff do give you free-meal vouchers because of your good deeds that benefit the Lounge (making sure Floyd isn’t grumpy)
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Kalim Al-Asim
He tries his best to follow the rules, and he would gently discourage you from bringing snacks into class when you are not supposed to
But once in a while his resolve slips as he accepts the snacks because he’s not sure if he’s going to make it to lunch
Will definitely try to pay you back, offering you money and stuff, but will not try to bring snacks of his own into class
Instead, he will bring them to you during lunch because he does not want them to be confiscated before they make it to you
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Lilia Vanrouge
He absolutely loves the snacks that you bring him, and he assures you that this is a secret between just the two of you
If this fae knows one thing, it’s how to be stealthy, so you both bring snacks to each other… but be wary because his snacks are homemade 
This is the one time where you insist that you don’t need to be paid back for your ‘kind deeds’, as he calls it
Luckily you have more than enough snacks for the both of you, so there is no need to eat the ones he brings
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cursedcola · 1 year
Ok ok so you know the thing where it's like 'hey trust exercise' where person A runs up to person B and jumps in their arms? The one that became a meme with the hot coffee....
that. just that. Could you please write something for it using characters from twisted wonderland? Thank you!
A/N: I do know the thing lol. I think this is a super cute idea and will have some fun with it hehe...Sorry if it's not too long. I am writing this in between classes just to have a little mental break :) I also think this will work better with baby headcannons so I can do more characters. Since you did not specify any characters, I will be self indulgent. Prompt: Trust exercise! Do they catch you? Format: Baby headcannons huhuhu Characters: Everyone. Literally Everyone. I feel inspired for some reason. Warnings: None :) Tooth-ache fluff. Also not proofread. Likely grammar/spelling errors
Heartslabyul Dorm
Riddle Rosehearts
Catches you by a millisecond.
The moment he sees you running he instinctively drops the books in his hands
Yells for you to stop and puts his hands out in defense
Instinctively opens them when you jump and boom. Catch
My man has noodle arms. They instantly start to shake and you get dropped on your bum
Half-angry that you put him on the spot, and half-humiliated for dropping you. He is left shell-shocked for a moment before the fuse is lit
"What on EARTH were you thinking? Must you behave so childishly all the time?! Sometimes I wonder if you WANT me to have a heart attack....*sigh* come on. Get up. Are you injured at all?"
He thinks it's silly for you to test his 'trust,' like that. Don't do it again. Next time just talk to him.
….secretly relieved that he caught you.
Trey Clover
Arms are open before you even jump
The moment you started to speed up, he knew what would come next. It flusters him, and his ears burn but he lets you have your fun
Wraps one arm around your back and the other holds one of your legs around his waist. Nice and secure :)
Laughs a little bit before setting you down carefully
"Well, that was an excitable greeting. Maybe warn me next time, okay? What if I was holding something?"
Shakes his head in disbelief that you'd test him like this. Oh well. Its over now Best for him not to think on it.
Learns that Cater showed you the prank on Magicam, and makes his tea extra sweet. Revenge > cavities.
Cater Diamond
Does not catch you. In fact, he side-steps you.
You're quite literally sprawled on the floor and he's just standing there all smug. What? Don't even look at him like that. There's no way he could have caught you without toppling over
Cater prefers to not have a face full of dirt, thank you very much
He knows what you were trying to do, and also purposefully chose to 'fail'
"Hmm~ Now why would you use such a silly method to test me? Don't we take enough exams in class (Y/N)? You're no fair..."
Despite the taunts, he holds out a hand to help you up. He'll clean your face a bit with a handkerchief and leave a cheeky peck on your cheek before going about the rest of his day
Ace Trappola
Tries to catch you. Does not succeed.
In his defense, Ace is never on full alert. Especially during the school day.
You started running at him and he full on panicked. A genuine scream to stop tore through his throat, and he held his arms out
You, in fact, did not stop. Therefore you both fell on the ground with him on the bottom
Ace is not happy
"What is wrong with you?! If my back's broke then the medical bill is on your shoulders, not mine!"
When you explain to him, he still is pissed but does feel bad for yelling at you
"...well, whatever. You don't need some stupid test to know I'm trustworthy anyways. I prove it every day, right?"
....right? Please say yes or else he will overthink this hardcore later.
Deuce Spade
Catches you on instinct.
The moment you start running he assumes something is wrong, and opens his arms to give you a hug. When you jump? Well, that's just an extra step
His feet slide back against the ground and he wobbles for a millisecond. However, he's steady. He wraps both arms around your waist firmly, and leans back to get a look at your face.
"What's wrong?! Why are you in such a hurry?!"
His eyes flicker anxiously between the direction you came from and your face
He's relieved when you tell him that everything is okay, and that you just wanted to see if he would catch you
"Don't scare me like that! I was seriously worried!"
He's still holding you, and becomes bashful once the adrenaline dials down. He mutters a quick apology while gently setting you down. Avoiding eye-contact, he excuses himself and promises to hang out later. For now, be still his beating heart
Savanaclaw Dorm
Leona Kingscholar
Yes. You don't give him enough time to think through the situation, and so he acts. Albeit a bit roughly.
The moment you jump he's reaching with one arm, startled. It wraps around your waist and hoists you over his shoulder. The other hand reaches for his wand, and he's on high alert.
Says nothing. Just grunts upon impact and scans the area.
You'll have to pat his back a few times to be let down, and it is needless to say that he is not pleased with your joke
His eyebrows draw downward with his classic scowl, and he's lowkey disappointed in you. He thought you more straight-headed than to do something like this
"You- ugh. Whatever. I caught you, so I win, right? Happy?"
Deems scolding you more trouble than it's worth. Last thing he needs is for you to get mad at him. That'll just give him an even bigger headache.
Ruggie Bucchi
Does...not. He knows that you're coming. He heard the footsteps a mile away. He simply is a snot-nosed little arse
You're running at him from behind, and the moment you get near he steps to the side. He does his little shishishishi laugh when you face plant on the floor.
When you don't get up, he crouches down and pokes your head.
"Hey, you alright? That was a pretty harsh fall. I can't imagine what caused it,"
Laughs again, but feels a bit bad if you don't reciprocate. Okay. You got him. He's sooooooo untrustworthy. An utter fool, if you will.
With a tsk, he grabs you by the elbow and eases you up.
"Yup, yup. I'm cruel, I know. Let's go get a snack, alright? It's on me - and by me, I mean that it's on Leona shishishisi"
Jack Howl
This boulder doesn't even flinch. Like clockwork, he's startled but instinctively readies his stance. You quickly land safely in his arms, and are back on the ground in a jiffy. Almost as if you never tried to tackle him in the first place.
He holds you at arms length with an eyebrow raised.
"Uhm....are you good? What was that about?"
He doesn't understand how catching you proves that he is trustworthy, but if it makes you happy then he'll do it as often as you'd like. Just give him a heads up next time, ok?
Won't admit it, but he liked holding you. Even if it was for a fleeting moment, it felt right. If you ever asked for a piggy-back ride or to be carried, he wouldn't be opposed at all. The realization embarrasses him greatly.
Octovinelle Dorm
Azul Ashengrotto
Does not, and is extremely ashamed. He does not fail tests, academic or otherwise!
He’s not weak. This man has a very healthy diet and regularly exercises. He is confident that he would have succeeded with no issue, had you not startled him. Our little cephalopod here gets flustered very easily. Only by you though.
Normally he can hide it but you 100% startled him. Can you even judge? One moment all was peaceful and the next thing he knows you’re barreling towards him. All giddy and like “catch me, catch me!” …ugh. His heart couldn’t take it.
What’s worse is that Jade caught you in his stead. He’s appreciative that you were not harmed by his lack of reflex….but the humiliation. Dear gods.
He demands that you do it again. Leave him and then try again another time when he isn’t expecting it…which is impossible since he will be on high alert 24/7. Azul fails to understand that the purpose of the test is now null, and that it tests for impulse
“A-again! Go on. Get a running start and do it again! Into my awaiting arms!…do not argue. I will not fail this time so give me another chance,”
His ego requires it, so just do it. He can’t stand the idea of failing and that image of Jade carrying you is lingering in his mind
Floyd Leech
Catches you easily. Nothing startles this guy. Well, okay, some things do. Nothing that’s physical though.
He hears you yelling for him? Well that’s just a normal day in his life. You’re running his way”? Awwwwwwweeee his little Shrimpy is so excited to see him! That’s so rare!
He’s running to meet you half way. It nearly makes you halt but the test needs answers!
He hooks his hands under your arms mid-air, and spins you around at arms length before bringing you in for a hug. All the while he has a giant grin on his face
“Did you miss me that much??? I guess I haven’t been giving you enough attention…not that I’d mind it if you do this every day hehe~”
He doesn’t care about the test, so long as you do it again. You won’t be leaving his arms any time soon si get comfortable
Jade Leech
Another to catch you easily. He does it flawlessly, like catching a balloon or a feather
He hears your approach and chooses to ignore it until the last moment. Then he turns effortlessly to capture you bridal style, set you down, and return to what he was originally doing. If anyone’s in shock, it’s you.
Then he’ll finish up and turn to you as if nothing even happened. While his gentle smile and hand on his heart are unknowing - the smug crinkle of his eyes says otherwise. He is highly amused, not in your little stunt but in the reaction he managed to create
Caresses your face with one of his gloved hands and asks how your day has gone. Once answered, he leans down to plant a light kiss on your cheek before leaving
“Oh, I almost forgot. Please be more careful in the future. Had it not been you, I would have reacted much differently to someone ‘attacking’ fufu. I love your enthusiasm dearly, and am always happy to hold you. You need only ask,”
Scarabia Dorm
Kalim Al' Asim
Sunshine meets you half way. He sees you running at him with a mega grin and instantly knows what’s going on. Social cues be damned, he wants to be loved
More like it’s you catching him. He just can’t help himself. He jumps at you before you even get a chance to do the same.
His arms go around your shoulders in the biggest hug imaginable. He knows better than to throw his whole body weight on you, so he settles for merely hugging and swaying your body from side to side
It’s sickeningly sweet how giddy he is. He pulls you at arms length before peppering light kisses along your cheeks
“I missed you so much! Can I have another one? Please?”
Oh! A test? How fun! He’ll take this one many times if it means you’ll hug him more often. He passed? Yippieeeeeee
Jamil Viper
Catches you, begrudgingly. He’s known about the trend and was frankly expecting you to try it. He just didn’t know when.
Jamil is no fool. He could let you fall. It would be funny. Maybe even make his day.
But then you’d be upset with him. He really could do without that. Not if it could be prevented
So the moment he sees you rushing towards him, Jamil knows what to do. He quickly sets down whatever he’s doing and takes position
With an oof and a momentary scowl from discomfort, he’s got ya. One arm around you’re bum and the other your waist. You wrap both of your arms around his shoulders, and with a sigh he just lets you koala hang for a moment
“Are we done now? Not to be rude, but my arms are tired and I would prefer that we not make a spectacle of ourselves”
He asks if you had fun. You did? Well, he supposes that it can be done again. In private only though. No more pranks.
Pomefiore Dorm
Vil Schoenheit
Does not catch you on purpose, and then insists that you do it again.
You see, he did not want to encourage your childish antics, so he purposefully pretended that he was not strong enough to catch you
A lie, obviously. He is very strong despite his pretty boy exterior. Instead of calling him out for it, you play along. A mocking sigh of resignation flies out as you not so subtly comment on his lack of strength.
Oh, you're absolutely right, Vil! I'm sorry for over estimating you...hmm, perhaps I can try again with Neige-
"You will do no such thing. Now, I am going to walk away and once I turn the corner you are going to run at me. Is that clear?"
Epel Felmeir
Catches you! Listen. My boy here spent his entire childhood lugging around crates of apples, cutting down trees, and running through fields. There is no way that he lacks the stamina to catch you. Maybe he can't hold you for an extended period, but those cinnamon stick arms are built for catching
He jolts when you scream his name, and he loses his composure. The moment you jump he lets out a string of curses and drops everything to catch you
The impact sends Epel teetering, and he fall son his butt with you on top of him
"O-o-oi! What'd ya think you're doing?! I nearly split my tailbone!"
Is slightly saddened that he couldn't keep steady. If only he was stronger like the Savanaclaw students...
Rook Hunt
Catches you with grace. There isn't much to say here.
Our princely hunter need not predict your movements, or pay attention to your plotting. Where's the fun in that?
Non non, what a sight for sore eyes. Rook swoons the moment you call his name, and his pupils basically turn to hearts when he sees you running towards him
With a laugh, he opens his arms wide and catches you in an instant. He shifts you into a bridal carry, and dips you down to plant a loving hiss on your nose.
Bonus points if you kiss him back along where his freckles would be without makeup. Oh this man is dying
"Mon coheur....what a wonderful surprise! If you were to greet me like this every day for the rest of my life, I would die a happy man indeed,"
Ignihyde Dorm
Idia Shroud
Catches you
On accident :)
More like you just fall in his lap, but it still counts? Kind of
He was in his room, multitasking both controlling his floating tablet around school while also playing the latest MMO
Just when he started to wonder where you might be (normally you find his tablet during study break) he hears his door burst open
Startled, he whips around in his chair to see you running at him. He lets go of the computer mouse and keyboard on impulse. Right when you jump and basically straddle him in his chair
Idia.exe has stopped working. From the sudden entrance, to the physical contact, to your giddy rambling about...something? He can't hear past the buzzing in his ears and just nods along
Hyper aware that you are sitting in his lap still. Attempting to control himself...and failing.
"U-uhhh, can y-you please move? Like, off of me? I c-can get you a chair,"
You comply, and he calms down for a second. He's not complaining but why would you -
an internet trend? Ortho told you to?
....Idia doesn't know if he should thank his brother or scold him.
Ortho Shroud (PLATONIC!)
Little Ortho meets you half way! You do not get to jump because he sees your arms open for a hug and does not waste a moment
With you basically being one of his best friends (and hopefully second sibling. Ortho is rooting for his big bro to win your heart!) he loves your hugs
When you ruffle his hair after letting go, his eyes crinkle into the cutest little upturned crescents and he laughs
"You know...I bet brother would love one of your hugs! You should go surprise him!"
Diasomnia Dorm
Malleus Draconia
Child of man, what a wonderful surprise?
You are fulfilling this man's fantasy. You know the phrase 'looking through rose-colored class'?
You're running towards him and he's watching like it's an early 2000s AMV on Youtube
Or like a Tik Tok edit. You know the ones
Drops everything. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING
It is like this man loses all sense of his surroundings. Lovesick fool.
Opens his arms wide with a soft smile, and when you jump he barely flinches. Your arms wrap around his shoulders and legs around his waist. One of his arms holds the small of your back, and the other your rear. He...well, yes he is aware and is doing it on purpose. Our prince isn't uhm...well, he is a man. A gentlemen, but still a man nonetheless.
"What a welcome greeting. Are you comfortable? I would like to remain this way for longer, if you do not mind"
He holds you tight with his head comfortably buried in between your neck and shoulder. Malleus lightly kisses the fabric of your uniform blazer, before returning to his prior activities like nothing is amiss
Lilia Vanrouge
...I guess? It's complicated.
You come at this bat from behind in an attempt to surprise him
He's not that old, y'know. Lilia senses you trailing him the moment you begin. Then again, he always knows when you're within a five mile radius.
What? Is it really so bad for him to seek out the object of his affections? Anyone else would do the same. It's not like he's being a creep about it...you just have a unique presence.
He is also well versed in internet trends. Lilia can't help but humor you. He walks around unknowing and occasionally snickering. Some question what he finds so humorous, and he waves them off with a cheeky grin
He senses your intent to attack, and doesn't turn around when you call his name. You jump at him from behind and koala hug his back
If it weren't for the hands holding your calves, you'd think him ignorant.
'Lilia? Lilia~ Hello? Are you already deaf so soon-'
Faster than you can comprehend, he spins you around to face him and pecks your lips
"Why hello there, my dear. Care to finish that sentence?"
Sebeck Zigvolt
Does not catch you. He initially thought you were aiming for Malleus, and stood in front of his superior to protect him
Oh he should have known! Betrayal! You have betrayed him!
...why are you calling his name? WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?
Oh seven it's one of your pranks again, isn't it? Whya re you always doing such-
When you yell for him to catch you, Sebeck does so without a second thought
but he fails. His offensive stance wasn't fit for taking the imbalance of weight, and he couldn't get a stable grip on you
Gravity pulls him forwards on a path where his weight would crush you
So Sebeck quickly wraps one of his hands around the back of your head, and flips so he takes the impact instead
"Have you gone mad?! I genuinely cannot fathom what is going on in your brain anymore. Who put you up to this? What if you had been injured? What if you injured Lord Malleus?....stop laughing and listen to me!"
Do not startle a man with a sword.
Once again, do NOT startle a man with a SWORD.
Silver catches you. Easily. He also thinks it is absolutely adorable that you trust him enough to do so.
It's just that you could have warned him. Y'know, considering that he is armed and trained to draw his weapon at the slightest sign of a threat :)
Lucky for you, Silver is high-key vigilant since he has a tendency to doze off to dreamland. He sensed your presence but couldn't pinpoint where...
Imagine his surprise when you jump down from above :) The hell do you think you are, his father?
On instinct he reaches out and catches you in a bridal carry. Your rear knocks against the sword hanging at his side, and with a grunt he places you down on the floor to check for injury
"While I love spending time with you, can you please use the door next time? For my sanity?"
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lk2222 · 18 days
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Nature is beautiful
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inuiiwonderland · 3 months
Twisted Captivity
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A/n: im so excited for this story and I can’t wait to write the first chapter! I tried to make the prologue look as interesting as possible but I think I failed💀😭
“What’s this?” You asked your father as you stared at the paper in front of you curiously.
“Read it” You eyed him suspiciously before grabbing the paper in front of you and reading it.
Twisted raven
“Um…and what does this have to do with me?” Your father rolls his eyes before setting his cup of coffee down.
“A dear friend of mine owns that aquarium. Recently he told me about how a couple of his workers quit for some unknown reason and how he has to do extra work now” He says as he walks back to refill his cup.
“And so I told him that you might be interested in the job”
“You told him what?!” You ask. It’s not that you don’t want the job, you’re just confused and shocked about how your dad made you accept something without you knowing about it first.
“Let me finish” You huff before sitting back down.
“I told him that you wouldn’t mind since I know how much you love those little sea creatures”
“Not only sea creatures, but the whole ocean itself!”
“See what I mean” You rolled your eyes as you felt your face heat up.
“Anyways, this would be great for your little sea creature diary”
“Once again it’s my research journal dad”
“Same thing” You rest your head on the table as you continued scrolling through your phone.
“This job is perfect for you dear”
“Not only will you do something that you enjoy, the pay is also really good” He says as he walks over to the sink to throw his dirty cup in.
“Well that’s all I wanted to tell you! Thank you so much for letting me come over dear”
“You sound like I don’t allow you in my house”
“Because you don’t!” You chuckle before getting up and giving your dad a hug.
“Bye! Tell mom I said hi and that you guys should come over for dinner when you’re free”
“Of course! Now please do think about it! I can’t stand him whining any longer” He says as he rubs his temple.
“I will. Thanks dad”
“Ah! You must be y/n right?” You nod your head as the man with the crow mask shakes your hand.
“Oh I’m so glad you came! I was getting worried for a second thinking you might’ve changed your mind!”
“And then I would’ve have to take care of those ungrateful brats!” You just stood there awkwardly as he whispered to himself.
This is my new boss?
“Oh! How rude of me! My name is Crowley! I am the founder and owner of twisted raven!”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you Mr. Crowley”
“Pleasure meeting you to Ms. L/n! But you can just call me Crowley! No need for the formalities”
“Ah okay”
“Now follow me!” The man quickly turns around before walking away. You quickly follow suit.
“Your father told me you’re a researcher”
“Ah yes something like that”
“Great! Then I think you will definitely like it here! Perfect for the job already”
“What was that?”
Weird…he sure likes to mumble things
“All the sea animals and creatures we have here are very different from one another! Some may be aggressive while others are not. Some poisonous and some not! So do be careful when you handle them”
“We can’t have any more accidents”
“What was that last part?”
“Nothing important”
“Oh okay”
“Anyways! I would like for you to be in charge of feeding them and cleaning their tanks! I would also like it if you could write down anything that happens between you and the mers”
“We’ve been wanting to get more information about them but they’re just not cooperating with us!”
Your brows furrowed at that
What does he mean by mers?
“You will be in charge of group 3 while some of my other workers will take care of group 1 and 2”
You frown
Group 3? What does that even mean?
“Um…Mr- I mean Crowley…what do you mean by group 3?” He halts before turning around.
You both stared at each other in confusion.
“Did your father not tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You asked. Now you were confused but also curious.
“What did your father tell you exactly y/n?”
“Erm- that you need workers and that this is an Aquarium?” You can see his eye twitch as he still had on that cheerful smile on his face.
“Did I say something wrong?”
“No no no….its just that-”
“This isn’t an aquarium”
“It’s a research facility”
“A what now?”
“Research Facility!”
“And I suppose he also didn’t tell you about the beautiful creatures we have here in this facility, correct?”
“Great! More work for me”
“Nothing! Ah just follow me! I’ll show you what you will have to do!” You did as he says as you guys continued walking down the long hall.
This will be a long day
For both you and him
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination
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lovetei · 5 months
I want to write something about twisted wonderland too because it's starting to look like I'm only writing for Obey me! and I might add more fandoms in the future
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Everywhere I go I keep his picture in my wallet like: Take a look at my boyfriend!
Warnings: Tooth-rotting Fluff, grammar errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, readers gender is not specified, reader uses they/them
Versions: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Draconia
Links: Masterlist
What is this..?
He was just supposed to look in your wallet for your dorm keys and he's seeing this..?
His face is beet red to the point that it's almost matching his face
It's a picture of him, secretly taken as he works in his desk
He chuckled
"What a surprise." He mumbled to himself as he picked your open wallet up that he saw just laying around the floor in his kitchen.
He put it in front of him with a grin to look at it better
It was a picture of him, also secretly taken, cooking in the same kitchen with flour in his cheeks
He dramatically gasped
You left for bathroom and you told Cater that the movie tickets is in your wallet and he should get them out
And now he's squealing aloud as he look at his picture in one of your wallet pockets
It's a picture of him he took in your phone
If he got a chance he'll definetly get a red marker and write "My boyfriend" I circle it and put an arrow to his face
He almost dropped your wallet to the ground as soon as he saw your and his selfie printed and in your wallet
You have your hand around his shoulder and smiling so brightly in the camera
What is this?
He low key felt that he needed to do the same
So the next day he had your sleeping face inside his wallet too
He grins like some animal
He knew you did this (He doesn't and he's blushing like crazy)
He slowly closed it and put it back to the table forgetting about the keys you asked for him to get
He can't seem to shake the thought of it though
Only important people goes in that place right?
So he's important?
But out of all pictures why does it have to be the picture of him drooling in his sleep...
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hisui-dreamer · 4 months
ode to the four of diamonds
Pairing: Cater Diamond x gn!reader
Synopsis: your diamond was never dull, he was beyond radiant
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for cater
Word count: 614
Notes: happy birthday cater!! his character is actually so so interesting and i really hope to write more for him(⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪
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Your lover shines as a gifted socialite, radiating enthusiasm that's utterly contagious. He effortlessly glides through diverse social scenarios, leaving an indelible impression with his natural charm. His intuition is nothing short of remarkable, often catching others off guard with its accuracy. His skilful way with words ensures that every interaction yields the most favourable results. Whether it's breaking the ice with a stranger or diffusing tension in a group, you can always rely on him to handle any social situation with finesse and tact.
Your lover’s zest for life spills over into every aspect of his school life, and you often find yourself swept up in the whirlwind of his enthusiasm. From spontaneous adventures to impromptu meet-ups, he's always on the lookout for the next thrilling thing. With him by your side, there's never a dull moment as you dive headfirst into new adventures, whether it's exploring hidden gems in the city or diving into eccentric hobbies you never knew existed. His infectious energy ignites a spark within you, urging you to embrace the spontaneity of the moment and live life to the fullest.
Your lover always puts the feelings and needs of others before his own. Whether it's consoling a friend in distress or offering words of encouragement to a classmate struggling with an assignment, his empathy knows no bounds. However, amidst his selfless acts of compassion, he often finds himself neglecting his own feelings, choosing to bottle them up rather than burden others with his own struggles. It's as if he's afraid to acknowledge his vulnerabilities, fearing that his own emotional turmoil might dampen the spirits of those he cares about. Yet, behind his radiant smile lies a depth of emotions that he keeps hidden from the world, a silent struggle that he carries with him day in and day out.
Your lover, though often the life of the party, cherishes the quiet moments he shares with you. He finds refuge in the solace of your presence, with your arms firmly around him, away from the buzz of social gatherings and the demands of his lively persona. It's in these intimate moments that he can finally lower his guard, admitting to the weariness that sometimes creeps in amidst the excitement. He’s overwhelmed with love, knowing that with you, he can truly be himself, free from the pressures of keeping up appearances. It's in these tender moments of vulnerability that your bond grows even stronger, as you offer him the comfort and understanding he so desperately craves.
Your lover, despite his outward confidence, grapples with moments of insecurity, questioning the depth of the love you share. In those quiet moments, doubts creep in, shadowed by the fear of losing the precious connection you've built together. He wrestles with the haunting thought that he may never be good enough for you, no matter how hard he tries to improve. It's during these vulnerable times that you hold him in close, reassuring him that your bond is unbreakable, something that will stay with him till the end of time. And as you gaze into his eyes, you vow to stand by his side through every twist and turn, offering­ him the love and support he needs to conquer his inner demons.
Your lover gleams like a diamond, captivating and enchanting, but he is just like everyone else, grappling with insecurities and put under immense pressure. And in those tough moments, you're there to remind him of his worth and strength, to reassure him that he's enough just as he is. Because in your eyes, he's more than enough. He's everything you've ever dreamed of and more.
Your lover, is none other than Cater Diamond.
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
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Trey wouldn't help him take pics :/
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erenspussy420 · 2 years
Which twst characters do you think would be into face sitting?
This is a list of me brainrotting who would be into it. I wrote this with one eye open. Finally after a pretty bad month, I can write things.
FEM Reader Insert
Tags: Face sitting, oral, Mod 420 Is a simp, aged-up chracters
SNAJAL HE'S THE ONE WHO HAS TO COAX YOU TO COME SIT ON HIS FACE. Like ugh, Leona could coax me to do the weirdest things and I would. Listen. He. Wants. You. On. His. Face. That man is licking his lips as you tentatively come down, he hands on will take you down so you can sit on his face already. He isn't a coward. Leona has been waiting for this. He likes it alot when you have your panties on, it's fun when the seams get torn off but a flick of his sharp nails. He is a menace, tearing up your panties like that so he can eat you up, making you cum on his face with his hands clamped tightly on your hips to keep you in place. He loves the way you shudder around him, clamping your thighs around his head. This man is demanding, him telling you to stop being afraid and fuck his face. He isn't always this generous so use him.
HE'S EATING LIKE HE'S STARVING HERE. God, listen his filthy moans as he licking you up, hands gripping onto your thighs to keep him there while his hips are fucking the air. Ugh he's messy, but Ruggie is willing to die there, babe let's be real Ruggie's gonna do his best to make you squirt on him. I can trust in Ruggie and his shifty eyes, wouldn't tear up your panties like a certain lion, (listen underwear is expensive), but believe it or not he really likes it when you have your underwear on for him, when you sit on his face he burrows his nose in your clothed pussy. While he doesn't tear up your underwear, he sure is pocketing it while you're too busy trying to remember how to walk. He would probably use his Laugh With Me on you, to make him suffocate more with your hips matching the pace of his. 
ya'll see that meme where the person got a neck brace on after having their gf ride their face so hard? That's Cater. Literally him updating on Magicam after you face fucked him so hard. Winking at the camera while the tags read #TheThroneHasBeenRepaired 💗. Cater goes viral for that and doesn't get any facesitting for a while :(((.  He's down for it ok, so eager, dick flushed up red and leaking as he's jacking off as you ride him. Fistful of his hair in your hands and his tongue licking you up. Lips sucking noisily on your clit. Please know Cater gives me vibes of someone who would do this in a semi public place. Probably in the maze when no one is around for those photoesque pics with his face between your thighs and hands on your ass. His moaning is almost loud, keep pulling his hair to remind him he's gonna get you caught, but you're only making him go louder. Cater's clones help with making you go a bit rougher with him, one helping keeping you down, another sucking and playing with you chest and one praising you to keeping moving keep going fuck him into the hospital again as the clone keeps your legs spread for Cater. *please don't for Trey's sake*.
Azul Ashengrotto:
Listen JUST LILISTE....he isn't just hiding in his octopot as the ONLY place for comfort. Now he has you. And your legs. He only does this behind locked doors in his own room, where no one can barge into it. He's all red faced as you lower yourself on him, but the groan he lets out makes you throb with need. His hand on your back rubbing it down to squeezing your ass while another hand presses your thighs against his burning cheeks. Just like the pot, this closeness keeps him safe. Of course he does brush his lips over your clothed pussy. Kneading it with his hands and pushing it away so he delved into the wet folds. Azul's starts off shaky but over time he becomes more and more confident in making you come on his face. The time you finally can sit on him in his merform the more …stimulating is for the both of you. Tentacles holding you above him almost hovering, as his hands now on your hips pushing them down on him as he eats you, the suckers on his tentacles playing with your chest, nipples getting suctioned and your clit being played with has you coming on him in no time. 
Rook Hunt: 
Okay I'm good. This is the first time he is ever quiet, but that's because he is too focused keeping his mouth busy. He will go at it for hours, his jaw can be sore, his face soaked from you cumming on his face. Fingers dipping into you to keep you stimulated, only to be replaced by his tongue. His hands do keep busy, roaming down your sides, up your chest gliding over your skin in a reverenced sort of way that should be cherished. The few times he comes for air, he's kissing your clit, mummering in soft French,"Mon doux petit bouton de rose." God, the way his voice just deepens with devotion and lust, has you buck down on him for more. Love it when you reverse sit on him, he enjoys everything about this. Pants/skirts on or not he doesn't really care, what he wants is the beauty of you using him, the suffocation between your legs. Rook will die here. Yes please as long as Rook has a face you have somewhere to sit. Please remember to kiss his mouth, sticky with cum. He's a devoted man, kiss him like the goddess he worships you as. 
Sebek Zigvolt : 
I know this is a surprise but you can't look me in the eye and say Sebek isn't a submissive man and would very much want you to sit on his face. OBVIOUSLY YOU FILTHY HUMAN WITH YOUR DEGENERATE THOUGHTS HAVE CORRUPTED HIS TONGUE TO LOOSELY CONFESS, BUT HE SUPPOSE HE MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS WORDS. Please sit on him, ass first ok. This half human half fae man, can handle the most rigorous climates so please do not be afraid to sit on his face! Sebek is pretty bashful about this, but he's tenting and it's speaking volumes how much he wants this. His hands are on your ass, playing with them muttering under his breath, how it feels nice as it looks, his breath hitching as you lean forward to massage his crotch. Please keep teasing him, he's a mess here and knowing he's strong as hell he would probably have to turn you around so he eats you out with you on top. Sebek mouth is occupied keeping you pleased with it, hump his face! Make him beg for more of you. When you switch again, his hands keep your slit open for him to get back to work, your hands playing with his cock as a reward.
Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker/ Che'nya:
Che’nya’s totally using his unique magic to his advantage. He actually didn’t even realize he was into it until you sat on him by mistake. To be fair to you, you poor poor reader, Che’nya has fallen asleep on your awful couch, turning invisible as he came to surprise you! Next thing he knows, he got thick thighs on him, the pressure of being sat on and it changed everything for him. Watch as his eyes dilate when you come down on him, his tail is flickering as you do. Che’nya adores that way he has you on his face, shaking above him while he gives long languid licks over your pussy, he’s such a tease mouth at your entrance, ready to tongue fuck you only to go and suck hard on your clit. “Aww, what’s wrong? Cat, got your tongue?” he’s laughing, as you grind down on him to make him shut up.” Don’t worry, I’ll have you feline good, you’ll be mewling in no time~.”
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u-makemeunpocoloco · 2 months
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Why it's so hard to draw Cater's tails (╬ಠ益ಠ)
I went crazy when I told him to replace his last two droughts. Now I take them and- ahem
I drew this from my phone. And ah, below (the writing style, according to me, is terrible) kitsune!cater has a short fiction. Go forward with your own preference.
hah 6 yıl sonra gerçekten yazmaya geri döndüm ama… yazmanın ne kadar sıkıcı olduğunu unuttum. Uzun zamandır yazmadığım ve kendimi geliştiremediğim için yazdıklarımın bana ne kadar kötü gelebileceğini de hesaba katarsak, bu bir acı gibidir. (Bu acıyı kendime veriyorum. Şu anda 2 bin kelimelik bir "Kıtsune!Ace & Siren!Reader" hikayem var ve daha hikayenin yarısına bile gelmedim. Motivasyonumu kaybettim.) O yüzden bunu yazmaya karar verdim. Biraz daha fazla motivasyon için catering açısından yazdığım hikayenin fikrini (daha az kelime, daha az hikaye) bana aktarın.
Kitsune!Cater, who is pretty much good with people all near where he lives. Like a normal person, he talks to them, shares interests, and jokes.
Kitsune!Cater, who did not explain to people that he was kitsune because of the rules of the temple where he lived. He gets around so well that he thinks that even if he walks around with his ears, no one will think that he has a kitsune in his mind. Although he thinks about it, he always keeps hiding his ears and tail.
Thanks to this, Kitsune!Cater, who, unlike other temple dwellers, has more access to exiting as a senior. When he hears the story about the voice that is said to have divine beauty that reaches his ear at the end of the day, he understands that he has taken bone from all these labors.
Kitsune!Cater, who immediately realizes that he is one of the Yokai's who had been caught in the hunt for yokai years before when he hears the story, cannot stop pitying you because he remembers that the incident happened four hundred years ago. he immediately communicates this to the temple Oni!Riddle.
Kitsune!Cater who has to incapacitate you because you keep resisting going out, knows that this way of getting out is not healthy and he doesn't want to do it. But he sees with his own eyes how unhealthy it is for you here. a bunch of stamps poured in the bunch. You can very comfortably say that you did not feed for a century.
Kitsune!Cater, who always finds a topic to talk about despite what you have experienced in the past, tells you that even if it is not his duty to do so, he comes to visit you often in a day and sees you outside, he knows. Even if you don't answer, it doesn't break its route at all.
Kitsune!Cater, who makes you feel like a small child even though you are older than him. He is always happy to see your growing self when the days you live here become months, months and years.
Kitsune!Cater, who has been trying so hard to find the freshwater lake that you lived before he catches you with the story he heard from you, has unfortunately not been able to survive for 400 years and is a marsh that has been holding the memories that adorn your life. there is no news of your family.
Kitsune!Cater, who knows he should be upset under normal circumstances, but when he comes back and watches you smile with those around him, the feeling in him tells him the opposite.
you are now part of his family like those in this temple.
You're not going to leave them, are you?
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boomtastics · 9 months
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You guys legally have to wish me a happy birthday it's the law
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This guy literally has your birthday marked on his calendar circled red marker and little Doodles on it, on his phone calendar, and three reminders set to ring so that he'll be the first to wish you a happy birthday. Like he is the one planning your birthday unless you wanted to! But he's still doing a lot!
Literally his friends and your friends are so sick of him because how bossy he is. Everything needs to be perfect and if it's not then redo it because it's your day, no one else's!
"Lets celebrate your birthday love! You are my favourite, of course!"
-ASMODEUS, Mammon, Luke (platonic), CATER, Riddle, Vil, Diavalo, Rook, Sebek, Kalim, azul
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Honestly wouldn't do that much for your birthday. Like maybe get a cake or something, and yeah he'll pamper you, yeah he'll give you a gift. That's expected. It's just going to be a chill day, do what you want. But it's not like it isn't super intimate, you're spending the entire day with your lover on your biggest day. And there's something comfortable about how intimate it really is, he's spending the entire day with you and you spend the entire day with him. It's pretty cute.
"It's your birthday, right? Here, I got you something. What? Don't look at me like that. Get on the bed and make yourself comfortable. We're watching a movie. You decide."
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-LEONA, Malleus, LUCIFER, Solomon, Satan, Belphegor, Beelzebub, BARBATOS, Leviathan,Trey, IDIA, JAMIL, Silver, Lilia, Jade, Floyd, Ruggie
He's literally freaking out. He didn't plan on your birthday, but he's freaking out on the gift. What is he supposed to get you, what do you want? Do you want money, do you want new clothes, do you want a new object, what do you want!? But soon enough he calms down, he wishes you a happy birthday, and he spends the day with you. His nerves calm down throughout the day and he gives you your cake, and when you're blowing out the candles, he give you a small kiss.
"Happy birthday! You got what you wanted, right?"
-LEVIATHAN, DEUCE, AZUL, Riddle, Epel, Malleus, Jack, Jamil
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usagiboshi · 7 months
𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗺 : cater diamond
preview: how dating him would be?
series: dating series headcanons <3
pronouns: not mentioned!! (gn! reader)
starring: c.diamond
some headcanons were inspired by other authors' thoughts <3
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𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗 (the "sweetie, let's take a pic for magicam! hm? of course i wanna take lots of pics with you, i wanna show the whole world how cute my darling is~ tehee!" kind of boy)
── you guys would take lots of pics together!! only if you want it, of course. cater wouldn't force you to take pics with him or just take pics in general if you're not feeling comfortable. the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable, but he would also love to take tons of cute couple pics with you <3
── cater also won't see any problem with PDA. at least if you don't like it or don't feel comfortable in showing affection in front of the others, cater won't leave your side <3 he would kiss you, hug you, shower you with lots of affection and ruffle your hair everything you both are out together - and inside as well
── he also seems to be the type that likes to flirt. he'll come to you with some pick up lines and some flirty acts <3 he just loves to see you flustered, it's the best sight ever!!! a really cocky smile will appear on his lips if you blush, get flustered or flirt back with him
── as we all know, cater likes to call the people he cares about with some little nicknames <3 he would use lots of cute pet names and nicknames from your name whenever he's talking to you or about you
── cater grew up in a not really healthy environment due to his sisters, it's good to be reassured and cared about. he will melt if you reassure him randomly and tell him how important he is to you, as well as if you hug him back or just show any kind of affection.
── i think he's the type to get all pouty when he misses you <3 he will look at you until you notice that he's looking at you from across the room. if you don't notice it, cater will come to you, wrap his arms around you from behind and shower your face with little kisses while he tells you how much he missed you<3
── he really really really likes to steal kisses from you!! catty will just kiss you when you're least expecting it <3 he loves the feeling of getting you by surprise, he thinks your expression when he does it it's just so so so so sooo cute :3
── cater would also tease you a lot <3 for the same purpose of stealing kisses from you, he will tease you just to see you blushing or flustered!! of course he'll give you lots of cuddles and kisses afterwards as an apology<3
── he's a really affectionate person with anyone he likes, so i have a feeling that he won't leave your side <3 he likes to cuddle, kiss you, hug you, snuggles and a lot of time spent together with you!
── i also have a feeling that you guys will gossip about top celebrities, or at least he will tell you all the tea about them! cater would love to tell you everything he knows from all those celebrities while cuddling and snuggling with you
── cater just loves you a lot. no matter how you feel about yourself, he'll always lift your mood and tell you how perfect you are when you're feeling down. he just can't stand the thought of someone he loves so much feeling bad about something, no matter what it is. he will always make sure to remind you how perfect you are<3
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