#wick hellbent games
the-paper-shredder · 8 months
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hi guys (is this anything)
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chronicalchaos · 1 year
Ok, this is completely random and I just want to say this...
I really love the drawing you did for your profile picture.
Oh, thanks! It's part of a drawing that I did, it's sort of an spin off from my Wick inspired RPG
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I actually finished the drawing part, but I didn't find a picture, just this incomplete version.
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paradise-frosh · 6 months
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Some Tom Weaver Doodles from Wick because I missed this game so much ;-; It’s sad that there’s barely any people interested in this game nowadays but can’t help it 😔 at least I can make some Fanart for this game as my love letter to that Game and it’s characters 🩷💕
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luckytealover · 2 months
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Look who's alive!
Oh.. That was awkward..
In short, here are a couple of wick sketches for you!!!
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Sam, calm down...!
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alexiss132 · 2 months
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natwitharat · 7 months
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Weaver family portrait from hellbent games' latest game in all of its glory!
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mossyscavern · 22 days
Something in the ocean
Sam is scared… terrified even, to go on this trip.
As a child he didn’t like the sea much, mostly because it’s the same place where he almost drowned and died. And it’s where his mom died when he was 5.
He made a solid promise to NEVER go in the ocean or on a boat. Ever. And it’s not really a problem, his dad agrees with those statements, his ‘friends’ and Duncan on the other hand… not so much.
His older brother Duncan had tried helping him face that fear himself, but he ended up comforting the redhead when he cried.
So Travis, his friend showed him the rock pools near his dad’s lighthouse, rocky areas where there are pools of water, told Sam he doesn’t have to go into the water, just to observe the scenery, even draw and paint what he sees since Sam draws and paints with water colour.
And Sam, albeit nervous, actually had fun. Even thought it’s near the ocean he generally had fun, he even saw some puffins near the rocky waters.
He told Travis he loved the rock pool areas and preferred to keep it between themselves. They agreed and it became his secret place, away from prying eyes.
It was great… until it wasn’t.
Before he left he decided to stay at least a couple of hours just to see the puffin’s hopping around, which was a big mistake.
Cause there came a huge wave and he got dragged away by the time the wave crashed. To make matters worse? Tides are strong this season.
He couldn’t swim out, he can’t call for help, he couldn’t even call Duncan or Travis. He was helpless and he can’t breathe... and is so tired of trying.
Then coughed and sputters, throwing up some sea water before finally catching his breath. Finally being able to breathe he looked up and saw a VERY worried Duncan and a guilty Travis. “Oh thank god.”
Duncan said as he hugged Sam tightly. “I thought I lost you. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry!” He rambled, rocking them back and forth rubbing his back in circles. “W-what happened?” He asked before his confusion is directed at himself.
“And why am I drenched?” He asked.
“You don’t remember?” Duncan asked, watching Sam shake his head in confusion. “Travis found your bag when the tides calmed down… then we both found you drenched and unresponsive.” Duncan said voice shaking.
“I-I’m sorry, from now on I’ll no longer push you to going.” He said, standing up and walked off, Travis followed in pursuit.. not even speaking. Sam was about to do the same before spotting something sparkling near one of the pools.
He got close and his eyes widened. It was an abalone shell necklace in a shape of a tragic mask… but the rope’s looks like it’s been snapped.
‘Duncan said never to pick up random things, but…’
With urban curiosity he picked up the necklace and gently placed it in his hoodie pocket. ‘Maybe he won’t notice.’ He thought before having his name yelled out. “I’m coming.”
He shouted before catching up towards the two taller boys. He has a lot to think about, especially about what happened to himself.
He read in the town’s article that this town is famous for having drowned victims regularly in a month. The town never really investigated the causes, even if they did they’d be just as dead as everyone else. Two times he found himself almost drowning… and he survived.
Like… something or someone is looking out for him. ‘Like that would happen.’ He thought, shaking his head and chuckled to himself how stupid thinking about that was.
If only Sam knew… that he might be more right than he originally thought.
I had completely forgotten about mermay.
Just know, I’m not normally up for monthly challenges… but that doesn’t mean I can’t do anything for the month, so I thought I’d bring the mermaid au back, this time where Sam found the abalone shell necklace.
Also the au rightfully belongs to @vinehasnohopeleft mostly because they did fanart of Tom as a mer-boy and Sam staring at him while underwater…
I’d show you the art and the story, but I can’t… at least not yet. I can tell you the title though, it’s called a dream to remember.
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lorinstella · 8 months
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I forgot to post this drawing along with that drawing of Tim and Tom from the design that wick fandom knows (;゚∇゚)
and yes, I did same but being the alpha or old design of Tim and Tom
eu esqueci de postar esse desenho junto com aquele desenho do tim e tom do design que a fandom wick conhece (;゚∇゚)
e sim, eu fiz o mesmo mas sendo o design alpha ou antigo do tim e tom
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blue-the-octoling · 5 months
The end of Tom Weaver
First time posting something I’ve written, please don’t be too harsh on me if it’s bad! (Also there is a drawing at the end of this) cw description of death
“Where are we going mama?”
Tom asks in his sweet but raspy voice continuing to walk with his hand holding his mother’s. Though she doesn’t answer and continues to look forward not paying attention to him only her surroundings. The woods eventually let up becoming thinner until there’s only a few small saplings in the ground leading up to the edge of the cliff his mother has lead them too. It overlooks more of the woods that have remained untouched by man.
It’s beautiful he can understand why his mother wanted to bring him here maybe one day he could bring Tim here and show him too. He feels her harshly tug her hand away from his, it doesn’t surprise nor bother him as he’s too caught up in the view, he can’t wait to tell Tim when they get home. He sees his mother take a step back out of the corner of his eye and hears her mutter something that sounds like prayer “mama? What are you-“
He can’t finish his sentence before he feels a hand on his back accompanied by harsh powerful shove that causes him to tumble forward and over the cliff his hands helplessly reach out to try and stop himself but it doesn’t work.
He can feel tears fill his eyes as he looks down at the fast approaching rocky earth his body slowly spins forward his vision slowly goes from the rocky ground to the cliff as he looks up he can see his mother look over the edge watching him fall he can’t take it. He closes his eyes his body tensing as he braces for impact. It doesn’t help. His body hits the ground with a wet crunch legs, ankle and arm snapping upon impact his spine bends to fit the form of the rock the pain was already too much for him he lets out a blood curdling scream that gets cut short as his neck breaks from the force of the whiplash.
His scream turns into wet sounding wheezes as he struggles to breathe he try’s to move he can’t as he weakly twitches he can feel every pulse, every drip of blood that leaves his wounds, every breath he takes feels like fire, as it presses his lungs against his broken ribs. His eyes close as he passes out from the pain.
When he regrettably opens his eyes again he is once again brought back to the painful reality of his existence it was just about dark he could see the sun setting in the distance. Why… Why was this happening to him…? He could never do anything right… he was born a devil … his mother constantly preached to him and Tim how they were spawns of the devil.
Now he’ll die alone a monster… a devil… finally he try’s to make a sound. To call out. “t-Tim..! Ti… m.. Tim ple… ase… p-please… Tim..” he quietly wheeze cry’s as his heart beats weakly he uses what little strength he has left to call out to his brother. The only one who cared. Tears run down the side of his face as he takes his final breath wanting nothing more than to know his brother was near again. 
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I’m in the process of tweaking/redesigning the weaver children to be more accurate to both how they died and how I interpret them! I kept Tom pretty similar to his original design but I added more wear and tear to more accurately fit with how he died (also I think that animals got to him before he woke up as a ghost so I wanted to show that too)
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the-paper-shredder · 6 months
What the hell happened in 1926?
This is the first time I'm talking about theory stuff on Tumblr, despite making Wick theories since like 2020. So, for context, when I say “What the hell happened in 1926?” I mean this segment from Journal Page 34 (aka the one related to Tom)
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Detective Stan Fielding was mentioned briefly in the newspaper about the homestead fire but makes another brief return in Duncan & Tbub's journal.
So, what happened for the detective to make a report two years after the fire? I have some ideas, but no exact answer.
The ideas are as follows: 1.) Pastor McAlroy's disappearance, a.k.a. what happened in the Sunday Worship achievement. We don't have a date for his death, just that it was after the homestead burned. The reason why it's first on the list is that right under Duncan's mention of the 1926 report, he writes “Apparently Pastor McAlroy performed an honest-to-god EXORCISM!” with “What happened to him?” and “Did John Weaver know?” On the other hand, I want to address that Duncan mentioning John as well suggests that this exorcism took place before the fire. So it's a “maybe, maybe not” situation. 2.) The missing kids from Pine Creek Summer Camp. Okay, so this is kind of an overlooked piece of lore but several people such as Tbub, Duncan, and Old Man Edwards state that kids from the summer camp went missing at some point after 1924, to the point that people hunted bears because they believed they were the cause. Now, there's no confirmed date of when the disappearances started happening but considering Benny used to go to the camp and the camp is so close to the Weaver property, I wouldn't be surprised if either the Weaver kids or something much greater started targeting the young campers after a while.
What do you guys think? I'm indecisive and can't tell which one is more likely, so I would be so happy to see everyone's thoughts on this :D
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nocturne-imp · 9 months
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Tom from a nostalgic game called Wick from 8 years ago
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chronicalchaos · 26 days
So, with Wick RE Village changed and John still being alive, I have 2 questions. So the first question is what is John's relationship with his children like and what are the relationships between the Weaver children like?
Hey, Anon!
John is pretty distant with the kids, ever since they were little, as he used to leave the village/city for work. I guess the one he ended up closest to was Tom.
And that only happened because Tom got sick with polio when he was 8(something I kept from the old version), Tim was actually the one that told him Tom was sick, in hopes he would take his twin to an actual doctor, something neither Mary nor James would do...and neither did John-
At this point the three were already experimenting with the mold, and John had the brilliant idea to attempt to cure his VERY SICK CHILD with A PARASITE.
Of course that did not work and Tom died, I guess only Tim knows about that part...? He has been to John's "lab" (which I was thinking of it being something close to the Beneviento household) as he was taken there to say goodbye to his twin(who probably whispered to him about the whole mold stuff and all). Also, that's why I gave him Mother Miranda's motivation of bring his child back.
The second closest to him would be Tim himself, and by close, I mean that John let's him live at the cemetery and doesn't let Mary and James kill him. Something he's not doing a good job with.
As for the kids relationships...Lilli and Caleb bicker a lot, Benny tries to keep everyone at peace and helps Tim from time to time. Tim....he's pretty much self isolated once he was old enough to leave the house (he could have also been kicked out as well-)
Most of them see each other regularly at meetings or just spend time together. Tim isn't a lord, so he's not at the meetings (doubt he would even show up if he was invited) and Tom's inside the whole metamycite(or whatever it's called), can't really interact with people.
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paradise-frosh · 6 months
Tim Weaver Doodles
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Omfg I can't Thank you all Enough for all the Comments on Tom's Doodle like- I didn't Expect that many people to Like my Art Related to Wick! it makes me so Happy and Motivated! 💕🩷 I hope to make more Fanart for this game as well as Introduce my Wick Oc I had for over 7 years now
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luckytealover · 4 months
Here's a couple of arts for Wick :"3
I tried to be closer to the canon, but I still do some things my own way
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And also my bun Clover!
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Sorry Benny, but I drew her instead of you :"<
I also have a couple of sketches:
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I keep thinking about AU where Sam is alive after the game, but ghosts are still “haunting” him...
And they don't tolerate competitors
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forgot to post this ! 💦
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natwitharat · 7 months
Wick Animation Dump, part 2: Tom
These are animations I ripped from Wick's game files. Enjoy!
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