#will lamontagne
youbutstupid · 2 months
JJ: do you remember that friend of mine? When you met him he was incredibly high at his job and kept going AWOL for no reason whatsoever and he was also very abrasive and standoffish?
Will: yeah?
JJ: can he be Henry’s godfather? <3
Will: I thought you’d never ask :)
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wardengrill · 3 months
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♪♪ Well in this life you must find something to live for 'Cause when the darkness comes a callin' You'll go back to where you were before ♪♪
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wattsandroot · 26 days
People who genuinely except Jemily to date in season 17 are wild
Like JJ has been in a relationship with Will since season 2 (2007)
And married since 2012
And they have 2 kids together
And will had a cancer scare last season
Even if Will and JJ break up or he dies, them dating next season would be too soon
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jenny-from-the-bau · 2 months
I just keep thinking about Emily having a really terrible brain day and she's mid-anxiety attack and shows up at JJ's house, but JJ isn't home. She took the kids to sleepover with her mother for Jareau bonding time.
Will answers the door instead. He's not close with Emily, but that's his wife's best friend and he's also a nice guy, so he lets her in. Immediately, he sits her at the kitchen island and starts making food. He doesn't know what she needs, but no one hates a lamontagne omelet.
Emily is crying into her hands, barely aware of where she is, and Will is just talking. He's telling her about how he likes to watch old episodes of Friends when he's home alone. JJ doesn't like the show and the kids don't get it. He likes how it makes him feel nostalgic. His accent is a little hard to understand, so Emily has to really listen to him.
When he's done cooking, he puts a plate in front of her and sits beside her. Emily doesn't know what to say, so she just starts eating. The omelet is amazing and she looks at him with wide, red eyes and hums in appreciation. He gets the message.
Emily finishes the entire plate of food and Will drags her to the couch. He just starts the episode of Friends from the beginning, settles in beside her, and covers them both with a blanket. Emily feels a little bewildered at the fact that her best friend's husband made her a midnight omelet and now they're having a sleepover.
It's nice. Sleepovers with the girls can be loud and energetic and it would honestly be a lot for Emily right now. Will doesn't try and talk. He just laughs at the jokes in the show and occasionally adjusts the blanket.
Emily calms down somehow. She's never been in a situation like this, so maybe it's the shock that slowly pulls her from her anxiety attack. Maybe it's the hot meal, comfy blanket, and quiet company. She starts to drift off, smiling as Will chuckles to himself.
Eventually, she's close enough to sleep that Will decides it's time to turn in. He shuts the tv off, scoops Emily up in his arms, and carries the exhausted woman to bed. They're already in pajamas, so he just climbs in beside her, tucks them both in, and falls asleep.
In the morning, JJ finds Emily tucked against Will's chest. He's holding her close, one hand loosely tangled in her black hair, and JJ can tell that they've been there for hours. She isn't sure how they ended up here, but she knows she'll find out eventually. In the meantime, she heads for the kitchen and starts working on a batch of pancakes. They won't be as good as The LaMontagne, but they'll have bananas and chocolate chips, and that's not too bad.
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dirtbagdefender · 9 months
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jaspxr · 4 months
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Honey, may I borrow your hand for a minute?
the CONFIDENCE AND AUDACITY OF THIS MAN?!?!? makes me scream into a pillow every time.
they are at a CRIME SCENE and this CASANOVA JUST CALLS HER HONEY in front of her colleagues and superiors...
is both awkward and cute and so. damn. smooth.
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Yeah JJ I'd have his babies too.
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kllingdaddy · 4 months
emily: uh oh
jj: what?
emily: i see an angry husband heading our way
jj: yours or mine?
emily: does it matter?
jj: if it's mine, there's a chance we'll live, but if it's yours, we're dead
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'tis the damn season
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Summary: You bring a fake date to make your ex-girlfriend, Emily, jealous at your high school reunion. But you’re taken by surprise to learn that she did exactly the same thing. 
Pairing: Emily Prentiss/Reader, JJ/Will LaMontagne 
Word Count: 2669
You stood in front of your bed, where half a dozen dresses lay, scrutinizing your options. You weren’t sure how long you stood like that, half-naked, hands on your hips, but a knock at the door pulled you out of your indecision.
You’d tried on each dress countless times, and none of them felt right. But they were the only options you had.
You wanted to look amazing—no, better than amazing, stunning—when you reunited with your ex-girlfriend, Emily, at your class reunion tonight. You started dating not long after Emily transferred to your high school during your junior year, and your relationship lasted almost all the way through college. When neither of you was sure what your future laid for you, it seemed easier to figure it out apart.
And you hadn’t spoken since.
You hadn’t wanted to come to your reunion at all, but your friend, Wren, was in charge of organizing it, and you asked her to let you know if Emily RSVP’d. Shortly after she did, you did the same.
You threw on the black, lacy dress—black was always safe, you figured—before grabbing your heels and rushing to let in your date for the evening. 
You opened your door to find Will LaMontagne, his dark hair styled and light eyes sparkling. He was dressed in a bright blue button-down and slacks, a hesitant smile on his face.
“Come on in,” you said, stepping aside. “You look great.”
“So do you,” he drawled in his thick, New Orleans accent. “Your sister said this color blue would… bring out your eyes?”
The earnest confusion in his voice earned a genuine laugh from you. Will’s brother and your sister had gotten married last year, and ever since they got engaged, they kept pushing you and Will together, hoping that you’d fall in love.
While neither of you felt that way about each other, you had found a best friend in Will. A confidante.
So when you needed a fake date for your ten-year high school reunion, he offered freely.
“You really don’t have to do this, you know,” you said, for what was probably the hundredth time. “High school reunions are a drag under the best of circumstances.”
“You’re not getting rid of me that easy,” he joked. “Plus, I do get something out of it. We get to tell our siblings we gave it a real shot. Maybe after this, they’ll leave us alone.”
The other deception of the night, aside from Will pretending to be your boyfriend to make your ex jealous, was telling your siblings this was a date. At the end of the night, you’d tell them you were better off as friends and hope they finally left you both alone.
“I brought a tie,” Will said, taking a patterned blue tie out of his pocket. “Is this a tie event?”
You stuck your tongue out in a disgusted face, which earned a laugh from Will. “I didn’t think so, but I didn’t go to my high school reunion, so I wanted to be sure.”
“Don’t change a thing,” you said, reaching for your purse. You were equal parts itching to get out the door and hoping you didn’t arrive too early. 
“Should we go?” Will asked, sensing your nerves.
You smiled gratefully. “Please.” 
A silver lining to the evening was that the reunion wouldn’t take place at your actual high school. Instead, Wren and the rest of the planning committee rented out the ballroom at The Plaza downtown, a hotel you’d always been curious to see the inside of. 
The lobby itself had your jaw on the floor. An ornate crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. Below it, on the floor, was a sparkling fountain. Gold pillars plunged from the floor to the ceiling, and the perfectly placed white and gold couches and chairs felt too pretty to sit on. Against the far wall were the check-in desks, with perfectly maintained attendants standing behind them. 
“This place is too fancy for me,” you murmured.
Will chuckled. “Fake it ‘til you make it.”
A sign posted near an adjoining hallway pointed toward a room you couldn’t see, with Roosevelt High School Reunion written across it.
“Must be this way,” Will said.
“Your detective skills tell you that?” You joked.
Ignoring the jab, Will led you down the hall and toward the ballroom, music already floating out to meet you. You smiled, recognizing it as one of Wren’s favorites, and wondered how much of her influence you’d hear in the music tonight.
You were pleasantly surprised to find the ballroom relatively crowded when you entered. Decorations with your school’s colors—royal blue and silver—draped from the ceiling, colored the tablecloths, and reflected in the centerpieces, but it wasn’t over-the-top. You had to admit it—you were impressed. 
“You made it!” A familiar voice trilled.
You turned to find Wren, dressed in a vibrant pink dress, scampering toward you, arms out to embrace you. You opened your arms just in time to receive her and held her tight.
“Wren, this place looks incredible,” you gushed.
When she pulled away, she was blushing. “Well, thanks, doll. You guys look great.”
“Oh! Wren Taylor, Will LaMontagne Jr. Will LaMontagne Jr., Wren Taylor.”
“Date?” Wren whispered.
You laughed. “No, just a good friend. Unless you see Emily, then… date.”
Wren rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
“When you told me she RSVP’d with a plus one, I couldn’t exactly show up here alone, could I?”
“Yes, you could, actually,” she said. Her eyes widened, focusing on something behind you. “Speaking of…”
You stiffened—sensing her presence before you saw her. Even after being separated for six years, you still recognized the buzzing in the air you felt when she was around.
You braced yourself as you turned toward the entrance to the ballroom, and her beauty took your breath away.
Emily’s dark hair was curled, and she’d grown her bangs out. She wore a white dress and black heels, and your heart skipped a beat.
She was stunning. And you were feeling very plain in comparison. 
But then you spotted her hand in someone else’s and froze. Because next to her was a beautiful woman with blonde hair pulled back in a high, curled ponytail and a light blue skirt and white blouse. 
They matched, you realized, the sensation a punch to your gut.
Seeing Emily with her partner reminded you of your mission, and you reached for Will’s hand instinctively, who was waiting to take yours. 
“It’s now or never,” you muttered, sounding braver than you felt. Will’s advice from earlier rung in your head—fake it ‘til you make it. 
You made your way toward the other couple, meeting them halfway, using each step to force a smile across your face before you reunited.
“Y/N!” Emily said, not letting go of her partner’s hand. “You look great.”
“So do you,” you said, hoping your voice wasn’t shaking. “This is Detective Will LaMontagne Jr., my date.” 
He reached his free hand forward to shake both of the other women’s. “Pleasure,” he said.
“This is my date, Supervisory Special Agent Jennifer Jareau,” Emily countered. Were you imagining it, or was she putting emphasis on supervisory? 
“JJ,” the woman said, offering her own hand. You shook it, fighting to not squeeze it too hard.
It didn’t escape you how Will’s gaze lingered on JJ a second longer than you expected. 
“You know, that color brings out your eyes,” Will drawled, gesturing to her vibrant skirt. 
You bit back a smile from spreading across your face and embarrassing him. 
“Thanks,” JJ flushed. 
“Special Agent?” You asked, calling Emily’s attention away from Will’s attempt at flirting before he blew your cover completely. “So, you chose the FBI after all?”
“Not at first,” Emily hedged. “It’s a long story.”
“Right,” you said. And not one you were entitled to anymore.
Wren, ever your savior, marched over to talk with Emily, and you used that moment to excuse yourself with Will. 
He led you onto the dance floor as a slow song came on, and you were grateful for the distraction. You took one of his hands and placed the other on his shoulder, letting him lead you.
“Should we come up with a safe word in case you want to leave early?” Will asked.
You smiled. “That’s okay, but thanks, Will.”
One song bled into another until you lost track of how long you’d been dancing. You kept your focus on Will because you knew if you watched Emily and JJ for too long, your heart would shatter completely, washing away your carefully crafted facade.
“I’m gonna grab a drink,” you said, dryness scratching your throat. “Want anything?”
He shook his head. “I’m okay, thanks.”
You made your way toward the bar—an open bar, which was half of the reason you agreed to come at all—just as the last person in line got their drink and walked away.
“Old fashioned, please,” you said.
The bartender nodded, and you fished a few dollars out of your purse for the tip jar. 
“Make that two,” said a familiar voice.
Your back stiffened, and you glanced over to find Emily standing next to you. 
“Having a good time?” Emily asked, throwing in a few dollars of her own to the tip jar.
You pursed your lips and nodded. “Yeah, Wren did a great job.” You glanced around, surprised to find her partner nowhere in sight.
“No JJ?” 
“She had to take a call,” Emily shrugged. “The job follows us sometimes.”
“Here you go,” the bartender said, holding out both drinks.
You thanked him and wandered away to make room for other patrons. To your surprise, Emily followed. 
“Do you like it? The FBI?” You asked, curiosity getting the better of you.
“It’s rewarding,” Emily said. “Difficult, but rewarding.”
You nodded, unsure of what to say to that, and took a sip of your drink.
“How’s your photography business going?” Emily asked, and you startled, nearly choking on your cocktail.
“How’d you know I have a photography business?” 
Emily flushed. “I’ve kept up with your career over the years. Is that such a surprise?”
Yes, you thought. You’d considered doing the same countless times over the years, but you knew if you tracked her down in any capacity, you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from reaching out. It was easier, less painful, to wonder instead. 
“I guess not,” you whispered.
“So? How’s it going?”
You sighed, setting your drink down on a nearby table. “What are you doing, Em?”
She frowned, eyebrows furrowing. “What do you mean?”
“Are we just acting like nothing happened? Like we didn’t have a fight the day before graduation? Like you didn’t ditch the ceremony the next day and never talk to me again? I just need to know what page we’re on here if we’re going to pretend.”
Emily set her drink down near yours. “Y/N…”
“I thought seeing you again would make me feel better,” you said. “But I’m not sure it was such a good idea anymore.”
Emily started to speak, but you turned on a heel and beelined for the hallway. Tears were brimming in your eyes, and you’d rather run than have her see you fall apart.
The hallway outside the ballroom was still too public, so you didn’t stop until you were safely around the corner. You took a deep breath, collecting yourself, and wiping away the hints of tears in your eyes before they could fall. You wouldn’t lose it. Not here, at least. That could wait until you got home later.
A hand on your shoulder nearly made you jump out of your skin.
“Jesus, Will, announce yourself…” you chastised. But when you turned, it wasn’t Will.
It was Emily.
“Are you everywhere?” you snapped. “Go back to your date; I’m sure she’s wondering where you went.”
“I could say the same about your date.”
You rolled your eyes. “Is that what this is about? Fine, Will’s not my date. He’s my friend; I brought him to make you jealous. Happy?”
“Actually, yes,” she said, stepping toward you.
You frowned. “Wait… what?”
Emily took a deep breath. “I was immature in high school. That doesn’t excuse what I did, but I think it explains a few things.” 
“So,” Emily continued, “Our futures were pulling us in two different directions. And I didn’t want to go in two different directions. Y/N, I would’ve followed you anywhere, my own ambitions be damned, and I knew if I showed up to graduation, I’d do just that. If I apologized for the fight we’d had, I would’ve wanted to spend the rest of our lives making it up to you. And one of us would’ve made sacrifices for the other, and we would’ve ended up hating each other in the end. So it was easier to just… run.” 
You laughed bitterly. “That wasn’t your decision to make, Em. We should’ve talked about that together.”
“Can you tell me I’m wrong? That one of us wouldn’t have given up our dream career for the other?”
You opened your mouth to argue but clamped it closed when you realized you couldn’t. Because she was probably right.
“Exactly. So watching from afar as you accomplished everything you dreamed of… I considered that a consolation prize. If I looked at the pictures long enough, it was like I was there with you.”
You blew out a long breath. “Em, you can’t say stuff like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re with JJ now, and it’s not fair to be with her and say these things to me.”
Emily took another step closer; she was only a breath away now. You took a step back, but you were against the wall now, and Emily closed the gap between you immediately.
“Then it’s a good thing I’m not with JJ,” she whispered, leaning down to kiss your neck.
Your knees wobbled, and it took every ounce of willpower not to reach out for the woman who still owned your heart.
“What?” Your head was spinning, and you weren’t sure you could trust your hearing. 
“I lied,” she said, planting kisses from your neck up to your face. “To make you jealous. She’s just a friend.”
You grabbed Emily’s shoulders and turned so it was her against the wall. “You’re not in a relationship?”
Emily smiled. “Not since we broke up. You’re the only one I want. If you’ll have me.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” you grinned, crashing your lips against hers. Every nerve in your body felt like a live wire; Emily’s touch was electric. 
She buried her hands in your hair, and you shivered. How were you ever apart from this woman? The thought seemed unbearable now.
“You know,” Emily said, pulling away just long enough to speak. “I have a room. Upstairs.”
“Oh, really?” you asked, kissing her again. “Don’t tempt me, Emily Prentiss.”
“We should tell our dates we’re leaving so they don’t worry,” Emily whispered. “And then I’m going to spend every minute of tonight making up for the last six years.”
“Fine, but let’s hurry,” you agreed.
Hand in hand, you practically ran back into the ballroom, praying that Will and JJ wouldn’t be hard to find. 
Blissfully, you got your wish—you both staggered to a halt when you found your dates on the dance floor together, arms wrapped around each other, kissing like they were the only two people in the room.
“Huh,” you said. “I have to say, I didn’t see that coming.”
“She said I owed her for dragging her to a high school reunion that wasn’t her own,” Emily mused, lacing her hand through yours. “I think I’ll consider that debt repaid.” 
You giggled. “Can we go now?” 
“I’ll follow you anywhere you want.”
You brushed a stray hair behind her ear. “Let’s start with tonight. Everything else can wait ‘til tomorrow.”
Emily nodded. “Tomorrow.” 
Tag List: @yena-reyna, @propertyofemilyprentiss, @chaekhan, @obsessedwjill, @mrs-prentiss Join my tag list! 
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milfsincrime · 5 months
emily: girls on social media be like “6 wonderful months with the most amazing human i know ❤️🥰😍😘🫶🏾” and it’s just will
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youbutstupid · 10 days
Criminal Minds characters as tweets
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that-one-i-think · 2 months
Wait, if Evan can talk about 911 I can talk about criminal minds:
I really like Will, and it is apparently a hot take. Him and JJ give Bi Husband x Bi Wife, and I feel like if JJ can have her work wife, Will should get a work husband. Poly relationships are always an option here, folks. Or divorced but in a queer platonic kind of way.
Henry: Dad, why does Emily call mommy baby girl
Will: How about we stop talking for awhile
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chadillacboseman · 2 months
Dipping one toe into the Criminal Minds fandom in earnest and seeing that people hate Will Lamontagne is INSANE to me.
You people don't like that sad basset hound of a man???
Skill issue.
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wardengrill · 5 months
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no more lies
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Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau x Autistic nonverbal daughter reader
Summary: Will is busy with Henry and Micheal so JJ brings in their 5 year old daughter to work, the little girl meets Hotch and instantly latches onto him which shocks everyone.
Yes another Autistic reader because I need this right now.
Third person pov...
JJ kisses her husband and sons as she gets ready to leave for the day. The blonde haired woman smiled at her boys. "I'll see you later okay?" She says getting a giggle from baby Micheal, a okay 'mama' from Henry and a smile from Will.
She smiles lovingly at her boys before looking around for her only daughter Y/N, the 5 year old was around somewhere, either playing with toys or watching her favourite show over and over again.
"Y/N!" She yells before remembering the little girl wouldn't respond to her name, Will looks at his wife. "I'll go find her" he says handing Michael to JJ before going off to find their Daughter.
It takes a few minutes to find the little girl before Will finds her in her favourite room in the house her room, the little girl had all her special Interests in her room, it was vastly decorated and made for the little girl.
Her room is where she feels most comfortable, Will watches from the doorway as his only daughter happily rocks back and forth while watching her favourite show. The man then casually sits next to her keep a bit of space between them and not touching her.
Him and JJ learnt early on that their daughter didn't like physical touch unless she wants it, they don't push it on her, they also Learnt that she could profile someone when she first meets them like she can tell if they are a good person or not, another thing that she is Nonverbal.
This means that some children who are Autistc choose not to speak, This doesn't mean that they can't or don't have a desire to communicate though. So little Y/N speaks with movements, writing things down or sign language.
Will taps on the carpet and gains the attention of his 5 year old, the girl looks up at him never meeting his eyes but she is listening to him. "It's time to go, Mama wants you" he says to her, the little girl smiles at him and stands up, he watches as she grabs one of her sensory toys.
The 5 year old H/C child then grabs her Dads hand and begins walking with him to the front door where JJ and her brothers were standing waiting fir her to show up, Michael starts giggling when he sees her, Henry jumps around excited and JJ watches with a smile as her daughter is holding her Husbands hand willingly.
"Ready to go sweetie" she says to her daughter, the little girl smiles at her mum and let's go of her dad hand. JJ and her wave bye before leaving and getting in the car, JJ helps her buckle in before handing the little girl her sensory toy ans little lunchbox woth her usual lunch in.
JJ then starts the car, the two were soon on their way to The BAU headquarters, Y/N was coming to JJs work because she couldn't leave her Husband alone with all three children it wasn't fair and she knew Y/N would enjoy going to JJs work place.
When they arrive JJ opens the door to Y/Ns side, she let her daughter choose I she wanted to be carried in or wall on her own. Surprisingly the little girl reached out for JJ, this made the blonde woman smile and excitedly pick up her daughter. "Ready?" She asks the 5 year old little Y/N grins at her and nods her head.
The two make their way into the building and quickly into the lift, JJ picked the BAU floor. "Now I have your headphones with me, and your sensory toys, if it gets to much come find me okay Honey" Says JJ to her daughter, the 5 year old looks up at her and signs 'yes mama'
JJ smiles "good girl" the elevator doors open and JJ walks into the bullpen, she spots Derek Morgan, Emily prentiss, Spencer Reid and David Rossi standing together. "Hey guys" she says to the others the Agents look over to her, all arw shocked to see the little girl in her arms.
"Who's this JJ?" Asks Emily as she looks at the adorable 5 year old, JJ smiles and bounces thr little girl in her arms. "This everyone is Y/N LaMontagne, My daughter" as she says this Spencer walks over to JJ and Y/N, the little girl makes repeatetive noises as she sees the man.
The little girl has the biggest smile on her face and signs 'Uncle Spencer' over and over as if she was screaming his name. "Heyy Y/N/N!" He laughs before holding the little girls hand letting her se eif she wants his touch.
The little girl wiggles and JJ let's her down once on the floor the 5 year old quickly runs to Spencer who kneels on the ground he let's the little girl touch hid face and hair, letting her feel the textures, a other thing Y/N loves fleeing different textures and on different people.
As the little girl and Dr bond JJ is interrogated by the others. Derek looks at her then at Y/N. "Well she doesn't look that old, so when did you have her?" He asks making JJ laugh. "Y/N is 5 years old, we never told anyone about her because we wanted to keep her safe and not overwhelmed by everyone" she explains to them.
Rossi smiles "she looks exactly like you" he says making the woman smile. "I'm glad" she says. The three watch as the little girl rocks back and worth on her feet and hands flapping excitedly as Spencer talks to her about something random.
Emily notices this and looks to JJ. "She Autistic?" JJ isn't surprised that she finds out, the blonde smiles at her friend. "Yes she is, we recognises the signs when she was 4 but she always had been, thanks to Spence we know last about m having a child who is autistic" she says making Derek smile at her "Your good parents to her" he says.
The others then get on with their work, realising they had been wasting time, Spencer continues to entertain Y/N at his desk.
Time skip...
It had been a few hours since Y/N had turned up with JJ and she was doing incredibly well being around so many people, the little girl soon git bored of sitting and watching her mum and friends work, the 5 year old gets down from her chair and wlaks out of her mums office.
The 5 year old walks around the bullpen and sees a sign on a office it read. 'Aaron Hotchner' the girl had heard the name before her parents spoke of a 'Hotch' alot, the 5 year old then walks over to the office and pushes the door open.
She looks around before walking in the office, she sees shelfs fill of many books, and many case files stacked up on a desk, she then saw a man leaning over and writing in one, silently the girl walks over to him and wayche shis facial expressions change.
She watches him fir a couple seconds before tapping his leg, the man's head shot up he looked around for the thing that tapped him. He then looked down and saw the little girl.
Y/N saw his eyebrow raise in confusion before she gave him a smile and started to make her way up trying to climb him, The still confused man helped the little girl up and she sat happily in his lap.
"Who are you?" He asks her, the girl taps his hand and writes her name on his palm, the man instantly realises she didn't talk and let her communicate with him via writing or sign language.
"So your JJs daughter" he says gaining a nod from the child sat in his lap, he was surprised when she got comfortable in his lap only jsut meeting him.
After a few hours the little girl eventually falls asleep which allows Hotch to stand up and carry her out off his office and into the bullpen where he saw JJ rushing around like a maniac worrying about her daughter.
The man saw his other Agents doing the same thing, looking under tables for the girl, even rossi was voluntary on his knees. "Is this who you are looking for Agents" he yelled over the noise not loud enough to wake the child in his arms but loud enough to be heard.
The intimidating man watches as JJ cries tears of relief as she sees her daughter asleep his her bosses arms. "I can't believe she warmed up to you so well Hotch" Says the mother taking the child into her arms.
Hotch let a small smile escape his mouth. "She must be a good judge of character then, she's my make an amazing profiler" he said making the woman laugh. "I know she will" she whispers carrying her daughter out of the building and back home after a long day.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot for JJ, as always sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
This took me a while to think off.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1601
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demonicbaby666 · 10 months
Emily: you want to see a joke?
Will: sure!
Emily: [shows Will a picture of him and JJ]
Will: I don’t get it
Emily: me neither
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kllingdaddy · 2 months
"and when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night
with your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife"
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"and when you think about me all of those years ago
you're standing face to face with i told you so"
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"you can kiss a hundred boys in bars
shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
you can say it's just the way you are
make a new excuse, another stupid reason
good luck, babe!"
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