#win win!
koolaidashley · 11 months
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I see your “donnie denies the twin allegations” and raise u donnie MADE the twin allegations
Also, if you lose your twin and he loses you in another dimension do you think you think they feel the same pain?
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femmefeedist · 1 year
What words of advice, support & encouragement might you offer to fledgling Feedees, aspiring Gainers & Wannabee Piggies out there; who admire your example, cherish your insights & wish to learn from your personal experience, honey?
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eat whatever you want whenever you want
indulge and let yourself feel good
be the cute lil piggy or glutton or princess or himbo or baby or fatty or cutie or whatever word makes you want to eat more (all are valid)
you don't need to say no when someone offers you food
it's ok to buy stacks of Ben & Jerrys every few weeks if someone offers (it will make you fatter faster too)
if you eat more it'll make you lazy which will make you eat even more
eat lots of snacks and get a variety so it's fun and never boring
🍀my links🍀
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sightkeeper · 17 days
Hey you! Have you read a fic recently? Reblogged some art? Take a minute to go leave a comment on it if you haven't already! Kudos and reblogs are wonderful, but take an extra minute to make someone's day with some kind words!
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alex-is-a-simp-73 · 6 months
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Look guys I low-effort doodled an argos
And a corresponding Mr. plant
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They're so silly I love them
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Childhood crush AU with Jay being bullied for taking knitting classes (cause he wants to know how to like his mom) and a random girl who beats up the bullies gets Jay's attention. He swears to be her personal servant after she saves him; He knits her her own gifts, brings her cool things from the junkyard, helps her with classes.
Eventually she leaves school, and Jay goes on. He hopes to someday meet her again.
And one day he does. He helps everyone move somethings into the reformed academy post-S2 and sees a old scarf. Crappily made by a first-timer, and a ghastly bright color (yellow, a guilty favorite of young him), but it's been kept in great condition, Jay asks them how they got it.
"Well, this cute dork made it for me after I beat up these snot-nose jerks in elementary school. I think he had a crush on me!"
But that's not true.
He still has a crush on them.
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mossmx · 6 months
cmq io lo so che chissene, ma se il 30% degli italiani ha guardato solo l'annuncio di sanremo, imo un referendum per fare la settimana di sanremo festa nazionale potremmo provarlo
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downforcuddles · 2 years
what if I did your Halloween makeup while sitting on your bathroom counter, mine already done, and I just look too cute for you to not reach between my legs and finger me 👀
and you stop if I start losing my focus on my task before it's done and only make me finish if my task does first 👀👀
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consolecadet · 1 year
I enrolled in my employer's matched 401k plan without overthinking any aspect of it. I don't even know who I am any more
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
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Annnnd Camp NaNo is underway! I may be a bit more scarce than usual but we’ll see how it goes. Wish me luck and good luck to those of you participating as well! Let’s have some fun out here, hm? 🥳🎉😉💖
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
I'm assuming this is for what I've been up to in designing Pizzaplex areas and stuff. If I'm wrong, feel free to ask again
I've mostly been working in Roxy Raceway cause of all the construction stuff. It seemed a good place to start but I have some ideas for other areas that I just haven't gotten to yet
I started with the lobby first. That little space in the atrium with all the screens and whatever. Well, without the screens and construction stuff, I've made the back wall a light blue, with canyons and desert scenery painted onto it, complete with little white clouds. All of that is behind the big Roxy Raceway sign. On the wall that had the 3D canyony decorations already built onto it, I've removed the red that was in the archway and carried the painted canyon scenery over to it as well. The only difference between the middle of that arch and the back wall is that I also put the sun on there. There also seemed to be another arch coming off of the wall to connect to a pillar on the floor so I completed that as well. The floor there is now checkered black and purple, with a few more hilly looking patches of canyon decor and a seating area by the stairs and hallway from Fazerblast. There's red and checkered patterns on the last two walls with a little pattern I quite like, and you know the big black archway over the door in the Raceway? That's now been copied into the lobby. There's one on the door into the raceway and one on the exit into the atrium. Last thing to note is there's a road that connects the two archways. It's black with yellow stripes down the centre.
That road goes through the hallway into the Raceway, and connects to the now completed road in there as well. The hall itself looks like a tunnel with colourful lights all the way through. I dunno if the flooring in the Raceway was meant to be designed like a road, but it is now and I think it looks dope personally. There's also a road by the stands that looks a bit awkward that goes into another of those arches and connects the road in the salon area with the steps down from the stands.
The salon hasn't changed much visually yet. I plan to complete the walls and have them be the same pattern of dark blue all the way around, and to extend the canyon decor up the wall above the door to the atrium. Haven't got that far yet though. The most interesting thing I've done so far though? WELL
Behind the salon itself, there's that big, hollow hill. There's a red door in it on the side of the Raceway entrance, and a blocked off entrance on the opposite side. What I've done is removed the barricade on that side and made it an open archway where the road goes all the way through to the wall at the back. It's like a cavern in there with lanterns and painted scenery on the wall on that back wall to make it look like the road continues. More interestingly, the door on the other side of the hill, now leads in a cave system. It's a play area themed on twisting and winding tunnels, with a few seating areas, ball pits, play sets, slides, and two windows down onto the road, with another one overlooking a play area.
What else is in there? Well, behind some checkered flags is a little crawl space, just big enough for a certain animatronic to clamber through. On the other side, is a very short hallway that leads to a door. On the other side of that door? Roxy's secret den. The canyon decor doesn't make it inside, with the exception of some parts of the ceiling and floor. There's rugs and scraps of carpets for a floor, big beanbags, a beat up arcade cabinet, and whatever random shit she could squirrel away in there. It could be bigger, but she unkowingly interrupted construction in order to claim it as hers, but it's not the smallest space she could have gotten by far.
Now, something a little less interesting than the cool salon tunnels, that fenced in area by the entrance to the Raceway from the lobby? The one inbetween the sign-up booth and the stands? Well, I've turned the empty space behind that red wall into a restaurant, with two smaller archways leading in and out to that area. It's a cosy little place in there, with bricks and wood panelling, soft, colourful lighting and a non-alcoholic bar set up. Roxy's original room is there two next to the kitchen. It's small, but full of beanbags and stuff with a couch and table, an arcade cabinet, a desk with a mirror, some steps onto a little overhang with more comfy stuff on it, and the place is full of fairylights and stuff. The idea of it is to sell merch, sure, but its primarily used for more chill hangouts with one kid or a small group of them. It's particularly useful when parents are late to a pick up or when a kid is upset and on their own and needs some space from the loud racetrack noises and what not. It's got two little windows on one side that look out to a little kids play area and a small section of the seating area. Speaking of seating, there's tables and chairs on both sides of the arches, which is what that fenced in construction area by the Raceway lobby entrance is now. There's also arcade cabinets and claw machines dotted around and some shelving by the play area where they stuck a random assortment of objects like books that wouldn't sell in Kids Cove, some plushies, toys, whatever. It's sorta the corner kids fuck around in until their food is ready.
I still have a LOT to do in the Raceway. I've cleared 90% of the construction stuff away so it's just the actual building left to do now. This post is already long though so I will save my plans and intentions for the next poor soul that enters my inbox wanting to hear about it lmao
Oh for the record, I'm building this in that Minecraft replica I posted about a while ago, so if anyone wants to see what I've done um. Well you need to take some of the decor with a grain of salt there's only so much I can do. I will be using this as reference for all future pizzaplex stuff though I'm not joking even slightly when I say it's quite possibly the most detailed and faithful recreation of anything I've ever seen it's actually insane
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sule-skerry · 1 year
Today was an "adjudicate every failed relationship you had by deciding that everything you did was a mistake that made them leave, reverse-engineer a code of behavior based on never doing any of those things again, feel miserable about how horrible a life this seems, then make travel plans that violate the state department's safety advisories" kind of day.
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frutavel · 1 year
I decided just now I want another netherwing so catch me running around in old Shadowmoon Valley with an armful of nether drake eggs for the foreseeable future <3
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
Idk who ever has me always guard the baby swim lesson shifts but whoever does…
Thank u 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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memendoemori · 9 months
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Good morning everybody
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thetisming · 2 months
i honestly forget that autism mums say 'autism won today' to mean like their kid had a meltdown and that they are ableist. like nooo autism win means something like i found something cool out about my special interest or i managed to avoid a meltdown or i got to infodump!!!!! autism win is good!!!!!!
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arctic-hands · 8 months
When I was a teenager and still on Neopets I was part of a pretty big Star Trek guild and eventually became part of its council, with the solemn duty of creating weekly polls. Well one day I created the poll "Which would win in a fight? Borg Cube or Death Star?". Naturally, since this was a Star Trek guild, the answer was overwhelmingly "Borg Cube", but someone did have the rationality to point out we were biased.
So I look up a pretty prominent Star Wars guild and message one of their council and ask them to poll the same question and get back to me in a week. They do, and naturally the fuckin geeks said "Death Star".
So then I look up a Stargate guild and messaged the lead council member, saying the same thing, and they get back to me almost immediately saying that the Death Star would immediately one-shot a Borg Cube but they would never be able to do it again to another Cube. And I took that wisdom back to my guild and we were mollified, and for one moment the Nerd World was peaceful.
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