#wishing you luck
mllekurtz · 1 year
Hey I was just wondering if you'd happened to come across anything where someone had compiled trigger warnings for each episode of Malevolent? I've just started listening to it but there are some things that I cant really cope with horror about so knowing where I might need to read an episode summary instead of listening would be great but also I'm finding it tricky to search for that sort of thing without also getting spoilers seeing as I am so early on.
(No worries if you can't help it was just you are the only person I follow who has recently been talking about malevolent)
Hey! Unfortunately I'm not sure there is a resource like that, like TMA used to have, but honestly I haven't looked for it either. Let's crowdsource this:
Does anyone know of a Malevolent episode-by-episode CW list?
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
The Lunar New Year: A Celebration of Tradition and Renewal Shaina Tranquilino February 10, 2024
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The start of a new year is always an exciting time. It brings with it a sense of hope, possibility, and the opportunity for a fresh start. For billions of people around the world, this renewal takes place during the Lunar New Year. Also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year is celebrated by various Asian communities worldwide. It follows the lunar calendar and typically falls between late January and mid-February. This vibrant festival lasts for 15 days and is marked by colourful decorations, delicious food, family gatherings, and age-old traditions.
One of the most iconic symbols associated with the Lunar New Year is the zodiac animal. Each year in the lunar cycle corresponds to one of twelve animals – rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep/goat/ram, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. These animals are believed to influence personality traits and predict fortunes for individuals born in their respective years. In 2024, we will bid farewell to the hopeful Year of the Rabbit and welcome the strong Year of the Dragon.
Preparations for Lunar New Year begin weeks in advance as families clean their homes from top to bottom to sweep away any misfortune from the previous year. This cleaning ritual symbolizes a fresh start and invites good luck into their lives. Decorations play a significant role too; red lanterns are hung outside houses to ward off evil spirits while paper cutouts featuring auspicious phrases adorn windows and doors.
Food plays an integral part in Lunar New Year celebrations. Families gather around tables filled with sumptuous dishes that hold both symbolic meaning and cultural significance. Some popular culinary delights include dumplings (symbolizing wealth), fish (representing abundance), rice cakes (for prosperity), and oranges (a symbol of good luck). The reunion dinner on Lunar New Year's Eve is a cherished tradition where family members come together to share a meal and exchange blessings for the upcoming year.
One of the highlights of Lunar New Year is undoubtedly the lion and dragon dances. Colourful lion costumes are donned, accompanied by the thundering beats of drums and cymbals, as performers mimic the movements of these mythical creatures. The dance is believed to bring good fortune and scare away evil spirits. Fireworks also illuminate the night sky during this festive period, symbolizing warding off bad luck and welcoming prosperity.
Another cherished tradition during Lunar New Year is giving red envelopes or "hongbao." These small, red packets contain money and are gifted to children, unmarried adults, and employees as a symbol of good luck and blessings for a prosperous year ahead. It's an act of generosity that fosters joy and excitement among recipients.
Beyond the festivities itself, Lunar New Year holds deep cultural significance. It serves as an occasion for families to honour their ancestors through prayers and offerings at ancestral altars. This reverence for one's heritage strengthens familial bonds, instills values, and preserves traditions across generations.
While celebrations may differ slightly from country to country or region to region, the spirit of unity, hopefulness, and renewal remains constant throughout Asia during this auspicious time. Regardless of nationality or ethnicity, Lunar New Year has become increasingly embraced globally as people recognize its universal appeal in bringing communities together.
Lunar New Year is a vibrant festival that encapsulates centuries-old traditions while embracing new beginnings. It is a time when families come together, wishes are made for prosperity and happiness abound. As we enter another lunar cycle with the arrival of the Year of the Dragon in 2024, let us celebrate diversity and cherish our shared humanity through this beautiful celebration that unites us all. Happy Lunar New Year!
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pissfizz · 6 months
here to complain in your inbox again i DO in fact have to outline my drawings in pen and the pen i have sucks ass. i wasn’t made for this i was made to be a hermit who plays silly rhythm games and draws /silly
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foxbirdy · 1 year
hi hi!!! i got your comic in the mail yesterday and !!! ty so much its so cool shdhfjf its literally acting as my motivation to get through this sem of uni exams lol x3
WOO!!! ♥️♥️♥️ I'm so glad to hear it made it to you safely :) thank you for the message. And you can do it!!! Stay strong!!!
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bethanycwrites · 1 year
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Sending out some good luck to all you lovely people to anyone who feel they need it today, especially all the writers out there. I'm sure we could all use it. I found this little darling in the garden recently. Fun fact about me: I'm good at finding four leaf clovers. I find dozens of them every spring when the clover is out. The clover season is almost over now that summer has hit. After picking them, I press and dry them and give them away as gifts. I love how happy people are to get one of these.
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blvqebird · 4 days
Hi love,
I feel like you would be a good person to ask, u seem very wise.
How do you know you can trust someone? Like, how do you know they're really trying to help you and have your back? I'm in a space unfamiliar to me and looking for guidance. I'm just not sure what to do?
Thank you so much! 😘
Hello sweet anon,
Watch what they do, not what they say, would be my simplest answer.
Actions indeed truly speak louder than words.
On the bright side, sometimes being in a space unfamiliar to you isn't all bad. Fresh spaces give you an opportunity to grow new and strong relationships. Take your time, of course. Don't rush into trusting folks just because they're nice to you. Additionally, familiar spaces or "comfort zones" can be where you'll find some of the more deceitful folks. People who will try to get away with things due to proximity and familiarity.
For example. Not long ago, I approached two [white] males (familiar space) for help in a really dark time for me professionally. I was essentially getting bullied, harassed, overlooked, and undervalued at work. I felt it would be good for me to scope out other things within the organization. Mentors even. I never mentioned the bullying or harrassment or course (my pride and skin are too thick for that), just the other opportunities piece. The both of them pretended they intended to help me. Of course, after speaking with them, time passed, and I got not a single iota of assistance. Never heard from them. Furthermore, I came to find a few months later, the confidential conversation I had with one of them in particular got spread around the entire office. Information I said in confidence was now public knowledge.
The worst part? When I asked about the breech, I was bold faced lied to. I'm sure you can imagine the dissapointment and loss of respect I felt. To have the best intentions, request help and instead, have your confidence betrayed and wind up humiliated. I ended up having to clean up a mess I didn't make thanks the egregiously unethical and unprofessional behavior of so-called "leaders."
I never even got an apology.
The Universe sees everything, though. And karma is real. It will always balance the scales. A few weeks later, I was given an opportunity by 3 new [men of color]. It took them about 15 minutes to see my worth. They took their time to understand me. Communicated with me. Were organized. Kept every single promise made, and we're transparent about the things they could deliver on VS. The things they could not. They showed me respect and asked for my input. These men put me in a position, selflessly, I might add, to be recognized and to have my talents and hard work exhibited in the best light and on a big stage.
The latter's demonstrated in only weeks what the other two failed to do in 2 and a half years.
My point is, again, what people show you is the best indicator of whether or not trust is deserved. Familiar spaces and the people in them can be more toxic than unfamiliar spaces with new faces. Watch what people do. Watch how they treat others. Share only what you need to and be careful about letting others know more than they need. Keep an eye out for even the most well-meaning "prying". Some people don't care, they're just curious.
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heroesriseagain · 5 months
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zooophagous · 4 months
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I don't take pics of strangers on the street but I had to capture this magical moment of a frazzled mail carrier being followed by a gang of wild turkeys that thought he was very handsome so I drew it instead. Enjoy.
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yo tagz idk if ur into black metal but if u r do ya got any non problematic bands recs?
I used to listen to more black metal but I know jack shit as of now. My apologies, anon.
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
exam 1 day for me
sharing some encouragement for everyone else who needs some today:
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sskk-manifesto · 9 months
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It's Shin Soukoku Starting
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months
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worst way to start my new year, thanks. i have a lot of things to say about these companies but i'm tired and just keeping it focused to the pin side of things for this one. do not ever buy pins from these companies, literally ALL of them are stolen from small artists like me. if you want to buy enamel pins, check out etsy, and artist's personal websites and shops! (though even Etsy has some bootleg pins that ship straight from china, so tread carefully…)
Every pin I've designed is, thus far, EXCLUSIVE to my etsy. if you find it anywhere else, it's been ripped off! and once these stupid bootlegs pop up, it's basically a never ending game of whack-a-mole trying to get them all taken down...
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1alchemistart · 4 months
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1010lilfoot · 3 months
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@blookisses showed me the dungeon meshi anime. how many monster meals would I eat? yes :)
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zuzu-draws · 5 months
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"Well Well... Aren't we gawking with a little too much enthusiasm?"
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maureen2musings · 5 months
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