Feed into your fears
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lyrichi · 5 months
mc, posting on the devildom ver. of twitter: you guys I just took the biggest shit
some lower demon replying: ew tmi
asmo, also replying: kys mc is popping off
mc, reposting the thread: it hurt :(
belphie, replying to the repost: the comment or the shit?
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wwwojhh1 · 1 month
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Sorry it took so long, ehee... I was a little busy yesterday, so I posted it today. :_|
But all at once ! Hehe, and btw can you write who else can I draw???
( Personally I can draw my stickman OC. :Р )
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minthy · 9 months
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Happy 8th Gay people anniversary for yall
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brighan · 8 months
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Well, 1/9 pages inked :) (Please clap 👏😄)
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almaprincess66 · 2 months
Guess who FUCKING KILLED the Hamilton presentation?
I'TS A ME!!!
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lxvergirl-exe · 2 months
your favorite demon has returned from the dead. finally moved into my new apartment <3
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shey-pancake · 1 year
oh wait, did yall really thought I was going to forget my goofy stinky evil bunny man's anniversary/birthday? you fools, I didn't do a draw, a single doodle even, but a whole FULL ANIMATION SHITPOST!! HAHA!!
(actually is a remake/remaster of the old one that I did last year but let's pretend I did it everything just now)
Hope you guys enjoy this silly funny animation I did for my beloved peepaw willy :3 happy 8th anniversay fnaf 3, happy bday springy!
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universalkuzey · 6 months
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Gift for @another-shutin-z-kai thank you for keeping my terukane obsession going and still drawing for me whenever i ask ily
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 2 months
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rotnow · 5 months
✨ Articles of Phantom Theives : The mermaid and the ship of fakes! ✨
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NOTE : watching the actual episode of the anime is highly recommended Hello everyone! Huhu here! It's been a while huh? Well as I promised I have finished the chapter for this story! You are in a treat this time my friend, I have decided to write an actually full fledged story this time instead of writing bullet points. I’m going to be honest..this wasn’t easy. I had to constantly keep motivating myself and the amount of times I have went back and forth to looking at the episode is insane 💀 That being said, THIS IS A WARNING‼️ the end of this story might be lacking and I apologize for that. I’ll try to be better in the future! Hm..what else? Oh yes, Emily's outfit! Yes yes she is dressed up in knight armor (will be explained in the story) here I even drew it!!
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Now without further adieu.. Let the story begin! Thank you for reading!!
Don’t get me wrong, Emily Oak loves parties. She enjoys socializing with different people and most importantly the food.
So why is she wearing a fully covered knight costume in the middle of a party?
Well dear reader, let me explain. So it started when Emily and DJ peacock were discussing their latest report on Kaitou Joker when a little birdie told them that Joker has sent an advance notice to steal Mr Kaneri’s Mermaid Crystal during his luxury liner party! Obviously both of them were stoked about this news but before things can get even more better it was also hinted that the mysterious phantom thief Spade (who has yet to reveal his identity) was also going to be appearing!
DJ peacock was too busy jumping around in excitement already having ideas on covering the underground news and to notice Emily's shoulder’s slow slump when she realized who Joker and this spade is stealing from.
“Hm? Emily what’s wrong?” “Oh um.. well good news! I can go to the party without being accompanied by inspector oniyama and the others!” “That's wonderful! How did you manage to do that at a short notice?” “Ok so here's the surprising news..”
Emily had to shut her friend’s gaping mouth before any flies would fly into it when she revealed that Mr Kaneri is her uncle. In her defense, the rich man is her FAR FAR FARR UNCLE. She hardly sees him that much anyway but she has a great opportunity in her hands and she could get a peek of what kaitou spade looks like as well! All it took was one greeting (and a bit of persuasion) and Emily had the invitation in her hands, ready to go!
And that's how she got into this situation, a fully covered knight armor costume in her uncle’s cruise attending his costume party. It's not like she doesn’t want her uncle to find her (ok she does) but she only really came here to see what Joker has up his sleeve this time and see kaitou spade, not be forced to write an article about how wealthy her uncle is.
‘Now that I think about it..this armor is making me sweat..’ the brown hair girl thought to herself while looking at the multiple paintings of her uncle on the wall. It was amazing how Emily managed to get such armor like this on rent, truly it was a snatch ... .except it was hot and heavy to move in!
‘Maybe I need water..yeah water might do the trick!’ She made her way to the buffet table that had the most drool worthy food on it. It looked so good she almost bumped into a waiter that suspiciously looked familiar to her. Is it just her or has she seen those blue eyes and strange hairstyles before? Eh it's hard to see through the helmet anyway.
A few minutes pass, and the mermaid crystal is now revealed to the guests by Mr Kaneri’s assistant, kaneko. The beauty of the treasure shown on television could not compete with the real deal! It looks stunning and amazing, and- is that Joker?! Emily paused in the middle of feasting on the delicious custards to see LITERALLY KAITOU JOKER OUT IN THE OPEN COMING DOWN FROM THE CEILING?! She couldn’t believe it! Has Joker already planned to take the mermaid crystal this early? Or has he already done it? How?!
As if she heaviness of the armor Emily is wearing didn’t bother her anymore, she instantly brought out her pen and notepad (guests who were beside her was looking at her weirdly like ‘did this knight just pull out a pen and paper out of thin air?’) preparing to make a beeline towards the fight breaking out in stage between iInspector Oniyama and “Joker”. Until that beeline was cut short, now Emily stood a good feet away from the mess of her uncle who was actually wearing a joker costume, shouting at Inspector Oniyama and her crew of attacking him. To the Oniyama’s defense, the costume looked TOO much like Joker.
Emily sighed at this and turned around to go back to her previous spot at the food buffet. She could hear bits of conversation of Mr Kaneri and oniyama’s conversation but she isn’t one to eavesdrop so-
“By the way, have you seen my lovely niece Emily? She said that she’ll be here at my party tonight!” Mr Kaneri boasted about making Oniyama tilt his head. “Your niece? Emily?” “Yes! Emily Oak! The famous journalist that wrote articles about the rotten Joker! You see I’m planning on convincing her to write articles about ME instead, because I’m so rich and famous it would definitely indeed turn heads!”.
‘You know what I think it's a great idea to hide in the kitchen for a while’ her legs guided her quickly into the kitchen. Big mistake, she was faced with four heads turned towards her. Emily blinked at two out of the four familiar heads, grinning behind her helmet at the sight of them. She pointed at them.
“Hachi! Joker!”
“I didn’t realize it was you, Miss Emily!” Hachi exclaimed as Emily took off her helmet and smiled at the ninja boy “Sorry for making you panic back there in the kitchen, it's nice to see you again!”. She didn’t get to spend that much time with hachi the last time they met (that being he was literally helping Joker steal something) but she can just tell from his adorable face he is just sweet. Hachi looked at Joker who was staring at the other two with bis hands on his hips
“Hey so what's up with Joker-“
“I’ev heard lots of rumors..so you’re the big up and comer, Spade”
Emily’s eyes instantly darted to the two, the time has finally come! She is now in the presence of the one and only phantom thief Spade!
“King, you must be this Spade’s apprentice”
Wait what?
Emily slowly puts down the pen she didn’t even realize she was holding (must be muscle memory) confused. Joker just continued to talk, “Unlike you, I’m already on my own. And I have my own apprentice! This is Hachi, my number #1 apprentice”. “A pleasure to meet you!” said the apprentice.
The journalist couldn’t help but smile softly at the way Joker is proudly introducing Hachi. To think this was the same Joker she met in the past when he was still new to being a phantom thief is astonishing! Oh how the times have changed. He was even defending Hachi when this apparent “King'' made a remark of how small the ninja is. Oh how it warms her heart to see this.
“By the way, this is Emily Oak! My journalist friend”
Aw he’s introducing Emily as well?
“She writes articles about ME, very good ones in fact. That just adds weight to how much I have grown” Joker smirks as he crosses his arms together looking like an athlete showing off his medals.
‘I should have expected that..’ Emily waves her hands in front of her when King and his friend turned to look at her as she tries to explain more about herself “I don’t only write about Joker of course”The brown hair female failed to notice Joker’s side eye beside her “I am also interested in writing about other phantom thieves. That's actually one of the main reasons why I’m here, to interview phantom thief spade”
King and partner glanced at each other for a moment before looking back at the journalist. “That’s very nice of you, emily. We would love to be in your articles, it might even be more popular than Joker over here” King said with the last few words a bit louder , irking the tophat phantom thief. “Hey!” “J-just who are you to Mr Joker anyway?”
The next sentence that came out of the king's mouth was like a golden buzzer for our girl. It's not everyday she gets information about Joker’s childhood heck even his life when he’s not doing his phantom thief stuff even! She has always wondered what Joker’s childhood was like. To grow up, training to become a phantom thief must be tough right? Who was his mentor? Did he live in a secret isolated place like in those spy movies? Or a hideaway buried deep in nature where the only access to get food was hunting?
Well at least now she knows that he and King were training partners under the same master. Just wait till her article fans hear about this!
Emily was too busy thinking about what she’ll write in the upcoming article, she didn’t mind the current argument happening with king and joker. Er..something about ‘that summer’? Eh, the girl was too far in her thoughts to even listen unlike hachi who was dying of curiosity.
“Hey, what happened that summer?’ Please tell me!”
“Shut up! I’m not like I was back then! No matter what you people do, that crystal will be mine!”
In response to Joker’s claim, King just confidently crossed his arms ``We'll see about that, you don’t want to underestimate the skill of phantom thief spade. Let’s compete to see who can recover the Mermaid’s crystal first!”. The monologue was accompanied with his partner’s chuckle in the background (very nice add on might I say).
Emily’s brain was busy functioning this situation at the moment. ‘Two phantom thieves’ + ‘compete’ = SCORE STORY!!! For a moment she squealed, making everyone look at her for a second. Joker smiled to himself when he noticed Emily’s expression, it's one that he has seen many times before and assumed she was already loving the idea of this.
Not wanting to let her upcoming article be a disaster (and his pride won’t allow it), Joker returns King’s confidence with a smirk “I have no intention of losing to you two”. Hachi shared the same confidence, ready to be alongside Joker to win this challenge.
“Wah, I’m so full..”
The five of them looked to see inspector oniyama nearby with his partners. ‘Oh crap!’ Emily thought to herself, quickly putting on her armor helmet. She didn’t want to be caught by none other than the police with phantom thieves, especially inspector oniyama! He doesn’t even know she’s here to begin with! Besides if he does then Mr Kaneri will know..and then- She shivers at the thought of being in an endless bound conversation with her distant uncle where most of the time it's just him talking about himself.
“You’re so under arrest, Joker!!” Inspector Oniyama yelled out, dashing towards the phantom thief. Joker and Hachi both stand in their place, barely having any time to make a run for it until the king's partner swiftly moves in front of them facing the police. ‘Eh?’ Emily thinks, now that she is thinking about it she has never been introduced to King’s partner yet..
Luckily inspector oniyama also wanted to know who was the person standing in between him and Joker as well, “W-who are you?!”. King wasted no time in introducing that, his partner is Phantom thief spade. Emily gasped at the introduction, ‘This is perfect!’ She thought, ‘I can’t believe I’m going to see the phantom thief spade in action right in front of me!’
“Evil glance!” A bright light shines from Spade’s single eye (the one thing that stood out from his bandaged head (weird choice design but…still cool)) blinding inspector oniyama, momo and ginko. Just like that, three officers were down on the floor asleep once the light faded away. Emily looked at the three unconscious figures in wonder at what just happened beside Joker “Woah..” “T-that was so cool!”. Spade looked back at Joker, “Now you owe me one”. The spiky haired phantom thief gritted his teeth “I didn’t ask for you to do that!”.
The journalist on the other hand, hummed behind her helmet, “Thank you for that, Spade and King!”. Joker whipped his head to look at her “Don’t compliment the competition!!”. Spade smirked and winked, “No problem, Emily. Well, we’ll be taking that treasure. See you then”. He and spade ran off ignoring Joker’s constant yells of not letting his childhood friend steal the treasure he’s targeting. Hachi looks on in determination and notices emily walking away to where the part was. “Hm? Emily, you’re going too?” Asked the phantom thief apprentice. The girl smiled sheepishly, admitting that she’ll be heading inside to where king and spade are “I don’t want to miss spade and king steal the mermaid crystal..” “How do you know they’ll steal the mermaid, we’ll do it first!” Joker huffed as he crossed his arms, hachi mirrored his movements. Emily chuckled, “You better do it fast then, goodluck you too!” She gave a thumbs up which was returned with smirks and smiles before running to the party leaving the other two behind.
Once Emily entered the party room, she tried her best to find Spade and King. No really, she did! Like literally looking up and down, the kitchen, the toilet, everywhere! Seriously what kind of training did he and joker do in the past that involved both of them being able to hide so perfectly well?!
She sighed to herself, the journalist was hoping to meet them for a quick second along for a little mini interview but it seemed like that wasn't going to happen. She glances at the bag behind her, there was another reason why she wanted to see them again..
She found a tranquilizer gun.
In fact she found it on her way to the party on the floor. ‘Is it theirs?’ She wonders, ‘or is it..someone else's?!’ The thought of someone in the party with a tranquilizer gone got her sweating…it even makes her sweat bullets because now she has the gun in her bag.
‘If anyone were to see me with this..’ Emily internally panicked at the thought of someone catching her with the tranquilizer gun. She didn’t want to go to jail yet!!
Fortunately the thoughts slowly go away as Kaneko and Mr Kaneri go up on stage to announce the winners of the- eh? There was a costume contest? Emily surely didn’t know that, but the prize must be amazing then if it came from a rich man like Mr Kaneri!
“The winner indeed will receive a year’s supply of Mr. Cookie!” Mr Kaneri announces as the projector behind him projects an image of his cookie brand. Emily sweatdropped ‘why did I even bother..?’, for once she assumed her distant uncle would give out an expensive prize, she wonders who the winner of the competition is.
Before the winner is revealed though, the doors to the entrance of the room opens and Spade stands there chuckling “kukukuku”.
Emily gasps, holding her hands in front of her helmet at the sight (the guests who beside her looked at her weirdly yet again). It's the big moment of the show! Spade is now going to steal the mermaid treasure. ‘But wait..where’s King?’
“Evil glance!” Light yet again appears from Spade’s glowing eye blinding everyone, including Emily this time. However instead of sleeping like what happened with inspector Oniyama and his partners, the girl didn’t feel herself growing unconscious. Once the light faded, Emily along with multiple other guests blinked in confusion. Obviously the guests are wondering what just happened but Emily was the most confused out of them. ‘Huh?? Why aren't I unconcious? Isn’t that supposed to happen?’ Emily thought to herself, as she takes a look at Spade who is unmoving from his spot. Looking more closely, Spade was indeed not looking too good. In fact he seemed like he was panicking.
‘WHAT IS HE DOING?! IS THIS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN???’ She looked in worry feeling bad for the phantom thief. This was supposed to be the moment where he and King (again where is he) steal the mermaid crystal..and it went totally wrong! How is she supposed to make this sound amazing but also truthful in her article? ‘Phantom thief Spade fails to steal the Mermaid Crystal’? Oh dear..
As if anything else could get worse, Inspector Oniyama along with Ginko and Momo bursted in immediately capturing Spade by dog piling! Great now Emily might as well write ‘Phantom thief Spade fails to steal the Mermaid Crystal AND gets dog piled by police’ as the title of her article!
There could only be one thing to do now.
That's right.
Visit the caged Spade alone.
You would think security would be tight but for some reason, Emily has no problems sneaking in to check up on the caged phantom thief behind bars. She still had to take precautions though so she kept her helmet on. There wasn’t even anybody else in the room, just her and Spade. The journalist made her way in front of Spade with the only thing separating the two was the bars holding the phantom thief in. “Spade,” Spade looked up to see a knight in front of him. For a second he thought it was just some random party guest that wandered into the room but soon realized it was the girl he met on the ship’s dock once Emily lifted up her helmet to reveal her face
“M-miss Emily? What are you doing here?” Spade said out loud, curious on why she decided to come visit a literal criminal. The girl replied with a hum “Since you’re basically arrested now and most likely to be going to jail as soon as this ship gets onto land, I want to spend these last moments of interviewing” she frowned at the last words. Emily felt disappointed a bit to see such a phantom thief like spade get caught like this but..it's not she could do anything about that. Spade’s body paused at the brown haired girl’s words, ‘This girl..wants to interview me? Even though I’m-‘
“Ok first things first I need to ask you about something” Emily reached to take something out of her bag. Spade titled his head wondering what it might be.
He expected many things but no once did the thought of a tranquilizer gun being an option.
Emily may not see it, but Spade was shocked to see the gun in her hands. I mean how did the journalist get her hands on it?! Did it fell off when-
“I just want to make sure this is yours and King’s…because I really hope it is since the idea of someone else on the ship with a gun like this wouldn’t ease my worries” Emily nervously chuckled and turned the tranquilizer gun to fidget with it. “Actually now that I think about it, this is my first time holding a gun” “Miss Emily please be careful on holding that” Spade warned the person on the other side of the bars, the last thing he wants at the moment is something to go wrong. She assures the phantom thief, while holding on to the gun loosely “Its fine I got this-“
“So this is the so-called phantom thief Spade!” A third familiar voice in the room called out behind her.
Bam! Out of panic, Emily accidently shot a nearby crate with the tranquilizer gun and quickly put the knight helmet on her head. ‘Oh shoot! It's..’, she turned around to see a shocked Mr Kaneri clutching his Mr Teddy in his hands as if his life depended on it. ‘Oh no!!’ the journalist mentally cried out, quickly putting the tranquilizer gun in her backpack. She didn’t mean too, really! You all saw that! She doesn’t quite like her distant uncle but not so much to shoot him! Her eyes shifted towards the guard behind Mr Kaneri staring at her through his glasses.
‘Its over.’ Emily has accepted her fate, freezing on her spot. This is the end. She was caught talking to a literal criminal, almost shot someone and a guard was there to witness all of it. “Y-you-! You tried to shoot me! Guard! Arrest him! He indeed needs to be locked up with that thief as well!” Mr Kaneri pointed straight at Emily, who was only accepting her fate more when she realized her uncle doesn’t even recognize her. Great so she’ll be going to jail by her own distant uncle.
This is the end of Emily Oak’s life..
The guard made no move to arrest Emily however instead he knocked Mr Kaneri out. No seriously, the journalist was now looking down at her unconscious uncle as the guard was tying him up. “What..” Emily gaped, not understanding what is happening right now. What was she feeling? Shocked? Confused? The poor girl could feel herself shaking a bit. After successfully tying up the rich man, the guard stood up to face Emily with a smile. She gasped when she recognized who the guard was.
“You're an interesting one, Emily. I didn’t even realize my tranquilizer gun was missing until the last minute” King let out a chuckle while making his way to let Spade out of the cage. He patted his partner’s arm as an act of comfort before looking back at her with a curious look, “Are you sure you’re not secretly a phantom thief?” Emily quickly shook her head at the question, “Me? No way, I just happened to find the gun on the floor as I was walking to the party. You guys must have dropped it” Besides, I don't think I can handle the intense life of being a phantom thief again, she mentally added. .
“So what are you going to do now?” “Continue our mission to steal the mermaid crystal of course! Don’t tell me you thought we’ll just let Joker and his apprentice take it from us.” “Ahaha of course not, I wish you luck for you two!”
King and Spade leave the room after bidding their goodbyes to Emily. Now it was just her and Mr Kaneri’s slumped, tied up unconscious body on the floor. He was even snoring- is he dreaming of something?! Emily shakes her head and smiles, ‘I've seen what Spade and King had done..perhaps it's now Joker and Hachi’s turn!’ She grins and makes her way to the party room.
The phrase ‘The show must go on’ fitted perfectly for what was going to happen next in my opinion. Despite just capturing a phantom thief, someone must have thought it was a good idea for the party to still continue, not that Emily minded she was interested in how things will turn out. Especially since she hasn't seen Joker make any moves to get the treasure yet. Speaking of the devil, as soon as the girl was wondering where her friend was, the lights turned off and there Joker was, standing on the stage with a confident stance.
‘There he is! Oh and since everyone knows that Mr Kaneri is dressing up as Joker no one is batting an eye’ Emily mentally noted how smart this trick was, it was just as easy as taking a candy from a baby. Joker seemed to not even hide his victory smirk as he approached where Kaneko and the mermaid crystal is. However he didn’t get to even touch the treasure. Somebody stopped him and that someone is none other then..Inspector Oniyama.
“So under arrest!”, he and a few other officers cornered Joker on the stage. The phantom thief was surrounded the only thing left to do was the inspector making sure this was the real deal or just Mr Kaneri (He secretly hoped it was the later).
“You’re a fool, indeed!”
It was the latter.
Emily was starting to get a headache, so that wasn’t Joker but her distant uncle? Wait but that doesn’t make any sense, she saw the old rich man asleep a few minutes ago… and what do you mean he won the costume contest?! She stared in confusion as Mr Kaneri cackled on stage, embracing the fact that he became the winner of his OWN contest.
But what’s that..?
Another Mr Kaneri appears on stage?! Commotion arrupts from everyone, this has turned into a mess!. ‘What..is happening??!!’ Emily looks back and forth at the two Mr Kaneris from her position in the crowd. Instantly, being the one and only japanese police inspector that is determined to catch his target criminal, inspector oniyama and his subordinates jump on stage to set the record straight on who is who.
In the end though, the mystery was solved when one Mr Kaneri realized the other Mr Kaneri was King. This caused both of them to take off their disguise and can you guess what happened next? Yeah, you’re right, they both got captured and taken to the cage Spade once was.
Ok let's be honest here, this whole story Emily Oak has witnessed so many twists and turns. She wasn’t even surprised to be asked to help distribute curry laced with whatever was in the tranquilizer by Hachi and Spade. You can say she was already tired and wanted to get over this. The journalist began pushing the trolley from the kitchen to the party room when she heard the little ninja beside her sigh.
“What’s wrong Hachi?” She asks wondering why Hachi was sighing. “Its just..I really want to know why Mr Joker seems to have a bad history with dipping sauce! But he won’t tell me one bit of it.” he crossed his arms, seemingly annoyed he can’t know. Emily chuckles and assures him, “Its ok, Hachi. It must be an embarressing past if he doesn’t want to tell you what it is. Everyone has their secrets after all.” The asisstant hummed, taking her words before realizing something, “Hey Miss Emily, why aren’t you with them?” “Them?” “Yeah Inspector Oniyama and the others, normally when there is a event where me and Mister Joker attend you always stick with the police force.” The brown hair girl titled her head as she continued to push the trolley with the curry pot at his question. Emily was considering on telling him the reason why she got invited to the party…but then the thought of the ninja telling his master that Mr Kaneri is her distant unlce. It would open so much opperunities, oppertunites that will lead to trouble.
“Everyone has their secrets, Hachi”
Emily continued to push forwards, quickening her pace.
“I am the true phantom thief spade!”
After putting everyone to sleep with the curry, the trio managed to save the two phantom thieves and are now standing at the dock of the ship just like what happened last time. For some explanation, Joker managed to snag the mermaid cyrstal before Spade and King could. Now this is the part where emily would write down what happened, and smile with a “I guess joker won again, I can’t wait to tell my readers!” UNTIL..
It was revealed that King was actually Spade the entire time?! And the “spade” was actually King’s assistant, Dark Eye?! This is the last plot twist the journalist could handle, she is going to lose it if it weren't for Spade giving a dramatic departure as he steals the treasure away from Joker in his airship….do all phantom thieves have airships?
The journalist continued to look at the distant blip flying away. So she has a story, she just expected it to go like this. Emily chuckles as she thinks to herself ‘This was a fun night..’
Joker and Hachi stop their current bickering (yet again it was Hachi asking about the summer dipping sauce and Joker refusing to tell anything about it) to stare at the girl. The spiky hair thief decided to speak first, “What are you laughing about?” “I was just thinking how fun this whole night was..I can’t believe I got to meet Phantom thief Spade. He sure is an interesting fellow”.
Joker huffed and crossed his arms “Don’t compliment the competition!”. “Yeah! And don’t worry we’ll win next time!” Hachi added with a determined smile shared with his master.
“I can’t wait-“
“JOKER!!!” “Give me back my treasure, indeed!!”
Uh oh
The three of them turn to see a very awake Mr Kaneri and Inspector Oniyama running towards them at full speed. Emily quickly puts on her knight helmet to shield her identity as Joker and Hachi…jump off the ship into the ocean?! She quickly looks down by the railing as she sees the two of them in the ocean. ‘What an exit..’
“Ah! Inspector! That was the knight that almost shot me earlier, indeed!”
Emily did a sharp turn to face her distant uncle, “WHAT?!” No way..is her uncle really going to make the police arrest her?!
Well I guess she has to exit as well
[The end]
WOWEEE so there we have it folks! You have reached the end of the story! Damm that took long! So this is the chapter where Emily meets Spade for the first time, I quite think they will have a nice friendship with one another. Maybe he’ll spill embaressing secrets about Joker to her a bit and Joker will be like “I DID NOT DO THAT” but like yk he did. What’s that? The ending seems to be lacking? Well I warned you! I’m like running a race, I start strong, end tired and begging my friend to give me my water bottle. I tried my best either way though, I guess this is about 4000 words? This will be a rare case..I don’t think I’ll ever be doing something like this again..
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it and have a nice day or night‼️ ✨
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peter gabriel exists.
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Premise: It’s Romeo and Juliet but all the characters are played by actual cats the director found in shelters… John Hurt plays a crazy cat lady. @kaleidoscopr @randomtwospirit @katamite-cinaedus @hereissomething you may be interested in this (if I’ve tagged you it’s because I either know you’re a fan of his or you like weird movies or both). It’s extremely rare and somewhat considered “lost media.”
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smoelrice · 27 days
Bottom surgery? 🤨
How are they supposed to operate me if im on top of them?
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has welcomed the announcement that Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, will visit New Zealand this month. “Princess Anne is travelling to Aotearoa at the request of the NZ Army’s Royal New Zealand Corps of Signals, of which she is Colonel in Chief, to attend its 100th Anniversary celebrations at Linton Military Camp in Palmerston North,” Chris Hipkins said.   “It’s terrific that Her Royal Highness will be able to connect with past and present members of the Corps and acknowledge the importance of signallers within New Zealand Defence Force operations over the last 100 years.”   Her Royal Highness will be accompanied by her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence (Retired).   “The Princess Royal will undertake other engagements during her visit, including attending an Act of Remembrance (wreath laying) at Pukeahu National War Memorial in Wellington. Her Royal Highness will also rededicate the War Memorial at Cathedral Square in Christchurch.”  “The Princess Royal last visited New Zealand in 2010. I look forward to welcoming Princess Anne back to Aotearoa,” Chris Hipkins said.
— The Official website of the New Zealand Government
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hiimgin · 8 months
While there's nothing new, I'll show you the old.
This is Norman. And he's an alcoholic.
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