#writer issues
cats-and-confusion · 10 months
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phoen1xr0se · 14 days
Oh good lord... when a new fic idea wriggles its way into your brain and dances around trying to get your attention!! Noooo go awayyyyyy...
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redtippedfox · 23 days
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I can't write fight scenes...
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shadowwolflady · 18 days
It is SO hard for me to read certain fanfictions.
I don't know about you, but I try to brush off certain things I don't 100% agree with, like a naturally quiet character talking a lot or a stubborn ass character suddenly agreeing with everything. But there are some that I just go "No, that's not right." And after that, I can't seem to get into the fic anymore. As hard as I try, the moment that my brain goes NO, I can't keep reading the story without constantly criticizing it.
It hurts because people share recommendations to me and I go to read them, despite the hype, and I just don't like it.
It hurts, cause I also write, and I really do appreciate the work and effort put into the stories. I really want to give them a try. But I am SO picky!
This is where I also get frustrated because I want to read fics to get ideas.
The issues I've been having recently have been centered around Kakashi.
Anyone got any input?
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deansapplepie · 5 months
Things I search because of writing:
* how’s winter in Georgia?
* Does it snow in Georgia?
* Where is the walking dead prison located?
* Weather in Newnan, Georgia
* Animals you can hunt during winter in Georgia.
* what are the chapstick flavors?
* and many other things such as weapons and other weird things that could get the police on my tail, but it’s just a writer doing research to be as accurate as possible on her writing.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 month
It has come to my attention that many fanfic author feel.... ashamed??? to share their fics with their long-term partners???? It's one thing to feel shy about sharing your fics (hence one of the options being "never read, but still supports"), but keeping your hobby a SECRET???? sounds genuinely .... sad.
My husband has been my editor/proofreader since 2017, and always encourages me in every fic, no matter the fandom or pairing. Even if I didn't let him read a single one, I know for a fact he'd support my hobby 1000%.
So, tell me, fanfic writers: how do YOU feel about it? 👀
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violent138 · 1 month
you orphaned your fic ☹️
Very curious how you discovered that, but yes. I've been having a really rough time with writing and liking what I write. That fic was supposed to be a failure to get me over it, but I actually got so frustrated I ended up getting rid of it (without "destroying a book" so to speak, out of the archive).
Also curious as to what you thought of it... now that I know that... somebody read it (nonchalantly).
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
zb1 uncle line headcanons bc why not
also bc @seok02 inspired something in my ded mind and I need a brain break~
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Jiwoong Uncle
A bit of a boomer but he’s chill
Never seen w/o his sunnies
Likes to make dad bad jokes
Expects all the nieces and nephews to laugh at his jokes
Gets sad when they don’t
Is 100% a board game uncle
Will spend the whole afternoon sitting at the board (Go is his fave but he isn’t too bad with mahjong or chess)
Loves to talk about how things were “back in his day”
Very calm, loves listening to the nieces and nephews talk
The least judgemental uncle, tries his best to be supportive~
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Hanbin Uncle
The favorite uncle
Everyone knows him. Everyone asks after him.
Is known to bust out a rogue dance move
Then he complains about how much his joints hurt
Has a lot of odd skills, the nieces and nephews call him whenever they’re in need of help with something hyperspecific
If he doesn’t know how to do it, he probably knows someone who does
A tea and coffee uncle
Anyone who visits him will get a cup of coffee or tea brewed personally by him along with their chat
Has the best reactions, the nieces and nephews love telling him the gossip
Mildly judgemental uncle, will smile but the judgement is felt
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Ricky Uncle
The rich uncle
Will take you shopping
All the nieces and nephews ask him for money, yes he gives them money
Always has cash on him, and yes his bills are always crisp
Sassy as hell, always has a comeback or side comment ready
All the single aunties want him (or his money?)
Surprisingly hip, can keep up with the nieces and nephews
Always travelling, always bringing back extravagant souvenirs from his travels
And gifts for his favorite nieces and nephews lol
Judgemental af, has perfected the look and gives bombastic fantastic side eye
Ok nice, idk wtf this is and what possessed me but here u go guys~
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spitefulbull · 4 months
Every time I open my WIP to try to write something, I always end up deviating into worldbuilding. Like, I'm not complaining, but my WIP has a whopping 3 pages, while I have over ten different worldbuilding documents with over five pages each. I need motivation to stay on track 😭
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universitypenguin · 2 months
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redtippedfox · 2 months
Spent half the day writing a new story and ended up hating it, 10 pages wasted.
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olivescales3 · 10 months
Are there any websites that list fancy adverbs and nouns such as "while", "throughout" and etc? It sucks to write the same few words constantly ugh!!!! Like okay I wrote "and", "with", "alongside", "as", but what next????
Please support me as an artist by reading and reblogging my TFLOC content! I didn't expect this to blow up lol
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flowerskull-tobi · 5 months
"why are all of your characters gay people?"
it's not my fault I keep making these characters and they end up being gay
they just write themselves, I make this cute barista and her female roommate? Her roommate's a librarian?? They adopt cats and frogs??? whoopsies they're gay now
and you can't even stop me bitch
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deansapplepie · 3 months
How do you guys feel about people writing stories using AI?
Because I just saw today a post of a story that was generated by AI and I just thought “oh ok, so lil old me writing a chapter/one-shot for days till I get satisfied with what I wrote has no value anymore.”.
I’m not pointing fingers or saying names, it’s nobody I follow, but I was shocked when it appeared to me as a suggestion to read. I’m not trying to be a bitch or anything, but… that was how I felt and it’s ok if you don’t feel the same way as me.
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slytherins-heir · 2 months
i begggg the fanfic gods, please let me finish this fic today all i need to literally do the ending but i am struggling rn 😭
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