#writing journal
belovedapollo · 2 months
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archive of my mind 🌙 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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crown-ov-horns · 3 months
Michael Langdon x Female!SO (N/S/F/W edition 🍋)
Originally a reference sheet my WIP's. Mostly generalized headcanons. A seperate list of specific scenarios can be found here.
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Switch for the right woman. Still, he certainly wants his fair share of dominance.
Likes it when seduction takes effort. If a girl is hard to get, he'll want her all the more. But. Should he feel the chase is taking too long, he may resort to drastic measures. Not rape, think more he imprisons his love interest, until she accepts him. Isn't beyond coercion.
Will absolutely fuck his love interest while she holds a blade to his throat. Think Troy, but she never drops the knife.
Despite the previous points, he enjoys when it his SO takes initiative. Shove him onto down, and mount him. Wait for him in lingerie. Come onto him, seriously.
He bites. A lot. Marking his territory turns him on.
Likes to show off. The notion of getting heard, or even caught, doesn't bother him. He wants others to know his love interest belongs to him, and him alone.
"Your're mine" is a constant. Will go feral if his SO tells him the same, or responds "I'm yours."
Prone to getting rough. Will cluth his lover's hips until they're bruised, pull her hair, wrap his fingers around her throat. He wants her nails ripping his back open. He is a Beast, after all.
Loves eye contact, and seeing his SO's face contort with the pleasure he gives her. This kind of despair turns him on. Loves to leave her exhausted, breathless, and empty-headed. Often takes time to admire her limp, sweat-covered body afterwards. Isn't against receiving the same treatment, though.
Enjoys giving and receiving oral equally. A master of cunnilingus. Likes to grasp his lover by the chin after coming into her mouth, and watch her swallow. Alternatively, doesn't mind being kissed with his own cum still in her mouth.
Has extremely high stamina. Also, often prefers long foreplay. Loves to tease.
Big into pillow talk.
Enjoys his Mark being kissed and licked.
Can get toxic. As in, sometimes, he'll pin his SO down and, essentially, force himself on her during an argument, or when he's frustrated/angry. But, he'll stop if he's told to.
Has a huge breeding kink.
His adoration of breasts may or may not have to do with the previous point.
Into ritual sex.
Excited by blood. Him and his lover drawing each other's blood. Sharing blood. Bathing in the blood of a victim or a sacrifice
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hi-imgrapes · 2 years
Ideas For A Writing Journal
-brainstorming pages for your book, obviously. every writer working on a book needs this.
-vocabulary. go on wattpad, or pinterest, or literally the internet and type writing vocabulary into the search bar. youll get some new words you can use in your book.
-writing challenges/prompts for yourself. pinterest will have these. you can make one for yourself, if you want (ex: write about a girl drowning). these are good practice for writing scenes in your book and in general pretty fun to write when you’re bored. try it out!
-any writing advice you like? stick it in your journal! this will help you when you’re stuck with writing character development or that battle scene that always seems to fall flat.
-OCs. Write little descriptions/analysises of your characters. youll learn to understand them a little better this way.
-cool metaphors! if youre reading a book and see a metaphor you really like/think is interesting/creative, write it down to use in your own book. take inspiration from other writers, people.
-book reviews. when youre finished reading a book, review it with a star rating system and commentary. not only will this allow you to reflect on what youve read and the messages behind it, this will allow you to once again, TAKE INSPIRATION FROM OTHER WRITERS.
-doodles and poems! these may not be what you want to stick in your WRITING journal, but its good to take a break of writing once in a while and do something else creative. you dont have to put this in your writing journal, but you can still do them on a piece of loose paper. you can thank me later.
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thavron · 4 months
Setting myself a new challenges. 25,000 words on any of my WIPs in the next 30 days. I’ve counted I have 13 Good Omens WIPs in varying phases of completion and I NEED to finish something.
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bunny-hoodlum · 6 months
I'm thinking of turning my Office AU submission into a no plot/slice of life thing that I update whenever I feel like. And naturally, I want to change and expand the first chapter.
Originally Naruto was supposed to be a totally normal graduate, so I want to go back to that. I just stream-of-consciousness-ed the 'screw up son of a politician' thing to give it more 'depth', but I don't actually have any plans for that or anything. And it just feels shoehorned and uninspired, so *yeet!*
I'll probably change the story title too, just cuz only the first chapter is themed around dark circles, and I don't plan on restricting the whole thing to that motif alone. I have ideas for other reasons they have dark circles 😏 later on, but yeah, that's it. Just my thoughts.
Also it's the holidays once again and I still haven't been able to touch AWY. I really want to update it because I have the Rinne and New Years chapters coming up. 😤 And every time it's winter, I think about updating it. I swear I do. 😂 *lesigh*
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astroboots · 11 months
it is now estimated to be 14 chapters...
Don't look at me that way.
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Storms of the Past writing update.
Just over 1400 words into chapter 3 and already the angst is real.
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Screenshot has not yet been proofread.
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isabelcanasauthor · 1 year
yo does anyone remember how to write, asking for a friend
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belovedapollo · 2 months
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A6 notebooks gifted to me by my fiancé, black is softcover moleskine, white is hardcover lamy and green is softcover leuchtturm1917 🌱 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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crown-ov-horns · 6 months
Me writing gory scenes: blood was everywhere 💖💫🤪 shreds of flesh splattered all over the walls 😈✨🌸 bones sticking out of open wounds
Me writing sentimental scenes: so she like... hugged her daughter? 🙃 you know? 😅
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ovenscookbook · 5 months
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word count + brainstorm thumbnails
whoo! wrote 5,000+ words today! i have spent the better chunk of my afternoon dedicated to finishing chapter 22 of WTHI, which elicits a good break, nap, and homemade tea latte!
happy early new year everyone!
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thavron · 5 days
Getting drunk in a bar and writing fanfiction. Is this…. Am I cool?
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quills-planning · 3 months
Creative Project Update
Word count check-in!
(Promise I'll be giving an overview of the project soon!)
During the month of February, I wrote a total of 7,991 words between three documents:
3,534 words in the first novel's zero draft
4,281 words in an overall world brainstorm document that covers the history of some of the main characters
176 words in a novel series overview
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megarywrites · 4 months
I think…draft 2 of Seafoam will begin today
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oneiric-somnolence · 6 months
Happy December: Writing Diary #1
December 1, 2023
My chaotic and nontraditional version of NaNoWriMo was wonderful, and helped me get a fantastic start to my story. It is now December and I no longer feel like I am being forced by anyone but myself to write, and while I thought that might be a bad thing due to my lack of self-motivation, I do feel much better.
The problem lies in the fact that I am now experiencing the most true aspect of being a writer. It isn’t a gimmick or something to pass the time anymore. The story is now much realer than it was this time last month. The characters are now people in my head who are demanding this story be told. I have gotten to the point where I feel like I am no longer writing, rather I am transcribing the experiences of these characters in my head. I’ve gotten down all the bones, the outlines. I understand what happens and who these people are. I’ve done all the fun bit of thinking that up, and it is now too real to ever let go. Now, I am just to tell it.
This, frankly, fucking sucks. It’s wonderful and beautiful and magical or whatever but it sucks. I know what happens. The problem is that no one else does and I have to change that. It’s an awful drag. Needing to finish the first draft is the worst thing that could happen to anybody. It’s so terribly fun to get a start writing, to begin making it real and seeing your story come to life. It’s so lovely and satisfying to clean up and rewrite the first draft into the best story you could make. 
It is sick and awful hell to finish your first draft. But it must be done.
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readrenard · 1 year
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I'm new here & would love to make friends~ How do you track your writing? Do you track your writing at all? I used to do it by hand (pictured above) but recently switched to spreadsheets. Still unsure which feels best.
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