#y’all are gonna hate me for this
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seraphdreams · 2 years
yk when people hc sanzu to probably cheat..i disagree. i feel as though he’d be super loyal to his partner. (like his dynamic with mikey a bit, BUT the relationship with u n him would need development!!) haru on drugs is a different story, idk how feral that man will go. i can’t really imagine him cheating still tho?😭
i feel the same way. i feel like sanzu cares about little things in life so when he loves you, he LOVES YOU. you’ll always be his no matter what. even when he’s a lil high, you’re the only thought on his brain. he’s a simple man really
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iguessitsjustme · 7 months
I can’t stop thinking about that scene in the library where Day drops the CDs and Mhok just watches him because it perfectly encapsulates why Day chooses Mhok out of everyone else to be his caretaker.
It’s not about the fact that Mhok treats him normally because everyone’s normal is different. For me, if I see someone drop something and struggle to pick it up, I jump in and help regardless of the reason it was dropped. Because that’s the kind of person I am. That’s normal for me, but it’s not normal for Mhok.
The reason Mhok is chosen is because he treats Day as capable. He knows Day can walk to him to get his library card. He knows Day can pick up the CDs. He doesn’t ignore Day’s disability but he doesn’t treat him like he’s limited by it (at least at first I’m sure this will change as he takes care of Day).
When Mhok crashed showed up for the initial interview, Day made a snarky comment about the reason they were hiring someone was because he can’t even manage to eat on his own without injuring himself. Day is tired and he’s angry and he used to be an athlete and now he can’t even feed himself without his mother worrying.
Day is angry about his situation but behind that and buried very deep is fear that this is his life forever. That he will never see again and he will need to rely on people for the rest of his life. Then Mhok comes along and he’s also angry. Mhok’s pain and grief isn’t something that can ever be cured but it can be healed. And their anger speaks to each other. Mhok sees the anger and fear and pain in Day and understands and sees his own anger and pain reflected back.
Also no one treats Mhok like he’s capable despite his skill set because of his past. He was in jail? Oh well I guess suddenly he doesn’t know how to be a mechanic anymore. Mhok and Day need each other because they treat each other as more than what society sees them as and they treat each other like they’re capable of more than the shit hands they’ve been dealt.
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Confiscating the terms Zionist and Anti-zionist from goyim until they understand the complex geo-political situation and not just from propaganda by Israel’s neighbors or propaganda by Israel. That Zionism has many different schools of thought from right wing politics to left wing. Some of which are also pro-Palestinian liberation.
The way some of y’all talk about Israel in the same way Nazis do and then wonder why so many Jews don’t identify as leftists even if they do have leftist politics. I am ancom and so are a lot of my friends and lots of them don’t identify as leftists or fuck with leftist goyim much.
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bvckleyydiaz · 8 months
a little preview of what’s to come 🫣
“Well,” you hear Derek’s voice call out before you’ve even entered the conference room, “Look at who finally decided to grace us with their presence. Not like you to be late, Y/N.” Your friend grins at you boyishly from his chair. You’re going to miss seeing it every day. Don’t give in, don’t show any resistance. It’s the only thing that will save you now.
You offer as much of a smile as you can. “Guess there’s a first time for everything, Der,” you murmur, trying and failing to sigh away the prick of tears behind your eyes. Your gaze travels to a spot on the far back wall, just between Spencer’s and Emily’s shoulders. You can’t let yourself look them in the eye. If you do that, this will have been for nothing. “I...” You try to swallow the growing lump in your throat, “I want all of you to know that I love you with everything I have left in me, and... that’s what makes this so fucking unfair.” You take a deep breath to steady your voice, tears already seeping through and breaking down the walls you’ve built. “I didn’t want to do this, but I see no other choice.” You unclip your badge and place it and your gun on the table. You then take the manila folder out of the bag hanging heavily on your shoulder and slide it across the table in front of Aaron.
The sound of your heartbeat thundering in your ears muffles all other sounds around you, and you fear that you’ll break your hand if you clasp them together any tighter. It’s the only thing anchoring you to reality. Aaron’s voice brings you back, the folder opened and his eyes stormy. “What is this?” The sound of his voice makes you shudder. You’ve known your boss long enough to know that if he raises his voice any louder, all the restraint he has will be out the window.
“My resignation,” you tell him and watch his left eye twitch, “Effective immediately.”
Five bodies stand all at once, spines ramrod straight. Rage, desperation, bewilderment, and a few other emotions that you can’t quite decipher mix into a cocktail of misery on their faces.
“You’re leaving?” Derek demands, his tone harsh. “Just like that, no second thought?”
“I said that I didn’t want to do this, that I had no other choice, and I meant it,” you stress. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life hating myself for what I’m giving up. But... I don’t see any other way out.”
“Can you at least tell us why?” Penelope asks, and you feel the knife in your chest twist. You never wanted it to end like this; hell, you didn’t want it to end at all. You remember the text you got earlier this morning, right before you walked into the building. You’ve made your choices. Now, live with them.
“Somehow, confidential information from one of our cases—one of my files—was leaked,” you lie. “The Brass wants someone to blame. And they’re going to blame me because my name was attached to that file.”
“Do you have any idea who could’ve gotten ahold of that intel?” Emily asks. You shake your head.
You knew exactly who it was.
“Why wasn’t I told about the leak?” Aaron asks, his Hotch voice making an appearance. “That’s something I should’ve known.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” you tell him, and you are sorry. Just not for the reason he thinks. “Strauss said that the director wanted it handled quietly. This was the fastest way to do that.”
“So, some asshole is going after one of our own, and we’re just supposed to do what?” Rossi asks, his shoulders tight. “Sit with our thumbs in our asses until he’s brought in?”
“Dave’s right,” Aaron agrees. “Y/N, you’re not going anywhere, I won’t let you. I’m going to talk to Erin.” He takes a step forward, but you place a hand on his chest to block his path.
You feel his heartbeat under the tips of your fingers. It’s quick. He’s angry. “Sir, don’t. Please. I’ve already caused enough trouble. I need to just... take it with grace, I guess.” You try to give him a reassuring smile, but it does nothing to ease him. “Thank you for trying to fight for me.”
With that, you take your hand off his chest and walk out of the room without another word. Your palm still tingles from where it laid on Aaron’s chest.
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katasstrophy · 1 year
michael kaiser is one of those millionaire fuckboy bastard athletes who’s all smug and “i’m a man who’s got very specific taste” but it’s just women who literally could not give a single shit about him shut up you know i’m so right for this
yeah sure he fucks around that’s easy practically a piece of fucking cake for him but as soon as you click your tongue at him in rejection like he’s an insignificant little ant you can crush with pin-point precision under your heels? he’s infatuated. borderline obsessed and insufferable in his pursuit of you. he’s so pathetic he immediately commits himself to you, literally physically can’t bring himself to take some new fling to bed because all he wants is you, you, you, you’ve ruined him he’s lovesick he’s insane.
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dreamsuvivor · 2 years
you know what I’m just gonna say it: I don’t give a shit about politics and the targaryen civil war. I’m here just for toxic malewife Matt Smith in blond wig being unhinged for his niece/wife, saying soft shit like: “I want Rhaenyra” in the huskiest most breathless voice and decapitating anyone who dares to disrespect her. And I would sell my left tit for a spinoff show only focused on their relationship.
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care666bear · 3 months
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Zestmilla fic update -
9.5k words, and I’m nowhere near done 🥴🥴🥴
Who’s excited? 👀
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littleoceanbabe · 7 months
loki: i don’t want to be alone.
the s2e6 loki writers, for some reason: so anyway i have an idea-
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jazzy-tzw · 2 months
Nothing much to say, I’ve been saying it for years.
That man is the greatest of all time and he doesn’t need a title for that to be true, contrary to what some believe.
A hard ass worker, a humble man when the time is right cause y’all like to play with him all type of way sometimes… he knows his worth.
He’s proven time and time again that he deserves everything he has and coming his way and I’m so damn proud of him.
He represents more to me than just being a pretty face and being the best there is to offer.
YEARS of fighting and hoping to see him in this position and here we are 4 years later… over 1,300 days as champion, who would’ve thought man.
Watching and being able to experience him grow as an individual and even in this line of work has been so so special. Once in a lifetime thing we have right before our eyes.
Roman will never see this, but man do I love and appreciate you. I’m so so damn proud of you.
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pinkmirth · 7 months
i love love loveeee castlevania nocturne! i’ve been binging it lately and i’m already growing terribly obsessed ><
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poopiefart420 · 3 months
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Hey chat
Anyways the inspo for this was this one archer Ozai art I saw I don’t remember the artist but I fell in love with the concept
The reference I used vvvv
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Sometimes when I’m writing my lbl au I get nervous and self conscious about how the different Link’s are written and I’m afraid that people won’t like it, but then I remember that it’s my au and I shouldn’t care what other people think and that they can suck it
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alwaysxyou · 1 year
should i go to the bar louis has been at every day for the past two weeks and slide a napkin across the bar that just says “literally what?”
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starmoji1 · 11 months
just a random thought
There is nothing wrong with Dadbastian and the hate I’m seeing it get is INSANE 💀
Seeing Sebastian exhibit some fatherly (more like motherly) traits and actions towards Ciel and having fun with these scraps makes the overall story of Black Butler more sad because you have the story of a young boy who lost everything—his parents, his brother, his home—and his savior is the very person who will kill him. The idea that Seb acts somewhat like a parent to Ciel as a very consistent male figure in his life (a role he must play to ensure their contract is properly filled), giving Ciel a little bit of a family before ultimately having to kill him…
Well I think that makes the story of Ciel Phantomhive just a little bit more interesting.
Also, the idea that Dadbastian fans believe this headcanon is an official fact is ridiculous; it’s just a silly au for funsies. It doesn’t mean that we ignore canon or ignore the darker aspects of BB. A lot of the Dadbastian hate sounds like y’all are taking this as a personal insult for no reason. I assure you, we know the lore and the actual canon. We just wanna have some fun with it too 🤷🏾‍♀️
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