tenshikawa · 28 days
spending time. yan!penacony
nobility au
Prince Aventurine
You consciously spend the most time with him by far - from the moment you open your eyes, there's breakfast, tea parties, lunches with him alone and dinners with his family. Up till the very moment he escorts you back to your room, leaving you with a kiss on the back of your hand at the door, you spend nearly every waking moment by Aventurine's side. It's undeniably comforting in many ways, knowing that you can rely on a familiar face if anything else.
But on the other hand, it's a little... suffocating. He's absolutely lovely towards you, but there's a certain way he looks at you - like he can't decide whether you'd look better in a birdcage or in a wedding gown.
Dr Veritas Ratio
Though not nearly as important as the prince himself, you're not spared from the pain of compulsory lessons - to get acclimatised to the history and politics of your home-to-be, so you're told. Your lessons are the few times you're apart from Aventurine (though not for lack of him trying to sit in. Ratio tells him he'll be a distraction and threatens to hit him with a book.)
He's a strict but frighteningly effective teacher, and you leave every lesson happy and knowing something new. He can be surprisingly kind too, giving you some leeway if you had a social engagement the night before and hadn't had time to revise.
Until butler Sunday comes looking for you in an urgent summon, citing a situation that relates to you personally. On your way, he tells you that he's never seen the professor so gentle with any of his students before, and that he never spends so much time on anyone personally.
You're not quite sure what to do with this information.
You don't spend so much time with him as you do around him - he's a constant, lurking presence, waiting to attend to Aventurine when he's around, or looking after you when the prince gets busy and can't be by your side.
He's more unsettling than his prince is, and a lot more perceptive; but nonetheless, you find yourself making small talk with him sometimes. Sunday appears to gain special joy from fetching and carrying for you: making your favourite teas and cakes or perusing the library with you. Unusual for a butler, Sunday talks a lot, but you're content to listen and he offers you insights on a vast host of topics.
A famous bounty hunter slash mercenary, with too-sharp teeth and a too-bright grin. He's charming but kind, and his company brings you some semblance of the days where you could walk the streets without need of a bodyguard. You're not naive enough to get close to him, however - everyone knows bounty hunters have their fair share of secrets, and you're sure so does he. You're not really sure what important things he might be doing in the palace, however, except for finishing all the toast at breakfast and following you around like he has nothing better to do.
Boothill spends most his days lounging around the gardens, shaving an apple with his knife and generally just giving the maids a scare. But when Aventurine can't be by your side, he tends to "just happen" to bump into you, quoting boredom and needing someone to pass the time with him. You let him accompany you to the library then, and tell him about inconsequential things, like the interesting bird you saw outside your window that morning or the new variety of Ratio's threats and insults.
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moochalove · 1 month
Thinking about Yan!Boothill who...
Absolutely loves his chubbier s/o! Whenever you two are lying in bed he can't help but trail his cold metal fingers on your warm and soft body. He thinks you're so cute when you try to push him away! It's like you're asking him to squeeze your chubby face! If you ever happen to get on his nerves he'll dangle freedom in front of your pretty eyes. He'll encourage you to try to make a run for it. He knows with your extra body weight you won't get far- but he still kisses your stretch marks and says you'll do better on this attempt.
Boothill adores the chase, it gets his mechanical insides heated up. He's looking for a target that has the mindset of a scared little animal, and you happen to fit the shoe. Something that will run for dear life when he sets his sight on it. He seeks the thrill of pulling the trigger and seeing if his target will keep running or drop dead.
Even if his bullets land in your meaty flesh- he always promises to never hit anything major and to nurse you back to a healthy state.
When you first met him, you admired him. You thought he was very brave and courageous, you always wondered how he was so strong. You couldn't imagine working such a dangerous job. So, you gave him credit where credit was due.
To Boothill, you were the cutest thing he had ever laid eyes on. Your eyes were more appealing than others, your smile was a contagious one, and your laugh was that of an angel. He'd seen his fair share of people throughout the galaxy, yet none of them had left him with this warm feeling in his cheeks- it almost felt like he could short-circuit if he thought about you too much.
At first, he tried courting you normally. It seemed like you were reciprocating his attempts! The thought that maybe you felt the same way within your sweet little human heart made his artificial one "flutter".
But when he saw you with someone other than himself- he felt odd. He was too prideful to admit it was jealousy, but deep down he knew that was what he was feeling. If there was something his gun and a bullet couldn't solve, well, most of his problems would be unsolved. At first, all his thoughts were irrational, he was confused as to why he wanted to hurt someone who hadn't done a thing to hurt him. After a while, he drew out the reason why his thoughts were scrambled, it was because you played a minor role in all of this. There was no way he was gonna let someone else have all of your affection and love! So, how did he solve this problem? Obviously, he lodged his bullet in that person's chest! All while you were watching, too! He then proceeded to smother you with sweet affirmations with a giddy smile. The moment was romantic! (If you don't mind the screaming and yelling on your part) But that's in the past now! You no longer scream and try to fight him when he leans in for a kiss. It seems your life has practically gone back to normal, except you now have a dear lover. Boothill trusts you enough to do your own thing throughout the day while he does his own work. Though he would be lying if he didn't check (stalk) you throughout the day... You're the first one to arrive "home" most of the time, so you usually start prepping dinner for yourself. Boothill melts on the inside when he returns to see you wearing an apron. He knows he shouldn't bother you while you cook but he can't help it. He'll rest his hands around your soft stomach and lay his head on your shoulder while he tells you about his day. If he had a particularly rough day, you'll clean his robotic body with a warm rag and do any maintenance that you're able to do. Some days when you aren't feeling good about your body, he'll either declare he's too tired to do his work and he needs to stay with you for the day. The day usually consists of him reassuring you you're the prettiest person he's ever seen and that he loves your body, even if you dislike it. Sometimes he's able to bribe you with a sweet treat and a kiss to get you to speak your mind and share your insecurities. Other times when that doesn't work- he'll rest his face on the parts you're insecure about and say something along the lines, "Looky here darlin'," and he'll place a gentle kiss onto you, "The human in me loves you for you." Then he'll trace heart-shaped patterns into your warm flesh, "And so does the non-human part~" His eyes are practically hearts when he stares into your own, "You get it, don't you sweetheart?" Depending on your answer he will either: kiss you, hug you, or wrap his metal arms around you while nibbling at your chubby cheeks. "I know it can be hard for you- But don't ever think I don't love you. I've done things I can't take back, for you! If it's for you I wouldn't take 'em back. Hehe, don't you think that makes us seem like a married couple, it's kinda like a vow-Ow! 'Kay, I'll stop-Don't pinch me so hard!" After you exhale a breathy laugh all your worries go away. You hold him in your pudgy arms, pulling him closer to your warmer body that he can't seem to get enough of. "I love you, Boothill." That was the first time you said his name along with an "I love you". He lays there a bit stunned for a bit but eventually snuggles up to you. He can't believe how much progress you've made in your relationship. To think he used to use you as target practice... Ah, and the way you used to scream and cry all the time! He chuckles lightly at the thought of it before he notices that you've fallen asleep. It seems like he can start to relax again, as it seems like things are finally going well for him.
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vinestaff · 2 months
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guys i made a realization with characters ive been infatuated with
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cheesecakethots · 22 days
bounty hunter darling x yandere boothill send tweet
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yumeboshi · 27 days
𝜗𝜚。..❛ #01. YANDERE SUNDAY!
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𐙚 topic。.thinking bout yan sunday treating his imprisoned darling
.。𝜗𝜚 cw。yandere themes, degrading, filthy, MINORS DNI..
.。𝜗𝜚 a/n。sunday brainrotting rn i need this man if it means i have to skip boothill bb ill get u on ur rerun (´•︵•`)
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SUNDAY likes to feel superior to you.
Can’t reach a high shelf? Sunday will tower over you and reach what you wanted to get, smiling at you endearingly, subtly reminding you that he’s much more taller than you are. Can’t cook? He’ll cook up a 5-star course while letting you know he can do it better for you. Especially in bed while he forcefully makes you say you love him, he’d relish in the amount of control he has while tinkering with your little moans and whimpers as he pleases.
Be it in even the smallest trivial matters, or when he’s in bed- he’ll find a way to tell you that you hold nothing over him, that you are pathetic under him, he is your angel and you will be his follower. You only have to do what he asks you, no, commands you to do.
His favorite way of showing his authority is when he feeds you— he’d force you to look up at him while sitting under him between his legs, one hand holding a leash connected to your collar, and the other hand reaching from the table to smear a ton of dessert cake on his fingers. When you beg him to stop, that you want to eat properly, you won’t be able to stand up straight until he allows you to— calling you a pathetic whore for sucking on his cock the whole day when he’s forcing you to.
“My, what a pathetic little slut you are, sweetheart- you just keep on sucking my cock like it’s your meal. I suppose it makes sense as you haven’t eaten.”
But he loves it when you obey, when you suck off the whipped cream from his pretty fingers— calling you a good girl, lovingly patting your head. Your reward? Being fucked dumb while he coos that you’ve been such a sweet girl for obeying him, all the while ramming in his thick cock to pump in his seed into you.
He just loves seeing you obey him- it makes him go crazy more than he’d like to admit.
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yandere-wishes · 3 months
Could you expand on your Yan!Boothill having a housewife thoughts... 👉👈 pretty please
Okay, bae if you insist~
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How you came into Boothill's possession is a bit vague. But really it doesn't matter. He's insisted you call him your "husband" from the first time you woke up from your blunt force-induced slumber. 
He LOVES to doll you up, all cute dresses, fine jewels and high heels. You look like someone out of those ancient TV shows from the past century. But Boothill finds you cute, so darling, and all so perfect. 
Boothill will always refer to you as his wife or little wife. It's the only endearing term that still makes it past his broken Synesthesia Beacon. You hate the word, it makes your bones rattle. There's something so unnatural about that word, when it comes from him. 
He always has you perched on his lap regardless of the setting. He could be in an important meeting with the other Galaxy Rangers, or just polishing off his guns at home. Doesn't matter either way you're sitting pretty on his thigh or straddling his lap. One of his hands always wrapped tightly around you waiste. Sometimes he holds you so gently like you're a delicate desert flower. Other times he presses constellation bruises into your skin, a special treat he'll enjoy kissing later.
He also loves to come home to your cooking. You may not be so fond of playing house with your capturer but oh boy does he love it. He also likes to play into his fantasies, taking you to galactic saloons/cantinas or local smoothy places. It's all innocent and fun, right?
Not quite, on your way home he'll lean into your ear, bitting your lobe playfilly. "If you can run past those two buildings, I'll let you go free, you'll finally be rid of me. You'd like that wouldn't you, little bitch?"
So you try, you run and run until one of those damned heels nicks the pavement and have you fall over. But right before your precious little body can hit the hard ground, a golden lasso coils around you. Squeezing the air out of your wheezing lungs. It's futile, no matter how much you kick and scream and beg, Boothill will still pull you back into his awaiting arms. Keeping the rope wrapped tightly around you and carrying you back home. He kisses and bites your neck and ears all the way. Whispering every single thing he's going to do to you once he gets you home. 
By the way, does anyone know who the "adorable little troublemakers" he's referring to are? 
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draconic-desire · 3 days
I can’t get it out of my head. You cannot tell me that Yan!Boothill wouldn’t make you dance with him.
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💥 This man just loves to show off in front of you, whether it’s his gunslinging skills or the various ways he can move his body. His flexibility isn’t just useful in bedroom, he tells you with a wink.
💥 And still, the first time you see him dance, you’re shocked. This is the same man who kidnapped you, who has to use voice messages on his phone? Who thinks first with his gun instead of his neuro chip? Where in the hell did he learn those moves?
💥 You don’t think he notices you gawking at him, but oh, the stunned look on your face is priceless. He can’t wait to grab that irresistible waist of yours and spin you until you’re dizzy.
💥 So imagine one of his favorite songs comes on the radio, one that he used to strum on the guitar around the fire, under the stars on his home planet. It’s an upbeat tune, fast-paced and twangy. You’re unaware of the effect the music has on him until it’s too late; he’s pulling you up from your chair and immediately drops you into a dip.
💥 You cry out in protest, but Boothill spins you around so quickly you can’t escape, flashing his pointed teeth all the while. You’ve never been much of a dancer, but he doesn’t allow you to make a single step out of line; he’s in control of your entire body, your every movement, just like he controls your entire life. You spin around him like the planets around the sun, for that’s exactly what he wants you to be.
💥 “That’s the forkin’ spirit!” He laughs as he scoops you up and tosses you in the air effortlessly, followed by another round of circles that has you reeling. The swing dance finally ends when he spins you towards his body, your back against his metal chest. You’re panting from the effort, yet he seems unfazed. His nose nuzzles into your neck, teeth nipping at your ear.
💥 Without warning, he seizes your chin and angles your face to his, devouring your lips. You gasp in disagreement, but he only moans into your mouth.
💥 Pulling away, you notice his devious smirk as he bares those dangerous canines. “I think I’ll make you my permanent dance partner, whatdya say?” He laughs, then, a husky thing filled with dark promise. “Not that ya have any choice in the matter.”
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freyito · 24 days
Hello! How are you?
I got an idea~
Can I request Boothill with the Vidyadhara reader (male, but if you want, you can use gn) ?The reader is always calm and quiet, but gets very nervous and blushes when Boothill flirts with him or hugs him (Secretly he just loves it) . The reader's tail wags nervously. And he also has sensitive horns.
If you don't like the idea, then feel free to skip my request!! (♥´∀`)/
✭ pairing(s): boothill x male vidyadhara reader
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✧ a/n: THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! i got it the night before my job interview i think so i owe it all to you anon for getting hired on the spot. my last fic as an unemployed man... i got this job so i could whale for boothill tho. lol.
🗒 cw: male reader, vidyadhara reader, SMALL 2.2 SPOILERS, itty bit of lore building (made the vidyadhara look a little more like the yan siblings from arknights), just fluff, not proofread
✎ wc: 1.4k
ꜱᴄᴀʟᴇꜱ & ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟ
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Being a Galaxy Ranger, Boothill is well-read on the species of the universe. Sorta. Given the lack of his education, a lot of what he learned was through word of mouth or having someone explain it to him, aside from text to speech.
Aside from the Galaxy Rangers and his home world, he is the most versed on the Xianzhou, seeing as they follow Lan, as well. But that doesn’t mean he won’t treat it like it isn’t a spectacle, and the Vidyadhara have always been intriguing to him.
He’s only met a couple, namely Dan Heng, and Lady Bailu, the latter only in passing. He’s sure he’s met another somewhere, and there’s surely a Vidyadhara Ranger as well. But none of them stick out to him like you do.
He’s only visiting the Luofu, there to pick up some information about the IPC from some shady courier. He doesn’t mind this, as long as it’s honest work, and he’s been in contact with this courier for quite a while. The benefit of becoming a cyborg is that when his contacts are long life species, he has a trustworthy ally for quite a while.
The problem was, the courier had told him to get it from a cycrane in Aurum Alley. Which was all fine and dandy, normally, Boothill remembered the Alley to be rundown and quiet, dead, even. But when he’s met with a stream of people like it’s a shopping mall (which it is), he was taken aback. How was he supposed to pick up information when the Alley is so… lively? The courier reassures him that it is okay, to not act suspicious, and boy, does Boothill mess that one up.
For the first time ever, he’s fishing out a letter from the cycrane’s box, sweating with the most guilty look on his face, like a dog that had just stolen some food off the counter. He stuck out like a sore thumb, as opposed to the business owners and recipients who frequented the roost. Paired with his outworlder appearance, it’s no wonder that a couple of concerned citizens came forward, even if it was just to watch.
Now, Boothill didn’t want to be considered wanted by the Xianzhou Alliance. Not at all, his deal was with the IPC and he’d rather not have the cloud knights tailing him whenever he visited. But all thought processes stop when he spots you. Whatever price the Cloud Knights puts on his head for this info is nothing in comparison to just how stunning you look to him.
He does his best to brush this incident off as not being able to find mail, and decides a couple more days on the Loufu wouldn’t be too bad. He spends the next few days attempting to court you, as he says. Really, it’s just over pretentious flirting. You do your best to ignore it at first, you think he’s just some awe-struck outworlder, but each day that goes by, your walls crumble.
You don’t return anything really, simply give him little looks and grin and bear it. But every time he says ‘Ain’t you a pretty thing?’ whenever you simply enter his line of sight, you start to feel your cheeks heat up.
Of course, Boothill notices. And he only increases his antics. You’d be attending to your duties in the skyfaring commission and he shows up to interrupt your shift, throwing all sorts of cheesy one-liners that make your head spin. There are times where you just can’t keep up and you blush so hard you fizzle out, your mind working on auto-pilot and making you turn away on your heels.
He starts to show up on your breaks, too. With food he’d think you’d like, (which is any food he buys on the Xianzhou, essentially) and the gifts start there. It’s… thoughtful, really. When he can, he shows up to Xianzhou with something in hand from wherever he’s been. It can be a rock to the most coat you’ve seen. Which, he learns, clothes aren’t exactly the thing to buy you. Not that you would look bad in them, but he decides that Xianzhou attire really does fit you. It is then that he notices the color that extends from your claws to your bicep, and he realizes that you’re ‘pretty all over’. (His words, which don’t fail to make you red in the face.)
When he starts giving gifts, that’s when your tail starts wagging. You curse your body for betraying your want to be calm and collected, which ultimately leads to a life bound by how easy it is to fluster you. Of course, Boothill notices. He thinks it is just too cute, and good Aeons, it takes him all his strength not to cup your face and say that directly to you, to make sure you hear him. Not that he won’t say it regardless.
With all of these instances, he only becomes more insufferable. And you find yourself falling for his charms. It isn’t so bad that you have someone to eat with on your breaks, and someone who’s so eager to see you when you’re working, (even if it disrupts your work Madame Yukong seems okay with it) even if he’s a very high-profile target.
And boy, he can TELL. You’re still a flustered mess around him, anytime he calls you cute, or handsome, or pretty, any silly little pet name like ‘buttercup’ or even just ‘darlin’’, your tail is wagging furiously. You do your best to hide your sheepish smile and your blushing face, but Boothill always finds a way around it. At some point, he starts grabbing your hands and pulling them away from your face, staring into your eyes. That is the death of you.
From then-on, it seems you two are semi-official. Boothill wants so badly to ask you to be his boyfriend, but he lays back with just how shy you are. He pampers you, takes you out on all sorts of dates, from just shopping to the most romantic little tea dates, where the artificial sun sets and it feels like it’s just you two. He loves it, he revels in your reactions. Ever time your cheeks are dusted pink, to where your tail won’t stop wagging that it feels like a hazard, he’s laughing it off and making it even worse.
He grows bolder with touching, too. He starts to greet you at your work with back-hugs, whispering little compliments in your ear while your tail wags, a distinct ‘wap, wap, wap’ sounding everytime it hits the leather of his chaps. He blows kisses at you when you have to focus on your work, he holds your hand any chance he gets, he plays with your hands, too. Compliments the color of your scales, traces your palm, anything and everything that can and will make you blush more. Doesn’t matter if you two are months into this flirting, he’s got you blushing.
The day Boothill plans to ask you to be his official boyfriend, he gets overly interested in your horns. Standing outside the Skyfaring Commission, he catches you before your shift starts. The artificial sun is just rising, and the streets are empty. He stands in front of the Commission, hat off and held to his chest. It’s like a scene out of a movie, really. He starts off with your name, slowly slipping from his tongue, his twang much heavier now, reaching out to you. It feels like his eyes are sparkling– like the world is sparkling, more like. He’s akin to a…. What's the name… Knight of Beauty. You heard the trailblazer talking about them with Yukong.
Your head spins, and all you can stammer out is a ‘y-yes!’ in the middle of his speech. You can’t tell if you can’t take it anymore with how warm your body is running, or if you’re just… eager. Both feel equally embarrassing. Before he can kiss you to seal the deal, he runs a steel finger against one of your horns. A jolt of electricity runs down your body, making you yelp and whine, and in the middle of that, he kisses you, holding his hat up to shield your faces from the few people out this early. It’s a soft kiss, just as romantic as his silly display of want, and he smiles against your lips. His hand comes down, slightly carding through your hair, to cup your cheek.
You try to walk off your embarrassment as you enter the Commission, taking note to text him later about what just went down. Of course, Yukong notices, but all she gives you is a soft chuckle and a smile. Thank Lan.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices
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ashyllum · 1 month
Baby trapping x Yan! HSR men
(would elaborate later, also, gn! for all the mpreg lovers)
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Would do it out of desperation
Aventurine, Caelus, Argenti, Gepard, Luocha, Jing Yuan
Would do it as a power move
Sunday, Dan Feng, Dr Ratio, Luocha (dif scenario)
Would do it cause he can
Sunday, Blade, Sampo, Boothill (pre 2.2), also Jing Yuan
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limerenceheart · 2 months
trigger warning - mention of self harm
yan! boothill was in love with you, his temporary mechanic that would fix a malfunctioning component of his.
yan! boothill wanted you forever but you were too kind of a soul to take someone else job so he framed his current mechanic for a crime that sent them to jail.
yan! boothill would deliberately damage his mechanic body to see another glimpse of your pretty face more often, smashing his arm with a hammer wasn't going to kill him.
yan! boothill sabotaged your next potential job offer in the most vile way possible but the worst thing is that you have no idea the culprit was him.
yan! boothill a kind boss that just wanted to be your lover, he would do anything even if it meant spilling blood.
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st4rrth0ughts · 7 months
█▀▄▀█ ▄▀█ █▀ ▀█▀ █▀▀ █▀█ █░░ █ █▀ ▀█▀ █░▀░█ █▀█ ▄█ ░█░ ██▄ █▀▄ █▄▄ █ ▄█ ░█░
➳ oh, your here, come on in! just be wary of the rules (•◡•) !
➳ this blog will contain 18+ topics touching on a range of dark and sexual subjects, reader discretion is HIGHLY advised.
☾ - possible dark content! (tws are included)
✶- part of a series! (link to the series will be included in individual posts)
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mating press with your faves.
fucking in public with your faves
alleyway sex with Dr. ratio as a ghost -☾
appreciation post for my lovely fans
jingyuan and bladie pregnant with your kid
fucking stripper blade
cum filled jingyuan yummy
blade would love being degraded ngl
sunday and his wings
sunday is so bbg its unreal
aventurine with petnames
thinking abt fucking sunday so hard he breaks
luocha and his childbearing hips
overstimulating aventurine
breeding gallangher
demolishing vs kissing, which hsr men deserves which?
big breast gallagher
sam with a robot pussy
aven x s/o who's wary of risks
stellaron hunter reader x aven
ratio and his stupid biceps
caressing ratio in his bathtub
crossdressing with aven!!
stellaron hunter reader with self aware and very stressed aven
bodyguard reader except its ratio x r and not aven x r
stellaron hunter reader staring at aven's cat cakes
aven and the cake cats
simple drabble from anon!
kafka's former partner! stellaron hunter turned bodyguard reader x aven
aven x reader angst :((
boothill with reattachable cock and pussy
boothill and rearranging his guts
sunday thought
giving ratio a bj and then fucking him
corrupting virgin Sunday (not really)
gentle sex with Dan heng
gallagher x mixologist reader
soft yan! sunday
nobu being horny for blade
headlock with aven
wannabe brat aven
𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖘 ✧
Blood stains your hands.-☾ 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 ✧
➳ ᴿᵉˡᵃˣ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵒʳᵐᵃˡⁱᵗⁱᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳˢᵉˡᶠ ᵃᵗ ʰᵒᵐᵉ‧
Kaveh with puppet reader ✶ ✉ ⓗⓞⓝⓚⓐⓘ ⓢⓣⓐⓡ ⓡⓐⓘⓛ ✧
➳ ᵀʰᵉ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵃⁿⁿᵒʸⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁱᵈⁱᵒᶜʸ ⁱˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣᵖˡᵃⁱⁿ ⁱᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵃⁿ ⁱᵈⁱᵒᵗ‧
Dr ratio with quantum tentacles ☾
Bathtub sex with Dr. ratio
vibrator with dr ratio ☾
dr ratio being fucked silly while reading
using the entanglement reaction to your advantage on veritas [unknown anon]
➳ ᵀᵒ ʷʰⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ ᵒⁿᵉˢᵉˡᶠ ᵃʷᵃʸ⸴ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵉᵃʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵉⁿᵉᵐⁱᵉˢ ᵃᵖᵃʳᵗ — ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁱˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒʷᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᵃ ᵇˡᵃᵈᵉ‧
Breaking blade till he can’t think
blade with immortal reader♡ ☾
➳ ᴬˡˡ ˢᵒʳᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵘˢⁱⁿᵉˢˢ ᵃʳᵉ ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ — ᵃˢ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘ'ᵛᵉ ᵍᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵃˢʰ‧
being gepard's twin and sampo's sweetheart sampo with his lovely sugar daddy
➳ ᴹᵃʸ ᵗʰⁱˢ ʳᵒˢᵉ ᶜᵒⁿᵛᵉʸ ᵐʸ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗᶠᵉˡᵗ ˢᵃˡᵘᵗᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ‧
argenti with a half monster reader ☾
➳ᵍᵒ ᵃʰᵉᵃᵈ⸴ ᵘˢᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷⁱˢʰ⸴ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ˢᵗᵃᵇ ᵐᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵉᵉ ᶠⁱᵗ‧
hate? sex with aventurine fucking the jealousy out of aventurine fingering aventurine till he begs instead of sending flowers come back to me. pet names during sex with him size diff with afab! Aven unrealistic sex with aven
a little gamblin' is fun when you're with me. pt.1✶ dont know if you love me or want me dead. pt.2✶ when you call my name through them there will be no answer. bad ending.✶ and he looks perfect, I don't deserve this. good ending.✶
➳ Which god should you turn to for solace?
sunday allowing you fuck him during your mating season ☾
➳ ᵀʰᵉ ᵍᵃˡᵃˣʸ ⁱˢ ᵛᵃˢᵗ ᵇᵉʸᵒⁿᵈ ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵃʳᵉ‧
welt with taller reader
Wonka (2023) ✧
➳ ᴴᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱᵗ? ᴰᵃʳᵏ? ᵂʰⁱᵗᵉ? ᴺᵘᵗᵗʸ? ᴬᵇˢᵒˡᵘᵗᵉˡʸ ⁱⁿˢᵃⁿᵉ‧
Willy's first time Willy and chocolate cartel reader ♡
Other fandoms coming soon…
Rants aventurine character study kavetham/haikaveh/al haitham + kaveh study
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tenshikawa · 23 days
physical touch. yan!penacony
Nobility AU
Prince Aventurine
It's no secret who you're bethrothed to in the palace - the blonde prince who basically has you attached at his hip, arm always linked with yours.
Aventurine showers you in physical touch - a hand on your waist or hip, pulling you closer to him as people pass by, resting on the small of your back as you move around the ballroom as a pair - anything short of simply cuddling you into his side. He can't stand being too far from you for too long.
Not that you mind too much. He smells nice and it feels like you're being sheltered, as long as you're at his side.
Dr Veritas Ratio
The professor is known to have his... reservations about people (put lightly). Yet he doesn't quite seem to have those same feelings about you; his contempt more of a clinical nature, like he's inspecting a particularly troublesome problem.
The first time he touches you is entirely by accident. You take a step back and he mistakenly thinks you've stumbled, his hand catching onto you before you can fall. You leap aside, naturally startled - of all people, Veritas Ratio caring whether you fall flat on your face?
Since then, he takes special joy in making physical contact with you and relishing the aftermath. From wiping food from your face to "accidentally" brushing hands with you during lessons, he enjoys watching your flustered, flushed expression, or the way you jump in surprise.
As a butler, Sunday has boundaries he can't overstep, yet he manages to elegantly circumvent them anyway. He makes sure to bring you to places in the garden after a rain where the ground is still soft, then graciously offers a hand so he can help you to your place for teatime or for reading. Or he mentions that your hair could use a little fixing (it doesn't), and pretends to busy himself when he's just running his fingers through it.
Sunday likes how warm you feel, even through his gloves, and the innocent, pure trust you put in him to not shove you into a mud puddle or make your hair a mess. You're none the wiser, and he finds it's part of the fun.
Where Sunday enjoys your ignorance, Boothill feigns it - playing the perfect part of the uneducated rogue, he throws a carefree arm around your shoulders, shaking you like a rag doll in his enthusiasm. He physically disallows you from carrying books on your own (read: snatching them from your hands), and especially likes to come up behind you, give you a scare, and then help you reach for the materials you wanted.
The librarian has given you both the stink-eye on many occasions.
He sits a little too close and talks a little too loud, but you enjoy his company. If anything, he effectively wards off any snooping, prying maids or overbearing bodyguards.
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hiraeth-sonder · 1 month
Dulcet Embers - Recuerdos
Boothill x Reader
A melody found in the rubble of the past, reminiscing is often the bane of the survivor
//Very very short thing while I work on a really long yan fic that is not only sucking my soul out rn but probably going to flop/j. Definitely spoilery and has stuff from the leaks (also a rewrite because I hated it). Lyric excerpts from Huellas by Adolescent's Orquestra.
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Y pasó y pasó, y tu vientre palpitó
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
As the sun lowered ever more in the horizon and bathed the world in warmth, you hitched your daughter onto the crook of your arm to sit as her wide eyes stared in awe. Her tufty hair wild as a pudgy hand holding onto your finger, you hummed a familiar tune, swaying along with the melody. The warm wind breezed past and kissed the tender skin of her ears, eliciting a mirthful giggle that sung just as sweetly.
“Síntomas de amor, no es una ilusión,” You cood, lightly bouncing her on your hip. The words fell off your tongue easily, years and years of learned experience making it more than familiar. She brought your thumb to her nose, pressing the appendage against it as she inhaled. Smiling, you continued crooning, “Así te conocí.”
From behind you, a familiar set of spurs clicked as a voice, slightly raspy and drawling, finished the melody. Just as gentle, if not more, he sang, “Me enamoré de ti.”
You did not even have to turn to know who had come up behind, and when a hand rested at your hip while the other patted down your daughter’s hair, your smile only deepened. He brings your forms closer so that he may rest his chin atop your head. As the sun waved its final goodbye, she rested her head against your shoulder, still holding onto your thumb with great adoration.
With her clear fatigue from the afternoon, you kept your voice low. 
“I didn’t think you’d still remember the lyrics,” Murmuring, you adjusted the position you hold her so that she may rest against you more comfortably. 
He took a while to respond, the whistle of the wind filling the silence as your ears picked up the slight hitch of his breath. When he finally answered, it was quiet, whispered, “ ‘s not hard to when you keep singing it to her.”
You could only let a strain tinge your smile, your eyes softening as you let him continue holding the two of you. This song was one you had somehow remembered, somehow dug out from the depths of your childhood, he remembers. Though you had not the musicality your partner did, he sure knows you didn’t, such a sweet child was hard to not adore. You always sang to her at all hours of the time, though he was not wrong when he said that song was all you sang to her. He didn’t know why, he still doesn’t know. 
“Music is good for children, stimulates their brain.” As you said that, her little features furrow as a soft whine escaped her. 
Behind the attempt at annoyance, he still couldn’t fault you, “It doesn’t mean you gotta sing the same song to her all the time.”
Quietly, you had only insisted, “It's a good song.”
He remembers at that time, he had been still making that small guitar for her. Before she learned to walk, before he had screeched for you to come over and see. 
As though to distract him, you asked him, “And how’s the guitar coming along?” 
“Good, just gotta sand down some parts,” He notes, a little hesitant and seeking some kind approval. “You think she’ll like it?”
“I’m sure you could give her a lock of your hair and she’d still like it,” You murmur, nuzzling your head into his shoulder as he rests his onto yours. 
When you met his gaze, he remembers your affectionate gleam, your eyes filled and seeping with nothing but adoration. Pray tell, he may not be the best with his words but he can’t deny that when the world grew quiet and all that was left were the two of you, singing and swaying with no worries to be had, it was nothing but joy that swelled in his heart.
“You’re right,” He hummed, that lopsided grin pulling across his handsome face once more. 
You respond with one of your own, your voice louder in the sands of time, “Of course I am.”
With nothing but the memory of you, he could only smile bitterly as that song played through his head once more. If he could even have a lock of hair, he is certain that at the very least, he wouldn’t be left with only that song.  
“You always were.”
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
Y pasó y pasó, siempre tu recuerdo me entristece
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lovingjingyuan · 2 months
Honkai Star Rail
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Jing Yuan ♡Dozing Lovers (Jing Yuan w/ sleepy partner) ♡ Young and Beautiful (Jing Yuan w/ short live partner) ♡Sweet Jing Yuan Headcanon pt 1 ♡Trying to get Jing Yuan Tailored ‧₊˚NSFW ‧₊˚ ♡Jing Yuan Gaslighting You ♡ You betray Jing Yuan he gets back at you ♡Jing Yuan prefers dresses and skirts on You ‧₊˚Fun Fact about our Husband‧₊˚ ♡Assassinate Jing Yuan Target: Jing Yuan ♡Jing Yuan getting Tailored
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Sunday 𓆪Sunday x Foxian Reader 𓆪Layla Reader gets a haircut from Robin 𓆪Layla Reader gets tricked by Yan Sunday 𓆪You're speaking out of line again (Toxic Yan Sunday) ‧₊˚Space‧₊˚
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Blade 𓁍Yandere Blade x Yingxing's reincarnated wife
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Boothill -
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♥Defending You from Creep ♥Posessiving Over You
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yumeboshi · 21 days
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..。#MASTERLIST ⠁⠂⠄⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
➻❥ newspaper labels..
ᨳ ⇢ fluff ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི ⇢ nsfw ᰔᩚ ⇢ yandere ⚠︎ ⇢ dark content
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┃ᰔᩚ┃➻ her new boyfriend’s next! ┈ jelly yans|sun。aven
┃ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི┃➻ XXX! ┈ what turns them on | sun。aven。blade
┃ᰔᩚ.ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི┃➻ corpse bride ┈ turning down proposals |sun。aven。boothill
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┃ᰔᩚ.ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི┃➻ yandere sunday
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no articles yet..(ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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no articles yet..(ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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#EVENTS ಇ. ༘⋆
(=✪o✪=) CAFÉ YUME.ᐟ ❥ 100 follower special
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©yumeboshi 𐙚 .。do not copy/repost my works outside tumblr ・ please read byf before interacting
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Maaaan I need a break from playing star rail cause I've been at it for like...*checks time* 8 hours
So I'm just gonna scream about spoilers and some leaks I just saw right as I logged out
Legit though his backstory is so sad I would 100% give him a hug if he wanted one. Like geezus I don't blame his craziness if his main thing is getting revenge (not his only thing of course, but definitely the goal of someone who considers himself not alive at this point).
Still...if he wanted I'd let him tap-
Anyway SUNDAY THE FUCK BRO, like I'm not surprised at all but my god I was screaming at my phone as I played. As someone who uses escapism way too much because of all the trauma I've gained in my life I know firsthand how much worse reality feels once it catches up, no way bro was ever gonna succeed.
Ahem. Anyway that's my piece. Got nothing to really say on other stuff besides for that.
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