yandere-wishes · 2 hours
⚜ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖! 𝕂𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕩 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ⚜
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Been kinda depressed lately so this was all I could come up with.
⁺₊𝄞₊⁺ : "Player of Games" by Grimes
𐙚 Would you still love me? Out on Europa? ~💜
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, whose lust for adventure leads him on a dangerous quest to rescue a poor kidnapped princess from the clutches of a deranged dragon. He's only ever sought out the thrill of the hunt, an adrenalin junkie desperate for the next rush. Fighting beasts and exploring new lands all for the sake of frivolity and adventure. But this time...this time things are different. His heart beats between his teeth when he catches a rogue glimpse of the fair maiden seated by the etched window. From the first look, he knows he'll fight hordes of monsters in her name, bring giants to their knees to gain her favor. From the first look, he knows he's in love...
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, who kills the dragon and carries the princess home. All the way breathing in her intoxicating scent, he dreams of running his calloused fingers through her silky hair and whispering sweet poems of devotion into her ears. He asks for her hand from the king, practically begging him to let her be his bride. He needs her, more than anything else in this unholy world he needs her.
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, who still craves adventure even when he's married. Who drives himself crazy on the lost tunes of adventures. Beckoning, beseeching, it's as if demons screech within his cranium. He needs to feel the familiar cool of metal nipping at his flesh. To feel the weight of his sword within his palm once more. So he leaves. if only for a short time. Promising to bring his lover treasures unimaginable. If only it were that simple.
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, who loses himself to the thrill once more. Fighting for a darling who is locked away again. He promises he's not the dragon, not some monster trying to keep her stowed away. She's back home with the king and queen ruling over a kingdom. It just so happens that her lover is fighting for that kingdom. Traversing new lands and bringing back priceless treasures. He does it all for her because he loves her
Maybe that's why it stings so bad when -on the rare occasion he's back home- his darling tells him, that she's been engaged once more. This time to a prince. The Knight has his fair share of scars, he's been wounded countless times. Yet memories recall no such wound that hurts as much as this one. When his darling informed him of her eagerness to be married off to a proper prince. It takes all his willpower to not strangle her then and there. The love of his life is to be married off to a spoiled brat who knows not of sword fighting and war. A boy seeped in gold and dotted on his whole life. He wouldn't be a good husband, he's too soft, too frail. He'd run once the monsters came. A mere prince can't protect his darling as he can.
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, whose madness runs deep. He kills the king, the queen, and the prince. Declaring himself overlord. Conquer, conquer, conquer. It's the only way he knows to keep his darling by his side. His darling is a queen now. A queen in shackles and chains, but a queen never the less and one who will forever remain by his side.
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, who doesn't mind ruling as much as he previously thought. Who enjoys having his darling perched on his iron-clad lap as he proposes plans to capture new beasts for the kingdom's army. Who watches as his -and his darling's- kingdom prospers under their leadership. At night he holds her tightly, intoxicating himself with her sweet perfume once more. His heart races when he recalls how close he was to losing her.
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, who is left heartbroken and enraged when he finds out his darling has escaped. Who hunts her down through enchanted woods and cursed terrains. When he finally catches her, he can't help but be reminded of chess, a move where the queen is finally captured. He kisses her deeply, wholly, trying to drown her in his love. Has she forgotten the romance they once shared? Has she forgotten the lengths he was gone -and will still go- for her? Oh, how careless he had been...
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, who will do anything for his precious princess, his darling queen, his beloved. Who will remind her just how emphatic his love truly is...
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yandere-wishes · 4 hours
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Hot Take
But has anyone ever stopped to think about the Damsel in Distress? Has anyone ever considered the feelings of the princess locked away in a tower? We all like to make fun of the Damsel in Distress trope but has anyone in the last 100 years stopped to think about how she feels? How worthless she thinks she is because she can't get herself out of that dreaded tower. She can't save herself, she's powerless, and as much as we like to mock her for that. We overlook how this powerlessness becomes such an overwhelming sensation inside of her. So many "if onlys…" swirling around in her head. If only she was as strong as the dragon that captured her. If only she was as cunning as the prince that promised to save her. If only she had a fraction of the combat abilities of the knights. If only, if only.
Not to mention how lonely she must feel and how nerve-wracking it is waking up every day wondering if everyone you ever knew-ever loved- has forgotten you. she's been told to wait for a prince or a knight or some dashing stranger. A harbinger of true love…but what if they never come? What if they have more important things to do than rescue her? The long hours spent in a quiet room with a monotonous view. Withering around in self-loathing on the brink of another panic attack. It's enough to drive anyone crazy.
There's also the part of NOT being able to save herself. She's not cunning enough, not brave enough, not strong enough. And maybe she is, maybe she's all those things but her self-doubt and pity have trapped her in a constant web of "can't".
She can't save herself
She isn't worth being rescued
She's nothing
Destined to rot away in the tower.
And then when/if she is rescued it's borderline impossible to readjust to society. All those years of being utterly alone make it painfully difficult to be around people. She can't read social cues or even understand what half the people are talking about. She misses the tower, the isolation, and the quiet. Yet never wants to return to it. You can forget about her making friends, everyone seems to avoid her, deeming her less because she was captured in the first place. Whispering behind her back about how 'they' would have saved themselves. Or how their heroes would have come to save them so much faster than hers did. Even the king and queen are rigid around her. Not knowing how to act or what to say, but growing increasingly more vexed at her ineptitude to "be normal" again. Our poor princess is convinced she'll always be alone, fated to a life of misery.
Oh, and let's not forget the nightmares. The terrors of the tower crept out of her subconscious each night. Tormenting her when she dares to close her eyes. The endless hallways and countless rooms filled with nothing. The feeling of the cold bricks under her bare feet as she wandered the corridors in a haze of boredom and anxiety. The dragon's there too, sharp teeth on display ready to bite and burn her at the slightest defiance. She can feel his embers tickling her arm. The markings of his claws on her cheek throbbing. She can't rember how many scars he left. How many open wounds that healed wrong.
She woke up screaming that night, just like the three nights before that. Waking up the whole castle. It's fellow residents irritated at her nightly "antics". She stopped sleeping after that. The days aren't much better
the constant feeling that what originally dragged her into that tower is coming after her again, is always at the forefront of her mind. She's skittish, reserved. The queen still doesn't understand why her daughter refuses to be touched. Rejecting every hug she tries to give her. The king can't comprehend why the princess barely talks, stuttering out what few words she utters.
The whole kingdom is gossiping. Repulsed by what their so-called princess has become. The dragon has been vanquished, the tower toppled. Move on. Little do they know both terrors still live on within her. Not to mention their constant negative views of her only feed her self-hatred all the more.
"Why can't the princess just be normal…"
Poor princess, forever trapped, wither by the dragon, the tower, the kingdom…or herself.
No, seriously I think the damsel in distress is one of the most heartbreaking self-reflecting tropes ever made.
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yandere-wishes · 11 hours
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Anyone want to freak out over this man with me?? Askbox/requests for Qimir are open. Or if you want to share theories for the show that'll be super fun too~💜
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yandere-wishes · 14 hours
Qimir being the most relatable character in The Acolyte:
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yandere-wishes · 14 hours
⭒ㅤׂ ɪ ᴍɪɢʜᴛ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʙᴇ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇㅤׂ ⭒
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⭒ㅤ𓈒 Yandere!WuWa! Men x Reader 𓈒 ⭒
゜⌒ヽ❥ Dark Romance
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꒷꒦꒷Scar | 伤痕
Your fear tastes like nectar, thick and sweet, and sacrilegious. Scar gulps down your apprehension in starving strides. Cradling the burn between his teeth, savoring the sensation of the embers coiling and seething inside his veins. You're too perfect, thrashing underneath him, caged and defiant his little lost lamb. trying to flee, begging for freedom like a fever dream high. He licks your iridescent tears with zealous maniacal jubilation. Relishing in the soft warm flesh of your cheek marinated in your woe. He wants to taste them every day, force them from your pretty petrified eyes with scorching kisses and touches that shatter your very bones.
Scar's talons etch jagged filigrees across your body engraving terrors and torments all parodying "I love you". But he can't love, not really, love is too gentle too vain, he needs to consume, to feel the reverberations trapped between your bones. Scar's kisses burn wakes down your spine, slipping between the vertebras. Hollowing out your essence piece by piece, his hunger knows no bonds, refusing to dwindle until he's bled every delicious part of you dry. Until he feels your heart between his teeth.
˚✶˚Jiyan | 忌炎
You trace his markings, nails gliding gingerly through the jagged crystals of his tacet mark. He kisses the hollow of your palm, basking in the sweet giggle you gift him. You're his precious treasure, a sweet gem imported from the silk roads themselves. He'd do anything to keep you safe binding your soul to his tattered one. Jiyan is the Qingloong that everyone looks up to, the indestructible pillar of Jinzhou. And yet a simple smile from you is all it takes to shatter his illusion of strength.
Between patients, his mother would sometimes grace him with fables about Dragons, not Loong, not the creature their nation worshiped but Dragons monsters from the western nations. She'd tell him How they hoarded exotic treasures from all corners of the world. Growing powerful in the light of other's envy. They did anything to protect their gold coins and pearl necklaces, kill, and maim in the name of obsession. Back then he'd found such creatures disgusting, dubbed it blasphemy to even mention them in the same breath as the deific Loong. Now he thinks he's more dragon than Loong. Hoarding you away keeping you only to himself. Promising to maul any who try to rob him of your sweet kisses and angelic laughter.
𒆜Calcharo | 卡卡罗
You come prepackaged with a soft smile and a docile heart. Calcharo thinks it's all from the privilege of having lived a satisfactory life. Cherished, overfed, protected. All the things stripped of him so young. He shouldn't be jealous though, after all, he has the complacency to thank for turning his darling into such an ideal doll. Jejune and helpless, shivering under his cold touch. He harbors you between his thighs, enjoying the way your pearl-kissed dress pools on the floor. An ivory testament to the innocence he so craves. Calcharo's calloused fingers entrap the hollow of your hips pulling you harshly against him, he can't get enough of you. His lips kiss the dip of your neck nose bumping the back of your ear. Enraptured by the floral scent of your perfume.
You tried to run again today, flee when he'd been out escorting a merchant across the desert terrain. His men had caught you, binded you all pretty and left you in his chamber. He flashes you a crooked smile upon entry. Watching as you struggle and glare knowing damn well it won't change a thing. "Really little rabbit? I thought we had ceased playing such foolish games." He grasps your chin pulling you closer, your knees slide across the wooden floor scuffing from the friction. His cold lips trace your own as he whispers degradations laced with romance. Calcharo leans down for the kill, a lethal crushing kiss. Trapping your lips and engulfing your essence. Laughing when you're foolish enough to return the favor. You shiver and moan and it takes every bit of willpower not to devour you right then and there.
☄Mortefi | 莫特斐
The universe reverberates to a familiar tune when he first sees you. Singing a melody he swears he's heard each night when he lays his wry head to rest. What kind of creature are you? A cacophony of starsongs and golden echoes. He longs to touch you, to permit his flames to traverse your body searing you until you shine with the purity you all so deserve. He loses himself in the melody of your voice, the lost tune of a fading nova. Something too ethereal to be of this crude world.
Mortefi fancies himself a scientist and takes utmost pride in the way his mind curves around a problem. Floating through the riddles seeking answers in the dark. He can fix anything, create anything. And yet you stand before him defiant of his understanding. Mortefi grabs you by the collar, cradling a rogue sun within his palms, kissing its rays trying to grasp comprehension between his teeth and swallow it whole. It doesn't work by the end of the kiss you are still an anomaly and he is still a scientist wearing the heart as some hapless love-struck schoolboy. The need to understand you grows claws tearing at his mind, desperation pierces his throat whenever he catches a mere glimpse of you. He needs to understand, to tear you open and choke your secrets.
҉ Aalto | 秋水
Aalto's fingers weave through your hair, silk traversing through bone and flesh, flowing free in the aero he produces subconsciously. He cradles you delicately in his arms, trying his best to ignore the sour frown etched upon your face. He creates fables, spinning stories out of silk and air trying to win your interest with tales of stray sheep and fallen stars. Of lost treasures on the jade road and little girls with fire flowing through their veins. Your frown doesn't falter.
He kisses you again, and again and again. Trying to pry out adoration and devotion from between your bones. He struggles, whining about detesting and freedom. It sounds so trivial especially when he can give you everything your heart desires. He can't let you go, not when his very essence aches to feel you between his arms. Aalto wonders what stories he must make to erase that blood-curdling frown of yours. What information does he need to lay out your feet for you to grace his lips with your own? A lover's kiss, not whatever this is. I love you he whispers, he doubts you even care.
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Let me know what you think. Should I do yandere Jiyan x reader x Yandere Calcharo next? ~💜
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yandere-wishes · 14 hours
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daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry.
artist is SecretFj520 on twitter. thank you @camellia701 for the link!
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yandere-wishes · 17 hours
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I think the darkness really brings out your eyes
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yandere-wishes · 1 day
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ 𓇼 ࣪ 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒⠀
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𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who once reveled in the adoration of others, now finds himself trapped in a twisted cycle of obsession and despair, his once bright future now obscured by the shadows of his own tormented mind.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, beneath his flawless exterior, harbors a labyrinth of scars—both seen and unseen—each one a painful reminder of the shattered innocence of your youth and the cruelty of those who were supposed to protect you.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in his moments of solitude, retreats into the recesses of his fractured psyche, grappling with the demons that threaten to consume him whole, his sanity hanging by a thread as he battles the darkness within.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, despite his desperate longing for connection, pushes you away with his sharp tongue and callous demeanor, afraid to let you see the vulnerability that lies beneath his carefully constructed facade.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in the quiet hours of the night, finds solace in the soft brush of paint against canvas, his once beloved passion now a fleeting echo of the joy it once brought him, his creations now serving as haunting reminders of the life he once knew.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, haunted by the specter of his past, struggles to reconcile the fractured pieces of his identity, his sense of self eroded by years of abuse and neglect, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty and self-doubt.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in his darkest moments, entertains the notion of escape, the promise of oblivion beckoning to him like a siren's song, tempting him to relinquish his grip on reality and surrender to the void.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in his relentless pursuit of love and validation, becomes ensnared in a web of his own making, his obsession with you consuming him from the inside out, leaving him a hollow shell of the person he once was.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in his desperation to possess you, becomes blinded to the pain he inflicts upon you, his every action driven by a primal need to claim you as his own, regardless of the cost.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in the depths of his despair, clings to the flickering flame of hope that burns within him, praying that your love might be enough to save him from the darkness that threatens to consume him.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in his moments of clarity, recoils in horror at the monster he has become, his heart heavy with the weight of his sins, his soul crying out for redemption that may never come.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in his quest for control, finds himself teetering on the edge of madness, his grip on reality slipping with each passing day, his mind a battlefield where angels and demons wage an eternal war for dominance.
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 who, in his moments of weakness, longs to be held in the warm embrace of you, to feel the gentle brush of your fingers against his skin, to know that he is not alone in the darkness that threatens to consume him.
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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yandere-wishes · 1 day
I'm going through the worst writer's block (or maybe it's exhaustion) I'm trying to write scripts for my yandere videos and also work on some Dune fics. But I just can't think of anything, it's like my brain is doused in cement
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yandere-wishes · 1 day
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yandere-wishes · 2 days
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I'm literally so obsessed with "Player Of Games" by Grimes!! Like EXCUSE ME!! The yandere vibes and dark romance is so tangible😍😍. The Knight is so HOT and grimes's outfit and vibes are everything!! IM SO OBSESSED WITH THIS VIDEO!! I NEED TO WRITE ABOUT IT!!💜🩷💜🩷
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yandere-wishes · 2 days
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merch concept - a patch/magnet for every track, excluding official patches (click for full quality) (poster edition)
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yandere-wishes · 2 days
꧁ℛℯ𝒹 𝓋ℯ𝓁𝓋ℯ𝓉 ꧂
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Summary ❥you are on a mission with your best friend and his master to mandelore since there has been a assassination plot against the dutchess Satine . On a gala ball you find yourself talking with a stranger that will give you a night to remember
Wc ❥ 7k
Tw ❥fluff to smut with a lil angst here and there
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“Do you like it?” Satine asked, looking at you hopefully. You looked at yourself in the giant golden mirror in front of you. It was about the hundred dress you had worn today, you could still see the fabric corpses all over the room behind you. ''It never fitted me right. The neckline didn't really work for me,” Satine informed you “but on you, it’s stunning.” you looked at her face in the mirror and she did indeed look flabbergasted “I don’t know Satine, isn’t the dress a bit too tight. I'm a Jedi you know!” Satine looked at you knowingly “Come on, being a jedi doesn't mean you have to look like my mother.” She walked back into her ensuite closet, “Plus Obi-Wan and master Qui Gon Jinn are both wearing formal apparel, so you will stand out in your jedi robes and you know it.” She strutted up to you holding a golden necklace with a blood red droplet hanging from it. “Some people might also be uncomfortable with the Jedi being there. Some might see it as a statement” she hung the necklace over your shoulders.“I just don't know about all these things.” You gestured to all the riches around you. Satine rolled her eyes and clasped the necklace around your neck.”I'm going to get dressed now myself. When I get back, I want to see the confident young woman that I know.” She walked back to her walking closet as handmaid's rushed in to help the dutchess.
Leaving you alone with your thoughts. The dress in question was a long red velvet gown with a deep v-line that showed off a fair bit of skin, the gown was held together in the back by 2 thin golden chains leaving your back bare entirely. There was a slit that ran up your leg until mid thigh.The blood droplet was sitting right in the middle of your chest and you couldn’t deny that you looked the best you ever had (probably). Your padawan braid was held up by a golden clip that Satine had put in ages ago. Your lightsaber tucked away in its holster on your hip. You didn’t look like a jedi anymore and you didn’t know how to feel about that .
Satine flowed back over to you, her light blue gown making her look royal yet graceful at the same time. “I am excited to see what my handmaidens did with them.” She referred to the two men, seeing as said handmaids weren’t with her anymore you couldn’t help but quip, “I know Obi-Wan is excited to see you again.” Satine flushed a bit but collected herself quickly “We cannot let them wait up any longer” she said and scurried out making you catch up to her.
Qui Gon Jinn and Obi wan were indeed dressed in suits. Qui Gon in browns and greens meanwhile Obi Wan wore a white and light green suit. But you noticed something, a little light blue pocket square peaking out. You tried to catch satine’s eye but were unsuccessful.what you did see, was a green and gold bracelet that looked brand new as in “5 weeks” new. But they weren’t a couple of course not…
Satine walked in front of the tree of you towards the main ballroom. Obi wan was staring at her with that love sick look on his face. You poked his side making him look at you instead “If you want to be set out of the jedi order, I would definitely continue.“ you whispered at him mischievously. Obi Wan glanced over towards Qui gGn whispering back “Do you think he noticed?” “I don't know, he's your master” he let out a sigh. You tugged at your dress, since it had crunched up a little on the sides. “Do you think she likes me?” Obi Wan asked, kind of embarrassed.
Before you could answer his question, trumpets ran out. “The duchess of mandalore, Satine Kryze” and immediately the ball began. Satine was rushed away by some of her council to attend to more political matters leaving the three of you alone .Qui Gon laid a hand on both of yours and Obi Wan's shoulder, “I will be over there” he pointed towards a few men near the front of the hall,who were waving at him . “You two will spread out over the ball and keep an eye out for suspicious activity” he walked off only to turn around again “And don’t forget to have some fun.” he finished with a wink. Turning around and vanishing into the sea of people.
“I'm going to presume you’re taken that side” you said while pointing towards Satines general direction. Obi Wan rolled with his eyes, “I will take that side since it's my job to protect the duchess” you let out a laugh. “Whatever makes you sleep at night, bud” you giggled. “I'm going to be over there, before the good stuff gets taken” Obi Wan followed your gaze to the grazing table at the other side of the dance hall. You heard his laugh as you walked off.
Navigating through the landscape of the dancers wasn’t easy or comfortable, you felt a few sets of eyes on you from the moment you walked in but that was expected since you looked jaw dropping in red velvet. You felt a tap on your shoulder, leading you to turn around quickly. A man with slick blond hair was now standing in front of you. “A woman as beautiful as you should have a dance partner” he spoke with arrogance only a dimwit could hold.“I'm presuming you have a name?”you snarled back.The man laughed obnoxiously, “of course I have, Sweetheart, Pre Vizsla is my name” you rolled your eyes. You were missing your Jedi robes greatly, they kept the scum of man away from you while keeping you warm. Both of these things weren’t met by the red garment you had on right now. Then you felt his hand on your side and with Jedi reflex you slapped his hand away making him groan in pain. “I'm not interested in this dance and in you as a partner.I would appreciate it if you left me alone.”You held your head high, if looks could kill Vizsla would have died right there and luckily he took the smart option and backed away grumbling to himself.
Traveling further through the constantly shifting terrain,you finally got to the grazing table and to your surprise and enjoyment they had your favorite, red velvet, the superior cake in the universe. Sadly they were placed on the other side of the table and instead of walking around to get them you decided to place a hand on the middle of the table and lean over to get one. “You don’t need to try so hard,“ A man's voice rang out. You saw red once again, this spineless man couldn’t catch a hint if it hit him in the head.”If you don’t back off right now, I will punch you.”
you looked over to who you had presumed to be pre Vizsla. Only to be met with a red zebrak instead, who didn’t look impressed. “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else “you stammered out embarrassed,to your surprise the guy laughed at that “i don't know what to say, a jedi with anger issues“. You wondered for a moment how he knew you were a jedi but while reaching for the cakes the slit in your dress had been opened a bit more revealing your dangling lightsaber on your hip. “I don’t have anger issues,I just hate spineless men”the man was still smirking like a loth-cat.You couldn't lie that he was intriguing.
“If I ask you for your name would you give it to me?” you asked the horned creature. “Why should I?" He said while picking up a fruit fork “Could you hand me that bowl?” He twirled the fork towards a giant bowl full of varos to your left. You took the fruit fork out of his hand, which startled him a little. You picked what you thought was the second best piece and handed it back to him “My gratitude knows no bonds” he said sarcastically “well if that is so,then tell me your name” you asked back and took the best piece of varos for yourself. “Maul” he stated casually. You repeated his name and bit the fruit.
You had never tasted it yourself but it was one of Qui Gon’s favorites, you didn’t expect it to be so juicy . It was dripping down your chin when Maul started talking” you never ate varos before have you?” He gave you a napkin out of one of his pockets “is it that clear?” you asked while drying your chin with the black cloth. Maul laughed at that. “most people that do eat veros often,don't just bite into it”he picked up a glass while still holding the fruit in his left hand and then hit the glass with his fork. You watched as the juice leaped into the glass only leaving the meat on the fork . Maul handed you the glass”you like the liquid right?”you took the glass and sipped it while nodding your head.”If you let the meat age, you can get a liquor called Tihaar” “does it taste good, the liquor?” Maul looked at you and shook his shoulders “I wouldn’t know, I don’t drink” he pierced the fruit with his teeth and looked strangely peaceful.
“My friend and I go drinking sometimes, nothing crazy” Maul looked at you sideways “ jedi that drinks?” He says mockingly “like I said nothing special just some Ardees with friends” the horned man laughed.
He laid his hand on your hip and moved you to the side, to your own surprise, you weren’t disgusted by it. Maul reached over the table laying his hand on the table like you had done before.He picked up one of the small velvet cakes on the platter and handed it to you. ”Enjoy the dessert.” and then he stopped his sentence”you didn’t give me your name “ he said astonished. A grin crept on your face “you didn’t ask” you giggled “It’s y/n”.
The zebrak was about to reply when your hologram beeped.”I’m sorry, I have to pick this up.” You started moving to a more lonesome spot, since protocol called for security. When you looked back at Maul, he was grinning once more “I will save this one for later” he yelled at you “I will take you up on that” you called back smiling.
The hologram ringed for the second time, you rushed over to the side of the hall. You were now completely alone,leaning against a column. Opening up the little device, Master Qui Gon popped up “Hello my other padawan “ he called you that a lot. “ I wanted to inform you that you don’t have to work anymore” he said with a big smile on his face “obi wan went to bed already so i would suggest the same for you” “you know im not 10 anymore right? Qui Gon” the jedi master laughed at that “i know but you can still make smart decisions'' you let out a sigh “fine then i stay up for a little longer ”you informed him “wait you ca-“ “bye qui gon” . You hung up.
You didn’t need to think long before you knew what you wanted to do. Take that horned man up on his offer. You walked back over to the grazing table while your mind was going a mile a minute, did you like this man? Was that even allowed? Maybe you were just attracted to him or simply bored? What were you even going to talk about? Would he be happy to see you? Why did you care that he cared? Your thoughts were stopped when you got to said grazing table. Maul wasn't there. You looked around but his horns weren’t anywhere insight.
You deflated on the spot but jedi could adapt. You would simply grab a small cake and find Satine, talk to her for about an hour or 2 (maybe about the hot dude you had met) and then go to bed. Normal jedi things. Sadly the plans fell apart once again when there was no red velvet left. And after an hour of searching for Satine, you finally asked one of her handmaid's who politely told you that the duchess had gone to sleep. Guess it was time to be smart and follow your friend's example and go to bed.
If you were a charhound your tail would have been dragging between your legs as you made your way to obi wans and yours shared bedroom. It was rather common for you two to share a room ,being more like siblings than anything else, Qui Qon was never worried about it. Your master, master Windu, was less open to sleepovers. Maker, if he knew a random man was on your mind right now. You would have been dead.
It was near the middle of the hall that you started hearing strange sounds coming from the end of it. Your room was located at that end, the odd noise only became louder and louder the further you went. It didn’t help that you were alone either. When you got to your door, it was unbearable, you had never heard anything like it. You wrote it off as being tired.
But then you opened the door. You closed it just as quickly, not only were Satine and Obi Wan not asleep, they were together in your shared room. “Obi wan I swear, I will kill you “ you yelled out in shock leaning back against the now luckily closed door. When you had entered that hell room, you were greeted with obi wan's duvet flying to cover Satine while Obi Wan covered himself with his robe. You were traumatized.
“I'm so sorry y/n I didn’t think you were going to be here” he yelled back embarrassed “Why wouldn’t I be back. IT'S MY ROOM” you snapped back enraged. “Why didn’t you go to Satine’s bed ?” You asked annoyed. There was a bit of a silence but then Satine squeaked up “I-i have guards near my door…” You were completely over it right now and the only way of getting out of this awful conversation was to just leave.``Look I don’t want to sleep anywhere near that bed so I will get a hotel or something.” You felt a bit guilty for ruining their evening letting out a sigh “We never speak of this again and I just leave okay?” "Okay," Obi Wan and Satine said back in unison.
As you stepped away from the door, the handle of the door broke one of the thin golden chains on your back.The entire sides were now open exposing sideboob on both sides. Being uncomfortable and indecent, you didn’t go back to the ball.
Sitting on the stairs near the entrance of the feast. You started crying ,it had been a while since you did so but it felt somewhat right. You couldn’t sleep in your own bed nor could you go back to the party. Your beautiful dress was broken, you didn’t have your jedi robes and you hadn’t thought of asking to get them from obi wan. You were cold, alone and tired.
tired of your own emotions. Sadness was bad alone being a jedi but there was another feeling floating around. Envy, pure envy. Nothing could have prepared you for it, you were envious of Obi Wan. He got everything you wanted. The jedi master that let him express himself, your room, a lover and now to top it all off,something you would probably never experience.
while you were wallowing on these things, you didn’t notice the footsteps approaching or the man sitting next to you. You only noticed when a single slightly melted red velvet cupcake showed up before your eyes. “A crying jedi” he opened, making you glance at him. Maybe it was the gesture or the way he spoke but you almost started laughing. You took the dessert from Maul while taking a closer look at him.
In the 2 moons light, Maul sat peacefully.leaning back on his arms, stretching. His black blue-ish robes draped loosely as he moved a bit to the left. Showing you his red heavily tattooed chest beneath it. You wonder if he was tattooed all over or if they stopped at his waistline. Taking the first bite, Maul started to stare at you.
“I did save one for you” you swallowed your bite “Did you have one yourself?” You asked, considering it was probably the best thing you had eaten on your stay in mandalore. Before he could answer, you broke half of it off and handed it toward him. He didn’t take it immediately, so you started swinging your hand a bit as if to bait a stray cat. The zebrak glared at you. “I did not hold that thing for 2 hours just for you to waste half of it.”Your eyes squinted with confusion, “Sharing with you isn't a waste to me, Maul”. You don’t know if you were imagining it but the red skin on his cheeks seemed to color a deep crimson.
He took the red velvet out of your outstretched hand and placed it in his mouth as if he had never tasted cake in his life .He chewed it for a little while and looked at you curiously “ why is this your favorite? It tastes terribly sweet.” You laughed at that. “ one of the only dishes I remember my mother made, making it the only dish worth making. “Maul grinned again “A nostalgic jedi” he said half mockery. “Only for that” you let out.
You were about to elaborate, having no clue why. But the clock tower's bell rang out, making the nevvaro’s fly away from the very top. “How late is it?” You quipped up in stress, knowing that you had no place to go. “A midnight bell, I wonder when that rings” he said mischievously, tapping his chin to make you look as stupid as possible. You let out a sigh “well, you would be worried if you didn’t have a place to sleep tonight.” You looked remorsefully through the list of hotels and inns on your hologram. “Are they all closed?” Maul asked in a new way of sympathy, you had not expected. You nodded to him.
“You could come back to my place” your head snapped up towards him “I would sleep on the couch you can get the bed” he quickly added holding his hands up while making what you assumed to be his attempt at an innocent face. Going home with a random guy wasn't a smart move but he had been kind and you were a jedi. You stood up from the stairs , making the dress you were wearing fall back into its broken state. Your hands flew up immediately to make sure you weren’t completely nude on top of the streets of mandalore . You heard a slight ‘swush’ from behind you and turned your head, Maul has stripped of his outer robe. Before you knew, the black robe was draped over your shoulders. And Maul was standing next to you once again. “You looked ….cold” was all he said as he started walking to where he stayed.
Traveling through the underbelly of the blue planet was completely different to you. Being in the jedi order, you were used to the kind of character that lived in the lower levels of planets but now walking between them was oddly comforting. Workers were talking about their lives and plans for the future,eating street vendor food from the many stalls that lined the crosswalk, couples were out on dates and in the middle of it all was you stepping behind the red zebrak who parted the sea of people. He didn’t look back at you, blindly trusting that you would follow.
You didn’t notice exactly when you entered the road you were on now but it was interesting. Small store fronts were on either side of you with bright red lights that shone through their massive windows. Barely covered people from all species were dancing illuminated by the red lights. It took your breath away how flawlessly they moved, how careless they acted in their glass cages. You were staring much like the men that stopped in place. Blush covering their drunken faces, lust in their eyes. Is that what you wanted? To be desired by all?To perform for the entire street?
No, you didn't, the only man that intrigued you was him ahead of you. The red theelin in front of you winked signaling your time to go. You blew her a kiss and started walking back to Maul. You finally reached him when he took another corner. Not noticing the loosened cobblestone that the zebrak had effortlessly dodged, you tripped. Luckily for you, Maul did turn around to catch you. Grabbing the back of ‘your’ robe to stop your fall, he pulled you up and gave you what you would call his signature grin. “We’re here” he purred smoothly.
You looked over his shoulder to see a sleazy looking hotel with a neon red sign “Red Velvet”. A love hotel, you gave Maul a questionable look. “They’re a couple credits cheaper” was all he said. You gave the zebrak a little shove and straightened up in hopes of collecting yourself. You found your footing again “o do you do this often? Picking up women, bringing them back to the local love hotel?” You wiggled your eyebrows. Maul pinched his forehead “No, I don't." He sighed out “It's cheap” he dropped his hand and started walking towards the doors.
The hall you ended up in was a strange mix of red and gold. The front desk was situated in the middle in front of the elevator, who clearly had seen better times. The front desk itself had 2 plant pots on either side filled with a massive yellow red flower you couldn’t identify. The creature managing the desk was turned the other way.
Maul linked up his arm with yours while stepping closer to them. He tapped his nails against the desktop making them turn around “Evening” Maul greeted the creature. Her eyes shot up to his face, widening a bit in shock “Mr.Oppr-lord Oppress” she quickly corrected.”I would like 2 room keys.” She scattered through a drawer and came back up with 2 sets “or you, my lord.” She wasn’t making eye contact “Thank you” Maul said as he started walking away.
while stepping into the elevator, you started to think. Lord, why would they call him that? He was a zebrak from Dathomir. The nightbrothers were subservient towards the nightsisters meaning in no way could Maul be a lord of Dathomir. A lord would also never have to care for a few credits, they wouldn’t book a love hotel to save a coin. You didn’t know much about him now that you thought about it. You thought of a plan.
You arrived on the second floor and he led you to the door of his place. As soon as the door opens you excuse yourself to the bathroom. Master Windu might be a bit of a stick in the mud but he did teach you well.
One of the perks of being the purple lightsaber wielder’s apprentice was that he was pretty well acquainted with the dark side of the force. He had never used it himself but he thought it would be best to teach you how to recognize one and some ways to kill them. That last part isn't useful for now at least.
You started to fiddle around in the black robes you were wearing looking for the little Phrik ring. Phrik rings were used by sith to hang their lightsaber on their cloaks, some really rich sith lords used Phrik to make lightsaber since it was extremely force sensitive and lightsaber resistant. Your master used one himself, you went with the more popular clip-on method like your friend and his master because Phrik was mostly mined illegally by the slaves of Tatooine or Gromas.
You finally found the purple ring beneath the second fold on your left. Bending it with the force you unclipped it from the fabric loop that held it in place. Just like your master’s, it had a message engraved on the side. Different from your master, it was written in Ur-Kittât. It had been a while since you last tried to read the ancient sith language. When you were 5 years into your padawan life Master Windu had left you in the library with 2 books, he hadn’t let you out until 10 days later when you could explain both in detail. It took a minute or 10 before you figured it out.
“Anger is your weapon wield it my apprentice”
Yup that's a sith alright. The first man you found appealing was a sith lord, great job. You debated what to do next but decided to go with the confrontational method instead. You had your lightsaber with you and he wouldn’t expect it. But first, you would talk to him testing if there was something to salvage. You opened the bathroom door, Phirk ring in hand.
Walking into the living room, you were greeted with a peculiar sight. Maul stood in the middle of the kitchen looking through a fruit basket you hadn’t noticed. In his left hand he held a red fruit vine that coloured slightly white on the tips. In his other hand he clasped paper of some sort. He looked up at you with a lazy smile, making the confrontation you were about to have so much harder.
The cling that hit the counter was enough to set Maul off. His face fell as you heard a ‘zoof’. Jedi instincts kicked in quickly, you pulled your own lightsaber up behind you. The blades clashed behind your back mid air. Before Maul could regain his saber from the ground it fell upon, you grabbed the hilt and pushed two of the buttons gliding the blades back into place. The red Zebrak tried to get it out of your grip by use of the force but you held on tightly. He turned around and snatched up a kitchen knife.
You held up his saber “I'm not going to kill you” you let out quickly. “I mean I should really.” The tattooed zebrak lowered the knife slightly but his grip tightened. “I’m a jedi which means I don’t attack” Maul scoffed at that. “You didn’t attack me and for that I won’t kill you.” If this was the biggest mistake of your life so be it, you would not kill a man that spared you. You dropped his saber and clipped your own back in place.
You started walking towards the door when you felt the force pull you back. Maul was now standing before you, scowling. “I do not need your pity” he snarled at you. “You are at my mercy.” You frowned at him “Did you really think you could walk out?” the zebrak clicked his tongue “foolish jedi.” You saw red. “Are you too ignorant to understand that I'm saving you?” You took a step to the side, brushing shoulders with Maul “I don’t need saving from you” he spit back “I don’t want you to go is that so hard to understand, Hyal” you looked at him with disbelief “How dare you use Ur-kittât on me? I-” He interrupted you “do you know what it means?” You let out a sign “No, could you repeat it?” Maul rolled his eyes ”I could but I won't” .
“Why not? I can understand you know” You were playing with the Phirk ring on the counter. Maul followed your gaze to the ring “Hyal” he stated. You looked up at him to see him slightly redder than normal. “To crave?” You questioned back. He nodded clearly embarrassed. Stepping closer to him you interrogated “Do you crave me, Maul?” He grumbled in response. You peered at his face . A new found confidence streamed through your blood in wait for an audible response. “Nuyak ari” you prodded him once more. He averted his eyes . You opened your mouth to continue your assault but before you could, maul flipped you around against the counter.
He pinned you against it while running his hand to your mid back,making the counter dig into your but. Pushing the coat to the side making his nails scrape softly against your skin. He looked back up at you, pupils blown wide “ do Hyal” you caught his gaze and held it. “then do so Tsis “ but then he halted. A sweltering anger spiked up near your spine, this discourteous man dared to ignite a fire and then flee when it burned.
You pulled the coat off your shoulders and dropped it to the floor, the broken dress falling down to your middle where the last chain held it up. Maul's eyes quickly fell to your chest, his fingertips started to move upwards but when they were near your breast he moved past them. The zebraks' hands snatched the red droplet between your bust and yanked it causing your lips to crash into his. You were slightly taken aback but you quickly leaned in hungry for the tattooed man in front of you.
A high paced dance was set in silence. Maul started to push you up further on the counter, when you heard the golden necklace break off but you couldn’t care less. He quickly moved his hands from the broken chain to the back of your neck. His lips were rough yet new, clearly never been kissed before, you wondered if he thought the same. A whimper echoed when you felt his sharp teeth bite down on your plump bottom lip. Blood started to stream from the cut he had inflicted.
Your hands gripped on the back of his underrobe, Maul tensed up beneath you as you finally got him half naked. To your joy his tattoos ran down his torso swirling in beautiful patterns all over. But before you could undress him further, maul pulled your hair back and started lapping up the stream of red down your throat. He let go of your hair when he got to your breast biting into your flesh to kiss and suck it straight after, leaving a trail of purple blemishes covering your chest.
Lost in pleasure Maul had let his hands cup your boobs, unpinning you in the process. You pushed his head slightly down, leaving his neck close enough to kiss. A careful peck made him groan beneath you but then you bit him. He flinched up glaring at you, you glanced back faking innocence “I thought biting was on the table” you brought your own fingers up to the purple cut near your nipple. He gave you a grin turning his head to the site showing off the bite mark that had already turned a deep purple showing slightly through his faded black tattoos.You pulled him back to kiss him.
When he shoved you back gently and flipped you over, bending you over the counter. You looked back over your shoulder to see maul clasp the last chain in his hand yanking it strong enough to break it. You yearn for him deeply but the roughness made you shudder. He wrapped his fingers around the red velvet and ripped it down, leaving you naked to his eye. He brought his hand up to grope your ass which you admittedly leaned into but when you heard him strip down you had to speak up. “You are not fucking me against a counter.” you could hear the grin in his voice when he taunted “I wouldn’t dare to”.
You started to move to stand up when Maul pressed his hand down on your back in response you arched your back making the zebrak breathlessly groan. Do you crave me, Nuyak Hyal?“ he mockingly grunted. You were getting more needy by the minute, resorting to trying to grind against the tattooed man behind you. When he felt a sharp smack against your rear and before you could react to that maul had lifted you up and thrown you over his shoulders. “I'm not going to fuck you against a counter.” he said grinning like a loth cat. You let yourself fall over his shoulder and started to kiss up his back, following the beautiful black paths of ink. You sucked purple marks into his red skin but it didn’t last.
Maul slammed you down against the bed. Laying on top of the velvet sheets, you fixed your gaze back to the brute. This time he held it, unstrapping the belt that held the rest of his clothes. You crawled over to the front of the bed and laid your hand over his, stopping him dead in his tracks. You shuffled up to your knees, “let me” was all you breathed out. He pulled his hands back and let you strip him down.
The tent in his undergarments had not gone unnoticed by you since the countertop but still when you saw the thing it took you a minute to collect yourself. The hesitation must have been pretty obvious since Maul spoke up. “You don’t have to” he tilted your head upwards to look at him. “I could please you instead”. As much as that intrigued you, you replied quickly in hopes of shushing his doubts. “No no , I want to.” You glanced through your lashes to see the zebrak smirk.
You took a moment to collect yourself, placing your hands on each side of his legs. You slowly touched your lips to the tip.The muscles beneath your finger tensed to the sensation. The taste was unexpected but not unpleasant. You had the thought to wipe your lips with the back of your hand but instead you licked them. You made eye contact with Maul as you took him into your mouth. Through your lashes you could see him roll his eyes back while letting out a low groan.
You sucked him as deep as you could without gagging, which was about halfway. You adjusted your left hand to lean more into him. You moved your head forwards in one smooth move. Maul reached down to grab ahold of the back of your head as you started bobbing it sloppily along the length of his cock. He started to push and pull you a bit, “Can i?” He growled out. You nodded your head not wanting to stop, making maul’s grip tighten. He pulled you off by the hair, making you yelp “Greedy jedi, use your damn words.” he bit out “yes, yes you may Maul” you whimpered back .
His hands in your hair set a brutal pace, making you feel light headed. His hips started moving in the opposite directions of his hands, letting your hands roam upwards. You noticed your own pleasure build between your thighs as heat settled there. Your nails dug into his abdomen, creating horizontal white lines across his black lined skin. His groaning started to get more desperate and loud when your teeth dragged across his length. You felt his dick twitch in your mouth, making you rub your thighs together in hopes of quilling the fire he had ignited.
He brought his hand up to your chin and stopped it in its tracks “Stop” was all he stated out of breath. You did as he asked, letting go of his cock with a pop. He wiped your lips with his fingers and moved the hair that had fallen forward back to its original place. He crouched down, the both of you now on the same eye level as he kissed you with a growing hunger that no cake could fill. You started to move further up the bed. Maul followed as if he was predator hunting prey.
He pulled back from your lips only to smirk down at you. He spread your legs positioning himself between them. He darted his hand towards your cunt, you quickly tried to shut your thighs out of reflex. Your heartbeat sped up as if you were being chased but the look in his eyes betrayed him. As ruthless as he had hoped to seem so needy he looked, staring at you almost disheveling at the mere thought of stopping right now. Luckily for him, you felt the same.
You opened your legs, letting a carnal desire take over. A nod was all Maul needed before his fingers were stroking against your folds. Whining filled the air while the brute toyed with your cunt, making your head feel dizzy. Your hand reached for his shoulder, aching for more. The zebrak quickly answered by pulling his hands back, you moaned at the loss of him. Shame had fled the scene long ago, you wrapped both of your legs around his well toned hips, leaving only lust between you.
For the first time In the entire history of the both of you, he said your name. You don't know if it was the way he said it or the accompanying thrust of his hips that had you moaning his but it did matter. He started up slow and careful, keeping long lecherous eye contact. Your walls clenched around him. Groans and hisses fell out of his mouth not unlike the song sung for goddesses and gods alike. Between gasping for air, your hunger grew again.
You grind your hips up into mauls, he let out a low stuttering moan. He sped up immediately after, pumping into you at a pace you thought impossible. No inch of skin was untouched, no nerve forgotten. He was hitting all the right spots “faster please maul faster” you screamed breathlessly. Heat spreads from your cunt to your entire body, flushing your skin. You grabbed the velveteen sheets in fist, letting the sound of pleasure swirl in the air.
Rapped movements have brought the both of you closer to the edge than both expected. Shuttered beneath him you tried to make your coming orgasmas clear as possible. He moved his lips to your neck, biting down in revenge for earlier that night. Your walls clenched around his cock. You came. Maul fucked you through it, chasing his own. He came deep inside you, staying still for just a few seconds. If this was heaven, you did not fear death.
Maul pulled out. Still holding on to you as if you would vanish. He kissed your temple softly. “Let me take care of you,” he whispered softly. He crawled off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.
You waited for him to come back, looking to the doorway expectantly. He stepped out of the bathroom backed by the glow of the bathroom light, it made him look holy. Out of all the men you had met, he was the exception. The passion you had felt minutes ago had simmered to something deeper. It mattered not if he felt the same right now. Since the night was enough to sedate the crave for him you had felt. But it did not still the love that had grown, how you hoped he felt the same.
He cleaned up the mess he made carefully, kissing along the purple and blue spots covering your torso, caressing the soft skin he had mained, making sure you were comfortable and clean. Then he laid down next to you on the plush mattress. All of it, he did in silence.
Maul pulled you back to his chest, you curled up into his warm body. You rolled over to look at him. For the first time since you knew him, he looked satisfied with the world as if the fire that had burned him plenty,warmed him now. You thanked the stars above for the man near you, he closed his eyes.“Are you pleased, Hyal?” He said not loud enough to pierce the calmness. “As Long as you linger till morning” you answered happily. He smiled and pulled the bed sheets up. “ you’re staying here tonight” he stated without question. you let out a giggle as you let your head drop to his chest, the double heartbeat lulling you to sleep.“Till sunrise, when i leave” you whispered sleepily. He sighed.
The golden rays shone through the white blinds you hadn’t noticed when you woke up. The zebrak was still deep asleep in what you presumed to be the first good night sleep in a long time. Sadly you had to get back to Qui Gon and your headache of a friend. You carefully got out of the velvet bed and started looking for your clothes.
You found the red dress near the kitchen counter with 4 golden chains instead of the 2 working ones. Knowing you couldn’t wear the beautiful piece anymore, you had to wake up Maul. You slowly made your way to his side, kissing his forehead to wake him up. He responded with a crumble. “My dress is broken. Can I wear your robes?” He shot up straight, taking in your naked frame “You’re leaving?” He questioned remorse. You nodded “Fine. I have another set in that bag.” he lazily pointed towards a duffel bag on the floor. You kissed him again before rushing through it. He curled back into the sheets.
The robes were comfortable and covered the markings the zebrak had left, you opened the door to leave when you heard Maul again. “Fleeing Jedi, will I see you again?” He query you. You looked back to the sith in the morning sun, he gave a signature grin as you had seen plenty of. “If the force wants it.” you countered back smiling. You both knew there was no escaping the fire.
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Its my first time writing smut so i hope its somewhat decent anyways i hope you enjoy
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yandere-wishes · 2 days
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I need to makeout with someone -preferably a hot fictional guy- in a bathtub full of blood.
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yandere-wishes · 4 days
if a girl wants to rip open your ribcage and live there you have to let her
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yandere-wishes · 4 days
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These two pictures were right next to each other on Pintrest XD you CAN'T convince me Boothill wouldn't say that!!
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yandere-wishes · 4 days
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I know the hype around Dune has practically died out. But would anyone be interested if I wrote something for it? I'm thinking Yandere Dune Men x reader, inspired by TTPD songs (been a long time coming). Then probably followed by a Yandere Paul x reader x Yandere Feyd (again)...
Anywho If you want to be on the taglist let me know in the comments.
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