#yandere immortal
yandere-writer-momo · 15 days
Yandere Imagine
Imagine an immortal Yandere that paints your portrait for all of eternity. Forever a slave to the overwhelming love they felt for you when you were alive. They must keep painting you or else they’re afraid they’ll forget what you look like…
It’s been eons since they had last seen you and they make sure to display your beauty in every museum and art exhibit they can in hopes to be reunited…
And once they see you again in your recent reincarnation? It’s over for you. They won’t let you carelessly slip through their fingers like before… because their love can last lifetimes.
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suiana · 6 months
(yandere! immortal x gn! reincarnated reader)
humans don't live forever, but they dare to make claims of eternity.
like how you promised him that you'd be his forever.
of course it wasn't kept.
for you were a mortal and he wasn't. you had a short life, destined to be gone in a blink of an eye. while he was cursed to live forever, to watch as everything and everyone around him died while he lived on.
it was heart wrenching until you came along. you soothed his soul, reminded him that life wasn't all that bad... until you died, of course.
you died and came back, died and came back. all with different names, all with different appearances, but you were still you.
yet your heart always never stayed loyal to one person. it never stayed loyal to him. in every life you'd be with someone different, or you'd be with no one at all. and that hurt.
because his heart still longs for yours.
he tries to understand, he really does. for you had died and maybe forgot about him. but still, he just can't shake the nasty feeling in his chest whenever he sees you with someone who isn't him.
which is why he has finally decided to take it upon himself to ensure that you'll fall for him in every life of yours.
i mean, it's not like he has anything better to do. might as well remind you that you already have a lover. wouldn't want you to hurt him again by finding someone new haha.
so it's okay that humans don't live forever.
because a promise always lives on.
the promise of love that you gave to him... it will always be eternal.
and he'll always be there to remind you of it. always.
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
Time Traveller Darling: Hey.... Is your name Devlin?
Younger Devlin [Immortal Yan]: Yes....Who are you?
Time Traveller Darling: Doesn't matter. Despite hating your guts, your step-mother is planning on throwing you a birthday party. Do not touch or eat anything on that table
Younger Devlin: ..... O...okay?
[Present Day]
Time Traveller Darling: .....
Devlin, eating peanut butter out a jar with his fingers: You never said I couldn't lick anything.
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amarisrosalette · 5 months
His Body (Yandere!Venti x Yandere!Artist!Immortal!Reader)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
author's note: contains angst and dark content, hurt/comfort, yandere themes, manipulation, venti being a nasty boi, unhealthy relationships, obsession, mentions of stalking, tyranny, war, abuse, and disaster, mentions of body worshipping kink, reader is immortal, reader and venti are obsessed with each other and are delusional, slightly suggestive (especially at the end), proceed at your own risk!
synopsis: you are an immortal artist who has been with venti for the longest time. venti and you have been obsessing with each other for over a millenia as he finds out about your adoration for his body... and your lingering guilt issues for knowing the true story behind his form. but he's here to reassure you that you don't need to feel guilty, he is as obsessed with you as you are with him.
you are just so in love with venti's body. you are so in love with the kind of grace and elegance he has, with every curve of his limbs and lean posture effortlessly making you want to crumble to your knees because of how pretty he is. he's just so beautiful it hurts. it makes you ache. you don't know why; was it from jealousy? pure and utter admiration for him? you don't know. and sometimes, it's frustrating. from the way his hands smoothly hover his lyre before he strums it with his slim and calloused fingers, to the plumpness of his thighs and limbs, to the way his skin looks so soft and dewy you think of it as a better pillow than yours to the point that you'd much rather dig in the oppurtunity to get a closer taste to his wine-covered scent... through his skin. it's becoming addicting. to the way he forcefully digs his heels unto the ground when giving all his force in combat, you can feel the force he exerts in his body to the point you can see a glimpse of his slighty muscled body from his profound skills in archery. although you'd rather chew on your right leg that admit it, you want to see him in action. in battle. in his raw fierceness and emotion. you wonder just how graceful his moves would be. his face is quite youthful too, and his eyes.
oh, his eyes.
how you feel so jealous but so enamored of him, you start to absentmindedly doodle him on the sketchbook on your lap when his body is completely still. it wouldn't hurt if you just stole a teeny-tiny gaze to look at him while his eyes reflect a serene expression, his brows relaxed as he hums a tune. he is leaning against a tree as he is gently weaving a crown made of cecilias before he finishes before his near-triumphant tone of his voice makes you smile like an idiot. you were among the forests in mondstadt during a quiet day of hanging out with him.
"all done! my love, come look what i've made for you," you snapped out from your trance as you look down at what he has made for you.
oh, and it's beautiful. a piece of art from his skillful hands, you wanted to say. you are so trapped in admiring what he has made for you that you practically forgot the essence of reality for seconds that feel like hours.
and before you knew it, venti balanced himself on his knees as he hovers on top of your head to gently fit the crown in your head.
"oh, it fits perfectly on you, windblume!" he gestures to the nearby stream before he urges you, "take a look at yourself."
it's a calm body of water, and it's clear enough for you to get a perfect look at yourself. you lean forward as you see yourself bathing in wonders of your own reflection.
you are speechless as you turn around and finally muster what you wanted to say to him for the longest amount of time, but they are the words that cannot fully express what you wanted to tell him. you wanted to praise him for his skillful hands, his work of art, everytime he sings you love-laden songs of poetry, everytime he plays his lyre with melodies that make you swoon. you want to praise him for everything. you want to adore him to the ends of the earth, until your own pen and hand is sore and tired and breaking from how much you drew the every part of his body that you deemed was beautiful of him, until you couldn't physically do it anymore, which you never could be. for you loved him more than you loved yourself. you loved him more than you loved your own skill in art, you loved him so much that he was able to command every piece of your drawings and sketches to revolve around him and him only. forget about the other subjects you could draw, he took the mantle of being your only subject, your inspiration, your muse. you could paint an enormous canvas of every detail of his face and body that you would never forget nor stop loving about him, you could find a way to immortalize him through your unspoken skill that expressed your love for him that no other skill could have ever done.
you turn your head back to him as you stroll to him. you kneel beside him and softly thank him for the cecilia crown he gave you.
but you feel that he just can't see it in himself. it felt like he couldn't see the true beauty he held, how he truly has so much power over you. despite his playful braggings about being the best bard in the world, you knew that he was a lonely soul in person. he was too humble, you reason to yourself. you desperately wish you could give him a comfort that could soothe his worries about himself, that he was truly special, beautiful, and precious. if your art didn't work for him, you would find more ways to comfort him and his worries if it meant letting him use your body for a while, you told him in a dream once. but that was only a dream. you wanted to tell it to him, but for archon's sake did you consider yourself a shy coward.
he lets out a hearty chuckle as he gives you a warm you're welcome, my dear. his hands trace over the sketchbook that you set aside earlier before you headed to the stream to look at yourself. you panick.
sadly, you were more of an artist than a poet. you are one that expressed through art than their words. you were not very good with orally expressing your feelings, much so with words. talking was overwhelming for you; you didn't want to burden him with your difficulty in handling your feelings for him before it all threatens to spill out one day. but you hoped that day wouldn't happen. you weren't as expressive as he was, and that was something that you envied him for. you want to curse your introverted self for every missed opportunity to use your words to express every ounce of your immense love for him. it was always the same cycle; whenever venti does something, or even just the tiniest thing that makes your heart swing and your body twitch with excitement, your words feel stuck in your throat. but sometimes it would always be too late before venti would have to leave or either look like he didn't notice how awestruck you were. and there you were, left dumbfounded and alone with your awkwardness in emotion you can't help but feel like you weakly told him only a small percentage of how much you really love what he does for you. a pathetically small one, you might say. it doesn't quite express how much you really do love him. you want to give your all, but oh, curse you for being such a shy little melted puddle around him. people say an artist loves too much, but most of all they disregard any warnings before they throw themselves in the endless ocean that we call obsession. and in that obsession, you can see it clearly in every artwork they do. and that obsession happens to be that bard you fell madly in love with, who is no other than the venti you love.
he catches a glimpse of your in-progress sketch of him. "ohohohohoh! let's see what you've managed to sketch of me, hehe," normally, you wouldn't even let anyone see your sketchbook. not even a peek. but if it was venti, you'd make an exception. but at the same time, it still makes you nervous when he traces his eyes over your art. but you're glad he always asked for your permission to do it until now. "may i look at your drawing? i'm sure there's a lot of talent you haven't shared with me!"
you nod shyly and give him a look that tells him: of course, he can do it.
but little did you know, he can see how much you adore him. the body doesn't lie, after all. your trembling lips when you shyly utter his name doesn't lie, your twitching fingers at the mention of his name doesn't lie, the way your eyes avert their gaze from him when he approaches your direction doesn't lie, the way your legs instinctively cross and attempt to rub that spot of yours when he leans in closer to you after you press your sketchbook against your chest as you meekly hope that he doesn't see what you're drawing of him doesn't lie, the way your ears flash red when he tosses teasing remarks that not-so-subtly hint to your raging obsession of him doesn't lie, the way he can hear your heart beat within a moment's notice as he makes provocative hints to your big fat crush on him doesn't lie, the way your back muscles spasm and limbs convulse as his hands pin you hard down on the floor during that one time he tells you to keep quiet as he rails you in your awfully detailed daydreams of him doesn't lie.
venti is not stupid; and you knew that.
it makes him want to smirk with how cute you look like trying to hide your obvious obsession with him. he flips to the page where you last left off thanks to the pen you inserted in between the page. he grabs the book by one hand before he observes it closely, a clear look of pleasure in his face.
"oh my..."
as you've finally sat beside him, you perk your head to look at him. before you can say anything, he goes,
"my goodness, windblume. you are truly talented," he grazes his fingers over the sketch, careful not to smudge it. "i can tell you're not done with this yet, but..."
you wait for him to finish. he looks at you with appreciation.
"you've gotten all of my features right! my hair is just the right length, my eyes are the correct shape, and my clothes..." he laughs to himself, but you catch a distant and wistful look in his eyes. you can tell he was thinking of something else, but you didn't want to inquire him about it. but you can feel something was up by that look. you knew his body did not belong to him, and that's what made you extremely guilty for loving his body. his body wasn't his, it belonged to that boy from the rebellion. the boy who took down that ruler who once ruled over mondstadt. the boy that venti did not want others to forget about. your admiration for him had never felt so wrong and disgusting for yourself, you were lusting over a body that wasn't his. you were craving to be touched by the body of a boy who lived from many a millenia ago, and yet you couldn't force down the irrepressible obsession you had for the bard that was staring at the body you drew of that boy. you knew it, and it made your stomach churn at the thought of venti discovering how much you loved his body. the feelings of guilt devour and chew you away. how disgusting of you, [y/n], you reprimanded yourself. your last bits of rationality tugged at you, it begged you to keep some form of dignity with yourself. but every touch from venti is sending you to commit sin with him, not like he was already a sinner. a god for a sinner, and you, his angel. it felt like you only lusted over him, not loved him.
and you didn't want that to be the only message that you would give him. you loved him so much more than just that, but damn your cluelessness in how you wanted to say it to him. damn it all.
you wanted to convince him that he is his own person. that he wasn't a reflection of the one who took on so many burdens as he did. that he was just a statue carved from the harsh hands of the past. that he didn't have to be tied down to the solid pole of his tauma.
you wanted to love him in a way that didn't disgust him; but you weren't sure of what reaction he would take if he would ever find out.
but you didn't know how. he always kept to himself, despite his expressive personality, he held so many secrets about what he truly feels and you could sense that. so, would the same thing happen if you were to profess the love you had for him?
he sighs, than he proceeds to close his eyes for a moment before looking at you. "you are truly one of the most unique of artists i've ever met," he spoke in a somber tone that made you wonder what made him come up with that tone all of a sudden. "tell me, why is it that you love drawing me so much?"
the silence was louder than it should've been. but you braved yourself to continue.
"i... i've always thought you looked beautiful," you admitted, "and.."
"hmm?" his silence in listening to you made your heart pound at such an intense rate. you couldn't recall that one time where someone had listened to you like this.
"and your... body... is something that i admire. it's part of being an artist."
"part of being an artist? what do you mean?" he shifted his somber expression to a curious one, hanging on to your every word. it made you feel like you were held on a pedestal, his eyes were on you. it took all of your willpower to not stutter and lower your voice.
"you see, venti," you clear your throat. "when an artist loves you, you will live forever. your image is something that will be imprinted in the pieces of art they commit to. i'm sure you can understand this as a poet and musician."
venti nods. "of course i do. but from what you've said, you hint to say that you love me?" he chuckles lightly once again. he knows your passion for art, and that is something that he has always encouraged from you time and time again. he cheered for you endlessly, and he is what kept you going. "that's very sweet of you, my muse. but why the shyness in admitting this? is there something you want to take out from your chest?" he noted on your rather... extreme shyness than your usual air around him. you open up to him more than you do to other people, and that was something that he had always taken pride in for. you trusted him more than you trusted others, for he had a place in your heart that none could compare.
"it comes from a place that i wouldn't like to admit to anyone else but you." finally. you've gotten a sentence out. but you haven't watched the other words you wanted to say to him, until he asked you.
"oh? and what is it?" that's it. you've piqued his interest.
"that i love your body."
venti pauses. he has never heard someone regard him in such a way. in all his years he has never had someone admire him like this. more so to the point that they admit it like that. it's all so... sudden, so... casually. he is used to people worshipping him in different ways, and he had heavy responsibilities bequeathed unto him from it all. he was loved and worshipped, but not in the way a lover or a friend would do for him. no, he was loved and worshipped like they clung and prayed to him for their dear lives and whispered to their anxious companions that their diety, their god, might save them all. that their salvation may arrive to appease the disasters and protect them from everything that slowly destroyed their lives. that hopefully, just hopefully, his touch would strengthen the weakened soldier who clasped his hands together and murmured prayers where, amongst a war, his knightly comrades had fallen. that his gentle voice would soothe the crying infant whose mother couldn't comfort as she cradled it, shielding its head with her trembling hands as she stuck her eyes to the fiery clouds above and the looming dark dragon that ravaged the city. that his return will bring hope to the ones who lost it. the songs of their worship was whispered and cried in moans, wails, and pleads as they endured floggings from their oppressors. but they didn't stop, no. they didn't stop. they didn't stop until they preached about how lord barbatos will come and guide them.
but he saw them all.
and he failed them. or so that was what he believed. he failed them so terribly that the marks of how they clinged unto his arms and legs left scars that couldn't heal on his body. he watched his children's lives wither under the evil hands of war, tyranny, and disaster. whose lives were crushed under its sharp nails. in a life where he is used to religious adoration, one that had mercilessly thrown such pain, guilt, and responsibility unto his shoulders, never would he have thought that someone would fall in love in the form he took. the form of a friend.
venti hid the spiraling thoughts under a well-played mask of carelessness and naivety that was even better than the best of performers in teyvat. for you had not seen what his looks had told you. he remained as intrigued as he was seconds ago.
but you can tell he felt something that was more than just curiosity. but you didn't quite know what it was. but all you knew is that you can tell it wasn't a pleasant feeling.
and now that friend crossed his mind now that you've mentioned his body. that friend...
he knows he loves you too, he loves you to the moon and back and he would sing songs of his love for you until his throat bled and his voice was hoarse. he, just like you too, was madly obsessed with you. you were there with him for the longest time, when all fell down, you were the last one standing, you were the one who still extended your arms to him in an open welcome. you loved and welcomed him time and time again. your loyalty to him was as unbreakable and ran rapid and free in every corner of teyvat like the wind. like the wind, it was always there and flowed in every manner of direction; from the way you would defend him against anyone who had dared to harass and misjudge him when he was only but a new god, to the way that you would softly hold him in your arms as we wept onto your shirt until it was wet from his tears from all that he had been through, to the way that you would carry him sturdily when he was passed out drunk until you got back home, to the way you took care of him and fed him during the days he neglected himself when no one else did, to the way you kissed him more fervently than he thought he could do, to the way you had done everything for him. you stood beside him in transforming mondstadt to the way it is now, when his friend could not see the fruits of his labor in the country that he protected, you were there. you were there for everything. and he was for you, too.
but he could sense a pang of remorse in your voice when you admitted that.
"but venti, please, listen. i don't mean it in that way, i just-" you spoke after a few seconds of witnessing his expression form to that of pensiveness. "i don't want you to be scared, or disgusted when i say this-"
"scared? disgusted? who said i'd be?" venti did not even know where the sudden urge of his words came from. maybe it was from the intense emotion of confusion when you spoke those words, but he could never imagine himself being scared or disgusted at you. not when you admitted how much you loved his body. he felt complimented, in a sense. it meant you loved the boy whom he had taken the form of. you honored him the same way he did. at least, that's what he deluded himself to think. he would've cringed at how sudden he spoke those words, but there wasn't anything that could be done. the words have been spoken, there was no need to push them back once it had already gotten out.
"no one. i just felt scared the moment i told you that..." you answered him in a flash to quell the worry you heard from his voice.
"scared?" he repeated, "w-why?"
"because your body doesn't belong to you. i didn't know what you'd think about me loving the..." you trailed off, before taking a deep breath, "form that you took."
his eyes relax in realization, but his gaze was still on you.
"i did not want to make you feel like i only lust for your body, but i just love you, i really do. i don't love you for your body, i love you for being you." you couldn't handle it when the word lust left your lips. it felt disgusting to you, but you also craved a form of it. you wanted to be touched, held, kissed, and adored by him. you craved those intimate moments that you were sure you wouldn't ever get from him. at least, not until now.
you winced at the image of lusting for his body, but you couldn't help it. you remember all the nights you had spent obsessively doodling him from memory on your sketchbook, remembering all the curves on his smiles and the bright sparkle in his eyes. you drew his hair hanging on the air so gracefully, and his clothes were painted as if they were so real. to say that you were a talented artist would be an understatement. but on some days it had gotten worse, where your obsession would get the best of you. all those suggestive and lewd sketches were torn and tossed into the trash, you were confident no one would see the fantasies that ran around your head when you drew suspicious poses of his hands and body languages that hinted all the things you wanted him to do to you.
but they weren't safe. thanks to him.
surprise, venti was obsessed with you to the point that he would stalk you sometimes. much to your obliviousness, each night he would follow you home and watch your behavior from your window. you'd always assume that he's out performing, but sometimes he can't help it. he just wants to admire his pretty little songbird, so it wouldn't hurt if the bard did not appear to the plaza. afterall, he doesn't have a set schedule that he's obligated to follow. instead, he goes back to your shared home and sneaks in by the window when you weren't there. sometimes, he was left alone in the house during his freetime. and he takes advantage of this time by snooping around your items, checking them all without leaving a trace. you think you've kept them all safe, but little did you know that each of your drawing was seen by him. even the ones that were thrown in the trash, oh boy! it was a ride for him to see. although it took him moments, agonizing moments for him to process what he saw, he remembered that he was obsessed with you, too. so he wasn't alone. but he was delighted. and from then on, your drawings became a favorite part of what he likes to browse in your room when you were gone. regardless if they were torn, he would persistenly find the other paper to piece them together to reveal the full image.
and someday, he would turn those drawings into a reality.
but he would never force his hand, no, you're his angel! how could he do such a thing? he would never force you into doing such things of him, he would consider it very unbecoming of him to do this to his own precious significant other. unless of course, you initiated it. this just so happens to be the day where he is so happy!
hiding behind mixed emotions, he is a guilty boy behind all that. he feels thrilled, delighted, shocked, surprised, but also... guilt. and he knows why and where it came from. he had taken the bard's form for a thousand years, and when he had committed actions and left blood stains on his hands for the ways war had cursed him, and he wondered to himself what the bard would've thought and what he could've done if it weren't for him. would he approve of the things he had done now? he was carrying his image, after all. the people, unbeknownst to the past with his body, will strongly associate his actions to that of the bard. or maybe, they will forget about his friend one day. as a result, he was always careful of what he did, he did not want to be some brutish, warmongering god that handled situations with physical violence, for he did not want violence to be associated with his friend's name. it's no wonder pacifism was his strong suit, he was a gentle god, after all.
but to picture himself indulging in sexual acts with his friend's form... it left such mixed feelings inside of his stomach. he couldn't shake off the pitting feeling in his belly at the imagery of linking his lips with yours as a string of saliva between the both of you drips to your chest when he pulls his lips out from yours, bare skin to bare skin. the moans he emits from his own friend's voice, him making you moan because of his- no, his own friend's body thrusting into you, the confusion in him spiraled him into insanity. he did not know wether it was his or his friend's body anymore. but oh... how much he wants to curse you for making him fall in love with him. but at the same time, it's hard for him to be so mad at you, when you're so angelic, compared to his sinful desires. but alas, he had been victim to the hypnosis of temptation. he was no longer the holy god of freedom, for he was bound by the chains of lust when he fell in love with you. the dilemma was truly hard to figure out.
but now he's given up on that a long time ago, due to how long he had been in love with you.
"oh, my windblume," he cooed. the sudden tilt of his voice made you think again. first, he was somber, and now, he was... becoming affectionate to some degree? you hoped that this was because of a positive change in his realization and understanding of your words. you gulped, hoping that this conversation would lean to a better turn.
"you do not need to be so guilty," he spoke in a reassuring tone, caressing your cheek and pressing soothing circles around it. "but you must know..." his grip grew firm on you. "that i love you regardless. even if you think your love for me to be revolting, please know i do not-" his voice starts to become serious, yet tender. "and i mean do not ever think that i would be scared or disgusted of you. i love you so much, i can't ever see myself to be that way around you, my angel."
his words left you speechless, for a while. making you inwardly sigh a breath of relief. his free hand gently places itself on top of yours that is resting on the ground, he lifts your knuckles and kisses it. "but i do take flattery after you admitted that."
"hmm? y-you think so?" you look at him with a perplexed look, the pink in your cheeks becoming amusingly obvious to him. "but i thought-"
"ah, ah, ah." he shushed you with the hand that was previously caressing your cheek, "i know what you're going to say. that you thought i was going to be offended at the fact that you love the form of my friend?" you were surprised at the way he read into your mind so well. you nodded vehemently at the isn't that the answer, hmm? look he gave you.
"thought so. in that case," he leaned in foward, his hand was still in yours.
aaannnd that bastard was back into his usual tone, you thought.
"it's only fair if i..." he breathed into your neck.
the hand that held yours was now pinned unto the grass, your hand unable to move because of just how strong his hand was in pinning it down, you did not expect that. it wasn't like you wanted to resist, anyway. before you knew it, he props himself up from his knees until his chest was until your eye-length to head-length and uses the hand that previously shushed you into forcefully pushing your shoulders down to the ground in a split second, your chest was heaving up and down from the tension.
all while keeping his eye contact with you with those lovestruck, half-lidden eyes. and that smug smirk.
how on earth did he?- you stare at him with wide eyes, completely motionless.
your breath hitches and your heart is running a marathon from the feeling that you got on your waist.
it was venti straddling to position himself on top of your hips.
"...show you how i'm not the slightest bit offended, but honored."
"i- venti-" you couldn't comprehend how all this happened in a flash, well, venti did have a feat for taking you by surprise on multiple occasions, but not this one, no.
"but first!-" went on, completely ignoring your protests. "let me have a show of demonstration for my..." he presses his lips threateningly close to yours, "gratitude to your gratifying confession."
"or should i say," he lilts, "confession to your god?"
"and that is?" you rasp. suddenly wanting to defy and challenge him. venti rolls his eyes, he was used to your sudden spouts of defiance and sassiness towards him. but this wouldn't stop him now.
"you'll see, my dear," he continued on with his 'show of demonstration', proceeding to press unexpected kisses from your collarbone after pulling away the collar of your shirt to kiss your bare skin. his kisses were something that you were used to, but they were always the ones that make you fall for him over and over again. you can feel the lust between them, each kiss having a whimper or a moan from either of you. he slowly progressed to nibbling, to licking, to biting. you felt his hard-on from his shorts rubbing against your clothed area. but you didn't care. you didn't ask him to, but you don't feel the need to ask him for him to do it anyway. it began for what feels like minutes, until hours. he went from your collarbones, to your shoulders, your neck, then finally, your lips. he did not miss a single spot of your bust, no. you were quite literally a whimpering mess under him; unable to control your noises any longer. you were sure you felt like you weren't so sweaty, until you felt his saliva marking you from his lust, which made you go crazy even more. now you weren't only covered by your sweat.
he drove you insane, but you drove him insane even more.
although him kissing your lips felt light, now, they felt like it was devouring you. even if he gave you a few seconds to breathe in between kisses, now it felt like you had only one before he dove in for the next kiss. he kissed you until he was tongue-deep into your mouth, both of you making a moaning mess of each other. he was biting your lips playfully at first, but now it was no longer a joke. it stung. but you loved it. you wanted it, anyway.
so who were you to deny him?
"you know," he whispered, "all those drawings you threw away didn't help in covering your secrets."
you were sure you felt your eyes widen at him, your heart going evern crazier by the second.
"those what?"
"come on, you heard me." he teased, "go on, would you care to explain?"
he laughs, "i was only kidding! you don't have to justify yourself in front of me."
and there he goes, saying things that put you on the spot, only to have him say it was only a joke or a prank. that bastard. or maybe you were just reading in a little too deep? maybe you don't have to take him seriously. but how did he find out about them anyway?
"but... how did you find out about them, anyway? i thought i-" you pause, "wait, you did not sneak into my trashcan, did you?"
"heheh, what else could i have done? you're not very good at keeping secrets, you know." he sighs, "honestly, you could've done way better than that."
"but why would you do that, anyway?" you hissed.
"because i couldn't help myself! it's not like your drawings totally didn't stick out from the trashcan that i completely did not notice them at all!" he sarcastically fought back.
shit. you swore you kept them well. but now you've come to the conclusion that you lacked better foresight, but you knew that there was no getting out of this situation. not when the cat's out of the bag.
"fine. i... i really did draw them all," you admitted. venti was still giving you your well-deserved love marks, but he paused.
"of course, i know you drew them! who in mondstadt could ever draw like you? much more even live in the same house as me?"
you gulped. you realized you just stated the obvious to calm the tension that was building in the air. talk about your social skills, you remarked yourself.
venti laughs, amused by your dumbfounded expression. "there's no getting out of it, windblume," he taps your cheek in a reassuring manner. "for now, let's enjoy the moment we have. but you did say you love my body?"
"well, seeing that you always admired me in my pure form as barbatos," he sighed dreamily. "maybe i'll..." he lifted himself up, hands below the hem of your shirt, cold hands rubbing on your bare belly. he positioned himself comfortably as he unclipped his cape and untied the back of his corset. he grunted as he set aside his cap. but you did not stop him.
there was no stopping him from the depths of lust that he reached, all just for you.
forgive me, my friend, he tells his body, ...for what i am about to do.
he has finally made his decision.
"...reenact all those drawings of me with you."
TAGLIST: @ventiscumdump @ventishipwindows @ventisslut @dearestxiao @carmendeiact2whenplz @lanternlightss @cinnabell2 @honorary-fool
callling on all venti fans! i'd love to hear your thoughts on this fic! likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
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circusmania · 5 months
Can i request some fluff with platonic yandere SCP 2662 who see reader who is also immortal but doesn't really know about it that is uneffected by SCP 2662 anomalous effect as a friends?
Both of them playing animal crossing
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(Platonic) Yandere!SCP-2662 x GN!Reader ──────────────────────── Notes: Tysm for requesting this. I had so much reading about SCP-2662 and writing this request! I hope you enjoy ♡. Muah Muah ✮
SCP-2662, a Keter class anomaly, is a humanoid who's actually (surprisingly) pretty chill. Also known as Cthulhu f'UCK OFF! (we'll just call him Cthulhu here), has a pretty humanoid(ish) appearance, along with fully functional cephalopod limbs attached to his back. He possesses the ability to manipulate and put false information into humans' dreams. Although his "followers" view him as all high and mighty, Cthulhu has no intentions of being their god. Rather, he prefers to sit in his containment cell and go about his day. Be it reading his daily newspaper or playing his many video games.
Tossing the introduction aside, You, an immortal being, had landed in the hands of the SCP Foundation. Be it intentional or not, you're stuck in your cell whether you like it or not. It ain't all that bad though, you're pretty cooperative and kind to those assigned to you, earning you a lot of rewards.
Once the Foundation found out that you're unaffected by various anomalous effects, new doors opened for you. One of those doors was he, himself, Cthulhu. A kind but massive beast, you two hit it off well.
At first, Cthulhu had thought you were another of his "devoted" followers.
You found him sitting at his table, a newspaper in hand and a coffee in the other.
"Oh, Saint Alagadda... what show are you going to put on now!? Hello?! Task Force!! Another one got in!!"
You stared at him, dumbfounded.
"Excuse me?"
You cringed, and he stopped yelling once he realized you weren't stripping or yelling insanities.
"You're not going to smear your blood and/or fluids on my walls…?" He asked, warily.
"WHAT!?? No?? What made you think that??"
He narrowed his beady eyes.
"Well, can't rule you out yet... You might just be faking it..."
"Trust issues much…" (He glared at you).
"In the meantime, you can stay...mm... over there." He pointed to the furthest corner from him possible.
You obeyed and sat in the corner, not making your case any better, since obeying him made it look like you were following his commands as your “god”.
Whenever you were pushed into these experiments, the researchers never gave you any information on the anomaly. Normally you don't care, but you would've appreciated some info on this one. By far, this one has made it to the top of your list of "Top Ten Weirdest first impressions."
You remained in the corner for hours a day to maximize as much exposure as possible (occasionally you got breaks and check-ups from the personnel). At the 2-month mark, Cthulhu had become pretty fond of you. He was very relieved that you showed no signs of wanting to perform rituals for him.
He allowed you to join him at his table and provided you with your very own cup of coffee! (If coffee isn't up to your taste, he's more than happy to supply you with anything else. Well, anything that the Foundation will allow).
Your relationship with Cthulhu got stronger as he invited you to join him in his many video games. Be it horror, indie, action, survival, or RPG, he's happy to be able to play with someone who views him only as a friend.
"You know, I'm happy you're different. It's nice that I can finally interact with someone without them flashing their cloaca at me."
"... Do I even want to know?"
As time passed, you two got to know more and more about each other. It took Cthulhu some time to open up after the "Massy's Big Chance" incident. You found out that Cthulhu had run away from home when his dad wouldn't stop projecting his sex cult on him. Yikes. You comforted him the best you could.
However, when he really started to like you (platonically) was the time when his worshippers broke into his cell again, and he found out that you weren't just a regular human.
This time, he was in the shower, and you were the unfortunate one to fall victim.
Cue in 3 naked, sex-crazed humans.
"What the actual fuck... How did you three get in here??" You had a newspaper in your hands and were sitting at his place at the table.
They spared you no less than a glance and made their way toward the bathroom.
"Uh, the hell? You can't go in th-"
You made the mistake of grabbing onto one of the humans' arms, and they quickly pulled out a knife and stabbed your arm.
You shrieked, alerting Cthulhu. Although being immortal, you could still feel pain, and god did this hurt like a bitch.
Cthulhu came rushing out, grabbing his follower's attention.
"Oh, great one! We've come to liberate you!"
He paid no mind to them, his focus was on you and your bleeding arm. Which didn't look well in his follower's eyes.
"Oh, sweet Alagadda! Are you oka-" He started to make his way towards you when one of his followers jumped in front of him.
"But first, we'll start with a sacrifice!"
"This one will do!"
One of the humans grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back. He raised his knife, and before he could reach your neck, he got sucker punched into a wall by Cthulhu. Really unexpected considering Cthulhu's nature.
He scooped you up in his arms, not letting anyone touch you till the Task Force arrived with medics.
"Don't worry... I just so happen to be immortal…" Your voice strained and weak as you tried not to pass out from the blood loss.
You ended up fainting anyways.
"Never thought you could actually hit someone."
You sat on the floor, leaning against Cthulhu's shoulder. Your arm was tightly bandaged, despite your protests.
He sighed. "Neither did I... Must've been the adrenaline."
Cthulhu was still annoyed that you hadn't told him earlier about your immortality.
"To be fair, you never asked."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm just glad you're safe."
He smiled in his own unique way and you returned the gesture. You two spent the afternoon playing Animal Crossing together and blabbering about anything that crossed your minds.
That day, Cthulhu promised himself to protect you at all costs. Perhaps, one day, when he's "older" you two will live together in a house. Playing all the video games possible and away from anyone that could tear you two apart. ──────────────────────── Cites: “SCP-2662 - SCP Foundation.” The SCP Foundation, 15 March 2023, https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2662. (Official info on SCP-2662)
“SCP-2662 | Heroes Wiki | Fandom.” Heroes Wiki, https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/SCP-2662. (Additional info on SCP-2662)
Bierman, Ed. “Skeeve Online - SCP Foundation.” The SCP Foundation, 15 December 2022, https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/skeeve-online. (Massy's Big Chance incident)
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newkatzkafe2023 · 4 months
What If Male (Y/N) it's seriously and badly hurt in the battle but Male (Y/N) continue to fight the enemy.
"how wonder the Monkey king react$
No Because he finds one of his enemies Fighting you and you look like you Is went through hell and back And you're still on your feet and fighting back was at that moment the Monkey king Saw black.☠️☠️☠️☠️
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(Lmk Wukong) Usually people see red but no he saw black. The audacity of this demon to go in attack his dearest husband. You look so sexy in your Savage predator Mind but he couldn't even enjoy it because you were so injured. That demon and yourself saw the old him the old sun Wukong. The last of the demons that attacked you. It was just you and your injuries looking a bit shocked. But you asked him if he was all right. He said he was never better once You heal up from your wounds he's gonna show you how much he loves you.
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(HIB Wukong) He was also triggered by what he saw. You were injured beyond your usual Scuffles and you're still on your two feet fighting to protect yourself and home. Wukong Has never been so angry and his entire f*cking immortal life. He got so angry that he didn't even know He was transforming into his armor and the next thing You know Is that demon was no more. There was nothing left of your assailant But you did see your husband decked out of his armor he looked so cute but You have to calm him down before he levels the village. So you got his detention by saying that you can use some help with your Bandages That should keep him busy. And he's got a reason to touch your muscles
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(NR Wukong) Oh heeeeeeelllllllllllllll No. He came home ready to grant you some loving after some rather sexy Text messages. Just to see some soon to be dead motherf*cker attacking his husband. The Nerve the audacity this guy clearly had a f*cking deathwish. You would continue to fight if it wasn't for Your husband strayed up murdering the demon out of pure unadulterated rage. You were ready to have to calm him down When he was done and that he stormed to you Just to shove his tongue down your Throat well then😳😳😳
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) Oh that demon is dead, he is a dead motherf*cker, a dead man walking. You don't ever in your short life attack his husband for any g****** reason. Because that is the quickest way for him to lose. All control and recent granted knows you can take care and hold off your own. But he just can't help but see pitch black. When somebody has the audacity to go and hurt you the way you are now. So after giving that demon the worst not out to leaving the Earth. He was quietly cuddling up against your bruised up chest with blood on his hands. There's a good chance that he's also looking in your face. But it's not like you mind in the first place.
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(Netflix Wukong) He becomes an absolute monster. Who the f*ck do you think you are? Who The f*ck are you to go anywhere near his husband? And how the f*ck are you to Have the sheer audacity to attack HIS KING?!?!?! Savagely attacks the demon who hurts you like that. And he didn't even give him a quick death. He took his sweet time torturing the hell out of the A**hole, who caused you so much pain when he wasn't even there to help or protect you. They're also may have been tears in his eyes because he couldn't help remember seeing all of those scratches and bruises on you, He was so sure that you were going to die And he lost control just thinking about it. After he's done, he quickly brings you home to patch up all of your bruises while kissing You promising that he will protect you with his life. I guess it's time for him to give you that immortality. Peach he once told you about.
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roseblancheenfleurs · 3 months
Untold Story Of Magic ✨
Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Nsfw Content, Slight Degradation, later aged characters, fanfiction, toxic, rivals to lovers to enemies to spouses 😌,Muggle insult, cursing by underage etc.
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"Stop it sneaky snake" You frustratingly call out the black haired boy who has snatched away your notebook. Now reading all your doodles on the back side with a sly smirk as he has a bunch of secrets in his hands.
He didn't seemed to respond to your insult.
"Thomas Marvolo Riddle" You called out the future dark lord , your rival.
You are Y/n S/n , a student at the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. You are muggle quite a special afterall the sorting hat asked you to choose your own House from Slytherin and Gryffindor because you were both truthful and loyal with high ambitions with necessary scheming.
Wanting to preserve the name of your very past ancestor Godric Gryffindor, you choose the house of the lion throwing major insult to the half blood and pure blood of the Slytherin (as if there were so willing to accept a muggle 🙂).
This made you a respected figure in the Gryffindor house and also earned you a major rival Tom Marvolo Riddle, the direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the future dark lord.
Both of you have been for every single thing . From the last cup of butter beer to the first position at the end of the session.
Like two poles of earth have the climate in common similarly you two also had a habit of sneaking into the library. But unaware of each other until the Sunday night 6 months ago.
"Is the coast clear, Puchi?" You whispered to your pet cat who has the major responsibility of accompanying you everywhere even washroom.
"Meow", the furry creature run through the corridor to the library door.
And you followed with dangling lantern flickering in your hand.
Even though having special permission from Headmaster Dippet, you were advised to go their secretly for the other students to not to break the curfew protocol.
You reached the door where you cat waited for you to open the door and she would feast on some mices.
You twisted the knob and was about to open the door a hand stopped doing so by helding your hand. Like brave lion you didn't screamed instead gripped your wand to obliviate the sudden intruder. You turned back only to feel someone's lips on yours.
It's Tom standing behind and you kissed him.
"WTF" you both cursed rubbing your lips harshly.
Congrats you have kissed you rival.
Also your blood enemy. 🤣
And from that possibly the doom started (For you specially). Having very conservative thoughts Tom was persistent about marrying you as you took his first kiss.
"But we are freaking kids 🙂" You were so done and had enough of this rascal pestering you having a good talk to boys around you, stalking you, stealing your quils and handkerchief (literally you mother is scolding you why you needed 50 handkerchiefs in less than a month).
Born from the affects of amortenia, The way of confessing is a bit different from others. Teasing, ruining your drawings, sneaking wrong ingredient in the potion and many more if someone else was in your place they would have been leave Hogwarts days ago because of the extreme level of torturing.
To his teasing you gave savage answers, restored you hard work by magic spells, adding the neutralizing ingredient to the potion to save progress.
It went well, you loved this challenges.
Until one day you found Tom bullying your childhood male best friend and you slapped him across the face which echoed through the whole hall. Everyone will fear stared at Tom who grabbed your wrist thinking he would twist it painfully only to see him placing a kiss on the back. Rubbing it on his wounded cheek.
"You hands are so soft just as I imagined" he said like a professional creep.
"It's enough I wanna go home" That's your only thought. You later confronted him in the library .
"What do you want, Riddle?"
You smacked him across the face.
"Date me"
If it saved your friend from his hand that's what you did .
Breaking News!
The world is on the verge of End Tom and Y/n are dating.
It was printed on the monthly magazine of Hogwarts containing important updates.
Even professors were shocked seeing Tom apologizing to your friend in the hall full of students.
At first you were cold to him but due to gentleman gestures it didn't take long for you to fall for him.
He was already madly in love with you.
Every secret... his world domination plan, The story of his heartless birth father and incompetent mother everything he told you. You didn't supported the plan of his word domination but he was persistent that he would dominate the world and you would be his lady, The lady of the great dark lord. He reasoned that in that position you could get everything you wish for but all in vain.
"Damn it why would you take to support our love?" He yelled.
That day you were already in a bad mood, Extra classes, extra homework didn't got enough sleep last night accompanied by the depressing period hormones.
"Let's break up" and you walked away that was the last time you saw Tom.
It's like he never existed, you graduated from Hogwarts with flying colours.
From a muggle to a powerful and prestigious witch .
You had a great contribution to the magic world numerous effective and easy spells.
New books, new wand cores, there wasn't a single field left.
Sucess fame and fortune you earned it all.
But it was too tiring.
You moved to a deep forest away from human civilization with your parents and cat.
Deep inside the jungle you constructed a luxurious castle to lavishly spend the rest of your days.
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Chirp! Chirp!
Two sparrows are playing on the balcony railing.
Wind blows fluttering the curtains revealing a figure sitting on the whitewood table designing a new magical device.
It's You, The powerful muggle witch currently 53 years old.
Hoooo! A messenger owl comes to deliver you the latest daily prophet .
You leave the rest of your work taking a short break keeping yourself updated for the new world.
The first two headlines that caught your eyes
Lily And James Potter Found Dead!
Sirius Black,The Traitor.
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, Keep it Short: Immortal!Reader being the reason why everything started.
You guys may have seen the reblogs of my asks with @missglaskin last night. And that whole thing made me have a small idea, so this is it. Not gonna be long, this is just to distract myself from studying a bit.
T.W: Mentions of Death, Obsession that caused the whole plot of Aegon's Conquest, and spoilers maybe.
Tags: @rosaryos
"I will marry you, only if you reunite the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros and become it's King."
Oh, how you regret such words.
But after living for so long and having this Valyrian boy running after you just to have you as his 3rd wife, you had to get some fun out of it, giving him some challenge and see how it goes.
You never expected him to actually do it, actually, it was an absurd idea. Who in their sane minds would try to conquer an entire continent?
Him, Aegon Targaryen. He would cross every limit just for you to be his wife, he fought every lord and army just for you, he burned Dorne, not just for his dear Rhaenys, but to prove to you the depth of his love and devotion.
You realize your mistake, this man was out of line and now everything was burning in your name. You caused this, you had to run and hide before he-
"My love, it's finished...I did just as you asked of me."
Behind you, there was he, in all his glory, waiting for you. You won't turn him down now, right? After all, he did this for you.
A/N: And this is it, if the reader escaped and disappointed The Conqueror is up to you, thanks for reading!
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rouecentric · 2 years
IMAGINE being isekai'd in genshin as an immortal orphan teenager.
you were tired of the condescending and mean glares that the sages from the akademiya gave you your entire life, as the greater lord rukkhadevata "died" and sumeru was in a period of chaos because of it.
so you ran. ran more than you ever though you would in this life.
eventually, you almost passed out, reaching the fields and mountains of liyue, stranded alone with no help.
of course, as someone who survived alone and remembers their past life, you managed, you also found a small family that took you in, a farmer and his seamstress wife, they had a young daughter, she was at the very least three years old.
with your intellect and memories, you were used to gardening and farming, growing enough for a month and selling your own personally grown stuff to repay the kindness the family gave you. stardew valley and minecraft core if you ask me
you also got a job! shocking, i know, but you became a chef, as in your prior life you had an unexplainable love for cooking and baking.
because of the mora you got, you wanted to make an offering for the adepti that protected liyue, well, you mostly wanted to see xiao but shhh
for the offering, you made almond tofu and a hand crafted doll, leaving it at a shrine built for the adepti. the doll being blessed to have good dreams or at the very least relax the person who held the doll.
what you didn't know, was that because of you, xiao's favorite food became almond tofu and kept the doll you made.
the few following days after, you finally met xiao, as the boy walked around after a fight, multiple bruises and wounds laying on his body. and obviously, you wanted to patch him up, but he tried to refuse. key word: tried.
you weren't going to let the damn guy move on with those nasty wounds on his body bother him, so with stubborness and a little bit of almond tofu, you got to patch up his wounds.
he promised to pay you back, with it being him protecting you from the shadows whenever you'll be in liyue.
of course, you only requested him to hang out with you in the farm at least once two weeks. he hesitantly complied. he still didn't stop watching you from the shadows though
zhongli was curious of the "mortal" that patched up xiao when he came back to him, as both of them know that he doesn't patch them up.
so he observed you. well... observing is an understatement, he was practically stalking you, a trenager that helped an adepti.
after some weeks, xiao hesitantly lets zhongli finally meet you.
for the first time since the archon war, it was.. peaceful with you. like a fresh breeze of air while drinking a warm cup of tea with your favorite person.
the three of you became close, but things always have to happen.
while zhongli was mourning guizhong, you seemingly dissapeared from liyue, only leaving a jade necklace behind.
zhongli and xiao mourned the loss of one of the most important people in their lives together.
you weren't kidnapped or anything, you just resignated from your job and left liyue after talking about it to the family that took you in all those months ago.
they were sad, yes, but they knew you needed freedom and had a right to leave, so they accepted it, the three of them giving you three seperate gifts, an empty journal, a travelling outfit, and a small photo of all four of you together.
you soon after left for mondstadt.
of course, you still wanted to be a chef, so you may or may not have made a moving stand on wheels.
because of that, you were titled by your customers "little chef".
you travelled from mondstadt to sumeru, fontaine, inazuma, shneznaya and natlan back and forth, acquainting yourself with various people from all over teyvat.
of course, after a few decades, you met the traveler and her/his companion, paimon.
with the feeling of pity and multiple connections from all over teyvat, you declared yourself as lumine's/aether's unofficial guide, temporarily closing your moving restaurant to help him/her.
let's just hope that zhongli and xiao aren't mad at you for leaving liyue, though! :)
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 2 years
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Who needs physical restraints when you can just keep your whumpee immobile from constant blood loss?
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princessanonymous · 4 months
Welcome to my blog !
I mostly write platonic yandere stuff. There isn't a lot right now, but check it out to see if you might like something ;)
Original work
When Night Comes (Platonic Yandere Vampire & Reader )
Harry Potter
Perfectionist (Platonic Yandere Death & Harry Potter)
Ah, Look Up At All The Puppeteers (Platonic Yandere Death & Harry Potter)
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
Imagine pairing Devlin with an even OLDER immortal darling. Imagine
Ooo, one that avoids relationships due to how ancient they are- They've seen the dawn and end of many things, plus they struggle to keep up with the changes times. Devlin suddenly has a different attitude towards the old man allegations when they wander into town. He may not have been around as long as them, but he's definitely up there in years. If anyone can relate to Darling's problems it's none other than him. Maybe Darling is a recluse as well since they've grown tired of watching everyone around them fade away, and Devlin takes it upon himself to bring them out of their shell-
"C'mon, babes - just gimme a chance. Think about it - there's nobody else like us out there. We gotta be soulmates!"
"I am flattered, truly, but I'm afraid I'm just too old for you."
"Too old?! Ha - Baby, I'm in my triple digits! I've been around longer than cellphones!"
"Triple? Cute. By now I've lost count of my age...."
"Damn! You really have been around for a while.... It don't matter. Just means you got a lot to teach me - just like I got a lot I can show you. Immortality is a lot less lonely when you got someone to spend it with."
"...You may be right about that...."
"I know I am. So why we don't get your cute ass into some clothes that don't make you look like you just stepped out of the 17 century, and go out for once?"
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arsonlookers · 5 hours
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am I the only one? why are there no people talking about this crazy fox? like my second male lead syndrome is kicking in OMG😭 HELP, this fox might be the death of me, I dont know he is like bruh stay away from be also want him so BAD😭
He is Shiho Baek from A not so fairy tale also known as Extroversion of an Immortal
Guys hear me out ok MY reasons why this Fox is just damn Hot
and reason to read the manwha :]
One: He is a yandere [dont tell me other wise read the manwha, damn he is so crazy in and I LOVE how crazy he is!]
Two: He is so cute and Hot at the same time! like I do like foxes [call out childe here and aven hahaha] he IS A NINE-TAILED FOX!! come on 😭
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please he is so cute!!😭
four: His eyes, his lips, his everything!!! I WANT HIM BAD!! 😭 I don't care if he is bat shit crazy or masochist at some point I just FIND HIM SO ATTRACTIVE 😭
Five: I tell you the main characters are damn HOT like even the female lead She man not be that great of a person but she has a understanding point and reasons why she like that dont hate her.SHE SO COOL!!
but where here to talk about him
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seventh: GUys....he is not a bad guy, he just wants love😭 provide him love, provide him all love come on the love he knows is just twisted and sad, I cant😭
eight: spoiler: there is one part of the manwha where he said he just prayed and prayed for FL's pain to go away or how he is ok to be chocked, slapped, tied up, as long as FL dont suffer or make that sad suffering face anymore 😭 can you hate him?
Ninth: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why sad??? why trauma?
tenth: The manwha is still ongoing but I just feels 😭 I dont know The FL is so sad and the Ml is also Sad and the second fox baby is also sad
P.S. Whoever the hell is the woodcutter I will cut him with my bare hands if its not because of him maybe all of this will not happen because he just makes everyone suffer after a thousand years😭 the hell you are! I will cut you!!
if the Fl don't need or love him I can... I CAN FIX HIM!! I WOULD LOVE TO FIX HIM!!!
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He is the PERFECT specimen my comrades who love Yandere men *wink wink* he so attached and so down come on if you love to choke him he is down bad *wink wink* he would love that hehehe
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he also reminds me of someone SIYUN BAEK bastard i love him too
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imkumichan · 2 years
Yandere PM!Dazai Osamu x Darling with Ajin Demi-Human ability
Ajin: Ability that allows the user to be unable to die under any circumstances, such as being completely crushed, decapitated, or even due to malnutrition. Only begin to heal after dying or “resetting” otherwise their injuries will not heal immediately and will only heal at a natural rate. This ability can also create an IBM or Black Ghost (an entity which is manifested can mostly use for combat purposes which cannot be seen by normal humans).
Warning : implied double suicide.
Thinking of Yandere PM!Dazai with a darling who has Ajin ability. I personally think he would enjoy this very much. Having a darling who literally can not die unless he was touching you if you were going to 'reset'? Dazai would absolutely won't hesitate to do anything to you, and he gets turned on easily everytime he gets reminded that he is the only one who can really kill you. Your life is his.
His punishments are usually more into a sexual punishment, but if he feels he wants to play for a little, you would probably will lose a limb or two before he killing you so you can 'resetting'.
Being a Port Mafia member who works directly under Dazai means you're actually work for Dazai. He knows the limit of your ability and what you are capable of, but it doesn't means he will hold back his desires to see you crumble before him.
Even after he left the Mafia and joined ADA he will find a way to torment you. You might not see him every single day like before. But he will gladly remind you that he is the only one who can decides when you will die. Dazai won't say it, but he always picturing you both dying together in each other arms.
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lopsushi · 2 years
Ok so uh this is actually a question on the Yandere Wukong so... Unlike Macaque and Wukong, MK isn't immortal. Is Wukong gonna force MK to eat an immortal peach?
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So to answer the question of Wukong forcing Mk to eat an immortal peach. He would try to force him but Macaque always interferes and smacks it away. He always stop Wukong from doing that and of course Wukong sworn to never hurt Macaque again so he would stop. He doesn’t want to anger his beloved Moonlight.
Also nope! The monkeys are his subjects, he wouldn’t harm them at all. He may be crazy and possessive but he ain’t no monster.
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alannybunnue · 1 year
Ok, Keep it Short: Immortal!Reader being the reason why everything started: Last Part
Sorry for the delay, i went to a long ride of burn out(i guess), didn't really have the inspiration to continue writing on my own. But i will try my best, this is supposed to be the last part of this mini series, since this will keep going on and on...
Tags: @rosaryos - @haven-is-happy
It's an endless cycle.
You tried, you know you did.
Only if you knew that Targaryens were persistent, that each and all of them would keep you trapped in this room, where no one but them could find you.
Each more insane than the other, you even remember their names...
That dammed man kept hunting you even after DEATH! They were all different, but the name was like a curse that drags you to wherever hell that man was locked into!
You couldn't take it anymore, and you did try, you tried to make it stop.
The scars in your wrists are the proof of it...no, you are not proud of them, you just wanted it to stop, but your curse kept you alive.
The new man that visits your chambers is the second boy named Aerys. You remember the first one, a boy desperate to conceive a child and thought that you were the answer.
This one is different, his insanity escalated to another level, his ways of using you were...flammable to say the least. You didn't feel much pain, after all, what's the use for pain if you are not going to die.
This went on for years, you got used to it...my, even admire it.
The fire, of course, not the man, he was a pig like all the others.
One day, you had been awaken by the sounds of discord, something you were familiar with. You tried to analyze the sounds and for some reason, you opened the door that locked you for centuries, no guards, nothing.
You were free.
You were finally fucking free.
You ran around the Red Keep, trying to find some sort of exit, desperate to get out, for this might be your only chance.
And then you found...him
Aerys, lying on the ground, dead.
The Targaryens were dead.
You saw a man standing by his corpse, but before you could do anything, a hand covered your mouth and dragged you away.
Everything goes black
Once you wake up again, one more time, you find yourself in those chambers, once again, you were locked.
The door opens again, a new man appears, he has the features that remind you of that targaryen bastard, Orys Baratheon.
He wore a crown, meaning he was King...and you were his.
His to savour
His to love
For all eternity
The blood of the Dragon indeed runs thick.
A/N: And cut, i wrote this before breakfast so i don't know if it's good enough, but i truly hope you enjoyed.
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