#yeonjun fic
hyewka · 6 months
idk if you’ve done this but fwb yeonjun who gets jealous of you being too friendly with other men
warnings; fwb, semi public, a little toxic, not proofread
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“Why does Yeonjun keep staring at you? Wait no…glaring at you. Girl. What. Have. You. Done.”
You groan, squeezing your eyes shut, deciding to drown out your thoughts by finishing your drink in one swig. This entire party you’ve been trying to ignore it. His weirdly possessive behavior.
Throwing his hand over your shoulder and snuggling you closer to him than usual, “accidentally” introducing himself as your boyfriend, then the accident turns into an “inside joke” where he just keeps introducing himself as your boyfriend like its the most hilarious thing ever—it’s all too obvious.
But then it’s not.
Not when you decide to look over at him, only to find that his arms are wrapped around a new girl. You roll your eyes. “I fucked him Yunjin. That’s what I did.”
You expect the gasps in horror and “I told you to stay away from him”, “he’s literally a manwhore!” but Yunjin only rolls her eyes making you blink rapidly in shock. “What? I already know you guys are fuckbuddies babe, that doesn’t explain why he’s been attached to your hip the past three hours. Until, well, now.”
You snap your fingers. “You noticed it too right? It’s weird! It feels like he’s jealous but then he goes and sucks another girls face right in front of me—God.” You cut off your tyrant as you feel the sudden urge to vomit watching the girl and Yeonjun get more and more handsy right across from you.
You don’t miss Yunjin’s mutter as she drags your hopeless ass away from the scene, “Fucking manwhore.”
Of course the pious Choi Yeonjun, lining up with his behavior the entire night, pulled you by the wrist to a quote secluded area at the party. It’s dark but not entirely…private.
Yet you always fall back into it, you’re always in his arms, despite the setting, not anyone else’s despite being far from exclusive. It’s not your fault he finds you when you’re most horny. Which is why he has you pinned against the wall as he fucks you with the same, if not more eagerness in him.
“Shh baby, we don’t want an audience now do we?” he whispers, taking the lead—you blink away tears, slightly making out the dyed hair had plastered onto his forehead.
You nod frantically as his hand pressed over your mouth, no doubt smudging your lipstick, slowly slips. You squeeze your eyes shut when he rolls his hips against you, thrusting sharply into you, making you slightly jolt up against the wall.
“No, no don’t shut up completely, wanna hear you. Moan my name princess. Only for my ears.” he slurs, the tipsiness evident in his voice.
“Yeonjun.” you gasp for air, “Yeonjun—no, f-fuck.”
“What?” he breathes, busying himself with pressing kisses all over your neck, stably holding you up against the wall with his arms, pressing his body flush against yours.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
It’s like he didn’t expect the sudden aggression, pausing his hungry attack to your neck for a second—until you feel his lips curl up into what you assume to be a smile against your skin again. He’ll always be a cocky prick.
You feel his breath fan, as he picks up a more rhythmic speed. “Hm?” he hums, like he’s innocent. Sly fox.
You scratch at his back, curling his shirt’s fabric into your hand, breath hitching the more he hits a spot, like he’s brutally digging into your cervix. “Don’t—don’t act dumb. Pulling me away like a child from Juyeon like that was so-” suddenly, he drives his cock further, having your body bounce like a fucking ragdoll. It’s like he’s trying to shut you up.
“It was so—mmf-embarrassing.” you manage to mewl, trying not to let yourself fall into a headspace.
“Aw. Was it?” he mocks, scoffing, hand slipping down to rub at your clit, making your legs weak like jelly all the more as they tremble to keep wrapped around his waist. “You know what’s embarrassing? Everyone knowing you’re mine yet you still having the audacity to whore yourself out.”
You gasp, scandalized—though the shock doesn’t linger on for too long—not when he’s practically splitting you open.
He hides his face between the junction of your neck and shoulder, suddenly biting down having your body jolt in pain— you let out a string of hissed curses. “Laughing at every dumb joke Juyeon makes? You know he’s not even that funny right?”
His tongue licks, then he sucks, over and over again.
“God, and then slapping his shoulder, smiling at him like he’s the shit.” He dryly laughs, getting rough the faster he rubs, “So fucking annoying.”
It’s like he knows what you’re going to say, and he’s trying his absolute hardest from getting you to say it, so he immediately presses his lips against yours, your moans drowned out against his. It’s sloppy, but he doesn’t stop. He kisses you, again and again and again, finding your hands to intertwine with his, pinning it against the wall. It’s so…oddly intimate.
You don’t get it, you don’t. The last time you had seen him, he was about to fuck a girl right then and there for all to see then the next he’s pulling you away like an angry boyfriend who caught his girlfriend cheating.
In fact, this isn’t even the first time. Hes always acted like a boyfriend, so much so everyone was sure you guys were together for a period of time before he was off fucking some other bitch again.
It …pisses you off.
Your orgasm washes over you, the tightening finally snapping as you finally get to breathe, heaving, seeing white as you catch your breath while simultaneously feeling Yeonjun cum in you, again. Was that the issue? Letting him keep doing that? Was that your first mistake?
“Fuck, that was nice.” He says, out of breath, staying inside for a couple more seconds before finally slipping out of you.
But you’re out of it, staring at the ground. “Hey, you good?” he asks, as he pulls up his pants. “Want me to get tissues real qui-”
“Yeonjun. We’re not exclusive.”
He pauses for a second.
Then, he laughs, buckling his jeans, “No shit?”
“So…why do you act like we are?”
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note: lol has anyone noticed how often i cut off with some dumbass cliffhanger 😭 yup thats just me not knowing how to end a fic properly ijbol forgive me 🙏🏼
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heart2beom · 1 year
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pairing: bsf!yeonjun x reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, crack, little angst
synopsis: after yeonjun hears you referring to him as someone who's like a brother ...he tries his hardest to make you see him as a potential boyfriend.
or in which you're perplexed at all the movie hangouts your friend has been initiating.
warning: mature language, reader is assumed to be fem
notes: honestly, i always try to cut down the word count to make it more available for people who only read drabbles/blurbs but i just CANT. so here's another short oneshot T-T and as always, reblog to help the algorithm pick up on this :D
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yeonjun was confused walking back home -- no, the whole day, he was disturbed. the reason for this was yesterday...when he went to get drinks for both you and him at a frat party.
the crowds were insanely hard to get through (and it didn't help that people kept on stopping him to 'catch up' or whatnot) so it took him more than fifty minutes to come back with the drinks he promised to get.
but it looked like it was too late because the people you were surrounding yourself with when yeonjun was there...disappeared. instead, you're bundled up, alone in a corner, with a guy he does not know. which was already weird because yeonjun knew everybody, and that was enough reason for him to hurry his ass up through sweaty frat drunks and make sure the unknown guy isn't some sleazeball.
that time he wasn't aware that he rolled his eyes but he did conciously plan to squeeze himself into the conversation...and technically cockblock.
but when he neared you...that's when his world shattered...on more dramatic terms. it was more like his confidence was shot down to the deepest depths of hell.
"oh, yeonjun? pfft, he's like a brother!"
even though it was almost barely audible due to the blasting music, 'brother' to his ears were magnified -- the word circling through his head.
brother. brother?!
and as a result of this baffling situation, he had backed himself in an opposing corner with your cup in his right and his cup in his left, way further than you now, thinking of where did it go wrong?
he's never had someone friend-zone him -- for heavensake, he's yeonjun, he's aware of how attractive he is. but brother-zone? that was even worse of an attack!
it doesn't matter that you said it -- come on, that's barely the case. it's the fact that someone was so unattracted to him that he was seen as a sibling.
sure, you and yeonjun were a sort of bunch that have been together since... forever, really. seriously, you were friends since elementary -- when you joined the school, fourth grade, mindlessly kicking rocks at recess he approached you like the social butterfly kid that he was, asking you if you wanted to come play with his friends.
once he took another sip of the red cup in his right hand, the fruity punch being way too overbearing (just how'd you like it), he furrowed his brows together.
he definitely doesn't see you as a sister.
he'd have to admit that when middle school hit and his puberty was acting up around ...the seventh grade? he was convinced that he would eventually marry you like the way his parents were. a brother wouldn't have felt that way about his sister! normally that is...
granted, he mostly blamed that on the first strikes of puberty because right after middle school, he moved on from the thought -- completely abandoning his pre-puberty dreams, but that was besides the point!
he was getting nauseous from the sweetness of his drink and the further he thought about the way you thought of him, he felt that he would ruin the party by vomiting on someone.
his night was officially ruined. absolutely, fundementally, literally ruined.
and thats how he found himself unfocused on everything around him the next day, finally making the decision to consult with his roommates about this frankly, very big conundrum.
"you can't just purposefully leave out important details? like, how am i supposed to diagnose you properly bro?" beomgyu asked as he spammed the keys on his controller.
"you're not diagnosing me--" yeonjun exhaled, wanting to to keep the banter to the minimum in respect to the issue he's facing. "literally what do you think we're doing right now?"
"i'm going to be completely honest and say ...i have no idea-- shit, what the fuck are you doing heeseung? jump! jump!" he yelled towards the big screen in front of him.
yeonjun groaned, turning his head to behind the couch. "soobin, it's not too late to help out your only friend!" he yelled out in hopes of it reaching the guy's bedroom.
and with no response, he turned back to watching the game beomgyu was playing. "god, you know how many times i gave that guy life changing advice on women?"
"and this is how he repays me?"
beomgyu nodded along to whatever yeonjun was mumbling about until the brunette magically connected dots and euphoric realization hit him. beomgyu almost scrambled around to completely face him this time, "hold on, hold on. yeonjun you lost me, are you having girl problems?"
to that, yeonjun rolled his eyes. "i wouldn't call it 'girl problems', that sounds like a problem soobin would have."
"uh-huh ...uh-huh. no, no yeah." beomgyu said nodding mindlessly to save the guy some face. "heeseung i'm logging off dude, yeonjuns got girl problems."
yeonjun just deadpanned to the back of the guys head, having no will to correct him.
he wanted to get the pending issue out of the way first.
it was more situated a few minutes later. instead of beomgyu sitting on the floor criss crossed, leaned on the couch yeonjun was sitting on, beomgyu was now sitting on the chair next to the couch, his elbows on his knees, brows deeply furrowed.
and not to forget yeonjun's pen and paper in hand.
"so... you're trying to get a girl to like you?"
"not like. i want her to see me as someone she would want as a boyfrie--" when he saw beomgyus brow raising up as to say 'whats the difference' he cleared his throat. "yea, basically."
"don't you know how to do that though?"
he shrugged, "it's different this time."
"trust me, it's very different."
"okay but how?"
"you'd be the last person i'd ask for an interrogation beomgyu, that'd be a task for like... taehyun or something."
"i'm sorry that i need to understand my client first--"
"i am not your client" yeonjun said, rolling his eyes.
"what's going on here?", yeonjun turned his head to see soobin behind the kitchen island, scooping himself some icecream.
"dude, where were you when i needed you?", yeonjun asked.
"me and yj are holding a dating therapy session."
yeonjun turned his head to beomgyu, "again, it's not a therapy sessio--"
"you're getting dating advice from beomgyu?" soobin asked, his face scrunched up doubting if it really got this bad.
and back to soobin. "when you say it like that.." "soobin can you please leave yeonjun alone? he's in a very vulnerable state right now"
then beomgyu again. "i'm seriously going to beat you up." he said, biting his bottom lip and raising his fist against his roommate. beomgyu immediately jumps dramatically, shielding himself with his arms up.
"see? he's getting violent!"
soobin finally plopped on the couch next to yeonjun with his cup of icecream. "explain it to me, maybe i can help you out."
"i'll save you the trouble, he's not explaining for whatever reason--"
"a girl said that i'm like a brother to her." yeonjun reluctantly mumbled.
a wave of silence hit the dorm, for a minute yeonjun thought they just didn't hear him and to be completely honest, he was about to thank the gods because he regretted saying anything the moment he did, but that thought was immediately shot down when both sides of his ears were being blasted by humiliating laughter.
soobin got up, patting yeonjun's shoulder as reassurance, still laughing. "yeah, good luck with that hyung."
"okay, it's not even that bad--"
"dude, not even cha eunwoo would survive the sibling zone." beomgyu said, a hard reality check for yeonjun. "though hyunbin might.." he mumbled to himself. yeonjun caught it though, but it didn't matter. yeonjun was no hyunbin.
"fuck." he breathed out, the utensils he was holding had lesser grip on them as he just stared into nothingness. beomgyu was right. he's forever stuck as a brother in your eyes.
but then a ring of his phone snaps him out of it.
when he checks the id, his ambition is restored almost immediately for whatever reason; it was you.
"yo why are you smiling?", beomgyu said trying to peep at yeonjun's phone, but yeonjun reflexes took over, and he immediately turned his phone off.
"beomgyu, don't you think i kind of resemble hyunbin?" he said with a head tilt and an overconfident smirk, talking like he just had an epiphany.
"the one from crash landing on you? uh no."
yeonjun jumped from the couch a new man, his pen and paper in one hand and his ringing phone on the other. he finally faced beomgyu as the man he was, choi motherfucking yeonjun. "i gotta answer this call...and also, if you ask anybody who my celebrity doppelganger is, everyone would proudly say its hyunbin dumbass."
then yeonjun left with a smile and a surge of new confidence overtaking his face as he spoke away on the phone with you, while beomgyu was left in the living room more than confused as he looked up the actor on his phone.
instead of finding the difference, beomgyus brain was tasking him into finding the similarities...which, there was one to yeonjun's credit.
black hair.
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"when are the others coming?" you asked looking around the crowded floor as yeonjun was buying popcorn and drinks. "the movies about to start.." you mumbled, checking your phone for the hundredth time.
"oh, i guess its just me and you again." he said with the popcorn and bottle of coke finally in his arms.
"again? don't you think this is getting suspicious?" you said as you walked alongside yeonjun, not noticing the way yeonjun just gulped.
you stopped in your tracks, in turn yeonjun bumping into your back a little, a few popcorns dropping on the floor.
"hey...you don't think.." you furrowed your brows, in deep thought. this has been on your mind for a while now. "you don't think they're trying to set us up or something do you?"
after the third time your friends stood you and yeonjun up, you were starting to think they were pushing, what they called, the 'ynjun' agenda..but it was the first time you'd ever bring it up to yeonjun, so you just laughed it off -- scolding your friends will come on a later date.
"nevermind, lets go inside the movie theatre jun."
"ya' y/n, wait."
you turned around to an awkward standing yeonjun at first, but he immediately straightens up and clears his throat, with a smile you've grown so attached to -- the smile that reached his eyes. for something so simple, it made your heart beat a little quicker than normal.
"can you hold the coke for a sec? i'm trynna--i'm trynna do something."
you break into a light laugh, "um, okay." that snapped you out of it because you remember who he was again -- your platonic best friend.
you took the cola bottle off his right arm, expecting him to take his phone out of his pocket to check something.
but as you stared at your sneakers, checking if they're untied, you felt his hand on top of your head, which startled you.
you looked up to meet yeonjuns eyes, a brow raised.
before you could say anything, he ruffled the top of your hair gently, leaning towards you a bit, to shorten the height difference.
"y/n, let this be our first date." your platonic best friend's voice, so warm and gentle you thought you would only hear in dreams, said those words...to you.
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"so you asked her out on a date but you don't even like her...? that doesn't make any sense." soobin said, sitting on the couch watching beomgyu hog up the tv screen, his use time running out.
"bros an asshole..but i feel like we knew that already-- fuck you heeseung. you fucking suck ass you need to get off my team." beomgyu yelled.
"okay, first of all, it's not that bad. she doesn't like me at all, plus the date was how we would usually hung out anyway."
soobin just shook his head -- being the only guy with a functioning moral compass amongst the people he called his friends was exhausting.
as soon as he was about to lecture yeonjun, the tv timer goes off -- and that makes his plan a fleeting thought.
"it's my turn now, throw me the remote."
"bro give me a second, let me finish this gam--"
"no! unplug your console." soobin yelled impatiently, he knew better than to let beomgyu go over the timer again.
beomgyu groaned, abandoning heeseung in the game and unplugging his console. when soobin got control of the tv and opened up netflix, beomgyu stood up to sit next to yeonjun -- who had gotten a notification from you.
"yj, who's the chick? you never told us."
"uh, you don't really know her." he mindlessly answered, focused on the messages from you.
[y/n, 9:16 pm] that serenade ..as cringe as it was.. [y/n, 9:16 pm] like lets be serious, there was NO reason for u to get on top of the cafeteria table lol
he hadn't yet told his roommates what he did this morning, thinking that he'd get a longer lecture by soobin.
but he had took inspiration from the movie you guys were watching the other night at the cinema. you talked his ear off about how romantic it was, how you would fall at the feet of dicaprio if he did the same to you..
he was no dicaprio, but he could try is what he thought. and though you forced him to get down half way through, he could still enjoy sharing the laughter, your laughter, that was ringing in his ear.
[yeonjun, 9:17 pm] as cringe as it was...? you're in love w me ;)
he typed it as a joke, a smile tugging on his lips waiting for your reaction to his teasing.
but beomgyu hovered over his phone out of boredom again, and out of instinct yeonjun threw his phone -- the three chois looking at the phone on the floor in shock.
"bro, why are you being so secretive? were you sexting?" beomgyu yelled, accusatory.
"can we collectively have some decency in this house, jesus fucking christ beomgyu." soobin muttered.
"shut up church boy, yeonjun's hiding something for sure."
"or maybe he just wanted some privacy dude?" soobin retaliated.
yeonjun jumped up pointing at soobin, "exactly! exactly! listen to soobin, you were invading my personal space. so not cool beomgyu."
"yeah, okay. you've never agreed with me with this much enthusiasm before. he's hiding something. quick, check his phone." to soobins order, beomgyu was prepared to run to the phone when he made eye contact with the owner -- but yeonjun was quick.
"good god, wait wait. what do you want beomgyu--fuck, if you wanted her name it's y/n alright? the chick's y/n!" yeonjun doesn't do well under pressure, at all.
"what are you talking about--" beomgyu's face morphed into shock with his mouth agape. "--oh my fucking god. yeonjun, y/n's the chick? the one who brother zoned you?" beomgyu yelled.
"yeah...?" he said hesitantly.
"i can't--i just can't. soobin knock some sense into him." beomgyu turned away dramatically, shaking his head.
"yeonjun--" soobin started.
"dude, y/n has been in love with you for like a decade!" beomgyu blurted out, turning to face yeonjun again, interrupting soobin.
"uh..no? guys, i literally told you that she said she sees me as a brother. i saw her telling some guy that at the frat party last week."
beomgyu walked towards yeonjun, grabbing both of his shoulders, shaking him, "she. didn't. brother. zone. you. you stupid fuck!"
"she's been saying that to people because its so obvious that every time she tries moving on, she still likes you." soobin added in.
yeonjun, with his brows furrowed, tore beomgyu's hands off his shoulder -- walking towards his phone.
and it felt like a million thoughts were racing around his head the three seconds it took for him to get his phone, like a storm, a big tornado clouding his mind. but the most heavy was...how long? a fucking decade? and he never noticed?
he found it hard to swallow, almost nervous...that it was true.
the two other chois were staring at him, exchanging glances.
and when he picked up his phone, it was like he feared.
his text was left on read.
yeonjun's roommates were right for once.
all the secret glances he'd catch, a smirk twitching on his face as he pretended not to see, all the times you'd practically asked him out -- he shot it all down subconsciously thinking it was nothing more than coincidences on top of coincidences.
"you know, i was thinking it was weird you freaked out so much about the brother thing. yunjin told you that right to your face like last month and you didn't say anything." beomgyu said as he let himself fall on the couch.
beomgyu was right, he didn't care when yunjin said it.
yeonjun looked at beomgyu, eyes confused. "so...what are you trying to say?"
"maybe you feel the same way...? god, do i have to spell it out for you every single time?" he said dramatically, groaning.
"okay yeonjun. drama's over, go do your walk of shame to your room." soobin said, getting comfortable on the chair again to watch the premier of his show.
"and reflect!" beomgyu shouted out as yeonjun went over to his room, obeying soobin with his phone tight in hand.
"what are we watchin?" beomgyu finally asked, soobin giving him a side eye in response.
"we? beomgyu, i'm not watching another show premier with you again."
"just because my commentary is too good doesn't mean you have to get all jealous--"
yeonjun bursts out of his room through the narrow hallway that lead to the main door, a coat hanging on his right arm as he hurriedly slipped on his sneakers.
it startled both of the guys on the couch, looking over at him with brows raised: what is yeonjun doing?
no one could get a word in, not even beomgyu, before he was totally out of sight.
only adrenaline was rushing through his veins as he shut the door behind him, putting his arms through his padded coat, and sprinting to the elevator -- frantically spamming the button to make him falsely hope the elevator would reach his floor any faster
it wasn't like he had to do something in the ten minutes his head thought he had left, no, it was the realization that had him acting in urgency he never thought he'd have for a girl. all of his stupidity dawning on him -- for fucksake, of course it mattered that you said he was like a brother, it was you.
and as he ran out the building -- his head felt dizzy, not because it was overwhelmed with thoughts, no, this time he only had a few but those were harder to manage his head.
did he ever give up on you in middle school?
did he ever move on from you in highschool?
did he really dump a dream, you -- the dream he had as a boy, with all the other dreams he never thought would happen?
when yeonjun was finally in front of your family house, the one you still chose to live in through your college experience, he moved to where'd he guess the window of your room was.
"y/n?" he shouted out with all the energy he could muster up. he had to bend over his knee to catch his breath, because he would shout your name again.
again, and again, and again.
blood rushed up to his cheeks, not because of the cold, because he was embarrassed -- what if you weren't even here?
he waited, staring up at the window which showed no sign of your room light being on.
but he wouldn't give up, he'd have to try something else.
yeonjun looked down at his feet, the absence of the sun being harder on his vision. there were no rocks, the only thing visible to his eyes were branch sticks which only made him hope that his aim was good enough to get your window a few times.
it wasn't.
when the last stick that he found hit a window that wasn't the one he was trying to aim at - he cursed under his breath, defeated. yeonjun concluded that this was a bigger fail than the fucking time he found out that he was flirting at a family--not a class, reunion.
he could just go back to his dorm and call you is what he thought as he exhaled, a fog escaping his lips into the cold, feeling even more of a loser.
"yeonjun?!" he turned around at the familiar voice calling out for him and his eyes widened, lighting up as they set on your face, finally out of the window, with your room light making it a little easier for him to see your features.
"y/n?" he shouted back, ecstatic.
"what are you doing out here?", you shouted the words slowly so he could pick it up. then add, "it's fucking cold!"
"i just wanted to know" he inhaled, the cold air burning his nostrils, "why you didn't answer my text!"
it was silent, yeonjuns lips agape waiting for a response.
"you're fucking insane!" you said laughs slipping between your words, yeonjun scoffs lightly, a wide smile on his face.
he put his hands up as walls to his mouth to echo his words louder, "for you!" he shouted out in response.
"shut the fuck up!" it was a distant yell, one you both assumed, as you met eye contact, was y/n's neighbors. and then you laughed again at the untimely part of it all.
when you turned away from the window, yeonjun found himself yearningly waiting for you to come back. hands that were in his pockets felt a vibration -- his phone.
he took it out just to see a notification from his, quite frankly, favorite person ever.
[y/n, 10:26 pm] lets talk on here lol
he looked up and saw you at the window again, with you waving your phone at him -- it earned a smile tugging once more, on the ends of his lips.
just how did he manage to ignore overwhelming feelings about you, of you, for the past decade?
[yeonjun, 10:27 pm] come down. i'm not gonna tell u this thru text [y/n, 10:27 pm] why not? [yeonjun, 10:27 pm] don't wanna [y/n, 10:28 pm] youre asking me to get out of my cozy ass room just bcs u dont wanna??
"yeah! basically dumbass!" he shouted, startling your poor self out of your focus on your phone. you glared at him, yeonjun most likely missing it.
[y/n, 10:28 pm] STOP DONT DO THAT THOSE PSYCHOS ARE GOING TO CALL THE COPS ON ME [yeonjun, 10:29 pm] ok then come down before i freeze my fingers off
when you slid your window closed, closing your curtains, he immediately turned to quickly run towards the front of your house. yeonjun leaned on the fence of your porch, smiling with thoughts of you clouding his mind, as he looked up at the moon.
it was all so cliché -- the type of scene his roommates would squeal over and one that he would roll his eyes to, but if he were to watch this part of his life, again and again -- the moment you opened the door, the moment you both exchanged looks that communicated 'we feel the same way don't we?', a short awkward laugh that was shared, the moment you hesitantly opened your mouth to say something -- and then, the final moment of his longing lips crashing onto yours, his cold hands warming up the moment he cupped your face, the repocracy from your side making him smile into the kiss, the euphoric realisation that he wasn't late, you didn't stop loving him yet, and when he cut the kiss short, both your lips barely apart, yeonjun whispered an i love you, and to it you smiled, pulling him into your house, to finish your kiss -- he would too, squeal over the scene, kicking his feet like a highschool girl.
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ending a/n: YOU FINISHED IT YAY :D yeonjun was lowk an asshole for wanting to lead on mc at first for his own benefit, but hes such a cutie im sorry, its easy to forgive T-T let me know what you feel about this piece, it was so fun to write!!
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rainbowhao · 3 months
fratboy yeonjun
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fratboy yeonjun who doesn't get deterred when you brush off his advances—something no sane-minded person has done thus far
fratboy yeonjun who follows you around like a lost puppy, carrying your backpack and walking you to your next lecture
fratboy yeonjun who learns that you're practically untouchable, that you keep to yourself and are a mystery to basicslly everyone on campus
fratboy yeonjun who doesn't take your wariness to heart and just wants to get to know you—at least, that's what he tells you
fratboy yeonjun who is sure you're a virgin and makes it his personal goal to be the person who changes that
fratboy yeonjun who has natural charm and can see the way he affects you when he brushes your waist or whispers in your ear
fratboy yeonjun who starts calling you baby and sweetheart and somehow the names feel so right spilling from his lips
fratboy yeonjun who teases you every chance he gets
"in the classroom? what if someone sees us?" he chuckles when you pull him through the doorway, loving the way you flush
"this tastes pretty good." he licks the lollypop he stole from your bag. "but you know what would taste better?"
he rubs his chest when you swat him. "ouch, baby. that hurt."
"wow. your hand is so small. look."
"you can always sit in my lap." his impractical solution when there's no seat
fratboy yeonjun who isn't afraid of physical contact and touches you whenever the opportunity strikes
fratboy yeonjun who miraculously convinces you to let him stay the night in your dorm room because he's too tired to walk back, who promises to be on his best behavior and do whatever you say
fratboy yeonjun who sneaks his way into your bed and eventually your heart, waking up to your bodies warm and entangled
fratboy yeonjun who quietly watches you get ready for class, making no attempt to leave even when he starts to get hungry
fratboy yeonjun who asks for you to share the chapstick you put on with zero expectation of you falling for his silly games
"you can try it, if you want."
fratboy yeonjun who is caught off guard when you sit next to him and shyly look at your lap, waiting for him to make the first move
fratboy yeonjun who kisses you with more gentleness than he knew possible, cupping your cheek and allowing you to test the waters
fratboy yeonjun who has your tummy heating with desire when he pulls you onto his lap, stroking your sides and murmuring sweet things in between kisses
fratboy yeonjun whose plans are completely thrown out the window when he finds himself falling for you
fratboy yeonjun who becomes the cliche, clingy boyfriend who can't go more than a few hours without seeing you
"does that feel good?" he asks, biting his lip at the sight of you below him. you shiver when his thumb brushes against you.
fratboy yeonjun who has far too much fun taking his sweet time when you so desperately need him
"tell me if it hurts, baby." he peppers kisses along your neck before slowly pushing inside. you both whimper at the feeling of him finally being inside, finally having you in a way no one ever has
fratboy yeonjun who unintentionally corrupts you after you find out just how good his head game is and can't think about anything else
fratboy yeonjun who is more than happy to eat you out anywhere, anytime, putting his sin-like lips to work all over your body
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choiwonder · 1 year
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tw/cw ༝ 0.6k wc, some profanity, new established relationship, lowkey fboy yeonjun, implies spending the night together, a little suggestive but not rlly, fluff!!, lots of teasing from yeonjun, he’s very much in love and clingy.
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“ow,” yeonjun attempted to turn in his sleep, stricken awake by the pain in his arm that made it difficult to move in the first place. his eyebrows furrowed upon the sting running up his arm. through each passing second he seemed to have lost the feeling in his limb and hastily opened his eyes in concern only to find the head of a stranger resting idly.
“the fuck?” he pulled his arm from under your head, showing no sympathy for the fact you were using his arm as a pillow. it was as you muttered harsh curse words under your breath that yeonjun began to realize that you were no ordinary stranger.
“what the fuck, yeonjun?” you groan, rubbing your face from the slight pain of it suddenly hitting the surface of his mattress.
the lips of the black haired male stretched into a smile, the sight of you in his bed, naked but covered elegantly by his sheets jogging his memory of last night's event that led to this fine morning.
you were his first.
the first to which he found himself telling everything about. the first to slowly lean him into commitment. the first to spend the night together and not just be a one night stand.
“so you stayed the night, hm?” he grins, throwing himself on top of you much to your dismay.
he nuzzles his face in your neck despite your groaning and complaints of your face still hurting.
“yeah, because you begged me to, asshole,” huffing, you push him away from you and face the opposite side.
“my bad,” yeonjun’s voice implying his apology held no ounce of genuinity. it was clear what he did meant nothing to him as he moves himself behind you and slides an arm across your waist, “was i in your dreams?”
you scoff, “no.”
“i bet i was, don’t lie,” he teases, squeezing the skin of your stomach. in all honesty, having you in his room was a dream in itself.
you reward him with no response, closing your eyes shut in hopes of regaining the sleep you lost speaking to him. yeonjun could only frown, his body subconsciously invading your personal space, “did i look pretty at least?”
you tuck your face into your pillow, aiming to hide the small smile dressing your features. of course, yeonjun had known you all to well by now to know you’re hiding from him. your black haired boyfriend grins, poking at your sides, “i did, didn’t i?!”
“stop,” you laugh, hands tickling at your sides.
yeonjun hums, abiding to your request, his body planted on top of yours. his eyes seemed heterochromic, the sunlight affecting the color in which you saw them. your hands comb through his near shoulder length hair with a sigh, “your hair’s getting long, junnie. you’re starting to look prettier than me.”
“shut up,” he rolls his eyes, “we both know that’s not true.”
you frown, carefully reaching a hand up, your fingers tracing the outline of his lips.
yeonjun couldn’t believe the feeling bubbling in his stomach. he wondered where your mind roamed as your fingers delicately tucked a piece of hair behind his ear, “you’re so pretty, yeonjun… so pretty,” you mumbled, the thoughts in your head spoken aloud. mainly to not blow up his ego more than it already has.
yeonjun smiles, not sure if you were aware of your habit.
“don’t do that,” he changes the subject, staring down at you, “call me junnie.”
you hummed as a source of apology, pressing a kiss to each side of his mouth, “sorry, junnie.”
“better,” he cuddles himself into your chest, “you still love me?”
you roll your eyes at his stupid question.
“more than you know…”
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taglist: @luvrhyune @ttyunz
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© choiwonder ༝ do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work on any platform, or claim it as your own.
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p0ckykiss · 8 months
baby i'm yours - choi yeonjun
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summary - yeonjun can't think of not being by your side and you wouldn't have it any other way.
genre - fluff, falling in love, friends to lovers, sharing a room, yeonjun is whipped
"you've been clingy lately. is there something going on that i don't know about?"
yeonjun opts to shake his head, never once letting go of you who's currently squished under the heavy weight of yeonjun's body. yeonjun was left feeling the need to barge into his best friend's room and quite literally tackle you in bed. looking back at it, he figures it's due to the fact that you haven't spent as much time as before, both of you busy with individual schedules and when you did have your free time, you would either be fast asleep or on lenghty calls with your family.
yeonjun isn't upset over that.
this is one of the rare occasions, he thinks. finally getting you alone, all to himself. he missed this.
"you're lucky i already showered." your giggle makes yeonjun shuffle even closer, wrapping his arms around your warm body.
"i would've cuddled you in the shower, too. absolutely no problem."
"i have no doubts about that."
it's been proven to be a real challenge to stay away from you, even for a few minutes. he doesn't like to think of himself as a baby that needs constant attention but it may very well be the case with you and your calming presence. practically glued to your side, he closes his eyes and preens at the way his freshly washed hair is being carded through, long and gentle fingers massaging his scalp from time to time. his whole body goes limp, melting against you when your other hand lays on his broad back and works the stiffness out of his muscles. you lay like that for a while in silence, save for yeonjun's content sighs and your words of appraisal.
"i'm starting to think that you missed me real good."
yeonjun nuzzles his face further in your neck, pulling a breathy laugh from you beneath him at the ticklish movement.
"of course I did." he murmurs against your skin, voice low and affectionate. "didn't you miss me, too, ynie?" one of his hands moves from your waist and slides under your shirt, drawing circles on your skin with his finger. your chuckles turn to full blown laughter and yeonjun's heart soars.
"hey! stop that, it tickles!"
still wriggling and laughing, you try to push yeonjun off the bed. it proves to be a real challenge when he sprawls his body entirely over yours and knocks the breath out of your lungs.
"not until you say it too. do you know how hurt I am? unrequited feelings are no joke, y/n." he fake cries and you slap his back playfully.
"i missed you too, dumbass."
"now can you please move before you kill me?"
yeonjun does as told and settles back beside you, satisfied with himself as your warmth envelopes him again.
"i really mean it, yeonjun. i missed you a lot."
yeonjun can hear the smile in your voice and his heart does a somersault. he knows this feeling all too well.
"i know."
"that's not fair! i've been playing this game for months, struggling and wasting all my nights to get this far! what about you? you just waltzed in here and swooped every critical fighter like the sly predatory bird you are!"
"how is that my fault? It's about being lucky, and clearly, luck hasn't been on your side but mine!"
"i'm about to swing this controller at you, beomgyu! don't try me, you know I'd do it."
"oh yeah? do it then."
woken up from the commotion downstairs, you sigh heavily and make your way towards the living room, immediately welcomed by two arguing boys. beomgyu and soobin, having another quarell over video games, while the rest of your roommates watch with either amusement or exasperation. your eyes scan the area until they eventually seize yeonjun's figure in the kitchen, having a glass of water. on your way to the kitchen you pass by an exhausted taehyun who pats your shoulder and moves to break the two rascals apart. you can only laugh at his poor attempts to get beomgyu off soobin's back.
pulling your gaze away from the guys, you return to staring at the object of your affection. yeonjun seems to be spacing out again, that hilarious blank expression making you shake your head in amusement. his hair sticks out in all directions and the urge to run your fingers through it is strong enough to make you do just that. approaching him silently as to not spook him, you settle behind him and caress his soft hair, making him look at least a bit presentable. yeonjun leans against you by instinct and nuzzles his head in the soft hoodie of his best friend.
"morning, sleepyhead. spacing out again?"
yeonjun sets the empty glass on the counter and turns around to circle his arms around your middle. almost falling off his chair, yeonjun looks extremely comical and you move just a bit forward to accomodate him.
"morning.." he mumbles. "the roommates woke me up."
"yeah, me too. was hoping on sleeping in for at least a few more hours."
"well, plans ruined."
"we can do something else today though. what do you say about shopping?"
the simple offer has yeonjun bouncing on his feet and all ready to go despite it being only morning. the excitement is infectious, you can feel it seep through your skin and gradually, a fond smile takes over your features.
"i'm suddenly not sleepy anymore. let's have breakfast and go."
"how about this one?"
yeonjun points at a somewhat simple yet fancy silver bracelet that has an infinity symbol carved on it in the color black. he thinks it looks nice enough to show it to you so he beckons you over with a smile.
you've been shopping for clothes for approximately two hours, scanning rows and rows of clothes ranging from casual to something more expensive. both of your wardrobes needed a refresh and so it wasn't a problem of spending too much or buying too many articles. you both share a common interest for fashion, things went smoothly but there's something missing. accessories. matching ones at that.
you peek over your shoulder with great interest, eyes practically glowing at the sight of the stylish bracelet and matching necklace.
"it's cool and all but.." you snicker. "look at the price tag, yeonjun. it's crazy."
"do you like it?"
you start twirling your hair, something you do when you're embarrassed. "i mean, yeah, who wouldn't? it's totally my style. but we can't waste so much money on this. we'll go broke in no time." you laugh, pat yeonjun's shoulder and move towards the exit of the shop, seemingly ready to return to your shared apartment.
yeonjun can't possibly go home without buying the matching set and so he approaches the cashier.
"uhm, hello. may i purchase these?"
the lady looks up at him with a knowing smile. "is it a present for the person who's waiting outside?"
he can feel his face heat up at the implication of her words. "something like that. y/n really likes the bracelet."
"is that so? i happened to hear your conversation earlier." she leans closer to whisper. "we don't normally do this thing but i can make an exception for you two and sell these to you at a lower price."
"are you sure? i wouldn't want you to get in trouble-"
"it's no problem."
she's still all smiles and sunshine as she wraps up the accessories and gives them to yeonjun. he tucks them safely in his bag and thanks her a million times before finally leaving the shop and joining you. you look up at him dubiously, eyeing the bags in his hands.
"what took you so long?"
"i was..looking around some more."
you start walking back home and the nervousness of carrying your present is enough to make his legs go limp. what will be your reaction upon seeing that he bought the matching set after all? you couldn't possibly be mad, right? he sure hopes so.
"yeah, really."
freshly out of the shower, yeonjun lays in the comfort of his bed and fiddles with the bag that shelters what he just bought for you. you are still showering, he can hear the water running and the groovy tune of a song that he's been listening to lately. your voice sounds a bit muffled yet yeonjun can discern a few words here and there and the more he listens, the more his nerves subside and he finds himself spacing out a second time that day. surely nothing can go wrong, he tells himself. he'll confidently reveal the gift, place the bracelet around your wrist then wear his own necklace and call it a day.
you've always talked about wearing something memorable for the both of you and this is the perfect time for it.
he doesn't know how much time has passed but it must've been a while because in front of him stand you, hair already dry, skin flushed from the steam in the shower, comfortable sweatpants and a loose shirt already on. with a quick shake of his head, yeonjun smiles at the confused look you give him.
"seriously, what's up with you? you've been spacing out again." you point out, seemingly amused. "and why are you gripping that bag?"
"close your eyes?"
"what did you do this time, yeonjun?"
"please just close them. you'll find out."
as soon as you do as told, his hands fumble with the fancy bag and pull out the small box that holds both the bracelet and necklace, a sappy smile already on his face. he's buzzing with excitement at the prospect of him and you growing even closer.
"it's been two minutes. can I open them already?" your right leg is shaking, anxiety bubbling beneath your skin.
"oh, sorry. open them."
you take a while to adjust to whatever you're seeing in yeonjun's hand. you see the small, sophisticated box along with what's in it and you freeze. the bracelet you just saw at the shop earlier today. and a matching necklace. your palms start to sweat and your heartbeat picks up speed at the gesture. silly yeonjun can't resist buying things that you like, no matter what anyone else says. you should've known better. yeonjun is incredibily stubborn when he wants to be. you look up at him and searches his eyes, all full of adoration, pride and excitement. your heart swells, barely concealing the smile that only seems to grow wider when yeonjun fiddles with his fingers and waits for a reaction.
"you said you liked it and i..bought it. even though you said i shouldn't. i couldn't help it. if you don't want it i can return it-"
"you're a real piece of work, you know that?" you let out a breathy laugh and shuffle closer to yeonjun's flushed face, scanning each and every detail of it, engraving it in your mind. no one else has ever gone to such lenghts to make you happy. "you never listen to me, do you?"
yeonjun gulps when your fingers caress the side of his face, falls into a deep trance the more he looks into your eyes.
"i wanted to make you happy." he murmurs, closing his eyes as soon as your lips touch his forehead.
"i am happy just being here with you. material things don't have the same effect you have on me, you know? sure, they do look nice, but they could never replace you." he lets himself be pulled into your arms. "i can appreciate the meaning behind your gift though. never took you for the romantic type."
yeonjun chuckles and traces a finger across your wrist. the bracelet is carefully being clasped around it and it suits you so well that he mentally pats himself on the back.
"i can be anything you want, y/n."
your heartbeat picks up speed at the implication, hands shaking as you place the silver necklace around yeonjun's neck. pretty, you think.
"anything? are you sure?" a teasing lilt accompanies your voice. you push forward, testing the waters between you. yeonjun doesn't step back.
"when have I ever been unsure?"
"what if I want you to be my boyfriend?"
yeonjun's breath stutters in his chest, alarms ringing in his head as he pulls just slightly away to come face to face with your pretty face. though unexpected, he's not entirely surprised. the tension has always been there somewhere around you. a bit too close to be just best friends, ever since the beginning.
"i'd gladly be."
your lips form a teasing smile, all inviting and soft. yeonjun glances down then back up, a silent hint. you take it, of course you do. shuffling even closer, yeonjun is once again reminded of how enamored he is, of how much he'd do for you.
"is that so? prove it."
yeonjun does just that. he immediately closes the small gap between you and seizes your lips in a searing kiss, stealing all your breath away. your hands find each other, intertwining and holding tight, lips chasing each other with the fervor of feelings being hidden all these years. intoxicating, yeonjun quickly realizes. you use the advantage of your better position to push even closer to yeonjun, running fingers through his hair as your lips part and gasps for air fill the silence in the room. neither of you move an inch away, simply staring in each other's eyes, bracelet and necklace somewhat glowing under the soft lights.
"so? are you mine yet?" yeonjun's teeth comes into view with how wide he's smiling and you are forced to squash the urge to hug him so tight that your bodies morph into one.
thinking back on it, you figure you've always been each other's. a silent agreement. despite voicing it out just now, you have always known.
"i think i've been yours since the first time i saw you."
"augh, that was a bit too much."
"shut it, yeonjun."
this is just another step into their journey. nothing will change between you and you are sure you'll only grow closer as time passes.
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beomie3 · 10 months
shoong! - choi yeonjun
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pairing: boyfriend idol! yeonjun x fem!reader
summary: an upcoming dance challenge video with one of yeonjun’s role models has him nervous, overworking himself with the tricky choreo. but you’re by his side, there to relax him in more ways than one ;)
wc: 3.9k
warnings: smut, cursing, heavy make out, oral (both giving/receiving), unprotected sex, yeonjun is down bad (so are you), also tons of fluff too!<3
title track: shoong! - taeyang
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
"stop! start again," the choreographer's voice echoes throughout the dance studio for the tenth time tonight, biting your nails as you watch yeonjun hang his head in frustration.
his black tank top was beginning to pool with sweat, occasionally lifting it to wipe his forehead as beads formed near his hairline. to say he was tired was an understatement.
after practicing all day for an upcoming tour, he also had to master a solo dance for a challenge video promotion he would be filming soon. you could practically feel his exhaustion from afar when he shot you a tired glance.
you lifted your fist in a "fighting" gesture, being the only form of support fueling him. because right now, the choreographer was on his case and it angered you, if you were being completely honest. you wished she would tone it down a bit. but yeonjun found her harsh orders a helpful form of guidance, always pushing himself to the extreme.
the choreographer cued the music and it began echoing throughout the mirrored studio, the only sound booming other than yeonjun's sneakers squeaking onto the wood floor and her shouting down from five.
he began to move fluidly with the music like he was one with it, moving his hips and arms and legs perfectly, even better than what the choreography called for. he was the best dancer you'd ever seen, and damn was he passionate in what he did.
the song came to its end and he had to lay on the cold, wood floor for a moment to catch his breath, standing up immediately when the choreographer approached him.
"great, now with better visuals." she almost scolded him, noticeably bringing him down with her backhanded compliment. more visuals? but lady, he is the visual. it took everything in you to restrain yourself from walking over there and saying just that. but doing that will probably do more bad than good, ultimately having to painfully retract yourself.
you furrowed your brows, fingernails aching as you watched your boyfriend get into position again, somehow mustering a natural and sultry smile as he did the dance over, body flowing perfectly with the deep bass of the song.
your heart ached for him, already thinking of all the ways you would take care of him after he was done practicing, wanting to give him all the love and care in the world after getting through such a physically draining day.
yeonjun doubled over after the song ended and the choreographer signaled he had "passed" with a few claps and a thumbs up from the staff room, dismissing him for the night as he chugged water and wiped sweat from his face.
he sluggishly made his way over to where you stood by the changing room, melting into your arms as soon as he reached you. it felt as he had just gone for a swim, damp from head to toe with sweat.
"you're gonna kill it tomorrow with taeyang," you assured him, gently rubbing his wet back as he breathed you in. you knew yeonjun was nervous for this, he had worked his ass off perfecting the choreo because he always looked up to taeyang even since his trainee days. and now, he was going to film a promo with him, how surreal.
"i know," he whispered into your hair, the small smile on his face obvious because of his tone. you looked up at his flushed face, plump lips tugged into a sweet open-mouthed smile as he still caught his breath, running a hand through his dark, wet locks.
"c'mon, let's go home," you patted his hip and he nodded sluggishly, quickly slipping on the fresh hoodie you brought him before wrapping an arm around you, exiting the dance studio together.
once you returned to your apartment, you ran junie a shower like you always did after a long, hard practice; either joining him to wash up or staying back in the kitchen to make him his favorite soup while he showered.
today, you made his soup faster than usual, leaving it covered on the stove to retain its warmth while you went to go check on him in the shower.
steam escaped the bathroom as you opened the door, knocking on its wooden frame to advise him you were entering. his head poked out from the shower curtain, black hair slicked back from the water; a heavy glint of worry in his eyes, lips slightly downturned. baby :(
you felt a pang at your heart, immediately entering the steaming room and wrapping your arms around his wet body from where you stood, not caring that you were still fully clothed. you could sense that look from a mile away; he just wanted to be held. to be told everything will be okay.
"i'm just...really worried about tomorrow. what if i mess up? i can't do that in front of taeyang, i just can't." his voice was frail and he sunk his face into your neck and sighed, melting into you as your shirt quickly became soaked from his wet head of hair.
"yeonjun, you're the best dancer i've ever known. the best person i've ever known. you'll do amazing. you are amazing." you lightly massaged his shoulder with your palms, feeling him melt deeper into the hug. his face softened at your kind words, but he still struggled to even fake a smile.
"get in with me?" he didn't even let you respond before he was pulling you in, helping your clothes off and throwing them off next to his on the bathroom floor. he hugged you even tighter now, both of you silent under the running water, just holding him there as he breathed you in, sighing as you stroked his damp hair.
"it's all going to be okay," you whispered into his skin, gently pressing loving kisses to his neck. you wanted to relax him, give him all of your physical affection to remind him of just how much you love him. to calm his nerves before the big day tomorrow which you knew he sure as hell would kill.
trailing your kisses up his neck, under his jaw, and meeting your lips with his pillowy ones, he kissed you back softly.
"don't worry junie." you whispered against his plush lips. this was what he needed; your kisses and your reassurance. the warmth of your body pressed to his in a tight embrace. like you were an angel, coming to save him of all of the harshness of the world.
"it'll all be okay," you trailed your fingers to the tops of his shoulders, lightly rubbing the sore muscles while pressing tender kisses to his collarbones, sensing him lean his head back to the shower wall, relaxing under your touch.
you gently squeezed the muscles of his arms all the way down to his hands, following with the trail of your lips across his chest, working your way down to his lower stomach, where his abdomen slightly tensed in sensitivity. you knelt in front of him, looking up at him with kind eyes, and he looked down at you with a half-lidded gaze, neediness clearly present.
"just relax," you smiled up at him, and he gave you a small nod, the corner of his lip slightly upturned and sucked between his teeth, savoring your delicious touch. his member had already grown helplessly erect since you first started showering his neck in gentle kisses; pressed flush against his stomach and just waiting for your magical touch.
you gently trailed your fingers over his flushed tip, deriving a small shudder from your boyfriend as he leaned back onto the shower wall, eyes closed, just enjoying the moment. you took his heavy hardness into your hand, gently stroking him, kitten-licking the pre-cum off of his tip just the way he needed it.
he sucked air between his teeth at the sensation of your warm tongue on his sensitive tip, a low moan escaping his lips when you licked up and down his length, swirling your tongue on the sensitive skin. you were just too good.
his hand fell to your hair, tangling his fingers between the wet locks as you took him entirely into your mouth, tip hitting the back of your throat and slightly making you gag, the feeling fucking fantastic to him.
the way you looked up at him with tears pooling in your eyes from sucking him off so good made all worries flee his head immediately, only thing he could do was watch you, enjoying the insane pleasure you gave him.
his groans grew louder, echoing throughout the bathroom, spewing your name as you quickened your pace, doing everything so perfectly he could just bust at any moment. the way you trailed your fingers up and down his thighs, tracing his hip bones and running them across his abs had him going insane, pleasure through the roof as he released a loud moan, back arching against the shower wall.
"you're so good baby," his voice was low, tongue emerging to wet his lips as you began stroking and sucking simultaneously, getting a good rhythm going before he was a moaning mess, bucking his hips into your hand, rutting himself deeper into your mouth.
"i'm so so close," he pressed his head back onto the wall, slightly pulling at your hair, still gentle with you. but when you quickly flicked your tongue on his tip, it was over; inviting hot cum to shoot all over your mouth, licking your lips clean of it.
he huffed out of breath, eyes half open as he gave you a lazy grin, fucked out of his mind. helping you to your feet as you hugged his waist, he pressed kisses to the crown of your wet hair. the sound of his chuckle brought warmth to your heart; that's all you wanted, was to see your boyfriend happy and worry free.
"your soup is warm and waiting for you in the kitchen," you stroked his cheek, smiling when he placed a small kiss to your lips. he couldn't quite find the right words to thank you, so he pecked your lips repeatedly, holding you so tight. he even forgot exactly what he'd been stressing over, thanks to you. just knowing you'd be by his side tomorrow was all he needed.
and there he was again- next day in the studio, examining his outfit in front of the large mirrors, and you were too; checking out the beige, designer sweater he sported along with some baggy pants and black shoes. he was already absolutely killing it and taeyang had yet to arrive.
you noticed his slightly uneasy posture when he looked over at you, the hint of nervousness in his expression. you beckoned him over quickly.
jogging to over you when the staff weren't looking, you handed him a small napkin, holding the weight of his favorite cookie you had baked him this morning before you drove over to watch his big filming day.
he unraveled it, revealing the small sugar cookie with "yj fighting<3!!" piped onto it perfectly with baby blue frosting, bringing a blushing smile to his cheeks which he failed to hide with his other hand, finding it the cutest thing ever.
he slipped the cookie between his lips, smiling even bigger when the sweet flavor soothed his nerves. "you're the best," he praised your baking skills with a full mouth, chewing quickly and giving you a quick peck on the lips before running off to the dance floor when the choreographer emerged from the staff room.
the minutes went by of watching your boyfriend gain more and more confidence during his warm ups, rehearsing the song thoroughly before the arrival of the other idol.
you almost wanted to kick your feet at watching yeonjun's reaction to meeting taeyang; their interaction was professional yet so wholesome, bowing every second they could and you smiled, so happy to see your boyfriend enjoying himself with one of his role models. you were beyond proud of him, and you're sure many other moas felt the same.
after some small talk, it was time to begin filming, and you dialed in on yeonjun, praying that he would find his confidence through it all. and boy did he ever; moving so in tune with the music that he practically became it, mesmerizing you.
and damn was he sexy, moving his body carefully yet rhythmically with each beat, giving it his all when it came to his solo in front of the camera. he gave the camera a few winks and he looked over at you after each take, shooting you the same wink. you simply melted in your little spot by the changing room.
the sound of shoong! by taeyang was long engraved in your ears by now as it was probably the hundredth time hearing it over the span of two days. but you could never get tired of watching your man dance, eyes trailing his every slick move; every subtle rut and roll of his hips and flick of his tongue over his lips. feeling so lucky that such a man was yours.
you felt yourself slightly hold your breath during each take, fingers crossed that yeonjun would be happy with his performance and not too hard on himself, and every time he shot you a satisfied smile after each monitoring period, you brimmed with happiness, so glad he could see himself shine the same way you did.
after several hours of watching your boyfriend and taeyang dance professionally through the choreography countless times, getting takes with every angle possible, they said their goodbyes and he was dismissed for the night.
a large smile grew on junie's cute face as he ran over to you like an excited puppy, wrapping his arms around you tightly, nearly picking you up.
"see!! i knew you could do it! i'm so proud of you." your words simply meant the world to yeonjun, gazing into your sparkling eyes as you both brimmed with contentment. his love for you grew in this moment, wanting to repay you for being so amazing.
you weren't even halfway through the front door of your apartment before you had to come up for a breath amidst your heavy make out with yeonjun, his hands trailing everywhere imaginable on your body as you stumbled past the door.
shutting it with his foot, yeonjun scooped you up, wrapping your legs around his hips as he pressed you against the wall of the living room, decorating your neck with kisses and love bites.
"we deserve a little celebration don't we?" he mumbled already out of breath against your ear, and you nodded, basking in the excitement of the moment.
"you actually did so good junie," you kissed his neck softly as he carried you to the bedroom, hearing his small giggle as he set you down on the bed.
"only because of my #1 cheerleader," he leaned down, pressing his hips in between your legs and reuniting his lips with yours. the kisses were hot and passion-filled, making him begin to sweat even after all of the dancing he had done tonight.
he helped your shirt off of you, throwing it off to the side where your shoes were also kicked off, kissing a trail in between your breasts and down to your pants, undoing the button with a swift tug.
you could already feel wetness pooling in your underwear from the moment he was playing with the hem of your waistband in the taxi on the way home, occasionally slipping his pinky under and tickling the skin, hinting at you of what he wanted to do tonight.
and here you two were, not even home for three minutes and already a whimpering, moaning mess as you made out half naked on the bed, lips swollen from his nibbles as he lightly circled your clit through your panties.
you pulled his sweater off and threw it aside, running your fingers across his damp skin as he shivered, smirk widening against your lips. his lips ghosted down to your waistband, leaving a trail of kisses and goosebumps behind as he slowly peeled your underwear from your throbbing wetness, just begging to be touched by the handsome man in front of you.
teasing you with a few thigh kisses, he spread your legs far apart, hooking them under his elbows and then over his shoulders as he got a good look at you, licking his lips at how delicious you looked glistening in the dim lighting of the bedroom.
"thank you for being there for me, always," he flicked his eyes up at you with a warm smile, diving in between your legs before you could even say anything back but the moan that escaped your throat, arching your back at the sheer pleasure as he licked up and down your folds gratefully, savoring every bit of your essence.
yeonjun knew what the hell he was doing in many different aspects. in this one, he for sure knew how to make you scream his name and have you coming all over his face in a matter of minutes.
curling his fingers up to hit your jackpot, hot pleasure dispersing throughout your body, eyes rolling back as he fucked his fingers into you, flicking his tongue against your bundle of nerves deliciously.
one loud moan of his name and your legs were shaking on his shoulders, giving out when you rode out your wave of absolute pleasure, leaving your juices on his fingers which he licked clean.
he was quick to kiss you again while you caught your breath and recovered from the pulsations of your orgasm, helping him unbuckle his pants and dropping them to the floor; every vein visible on the imprint of his rock hard member through his underwear.
you were already soaking wet again when you helped him peel his underwear off of his hips; the sight of his dick springing out had your mouth practically watering again, just needing to lick off the bead of precum that formed at his tip.
but that was all he allowed you to do, wanting to take care of you this time, considering last night only he had finished and not you. in his eyes, you deserved to come even twenty times if you were up to it.
he took control, pressing you back down onto the bed as he kissed you, his warm member nudging against your stomach, so hard you just wanted to be stuffed full already.
taking your legs in either of his hands, he held them up in the air, tapping his tip against your entrance and then entering slowly to give you time to adjust, easing in so effortlessly due to how drenched you were.
he threw his head back at your warmth that engulfed him to no end, walls sucking him in perfectly. he threw your legs onto his shoulders so that they bent at the knees, hands on the plush of your hips to support each of his thrusts as he began to slowly and deeply pound into you, your moans echoing though the room with slaps of skin.
his hips snapped rhythmically against your own, which after all, yeonjun knew how to use his hips considering how amazing of a dancer he was; leaving you mesmerized with them more so after watching him dance tonight. and now you were getting to see him use them up close and personal, grinding skin to skin against you with every twitch inside of you, practically wanting to scream.
he fucked you slow and deep, then hard and fast; knowing exactly when to speed up or slow down. not to mention, he liked to switch positions frequently, flipping you so easily around like you were putty in his hands.
he had you on all fours now, ass in the air as he pounded into you from behind; doggy being the best angle to spank you in, because he knew you loved it.
"fuuuckkkk," he drew out his words, a groan in his throat as he watched your ass bounce back onto his thighs, kneading the plush of your skin with a firm grasp and slapping it gently.
you were already about to come again and he could sense it by the way you tightened around him, growing louder as he reached around to palm your breasts, fingers circling your sensitive nipples.
"jun-" you could only moan half of his name, chanting it over and over like a prayer, sheets messy with sweat and some drool as you buried your face into the pillows.
"wanna come on my cock y/n? yeah? give it to me." he spoke through gritted teeth, giving it to you so good you were on the brink of exploding.
you spasmed violently all over him, doing everything in his power not to finish quite yet; thrusting into you slower to let you catch you breath, gently turning your face with his fingers to kiss your lips, warm chest pressed to your back.
before you knew it, he flipped you over again, his body weight melting on top of you as his cock was still buried deep inside, subtly twitching as you fluttered around him. he went slow, kissing you in what felt like slow motion as he hit the deepest parts of you, splitting you open with each of his thrusts.
his face was flushed, even more than when he dances, eyes half-lidded and sultry and gazing deeply into yours, lips plump and dark middle part messy over his wet forehead. he was sexy as ever.
his hips stuttered and you decided you wanted to give him a break after doing all the hard work, maneuvering him so that he lay on his back, you on top.
he got a beautiful view from this angle, well, you each did. but he smiled, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he gently palmed your tits, trailing his fingers down your waist and over the plush or your ass.
you rode him steadily, watching his dick stretch you perfectly from where he was laying. you thought maybe you could last a little longer for him, but the moment his thumb rhythmically massaged your clit, it was over. there you were bouncing on him, getting yourself off to the friction of his tip against your g-spot and nearly crying at how amazing he felt.
sensing you were so close and tired, he began rutting his hips up and into you, fucking you so hard you were almost dizzy, fisting the sheets in your hands as he pulled them from you and interlaced your fingers with his instead.
"you're so fucking good," you moaned at the last second before he was finishing inside of you, the warmth spreading around your core and pushing you to the edge as well as you collapsed to his chest in a sweaty heap.
you both breathed heavily, your head rising and falling on his chest as he caught his breath, pushing his wet bangs out of his face before hugging you tight.
you both lay there, pressing kisses to one another, talking about the events of the day and how excited he was to see how the promotion would turn out.
"tell me why that song is still stuck in my head," you weakly laughed on his chest, envisioning the smooth choreography in your head and how well he danced to it today.
"maybe i'll teach you?" he smiled down at you and you happily nodded, knowing that you two would probably end up back in this bed because dancing with yeonjun always gets you heated.
he kissed you again, so satisfied with everything in his life; knowing that if he had his #1 supporter next to him, he could conquer any hard choreo.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
a/n: if you made it this far, tysm for reading! <3 this is inspired by the t:time ep of yeonjun’s behind the scenes shooting of shoong! and i’ve also been trying to learn this choreo so why not write a fic!😭 hope you enjoyed <33
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wave2tyun · 4 months
meddle about | ☆
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pairing: idol!yeonjun x idol!reader
genre: idol!au, best friends to lovers, some fluff but also a bit suggestive (?) towards the end
prompts: – “you’re blushing”
– “i can feel how fast your heart is beating right now”
warnings: none!
word count: 1.8k
a/n: the inspiration for this came from a wonho photoshoot behind the scenes clip that i randomly saw on ig reels........😟 i hope there aren't any mistakes left in this because i've been lazy and going only by trust when i repost fics asdbhja
☆ = repost from my old blog!!
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you and yeonjun didn’t exactly meet…under the greatest circumstances.
as txt’s fame was continuously on the rise, there was no way you had never heard of yeonjun, or the name tomorrow x together. however, it was only when you had your comeback stage at inkigayo that you finally got to see yeonjun in real life, and not just on a screen.
you expected things to go smoothly. yeonjun was going to just take your interview, and then you were going to simply perform with your group on stage, as usual.  
realistically speaking, that was supposed to be it- nothing more than a polite, professional interaction, he was the mc after all. you didn’t even think you’d cross paths with him throughout the day again. but the lunch break had something -quite staggering- in store for you:
the inkigayo sandwich. those words still make you shudder.
as an idol, you had to have one, at least once. it was the talk of town after all, even though the combination of egg, crab and strawberry jam- all squished together between 3 pieces of white bread- didn’t exactly sound appealing to you.
you gulped as you looked at the piece of food in your hands; the smell wasn’t that appetizing either, and you wondered how it was possible for them to have such high sales for a shitty product.
you didn’t want to do it, but the thought of wasting your money without at least having a bite was haunting you. you closed your eyes, anticipating the worst outcome imaginable as the sandwich came closer and closer towards your mouth.
“hey- at least remove that paper before you start eating” one of your members said, making you frown. paper? what paper? the ingredients of the sandwich were already weird enough, what did they add that paper for?
confused, you opened your eyes again, a small note had been carefully placed somewhere between the plastic wrapper and the bread. grossed out, you removed it, moving towards the trash can to throw it away, only to get a glance of a phone number written on the back of it, making you stop in your tracks.
‘call me ;) - choi yeonjun’
now, you see- you only knew that the inkigayo sandwich was famous, you didn’t know why it was famous. 
you angrily searched for choi yeonjun around the cafeteria, shoving the sandwich towards his chest once you found him “what the fuck is this?” you hissed appaled by his actions. not sparing him a single moment to respond, you instantly got into a rant about how you were ‘put in danger’ by him for placing something (almost) inedible in your lunch.
he stared at you with big eyes and raised eyebrows, panicking that you’d blow this out of proportion even more if he excused himself before you were done blowing off some steam. he knew very well not to argue with a sleep deprived person who was also hungry.
“that actually wasn’t meant for you…” he muttered in the end, biting his cheek.
on the way back to the dorms, you swore you’d never step foot back into inkigayo ever again, or at least not until yeonjun stepped down from his position as an mc.
despite the seemingly traumatic event, you still kept the piece of paper containing his number, jam stain and all. you fiddled it around your fingers as you rolled around in bed, unable to fall asleep. it was way past midnight, and the remorse you felt for not having apologised to yeonjun was keeping you wide awake. you had been too embarrassed to utter any more words after hearing his reply and used the first opportunity -which was a member calling out for you- to leave the room. 
the guilt was eating you up, and, in the end, you decided it was best to at least say sorry to him through text. and so you did- not exactly expecting much besides getting blocked by him. 
turns out yeonjun found the situation more amusing rather than infuriating. he accepted your apology with ease, and you promised that you’d buy him lunch the next time you visit inkigayo, as emotional compensation.
yeonjun, however, lied to you that day. the phone number in the sandwich was, in fact, meant for you. he heard from his seniors that ‘back in the day’, this was a particularly popular method to start dating between idols. when it was announced that you’d perform on the day he was mc-ing, he found his chance, took it, then pretty much failed miserably. his attempt at getting to know you better was somewhat saved by your apology text. after the whole ordeal, he decided that it was better to take it step by step and develop his friendship with you before dipping his toes into the dating scheme once again.
bit by bit- yeonjun began to reveal his flirty nature. first, he started bringing food and drinks to your company whenever you told him you had to stay up late, practicing overnight. then, he made sure to always compliment how you looked in music videos or album teasers, sometimes even sending coffee trucks to the filming sites to support you. finally, he started bringing you flowers whenever you were done with comeback stages. the change in his attitude was making you question the status of your relationship. still, knowing how risky this all was, you decided it was foolish to jump to any conclusions- although a part of your heart did cling tightly onto the hope that he did this because he saw you as something more than a friend.
it was no surprise to the public eye that the two of you were close friends in the industry. so, when elle korea wanted a photoshoot between a pair with good chemistry, yeonjun ran to his managers, begging to convince some of the higher-ups to recommend the two of you. not a single soul in the company was able to resist him, so he successfully scored the spot. however, you were only informed that you received an offer for the photoshoot, not that yeonjun had been involved in this whole ordeal.
the concept was not quite what you were expecting.
when you heard the words “a pair with good chemistry” you were expecting a fun, bubbly photoshoot, something colorful maybe- not a sensual, romantic theme. you choked on your spit when they showed you the outfit you were supposed to wear, then choked again when you saw yeonjun’s outfit: black pants and a blue satin button-up shirt that had more than 3 buttons left open, exposing the skin of his chest. 
and -as if the revealing clothes weren’t enough- there was one more detail left that would supposedly “tie this all together”: a kiss mark. on yeonjun’s neck. 
the staff handed you a tube of red lipstick, shoving you and yeonjun in a private dressing room before you could even process the situation.
you stole a look at yeonjun, who pursed his lips, trying to contain his laugh as he made eye contact with you.
“did you know about this?” you asked him with a serious face, pointing the lipstick towards him. why were you the only one baffled here?
yeonjun couldn’t help but let out tiny squeaks as he struggled calm down, your shocked, accusatory expression all too entertaining for him “no” he snickered “why? are you nervous? think you can’t do it?” he crossed his arms.
the attitude with which he said that only earned him a scoff from you “of course i can do it” you said as you walked towards the mirror. once you were in front of it though, you were suddenly way more aware of how sweaty your palms were getting, hands trembling a bit as you put the lipstick on.
yeonjun was never one to shy away from physical touch. you were used to receiving hugs from him, sometimes even having him hold onto your hand or arm, swinging them playfully whenever you walked together. but this? this felt…different. 
it was like a possible breach within your friendship. and while you weren’t exactly nervous about the situation itself, you were definitely afraid about what was going to happen between the two of you after.
yeonjun was already behind you once you finished putting on the makeup and turned around. the playful smirk he’s had ever since you both entered the room never left his face. he lightly quirked up an eyebrow, provoking you to make the move- curious to see if your earlier statement was the truth or whether they were just empty words. unsure what to do with your hands, your fingers didn’t let go of the lipstick tube, playing with it in a restless manner as you inched closer towards yeonjun’s neck. the citrus fragrance of his perfume still lingered on the skin, and you closed your eyes as you left a quick kiss there, the touch too light to leave a mark visible enough. 
“you’re blushing” yeonjun chuckled, tilting his head as he looked in the mirror behind you, clicking his tongue “that’s not right…” he muttered. his gaze was fixated on your face for a few seconds, admiring the pink dusting your cheeks. then, they trailed off to your hands, snatching the item to cover his own lips in that same crimson color. “this is how you do it” he whispered, dipping his head down, arms sneaking around your waist simultaneously. warm breath on your neck, chest flushed against yours, yeonjun could feel your racing pulse underneath his lips as he pressed a long kiss on the hot skin. the chilling sensation running down your spine had your hands unconsciously reaching out for his forearms, holding onto them to keep yourself steady and not slip away from his grasp. 
“i can feel how fast your heart is beating right now” he breathed out, fingers tracing lines along the small of your back. seeing that you weren’t pushing him away, his face didn’t leave its close spot to your body. instead- his lips travelled along the skin, pressing featherly kisses along the way- nibbling, lightly biting, the red marks blooming being hidden away by the lipstick covering them.
the mirrors, the vanity lights, even the photoshoot itself, they were all turning into a hazy memory as you were becoming more and more enthralled by him. completely absorbed by his touch on your body, you felt like you wouldn’t be able to breathe properly again until he carried on with the next step. “jun-” the sound of the nickname was enough to send an electrifying jolt throughout his heart. his own breathing was irregular as he stopped, distancing himself a bit from your neck to lift his head up, plush lips and smudged lipstick coming into sight. 
“we’re not leaving this room until you kiss me on the lips”
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taglist: @huekalover3000
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delcakoo · 1 year
i wish i was a baller ₊✩˚⊹ c.yj
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ty @yenqa bae for the idea <3
SUMMARY ! being his longtime crush, when yeonjun and his pesky friends’ catch you walking past the court, he’s quick to try an impress you with one (un)lucky shot on hoop in exchange for your number.
PAIRING ! yeonjun x f!reader
WC ! 1.3k
GENRE ! cavity inducing fluff
a/n: c’mon now u have to listen to i wish after readin that title c:
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“shit, look who it is yeonjun!”
the male in question was much too busy shouldering soobin to the ground, dribbling past his now groaning friend before slam-dunking his favorite orange ball through the hoop to listen to lame, old, beomgyu.
“let’s go!” yeonjun punches the air, running by his teammates to offer them high fives that they halfheartedly return. “another point for the yeonjunniez!”
“horrible fuckin’ team name,” taehyun murmurs, while kai only nods in tired agreement.
before yeonjun could force the group into another scrimmage, a strong hand grips his shoulder, redirecting him to face a barely visible figure that’s only steps away from reaching the basketball court’s end. beomgyu squeezes tighter, shaking him back and forth slightly. “don’t ignore me! you recognise who that is, right man?” squinting his eyes, yeonjun gasps as he takes in the familiar sight of your signature hairstyle and white headphones.
oh, he knew it was you alright. even if it was pitch black out — only street lamps illuminating the shady pathways — and you were clearly wearing all dark shades to blend in more, he knew.
“‘course, what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn’t know my girl when i see her?”
soobin, who’s still brushing off pebbles after his dramatic fall, rolls his eyes at the straight fibs coming out of his friend’s lips. “she barely knows you exist.”
“not for long.” before anyone could stop him or make him think at the very least, yeonjun has himself pressed against the chained wall of the court, fingers noisily locking through the metal in an attempt to grasp your attention. “y/n, is that you?”
when you swiftly turn at the sound of your name, looking adorably like a deer caught in headlights, yeonjun is reminded of just how head over heels he is.
“yeonjun..?” he’s never been so thankful to mr. sim assigning partners for projects, or else you still wouldn’t know your future boyfriend’s name! you look past him to take in the other boys who send you awkward waves, and yeonjun glares in annoyance at each and every one of them. what shitty wingmen.
“uh, yeah.. so, what’re you doing out here alone?”
with one more glance around the empty park, yeonjun nearly squeals as you begin walking closer, shoving your phone into your hoodie pocket smoothly. “j-just clearing my head i guess. what about you guys?” your stuttering gives him hope that perhaps you’re just as nervous as he is right now — leading a small smirk to etch across the boy’s lips.
“practising extra late since tryouts open soon,” he replies, gesturing to his friend group in the background. “they all kinda suck though.”
“thanks!” beomgyu spits back, but yeonjun could care less about his sarcastic comeback when it resulted in you letting out a soft chuckle. that was him by the way — he made you laugh!
in an attempt to give yeonjun more one on one time with you, the others had attempted to go back to playing (while still eavesdropping of course), but it was clear that their friend needed a little shove in the right direction.
taehyun moves closer, adjusting his black muscle top while offering you a mischievous grin. “say, y/n. if yeonjun here gets a three pointer, would you consider giving him your number?”
besides kai’s howling laughter in the distance, the court is frozen in tension, more specifically yeonjun — who’s jaw has practically dropped to his ass. this was not part of the plan, taehyun! attempting to bandage the wound, the raven haired boy smacks his friend, hoping the expression on your poor, confused face would falter at least a bit.
his ears burn bright red, and he can only pray the hood of his grey coat is deep enough to hide it. “i uh- sorry about that, you don’t— you don’t have to do anything—“
too busy manifesting some way to travel back in time and tape taehyun’s mouth shut, yeonjun fails to notice the amused smile creeping its way to your lips. “no, it’s okay. you can try if you want.”
soobin and beomgyu share a horrified glance, just how is this working?
yeonjun blinks, holding a bewildered yet determined look in his pupils. “i— you mean like, to shoot?” he blabbers in disbelief.
you shrug. “why not?” and before he knows it, the ball is forced into his grip by a snickering soobin, who attempts to relieve his friend’s shoulders that are tenser than he’s ever seen them with a swift massage.
little did he know that you found it almost as endearing as the way yeonjun’s teeth nibble onto his bottom lip as he gets into position, crouching with precision before jumping, releasing the basketball with a flick of his wrists.
the orange ball flies for a bit before landing right on the hoop’s ring, bouncing across it loudly, spinning around for a bit before—
“shit..” beomgyu murmurs in horror, watching how the ball flops pathetically off the side of the ring along with the other five pairs of eyes.
yeonjun refuses to believe this.
sinking down to his knees, nails frustratingly glide through his bangs while a pained groan leaves his lips. “i didn’t miss a single fucking shot earlier,” he winces, “but of course when it actually matters i fuck up.”
god, he was so cute — it was all you could think to yourself as you paced closer, squatting next to the boy’s destressed form all while lightly patting his shoulder. when yeonjun lifts his head, his eyes widen at the closeness of your face being mere centimetres from his. for a second, he thinks he might just pass out on the spot, up until you pull out a pen from your pocket, grinning cutely as usual.
when you open up your palm, it takes him a minute to realize you were asking for his hand.
ever so carefully, yeonjun places his hand in your grasp, breath stuttering at the feeling of his crush’s fingers wrapping comfortingly around his wrist. “what- what are you..” he gulps when you bend a bit closer to begin scribbling something right across the softness of his pale skin, glancing up at his friend’s with a face of utter disbelief who only give him an equally gobsmacked look in return.
suddenly, you’re releasing him and standing back to full height, pen being shoved casually into the embrace of your black hoodie as if you hadn’t just narrowly avoided giving the poor boy a heart attack moments prior. “yeonjun, i was gonna give it to you either way,” you snort.
wait, what? did he just go through the five stages of grief for nothing?
all he can do is watch with eyes gaped as you slowly march back towards the entrance, only snapping out of it when beomgyu pulls his arm up to investigate the nine numbers inked across his hand. “bro.. you did it.” he states it as if yeonjun had just solved world hunger, shaking his friend frantically.
“i.. i did it?” he repeats dumbly.
it seems as though he can’t get a break; now soobin’s the one pushing him towards the entrance. “go on, dipshit!” he exclaims, “it’s pitch black out there, walk her home!”
this has yeonjun’s expression changing from dumbstruck to full on panic, nearly tripping on his own shoelaces as he sprints out to catch up to your now-far-away form, grey hood falling off and finally revealing his bright red ears in the process.
there was no doubt that he looked insane — lighting or not. “she has him wrapped around her finger, huh?” kai can’t help but cackle once more.
soobin takes a shot, easily making a dunk with the help of his height before sighing in agreement. “oh, absolutely.”
if you enjoyed, reblogs and feedback’s always appreciated <3
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @kynrki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @taejays @luvhyun3 @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere @yenqa @rosenatorfirst @millsielovesgyu @syrxiee2 @ily-cuz-i @soobin-chois @wtfhyuck @hoonvrs @gyuuberryy @bucketofhiros @xtra-cheese @vmprshlvr
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elaichoi · 1 year
just the tip ! yeonjun
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%PAIRING— yeonjun x fem!reader.
C0NTENT WARNING!— DUBCON, NONCON(??) pussy job, femdom in the beginning then yeonjun takes over, yeonjun kind of ignores her, reader is kinda mean, there's a single sentence that could imply to foot fetish but we dk, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, creampie, cum eating ( yeonjun.)
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"just the tip baby," yeonjun's pleads with blazing desperation hanging onto each of the words as he begs for your warmth.
its silly, of course— to you. to have the boy of your dreams aching to be one with you, with his hard on pressing against the sole of your feet and his chin placed onto your palm so obediently. like a little puppy waiting for a command as he peppers sweet, wet kisses up to your wrist. the glimmering crystalline stars swimming into his waterline providing you with a kind of thrill you felt ashamed to bask in.
"only the tip?" you pressed hard on yeonjun's boner, eliciting a deliciously painful groan out of his open lips—swollen, and all pretty from being crushed against his teeth to relieve some of his anguish, "would you be satisfied with only the tip?"
you were taunting him; only seeking your own pleasure as he shivered against your cruel touch. a singular streak of starlight falling from his eyes as he closed his tightly to keep himself from breaking down.
you'd have to admit what a sight yeonjun had been, perhaps that's why you decided to take mercy on the man kneeling before you.
yeonjun's hands reached out to grab onto your ankle as soon as you removed them from his hard cock but one look from you had him retracing with a frown on his face. you, on the other hand didn't even try to conceal the smirk on your face as you spread your legs before him. the parting naturally pulling your skirt up to display your soaked, puffy pussy lips to him, sheathed by the drenched fabric of your cotton panties.
yeonjun's whines had withered away the moment you spread your legs before him. eyes zeroed on your core; it almost had a nonage glint. you weren't fooled though, you could tell that it was clouded with nothing but murky lust, not that you had any problem with that.
your hooked your fingers to one side of your panties and pulled it to the other side; strings of your lust that thinned out stretched out and broke as you pulled on the tiny piece of wet fabric away, showing your folds without any sort of barrier, "go on, satisfy yourself."
as though the fragrance of your juices were pulling him like an entranced man before an oasis, he came beseeching you—to taste you, like a thirsty traveler wanting to be quenched with your ambrosia, but you were quick to hold his head back before even the tip of tongue grazed your exposed cunt.
"uh uh," you tutted at him, cajoling his big eyes to look up at you, "only the tip. no licking."
"but," he cried out, his eyes fixated on your pulsating cunt, "just a lick."
you shook your head defiantly, and let go of the finger that revealed your pussy to him.
"its either the tip, or nothing," your spoke, unwavered, and with an defiance to tame the beast," your choice."
you know what he'd choose. it was too easy, he made it way too easy to guess with his pathetic whining, and the jingling of his belt as he dropped them to hover before you, with his hard dick in his hand.
resting on your forearms, you leaned backwards giving yeonjun the leverage to tug your panties off, and aligned his cock to your folds. the ambience gradually filling up with his heaving and breathing, and the lewd sound of his cock head sliding up and down into your slit, forcing you to moan every time his tip bumped against your clit, spreading an electrifying jolt to your core everytime.
"get the tip in or fuck off," you hissed out, only for yeonjun to grind harder against your core; using the weight of his cock to press against your swollen clit to shape you into his own little bitch. his teeth harshly tugging onto his cerise, supple lips as he focused solely on making you mewl; no matter how hard you pushed onto his hard abdomen to get him off you. his hands held their death grip on your waist, bruising them leisurely to his liking.
"you bastar-"
"please i'll just use the tip i promise," yeonjun feverishly affirmed, pressing the underside of his cock between your pussy lips, sliding up and down, "please let me just satisfy you first."
you groaned in pleasure as he continued to rut against you while he was engulfed into your heated softness. yeonjun took off one of his hands from your waist, using the thumb to put pressure on top of his dick. his action resulted in the new found pleasure as he increased his speed, allowing the tip of his cock to crush your clit against the sloppy weight, impelling you close to your own finish, despite mumbles, and moans of rejection.
you dug your nails into the arm that was still holding onto your flesh; you nails creating pernicious crescent moon shape on his skin, coaxing yeonjun to grunt before you; his face scrunching as the pleasures urged him even more, the sting going directly to his groin as he continuously humped into you pussy, driving you along with him to the edge of orgasm.
"you're so warm," yeonjun hisses, his strokes getting more sharp, taking their time to drag across each inch of your pussy, "and soft, i never want to fucking stop."
despite the need to reprimand him, to tell him to fuck himself for ignoring your commands like a disgusting little mutt who was too busy rutting against anything pillowy—you couldn't. you were spellbound with the hungry movement of his cock against your core, enticing both of you to come undone before the altar of carnal desire that had the two of you in a filthy hypnotized daze.
" 'm gonna do as you permitted now," you could hear the smirk in his voice as he aligned his tip to your wet, clenching hole, "i'm gonna enter the tip," he pushed himself inside you, penetrating you just enough so that his cock head was smug inside of you, "just the tip."
your eyes were rolled all the way back to your head as soon as he was inside you, the intrusion of his cock had you gasping for air; your chest heaving up and down as gravity pulled you towards the bed. your wet pussy was sucking him in just right, as he gently removed the tip, only to shove it back inside again—just enough, and no matter how much it killed you to admit, you were sure you were the one suffering the most in this scenario.
yeonjun's finger traced the slit where his dick was nestled in, stroking it around the space to torture your clit even more as his tip remained still inside of you.
"i want to shove it in you so, so bad," yeonjun slurred, his eyes fixated on his index finger that was hidden inside your folds. you wanted him to shove it in as well, but you'd never admit, " but i won't."
"i won't until you beg me too," he taunted, increasing the tempo. your hips starting to squirm under him, the whines in your throat getting louder as you reached your climax. your body thrashing around in unbridled pleasure while clamping down on yeonjun's enlarged cock head inside your pussy. your oblivious clenching driving yeonjun closer to his own finale.
"im not the one to beg," you breathed out. the image of yeonjun's own wrecked self becoming clear to you as slowly rode out your own high. yeonjun's fist grabbing onto the base of his cock, as he breathed heavily at you exposed pussy, and the way you sopping puffy lips was twitching without a hint of shame.
“fuck.’ yeonjun cussed under his breathe, fasting his cock faster, and faster, as if he was running out of time. his patience finally waning as he reached the last stage of his ordeal; with his tip still inside your gummy walls, and the feast of the pantheon before him. even the constraining deal you set against him pushed him further into the rabbit hole of lust.
the fragmented push of his cock inside of you starting to drive you insane. the sickening demand of your body to want him nestled deeper into your womb slowly started to sneak back into your hazy brain. the view of yeonjun's arched body in front of you, with just a bit of his cock inside of you, as he tried to pleasure himself desperately, was clenching against him unwillingly. you were hoping he wouldn't notice how he was affecting you even after you had come before him.
"stop clenching around my cock," yeonjun spat out, his pretty face now laced with moonbeam nectar, seducing his long locks to attack himself onto his lissome skin looking nothing short of a heavenly creature, albeit marred in earthly eroticism.
"then fucking cum quickly," perhaps that's what he needed, because the moment you uttered those crude words, yeonjun took out his cock and came onto your pussy. ropes of your white cum sprayed against your exposed cunt as they seeped inside your slit and dripped down your pussy making a mess.
yeonjun caught himself with the help of his hands before he could collide into you—in turn capturing you inside his arm, with his dick coming in slight contact with the nasty cum on your pussy. you bit your lips to keep yourself from moaning when his cock tapped on your folds, but you're pretty sure yeonjun could tell.
yeonjun pulled himself back abruptly, inserting two of his fingers into your fold, close to your hole, but instead of digging his finger in. he started to drag it upwards, collecting as much as he could before shoving it onto his tongue. swirling it around while keeping his mouth open, so you could see exactly what he was doing.
"im not just tasting you," he licked his fingers clean, "there's my cum as well."
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soobszzn · 1 year
storage room smooch
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synopsis: you want to show your super sporty and athletic boyfriend yeonjun just how supportive you can be.
pairing: jock!yeonjun x reader
genre: mostly fluff, established relationship
content/warnings: lots of kissing, lots of making out, reader doesn’t want to get in trouble, mildly suggestive at the end
wc: 1.3k 
a/n: dedicated to R🌹
“choi yeonjun, fighting!” you exclaimed at the nervous boy fiddling with his shoe laces. he had a few minutes before one of his weekly tournament games, yet was glued to your side. he stood up straight and let out a sigh.
softly smiling at your boyfriend, you began adjusting his basketball jersey while he took a few deep breaths. as talented and athletic as he was, he still got so nervous before every game. you made it a point to support him at each match, cheering him on by the sidelines. 
you took some time to admire him in his jersey, which perfectly showed off his sculpted muscles. part of the reason you loved watching his games so much was because his flawless figure was on display for everyone to see. yeonjun huffed and snapped you out of your trance.
“you’re gonna do great, you’re the best one on the team.” you said encouragingly, affectionately pinching his cheek. he chuckled and smiled back bashfully, mouthing a “thank you.”
“i got this!” yeonjun chanted to himself, lightly jogging in place and taking a few quick breaths. prepared to return to his team, he kissed you quickly on the cheek and jogged towards the now gathering group across the gymnasium. you situated yourself in your usual spot on the bleachers, with a perfect view of yeonjun whenever he was on the bench.
you knew it was normal for some matches to go poorly, but it was bad this time around. it seemed that team synergy was off and nobody was performing their best - not even yeonjun, who was visibly upset.
you watched your boyfriend worriedly, his coach and fellow teammates looking defeated. apart of you felt a bit useless, as the only thing you could do from the sidelines was cheer loudly alongside other spectators.
down by almost half the points of the opposing team, and seeing your boyfriend so troubled, you decided to take matters into your own hands. you noticed his team start to migrate into the boys’ change room for their short halftime break. 
springing to your feet, you quickly walked along the gym perimeter and made a beeline for yeonjun, who was taking his time getting off the bench. as you approached, he looked up and attempted to shoot you a reassuring smile, although you knew he was bothered and slightly embarrassed at his current performance. then, ever so swiftly, you leaned in and pecked him on his forehead in an attempt to lift his spirits. yeonjun’s eyes widened in surprise.
you didn’t plan on keeping him long from his team, and you weren’t even sure if you were allowed on this side of the gymnasium. a short and sweet act of encouragement was all you intended. but it seemed yeonjun had other plans.
before you could even pass him by and get back to your seat, yeonjun grabbed your arm in urgency and pulled you towards him. he lead you to the slightly opened gym storage room not too far away, sneaking the both of you inside.
the storage room was dimly lit and you could only make out a few features of your boyfriends’ face. suddenly, you felt his hands cup your cheeks. he inched his face closer to yours, allowing your lips to meet.
despite being taken aback, you happily and willingly kissed him back. his plush lips were soft and sweet, and you could feel him smile against your lips. then, his hands fell to your waist, as you allowed your hands to roam his already dishevelled hair. this intimacy with yeonjun was pure bliss and you enjoyed every second, but reality settled in and you pulled away quickly.
“oh my god! what if someone sees! is your team looking for you? what about your coach!?” you blurted almost too loudly.
“everyone’s busy doing their own thing, i don’t think they’d notice me missing.” yeonjun laughed as he attempted to pull you close again, obviously still distracted by your lips. you shot him a look.
“im serious, jjun. go back to your team. they need you.” your boyfriend groaned in a way that confirmed your suspicions. “i don’t want you to get in trouble.” you continued.
“you were the one who distracted me!” he argued jokingly as he ran a hand through his hair. he prepared to leave your safe haven in the storage room, and he instructed you to follow a few seconds after. he gave you one last peck and winked as he slipped out and went back to his team.
you didn’t want to claim the team’s comeback as your own doing, but the coincidence was almost comical. you watched in awe as the team continually racked up points in the last two quarters of the game. yeonjun’s energy and vibrancy had returned, moving swiftly and confidently on the court. although they didn’t win this time, they caught up quite impressively with only six points separating them from a win.
unfortunately for the two of you, yeonjun’s short absence during halftime didn’t go unnoticed. even though both his team and coach acknowledged the reappearance of his athletic prowess, they didn’t appreciate the tardiness. after the game, yeonjun was tasked with cleaning up the gymnasium before the caretaking staff arrived. this meant that he had to stay an extra while and the two of you couldn’t go directly back to yeonjun’s place.
“i’ll help you out.” you announced, as you stepped towards the boy picking clutter off the gym floor.
“no no no, i can do this. maybe you should head home first.” yeonjun protested, swiping a bead of sweat off his forehead.
“i was the one who distracted you anyways.” you teased, flashing him a cheeky grin. admitting defeat, yeonjun smiled gratefully.
“lemme just go change out of this uniform. be out in a sec!” he responded, hurriedly rushing back into the change room.
as you waited, you began filing the ball racks back into the gym storage. yeonjun didn’t take very long, returning back in his school uniform, hair still dishevelled. his white button up was messily tucked into his grey slacks and his tie wasn’t properly done up. even though he looked incredibly hot in his basketball uniform, you couldn’t help but enjoy this messy look of his.
and man, did you want to kiss him again.
he let out an exhausted sigh as he made his way towards you. “thank you for helping,” he said quietly. you shot him a meaningful look.
he glanced at you confused. “what?”
you grinned almost deviously, taking his hand and leading him back into the storage room. you yanked at his tie, pulling him closer to you and then pressed your lips together, more eagerly than he did before. yeonjun gasped into the kiss, but settled into it almost immediately. 
your eagerness had him pressed up against a storage shelf littered with gym class equipment. you rested your hands around his neck, gently playing with locks of his hair. he held you at your waist, hands occasionally wandering.
each time your lips threatened to separate, they’d be drawn right back together. the soft sounds of lips smacking filled the dull room, and your breaths became increasingly louder.
in the midst of lip-locking, you pulled away to compliment him. “you did so good today,” you breathed out. he kissed you once more.
“i could only do it because of you,” he pulled away this time, before cupping your face again and pulling you deeper into the kiss.
your hands now roamed his messy locks just as you did before, blissfully allowing yourself to indulge in your handsome boyfriends’ plush lips even more.
yeonjun pulled away again, and you almost whined at his absence. but, before you knew it, he started pecking at your cheek and moving downward. he began slowly leaving longer kisses on your neck, and you found yourself needing to stifle any noises.
“not here, yeonjun!” you exclaimed.
“then hurry and help me finish cleaning up.”
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banggyu0308 · 9 months
Drunk TXT, Episode 1: Yeonjun
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sub!yeonjun x dom!fem!reader
summary: yeonjun just gets so cute and sleepy and whiny when he's drunk... the members had to bring him over cause he was whining for you :((
genre: idol au, smut
warnings: use of alcohol, drunk yeonjun, he's super subby, handjob, he's half-asleep (almost somno tbh), mommy kink, kind of mutual masturbation but not really, slight reference to dom!yeonjun, reader calls him 'baby boy,' not proofread thoroughly
word count: 1k
a/n: happy birthday yj 🧡
This is NOT how you thought you'd be spending your Friday night. You don't necessarily complain, though...
You were in your room when they called you, trying to figure out what exactly you wanted to wear to you and your friend's dinner party tonight. Answering the phone, all you heard was Soobin saying "Yeonjun needs you..." and Yeonjun in the background whining "Are you talking to mommy? Wan' see her..."
Taehyun chided him, saying, "We're about to bring you to her, okay?"
Yeonjun sighed with a soft "fine," and Soobin hung up, leaving you with so many questions that were most definitely not answered.
And with that, you texted your friends to let them know you couldn't make it.
Now you're sitting on your couch just waiting, you've sent multiple texts to Soobin for some sort of explanation, to no avail. It's been twenty minutes and you're picking at your nails, more than a little worried by the lack of communication.
You hear a knock at the door a few minutes later and sigh with relief, jumping up from the couch to open it. All five of the members are clustered on the small front porch, a sight that almost made you laugh, and Yeonjun practically throws himself into your arms with a pathetic little pout. "Hi mommy..."
You shoot a death glare at the other four. "What did you guys do?"
"We were just drinking a little," Beomgyu shrugs. "And everyone knows he can't handle it."
You roll your eyes and shoo them off your porch. "Go away."
Yeonjun's clinging to you the whole way inside and to your bed, head leaning on your shoulder while he tugs at your shirt. He's mumbling incoherence in your ear while you get him some water, and you can't help but smile at the foggy look in his eyes. It's endearing when he's like this, a little tired, brain dead, and just so sleepy.
You help him out of his clothes and slide into bed next to him. You're nowhere near tired, but you've been through this already, and you know he won't be able to fall asleep if you're not there next to him.
You smile wider when he leans his cheek on your chest. The motion makes his lips stick out in an even more obvious pout, and you lean forward to press a kiss to them.
Yeonjun makes a noise somewhere between a whimper and a giggle, and tugs at your shirt again. "Mommy..." he mumbles, eyes closed, and you hum in question for him to continue. "'M so hard, need you..."
Your cheeks flush and you nuzzle your nose against his cheek. You say nothing, more than a little flustered, but when he pulls your already low-necked shirt down your chest to expose your tits and latches his lips onto your nipples, you can't help but slide a careful hand under the band of his boxers.
His breath shakes onto your breast when he lets out a small moan, your hand slipping up and down his dick while he sucks lazily on your nipples. He wasn't wrong- even before you had him in your palm he was hard, rutting slightly against your thigh, and now he's doing the same to your hand.
He's so desperate, bucking his hips forward the moment you pause even a little. Little sniffles come from him in response to the friction, his eyes squeezed so tightly shut that if you hadn't ever done this before, you'd think he was a virgin. His responses to even the slightest of your movements make you suck in a sharp breath at the twisting sensation inside you.
You tentatively run a hand under your own underwear, toying with your clit slowly, the way Yeonjun would if he was domming right now, right as he mumbles out, "Mommy makes me feel s' good, y'know that, mommy?"
Even though he's said that word multiple times in reference to you, it makes your insides tingle in this moment. You struggle to compose yourself before cooing back, "Yeah? Mommy makes her baby boy feel so good?"
"Mommy takes care of me so good, always knows how to do it just right," he agrees, nuzzling his face into your tits.
You smile and press a kiss to his forehead. You allow his hand to replace yours between your legs, catching his lips in a kiss when he manages to circle them around your clit perfectly.
Five minutes later, his pace has faltered, and you'd think he's asleep if it weren't for the occasional slow movement against your clit. The occasional twitch of his hips into your fist.
You're cooing in his ear when you feel his upper body tense, and his free hand grips your forearm, a single little squeak the only noise from him before he's cumming, gasping whimpers out when you let him fuck into your palm throughout his high. Whines of "mommy, mommy, too much, hurts, hurts..." and only nodding when you tell him it'll feel better again soon, gonna make him cum twice so he can sleep soundly tonight.
Yeonjun's fingers are desperate against your cunt while you continue jerking him off, he wants to repay you so badly for making him feel this good. He's tugging you closer and closer to the edge and your own hands are faltering from the pleasure. Raking your free hand through Yeonjun's hair when it reaches it's highest point, your body shaking against his.
He holds you close, mumbling, "There we go mommy, I've got you, doing so good, love you, love you.."
You try and collect yourself quickly, Yeonjun helping by rolling his hips into your hand, and when you can finally speed up, his breath catches in his throat. "Mommy, gonna, 'm gon.."
Second load of cum on his stomach cutting off his statement, you busy yourself with slowly licking it up, looking up at him while you do.
The expression on his face is worth everything to you, his eyes cloudy from both the pleasure and the alcohol in a way that lets you know he'll be sleeping well tonight.
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hyewka · 1 year
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after party | c.yj
warnings: sub!yeonjun + mean dom!reader, virgin shaming, degradation kink, unprotected sex, overstimulation, sloppy and very dirty like this is filth, fucking in a bathroom, yeonjun's a snobby rich kid lol, jealous bsf!beomgyu, enemies to ???
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the last thing you expected to come out of this party was for you to be in a dirty bathroom, giving choi yeonjun, who was leaned against the door, sitting down with his legs sprawled out, a fucking handjob. or at least, the closest thing to a handjob — palming his clothed dick.
choi yeonjun, the bitchiest rich kid on campus. the one who curated the worst reputation for you by spreading baseless rumors. all because you rejected his offer of partening up for a project.
can you even blame yourself for acting the way you did a few months ago? he practically had a reputation of his own, one that really boiled down to being a fuckboy who told girls to leave the moment he finished — he was that much of an asshole.
it was natural for you to assume he had ulterior motives when asking you to be partners...but you do kind of ...regret impulsively saying all of your buried thoughts out loud to his face.
it didn't help that there was already the typical hatred fostered towards stoner, broke kids getting into a prestigious college, you know—without getting the help of parents buying buildings for the institution.
people like yeonjun hated people like you to the core, is the point. so adding that interaction between you both — the interaction where you practically slut shamed him in a public setting, it was safe to say that you made one of the biggest mistakes in your life.
with a random rumor about you having chlamydia surfacing around the campus shortly after you rejected him, you knew that every misfortune after this incident would point back to yeonjun.
and you were right.
when you caught your then-boyfriend cheating on you at a frat party, asking him hurds of questions of the typical 'how could yous' and 'whys' he finally revealed that a mysterious "friend" had introduced him to a girl and like a thriller, you felt someone's eyes watching you, to which you looked behind you...finding none other than yeonjun, the cup he was drinking covering half his face, though it couldn't hide his shitting eating grin as he returned your eye contact for a good second before shifting his attention back to the group of people he surrounded himself with.
from that alone, you figured that you were fucked. there was even a point where you almost got your scholarship revoked because of an "anonymous" report incriminating you. though the anonymous person was never revealed even after countless meetings with the committee, you knew exactly who did it.
the fucking devil himself.
so, naturally, there was a sense of pride blooming in your chest at the indecency of your situation right now. there was no other way you could get revenge on the bitch especially with the power he holds. a smile naturally spread on your face as you notice the once small wet blob had quickly transformed into a big stain.
with the way yeonjun was squirming, as you pressed your flush against him, rapidly sliding your hand back and forth, you couldn't help but have a mocking smirk glued onto your face.
god he looks pathetic with tears on the brim of his waterline.
"y/n—" he whines with his eyes closed shut. which was new, you didn't even know he knew your name.
you decide to pull down the hems of his sweats to get easy access — pulling out his swollen dick roughly, fisting his shaft not paying mind to his red tip.
not expecting to feel warm spurts of cum in your hand so quickly, you stare at your hand puzzled.
you look back at him with a scoffing laugh escaping your mouth. "after, what, thirty seconds?"
"shut it stoner." he spat, his eyes now wide open, going back to his looking down on you agenda in a matter of a second.
you bite the inside of your cheeks at his snappiness.
did he have no shame? even after cumming basically the moment your hand felt up his dick?
you only let out a breathy laugh as you realized that your subconscious just won't allow yourself to leave the bathroom until you break that stupid confidence of his.
not until he loses every ounce of dignity he thinks he has.
you were situated between his legs on your knees, pressing up against his now softened dick, nearing his face. "wanna fuck?" you whisper in his ear.
with the proximity, it was a given you could manage to pick up a gulp from yeonjun's side, so in response to his silence, you lewdly nibble on his lobe, which elicits a closed whimper from yeonjun.
you move away from him immediately, standing up to turn to the bathroom sink, which gets a groan from the boy, "where are the condoms?" you ask, opening the bathroom cabinet in search for the packet.
once again, it falls quiet.
you're not appreciating his lack of responses. at all.
"yeonjun, we won't fuck if you don't tell me where the condoms are." you say mindlessly, your eyes still wandering inside the dark vanity.
again, it was silent.
you turn around to the boy, your eyes quickly glancing down to see that his pretty cock was hard again. what a pathetic whore. you fold your arms, sighing. "i'm not trying to actually contract chlamydia."
his eyes comically turn wide, like a kid accused of stealing candy. "you won't!" he immediately shouts, which takes you aback.
you scoff shortly after. did he think you were an idiot?
"you've slept with practically every girl on campus, are you serious?" you say, laughing as you went back to your search for condoms, now searching inside the drawers of the sink.
"i..i've never slept with anyone." it was a mumble, a very quiet mumble at that, but your ears perk up as they process what he just said, your hands freezing.
you turn around with a puzzled look, no, an extremely perplexed one. "what?"
he bites down on his lip as he shyly avoids eye contact, huffing.
that's when it finally clicked.
"you can't tell anyone! i swear to god i'm going to—i'm going to make your life a living hell if you do!" it wasn't like he was bluffing, he was more than capable. but unfortunately for him, you don't react to his childish threat, instead, a slow smile forms on your lips as you piece everything together.
the way he came prematurely, his whimpers, his heavy breathing whenever you'd press your flush against him, the tears for something as simple as rubbing his dick through his pants...
choi yeonjun was a virign.
you bend down on your knees, a pointed finger on his forehead as you tilted your head looking at yeonjun like he was a prey you've been wanting to hunt. you could say anything now, ridicule to your heart's desire, and destroy every ounce of ego he had.
all of that sounded fun, sure, but you wanted to have the real fun first.
"strip." you simply say. yeonjun looks at you with wide eyes, then clears his throat, still holding eye contact with you. "you can't...you can't just order me like that. i'm the man here."
you scoff incredulously—god he was annoying. "you know, i should be the one worrying about catching anything. i don't want my first time to get me chlamydia." he nervously blabbers.
you roll your eyes. "i know you spread the rumor virgin." you say feeling yourself get angry, spitting the nickname venomously, making him shift a little, dropping the eye contact, to the floor.
your gaze falls to his dick once more, and you just can't control the way you feel yourself wanting to milk it dry, make him so overstimulated he'd just end up laying on the bathroom's floor, people seeing him fucked out like the dirty bitch he was.
"are we going to fuck or is the little virgin scared?" you mock with a pout which successfully gets him to look at you again, sending you a scowl.
he found that he could later excuse this behavior by saying he was taunted and not admit that he was a rabid dog wanting to get his dick inside a pussy for once, so he kisses you, roughly crashing his lips onto yours, standing up to have the advantage of being taller again — at least this time he wasn't under you.
he manages to pin you against the door, that is being knocked on from the other end — which you both only ignore. his dick pressing against your tummy, then your hand once again, grabbing his dick, wasting no time to rapidly go back and forth on his length, the boy in turn slipping whimpers into the kiss.
your eyes shoot wide open despite your horniness, remembering who you were about to fuck. you pull away from the kiss, which prompts for yeonjun to blindly chase your lips again until you stop him with a finger. "if we're going to fuck, no more kissing."
he opens his eyes, groaning. "what kind of shitty rule is that?"
"do you want to go another minute of being a pathetic virgin yeonjun? is that what i'm hearing?"
he shakes his head, brows furrowed.
"then do what i say." you say. yeonjun gulps as you pull down his sweats all the way to his ankles. "take them off."
he glares at you, feeling his cheeks burn as he reluctantly followed your orders like a pet.
"what now?" he asks anyway.
you reach a little under your miniskirt, pulling down your panties, dropping on the floor. you then pull him closer to you, managing to easily wrap your legs around his waist, stabilizing yourself against the door by laying your arms on his shoulders. "now you fuck me choi."
he has a few failed attempts, trying to find your entrance, which you should've guessed would've been a problem, but eventually, you're caught off guard as you gasp, his tip hitting your cunt.
"is—is this it?" he shakily asks with big eyes.
your thumb for a second softly glazes around his features, and fuck you just realize how he pretty he was, taking in the perfection before you finally nod. yeonjun buries his head in your neck, his breath quickening as he pushes in.
"hey, don't go too fast virgin, i don't want your dirty cum inside me." you instruct like you were scolding a dog to not hump someone's leg. but yeonjun doesn't seem to be able to hear anything as he frantically fucks into you, moaning curses over and over again.
"y/n—" he shrieks into the crook of your neck, and you curse internally as you feel his hot cum fill you up anyway. your hand goes to the back of his head, grabbing a fitsful of his hair to pull him away from your neck, revealing his mouth that leaked drool, and his hot streams of tears that were out of humiliation . "i told you to not fucking cum inside me." you spit.
he can't even form a proper sentence as he hiccups, trying to apologize — you tilt your head at the sight, never once dreaming of the moment you'd yeonjun looking like this, apologizing.
you guessed the overstimulation got to his head.
"pull out." you interject coldly between his sobs. and he does, a squelching sound coming out in response. you carefully try to get on your own feet again, then unwrap your hands from his neck.
you use your finger that was now on his chest to push him down. "i can't just let you cum and go, i need my fill too." you say as he just cowers down, finally on an opposing wall, slowly dropping on his ass. "you're so filthy." you lowly grunt, which earns a whimper from yeonjun, his dick standing up right for the third time.
you take a minute to stare him down—it gave you a high, the guy who's been tormenting you for the past few months was sitting on a bathrooms floor, bare, his face messily wet and his lips swollen red, his eyes looking up at you like you had the power to either break him or...
you waste no time to sit on his cock, earning a half shriek, half scream from yeonjun in response to the sudden hot contact that was your pussy, his eyes rolled to the back and his mouth stupidly hung open when you ruthlessly bounce on his cock.
you don't let him shooting his load into you distract you from trying to achieve your orgasm. yeonjun had long been fucked dumb, but his hips still buckle into you every now and then, desperately trying to hit your cervix, like an animal.
he moans your name over and over again—especially when your hand go under his shirt, squeezing his nipples—like it was the only word he knew. unfortunately, the knocks on the door earlier get louder.
"are you guys fucking in there!?!" you hear someone yell and you curse, immediately shoving your hand over yeonjun's mouth in attempt to restrict his sloppy moans, still moving up and down, biting down on your bottom lip as you feel your pussy clamping down on his dick.
as the knocks get louder and louder, your speed gets faster, nearing your orgasm. yeonjun has his eyes half open, looking at you through his wet lashes—he was out.
finally, when you feel yeonjun's hot spring of cum for the fourth time now, you get your own orgasm in sync, exhaling exhausted as you slowly removed your now, wet hand, from yeonjun's mouth.
"clean yourself up, i'm leaving." you say, getting up, his dick slipping out, flopping down, coated in cum.
when he doesn't respond, you roll your eyes, walking over to to get toilet paper, patting your thighs then cleaning up your leaking as much as you could. you finally get to your underwears, pulling them over your leg.
you quickly look in the mirror, trying your best to fix your look up by running through your messy hair and wiping your lipstick off completely.
then you take a quick look at the boy who was sprawled on the floor, dazed, sweat making his once shiny tamed hair, stick to his face. did you push the virgin too far off the edge? you almost felt yourself feeling bad until you once again, realized who he was—choi yeonjun. you then shrug, he can handle himself. or maybe not, who gives a fuck.
when you turn the knob slightly, automatically unlocking the door in the process, you peek your head out, trying to see if anyone was out in the hallway anymore. no one was, so you open it a little more, giving you more wiggle room to get out. until you feel a hand grabbing your ankle, making you shoot your head back.
"we doing this again?" he asks, his brows furrowed up, like he was pleading.
you scoff. "what? like fucking?"
you give him a tight lipped smile. "we'll see choi. now get your hand off me."
he rolls his eyes, obeying.
finally you get out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind you, into the blasting music that you so outwardly despised.
what you don't expect is to so quickly bump into your best friend, the one who got invited to the party and decided to bring you over with him—beomgyu.
"yo, where were you?" he breathed out, looking like he ran a marathon. then his eyes quickly scanned your state—messy hair, makeup completely ruined, a few buttons of your crop top missing, your chest falling up and down. "what happened?" he finally asks when he sees the purple bruises on a side of your neck.
you only shake your head slightly, still out of breath, dismissing the boy with a hand who was now looking like a kicked puppy, as you walk past him and back into where the party was, under the impression beomgyu was following closely behind.
the bathroom click, a sound that indicated its unlocking, grabs beomgyu's attention from his plan to fester you more about what you were doing, his head turning slightly to see a disgruntled figure going out in the hallway, running a hand through their hair—choi yeonjun?
beomgyu's expression turns a little grim when he notices that yeonjun was in the same, or to be fair, an even worse state.
he feels his jaw tick a little, as he turns away, rolling his eyes; he got his answer.
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vampirehoon · 11 days
bathroom tiles ࿔*࿐⋆
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w.c. ⟢ 1.4k
pairing ⟢ yeonjun x afab!reader
synopsis ⟢ a party in which you dragged your other half, yeonjun, and find yourself finding peace and quiet in a bathroom stall. yeonjun finds you after not seeing you since you went off. here you and yeonjun are, on the bathroom tiles - confessing how much you enjoy spending tonight with each other.
genre ⟢ best friends to lovers (fluff)
a/n ⟢ hi! this is a story i had prepared for if i got my tumblr account started and it has! (ty, i’m never gonna stop thanking) and i hope whoever read this, they will enjoy it. <3
⋆ ·˚ ༘ *
choi yeonjun hated parties.
but because of your popularity of getting invitations, he was always dragged to them. of course he never complained but after every single one, he would express his pure hatred for them walking home together.
you promised that this one would be different, and yeonjun hoped you were right.
he always liked walking to the parties; partially because the parties are always close by but also it gives him time to speak with you clearly before having to yell at each other through the blasting (horribly remixed) music.
“whose party did you say this was?”
“a girl in my biology class?”
he looks at you, unimpressed.
“y/n, do you even know her name?”
yeonjun scoffs, and you can’t help but laugh at his disappointment.
“but this party promised good service” you attempt to defend your decision.
yeonjun doesn’t bother responding as you two get to the beginning of the stairs that lead to the party doors.
the music is already giving him a headache, he takes your hand.
“why don’t we have our own party?” he invites you two to get out of this party.
“yeonjun, I promised people I'd be here.”
“break a promise for once.” he begs.
“nice try.” you grip yeonjuns hand and haul him up the stairs to enter the party.
yeonjun and you enter the doors and are immediately taken back. the whole gym floor is covered by students in bright outfits. yeonjun’s black tux and your deep blue dress are giving bridesmaid and groom-man.
by the squeeze of yeonjun’s hand, you know he’s not into this.
“food will make you happier.” you say to yeonjun.
a mumble escapes his mouth as you bring him to the food table. sparkling cupcakes and a chocolate fountain catch your attention first.
yeonjun sees you testing out the chocolate fountain. you cover a marshmallow and bite it. it’s so good!
you can’t enjoy your marshmallow chocolate sensation when yeonjuns thumb rubs the side of your lip.
his furrowed eyebrows made you laugh.
“don’t have too much fun.” he cleans your chocolate on your lips and looks into your eyes.
“well, you’ll realize it’s worth it,” you grab a marshmallow, coat it, and bring it to yeonjun lips. “when you have it yourself.”
yeonjun knew you’d shove it in his mouth if he didn’t accept it, so he opens his mouth and took it.
you watch him closely.
his puffy cheeks were adorable as he enjoyed the marshmallow. you knew he was resisting to admit it was good when his lips shook away a small smile.
“it’s kind of worth it-“
“yeonjun!” you swat his arm, he breaks out in a laugh.
“okay, it’s worth it.”
“you’re being annoying tonight.”
he sighs. “it’s annoying you brought me.”
you two eat a few more marshmallows and then a song you two know well turns on.
“oh?” you look at the dance floor.
yeonjun wipes his hands and looks over also.
“do you want to?” you look at yeonjun.
he meets your eyes with a nod.
you two travel to the dance floor, the music getting louder.
he first dances small and when you begin doing a ridiculous sprinkler. his laughs become music to your ears.
both of you laugh and smile while dancing. he looks at you everytime the song increases in bass.
maybe even 2 minutes in the song you pause. yeonjun dances in front of you without noticing.
the headaches that feel like your brain is bruised, you have only ever heard about from yeonjun, is happening to you. i need to go somewhere quiet, you thought.
“yeonjun, i’ll be back.” you yell.
yeonjun raises his eyebrows.
“bathroom!” you yell.
he gives you a thumbs up.
through the crowd you exit, your headache grows more. you hit the door with your arm and then finally get out into the hall.
yeonjun found no reason to stay dancing so he returned to the snack table. drinking a sweet drink as he waits for you to return.
pounding, your head is pounding. the music was further away as you went down the bathroom stalls. you open the last door and rest on the wall to rub your forehead.
5 minutes, and yeonjun was just by himself. he wondered if you left. yeonjun first decides to check the bathroom.
as he approaches he’s weary to enter the girls bathroom but knew he needed to see if you were in there.
a creek in the door, he pops his head in first. surprisingly, this bathroom was dim. most likely from the bright energy consuming party, yeonjun thought.
he enters and looks down the bathroom stalls.
“y/n?” he first whispers.
he kneels down to see if he can see anything and when he sees the deep blue dress of yours, he heads to the stall.
yeonjun knocks.
you stood up to open the stall door. yeonjun’s hand stayed in the air from knocking and dropped when you gesture for him to enter.
“why are you here?” “did you go to the bathroom?”
“no.” you sit back in your original spot and yeonjun finds a place in front of you.
resting on the back of the wall, yeonjun asks another question.
“why did you stay in here?”
“the music was killing me. i had to leave.”
“we could have ditched together,”
“but you were having fun..”
he scoffs which grabs your attention.
“fun? i was having fun with you.” “i stopped dancing after you left.”
you don’t say anything, just thinking.
“sorry.” you say.
“what for?”
“this whole party. i’ve never asked you if you want to go or if you like coming to them with me.”
yeonjun rests on the wall, his suit flowing over him. you look at his tie and he adjusts it.
“i don’t mind,” yeonjun confesses.
you furrow your eyebrows. yeonjun has only ever told you how much he hates them.
“we are talking about parties yeonjun?” you ask, in case he’s talking about something else.
“yeah i know.”
yeonjun’s eyes meet yours. he looks at you for a second before speaking again.
“of course i hate them, but spending time with you is so fun.”
“so i don’t mind them.”
you swear he looks like a dream. his suit fit him well and looked very attractive on him. you wonder if it’s because of the headache you are feeling this way.
yeonjun laughs under his breath which interrupts your thoughts. you look at yeonjun, and he sighs.
“you’re not falling for me right?”
you burn up instantly, pink cheeks you attempt to cover.
“what! no!”
“i’m teasing.”
his soft smile grows as his eyes move to the ground. could he read your thoughts? you want to say something but the music is heard through the walls again.
a faint popular love song.
you adore this certain song and it always makes you think of an ideal kiss with someone in your fantasies.
you sigh, fixing your dress “if only my headache went away, then we could return to the dance floor”
“so we could, at least, remember tonight..”
“i mean we still can.”
you look up at him and meet his eyes.
the bathroom becomes suffocating, you feel your heart race as yeonjun looks into your eyes. reading your exact thoughts.
as cliché as a romance movie, time slows down in favor of the tension between you two. he’s leaning into you slowly with the chorus of the song leading up.
as he sits up and makes his way to you, his hands crawl on the tile and stop right next to your hands.
yeonjun’s right there. so close that you could count how many eyelashes he has.
“may i?” yeonjun asks, just in case you don’t want this.
but you want this.
the way his lips fit yours, and his hold on your lips made your body go weak. your hands go to his face, cupping him to deepen the kiss.
his hands are comfortably holding your waist. his fingers tickle you as he brings you closer to him.
and to make it better, the song just made the kiss last forever. the passion between you two grows with the flow in the song.
you would have never expected to kiss yeonjun, let alone make out with him.. in a bathroom. this party turned out better than yeonjun anticipated.
𓉸ྀི ©vampirehoon
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y2xnjn · 8 months
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ tipsy!yeonjun (nsfw 18+)
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— a/n: happy birthday to the one and only!! sorry this is very very late, but here is my first work. i hope you guys enjoy it! inspired by drunk jjun cause he's js so dear to me 💕
✧ tipsy!yeonjun x fem!reader, wc: 1.7k
✧ warnings: smut— MDNI !! unprotected sex, oral, pet names (baby, princess)
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you take in the way yeonjuns face crinkles when he smiles. his bangs splayed over his eyes, ruffled and his grin lopsided, softly laughing as you try to take the bottle in front of him. he puts his hands out, attempting to grab any of the previously emptied bottles on the table but gives up, eventually finding comfort in your hand instead. he looks up at you, and that’s the first time you really see his eyes that night, pink and his cheeks even pinker, so when he asks you if he can stay the night how can you say no?
taking yeonjun up to your bedroom, his body weight leaning on you and stumbling at every turn. when you lay him on your bed, he doesn’t let go of your hand. you squirm trying to leave, aiming for the door and to shut off the lights, so he can rest, but his grip stays firm. please, his eyes say, hooded, but coated with a gloss that makes you gulp and lay next to him, your stomach flipping. yeonjun pulls you closer, one hand finding its way around your waist, and the other at the back of your head stroking your hair. the scent of alcohol fills up your nose as it’s buried in his neck, but you don’t mind because you smell it just as much as his natural scent.
soon enough, his hand that stayed wrapped around your waist has traveled down to your ass, and his fingers softly trail under your shorts, over your bare skin. his touch gentler than usual, sending shivers down your spine when he says in your ear, with a low and gruff voice, “you’re so pretty baby.” his lips give one kiss to yours as if warning you about what’s to come before they make their way to your neck. soft and pillowy like they’re not even there, but you’re definitely feeling the effects of it, your mind turning fuzzy as he trails even lower, mellow nips at your collarbone.
he looks up at you with one last kiss to your cleavage, his eyes still glossy but with a newfound heat in them before he’s rolling you over and hovering on top of your subdued body, hands on either side of you. tonight, yeonjun is gentle, nearly faded, in some sort of daze, but right now, the more tender he is, the more you want him.
“jjun,” eyes mimicking his pleas from earlier, your hands find their way to tug at his hoodie. the bulge in his pants rests against your thigh, and it grows as you whimper, his lips taking yours again. he ruts onto your thigh with fluid movements. so slow, soo slow, almost like he’s torturing himself, but he’s just too out of it to realize how badly he wants to feel you. shifting his weight to one hand, he grasps your breast, his finger brushing over your clothed nipple as he smiles against your skin at the way your breath gets caught in your throat and your heartbeat speeds up. “yeonjun, please.”
“my pretty girl,” he smiles, watching you whine in discomfort, trying to tease you, but the way he continues to grind against your leg tells you he’s just as desperate. his fingers ghost over your clothed slit, barely able to feel the sensations over the denim of your jeans, and you cry out, bucking your hips, needing him to do something, to touch you somewhere. “so good for me. ”
tears well up in your eyes in frustration, and he seems to take notice, finally applying pressure where you need him most. unbuttoning your pants, he pulls them down along with your lace panties that make him groan at the sight. “looking so cute for me. my pretty princess, only for me, isn't that right?" you nod, feverishly; gulping when his lips brush against the cloth so softly, it barely feels like a tingle, though it sends sparks through your legs, making your thighs close together absentmindedly. yeonjun pushes one thigh down to keep you spread apart, just enough space for him to ruin you with his tongue. he tugs the lace to the side and stares in awe at the amount of wetness that has spread across, nearly drenched in arousal. he leans in torturously slow, gloss-coated fox eyes making contact with yours, and tongues at your folds. he doesn’t stop holding eye contact, except when his eyes roll back and he moans at the taste of you.
your body trembles under his control as he eats you out, his mouth on every inch of your pussy, licking you up and sucking hard where you feel it the most, as if he was made for this, made to please you. cries travel far, your neighbors would probably be able to hear how good he’s giving it to you, with every dip of his tongue into your hole, you whine and with every nudge of his nose against your bud, you squirm until you finally reach your limit. fingers tangling in his hair and tugging to warn him of your climax, he doesn’t stop, and instead gives you what you’re asking for, putting his all in to give you a mind blowing orgasm. “need you to cum on my tongue, baby. please give it to me,” he whines as he says it, as if he needs you to cum more than you do.
before you’re able to relax, yeonjun’s fingers prod at your cunt, gentle but still enough pressure to make you whimper due to the overstimulation. his hooded eyes traverse your body, and he bites his lip, his hands moving to undo his belt. pulling his pants down, his cock slips out, red and veiny, your eyes water at the sight.
"baby," you coo, "you're so hard." your hand reaches out, smearing his tip with your thumb, and he whimpers at the touch, squirming and hanging his head low as you rub him. you feel like you're in control for a split second until he looks back up, eyes on you as if he was about to pounce and ruin you until you can barely speak a word, lips caught between his teeth, bruised and swollen and hair disheveled from the aftermath of your fingers. your hands still on his cock, and you suddenly feel like prey, as he towers over you. yeonjun rubs his tip against your clit, whatever remnants from your previous orgasm leaking out, and he absorbs your cries for him to just slip it in with his lips pressed against your mouth, wanting you to beg for his touch. “jjun— i need you. please— want it so bad, so bad, need you to put it in.”
tears prick from the corner of your eyes, and his gaze softens when he sees a stream down your cheek, your lips jousted out in a pretty pout. he presses his palm against your cheek and kisses your pout with one of his own before he sweetly mutters against your lips, "i'll give you whatever you want when you sound that pretty for me, princess." you feel him enter you with a low groan emitting from his throat, and the stretch never fails to make you twitch. you shut your eyes to distract yourself from the pressure, more tears falling from your eyes, and yeonjun kisses them away, taking your hand into his and squeezing it tightly until his warmth enters you fully.
every ridge of his cock scratches your walls with satisfaction, the weight of his stomach pressing against the bulge that rests inside you. the feeling of your walls tightly wrapped around his length makes it hard for him to thrust into you, his mouth agape at the way you take him in. your hand once again find itself in his locks, fingers nearly imprinted into his scalp from the way he cautiously moves. yeonjun’s eyebrows furrow as he focuses on his movements, finally fucking into with a pace.
the circumstances aren’t new, but the effect the motion has on you makes you feel a way you’ve never felt. yeonjun’s thrusts are lazy, but they hit a spot inside you that has you yelling. he tightly grips your hips, controlling the way they buck up every time his length presses into your cervix. he opens his eyes when you grab his hair harshly, and nearly cums at the sight of your fucked out face, and he prays the alcohol in his system has worn off, so he can remember the sight. “you’re so tight- so pretty, so mesmerizing.” he almost sobs, a rough thrust making you scream. “gonna fucking cum in you, princess, make some pretty babies— can i please, please cum?”
the tears are finally visible in his glossy, bloodshot eyes, about to break free if you make him hold out any longer, so your hand moves down to hold his jaw as you press a kiss to his lips, moaning a soft, “yes, jjunie. fill me up.”
this puts him over the edge, his cum filling you up with warmth, and you throw your head back at the feeling. his thrusts turn sloppy, but don't stop, riding out his own high and pushing yours further. he feels you clenching even harder, pulling him closer by his hair as you wail out that you're close. "pretty girl's gonna cum all over me? make me hers?" you nod, and his movements become faster. yeonjun clenches his jaw, gritting his teeth at the pain of the overstimulation, but doesn't let up, wanting you to feel as good as he did. "fuck, come on, baby. want your cute fucking pussy to claim me."
your second high finally hits you, your walls fluttering around his cock as your seed spills out, and you moan into his mouth with a soft smile. he pulls out, his softening length dripping all over the glistening skin of your thighs. a soft curse falls from his lips when your hands finally release his hair, a sense of relief washing over the two of you as he falls beside you. sweaty and heaving breaths fill the air, and you look over at him, expecting to see him passed out, but you're met with his gleaming eyes and a cute pout. his cheeks are tainted with bubblegum, and you feel like showering him with affection, so you lean over and kiss his forehead. his lips stretch out into a gooey smile when you pull back, and his eyes flutter shut, his heavy breaths slowing down until his chest is rising and falling in a relaxed motion. "go to sleep, baby. i'll cure your hangover in the morning with something special."
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hyukalyptus · 5 months
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i'll be okay—yeonjun x fem!afab!reader. reader gets overstimulated and they have comfort sex lol. NSFW/MDNI!
cw. established relationship, afab!reader, chubby!reader implied, reader experiences sensory overload (but there is no specific disability mentioned), yeonjun has stubble ehehe, nipple play, cunnilingus, use of sex toys, unprotected sex (pls wear protection ppl), creampie , pet names (love, baby, jjuni), "i love you," reader wears a dress, lowkey lovemaking, kinda cheesy, i think that's it?  notes. so this is kinda supposed to be, like, as a result of sensory overload. i wrote this as a neurodivergent person who experiences sensory overload, but anyone can get overstimulated, so even if you aren't neurodivergent, you may relate to this! and remember- disability, overstimulation, and sensory overload are different experiences for everyone! no one experiences them the same, SO just keep in mind this is kinda as a result of my personal experience. thank u :3 smut under cut. wc. 1.8K
“I’m sorry we had to come home early,” you say, closing and locking your apartment’s front door. “It’s this fabric…” Tugging at the dress you’d picked out for tonight’s date, you shiver. You knew the fabric wasn’t your favorite, but the dress fit you so perfectly. It couldn’t be bad for one night, right? 
The combination of a stressful day at work, the cacophony of the bustling restaurant, the glaring city lights, and the dress' god awful fabric proved overwhelming. Sensory overload loomed over you from the moment you stepped into the restaurant, but you tried to push it aside, which is never a good idea.
You didn’t have to say anything. Yeonjun knew. He always knows. 
But you wanted to stay, to salvage the perfect date in the perfect dress. And oh how sexy did he look with his slightly grown-out beard, knowing how much you loved the look. Tonight was supposed to be special, and excitement radiated from both of you.
But some days are simply bad and this is one of them. 
“Don’t apologize, love,” Yeonjun says, draping his jacket across the dining table chair. “I couldn’t wait to get you out of that dress anyway.” You wanted to hug him, kiss him, do other things to him, but you couldn’t wait to get this fucking dress off. 
Exhaling a sigh of relief, the familiar comfort of your favorite t-shirt and shorts envelops you as you step out of the closet, finding him patiently waiting on the edge of the bed.
“How are you feeling?” 
“Better—still a bit, you know,” you respond, shaking your hands. “But I’ll be okay.” 
“Need some water?” You nod, watching him walk calmly to the kitchen. How does he always stay so calm? Always your rock. “Here you go, love.” Quietly observing as you settle, he says, “You did look really pretty in that dress.” 
Sitting up, you cross your legs, give him a gentle smile, and say, “Thank you, baby.”
Humming, you nod. Warmth spreads through you as his hand gracefully glides from your arm down to squeeze your thigh. Leaning closer, his thumb traces the apple of your cheek before his lips meet yours. 
“You’re always pretty though.” 
The kiss deepens and he leans over, guiding you to lie down as your arms naturally wrap around his shoulders. In his embrace, you find solace and a sense of security, appreciating the constant reassurance he brings into your life.
Every subtle move he makes sends a ripple of response through your body—his hand slipping beneath your shirt to rest on your waist, the delicate texture of his fingertips, even the slightest pinches. It all made you jump. He gently squeezes your tit, making a smile tug at the corners of your lips before swiping a thumb across your nipple experimentally. 
You hum, like nuh-uh, you’re not done yet before pulling him back to you. Breaths heavy and deep, he whispers your name as if to ask if you’re okay. He’d never want to overwhelm you, but you want him. 
Trailing his lips down your neck, you say, “I’m still really sensitive, so I’ll have to…you know, take lots of breaks.”
“That’s okay, baby…” Lips brushing your own, the hotness of his breath against your lips grounds you in the moment, hyper aware of his body on yours. “You know I’ll always stop when you need me to.” Tugging at the hem of your shirt—he always lets you take off your own shirt when you’re extra sensitive—his hands rub your waist, giving you time to adjust to sudden exposure. This definitely isn’t the first time you’ve had sex, but each time feels exciting and new. 
Peppering your skin with the sweetest, most sensual kisses until—
Your breath catches in your throat at his tongue against your nipple. A stiffness takes over and as usual, he notices. 
“Feelin’ okay?” He feels good…really good. But you’re still anxious and you still need to look out for yourself to make sure you don’t get too overwhelmed. 
“Yes—” you gasp as your eyes squeeze shut, letting his lips explore your body. He can feel it. That you’re okay. That you want him. But he wants you to say it. 
“I need you to say it, love.”
Ah, he’s always had such a thing for consent. And you have too. Knowing—saying out loud—how much one wants the other is delicious. 
You chuckle and say, “Ask me first.”
Feeling his smile against your chest, your jitters turn into butterflies. “Love,” he says, peppering your skin with kisses. “I want to…” he starts, skating his lips across your tummy. “God, there’s so much I wanna do to you.” 
Making his way down toward your hips, you can’t help but run your fingers through his hair. “Tell me.”
“I wanna make you feel so good,” he whispers. “Wanna give you one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had. I wanna taste your pussy. I wanna fuck you so slowly it makes you crazy.” Watching how he places the softest kisses everywhere, you’ll forever know how much he loves your body. “Is that okay?”
You hum, giving him the okay to move closer and closer to your pussy, he watches your every reaction. 
Flicking his tongue over your clit, you gasp. You feel it all—everything. His slippery tongue, the cotton bed sheets sticking to your damp back, the uncomfortable position your pillow is forcing you into, his fingernails digging into your thighs, the roughness of his five o’clock shadow against your thighs. Its—
“Stop,” you say, pushing yourself away from him, taking deep breaths. “Too much—sorry…”
“Never apologize, love.” While you’re calming yourself down, he asks, “What was it?”
“Your…um, your little stubble,” you say, chuckling. “Sorry, you look so cute, but…”
“It’s okay.” He smiles reassuringly. “I just won’t eat you out. You wanna use a toy?” Before you can even answer with your simple nod, he’s opening one of the bedside tables. “Which one?”
“Surprise me.” Smirking, he pulls out your favorite bullet vibrator— “Ah, that’s the one I was hoping you’d pick.” It’s a comforting one. You know exactly what to expect from it and there aren’t any surprises, which is just what you need right now.
“How did I know that? You wanna use it or do you want me to?”
“Tell me if it's too much, okay?” He starts it off on its lowest setting, slowly easing it onto your clit. Waves of relaxation wash over you, giving you the chance to calm down. He can tell by your moans that you want— “More?” You nod, answering with a quick mhmm and he turns it up to your favorite speed, hitting just the right spot. 
“Oh, fuck, that’s good,” you say breathlessly. Placing gentle kisses on your ribs, he’s getting you used to the feeling of him again. “Can you—” It’s like he read your mind. His tongue finds your nipple, going around it so deliciously. 
You start squirming, ready for more. 
“Jjuni…” you whine, back arching while you claw at his chest. “Need you. Please?” He doesn’t have to ask what position. You have a favorite for these nights. Simple, but effective—a nice kneeling missionary. You’re in a comfy position, he can see his cock going in and out of your perfect pussy, and he can touch your whole body with easy access to your clit. 
“Breathe for me, okay?” How did he know you were holding your breath? You force yourself to relax, his warm hands soothing you even more. He places a butterfly-soft kiss to your lips. “You’re so beautiful, babe.” 
“So are you,” you smile, watching him rub gentle circles on one hip while he slowly pushes himself inside you. “Yeonjun—”
“Fuck, you feel so good, love,” he says. “I’m gonna start moving, okay?”
Nodding, you grab a fistful of sheets at how simply incredible he feels. But—
“Wait, wait.”
“Too much?” Changing his pace, it feels— “How’s this?”
“Oh,” your chest heaves. “That feels good, yeah. Sorry,” you say nervously.
Truthfully, he didn’t mind this at all. He likes taking his time with you. The only thing he doesn’t like is that you feel like you’re burdening him with all the breaks and pauses. But he’s told you so many times, “You’re absolutely perfect, love.” 
You sigh and say, “I love you.” That wasn’t the first time you’d said that, not even that evening, but saying it during sex always turned him to putty. 
“I love you too, baby. So much.” Reaching for your vibrator again, he presses it to your clit, sending shocks through your body. And it feels…so good. But just for a moment. 
“Ah,” you sit up, pushing him out. “I need to take a break.” He nods, giving you space to take a few sips of the water he’d gotten you earlier. “Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he smiles. “You wanna try being on top?”
“Nah, I like this position. If that’s okay?”
“Perfectly fine by me.” Spreading your legs again, he runs his hands over your waist, feeling you ground yourself again. “Ready?” 
Every step of the way, he’s so attentive to you and ensures you don’t get overwhelmed or more overstimulated than you already are. And he’s always been like this. Always. Even since the first time you slept together. Sleeping with someone you cared about for the first time was always overwhelming—so many things to think about—am I being too loud? Do I taste okay? Am I making them feel good? It was stressful. But he picked up on it immediately. 
He treated you perfectly. How you always wanted to be treated. He read you so well. 
Those questions inside your head turned into whispers from him—let me hear you, baby. God, you’re so fucking delicious. Fuck, you make me feel so good, love. 
“Jjuni, can you use my toy again?”
“Of course,” he smiles. “Feel good?” You nod again, edging close to your orgasm. As it builds, his whispers become more fervent. “You’re doing so good for me, love.” His voice is soothing, a constant reassurance that you’re in a safe and pleasurable space. Adding just the right amount of pressure to your clit with the perfect pace of his thrusts, your body finds itself in a whirlwind of pleasure and ecstasy as you reach your orgasm. 
The room fills with the subtle hum of the toy, the soft sounds of your moans, and his gentle breaths as he maintains his attentiveness. 
Coming down from your high, you catch your breath and say, “Please cum inside me. I wanna feel you. Please.” He nods, discarding the toy to the mattress, squeezing your tit, not only for himself, but he knows it comforts you. “Please.” 
His grunts get deeper, his thrusts get sloppier, and with a few final thrusts, he reaches his own climax, filling you with warmth and a deep feeling of connection between you. 
Placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder, he whispers, “You’re so perfect, you know that?”
“You are too.” 
“I’m always here for you, okay?”
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my313 · 3 months
bewitched 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 choi yeonjun
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now playing 𝄞₊⊹ bewitched - laufey
⋆ pairing: bf!yeonjun x f!reader
⋆ genre/themes/warnings: fluff, established relationship
a/n: our resident lauver yeonjun deserves this!!! enjoy this v quick drabble :3
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bf!yeonjun would definitely get a custom vinyl record with songs that remind him of you and your relationship. he'd call it the soundtrack of your love, complete with a picture of you both on the sleeve, possibly a polaroid picture of one of your trips overseas.
he'd play it most days; when you're at work or busy and he misses you, or when he reminisces over the memories you've made together over the course of your relationship.
but he loves to play it the most when you're both home. be it the weekends, or if you're stuck at home because of the rain, or even if you just decide to stay in and build one of his many lego purchases.
yeonjun thinks he's built a new core memory with you this one time he props up the vinyl on his record player, though. the big light is almost never on in your living room, opting to have the lamp you both lugged in the subway as your main source of light; its warmth looming over your flushed faces, like a pair of rose-coloured glasses that never seem to come off when you two are together.
he extends his hand, dipping into a satirical curtsy with a silly grin on his face. "care to dance, m'lady?" yeonjun sounds like he's teasing, but you know with how his eyes glisten hopefully that he truly wants you to get on your feet and put your hand in his. you stifle a laugh, attempting to follow along with his lead, nodding. "well, of course!"
his lithe fingers find their rightful place at your waist, your hands on his shoulders as laufey's bewitched plays softly. yeonjun knows you're his; he knows you're here to stay, but in moments like this, with your faces inches away, he memorises the way your eyelashes kiss the apples of your cheeks as you laugh bashfully, navigating your feet to the melody - as if you're going to fade into the yellow hue of the room like a figment of his imagination.
"i'm gonna step on your foot, junnie." you giggle, looking down at how your steps stumble over yeonjun's relaxed rhythm. "that's okay baby, you can step on me any day." he winks, aiming to see you throw your head back with an animated laugh. he feels his chest swell when you do just that.
yeonjun could do this everyday. play the same twenty songs and never get sick of the way you squeal each time he spins you; the way you laugh when you try to spin him back, only for his forehead to smack against you, opting to crouch to fit under your outstretched arm. he pulls you in and out, crazed laughter overpowering the gentle jazz.
you get tired at one point, so by the third track, you're pressed into a hug and taking the smallest steps, swaying left and right. your face is buried in the crook of yeonjun's neck as his arms engulf you, squeezing you into him as if he wants you both to be one entity. you retract from his shoulders to have a good look at your boyfriend's handsome face, beaming when you find him already staring at you. yeonjun abruptly pecks your lips once, twice, more than four times, before he's kissing you all over your face. he ends on your forehead then looks right back at you, "do you think we'll run out of songs to dance to?" yeonjun's way of asking if you'd stay forever, you think. it makes you want to write all the love songs in the world, give him his very own vinyl.
you shake your head firmly. your hands pull away from his waist and onto either side of his face, squishing his cheeks to make lips form a pout. "we can even dance in silence if we're together, junnie."
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