yogadaily · 9 months
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(via What does yoga teach you ? in 2023 | Yoga everyday, 15 minute workout, Yoga body  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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rebbeca87 · 7 months
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musingsonhumaning · 5 months
Happy winter solstice. I did 108 sun salutations to celebrate the lengthening of the days. (108 is an important symbolic number in Hinduism!) I recently read the book Wintering and I feel inspired to pay more attention to the changing of the seasons
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A short break and off I go again to the Canaries and Cape Verde 🚢⛵..... Will post some travel photos en-route and pop up here and there to say hello 🤗🤗🤗
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drharsh · 14 days
Yoga Asanas For Better Sleep:-
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In yoga asanas, when you get better sleep: Sleep is very important for health. It is good that the lack of deep sleep affects the daily routine and can also cause mental disorders. There can be many reasons why I can't fall asleep. For example, a person cannot sleep due to stress and anxiety. Insomnia is caused by metabolic disorders, such as stomach disorders, acidity. In addition, irregular eating habits, lack of movement, long periods of time in front of the screen also affect sleep. If you can't sleep at night or have problems with lack of deep sleep, you can practice some yogasanas. Yoga reduces insomnia and improves health.
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Jei norite gerai ir deep siegoti naturu, įgykite įprotī practikuoti Balasaną. Thus the mind remains calm. To perform this asana, sit on a chair in Vajrasana pose, breathe in and raise your arms up. Breathe in and get stronger. Per tai laikykite palms and head on the ground. Inhaling and exhaling, join your fingers and gently place your head between your hands.
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Practice Shavasana when you calm down the nervous system and relax the tired muscles of the shoulders. To perform Shavasana, stretch your head up and separate both legs, leaving some space. Then let the body relax towards the feet, take a deep breath and let the whole body relax.
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By practicing Uttanasana, you will quickly see a difference in your sleep. To practice this yoga, first stand up straight, take a deep breath and raise both hands up. Now exhale and pull your arms towards the ground. Try touching your toes instead. Stay in this position for a while.
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If you wake up several times during the night or keep changing sides, start practicing Shalabhasana. To practice this yoga, stand directly behind the mouth and place both palms on the muscles. Then straighten the toes of both feet and bring the toes of both feet together. Ketinima's slowly raised legs are kept in this position for some time while breathing deeply.
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aatmyogashala · 11 months
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" Yoga takes you into the present moment. The only place where life exists."
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kinoyoga · 1 year
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Don’t worry, I’m not at any risk of falling off this ledge. I’m not a climber or a big risk taker, so I am always safe. Did you know that more people SEO each year taking selfies that shark attacks and the number is increasing? Not to mention how many yoga practitioners hurt themselves trying to get that perfect photo. It’s all good and fun in the moment, but it’s also important to curb our enthusiasm and keep it safe. Thanks to everyone for an awesome weekend @spaceyoga I will be back in Taiwan again for a longer course of teaching. Hope to see you there. It’s 15 hours from Taipei to NYC, heading back to the US ✈️What’s the longest flight you’ve taken? Wearing @lululemon #lululemon #lululemonambassador #thesweatlife #yoga #yogataiwan #yogataipei #taipeiyoga #taiwanyoga #kinoyoga #yogaworkshop #ashtanga #ashtangayogataiwan #yogatravel #yogateacher #paschimottanasana #paschimattanasana #taipei101 💕 (at Taipei, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSrhWfudHH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dranewsome · 7 months
Unveiling Body Positivity: The Empowering Journey of Naked Yoga
Naked yoga, a practice that combines the ancient art of yoga with the liberating act of nudity, has gained popularity in recent years for its unique approach to wellness and self-acceptance. Advocates of naked yoga believe that practicing yoga without clothes promotes a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit. By shedding societal constraints and embracing their natural state, participants often report feeling more comfortable and confident in their bodies.
This unconventional form of yoga fosters a sense of vulnerability and acceptance, encouraging practitioners to embrace imperfections and celebrate their bodies just as they are. Supporters argue that removing clothing eliminates barriers and judgment, allowing individuals to focus solely on their practice, promoting self-love and body positivity.
However, naked yoga isn't merely about physical exposure; it's a holistic experience that promotes mental and emotional well-being. Participants often find increased self-awareness, improved body image, and reduced stress levels. It's essential, though, to practice in a safe and respectful environment, ensuring everyone feels comfortable and secure throughout the session. Ultimately, naked yoga serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty of the human body and its incredible potential for healing and self-discovery.
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jonathancalderon74 · 1 year
Practising yoga for the first time
Yesterday I went to clear my mind so I thought it was COOL to practice yoga with my baby at home. I put a video about yoga classes and started. I knew little about yoga so I was willing to learn. my baby did not stop hugging me, he is my BAE and she is always with me.
When we started, the atmosphere was very HYPE. In the video the instructor had some relaxing sounds playing in the background, which gave the class an environment where you could meditate, I'm WOKEN up by the political problems in our country but thanks to yoga I can stop worrying about that.
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The instructor began to guide us through a series of postures, pushing us to the limit. But amid the physical intensity, there was a sense of peace. As we flowed from one pose to the next, the music and energy in the room kept us moving it was so LIT. The sound was real, and we could feel our bodies awakening to the power of the music. It was as if the combination of movement, breath, and heartbeat was unlocking a new level of consciousness within me.
At that moment, I realized that yoga was not just about the physical aspect; it was a path to discovery and personal growth. That day, I felt so changed, so refreshed, comforted, and awake from yoga. But my baby was very RATCHER and she hardly let me practice yoga at times, even so, we had a lot of fun.
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yogadaily · 5 months
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(via scorpion handstand – adho mukha vrksasana 🤍 | Exercise, How to do yoga, Workout   || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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sattvay0gaacademy · 11 days
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rebbeca87 · 7 months
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aurorawillows · 6 months
It's my Birthday today.. 55 this year. The greatest gift I have is having you here, watching my videos, appreciating my recovery journey from my brain aneurysm and breast cancer.
I couldn't have gotten through these things without all your support. So I just wanted to thank you for being here, for watching my videos, being a fanclub member,for your positive comments, your appreciation of my healing journey.
Thanks for sharing your self healing story and just for loving me. That is the greatest gift for my birthday this year, so from the bottom of my heart I simply say "Thank You" for the best birthday gift ever xx
Love you xx
Keep stretching :) Aurora xx
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lifeinspired4u · 6 months
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youryogateacher · 1 month
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Lick her soles!!
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aatmyogashala · 6 months
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How to do Bow Pose? - Dhanurasana
Step by step
1. Lie on your belly, with your hands by your side, palms facing up 2. Bend your knees and take hold of your ankles with your hands 3. Press your pubic bone down, draw your lower belly in and up 4. On an inhalation, press your ankles in your hands, lifting your chest and thighs 5. Slide your shoulder blades down and towards each other to open your chest 6. Stay for a few breaths, breathing into your chest and ribs 7. On an exhalation, release your ankles, and gently lie down on your belly for a few breaths. . 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 & 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬: Website: https://aatmyogashala.com/ Call OR WhatsApp: +91-8445993766 E-mail: [email protected]
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