#yoon jongwoo
sofapup17 · 8 months
Homoerotically staring into your eyes and promising that I'll find out whatever you're hiding you murderer
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braceletofteeth · 6 months
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Evilive (1x03) || Strangers From Hell (1x08)
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karpasan · 6 months
So I'm watching Strangers from Hell
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kafkasmjjw · 6 months
the frustration, surrender and relief on jongwoo's face vs the complete and utter raw adoration and knowing on moonjo's,, they're so dear to me.
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jongwoojanu · 10 months
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"...is this who I really am?" - Yoon Jongwoo, Strangers from Hell (2019)
[ Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground// untitled sculpture, ceydajeevas on instagram// Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis// Strangers from Hell (2019), dir Lee Chang-hee// Bora Chung, Cursed Bunny// Monster (2004)// Hieu Minh Nguyen, Elegy for the First// Perfect Blue (1997), dir Satoshi Kon// Naoki Urasawa, Monster (1994-2001) ]
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sofarraway · 8 months
seo moonjo is alive. but the idea of him letting himself die in the hands of his own masterpiece, of him letting go of everything including his own life just for jongwoo to fully bloom... it's just too fucking wonderful.
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whiteblueberryjam · 4 months
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put them all in a room together and see what happens, who doesn’t love a cannibalistic duo
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piratetheon · 1 year
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mjjw + text posts
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deleted-movie-lines · 4 months
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Deleted EEAAO lines from Strangers From Hell
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skylessnights · 7 months
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Jong-woo: I'll kill you! Moon-jo: Is he flirting with me? 😏
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Moon Jo's Love Language- Acts of Desperation
"Jongwoo is very special to me. He's special to me...."
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braceletofteeth · 9 months
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Strangers From Hell Incorrect Quotes [12/?]
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skunklebum · 1 year
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kafkasmjjw · 6 months
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motherdanger · 5 months
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bro wtff look at my dentist im gonna die 😭
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
shutting them up with a kiss ㅡ haruto, jongwoo, matthew, junhyeon & gunwook
boys planet trainees x gn!reader
requested : their reactions to shutting them up with a kiss.
genre : fluff, a bit angsty on the haruto one
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• haruto
haruto was on a survival show, boys planet. after the second elimination, they let the boys have some rest to go and see their family and friends. as his family in japan, you were the first person that came into his mind, so here he was, at your place. you were more than thrilled when you saw him, and after eating together, you ended up on your couch.
"so, how's it ?" you asked him, eager to know all the gossips and backstages of the show.
at first, he was mostly telling you funny anecdotes about what was happening there. then, he complained about the staff. little by little, things were getting a bit more serious, and haruto started to tell you about his true feelings.
"you know, i have fun there, even if it's stressful but... i worry about the image the editors are conveying to the star creators. i feel like they rarely give me screen time that showcase my hard work nor my talent, you know ? like, i'm only shown when i'm saying something funny."
you listened patiently to his concerns, showing him with small reactions that you were truely interested in what he was saying.
"this is not my first survival show. and i told my parents i'd go back to japan if i haven't debut after i graduated high school."
the worry on haruto's face was starting to be more visible. he was confortable enough with you to show you how he felf. you took his hand in yours, encouraging him to keep going. you knew he needed to get this off his chest.
"so, yeah. i'm kinda scared because my rank are not high enough, and they don't picture me as someone who is good enough to debut. i'm afraid the people who watch the show picture me as a comic relief more than anything and this show is my last chance so... you know, i'm starting to think maybe it was all a waste of time"
without a warning, you leaned in and planted a deep kiss on his lips. he was surprised at first, but then he found himself comforted by the gesture. now, the only thing that mattered was the feel of you next him, and now the warm of your embrace as you pulled him in your embrace.
when you broke apart, you didn't wait to encourage him.
"i don't think it was a waste of time to chase your dreams. you're surely more talented than what mnet shows on tv, but i'm pretty sure most of the star creators know that. this is a big show, so even if you don't end up debuting, you haven't lost. it's an opportunity and you gained lots of fans and support through it. you'll surely have debut plans proposed to you after it, because you are that talented. don't worry okay ? in my book, you're P01."
haruto felt the tears coming to his eyes, at first because of the stress, but when you started talking, it was the relief. he felt so much better after your words, and he simply hid his face in the crook of your neck.
"i don't know what i'd do without you."
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• jongwoo
jongwoo and you had been dance rivals for years now. always pushing each other to do better in order to beat the other. you two were in the same dance crew for a while now, and you knew each others for years. because of that, you were constantly fighting to know who will be the leader of the crew, as you two were the best dancers.
this competition results in you guys always bickering and teasing each other, creating a tension between you two. but you still respected each other and admired your talent and work.
there was a dance competition coming soon, and your coach decided that in order to win, he had to send his best dancers, namely, jongwoo and you.
you complained so much about working with each other, and you guys struggled to create a choreography because you kept up fighting about what was better. but, at the end of the day, you always found a way of compromise.
the dance was a bit intimate. nothing too much, they were just moments were you had to touch each other and be close, portraying the relationship of two lovers. and there is where lies all the difficulty. for as long as he could remember, jongwoo always had a crush on you. it was a secret he never told to anybody. on the other hand, the feeling was mutual since recently. when you were practicing, your eyes couldn't help but find their way to jongwoo, admiring his dance skills. your feelings made it hard for the both of you to focus during the intimate parts, and you two covered your shyness with even more bickering.
there was this part of the dance where you were face to face, his hands on your waist while yours were making their ways to his shoulders. and jongwoo couldn't keep his chill whenever this part came up, firstly because he was too shy, but also because you were never doing correctly.
in fact, you never touched him fully, your hands only brushing lightly his skin. he never said anything about it, but he was still thinking about winning the competition, so he understood it was time he corrected your posture.
"look, i know it's awkward for you because the dance is a bit affectionate but, please do it correctly."
"what do you mean ? i'm doing it the right way", you tried to defend yourself.
"let me show you."
he pulled you closer by your wrist, lightly in order not to hurt you. after that, he faced you, placing your arms on his shoulder the way they were supposed to be. finally, he completed the move by placing his own hands on you.
"we're supposed to do it that way, otherwise the whole story we're supposed to deliever through the choreography would be messed up. we have to look like lovers, so please touch me the right way so it won't look weird. if you really have a problem with the move, we can change it"
he kept talking about some of the other close moves you weren't doing right, but the way he haven't let go of you made you lose focus on his words, looking at him. now, your eyes were focused on his face only, and you couldn't help but realize he was good looking. like, really good looking. he started to feel his gaze on you, slightly slowing down his words to look at you back.
"if we want to win we cannot do it that way, so... uh... why are you looking at me like that ?"
despite his eternal beanie, you could see his ears go red. both of you felt that strange electricity between you, and just like a magnet, you couldn't help but get your face closer to him, without your lips touching him yet.
"are you going to kiss me or something? i-i'm not saying that's what i want but if you want to kiss me i won't stop y-"
that was enough for you to finally press your lips on him. for a moment, he was unsure what to do, not realizing you were kissing him directly. but then, he responded, his grip on your waist thightening a bit. it was only a brief moment, but it was enough to make you feel like your legs were week.
"i'm sorry", you said once you two pulled away. he simply smiled, still not letting you go from his embrace.
"i don't know if you're suggesting to put that in the choreo, but i liked it" he said, making you giggle a bit, before he leaned in again.
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• matthew
if there was a word to describe your relationship with matthew, it was... confusing. you shared the same friend group, and at first he was just your friend's friend. with time, you two grew closer, to the point where what you had was a bit ambiguous.
you may tell everybody that you guys are just friend, no one would trust you.
at first, your friends thought it was funny, the little games you two played. sometimes you two would flirt, sometimes you'd try to make each other jealous, or you'd bicker, and sometimes you were just regular friends. but, they never thought those games would last that long, they hoped eventually one of you would finally make the effort to ask the other out. they would tease you to let the you know how the other felt.
but it's been a year since this relationship was going and neither you nor matthew did a step toward the other.
in reality, the fact that they kept teasing you but none of you had confessed yet made you both doubt. matthew thought after all they said, and the way he acted with you, you knew he liked you. and if the feeling was mutual, maybe you would have asked him out. but you never did, so he never dared to try anything with you.
little did he know, you thought the same thing, and that's why you were to afraid to confess to him. that is how you two ended up with this confusing relationship were you both are idiots in love, but too dense to realize the feeling is mutual.
until jiwoong had enough.
"gyuvin, i have a mission for you."
"what ? are you jerry from totally spies or something ?"
"come on bro it's serious matter, it's for the world's peace."
"okay you got me at the world mission anyway. what is it about ?"
"you're gonna flirt with y/n."
"and now you've lost me."
gyuvin was looking at jiwoong in shock, not getting why he would flirt with you.
"y/n is basically with matthew, and they are my friends, why would i do that ?" continued gyuvin, offended.
"the thing is they are NOT together!" insisted jiwoong.
"but you know how it is... both of them are just waiting for a sign to get married or whatever."
"the problem is they had enough signs and didn't do shit yet. i can't stand them whining anymore about their one-sided feelings when they could be together already.", explained the oldest.
"okay but why would i flirt with y/n then...", said gyuvin, still not understanding.
"because matthew would see you as a menace and finally step the fuck up."
"why don't you do it yourself ?"
"because i flirt with all my friends and matthew wouldn't care as much as if it was you."
"...fair enough."
it was enough to convince gyuvin, because he was tired of you and matthew's bullshit anyway. the plan started the day after jiwoong talked with gyuvin, and the three days that followed, gyuvin kept on hitting on you. jiwoong's role in the plan was to be the little devil on matthew's shoulder. your friend group went to the amusement park that day. matthew was sitting on a bench, jiwoong next to him as he observed you and gyuvin taking pics a little further.
"damn... don't you think gyuvin and y/n grew closer these days ?"
"right...", sighed matthew.
"maybe you should do something about it'', advised jiwoong.
"i don't know jiwoong, they kinda look like they like him."
"they clearly don't. but if you want my opinion, it's your sign to confess before y/n actually ends up liking him."
"what if they reject me ?"
"at least you won't have regrets about it."
matthew kept thinking about his friend's words, contemplating wether or not he should really ask you out, to the point where he became extremely silent. you noticed it, and you finally left gyuvin's side to talk to matthew. jiwoong got up, letting the two of you together as he joined gyuvin.
"hey. is anything wrong ?" you said.
"hm ? no, i'm okay. why ?" he answered.
"i don't know, you seem lost in your thoughts."
his hands were flat on the bench, so you let yours on top of his.
"whatever it is, i can listen to you. maybe i'll be able to find a solution."
matthew felt the butterflies making their way into his stomatch after you touched him. the thought of you doing the same thing to gyuvin came up suddenly, and it got to him.
"look, i know you might like gyuvin but... well no, do you like gyuvin ? i just hope you don't because i was there before him and i felt like it was going nice between you and me and it's pissing me off that you two became that close because i liked you for a while now and i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me, but if you don't i get it 'cause-"
matthew was stumbling over his words at this point,
you placed a quick peck on his cheek to get his attention, and he felt his face get warm because of the sweet gesture. he finally turned his head in your direction, looking at you in disbelief. matthew face slowly lit up, still proceeding everything. you took the hand that was under yours as you leaned in once again, this time going for his lips. it was a small kiss, innocent, that still left him speechless.
"i'd love to go out with you."
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• junhyeon
"are you almost done ?"
"okay... and now ?"
you let your head hit the table. there was this homework due in two hours that you totally forgot about. when you remembered about its existence, you went straight up to the desk in your room, pulling out your laptop to work. but there was something else you forgot about : your boyfriend, junhyeon, was supposed to come over.
you were halfway in the work when he knocked on your door. you told him to wait for you until you finish your work, because it was very important. so you were on your desk, and he was laying on your bed, waiting for you to finish.
but it's nothing more than a fantasy to imagine him staying quiet while waiting. at first, he did, scrolling on his phone, not disturbing you. then, an hour went by, and he started to lose patience.
"y/n, i feel lonely."
"loneliness comes in pair with silence. therefore, please shut the fuck up."
he simply whined as you tried to focus again on your work. after a few minutes, you started to feel thirsty. you turned to junhyeon's direction.
"babe, could you please grab me water ?"
"i don't know... should i ?, he replied in a teasing tone. you just sighed, about to get up to take it yourself, when junhyeon grabbed your desk chair to pull it toward the bed he was sitting on.
"how about you take a break ?" he said.
"junhyeon, i swear i'm almost done. you can wait for a bit then i promise i'll be all yours."
"but i'm boreeddd... plus, it's been a while since we got to hang out together. i miss y-"
junhyeon couldn't finish his sentence, because your lips ended up on his. it was not only because you wanted him to stop talking, but he looked all pouty and down you couldn't control yourself. he met you eagerly, his lips soft against yours, finally getting what he wanted since he got here. you pulled away when you remembered the work still waiting for you, leaving junhyeon still wanting more.
"is it enough for you to wait for me ?"
he gently pushed your chair back to the desk before letting himself fall back on the bed.
"i'll take a nap, hurry up."
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• gunwook
gunwook could swear he wasn't the jealous type. in fact, he did swear many times that he wasn't. and he lied all of those times because he definitly is.
it's not that he didn't trust you, far from that. he admired you in so many ways, and he knew most people admire you as well. the problem is, gunwook is not confident enough.
you know, he's trying to stick to that one persona, of the confident, strong, and powerful boy. but it's more of a facade he's pulling to convince people it's truly who he is.
so, yeah, when he saw you that day, laughing so hard to junhyeon jokes, he didn't like it. calm down, gunwook, they are just laughing! that's what he repeated to himself, trying not to let that get to him. in fact, he was dramatic about it. gunwook didn't try to interfere between you two : after all, the three of you were friends. wouldn't he be a bad boyfriend if he just pulled you away from junhyeon and for what ? laughing at his jokes ?
he definitly didn't want to be that kind of boyfriend. come on gunwook, think ! what do you do now ? this is a situation of crisis, this is how everything start. they start by laughing and then you don't have time to realize that they are already getting married !
yes, it was time for him to... assert his dominance.
trying hard to look composed and cool, he passed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you a bit closer.
"hey, y/n ! how about we go and i show you how funny i am."
"...what ?"
"no cuz what.", added junhyeon.
gunwook throw thunder to junhyeon through his eyes, and his friend didn't need much to understand he was jealous. after all, he knew gunwook, they already talked about his jealousy toward other people. a smirk made his way to junhyeon's face.
"y/n, who do you think is funnier between gunwook and i ?"
"oh you did not", said gunwook in disbelief.
"well, you are both funny...?"
you were kinda dense to be honest. you didn't even realize junhyeon was teasing gunwook.
"what do you mean we are both funny ?? i'm funnier, right ?", told you gunwook.
"that's not the same thing, you don't have the same type of humor anyway, it's not even comparable..."
"okay but you like my type of humor better ?"
"what kind of question is this"
"gunwook... don't tell me you are... jealous ?", said junhyeon in a dramatic tone, gasping after the last word.
junhyeon was having the time of his life. he crossed his arms, a smile on his face as he watched gunwook rambling and going crazy about nothing.
"i'm not jealous ! why would i be jealous ? you guys were just laughing, right ? in fact, i make y/n laugh way more than you do junhyeon ! i make them laugh 2x, no, 10x more !"
"are you really jealous about me laughing to his jokes ?", you said in disbelief.
"oh he definitly is", responded junhyeon.
"i am not because i am funnier anyways."
"well that's not what y/n said..."
"y/n please don't let me lose to kum junhyeon"
"gunwook, there is no competition..."
"okay but what if-"
at this point, it was getting ridiculous to you. not to junhyeon tho, he loved the view. gunwook just started rambling even more, telling nonsense. junhyeon was eager to see what you would do. suddenly, you had an idea.
"gunwook." you said, making him stop in his monologue.
"what ?"
you simply went closer to gunwook, giving him an innocent peck on the lips. you finally silenced the gunwook who was freaking out seconds before. a pink tint started to creep on his cheeks, as junhyeon let out a loud scream.
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