#yoriichi imagines
kentofication · 1 year
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% — yoriichi tsugikuni & fem!reader ] — 527
❝ sexual content # creampie # breeding # mentions of fertilization # marking # praise # petnames # fluff # unprotected sex # dom!yoriichi x sub!reader ❞
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“i can tell you’re liking this baby . . . a whole bunch.” yoriichi moaned as he harshly thrusted up into you, molding your walls into the shape of his cock for future sexual moments like this one, branding your pussy as his own. both of his arms were wrapped around your waist and his feet were planted into the mattress, leaving a slight dent in the mattress itself. 
his heavy balls were being slapped against your ass at an outstanding speed as he drilled his cock into you. his pace never faltered, but he did lack the sight of your face. his own was buried into the crook of your neck, leaving love bites all over the soft platform in order to mark you as his. 
his hips created a rhythm that was suitable for you both. your juices dripped down from the base of his cock and slithered down to his balls, creating more slick and rendering it more convenient for him to slide in and out of you. 
yoriichi’s long locks were being tugged by your dainty hands, finding something to ground yourself to escape from his ruthless thrusts. “you’re so p-perfect . . . y’know that? hmm pretty girl?” he inquired during his thrusts, making them more rougher after his question. 
it was hard for you to respond to his praise, you knew yoriichi was never the one for degradation or making you feel bad about yourself. he was always about praise and making you feel more high about yourself. he knows how self conscious you can be and he wants to adjust to that lifestyle, especially with you. he wants to live out his lifetime with you, but in order for him to do that, he must adjust to your doings first. 
he must understand your likes and dislikes during soft moments and intimate ones. he must understand you as a human being and not just an everyday object. he must treat you like an absolute goddess and not some worn down object waiting to be fixed, and to its dismay, broken down again. in his eyes you are his, he must treat you with absolute respect. he must treat you like a goddess. 
that’s why when he stills himself inside of you and cums deep inside to the point where his sperm is spreading into your womb, swimming its way to your unfertilized egg, you don’t tell him to stop. it’s not because you’re too tired or anything, or you’re worn out from all the ruthless fucking you’ve been doing for the past who knows how many hours. it’s because you love him, and he knows that. that’s why he came inside of you. he knows that you wanted to be bred by him sooner or later. he knows this had been boiling inside of both you and him for quite some while. 
yoriichi knows everything about you, because he treats you so well. he listens to your every request. he listens to everything, even when you think he’s not listening. yoriichi tsugikuni swears to himself that he will treat you like an absolute goddess. he swears on his life he will. on his own, precious life.
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originally wrote and posted by @kentofication
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Yandere yoriichi where he's too clingy because of his past and h won't let go of reader not matter how much they explain they have to go anywhere... please....go crazy with it..(have a great day and have fun)
Tsugikuni Yoriichi- Far Too Attached
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“Yoriichi…” You nervously say a single word, out of the blue, almost laughing in the same manner as the much stronger man clung firmly and even desperately to your poor bruised waist, keeping you from walking… or running away from him. You were afraid of the quiet kind man you use to call your friend, he was so obviously obsessed with you that you tried to drift apart from him
Make him forget about you and move on. But no, he followed you everywhere until the point you feel unsafe and horrified each time you leave your home. Yoriichi clung onto you as fast as he could, leaning on your shoulder and stumbling along with you as you walked, most people thought he was just a affectionate boyfriend but you truly knew what was wrong with Yoriichi
He’s sick. He’s twisted. He’s a monster, a demon over demons
“Yes…” Yoriichi answered mindlessly, his hands clinging your kimono as of letting go would cause his heart to stop. You wanted to push him off you so bad and call out for help as you run full speed from this awful household he has forced you to stay in for longer than the hour or so you were promised, when you wanted to have tea with him. You’re a kind soul, you didn’t want to say no to Yoriichi’s very eager request
Even if he is so awful, you weren’t able to refuse him. But you should have… and you regret your decision of being unconditionally kind to him
“C-Can… I go now?” You stutter out the reasonable request with raw terror and adrenaline pumping into your veins, his built arms were basically constricting your lungs and it felt like you were being suffocated with how tight he held you and how firm he forced you to brush against his equally fit chest. He didn’t care for your discomfort or your horror, he just wanted to sniff your hair, touch your warm goosebump-covered skin and live out his sick fantasies of you in person
Yoriichi met eyes with you the second you finished your request and your lips pressed close, those dark pinkish-red irises made your bones feel like they were crumbling into grain and your confidence was being shot out through a high-speed canon. He was too strong, you had no way to escape him, his arms radiated intense strength and his eyes radiated intense pressure
A pressure that made your legs feel useless all in one glare
You knew you couldn’t convince him to willingly let you leave his hell of a household without him attached to your side as if he is a cancer bump. It’s horrifying, he has been like this ever since you befriended him, you were his swordsmith and you grew closer to him since you felt a strong sense of empathy for him and his saddening situation
He lost his wife and unborn child, he lost his brother, he lost his parents. He is truly lonely and you wanted to give him a sense of purpose. Since he truly didn’t have anybody anymore, and you wanted to be his friend
Unaware that you’re kindness had caused Yoriichi to go mad over you. Grow a horrible obsession over you that made it unbearable to merely breath without you within his vision, you didn’t just give him a reason to continue on with his meaningless life, you gave him a need to breathe the same air you did
Don’t leave. Don’t leave, he repeated in his mind as veins of grip strength ran over his hands to prevent you from even twitching in his arms. He can’t let you move the tiniest bit, it’ll let you try wriggle free and you leaving has his heart cracking into pieces. He needs you
He needs you
“You can’t go…”
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komoboko · 3 months
Can I request a Senior!Yoriichi x Fem!reader high school AU where they're only a year apart and are casual friends but she's been secretly crushing on him until it was his graduation and reader was lowkey sad but suddenly Yoriichi confesses to her and they end up getting together pls🙏🏻
Thank you and have a good day! 💞
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Yoriichi tsugikuni x gn!reader ・modern au ・highschool au
I am really bad at writing high school aus 😭🙏
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You've know Yoriichi ever since your highschool orientation.
High school is a big step compared to middle school, school is much bigger, classes are much more aggressive and everything takes a 180 compared to any school year you've experienced in the past. Thankfully Yoriichi was there to help show you the way.
He was a rising sophomore when he first met you, only being around on that day because he was doing volunteer work. He really just intended to direct you to class, but things seemed to change. You and yoriichi hit it off the bat and he ended up talking to you for the entire time you stayed at orientation. While his name took a while for you to memorize you always knew him as “the long red haired boy” so you wouldn’t forget him.
When school actually starts you tend to notice him a lot more. You’ll see his red hair around the halls, you mistakes him for another long red haired boy in one of your classes. You’ve seen him at dismissal before, and you even share the same lunch. To your surprised the boy is much more reserved than you thought.
The first time you actually talk to him is a couple days after noticing him. You really didn’t think he would remember you at first, besides you didn’t really think he really liked you that much. So you held off, but an opportunity presented itself to you and you hesitantly taken it.
You waved at him as he looked up at you, he beckoned you over to where he was sitting and you started talking. You managed to loose track of time and realize lunch is about to end. Before you to go you give him your phone to get his number, also because you may forgotten his name. He types in Yoriichi on your phone and you make a mental note not to forget.
You definitely didn’t forget his name as time went on.
Time moves fast when your with yoriichi, you two become inseparable. You stick with each other as years pass that you almost forget you’re not the freshman that met yoriichi last week. You’re a junior now preparing for your senior year, while Yoriichi is a senior preparing for his future.
You can’t say you didn’t develop a crush on him as the years past.
You couldn’t blame yourself as yoriichi is an admirable man. He was so smart, he was almost unnervingly kind as well, and despite his brother’s words yoriichi is unbelievable strong. Anybody would have a crush on him once you get to know him. Though you doubt he feels the same about you.
It was a shame he was graduating this year. Just like that he would be gone and you would have to strive by yourself in senior year without him. Including your “casual” crush on him as well.
He had invited you to his graduation as well. Of course you would be there to attend, it would be a crime if you didn’t. You were so proud to see him walk up on stage but you could only bite back the bittersweet feeling that creeped up your throat. You snapped so many pictures of him on the stage, dressed out in his cap and gown.
The moment graduation ended he invited you claiming he needed to talk. Grabbing your hand and bringing you somewhere much quieter, much more private where nobody would be around. You can’t say you weren’t confused.
He only looks away for a moment before looking back at you. “I‘ve been holding this back since the beginning of this year, I know we’re going to be separated so it’s no time to say this except now. I really like you, truly. I always have but it’s shaped from innocent friendship to an innocent crush. I know we have been friends for so long, but I think now we can become more.” Yoriichi says, his words coming out like sweet honey ringing back and forth in your mind.
Oh. Maybe you were wrong about him like you were when you first met him before. I guess he really does like you.
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haikiria-san · 10 months
Walking on his way back from a mission, eager to see his beloved wife, Yoriichi stops short when he sees Y/n on his knees to the ground, panting. Running to her, taking her in his arms and examining her body with the Transparent World, only to see a small being in the woman's belly, widening her eyes when realizing that she was not sick, but pregnant. Not knowing what to say, Yoriichi just waits for you to make the first move, "So... you noticed, didn't you?" you asked, voice nervous as you looked at your husband. Still quiet, he nodded, making the woman sigh thinking that Tsugikuni was angry, being pulled out of her thoughts by the calm and sweet voice, "But I'm happy... this is the best news I could have" the man he said letting tears of joy run down his cheeks, hugging his wife carefully and letting his head rest on her shoulder. Smiling, Y/n stroked the man's hair, allowing herself to cry too, whispering to her lover "We are going to be a family, me, you and this child, and I love you so much for giving me so much joy", smiling with a smile. joy that he had never felt before, Yoriichi said before giving his wife a kiss “I love you too”.
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heli-writes · 11 months
A marriage of convenience, part 1: The deal.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist
It's been six years since Uta has passed. Six years in which Yoriichi lived in the same house he found his beloved wife brutally murdered. Since then, he's never been the same. He's never been someone to be cheery or social but after Uta's death, he got even more cool and distant towards people. His demon slayer peers hoped it would get better, that the grief and the pain somewhen would fade and Yoriichi would find back to himself one day. But so far, that never happened.
"Maybe you should get married again, Yoriichi." The burgundy-haired man doesn't reply to his friend's remark but only stares deeper into his teacup. "What he's trying to say is that we're worried about you, Yoriichi. You're all alone in that house. No one to look after you." another demon slayer quickly adds. "I am fine. You don't need to worry but I appreciate your concern." Yoriichi stiffly replies. "For now, but what when you grow old? When your body doesn't work as it used to? We have children to look after us when this happens. But you?" Yoriichi's friend tries to argue. "We're not saying you should replace Uta. No one could. We're saying you shouldn't live alone. A wife would be the simplest solution to that." "I am fine," Yoriichi repeats, shifting in his seat. He clearly feels uncomfortable in this conversation. When his friends asked him to join him for a cup of tea, he did not think that this was their intention. "Look, we know a nice woman who lives a village over from here. You should take a look at her, get to know her." Yoriichi scrunches his eyebrow. He doesn't like how the other man talks about this woman as if she's a puppy up for sale. "I don't need to get to know anybody.", he argues. "You don't have to if you don't want to, but here's the thing: y/n lives alone in a cottage in the woods with her six-year-old son. She's a healer who provides the nearby villages and slayers with ointments and other medicines. Her living situation is common knowledge around here and it keeps on happening that men try to bother her in her own home. She is in need of a husband who keeps the unwanted attention away." his other friend explains. "Also she's like really hot.", the first slayer adds grinning. "In that case, I'm sure she'll find another man who is willing to help her out.", Yoriichi answers. "True, but these men have certain expectations in return. Like you, y/n lost her family a while ago. She isn't trying to start a new one, she just wants to live her life in peace. Doesn't that sound familiar to you?" Yoriichi leans back, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "It would be a marriage of convenience. You'd keep her peace, she takes care of you in return. And since there's already an heir, you'd both be taken care of in old age.", his friend points out. "And no need for another child if that's not what you want.", the other man adds. Yoriichi stares into his tea and thinks about what the men said. "We get you're not convinced about this but you could just meet up with her and see how it goes. What's the harm in one meeting?" Yoriichi takes his cup and finishes his tea in one gulp. "One meeting and after that I don't want to hear anything about this anymore.", he concludes.
They've set up the meeting at her house. On a sunny spring day, one of the slayers takes him to the cottage in the woods. The cottage lies about half an hour on foot from the nearby village. Very far off for a woman living alone, Yoriichi thinks. The cottage is not like he expected it to look. He expected a Japanese-style wooden house with slide doors. But the house looks like anything he's ever seen before. Western style, he assumes. They are a few feet away from the house when its door suddenly opens. A young woman leaves the house. She wears a traditional kimono but doesn't wear any shoes. Her hair is also not in an updo as most women wear it but it falls loosely around her head. As they walk up to her, Yoriichi feels uncomfortably under her watchful gaze. "(Y/n), it's good to see you. Thank you for inviting us. This is Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the man I've told you about." Yoriichi bows politely to the woman in front of him. Her unreadable facial expression doesn't change but she bows too and says: "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've prepared tea for us."
(Y/n) leads the two slayers into her home where she set up a table with tea and some biscuits. Yoriichi looks around her home as they sit down. The main room of the cottage includes a kitchen and a table. There are multiple shelves on the wall that are filled with different-sized bottles which include colorful liquids and dried herbs. A cord is strung across the room to which bundles of different plants are attached to. "Probably to dry them before she works them into her medicine.", Yoriichi thinks. (Y/n) notices his glance and explains: "I grow these herbs in my garden in the back.". "They smell nice.", Yoriichi notes. At that, (y/n) smiles softly for the first time since they've arrived.
"So, what do you think of (y/n), Yoriichi?" his friend asks. Yoriichi stares at the path in front of him. "She's not unpleasant.", he concludes. "Well, I hoped for better feedback but I suppose it's a start. Do you want to meet her again?", his friend laughs. Yoriichi hesitates for a moment. "I don't know yet." His friend nods. "You don't have to know yet but I am glad you're giving this a chance." They continue their way home in silence.
It's been a long night. The demons he hunted weren't hard to deal with but it was a long walk back home. Yoriichi enters his home which lies in dead silence. For a moment he stands in the doorway listening for movement inside the house. He doesn't hear anything. For the first time in a long while, he's not sure if that is a good thing. He walks into his bedroom and leans his sword against the wall. He prepares to go to sleep but once he's inside his futon, sleep doesn't want to find him. His thoughts slip back to his friends and (y/n). (Y/n) is a kind woman, he concludes. During their tea, his friend led most of their conversation. (Y/n) answered all questions, even asked some of her own but never tried to push the conversation further. While his friend talked a lot about marriage, (y/n) not once used the word herself. Taking it slow, Yoriichi thinks and turns to his side. The pale moonlight falls onto his sword. She is looking for a man who can protect her, he thinks. I've failed to protect Uta. How could I possibly protect her? It's best to point this out to her before she actually sees me as a potential marriage candidate. This was his last thought before he slipped into blissful unconsciousness.
The path to (y/n)'s cottage is small and overgrown with weeds but Yoriichi unmistakenly recognizes it. Walking the path alone without his friends has something peaceful. He's so far out from civilization, the only noises he hears are some songbirds and the rustling of leaves in the soft spring breeze. Soon, a sweet, heavy smell fills the air indicating that the cottage is close. (Y/n) must be baking bread, Yoriichi thinks. He steps onto the meadow on which (y/n)'s cottage stands. A young boy with bright blond hair stands in front of the cottage with a ball in his hand. This must be her son, Yoriichi notes to himself. Last time, (y/n) was alone in the cottage. She sent her son off to play with the boys from the village. The boy watches Yoriichi closely as he makes his way to the cottage. The boy must come after his father, Yoriichi thinks. He shares no facial features with his mother at all.
"Hello, boy. Is your mother around? I need to speak with her." Yoriichi calls out to the boy. The boy only looks up to him with big, round eyes. Yoriichi notices how he grips his ball just a little bit tighter. Yoriichi shifts uncomfortably on his feet. "Is she inside? It smells like she's baking bread.", the burgundy-haired man asks again, his eyes fixed on the boy. "This is (y/s/n). He doesn't speak.", he hears (y/n) say. He looks up seeing the woman standing in the door frame to her cottage. "I see.", Yoriichi says. "I've come to speak with you. Is that alright with you?", he asks her. "Of course. Please, come in.", (y/n) says giving him a small smile. (Y/n) leads him inside and points towards the table they sat at last time. "Sit. I make tea for us." Yoriichi nods and takes a seat. The boy followed them inside but he hides behind the doorframe to the living area. (Y/n) starts making tea and silence falls over the three of them. Yoriichi isn't sure whether it's a comfortable or uncomfortable silence. He feels awkward about what he has to say.
"Would you like some bread with jam? The bread is fresh out of the oven.", (y/n) asks. Yoriichi looks up and meets her gaze as she is turned to him with her upper body. "Sure, it already smells great." Suddenly the boy enters the room and hugs his mother's legs. "Do you also want some jam, (y/s/n)?", she asks him. The boy nods. (Y/n) strokes over the boy's head and the boy smiles, hugging her legs tighter. When he lets go of her, (y/n) walks back to the table with a tray. "Please, help yourself.", she says. The boy still stands awkwardly in the kitchen. She turns around and says: "You don't want to sit with us? That's alright. You can take your bread outside if you want to." The boy nods and walks to the table. (Y/n) hands him a piece of bread and he leaves through the backdoor.
"So, you've come to talk to me?", (y/n) attempts to start a conversation with the man in front of her. Yoriichi shifts awkwardly in his seat. "Yes," he begins, "I assume you're aware that my friends introduced me to you for a reason." "Of course," she answers, "After all, I asked him if he knows any kind men who are looking for a wife." Yoriichi nods. "Well, I am sorry to disappoint but I am not really looking for a wife." (Y/n) leans back into her seat. "So he told me. But I am sure he also told you I am not looking for a real husband either." "Yes," Yoriichi replies, "he explained your situation. However, I am not sure if I am fit for what you're looking for. I can't protect you." There's a sharp spark in (y/n)'s eyes. "I'm not sure I can follow." (y/n) says. "I've never said I wanted a husband for protection. I simply need a man in my household. In today's world, a woman living alone apparently is an open invitation for some people. A man simply living with her is enough to keep the unwanted company away." Yoriichi nods staring at the bread in front of him. It looks delicious. (Y/n) sighs. "My fiancée passed seven years ago, together with my sisters. At the end, I was only able to protect myself. I guess, I don't really need anyone's protection when it comes to a physical fight. So don't worry about this.", (y/n) concludes. "If we were to wed," Yoriichi tries to argue, "It would still be my responsibility to protect you." (Y/n) looks at him. "This wouldn't be a normal marriage, so normal rules and expectations wouldn't apply. When you can't fulfill your duty to protect me, I don't have to fulfill other wifely duties. It'd be fair and there are things I don't want to do with you anyways." Yoriichi gets what she's hinting at. "I wouldn't have asked that of you anyways," he points out, "I am not looking for someone to replace my deceased wife." He feels slightly insulted by her implications. (Y/n) nods. "Apologies. I didn't mean to assume things but it was important to me to get this out of the way first.", she explains. "Also, I don't want to replace my fiancée as well", she adds quickly. "So what you're looking for is...", Yoriichi pauses. "... is a simple arrangement. But your friend surely told you about this. It's not a secret I am simply looking for a marriage out of convenience." she ends his sentence. Yoriichi nods again but remains silent. (Y/n) sighs once again. "If this doesn't work for you, I take no offense. It's why we met up before making a decision."
Yorrichi remains silent for another minute. "Where would we live?", he asks her. "I would prefer to stay here but I am ready to accommodate." He's glad she says this. He wouldn't want her to sleep where Uta has slept. And maybe, he's tired of looking at the spot where Uta has died. "What about (y/s/n)?", he asks further. "You're welcome to take part in his life but you don't have any responsibilities. I only expect of you to show him respect and kindness.", she answers. He nods again. "You would continue your work as a healer?" "Yes, and you can come and go as your work requires you to.", she replies. "And you take care of the household?", he asks. "Yes, I will. I might need some help when it comes to repairs around the house or heavy lifting." "That's alright. I can help with anything you need. What else?", he continues. "Money.", she answers, "By law, after the marriage everything that's mine is yours and the other way around. Do you want to keep it like this or do you want to keep it separate?" Yoriichi shrugs and says: "It would make sense to put everything into one pot when it comes to bigger repairs or purchases. But I'm fine with both." (Y/n) nods. "I agree, as long as we both get a say in where we spend money on. I don't want a man who wants to have financial control over the household." Yoriichi straightens in his seat a bit. He gets where this is coming from. It's not easy being a woman these days. "Don't worry. With your business, you probably understand more about money things than me. I'd even be okay with you having control over things.", he concludes. (Y/n) looks content. "So, we have a deal?", she asks. Yoriichi ponders the question for a moment before answering.
"Yes, we have a deal."
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chiharuhashibira · 7 months
Can i make another request? About headcanons of kaigaku,genya and yorichi with a so that has the personality and background of yui komori from diabolik lovers,in case you don't know about the franchise let me explain it to you
Yui is a girl with a very happy and optimistic personality, she is shy, sensitive, kind, usually dense, noble and easy to put into submission. She tries to understand everything that happens around her and adapt to it, but she does not succeed easily since she is often unconscious of various things but she is very sincere and apparently very compassionate towards others.
She has especial blood that is very adictive and give more strenght to the ones who drink from her,i imagine that reader has been through a kidnapping situation(like yui) from demons because of her especial blood and role as "sacrificial bride" to some demons, i think reader would have many bite scars of those years of abuse and mistreatment from the demons before being rescued for her father(a demon slayer).
I hope this is not so much for you and youre Free to decline this,sorry for making many requests!
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Here is your most awaited HC! So sorry that these took so long, I know you have been so excited for this. I'll close your other request (the screenshot) as I will just merge em here.
But yep, here it is!
For this, I will lean more on your second request which is about the "sacrificial bride" for the demons. Also, I won't be focusing on the sacrifice part, I'll be focusing on the moments that happened after X Character rescued her.
Also, a bit of disclaimer, this is the first time that I will write for Mui and Yori sooooo, please understand if they'll be a bit OC XD Also, I will age up Genya and Mui here to at least 18.
Little backstory: Y/N has a Marechi blood, and because of it, the townspeople started believing that sacrificing her would be the end of the demons' plague in their town. But then, X Character comes just in time before the demons could devour Y/N. She's full of blood and wounds. X Character manages to kill the demons. And with that, he took Y/N and his father away from that town, telling the people that what they did was wrong.
Years later while living together, both fall for each other but Y/N still suffers from the trauma. She lost her father and that added to the reason why she also lost her laughter and her jolly attitude. But with X Character, she manages to bring it all back again.
(So this is an AU where Genya and Muichiro are older but the war with Muzan still hasn't happened)
𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐢, 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚, 𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨, 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐮, & 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
Content Warnings: Not NSFW but has Curse Words/Blood/Abuse/Trauma/Angst/Possible Suggestive Scenes
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🌸𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐢🌸
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❥ You've been living with Yoriichi for years, and both of you have grown close. In fact, this relationship you have with him is too close to be called friends.
❥ Yoriichi notices every single detail about you. So you can't hide anything from him, as even the littlest of your motions, he sees it all.
❥ The swordsman isn't the funny type, but whenever you're sad, he makes sure to go comfort you. Eventually, you'll end up opening up about what bothers you. You've told him almost a thousand times how you miss your father and how angry you are with yourself for letting the townspeople in your old town almost kill you just because of your Marechi blood.
❥ Yoriichi won't ever be tired of listening to your litanies of pain, anger, and fear. At the end of it, the man will pull you into his arms and caress the scars on your body, trying his best to calm you down.
❥ There are times when he needs to leave you for his Demon Slayer priorities, but of course, knowing how strong he is and his history, you trust that he'll come back for you.
❥ Whenever he comes back, all he does is kiss you passionately. Surprisingly, Yoriichi is sweet. The man will take you on midnight strides, holding hands while bathing under the moon's rays. "I love you so much. You're my sun, Y/N."
❥ Sometimes, the man would even bathe you, showing you how special you are to him. You will feel bad because of your scars, but Yoriichi will make sure to erase those insecurities as he whispers how beautiful you still are while kissing all those scars on your body.
❥ Whenever you wake up from nightmares of your past, Yoriichi will make sure to comfort you. He will run his hands on your hair, which you liked the most. His calloused fingers against your skin feel so good, as this makes you feel secure.
❥ Yoriichi makes sure that you'll know how much he loves and cares for you. With his gentle words, physical connections, and emotional support You've lost your smile, but now it's back. Yoriichi is like the sun. No, he is your sun, and he guides you out of your dark past, making sure that no hint of darkness will hurt you again.
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🌸𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚🌸
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❥ You lived under Gyomei's care after Genya saved you from being the sacrificial bride to a demon who had been plaguing your hometown. With those years together, you decided to be a Demon Slayer, partnering with your saviour. And yes, both of you developed strong feelings for each other.
❥ You may be tough from the outside, but in reality, you are shy and have lots of insecurities and fear because of your dark past. Thankfully, you share that same feeling with Genya. Despite being so stubborn, the guy always makes sure that he is there for you.
❥ Genya takes care of you, and sometimes you think it is because you remind him of his dead siblings and his big brother, who shares the same blood type as yours. But no, he cares about you because you are you and he loves you. But sometimes, it'll be hard for him to admit it, as he always tries to hide his feelings. Of course, the times he is sweet aren't the determiner of his love. Genya just has a different way of showing it.
❥ He always listens to you, but of course, he refuses to share about himself. It's just that he wants to comfort you with his surprise embraces. Whenever you cry on his shoulders, he will rub your back in circles. You have a scar there, so you'll feel tingling sensations. But then, Genya will tell you that he'll never let anything bad happen to you now.
❥ His Demon Slayer priorities aren't an obstacle, as both of you work for the Corps. It's just that Genya is too stubborn; he loves tagging along with you on your missions. As much as he wants you to tag with him on his, he prefers you staying with his master, Gyomei, to train more. He's very protective, but not to the point that he oversteps you.
❥ Whenever he comes back from his missions, Genya's tsundere part is gone. The individual will immediately entice you to a more private area so he can gently caress your lips. Genya loves to caress the scar on your back, saying that it doesn't look bad. Actually, he adores you for who you are so much.
❥ The sweetest thing you can get from your lover is whenever he sleeps beside you and pulls you to cuddle with him. Sometimes, the painful memories will come, but Genya will tell you that those memories are just a small part of what's ahead of you. And you are more than the things that hurt you. Yes, he cusses a lot. "Fuck those villagers! They're bird brains for thinking sacrificing you will stop that fucking demon!" But eventually, he will stop doing that and will just tell you that he'll massage your back, and sometimes things will escalate from that massage.
❥ You don't know if Genya ever sleeps. He's the one who wakes you up whenever you have nightmares about your past. He will make sure to tell you that your captors will never come back for you. He won't let them. You trust Genya with all your heart, so his words never fail to soothe you.
❥ Despite both of your dark pasts, Genya is the light that keeps you on track. He had brought back the part that you had lost a long time ago, and you are happy because of that. You're one of his priorities. Even if he'll never share his feelings that easily, he will make sure to act on his best around you.
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🌸𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨🌸
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❥ With Muichiro's state, it's quite hard sometimes. But life is definitely better with him than with the townspeople who tried to kill you. Muichiro saved you, but sometimes you feel like you were just a bother. He didn't agree with you coming with him at first; he just kind of saved you because it's his job. But then things changed when you decided to stick with him, whether he liked it or not. You've lived with Muichiro for years now, and you've grown quite comfortable with him.
❥ Conversations? I doubt it. "You want to come with me, right? Bear with it." He'll tell you whenever you ask him why he won't talk to you. But it all changed when he came back from his mission in Swordsmith Village. He was just 14 back then, and that was the first time that you saw his eyes shine bright.
❥ Yes, that change was the reason why you're wrapped with him now on the bed. He is now 19. Five years later, that change happened, but it felt like yesterday. From the Muichiro who ignored your cries and never comforted you for all the pain you've felt since he rescued you. The guy changed into the sweetest being.
❥ He had seen all your scars, and the new scintillate in his eyes shows that they never bothered him. "Just imagine them as maps on your body. Without these, I wouldn't have found you." He'll tell you the first time you told him how insecure you were with those trails of the past that are painted on your body. What he meant was that without you in that moment, he wouldn't have met you. So those scars are nothing to him. You're still the most beautiful woman for him.
❥ Muichiro is serious about his job as a Hashira. But that didn't stop him from showering you with his newfound passion. He's surprisingly sweet. He'll bring home flowers or food from his missions. One time, he was even on a crutch when he went home, but your lover made sure to still bring you the most beautiful kimono that you have ever seen.
❥ Dates are never a problem. Muichiro loves taking strides, especially when it is with you. You'll always find yourself holding hands with him while walking around the estate where you both live. And yes, on those walks, expect that he'll kiss you.
❥ Muichiro learned how to comfort you. When you think of your father, who perished as a result of the demon that was wreaking havoc in your community, he would tightly embrace you and reassure you that it wasn't your fault. Muichiro doesn't like it when you think badly of yourself. So he will do anything to stop you from doing so.
❥ Muichiro will shush you whenever you're crying from your nightmares. He'll assure you that he's there with you. Caressing your face and looking into your eyes, the man will soothe your nerves.
❥ Muichiro is your newfound reason to continue living. Without him, you would have been gone. Your lover taught you that having Marechi blood isn't a curse. It's just that the people around you before were ignorant. He'll always tell you how special you are. And yes, he never fails to make you feel that way.
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❥ Kaigaku was your childhood friend until he disappeared. But then he came back into your life when he saved you from the demon who would kill you after the townspeople sacrificed you because of your Marechi blood.
❥ Kaigaku sees the littlest change in you. Yes, he fell in love with you after seeing you again after all those years. Despite the flaws that the demon had given you, Kaigaku still made sure that you'd never feel any different.
❥ Kaigaku is hotheaded. He almost punched the mayor of the town after knowing their idiotic reason for sacrificing you. Now that you had lived with him for so long, he had gotten a bit better at managing his anger issues. And yes, you've gotten your smile back again.
❥ Kaigaku definitely loves baby-ing you. Holding hands, kissing your scars—name it. He'll surely do it for you.
❥ Whenever he needs to leave for his Demon Slayer responsibilities, he makes sure that you are alright. He'll assure you that your captors before aren't coming back because... "If they will, I'll kill them."
❥ After those missions, Kaigaku will eventually shower you with his love. Your nights and days will be filled with happiness once again. He makes you feel secure, and that's what you love about him.
❥ He's your childhood friend, so there are times that you'll both remember things. Like the way you played with him on the meadows and how he is nicer with you than other kids. But yeah, he disappeared. Whenever that sad thought comes, Kaigaku will assure you that he won't leave you now.
❥ Nightmares are a common thing after a traumatic past. With those, Kaigaku will make sure to help you go back to sleep once again after he comforted you. He knows you miss your dad, but he'll say that you're in good hands now and your father is proud of you.
❥ Kaigaku isn't an open book, but he's ready to write new chapters of his life with you. He isn't perfect, but with his love, your smile and strength are back. You just love the man so much, as much as he loves you back.
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¸¸♬·¯·♪·¯·♫¸¸ 𝓕𝓘𝓝𝓐𝓛𝓛𝓨 𝓓𝓞𝓝𝓔!¸¸♫·¯·♪¸♩·¯·♬¸¸
Thank you so much for waiting patiently 💓
Feel free to request, reblog, like, and comment! I would appreciate all the love 💓
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Yoriichi as a dad 😭😭😭😭😭 (i just want to see this man happy for once)
yoriichi definitely loves to hold his child
he like to take them around with him
whenever he comes back from a mission he literally sobs watching them running to him to greet him
“we missed you so much daddy!”
*sobbing intensifies*
teaching swordsmanship for sure
[picture shinjuro training baby kyo & baby senjuro for some kind of reference alright]
yoriichi spoils his child a lot
whenever he comes back he’s a gift
like always
when he sleeps he pulls his child over him and let them rest on his chest
bonus if you find them both sleeping in a star position hehe
i believe his child would have the same hair as him so he loves taking the right amount of time styling it and tying it up the same way as his own
“daddy, we’re twins now!!”
he’s genuinely so happy to have a family
like, he would make sure they’re loved and happy
it’s like his biggest priority
he likes sitting with his child between his legs as he read or eat or anything i guess
i believe yoriichi enjoys physical contact so he wants his child as much close as possible
i’m gonna go crying now 🥲
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cosmicn3ptune · 2 days
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𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐢 𝐱 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Genre: Fluff
CW: Mentions of vomiting
Short because I wrote this on my phone + I actually am pretty sick right now (oops!)
”Your complexion is paler than usual. Are you sure you aren’t in need of a doctor?”
Through blurred vision you can barely make out Yoriichi’s tall stature towering over you. Your eyes flutter open and shut, fighting to stay awake. You attempt to answer him yet nothing but a pitiful mumble is able to escape your mouth. Ever since you threw up this morning, he’s been guarding you like a clingy puppy. Yoriichi’s brows furrowed as he frowns.
“I see,” he whispered, “I’ll go into the village and fetch you one.”
Just as Yoriichi turned, leaving his shadow casted onto the wooden floors, you whined. You didn’t want to be alone, not in a state like this. He froze in his steps before glancing back to you.
“What’s the matter, my love?” He asks, voice silky and sweet like honey.
“Don’t go,” is all you can stutter out, weak and raspy.
Yoriichi nods sympathetically, kneeling down before you. His eyes, usually devoid of any emotion, are now filled with concern. His hand tenderly finds its way to your forehead. Despite being the sun hashira, Yoriichi’s hands are freezing cold and contrast greatly to your burning face. You lean into his gentle touch as he softly coos.
“There, there…”
Your face burns again; yet this time it’s from blush and not your headache inducing fever. Yoriichi simply being there is enough to make you feel far better. He leans further and offers a small kiss to your forehead, his wine colored hair ticking your cheeks.
With all the strength you can muster, you wrap your arms around him. It’s quite the weak hug yet Yoriichi accepts it without hesitation. He knows he might get sick as well but what matters most is you.
“Are you feeling any better now, dear?”
“Now I am.”
I love Yoriichi so much it’s unreal. Yea this is also self indulgent but I’m sure you all won’t mind <3 bye bye sunshines !!!
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okeutocalma · 9 months
Yoriichi Tsugikuni.
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Yoriichi sentiu os olhos lacrimejar enquanto ele arqueava as costas e choramingava alto, pedindo para [Nome] parar mas caía tudo em ouvidos surdos,o homem não sabia como seu parceiro era mais forte que si. Ele,um caçador havia chegado ao limite e você nem estava pensando em parar de quicar nele.
As pernas do homem chegavam a tremer enquanto ele tentava segurar a cintura do de fios [claros/escuros] mas não tinha forças para isso, ele estava manhoso, choroso e desnorteado, os olhos dele estavam até vidrados de tão sensível que estava.
— A-amor.
Ele gemia alto enquanto implorava para ele o dar um leve trégua, Tsugikuni estava se contorcendo em baixo de si o tempo todo enquanto tentava procurar algo para se segurar.
Ao achar ele agarrou os lençóis com força, sentindo os olhos lacrimejar pela sensibilidade que tinha no pau.
O caçador parou de tentar controlar o que não conseguia e os gemidos eram altos, desesperados e manhosos mas ele não voltou a pedir para que você parasse.
Ele acabou aquela noite tão exausto, sensível e tremendo tanto que [Nome] - que ainda andava e sentia as pernas perfeitamente - teve o ajudar até que ele tivesse a sanidade "de volta".
Yoriichi Tsugikuni agarrou a cintura do amado, escondendo o rosto choroso no pescoço enquanto sentia todos os músculos do corpo tremerem como nunca.
Ele ama [Nome] pra caralho,mas não tinha certeza se aguentaria outra rodada com seu marido que parecia um coelho em época de acasalamento... E quando você mordeu o pescoço dele com força, ele começou a se desesperar pois isso indicava que [Nome] queria... Pela sexta vez.
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kissagii · 2 years
Alright! For kny I would like something fluffy with Yoriichi Tsugikuni! Anything fluffy the man's really the most sweetest one and spending time with him would be so so wonderful ♡♡♡
of course! it's been a little while since i've read the manga so i hope he's not too ooc (◞‸◟;)
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𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕗𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕤 - 𝕪𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚 𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕘𝕚𝕜𝕦𝕟𝕚 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
reader is gender neutral so anyone can enjoy <3
warnings: none (i promise he's not as scary as he looks in the gif)
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As you tended the small garden outside of your cottage, you had not expected to feel the warmth of Yoriichi's arms wrapping around you and his chin resting gently against your shoulder. You let yourself lean gently into his solid chest.
"Yorii? What are you doing here?" You brought your hands up to meet his, rough and warm in yours. Though you had not expected him, you loved having him so near to you.
"I missed you," he murmured softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, arms tightening ever so slightly around your waist.
"Aww, I missed you too," You replied with a smile, though you knew he wouldn't see it. He only hummed in response, and you returned to tending your flowers, inspecting the flowers and steams, searching for pests or signs of illness. The flowers were blissfully free of affliction, something you hadn't seen in years.
"Yorii, don't you think the irises turned out lovely this year?" You asked the redheaded man, his arms still wrapped warmly around you.
"Mmm, they did," he said, looking at the soft blue flowers in front of you, "Just like you, my love."
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Hello! I'm new to this blog so you won't mind me make my first request right? I won't request the same alot of time I promise!
So, a yandere Yoriichi X Demon! Reader?
Reader is.. a good demon. They basically somehow already got out of Muzan's control when they just became demon (like gaining control over themself, remebering their human memories, doesn't have the need to eat human flesh or just hungry all the time.)
And.. they force themself to have a bamboo muzzle (like Nezuko), they just cut a piece of bamboo, use a red ribbon (they got from a corpse) and boom, bamboo in mouth and have to get used to it themself. They sleep to regain energy and eat normal humans food to maintain hunger.
They want to die to reunite with their family. But is afraid to. They like quicker deaths than painful death. Like basically not just conquering the sun but let a demon slayer or anyone decapitate them (sometimes)
They hide from humans and demons, sometimes helping humans who wander to their place to get out peacefully.
Their strength is as strong as Akaza.
(Yoriichi and reader used to be childhood friends.)
Hope you can do it! And i'm not forcing <𝟹 ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
My lord. This is very long, my dear. But I suppose I’ll try my best to add everything you mentioned here! Hope all my glass angels enjoy this
Yandere! Tsugikuni Yoriichi
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Yoriichi remembers a time where you were just like him. A human, running around in the sun, eating amazing food. But now, he found nothing of your presence but a puddle of blood
And his world cracked. He loved you dearly, he almost felt nothing for his assigned wife Uta. She is wonderful but she doesn’t compare to you in Yoriichi’s mind
He thought you were gone for good and he bared sharp grieving pain in silence. That was until he found you again, scratching at a tall bamboo stick to carve it. A piece of bundled up fabric stuffed in your mouth
You’re a demon? No… you couldn’t have become a demon. You can fight too, how did you get caught off guard? Yoriichi approaches you and lowers his katana to try show you that he won’t hurt you
He suspected you’d attack him but you don’t. You mumble out joyous noises and hug him. His broken heart beats again as he is so relieved, cuddling you like you hold his life in your hands
Neither of you know how you managed to break free of Muzan’s curse, you only remember waking up and retaining a small piece of your memories, mainly revolving around the Tsugikuni Twins. Yoriichi is just so thankful he has you back
Yoriichi helps make you your bamboo muzzle as you gesture at him to the bamboo stick you were carving with your claws. Anything you want is what you get, as Yoriichi will do anything he must for the one he truly loves
Yoriichi uses his own clothing to make a protective bag for you and straps you to his back so he can traverse whilst you fall asleep to gather energy. It’s the only thing you can do and he is fine with bending to your needs
Yoriichi is aware of your occasional suicidal tendencies and he is afraid of it. He can’t lose you, he already lost his family and his older twin brother, Michikatsu. So he begins following you around everywhere you go and guards you from other Samurai, so they can’t hurt you in any form
Yoriichi helps hide you away from any conscious bean, other than him, since you prefer to be away from humans and demons. He spends lots of time making you a basket or a box to keep you inside. The fact you want him to help you has his delusional mind jumping to conclusions
Yoriichi is very obsessive and possessive. As you sleep in your protective box/basket, he just lays his head on the top of it and takes in your presence, he remembers everything of you well and he just indulges in you when he isn’t travelling so he can feed his twisted desires
Yoriichi isn’t above murdering any demon that lays a hand on you but humans are a different story, he still has a trace of humanity in his rotten mindset, so he emptily threatens his human rivals with death. That way everybody will leave you alone
Yoriichi loves you so much, he’d tear through the seven forests for you, all to get you what you want. As long as it doesn’t include your death or harm, he will do anything for you. In his head, every slave-like favour he does makes you love him so much more
Yoriichi has a habit of going through your belongings and sniffs your beautiful kimono as he cleans it for you. He may breach your privacy for his sick love but he wouldn’t steal anything, he respects you to the moon and back
Yoriichi is the sun but his rays deflect you from the sun. You need constant protection and when you’re isolated from all humanity and demon-kind, you are preserved as his and only his. He doesn’t care how horrible he is become, he just needs you
His beloved significant other. He will “work” hard to find a cure for you, so he can live the rest of his life with you. In your current state, you’re too mindless to find anything he does weird or scary so he truly doesn’t want you to change. You’re his now, he can’t let that go
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
I don't know why but I've slowly kind of returned to my demon Slayer faze(mostly my tanjiro simping faze) and I suddenly got a great idea, a great yandere idea.
What if the reader was alive during the time of yoriichi and got their entire family killed by muzan right in front of them. For whatever reason he kept you alive.
Eventually you became a demon Slayer and got to meet yoriichi, becoming close because of your hatred of demons.
When you and yoriichi came across muzan you saw this as your chance to kill him and helped yoriichi.
See the reader is a little reckless and doesn't care what they have to do to get what they want, you know yoriichi has a much better chance at defeating muzan so you do everything to protect him.
Even if that means getting pierced in the stomach.
So you died in yoriichi's arms, while Tamayo screams out how freaking close the two of you were too defeating muzan.
In the afterlife you are immediately offered a spot in heaven but instead you go straight to hell where you demand a meeting with the devil himself.
You made a deal with the devil that if he keeps reincarnating you until muzan is dead you would sell your soul to him, with a smile the devil agrees, when your not looking he adds a secret hidden aspect to your contract, where everyone you meet becomes yandere for you, don't blame him it gets very boring down in hell, it's due for some entertainment.
And that's how you reincarnate over and over again, everyone you meet becomes yandere for you, you give massive help to the demon slaying corps, secretly teaching them stuff from your time.
Eventually you get born to some random lady and get taken in by the kamados, where all of them become platonic yandere, preventing you from up and running like you usually do when your old enough.
Then on one snow cold night, when tanjiros out selling coal you finally meet the reason you sold your soul to the devil.
Muzan... At the time you were far to overtaken by rage that you didn't notice the dead bodies of your family members.
Despite being very young you still lounge at him, unknown to you he figured out about your eternal reincarnating and has been tracking you down for a long time, so instead of kill you he tried to capture you.
The moment you figured this out you hid in the forest, knowing dang well you know the forest a lot better than he does.
When he's finally gone you go look back at your house, it was then that you noticed the dead bodies.
Tanjiro coming back from his coal selling heard the sharp sounds of screams and blood.
Let's just say he was absolutely horrified to see his adopted sister screaming and his entire house covered in blood.
He managed to calm you down and the two of you took nezuko down the mountain.
Then a certain friendless man attacked. Without thinking you grabbed tanjiros axe and threw it at him, disturbing him by how speedy and accurate your throw was.
When nezuko protected you and tanjiro giyuu decided to let her live, seeing yours and tanjiros potential he quickly sent you guys to live with his old teacher.
While tanjiro had lots of difficulty you had none at all, you've done this a thousand times having used a different breath for every single one of your lives, so water breathing was easy peasy.
Skipping all the lame stuff, you meet kanao, zenitsu, inosuke, the hashiras but the most important one is you meet tamayo.
In some of your past lives you met her, she instantly recognized you and the two of you had a private chat, one thing you've never down is told her you sold your soul to the devil is because she's like a protective mother hen to you, you do not want to disappoint her.
The hashiras slowly become yandere for you, you save rengokus life, prevent uzui from retirement, help a bunch of people.
Life is good, but then after a bunch of guilt you decide to spill the beans.
At first their cool with you being reincarnated over and over again to stop muzan but when you get to the part where you sold your soul to the devil they will not be happy.
The ending is a little controversial but one thing that does happen is their planning to capture muzan, the contract won't have to follow if muzan doesn't die.
They will NOT allow your soul to go into the impure hands of the devil.
Meanwhile hell the devil is watching this with an amusing smile on his face, he really didn't care about not getting your soul, this was the greatest entertainment hes gotten in hundreds of thousands of years.
The end
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Your muse has somehow ended up in Mainland and sees Liam laying down on the ground, care to approach him?
(Liam usually is the one who would travel to other universes, he is staying in his home universe for the summer season.)
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"Ara Ara~! Are you okay, my dear~?" she asked, appearing suddenly into his field of vision.
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noah-shin · 1 year
So you're telling me Muzan is a narcissist demon lord who has been living for decades and still can't find a solution of how to become immortal. Like honey what were doing all these time? Sucking yoriichi's dead dic* I guess. Like dude why tf do you act like you own the world when one demon slayer literally almost removed your whole existence in a second and you still have nightmares of it. This bro aint even a smooth criminal. He literally made you wipe the floor with your pale demon ass.
If he was in this generation, he would have been more trolled than Donald trump himself. He would got dragged.
I do give him the credit for abruptly having a mental breakdown and killing all those lower moons. Just admit it, they deserved it. I mean I would do the same and that's also without asking them shit, cz bitch you work under me. This is the eternal castle where y'all are in, not eternal circus ig. To be real, I would just save that lower demon who is the best looking. It's hard to find a good demon to simp on anyways .
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heli-writes · 11 months
 A marriage of convenience, part 3: something like family.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist
The day at the fair changed things around the cottage. (Y/s/n), who used to be quite wary of Yoriichi, starts seeking out his attention more and more. In his own way, he starts to ask Yoriichi to play with him. He kicks his ball in Yoriichi's direction or runs after him with his kite. Yoriichi is too kind to tell the boy no and always ends up joining the child in his games. (Y/n) watches this development with fondness in her heart. In this whole arrangement, she was worried for (y/s/n) the most. The boy has been through too much to worry about her and the strange man who suddenly lives with them. Though he understands more than he tends to let others see, (y/n) is sure of that. During the day, while (y/s/n) occupies Yoriichi's time, (y/n) gets work around the house done. When the sun sets, (y/n) calls both of them inside for dinner and they sit around the small table and share a meal. In these moments, the three of them seem to be something like a family. When the moon rises and it's time for Yoriichi to leave and do his duty, (y/n) suddenly feels heavy-hearted. She starts to worry about Yoriichi being all alone outside at night hunting demons. She starts to understand why his friends wanted him to get married. At least this way, someone can notice his absence in the morning.
She watches Yoriichi tuck his sword to his side yet another night. (Y/s/n) is already in bed. "Will you be home early tomorrow?", she asks, "I might need some help with the cart." Yoriichi internally stumbles over the word 'home'. Does (y/n) already consider him part of her home? "I don't know yet. I will have to travel far tonight. I am sent to a remote village where young men are disappearing. (Y/n) shifts awkwardly on her feet. "Sounds dangerous.", she notes. Yoriichi is unsure what to say to this. It is dangerous but he also knows what he is doing. "You'll take care, don't you?", (y/n) says softly. Yoriichi adverts his gaze. She's worried about him. "I'll be fine.", he says coldly and without looking at her. She shouldn't worry about him. It's not that kind of marriage. (Y/n) notices his change of attitude and quickly answers: "Of course. I'm going to bed. Good luck." As she hears Yoriichi leave, she feels a sting in her heart. It's clear Yoriichi tried to keep her at a distance. She's not sure why, however. Just because she doesn't want him to die or get hurt, this doesn't mean she's helplessly in love with the man.
Yoriichi ends up being late and (y/n) fixes the cart herself. When he's not back by sunrise, she leaves breakfast on the table for him and leaves the cottage with her son in tow. The sun stands high in the sky when Yoriichi returns to the empty cottage. He's absolutely spent. The walk has been farther than he anticipated and he dealt not only with one demon but three tonight. He's not surprised to see (y/n) and the boy gone. After he ate (y/n)'s breakfast, he takes a bath and falls into his futon. When (y/n) and her son return in the late afternoon, it's still quiet in the cottage. (Y/n) hushes her son outside so that he won't wake Yoriichi. After putting away some purchases, she enters the bedroom. Yoriichi lies on his side with one arm over the top of his head. The low sun shines through the window and onto his hair. (Y/n) looks at him for a while. The light of the sun makes his hair look redder than usual. His breathing is soft and regular. (Y/n) is actually not sure if she ever saw Yoriichi breathe in s different rhythm. He's very good-looking, she thinks to herself. It's surprising no other woman tried to woo him after his wife's death. Vultures don't tend to let the dust settle. (Y/n) knows that from experience. She leans against the door frame and starts thinking about her fiance. Sadness fills her heart and she needs to advert her gaze from Yoriichi.
Yoriichi wakes up to the clattering of dishes and pans. (Y/n) is cooking, he can smell it in the air. He slowly sits up and runs his hand through his disheveled hair. He hears smaller feet tapping the wooden floor in the hallway. "Sshh...", he hears (y/n) say, "Yoriichi is still asleep. You can help me if you want to, but don't bother him." Yoriichi slowly gets up and stretches. The sun hasn't set yet but is already disappearing behind the high trees that surround the cottage. Upon leaving the bedroom, (y/s/n) immediately is at his leg and presents him with a book. "Oh, I'm sorry Yoriichi. You have to tell him no if he's bothering you.", (y/n) says standing at the door to the living area. "It's alright.", Yoriichi says with a hoarse voice. "You must be thirsty. Wait a second.", (y/n) says while quickly turning away. He doesn't see the slight blush on her cheeks upon hearing his voice. (Y/n) can't help but find his grogginess attractive. She puts a cup of water for him on the table and continues cooking. After Yoriichi ignored (y/s/n) for the sake of the water, (y/s/n) runs up to his mother with his book. He pulls at her kimono to get her attention. (Y/n) sighs. "I can't read to you now. Come help me, you can stir the soup.", she says. (Y/s/n) stand on a stool taking the wooden spoon from (y/n)'s hand and starts stirring. Yoriichi watches them silently. (Y/n) is humming a song and gently swinging her hips as she forms meatballs. (Y/s/n) tries to imitate her by swinging his hips a little too hard and out of rhythm. Yoriichi has to smile at that. "What are you smiling at?", (y/n) says with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Can you do it better than we?". Yoriichi clears his throat, embarrassed that he was caught staring. "I think you two are really good at his.", he says. "Ha, you heard that, (y/s/n)? We're great cooks and even greater dancers!", (y/n) exclaims. (Y/s/n) looks up to her in glee. (Y/n) grabs his little hands and starts swinging both of them in a silly rhythm. Her son starts hopping up and down to the soundless music. Yoriichi can't help but look at the scene fondly. Perhaps he was too harsh yesterday evening. He starts to care about the two of them. Why shouldn't (y/n) start caring about him too?
After dinner, (y/n) puts (y/s/n) to bed. Afterward, she joins Yoriichi outside on the porch with two cups of tea. "When did you come home? Must've been a long night considering how long you slept.", she asks Yoriichi. He hums in agreement. "It got late. Thank you for letting me sleep.", he says. "That's alright", she replies, "Though it was really hard to keep (y/s/n) busy.". Yoriichi takes a sip of his tea. "He's getting attached to you, you know. I'm sorry if that's not what you want from this.", (y/n) says with a wave of her hand. Yoriichi shrugs. "It's alright. I like the boy. He reminds me of me when I was young.", he says. "Really? I can't imagine that. You seem a lot calmer than him.", (y/n) smiles looking into her own cup. "I guess I was calmer. But I also didn't speak for a long time.", Yoriichi answers. (Y/n) looks up at him surprised. "Really? That's good to hear.", she says. Yoriichi turns to her and crooks his head a bit. "What do you mean?", he asks. "Well...", (y/n) starts, "You see, I'm worried about him not speaking. I thought it would just take some time for him to process things, but it's been three years and he still doesn't speak again." "What happened three years ago?", Yoriichi asks. (Y/n) takes a deep breath. "A demon.", she finally says, "You probably noticed (y/s/n) and I don't look much alike. It's because he's not mine. His parents were killed three years ago. His mother was a dear friend of mine, so I took him in." Yoriichi nods. He expected something like this. Things didn't add up with the (y/s/n)'s age and the death of her fiancée and he didn't take (y/n) for the type of woman to get herself pregnant elsewhere. "I'm sorry about that.", he says quietly. (Y/n) sighs again. "Well, you must see things like this all the time. To be honest, I don't know how you do it. I've only seen it once and it was more than enough for me.", she says. Yoriichi puts down his cup and looks into the night sky. "It's a sense of duty.", he finally responds. (Y/n) nods. "A dangerous sense, I guess.", she notes quietly. Yoriichi turns back to her. Maybe he should apologize to her for yesterday. "Look...", he begins, "I'm sorry about how I reacted yesterday. I understand why you're worried about my job." (Y/n) waves her hands in front of her to put him off. "Please, don't be sorry. I get it. This union was not tied to be worried... or be emotional about each other.", she waves him off. Yoriichi looks down. "Still," he says, "We live together. I suppose it's normal to look out for each other... or get attached in some way.". (Y/n) looks at him surprised. "I guess so.", she replies, "At least I can say that (y/s/n) and I are glad to have you around." Yoriichi nods at that. He also is glad to have the two around. While he wouldn't admit it in front of his friends, they were right about him being lonely. He enjoys (y/n)'s and her son's company. He suddenly feels pressure on his arm. (Y/n) has put her hand on his arm and gives it a soft squeeze. "Don't think about it too hard. You'll just get tangled up in unpleasant thoughts.", she states firmly. All Yoriichi can do is nod at that. "It's late. I should go to sleep. Don't stay up too long.". (Y/n) yawns as she stands up. Yoriichi bids her good night and stays behind in the night breeze, alone with his thoughts.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Uhh hey there! I actually did ask this in one your posts but you probably didn't notice and that's completely understandable! I've been obsessed with Yoriichi for a while (I mean, have you seen him HE LOOKS PRETTY ASF WHAT) So I'd like to request a Yoriichi x gn!reader where the reader is a fellow demon slayer who he thought was weak, but is actually strong and was amazed by their strength and slowly catches feelings. Basically he has a crush on us and I'd like to know how he'd be like 😭❤️
# yoriichi tsugikuni
tags : gn!reader, fluff, yoriichi fell first, not proofread.
a/n : hello! thank you sm for requesting something for yoriichi, you did right by sending it through inbox bc i find hard to catch up with my own posts lmao so yeah, hope you’ll enjoy even if it’s a bit short <3
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at first, yoriichi would be pretty normal around you
you’re just a fellow slayer after all, and you don’t seem that strong, so
but after a certain battle you showed your hidden skills and he recognised your strength
it was amazing & yoriichi was pretty surprised
that’s when he started catching feelings for you
he would be close to you more than before
ask you to eat together
would even show you a romantic place to spend some time together
you were oblivious tho, and yoriichi was too shy to actually voice his true feelings for you
other people started to notice tho 🤭
you would notice that he gets easily flustered when he is around you, his cheeks turn red almost every time and sometimes he finds difficult to speak with you
he would like to hold your hand so he tries to casually brush his own on yours and hope you would catch up
spoiler. you simply think it’s a coincidence
poor baby boy 🙂
after some time, finally, he decides to be more open
so he grabs your hand more freely, greets you with a kiss on the cheek, asks how you’re doing and if you need anything
he even brings you flowers sometimes, with cute gifts whenever he comes back from missions
when yoriichi decides it’s time to follow his heart and stop wasting time, he takes you to a quiet clearing and sits down with you
he offers you some food he made with his own hands and then finally opens up about his feelings for you
“i suspected you would never go further,” you chuckle, smiling at him. yoriichi smiles back at you and then moves closer, to kiss your lips
he thought about this moment multiple times so he was very happy, his timid smile never left his face
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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