#you are invited to his birthday party
ftm-megamind · 7 months
me and my boyfriend are sooo javid (he invited me over for a family dinner)
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scribefindegil · 1 year
Do you think anyone remembered to tell Reigen when Inukawa showed up again after the aliens thing or has he been operating under the assumption that a kid he was responsible for just Vanished Forever?
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moxymaxing · 7 months
when someone draws rachel rand skinny an angel loses their wings and when someone draws rand as a twink i look distantly into the sunset and when someone draws kian with a six pack a baby cries and GOD whenever someone draws any of the pc's without any sign of being older i feel the rage of a thousand suns. etc.
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maskeddiany · 11 months
Teeny tiny little revenge for @itsinkandshatteredcrayons-blog bc they murdered me a few days ago
What's better than a single Winkle? 2 OF THEM WINKLES!!!!!
and a tiny one as a plus
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kathrynmjaneway · 3 months
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elytrafemme · 4 months
well. the good news is i don't have borderline i don't think. the bad news is that if my "best friend" doesn't leave the house he's been in with ALL our other friends with zero explanation for the last few hours then i might do something drastic.
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kalpasio · 1 year
I've been so busy with my final exams but my thoughts are thoughting and I need to share this‼️
IMAGINE. Kalpas ice skating.
I feel lile he would be really good at it for some reason, like it's his first time ice skating and he's like 'this is easy what are y'all fussing about??'
He wouldn't be bothered by the cold either so I can imagine him with a tight shirt and gloves LORDD
If reader can't skate, you wont have to worry abt falling!! He'll catch you everytime without fail <3 I can imagine him going 'How are you struggling?? It's easy look' and then holding the reader explaining how to move😭😭♥️ If anyone bumps into you he for sure will curse them out to watch where they're going
(He would accidentally melt the ice at some point so everyone has to evacuate lmao)
I will now go back to the hell that is studying😭 I'd love to hear your take on this!! Have a wonderful day y'all♥️
also kalpas ice skating is so powerful. imagine he's not cold but Sakura makes him wear one of those thermal shirts that are way too tight like 👀👀 I am looking respectfully
the gloves are definitely to protect the ice from him and not the other way around lmao
🧊anon this is so big brain thank you 😭😭 going to sleep with thoughts of skating Kalpas 🧡
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hiimcanadia · 1 year
I changed school districts when I went from elementary school to middle school, and I completely lost contact with everyone I was friends with in elementary school, and then in 7th grade I started to transition. But like. I still live in the same town, I just moved to a different school district within that town. And now that everyone I went to school with are adults with jobs, there are a lot of people who I see working at local grocery stores and shops that I frequent who I recognize because we were friends in elementary school, but they don't recognize me because I am literally not the same person I was back then. Like it's so weird and almost painful seeing someone and desperately wanting to go "hey I know you. You befriended me when nobody else would and we used to talk every single day and we pretended to be cats on the snow piles and we did that for 3 years. do you remember me?" But you can't do that because they don't actually know you
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devitalise · 2 years
how was i playing sims for 4 hours yesterday and only progressed like 3 in game days
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heavenknowsffs · 2 years
#i know i am almost always funing#this is why i pay my therapist#but i have to let this out#my cousin is super important to me and tomorrow is my birthday#and like since it's during the week i am going home and celebraring in the city only on saturdsy#so i planned a few things like karaoke and going out in this bar area that's not too expensive bc i do not have money#so yeah i told everyone and said today we could go for a few beers until midnight just to spend midnight#and he was all like i will spend 30min tops with you on the 18th but will not go out whatsoever on saturday#and i was like wtf??? 1st why this tone second you could just come spend some time at my house or something like that#bc we are having dinner at my place (me and the rest of the people) and he said absolutely not#and mind you i KNOW WHY it's bc he and a couple i invited have some kind of beef i don't understand it's just gay drama you know it#but like we hang out almost every week and it has only become a problem bc last saturday they fought around him? idk man gay drama again#it's stupid okay i don't wanna go into detail bc this is not my business and frankly not really his either#so anyway he starts stating in the gc how many financial stuff he has this month and wtv and just idk being mean to me bc i invited him+#+ to my birthday which ofc i would bc i love him dearly#and i'm like wth and i told him it's no problem i know you have a lot on your plate but like you don't have to come to a club etc#you can just come hang out and not spend any money and if you want i can get you a drink what matters to me is you're there#anyway a bunch of excuses later of i don't like nighclubs or going out partying anymore i don't have money etc#and guess what... he went partying last weekend in one of the most expensive clubs in the country#and like i would be finr eith it IF YOU DIDN'T TELL ME all these excuses#and now i was talking in the gc about next saturday and he kinda mentioned he was coming which???? ehat the fuck#i am srsly going insane i do not need this#it feels like fucking high school
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skeletonmaster69 · 1 year
#vent time#so out of the 6 people im gonna invite to my birthday only 2 of them are people i want there#the rest are just cuz i dont wanna be a fucking asshole#more than that if you include my siblings cuz i want my sibling there but i dont want my little brother#anyways but yeah the 2 people i actually want there are my best friends and i love them and if they disnt wanna come id straight up cancel#theres my friend from school who i want to be there but i know her and one of my best friends wouldnt get along#my friend from schools friend who i hang out w enough that i should invite them but who i dont know that well#and who would absolutely get in a fight with said best friend that wouldnt get along with them whcih is not something i wanna deal with#theres best friends friend who is kindof my friend but i havent talked to him enough in years for him to feel like a friend#hut i invited him last year so it would be weird to not invite him#and then theres my friend who like. gets along well enough with my best friends but just#hes fun to hang out with but i cannot trust him to not make me cry and i am not crying at my birthday party 2 years in a row#and then if we count siblings my sibling obviously i want there theyre fun and actually care and shit#but my little brother. frankly i dont want him around my friends at all since that time he took his shirt off#and laid down in front of the tv. while my friends were there. right in front of them.#which is gross as hell but even if we ignore that he is so fucking horrible to be around all of the time#he would actively try to cause the one thing that is not supposed to happen at this party(me crying)#but if i tell him to stay in the bedroom while my friends are there im being mean and a bad brother and blah blah blah#if i wanna go extra far i dont even want my dad there beyond him buying to food since he absolutely doesnt care about me not crying#but even though i only want 3 of these people there all of them have to be there because otherwise im being mean#just thinking about it kinda makes me feel like crying tbh because i dont think ill even have the energy for that many people#but not inviting any one of them would be me being a huge fucking asshole#i hate it really really genuinely#id almost rather not have a party but my sibling would get upset and think its their fault#plus frankly. i want pizza#which is probably the worst reason to have a party but who cares#its even worse cuz the only day i can do it is a day when i work so i get to come home w an exhausted social battery#and then a few hours later immediately deal with 6 extra people in the house#and because theres 6 people none of them will even wanna talk to me because i am always always always the least favorite friend#so ill just. what. sit there. maybe play kindom hearts or eyes of heaven if i want attention so bad im willing to get it thru being mocked
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train-inthedistance · 2 years
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violentdevotion · 2 years
starting to think thoughts. this is dangerous
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Not only Bruce HAS to let Ed win in whatever the unhinged thing he is doing today but he HAS to appear and give Riddler some genuine attention even if what Ed wants today is an inofensive board game night and also he needs to bring cake cause he is the bilionaire (and no arresting the other Rogues either, unless they are the Joker). It's baby girl birthday and he gets to annoy the Bat. You go Eddie.
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girlfictions · 7 months
something i’ve been thinking about lately is like. growing up muslim right after 9/11 is something i’d never really reflected on much because it was all i’d ever known — at 5, my friend’s mum didn’t let her invite me to her birthday party because i was the only brown girl in our class, at 12, my classmates would joke about my family being part of isis, at 16, my dad was interrogated by american airport security for hours — and it always stung and it always hurt but it was just the way things were because the western world hated muslims. but i don’t think i’ve ever fully comprehended the extent to which we were hated until now.
palestine is being turned into a mass graveyard. every single day there are new photos of the atrocities being carried out against them and videos of them pleading for help and still those who can actually intervene turn a blind eye. israel is claiming to only be targeting hamas “terrorists” while bombing a refugee camp. israeli police raided and assaulted a non-zionist jewish neighbourhood. israeli soldiers are posting tiktoks of them torturing captured palestinians. this is not a complicated issue and it never has been. ethnic cleansing is being committed right in front of us. and yet the western world leaders refuse to call for a ceasefire.
and while zionist organisations accuse pro-palestine demonstrations of anti-semitism, while zionist celebrities insist that they’re afraid to leave their mansions in los angeles, a six year old muslim boy was stabbed to death and his mother wounded in the same attack in chicago. a muslim doctor was murdered while sitting outside her apartment complex in texas. hundreds of peaceful protesters have been arrested (many of whom have been jewish). despite what zionists want you to believe, this is not a jewish/muslim conflict. i have so much love and gratitude to my brave jewish brothers and sisters all over the world who are condemning israel for their actions.
ultimately, israel have been granted impunity by the west. they have slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocent palestinians. they have bombed hospitals and schools indiscriminately. they have used white phosphorus, violating the geneva convention. they have completely eradicated nearly 900 bloodlines. how many more need to be wiped out? how many more children need to be buried underneath the rubble? how many more doctors need to be confronted with the bodies of their own family members? how many more journalists need to detail the horrific acts of violence they are witnessing? what more can be done to the palestinian people that has not been done already?
i truly believe that palestine will be free one day. i believe the palestinian people will receive the justice they finally deserve. but what breaks my heart is how much they have suffered and will continue to suffer before they are deemed worthy of help. and it would be to all of our detriment if we ignored how much of a factor palestine being a predominantly muslim state has played into the way the world has reacted to their genocide.
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drawnecromancy · 3 months
Eleanor is so angry at Nathan for things he has no control over lmfao
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