#young royals incorrect quotes
Everyone: you’d really give up the crown for Simon?
Wilhelm: I’d give up the crown for two jellybeans and a butter sandwich, but sure blame Simon.
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rhetorical-conscience · 4 months
Simon: *unconscious*
Sara: Oh my God, Simon's not breathing!
Marcus: I can give him mouth-to-mouth.
Simon: *wakes up*
Simon: Don't.
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writinganything · 10 days
Simon texting Felice: Why is your bestfriend always saying the most jaw dropping romantic stuff to me than act like nothing happens? He doesn’t even realize he does this!
Felice texting Simon: What do you mean?
Simon texting Felice: Focus on what he says tomorrow, he’ll probably do it again.
*Tomorrow while they’re studying together*
Wille: *have been staring at Simon with hearts in his eyes for at least 5 minutes*
Felice: Umm…Simon, I think your boyfriend wants your attention
Simon: *takes his eyes off his homework and looks at Wille* Are you okay??…
Wille: You have the type of beauty people go to war for you know? Everytime I look at you, I feel like my heart is gonna burst.
Simon: …. *trying to hide his blushing cheeks*
Wille: Anyways, have you guys finished the English homework?
Felice: …. I get what you mean now
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Wille: Where are my fucking keys?
Kristina: Wille, you're the Crown Prince, try to say it a little more dignified
Wille: Sorry, may I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
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toofacedbiitch · 3 months
Biblically accurate Olle, Oski and Felle
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dovrt · 11 months
Simon: Fuck the rich
Wille: I’m rich, fuck me
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sky-neverending · 11 months
Simon: *has beef with the monarchy*
Wille: *has beef with himself*
Wille: hey we have a common interest
Wille: We should kiss ya know
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Simon, humming: I was a girl in the village doing alright, then I became a princess over night.
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grodprinsen · 2 years
Walter: hey. you‘re single, i‘m single. you know what that means right?
Henry: that we‘re both unlovable?
Walter: exac- no wait
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joenotexotic99 · 2 years
Young royals incorrect quotes.
A week later
Simon: guys I might have taken that a little to literally
Rosh: please don't tell me you fucked the crown prince.
Simon: in my defense you weren't specific
* based of my last post*
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omarscurls · 11 months
Wilhelm finds the red shirt…
This was supposed to be about Wille finding his shirt in Simon’s room and just like being fluff in general
I’ve literally had this idea in my head since s2 premiered, and been writing since then lmao
It has taken me unbelievably long to write this short piece of fluffy nothingness
TWs: none really? Hints or signs of a panic attack and anxiety, August is mentioned, otherwise I don’t think there’s any
A/N look like this because my mind is weird and it’s fun to comment as I write
Idk what this is but enjoy! :)
Everything in Wille’s mind went blurry the second the cameras were turned off. He registers that the choir behind him has started to move, that the crowd watching him is whispering and not even hiding the looks they’re giving him, that the headmaster seems to be frozen where she’s sitting and that his mom, the queen, is walking towards him with determined steps and an unreadable face.
But he can also see that Boris is smiling at him proudly from where he’s sitting, that August who has stood up from his seat and is now talking to Nils while looking like he just swallowed a lemon, that Felice and Madison are both waving and smiling at him.
He finds comfort in all of these things, but it isn’t quite enough to stop his head from spinning and vision from going blurry. He once again realises his mom is trying to reach him and he starts feeling the panic rise in his chest and he desperately look’s around for a place to hide, run, anything, but everyone is coming closer and there’s so much noise and angry voices and people trying to reach him and he can’t quite see and…
There’s a hand in his. Simon’s hand, his mind helpfully tells him. Simon who is now desperately trying to pull him away from the chaos that is happening around them.
Wille doesn’t quite know how but they end up back in his room. He silently watches as Simon pulls the curtains shut and checks that the door is locked. Twice.
Then Simon turns to Wille. They stare at each other for just a second before they both go “Are you ok?”. Simon lets out a breathy laugh and says “yes, yes” while Wille pulls him close. “Are you ok?” Simon asks again, a bit muffled since his face is now hidden in the crook of Wille’s neck.
Wille thinks for a second. Because no, no he’s not ok. His heart is beating too fast and it still feels like he can’t get enough air into his lungs. But Simon is right here with him and having told everyone the truth doesn’t make him as anxious as it should. “Maybe, I think so” he finally responds.
Wille can feel Simon wrap his arms even tighter around him and he’s pretty sure Simon is smiling against his neck. He can feel his own heartbeat slow down little by little as he breathes in the smell of Simon’s hair.
“We are ok” Simon whispers to him, over and over again. Wille doesn’t know which one of them he is trying to convince, probably both. Either way, it helps.
Why tf are they at Wille’s? The whole point of this was for them to go to Simon’s, I’m getting carried away lol
“I love you” Wille whispers back a couple of minutes later, or maybe an hour, he doesn’t really know. It also doesn’t really matter. What matters is that he can somewhat breathe normally again and that Simon is still hugging him, gently rocking them back and forth.
“I love you too” Simon says, pulling away a little, so that he can look into Wille’s eyes. They both smile.
And then, finally, they kiss. Because after all, they’re just teenagers. Who are a little bit in love. And sometimes a little bit of casually making out is the best way to forget about the rest of the world.
They are rudely interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. It’s Wilhelm’s. He doesn’t want to answer it, he can’t, really, right now.
But he doesn’t have to because Simon slips his hand into Wille’s pocket and grabs his phone. Declines the call and turns it off. Wille doesn’t even get the chance to see who’s calling.
Is this the fluffiest mess if ever written? Maybe
“Do you want to sleep at mine tonight?” Simon asks him after giving the phone back to Wilhelm, now with a determined look on his face.
“Please” Wille answers immediately, without hesitation. He doesn’t really know how that’s supposed to work though, because there’s most likely someone outside of his door just waiting to grab him and take him to the castle, or to his mom, probably to talk, or something.
But somehow they manage to get out, with some help from Felice and Madison. Wilhelm decides to just not look behind him as they hurriedly walk towards the bus station. He focuses on the feeling of Simon’s hand in his and blurs out everything else.
Yes this is me getting through not having written anything for weeks bc I didn’t know how to get them out of there whoops lol
Simon’s mom hugs them both tightly as soon as they walk inside the door and once again Wilhelm feels like he can breathe a tiny bit more freely.
After greeting Linda they head off to Simon’s room, where they once again make sure the window is locked and the curtains shut.
Is that even the right way to say that lol
He looks around for a bit, touches stuff that has been added since he was there last. He and Simon talk, mostly nonsense, very obviously avoiding the fact that the entire world is probably looking for them right now. But it’s comfortable. Wille feels safer than he has in a long time.
The sit at the end of Simon’s bed. Simon’s fingers are running through Wille’s hair as he rests his head against Simon’s shoulder. For the first time since the the cameras were turned off, Wille can’t feel his pulse racing. Simon tells him as much: “ are you more ok now? It seems better” “I think I am” he answers. He realises that’s true.
There’s a faint thought that he should be worried about something but it’s in the back of his head and it doesn’t seem impossible right now. Not when Simon is right there, feeling so real. His fingers in Wille’s hair is the only thing that seems to make any sense in Wille’s head at the moment.
See what I did there? “All the people are fake… but I like you and that’s not fake…” Simon is real :,)
Simon let’s his hands wander, one stopping on the prince’s chest, right on his heart. “At least your heartbeat is ok again” he mumbles, as he gently scratches at Wille’s shirt in the same spot, seeming to need something to hold on to.
The let their hands wander, talk for a bit, share a couple of innocent kisses, both of them being too exhausted to make them lead to something else.
It’s when Simon’s head, that’s now resting against Wille’s shoulder, start to become heavier, and Wille muffles another yawn with the sleeve of his hoodie, he suggests they go to bed. Simon doesn’t even really know what time it is, or if anyone has tried to reach them, but agrees since they both seem exhausted enough to fall asleep sitting up against the wall.
As Simon leaves to get some stuff for Wille and to say goo night to his mom, Wille gets up from the bed too. He changes into the T-shirt Simon threw at him to wear as pyjamas, and looks around the room again.
Why tf is nothing like, happening lmao
Simon did clearly not make his bed this morning so Wille doesn’t think he’ll mind is he just sits down and rests his eyes for a little while.
Ooooo finally? Maybe
As he moves the pillows around just a bit he sees something red sticking out from underneath one of them. Weird. He pulls out the piece of fabric and is puzzled for a second before he realises. That’s his shirt. The one he thought he lost months ago. In Simon’s bed.
He’s about to start thinking about what that means when Simon comes back. He seems to be in the middle of a sentence when he realises what Wille is doing and as his eyes land on the shirt in Wille’s hands, he freezes completely.
“I-“ he starts. “I was going to give it back…” “I swear!” “I didn’t steal it it was just that…” “I- you- the headmaster-“ Simon’s brain doesn’t seem to be functioning properly.
Wille just giggles: “Hey, it’s ok, I don’t mind, like, at all”. That’s makes Simon unfreeze again and stumble right into Wille, trying to hide his embarrassment in the prince’s shirt.
Said Prince just wraps his arms around Simon, who is very much clinging to him but still refusing to show his face. “I just want to know how you got it” Wille ends up saying.
As they move into bed Simon tells Wille how he got his hands on the shirt and how he completely forgot to give it back.
They forget about it, start talking about other things, kiss a little, talk some more, while they cuddle up under the covers. It’s not until they’re in the dark, just about to fall asleep, bodies tangled together until they can’t really tell where Simon ends and Wille begins, that Wille whispers: “how come the shirt was in your bed though? Under you pillow?” He barely has time to finish the sentence before Simon slaps a hand over the prince’s mouth and groans, while hiding underneath the blanket.
They’ll be ok.
Thank you so much for reading!! Any thoughts on this/feedback is very much appreciated so please leave a comment :)))
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Young Royals Characters As Text Messages Dani @the-navistar-carol & I Have Sent Each Other Pt 15:
hehe we're gonna use stills from S3 for this one hehe
A quick guide to us: everything in blue was sent by me (Zee). Everything in grey was sent by Dani. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
Wilhelm (grey) & Simon (blue):
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Rosh (blue) & Ayub (grey):
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Vincent (blue) & Nils (grey):
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Wilhelm (blue) & Simon (grey):
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Starting and ending on wilmon because endgame bitches. We hope you laughed and cried with us during season 3. We hope we made you giggle during this post. As always, permission was given to post all of these. Everything in this part was sent between when part 14 was posted and now.
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rhetorical-conscience · 5 months
Wilhelm: *hasn't slept in over 72 hours*
Simon: God, you look awful.
Wilhelm, defensive: So do you!
Wilhelm: You don't.
Simon: I know, Wille.
Wilhelm: You're perfect.
Simon: I know, Wille.
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writinganything · 3 days
Simon: I hate the monarchy, I wished it never existed in the first place
Wille: I wish I never existed too, we have so much in common :)
Simon: ….
Simon: Baby, we’ve talked about this.….
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Fredrika: Wow, those people really hate us
Stella: Mmh, maybe they're homophobic
Fredrika: We’re not gay Stella
Stella: We’re not??
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simon, visibly nervous: wille and I don’t use pet names.
sara: i see. hey, how do you say my love in spanish?
simon: mi amor?
wilhem: yes, love?
sara: don't ever lie to my face again.
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