casteru · 1 year
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yuhwa’s wardrobe // T.O.U.
this started with me just wanting to make the denim set jungkook wore for my sim & i ended up doing,,,,, whatever this is
inspo (x)
📁 download: patreon / curseforge
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woosteru · 1 year
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mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 28 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Carinhosa, paciente.
Defeitos: Desastrada, chorona.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Alemã/germânica-coreana.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: Moon Gayoung - atriz.
Twitter: MV94BY.
OOC: +18 ela/dela.
TW: Nenhum.
TW: Nenhum.
Byun Yuhwa ou Leona Byun nasceu na Alemanha, com o pai sul-coreano e a mãe germânica-coreana. Yuhwa visitou várias vezes a Coreia do Sul durante o seu crescimento, seu pai sempre querendo deixar as raízes coreanas sempre muito próximas da filha, assim como a família residente na Coreia do Sul também, por isso costumes coreanos eram sempre bem-vindos em sua casa na Alemanha.
Yuhwa cresceu aprendendo coreano, alemão e inglês. As três línguas que seus pais não puderam dispensar ao longo de seu crescimento. Sua família sempre foi muito unida, sempre lá para quando se precisasse de algo e Yuhwa era completamente agradecida a todo o apoio que tinha deles. Amava todos com todo o seu ser por terem dado uma ótima educação e amor para ela.
Além de tudo, Yuhwa foi uma criança muito arteira, então aprontava muito na escola e em casa. Fazia seus pais ficarem com os cabelos em pé com o que fazia. Na adolescência então, era a rebeldia em pessoa, mas seus pais não podiam reclamar muito, pois tirando as suas travessuras e rebeldias, sempre foi uma aluna muito exemplar e uma filha muito amorosa. Ela tinha até cedido ao desejo de sua mãe de aprender a tocar violino, o que era a verdadeira tortura de sua vida.
Yuhwa então foi crescendo, quando ficou maior de idade afirmou um contrato para ser modelo para uma marca de cosméticos, nada muito grande, mas o suficiente para ajudá-la com os estudos. E só pôde conseguir isso, porque modelava para marcas infantis desde pequena, uma ideia de sua mãe. Seus pais acharam que a filha iria seguir o caminho de modelo mesmo, mas no final ficaram surpresos quando ela mostrou interesse em entrar para a universidade de direito. Então ela começou o curso e continuou como modelo da marca de cosméticos até seu contrato acabar, o que foi junto da sua formatura.
Formada em direito, começou a trabalhar como advogada, largando assim por completo a vida de modelo. Porém, alguns anos depois, ficou sabendo que sua avó paterna tinha ficado muito doente e tinha até sido internada no hospital em coma, então por isso Yuhwa conversou com seus pais, dizendo que queria ficar perto de sua avó nesse momento e decidiram a deixar se mudar para Mugunghwa — o lugarzinho que a sua avó morava — para que ela pudesse ficar perto dela e prestar todo o apoio possível a ela neste momento, enquanto seus pais continuavam na Alemanha por causa de seus empregos, mas prometendo irem visitá-la frequentemente na Coreia.
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sashasspace · 8 months
Must-Have CC Clothes for Masculine Sims
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Plb sims: https://www.patreon.com/plbsims S for zinda: https://sforzcc.tumblr.com/ Trillyke: https://www.patreon.com/trillyke Windenbro: https://windenbro.tumblr.com/downloads Cee Productions: https://www.patreon.com/CeeProductions Bedisfull (now Bed and Musae): https://www.patreon.com/bedsae KKsims: https://www.patreon.com/KK_creations Gorilla x3: https://www.patreon.com/gorillax3 Nucrest: https://www.patreon.com/nucrests Rona Sims: https://www.patreon.com/rona_sims Cream Latte Dream: https://www.patreon.com/creamlattedream
Solistar: https://www.patreon.com/solistair/ Rimmings: https://www.patreon.com/RIMINGs Sudal Sims: https://www.patreon.com/sudalsims Clumsy Alien sims: https://www.patreon.com/clumsyalien Caio: https://www.patreon.com/caiocc Madlen: https://www.patreon.com/madlen Aretha click [masculine frame on site]: https://arethabee.tumblr.com/downloads Onyx: Onyx Sims: TS4 Clothing M Sims Andy: https://www.patreon.com/simmandy Rusty: https://www.patreon.com/rustysims Whimp: Whimp 1337 | creando Custom content for the Sims 4 | Patreon
CC collection: OakiyoxQICC collab: oakiyo — Sweater Weather Collaboration: @qicc​​ and I have... (tumblr.com) A VERY GRIM CHRISTMAS | Patreon Casteru yuhwa's wardrobe | Patreon cc dump (may 2023) | Patreon Woosteru: woosteru | wooooo!!!! | Patreon
Thank you to all the CC creators 🫶🏾
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coloristathings · 2 months
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Small Yuhwa Life Update 🥺❤️
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yooniesim · 1 year
List 3 of your favorite sims from other simmers you enjoy and explain why (Send this to 10 other blogs 💖💖)
ok let me try this ;3 gonna be more than three bc i'm a rebel
sage by @wastelandwhisperer, they look good in ANYTHING and slay every concept, the ultimate model, tyra banks is quaking
i love all of @cinamun's sims but i'm going with hope for this, watching her grow up made me attached! (i also have a soft spot for jayce)
dom by @nucrests... i'm not gonna explain why, i'm pretty sure we all know... also i wanna pinch michael's cheeks, both sets
yuhwa by @casteru, he's cute and i like him a lot, what else does a boy need? also the FASHION hello
this kinda a random one since i mostly see him in cc previews but i like a sim by @hexcodesims and i believe his name is nick :3 i think he's very adorable
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supernovaae · 1 year
Korean Mythological Figures to Use for Dislyte Ocs:
Mireuk, Seokga, Sang-Je/Hwanin, Hwanung, Dangun, Haenim, Dalnim, Jowangshin, Paritegi, Habaek, Yuhwa and Jumong, Yeomna, Jacheongbi, Mireuk, Samshin Halmoni, Samshin-halmang, Gameunjang-aegi, Eopsin, Ch’ilsong, Yeongdeung Halmang, Ch'ŏndogyo, Jeseok Triplets, Teojushin, Mago, Cheuksin, Munjeon, Teojusin, Nulgupjisin, Ulgupjisin, Yongsin, Mabuwang, Sosamsin, Kumiho(Gumiho), Gwisin, Yong/Ryong/Mireu, Haetae, Jeosung Saja, Bulgae, Samjoko, Daltokki, Ungnyeo, Sanshin, Ch'onshin, Okwhang,
Note: Keep in mind that this list may not be accurate and/or may be missing some mythological figures because I put down what I knew and did the bare minimum of google searching.
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agena87 · 1 year
List 3 of your favorite sims from other simmers you enjoy and explain why (Send this to 10 other blogs 💖💖)
OK. So, I already answer this here BUT! I forgot quite a lot of Sims, so here we go again (and we all know that I'll still forget a bunch):
💛 Alika Diamandis by @simarcana 💛 Don and Johnny by @okruee 💛 Yuhwa by @woosteru 💛 Chris by @helltrait 💛 Ariss by @salemssimblr 💛 Daniel & Dallas by @rainymoodlet 💛 Daithí by @Buglaur (I'm rooting for him in KMIK!)
Thanks for the ask! MWAH! 💛💛💛
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the-yuri-librarian · 5 months
Review of: Moonlight Garden by Kang Unnie
Summary: Moonlight Garden is a historical-fantasy manhwa set in a feudal society that is centered around what are in this world called Flower Maiden. A Flower Maiden is born with a special seed somewhere on her body, and, once she turns twenty, those seeds begin to "bloom." After that, the Flower Maiden always blooms one day out of the month, and when she does, she becomes incredibly lustful. This lust is agonizing, and the only way she can ease her pain is to bed another woman. The society that Flower Maidens live in has taken advantage of this, relegating them all to a town-like compound called Moonlight Garden, where they prostitute them out to any woman who can pay. However, there is a problem: eventually the "bloom" that Flower Maidens experience over takes them, and none of them ever seem to reach their thirties. Enter Dohwa, a young Flower Maiden who is quickly approaching twenty years old. She is determined to not reach her first bloom and has, in secret, been developing a cure for the bloom that is showing a significant amount of progress. But, theosenin charge of Moonlight Garden do not want there to be a cure in any form, so when they catch wind of what she's doing, they act to intervene. This includes Lady Hyewon, a vicious woman who is the newly in charge of managing Moonlight Garden.
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Review after the cut
Moonlight Garden is largely carried by it's unique concept. The idea of women being biologically forced to carry out sex work, which is then taken advantage of by the greater society around them until they literally burn out is thematically compelling, tying in bodily autonomy, sexuality, and the role of women are expected to have in society into a single complex thematic thread. This thread only gets more complex as Hyewon and her "twin" begin to entwine their lives with Dohwa's, forming a love triangle that demonstrates not only the various ways the same person can fall in love, but also how expressions of that love can be integral to the success of a relationship. And, for the most part, Kang's story works well. The romantic triangle is incredibly effective, serving as the vehicle through which the characters wrestle with the themes of the story, while providing much needed tension to allow the reader to truly get invested in what happens.
There is also quite a lot of political intrigue, particularly between the Su family, to which Hyewon belongs, and the royal family, who control the country that the Moonlight Garden resides in. This allows the story to also examine the suffering that can be caused institutions view women entirely through the lense of sex and sexuality.
However, for all the places where this story succeeds, it also falls short in quite as few. While it is true that Moonlight Garden is conceptually interesting, both in premise and in the political implications of the story, these concepts are not explored enough to have the impact that may be intended. Dohwa wants to make an antidote so that she is not forced into sex work once she blooms, but we are never shown a Flower Maiden performing this sex work in a way that is exploitative. There are only two other Flower Maidens that play a significant role in the story. The first is [redacted], who is isolated from the sex work because of her position, and the second is Yuhwa, who is only ever shown sleeping with the woman she loves. Similarly, we are not given any of the backstory that could tell us how the Su family came to control Moonlight Garden, and the Flower Maidens with it, nor are we given enough of the country's history to understand the tension between the Su family and the royal family, and what the potential consequences of this feud are. As a result, though the story works hard to explore the exploitation of the Flower Maiden's and the political tension between these two families, because we never see the consequences of these realities, we never truly feel their impact. It is in this way that Moonlight Garden plays it rather safe. It wants to exist in these spaces but is never quite brave enough to step into these spaces to begin with.
Additionally, there is one other aspects of this story that are unsatisfying, and that is the way the story treats sex between the women. Moonlight Garden is, in many ways, a microcosm of the ways many yuri falls short. For example, many yuri storrlies make the same mistake of not fully developing the world the stories take place in; this is usually not a big deal, but is more noticable here because of the scope of the story's themes. Another mistake Moonlight Garden shares with a lot of other girls' love stories is that it approaches the way women have sex entirely wrong. In this story, and many others like it, penetration is treated as the pinnacle of sex between two women, especially in this series. When any of the Flower Maidens begin to bloom, the only thing that will satisfy their lust is being penetrated by another woman. If there is another other kind of sex, be it cunnilingus or otherwise, it only happens once in the story, if that. And, there is quite a lot of sex in Moonlight Garden. So much so that, by the end, the sex feels not only predictable, but bland. Focusing on penetration as the end all be all of sex severely limits the way the women in Moonlight Garden have sex, which therefore limits the way that Kang explore the themes of sex within the sorry and quickly makes those scenes feel stale.
Overall, Moonlight Garden is an wholly unique story that is wrestling with heavy themes and beautifully complex characters. These strengths really make the series stand out among other girls love stories and make it incredibly hard to put down. But, it also has several glaring faults that make the thematic implications of the story crumble at the slightest scrutiny, and this is without mentioning the way the pacing falls apart at the end, and the dissatisfying conclusion of certain character arcs. At the end of the day, I still highly recommend giving this a read for the premise alone, but I do not think it is a story I will be returning to any time soon.
Overall rating: B-
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boyfinds · 1 year
casteru's 'yuhwa's wardrobe'
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cloudmoodlet · 11 months
love your pfp there’s nothing like seeing a stinky green kitty in my notifs ! nothing like it ✅
omg thank you this is so cute?? i like my silly little green kitty friend too. ALSO i absolutely love seeing your post on my dash because your yuhwa pfp kinda reminds me of jungkook's OJO face. you are definitely one of my favorite accounts on this site bro ily
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casteru · 1 year
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get rekt
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woosteru · 1 year
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more random outfits
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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the brand owners of ELYSIUM, TIMEBOX, SOLA, AURORA, ARIA, and BABYLON have decided on the models for their upcoming campaigns. listed below are the chosen models along with the corresponding brand(s) they will be a part of for this campaign:
JO SUNWHA ( @lgcsunhwa ) - YUHWA
KIM ALEX ( @lgcalex ) - HAEMOSU
SEONG BYUNGHO ( @lgcbyungho ) - HABAEK
SOLA ( OKADA TAIYOU / @lgctaiyou )
BAE NATHAN ( @lgcnathan )
KIM YUJIN ( @yujinlgc )
LEE MINJI ( @lgcxminji )
SONG KODA ( @lgckoda )
AURORA ( HAN JISOO / @lgcjisoo )
SHIN JIEUN ( @lgcjieun ) - THE ( NEW ) FRIEND
ARIA ( SONG AHYEON / @lgcahyeon )
AHN JAEHWA ( @lgcjaehwa ) - LAST WALTZ
KIM NAYOUNG ( @lgcnayoung​ ) – FANTASIA
BABYLON ( KIM JINYOUNG / @lgcjinyoung )
HAN NOEUL ( @lgcxnoeul ) – MALE STUDENT
for this specific opportunity, the people who were eligible to participate were based on who completed the MODELING PORTFOLIO. afterwards, they were narrowed down according to the information that was given by the admins and then whoever matched the information and requirements with the brand was then decided by the brand owner(s) themselves. 
rather than putting all of the pertinent information about each of the brands’ campaigns and products in this post, you can see all of it over HERE. 
each of the models were contacted by either one of the staff members from the brands’ creative team or their manager about the gig. 
the brands will be working on the cf and photoshoot from NOVEMBER to DECEMBER. since everyone has different schedules, this will be done whenever the groups have any free time in between. sometime around early JANUARY, the models from each of the brands will be doing a review video where they get to talk about their thoughts about the products and the cf ( this means that if you’re a model for sola, you would review sola’s products and so on. in the case of elysium and timebox, since it is a collaboration, you will be reviewing both of the products and cfs ).  these review videos ( which typically last around 10-15 mins ) will be posted on lgc’s youtube channel around january or february to excite the fans. 
as for the BRAND owners, legacy is planning on tweaking their subsidiary website to include all of the new brands and their upcoming products. with this being in the works, one of the tasks that the company has for the models is to take profile photos that will be used for their web pages. for this photoshoot, the model will be requested to have headshot photos along with pictures of them posing with their products.
( important note: the products will be launched around q1 2023 and the campaign will last until q2 2023, but on the modeling contracts tab they will be listed from q4 2022-q2 2023. specific dates as to when the product launches will be revealed after the deadline has passed. )
this will be split between the brand owners and the brand models for easier reference. for the elysium x timebox group, the brand models only need to do the requirements once!
PREPARATIONS: write a 300+ solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with anyone in your group about the cf filming, photoshoot (or another model for the profile pics photoshoot) for +5 MODELING and +8 NOTORIETY ! ** can do it up to two times as long as it’s with different partners for the thread. if you plan on doing a solo, you can only do one solo **
PREPARATIONS: write a 300+ solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with anyone in your group about the cf filming or photoshoot for +5 MODELING and +8 NOTORIETY ! 
REVIEW VIDEOS: write a 300+ solo about your muse’s thoughts and reactions to their respective brand’s cf and products for +5 POINTS TO ACTING, PERFORMANCE, OR MODELING and +6 NOTORIETY !
BONUS: for being chosen as the model of the brand, you will get an additional +5 MODELING !
you have until JANUARY 7, 2023 11:59PM EST to finish the writing requirements. please tag all solos and posts pertaining to this with lgc:mbq422.  when you’ve finished the writing requirements, send the form below to the lgcpoints blog:
MUSE NAME ∙ MODEL BRANDS (Q4 2022) - PREPARATIONS: +5 MODELING, +8 NOTORIETY [ LINK ] ** can be done twice for the brand owners ** - REVIEW VIDEOS: +5 ( ACTING, PERFORMANCE, OR MODELING ), +6 NOTORIETY [ LINK ] ** only for the brand models ** - BONUS: +5 MODELING ** only for the brand models **
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angeliaplays · 1 year
CC Haul 4.13.23
Loose Fit Pants: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yuhwas-wardrobe-80937358
Children: Dress Conversions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dress-2-68865996
Festive Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/festive-dress-69170477
Ankle Slacks & Bowtie Pullover: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ankle-slacks-69170253
Dress Conversions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dress-68742267
Toddlers: Landscape Dress: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/673776535408427008/landscape-dress-by-tillie-base-game-compatible
Print Mix Bloomers: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/670303376258498560/print-mix-bloomers-by-tillie-this-was-one-of-the
Chambray Dress: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/669234199451058176/chambray-dress-by-tillie-base-game-compatible
Puff Sleeve Blouse & Bloomers: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/647994428904062976/puff-sleeve-blouse-bloomers-by-tillie-a-blouse
Flower Applique Dress: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/646570465045970944/flower-appliqu%C3%A9-dress-by-tillie-base-game
Strawberry Romper: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/645693804527206400/strawberry-romper-by-tillie-base-game-compatible
Striped Sundress: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/644517906781175808/striped-sundress-by-tillie-requires-toddler-stuff
Rainbow Sundress: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/643500140452282368/rainbow-sundress-by-tillie-requires-toddler-stuff
Citrus Sundress: https://tilliesims.tumblr.com/post/643500234486546432/citrus-sundress-by-tillie-requires-toddler-stuff
Meco Jacket: https://www.patreon.com/posts/meco-jacket-77462081
7 Tops & Bottoms: https://www.patreon.com/posts/old-cc-dump-80763982
Cat Beanie, Knit Hat, Hat 01: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hat-conversion-79798128
Clio Overalls: https://www.patreon.com/posts/clio-overalls-66528423
Eryka Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/eryka-dress-77462228
Formal Toddlers Set: https://www.patreon.com/posts/formal-toddlers-77774797
First Fits Kit Conversion: https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-fits-kit-77272079
Aliya Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/aliya-dress-76279146
Toddler Shorts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/toddler-shorts-72487479
Sofya Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sofya-dress-72335962
Matt Hoodie: https://www.patreon.com/posts/matt-hoodie-72021282
Jeon Cargos: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jeon-cargos-70745247
Evie Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/evie-dress-70745165
Taeri Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/taeri-dress-65141457
Yun Cuffed Jeans: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yun-cuffed-jeans-65141626
Fluffy Friend Set: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fluffy-friend-65248388
Jian Bow Tank: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jian-bow-tank-65141776
Miri Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/miri-dress-63748807
Fleece Jacket: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fleece-jacket-60095243
Ruffle Bow Swimsuit: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ruffle-bow-59198764
Incheon Belted Jeans & Shorts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/incheon-belted-58164839
Summer Dress & Tied Romper: https://www.patreon.com/posts/summer-dress-56674873
Denim Overall Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/denim-overall-53293670
Dotty Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dotty-dress-55763728
Ribbon Sweater Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ribbon-sweater-52886045
Tulle Bow Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tulle-bow-dress-52096592
Sweet Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sweet-dress-51490128
Jogger Set: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jogger-set-51025290
Layered Dress: https://www.patreon.com/posts/layered-dress-46438379
Knit Cardigan: https://www.patreon.com/posts/knit-cardigan-45975950
Trunks: https://www.patreon.com/posts/trunks-45977579
Leggings: https://www.patreon.com/posts/leggings-45977467
Glasses Pack: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glasses-pack-52096328
Mini Conversions Pack Pt. 1 Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mini-conversions-76118054
Toddler Hair Conversions Pt. 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/toddler-hair-pt-61638497
Toddler Hair Conversions Pt. 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/toddler-hair-pt-67410391
Toddler Hair Conversions Pt. 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/toddler-hair-pt-70183176
Yerim Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yerim-hair-49894037
Vivi Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vivi-hair-54903118
Sooa Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sooa-hair-49894110
Mina Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mina-hair-49894288
Miyu Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/miyu-hair-49894221
Heejin Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/heejin-hair-49894339
Dahyun Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dahyun-hair-49894389
Hyemi Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hyemi-hair-49893896
Rina Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rina-hair-45276628
Yaebin Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yaebin-hair-45246461
Hailey Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hailey-hair-80246921
Bailey Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bailey-hair-80176440
Luna Hair: https://www.tumblr.com/overthemoonsims/712349779698597888/luna-hair-and-bow-accessory-for-infants
Toddler Stuff Conversions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/toddler-stuf-to-80300730
Bea Hair: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/bea-hair
Linn Hair: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/linn-hair
Caroline Hair: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/caroline-hair
Jojo Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/viccs-jojo-hair-80172468
Chun Li Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/80984626
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coloristathings · 1 year
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My current obsession: Yuhwa and her son, Rhody. 🥹 her can find her on insta ; parkyuhwaa
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