#yuji itadori imagine
just-jordie-things · 1 month
clean little secret - itadori yuji
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word count: 7.4k warnings: none! summary: yuji and (y/n) are keeping a secret from the others... yuji loves to be pampered by her. more info: tooth rotting fluff, crushing, friends to lovers
for stef <3 ___
Itadori Yuji wasn’t one for keeping secrets.  For one, he believed they often caused more harm than good.  So unless it was a surprise party, he had no interest in them.  Even if Nobara swore it was a particularly juicy piece of information, Yuji had no problem covering his ears with his hands and walking in the other direction.  And for two, well, he just wasn’t that great at keeping them, and after a few accidental slips, he’d decided to keep himself secret free.
Of course, the dirty little secret he had of his own didn’t count.  But it wasn’t like any harm could come of it… he was pretty sure… so long as (y/l/n) (y/n) didn’t let it slip either.
“So whaddya say?” Nobara’s unusually chipper voice drew Itadori back to the present conversation with the tell-tale hum of a boy that hadn’t listened to a thing she’d said.
Megumi briefly rolls his eyes, (y/n) lets out a short giggle that she quickly stifles behind her hand, and Nobara places her hands on her hips as she turns towards the pink haired sorcerer with a frown.
“Do you want to go see that movie tonight or not?” She asks him pointedly, as if she hadn’t spent the last few minutes coming up with a whole plan for picking up snacks and sneaking them into the theater.
“Oh!” Realization dawns on Yuji in the form of a bright grin, but Nobara’s hope is quickly deflated when he shakes his head.  “No, I can’t, sorry” 
Before the redhead could strangle him for getting her hopes up with his stupid smile, Megumi’s backing out too, and her attention is quickly swiveled towards (y/n), who had suspiciously kept her expression behind her hand.
“Sorry, Nobara,” She lowers her hand to reveal her frown.  “I can’t tonight either.  But maybe this weekend?” She tries to compromise, but it appears Nobara was already defeated by the sting of a triple rejection.
“Fine, whatever, this weekend,” She mumbles, hoping a pouty lip would be the final straw to convince her friends.  When no one moves, her expression returns to its usual resting bitch face and she turns to leave.  “But if the groupchat is as dead as your energy later, then I’m going with Maki instead!” She hollers.
That was close, Yuji thought to himself as the group dispersed and he hurriedly made his way down the hall.  Luckily this time, Nobara didn’t shake him down to interrogate him into telling her what better things he could have to do for the evening.  God, that could’ve gotten embarrassing.
After a quick stop by his dorm to change out of his uniform, Yuji made sure the halls were clear before he booked it across the building, moving as fast as he could while keeping his steps as quiet as possible, before he slid to a stop in front of her door.
With two quick but rhythmic knocks, her door slid open, and (y/n) peeked out, eyeing both directions of the hall around Yuji to make sure no one was around to see her let him in.
“You’re sure no one followed you?” She whispers, finally meeting his eyes.
Yuji shook his head confidently.  Her lips broke into a grin so wide that the corners of her eyes crinkled.
“Well then get in here already!” She says with hushed excitement, grabbing him by the front of his tee shirt and pulling him inside, closing the door behind him in one swift movement.
Yuji seats himself at the end of her bed while she grabs her phone off her desk, scrolling through an abundance of spotify playlists before settling on just the right one.
“I’m so glad we’re finally doing this” She tells him, effectively turning his cheeks pink.
“Yeah, me too” He agrees, hoping his nerves aren’t too obvious in his voice.
“I’ve been dying to show you what I just got for christmas” She adds, practically skipping into the bathroom to retrieve a decently sized plastic basket full of products Yuji can’t even recognize.  She has to carry it over to him with both hands, and he knows he should probably be intimidated by what they’re about to do, but he doesn’t.
As (y/n) drags him into her tiny bathroom to set up the array of items, she lists off each one as she shows him.  Hydrating mask, lip mask, eyelash serum, somehow it all sounds relaxing and terrifying all at once, but he trusts her, so he nods along to each one.  She seems delighted enough just to show off her little collection of products, so Yuji’s determined to match her excitement.
Truthfully, Yuji had never touched anything like this.  Sometimes he moisturized his hands when they got dry in the colder seasons, but he wouldn’t say he knew a thing about skincare.  And yet, one afternoon while walking with (y/n) from one class to another, he found himself getting carried away telling her how he was trying to take better care of himself and he wanted to establish a proper skincare routine.  Before he knew it he was agreeing to being pampered by her- on the condition that it remained secret.
Now remember, one of Yuji’s very few rules of life included the simple act of not keeping secrets.  But that day he’d agreed to her condition without a moment of hesitation.  He could understand why she didn’t want the others knowing that she was going to give him special treatment, seeing as Nobara had been begging to give everyone makeovers since she’d arrived at Jujutsu Technical College.
While he’s not disappointed in his plan for the afternoon, Yuji does feel incredibly out of place in her bathroom.  The dorms were small enough, and the bathrooms barely had room for one person to move around comfortably.  But (y/n) doesn’t seem crowded at all as she rummages through the couple of drawers next to him.
With a grin she retrieves what she’d been looking for- two fluffy headbands held proudly in her hand.
“I got one for you too,” She tells him, bashfully avoiding his eyes as she extends one out to him.  “You’ll want to keep your hair back, the mask can get really sticky” 
Yuji examines the soft baby pink material as if he’d never seen a headband before.  He’s pretty sure he knows how to use it, but just in case, he watches as (y/n) slides hers on first.  It’s not until he sees the ears on top that he checks his again, delighting in the matching cat ears before he pulls it around his neck and puts it on.
“Thanks!” He beams at both of their reflections in her mirror.  He wishes he could take a picture of them, just to have a picture of the two of them wearing the matching accessory, but he knows he can’t risk the others seeing, so for now he settles on memorizing the image.
“You’re welcome,” (y/n) bites the inside of her cheek to keep her grin from getting too goofy, and quickly redirects their attention to the first item on the agenda.  “You’ve really never done a face mask before?” 
“Nope,” Yuji shakes his head, leaning into the counter as he waits for her direction.  “Is it going to hurt?” 
“No!” (y/n) giggles, before beckoning him to hold his hand out as she uncapped the product.  “It’ll feel nice, here, put a little on,” She instructs, squeezing a dollop of green onto his fingers.  She laughs again at his reaction to the color, but he doesn’t question her as he right away rubs it onto his nose.
He had the right idea, but from the way he messily spread it over the bridge of his nose, she could tell he was going to struggle with the application.
“No no, you’re getting it everywh- oh my god don’t put it in your nose!” She squeals as she smacks his hand away, quickly stepping into his space and taking over.
Honestly, Yuji wasn’t trying to get her to do it for him, but as soon as she gently grabs his jaw in one hand while the other is carefully swiping the excess cream off of the tip of his nose, he decides right then and there to surrender.
“I didn’t know, I’ve never done it” He whines, a bit more dramatically than necessary.
“It shows,” She laughs quietly before reaching for the product again to pump more onto her own fingers.  “I can just do it for you, if you want?” She offers.
Yuji smiles and nods gratefully, his heart doing a victory dance in his chest.
“Only if you don’t mind” He tells her, already sitting himself down on her toilet seat so she didn’t have to reach up to his face.  (y/n) fights the urge to roll her eyes at his swiftness in letting her take over.
“I don’t mind,” She shrugs, getting to work applying a generous amount of lime green mask to his cheeks first.  “It’s relaxing to me, actually” 
“Mhm,” She nodded along, focused on keeping the application even.  “I would’ve loved having a sibling or a cousin or something to do this stuff with,” She tells him.  “I know Nobara would… but… she’s so intense about it sometimes,” She admits, and Yuji hums in agreement.  Nobara was the most passionate person he’d ever met, and it was her greatest strength, but it did freak him out from time to time.  “Not like us” 
The murmured comment sits on his mind longer than it should have.  Not like us, she’d said, filling his insides with the fuzzy, familiar feeling of having something with her that the others didn’t.  This was all his, and she’d said so herself.  They couldn’t possibly understand them the way they understood each other.  
Not like us.  Not like us.  Not like us.
Yuji closes his eyes when her careful fingers spread the mask up the bridge of his nose before she gets started on covering his forehead.
“You do this stuff all the time though?” He asks when there’s too long of pause since he’d last heard her voice.
Not that he could forget what it sounded like, no never, most of Yuji’s day was spent waiting for her to speak, just so he could listen.  Whether she was arguing with Gojo about a ridiculous lesson plan or going on about a conspiracy theory just to get their lunch table riled up, if (y/n) was talking, Yuji had his mouth shut and his ears wide open.  He liked hearing the things she had to say, he liked the way she said them.
And he was learning now that he especially liked when he was the only one she was speaking to, and that if she was standing close, her voice came out in soft murmurs, cautious of the short space between them, and gentle on his ears as it barely echoed off the ceramic tiled walls.
“Maybe not all the time,” She hums thoughtfully.  “But I do it when I can, I try to keep up with it anyways” 
“Well it feels really nice” Yuji mumbled, almost getting sleepy as he grew used to the feeling of her warm fingers spreading the cooling cream on his skin.  (y/n) giggles again, breathy and amused as she watches his shoulders droop downwards.
“Don’t fall asleep on the toilet, Yuji,” She scolds him, but it’s hardly threatening when it’s between strings of giggles as he lazily opens his eyes to look at her.  “You’ll make a mess if you fall and hit your head on the counter” 
“I’d clean it up” He mumbles back in defeat.
“What if you were concussed?” 
“... I’d clean it up later” 
She laughs at his antics just as she’s making her final touches near his temple, spreading the green cream just so, making sure none of it would get stuck to his eyebrow.  With an affirmative nod of her head she steps back to assess her work.  
As sticky, creamy, and unfamiliar as the mask feels, Yuji’s currently grateful that it’s there to cover the way his face heats up under her direct gaze.  He’s always thought that she’s had the softest eyes- doe-like, and sweet, and easy to gaze into- but with every ounce of her attention directly on his face, Yuji starts to sweat a little bit.
His intentions of becoming closer friends through a night of pampering was starting to backfire, and instead the little crush he’d been hiding was now festering.  Bubbling and smoking just under the thinly veiled surface of his restraint.
“You’re all set,” She beams at him, which he easily returns.  “Try not to touch it while I do mine, okay? It’s gotta sit for a while” 
Yuji drops his hand just as he’s about to swipe off a generous streak of cream from his cheek, smiling innocently as (y/n) gives him a warning look before she turns towards her mirror to apply her own mask.
“Serious question, if I eat it, while I throw up?” 
(y/n) pauses mid-smear on her cheek, turning back to Yuji and sweeping her eyes over him to assess if he was actually serious about eating face cream.  He did know it wasn’t guacamole… right? She didn’t need to tell him that… right?
“If you eat it, I’ll be plucking your eyebrows after mine” She settles on a friendly threat.  
Yuji’s lips pinch and she gets back to work on her mask, certain she’d done the trick to keep him sitting still.
“Well that sounds horrifying,” He mumbles.  “But I’m in” 
(y/n) scoffs out of amusement, still focused on her reflection.
“You want me to pluck your eyebrows?” 
“If you’re doing it, then sure,” Yuji shrugs, not thinking twice about agreeing to it.  “It wouldn’t be a complete spa night otherwise” He adds with a grin that she can see from the corner of her eye.
“Well, if you really want…” She mumbles, doubling down her focus on applying her mask.
A part of her had been hoping he wasn’t agreeing to all this pampering just to please her, she hoped he wasn’t dreading the night going forward.  But if he hated it… he wouldn’t be signing himself up for eyebrow plucking… right?
It only takes a few more minutes for her to complete her own mask- she was much faster at applying it to her own face, Yuji noticed.
He also noticed that somehow, she made a face of lime green paste look good.  Which just wasn’t fair.
When Yuji tries to pinpoint when exactly these feelings for her began, his mind becomes a blurry haze of every moment he’s ever shared with her- and honestly, it could have sparked from any one of them.  It tricks him into thinking maybe he’d just… always had feelings for her.
It’s easy being around her, Yuji finds- even though sometimes she leans close enough to show him a video on her phone and it nearly sends him into cardiac arrest- there’s nothing but ease and relaxation in his muscles when she’s around him.  He doesn’t worry about saying the wrong thing- even if she giggles and shakes her head at some of his questions- he basks in her delight until it becomes his own.
Twenty minutes flies by when they’re laughing at memes or talking about the last week of training, and soon they’re scrubbing off the green mask that feels a little crustier than it had when they put it in.
Yuji groans into the bottom of the sink for the ump-teenth time as he scrubs viciously at a part of his jaw where the hardened cream refused to wash off.  (y/n) can’t help but stifle a laugh into the warm washcloth she’s using to pat her face dry, but she can’t leave him hanging, so she politely taps his shoulder to get the boy to give up on washing it off with his hands.
“Let me help” She offers, shoulders still shaking just slightly with her amusement.  
Yuji pouts with frustration when he stands up from the sink, water dripping down his face and all over his shirt, it really is a miracle he didn’t manage to clean up the last of the mask seeing as he got water everywhere in his attempts.
The pout melts away as soon as (y/n’s) stepping closer and gently wiping her washcloth against the resilient speck of green, making it look easy as it glides away under the soft cloth.  She gets it right away, but the tips of her fingers on her free hand still hover over his chin, ready to stabilize his head if he would’ve required another, rougher swipe of the cloth.
“Did ya get it?” Yuji asks hesitantly, unable to read the expression on her face.
But she’s smiling and stepping back in a moment’s notice.
“Yep!” There’s a short, tight sounding laugh that follows.  It’s not like her usual laughter, it sticks out like a sore thumb for someone as attentive as Yuji to pick up on, and he does, but he doesn’t say anything.  “Here, I have a dry washcloth for you” She’s quick to hand him the towel, and even quicker to stop him when he roughly drags the fabric over his face.
Yuji doesn’t catch half the things she’s saying when she snatches the pink cloth from his hands and tells him to sit his ass down before he destroys his pores.  He doesn’t think twice before jokingly asking her what pores are, which sends her on another lecture.  It’s hard to focus on what she’s explaining when she’s so delicately patting his face and neck dry of every last waterdrop.  He’s too busy fighting the urge to close his eyes and melt under the featherlight touch of her palm against his shoulder to give too much of a crap about pores.
Surprisingly, he’s never fallen asleep on the toilet before, but he thinks he could if he sat here and let her pamper him all night.
“... Yuji? Did you hear anything I just said?” 
It takes a few blinks for his vision to focus on her again- her brow is raised and her hands are on her hips now, she’d definitely caught him zoning out.  He hopes playing dumb does the trick.
“Of course,” He nods confidently.  “Pores swell when they’re wet and that’s bad” 
She giggles and rolls her eyes, so he knows his educated guess wasn’t as educated as he thought, but if he got her to laugh he’d take the slight tinge of embarrassment for the greater good of bringing her joy.
God, it was like every minute spent with her only left him craving more.
“Sure,” She drawls out the word in disbelief, but she doesn’t scold him for not paying attention.  It would prove to be too difficult when he’s looking at her with the brightest eyes she’s ever seen.  She would’ve believed he was hanging onto every word had he not opened his mouth.  “So, what next?” 
Yuji peeks at the remaining tubes and bottles on the counter.  He has no clue what he’s looking at of course, and this is obvious when his helpless expression turns back towards her.  To make it easier, (y/n) scoops up two smaller bottles, offering them both for him to choose from.
“Which is which?” He asks, hooking his finger under his chin as he studies each product with skeptical eyes.
“One is for your eyelashes, and the other is for your lips,” (y/n) explains, tilting each towards him as she does.  “We can do both, or neither, up to you” 
“Will it hurt if it gets in my eyes?” He asks, eyes noticeably widened, and she chuckles as she shakes her head.
“Not at all, it’s super easy,” She assures.  “I can show you, if you want?” 
Yuji nods, and that’s how he finds himself standing just a few inches away from her as she leans into the mirror with the small applicator brush in her fingers.  She could remind him that she’s using the mirror for a reason, and he didn’t need to stand so close… but honestly, he smelled nice, and she wasn’t uncomfortable with his close proximity.  In fact, it was actually sort of comforting.
“See?” She hums, brushing the applicator through her lashes over one eye a couple times to make sure all of the serum was evenly spread, before leaning back from the mirror and turning towards him.  “Super easy.  Like mascara” 
“I’ve never told anyone this… but…” Yuji lets out a heavy sigh, and her brows pinch together as she awaits his confession.  “... I’ve never worn mascara” 
“Yuji,” She whines with a roll of her eyes, letting out her own sigh, although hers was filled with humored frustration.  “Shut up,” She finishes weakly when he’s grinning at his own jest.  “Here, do you want to try?” 
“Alright” He takes the tube out of her hand and experimentally pulls the applicator out.  
His curiosity is almost adorable as he holds it close to study it, even though there’s not much to see.  It’s just a little blue bruh with a clear liquid coated over it.  This stuff really makes your lashes grow? He looks back to (y/n), studying her just as closely, until her face starts to turn rosy and she’s looking at him expectantly.  He supposes her eyelashes do look long and pretty… but didn’t they always look like that? Could this stuff really be so good it manages to make an angel like her look prettier?
She has to clear her throat to relieve the nervous tension settling over her the longer he stares at her like this.
“Uh- um, Yuji?” 
“Yeah?” His response seems genuine enough, and (y/n’s) eyes flicker between his and the eyelash serum.  “Oh!” And just as genuine as before, he realizes that her prompts are because he’s been standing and staring for too long.  “My bad,” He apologizes sheepishly, before scooting close to her, the brush extended towards the eye that she hadn’t applied the magic pretty serum to yet.
When she realizes what he’s about to do, her eyes widen and she finds herself grabbing his wrist to halt him on instinct.
“Wait, what are you-?” 
“I thought you wanted me to do the other one?” He answers her question before she could even finish asking it, and she blinks wildly at him.  Had she not been clear? “Do you not want me to?” Yuji asks, already lowering his hand.
“No, it’s- I don’t…” Her head is shaking as she tries to find a way to explain that she’d offered him the product for himself, but she’s backtracking rather quickly as she slowly loosens her hold before pulling her hand away altogether.  “You… you can, if you want” 
She tells him quietly.  It feels like a silly thing to ask him to do, especially when she’s just demonstrated how to use the product moments prior, but now that the offer was on the table, she also wasn’t interested in turning it down.
“Okay,” His smile softens as he tilts the brush towards her face again.  “I promise not to poke your eye out” 
With a giggle she has to focus to keep her gaze tilted up at the ceiling so he can follow through on his promise.  It’s more difficult than she’s ever thought before, keeping her eyes wide open and focused on anything but the boy in front of her.  Yuji takes great care in steadily swiping the brush up through her lashes, working slowly from the outside in.  With how long it takes him, her eye should be watering, but somehow it stays dry, and she doesn’t blink over the applicator.
“You do this every day?” Yuji mumbled, re-steadying the small brush in his fingers as he got closer to the inner part of her eye.  
(y/n) hardly manages a soft hum of affirmation.  She can feel his free hand ghosting under her jaw, as though to keep her in position, however her head is perfectly still and his hold is unnecessary.  Still, his palm waits there.  She’s never felt such a buzz of nervous energy from a lack of a touch.
Yuji finishes up with a smile before popping the brush back into the tube.  He looks like he wants to say something, so she finds herself waiting in silence while she blinks until her eyes feel normal again, but that winds them both up in a minute of no words being exchanged.
This time, it’s not uncomfortable.
“Your turn?” (y/n) offers softly, reaching for the serum in his hand.  Yuji nods, lets her take it, and blinks his eyes excessively to make sure he wouldn’t feel the need to while she was doing her thing.  “You should sit again” She prompts with a gentle push to his shoulder.  It was too awkward of a reach, and would be much easier if he lowered as much of his height as possible.
“Right” He mumbles, backing up to sit down on the toilet seat once more.  He does his best to keep his eyes focused upwards, and wide open, to make it as easy as possible for her.  But what he isn’t expecting is to feel her knees pressing against his as she gets closer, and on instinct he spreads his legs a little wider so she could easily slide into the space.  
He has to keep his grip on his own knees, pressing his fingers into the material of his pants to keep from reaching out to her.  The urge to hold onto her waist- the back of her thighs- pull her closer- is so strong that he gulps.
“Are you nervous having someone get this close to your eyes?” (y/n) mumbles, noticing the shift in his energy.  Yuji swallows again before speaking.
“No- no, it’s alright, go ahead” His voice is as gentle as it is sure, so (y/n) nods back at him, and makes sure the brush is coated with a decent amount of serum before she gets to work.
He knows he’s supposed to keep his gaze upwards, but with her standing so close, leaning in so close, it was hard to keep his eyes from shifting away from the boring tiled ceiling to the much more intriguing sight before him.
“Stay still,” (y/n) murmurs under her breath.  She’s so damn close to him he can feel her cool breath against his cheek.  He manages to follow the instruction for a few more seconds, but soon enough the tips of her fingers are pressed under his chin and she’s clicking her tongue in reprimand.
His own fingers flex against his knees, his grip tightening, much like the invisible force around his heart.
Yuji wishes he could close his eyes until it was over, but that would be counterproductive.  That said, (y/n) finishes one eye quicker than he had done for her, and she’s sliding a little to the right in order to do the other one.
“You think Sukuna would like a little special treatment, too?” She teases quietly, her thumb affectionately swiping over the marking under his eye.  Yuji barely gets to revel in the feeling before the mark is opening up and a vermillion eye is glaring up at her.
“Try it brat and you won’t have hands to do your silly little makeovers” 
She giggles at the threat.  Sukuna may have intimidated her in the past, but it’s hard to feel fear while doing some self care.  Yuji still rolls his eyes and smacks his hand against his own face as punishment.  Unfortunately it’s not only a punishment for the curse living inside of him, and he winces a bit from the harsh smack.
“I’ll take that as a no thank you” (y/n) hums as she finishes up with his other eye, smiling faintly at her work before stepping back.  Yuji gives her a sheepish smile, before batting his eyelashes theatrically.  It does the trick in getting her to laugh.
“Well he’s missing out,” He says, the implication behind the surface level of his words making him bashful, and he finds himself averting his gaze.  “I feel prettier already” 
It draws another laugh out of her, sharp and surprised, and she continues to giggle behind smiling, sealed lips as she carefully slides the lash serum back into it’s perfect spot in her organizer.
If she were braver, it would’ve been easy to tell him that he didn’t need any sort of serums or masks to be pretty.  But just the thought makes her face feel warm, and she has a feeling that even if she tried to say such a thing, she’d butcher the words with a stutter.
So instead, she uncaps the small set of tweezers in her organizer, and turns her focus to the bathroom mirror in order to get to work on her eyebrows.  Yuji watches curiously as she begins to pluck tiny, near invisible hairs off of her face, all without a twitch or flinch.
She’s so focused on working with her reflection that he’s able to stare at her as freely as he wants, and it only takes a minute or two for him to get lost in a sea of mushy thoughts that get his heartbeat going.  Before he knows it he’s practically melting.
“You still want me to do yours?” 
“Hm?” His eyes shift around a bit before they land on hers, already watching him, waiting for a proper answer.  
“Your eyebrows,” (y/n) clarifies, raising the tweezers and pinching them for emphasis.  “I’m done.  So, if you still wanted, I can do yours” 
“Oh, right, yeah,” He breaks into a smile that’s so characteristically him it’s hard not to smile back.  “Is it going to hurt?” 
“It really shouldn’t,” She chuckles, considering he’s gone through worse pain than a little tweezing would provide.  Losing a hand comes to mind, but she doesn’t voice it.  “But I can stop if it becomes too uncomfortable” 
Yuji nods in understanding, and straightens up his posture, ready to brave through whatever this eyebrow plucking would bring.  He squares his jaw, clenches his fists, and prepares himself for the worst.  (y/n) presses her lips together tightly to keep her laughter from spilling out, but the stifled giggle is still audible.
“C’mon, this is a bad angle for me to do this,” She beckons him to follow her out of the small bathroom, trying to ignore how cutely he wore the expression of confusion.
Maybe it was the forced proximity getting to her head, but it was starting to feel like the little crush she’d been harboring for her friend was becoming too much to bear.  She was a jujutsu sorcerer damnit, she shouldn’t be reduced to fits of blushing and giggling she was stronger than that, wasn’t she? 
“Alrighty” Yuji follows her into the larger space of her bedroom without a second thought.
Maybe it wasn’t a question of her strength, but his.  (y/n) wondered to herself what it was about the sheer delight that overcame her whenever he was around that seemed unavoidable.  Was it her feelings for him that made her insides feel weak, or was it simply Itadori Yuji himself that was so delightful she couldn’t help the way she felt and behaved?
Or maybe she was trying too hard to find a way to excuse the butterflies only he could release in her tummy.
She’s careful with the tweezers in her hand as she climbs onto her bed, sliding into the very middle of it before patting the space in front of her to invite Yuji to do the same.
Now, Yuji wasn’t some kind of private, conservative guy.  He’d been in beds other than his own.  Megumi’s and Nobara’s had been made available to him countless times.  Whether it was a study session or a movie night, he never felt uncomfortable when being allowed into someone else’s bed.  Hell, he often made himself right at home in their sheets.  He even got a smack on the head from Nobara once for getting too cuddly with one of her plushies! 
So why now did he feel some reluctance in following (y/n’s) silent command?
“You’re allowed in the bed, Yuji,” As if reading her thoughts, she provides some comfort with the offer.  There’s even a little smile on her face, as if she wanted to tease him for hesitating.  “Trust me, it’ll be way more comfortable to do this here than keeping you sat on the toilet” 
It seems to do the trick, because he sets his knee on the mattress as he crawls on, and sits criss-cross directly in front of her.  It’s the first time he’s been in her bed, he realizes, so maybe that would explain his nerves.
(y/n’s) got a skeptical look on her face, her eyes wandering over his face as she maneuvers around, trying to find the right way to bend her legs, until eventually she huffs and turns to grab one of her pillows from the headboard.
“Just lay down, I’ll do ‘em that way,” She decides, placing the pillow just in front of her criss-crossed legs.  She gives it a pat the same way she’d patted the bed, prompting him to rest his head.  “It’d be easier than destroying my posture” She explains.
Yuji nodded his head, and started to turn around so he could lay back, but his movements are agonizingly slow.  He’s still unsure about being in her space, it seems, but she’s not sure how else to make him feel comfortable.  So when he finally lays his head down on her pillow and looks up at her, awaiting further instruction, she smiles comfortingly.
“Alright, just relax your face, I’ll try not to take too long,”
Yuji shuts his eyes and lets out a small breath, trying to do his best to relax as she’d asked him.  But it’s hard when she leans in closer and the sweet smell of her shampoo invaded his nose.  The tip of her finger merely grazes over his left eyebrow, but the sensation is electric.  He has to fight the shiver that nearly shoots down his spine.
“And just tell me if it stings too much” She adds in a murmur, before he feels the first pluck of the tweezers.
“I think I can thug it out, (y/n),” He teases, once he’s actually felt the sensation of the plucking and realizes it’s not that bad at all.  “I’m tough, you know”
(y/n) giggles, quiet and sweet, as she continues on with her work.  She shapes the top of his brow with no complaint or lag.  He figures she must be pretty used to doing this, if she’s able to speed right through the process.
“Oh yeah,” She hums, cautious of her volume when her face is hovering right over his.  She’s appreciative that Yuji’s kept his eyes closed for this process, because she doesn’t think she could bear having him staring up at her when she’s this close.  “The toughest” She finishes in a whisper.
Yuji’s shoulders shake when he chuckles, and she pauses with the tweezer for a moment when his brows move along with his smile.
“Are you patronizing me?” He asks, peeking an eye open, only to be met with her free palm covering his eyes as she leans back in to continue working on his eyebrows.
“I would never,” She assures in the same tone, laughing quietly to herself when Yuji’s mouth drops into an offended gape.  “Now hush, you’re making it hard to focus” 
Her tone was playfully scolding, but it’s an empty threat.
“Am I that distracting?”
“Incredibly,” (y/n) huffs, and it’s meant to be teasing, but there’s just a little too much truth to her tone.  “You talk too much” She throws the excuse out there quickly, hoping he wouldn’t pick up on the shift in her tone.
Yuji shrugs his shoulders, and with how close she is to him, she’s able to watch his lips curl into a cute smile.  She can’t help but mirror it, even if he can’t see.
“Can’t help it.  I like talkin’ to you” 
Now she’s certain that she’ll keep her hand over his eyes, because there’s no way she’s going to risk him seeing the way her face heats up with color.  If she put a thermometer in her mouth, it’d malfunction, she’s sure.
Yuji’s heart may have been going haywire, but there’s not an ounce of uncertainty in his words.  He means it, and she knows it.
There’s a pause, the both of them remaining silent while she freezes in her ministrations.  She squeezes the tweezers together a few times as she lets the comment really settle in her mind.
“I like talking to you too,” 
It really shouldn’t be a difficult thing to say.  For one, because it’s the truth.  And for a second thing, because there’s nothing strange about friends getting along with one another.  But for some reason, she holds her breath after she says it, and her heart is pounding in her ears.
“Today’s been a lot of fun, actually” It takes some effort to talk through the lump in her throat, but she feels the need to tell him anyway.
His smile turns into a grin, and (y/n) has to go back to working on his eyebrows in order to distract herself from it.
“It has,” Yuji agrees.  “It’s very relaxing.  I want to do this all the time now” 
“I’m not sure you’re ready for that,” (y/n) muses.  “You did try to eat the mask” She reminds.
“Guess I’ll just have to keep on getting your help then,” Yuji replies, his tone lighting with hope.  (y/n) scoffs to herself.  “What?” He asks innocently.  “I thought you liked pampering me?” 
“I thought I told you you were talking too much” She chides, moving onto the space between his brows.  Without thinking, she brought her other hand upwards so she could use her thumb to gently brush away the stray hairs from his face.
His eyes are on hers in a moment’s notice, his grin returning.
“I thought you liked talking to me” He said. She has half a mind to smack her hand over his face again- because as predicted, she’s rendered speechless when she’s leaning so close and he’s looking right at her.  But the larger problem now is that she’s completely frozen, staring back at him with wide eyes, like he’d just caught her doing something she wasn’t supposed to be.
“I do,” She mumbles, barely conscious of her own voice.  She was too distracted, her eyes shifting between his brown ones.  “You have a little hazel in your eyes” Again, she finds herself speaking without caution, or much awareness at all.
His eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles up at her, amused by her quiet commentary.  He longs to hear more, to tell her to keep talking, but he worries that he’ll ruin the atmosphere, and startle her into covering his face again.
“I always thought you had the prettiest eyes” He said it as quietly as he could.  As he thought she might, she did startle.  Her eyes go wide and her- now perfectly shaped- brows draw together in a slight knot.
A beat passes before she’s able to reply.
And even then, it's only a barely there, “...really?” 
“Yeah, really,” Yuji answers without missing another beat.  “Sometimes I look at ‘em too long and forget where I am” 
A surprised, breathless little laugh escapes her.  If she wasn’t a blushing wreck before, she certainly was now.  She tries to continue tweezing away at his eyebrows… but it seems like his eyes insist on holding contact with hers, and she can’t exactly pluck eyebrows without looking.
And again, she’s reduced to a mumbled, “R-really?” 
“Mhm” Yuji hums, his point proven as he gets lost staring up at her.  He looks like he has something more to say, but soon enough his eyes are glazed over and he’s got a dopey smile on his face.
That smile is quickly reflected back at him as her insides start to melt to a point of no return.
“I didn’t… uh- I- I didn’t know that” She stammered, and normally she’d feel embarrassed for stuttering over her words too much, but with the bigger picture forming, stuttering was at the bottom of her list for reasons why she was growing bashful.
“Mhm,” Yuji hums again, this one a little more dazed than the last.  He blinks a few times to cure his tunnel vision.  “Sometimes I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn’t tell you that” 
She chuckles, similarly biting down on her bottom lip until she found her voice again.
“Why wouldn’t you want to tell me that?” She asks softly, brows pinching again with curiosity.
“Well, uh, y’know…” Yuji trails off, barely shrugging his shoulders.  “Didn’t want to say something weird and mess up our friendship” 
At this point, her curiosity was getting the best of her, so with a tilt of her head and a bolder disposition, she gave him a knowing smile.
“So why say something now?” 
“Couldn’t help it” He replies right away, and (y/n) has to purse her lips from grinning too much.
Her eyes flicker away from his, only to glance up at his lips.  She’s looking at him upside down, so for a brief moment Yuji thinks she’s staring at his chin, and he wonders if some of that green mask is still stuck there.  But then he catches the way her lips part and it dawns on him- oh.
It happens all at once and agonizingly slow.  She leans further over him, bringing her face down closer to his.  One of her hands firmly clutches the small set of tweezers, while the other relaxes, fingertips gently brushing over his cheekbone, thumb resting against his temple.  Yuji can’t decide whether he wants to watch it happen with wide eyes, or close them and give into the moment.  They end up falling shut on their own accord as soon as her lips brush over his- before she’s even actually kissed him.
She hovers there for a brief moment, her lips ghosting his, the tip of her nose grazing his chin, and her mind running wild.  Should she have asked him if this was okay first? Was she making this huge leap of faith over one compliment? Sure, it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her but if she kissed him right now, like this, would she come to regret it-? 
Her thoughts are calmed when Yuji tilts his head back, bringing his lips to meet hers in a kiss that pushes every last doubt out of her mind, until it’s gone blank.  Every thought that doesn’t surround him is completely lost.
Needless to say there’s no second thought when she kisses him back.  Her fingers press softly into the skin of his cheek as though to keep him still- just as she had before when applying the eyelash serum.  Yuji never could have imagined his silly daydreams from that moment would play out in reality just twenty minutes later.
When they part, and Yuji drops his head properly back into her pillow, (y/n) doesn’t go far.  With her eyes still shut and her touch unmoving, she leans down one more time to steal another, quicker kiss, before she finally sits up and glances down at him again.
He’s already looking at her, his lips stretching so wide that his grin nearly split his face.  It was a grin she was familiar with, but it still made her light up with a shared joy.
She giggles at him, before steadying her tweezers in her fingers and going right back to the previous task at hand.
“Couldn’t help it” She mumbles his words back to him, and Yuji laughs as he shuts his eyes, relaxing once more as she evened out his eyebrows.
He reaches his hand back, gently laying it against her bent knee and giving it an affectionate squeeze.  He didn’t say anything, and neither did she, but they didn’t have to.  Not until they finished their night of pampering and made plans for a proper date later in the week.
xoxo ~ jordie
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kaivenom · 1 month
Imagine giving Itadori a kiss on the cheek but Sukuna appears
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You two survived another day, the mission was difficult but the award was being alive and another curse it's out of the world. Itadori and you started to jump around in excitement, celebrating the moment.
At one point you two stopped to take some air from all the activity of celebrating and you realized the urge to kiss him. Maybe it was the adrenaline or your feelings coming up but you kissed him, on the cheek, multiple times.
He laughed while your lips smashed his cheeks until a smack sound happened. You separated quickly and saw a mouth and an eye looking at you. The mouth formed a smile and let out a small laugh. Itadori inmediatly pressed his hand against the cheek to cover the mouth and eye.
"Sorry, he is an asshole." he looked really sad about it.
You give him a little kiss on the lips to compensate, Sukuna can't materialize in there. Inmediatly Itadori smiled and you here a protest from under the hand.
"Oh, come on!"
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domain-expand-me · 4 months
My work amount has finally lessened, so here I am.
Imagine being MILF/DILF and the different sorcerers and curses are obsessed with you.
Aged up characters, reader is in their 40s, because when I say milf/dilf, I mean it.
This is more of an introduction, let me know if you want something more about a specific character.
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Imagine living in a small house you got for cheap, and on accident near the Jujutsu campus. You aren't a curse user, but you respect the spirits because you grew up with a superstitious parent or grandparent. And because you're hot and have a nice personality, the curses tend to leave you alone.
Maybe they just end up hanging around your place, because who wouldn't wanna stick around to watch a hot milf/dilf walking around in nothing but a pair of shorts and a too tight t-shirt.
After moving into your home, cursed energy started getting concentrated around your home, much to the worry of the sorcerers at the campus. They might assume you are an illegal curse user or somehow summoning curses. Imagine their surprise when Gojo and Nanami pull up to see curses clustered around the window, being peeping toms.
The curses are easy to get rid of, as it's nothing too extreme. Gojo being Gojo would want to see what they were so distracted by, and he almost ends up pulling his blindfold up to get a good look, because there you are. Walking around your home in a pair of way too small shorts and what was probably once a band t-shirt. It's so washed out that the print is gone, and the fabric is way too thin.
Nanami would grumble and be annoyed about Gojo being a creep, until he meets you too one day when you are bringing groceries in. Being the gentleman he is, he helps you carry it all inside, and he can't explain why he gets so red afterwards after you squeezed his bicep and complimented his muscles.
You don't really understand why these two handsome younger men, because they are much younger than you, keep hanging around your place. In your own eyes you don't think you are too attractive, if at all, maybe you're divorced, or you lost your last spouse somehow. Your kids are all grown up and out doing their own thing. You aren't as fit as you once were, having kids does that to a person.
If you're a dilf, maybe you have the blessed dad strength and dad bod, maybe you've worked a physically taxing job for most of your life, so now your body is worn down enough that you have to do something else. The muscle still lays there though, under the layer of chub on top.
If you're a milf, you would have given birth to your kids once upon a time, and the baby weight never truly went away. The stretch marks and other signs of age are one of the things you feel insecure about, but little do you know, it only makes you more attractive in the eyes of your admirers.
That is to say, in your own eyes, you aren't a catch. So you don't understand why Nanami shows up on your specified shopping days or gardening days, or why Gojo shows up almost begging for your attention. You end up just assuming they are being nice, and since your kids don't visit you much anymore, you let them(mainly Gojo) invade your home.
Imagine meeting their students, most likely a result of Gojo dragging them along. They're younger than your own kids, so you can't help but find yourself caring about them. When Yuji starts stuttering and sputtering when you hug him, or when Megumi goes bright red when you place a hand on his forehead to check it he has a cold, you fear you may have overstepped your boundaries.
In reality it's because when you hug Yuji, your breasts/pecs press up against him, especially if you are somehow taller than him and he ends up with his face in-between your chest. For Megumi it's because when you lean down, the collar of your shirt has a tendency of sliding down, showing off more cleavage than you realize.
When Todo gets dragged along you assume he's just another friendly young man, as he's going out of his way to be so helpful. You don't notice the way the other students glare when Todo shows you how to stretch your shoulders and legs because your muscles have been acting up.
If it's when Yuji still had Sukuna sealed inside him, poor Yuji won't hear the end of it. Sukuna would be saying the most lewd things about you, claiming you are teasing them on purpose with the clothes you wear or how you act. Yuji's had to grip his own wrist when Sukun tried to take over to grope you when you were bent over grabbing something.
If you end up meeting Choso, you immediately find yourself caring for him. He barely has to be introduced before you pull him inside, place him on your couch, wrap him in a blanket and bring him snacks. He just looks so sad and like he needs to be loved on. He wouldn't completely understand the deep attraction he has for you in the beginning, and it's only after he gets help from others that he understands. They all just sigh and pat him on the back all "welcome to the club brother"
I could go on, but this is already long.
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kyojurismo · 10 months
‘napping together’
w/ yuuji & sukuna and if you want to add more jjk men please do 😫
— 🩰
— yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, suguru geto, ryomen sukuna x gn!reader
— fluff, comfort, softy sukuna bc i love when he’s kind to his s/o only, geto is prob ooc but i’m trying to learn how to write for him since it’s my first time, not proofread.
— thank you for requesting jjk, i decided to add a couple of characters too bc it was fun ( and short ngl ). hope you’ll enjoy it !! <3
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yuji is super comfy to sleep on when it comes to take a nap together. you can easily rest your head on his chest, hugging his waist, as his hoodie functions as a pillow. he blushes a little but doesn’t hesitate to rub your back slowly as the both of you lie down with your eyes closed, drifting off to sleep. needless to say, you'll wake up with yuji lying on top of you.
megumi is always super quiet when you two lie down on his bed ( or yours ). it’s not that he doesn’t like feeling you that close to him, he’s only a bit shy and is unsure about where to put his hands. you usually hug him before hiding your face into his neck, embracing his warm body. megumi is reluctant to circle your body with his arm as he stares at the ceiling, but once he does he visibly relaxes and closes his eyes. trust me, he loves taking naps with you because he gets to feel you hugging him for long.
suguru craves physical contact so he’s always willing to take a nap with you. he can be the big and small spoon, whatever works for you, works for him. he always holds your hand while sleeping, and loves when you casually end up lying flat on top of his body, your face close to his neck. he rests his hands on your back or your waist, making sure you stay there of course.
now i don’t exactly see him as someone who would take naps, but . . . if you insist. always and forever the big spoon, he has to embrace your body with his arms and keep you close to his, all safe. he likes when you snuggle even close to him, hiding your face into his chest or neck, kissing his skin before closing your eyes and relaxing against his big body. he sometimes plays with your hair before kissing your forehead and sleeping next to you — for a short time of course, he wakes up some time later and just let you stay there without disturbing you.
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— thank you so much for taking your time to read my work. have a good day / night and remember that you are loved !! ♡
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sleepingpillscosmos · 5 months
Howdy! Can I request yuuji + please don't ask if I'd still love you if you turned into a zombie👀
SILLY QUESTIONS — yūji itadori
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pairing: yūji itadori x fem!reader.
warnings/content: yūji is too sweet. movie nights. established relationship. let's just ignore that I literally invented a plot just for this fic.
wc: 1.4k.
requested: yes, by anon.
a/n: I love yūji with all my heart i swear. he's such a sweetheart. hope you'll enjoy this!
prompt: "please don't ask if I'd still love you if you turned into a zombie"
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You entered the convenience store with Yūji, an obligatory stop before going back to jujutsu high to start your usual movie night.
"What do you want to buy?" he asked as you navigated the little shop, which you both knew like the back of your hand since you went there once a week.
"It's your turn to choose," you reminded him, squeezing his hand slightly. "I already did twice in a row"
It was some kind of unspoken agreement, one chose the film and the other the snacks. Yūji didn't really care as long as he could cuddle with you and hold you close, so he often let you choose both. After all, he liked nearly every kind of food and drink, so he could easily go along with anything you chose.
"I'm already choosing the film," he stopped in front of the snack section and turned his gaze on you, smiling softly. "I don't mind if you pick the food once again"
You shook your head in disagreement. He sighed, knowing that even if he insisted he couldn't change your mind, and looked at all the snacks he could choose. There were a few interesting options he wanted to try, but then his eyes landed on your favourite and, knowing how much you loved it, he grabbed the package without hesitating.
"No, not that one" you said with a frown on your face. It seemed stupid on the outside, but for once you wanted him to be a little selfish, even for a silly thing like choosing what to eat.
"What? You said I could choose" he argued back immediately.
"You think I'm stupid? I won't let you choose my favourite" he didn't really think he could get away with it that easily, but trying never hurt anyone.
"I didn't even know it was your favourite. I truly want this one, I swear" he knew the lie wasn't that convincing, even more when you raised your eyebrows and looked at him skeptical. "...please?"
You sighed and reluctantly nodded. This was one of the things about him that you both loved and hated. He always put everyone else's needs and lives in front of his own, which was okay, but he was too often totally selfless.
Once you grabbed your drinks too, chocolate milk for Yūji and normal milk for you, you went to the checkout, where the old lady who ran this store was waiting for you two. She was smiling as always and greeted you both like you were her beloved grandchildren. 
Yūji insisted on paying, just like every other day, but for once you convinced him to let you do it.
You emerged through the door to Yūji's room, already in your pyjama, which consisted of an old pair of sweatpants and one of your boyfriend's hoodies, ready to finally start your movie night. 
Yūji was waiting for you, laying on his bed, scrolling mindlessly on his phone, which he immediately put away once he saw you.
"So, what are we watching tonight?" you asked, laying beside him. You moved a bit, trying to find the comfiest position. You happened to find it when you hugged Yūji, your head using his shoulder as a pillow, with one of your legs on his hip and the other tangled with his.
"Apocalypse. I already watched it like five times, but it's really good" you hummed in response. You didn't really like the same genre of films, but he never whined about your choices. Actually, you didn't really care about the film as long as you got to spend some time alone with him.
He started the film, then he adjusted himself to be comfortable as well. One of his arms circled you and his hand started to draw imaginary lines up and down your back, while the other one grabbed your leg that was resting on him, putting it higher on his body so that he could rest his hand on your thigh.
The film was... interesting. 
Not your genre at all. But you loved seeing Yūji so excited about it. He definitely saw it more than five times, he knew most of the lines by heart, making you chuckle every time he talked with the characters on the screen.
Now you were still laying in bed all cuddled, you chose another film to put on, but neither of you were watching it. You both were too engrossed in softly caressing each other, sharing sweet pecks and laughing at your silly inside jokes.
"Okay, I need to ask you something. And so you know, I'm totally serious about it" you said, moving your head so that you could properly look at him, suddenly becoming really serious. He looked back at you, a bit confused by your sudden mood change. Then it all came to his mind.
"Please don't ask me if I'd still love you if you turned into a zombie." he sighed.
"But would you?" you responded immediately. At this point it was a matter of life and death to you.
"You already asked me if I would still love you if you turned into a worm," he initiated, "And I explained to you that it was possible, just like in human earthworm four, but really difficult. I mean you saw the film, so you know"
He was avoiding the question, he hoped you wouldn't notice, but you surely did as all you did was narrow your eyes, still waiting for his response. He sighed once again.
"Listen, I saw this film where the two protagonists were in love during an apocalypse. At first everything was alright, as much as it can be during a time like that, but then the girlfriend got bit. She wanted him to kill her before she turned into a zombie, but he didn't want to. He wanted to pass her last moments together. So they made a pact: immediately after she turned into a zombie, he had to kill her. But once she turned, he didn't have the courage to do it because he loved her too much. So he decided to take her with him all the time, even if she was a zombie. For obvious reasons, it didn't work out and she ate his brain," you remember him telling you about this film and how heartbreaking it was for him, but you didn't stop him as he talked, just to see where he wanted to get. "So it actually doesn't matter if I would still love you or not, all you would do is try to eat me and turn me into a zombie too"
"I get it, don't worry. You wouldn't love me, but it's okay Yūji." you said, pretending to be really hurt just to play with him a bit. You turned, facing the other side of the room, and wiggled your way to put space between your bodies.
Yūji looked like a kicked puppy, obviously he would still love you, he always did and will always do, but maintaining a relationship with a zombie just wasn't realistically possible.
He circled your body with his arms, pressing his chest into your back, and pressed a gentle kiss on your neck before he sighed again. You bit your cheeks, trying to fight a smile and maintain your hurt expression.
"I would still love you anyway, you know. Even if you turned into a cloud or into a blade of grass. You would always be my love" he confessed, making you almost cry at his sweet and caring words.
"We would make the cutest zombie couple." you stated, closing your eyes as you were finally ready to sleep in the arms of your sweet love. He let out an airy laugh.
"Yeah, you're right" he whispered, following your actions as you drifted off into a deep slumber, where Yūji was about to follow you.
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network: @enchantedforest-network.
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haruchuiyo · 2 months
love and pastries
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a speedy love story between a guy who almost knocked off a girls plate with cake and the girl who likes cakes who almost yelled at him.
content: sfw + best friends brother trope + loads and loads of fluff + fem reader + established friendship + non jujutsu au + reader and yuji are college students + reader and yuji eats (loves) cakes + slight long distance relationship + more fluff !!
word count: 3.6k
thank you to that one anon who suggested I write something like this mwah
Someone almost knocked your plate off the table and you hastily glared at the person. The guy has pink hair and light brown eyes. When he saw he almost knocked your pastry off the table, he had the audacity to put his hands up and apologize. The way he did it is so annoying.
“Oops, sorry!” You heard him say, about to pick on how he apologized, someone butts in by calling your name. How you didn’t see the girl behind the annoying pink haired guy is beyond you.
“What are you doing here?” The girl who’s also your best friend greets you with a side hug. You chuckle awkwardly before glancing at the guy who looks confused and has a finger up that points towards you and your best friend.
“Having lunch with my sister.” You say, introducing your sister to everyone before you look up at your best friend then glance at the guy beside her. She immediately got the cue.
“Ahh, this is my big brother!” She tells you.
“Brother?” You ask, extremely confused and also betrayed. Why hasn’t your best friend told you she had a brother-hold on. “The one who studied in a different city? That’s him?” You almost shriek and your best friend laughs while her brother looks at you confused.
That was the first time you met Yuji.
You were out with your best friend and her big brother Yuji, walking around town. While Yuji usually was by himself, he occasionally butts into your conversation with your friend. He either says something completely irrelevant to the conversation or he’s actually putting a valid input.
As you’re talking to your friend, she suddenly starts running, leaving you stupefied. As she does that, a strong cold breeze starts hitting your face and you shiver at the cold. As you are about to go after your best friend, someone grabs onto your hand and you both start running.
Yuji is incredibly fast, you swear you almost fell head first onto the ground as he ran with your hands intertwined. You keep yelling at him to slow down as he laughs at your reaction. Somehow your friend is still far away from you two, by the speed Yuji ran at while dragging you behind him, you’re shocked he didn’t even catch up. ‘Was that even his actual real speed?’ You thought to yourself as you were catching your breath. Because Yuji luckily gave you a break from running. He is standing in front of you, looking ahead at the way your best friend ran towards before he looks at you.
The glint in his eyes and his expression tells you he has an idea. An idea you won’t enjoy.
“I carry you.” He simply says. You managed to only say no before you’re in his arms, yelping in surprise and he starts running. Luckily there weren't so many people on the road, so Yuji ran in a straight line. The cold breeze felt colder because of the speed he ran at and you held onto him for dear life. At some point, you couldn’t handle the cold hitting your face so harshly, you burrowed your face in Yuji’s neck and you heard him laugh. You mumble a ‘stupid’ to him as he keeps laughing.
Then he stops running and you hear your best friend laugh. You immediately put your head up and look at her with the biggest glare ever.
“Why did you start running like that?” You almost asked loudly and she kept laughing. “It was Yuji's idea.” She says and then you remember how Yuji whispered to her before she started running and you harshly turn your head to glare at Yuji. Then, when you realize you’re still in his arms, your stomach starts fluttering at the way he’s still holding you like nothing.
You feel his grip on the side of your upper body and thighs. Before you could say anything, you feel him lightly squeeze you before putting you down. You look up at him and see him looking at you in a way you’ve never been looked at. Your heart starts beating before you catch yourself and start talking.
“What was that for?” Hearing you ask him that, all Yuji thought was that he wanted to tease you but his heart fluttered at the way he held your hand and carried you in his arms. He lightly stretches his hands, the feeling of holding you in his arms and intertwining your hands together still there.
“It was fun, plus you didn’t weigh anything at all!” Was all he said and you humph in annoyance before you lightly swat Yuji and your best friends shoulder.
“I see that the speed runs in this entire family.” You mutter as they both giggle at your reaction and words.
You walk out of the car, bidding your best friend and Yuji bye after thanking their oldest brother Choso for the ride. As you open the front door to your house, you feel a presence behind you before a familiar voice speaks up.
“Wait!” You turn around, hearing Yuji’s voice. You look at him confused, looking behind as well, you see your best friend giving you a thumbs up with a big grin. You become even more confused when you look at how Yuji is looking all over your face, his face flushed and he looks nervous.
“Yuji, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” You ask worriedly when Yuji’s eyes widen in surprise before he hastily shakes his head. “No, nothings wrong.” He simply says and you look at him more confused but also weirdly.
“Then why are you acting like this? Do you need something?” At his question, his first thought was ‘you’ but if he said that, he’d sound like a creep and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable and weird you out. So he sighs before he shakes his head, gathering his courage.
“Do you wanna go out with me sometime?” He asks and you widen your eyes before giggling. “You acted this weirdly to ask me that?” You grin at him. He was about to speak up before you cut him off. “And yes, of course.” You tell him, his lips shape into his pretty smile and at that, your heart flutters. But you do still find it weird how he is behaving.
“Alright then! I will text you the day and time!” He says before he runs back to the car and you see your best friend grin at you even weirder, before she puts her hand into a heart gesture and then you realize why Yuji was acting the way he did.
He was asking you out. And you said yes.
To say your date with Yuji was awkward was an understatement.
It was clear Yuji didn’t know what to do or say and the same thing was for you as well. He stumbled over his own words, when he is usually very comfortable with you, this time he wasn’t.
But his actions were so endearing, you could put his awkward antics aside and enjoy the date anyway.
Going on this date with him made you realize how attentive Yuji actually is. While he acts like a guy who’s teasing and fooling around, he is very thoughtful and he is observant. How he knew what your favorite drink and pastry is, was beyond you. Then you remember he is observant. While you haven’t outright said to him what your favorite stuff was, he remembered what you usually eat and drink.
Sitting in front of him at the cute cafe he took you to, you were sipping on your favorite beverage while Yuji told you some funny stories, making you giggle into your cup.
Then you gasp when he takes a huge bite out of your favorite pastry and gobbles it up.
“That was almost half of it!” You lightly exclaim at him as he grins at you. “Yours look delicious.” He rejoices and is about to steal another bite before you pull the plate towards you.
“No more.” You tell him as he pouts then his eyes glint, like he got stars on them and the greatest idea on his mind. As quick as he was to do that, he hastily went to your side of the table and took a seat beside you.
His shoulder and arm brush up against yours, his knees touching yours and your body is a fluttery mess. The plate with the pastry was at your side by the window, so when Yuji reached over, you could smell his fresh scent in the air and his heat radiate from his body. Now you’re nervous because of the close proximity. He was about to take the plate from you before you reacted quickly and grabbed his hand, stopping his actions.
“No more, Yuji.” You say sternly as possible before putting his arm away and you take a bite out of your pastry yourself and hum at how delicious it is.
“It’s so good!” You swoon at the flavor and see Yuji pout again. “No wonder you’re fighting to get this, it’s really delicious.”
“Obviously, you’re acting like this is your first time.” He humphs at you and you giggle as you take another bite and slump your shoulders down by how delicious the pastry is. “Of course, every time I eat this, it is like the first time I did.” You tell him then see how his mouth is salivating seeing the cake. You’re starting to feel bad for refusing to give him a bite and you see how his own plate of pastry is gone, which means he ate it all up.
So you get a spoonful of the pastry and put the spoon towards Yuji. His eyes widened in surprise seeing how you’re gonna feed him. He clutches the seat he’s sitting on as he opens his mouth and takes the spoonful of pastry you gave him. And he hums at the flavor, making you smile at his reaction. As he bites on the pastry, he slumps his head down your shoulder while chewing, and your heart beats faster and your entire body heats up at his touch and action.
“It’s so delicious.” He mutters while chewing and you nod your head. About to take another bite, you feel Yuji hold onto your free hand and intertwine it. How your heart managed to stay put beneath your ribcage is a good question. But you like it. No. You love it actually. You love how he intertwines your hands like it’s a natural thing to do, how good it feels and how warm his hands are to your usually cold ones. You get another spoonful and place it close to his mouth and Yuji eats it, while he chews, you take a bite for yourself.
By that, you two are sitting beside each other, hands holding onto each other and sharing a pastry you two enjoy in a cute cafe.
You fiddle with your hands after you’ve heard what you just did. You feel all emotions at once but not an ounce of happiness.
‘Yuji is going back to the city he studies in.’ Is what your best friend told you. Even if he’s just going away to study, the city is hours away and he can only come back on breaks or weekends if he has time. The first time you met him was during the start of summer break, he was coming back from school to spend time with his family during summer before he went back. Now it's the start of spring and he came back this time during his freetime. And that’s when you started going out with Yuji after he asked you out.
Thought is nothing official, which you absolutely hate but you can’t do anything about it as you two are going at a slow pace. Whose idea it was, you have no idea but you guess it felt right for the two of you to take it slow. Especially since he’s your best friend's brother and if anything goes wrong, it just starts being awkward for you two, even if your best friend reassured you nothing will be awkward but that’s just an understatement.
You were sitting on Yuji’s bed in his bedroom, waiting for him to come back after getting you something small to eat. When he came back, he saw what you looked like and immediately put the snacks aside.
“You know, I’m not going away for a long time. I will be back for summer break.” He assures you and you nod then you shrug your shoulders lightly.
“It’s a long time though.” You’re mumbling softly as you fiddle with your hands before a larger hand is atop your own. Yuji’s hand was warm and comforting over your own and you twist your hands to be able to intertwine your fingers together. You look at your interlocked fingers before Yuji speaks up.
“You can visit me when you have free time.” He says cheerfully and you chuckle. “Yeah that’s true, but it’d be hard considering our studies.” You tell him then you giggle. “Well yours.” You lightly tease him as Yuji grins then pouts. “Which means I am gonna spend more time studying to be able to pass all the exams.” He sighs out, slumping down on the bed, dragging you along with him. Laying side by side on the bed, your interlocked hands were on top of Yuji’s abdomen and you felt Yuji lightly rub his thumb on your hand.
“We can video chat.” He says, turning his head to face yours. His close proximity never fails to make your body flush in warmth and feel like there’s butterflies all over your body. You nod your head at his words.
“Feels like you’re going away to war by how strongly I’m reacting.” You giggle at your own words while Yuji laughs. His eyes form into moon crescents while he lets out a hearty laugh. He is so cute like this, laughing and smiling.
“School is kind of a war zone.” He says and you chuckle, agreeing with him. You two look at each other for a moment before he leans his face in, putting his forehead against yours.
“I’m gonna miss you.”
“I miss you already.”
That’s what Yuji said as he gave you a warm lingering hug. You wrap your arms around him and hug him back. You nuzzle your face into his chest.
“You’re making it sound like I'm the one going away to a different city, Yuji.” You giggle.
“By the next thirty minutes, we both will be in different cities, angel. So my reaction is valid.” He tells you by your ear before lightly pecking your temple.
Feeling his lips press a kiss on your temple, as you feel like a flustered mess and he is doing this before he goes away to a different city. The audacity of this guy.
He pulls away and holds your face in his hands before staring at you intently, his face looks so cute and serious like this that you couldn’t help the giggle escaping your lips. You see Yuji’s eyes flutter down to your mouth and you stop giggling.
He is very serious right now.
“A kiss before I leave?”
At his question, you realize there’s never been a proper kiss between you two. Always light pecks on the cheek or forehead but never on the mouth. So when you come to your senses, you shake your head at his question. Yuji nods his head as he sees you do that, respecting your wishes, but didn’t expect what you would say next.
“You may get a kiss when you come back.” His eyes widened in surprise at your words before he grins.
“You better not break your promise.” He says happily, brushing his nose against yours and you grin at him.
“It wasn’t a promise.” You retort and he makes a noise of disagreement.
“Sounds like a promise to me.”
You were waiting together with your best friend and her big brother Choso at the train station. Your friend tried to comfort you and calm your nerves. You were fiddling with your hands and almost scratched yourself too hard before you stopped doing that. You calm yourself by remembering all these days and months of talking to Yuji over the phone or texting him.
You haven’t been able to visit him at all, neither have he. While you felt bad for not being able to, so did he which you found silly and cute. Two people just profusely apologizing to each other over a simple matter.
Every night you two talked on the phone, stayed up all night just talking until either you fell asleep on the phone and the other one heard the light snores and silence from the other end. Unbeknownst to either of you, both of you always told the other one ‘goodnight’ before saying the three sweet words.
Yuji never failed to tell you he misses you every call, telling you how pretty you look even if you’re in your worst pajamas ever during video chats or how he wanted to give you a hug when you passed an exam. Every time he did that, your heart swelled up in love and adoration for Yuji.
And you never missed a beat to tell him how proud you are of him for passing his own exams despite the difficulty he had with his studies. He always beams in happiness at your words and then kisses the screen, making a loud smacking sound making you laugh before he tells you ‘that was a kiss for you, alright?’ which never fails to make you flustered despite how silly his actions are.
Yuji would always send you pictures of cakes and pastries he tried and captioned them ‘banging cake’ or something like ‘you would love this cake, buying it for you next time!’ with a heart emoticon. As he did that, you sent him pictures of pastries as well, but with a spoon close to the camera as if you’re gonna feed him through the screen. Yuji always sends messages showing he’s finding those pictures silly before he asks if the spoonful of cake is for him and you message him a ‘no’. So he sends a picture of him pouting. Which makes you send a picture of a similar picture and caption it ‘for you’ and Yuji sends another picture of himself, but with his mouth close to the camera like he’s gonna gobble the cake up.
When the days of when he would come back would close in, he’d list you stuff he’d do when he comes back. Hugging you tight, holding your hands, going on a bunch of dates and first of all, finally getting to kiss you. When he tells you off the kiss, it reminds you of your words you told him before he left.
‘You may get a kiss when you come back.’
Seems like he hasn’t forgotten it either. But you could see behind the facade of his brave and cute words, he was nervous beyond that. His face would flush in reddish color when he tells you about the to-do list with you. Or the way he’d actually look somewhere else as he tells you.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, waking you up from your thoughts of Yuji. Your best friend grins at you before she faces the other way. You look where she looked and your heart constricted before it burst.
You see him. You finally get to see him after months of talking and texting on the phone. You look at your friend, asking wordlessly for something you can’t remember before she just nods her head and tells you to go.
So you go and when you see Yuji just a few meters away and he sees you, your steps quickens in speed and you run towards him. Yuji takes off his big shoulder bag, making it fall on the ground before you jump into his arms and he holds you tightly. You laugh when he starts to twirl you around. You had no reason to think he’d ever drop you so you held onto him lovingly and tightly. You burrow your face into his neck as he holds you tighter and tighter. But it felt nice and good to be in his arms. You missed his embrace and the warmth he’d radiate.
When he stopped twirling you around, you pulled away from his neck and looked at him fondly and he was beaming with happiness. Your eyes flutter all over his face, taking in how messy his hair is and the way his nose and cheeks are flushed in color. You didn’t miss how Yuji’s gaze moved all over your face. “Hi.” You mutter softly.
You heard him mumble a ‘hi’ before whispering a ‘pretty’ before his face leans in closer to yours and you feel his mouth pressed up against yours. You lightly sigh in context at the kiss, thinking how he tastes like your favorite pastry. His mouth is warm and soft against your own. He pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours before pecking the corner of your mouth before he completely pulled away.
“Oopsie, I gave you a kiss there.” He smiles widely, making you chuckle. “I kept my promise.” You tell him and he raises a brow teasingly.
“So it was a promise after all.” He dramatically gasps and you giggle before nodding your head. Yuji teasingly shakes his head before kissing you once more. You kiss him back and you feel all the love poured into the kiss, making your body and heart fill with love for Yuji Itadori.
“Does this mean we are finally boyfriend and girlfriend now?” Yuji asks against your mouth and you smile before mumbling a ‘yes’ and Yuji grins in joy before kissing you once more.
Who would’ve thought you’d fall for the guy who almost knocked your plate of food off the table. Certainly not you or the guy who did it.
enjoyed writing this so much I wrote it one go hihi (all my wips sobbing rn)
if you came this far and enjoyed this fic, a like and reblog would be incredibly appreciated mwah :3
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actuallysaiyan · 11 months
Imagine Yuji who's actually just super obsessed with you. As you two grow up, he becomes even more busy with being a sorcerer. The more time you two spend apart, the more he misses you and just thinks about you 25/8 and cannot stop.
This in turns makes Sukuna just as obsessed with you. But it's Yuji who ends up showing it more. When he comes home to you, he is quick to get you undressed and pressed onto the bed.
Yuji has stamina for days and he fucks so greedily and in such a needy way. Snapping his hips frantically like fucking you is the only thing that keeps him alive. He growls and grunts about you being all his, but in the same breath he also whimpers and whines that your cunt feels so good.
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yourimaginationrealm · 5 months
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You: *sigh*
Nobara: „No, really who in the world, do you like so much. We just have idiots working here…“
You laugh: „Well, I never said that he isn’t a idiot…
Nobara : „hmmm?“
You: „He is always honest, cute, athletic, friendly to people and very energetic…. I love his caring side and even his determination to get stronger. His laughing is sweet and I have no idea why I feel so insecure around him-!“
Nobara: „Hooo~“
Yuji: „Woah! Sounds like an awesome guy you like! Besides, you shouldn’t feel like that, you are beautiful girl and just tell him. Who would reject a person like you?“
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You: „E-Ehm. Thanks….? Since when are you behind me-me?“
Nobara: „Ohhh! Why did I never- I mean your explanation fits so well…“
Yuji: „Just now, wanted to train with Gojo-Sensei. What do you mean, Kugisaki?“
Megumi comes along the corner: „Hey guys, what’s going o- …. On?“
He sees you blushing and avoiding eye contact with Yuji as you mumble:
Yuji: „Oh, is it Megumi?
Megumi: „Hm..?
Nobara: „Wow, he is so dense ….“ she whisper to herself when she helps him:
„Nah, she said friendly, look at the guy!“
Megumi: „Hey!?“
You: „Is it now so important?“
Yuji: „Just trying to help do-„
Nobara: „You know what… I just take this unfriendly guy with me and you sort things out, okay?“
You: „No, Nobara I-!“
Yuji: „Huh?“
Megumi: „What the hell, I am very friendly!“
Nobara: „Yeah, you just don’t show it.“
Megumi: „More friendly than you. Ouch!“
Nobara: „Take that back …“
Yuji looks at you while you stare flustered to the floor.
„Do you know what she means..?“
You: „Uhm… I…. „ you heart races in your chest as you can not look into his eyes. You fiddle embarrassed with your fingers.
„I…. Urgh… I“ you can not stop to stutter, your eyes flicker a second to his face as he seems worried about you and asks:
„Are you ok? You don’t have to push yourself to hard. Let’s follo-„
You just can’t take it. He is so considerate with you as you just close your eyes and yell at him:
„Damn it, it’s you! I really, really like you! I can’t even look at you and that is so stupid!“ The last part was actually meant only for yourself yet you couldn’t hold it back.
You hear nothing as you open one of your eyes curiously. He just stand in front of you with a dumbstruck expression and a light blush on his cheeks. His lips forms a ‚O‘ in realisation.
„Can…. You repeat it?“ he mutters as you blink at him.
„Did you just not notice how hard it was for me to actually say it?“
„Hahaha!“ he laughs and scratches the back of his head. „sorry, I just can’t believe it, you are the first girl who confessed your feelings for me. I am kinda bummed.“
You smile faintly as you watch him shyly.
„No! Don’t be. I am flattered about your confession and I fee-„
„Hey, you two.“ Gojo enters proudly the scene when you look at him surprised. He seems smiling at you both. more like smirking.
„I’ve been waiting, Yuji-kun…“
Yuji: „Ah, sorry Sensei! I am coming immediately when-„
You: „No, you can go. We talk later…“
Yuji: „Really? I mean I don’t wanna stood you up here….“
You: „You don’t, we see each other later.“
You wave at him with a smile.
Before Yuji can turn around to leave with Gojo, the teacher just unashamedly mentions.
„No, goodbye kiss? Couples these days.“
Both of your ears and faces are blown red.
„We are not a couple!“ you both yell nervously when Yuji mutters at the end a „… yet“
„Huh? Totally, thought you two a thing.“ Gojo throws his hands into the air dramatically.
„Well, I am going!“ you bow in respect good bye for your teacher and walk fastly on the opposite way. Suddenly, you stop, turn back and kiss Yuji rapidly on his right cheek before leaving again. He blushes furiously and holding his cheek in shock.
"What a cutie and beauty you have there...." Gojo teasingly says while Yuji just nods.
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chuuyrr · 1 year
That Vessel AU was amazing! Can I request Quen of curses! Scarlet witch dealing with Mahito, like the moment he touched her soul and her saving Junpei….that living Mahito thrash bag dwarves PAIN
queen of curses! scarlet witch! reader deals with mahito — a jjk AU
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series | first part
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╰➤ CW(s): major spoilers for jujutsu kaisen, major changes have been made to the canon story, scarlet witch! reader takes the place of king of curses! ryomen sukuna in this AU, detailed fight scenes and reference to multiverse of madness
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: instead of baby fushiguro or the reader being the scarlet witch and megumi's little sibling, in this AU, you are the so-called queen of curses, the scarlet witch, who had been sealed off for hundreds of years, until you had been awakened by itadori yuuji who becomes your vessel.
╰➤ SONG SUGGESTION(s): dark horse by katy perry
╰➤ PAIRING(s): jujutsu kaisen x reader
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the red stains on your hands were caused by the loss of your parents, brother, friends, husband, and children—it was the terrifying nightmare that had entrapped you.
even if you destroyed every book of the damned and your past was already behind you given that you were no longer in your original world and had instead found yourself in this world full of curses, the damage was still fresh, so you consented to being sealed in this world to ensure that no monster ever again hurt anyone and to keep your beloved children from another world safe and away from you.
after all, you were far more dangerous than all of the cursed spirits put together, with the monstrosity of a power, grief, remorse, and guilt you possessed. it is why jujutsu sorcerers have dubbed you the queen of curses.
but things changed for the better when itadori yuuji became the vessel of the scarlet witch, the so-called queen of curses.
you were dragged from the deep and dark waters where you had drowned. you've finally awoken from the nightmare you've been trapped in. meeting this young boy, hearing and seeing his pure heart reach out to yours—it was as if you were seeing colors for the first time.
yuuji had given you another chance, and you weren't about to blow it. you weren't going to become the monster you'd painted yourself to be. so, despite possessing him, you remained dormant.
at the very least, you try.
you just can't help yourself at times.
you just haven't had someone in a long time, and the way yuuji resembles your children makes you protective of him.
isn't that what every mother does in the first place? to be protective of their children?
even if it meant killing those curses and occasionally taking control of his body to ensure his wounds nor the danger he was facing doesn’t kill him. you were certainly a little unhinged for that, but you were already dead set on protecting him at all costs. you weren't exaggerating when you said you'd do anything for him. 
so here you were, hands trembling as you glared at the cursed spirit known as mahito through the eyes of yuuji.
you've been dormant the entire time, letting yuuji do his own thing and learn from nanami kento, the jujutsu sorcerer introduced to him who reminds you of vision, your late husband, about remnants of cursed energy as they proceeded with the mission assigned to him, with you only appearing to help yuuji when he needs it.
everything was going well. yuuji had already moved on from the cursed spirits that were once human he faced before together with your and nanami’s help. he even made a friend of a young boy of his age named junpei. you couldn’t be more happy, but then, came the fall.
junpei had been manipulated by this awful cursed spirit, both figuratively and literally speaking. that bastard of a curse had transfigured junpei’s soul, just when he and yuuji had made amends with yuuji insisting that he should come to jujutsu tech, and to hell with it too, he hurt yuuji. your precious son. 
"junpei! junpei! get a hold of yourself!" screamed yuuji as he struggled against the newly transformed curse he was holding. he couldn’t hurt him. of course not. 
you were already slowly slipping from yuuji’s control. you were on the edge. fingers twitching. your red glowing eyes were already dilated, but you had to remain dormant until yuuji himself gave you his word.
'call out to me, yuuji', you thought. 
mahito watched in amusement as yuuji raised his chin up, crying to you as a last resort.
"[NAME]-SAN! i'll do anything!" yuuji exclaimed in desperation with tears in his eyes, "you are free to do whatever you want with me! please heal junpei as you have healed me!"
mahito’s eyes widened, an unhinge smile curving his lips as a deep red tiara manifested and framed yuuji’s face, his brown eyes instantly becoming a menacing, glowing red color as red psionics seeped from his hands.
'just this once again', you thought as you took control of yuuji’s body the same you had when you had used dreamwalking in the past.
you put your chaos magic to work. now, mahito’s technique allows him to transfigure any soul he touches, but you, on the other hand, were capable of doing so much more than that. you can manipulate reality with your chaos magic. 
if you were capable of removing a man’s mouth from existence and turning a man into string cheese like nothing back during your prime, then this was a mere child’s play. the cursed spirit watched in amusement as the boy he transfigured transformed back into his normal self as he glowed red.
as your chaos magic healed junpei, mahito found himself staring into yuuji’s red glowing eyes—your eyes.
his grin merely grew wider. he could feel it. the weighty pressure of your immense power was comparable to a special grade, but most of all, he could feel your emotions too. mahito wasn’t just feeling your vessel’s rage, but yours too, it was far more greater, and you shared it along with your vessel as he laughed ever so delightly.
you gently placed his unconscious body to sit upright against the wall after healing and restoring junpei's body to normalcy after having his soul transfigured. you whispered in a motherly tone with your cold hand cupping his cheek, "it's going to be alright, you're okay now."
"oh? i was hoping for him to be dead already!" mahito exclaimed, wiping a fake tear, "guess that’s how it goes."
allowing yuuji to take control of his own body, he took aim and punched the curse in the face with a closed fist that was imbued in red psionics, causing mahito to fling back but still stand up.
"that won’t work. so long as i maintain the shape of my—he paused. blood oozed from his nose and dripped down on his chin; mahito’s eyes widened at that instant.
'what’s going on?! he struck the shape of my soul as well?' you found yourself smirking at mahito's priceless reaction.
pesky little curse.
it isn’t just because itadori yuuji is your vessel and that he was aware of the counters of the soul, what you possessed wasn’t even cursed energy in the first place, it was chaos magic.
the next words that spilled from yuuji's lips came from so deep within himself that it nearly made everything he'd ever said a lie, but to be fair, with him housing the soul of the queen of curses or the scarlet witch herself, it would only make sense. your souls were linked together right now; yuuji's rage and your rage combined.
"i will kill you," was what the curse heard from you both, and he laughed at this.
mahito licked his lips in anticipation, "don’t you mean you’ll “exorcize” me,  jujutsu sorcerer?"
you scoffed to yourself as you secretly entered mahito's mind. he was correct about your vessel not caring about his own life, but now you know who is pulling the strings. “geto suguru” had forbidden him from using hostages to force him into an external pact. his next set of thoughts, however, had crossed the line.
'i’ll just transform every single student until he forces a pact with the queen of curses and make her come out.'
yuuji lunged at mahito, imbuing his closed fist with the red psionics of your chaos magic once more and repeatedly threw punches to the point where the floor and walls broke from the immense strength as mahito dodged with him, occasionally transfiguring his own soul.
however, as mahito conjured himself wings, yuuji conjured a ball of red psionics and aimed it at him, then another, and another, oblivious to the fact that the surrounding area was breaking down.
"he keeps changing his soul, [name]-san," said yuuji with a frown, calling out to you once more.
"it’s only natural of him to do so. he knows that our attacks work on him, therefore he’ll transfigure his soul that is built for murder," you responded and warned him, "watch out, yuuji!"
yuuji's eyes widened for a brief moment as his entire body glowed red from your chaos magic, which was immediately activated to get him moving. his body moved subconsciously to avoid the bladed whips that mahito had transfigured from his arm until he eventually synched his own movement with your power's guidance, performing flips and evading of his own.
yuuji conjured another luminous ball of your red psionics and destroyed a portion of the wall, jumping through the hole to flee from the curse while carrying junpei's unconscious body that was being held and protected by a force field generated by your magic and landing safely with your magic cushioning his fall into a proper and safe landing.
you put your red psionics into action and placed junpei's unconscious body to safety, a good distance away from you and mahito, and somewhere where he will be more precisely spotted as your vessel readied into a stance.
mahito transformed his hand into a drill and fired it at yuuji, who easily caught and grabbed it. even if mahito had transfigured spikes to rise from the part of himself that yuuji was holding, your vessel clenched tightly and dragged the curse all the way down towards him, unconcerned about the blood seeping from the wounds in his palms.
yuuji gathered more of your red psionics in his hands and aimed them at the ground, causing a collision that would result in smoke. using the smokescreen, yuuji crept towards mahito and punched him in the gut, using your power to hit harder, but he deflected the blow. Instead of recoiling, mahito transfigured his soul and caused spikes to emerge from his body, puncturing the body of your vessel.
"you can't beat me," mahito exclaimed, pressing a hand against yuuji's torso, "so swap out with the queen of curses already... idle transfiguration..."
however, it didn't take long for mahito's eyes to widen as he heard your voice and sensed the immense power you possessed, "you want me that badly? then come get me yourself, fool."
instead of swapping out and taking control of itadori yuuji's body, you manipulated mahito's soul and dragged him right to where you were—the domain you resided within the depths of your vessel's soul.
mahito's gaze was fixed directly on yours. there you were, sitting crisscrossed, floating ever so elegantly dressed in the scarlet witch's regalia and robes, surrounded by tao mandalas and a stricken ominous pressure of red on an altar that had pentagrams and symbols as broken columns that were remnants from the throne you briefly housed back in your original world in mount wundagore surrounded yuuji's inner soul.
"you know, i'm not like the other curse that is supposed to house this vessel," you said venomously as you stared down at him, "i'm not even a curse, all of you dare call me as the queen of curses. but either way, there will be no second time—i'm not going to let you do any more harm to my child, let alone to that young boy you manipulated and jujutsu sorcerer waiting in the physical world."
mahito watched as you uncrossed your legs and levitated towards him in a quick forward motion, not giving him enough time to react because your hand was already gripping his throat.
nanami kento arrived on the scene, rushing towards junpei's unconscious body. as he did so, he noticed a red tiara forming on yuuji's head, framing his face. as he watched the young boy's movement on its own, his supposedly punctured hand moved to grip mahito's throat, perfectly mirroring what was happening in the astral plane or inside of yuuji. nanami saw the red glow in yuuji's brow irises and knew immediately what it was.
"shit," nanami cursed as mahito proceeded to activate his domain expansion despite being restrained mentally and physically by you. 
due to its capacity, the domain expanded long and wide, reaching nanami kento's distance, but it was still useless. your eyes glowed a menacing red as your nails dug into and pierced his skin. your raw strength writhed the curse. his breathing became ragged as he struggled, transfiguring himself to cast spines and tendrils to attack you, but you easily retaliated with your free hand using your red psionics. whatever attack was directed at you or yuuji, your chaos magic easily rendered it useless.
you threw him back, conjured a much larger and stronger ball of red than yuuji's, and sent a hex beam straight at him. mahito immediately transfigured a part of himself to protect himself, but you easily broke through with your power. you blitzed right towards him, almost at the speed of sound, your red psionics blazing wildly from your fingertips.
just as nanami had witnessed the massacre through yuuji enacting your actions in the physical world, mahito's body was cut in half, resulting in an outburst of blood. nanami froze, unsure whether it was a good idea to close in and help yuuji.
whatever power itadori yuuji possessed from serving was clearly not from their world, and it was far more powerful than cursed energy or any technique put together.
before mahito could further transfigure himself and use his domain expansion against him and yuuji, a red mist and strange sokovian whispers filled the air, and you vanished, only to reappear again behind him this time. despite having faced countless of curses, nanami stood there, unable to comprehend what he was seeing that all he could do was grip his bandaged blade.
sharp black claws wrapped around the curse's face like a malevolent vengeful spirit out for blood, and the next thing nanami knew in the physical world, he was no longer staring at itadori yuuji, but a monster, the same monster that resided inside yuuji and had bloody red glowing eyes, pointed teeth, and decaying skin, and ripped the curse's neck open instead of just snapping it.
nanami caught a fleeting glimpse of your monstrosity and corrupted form, the result of being possessed by the darkhold's lies in your previous world years ago, before it faded back to yuuji's actual appearance.
the broken body of the curse collapsed to the ground as it writhed and oozed blood. the red glow in yuuji's eyes, as well as the red tiara that framed his face, flickered and vanished into thin air.
the pink-haired boy blinked profusely, slightly disoriented until it dawned on him. you had taken control over his body. he saw what happened within him when mahito made the cross with his soul, which was now linked to yours, and he mirrored it back in the physical world, as strange as it was.
yuuji's eyes widened as he realized the outcome of his and your rage. his numb fingertips twitched as he gradually regained control. he then looked up at the ex-salaryman before moving his gaze to mahito's body and swallowing hard, "nanamin.."
"itadori!" nanami suddenly cried out. 
they both turned around to see mahito's body come to life despite having lost blood. their eyes widened as they saw the curse used his last cursed energy to make himself enormous.
yuuji jumped into action and dashed straight towards mahito. he immediately imbued his fist with your red psionics and charged at him, but mahito popped and vanished at the speed of light, bolting towards the sewers. nanami followed suit, brandishing his wrapped blade, but mahito had already escaped.
nanami took out his phone and dialed his comrade's number to alert his combrade of mahito who had fled, but the moment he turned around to ask yuuji if the two of them should chase after the curse, yuuji's body collapsed to the floor.
"itadori-kun!" nanami exclaimed, his eyes widening as he realized his body had been severely injured.
nanami bolted towards the yuuji, leaving junpei behind only to pause on his tracks when the atmosphere was filled with an oppressive pressure. the feeling was similar to what he and other jujutsu sorcerers would experience in the presence of a vengeful spirit.
nanami's eyes widened as he cautiously backed away, watching yuuji's unconscious body rise from the ground, his previously broken and dislocated limbs popping back into place as the open wounds on his body and palms stitched themselves back—your chaos magic practically running through his veins like a rush of blood.
nanami found himself holding his breath as he stared into yuuji's eyes, which were still a glowing red color with his face framed by your same red intricate tiara. his heart stopped, but he was quite relieved to see no decaying skin or sharp talons.
nanami's brows furrowed in concern as he slowly raised his bandaged sword, knowing full well that the person he was seeing right now was you and not yuuji, "where's itadori?"
"yuuji is still unconscious," you explained calmly, looking at the blonde man who stiffened up when he heard your feminine and siren-like voice instead of the boy's, "he pushed the limits of his own body while using my power and fighting against the curse with numerous wounds."
"but i suppose i took it too seriously when yuuji asked me to save junpei and told me i could do whatever i wanted," you sighed, resting your chin between your pointer and thumb as your gaze drew over junpei's body, "either way, that scum of a curse deserves a painful death. being sealed for so long made me rusty. i'm terribly sorry for that."
with that, you smiled at nanami and closed your eyes, saying, "i can sense that yuuji is about to wake up soon, so i'll leave him and the boy in your care now. again, i apologize for letting the curse escape, and for scaring you."
nanami blinked at your words. who knew someone as evil and monstrous as you could be so sweet? it baffled him. he then watched as the red tiara that framed yuuji's face vanished into thin air, along with the red glow in his eyes.
yuuji let out a sharp gasp of air as he regained consciousness once again after showing mahito his place while being under your control and nearly tripped on his own feet, prompting nanami to support him by the back.
as nanami did so, he couldn't help but think one thing—there really is something within itadori yuuji that must not be touched—and it was you, the scarlet witch, the queen of curses.
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[ author's notes ! AAAAA i finally finished it oh my god. tbh, i really had a good time writing because mahito deserved that beating lol and junpei's alive in this au hooray. hope you didn't mind me adding a nanami and scarlet witch! reader interaction too. oh, and i would also like to clarify that ...
scarlet witch! reader knows of ryomen sukuna due to having knowledge of the multiverse 👀
unlike in the canon story, it only took one attempt for mahito to get thrashed by scarlet witch! reader while it took two tries for him to get his ass beaten by sukuna when he dared to touch yuuji's soul.
again, thank you so so much for requesting this dear anon. hope you enjoyed this 3,000+ words of my writing ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) ]
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Could you do a fluffy HC or oneshot of "there is only one bed" with Itadori/sukuna, Sanemi, and itto? sorry ik they're all from diff medias but thank you so much!! Love your writing sm!!! <333 and pls take your time on these!!
a/n: I decided to add in Dehya in anon because I have a feeling that you'll like it!
"there is only one bed" with sukuna/itadori, sanemi, itto, and Dehya
He and Sukuna have an agreement that since they both like you (which was an entertaining conversation for the student to have with someone who’d never expressed interest in any mortal so he straight up said no first) have a truce to protect you from anything that could harm you but Itadori is always a gentlemen first so he offered the bed to you.
You didn’t want your boyfriend to sleep on the uncomfortable floor so you objected and insisted he take the bed and you’d sleep with a blanket and pillow on the ground. This went on for a solid couple minutes before Sukuna had had enough and made himself known, yelling to “just share the bed, you dumbasses” and muttering how useless Itadori was.
You could tell he intentionally didn’t insult you which the pink haired boy just sighed at the name calling he was used too and got changed into his pajamas.
It got cold for whatever reason and you started to shiver before being pulled into his strong arms, you were very warm and comfy that night to say the least.
The wind hashira’s has a soft side for you and offers up the bed for you, saying that no matter what you said he was going to take the floor and it’d be a bonus “training exercise” incase he ever needed to sleep on the rough ground.
You end up forcing him to sleep with you by arguing what if a demon gets between the two of you then he’ll be leaving you in potential danger and almost immediately your lover is cuddling you to get more of your warmth.
All in all it goes over well and doesn’t have another issue with it since you always politely ask for him to sleep with you, if you ever are sleeping apart it’s not by choice and it most likely won’t last long because the man secretly worships you.
Like Itadori he is quite the gentleman and will offer the bed to you without question but isn’t as stubborn if you offer to share the bed and will get blushy stuttering about how he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable.
You insist that you won’t and he gets ready for bed which doesn’t take long given that he’s basically shirtless anyway and sleeps shirtless too, as you both get ready Itto asks you why you are so still and if you’re okay.
He isn’t sure what’s wrong and shrugs it off before going to sleep unaware the reason you’re so tense is because this beautiful gorgeous bare chested Oni in front of you is merely inches away from you, you didn’t think it could get any worse.
As if the universe is taunting you, Itto rolled over and wrapped his strong red striped arms around you so were both basically cuddling now and eventually after mentally calming yourself down snuggled back into him into sleep.
She may be a mercenary but she’s still polite and offers some excuse that she’s slept in worse places so you can take the bed. Upon hearing that if she won’t then you’ll sleep on the ground laughs loudly before admitting defeat and saying you could both share it.
Both of your might be seemingly fine on the outside but on the inside you both are freaking out and screaming from embarrassment because of how close you were to the other.
Soon enough Dehya can tell you’ve fallen asleep and dreamily stares at your soft expression, cursing her for gaining romantic feelings for someone she was hired to protect and puts an arm around you for safety.
Both of you will for sure wake up flustered and apologizing in case you made the other one uncomfortable but secretly very happy that you slept well and hoped this could happen again.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Any general headcannons on Yuji having a crush and dating his s/ov🥺👉🏼👈🏼
okay i firmly believe he freaks out all the time around you
he doesn’t want to come off as weird, but holy shit he over thinks everything
and sukuna randomly popping mouths/tongues up doesn’t help-
he is just so worried you think he is weird and that you’re faking your friendship and….
he overthinks. thinks of the worst.
though once he confesses, after getting pushing by sukuna and gojo to do so, he feels much better
hugs from behind every day
and cuddles???! heavenly oml
loves when you two do matching face masks cause then he has new wallpaper ideas to choose from 😆
also will do those couple matching outfits (if yk what im talking abt) and will wear them openly, and even out in public too
gushes about you all the time during work
wants you happy so he will buy you little things all the time
a total sweetheart 😭💗
BONUS: sukuna
sukuna acts very high and mighty
but be honest.. around you.. he just crumbles
the worst part is that you’re mortal, where as he is immortal, and that means you will leave him someday
but he makes the best out of it
will show you everything cool about his domains, techniques, etc
might even get more tattoos for you
he has a hard time expressing himself, but he is working on it, just for you 🥹
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anitalenia · 1 year
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⁺ ⋆˚ WANNA BE A SORCERER . . . 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑢𝑗𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑢 𝑘𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑛 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠. 𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑠, 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠. <3
✧˚. VISIT MY OTHER PAGES↷ ˊ- taglist | anime masterlist | masterlist | time stamps | the great library
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'*•.¸♡ UPCOMING FICS / WIP ★ singing the blues, megumi fushiguro x fem!reader
'*•.¸♡ UPCOMING SERIES ★ none yet…
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❝ 𝑛𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑟𝑎 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑠, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑗𝑢𝑗𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑢 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛. ❞
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❝ 𝐼 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙. ❞
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❝ 𝐼 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑛’𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑡 𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒, 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑. ❞
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❝ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑎 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑡. ❞
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❝ 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝐼’𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑒��𝑙 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐼’𝑚 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑑, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝐼 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑. ❞
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
❝ 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛. 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑖𝑡. ❞
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
‧₊˚✩彡 MAHITO.
❝ 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠? ❞
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
‧₊˚✩彡 AOI TODO.
❝ 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒? ❞
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
❝ 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟. ❞
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©︎ 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐀. all rights reserved. please don't plazarize, copy, or steal any of my works without my permission, thank you !
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yangyangchuu · 1 year
sukuna as yuuji's intrusive thoughts
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domain-expand-me · 5 months
I cant stop thinking about it, so
Yuji Itadori becoming a gooner because of you
(aged up characters)
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Imagine Yuji who's never focused much on touching himself. It's never really been something he thought about or felt a craving for. Sure, he's done it every now and then, everyone needs an outlet. It's only after he meets you, that something inside him seems to snap.
Imagine sparring together in compression clothes, tight black shorts that show off your thighs and ass, (and your bulge, if you got one), and a short sleeve compression shirt that does nothing but emphasize the shape of your pecs or breasts.
Imagine pinning him down with your thighs, sitting on his chest, thighs locked around his head. Yuji gets hit with an almost dizzying desire. This close he can smell you and feel you, and with a fleeting glance, because he doesn't dare to look for too long, he can see the shape of your crotch.
Yuji gets dizzy from how fast his blood rushes to his dick, shocking him because he's never gotten hard so fast in his life. He feels spit gathering in his mouth, and he swears he can feel his length dripping in his shorts.
After that he quickly calls off the spar, telling you that you won and rushing off faster than you've ever seen him run before. You swear he's waddling a little, but you can't be sure.
Imagine Yuji getting back to his room, and slamming the door shut down behind him as he wrestles his shorts off. He's almost drooling as he hurries the fabric off his legs, not wanting to lose the image of your body in that damned clothes.
His boxers are soaked through, clammy against his fingers as he wrestles them down his legs. But he only gets them halfway down his thighs, enough to release his aching hard-on, enough to get his hands around himself and start stroking.
Imagine how he holds the bottom of his shirt up with his mouth, eyes fluttering and rolling back as he strokes his shaft, slick noises filling the room as he grunts and gasps, knees buckling as pleasure zings through his length and balls, leaving him feeling inebriated.
His knees completely give out when he comes, spurting thick white seed into his palms and staining the wall and floor. He twitched and gasps, but he doesn't release himself, instead he starts stroking again, eyes clenched shut as he barrels into mind numbing overstimulation.
Imagine how, after that, Yuji finds himself touching himself, sometimes multiple times a day, one after the other, all because he can't get you off his mind.
Yuji finds himself muffling his desperate warbled moans into his pillow, as he soaks it with drool and tears of pleasure, hands gripping his deep red shaft as he makes himself come another time.
He can't even get himself to look at you some days, because he knows just glancing at you gets him chubbed. But he can't help it, and he always ends up somewhere private, desperately touching himself and drowning in the feeling of euphoria it brings him.
The only thing that could make it feel better is if you were there, but for all he knows, you have no idea about his habit. Or do you?
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Dating Yuji And Sukuna
Yuji Itadori X Reader Ryomen Sukuna X Reader
Request: Anon
Request: Can you possibly write a fic about Ryomen Sukuna and Yuuji and what it would be like to date them both since they share a body? If not it's fine! Headcannons would also be okay!
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👆 Yuji was the first to notice you and that was because Gojo introduced you as the new student but it was the cursed energy that rolled off of you that caught Sukuna’s attention.
👆 “Who the hell is that?” “I don’t know if you stop talking we can find out.” “Shut up Brat.”
👆 Gojo decided that the best way to show them what you were capable of was to get you to spar with the others.
👆 None of them could figure out what your curse ability was but Sukuna had a good idea of what it was as he watched you.
👆 As it turned out your ability allowed you to redirect a cursed ability or take control of a cursed ability as long as it hit your body. Not only that you were good with hand-to-hand and weapon use.
👆 The first time that you met Sukuna he was actually saving your life, you were on a mission with Yuji, a curse got the drop on you and Sukuna knew that you weren’t getting out of there without his help and he liked you a little too much to let you die but good luck getting him to say that.
👆 “You okay?” “I’m good…” “What?” “Are you going to tell me your name or keep pretending that you're Yuji?” “Smart little sorcerer aren’t you?” “You're like identical twins, it’s your actions that give you away.”  “Are we really that different?” “Only when you know what you're looking for.” 
👆 “I’m sorry I never meant for him to come out.” “Don’t worry, it's not so bad.” “You hear that brat I’m not so bad.” 
👆 Lets fast forward a little too after Yuji finally got the courage to ask you out, Yuji did all the hard work and Sukuna just assumed that meant it was done for him too and he was lucky that you thought of them as a package deal otherwise that could have gone very differently.
👆 When you kiss Yuji’s cheek Sukuna always steals the kiss which often gets an eye roll from Yuji as he listens to the king of curses laugh.
👆 Your first kiss with Yuji arose from him explaining what happened when you kissed his cheek, so you surprised them both by diving forward and pressing your lips to Yuji’s, only for him to confess that it was his first kiss and have Sukuna laugh at that too.
👆 Your first kiss with Sukuna arose from jealousy, you had become good friends with Megumi and while Yuji was fine with this (after all the shadow user was his best friend too) Sukuna saw the young sorcerer as a threat and decided to take control in that moment if only to prove that he was better, by the time the kiss was over Megumi wasn’t even still standing there and you were left to explain that later.
👆 The first time that they both agreed on something it was to do with you, you were scoping out a place where you heard a curse was hiding and some guy approached you, while you tried to get him to go away the nice way Sukuna was perfecting murder and Yuji trying to do the same.
👆 “Let me deal with this kid.” “Why you? I could get rid of him.” “No you couldn’t.” “We don’t have time for this.” “You're right.” 
👆 You knew it was Sukuna the moment that his hands rested on your hips, he was far more confident than Yuji (for obvious reasons) so he stood closer to you and his hands rested lower and when he spoke his tone was lazier and pitch was lower and then, of course, there was his choice of words.
👆 “Was that necessary?” “He wasn’t getting the message.” “Look I didn’t kill him in the end so you should be happy with that.”
👆 You’ve assigned days to each of them because Sukuna doesn’t know how to share.
👆 Yuji cuddles up to you all the time but when you both fall asleep in an awkward position Sukuna takes over to move you both to the bed cradling you to his chest until you settle.
👆 Yuji loves games and he could spend hours explaining, playing or watching you play them but Sukuna doesn’t understand them and literally wants to die the moment that either one of you gets a console out, so he’s forever complaining about or criticizing whatever game you’ve decided to play that day.
👆 The only place that you can all be together was in Sukuna’s domain but there are only specific situations that Sukuna allows him there, usually when you really need cheering up.
👆 If you injure yourself big or small, Sukuna uses his reverse curse technique to heal the wound.
👆 Yuji will literally carry you anywhere, he’s excited about anything that you show him even if he doesn’t understand it.
👆 When you are at the dorms Sukuna would often swap out with Yuji to see if you could tell the difference and you always did, sometimes without looking.
👆 Sukuna steals kisses while Yuji asks for them.
👆 Sometimes it’s like dating an angel and a demon with their methods of encouraging mention and suggestion for action vastly differing.
👆 When it came down to it your happiness and safety was the priority and they’d do anything to see you smile and you knew that.
👆 “I love you too, you know.” “I love you too.” “You're not so bad, brat.”
Request Here!!
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z3r0art · 1 year
I made Yuji Itadori a Spider-Man! :D
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You all can use this for fan fictions, just be sure to tag and credit me for the art :)
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